Actividad 1 Ingles

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Nombre: Matrícula:

 Gabriel de Jesús Martínez Mendoza  2944002

Nombre del curso: Ingles III Nombre del profesor: Diana
Laura Escareño Pérez
Módulo: Actividad:
No.1 Actividad no. 1
Fecha: 20 de agosto de 2020

1. Imagine that you work as a “food critic” for a famous food magazine and
you are given the task to write a review about a dinner at a restaurant..
Make sure your review:
* Includes sentences in present simple and present continuous.
* Includes the vocabulary covered in class.
* Length 300 words, describe the type of restaurant, food, prices and all
the details.
2. Review food and restaurants critics in an online or printed newspaper.
Create a similar format for your deliverable.
3. Exchange reviews in class with your peers, agree or disagree in your
findings and give recommendations.

Sirloin Stockade

This restaurant is our favorite because they serve a lot of different food and it
has a big variety of meat, also you can choose whatever you want, even if you
are vegan or vegetarian, they have special food for it. We loved the pizza we
were eating the day we visit the restaurant, they also have a very good ice
cream, sushi, salads, soups, spaghetti, and a lot of more things that you would
like to eat and we are going to eat the next time.

In this restaurant you have to pay first before you eat, this is because it is a
buffet, we served in our plates a disgusting spaghetti, it was expired and didnt
taste Good, but it was just that day, we thought that it was because the day
we went there was Monday, and the food was from previous days. Then we felt
bad of our stomachs. So, we decided that the best days to go there are after
Mondays and maybe the Tuesdays.

The prices they manage are super expensive, but we understand that the most
of the time but they need to be alert about the food status but that’s how it is,
because it’s a buffet so, they need to change food every day and be alert pf
the state of the food, given that clients in general had issues about the food,
some of them said it wasn’t good, it was expired and more bad critics.

One day we were sick of going to that place every week, so we decided to go
to another restaurant near our houses, and we found out that the restaurant
we were going before, wasn’t the best as the new one. They have cheapest
prices in their menu, the food is better, the place is so beautiful, there isn’t a
lot of people so it’s perfect for chilling too.

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