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Table of Contents




Life.3 The Preparation for Battle!

Team Members.

Life DxD (read: Diabolos Dragon) & Data XxX (read: Cross Times Kiss)


Life.4 The Game Begins!

Middle Game


Life.Friend VS Knight.Friend Hyoudou Issei and Kiba Yuuto

Power Within Force

Oppai Dragon VS Switch Hime, I came to keep my promises!



Next Life. Victory or Defeat

Gods of Hell



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Translation Group

I am Rias Gremory’s [Pawn]
I promised that I would become the strongest [Pawn]
If I’ve gotten closer to my dream, even if just a bit, I want you (Rias)
to see—.

I am Hyoudou Issei. Everyone calls me Ise. Currently, I am a third-

year high school student. Please think of me as a Devil highschooler.
That being said, I wasn’t sure how to handle the situation that was
happening in front of me right now. The reason was because I was in
a church-like place. A lot of familiar faces surrounded me!

“Damn it! How could Ise marry someone!?”

“This has to be some kind of mistake! The world must be coming to

an end!”

My two dubious buddies, the baldy Matsuda and four-eyes

Motohama, screamed that as they shed tears of frustration.

“Ise! I do want grandchildren, but having twelve people give birth to

a baby at the same time just doesn’t make sense! You should discuss
it with me first!”

“Uu, he’s become a fine man! It’s a miracle that he could get brides
just by desiring oppai!”

Dad and Mum were also saying dumb things and they also cried
aloud! —And, when I checked my own garments, I found that I was
wearing a crimson tuxedo! On top of that, the inside of the church
was set up for a wedding ceremony! Oh wait, it is a wedding
ceremony! The [Oppai Dragon Song] was also somehow playing

inside the church! What kind of playlist was this!? Was this mine!?
Was this my wedding ceremony!? Although I could not help but feel
amazed…now that it’s come to this, I wonder who my bride is?
Who’s my partner?

“Ise, didn’t I tell you earlier that you can’t just keep gawking around

I heard a familiar voice beside me. As I looked to the side, there was
a girl with waist-long crimson hair, Rias. She’s the one who made me
into a Devil. She was also a High-class Devil who held a position, and
the next head of the House of Gremory as well. I was a member of
Rias’s peerage, as well as her boyfriend. Aaaaaah, her crimson
wedding dress was so dazzlingly beautiful that I couldn’t look at it
directly. Uu, my girlfriend was so pretty and cute! And Rias was
beside me! Then that means, my partner for this wedding ceremony
was — Rias. This was the wedding ceremony of Rias and me!

W-Well, we’re engaged now, so I guess this kind of thing is normal,


My Devil friends who were watching over this gave us congratulatory


“Rias, be happy.”

“Aah, you guys are a perfect couple!”

“Let’s prepare a transforming car as a gift.”

—It was Sona Sitri-senpai, who was Rias’s childhood friend, the next
head of the Great King clan, Sairaorg-san, and the next head of the
Archduke clan, Seekvaira Agares-san. Among the young Devils, all of
them including Rias were called the [Rookies Four] as the public had
great expectations for them! I guess they came because we were
pretty close. Looking around, all of my comrades had also come!

That’s right, it had been a year and a half since I became a Devil, and
I had met a lot of people! I guess it’s not an exaggeration to say that
a wedding ceremony that’s attended by a lot of people was the best
in your life! Amidst such pleasantries, I could hear another familiar
voice beside me!

“Ufufu, it looks like today’s going to be the best ceremony, dear.”

As I turned my face — it was Akeno-san in her wedding dress! What,

I thought the bride was only going to be Rias, but when I checked
again, all of the girls wore wedding dresses and had lined up next to
me! Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Koneko-chan a.k.a Shirone-chan, Kuroka and

“I hope we’ll be a happy couple, Ise-san.”

“I could finally become a bride as well!”

“Ahh, I am having the best time of my life right now!”

The Church Trio looked happy!

“…According to the plan, I should be marrying you when I get a bit

bigger, but I’m happy with this.”

“Nyahaha! I didn’t even think I’d be able to wear a wedding dress!

The Nekomata sisters spoke about what was on their mind!

“I am very happy~!”

Rossweisse-san tearfully said with her accent! But! The brides

weren’t only limited to them, as the girls whom I hadn’t promised
the future with yet also wore wedding dresses and lined up!

“The schedule for this wedding ceremony was not easy either!”

Ravel said while checking her memo.

“This is also part of the contract.”

Even Le Fay, a member of Vali’s team? She did form the [Devil and
Magician] contract with me though…

“…Daytime sure is tough.”

Elmenhilde looked pretty sluggish!

“…Me, a bride?”

The one who tilted her head curiously was the girl who just recently
became my servant, Ingvild. I-I see, this is the wedding ceremony of
me and the girls! Also, all twelve of them!? All these twelve girls will
be my brides!? On top of that, to think that it’d be arranged on the
same day! What a surprise. So it’s come to this for me and my
girlfriends, huh. Well, I don’t really understand, but if I’m marrying all
these beautiful brides, then I have no complaints! In fact, let’s start
the ceremony soon! I had no choice but to feel nervous when I
looked at the lines of the brides, but Ravel said to me.

“Since the second group is ready, it’s best to finish this on time.”

As Ravel said that, I followed her gaze and — there was a group of
girls peeking from the entrance of the church there!

“Ise, it’s our turn next!”

“We have decided that we will become Sekiryuutei-dono’s brides.”

Even the Nine-Tailed Fox mother and daughter pair, Kunou and
Yasaka-san, were my brides-to-be!? They wore Shiromuku for a
Japanese-style ceremony!

“Ufufu, marrying a younger man has always been one of my goals.”

To think that even Roygun-san — a beautiful Devil with a wavy pink
hair and a glamourous body was here! She was also wearing a
wedding dress!

“There are still many brides that are going to attend the ceremony.
For God’s sake, I wonder just how many girls Ise plans to marry.”

Rias said that while smiling… Even I became nervous as there were so
many brides that were going to attend! —And then, voices arose
from the seats of the brides’ families.

“Akeno! Dad is really happy! Uu! You’re beautiful!”

“Irina! Hurry up and show papa and mama our grandchildren!”

Everyone shouted what was on their minds. And then, the ceremony

“In sickness and in health—”

The priest was…. Wait, it’s His Eminence Vasco Strada…. As His
Eminence started with some gratifying words, a lot of things began
to rumble through my mind. Marriage = husband and wife (many
wives), husband and wife = family, family = children, children =
making babies, making babies = sex (with many wives), sex (with
many wives) = love affair (only with a number of wives), love affair
(only with a number of wives) = starting from my first night x the
number of wives. …My first night x the number of wives…


[Welcome, darling~.]

In my imagination, the girls were waiting naked on the bed! This is

that sort of thing, right? Because we’re husband and wife, we have
to start a family. However, you can’t make children unless you do
that. And what’s ‘that’? Of course, it’s sex—.



When I reached that conclusion, I couldn’t stop my mind that had

already gone mad and full of perverted imaginations. I see. I had
faced many difficult situations, fought against strong enemies, died
and been brought back to life, and rose to my current position. It was
for this, for this night! I wonder if I could accomplish doing it with
that many brides on my first night!? N-No, I had no choice but to do
it! I had done simulations over and over and over and over and over
in my mind! Somehow, I felt like I had seen this before, but… Well,
that’s another matter! —Anyway, when push comes to shove, I’ll use
Dragon Deification to do it with everyone on our first night!

“Well then, Sekiryuutei boy and all the brides, you may seal your
vows with a kiss.” said His Eminence Strada! As I turned sideways
Rias and all the girls closed their eyes and looked at me! At the same
time, I could see the cleavage of the twelve girls from their dresses!
In just a little while, they will be mine! I became so excited as that
thought crossed my mind! As I breathed roughly, I stuck my lips out
and got closer and closer to the brides—.

[Looks like my voice finally reached you, Oppai Dragon.]

—!? I could hear a familiar voice inside my head.T-This voice was the
one that I heard as I lost my consciousness when Sakra invited me to
the Ocean of Milk and I drank Amrita.

[Exactly. I am one of the Gods of another world — [ExE] (read: Evie

Etoulde), Chichigami.]

Chichigami!? Again!?

Last year, when we were fighting against the Evil Norse God Loki, I
managed to get in contact with Chichigami — a God of a different

world (to be precise, I connected with a fairy belonging to
Chichigami). Actually, last time too, after I drank the simplified
version of Amrita, I could hear their voice. At that time, we talked to
each other, and it was actually Chichigami themself that talked to
me. As I looked at my surroundings, the church and the ceremony
had completely vanished. The girls that were beside me were also
gone. My parents, friends, and everyone else had completely
disappeared! Aah, I see. So this was a dream. Plus, I had seen a
dream like this one! It happened when I just became a Devil. I saw
this dream after going to a Rating Game match against Riser of the
Phoenix Household that would decide Rias’s engagement! I
somehow felt nostalgic about this… Well, I guess the dream went too
smoothly to have been real. Nope, in the end, I’ll still marry all of the
girls that I got engaged to.

That being said, what was this place that I was in? There were no
sensations whatsoever here. It was all black when, suddenly, a light
shone from overhead. Simultaneously, a number of a familiar objects
— oppai started to float in the air one by one! I had seen each and
every one of those boobs! From the right, it’s Rias’s oppai, Akeno-
san’s oppai, Asia’s oppai, Xenovia’s oppai, Irina’s oppai, Koneko-chan
a.k.a Shirone-chan’s small oppai, Kuroka’s oppai, Rossweisse-san’s
oppai! A-All of those were the oppai of the people that I was
engaged to! There’s no mistake! There’s no way for someone who
keeps craving for oppai to be wrong! Oh, by the way, I also had this
kind of experience before! As expected, it was when the voice of a
God of another world — Chichigami-sama reached me. Oppais
suddenly floated in the air one by one that time too! Chichigami-
sama said.

[The world that you’re in, it’s being exposed to a threat like none
before. The incarnation of darkness is setting something up with the
evil that’s closest to your world. Oppai Dragon, in order to prepare

you to fight against the coming evil beings, you have to gather all of

They must be talking about the Heavenly Breasts or something like

that! I was asked to do the same thing last time as well! Yes, when I
managed to connect to Chichigami last time, they talked about
something rather weird as I was asked to gather the twelve pairs of
Heavenly Breasts! I-I think they might be talking about the girls that
I’m engaged to. I mean, that’s the common thing that all of these
floating breasts have!

[The twelve pairs of Heavenly Breasts are elements that will generate
hope. Please make sure you gather them. The evil is approaching.]

So said the Chichigami-sama, but… If that’s the case, then the ‘evil’ in
question wasn’t the rulers of Hell with Hades as the lead, huh… As I
thought deeply — the sky lit up once again. As I looked up — new
boobs showed up! Ah! I had also seen this before! It’s Ravel’s oppai!
And that one is—. Wait, there are some oppai I’ve never seen before.
The sizes differ as well! No, wait! If you added Rias’s and the others’
oppai, the number exceeded twelve!

[There are some oppai that you’ve never physically experienced, but
the chosen Heavenly Breasts number roughly around twelve pairs.]

—So said Chichigami-sama. Roughly, you say? Even though they’re

‘chosen’, you’ll go with ‘roughly’, huh… What did ‘twelve pairs of
Heavenly Breasts’ even mean…? So that meant I’d have to gather at
least twelve for now, huh…? It was too fuzzy and abstract, so I didn’t
understand anything! But, the oppai I’d never physically
experienced—. …This sounds great. Now I want to try them!

[It seems like this is the end. When the time comes, let’s talk again.]

Huh!? S-So they’ll end this call one-sidedly again!? I still have many
questions, you know!?

[Gather the Heavenly Breasts. When the time comes, you’ll know
why you need the twelve pairs of Heavenly Breasts. —And then, you
will become a father alongside those breasts. Understood?]

—Become a father along with breasts! Please stop! Why’s the

Chichigami-sama telling me things that might make me go nuts!?

[Good bye—Good bye… Good b—]

Aaaa! The voice is growing more distant! This mysterious call ended
again without me being able to ask questionsssss! As the sky was
filled with light, my consciousness—.

Life.1 The New Devil’s (read: Ingvild’s) Debut!

Part 1

When I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar ceiling of my canopy bed.

…A dream, huh. I had just seen the weirdest, yet greatest dream of
my life; a wedding ceremony with all the girls. It was great up until
that part, but as for what happened afterward, I was quite uncertain
about how to describe it…

…The chosen Heavenly Breasts… They said that there were twelve
pairs or something, but the number of oppai shown there was clearly
more than twelve… However, I wonder who the owners of the oppai
that I didn’t recognise are? Well, cross-checking them with girls
ranging from humans to other beings would be like counting the
stars though… There were just as many pairs of breasts as there were
women after all — huh. Wait, wait, why am I thinking about such
things!? It must be because of that dream that I woke up in the worst
possible way! —And then, I inadvertently glanced at the clock in my
room and noticed the time displayed there. It was four-thirty in the
morning… It’s already this time, huh.

“Ah, it’s time. They must be waiting downstairs.” I mumbled as I let

out a yawn.

“Morning training?”

Suddenly, I heard a voice beside me. I turned my head, only to find a

red-haired beauty sitting on the bed — Rias. Well, it seemed as
though she had woken up as well. During the summer holiday last
year, the Hyoudou Residence underwent a large-scale renovation
(six-storeys above ground and three storeys below ground). Even my
room became rather spacious, and a large canopy bed was moved in.

Every night, I’d always sleep with Rias and Asia on that bed (that
being said, they’d rotate with the girls who were also homestaying to
sleep together with me). On the other hand, Asia was—.


It looked like she was still enjoying her dreams. I responded with
‘Yeah’ to Rias, nodding in affirmation. Yes, in the Rating Game World
Tournament [Azazel Cup], we decided to do morning training
whenever there was sufficient time on a particular day since we
were the [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team which had advanced
into the main draw. Today was the day for our morning training. I got
off the bed carefully so as not to wake Asia up, and quickly got
dressed into my training clothes — a jersey. Rias commented from
the bed.

“Fufufu, when I see you prepare for morning training, I’m always
reminded of the you from a year ago.”

“Actually, me too. You were really strict back then, Rias.”

“But it helped, right?”

“Of course!”

Just like she said, when I had just become a Devil, I’d always wake up
in the morning and prepare for morning training. And the training
that Rias always made me do was pretty harsh… Azazel-sensei and
Tannin-ossan made me undergo even harsher training though. I
asked Rias.

“And you guys don’t do morning training, right?”

‘You guys’ referred to the [Rias Gremory] team. Since I became a

High-class Devil, I also gained independence from Rias. That being
said, I was still a part of the Gremory Peerage. However, Rias and I
both had the role of a [King] now, and we participated individually in

the tournament. Although we’re lovers, we’re rivals in the
tournament. There were a lot of times when we’d train separately as
well. Especially after the bracket had been decided, we decided to do
tournament-related things (strategy planning, training) separately.
After all, my first opponent in the main draw was — Rias Gremory
and the Gremory peerage, who were all my comrades. Well, we’d
still usually sleep together on the same bed though.

“Yes, I told them to do their own training until the final training
camp,” replied Rias.

As I heard that, I said.

“We also decided to do a training camp before the match.”

“I heard from Ravel. Fufufu, so you did remember.”

“”The Phoenix match.””

Rias and I said the same thing at the exact same time. It appeared as
though we shared similar thoughts and feelings. We shared a laugh
at the awkwardness of the situation. Indeed, what we recalled were
the things that we did before and after fighting Riser Phoenix (the
wager for Rias’s engagement). After all, it was the same as the dream
that I had this morning. —And so, I finished my preparations for

“Well, I’m off then.”

“Ok, I’ll see you at breakfast”

After exchanging a morning kiss with Rias, I left my room—. Yes, the
Rating Game World Tournament match between us, between the
[Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team and Rias’s [Rias Gremory]
team, was about to start soon.

Part 2

I ran around the morning town along with the members of
[Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]. That being said, not everyone was
participating. The ones doing the early morning marathon were me,
Ravel and the new members, as well as those who didn’t have
confidence in their stamina like Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu, Ingvild and
Bova. There were many members who were doing training on their
own in the dedicated large training space. Asia, Irina, Xenovia,
Rossweisse-san and Roygun-san often trained by themselves there.
Bina Lessthan-shi on the other hand…she had her own circumstances
and she wouldn’t just lightly participate in a morning marathon with
us. However, we did invite her whenever there was an important
strategy meeting or special training. I had also asked her to
participate in the upcoming final training camp.

Now, back to our marathon situation. Around a year and a half ago,
Rias would accompany me running around the town while riding a
bicycle. At that time, I didn’t have any stamina and would always be
out of breath while desperately trying to run. But right now, I had
evolved to the point where I’d feel just fine running tens of
kilometres. Well, last summer, I was chased around the mountain by
Bova’s dad who was a former Dragon King, Tannin-ossan. That did
give me a boost in stamina. And after that, I’d also train and train
with Kiba and my comrades—. …Oh, speaking of Kiba, it had been a
while since the last time I trained with him. Well, it’s natural as we’re
on different teams, but I’d like to have a mock battle with him again
during the joint special training of the anti-terrorist team [DxD]. I had
engaged in a countless number of mock battles with him, which
resulted in increased stamina, as well as obtaining experience in
fighting an enemy wielding special weapons. Now that my first
opponents were Rias and the others, a battle against him was

The members of Rias’s team were Rias, who was the King, as well as
Akeno-san, Koneko-chan, Kiba and Gasper, who were all early

members of the Gremory Peerage. It was part of Rias’s
determination towards the tournament. Using my independence
from her as the turning point, she decided to challenge me with the
members she had before meeting Asia and me. In other words, the
old Occult Research Club members. —At the same time, it was also a
challenge for Rias herself as she had to rebuild her team to figure out
on how to increase her team’s fighting power without Asia, Xenovia,
Rossweisse-san and me, who were the offensive and healing
members of the team. She also said that it’d be a chance for the old
members to re-analyse their abilities. And if that was true, then Kiba
must be doing it as well. …He was…among the members of the team,
no, among the members of the anti-terrorist team [DxD], the one
with the most techniques. He’s my worst opponent, the type that
was fast and would always find the enemy’s weakness and precisely
attack them…

However, in the mock battles and matches, he was also the type that
I had gone against numerous times. I was also aware of how to
attack him. —However, Kiba surely also understood my thoughts,
and that was why I had to think two steps ahead in order to defeat
him. Moreover, Rias’s team didn’t only consist of the old Gremory
household. Valerie, a Longinus user who was also Gasper’s childhood
friend, as well as Lint-san were present as well. Above all, there was
also His Eminence Vasco Strada, who was the strongest human, and
Crom Cruach, the strongest Evil Dragon. Dealing with His Eminence
Strada and Crom Cruach, who were feared even by Gods, was my
biggest concern—. While continuing the marathon and thinking
about those things, Ravel spoke.


Ravel stopped me. As I turned around, Ravel also turned her head
and looked backwards. Over there, there was someone who was
running towards us, but was still pretty far away. It was a beauty

wearing a hood — Elmenhilde. For a pure-blooded Vampire like her,
a morning marathon was surely difficult. After waiting for a while,
Elmenhilde finally caught up to us, but…she looked like she was
suffering and her breathing was laboured.

“…Ha… Ha…”

I had to boost her stamina since she became a member of my team

for the sake of the match as she rarely ran during her life. That being
said, as expected froma pure princess, it looked like training was very
difficult for her. She could somehow manage muscle-training, but as
running was something she was not very good at, she always had a
tough time every time she participated.

“Elmenhilde, are you all right?”

I asked, but…she just continued to move her legs and run without

“…T-This much… I’ll show you…that I am used to it!”

Having a persistent personality, she was the type that hated losing.
Elmenhilde would finish everything even if it’s a marathon,
something she’s not very good at. It was much better compared to
the first time she practiced. When she was starting out, she couldn’t
run the planned distance as she stopped midway and we had to look
after her. Nowadays, she could manage to run the planned distance
even though it was still hard for her. Her stamina had certainly
increased. Well, the match in the Rating Game might become a long
one, so having sufficient stamina was a must. I mean, I was forced to
thoroughly increase my stamina as well in the beginning. Even if you
were the type that engaged in a one-on-one fight, or even if you
could deal a lot of damage, there’s no meaning if you didn’t have the
stamina. If you couldn’t maintain your stamina while fighting, you
wouldn’t be able to survive against strong enemies. And when you

needed to flee from an enemy in case of trouble, you wouldn’t be
able to do anything without sufficient stamina. While Elmenhilde was
breathing heavily and continued to run, the violet-haired girl —
Ingvild was unexpectedly fine with the marathon.

“How’re you doing, Ingvild?”

While matching my pace with hers, I asked the new comrade of the
Hyoudou peerage — the Queen, Ingvild. She directed her orange
eyes at me and said.

“…When I was back in my hometown, I used to run along the beach…

However, it’s pretty hard as it has been a while now.”

Ah, so you used to run back in your hometown. Although I couldn’t

imagine it, she might have been an unexpectedly active girl back
then. She said that she wouldn’t force herself and that she would run
at her own pace as she rarely moved her body due to the [Sleeping
Disease] that Devils got. However, it looked like she had considerable
stamina. Ingvild then asked.

“Are these things crucial for Devils too?”

“Yeah. Unexpected things do happen in the supernatural world after

all. On top of that, now that you’ve become a part of my peerage,
everyday training becomes important as well. A year and a half ago, I
also had to strictly train while being accompanied by Rias when I just
became a Devil.”

I will become a Harem King —that’s what I said as I remembered that

it had been a while since I ran such a long distance.

“She would say ‘I’m not going to allow my servants to be weak’.”

As I said that, Ravel, who was running beside me, asked.

“Were those Rias-sama’s words?”

“Yeah, she often said that when training me. Wait, she still says that
even now.”

Ravel laughed as I said that.

“That’s so like Rias-sama.”

The Rias at that time definitely got her servants to “train”, which was
something rare in the High-class Devil caliber. I also went through
that process. And the results of the training certainly bore fruit as we
became this strong. I think I was really lucky to have a flexible-
minded master. Wait, Rias’s childhood friend, Sona Sitri-senpai, and
her cousin Sairaorg-san also had their own servants train. It felt like
training had become common for the High-class Devils in Rias’s time.
As I thought about that stuff, my junior who was running just behind
me (currently a second-year student of Kuoh Academy and a
member of the Student Council), Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu, said.

“What about you, Hyoudou-senpai? About your servants and team

members being weak.”

“Of course, I will make them strong!”

Nakiri replied with ‘Well, that’s pressure’ in response to my words as

he increased his pace and ran. That guy had crazy stamina even
among the other members, so even a marathon of this level wasn’t
enough to strain his breathing. He must have trained since he was
old enough, being born into the Nakiri family, the head of the group
of gifted people that had been protecting Japan since long ago. —
Suddenly, the small Dragon who was flying over us — Bova became
motivated upon seeing Nakiri run.

“Geez, that guy. He thinks it’s only him who can pick up the pace…!”

Bova always had a sense of rivalry towards Nakiri ever since he

became a member of my team. Nakiri said that he’d be the [Fist of

Red Dragon Emperor], while Bova would be the [Fang of the Red
Dragon Emperor]. Bova trained by flying through the sky while
having additional super-heavy vest weights attached to his body.
Bova’s original size was far bigger, but having him in that form would
be problematic as it’d gather attention in the human world. That was
why he could only train with us in this form.

“I won’t lose!”

As he said that, Bova also picked up his pace and rushed to Nakiri’s

“Just make sure no one finds you.”

Bova responded by saying ‘Understood!’. Although he was in his

miniature form, anyone would be surprised seeing a Dragon wearing
weight vests flying through the sky. Having said that, that was
unlikely to happen as it was early in the morning and the course that
I had chosen rarely had any people on it. Ravel continued.

“Devils, Vampires and Dragons running a marathon in the morning…

Once again, Kuoh Town is certainly a unique place.”

“Indeed it is.”

I smiled wryly in response to Ravel’s remark.

After the marathon ended, everyone performed dashes in the park’s

open space. After that, we performed muscle training. I sat on
Nakiri’s back as he did push-ups.

“…Five hundred and five… Five hundred and six…”

Nakiri was doing his push-ups (rather, it was better to call them
finger push-ups) surely and steadily. A year and a half ago, in this
park, Rias also sat on my back as I did push-ups. It really brought
back memories as I couldn’t even finish a hundred push-ups then. I

couldn’t help but admire my junior’s stamina compared to me at that
time since he could easily do more than five hundred while having
me sitting on him. By the way, it was Nakiri who asked me to sit on
him. Since I also felt nostalgic about that time when Rias sat on my
back while doing push-ups, I agreed to his request. I asked Nakiri.

“Nakiri, have you been doing this since you were small?”

“…Yeah, it was a family tradition where I had to stay in the

mountains and train in the Shugendo way. Thanks to that, I’ve built

up considerable endurance… Five hundred and seventeen…”

So answered Nakiri as he continued to do push-ups. Doing Shugendo

since he was small… He must’ve run through steep mountains. It’s
only natural that his body was well-trained. Nakiri continued.

“…But, it’s not because I was chosen as the next head of the Nakiri
clan that I trained… Five hundred and eighteen…”

“…Nakiri, the position was passed down to you by your predecessor,


I knew that my junior Nakiri had gained the name [Ouryuu] in recent
years. The Nakiri Clan was one of the Five Principal Clans which
reigned over the Japanese groups of people with supernatural
abilities. They were Nakiri, Himejima, Kushihashi, Shinra and
Doumon. Nakiri was the leader even among the five of them. Some
of my comrades were also a part of them. Akeno-san was from the
Himejima clan, while the [Slash Dog] Team’s Ikuse Tobio-san was also
connected to the Himejima clan (he’s the second cousin of Akeno-
san). Shinra Tsubaki-senpai from the Sitri peerage was from the
Shinra clan, and it’s quite surprising that she’s somehow connected
to us.

The Five Principal Clans had their own Sacred Beasts, having control
over the supernatural beings called the [Four Gods and a Yellow

Dragon]. Nakiri’s was [Ouryuu], Himejima’s was [Suzaku],
Kushihashi’s was [Seiryuu], Shinra’s was [Byakko], and Doumon’s was
[Genbu]. —The contract with the Sacred Beast as well as the (next)
head seat was given to the person who had the best abilities among
the clan members. There was a custom where the predecessor
would always give the name of the Sacred Beast to the people who
would inherit the Sacred Beast, and sometimes even when they were
born. My junior Nakiri also had the Ouryuu name like his
predecessor, meaning that he’d inherit the Sacred Beast. Nakiri
Kouchin Ouryuu answered with a somewhat troubled voice.

“…Five hundred and nineteen… Nakiri Nakagami Ouryuu…he was an

amazing person… If it comes to talent, he is much better than me…
Five hundred and twenty…”

The previous Nakiri Ouryuu was blessed with so much talent that he
was even said to be the strongest in history… But due to an incident
that occurred in the past—. Nakiri changed the subject and asked

“…By the way, I…can I be like you, Hyoudou-senpai? …I also want the
power to be able to protect at least a single girl from any difficulties
and strong enemies… Five hundred and twenty one…”

“Of course, I’ll guarantee that. Compared to me when I was starting

out, you are much better. I mean, it was so hard for me to even do a
hundred push-ups like this.”

It’s my honest opinion. I thought that the current Nakiri was already
strong enough. I felt that he was in the top class among the humans
of his age…

“…Still, I think that this is not enough. …I want to have power like
you, Hyoudou-senpai… Being able to defeat anything, be it the son of

a Maou, an Evil God, or even a Legendary Evil Dragon… Five hundred
and twenty two…”

Nakiri was underestimating himself. It seemed like Nakiri thought

that he still wasn’t strong enough because the people in his
surroundings were all strong people who could reach Maous and
Gods… He didn’t complain about anything and just continued to
train. The power to at least protect a single girl… I was moved by
Nakiri’s honesty. Now that there was another male Junior who relied
on me other than Gasper, I decided to try to support him as much as
I could! And as I thought about that, Ravel and Elmenhilde’s group
was exhausted due to muscle training. Well, it was Elmenhilde who
was more exhausted though…

“…Ha… Ha…”

Seeing Elmenhilde breathing hard, Ravel spoke to her out of worry.

“Let’s rest for a while.”

“…A-Another five minutes…”

Really, Elmenhilde hates to lose. It was in that moment. I could hear

a voice from the entrance of the park.

“Ise-san, everyone! I’m sorry I’m late! Wah!”

As I turned around — Asia fell over. That was also something that
had happened a year and a half ago.

As Asia-chan caught up to us while bringing a thermos, we ended our

morning training and rested. Asia poured tea from the thermos flasks
that she brought (three of them). Whilst drinking the tea, I received a
report from Ravel.

“By the way, regarding the training camp.”

“Oh, that’s right. How’s it going?”

Ravel removed several folded sheets of paper from her jersey pocket
and handed them to me. As I opened them, I could see images and a
map printed on the documents. It was information regarding the
training camp that we planned to go to before the match. The
mountains that would be our training camp and the environment
surrounding them, as well as the map. Another document revealed
the blueprint of the to-be-completed mansion we would be staying
at. Ravel said as she looked at the documents.

“Yes, I have purchased an unpopular mountain forest under the

name of Hyoudou Issei…or should I say, Gremory. I am currently
having them build the mansion as fast as possible.”

Asia also peeked at the documents, but was surprised by Ravel’s


“We’ll be training at this mountain, right? Wait, you can buy the
whole mountain!?”

Yes, I had discussed this with Ravel and Rias, and in order to build a
mansion there for the training camp, we’d have to buy the whole
mountain and its surroundings. Our funds came from the copyright
royalties that we received from Oppai Dragon-related works. At the
time, I agreed to Rias and Ravel’s opinion on buying the mountain,
but as expected even I was surprised… But for the princesses of
noble families, buying a mountain for an important training camp
probably wasn’t such an important thing. Being a commoner though,
I certainly felt a great value difference when it came to using large
sums of money. I replied to Asia.

“I was thinking that it’d be nice if we could do the training camp in

the mountains like the one we had when we were still a part of the
Gremory Peerage, and now, this is how it turned out.”

Yep, I was somehow reminded of the training camp at the Villa of the
Gremory household that we went to before the match against Riser
Phoenix when I talked with Ravel about the training camp. When I
said that it might be a good idea to train in the wild, this was how it
turned out. Ravel went ‘Ahem!’ while puffing her chest and said.

“I did ourselves a favour and bought a mountain. As a member of the

Hyoudou Issei Peerage, this is an investment as we’ll be using it more

In response to this, Nakiri and Bova also responded with ‘A

mountain, huh. That’s nice.’ and ‘Umu. Mountains are great.’ as they
imagined the location. …Upon hearing Bova say those words, I
remembered the event where I was chased by Bova’s dad, Tannin, in
the mountains. As that was a traumatising event, choosing the
mountains as our training camp location gave me a weird feeling.
But, as expected, a training camp in the mountains definitely felt
right for training. But I wonder if reading too much shounen manga
also had an effect on this?

And so, I bought a mountain forest in a certain prefecture. Currently,

the mansion that would be our training camp ground was being built
through a person associated with the House of Gremory in the
human world. As the explanation regarding the training camp ground
ended, Ravel remembered something and made a gesture by
clapping her hands together.

“—Also, we have one more important matter before the training


Knowing what she was about to say, I nodded.

“That’s right. Ingvild.”

I called out to the girl with violet hair.

“What is it, Ise?”

While she tilted her head in a cute way, I said to her,

“The day for your job debut has also been decided.”

Yeah, Ingvild was about to have her [Devil’s Job] debut—.

Part 3

And that night—.

All members of the Hyoudou Issei Peerage gathered like usual in our
office, which was our headquarters. There was a magic circle for
transportation on the floor, with the girls and I gathering around it.
Today was the day that our new member, Ingvild, would debut! It
hadn’t been long since she was reborn as one of my servants, but the
debut for her first Devil’s Job must be done as she’s now a genuine
Devil. I also started doing jobs not long after I became one… Well, in
my case it’s, you know, because I wanted to fulfill my ambition to
become a Harem King, I was told to ride a bicycle and do jobs. And
with that, in order to help my Queen’s debut, Ravel crouched down
before the magic circle and continued the preparations. Looking at
that, Xenovia became nostalgic.

“That brings back the memories of my debut. Although it was

unthinkable for a warrior of the Church to do a Devil’s job, I managed
to finish the job.”

Asia also said.

“I was also nervous about my debut.”

Rossweisse-san continued.

“I think I handled it surprisingly well. I guess it must be because of

Rias-san’s great explanation.”

—Everyone talked about their memories from their debut. When
doing a Devil’s job, a customer would call out through the pamphlet
that we gave them (with a magic circle), and we’d go over to their
place via that magic circle. However, this time, we would teleport to
the customer’s place after confirming the request via call using the
magic circle prepared in our headquarters… In my time, I was unable
to teleport using a magic circle because I lacked demonic energy! I
become able to teleport only recently, but I was seriously really bad
back then… As I had no choice, I pedalled my bike and went to each
customer’s place. …However, I was still doing it now as it had kind of
become a habit of mine. My regular customer Morisawa-san and Mil-
tan were also happy about it. Now, I think it’s impossible for
someone who has the blood of the true Maou Leviathan like Ingvild
to not be able to teleport, but…Ravel said with a troubled look.

“…This is a problem.”

I became worried and asked.

“W-What’s wrong? Does Ingvild not have enough demonic power?”

I was so worried as this was her first job after becoming my servant. I
might be overreacting, but now that I had resolved myself to take
responsibility for her, I’d do it until the end. Because of that, I began
to worry excessively. Ravel turned her head sideways and said.

“It’s the opposite. I’m afraid that there’s a high chance that her aura
will explode after reaching the destination as the demonic power
residing within her…is too vast and she can’t control it.”


…So that’s how it is. It’s the opposite of me! Because her demonic
power was too immense, she couldn’t teleport. …The grandchildren
of the True Maou were truly terrifying. I mean, even Vali, who had
the blood of the true Maou Lucifer, had crazy talent. Actually, it’s

possible for Ingvild to begin her activity as a Devil, but she was still in
the process of learning how to control her magic. …There’s no other
choice. What’s important now was to go to the customer’s place and
do the job. I nodded and said to Ravel.

“Understood. Well then, this time, I’ll go with Ingvild. I’ll also
perform the teleportation magic.”

Ravel responded to my opinion with ‘Understood’. Ingvild looked

apologetic about it.

“…I don’t know the details, but I’m sorry Ise.”

I smiled to smooth things out.

“Don’t worry about it. Compared to my debut, this is still much

better. I mean, I went by bicycle, you know?”

And with that, I took Ingvild and used transportation magic with my
demonic energy. Ingvild and I were enveloped by the light of
transportation as we teleported to our destination. As the blinding
light vanished — we arrived in a certain room. The floor was made of
wood and there were only several boxes in the dreary room. It
appeared as though the owner was in the middle of unpacking as we
could see accessories and livingware inside the opened boxes. —
Suddenly, someone appeared before us. A super beauty wearing a
witch-like white robe! She had blonde hair and blue eyes! Her oppai
were also big! The Italian blonde in her early twenties smiled as she
looked at me.

“You look fine, Oppai Dragon-kun.”

The one who greeted us was Lavinia Reni-san! She’s a member of

[Slash Dog], a team that Ikuse Tobio-san leads, as well as a witch — a
genuine witch! She’s also the wielder of the Longinus Absolute
Demise. My classmate, the girl who wears glasses, Kiryuu Aika, and

my regular customer Mil-tan wanted to become Magicians, and the
one who taught them was this person! Yes, the customer for Ingvild’s
debut was Lavinia-san. I also returned a greeting.

“Good evening. Please take care of us today.”

Lavinia-san looked at Ingvild who was beside me.

“Thank you for coming to help me with various things today.”

“Ah…yes. Likewise…”

Ingvild humbly greeted back. She must be nervous as this was her
first time meeting her. I introduced Lavinia-san to Ingvild.

“This is Lavinia Reni-san. She’s a witch who has been taking care of
us. Uhm, Lavinia-san, this is my new servant, Ingvild.”

“Yes. I’ve heard about you. I am happy that the one summoned here
is a cutie.”

—She also warmly welcomed us.

“Ah, that’s right. Thanks for taking care of Kiryuu and Mil-tan.”

I also thanked her for taking care of my classmate and regular


“The two of them remember things very quickly, and they’re also
very interesting.”


I became curious and asked her. As I did that, Lavinia-san answered


“Aika wants to learn about romance-related astrology reading. She

said that it’ll definitely be profitable in the future. Mil-tan, on the

other hand, wants to learn how to fly using a log instead of a

That was quite the scoop. Damn Kiryuu, she’s learning romance-
related magic that looks promising, huh… Well, it’s true that
romance predictions would be popular among girls, but…she sure is
business-minded. While Mil-tan on the other hand…

[Fly to the sky, nyooooooooooooooooooooo!


—I could easily imagine him riding around on top of a log with great
excitement with his big arms around it! If it’s Mil-tan, I’m pretty sure
he could mix his superhuman strength with magic now…
However, you are one hell of a person to accept those two as your
apprentices, Lavinia-san… Nope, on the contrary, perhaps those two
could be her apprentices precisely because of her gentle
personality… While I imagined such things, Ingvild asked Lavinia-san.

“Uhm, and what exactly…should I do?”

Lavinia said to Ingvild who tilted her head.

“Actually, I’m in the middle of unpacking things. That’s why, I’d like
you to help me with that.”

Yep, that’s what she asked. As Ingvild and Lavinia-san unpacked the
boxes, Ingvild asked Lavinia-san.

“The person moving in…is it you?”

Lavinia-san shook her head.

“It’s not me. The one who lives here is—”

That person appeared and interrupted Lavinia-san’s words.

“Hyoudou Issei?”

It was a silver-haired man who opened the door and entered the
living room — Vali Lucifer. My destined rival as one of the Two
Heavenly Dragons, as well as the leader of [Vali Team] that consisted
of fearless fighters. A genius beyond the realm of normal standards
who bore the blood of the true Maou Lucifer and also possessed the
Longinus Divine Dividing within his body. He was always a step above
me, and he was also the guy that I wanted to surpass the most. It
seemed like Vali, who usually dressed simply, didn’t expect me this
time. Lavinia-san spoke in response to Vali’s appearance.

“That’s right. Today, I wanted to request one of Oppai Dragon-kun’s

servants to help with Va-kun’s move-in.”

The request we received from Lavinia Reni-san was ‘I want you to

help us with Va-kun’s move-in’. To Vali, Lavinia-san was an old friend.
She acted as Vali’s older sister, and she was also one of the people
that Vali respected the most.

“Hey, Vali. So you’ll be living in this town too, huh.”

As I said that, Vali crossed his arms.

“I’ve heard that this town is recently insecure, and I was

recommended to by my stepbrother and team members.”

Ah, so that’s why. It’s true that this town was insecure as the
Unknown Devils did come to this town. If that’s what he meant,
having Vali live in this town was a great idea. I didn’t even know
where the guy lived normally. It was great that I knew his address
now. We belonged to the anti-terrorist group [DxD] too after all. By
the way, ‘stepbrother’ here referred to the current chief God of the
Norse mythology, Vidar-san. Many things happened, and he was
adopted by the previous chief God of Norse mythology, Odin-jiisan.
The process of unpacking things proceeded well since the owner of
the room, Vali, was also present. Ingvild and Lavinia-san had already

put the tableware into the cabinet. …However, it felt weird to help a
rival with moving in. While I was thinking that, another person came
into the room.

“Vali, I’ve bought some things that I think will be useful from the

The one who said that while entering the room was a girl who wore
her hair up — Minagawa Natsume-san. This person was also a
member of [Slash Dog]. As expected, she’s also a beauty and her
oppai are big as well! Upon seeing me and Ingvild, Minagawa-san
greeted us.

“Ara, Oppai Dragon-kun! How’r ya!? Ah, uhmm, are you a new one? I
am Minagawa Natsume. A university student and a member of [Slash
Dog]! I hope we get along, you cutie.”

“Ah, yes.”

Minagawa-san shook hands with Ingvild. This person sure was really
bright. She’s also a fan of the special effects program [Chichiryuutei
Oppai Dragon]. Vali raised one of his eyebrows in response to
Minagawa-san’s appearance.

“…I told you that I can move in on my own… To think that you’d even
request help from Hyoudou Issei…”

Minagawa-san playfully tapped on Vali’s head.

“Well, you know, he’s your destined rival, so you have to at least do
this. Also, Tobio and the others will be coming as well.”

While removing Minagawa-san’s hand, Vali asked.

“Ikuse Tobio? Why?”

“He said that he’d make a moving-in soba”

Vali smiled upon hearing Minagawa-san’s answer.

“…Soba, huh. Umu.”

Minagawa-san laughed upon seeing that.

“You really like all types of noodles, huh.”

I asked as I felt interested in the topic.

“Is that from a long time ago?”

Minagawa-san nodded.

“That’s right. He’d always slurp a cup ramen whenever we left our
eyes off him. However, if it’s the food Tobio makes, he always treats
it like a delicious meal. He sure has quite the appetite.”


I couldn’t hold it in! I mean, it’s really funny to imagine Vali doing
that! Vali’s face reddened in response to this and he complained to

“Minagawa Natsume! Don’t talk about useless things!”

“Okay, okay.”

Minagawa-san must’ve gotten used to this too. If Vali had any

siblings, he’d be the cute little brother type, but despite that, he’s a
scary captain. Well, compared to when I first met him, he sure has
gotten softer. I am sure one of the reasons must be the death of the
person he hated the most, Rizevim (Vali’s grandfather). There was
another person who entered the room.

“Ah, hello. I came to help you guys.”

It was a blonde girl with a witch-like hat and outfit — Le Fay

Pendragon. She’s a member of Vali’s team, as well as a girl who’s

also homestaying at the Hyoudou Residence. She had also formed
the [Devil and Magician] pact with me, which made us attached to
each other.

“Even Le Fay is here, huh?”

Le Fay smiled in response to my comment.

“Yes. I was the only member who finished my errands.”

“And Kuroka isn’t coming?”

Le Fay smiled wryly.

“…Kuroka-san is…sleeping in the house.”

Yep, that’s really her. Really, she’s so negligent. Kuroka’s one of my

future brides, and also one of the members of Vali’s team. Le Fay ran
closer to Lavinia-san upon seeing her and said with a big smile.

“Ah, Lavinia-san! The magic book that I borrowed last time was very

“That’s great to hear.”

“To be able to read the secret philosophy written by Heinrich

Cornelius Agrippa based on [Grauzauberer]’s interpretation and
director Mephisto’s commentary, I can’t even express how happy I
am! By the way—”


It seemed like Le Fay and Lavinia-san had begun conversing in their

own jargon. Both of them were Magicians, but the organisations that
they belonged to were different. Lavinia-san belonged to
[Grauzauberer] which was led by the legendary Devil Mephisto
Pheles, while Le Fay belonged to the [Golden Dawn]. I’ll explain the

details bit by bit. Vali’s new place had now become crowded, and the
owner himself looked tired as he sighed.

“You didn’t want to live in a designated place like this because the
people you’re close to can easily gather around, right?”

That’s what I felt, so I asked him that. Vali wasn’t the type that
socialised often after all. Vali put his hand on his forehead and
narrowed his eyes.

“…Well, I don’t have any particular concerns. By the way—”

Vali looked at Ingvild, who was carrying various accessories.

“She’s the one who holds the new Longinus, and the one who bears
the previous Maou Leviathan’s blood, huh?”

Vali looked at Ingvild with interest as she was a descendant of the

previous Four Great Maous, as well as a Longinus user. I asked back.

“What do you think?”

Vali said.

“…If she’s like me, the power that resides within her and her talents
are on a different level than normal Devils. Also, it’s a matter of
whether you can guide her without having her power go out of
control or not.”

…Well, like this guy said, Ingvild’s talent looks like it’s going to be
terrifying. Now that she’s my servant, it’s a matter of whether I can
guide her properly or not, huh. Like Azazel-sensei who guided Vali—.
Wait, Vali did rebel in the process, so it’s not like Azazel-sensei
taught him everything… But would Ingvild also go through a
rebellious phase? Hmm…I’d have to work hard so that doesn’t
happen. —And this time, Vali asked me.

“Will you be able to use her in the tournament?”

The question was whether I’d be using the inexperienced Ingvild in

the Rating Game World Tournament match.

“I still don’t know yet.”

That was the truth. I’d have to discuss it with my comrades and
Ravel. If it’s about the tournament match, the team members’
opinions are important as well. Vali laughed boldly.

“The match will be close. —That being said, I am at the other side of
the spectrum and my match is the last.”

Vali shrugged as he said that. Vali’s team was on the right side of the
bracket, and his match was last. Their opponent was — the [Journey
To The West] team. That team’s members were comprised of the
first-generation Son Wukong-jiisan, first-generation Zhu Bajie, first-
generation Sha Wujing, and the God who was said to be have the
most combat power — The War Hero, Nezha. As they’re predicted to
be one of the possible winners, Vali’s team is unlikely to win using
ordinary methods. Wait, all of the remaining teams were strong, so
it’s not possible to win using ordinary methods. Even my first
opponent too—. As I was thinking that, Vali said.

“Your match is third, huh. Your opponent…although it’s your

acquaintance, you won’t hold back, will you?”

“Of course. If I do that, I’ll be hated by Rias and my comrades. They

are that type of people after all.”

My opponent was Rias and the others, the Gremory peerage. I was
still a part of it even though I gained independence. They’re my
precious comrades. And, me too… No, because I am Rias Gremory’s
[Pawn] for my entire life—.

Vali laughed happily upon hearing my words.

“That’s good enough. In fact, those are the things that make you
guys you. —Win, Hyoudou Issei. It’ll be a good opportunity to
continue from that time.”

—Continue from that time. He was talking about the first time I
fought against him. When we first received a terrorist attack from
Khaos Brigade and the Three Factions formed an alliance, at that
time, Vali and I had our first fight against each other, but it had
remained interrupted until now. That’s right, the final match of the
first Rating Game World Tournament, the one that was named in
honour of Azazel-sensei, would be the best if I could fight with this

“You too, I won’t forgive you if you lose to the first-generation Sun

“Hmph. I’ll bear that in mind.”

Both of us laughed boldly as we awkwardly prayed for each other’s

matches.—Suddenly, Minagawa-san said to me.

“Now, now, don’t talk too much and go carry these off.”

Vali and I were urged to unpack the boxes put down in front of us. I
asked Vali.

“Hey, don’t you have too many things? You’re not the type that
brings many things, are you?”

Vali put his hand on his forehead and said.

“…About that, when I told Lavinia that I’d live here, the girls bought
this and that and many other unnecessary things… Also, it looks like
some of the things that I used also remained, so…”

Ah, so the sisters took care of the things for their little brother, huh.
When I opened the box in front of me, something like a white dragon
stuffed toy came out… Was this one of Vali’s personal belongings?
With this, Vali’s moving request went on without a hitch and eased
his mental fatigue—.

“I’m home!”

Several hours after helping with the move-in—. Ingvild and I

returned to our office using a magic circle after cleaning up and
eating Tobio-san’s homemade moving-in soba.

[[Welcome Home!]]

The girls of my peerage welcomed Ingvild and my return.

“How was it?”

Xenovia asked me and Ingvild. Having just completed her debut,

Ingvild showed Xenovia and the others a doll that she held up.

“I received this.”

She received the white dragon doll as a gift for completing the job.
Even though the one who requested it was Lavinia-san, Vali gave it to
her because he thought that it was his move-in after all. It was
surprising that he gave is to us since it looked like one of Vali’s old
belongings. Ingvild smiled and hugged her debut gift.

“Fufufu, that’s a cute white dragon.”

“Yes, it’s cute! I wonder if it’s meant to represent the White Dragon

Asia looked at the doll Ingvild received enthusiastically. Rossweisse-

san laughed in response to Ingvild successfully completing the job.

“For your first job, it looks like it ended nicely, and there seems to be
no complaints as well.”

“Yes. Well, there are things in this country that Ingvild has to adapt
to, so I think it’s for the best if we let her do job requests from our
acquaintances for now.”

There were many of my peerage members who were new to the

country or had recently become Devils. One example was Ravel, who
was a pure-blooded Devil that had a hard time adjusting to her daily
life when she first transferred to Kuoh Academy. That was why it was
perfect for Ingvild’s support to come from everyone’s experience.
The foremost thing of importance was for her to get used to this
country and this town. At the same time, Ingvild also attended Kuoh
Academy as a second-year student. Koneko-chan and Ravel, as well
as Gasper and Nakiri and the others also supported her school life,
being in the same year as her. Ravel said to me as the newcomer’s
Devil’s Job debut had ended.

“As Ingvild-sama’s job has ended, let’s talk about the next holiday.”

“Ah, I see, it’s that, huh.”

Ravel nodded.

“Yes, it’s the important Oppai Dragon show where Ise-sama and the
others will appear.”

My academic life, Devil’s Job, [DxD] duties, the preparation for the
tournament, and also — Oppai Dragon’s event! …Being a Sekiryuutei
is also hard work.

Translator Note:

Shugendo:Shugendō (修験道, literally “the way of shugen, or gen-
practice”[1]) is a highly syncretic religion that originated in Heian
Japan. Practitioners are called Shugenja (修験者) or Yamabushi
(山伏, literally “mountain prostrate”). Source: Wikipedia

Life.2 The Main Battle of the Rating Game World Tournament

Part 1

A big outdoor stage was currently hosting the heroic Chichiryuutei

Oppai Dragon show.

“Fuhahaha! Hey, Oppai Dragon! And also, Darkness Knight Fang the
betrayer! Today, I’ll defeat you both!”

The theme of this Oppai Dragon show was — me playing the Oppai
Dragon, working alongside Darkness Knight Fang (played by Kiba)
who had allied himself with the Oppai Dragon to take down the Evil
Dragon General Bavo (played by Bova). I screamed in my crimson

“Damn Bavo! Today, I, the Super Oppai Dragon, will beat you!”

The Oppai Dragon also had a power-up in the program called the
Super Oppai Dragon which was a replica of my [Cardinal Crimson
Promotion]. By the way, the three forms of my [Illegal Move Triaina]
also got their own merchandise, which was popular among the kids
as it was a powered-up form of the Oppai Dragon.

“Let’s go, Fang!”

“Yeah, make sure you don’t get in my way.”

Kiba (Darkness Knight Fang) and I did a great combination together,

making fun of the Evil Dragon General Bavo. Although it was merely
acting, the children screamed happily when they saw Bova’s
enormous body stagger.

“Wow! Oppai Dragon, go for it!”

“Defeat Bavo!”

Kiba (Fang) received a lot of high-pitched cheers from the mothers

and young girls.

“Kyaaaaaaaaa! Fang-samaaaaaa!”

“Please look this waaaaaaaaay!”

Although Bavo was in a pinch, he laughed boldly.

“Fufufu, don’t you dare think that you can win with that, Oppai
Dragon! Hey, Fang! I also have someone strong to help me here!”

As Bavo said that, the stage turned dark and children made a fuss.
Within the darkness, flames lit up the stage—. From the ceiling of the
stage, someone wearing a flaming cloak and evil leader-like armour
descended onto the stage along with the flames. It was Riser
Phoenix! He also wore a mask that looked like the immortal bird.
Yes! This show was also the first appearance of Marshal Phenex —
the new enemy that Riser was playing! Riser made a villainous face
and said to me and Fang.

“Fuhahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oppai Dragon! The Betrayer Fang!

Now that this Marshal Phenex has come, I won’t let you do as you

I couldn’t think of him as anything other than a leader of the bad

guys as his laughter and acting clearly demonstrated his character as
a bad guy! Following the initial success of the Gremory House and
other clans, it seemed as though the House of Phoenix had also
begun to put a lot of emphasis on the character business. To start
off, a collaboration with the Gremory House’s Oppai Dragon was
decided. And so, Riser was now here. They must have chosen the
name Marshal Phenex since humans sometimes called the Devil
Phoenix, ‘Phenex’.

“Shit! Marshal Phenex…! This is bad. Oppai Dragon, don’t let your
guard down!”

While Fang was saying that, I charged towards Marshal Phenex!

“Marshal Phenex! I won’t forgive anyone who tries to disrupt the

Underworld’s peace!”

As Marshal Phenex easily dodged the punches I kept throwing at

him, he extended his hand at me. The next moment, gunpowder was
thrown at the stage to make it look like I got attacked by the flames
while being blown away.


I (Oppai Dragon) was now lying on the stage.

“Hahahahahaha! So this is the Oppai Dragon.”

Riser (Marshal Phenex) stepped on me while I was lying down. To be

honest, I felt like he deliberately tried to step quite hard on me, but
it was good acting nonetheless. The children showed empathy seeing

“Uwaaaaaan! Oppai Dragon is defeated!”

“That bird is strong!”

However, there was someone who intervened!

“That’s as far as you go, Marshal Phenex!”

The one who appeared was the heroine Switch Princess played by
Rias! Although she was embarrassed the very first time she
participated in the show, she had now gotten used to it as she put on
a great performance after participating a lot of Switch
Princess in her dress form. The girls called out in response to this.

“Switch Princess, go for it!”

“Save Oppai Dragon!”

Marshal Phenex spoke to the Switch Princess!

“Well, well, Switch Princess-sama. To think that you, who usually

gets protected, would stand before me… I hope you are not planning
to fight me, the great Marshal Phenex, are you?”

I was astonished by Riser’s perfect belittling act. The Switch Princess

(Rias) bravely cried.

“That’s right! I’ll also…fight alongside Oppai Dragon! Haaaaaa!”

Switch Princess fired herself up and screamed, allowing light to

envelope her body at the same time. As the light faded away, Rias
(Switch Princess) changed into something that allowed her to move
easily, unlike her previous dress form! That form looked like the [Rias
Gremory] Team’s jersey in the Azazel Cup. It was probably used for
the Switch Princess’s battle form in [Oppai Dragon] because the
children also knew that Rias was also participating in the Rating
Game World Tournament. That form, having been broadcast in the
TV program as well, made the children cheer loudly!

“Waaaaa! Switch Princess is cool!”

“Go get ‘em, Switch Princess!”

The support and cheers from all of the children had reached its peak,
regardless of their gender.

“Prepare yourself, Ri…Marshal Phoenix!”

Oops! Rias almost called out Riser there. I wonder if it had anything
to do with their previous face-off. However, she came to rescue me
who was defeated with Riser as the opponent… It’s interesting

because in the first Rating Game match against Riser and during the
time when I charged into the post-match engagement party, it was
the opposite. And with this, this time’s [Chichiryuutei Oppai Dragon]
show event ended with the crowd on a feverish pitch —.

We took a break in the dressing room after the show had ended. In
the male dressing room, Kiba and I removed our armour and
changed into our usual clothes without taking the make-up on our
face off. Kiba said while drinking his tea.

“Fufufu, Rias-neesan charging in after Riser-san’s appearance. That

one particular scene looked like it was trying to portray a certain

“Ah, that one. You’re talking about the time when I charged into the
engagement party, right? The position is reversed in the show
though. Well, I also felt that way.”

It seemed like Kiba also remembered that. I smiled wryly and said.

“Though I must say, Riser’s acting was spot on. He was like a real bad
guy, or like he has an innate talent.”

“You might be right.”

Currently, Riser was doing the after-show fan signing for the
spectators. Even though it looked like they were not popular among
the children, he and Bova still showed up to the fan signing event
because there were some boys and girls who liked the evil
characters. After this, Akeno-san would come up to the stage and
sing the [Oppai Dragon Song] together with the children. Akeno-san
seemed to be aiming for the songstress onee-san in this show as she
practiced singing the [Oppai Dragon Song] in secret. Also, we of the
main cast would be doing the fan signing event after this break…



—The atmosphere soon became awkward as Kiba and I had no topic

to chat about. It’s like I didn’t know what to talk about… Since my
team and Rias’ team got matched in the first round, the conversation
between me and Kiba sometimes got cut off like this, be it about his
private life or job. That being said, the girls that lived with me — Rias,
Akeno-san, and Koneko-chan, could still interact normally in our
private life although they would be competing against me, as they
were able to separate the match from our private life.. It might even
be that I was the one being awkward. Man, girls were amazing when
it came to things like this. Around that time, Gasper also made a
clear distinction as he said things like this enthusiastically.

“Ise-senpai, let’s practice together!”

On the other hand, the atmosphere with Kiba was…so awkward. No,
both of us had promised to fight each other. I was the [King], and I
would be with my peerage and team, while Kiba, the sword of the
[Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess] had promised to be the lifetime
[Knight] of Rias. I myself also believed that and told him that he’s
Rias’s Knight and Sword. The phenomena that happened to this
town…and the numerous things that occurred after that…Kiba and I
had fought alongside each other against strong enemies. Ever since
the fight against the Fallen Angels, Terrorist Group, Evil Gods, and
even the son of the Maou, we’d fought all of them together. We
worked hard together in order to survive, and sparred countless
times. It hadn’t changed even now. He was my friend, my comrade—
. But, he was also my rival. He’s one of my targets. If I were to
seriously fight Kiba—. To be honest, it’s not like I’d never imagined
that. In my imagination, I fought him as someone whom I should
surpass. And that wasn’t just in my imagination anymore; we’d have
to exchange punches and slashes in real life. Soon, I’d punch him and
be cut by him. After taking a sip of the tea, Kiba said.

“The tournament is coming soon.”


“Right now, I won’t be talking much. I mean, I just declared war

against you the other day.”

I received his declaration on the day the bracket was decided.

—Ise-kun, now that it has come to this, you are my enemy. After all, I
am Rias-neesan’s [Knight].

Kiba said that to me and I was happy that he didn’t hold back his
words. I had replied to that with [I will defeat you with all my
strength]. I replied.


Now, what’s left was to fight him on the day of the match. I
stretched my back and picked up the script for the afternoon show.
Today, I had to do another different show as the show was divided
between morning and afternoon.

“Kiba, should we read the script?”

“Yeah. Another character will be added in the afternoon show—”

There was knocking on the changing room door, interrupting Kiba’s



As Kiba and I answered together, it was Ravel who opened the door.

“Is Ise-sama here?”

“Yeah, I am here, what’s up?”

As I said that, Ravel came into the room and took out a fan letter.
Ravel looked confused and said to me after I received the letter.

“Actually, this fan letter was sent from a certain place…”

“Oh, from where?”

After I looked on the backside of the letter — only a poorly-written

word [Bal] in Demonic language was written… Ravel said.

“It looks like it’s from the Netherworld…”

“Netherworld!? The Netherworld is…the place where the God Hades

and the Grim Reapers live, right?”

While I asked her in my surprise, she nodded.

…Is this real? From the Netherworld…? The Netherworld — no, the
Grim Reapers, and the guys that controlled them, Hades and the
rulers of Hell, were our opponents at present, given that we were a
part of [DxD]. Because they looked like they were somehow
connected with the mysterious Devils that appeared in Kuoh Town,
as well as the incident with the Goddess of Night Nyx. Although it
was a fan letter, I still had to be careful because it’ was from the
Netherworld. Ravel must also have thought of that. However, Ravel

“But this fan letter went through the Devils’ government and
Gremory…so the higher-ups must also have investigated this… So in
theory, this letter must not be a disguise or contain any code, and I
am inclined to believe that this letter is simply a fan letter to [Oppai
Dragon] from a Grim Reaper kid…”


….Is this real? There is a Grim Reaper kid who’s my fan? I-I hadn’t
thought about it until now… I didn’t know how Grim Reapers

increased their numbers, but there were cases where an Ultimate-
class Grim Reaper and a human form a bond, such as with Bennia,
who was part of the Sitri clan. Was that how they’re born? Ah,
speaking of which, Bennia was also a big fan of [Oppai Dragon].
Unexpectedly, Oppai Dragon was also a hit for the Grim Reapers?
Ravel said.

“As your manager, I’ve checked the contents beforehand… And I

don’t think there’s any problem with it.”

I quickly opened the letter and read it. …It was written with demonic
words in poor handwriting. The letter must have been written by a
child. Let’s see…

“To Oppai Dragon, Hyoudou Issei-san

I am really interested in Oppai Dragon. The reason is because

whenever I see Hyoudou Issei-san, I always get goosebumps. I have
always watched all [Oppai Dragon] episodes on TV. I really like it.

I have a mother, but I don’t have a father. Whenever I watch Oppai

Dragon, there are times when I wonder, is this what it feels to have a
father? If I say that I want a father, would Hyoudou Issei-san be my

From Oppai Dragon Fan, Bal”

…I see, Grim Reaper Bal-kun, so that’s what you thought of me. I was
moved by it. The [Oppai Dragon] show had become popular in the
various supernatural worlds. I was surprised that there were children
in the Netherworld who enjoyed it as well. I said.

“I am really interested in this Bal-kun… He said he doesn’t have a
father. Then, he said he wanted me to be his father.”

Ravel nodded.

“Yes… Although it’s complicated given our position…I am really

happy that Ise-sama’s program saved this kid.”

“Yeah, I’ll also work harder for this child! Alright! I’ll write him a
letter as well!”

Ravel said.

“I think that’s a great idea. You can also think of it as a way to fix the
relationship with the Netherworld.”

Yeah! Exactly like what Ravel said. I quickly had someone prepare me
some paper and wrote it when I had free time during the show.

“Fufufu, as expected of Ise-kun, it’s a very sincere reply.”

Said Kiba, who sat next to me. During the break, I wrote a reply letter
to Bal-kun—. I hope my feelings get to his heart!

The evening show ended safely with me doing a collaboration show

together with [Leonyx Rex] that Sairaorg-san played. As the events
ended in one full day, there was a party for the people who took part
in the show.


After a toast, it was the time for everyone to eat and chat. While
everyone was taking their food as it was a stand-up meal, Sairaorg-
san called out to me.

“Hmph, I heard that you wrote back to a fan letter that came from
the Netherworld. As usual, you really go all in when it comes to
dealing with your fans, Hyoudou Issei.”

“S-Sairaorg-san! Who did you hear that from? I-It is just

“Stop being modest. Now that I am in this business, I also want to

learn how to respond to my fans.”

For Sairaorg-san to say such things to me, it sure made it awkward!

While eating the food that I had on my plate, I said to Sairaorg-san.

“…The match’s soon, eh.”

“Mine is the second game. That being said, the first match will be a
fight between fellow Gods. The participants would surely not have
any choice but to work hard so that the spectators are not bored.”

The first match was the fight between the [Vajra] team, which Sakra
led, and the team led by the Prince of the Ashura God Tribe
Mahabali, [Asura]. Their match had suddenly caught everyone’s
attention as it was a battle between two possible winners who were
both fellow Gods. It could be said that the fight itself was destined.
God Mahabali’s father — God Virochana was killed by Indra (Sakra)
in a war, so there was a strong sense of fate that connected them. It
looked like he challenged Sakra because he defeated his father. After
that, the second match would be Sairaorg-san’s and his opponent
was — the unknown up-and-coming team [Shooting Star].

Although they were participants from the human world, their team
was a jumbled mix of various different beings. During the early
prelims, they were totally nothing as they kept getting defeated.
However, during the middle prelims, all of its members starting from
Shooting Star-senshu started to get strong rapidly, and they even
defeated God-class beings. In the end, they became a dark horse that
gathered the attention of all mythologies. As the thought crossed my
mind, I said.

“The mysterious up-and-comer team. According to my strategist—”

When I was about to tell him Ravel’s opinion, Sairaorg-san shook his

“That’s not a good habit. We are comrades against the terrorists, but
we are both rivals in the tournament. Giving off your information like
that is like saving your enemy.”

That’s right. It’s just like what Sairaorg-san said. My team and
Sairaorg-san’s team were on the same platform.

“Sorry, nervousness got the better of me.”

I apologised from the bottom of my heart. Sairaorg-san smiled wryly

and said.

“No, sometimes, I also forget that we are both fellow rivals in the
tournament when I am with all of you. And that’s the proof of how
much I respect you as my battle comrade.”

Suddenly, there was someone who joined in the conversation.

“Sharing strategies is certainly a thing, but isn’t exchanging opinions


It was Rias who appeared while holding a wine glass (although I’m
sure it’s grape juice inside). And then, there was another one who
appeared while holding a meaty bone. —It was Riser.

“That’s right. I also want to hear about the danger of [Shooting

Star]’s unknown power.”

“Riser-san. Thank you for your cooperation in today’s event.”

As I said that, he raised his hand and replied with ‘You too’. Riser
then continued with the topic.

“You might already know, but there is also a Devil in the [Shooting
Star] team. They were a Low-class Devil. However, their power was

on the same level as a High-class Devil…no, Ultimate-class Devil. And
a Devil with that power stayed as a Low-class Devil and remained

In response to this.Rias said

“There was also a Magician in that team. But it looked like that
person’s family name was not that popular within the Magicians’
organisations… It’s like a complete turnaround as that talented
person suddenly stands out…”

Sairaorg-san nodded.

“Yeah, there are many people like that in the [Shooting Star] team.
That’s why, in the early stages, their power wasn’t highly-assessed
and they were seen as nobodies by all mythologies.”

Ravel overheard our conversation and joined in. Holding a cake on

her plate, she added. .

“The leader, Shooting Star-senshu, in recent years — no, several

years ago also seemed to have awakened his Sacred Gear. Also, it’s
natural for him to not be known as he only learned to master the
power recently.”

Sairaorg-san looked at me and Riser.

“There is also a new Longinus user in your team. The rightful heir of
the Phoenix clan,Ruval-dono, scouted a new Longinus user as well.
…I can’t think of this as anything but an omen.”

“An omen?”

Ravel became curious and asked back. After that, Sairaorg-san

thought about it for a while.


Sairaorg-san changed the subject with that. Riser said.

“The Longinus user in my team… Well, that person is weird. That

person is neither my nor my brother’s peerage, as he simply got
scouted… But, while we’re at this, I’ll introduce him to you. There’s
no mistake that he’s powerful.”

The user of the new unusual Longinus that controlled machines,

[Unknown Dictator], was a member of the team that Riser was in (he
joined from the main draw as a contestant), [Phoenix]. According to
the recording of their match that I saw, in a game where the field
was a town, he controlled a stopped car on the road by his power
alone. Also, he made all the machine-like things on the field get
closer to him, forcefully making wings out of them and flew into the
sky. And worse, I heard that those demonstrations were merely a
fraction of his ability… Sairaorg-san looked at me and Rias.

“Anyway, now that the tournament has started, all we have to think
about is to keep winning. Also, yours and Rias’s is more concerning.
—The match after mine.”

Sairaorg-san said to me.

“I want to know if you are truly someone who won’t say no to a fight
against your girl.”

“Sure, I also won’t go easy. If I did, I would be hated by Rias all my


As I turned to Rias, her face turned red and she smiled boldly.

“Of course. I won’t forgive my boyfriend if he loses because he went

easy on me. If he did that, I would cancel the engagement.”

“See? Rias is strict. That’s why I’ll go all out.”

Riser and Sairaorg-san laughed when I said that to them. Sairaorg-
san said to me and Rias.

“The next head of the Nakiri clan, Roygun-dono, Bina Lessthan, Kiba
Yuuto, Crom Cruach, Vasco Strada… They’re all people who I want to
exchange fists with. I’m excited to see how they will move during the
match under the Sekiryuutei and Rias. Don’t lose, Hyoudou Issei,
Rias. Even if your opponents are Gods, or even if it’s someone you’re
engaged to.”

“Yes, Sairaorg-san.”

“Yeah. If we meet in the tournament, I hope for the best.”

Riser spoke up and voiced his dissatisfaction.

“Hey, hey, I’m also here you know? Is there no encouragement for

Sairaorg-san panicked upon hearing that and added.

“Ah, of course, I’ll see the match in which Riser-dono will


Ravel ridiculed her brother in response to this.

“I mean, it’s Riser-oniisama. It’s not weird if someone forgets to

encourage you.”

“Hey, you should be respecting your brother! Geez…”

Rias, Sairaorg-san and I also laughed because of the brother and

sister interaction—. Along with such conversations shared between
tournament contestants, the pre-tournament show event party
lasted until late at night.

Part 2

Several days after the [Oppai Dragon] show ended, the first match of
the Rating Game World Tournament finally began. Most of the
members of our [Sekiryuutei of Blazing Truth] team, as well as Rias
and the others’ team, [Rias Gremory], gathered in the training room
in the first-floor basement that we turned into an AV room as we sat
before the large monitor. Even though they lost, Sona Sitri-senpai
and her peerage were also present to do research. This amount of
people were here to observe the first match of the tournament.
Presently, except for Bina-shi from our team and Crom Cruach from
Rias’s team, everyone else was present.

<<Now! The first match of the main draw of the Rating Game World
Tournament [Azazel Cup] will begin shortly!>>

<<Team [Vajra] that Sakra-senshu leads and team [Asura] that

Mahabali-senshu leads! As both of them are winner candidates, you
can’t afford to look away even for a second!>>

The commentators that were being shown live held the mic. As my
friends were watching it closely, the first match — the fight between
Gods, Team [Vajra] vs Team [Asura] that Sakra and Mahabali led
respectively had begun!

The game rules for the main draw were plain and simple. It was to
take out the [King] first—. That meant the special rules that could be
seen in the prelims such as [Dice Figure], [Object Break] were gone.
This resulted in both teams fighting head-on against each other in
the prepared field. Whoever took down the [King] first would win…
The fight couldn’t get any simpler. However, now that the
complicated rules were gone, ability and tactics became crucial for
each team in order to figure out how to reduce the opponent’s
fighting power. Well, the brain of our team Ravel did say that
solidarity and individual ability would mean everything for all teams
except for the God-class teams.

Yes, except God-class !!

I witnessed an unbelievable fight on the giant monitor.. Perhaps

because the members of both teams were all Gods.! The participants
from both teams moved with such Godly speed that it might not
even be possible for regular people to follow their movements. As
one of them showed themselves and tackled the other head-on, the
shockwave generated so much destructive power that a devastating
blow was dealt to the vast field itself! Although there were
mountains in the game field, due to the collision between the Gods,
the mountains and forests were destroyed, and craters were created
all over the vast land.

Dooooon! Doooooooooooon!

—Intense-sounding explosions echoed on the screen as massive

earthquakes were generated. …Someone from one of the teams
made the scenery vanish just by releasing Godly aura from their

“Those powerful auras give me chills.”

Sona-senpai’s words were enough to represent everything.

Team [Vajra], whose [King] was Sakra, had his subordinates the [Four
Heavenly Kings] participate as well. The [Four Heavenly Kings] —
these four strong guys often showed up in manga or games as allies
or rivals. The names came from the Four Guardian Gods.
Jikokuten[1], Koumokuten[2], Tamonten[3] and Zouchouten[4];
those were the four Gods. Being the subordinates of Sakra, the War
God, they surely wielded tremendous power. Like Sakra, they
remained undefeated in the tournament as they took down powerful
opponents at the same time. Team [Vajra] originally consisted of
Sakra and the Four Heavenly Kings, and the empty pieces were given
to the Gods of Mount Meru. The other members, aside from the five

Gods including Sakra, could be said to be free and flexible. …Well, I’m
sure that as long as Sakra and Four Heavenly Kings were present,
they’d be stomping the tournament. Or at least until the prelims—.
However, as Sakra would be fighting against the Prince of Asura and
others, he used those free pieces on important members. Ravel said.

“…[Vajra]’s last piece was Arjuna. He was the son of the Sakra —
Indra, known also as the Great Hero.”

At that exact moment, Sakra’s son was shown on the screen as well.
The young man was unlike Sakra as he had a refreshing look. He
looked like a guy in his early twenties and he was super handsome!
Unlike his father, who normally wore sunglasses and an aloha shirt,
Arjuna-san went into battle wearing proper armor. The son also went
to fight against the [Asura] team’s Godly Ashura Tribe head-on and
performed well. The [Asura] team that God Mahabali led consisted
of the Godly Asura Tribe. The members were Asura Gods (all of them
had six hands) who gathered around the Grandfather of God
Mahabali, God Prahlada. The leader of [Asura], God Mahabali, was
currently fighting against Sakra in the middle of the field along with
other Gods. God Mahabali released his divine, brave and dazzling
aura while he also turned into his 6-armed form and held weapons in
all of his hands. According to the rumours, it was said that his
weapons were all strong Godly weapons. This time, Sakra didn’t wear
his usual aloha shirt. Instead, he wore a Buddha armor and held the
weapon Vajra that became their team’s name. Unlike the magical
Vajra that monks used, the one that Sakra held was a Godly weapon.
It could be described as the original Vajra, the legendary relic that
controlled lightning. Just by lightly moving the Vajra, Sakra could
make a giant thunderbolt that covered almost the entire field
appear. The sky was fully covered with lightning. Screams could be
heard from all over the field as cracks began to appear all over the
place. Akeno-san shivered and said.

“…His lightning is on a whole different level compared to mine and
my father’s.”

Akeno-san was the daughter of one of the higher-ups of the Fallen

Angel cadre that was called [Lightning] — Barakiel. Although both of
them could unleash rather immense lightning bolts, it was true that
the lightning Sakra created using the Vajra was far superior
compared to Akeno-san and her father. No, I’d even say that its size
and power were incomparable at the moment. A Maou-class or even
a God-class being would certainly suffer a severe injury if they got
struck by that.

“…Speaking of Gods, Vritra got struck by it once…”

One of the Five Great Dragon Kings, the [Prison Dragon] Vritra that
dwelled within Saji, got struck by Sakra’s lightning once. The lightning
that burned Dragon King Vritra—. However, the Prince of the Godly
Ashura Tribe, God Mahabali was…on a whole different level. Even
after being wounded and having received Sakra’s lightning, he still
managed to counterattack furiously. All of God Mahabali’s attacks
were so powerful that even the shockwave produced by a slash from
his Godly Sword was enough to blow up a mountain on the field!
Xenovia said as she gulped.

“…Watching all of these attacks, this truly feels like a mythological-

scale battle.”

Just like what Xenovia said, the field’s terrain and scenery were
blown away by attacks from every single one of them…Movies and
CG graphics were like a joke compared to them. Rias said.

“And I’ve heard that they’ve strengthened the field’s durability since
the prelims. So for them to be able to destroy the field… Once again,
we can see how scary the War God and Godly Asura Tribe can be.”

…Shit. Each of their attacks felt as strong as my Dragon Deification’s
ace move, [Infinity Blaster]! Ddraig, who was inside me, said.

[Partner. The guys you’re watching stand at the top even among the
mythologies. They’re the embodiment of the strongest. However, we
have fought against Vidar with his Midgardsormr armor and the King
of Monsters Typhon, and we won against them. We’ve also
conquered the Evil Dragon Apophis and the Primordial God Nyx.
Have a little faith.]

…Well, you’ve got a point… The battle between the Gods who
excelled in combat was truly overwhelming…

[Don’t worry, I’ll be there when the time comes. Is it not enough?]

I don’t know what to say if you say that! It was a complaint from one
of the strongest Two Heavenly Dragons — Red Dragon Emperor-
sama after all.

[But, well, it’s also quite troublesome if there are several of them
coming, even for me.]

…Right. That will depend on the combination with me as well as the

solidarity between my comrades.


Ddraig laughed. Why’d you laugh…?

[If it were the past you, you would’ve trembled and lost all hope
upon seeing this. But, right now, even though you’re scared, you’re
still struggling to find a way to defeat them… That’s because you still
believe that there is hope, right?]

…It’s far away. It’s still far away. But if I’m with you…. If I am with my
comrades…! —I feel like we can face any opponent!

[That’s great. No matter who it is that comes at us, we’ll just have to
show them the [Welsh Dragon], that is you and me, partner.]

As I deepened the bond with my partner, the match between the

Gods was also about to come to its end. Whilst God Mahabali was
attacking Sakra, it looked like he was about to reach his limit too as
the strength and frequency of his attacks dropped. However, God
Mahabali’s eyes still shone brilliantly as he charged a vast amount of
aura into his Godly sword and unleashed it upon Sakra. Both [Kings]
met in the sky in the centre of the field! God Mahabali yelled.


The unobservable close-ranged bout between Sakra’s Vajra and the

weapons from God Mahabali’s six arms had begun! Every time an
attack was struck, Godly aura covered the whole sky. There was a
moment when Sakra was struck by God Mahabali’s powerful sword!
—Sakra’s left arm was severed! Ooooh! God Mahabali cut off Sakra’s
arm! My comrades who were watching got excited and there were
also some that jumped! I was also surprised and stood up! While
Sakra already had his arm severed off, he still swung the Vajra
towards God Mahabali and electrocuted his whole body! Sakra
seemed — happy from the bottom of his heart.

[HAHAHA! You are giving me quite the fight!]

The commentator shouted.

<<Oohh! Mahabali-senshu! He cut off one of Sakra-senshu’s arms!>>

The spectators shown on the screen were also super excited—. God
Mahabali had probably reached his limits after taking Sakra’s arm as
his body staggered upon receiving Vajra’s lightning. Sakra didn’t let
the chance slip. As he charged up a maximum amount of Godly aura
on his Vajra, he released it at God Mahabali at once! The flash of
lightning covered the entire field—. God Mahabali — suffered a

great deal of damage all over his body. Smoke came out from his
body. And then, he fell down as he lost consciousness. Sakra quietly
flew down. The camera showed the destroyed ground as a result of
their battle. God Mahabali was lying on the ground with his face
down. Sakra stood beside the defeated God Mahabali and said.

[—This is checkmate, huh. At least according to the Tournament


Sakra picked up his severed arm and when he put it back where it
was severed — it reverted back to normal. God Mahabali smiled

[…It’s still not enough, huh.]

The Prince of the Godly Asura Tribe was enveloped in the light of
retirement. Sakra said to God Mahabali, who was enveloped in the
light of retirement.

[We won’t know the result the next time we fight though.]

God Mahabali smiled in satisfaction upon hearing Sakra’s words, who

was supposed to be his father’s enemy.

[…Hmph. It feels good to be told something like that by your


And then, God Mahabali disappeared into the retirement light. The
announcer said.

<<The retirement of the [King] of team [Asura] is confirmed.>>

Upon hearing that, the commentator roared.

<<The [King] of team [Asura] Mahabali-senshu has retireeeeeeeeed!

The win goes to team [Vajra]! The team who has won the first match
of the main draw is [Vajraaaaaaaaaaaa]!>>


After the commentator announced who the winner was, the

spectators were also really charged up. Sakra’s win, huh. But…Sakra
also didn’t come out unscathed. Sakra had visibly suffered several
injuries here and there on his body, as shown on-screen. Likewise,
his subordinates, the Four Heavenly Kings, and Arjuna also suffered
significant damage. The fated match was not a one-sided victory.
Ravel said.

“Even if it’s Sakra’s team who have never lost until now, they still
received damage in the main draw, huh.”

Irina became excited and added.

“I could see the Prince of the Godly Asura Tribe’s willpower.”

Yeah, I also sensed that. I felt that, during this fated match, even
though they were each other’s nemesis, both Sakra and God
Mahabali challenged each other with all their might. As the first
match came to an end, we also ended our get-together. As everyone
stood up from their seats, Ravel said to me.

“Ise-sama, let’s prepare for the training camp.”

“Ah, right.”

And so, the first match of Rating Game World Tournament [Azazel
Cup] ended with the victory for team [Vajra], led by Sakra. Now, it
was also time for us to begin the training camp preparation for our
upcoming match!

[1] Jikokuten ( Sanskrit – धत

ृ राष्ट्र ,Dhṛtarāṣṭra)

Lit. He who upholds the realm.

[2] Koumukuten (Sanskrit – विरूपाक्ष Virūpākṣa)

Lit. He who sees all.

[3] Tamonten (Sanskrit – िैश्रिण (कुबेर) Vaiśravaṇa)

Lit. He who hears everything.

[4] Zouchouten (Sanskrit – विरूढक Virūḍhaka)

Lit. He who causes to grow.


A village had been prepared for the contestants of the Rating Game
World Tournament. The copper-haired Devil — Balberith was
focusing on something in the lodge of his team [Black Satan of
Darkness Dragon King]. He was watching something in the room that
was prepared for the contestants. The show that he watched was —
the [Chichiryuutei Oppai Dragon] special effects show. Balberith was
a being that was born from the mother of Devils Lilith and was being
used by Hades (the complete form of the unknown Devils that
appeared in Kuoh Town). He was a Devil that secretly had the power
of a Transcendental-class. The rulers of Hell had him participate in
the Rating Game World Tournament as a member of the [Black Satan
of Darkness Dragon King] team in order to measure his power.
During the preliminary matches, he created an upset as he managed
to beat God Mahabali. After showing his full potential in the
tournament, he was predicted to defeat all of the supernatural
beings. As a result, he became the center of attention of the people
who were involved in the tournament, all mythologies’ VIPs, as well
as research institutions.

And that popular young one — was addicted to [Chichiryuutei Oppai


[Oppai Dragon] — in other words, while having an interest in the Red

Dragon Emperor of the Two Heavenly Dragons, Hyoudou Issei, and
getting his hands on the special effects program…he got addicted to
it. Balberith had the body and knowledge of a young man, but his
mentality was still like a child. The [Oppai Dragon] that was popular
among the kids in the Underworld also affected his child-like mind.
Being born in a special way, he was particularly interested in the
concept of a ‘father’, and as he was searching about Hyoudou Issei,

he found this [Oppai Dragon] and found several fatherly
characteristics from Hyoudou Issei (he had this wrong thought of
chichi (boobs) being the same as chichi (father)).

Every day, he would lock himself up in his bedroom after training and
sit in front of the TV. He would earnestly continue to watch the
[Oppai Dragon] show there. Balberith, who continuously watched
[Oppai Dragon] on the TV, had two Devils under him that were also
born from Lilith, who were under Hades’s control too. A black-haired
young Devil that had a giant body around two meters tall — Gressil,
and another small Devil with a skinny body — Sonneillon. Both of
them were members of [Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King] and
possessed power above Maou-class beings. They demonstrated that
power in their matches as they easily defeated Ultimate-class Devils.
They could also defeat Low-class Gods. However, like Balberith, they
still had the mind of a child as they were just born not long ago. The
giant Gressil said to Balberith.

“Oi, Bal. You’re free until the match starts right? Wanna go walk with


Sonneillon also uttered a few words. He was originally not a talkative

type to begin with. Balberith replied without turning back,

“Gressil and Sonneillon, huh. I’m sorry, but I’ll pass.”

Gressil sighed in response as he glanced at Balberith, who

continuously watched the special effects show.

“Well, you’re just going to study the Sekiryuutei, right? You’re doing
it too much. Also, we have free time until the match starts. Let’s pick
a fight with them and show our real power. The power of the so-
called Transcendental-sama and Maou-sama.”

“…Easily… Crush them easily… Everyone, weak.”

“Don’t wo~rry, they won’t find out as the Grim Reapers will do the

Sonneillon and Gressil said those things boldly. Those two really liked
fighting and violence. In that regard, they were far rougher than
Balberith. However, Balberith didn’t respond.

“Do as you please. I will…watch this. It’s better if you guys watch it
with me. We might even learn about the Gremory Peerage and the
Two Heavenly Dragons who appear in the main draw.”

Sonneillon and Gressil sighed as if mocking Balberith’s words.

“Come on, are you serious?”

“…[Oppai Dragon]… What a joke!”

Sonneillon and Gressil left as they got tired of talking to Balberith.

“Tch. Sonneillon, let’s go. Ah~, I want to fight.”

“…Want to defeat and erase someone…”

After dropping those words, Gressil and Sonneillon left. The one who
was watching all of that was a skeleton in a robe with a hood — a
Grim Reaper. This Grim Reaper was a High-class one named Zeno.
He was registered as the [King] of [Black Satan of Darkness Dragon
King]. Under the orders of Hades and the other rulers of Hell, he
completed the tournament registration first. After Balberith and the
others were born, they were invited to the team and he was the one
who took care of them.

<<Gressil and Sonneillon are troublesome. They must be feeling

superior right now after winning the matches. I’ll ask the other Grim
Reapers to stop them.>>

As he said that, he looked to Balberith.He didn’t know what to say
about his feelings towards the talented man who was addicted to the
special effects show.

<<…The child that was supposed to be the most troublesome if he

were to go berserk calmed down thanks to Oppai Dragon… I guess I
should express my gratitude to the Sekiryuutei.>>

The babysitting Grim Reaper was in a difficult position. —And then, a

new voice chimed in.

“Bal. Are you there, Balberith?”

The jade-haired girl — Verrine showed up. Like Balberith, she was a
talented girl that had the power of a Transcendental-class being.
Balberith and Verrine were the best among the Devils that were born
from Lilith in Hades’s plan. Verrine, who was a member of the [Black
Satan of Darkness Dragon King], had the most mature mind among
the Devils that Lilith gave birth to. However, she still had a childish

“…Verrine, huh. This is the best moment. The final fight between
Oppai Dragon and Darkness Knight Fang.”

Verrine sighed in response to seeing Balberith, who didn’t move an

inch from the TV.

“Huh… You never change. By the way, this came in.”

Verrine was holding a box on her hands. After confirming it,



His eyes changed as he snatched the box away from Verrine’s hands.
There was something written on the box — [Oppai Dragon].

“W-Wait, Balberith?”

Verrine was surprised at his sudden movements. Balberith opened

the box and checked its contents. —His hands trembled as soon as
he saw the letter. And then, even his voice trembled.

“My letter got a reply. It’s from [Oppai Dragon], Hyoudou Issei,

Balberith opened the letter and started to read the content seriously.
Verrine peeked at the letter and said.

“Is this the reply to the fan letter that you sent? Ara, I guess this is
what they call sincerity. Wow, you actually got a reply. The hard
work you put in to remember the letters paid off, huh.”

Having read the letter, Balberith removed the items that were inside
the box. There were several tickets and an [Oppai Dragon] hat. While
comparing the contents of the letter and the several tickets,
Balberith said.

“…I’ve also attached tickets to the show and a hat. Please come and
see the show.”

Verrine asked Balberith, who was shaking.

“Wait, don’t tell me that you—”

Balberith put on the hat and had the best laugh in his life while
enveloping his body with a massive amount of aura and said.

“Verrine, I’ll go and see [Oppai Dragon]’s show.”

As expected, Zeno, who had a supervising role, didn’t know what to

say to these occurrences. He was unsure of how to report this to his
higher-ups. If there were any miscalculations by the God of
Netherworld, Hades, it was the [Chichiryuutei Oppai Dragon] show

that was centered on love, friendship and hard work that was
popular among children. To Balberith, who was just born and didn’t
know much about the concept of justice and evil, [Chichiryuutei
Oppai Dragon] was surely what he aimed to be. His compulsory
education was given to him by the [Chichiryuutei Oppai Dragon].

Life.3 The Preparation for Battle!
The night before the scheduled training camp at the mountain—.


Akeno-san suddenly got on top of me on the bed and hugged me!

After relaxing myself, I took a bath and went to my room to prepare
for tomorrow, but as I entered the room — it turned into a
mysteriously erotic space! The room with a large bed was the door-
knob-erotic-room (I named it that)! Basically, if you open a door with
a specific doorknob, you get lured into a lustful space instead of the
original room.! At first, it was Heaven which made it solely for Irina.
Because Angels would fall if they engaged in lewd activities with
another race, they pitied her and hence made the room so she
wouldn’t fall even if she did lewd things. Affected by that, the Fallen
Angel Organisation Grigori also gave Akeno-san (the daughter of the
vice governor Barakiel) a special door-knob-erotic-room! And this
was Akeno-san’s lust room!

Because of this, I would always remain cautious whenever I opened a

door as I might be entering a lust room for a period of time. This time
too, I entered Akeno-san’s lust room after I finished taking a bath
and opened my room’s door. I wondered what the doors in my
house had become. As I entered the room, Akeno-san took off her
clothes and hugged me with her naked body! I was already pushed
down on the bed and being kissed passionately! I was able to feel the
euphoric sensation throughout my whole body as Akeno-san’s soft
skin pressed against me. …Akeno-san’s tongue moved intensely
within my mouth… I wanted to resist, but Akeno-san’s tongue was
too extreme…! It was as if my tongue was sucked in. Every time
Akeno-san kissed me, her technique became even better… She also
quickly removed my clothes whilst kissing me so that I couldn’t do
anything. Once she finished with the long kiss, she moved her lips

away and a strand of saliva formed between our lips. My head was
already boiling and I couldn’t think of anything. Akeno-san sat on top
of me as she said,

“I was thinking of supplying a part of Ise-kun as we’ll be separated

during the training camp by having the two of us use this room.”

Supplying a part of me! …The two of us? Not only Akeno-san? As I

thought about that, there was someone small who showed up from
the shadows of the bed. —It was Koneko-chan! While wearing only a
piece of underwear, Koneko-chan kissed me. It was quite cute as our
lips just touched each other’s… But I was surprised by Koneko-chan’s
initiative. Koneko-chan said,

“….Akeno-san and I have decided to spoil Ise-senpai as much as

possible because we’ll be separated and will be going to our
respective training camps.”

So I was lured into this lust room so they could spoil me before the
training camp and the match! Koneko-chan turned to my back and
thrust her body against me as she said.

“Especially me, because I’ll go on a school trip after the match… and
won’t have any time with Ise-senpai!”

Yes, Kuoh Academy’s school trip was coming soon. Every year around
this time, the second-year students would always focus on the school
trip. I was like that too. It looked like Kuoh Academy would also be
going to Kyoto for this year as well… Not long after I had such
thoughts, Akeno-san got closer to me from the front, while Koneko-
chan approached me from behind! Akeno-san kept kissing me on my
lips, shoulders, arms and stomach, while Koneko-chan lightly bit my
ears, neck and back. I-I was being kissed by Akeno-san and Koneko-

While embracing me on the bed, Akeno-san suddenly spoke.

“I am unsure if I’m happy or sad fighting my husband… The S&M
sides of me are in conflict with each other… It’s getting complicated.”

! Her face indicated that she could go either way! Was she so
immersed in the role play!? I said to Akeno-san and Koneko-chan,

“I might have to fight, or even defeat Akeno-san and Koneko-chan…

But when the time comes, I will—”

I was about to continue on, but Akeno-san kissed me, covering my

mouth which made me stop. As she moved her lips away, Akeno-san

“I don’t need your apology. We are Ise-kun’s comrades. In fact, we’ll

go at Ise-kun with all of our strength, you know?”

Koneko-chan also responded bravely to this.

“That’s right. Be ready, senpai.”

…I was embarrassed by their words. Geez, my future brides sure are

brave and reassuring. That’s why I fell in love with them. The two of
them then pushed me down again! Both of them, as if peeking at
me, spoke as Akeno-san grinned and said something bold.

“Well then, I’ll spoil you as much as I want.”

“Y-Yeah. So, I guess I’ll just surrender myself to you then.”

“Yeah. As expected, I really want to feel my husband closer and

But, this time, I announced something!

“I-I already said that I want to have my first time with everyone!”

That’s what I said to my future brides when I was about to fight Nyx,
that my first time would be with everyone! Akeno-san smiled as she
went “Ara ara, ufufu”. At the same time, she took my hand and

placed it on her chest. My fingers melted into her boobs as I felt the
ultimate soft sensations!

“No one will know as long as we keep it a secret. This is going to be a

secret between me, husband and Koneko-chan only.”

T-That’s possible!? N-No, the other girls would feel bad, and if they
found out… I’ll not only be scolded and I don’t even know what
would happen to me! Akeno-san and Koneko-chan’s faces got closer
to me! They had the determination as they had a lewd look in their
eyes, which made resisting impossible… At that time, a voice
suddenly rang out.

“Akeno, Koneko, what are you two doing?”

As I turned around, all the girls living here — Rias, Asia, Xenovia,
Irina, Rossweisse-san, Ravel and Ingvild, entered the room! (Kuroka
and Le Fay had something to do so they weren’t here). That voice
just now was Rias’s. She raised one of her eyebrows, looking
annoyed! Xenovia and Irina said upon seeing this,

“So it’s okay to have a head start!”

“Eh!? B-But darling said that he’d do it with everyone.”

“Irina, I think the game plan for men and women is complicated. Ise
sleeping with us secretly is also one of the possibilities.”

“Sleeping secretly! …It’s a word that might make me fall, but I am

somehow excited!”

What are these two saying!? Rossweisse-san and Ravel then spoke in
hushed tones,

“…This room, where can I get it?”

“I’ve ordered it from Grigori. Ah, don’t get me wrong. I did it so that
these things don’t happen to Ise-sama. Also, I could use it when I
want to talk about things secretly with Ise-sama.”

“You want to make a child without anyone knowing, huh. As

expected of a strategist.”

Being confronted by Xenovia, Ravel turned red as she stammered “N-


…I had a hunch that all my future brides would be getting their own
lust room! Ingvild tilted her head as she said,

“Do I have to hug Ise naked as well? It’s a bit embarrassing though…”

The girls’ behavior was affecting the rookie as well! As it turned into
such an awkward situation, Asia said to Rias,

“Onee-sama, what should we do?”

Rias being the leader of the girls inhaled deeply and said to

“Let’s sleep together with everyone.”

And with that, everyone including me went into my room as we slept


No matter how big my bed was, it still felt small when there were so
many people… But, this was also the compromise that everyone
could accept. When the girls started to say “I will…” “Me too…”, I
slept with everyone fairly. It was a peaceful solution, but now that it
had come to this, I’d most likely get kicked by Xenovia’s bad sleeping
posture and wakeup on the floor. As expected, I was on the floor
when I woke up this time as well. But, the one that kicked me off the
bed was — Kuroka who had come home and got into bed without
me noticing.

Part 2

The next morning, we, the members of the [Sekiryuutei of the

Blazing Truth] team, teleported to the foot of the training camp
mountain using a transportation magic circle and walked along the
trail. The area was overgrown with trees, the sky was clear and the
birds were chirping — wait, it felt like the training camp that I went
to prior to the match against Phoenix …n such an amazing location,
we walked along the mountain’s slope. I was carrying a giant
rucksack on my back which had necessary items for the training
camp. As we walked along the dirt-covered slope, I thought of myself
back at that time when I carried a similar heavy rucksack while
struggling to walk along the mountain trail as I kept running out of
breath. But now, I could walk and carry a rucksack that’s several
times heavier with this degree of slope. Although I had to admit that
I still sweated, this was hardly a challenge. That’s just how much
effort I had to put in the mountain life that I had with Tannin-ossan.
Also, there was a time when I climbed the mountain with Sairaorg-
san… As I turned back, I saw everyone following me without losing
their pace. The beautiful girl with wavy pink hair, Roygun Belphegor-
san, as well as a silver-haired girl with a Dragon mask who held our
team’s Queen role, Bina Lessthan-shi. These two also participated in
the training camp. I asked Ravel,

“So, where’s the mountain villa?”

She looked at the map and said,

“Just a little bit further.”

I see, just a bit more, huh. Even though I bought this mountain, I
didn’t know anything about it or the villa on it at all. It couldn’t be
helped as I didn’t have the time…but I really bought a mountain, huh.
…I wasn’t very sure how I should feel about the amount of royalty
money that I was receiving from the Oppai Dragon show in my bank

account, and being a high-schooler, I was also not sure on how to
spend it wisely…No, this is also an investment for my future brides,
an investment! I’ll start using this mountain from now on! I
continued on while having such a conversation in my head. By the
way, ordinary humans wouldn’t be able to step inside here as it
seemed like there was already a barrier in place surrounding the
whole area of the mountain. Of course, supernatural beings too.

—Finally, we were able to see our destination, the mountain villa

which was just finished. It looked like a mansion—.


Xenovia, Irina and I exclaimed in amazement upon seeing the

mansion. It’s big! Though not as big as the current Hyoudou
Residence… Still, it had three floors. It was also quite vast, and there
was even a garage next to the mansion. Ravel went to the door and
extended her hands. A magic circle appeared and an unlocking sound
[click] was heard. Ravel said.

“Currently, this mansion can only be unlocked by Ise-sama and his

peerage. By sticking out your hands like this, you can unlock and lock
the door.”

As we finished listening, everyone entered the mansion. After

putting our luggage down in the living room, we put our food in the
freezer. Speaking of which, TVs, tables, chairs, and all types of
furniture were already in place, huh… People of the House of
Gremory, thank you for the construction and furniture! After
deciding on the rooms and getting a tour of the mansion, we took a
break while talking about our training camp plans. After everyone
had confirmed their mountain training program—.

“Well, now that the training camp has begun, everyone will train by
themselves until nightfall!”


And with that, the mountain training camp officially started with my
I thought that since I bought this mountain myself, I’d try to get to
the top. I started climbing as soon as the preparations were ready.

“I’ll go as well.”

“I’ll accompany you.”

Nakiri and Bova accompanied me to the top. As the mountain wasn’t

that high, we climbed it quickly. Well, even if I slipped, I could just
expand my wings to perform an emergency maneuver. Bova climbed
the mountain after he made his body smaller. I asked Nakiri,

“I heard that people climb mountains in the way of Shugendo, but

did you actually do it without using any trail?”

“Yeah, we climb on a cliff-like rock surface and we depend on

chains.” answered Nakiri.

Ah~, I might have seen it on TV, a cliff that had chains stuck on it.
And while having that conversation, we quickly climbed and reached
the top in no time. Nakiri had gotten used to this thanks to his
training. Bova was also used to this as well, as it looked like there
were times when he would get left behind on a mountain by his
father. Upon reaching our destination, we were astonished by the
beautiful scenery as we observed the surrounding environment from
there. A holy aura could be seen at a place quite far from us. That
must be Xenovia and Irina’s combination. They said that they’d make
some final adjustments before the match as they swung their swords
at each other. And on a certain place farther off — I could sense a
strong Devil aura. That must be Bina-shi and Roygun-san. Both of
them seemed to have a common thing in their mind as Bina-shi
agreed to Roygun-san’s invitation.

…Roygun Belphegor belonged to one of the [Extra Demon] clans as
she came from the Belphegor house. She was also a former pro
player of the Rating Games as she was ranked second. Roygun-san
had a nice reputation in terms of skills as she was next to the
Champion Diehauser Belial. However, Roygun-san violated the game
rules, and due to an act that was not made public, her rank was
stripped off and she couldn’t participate in the Rating Games
anymore. The act that wasn’t made public — was actually the
existence of the King piece in the Evil PieceSystem. Its specialty was
that it strengthened anyone wielding it. It was unbelievable because
the level of strengthening was so overwhelming it could at least go
up by ten or even a hundred times. There were fears that if it were
to be made public, people harboring a grudge towards the current
government might show up. So, Ajuka Beelzebub-sama, the creator
of Evil Pieces, also stopped the production of the King piece after the
first batch. By the way, the Devils’ higher-ups that held the Rating
Game retrieved that first batch and used it on pure-blooded High-
class Devils. As such, Roygun-san, who was uncertain of her talents
and abilities, got hold of the King piece and obtained power rivaling
that of a Maou. She kept winning in the Rating Game and reached
the second rank. However, the existence of the King piece was
publicised to the Netherworld and other mythologies during the
incident that Rizevim caused, the [Evil Dragon War], which resulted
in many people becoming aware of its existence. After that, Roygun-
san returned the King piece, and as a result, her status was
downgraded from an Ultimate-class Devil to a High-class Devil, she
was kicked out from the House of Belphegor, and finally, became
unable to participate in the normal Rating Games. Even so, because
of Roygun-san’s love for the Rating Games, she didn’t give up and
felt determined to participate in the World Tournament.Because
anyone could participate in the Rating Game World Tournament, you
could show your fighting style to the public and possibly return to
being a pro player. The reason Roygun-san came to me was because I

was an active member of [DxD], and had also gained popularity in
the Underworld thanks to the Oppai Dragon. She must have felt that
her chances of getting back to being a pro player would be higher if
she were to fight under me.

…She also said that she was simply interested in me. I heard that she
had a liking for younger boys. W-Well, I guess it was an honour for
us, having the former second-rank and a woman so beautiful to join
us. Plus, Roygun-sun was a well-informed person. She knew things
that only we knew and could also get her hands on the things that
we didn’t know. Being the former second rank, she was
knowledgeable in terms of the Rating Games as well. Ravel and I
valued those key points. Even though Roygun-san’s power was
downgraded from a Maou-class to her original after giving up the
King piece, the skills she had developed in the Rating Game were the
real deal, and Crack, the special ability of the Belphegor house, was
extremely powerful as well. Even when she was against The King of
Monsters, Typhon, one of the most powerful beings even amongst
all mythologies during the preliminaries, she didn’t retire although
she was defeated due to exhaustion. And, in order to polish her
abilities further, she began training with Bina-shi, one of the most
powerful members of our team. Both of them were driven to utilise
this opportunity in the best way possible.

—Those were the training scenes I could see from the top of the
mountain. Asia, Ravel, Rossweisse-san and Elmenhilde must be doing
magic training together. Ah, the rookie of my peerage Ingvild also
participated. …Yep, I was worried about Ingvild. I had to measure her
power levels to see if she could be of use in the match. And with
that, I told Nakiri and Bova “Let’s head down” and we started to go

As we went down, Nakiri, Bova and I walked towards Asia, Ravel, and
the others’ place near the villa. If I wasn’t mistaken, I heard that

they’d be training near the small river. When we passed the forest
and got close to the river, my eyes caught a glimpse of — a giant
Dragon made out of water (an oriental Dragon with a long body)
emerging from the river as it floated around the sky. It looked like
Ingvild, whose body was enveloped in a light purple aura, was
controlling the water Dragon from around the river. As I sneakily
stood next to Ravel, she whispered,

“…Just by teaching her a bit on how to use her magic, she managed
to do this.”

Rossweisse-san who was also there added.,

“…A genius, huh? She managed to show her knowledge in all
elements starting from the water element. Right now, she’s putting
them into use by making a form out of the magic.”

Wait, wait, she started to put them into use while I was climbing the
mountain…? Unbelievable! Asia and Elmenhilde held their breath as
they gazed at Ingvild’s practice. Ingvild was making a hell of an
impression in this training camp. But, I was also a bit worried. So, I
asked Ravel,

“Ingvild…won’t make it to the next match, huh?”

“Yeah, having just awakened her Devil power, her Sacred Gear’s
special power is still unstable. And above all, if you look at her
current power, the cost of her Evil Pieces is too high.”

Ingvild turned into a servant Devil as she held my Queen piece. In the
Rating Game, the concept of the [cost] of each piece was highly
regarded. As there were also ‘values’ for pieces in the humans’ chess
that became the inspiration for the Rating Games, the Evil Pieces
copied that. The Pawn’s value was one, the Bishop and Knight’s
values were three, the Rook’s value was five, while the Queen’s
value was nine. Upon becoming a servant, the being’s value was the

same as the number of the required pieces to be consumed. When I
was resurrected into Rias’s servant, I required 8 Pawn pieces, so my
value was also eight. As this was also important in the Rating Game
World Tournament, a special value system was created (in the
tournament, most of the participants only have one piece except for
the Pawn. However, God-class beings could easily require two
pieces) and the team composition had to be based on this. The
decision of the Pawn piece usage was especially difficult. The value
system in this tournament used a special smartphone app that was
prepared by the developer to allow the participants to measure the
required pieces of the target by taking a picture of them.

Yesterday, when we were checking out Ingvild’s Pawn value — the

number seven appeared. Seven was a big number. It meant her cost
was too big. Although in the tournament you didn’t have to follow
the role of one’s original piece as you could place them in whatever
role you wanted (a Knight servant can be placed as a Rook in the
tournament for instance)… If I were to make her a Pawn, it’d take
around seven of them. Damn, because of the tournament’ system,
my Queen Evil Piece is now necessary, huh… I said,

“The number on the app, I wonder if it includes talent.”

To which Ravel replied,

“That’s what I thought. The new Longinus, and also the fact that
Ingvild-sama has the blood of Leviathan, must’ve contributed to that

Yeah, that must be the reason why Ravel said “if you look at her
current power, the cost of her Evil Pieces is too high”. Even if she had
the talent, the time to make her stronger was very limited. I

“As someone whose piece value is eight, I also challenged the
Phoenix house — Ravel and the others without any preparation as
well, but…I guess it’s a different situation.”

The Gremory peerage at that time consisted entirely of me, Rias,

Akeno-san, Koneko-chan, Asia and Kiba. That’s why, even though I
was inexperienced, my battle power was still highly regarded. Ravel

“Yeah, Rias-sama’s peerage at the time was incomplete, which is why

Ise-sama also had no choice but to participate.”

Gasper was sealed at the time as he was unable to fully utilise his
Sacred Gear. Thinking about it now, it was just unbelievable that we
lacked that much fighting power. Ravel continued,

“Ise-sama, you know that there are many concerns regarding Ingvild-
sama’s Sacred Gear, right?”

“Yeah. Considering her current state where she cannot control the
target of her power, she might not be of much use in the game.
Because even if she stopped Crom Cruach, Bova, Nakiri and I would
be stopped as well.”

Yes, Ingvild still hadn’t completely mastered her Sacred Gear’s

speciality. She couldn’t control the target of her songs and would just
make all Dragons powerless. It just wouldn’t work if I also had to be
stopped just to stop Crom Cruach. However, her song that was
recorded showed no effect in the present. Rossweisse-san added,

“However…regarding Ingvild, I measured only the amount of her

aura and…the calculation showed that she was already Maou-class,
or even above that… Taking her talent with controlling magic into
account, I couldn’t even imagine just how powerful she’ll be once
she masters the specialty of Maou Leviathan. I mean, even this
Water Dragon looked like it was formed unconsciously.”

—! The amount of her aura was Maou-class or above!? In her current
condition!? …I-I really made a hell of a girl my servant, huh. …I
wonder if this was what Rias felt when she picked me, the Red
Dragon Emperor? But no, I didn’t have the power of a Maou-class. As
I looked at Ingvild who controlled the Water Dragon, I said,

“So her talent’s like the girl version of Vali, huh… As expected, the
True Maou’s lineage is no joke.”

The specialty of True Maou Leviathan was called — [Sea Serpent of

The End]. At the extremes, it could control the sea and draw a large
amount of water, drowning a whole city or something. I also heard
that it could create a snake-shaped Dragon… The water Dragon that
Ingvild unconsciously made with her magic was a part of that. Having
a great Longinus that dwelled within her body, Ingvild seemed to be
developing her ability especially on water and Dragons. I said to

“Although this training camp is supposed to decide whether she’ll

participate in the next game or not, it seems like the result is out.”


“Yeah, I won’t have her participate in the match against Rias and
others. We’ll just have to observe Ingvild’s ability in this training
camp. Well, if her Sacred Gear didn’t function properly and went on
a rampage, Nakiri, Bova and I wouldn’t be able to fight.”

Upon hearing that, Nakiri and Bova also agreed as both of them went
“It’d be troublesome if we were rendered immobile after hearing her
song” and “Indeed” respectively. Ravel responded with
“Understood” and added,

“Actually, Ise-sama, this was delivered from the Gremory side…”

Ravel created a small magic circle on her hand and a document
emerged. As I saw the document, I was — left speechless. I asked

“…D-Do I have to do this?”

Ravel replied,

“They want you to do it. They’ll prepare everything.”

Seriously! Geez, is the Gremory trying to make me rich or what!?

Ravel said,

“We’d have to consult with Asia-sama as well.”

As I placed my hand on my forehead, I looked at Asia. Noticing that,

Asia tilted her head sideways looking puzzled… —While I was
thinking, the water Dragon that Ingvild was controlling suddenly lost
its shape and turned to water as it flowed back into the river. While
everyone was worried about what had happened to her, Ingvild went
“Hmm” as she yawned. Ingvild then wiped her eyes and said,

“I’m sleepy.”

Ingvild was a girl who slept quite a lot. There were a lot of times
where she’d be sleeping when we didn’t pay attention. She also
tended to sleep during her Devil’s job, or even in the middle of class.
This was the effect of the Devil-only Sleeping Disease, but…I was
afraid that she might fall into a long slumber once more. However, I
heard that she didn’t show any signs of the long sleep as of now.
After returning the document to Ravel, I said to Ingvild and the

“Let’s have a quick rest and we’ll train again at night.”


For now, we’d have a snack time with the people here. The training
camp also continued after that.

Part 3

[Let’s ea~t!]

The morning of the third day of our training camp. Everyone

gathered to have breakfast. Everyone was eating energetically as a
result of the workout done during this training camp. The menu
varied from Japanese and Western to Underworld food. The food
was primarily prepared by Asia, Ravel, Rossweisse-san, Bina-shi and
Roygun-san. The Underworld cuisine was nicely done by Bina-shi,
who was…good at cooking thanks to her true identity, and Roygun-
san, who had a hobby of culinary research despite being a noble. The
foods were centered on protein-rich ingredients like meat and fish
along with fruits and desserts. Although the amount of rice and
bread wasn’t that intimidating, everyone ate energetically as it was
part of the training. Like Xenovia, who ate five rice bowls in the
morning. Nakiri was amazing as well, having eaten god knows how
many kilos of chicken tenders during the training camp. Still, the one
who ate the most was the Dragon who had a giant body, Bova.
Bova’s food had been prepared separately beforehand and was
brought here.

“Please eat the sufficient amount of calories you need.”

Everyone answered with [Yes] in response to Ravel’s words. The

training would start before noon once everyone had breakfast and
rested for a little while. I also took a rest after eating while preparing
the things to climb the mountain. Now, regarding everyone’s training
menu in this training camp—.

The offense group consisting of Xenovia, Irina, Nakiri and Bova would
mainly be training by sparring in the woods or mountains. Xenovia

paired with Irina and Nakiri with Bova, but there were also some
mock fights done outside of these pairs. Those who mainly used
Demonic Energy, magic and spells, like Asia, Ravel, Rossweisse-san,
Elmenhilde and Ingvild, helped each other to strengthen their
demonic power and magical power, as well as improve their
techniques. Bina-shi and Roygun remained unchanged since the first
day as they trained together. As for my training, I wore my armor
and tried to see how long I could keep myself in this form alone in
the mountain. You could say that I was, in a way, adjusting and
boosting my stamina.

The Pseudo Dragon Deification was so strong that it could even stand
against God-class beings. But my homework was still the
preservation of my strength and stamina to counter the extreme
consumption. In order to elevate that just for a little bit, I chose to
train by holding myself in the armor silently. I was also thinking of
prolonging the duration of Ddraig’s manifestation. As I meditated, I
discussed things with Ddraig who dwelled inside my Sacred Gear.
Anyway, our fighting power would be increased if I could prolong the
duration of my Dragon Deification and Ddraig’s manifestation.
Especially the latter one. Ddraig’s manifestation was really important
for the next match or the tournament itself…o, he’s also important
for normal fights. Even making him able to remain just a second
longer would be nice. Although it might not look that significant,
Azazel-sensei and Tannin-ossan said that this kind of training was
important as well. Starting as a super weak high school student, I had
trained repeatedly. A year and a half ago, I was also told by Rias that
the basics of my power were important. The situation would have
turned out differently just by the mere change of [1] to [2]. If the
starting number becomes higher, the increase in power would also
be big. The things you said that time are still engraved deeply in my
heart, Rias. And as I continued this training, I planned to spar as we
also trained together on our last day. Well, to be honest, I don’t think

that there’s any change from my usual training, but training,
sleeping, and eating with everyone was also important compared to
training in the vast white training space. As I finished my training in
the mountain on that day, I climbed down and headed to the villa.
Today was an important day–The day when the second match

—It’s Sairaorg-san’s match! Knowing this, everyone stopped their

training and gathered in the living room. As everyone gathered in
front of the TV that could also broadcast the Underworld’s programs,
everyone waited for the start of the match.

“Now, it’s Sairaorg-san’s match, huh…”

The announcer had already started the commentary. The stage was
[Baal Stadium] in the Baal territory. As we waited for the match to
start, Xenovia voiced her concerns.

“I am worried about the field condition for the main draw’s matches.
I think it’s absurd for the fight between Gods to take place in this
game field.”

Ravel replied,

“I was told that as it has countless barriers surrounding it, they would
still be able to continue the fight in a blank space even if the field
was destroyed.”

As there were such conversations, the match started. The

commentator and announcer started off, holding the mic.

<<Now, the fight between the team whose King is the next head of
the Great King clan, Sairaorg Bael-senshu, [Imperial Purpure], and
the team whose King is Shooting Star-senshu, [Shooting Star], is
about the begin!>>

<<The fight between one of the Rookies Four and the mysterious
upcomer! This will be exciting!>>

The game field was inspired by the sea in the human world. Although
most of the surface was water, there were also many islands. Now
that the field was like this, the fight would mainly happen on the
surface of the sea or on one of the islands. However, moving from
one island to another would attract attention, and therefore make it
more risky.

<<Game Start!>>

As the arbiter announced the start, the Game begun. As the teams
moved to their own respective HQ, both teams started to create
their own strategies. As everyone watched the match closely, Ravel

“If you think about it, the Bael team is superior.”

Sairaorg-san’s team consisted of his peerage and the servants of his

step-brother that changed depending on the circumstances. As this
was the main draw, the next head of the Duke Agares house,
Seekvaira Agares, also cooperated by contributing her servants,
making Sairaorg-san’s team very flexible in terms of its members. As
things went on, Rossweisse-san muttered quietly,

“But unexpected things might also happen in this tournament…”

Yes, the team of Sairaorg-san’s enemy also kept winning from the
second half of the prelims and became one of the teams that
remained into the main draw.

—Suddenly! There was a huge flash of light from a certain island! A

giant aura bullet was fired to the field! The aura bullet that was equal
to a Maou…no, to a God-class being’s size and trait that was shot

straight suddenly changed its trajectory as if it was being mowed
down! I’ve seen this attack before! Bina-shi said,

“It looks a bit like the attack that we did in the fight against Sitri team
right after the match begun.”

Yeah! I also thought the same! When we were matched against Sona
Sitri-senpai in the prelims, I followed Ravel’s plan and fired Pseudo
Dragon Deification’s Infinity Blaster to where the enemies were,
erasing anything in its way. The attack that could have erased the sea
field was…probably fired by the [Shooting Star] team’s King, Shooting
Star-senshu. Shooting Star-senshu held the new Longinus [Star
Buster Star Blaster], a Longinus that came with a set of a longsword
and a rifle. And the thing that he fired was a very powerful blast that
could send even a God-class being (non-battle type) flying even
though it’s not in Balance Breaker! That one just now must be
something that was fired using the Rifle. I saw it in the recordings of
the prelim match. As the screen showed the field—, several islands
that were scattered in the sea surface were blown away! What
power! Even though it’s not a Balance Breaker, this power is just…!
What is wrong with these new Longinus!? As there was a sudden
attack, the announcer said,

<<Team [Imperial Purpure]’s one Bishop and Pawn retire!>>


…Two members of Sairaorg-san’s team were defeated at the start,

huh! Some of them must not have been able to escape as it was a
surprise attack. Sairaorg-san and his other members were shown
flying on the screen as they quickly flew down on an unharmed
island. The islands that were present at the start had been blown off
after all.

“Although we don’t know how many times that attack can be done in
a single match, being on an island for a long period of time would be
suicide for Sairaorg-san’s team.”

That’s right. There was no one in Sairaorg-san’s team who could fire
a projectile as powerful as Shooting Star-senshu’s. That meant firing
at each other would be impossible. Plus, team [Shooting Star]
must’ve already noticed that they had moved to another island. If
they stayed for a long time, they might get shot by that again.
Knowing this, both teams started moving. Sairaorg-san’s team
members started to spread their wings and flew away as they spread
out. Having lost two members, they flew away in a group of three
while Sairaorg-san simply showed himself in his lion armor!

In the main draw, there were no complicated rules as you just

needed to take down the King in order to win, and Sairaorg-san’s
gesture was a challenge that said “Fight me!”. Although it’s
equivalent to suicide, you could say that it’s exactly what Sairaorg-
san would do. Not long after that, the giant bullet was once again
fired towards Sairaorg-san! Even if it’s Sairaorg-san, taking a direct
hit from that powerful attack would guarantee a fatal wound! Even
though the aura bullet was fired towards Sairaorg-san and it cut
through the sea surface, there wasn’t a single retirement report. As
the projectile stopped, Sairaorg-san arrived at the next island and
closed his distance with the enemy. At the same time, the dispersed
members of Sairaorg-san’s team had also arrived at another island. It
was a strategy in which Sairaorg-san acted as the bait and got closer
to the enemy with the whole team! Although it’s too bold, forced
and dangerous…I don’t have any complaints as it’s Sairaorg-san! I
mean, I could only say that it’s him we’re talking about! The situation
repeated several times, and finally, Sairaorg-san and his team
members arrived at the island where the [Shooting Star] team was.
The real fight started then! We witnessed the bizarre strength of the
members of the newcomer team, [Shooting Star]! [Shooting Star]’s

Rook, who had a giant body with their height around three metres
(originated from a Low-class Devil), lifted a part of a mountain on the
island with his barbaric…no, monstrous strength and threw it at
Sairaorg-san’s Rook! The members of my team were all surprised
upon seeing the astoundingly monstrous strength of team [Shooting
Star]’s Rook. Seeing this, both Irina and Xenovia exclaimed,

“Wow! What power!”

“He just lifted a small mountain. Just how strong are his muscles?”

Rossweisse-san on the other hand was paying attention to [Shooting

Star]’s Bishop, who came from an anonymous Magician organisation
and fired simple, yet tremendously powerful fireballs and spears of
ice. The fireball was at the size that could engulf half of the island
while the number of the ice spears easily surpassed a thousand. Even
Sairaorg-san’s team members were struggling to hold up against
such immense power output. Half of the people here opened their
mouths in surprise looking at the series of powerful attacks.
Rossweisse-san excitedly said,
“While their magical spells might be simple, the destructive force of
the attacks are extraordinary thanks to the different quality of their
magical power!”

“The spells used are normal ones, right?”

When I asked, Rossweisse-san answered,

“Yes, the fireballs and ice spears are both basic forms of elemental
magic. It’s possible that the Magician’s massive amount of magical
power and aura type contributed to the irregularity of those basic
magic spells.”

Ravel said,

“…According to the rumours, this Magician can only do basic magic
spells. It looks like she doesn’t have any talent when it comes to
technical skill… But—”

The magical power and aura within her were a cut above the rest,
huh. There was also another member of the [Shooting Star] team
that made a splash — a thin man, who was the Knight. His
movements were faster than that of a God’s, and there was no one
in Sairaorg-san’s team who could keep up with that Knight’s speed.
That being said, even the screen couldn’t keep up as he could be
seen vanishing from a place and suddenly showing up in another,
which happened several times. He hadn’t been hit even once by
Sairaorg-san’s team as he managed to evade all of them.

—The footwork of the Knight was too fast!

Although we could only see from the screen, even I couldn’t follow
him with my eyes! Team [Shooting Star] was full of those kinds of
people. Monstrous strength, tremendously powerful basic magic
spells, and someone whose movements were even faster compared
to a God’s. The members were all talented people. Irina mumbled,

“…It’s really weird how they stayed unnoticed until this time.”

Acting as our informant, Roygun-san explained,

“It is true that they are talented, but it looks like they all lived in
obscurity back in their respective mythologies. Beings who didn’t
have any position, and those whose families were peasants… Even
the guy that lifted a small mountain, I heard that because he was a
Low-class Devil, he couldn’t go to school and had a job taking care of
boulders in wastelands. The other participants also had similar
circumstances. And the [King], someone named Shooting Star,
participated in the tournament and scouted them.”

—You have great ability! Let’s participate in the tournament! You can
become famous and eat delicious food as much as you want! That’s
how Shooting Star-senshu captivated their hearts and took them into
the team. The members of the [Shooting Star] team, having never
been praised ever since they were born, were lured by his words and
dreams, and participated in the tournament. And the talents that
were completely unknown before were now on fire in the Rating
Game World Tournament. Currently, the person who gathered them
and became their leader, Shooting Star, was standing before
Sairaorg-san. Both Kings glared at each other in a separate island
from the ones that the fights between their comrades took place on.
A man who appeared to be in his late twenties looked like a cowboy,
complete with a cowboy hat. He held a longsword in his right hand
and a rifle in his left. That was the man called ‘Shooting Star’.
According to the rumors, he came from a family of Magicians whose
ancestor was a Devil. As it looked like the Devil’s blood had become
significantly weaker, the one that appeared in his body was…the new
[Embodiment of God’s Destruction]. Shooting Star said to Sairaorg-
san as he swung his sword.

[I’ve been thinking of facing you one on one directly.]

Sairaorg-san evaded and punched with his fist.

[Haha, you say that, but you also fired a bullet with your Sacred Gear
and tried to stop me, didn’t you?]

[Hahaha! Well, I also have to win! It won’t mean anything if I don’t


Sairaorg-san got struck by Shooting Star’s sword and his lion armor
was easily destroyed! The moment it landed, the surrounding air
vibrated and it affected the island as well! What power! Who would
have thought that the Touki-covered armour would be broken so
easily! Fixing his armor, Sairaorg-san kicked repeatedly.

[Amazing! Even I wouldn’t be able to stay standing if I took a direct

As soon as Shooting Star found an opening, he fired a tremendous

aura bullet from his rifle! Sairaorg-san twisted his body and dodged
it. The bullet that missed erased the mountain in front of it in an
instant! One small shot of that rifle could erase a mountain! The
destructive power of the sword and bullet were enormous. His
offensive power was not a joke! Plus, it’s not a Balance Breaker,
right!? Shooting Star continued to swing his sword and said,

[I don’t have any talent in me! What I have are only this sword and
rifle! If we lose, I, and everyone else will just be — trash! That’s why I
won’t have any regrets! As someone who doesn’t have anyone or
anything, I have to use the only thing I have and rise to the top!]


I had heard the same words before. It’s as if… he was speaking the
same words Sairaorg-san did.

‘I only have this body. I will lose everything if I lose. Everything I built
until now will crumble. For someone like me who didn’t inherit the
Power of Destruction, this was the only path for me.’
I reflected upon Sairaorg-san’s words. As their situations were
seemingly similar, Sairaorg-san looked impressed. Sairaorg-san’s face
looked like he was already prepared.

[You continued to win in this fierce tournament with that alone.

Shooting Star, I respect you! Regulus! We’ll release it!]


With that shout…a golden and purple aura seeped out from all over
Sairaorg-san’s body! Sairaorg-san, and also the lion mark on his chest
plate, began to chant.

[This body, this soul, even if it falls into an endless ravine!]

[My Lord and I, we will exhaust this body and this soul to rise up the
endless royal road!]

The Lion King armour morphed into a magnificent and aggressive


[Raze, triumph, play, and shine!]

[This is the body of a Demonic Beast!]

[Lodged on top of my fist, is the glorious imperial authority!]

The surroundings were destroyed from all of the aura and pressure,
while the ground Sairaorg-san stood on also turned into a huge
crater! The earth shattered, air vibrated and even the image from
the monitor shook. The impact wave was so huge it could even shake
the entire field! Sairaorg-san and Regulus shouted the last verse

[[[Breakdown The Beast, Climb Over!]]]

A huge explosion of aura followed, followed by Sairaorg-san

appearing in his purple and golden armour, surrounded by an
overwhelming aura. This was a phenomenon called Breakdown The
Beast. It was similar to my rampaging state Juggernaut Drive, but
Sairaorg-san was able to master it for a period of time as a result of
his training. Of course, it came with a high risk as well. The longer he
used that form, his life would be endangered as well. Sairaorg-san,
who was in the Breakdown The Beast form, provoked Shooting Star.

[Try to attack me with your sword or rifle. Just try to attack me!]

Shooting Star swung his sword as he received Sairaorg-san’s

challenge. However, although the sword did connect to Sairaorg-
san’s shoulder and the shockwave did appear, Sairaorg-san was

unharmed. No, the attack did pierce his armour! As expected, the
destructive power of Shooting Star’s Longinus was crazy!


Shooting Star backed away for a bit, and this time, he fired the aura
bullet using his rifle! Sairaorg-san enveloped his right fist with a vast
amount of touki — and deflected the incoming aura bullet upwards!
The deflected aura bullet flew high and made the whole field
tremble as it collided with the field’s ceiling. If it’s Sairaorg-san in this
form, facing Shooting Star’s destructive power would be possible.
Then, the fight between Sairaorg-san and Shooting Star was
overturned with Sairaorg-san’s punch. After seeing an opening,
Sairaorg-san punched Shooting Star’s stomach, inflicting severe
damage and making him fall to his knees. Shooting Star was in
anguish. I knew that taking Sairaorg-san’s punch was so strong that
one hit by it could cause you to lose consciousness. You’d suffer
significant damage if you took the punch that permeated to your
soul. Although Shooting Star looked in anguish, he also smiled.

[…T-This is Sairaorg Bael’s punch, huh… …I’ve been looking up to you

since your fight against Oppai Dragon… I… No, we want to have a
match like that… That’s what we promised every day… And finally,
here we are.]

Shooting Star wiped the sweat from his face and stood up. Sairaorg-
san replied,

[… I’m delighted to hear that. However, you guys are not in your best
condition, are you? You showed up in this match despite the damage
that you’ve been taking in the prelims.]

[You knew very well, huh! As long as we keep going! No, as long as
this body lasts and enables us to keep going even for just a bit, that’s
a nice look for us! That’s how we’ve lived until now!]

That’s what Shooting Star screamed as he remained on the offense.
Ravel said as she saw that,

“That’s right. There’s no one backing up team [Shooting Star].

Although there is some support from the people who hold the
tournament…they’re probably the only team that doesn’t have
proper post-match care among the teams that are in the main draw.
It’s natural that their limits are reduced.”

Just like what Ravel said, the screen showed that the members of
team [Shooting Star] were either out of stamina or out of breath in
the fights occurring elsewhere. The Devil Rook that possessed
monstrous strength, the magician Bishop that had vast magical
power and the Knight who was even faster than a God received
Sairaoarg-san’s team members’ attacks as their stamina depleted.
The damage that they received during the preliminary matches
wasn’t properly alleviated as they didn’t have anyone backing them
up—. And then—.

[Team [Shooting Star]’s one Bishop, Knight and two Pawns retired!]

Team [Shooting Star] was slowly but surely going down. The fight
between the Kings was also about to be settled. Shooting Star, who
had such powerful attacks, also finally began to lose the aura in his
longsword and was unable to fire any more bullets from his rifle. His
stamina had been completely depleted. It’s the enemy’s bad luck if it
comes to a contest of stamina against Sairaorg-san.

[I’m not done yeeeeet!]

Although Shooting Star was out of breath, he still came at Sairaorg-

san head on. However, he was already at his limit.


A small sound could be heard from the screen. Sairaorg-san’s fist
punched Shooting Star’s face. Blood started to gush out from
Shooting Star’s nose and mouth as he collapsed to the ground. As the
fainting Shooting Star started to be enveloped in the light of
retirement, he asked Sairaoarg-san,

[…Hey… Do you think we can be…like you…or Oppai Dragon? … Can

we be appreciated… like you or Oppai Dragon?]

Sairaorg-san bent his knee, took Shooting Star’s hands and smiled.

[The things that you showed in this tournament won’t be a waste. —

You put up a great fight.]

Shooting Star looked satisfied as he smiled upon hearing those words

and vanished into the light of retirement. After that, the announcer

<<The King of team [Shooting Star] has retired. As such, the winner
of this match is team [Imperial Purpure]!>>

The second match of the Rating Game World Tournament ended

with Sairaorg-san’s team win—.

Part 4
As Sairaorg-san’s match ended, we ended the day by exchanging our
opinions on the match. After having dinner and a meeting on our
upcoming match, everyone was free to do whatever they wanted. I
headed to the large bath in the villa and went to the hot spring after I
washed my body down. …Ah, damn. That was one hell of a match.
The match didn’t involve any particular strategy or anything like that
as it was simply both teams going straight at each other, but that
might be why it reached my heart. I guess it’s natural that I was
hyped over that match. However, I have to keep my composure.
Especially because this was a fight against my comrades — Rias and
the Gremory Peerage. It’s exactly because we understood each other

that I had to keep my head cool and face them. Ah, but I already
made a promise to Rias previously. Once I get back from this training
camp, I had to prepare for it first—.

“I heard that you’ll be going on a date with Rias soon.”

Suddenly, someone threw those words at me! When I turned

around, there was suddenly a silver-haired beauty entering the bath!
The woman who had her long hair tied up was… Grayfia-san! I could
see her glamorous naked body! This person was Maou Sirzechs
Lucifer-sama’s Queen, as well as his wife, and Rias’s sister-in-law. As
to why Grayfia-san was here…Grayfia-san instantly transformed from
her twenties to her teenage look, shifting into a girl.

“Or do you prefer this?”

Grayfia-san, who had turned into a silver-haired girl, took out her
Dragon Mask and tried to wear it. Yes, the true identity of the
[Sekiryuutei of Blazing Truth] team’s Bina Lessthan who was
participating as our Queen was — Grayfia-san. The only people who
knew about this were Ravel and I… But Rias also seemed to have
noticed this. As soon as the Rating Game World Tournament was
held and I declared that I’d be participating with a different team
from Rias, Grayfia-san came to my place and asked to let her
participate as my Queen. I said,

“…You know about the date.”

“I am the Gremory house’s maid after all. I know about that girl’s

Grayfia-san added,

“…That being said, I am somewhat out of the house for the time
being though…”

It seemed like Grayfia-san didn’t get proper permission regarding her
participation in the tournament, and it also looked like she
participated secretly while doing her job as the maid of the Gremory
house… However, there was a time when her mask was taken off,
revealing her face in a certain preliminary match, so people who
knew her might’ve found out. However, I believe that Rias’s parents
— the current head of the Gremory house already knew about this
despite not talking about it much. And then, Grayfia-san also told me
the reason behind her participation, her teenage looks, fake name
and mask.

—I’ll make you a Maou.

That’s what Grayfia-san had said. Currently, among the four Great
Maou; Lucifer-sama, Leviathan-sama and Asmodeus-sama were
fighting the legendary being in the Bible — Trihexa in the special
barrier field called the Isolation Barrier Field. Azazel-sensei, the
leader of the Angels Michael-san, former Norse Chief God Odin-jiisan
and other VIPs from all mythologies were there to fight against
Trihexa for a long time. It was said that due to Trihexa’s strength, the
fight would continue for several thousand, or even ten thousand
years. However, as a result of all the mythologies’ higher-ups being
away for a long time, the chief Gods were substituted to make up for
that. In the Norse mythology, the Chief God position was inherited
by Vidar-san, while the Greek mythology had Apolon-san to succeed
after God Zeus. Because of that, I heard that the Underworld — the
Devils’ government also thought that they should have someone
new to be at the top. It meant that they’d have someone be the
successor of Sirzechs-sama and Leviathan-sama, which meant being
the next Maou. Currently, the only person who was sitting in the
Maou seat was Ajuka Belzeebub-sama. That meant the remaining
one was Maou Beelzebub-sama. And because there was also the Evil
Dragon War thing that Rizevim started, it looked like the Maou
system would be renewed. From what I’d heard, there was a

possibility that the four Maou system would be changed into a Seven
Maou system. Newly created Belphegor, Mammon and Belial seats
would be added to the existing Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan and
Asmodeus; thus creating the Seven Maou system. If that was true, it
meant that there were currently six empty Maou positions. There
was also a rumour going around among some groups who believed
that Vali, the one who had the original Lucifer’s blood in him, should
fill in the Lucifer seat. I’d heard that the government officials who
were a part of the Lucifer faction wanted to get in contact with him.

For Devils, Lucifer The Morning Star was an important being, and
because of this, Vali, who had the blood of the original Lucifer, was
truly a star-like being to the current political faction of Lucifer and
the beings that still respected the previous Maou Lucifer. As of now,
the Maou position wasn’t passed down hereditarily as it used a
succession system. Therefore, it was not always the case that the
descendant would inherit the status. However, considering that he
was the one who held the true Lucifer’s blood and was the strongest
White Dragon Emperor throughout history, coupled with the fact
that he succeeded in the tournament, it was no wonder that people
wanted to support him. Well, he was not the kind that cared about
politics though. If that were the case, Ingvild also had the blood of
the true Leviathan, so…if this fact were known by the people of that
faction, it looked like something troublesome would occur. The fact
that Ingvild was my servant meant that I’d fully look after her, but I
couldn’t imagine her being a Maou. Wait, it was completely off the
topic, but, amidst all of that, Grayfia was trying to make me fill one of
the empty Maou positions. Though at the time, this was how I
answered her,

—Right now, I have no intention of becoming a Maou.

Grayfia-san replied with “Understood”, yet still decided to

participate in the tournament. It seemed like she hadn’t given up on

trying to make me a Maou yet… I…somehow knew why she wanted
to make me a Maou. So I asked Grayfia-san,

“…Do you still intend to make me a Maou?”

“Yes. I’m looking at the long term. No matter how things are right
now, I’ll stay with you until you are interested.”

Are you serious!? She’s ready for a long-term battle!? So this wasn’t
just about the tournament… I asked her again,

“…Which part of me made you think that I’m fit to be a Maou?”

“The support coming from your audience…especially children, which

also means that you’ll receive a lot of support in the future. Plus,
you’ve saved the Underworld from dangers numerous times. The
crowd also accepts you as a hero. There’s also a high probability that
the higher-ups…the old Devils would accept you.”

That was what Grayfia-san said… I felt like she’s somehow different,
or had changed from the usual Grayfia-san. If it were the former
Grayfia-san, if I said I wanted to be a Maou, she’d react by saying:

‘If you really want to be a Maou, act with your own will. As a young
man who bears the future, you should show your power and have
everyone accept you to be a Maou. It’s only natural that my brother
can at least do that much.’

That’s how she’d encourage me. But the Grayfia-san right now was—
. The young Grayfia-san came closer to me. As her face came closer, I
could see her faint expression (as well as her ample bosom).

“—I’d do anything in order to make you a Maou.”

The eyes of Grayfia-san who placed her hands on my cheeks…they

looked really unstable. As she grew even closer, I asked Grayfia-san,

“Is that Grayfia-san’s wish? Or is it — the response to Sirzechs-
sama’s words that he left?”

I asked something sensitive. As soon as Sirzechs-sama’s name was

mentioned, Grayfia-san’s body trembled just a little bit. I fought
alongside Sirzechs-sama against Trihexa’s core before he went into
the Isolated Barrier Field in order to fight Trihexa. Just before I lost
consciousness due to the usage of Dragon Deification, I could hear
Sirzechs-sama’s voice.

—Ise-kun, try to be a Maou. If it’s you, I am sure you can be a great

Maou. Although you are still lacking here and there… In the future
not far away, I am sure you will be — a hope for all mythologies.

That’s what Sirzechs-sama said to me. At that time, Grayfia-san was

in slumber due to Sirzechs-sama’s magic, but…I think the magic
didn’t work in its full capacity and those words must have been
heard by her. That’s why I asked her that. Grayfia-san answered as
she seemed to have remembered something.


I then replied instantly.

“If that’s the case, then it’s absolutely no.”

Grayfia-san asked me back suspiciously.


“Because you are Sirzechs-sama’s Queen — and Millicas Gremory’s



Grayfia-san was speechless in response to my words. At that time,

Sirzechs-sama had also said this,

—Please take care of Rias, MIllicas and — Grayfia for a while for me.
Although she might look that way, she’s someone who can get lonely
easier than Rias. …As long as I am not present, I want you to be
someone who she can talk to.

That was Sirzechs-sama’s direct request to me. I would save Rias,

Grayfia-san, and then the son of Sirzechs-sama and Grayfia-san,
Millicas. That was Sirzechs-sama’s wish—. Grayfia-san’s expression
completely changed into dismay as Millicas’ name was brought up. I
continued on,

“I… Even if I do aim to become a Maou, I would do it along with my

peerage. Call me cheeky if you want. But, Grayfia-san, please, I want
you to pay attention to Millicas more than me. After separating from
Sirzechs-sama, Millicas is also…lonely. No, it’s because Millicas is still
small that a mother figure is important.”

Grayfia-san’s hands trembled and she covered her face upon hearing
my words.

“I-I… I was… I was….”

Grayfia-san was unsure of what to say as she got up and left the
bath. I-I might have stepped on a landmine! I’d better follow her!
Damn, I am worried now! I tried to chase after Grayfia-san, but—.

“All right, I am going to have another hell of a bath today. —Or so I

thought, but it looks like there’s already someone here.”

“Hey, the one who got out just now was…Bina-san?”

“…She was making a somewhat serious face…”

The ones who said that while entering the bath were — the Church
Trio of Xenovia, Irina and Asia, completely nude! Xenovia and the
others saw me. And then, I looked over at Bina-shi a.k.a Grayfia-san

and gazed back at my surroundings. Xenovia and Irina came closer to
me as their oppai swayed back and forth!

“D-Did you touch her!?”

“In the bath!?”

They misunderstood everything! I didn’t touch Grayfia-san! We had

a…serious conversation, but I still couldn’t let the girls know…! I—.

“W-Wait, we were just having a serious conversation…”

That was the only choice I had! I looked away from Xenovia and
Irina! Both of them looked at me suspiciously… This time, Asia-chan,
who was behind those two, pouted and came closer to me! Asia-
chan’s boobs also swayed and it was the best!

“Ise-san! I-In this training camp, I thought we were supposed to

refrain from doing these things! So what was that just now!?”

Aaaaaaaah, even Asia-chan misunderstood it! Though her pouting

expression looks cute, and I’m grateful for that. As Xenovia and Irina
jumped into the bath, they wrapped their arms around my back!
Ununu, it was suffocating, but I could feel Xenovia and Irina’s soft
skin! It was the best…!

“Hey, Ise! Explain everything!”

“Darling! What happened here!?”

“N-No, like I said, I can’t explain it to you.!”

As I was troubled on how to explain things, Ravel appeared. Of

course, she was also naked.

“Don’t play in the bath!”

Ravel drew their attention away. It took quite some time for me to
finally be released in the bath. After I finished my bath, I called Ravel
into my room and talked about everything that happened in the

“—And that is the story.”

Ravel placed one hand against her chin as she sank into deep

“To think that Bina-sama — no, Grayfia-sama said such things…”

The image of Grayfia-san trembling in the bath popped back into my

head. I sighed and said,

“There is a chance that Grayfia-san’s condition might worsen in the

next match.”

“That’s right. It’s possible.”

Ravel agreed with me. That was the first time I saw Grayfia-san that
emotional. I knew that Sirzechs-sama was heroic enough that he had
himself go into the Isolation Barrier Field, and the fact that Sirzechs-
sama couldn’t return must have affected the incident just now as
well. …I somehow understood why Sirzechs-sama worried about
Grayfia-san before going to the Isolation Barrier Field. I was sure that
he must’ve realised that she might become unstable if he was not
present. That’s why he asked me to become someone she can talk

Even that beautiful, mentally and physically strong Grayfia-san…had

a fragile side. …Shit, I should’ve approached her less directly… I
accidentally said the words that Sirzechs-sama left behind to her… At
the end, the worst thing was to have her participate in a match while
being mentally unstable. I hung my head and said,

“… For the sake of the next match, I guess it’s better to avoid the
topic, huh?”

Ravel shook her head in response to my words.

“No, it’s a question that will eventually get asked, and if you don’t
settle it completely, it’d just cause another problem. To be honest,
it’s just a matter of time for you to say everything.”

“…Grayfia-san might be keeping all of this to herself. She couldn’t

have talked about this to Rias’s parents, and I also believe that the
Gremory house must still have not grasped everything. It might be
better to talk through it with them.”

Ravel nodded in response to my suggestion

“Understood. I’ll let the current wife-and-husband of the Gremory

house know about the issue.”

“Yes, I am sure that Rias’s parents will understand everything.”

—As we ended our talk there, I took a deep breath and looked at the
ceiling. Ravel laughed softly.



As I asked, Ravel sat next to me and said this.

“I just feel like you are really doing your job as a King.”

“…Well, I mean, I’ve got my own peerage, I am a senior, as well as

the listener. That resulted in me not being able to finish things by
just saying [For the sake of the President, I’ll work hard until I die!]. I
missed those days where I was able to say oppai easily… Well, I am
still saying it nowadays though.”

While leaning her head on my shoulder, she tried to hold my hand
with interlocked fingers, and said,

“That’s what it means to be a High-class Devil. Everyone depends on

you. Your peerage, acquaintances, and friends.”

I squuezedRavel’s hand back and said,

“…The fact that I wasn’t able to clear up a woman’s trouble means

that I am clearly unfit to be a Maou. But if you ask me, I find the role
that Azazel-sensei had really cool.”

“That’s the role that everyone could depend on… And a worrying one
as well.”

“Eh? Really?”

“Well, I don’t have any problems. I will be on Ise-sama’s side at all

times after all.”

My manager had a really strong will. —Suddenly, Ravel remembered


“That’s right, the date with your President a.k.a Rias-sama is next
Sunday, right?”

“Yeah, I have to finish that matter as well.”

That’s right, I would have a date with Rias after the training camp
was over. The important date — before the match.

Part 5

Just a little before noon on Sunday after our training camp—. I went
out of the Hyoudou Residence along with Rias, and rode the train
until we reached Tokyo. Rias wore a knitted shirt with a haori jacket
and a skirt. She looked very cute yet mature. After accompanying
Rias for her shopping in Shibuya, Harajuku and Ikebukuro, we walked

towards the seaside park in Odaiba. As someone who had a
connection to the supernatural world, this was a very realistic date.
That being said, the things that we bought at the store would just be
a hindrance so we teleported them from somewhere with no human
presence. And it was somehow interesting. In a certain place in the
seaside park area, we ate our ice cream while talking about silly

“Once I get my license, our date spots will be even further away. I
guess I should have taken driving classes during the summer

As I said that, Rias laughed softly.

“It’s not like me or the other girls are forcing you to get a license
immediately, so calm down. But, because you are going to be a
college student, going far away with a car is also a thing.”

“Right?. Ah~, if this were the Underworld, I’d ride a Gryphon and go
to my girlfriend’s place.”

“Gryphon! Ufufu, even the nobles of the Underworld don’t do

Gryphon dates nowadays, you know?”

“If there was a Gryphon here, we’d mount it and go to Shibuya and

Rias seemed fascinated by my jokes, causing her to burst into

laughter following my words. After she calmed down, Rias stared at
the sky and said,

“…A Gryphon, huh. We also rode on a Gryphon when you snatched

me away from the engagement party that time.”

After losing to the Phoenix Peerage in a Rating Game match, I

borrowed Ddraig’s power and had ten seconds to use my Balance

Breaker. I managed to defeat Riser and snatched Rias away. Rias put
her hands on top of my left hand.

“…You turned your left hand into a Dragon’s for my sake.”

“I thought that was the right thing to do. —Wait, even my whole
body is a Dragon’s now.”

“… You almost died many times.”

“Yeah, even I feel weird being healthy right now.”

The Demonic Beast Riot that the Hero Faction incited destroyed my
whole body because of the curse of the strongest Dragon Slayer,
Samael the Dragon Eater. At that time, I was resurrected using
Ophis’s power and a part of Apocalypse Dragon Great Red’s flesh
that I received. Thanks to that, I was reincarnated as a Devil from a
humanoid Dragon. Well, my soul remained the same though. There
were also some who felt that I was someone who was born from
Ophis and Great Red, Because of that, I was able to use the powerful
transformation known as Dragon Deification. Rias looked up at the
sky as she said,

“[If it was for our sake, I’d even defeat a God]. That’s what you said
to me at that time. And now, you’ve become so strong that you
could really defeat a God.”

My girlfriend looked straight at me.

“—Would you be able to defeat me too?”

It’s about the match. Would I be able to defeat my master, girlfriend,

and the person I’m engaged to? That’s what Rias asked. I also looked
straight at her. Yeah, our date today was to confirm that with each
other. Although we didn’t talk about this when we were deciding our
date day, Rias and I were on the same wavelength. I replied to her,

“I am Rias Gremory’s Pawn. I’ve sworn that I’ll become the strongest
Pawn. And I want you to watch over my progress. —That’s why, I’ll
defeat you.”

Rias smiled in response to my words.

“I’m glad. I’m really glad. The answer couldn’t have been better, my
beloved Ise. I’ll also fight you with all my strength and try to defeat
your team. So show me the power that you’ve accumulated as my

At that time, Rias and I didn’t kiss. Instead, we shook hands. As a

couple, and as participants of the tournament, both of us wished for
each other and declared our will to win. After confirming that, both
of us sighed in relief. Rias said,

“With that, let’s continue our date. Next, I’ll accompany Ise

“Really? Ah, if that’s the case, now that we’ve come to Odaiba, I
guess I’ll fulfill Seekvaira-san’s request.”

“Seekvaira? What did she ask?”

“She asked that if I ever go to [Dungampace], a specialty Dungam

place in Odaiba, to buy her a limited-edition—”

As the conversation continued, our date continued—.

And so, the match between the [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]
team and [Rias Gremory] team was about to unfold.

Team Members.
Team Members.

○ [Sekiryuutei of Blazing Truth] Team – members registered for the


King — Hyoudou Issei

Queen — Bina Lessthan
Rook — Rossweisse
Rook — Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu
Knight — Xenovia Quarta
Knight — Shidou Irina
Bishop — Asia Argento
Bishop — Roygun Belphegor
Pawn x2 — Ravel Phoenix
Pawn x3 — Bova Tannin
Pawn x2 — Elmenhilde Karnstein

○ [Rias Gremory] Team – members registered for the tournament

King — Rias Gremory

Queen — Himejima Akeno
Rook — Toujou Koneko
Rook — Vasco Strada
Knight — Kiba Yuuto
Knight — Lint Sellzen
Bishop — Gasper Vladi
Bishop — Valerie Tepes
Pawn x8 — Mr. Black (Crom Cruach)

Life DxD (read: Diabolos Dragon) & Data
XxX (read: Cross Times Kiss)
And then, on the day of the match—.
We arrived at the newly-built stadium in the Gremory territory’s
castle town. There were two big bronzestatues placed in front of the
entrance! One resembled my Boosted Gear Scale Mail, while the
other resembled Rias in her Switch Princess attire! That’s right, this
stadium was — the [Oppai Dragon Stadium]! It was made solely for
the Oppai Dragon and was going to be used for Oppai Dragon’s
public shows and other related events. Surprisingly, the opening of
this new theater was going to be held today as well. I heard that
upon learning that Rias’s team and my team were going to face each
other, the Gremory VIPs talked to the tournament’s organisers to
open the stadium on the day of our match since it would also be
finished around that time.

We teleported from a certain transportation room in the basement

of the Hyoudou Residence to the established transportation floor in
the stadium. The stadium was fully packed as it was going to host the
fight between the famous Oppai Dragon and Switch Princess. I heard
that all the tickets were sold within a few seconds. Not only that, I’ve
also heard that a large number of hyped fans who weren’t able to
get into the stadium had gathered around the stadium where large
screens were located.

These circumstances made it difficult for us to enter the stadium

normally and so we had to teleport directly inside the stadium. As
both our parents were present in the stadium, we decided to meet
them. Rias’s team went to meet her parents’, while my team went to
meet mine in the special VIP room. I was happy that my parents had
come to watch my match. Especially my mum, who decided to come
after the main draw. She was really afraid to see the sight of her son

and children fighting, albeit in a tournament. However, she said that
she would want to watch my matches after I had made it to the main
draw. And then, she fulfilled her promise. …My parents found out
about Rias’s and my true identity during the Evil Dragon War. They
knew the fact that my body was not only that of a human, but a
Dragon’s as well after I was reincarnated as a Devil. Still, my father
and mother remained unchanged and continued regarding me as
their son and Asia as their daughter from the bottom of their hearts.
I felt really grateful to them and felt like couldn’t thank them enough
no matter how many times I voiced those feelings. That’s why I had
always wanted them to watch my matches in the tournament. As I
entered the waiting room with my team members (Bova was in his
miniature form), dad and mum warmly welcomed us.

“Even though the enemy is Rias, a match is still a match. Win, Ise!
Asia-chan and the others too, don’t be too reckless.”

As dad said that to me, everyone replied with [Yes!]Mum hugged

Asia and said with a worried voice,

“…Asia-chan, please be careful and don’t hurt yourself.”

“Okaa-san, there’s nothing dangerous in the tournament’s stadium,

you know?”

“Still, I am afraid to see my precious daughter fighting. However,

please do your best with everyone today.”

“Yes, Okaa-san…”

Asia and my parents regarded each other as their real parents and
daughter. There’s no mistaking it that scenes like these made the
atmosphere warmer. Mum then looked at me.

“I came to see your match, you know. Don’t forget to show your cool

I laughed and did a fist pump.

“Leave it to me. Please watch how your son wins from the
spectator’s room.”

But then, mum continued,

“If you make the person you’re engaged to cry, I’ll lecture you.”

“I don’t think R-Rias is going to cry…but I’ll keep it in mind.”

Suddenly, everyone laughed upon hearing my conversation with my

mum. Looking towards my team, she said,

“Irina-chan, Xenovia-chan, Ravel-chan, Rossweisse-san, Elme-chan,

Bova-kun, Roygun-san, Bina-san, and then, Ise and Asia-chan.
…Please do your best. Though it might not do much, I’ll support


Everyone responded at the same time to her words.

—Suddenly, the waiting room’s door opened. Aman wearing a sci-fi-

like bodysuit appeared there. His bodysuit’s colour was blue and had
a gauntlet attached on each of his hands. Judging from his looks, he
was around the same age as me.He had a handsome face, but…a
mysterious aura surrounded him. Dad then introduced that man to

“Actually, Ise, I’ve been thinking of introducing him to you. He is the

one who will act as our bodyguard during our trip, Kanzaki-kun. I
mean, I did say something about a bodyguard, didn’t I?”

The Kanzaki guy greeted us.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Kanzaki Mitsuya. I was asked by
Maou Ajuka Beelzebub-sama to watch the Hyoudou couple’s
surroundings. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.”

…I did hear about such things from Ajuka Beelzebub-sama. Such as

the fact that he’s the user of two Longinus whose locations were
unknown — Innovate Clear and Telos Karma. I’d heard that
Beelzebub-sama, while having a thing for Longinus, had currently
made some agreement with him, which resulted in this guy being the
one that would be my parents’ escort during the whole
tournament… I’d heard several things about this Kanzaki guy, and
one of those things told me to be careful—. Someone walked
towards Kanzaki Mitsuya while clad in a powerful aura.

—It was Nakiri. He glared at Kanzaki Mitsuya and spoke with

provocative words. Nakiri clearly exuded hostility towards Kanzaki
Mitsuya. The thing I should be careful with was…the relationship
between Nakiri and Kanzaki Mitsuya.


Kanzaki Mitsuya gave out a simple greeting in response to Nakiri’s


“…You’re as energetic as usual.”

Realising my parents’ presence, he tried to control himself so things

didn’t get out of hand as he said,

“One day, I’ll have you return Momiji-chan…”

“Kaede… No, Nakiri Momiji. That’s what she was called here, huh?”

“Don’t you dare speak of her. Telos Karma is Momiji-chan’s…”

“In the end, you’ll be able to meet her. However, I don’t know if
she’d want to return from there. —As it is her own choice.”

Kanzaki Mitsuya continued as the atmosphere became awkward.

“…Please understand. That place is on its own path. Protecting that

place is my duty.”

Kanzaki Mitsuya said that without being provoked by Nakiri… No, it’s
as if he said that to all of us. Nakiri took a deep breath and moved
away from Kanzaki Mitsuya. Then, he apologised politely to my

“I am sorry to have raised my voice.”

Kanzaki Mitsuya continued, saying “Me too” and bowed his head. I
guess it’s nice that it ended with just some glaring and a light
quarrel? It looked like the two of them had some connection, but I
was grateful that they were able to keep themselves contained.
Though that happened, one of the tournament’s staff members
came in and reported to us and my parents,

“Participants, please wait inside the special waiting room. The

participants’ associates will be guided to the spectating room by me,
so please get ready.”

Looks like it’s time. Leaving my parents, we walked towards our

waiting room. As we left my parent’s waiting room, I looked at
Kanzaki Mitsuya and he made a meaningful smile at me. This was —
my first meeting with Kanzaki Mitsuya. Well, even though that
happened, the match was — about to begin!


Hyoudou Issei’s parents — Hyoudou Gorou and Hyoudou Miki were

escorted to the VIP spectating room by their escort, Kanzaki Mitsuya.
As they entered the room, they found a red-haired gentleman and a
woman resembling Rias along with a red-haired boy awaiting their
arrival. They were Rias’s parents, Zeoticus and Venelana, and Rias’s
nephew Millicas. The red-haired gentleman stood up and welcomed

“Oh my, Hyoudou-san. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Gorou bowed slightly in response to Zeoticus.

“Aaaaah, I’m really sorry to have made you wait for us!”

—Millicas also bowed his head.

“Nice to meet you, Ise-oniisama’s dad and mom.”

The Hyoudou couple responded to the red-haired lad with a big


“Oh, Millicas-kun. You’ve grown since the last time we met.”

As the conversation continued, everyone got to their seats since

both the participants’ families had arrived. Zeoticus sat in front of
Gorou and initiated a fatherly chat.


“Yeah… I’m sorry for my son and daughter who keep causing you

“No, no, me too. I am also grateful to Ise-kun and Asia-san. After all,
watching their growth is the most important thing.”

“That being said, I am really nervous. To think that they’d be going
against that Rias…”

“The fact that he gained independence, created his own team and
participated in the tournament, it was only a matter of time before
he faced Rias as he kept on winning. I also regard my son-in-law Ise-

As such a fatherly conversation continued, the mothers also set next

to each other and started to talk. Rias’s mother — Venelana said to

“I’m honoured that you came.”

“N-No, I’m pleased as well. I am sorry that I haven’t been able to

come to the matches until now…”

The Gremory couple knew well that Miki was afraid to watch Ise and
Asia fighting. They also knew that she had decided to support her
son directly now that he had made it to the main draw—. Venelana
then spoke about what was on her mind as a mother.

“No, I can empathise with you.. Nothing worries us more than our
children’s fights after all. However, this is the path chosen by our
children. I believe that we have to see them in all their glory.”

“Yes. That’s what I felt as well, and the reason why I came here. My
son Ise and my daughter Asia… I will watch their struggle—”

Venelana smiled brightly in response to Miki’s intention. As there

were such serious conversations, the fathers on the other hand…

“Hyoudou-san. How about this?”

Zeoticus received a glass of beer from the staff and handed it to


“Oh, is this beer?”

“Yeah, I heard that it’s something created by that former Governor

Azazel, and was sent by the Grigori as soon as it was completed.
Well, let us enjoy the drink. That’s what the Japanese do when they
watch a match, right?”

“Wow, I am surprised that Gremory-san pays attention to the

Japanese heart!”

The two fathers held a glass of beer in their hands and made a toast.

“Well then, let us quickly toast and enjoy the drink!”

“You said it!”


As they toasted their glass, they quickly gulped the whole glass.


Venelana and Miki were both embarrassed in response to their

husbands laughing happily.


“…Yes, indeed.”

As the two fathers enjoyed the match while having a beer, their
children’s match was about to begin—.

Life.4 The Game Begins!

<<Now, it’s time for the third match of the Rating Game World
Tournament [Azazel Cup]’s main draw. The Rating Game between
[Oppai Dragon] and [Switch Princess] which will begin shortly!>>


[Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon!]

[Switch Princessssssssss!]

As the commentator held the mic, the crowd started to shout our
names. The whole stadium looked very energetic. We, the members
of the [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team were waiting at the
passage before the gate to the stage. Everyone had gotten so used to
participating in a game that not even one of us was nervous as we
relaxed while waiting for the match to begin. Rias’s team must be
waiting at the other gate. Ravel checked her pocket watch.

“Ise-sama, Rias-sama’s team will enter the stage soon.”

“I see.”

This was a stadium built in the castle town of the Gremory territory.
It’s only natural for the next head of the Gremory household, Rias, to
enter the stage first.

<<Well then, everyone. —The participants will enter the stage

shortly. From the stage entrance gate, here comes our Princess! The
next head of the Gremory household! Team [Rias Gremory] led by
Rias Gremory-senshu!>>


[Princess Rias! Princess Rias!]

The spectators were all fired up! Being regarded as a princess to

those living in the Gremory territory, as well as the fact that she was
the Switch Princess, meant that there was no one who didn’t know
her. On top of that, she was also very famous for being the younger
sister of Maou Sirzechs Lucifer.



There were also some who called for Kiba and Koneko-chan. As
always, the handsome guy and Koneko-chan sure were famous. I
guess it’s also because they appeared as characters in [Oppai
Dragon]. —After Rias’s team entered the stage, it was our turn now.

<<Sorry to have kept you waiting. Is everyone on the stage ready?

Now, it’s the entrance of the team that Oppai Dragon Hyoudou Issei
leads, [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]!>>

The [Oppai Dragon Song] played along with the announcement! The
song had become an iconic song that was played every time I walked
onto a stage! Well, it’s my song, so I guess it’s okay!

[Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon! Oppai

Dragon! Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon!]

The spectators were calling out for me. There were many children’s
voices. I said to my team members,

“Well then, even though our opponent is Rias, let’s not hold back
and win!”


Following their response,

“Let’s go!”

We then entered the stage as well.In the centre of the stadium field,
both teams lined up facing each other. After this, the teams would
get transported to their own respective HQs, and then the game
would officially start. Well, it’s your usual Rating Game. Before the
game started, we shook hands with the opponent team before us.
Well, me being the King meant that I’d shake hands with Rias. She
smiled boldly as we exchanged a handshake.


I also answered with a brave face.

“Yeah. May the best one win.”

The arbiter then stood between us and said to everyone on the


<<All right. The third match of the main draw, team [Rias Gremory]
vs team [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth], game start!>>

Following that signal, both teams got enveloped in the

transportation light—.

Part 2

As I opened my eyes — I couldn’t believe what I saw. The place we

were transported to was very unexpected! It was the entrance of the
Hyoudou Residence! It looked like everyone was also surprised by
the destination that they looked around the house as they thought
that there had to be some kind of a mistake. However, no matter
how you looked at it, it’s the Hyoudou Residence!

“Let’s investigate this quickly.”


Xenovia and Irina went around the house to investigate. There’s only
one thing I could think of looking at the situation. I said to Ravel.

“This means that our HQ is our house, huh.”

“Yeah. That being said, the stage’s field itself is—”

Before Ravel could finish, the announcer said something to us.

<<This time, the game field is Kuoh town. Team [Rias Gremory]’s HQ
is Kuoh Academy High School, while team [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing
Truth]’s HQ is the Hyoudou Residence!>>

Ah, as expected, Kuoh town was the stage, huh! On top of that, my
team’s HQ was my house while Rias’s was the school! To think that
they’d make the place we live into the stage… However,
broadcasting the interior of Hyoudou Residence felt like a privacy
violation… As I had such thoughts, the announcer spoke.

<<Therefore, the insides of the HQ won’t be broadcast unless a

battle occurs there. We ask everyone on the stage and our
spectators for your understanding.>>

Ah, so they won’t broadcast the interior of the house, huh. That’s

“There’s furniture missing in each room.”

“It might be because of privacy issues. They also equipped it with the
built-in features.”

After Xenovia and Irina finished investigating, they returned to the

entrance hall and said that. So there was no furniture but we could
still use the features, huh. Ravel suggested to everyone,

“Let’s go to the basement. The basement is safer than it is here.”

Rossweisse-san agreed to it saying,

“Indeed. Although it’s very unlikely, there is a chance that we’ll be
attacked by a long-ranged massive attack that could destroy this

If there’s anyone who could do that, I guess it would be Crom

Cruach. Well, considering our past experiences, Rias and Crom
Cruach’s movements and this time’s match type, it’s unlikely that
they would fire a strong burst attack… But it’s better to be safe than
sorry. Crom Cruach wanted a one-to-one fight with Ddraig after all… I
didn’t think he’s the type that would shoot a powerful burst attack
until Ddraig comes out. …Well, if Ddraig didn’t manifest, he might get
impatient and do it though.

And with that, we hid in the basement of the Hyoudou Residence

replica and started our strategy meeting. Of course, we brought the
table map that showed the whole area along to the basement
(depending on the match, the table can be removed at times, but it
could also not be removed. This time, it was possible to be removed).
The discussion took place in the training room of the first-floor
basement. We also checked the large transportation magic circle at
the third floor of the basement to see if we couldn use it.. For
example, we were trying to see if we could just teleport to Kuoh
Academy instantly even if this was a pseudo space. After
investigating, Rossweisse-san said,

“…As expected, the transportation magic circle in the basement isn’t


Well, if it could be used, I guess there’s no point in making the whole

town as the field. The field would just be the teleportation from one
HQ to the other. As everyone gathered around our strategist Ravel,
she said this,

“We’ve talked about this in the training camp, but this game is
without a doubt an important game to Ise-sama.”

Ravel then lifted three of her fingers up.

“There are three people in Rias-sama’s team who have the power to
turn the game around. The first is Rias-sama clad in Gasper-kun, the
second is His Eminence Vasco Strada, and the last is Crom Cruach-
sama. These three opponents, to be honest, can only be taken on
properly by Ise-sama or Bina-sama.”

As a result of her hellish training, Rias was able to figure out a way to
clad her body in Gasper’s Sacred Gear power. That form was so
powerful that its raw power exceeded a Maou-class’s, and it was said
to be as powerful as the God-eating Wolf Fenrir at eighty percent of
its power. Fenrir was among the beasts known throughout all
mythologies, very much like the Greek mythology’s Typhon. It was
really surprising that they were on par with Fenrir even though its
power was at eighty percent. Last year, when the Evil God Loki
attacked us, we were able to somehow seal Fenrir’s power using the
demonic chain Gleipnir, Excalibur Ruler, and Vali’s Juggernaut Drive.
It was so powerful that it required a lot of preparation. However,
there were also some weak points to Rias and Gasper’s combination
technique. Ravel continued,

“Rias-sama’s form change drains stamina real fast. Although it’s

possible that she might have increased the time she’s able to stay in
that form thanks to training…I still believe that it’s going to be hard
maintaining that form for long. However, it’s also possible that she
can change form several times for a shorter period of time.”

The weak point of Rias’s new form was the stamina drain. She could
only use it at important times. Ravel further continued,

“As such, the important thing is — to realise that Ise-sama can’t take
all three alone. If Ddraig-sama were to show up, then it’s possible to
take two of them. However, there’s a time limit to Ddraig-sama’s

manifestation, and also the very high chance of Ise-sama struggling
to defeat a strong enemy.”

Yeah. If I were to take Rias, His Eminence Strada and Crom Cruach
alone, I’d have to use Dragon Deification, but…I still couldn’t take on
all three at the same time. For example, if I were to fight against
Crom Cruach before taking on Rias… Even if I were able to defeat
him, I’d have used up all my power, which would render me
powerless against His Eminence Strada and Rias. If Ddraig could
manifest himself, he’d also have a time limit, meaning that he could
only take one of those three at best. On top of that, we’d also have
to deal with their Longinus user and the ace Kiba. It was difficult for
us to figure out how we should fight as one mistake could prove fatal
to us.

…The difficulty level of isolating His Eminence Strada and Crom

Cruach would be tremendously high. His Eminence, after managing
to regain his golden age’s strength thanks to Rias and the others,
even managed to defeat Vali in his Empireo Juggernaut Drive form,
Bikou, Fenrir, Gogmagog, plus one of the strongest swordsmen,
Arthur Pendragon of Team Vali. On the other hand, Crom Cruach was
brutal and a powerful Evil Dragon even among his kind. His strength
was said to be on par with the Heavenly Dragons, and was currently
said to be even more powerful than Ddraig. These two were too
powerful—. From Ravel’s point of view, considering the
tournament’s simple rule (defeat the opponent’s King first), the
possibility of being able to defeat Rias after defeating His Eminence
Strada and Crom Cruach was — close to zero.

The opponent’s Pawn, Crom Cruach, being able to use the Pawn’s
specialty, Promotion, was also one of their aces. Like actual chess,
the Pawn could promote once it arrived at the enemy’s base.
Normally, a Pawn would promote into a Queen, boosting their whole
abilities. However, Crom Cruach was obsessive of his own power,

and Rias also knew about this, so we wouldn’t have to worry about
promotion being done. After identifying the problems, Ravel
presented a solution.

“Our strategy is simple. —We’ll have Ise-sama take down Rias-sama.

The rest of the team members will distract the enemies so Ise-sama
can save up stamina even if it’s just for a little bit. We’ll reduce the
enemy’s fighting power bit by bit.”

Yes, before our fighting power decreases, we’d use a bold and simple
strategy that Ravel proposed, which was to take the King with King
first. While I went to Rias’s place, the other members would distract
the enemy. Xenovia asked,

“So our role is to decrease the enemy’s fighting power as much as we

can to make Ise and Ddraig keep on living, huh?”

Ravel nodded.

“Yes. Once Ise-sama arrives at Rias-sama’s place, we’ll win if Rias-

sama is defeated. Even if someone loses, please buy as much time as
you can. Of course, the best-case scenario would be the enemy being

Xenovia smiled.

“That being said, now that it has come to this, I’ll fight them with all
my strength.”

Ravel then said to Ddraig, who dwelled inside my Sacred Gear.

“Ddraig-sama, considering both teams’ fighting power, you might

end up facing either His Eminence or Crom Cruach, so…I’m counting
on you.”

Ddraig gave a reassuring answer.

[Sure, leave it to me. I’ll do as much as I can as long as the time
allows me.]

As the matter was finished, Ravel moved to the next topic.

“One more thing. I talked about this during the training camp, but I
believe they’ve also thought about this strategy that we’re using.
That’s why, the key player here will be—”

Ravel looked at Asia.

“Each team’s healer. If a team has a healer who can heal their strong
comrades, it will be a big advantage. That’s why taking the healer out
will be a great thing for us.”

Having His Eminence Strada and Crom Cruach’s wounds healed

would be a scary thing for us… As for them, Asia, who’d be healing
me and Ddraig, couldn’t possibly be ignored.

Ravel said to everyone,

“That means, another important thing in this game is to take down

the enemy’s healer — Valerie-sama. If that can be done, the match
will change drastically.”

Gasper’s childhood friend — Valerie Tepes the Vampire had the

Longinus Sephiroth Graal. With the forbidden skill [Resurrection], she
could bring back those whose bodies were destroyed as long as the
soul existed. Qlippoth’s leader — Rizevim took a liking to Valerie’s
[Resurrection] and used it to revive the legendary Evil Dragons.
However, reviving the dead took a great toll on Valerie’s mental
health, which made Valerie step into the darkness for a period of
time. As of now, Valerie was in the middle of recovery thanks to the
help from various mythologies, which in turn restricted her from
using [Resurrection] and only enabled her to use her [Healing] ability.
Her healing ability was not as strong as Asia’s Twilight Healing, but

the fact that it could still heal wounds meant that it was still useful in
a game. Asia confirmed to Ravel,

“I know full well that I’m going to be targeted. However, in this

game, Ise-san is more important than me right?”

Ravel closed her eyes and nodded.

“…Yes. having Ise-sama reach Rias-sama’s place is our top priority.”


Having confirmed that, Asia’s determination showed on her face.

Ravel then said to everyone once again,

“I’ll confirm this with you guys one last time. Our top priority is to
enable Ise-sama to stay alive. In order to do that, we’ll chip away at
our opponent’s fighting power. We also have to find Valerie-sama
and defeat her. That is all.”

Nakiri smiled boldly.

“This time, it’s nice and simple. We’ve always been given
complicated instructions by Phoenix-san after all.”

Ravel pouted in response to her classmates’ words.

“Oh, Nakiri-kun. Even so, I still put Ise-sama’s and everyone’s

thoughts into consideration when making strategies, you know?”

Ravel had also become closer to the boys in her class and she started
to attach ‘-kun’ after Gasper and Nakiri. Bova laughed.

“Hahaha! Our strategist has finally begun to think about our warrior
hearts while making the strategy calmly and heightening our chance
of winning in this tournament.”

Nakiri-kun nodded.

“Like Bo said, a clear and simple strategy is nice.”

Roygun-san also smiled.

“Ufufu. I look forward to seeing how you guys will do in the Pro
Rating Game scene.”

We also received an acknowledgment from the ex-second rank of

the Rating Games.

—As the strategy meeting was concluded, we started to scout the

area in order to get an idea of the situation of the field. The ones
who went out for reconnaissance were Bova, Roygun-san and
Elmenhilde.Ravel said,

“Bova-san and Roygun-sama will go outside and scout the area

without getting noticed. Elmenhilde-sama, please spread your bats
around the area.”


Our strategy commenced along with their responses. Irina then

asked Ravel about something that had been bugging her.

“I wonder if Gasper-kun’s darkness and beasts will reach this field?”

Thanks to his Sacred Gear’s power, Gasper could create countless

beasts from the darkness. He’s also able to spread his darkness over
a wide area. That’s why Irina felt like his power should be able to
cover the whole Kuoh town in darkness. Ravel replied,

“I’d say that his darkness beasts are only out for scouting purposes.
However, an ability that has a wide coverage… I feel like he’s not
going to use it to cover the whole town.”

“Why is that?”

Ravel answered this in response to Irina’s second question.

“The main focus here is the combination technique with Rias-sama.
And because that is the most important thing, I don’t think he’s going
to use techniques that will use up his stamina. That combination
technique also requires Gasper-kun’s stamina after all. If he wants to
lengthen the time of his form-change even for a second, then he’d
only use his darkness over a wide area at certain times. That being
said, it’s better to be on your guard.”

That was Ravel’s answer. As such conversations were concluded,

Bova and Roygun-san went onto scouting. The members that were
left here started to talk about how we should go to the enemy’s HQ.
Suddenly, something happened.


A big exploding sound could be heard, shaking the whole house! The
shock even reached the basement! Everyone looked at each other!
—Were we being attacked nearby!? We quickly went outside the
house while still shocked due to the explosion that occurred just a
while after our plan started—.

As we left the entrance hall, we heard something.

<<[Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team’s one Pawn, Retired!>>

—A retirement announcement! Wait, wait, wait, it’s my team’s

retirement announcement! As I felt the presence of an aura and
looked above — there was a black incarnation floating! A jet-black
humanoid silhouette, with ten wings on its back and a crimson third-
eye on its forehead! —It’s the combination technique of Rias and
Gasper, [Forbidden Invade Balor The Princess]! Kiba with the
Demonic Emperor Sword Gram and Lint-san, who had a halo on top
of her head, six silver angelic wings sprouting from her back and
wielded a purple-flamed sword, also came along with Rias, who had
turned into a jet-black beast! In a place not far from there, the

injured Roygun-san was floating in the sky facing Rias and the others!
…I couldn’t see Bova anywhere. Of course, the one that was
announced retired was my Pawn, Bova! Ravel, who was next to me,
ground her teeth while looking frustrated.

“…A sudden attack! To think that they’d come attacking our HQ using
that from the start…!”

Who’d expect that their King herself would attack the enemy’s base
from the very start…!
Rias’s third-eye took a glimpse at us who were below her and
started to glow red… No, crimson! Looking at that, Roygun-san
screamed at us!

“Get inside the house!”

Roygun-san enveloped herself in aura and quickly charged at Rias,

Kiba and Lint-san with high speed! Following Roygun-san’s words,
Ravel quickly grasped the situation and pulled my arm inside the
house and quickly closed the door from the entranceway. I said to

“But Roygun-san!”

Ravel lashed at me.

“You can’t! Rias-sama plans to use her third eye and stop time! Your
time will be stopped as well since you haven’t even changed form

Following that—. We received a brutal report.

<<[Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] Team’s one Bishop, Retired!>>

That was — Roygun-san’s retirement report. …Faced with Rias’s

boldness, I sat down in the entrance hall and slammed my fist
against the ground in response to the merciless beginning. —We’re

done. Ravel put her hands on my shoulders from the front and said
to me.

“…They know it very well. The fact that they could win as long as
they could decrease Ise-sama’s stamina or spirit. That’s why, if they
managed to decrease a big amount in the beginning, they decided
that it would be the best scenario and hence the surprise attack…!”

Ravel’s expression was full of frustration. She must have felt that she
was supposed to know Rias already and didn’t expect to be surprised
like this from the beginning. No, she planned to know Rias. Both me
and Ravel—. I mumbled,

“…Rias Gremory is strong even without the Red Dragon Emperor,

huh. That’s how Rias was seen in the tournament.”


My heart was completely fired up. No, the fire which was already lit
now burned even more fiercely and had turned into a flame. No, it
too had even burned up so much and turned into a blaze . 1

Although there’s no such word, that was the word that reflected my
heart’s current situation.



I stood up and enveloped myself in aura, and said to Ravel.

“Let’s replan everything and strike back.”

“Of course!”

We went down to the basement and started planning a new


Blaze = Kanji was 燚燚 (Itsueki). No such word actually exists, but
judging from the Kanji, it means ‘blaze’.

Middle Game
I, Kiba Yuuto, immediately launched an attack at the Hyoudou
Residence as soon as the game began along with my master Rias-
neesan and our team’s Knight, Lint Sellzen-san. This early surprise
attack was Rias-neesan’s idea. She predicted that the enemy team
would send out scouts in order to get an idea of the current situation
of the field, which was quite obvious. So, she came up with the
strategy of launching a surprise attack while being in the Forbidden
Invade Balor Princess form with Gasper-kun. She was fully prepared
to attack the enemies while they had their guard down. Rias-neesan
also knew that Ise-kun’s team strategist Ravel-san wouldn’t expect
this kind of early surprise attack. As a result, we were able to swiftly
make two of the enemy’s team members retire from the game.
Taking Roygun Belphegor-san out during the early stages of the
match was a great accomplishment for us, as her experience and
knowledge of the Rating Game would certainly make her advice
valuable towards the late… no, towards the middle part of the game.
…That being said, we also had someone in our team who had the
magical ability to counter Roygun-san’s specialty, so we weren’t
exactly sure how things would turn out… But, our surprise attack
plan’s objective wasn’t about that. That’s because our surprise attack
was nothing more than a part of our strategy. The reason being that
Rias-neesan — no, the whole team, would reach the enemy’s HQ.

As soon as the game started, we planned our strategy to have

everyone surround the Hyoudou Residence from the very beginning.
According to the simple rule, one wouldn’t win unless one defeated
the enemy’s King. Therefore, the enemy’s team must be deliberating
on how to get past His Eminence Strada and Crom Cruach in order to
fight and defeat Rias-neesan. As for them, we believed that Ise-kun,
Ddraig and Bina Lessthan-san’s powers were going to be the key.
Therefore, they’d have to keep Ise-kun alive while drawing our

attention at the same time. If that’s the case, we would just have to
respond by moving together with Rias-neesan along with His
Eminence Strada and Crom Cruach.

—Everyone surrounded the Hyoudou Residence and watched the

enemy team’s movements. Rias-neesan hid herself somewhere
nearby and kept an eye over the Hyoudou Residence. … I also moved
to a place where I could watch the Hyoudou Residence and hid
there. The place I chose was the top floor of a certain mansion, from
where I monitored the Hyoudou Residence. … Because Elmenhilde-
san had spread a countless number of bats over a wide range, even a
slight movement would be known by them. We had to be as careful
as possible while watching the enemy’s movements at the same
time. …They had to be re-strategising in response to Rias-neesan’s
surprise attack. There was a possibility that Rias-neesan’s move just
now could have defeated Ise-kun early as he hadn’t changed form
yet. Prior to our actions, I had asked Rias-neesan.

“Would it be okay to defeat Ise-kun during the surprise attack?”

And she had calmly responded,

“If that’s how it ends, then that means this match would be over and
we will move on to the next stage.”

…Rias-neesan and Ise-kun had sworn to each other that they’d

defeat each other. That’s why both of them weren’t holding back at
all. —Suddenly, I saw a strange being. From a distance, the jet-black
monster popped its head out from the shadows and peeked at us.
From the light pole’s shadows and concrete wall’s shadows, the
beast of darkness popped its head out. It was Gasper-kun’s ability.
He must have gotten it out to scout the area like Elmenhilde-san. The
beast also appeared from the veranda in the room where I was
hiding in. I then waved my hand to notify Gasper of my location.

A few minutes passed. —Elmenhilde-san’s bats disappeared from the
area. It meant that they had finished scouting. … It’s possible that
they’re going to start moving. After a while, I got a message from

[I think the enemy’s about to move.]


It was when I responded. A mysterious menacing sound could be

heard coming from the Hyoudou Residence! As I looked closely, a
part of the Hyoudou Residence’s garden changed! —The ground split
apart as if something was about to come out! I spoke to Rias-neesan.

“U-Uhm, the garden’s ground was split open…“

Rias-neesan, who was watching this from another place, said,

[…So they’re going to use that feature, huh? To think that the field
would be able to recreate such things…]

Rias-neesan looked like she knew what that gate-like thing was! I-I
didn’t know anything about that gate though…

I’d heard that the Hyoudou Residence was made with the help of
Ajuka Beelzebub-sama (the design was made by Beelzebub-sama’s
architect), and that there were still many mysterious features that
were installed within the house. The fact that there were rooms and
features that were built until now meant that there was a possibility
of more upgrades. It’s only natural that I didn’t know everything.
Then, as the gate opened, a red lamp emerged, with the sound of an
alarm coming from it. W-What is it…? What’s happening…? In the
midst of our confusion, something came out from the gate!


Along with the girls’ voices, a Golden Dragon could be seen riding on
top of a tank-like battle vehicle! T-That was…one of the Five Great
Dragon Kings who had formed a contract with Asia-san, [Gigantis
Dragon] Fafnir! It rode on the tank-like battle vehicle and flew out of
the gate! On top of that, Fafnir could be seen wearing armor on its
head, shoulders, tail and all over his body! Xenovia and Irina-san
could be seen hanging beside Fafnir as well! The three of them did
wear the [Sekiryuutei of Blazing Truth] team costumes, but…they
somehow wore a mask that hid their eyes. W-What’s this? What are
they trying to do…? Without paying attention to my confusion, those
girls fired themselves up and screamed. Xenovia said to Asia-san.

“Let’s go, Asia! No, Panties Lady Number 1!”


Asia-san, who rode on Fafnir’s back, was called “Panties Lady

Number 1”… Irina ordered them.

“It’s time to depart! Panties Lady Number 1, 2!”

Finally, Asia-san screamed while holding her embarrassment.

“F-Fafni… No, Panties Dragon-san! It’s time to go!”

As she said that—. The Golden Dragon’s whole body started to glow
with a golden colour as he opened his mouth.


Something appeared in the sky along with Fafnir’s monstrous roar! In

the field’s sky — a title was shown!

[Panties✩Pow Theme]

Lyrics: Vidar
Song: Apo@Ron
Artist: Ise Gremory

Following that, a mysterious song could be heard throughout the

field in a loud volume! Even the lyrics started to appear in the sky! —

One One Two Two Fight!

Pan Pan Tsu Tsu Full View!
In pursuit of treasure he’ll come!
He loves the blonde sister’s panties
His name is Panties Dragon ✩
Asia-san, Xenovia, and Irina-san who rode on Fafnir’s battle vehicle
started to launch at an unbelievable speed along with the song! —
Wait, was Ise-kun singing this song!? No, no, the one who made the
lyrics was the Norse’s current chief God Vidar-sama, while the song
was made by the current Olympus chief God, the God of Muses
Apollon-sama! W-What was this…? Just who came up with this!?

In order to protect the panties’ peace

He’ll defeat the bad Loki today!
Give him panties and his power will increase by a hundred trillion
horsepowerHe is a very perverted pervert!
T-The song continued to play…!

It reminded me of the time when the [Oppai Dragon Song] was first
played… I didn’t know how to react to that occurrence and it still
haunted me! Rias-neesan then said to everyone using the intercom.

[Everyone, calm down and listen to me.]

Calm down!? Calm down after witnessing this!? …No, it’s exactly at
times like these that we should all calm down…right?

The panties go Pow!
The panties go Iyan!
The Panties Dragon has arrived!
As the first round of lyrics seemed to have ended and the song was
about to enter its second round, Rias-neesan said,

[That is [Panties✩Pow], one of the Gremory family’s new character

businesses. Asia is the first [Panties Lady], while Xenovia is second,
and Irina is the third.]

…What!? …Rias-neesan, what was she saying…? [Panties✩Pow]… She

should’ve talked about this before the fight! Rias-neesan nicely
explained it to me, as I was just about to go nuts.

[Actually, there was a request from the Gremory house. As this show
is about to be released, they wanted Ise and the others to perform
this song during the match if the circumstances allowed them to. I
didn’t think that Ise and the others would really do it… That’s quite

That’s quite surprising, she said… I didn’t even know how to respond
to that… Rias-neesan continued.

[However, I’m afraid that this is a decoy as we can see that their
healer Asia came out. They must be hiding something using this

Before Rias-neesan could finish her words, I could see the enemy
team making a move!

—From the Hyoudou Residence, the [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing

Truth] members started to get out with haste! Ise-kun and all the
other team members started to disperse around the town!

“Ise-kun and the others have gone out of the house.”

Rias-neesan answered in response to my words.

[Yeah, we’ve also confirmed their movements. It seems like they

started to move while Fafnir and the others were putting on a
performance. It also looks like they are moving together. They
must’ve roughly grasped our movements as well. The decoy… The
place Xenovia and the others are heading to is His Eminence Strada’s
place, huh.]

If we’re going to move with Rias-neesan at the center, they will also
respond by having everyone go after Rias-neesan, huh. They must’ve
understood our movements thanks to Elmenhilde-san’s scouting,
huh. From this point, all participants’ battles must be focusing on
either Ise-kun or Rias-neesan. We might be bold, but they were also
fearless. Who’d expect them to first aim for His Eminence Strada?
Rias-neesan said to everyone,

[…Since the opponent’s team decided to close the distance with us,
they must be targeting our healer, Valerie, as well. Be on your


Valerie-san and the guys who acted as her bodyguards responded to

Rias-neesan’s order. Rias-neesan then continued.

[Now that it has come to this, we also have to move. Everyone,

observe the enemy and deal with them.]


Everyone other than Crom Cruach responded. Though he didn’t let

his voice out, Crom Cruach must also be cooperating with us. Rias-
neesan then personally contacted me.

[Yuuto. You’ll follow me. That’s the shortest path to your wish.]

Rias-neesan took my feelings into consideration as well. Rias-neesan
then continued.

[At the same time, I also have to finish something.]

“…Rias-neesan, what will you do?”

Rias-neesan replied only with a few words.

[…There is something that I have to settle.]

…Her voice reflected her determination. It must be something really

important. It’s the thing that the person who was both my master
and sister decided on. Being her [Knight], I had no choice but to
follow her decision.


[Thanks, I’m counting on you, my Knight.]

Having received her response, I spread my wings and jumped from

the mansion’s veranda to reunite with Rias-neesan.

“… Is it okay if I take Fafnir on?”


Crom Cruach was floating in the sky nearby with his Dragon wings
spread. He was looking at Asia-san and the others along with Fafnir,
who were on the run on the road of Kuoh Town. For him to get close
without having his presence felt by us… As expected, the Legendary
Evil Dragon was frightening. Rias-neesan spoke through the intercom
in response to Crom Cruach’s words.

[Understood. Crom Cruach, please take the healer down.]

Defeat Asia — that was Rias-neesan’s order to Crom Cruach. As he

heard that, he nodded. I guess I will leave those things to him and

regroup with Rias-neesan. After Crom Cruach flew to the sky, he
laughed boldly and said.

“Heh, it’s Dragon slaying time.”

“…Your opponent is a God-class Dragon.”

I left those words behind and flew to the sky—. From this point, we
would be fighting one by one in response to the enemy’s team

Part 2

Asia & Fafnir vs Crom Cruach

Upon receiving Rias’s order, Crom Cruach arrived before Asia

Argento, Xenovia and Shidou Irina, who were riding on the Dragon
King Fafnir and running around Kuoh town. After a moment, Fafnir,
who had turned into a battle vehicle, stopped his movement.
Xenovia and Irina, who were attached to Fafnir, climbed down as
they wielded their Holy Swords.

“So it’s Crom Cruach, huh!”

“We got something big.”

Following Crom Cruach, who enveloped his body in a fiery aura,

Xenovia and Irina also responded by heightening their holy aura. As
both of them paid close attention to each other’s movements, Asia-
san, who rode on Fafnir’s back, suddenly said,

“…Xenovia-san, Irina-san, can you guys go first?”

Xenovia and Irina looked surprised in response to Asia’s words.

“—! W-What are you saying Asia-san!? You and Oppai Dragon are—”

Before Irina could finish her words, Xenovia agreed to the blonde
girl’s request.

“… Are you okay with that, Asia?”

Asia nodded with a determined expression in response to Xenovia’s


“Yeah. Fafnir and I will buy as much time as we can.”

As if Xenovia had understood Asia’s will, she put down Durandal and
got ready to leave that place.

“Let’s go, Irina.”

Xenovia invited Irina, but Irina was unsure of what to do.

“Xenovia! We can’t leave Asia…!”

Xenovia replied,

“Irina, Ravel told us about the main key for this game, right?”

“—. … It’s to not let our [King], Ise-kun, use up his stamina before
fighting Rias-san, huh…”

“And our role is to decrease the fighting power of those around

master Rias. …In that case, Asia will take on this Evil Dragon along
with Fafnir.”


The two Holy Sword users must’ve realised that Asia couldn’t win
against Crom Cruach. No, even with the current lineup, Asia, Fafnir,
Xenovia and Irina, they still wouldn’t win against Crom Cruach. Asia
then must’ve thought, ‘If that’s the case…’. She must have
considered the fact that both teams would target each other’s
healer, which meant that her task would be no more than distracting

the enemy. She then came to the conclusion ‘If it’s me and Fafnir,
then I’d be able to at least buy time’. While she was doing that, the
two Holy Sword users could take on other enemies which would
decrease the enemy’s fighting power more effectively. She
completely understood that her choice was better than all of them
retiring for nothing. Asia smiled towards Xenovia and Irina.

“Don’t worry. I will be the Red Dragon Emperor’s bride too, you
know? That’s why I have to at least have this much courage and

Xenovia and Irina heard that. Irina…also looked like she was
convinced and put Hauteclaire down.

“Let’s go.”


As Crom Cruach still kept his guard up, Xenovia Quarta and Shidou
Irina left that place. Asia-san thanked Crom Cruach who didn’t try to
go after the two swordswomen or even attack them.

“…Thank you for not chasing after my friends.”

Crom Cruach folded his arms and declared.

“Although you are a woman, you are standing bravely before me. —
I’m just paying respects to those guts of yours.”

The girl called Asia Argento still bravely stood before him despite
knowing that she wouldn’t be able to win. The Evil Dragon believed
that such courage was worthy of respect. Fafnir went down from its
battle vehicle and started to detach his weird clothing from his body.
The Dragon King put up a stance as if protecting Asia Argento. While
Crom Cruach was enveloping himself in his fighting aura towards Asia
and Fafnir, he remembered his conversation with Rias Gremory. She
had said this,

[We of the Gremory Peerage…would probably get soft if we fought
against Asia. But if it’s against Ise or Xenovia, we could fight without
holding back. But… Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, even Gasper and I…if we
have Asia as our opponent…she’s that kind of being.]

Rias seemed troubled and continued.

[However, taking out the healer is one of the keys to our victory.
That’s why I would like you to do it.]

Crom Cruach asked,

[Though you respect Asia Argento, you would still feel guilty, huh.]

[…Of course. She’s the girl…that we all have protected. But If I were
to hold back, I’d be hated by Asia. Nevermind, she wouldn’t hate me.
That girl is… That’s why…]

Crom Cruach felt that asking more questions wouldn’t do anything.

He then said,

[No problem. Whoever it is, I’ll fight with all my strength if I decide to
do it. Is that okay?]

[…I’ll at least tell you how you can be satisfied fighting her. Tell Fafnir

He quickly put what Rias Gremory said into practice. and said to

“Fafnir. Hear me out. —I was ordered to defeat Asia Argento.”

Fafnir asked back,

[…Defeat Asia-tan?]

Crom Cruach then remembered Rias’s words.

[If you say that, Fafnir will ‘change’ into a Dragon that will terrify

Crom Cruach then said it once again.

“That’s right. I will slaughter Asia Argento.”

As he said that, an inexplicable aura started to fill the area. The aura
was coming from the scales of the Golden Dragon.

[—I won’t let you.]

His body started to be enveloped in an unbelievable aura, and his

eyes were burning with rage.

[I won’t let you lay a finger on Asia-tan!]

The aura had already exceeded that of Dragon King-class. Fafnir’s

true strength was called forth due to anger…an imperial wrath. Crom
Cruach was aware of how he cornered the evil Rizevim Lucifer and
bit him to death. He smiled euphorically while looking at Fafnir’s
current state.

“What an aura you’re oozing, Fafnir…! I see, it looks like what Rias
Gremory said was true. The result couldn’t be better!”

Crom Cruach also enveloped himself in his battle aura and called out
his name.

“My name is Crescent Circle Dragon Crom Cruach, and I challenge

Gigantis Dragon Fafnir to a battle!”

Fafnir responded to this.

[I, Gigantis Dragon Fafnir, accept the challenge from Crescent Circle
Dragon Crom Cruach!]

The fight between the strongest Evil Dragon and the Dragon King
that protected Asia Argento thus began—.

Part 3

Rossweisse & Elmenhilde VS Valerie Tepes & Himejima Akeno

The [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team had to change their plans
due to Rias’s surprise attack. Among the members that got out of the
Hyoudou Residence, Rossweisse along with Elmenhilde separated
from Ise and the others, and arrived at a certain place…no, at a
certain person’s hiding place. Guided by Elmenhilde, who was in
charge of scouting and patrolling, Rossweisse — arrived before
Valerie Tepes. Elmenhilde must have been able to sense Valerie’s
aura during the scouting as they were both Vampires. Valerie was
away from the HQ and was hiding in a certain forest in the replica
Kuoh town. Rossweisse-san then stood before Valerie. Elmenhilde
was also waiting behind Rossweisse-san. —Suddenly, there was
someone wearing [Rias Gremory]’s team costume (Miko’s clothing)
who showed herself as if trying to protect Valerie, Himejima Akeno.
Akeno then smiled, welcoming Rossweisse.

“Ara ara, so it’s Rossweisse-san who is targeting Valerie-san.”

Rossweisse-san then wielded her staff as she said.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

Akeno-san then put her hand on her chin in response to Rossweisse’s

appearance and said.

“… I see, so even in the worst-case scenario, you’d trap Valerie and

her bodyguard within your barrier, huh…”

Akeno’s prediction was right. Ravel’s order was—

[Whoever it is that’s in charge of her, Rossweisse-san’s barrier will be
useful. The best-case scenario would be defeating Valerie-sama and
her bodyguard. Restricting their movements would be the second-

If push came to shove, trapping Valerie here would render them

unable to heal easily. According to the rules of the World
Tournament, the Phoenix Tears’s usage was restricted, and as a
result, a healer was really important in this Rating Game. Although
there was a special healing area within the field, it was easily
destroyed during a fight or a game. There was also a high possibility
of it being made unusable. Rossweisse-san then held her wand and
pointed it to Akeno.

Rossweisse’s wand was a legendary item in Norse mythology, the

Mistilteinn Wand. It was a magical item that the Norse God-class
beings used, which held a strong magical power. Thanks to this
wand, Rossweisse’s magic increased greatly. Akeno-san, who
affirmed this, started to let out a lightning aura throughout her
whole body. At the same time, she also formed clouds of thunder in
the sky and spread out her eight Fallen Angel wings. She required a
special bracelet in order to change into her Fallen Angel form in the
past, but it was now possible to change form without using it.
Elmenhilde, who tried to back Rossweisse-san up, opened two small
bottles containing blood that she received from Ravel and drank it all
at once. A moment later, Elmenhilde’s whole body started to let out
both Dragon and Phoenix aura. Although Elmenhilde was originally a
High-class Vampire, her Vampire abilities weren’t that amazing.
However, once she drank her target’s blood, she could use and
increase that person’s ability, and depending on the circumstances,
she could also drink the blood prepared beforehand to strengthen
herself. By drinking Ise and Ravel’s blood, she temporarily gained a
Dragon’s power and the immortality aspect of the Phoenix.

Elmenhilde planned to target Valerie whilst backing Rossweisse up.
And under those circumstances, Rossweisse and Akeno suddenly —
clashed with each other at the same time! Akeno burst her lightning
out at Rossweisse. Rossweisse then responded by creating a sturdy
defensive barrier to block it. Akeno didn’t pay attention to that as
she kept firing her lightning . Rossweisse then formed a countless
number of barriers and started to fire back flame, ice, water, wind,
and other elemental magic except lightning! Rossweisse was better
when it came to the fight between magic and demonic power as she
managed to force Akeno-san’s lightning back.

“What about this!?”

Akeno-san then made her lightning into the shape of a Dragon. —

Lightning Dragon, Akeno’s killer move. The lightning that had turned
into a giant eastern Dragon was released from Akeno’s hand! Making
matters worse, it was not only one, but five at the same time! Each
of them was enveloped in a denser aura than the previous ones,
showing the results of Akeno’s training. Rossweisse then used her
wand to enhance her magic and fired offensive magic! Rossweisse’s
strengthened elemental magic burst collided against Akeno’s five
lightning Dragons, creating a big explosion and blowing away the
scenery in the woods! As the dust started to disappear — the one
who was on their knees was Akeno. Rossweisse had the advantage in
terms of a fight between magic and demonic power as she had a
God’s weapon with her. Rossweisse said,

“Akeno-san, I am better than you when it comes to direct firing. I

must apologise… No, I am Ise-kun’s servant. Akeno-san, Valerie-san,
for my master’s sake, prepare yourself!”

Akeno smiled in response to Rossweisse’s words.

“And that’s exactly why you’re my husband’s [Rook]. Still, I am Rias

Gremory’s [Queen]. I can’t just lose like that.”

An unknown aura started to emit from her body. That was — not her
Fallen Angel’s lightning aura. Akeno then reached her pocket and
took out — an Oni mask. After that, she put it on her face and made
a symbol with her hands. —Suddenly, five magic circles started to
appear around Akeno. Those were the magic circles of this country’s
special ability users. Akeno then said,

“Come out, come out. Respond to my voice, and summon thyself


All of a sudden, the five magic circles started to let out a malicious
aura! Rossweisse, who perceived this as dangerous, also reacted by
forming a defensive aura around her. Soon after, something was
summoned from the five magic circles that Akeno-san created —
they were two giant, six meter high monsters. Both monsters had
horns growing from their heads, as well as sharp fangs which could
be seen from their mouths. Last but not least, they were holding
giant studded clubs in their enormous arms. They were Oni. Not only
that, the pressure and their Youkai aura showed that they were not
normal Oni. Akeno took off her mask as she revealed only half of her
face and said to Rossweisse,

“On my left, it’s Ura-sama, and on my right, it’s Ibaraki Douji.”

The Oni called Ura scratched its head as it asked Akeno.

[A-, Himejima’s daughter, huh. …What is it?]

On the other hand, Ibaraki Douji folded his arms and looked around.

[The enemy must’ve been quite the strong one for you to call us,
huh, Himejima?]

Both Oni were releasing a strong aura!

Ura — the famous evil Oni that became the head of its kind and lived
in Onigashima in the Momotarou story. Ibaraki Douji — a legendary

Onigami who served as the right hand of Shuten Douji, one of the

three great Youkai of Japan. Rossweisse then figured out that Akeno
had made a contract with these two Onis as her familiars. Akeno

“Thanks to the kindness of my cousin, Suzaku-neesama, I was able to

enter the Himejima house.There, I asked to — strengthen the power
that I inherited from my mum which flows through my blood.”

Akeno controlled the small Oni. Rossweisse had heard about this
before. Akeno’s mother was easily liked by Oni. Akeno herself also
had a good relationship with a number of small Oni in her childhood.
…The Five Principal Clanshad a deep relationship with the monsters
and Youkai in this country. She probably succeeded in making
contract with the famous Oni through the Himejima household. In
this Rating Game, there was a limit to a familiar’s usage. If that
weren’t the case, the player wouldn’t need to fight by themselves as
they would only need to make a contract with strong monsters and
have them fight. For that reason, there was a time limit to
summoned beings.

In the [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team’s case, Asia was an

example, who used Fafnir. On the other side, Akeno was the one
who used familiars in the [Rias Gremory] team. Yet, this information
and situation were completely unexpected. The fact that Akeno was
acknowledged by the Himejima household was known to all her
comrades. Considering that fact, it would be natural that she would
get some kind of courtesy. That being said, her making a contract
with the two legendary Oni was completely unanticipated, as even
Ravel didn’t foresee this outcome. Akeno then said to the two Oni,

“I’ll have the two of you accompany me for a little while.”

Upon hearing her order, the two Oni gazed at Rossweisse. Ura then
held his studded club tightly and said,

[…A person from…another country, huh. This is troublesome….]

Ibaraki Douji also made his club appear and held it. Akeno, who was
accompanied by the two Oni, also enveloped herself in lightning.

“Now, Rossweisse-san, let’s continue.”

Rossweisse released offense magic at the two Oni after confirming

their power. The two Oni easily deflected Rossweisse’s attack with
their clubs. Rossweisse was convinced that taking Valerie Tepes out
wouldn’t be simple after observing the outcome just now.

“Elmenhilde-san, this is going to be a harsh battle.”

Elmenhilde made several small metal-humanoid-figures — [Mobile

Suit Gundam] appear in response to Rossweisse’s words. Elmenhilde
was able to control those silver figures. She then said,

“Yes, I’ll accompany you.”

Rossweisse along with Elmenhilde took on Akeno and the two

legendary Oni—.

Part 4

Ravel Phoenix VS Toujou Shirone (Koneko)

Ravel Phoenix moved out from the Hyoudou Residence along with
Ise and separated midway as she waited for a certain person. This
was because when she was moving with Ise, she caught a glimpse of
a white figure. Ravel was waiting for someone in front of the park’s
water fountain. Soon after, a girl with a cat’s ears and tail appeared.
Toujou Shirone—. She was Ravel’s close friend. Ravel welcomed
Shirone by smiling in response to her appearance.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Shirone.”

Shirone then stood before Ravel and said,

“…As expected, you were waiting for me.”

“I’m your friend after all. If I were to fight, the opponent must be

Shirone transformed her tail into three and started to let her
Senjutsu touki out over her entire body in response to Ravel’s words.

“…I won’t lose in hitting games.”

Ravel Phoenix then spread her iconic flame wings in response to

Shirone’s provocation.

“I know that. However, I am the daughter of Phoenix. —In order to

see who’s the loser, let’s prove it in a match.”

Ravel Phoenix possessed her household’s special ability —

Immortality. Wounds created due to normal attacks would just close
up due to her regeneration.. Shirone closed her distance with high
speed in her three-tail form and punched Ravel! Even though a part
of Ravel’s body was blown away, the damage was enveloped in
flames which regenerated the missing limb. Ravel then blasted a
giant amount of flame from her wings at Shirone. Shirone backed
away and evaded it. Shirone fully knew that Ravel wouldn’t give up
on the match as she made a combative stance.

“…Who’d think that the strategist would engage in a close-quarters


Ravel then smiled boldly in response to Shirone’s words.

“If you are that person’s servant, you’re bound to be affected to do


Responding to Ravel who jumped away, Shirone heightened her

Senjutsu to deal with her—.

Part 5

Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu vs Lint Sellzen

While Ise, Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu, and Bina Lessthan of the

[Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team were moving around the
town to look for Rias Gremory’s location, they were suddenly
attacked by Lint Sellzen. Ouryuu said to Ise and Bina.

“I’ll hold her here. Hyoudou-senpai and Bina-san, please go to Rias

Gremory-senpai’s place.”

“…Can you do it?”

“Yeah, I’ll somehow manage it.”

Ise and Bina left him after hearing such a response from Ouryuu. Ise
then said to him through the intercom.

[Nakiri. After you win, you can either help Asia or go to Xenovia and
Irina’s place, as both of them are fighting quite the enemy.]

“Got it.”

Having left those words, Ouryuu then faced Lint Sellzen. Lint was
holding a sword made of purple flames along with a gun with purple-
flame bullets. She then prepared herself and said.

“Well, well, aren’t you the son of the Nakiri house~hold?”

“So this is a fight between amateurs, huh?”

Ouryuu — decided to fight Lint with all his might from the very
beginning as he left those words. The enemy was both a Longinus
user, as well as a silver-winged Angel. Silver-winged Angels were
candidates for the [Extra Joker] position that existed among
reincarnated Angels. There were a number of people who could
utilise the [Joker] in the Anges’ [Trump Card] prepared in order to act

as a substitute. The [Extra Joker] in the Angels’ [Trump Card] system
was used when a [Joker] couldn’t be utilised or when a substitute of
the [Joker] was needed to be on the move. It was a feature based on
the item used to reincarnate someone into a reincarnated Angel,
[Trump]’s Extra Joker (Joker’s semi card).

Lint Sellzen was one of the candidates for [Extra Joker], which meant
that Nakiri couldn’t let his guard down. Ouryuu then increased his
touki all over his body and made it explode! As the touki explosion
stopped — Ouryuu had already changed into a humanoid Dragon.
His head resembled the face of an oriental Dragon. A golden
humanoid Dragon—. His neck, arms and legs had become bigger
along with the thickness of his chest and stature. His overall size had
grown. As the next head of the Nakiri Household, the head of the
Five Principal Clans, he was able to draw out the [Qi] from the Earth

as much as he wanted and as long as his feet touched the earth

thanks to the Dragon Vein . That’s why it could also be said that he

had an unlimited amount of Touki.

That being said, the fact that this field was especially made for game-
use meant that Nakiri was not able to draw out an unlimited amount
of power. This technique was possible due to the contract that was
made with the Earth Sacred Beast [Ouryuu] that the Nakiri
household controlled. The person who made a contract with the
Sacred Beast could summon it in two completely different ways. The
first was by directly summoning the Sacred Beast. The other one was
letting it possess one’s body to manifest itself. Ouryuu was the latter
one, and this form of his was called the Ryuukijin. Nakiri, who had
turned into his Ryuukijin form, started to let out an enormous
amount of aura from his whole body as he charged forth. Nakiri then
closed his distance with Lint in a moment and started to punch and
kick her with high speed. Each of his attacks were powerful enough
to turn Lint’s slender body to dust if she were to get hit directly. As
usual, Lint simply moved acrobatically as she evaded Ouryuu’s
physical assault. As Ouryuu kept attacking her, he said,

“I had promised something with Bo. If one of us were to lose first in

this match—”

Ouryuu then stepped on the land with great force! As he did that,
the ground on which Lint was standing rose up! The people of the
Nakiri clan who controlled the earth could do all sorts of things with
[Earth] as long as they were stepping on it. Likewise, the ground
which Lint was standing on started to be lifted up just with that one
step. Looking at Lint who lost her balance, Ouryuu then punched her!
Lint responded by using her gun as shield and received his attack—.
Ouryuu then lashed out.

“The other would work three times harder than the one who lost!”

Lint who was sent away tried to balance herself.

“…Wow, that was one hell of a punch.”

As Lint said that — her blood dripped to the ground. She was
wounded. That wound was from before her fight against Ouryuu.
Ouryuu said,

“Did you get that from Roygun? That person’s specialty, [Crack].
Recently, she developed a new technique where she was able to
expand the area of its damage.”

Lint smiled ironically in response to Ouryuu’s explanation.

“I got this counterattack when I was sticking to Rias-leader .Wow~, I

really did let my guard down. …To think that the holy cup’s healing
ability was not able to heal this soon.”

Roygun Belphegor was defeated not long after the match began
along with Bova Tannin due to Rias Gremory’s surprise attack.
Although it looked like she was just defeated, she used the new
technique that she learned during the training camp on the enemy.
Roygun completed her new technique, which was hard to be treated
and enabled her to expand the damage at the same time. Although
she didn’t use real living beings as subjects during the training,
Roygun said that even with Asia’s high healing ability, it would still
take hours to completely heal it.

Although it looked like Lint asked for Valerie Tepes’ help to heal her
using the holy cup, she wasn’t able to completely heal the damage
within that short amount of time. If it wasn’t completely healed, the
wound would once again open . It was like Lint Sellzen had a time-
bomb set on her. Even if Ouryuu didn’t do anything, the damage
would spread and eventually force her to retire. Ouryuu then
prepared his fist and said,

“Still, I won’t go easy on you. I am the type that will go all out when I
decide to.”

Lint was happy upon hearing those words.

“I am glad. If you were to go easy on me, I wouldn’t be able to show
my face to everyone.”

As Lint said that, she let out a tremendous aura on her whole body
along with the last brilliance. The purple flame that enveloped her
body then became wild and burst open!

“It’s my Balance Breaker.”

The enormous amount of purple flame then formed into something.

—Three Angels composed of purple flames appeared. They were two
male Angels and a female Angel who looked like her. Lint then said,

“Hehe, this is my Incinerate Anthem’s sub-species Balance Breaker,

[Lovely Heavenly Angels]. They are based on Sieg-sensei, Freed-aniki
and myself.”

Lint then controlled the three Angels as she said,

“I wanted to at least have these three on command with my own


Lint then used those three Angels to fight! Ouryuu knew about Lint
being able to use Angels as he saw a recording of a match where she
used her Balance Breaker. She had used them during the game
between Team [Rias Gremory] and Team [Hakuryuukou of the
Morning Star]. Although at that time, the purple-flamed Angels were
giants… Nakiri then concluded that she could change their size at
will. But above all, he had to be careful with these Angels, as each of
them had a troublesome form-changing ability. There being three of
them must mean that there were three possible forms. Ouryuu
calmly deduced that coming in direct contact with them would be
dangerous. Ouryuu then stepped on the ground three times. A
moment later, the earth floated up and was thrown at the Angels
who were heading towards him. The Angels who were trapped in the
earth prison tried to envelop the earth with flames and run, but

Ouryuu responded by adding layers and layers of earth until the died
went out.

If her Balance Breaker was in its perfect form, the earth cage would
easily be destroyed, but the wound that Roygun-san gave her put a
limitation on Lint. Currently, Lint was breathing heavily and could
pass out at anytime. Still, Lint made one of her purple-flamed Angels
that was trapped in the earth cage disappear and tried to summon it
once again beside her. Ouryuu had certainly grown… He had fought
various mythologies, and had his fair share of losses and victories. His
aim was — the senior he admired, Hyoudou Issei. I want to be like
senpai who broke through countless struggles —. In order to save
the girl that I once failed to protect—. In order to surpass my
predecessor, who was called the strongest [Ouryuu], [Nakiri
Nakagami the Ouryuu]—.

“I can’t afford to lose!”

Ouryuu, who flew from his spot at a godly speed, aimed atLint’s back
without letting her follow his movements. As she turned back,
Ouryuu had already gathered a large amount of Touki in his fist as he
punched her. It was like — Sairaorg-san and Hyoudou Issei’s bout.


A pleasing sound could be heard. Ouryuu’s fist connected deeply to

Lint’s stomach. The strength of that attack caused a shock that sent
her whole body flying backwards. Ouryuu said,

“Bo, I have avenged you. Roygun-san, your specialty was also the

Lint collapsed there and instantly got enveloped in retirement light.

She was — smiling.

“Fufu. Despite the fact that I lost…you might not be able to win
against your next opponent.”

Lint then looked at a certain direction.

“That person is…a monster after all.”

After saying her final words, Lint disappeared from the field—. Not
long after,

<<[Rias Gremory] Team’s one [Knight], Retired!>>

The announcer declared Lint’s retirement. Ouryuu, who defeated

Lint, then looked at the direction that Lint had glanced towards. He
could also feel the pressure of the person that Ise called “quite the

“I can feel Xenovia-kaichou and Irina-senpai’s aura. I see, so they are

fighting against an unimaginable enemy. Not only that, Argento-
senpai is also…”

He could sense the auras of two giant Dragons in another direction—


Part 6

Asia & Fafnir VS Crom Cruach

Asia Argento along with Dragon King Fafnir were fighting Crom
Cruach, the Strongest Evil Dragon. The fight between fellow Dragons
was extremely fierce, to the point that the houses around them were
destroyed and turned into debris due to Fafnir and Crom Cruach’s
exchange of fists. Fafnir then launched a legendary item stored
within his body from his mouth. He also activated the ability of the
item that he took out and approached Crom Cruach—.

The legendary Evil Dragon, using only pure power from his arms,
aura bullets and fire breath, shot down all the legendary items that
Fafnir released. Whether they were elemental weapons or cursed
objects, Crom Cruach nullified all of them using his pure power, aura
and flames. To Crom Cruach, fists, aura and flames were a Dragon’s
absolute means of offense. —He continued to train those aspects
and became the best. No, the strongest! Fafnir then moved with a
speed that was unbelievable considering his giant body and attacked
Crom Cruach with his claws, fangs, and all other body parts, but
Crom Cruach simply deflected all of them with his fists. The ten-
meter high giant Dragon was blown away by pure strength. Crom
Cruach’s basic body strength surpassed one’s imagination. Crom
Cruach didn’t even breathe strenuously while his opponent — Fafnir,
already had blood gushing out from his mouth. Even after one of the
Dragon Kings became angered, Crom Cruach still triumphed over
him. However, Fafnir’s wounds were shrouded in a pale green aura
that closed them. Asia, who was standing behind Fafnir, used her
healing Sacred Gear everytime Fafnir got wounded.Whenever Fafnir
got wounded badly or received a brutal attack, she would support
him by temporarily activating her Balance Breaker, [Twilight Saint
Affection]. Asia, who was wearing a golden armor on her body and
radiating her aura, had a Balance Breaker that enabled her to heal
rapidly and create a healing field that nullified all damage within its
boundaries. Because of that, Crom Cruach’s attacks were nullified.
Being able to nullify the legendary Evil Dragon’s attack even
temporarily was a terrifying thing considering her healing ability. Still,
there was something that Asia couldn’t heal.

—It was stamina.

To keep going at Crom Cruach numerous times would decrease

Fafnir’s stamina. Having his blood leaking out also meant that he
would be cornered slowly but surely. Asia was also about to reach
her stamina limit as she used her Balance Breaker continuously.

Fafnir then readied himself as he took out his trump card. He
shouted at Asia.

[Asia-tan. Take out those panties! The see-through one, that is!]

“Y-You are going to use that, huh! O-Okay!”

Asia had thrown her pride aside upon seeing Fafnir, who was bravely
fighting, and at that instant took out her see-through panties and
threw them at Fafnir.

As Fafnir put them in his mouth, he quickly swallowed them. —Fafnir

would get a mysterious power-up with Asia’s panties. He then
radiated a mysterious light from his body. Not long after that, Fafnir
pointed his mouth at the ground. From there, a ladder-like thing was

[This week’s shocking and surprising monster, march on!]

As Fafnir said that — mini Fafnir-like beings came out from his mouth
and began to follow the steps of the ladder! Looking at it closely —
fairies who looked like a deformed Asia rode on top of those mini-

[Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty!]

While they started to shout unbelievable things, ten…no, a hundred

of those mini-Fafnirs and mini-Asias were summoned. Crom Cruach
then became cautious in response to the occurence.

“It’s the technique that made Artemis, the Goddess of Olympus,

suffer, huh. Looks like I can play with it.”

Crom Cruach thanked Asia as he prepared his stance seriously—. The

mini-Fafnirs that came out of Fafnir’s mouth latched onto Crom
Cruach’s body, biting and scratching him, while those that latched
onto his back punched him. Although they simply looked like moving

toys, they certainly did damage Crom Cruach bit by bit. Fighting one
of them would be very easy, but…even now, the mini-Fafnirs were
still coming out from Fafnir’s mouth. Their numbers had exceeded
five hundred. Destroying one or two of them wouldn’t mean
anything, since there was no end to them. If that amount of mini-
Fafnirs kept latching onto his body, the damage done would surely
keep increasing. The worst thing was that even after the mini-Fafnirs
had latched onto his body, other mini-Fafnirs still kept marching
whilst attacking Crom Cruach. Crom Cruach, who thought that the
marching mini-Fafnirs were annoying, shrouded himself in a large
amount of aura and released it at once.


That was his battlecry. All the mini-Fafnirs that had latched onto
Crom Cruach’s body were blown away. Not stopping there, Crom
Cruach also dealt with the rest of the mini-Fafnirs that were
marching onto him by breathing an extreme amount of fire,
extinguishing all of them at once. Crom Cruach then continued on as
he engulfed the real Fafnir with the fire! He also didn’t let that end
there and followed it by charging a large amount of aura in his hands
and fired it at the real Fafnir. Fafnir and Asia endured the powerful
aura bullet, creating a big explosion. The shockwave even caused the
scenery around them to be blown away, including all of the replica
houses due to Crom Cruach’s attack. As the Evil Dragon looked
forward — Fafnir was buried in the debris. Blood was flowing from all
over his body, and he also coughed blood. He was probably unable to
stand anymore. Despite that, the Dragon King protected her until the
end. Asia, who was unharmed, appeared from below Fafnir’s
stomach. He had become Asia’s wall. Asia then tried to shroud the
injured Fafnir with her healing aura.

“Fafnir-san! I will heal you!”

However, Crom Cruach walked towards Fafnir without showing any
expression. He enveloped his hands in aura as he planned to defeat
Fafnir and Asia. Just when Crom Cruach was about to unleash his
aura — Fafnir suddenly got up and flew away! He bit into Crom
Cruach’s left arm! A blunt sound was heard from Crom Cruach’s arm.
—It was proof of Fafnir’s willpower. Even Rizevim was cornered by
that. Crom Cruach looked happy in response to the Golden Dragon
King who broke his arm.

“… It has been a while since I’ve had my arm broken! Nice… Nicely
done. You fought until the very last, Fafnir!”

Following that, Crom Cruach lifted Fafnir’s enormous body and

hurled him into the sky in response to that show of courage! He then
enlarged his stomach and discharged an immense blaze at Fafnir
who was in the sky. While being engulfed in Crom Cruach’s flames,
Fafnir apologised to Asia.

[…Asia-tan, I’m sorry. I…]

Leaving those words behind, Fafnir disappeared from the field—. His
role as a familiar in this match had ended. After losing Fafnir, her
bodyguard, Asia was now completely open. —Still, the girl with
blonde hair had that courageous look in her eyes as she increased
her magic. She developed magic circles using her hand and started to
release elemental magic attacks. Flame and gust came at Crom
Cruach, but…Asia’s attacks were no more than a tickle to the
StrongestEvil Dragon. Crom Cruach then said to Asia as he closed his

“You’re still fighting me, huh, Asia Argento?”

Asia didn’t even flinch and declared at Crom Cruach while preparing
her offense attack—.

“I am a servant of the Red Dragon Emperor, Hyoudou Issei, and
someone who will be his wife. —I will keep fighting until the end.”

The Evil Dragon then had a feeling of admiration towards the girl due
to her words.

“Nicely said, Fafnir’s master. Red Dragon Emperor’s girl, I am deeply

honoured to be able to fight you guys.”

Crom Cruach then shrouded his hands in aura and attacked Asia at
once—. Following that attack, the announcer said.

<<Team [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]’s one [Bishop], Retired!>>

Taking the left arm of the Strongest Evil Dragon Crom Cruach was still
a sizable accomplishment—.

Onigami: a leader of Oni
Qi: In traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch’i (Chinese: 气; pinyin: qì
About this soundqì) is believed to be a vital force forming part of any
living entity.[1][2][page needed][3][page needed] Qi translates as
“air” and figuratively as “material energy”, “life force”, or “energy
flow”.[4] Qi is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional
medicine and in Chinese martial arts. The practice of cultivating and
balancing qi is called qigong.
Dragon Vein: A Taoist concept where the vitality of the cosmos and
the earth flow through ‘Dragon Veins’

Rias Gremory had something to do before going against Ise.
Accompanied by her [Knight], she waited for a certain person who
was moving together with Ise. That was probably a suggestion from
the [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]’s strategist, Ravel. Right now,
there were two people who were standing before Rias and
Yuuto.Their beloved man wearing his crimson armour — Hyoudou
Issei, and a woman wearing a Dragon’s mask — Bina Lessthan. That’s
right, Rias wanted a face-off against Bina Lessthan before the final
showdown with Ise. Ise then said to Rias.

“…We finally meet, but what are we going to do now I wonder?”

Ise also smiled wryly while looking at this match-up. Rias told Yuuto,

“Yuuto, I am counting on you.”


Yuuto then stood before Ise expressing his resolve through his aura
and said.

“Ise-kun, would you please accompany me?”

In response to those words, Ise then looked at them and glanced at

Bina Lessthan as he said.

“…Even if I reject that, you will have Rias fight against Bina-shi, right?
I can also feel Gya-suke’s presence nearby as well. —Fine, I’ll face
you till the end.”

He responded to Yuuto’s words and flew from that place. Ise felt
Gasper’s presence. As Gasper was basically going to do the
combination technique with Rias, he might’ve stayed hidden within
Rias’s shadow. He must have been ordered to do that, so that if his
master were to be in a dangerous situation, he could instantly

provide support from the shadows. Ise and Yuuto flew away from the
area, leaving Bina Lessthan to face Rias. Bina was releasing a
combative aura.

“I’ll take you on, Rias Gremory.”

“I accept your challenge, Bina Lessthan.”

Rias understood that she would be no match for her opponent as is,
so, she proceeded to initiate her combination technique with Gasper
by reciting the chant.

“—Gasper, we’re using that.”


“Darkness, everlasting darkness, respond to this Devil of


<<Princess of destruction, symbol of extinction, use this darkness of

the Demon God.>>

Gasper’s darkness appeared from Rias’s shadow as it writhed and

started to cover Rias’s legs. It then gradually covered her entire body.

“My evil eye, brother of the evil eyes, gather onto this destruction of

<<My master, sister of destruction, drape this forbidden night and

true darkness around you.>>

Rias’s body was then covered in darkness, culminating in a new

form.. And then, Rias and Gasper chanted the last verse at the same

“<<Give the enemy before you absolute destruction!>>”

Everything was swallowed by darkness. The landscape was dyed jet-
black. Floating in the centre of this darkness was a human-shaped
Devil of darkness who was enveloped in the deep red aura of
destruction—. Having turned into a dark beast, a third eye with a
deep red pupil opened on Rias’s forehead. That was the combination
technique of Rias and Gasper, [Forbidden Invade Balor the Princess]

In response to Rias, who had started to release an enormous aura,

Bina also enveloped herself with an equal amount of aura. Both of
them then leapt towards the sky as Rias’s power of destruction and
Bina’s Maou-class aura started colliding with each other! Rias’s
attacks while being enveloped by Gasper were explosive-like and so
powerful that they easily shot down Bina’s Maou-class Devil Power.
Rias’s current power had exceeded Maou-class. That being said, the
fact that it drained the user’s stamina quickly meant that she had to
be careful while using it. Ever since that form manifested, they had
trained again and again in order to be able to lengthen the time to be
in that form. Although it was far better compared to the time during
the prelims…they were still unable to keep the duration of their
transformation up for as long as Ise’s Dragon Deification. For that
reason, fighting Bina over a long period of time would be suicidal.
However, Rias felt that…her worries would be nothing but a fleeting
concern. That’s because — there was despair in Bina’s huge attacks.
Rias heard that something had occurred with Bina — Grayfia, during
the training camp of the [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team from
the Gremory household. Despite that, Rias thought that she was
simply expressing the things she had kept for herself. Bina — Grayfia
must’ve been more and more worried day by day along with the

She was her sister-in-law, a family member that had helped raise her
ever since she was small. Rias knew about the true side of Sirzechs
Lucifer’s Queen, Grayfia Lucifuge, who always tried to show her
dignity, her glamorous side, and her shine. But it t was also a fact

that she was someone who got lonely easily. One day, she would not
be able to contain it and would break. If it happened during her
conversation with Ise, it was only a matter of time before her aura
would start to get unstable like the one she was enveloping herself in
right now. That’s why, as her sister-in-law, Rias thought that there’s
no way other than solving it by herself. After several minutes of aura-
bullet shootings, Rias’s destruction power started to completely
overwhelm Bina’s attacks. Not only that, Bina’s large-sized bullet
attacks were stopped due to the third eye of the dark-clothed Rias
which was capable of stopping time. Rias then said to Bina, her

[Ise has his own dream. That’s why he tries so hard, and almost died
on several occasions. Because of that, his dream is starting to
become a reality. The fact that he has become a High-class Devil too
was achieved because of his honest battles and struggles.]

Rias then charged her aura and turned her Devil power into a giant

“I… I…”

Bina, who had lost her words, managed to create a sphere from her
unstable aura and fired it at Rias. Rias responded by throwing her
own sphere and spoke upfront. —She couldn’t contain the feelings
she held towards the person before her eyes.

[…Please, dearest sister-in-law… Acknowledge Ise’s true dream… And

also, sister, you too… Don’t get caught up by the fact that you are the
Lucifer’s [Queen]…! If you have any problems, please count on me,
father or mother! Although I might not be able to replace brother….
Still, we are — your family!]

As Bina, no, Grayfia listened to Rias’s sincere words—.

Bina’s Dragon mask was destroyed due to the shockwave caused by
the collision between their demonic powers. Tears were flowing
from Bina’s face—.

“…Rias, I… I…”

Rias’s aura swallowed Bina, Grayfia, her sister-in-law—. A moment

later, the announcer said.

<<—Team [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]’s [Queen], Retired!>>

As Grayfia disappeared, Rias looked at the sky. She then took a deep
breath and undid the combination technique with Gasper. As she
changed her attention, she looked at the place where Yuuto and Ise

“…Yuuto, now it’s you who must express yourself.”

Life.Friend VS Knight.Friend Hyoudou Issei and Kiba
After having encountered Rias who chose to face Bina-shi, I —
Hyoudou Issei was challenged by Kiba. I flew down to the carpark of
a certain shopping mall along with Kiba …The things that Kiba said
just now made me remember certain words that left an impression
on me. I wonder if you still remember it, Kiba.

—I want you to follow me.

When I just became a Devil, you came to my classroom and said that,
didn’t you? The place that you guided me to was — where Rias and
the other members of the Occult Research Club were. After that, I
truly stepped into the supernatural world. I bet you don’t remember
the things that you said back then. But I will never forget them, ever .
You — were the one who guided me to this world. If the one that
came to me at that time was Akeno-san or Koneko-chan, I might not
have the same feeling I have right now. However, I am truly grateful
that the one who helped me at that time was you. You are a man
that I respect, one of the people whom I want to surpass, as well as a
comrade who has supported me. Kiba then held his Demonic
Emperor Sword Gram and told me.

“Ise-kun, before we fight, there’s something that I want to tell you.

—I am really grateful that you are my friend, and I would like us to
keep being friends. That’s why, I’ll fight you with all my might today.”

Following his wonderful words, he started to shroud himself in an

aggressive aura. I responded to him by enveloping myself in a
crimson aura and replied up-front.

“Hahaha, I can’t help but feel shy after being complimented by the
handsome one. Calm down. After all, we’ll stay friends forever. —
But, well, I guess we’ll fight for today?”

“Yeah. I am Rias-neesan’s sword after all.”

“That’s right, and I am the [King] of the Hyoudou Issei’s peerage.”

After both of us confessed those things to each other, I — chanted

the Dragon Deification’s verses in order to fight sincerely.

“—The Crimson Red Dragon dwelling within me, awaken from your

A dazzling crimson glow emitted from the gem on my right gauntlet.

[—The Crimson Heavenly Dragon I possess within me, rise up to

become a King and roar]

Ophis’ voice echoed out from the gem—.

“—The jet-black God of Infinity”

The gem on my left gauntlet unleashed a jet-black aura. An

incredible crimson aura enveloped my entire body.

[—The glorious God of Dreams]

The jet-black aura of infinity was then encased over it—.

“[—Watch over the false forbidden existence we shall become that

transcends the boundaries]”

My crimson armour was then tinged with a jet-black pattern. The

power of the Dragon God had fully manifested. And then, we recited
the final verse together—.

“[—Thou shalt dance like radiance within our inferno]”

“<<[D∞D!! D∞D D∞D!! D∞D D∞D D∞D!!!! D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D
D∞D D∞D!!!!!! D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D
D∞D D∞D D∞D!!!!!!!!]>>”

All of the gems resounded with a voice which said [D∞D!!] and
permeated through to the soul. An ∞ symbol emerged on all of the

“[<<Dragon ∞ Drive!!!!!!>>]”

—Dragon Deification, complete. Well, it’s actually Pseudo Dragon

Deification … But, this was the utmost I could manage as of now. As
the crimson and jet-black aura started to be released from my body, I
raised my fist towards him. Kiba responded by pointing the tip of his
Demonic Emperor Sword Gram at me as well. Demonic Emperor
Sword Gram… It was one of the strongest even among the other
Demonic Swords. Known for its terrifying sharpness, it even had the
strong ability of [Dragon Slayer], the natural nemesis of me who’s a
Dragon. There’s also Kiba’s Sacred Gear, [Sword Birth]’s Balance
Breaker — [Sword Of Betrayer], which enabled him to wield the Holy
Demonic Sword. For a Devil like me, I also couldn’t let my guard
down against that one.

Kiba — suddenly disappeared without a sound! As soon as I grasped

the situation, I also flew away from that place! At the same time, I
tried to summon Ascalon that’s stored in my left gauntlet! Both of us
then moved at an imperceivable speed while we kept checking each
other, and finally clashed in the middle of the parking lot! My blade
and Kiba’s sword clashed! The fierce fight in the parking lot had
begun! …I can’t afford to directly touch Gram with its Dragon Slayer
ability! I’ll stop it with my Holy Sword Ascalon! …That being said,
Gram’s Dragon Slayer ability was undoubtedly strong! Just by
clashing these blades, the Dragon Slayer’s aura hit me! It’s only
natural that I get the chills! As we continued the close-quarters fight,
Kiba then smiled boldly.

“…It seems like you can easily match my speed in that form!”

“Well yeah! I mean, what do you think was the result of all those
countless sparring sessions we did? I’ve learned your fighting style
and habits!”

That’s right, I’ve done countless sparrings with Kiba in the training
space. I’ve learned what techniques he might have trouble dealing
with. I’ve learned so many things. Kiba then continued.

“Well, I’ve also done the same!”

As Kiba increased his aura, a number of armoured knights started to

appear! This was the sub- species Balance Breaker of the Sacred Gear
[Blade Blacksmith] that Kiba had — [Glory Drag Trooper]. The
armoured knights wore dragon-like armour and each held Demonic
sword in their hand.

Kiba not only had Gram, but also other Demonic swords such as
Balmung, Nothung, Dáinsleif, and Tyrfing. Although all of them were
owned by the former Hero Faction’s vice-leader Siegfried, Kiba got all
of the Demonic swords including Gram after he defeated him. …For
God’s sake, I was astonished once again by Kiba’s stash! Luckily, it
was impossible to use two Balance Breakers at the same time, which
meant that Kiba couldn’t use his Holy Demonic Sword and the [Glory
Drag Trooper] together.


As Kiba ordered the Dragon Knights, they came at me at a high speed

while carrying their Demonic Swords! Kiba then followed up by
charging at me as well! I tried to evade the special abilities of those
Dragon Knights’ Demonic Swords while trying to defeat them by
kicking and punching them one by one. The defeated Dragon Knights
who disappeared and left their Demonic Swords behind — were
instantly recreated as they picked up the swords and charged at me
one more time! No matter how many times I defeated them, they’d

be resurrected and come at me again! Kiba, who found an opening,
slashed my back with Gram! I could feel the strong shock the
moment it got in contact with my body! …It was an attack that
permeated through the soul. So this was the technique that Kiba
learned from His Eminence Strada, huh! A strategy in which the user
increased their destructive force at the moment of impact! Not only
that, the Dragon Slayer aura also permeated along with the shock! …I
could feel the strange pain and suffering throughout my whole body!
However, Gram’s attack barely scratched my armor and didn’t go as
far as destroying it. This was a big thing, you know! One of the
strongest Dragon Slayers, Gram, couldn’t completely destroy Dragon
Deification’s armor! I quickly repaired the scratch on my armor.
Upon seeing that Gram couldn’t destroy the Dragon Deification
armor, Kiba ground his teeth.

“…As expected, your jet-black armor is on a whole different level! If

that’s the case!”

Kiba then backed off for a moment and made his Dragon Knights
disappear. He then clenched his swords and said to me,

“Let’s attack you with numbers.”

Following that, Kiba then increased his aura not on his whole body,
but only on his torso and legs. …It’s something that I’d never seen
before. This had to be his new technique! After that, propulsion
device-like shoes and rocket boosters were formed on his feet and
back using his aura. Looking at it closely, there were also small
boosters on the shoes. A moment later, a large amount of aura shot
out of the boosters on Kiba’s back and shoes.

“This is inspired by [Glory Drag Trooper].”

That’s what Kiba said. So he was inspired by the Dragon Knights’

armor and put an aura-blasting armour on his body, huh!

“I’m going now.”

Kiba said as he seemingly vanished. I tried to chase him using my

eyes and senses, but his speed had already exceeded my recognition,
to the point where I couldn’t even locate his presence due to his
overwhelming speed! Kiba’s speed completely surpassed the speed
of sound as he moved around me! He then attacked me while
moving, and every time I tried to react, I would get cut again. I
continued to be attacked without being able to react! Although
Kiba’s attacks only managed to scratch my armor, the shock and the
Dragon Slayer aura permeated through the armor. Due to this, the
damage would worsen and turn into an unbearable pain!


Every time I tried to punch Kiba, he would’ve already disappeared. I

couldn’t do anything! While I struggled to deal with Kiba’s godly
speed, I heard an announcement.

<<—Team [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]’s [Queen], Retired!>>


It was an announcement for my team’s retirement, Bina-shi’s

retirement. …I see, so Grayfia-san was defeated by Rias…! —I
couldn’t afford to lose! However, this speed… The aura boost was
clearly superb. Damn that Kiba, he looked like he had significantly
concentrated his power and improved the accuracy of his aura

…Control? I then realised something and…I knew that I had to try it

out. Anyway, I concentrated and attempted to touch Kiba! Every
time Kiba’s god-speed attacks damaged my armor, I felt an
unbearable pain throughout my whole body… However, I heightened
my senses and remembered the sparring that I did with him. …His
habits, his fighting style…I must’ve encountered all of them.

Think…about his habits and he himself! I then flashed back through
the countless numbers of Kiba’s fighting patterns and aligned them
with the damage I was receiving. And then, I remembered a certain
pattern and thrust my fist out.

—This is it! This is where Kiba will come! My prediction was right. My
hand — touched Kiba’s body. I didn’t let that moment escape!


I transferred my power into Kiba at that exact moment. Suddenly,

the booster on Kiba’s back and shoes started to release an excessive
amount of aura. The booster let out too much aura because of my


Kiba couldn’t control his speed and, as a result, he crashed into the
carpark. …I was right. Kiba was a technique-type. In order to achieve
the accuracy that the technique produced, he must’ve used the
precise amount of aura that he needed. He adjusted his aura blast to
the point where he was just barely able to maintain control as he
increased his speed. So, if the amount of aura was increased, he
wouldn’t be able to control it and would go wild. I was right. The
moment I touched that guy and transferred the Red Dragon
Emperor’s power, Kiba was… Kiba, who crash-landed into the carpark
—twisted his leg. He wouldn’t be able to continue fighting at such a
high-speed anymore. It was precisely because of such godly speed
that he had this injury.

“Not yet! It’s not the end yet!”

Kiba readied himself and made the booster on his back and shoes
disappear. Once he did that, he changed his Sacred Gear and created
a countless number of Holy Demonic Swords around me. As an
endless wave of Holy Demonic Swords kept showing up around me,

the sharp ends of those swords were pointed at me! I responded by
taking out Ascalon II in my right hand along with the Ascalon in my
left hand—


[Blade 2!]

—And increased my aura at once.

“[<<D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D

After increasing the aura on both Ascalons, I destroyed all of the Holy
Demonic Swords that came at me—. The white and black remains of
the destroyed Holy Demonic Swords were shining as they spread
around the parking lot.

“Not yet!”

Kiba still hadn’t given up as he created one more Holy Demonic

Sword in his hand and shrouded it with a high-density aura. Kiba…!
That’s right! The men of the Gremory peerage…don’t give up until
the very end!


In response to the Holy Demonic Sword that was thrown by Kiba, I—.


I flooded him with the holy aura from both Ascalons! Kiba’s Holy
Demonic Sword — despite the fact that it stabbed the right shoulder
of my armor, it didn’t go through it as it only pierced a little bit into
my body. …Still, the Holy Demonic aura spread through the wound
and gave me considerable damage. I then quickly removed the Holy
Demonic Sword. On the other hand, Kiba suffered a great deal of

damage because of my attack, making him fall over with his face
down. I fixed my armor and approached him. As I stood before Kiba,
he…showed a smile.

“…To think that you would transfer with such timing…”

“That’s because I’ve trained with you countless times. …I know all of
your fighting styles and patterns.”

“…This is really frustrating. I am supposed to know about you as


I prepared to fire my Dragon Shot. Kiba’s expression then turned into

a determined one.

“—Do it. I don’t want to be defeated by anyone but you in this


“Yeah, I know, friend.”

I heightened my aura and — released my Dragon Shot at Kiba.

<<—Team [Rias Gremory]’s one [Knight], Retired!>>

The announcer’s voice echoed through the space with a lonely


After I finished the business I had with Kiba, the man in black
appeared just as I was just about to leave the parking space. —It was
Crom Cruach. …I knew from the intercom that he had defeated Asia
and Fafnir. —That being said, it looked like his left arm was injured.
…Was it Fafnir’s doing? Ddraig laughed upon looking at that.

[Kukuku. Crom Cruach. Who’d expect that you would be injured.]

Crom Cruach wasn’t provoked, and he even took it pridefully.

“It was broken by the great Dragon King. This is an honourable

[So it’s Fafnir’s will, huh. He is a Dragon that broke the arm of
Lucifer’s son. It’s obvious that he would at least do that.]

Crom Cruach smiled with satisfaction in response to Ddraig’s words.

“This tournament really entertains me. I had never been wounded

prior to meeting you guys. Fufufu, this is a nice era. I truly looked
down upon the Human world”

The count for Ddraig’s manifestation had ended. The count itself had
started along with my fight against Kiba. But, since I hadn’t settled
my business with him, I held off Ddraig’s manifestation. —That being
said, if my enemy were Crom Cruach, then it’s a completely different
matter. The jewel in my armor started to radiate a crimson light.
That light then turned into a giant Dragon. It’s the arrival of Red
Dragon Emperor Ddraig. Ddraig then stood before Crom Cruach and
asked this,

[So, you’re going to fight me with that wound? Should I hold myself
back then?]

“Nah. That’s not funny. It’s the opposite, Ddraig. —Because I have
this honourable wound, I can fight you in my best condition. I believe
it’s called ‘feeling high’ in human language.”

Upon looking at the Evil Dragon who covered himself in a dense and
vast amount of aura, Ddraig also laughed happily from the bottom of
his heart.

[Kukuku, that’s right. That’s how it’s supposed to be. A Dragon’s

battle is about endurance.]

Crom Cruach then prepared himself and introduced his name.

“My name is [Crescent Circle Dragon] Crom Cruach, and [Welsh
Dragon] Y Ddraig Goch, I challenge you to a battle!”

Ddraig then spread his wings and responded.

[My name is [Welsh Dragon] Y Ddraig Goch. [Crescent Circle Dragon]

Crom Cruach, I accept your challenge!]

“Fufu, this is the first time I’ve introduced myself twice! Looks like
today is my lucky day!”

[What kind of Evil Dragon says that!? Damn, you sure became an
interesting guy, Crom Cruach!]

Both Dragons then prepared themselves. Ddraig said to me.

[Partner, go. I’ll hold him off here. It’s better that you continue your

“Yeah, I’m off then.”

I left those words behind and flew over to Rias’s place. Not long after
that, I could feel the shockwaves that made the whole field tremble
from behind—.

Power Within Force
When Xenovia was undertaking warrior training in the Vatican, she
was praised every time.

—To think that she’d be chosen to wield Durandal at this age!

—The Genius that the Heavens granted must be you.
—And she can even wield Excalibur as well… What a kid.
—You must be able to perform well as the Heaven’s sword.

At the same time, she also used to be compared.

—Although she isn’t as strong as her predecessor Strada, her power

is close.
—You better become a swordswoman that doesn’t bring shame to
your predecessor Durandal wielder, His Eminence Strada.
—That’s right, if we train her skills, she might even reach Vasco
—You have the talent to be the next His Eminence Strada, Xenovia.

Xenovia couldn’t forget the shock when she met her predecessor,
Vasco Strada, for the first time. Xenovia understood not from the
words of the elites in the church, but from that person’s very own
existence, that every feature of that man was — big. His neck, arms,
fingers, back, and legs. All of his body aspects were so big and built-
up. That person’s body was so robust that it didn’t match his old
face. As he showed a smile on his deeply-scarred face, the old man
— Vasco Strada welcomed Xenovia.

“Well, well…. To think that the one who’ll be my successor would be

this cute girl… Heaven must be considerate.”

When she was being patted on the head, she knew at that instant.
She could feel it from his hand.

—He is above me. He’s overwhelmingly far. This person stands far
above me.

—I wonder if I can become like this man?

Since that day, she had been questioning herself like that. And right
now, her goal was present before her eyes. Vasco Strada, the man
who was called [The Church’s Device of Violence], [The Violence of
Heaven], [Vatican’s Evil Killer], and [Mister Durandal].

After separating from Asia, Xenovia and Irina kept searching for the
enemy’s team members. The one that appeared before them was
Strada, who had shaved his head for this day. Xenovia and Irina
quickly entered the battle with Strada and faced the legendary
swordsman with their combination. Strada then used the
rejuvenation art that he acquired from Rias and returned to his
golden days, which was in his fifties. Even though they were still
unscratched, they seemed to be the ones who were forced into
defence. Xenovia had used her combination technique with Ise —
which allowed her to turn into her [Crimson Destruction Dragonar]
form by having the wyverns from [Dividing Wyvern Fairy] latch onto
her (I guess you could call it the female version of Boosted Gear Scale
Mail). But, she still wasn’t able to land a single hit on Strada who was
in his prime even though her Holy Sword’s power and speed were
increased…. In fact, Strada was the one reigning as he destroyed the
[Crimson Destruction Dragonar] armour with just his Durandal II’s
aura and his holy fist.

Xenovia used the dual-wielding style with Durandal and Excalibur in

each of her hands, while also carrying Excalibur’s scabbard that made
her immortal, but…even if the wound could be healed, it couldn’t
restore the user’s stamina. As Xenovia was confident in her stamina,
it would be a hit to her pride if she were to be defeated. Xenovia and
Irina showed a perfect combination. While Xenovia continued to

slash at their opponent using her two swords, Irina would use her
Holy Sword Hauteclaire and Angelic light attacks to support her. Even
though they kept attacking and rendering Strada unable to perform a
counter-attack…their combination was broken by an attack from the
enemy. Strada just needed to increase his aura and wave his
Durandal II and holy fist in order to blow Xenovia and Irina away.
Taking those kinds of attacks numerous times would be bad as Irina
didn’t have any means of healing like Xenovia did. Strada then held
his Durandal II and said to them,

“Show me what you learned at the church.”

After explaining the necessity of the Church’s warrior training facility,

many believers and people who trained the warriors always said
that. There was no one that was incompetent.

“I’m not done yeeeeet!”

Xenovia, who swung her Durandal and Excalibur, flashed back. There
was an occasion where Xenovia asked the higher-ups,

“Is it possible for me to become the best Durandal user in history?”

—That’s what she had asked.

The higher-ups then replied.

—Listen, Xenovia. You are a warrior with an extraordinary talent. Of

course, it’s possible for you to be one of the best Durandal users in

—But…it’s impossible for you to be the greatest in history. You don’t

have anything that can make you surpass your predecessor, His
Eminence Vasco Strada.

—It’s not that I look down upon you. There’s no doubt that your
talents are the best among the church’s warriors. But, it’s just
different. His Eminence is just on a whole other level.

Although he was a human, it’s not like he was a Longinus user. In

fact, he didn’t even have a Sacred Gear. The only thing he had
was…the Holy sword he had in his hand and — his built-up body. And
just with those two things, he became the incarnation of power —
and received the name [The Limits of Humanity]. And here she was—

“I will defeat Your Eminence and become the true successor of


Xenovia increased the aura on Durandal to the max, and the

Durandal responded to its current master by firing off a fierce beam
of aura at its former master. —Suddenly, there was someone who
joined the fray and kicked His Eminence Strada. It was a monster that
looked like a humanoid Eastern Dragon — no, it was Nakiri Kouchin
Ouryuu who had turned into Ryuukijin . 1

“Xenovia-kaichou! Shidou-senpai!I, Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu will join

the fight too!”

The reliable junior had appeared. Xenovia screamed at Irina and


“Irina! Ouryuu! Let’s attack together!”


This time, the three of them including Nakiri attacked Strada at the
same time. Xenovia with her Durandal and Excalibur, Irina with her
Hauteclere and light attacks, and Nakiri with his touki-filled punches
and kicks. Countless attacks were dealt to their opponent, the Limit
of Humanity! Despite that, they were still struggling against Strada as

he simply countered the attacks with his Durandal II. The big-framed
guy swung his sword with high accuracy, deflecting all of their
attacks one by one. However, when Xenovia and the other offense
member of the [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] team talked about
dealing with Strada, there was one piece of advice. Xenovia would
focus on her two swords and aim at a certain part of Strada’s body.
There, Irina and Nakiri would join and attack the target at the same
time. The target was — Strada’s finger. Because the three of them
targeted the same thing, Strada’s left finger was broken as it twisted
in the wrong direction. As a warrior and a swordsman, both hands
were the first and foremost weapons. After a discussion with each
other, they came to the conclusion, ‘even if we can’t destroy the
whole fist, it might be possible to destroy one finger at a time’. It was
a pathetic strategy, targeting one finger at a time. However, with the
opponent being Vasco Strada, taking one finger at a time worked—!
Still, whenever Xenovia, Irina and Nakiri targeted Strada’s second
finger, they would be attacked by his holy fists and kicks, sending
them hurtling back. Taking the second finger was far too—. As Nakiri
kicked the ground, the ground where Strada was standing on floated
up and tried to make a cage and seal his body, but it too was
destroyed by the holy aura he released.


Xenovia then increased her aura in an instant and released a

Durandal bullet at point-blank range. Xenovia didn’t think of using up
her stamina. In order to fight this old warrior, she had to use 120%,
or even 200%, or else she wouldn’t be fit to be called the successor
of Durandal. The Durandal bullet released at point-blank range
succeeded in breaking Strada’s left ring finger. Xenovia then picked
herself up, increased her aura once more and released the Durandal
bullets continuously!


Strada then responded by also increasing his aura on Durandal II and
fired it at Xenovia! As her [Crimson Destruction Dragonar] armour
was completely destroyed, Xenovia poured all of the remaining Red
Dragon Emperor’s power into Durandal and Excalibur.

The wounds will be healed by the Scabbard! I won’t run! Running

means losing! This is everything I have! My technique! My feelings!
And more than anything, myself!

Xenovia then charged an enormous amount of aura on Durandal and

Excalibur, firing it at Strada. It was Xenovia’s ace move.

“Cross Crisis!”

She made a cross with the heightened aura of the Holy Swords and
swung them! The gigantic amount of aura got closer to Strada. On
the other hand, Strada heightened the aura on his Durandal II and
tried to counter the attack. —However, Irina and Nakiri interjected.

“Let’s go!”

Irina started to shoot out a countless number of light bullets, while

Nakiri increased his touki and kicked the ground! The ground then
floated up and covered Strada’s right hand — the one that was
holding Durandal II with layers and layers of earth. Following that,
Strada who was rendered immobile was bombarded by Xenovia’s
Cross Crisis and Irina’s countless light bullets.

“One moreeee!”

Nakiri then furthered the damage by kicking Strada, sending him

flying into the building behind him! After a moment of silence—. The
three were breathing heavily. All of them had used up all of their
power, and finally succeeded in blowing him away. It was at that
moment—. Everyone could hear the announcer’s voice from the sky.

<<Team [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]’s one Pawn, Retired!>>


That announcer’s report meant that either Ravel, or Elmenhilde was

defeated. Not long after that, another announcement was made.

<<Team [Rias Gremory]’s one [Bishop], Retired!>>

This one had to be about Valerie. It looked like Rossweisse, who

went to defeat the enemy’s healer, was successful in making Valerie

[I am fine.]

There was a message over the intercom from Ravel. Although she
was breathing heavily, she hadn’t retired yet. Which meant that the
retirement report just now was directed at Elmenhilde.

We were focusing on our fight against Strada, but what’s the current
situation right now?

It was when Xenovia had such thoughts.

“Kaichou, evade!”

That was Nakiri’s voice. Realising the danger, Xenovia flew away
from that place. The place that Xenovia was standing on was then
bombarded by holy aura that formed cracks all over the ground. It
must’ve been from the holy fist. The three of them then looked
towards the building where Strada was blown to. There, the
muscular warrior showed himself again. The Holy sword Durandal II
that Strada held was now broken into two pieces due to the
continuous combination attack just earlier. Xenovia then
remembered something upon looking at the broken Durandal.
During the training camp, Ravel had said,

[His Eminence Strada’s Durandal II…I wonder if it’s really flawless. He

did have a serious fight against the strong members of the

[Hakuryuukou of the Morning Star] team and faced Arthur-sama and
his Caliburn, the king of Holy Swords…. I believe there is a possibility
that damage piled up on the sword.]

Xenovia realised that what Ravel thought was right. Still, an

unfathomable aura was oozing from Strada’s whole body. Even
though his sword and fingers were already broken, Strada was not
fazed by those as he smiled boldly and said this,

“—It’s inevitable.”

What was discharged from the broken blade was an unwavering holy
aura. The destructive power from his Holy fist that was formed even
with the broken fingers was no joke. Vasco Strada started to
discharge a completely different kind of aura from his whole body.

“I see, so the real match starts now.”

That’s what the old warrior murmured. Even if his Holy Sword was
broken, it wouldn’t stop the Violence of Heaven. Even if his Holy fist
was broken, it wouldn’t stop The Incarnation of Power (read: Vasco
Strada). Nakiri then gasped in response to the extreme scene.

“…! …What!? What is it with this old man…!?”

Xenovia then once again had that thought.

—I wonder if I can become like this man.

Ryuukijin: The kanji was 龍鬼人, literal TL : Humanoid Devil Dragon

Oppai Dragon VS Switch Hime, I came to keep my

I — Hyoudou Issei arrived at Kuoh Academy in my Dragon Deification

form. She’s here—. I know it. Once I entered the new school building,
I activated the thrusters on my back and flew along the corridor with
high speed while climbing up the stairs.

I flashed back to the incident one and a half years ago. During the
Phoenix fight, I was fighting alongside Rias on the rooftop of the
school building and fell over countless times due to the damage I had
endured, but in the end, I always stood up again as I aimed for the
top. …Although the damage I suffered during the fight with Kiba
wasn’t as bad as that time, it still affected my body and became
troublesome. Had I not thought of that surprise attack, I might’ve
been defeated. As expected, Kiba’s sword technique and Gram’s
[Dragon Slayer] attribute was admirable. Plus, that also proved to me
once again that technique types were my worst enemy. I arrived
before the rooftop’s door and opened it. Sure enough — Rias waiting
at the rooftop. I then said this,

“Buchou, Hyoudou Issei, here at your service.”

Rias was surprised upon hearing that, and then laughed as if she
understood what I meant.

“Fufufu, that was quite the act, —Ise.”

I got closer to her and asked,

“Buchou. The battle continues, right?”



I stood before Rias and laughed a bit. I rephrased the lines I had said
back then.

“Ufufu, you do still remember it, Ise.”

“Well yeah. I mean, I showed you my worst side at that time. That’s
why I still remember my lines from back then.”

—I won’t give up. I’m dumb so I don’t know anything about

“foreseen” or “checkmate”. But I can still fight.

I remembered that I stood before Riser after saying that. I clenched

my fist and said,

“I’ll continue to fight as long as I can clench my fist — that’s what I

said. And that promise, I’m still keeping it.”

I’d faced countless [Checkmate] situations. —However, I was still

alive. I was trying my best to keep living. That’s why I couldn’t be
easily defeated. Rias said,

“Before we fight, there’s one thing I want to say. The lines that you
said just now—. I think that was your coolest side that even made
me fall in love with you.”

Following that, something appeared from the shadows below her


“—Gasper, let’s go.”

<<Let’s fight without holding any grudges!>>

Rias then transformed into her [Forbidden Invade Balor the Princess]
form without chanting the verses. She could probably do that within
a certain period just by chanting the verses once. As Rias and I
released an enormous amount of aura from our bodies, we flew
towards the sky. The field had already been shaken several times due

to the fierce fight between Ddraig and Crom Cruach. I could also see
huge amounts of aura and flame being released from far away.
Despite the fact that this was a pseudo-space, I believe that this
replica of Kuoh town wouldn’t last long as well. That’s how fierce the
fight between Crom Cruach and Ddraig was.

On the other hand, the fight between the [Kings], Rias and I, started.
First, both of us fired a Demonic power bullet to each other! Her
sphere was her destructive power strengthened by a layer of
darkness, while mine was my Dragon Shot. Both of us fired a gigantic
one. Both of those giant bullets clashed in the sky of Kuoh Academy
and created a big explosion. The shock spread throughout the entire
sky. Now that the enemy was Rias, I would not hold myself back! This
technique was the best against girls! I concentrated on the pink
images within my mind and released them at once! I also used the
[Penetrate] ability onto the technique in order to make sure it would
go through!


“—Pailingual! Hey, Rias’s Oppai! Let me hear your voice!”

It was a secret move of mine that let me listen to a girl’s true

feelings! As I listened carefully—.

<<[—Ah, —Th,—-I, —Time—, Senpai—, Oh Ise—]>>

Shit! I could even hear Gya-suke’s voice along with Rias’s! Was this
because of the combination technique with Gasper!? So that’s why
Gasper’s feelings were mixed into it when I tried to listen to Rias’s
feelings, huh! Even though he’s my precious junior, I don’t have any
intention to hear from that guy! Was the effect of [Penetrate] too
strong? No, it was probably Rias’s plan to counter that! Then, how
about this!? I concentrated my pervert power on my hand, added
the Dragon Deification power to it, and then released it at once!

“Boobs Power Wave! Dress Break Dragon God Mode (read: DxD)!”

The Dress Break DxD could affect the target even if they’re far away!
Rias received my technique which undid her combination technique
with Gasper, turning her into the normal Rias. —However, the
darkness clothing that was torn off reattached to her once again,
making her return to her combination form! S-So this was futile too!?
That meant that she had thoroughly prepared countermeasures
against my perverted techniques…! Rias then tried to shoot a giant
bullet of her destructive demonic power and said,

[I’ve taken enough measures against you!]

I responded by firing a gigantic Dragon Shot as I widened our

distance. …Shit! Now, I wonder what I should do. Well, in order to
end this match, I’d have to either use Infinity Blaster or Longinus
Smasher! Nope, she should have thought of countermeasures for
those as well. It’s my strongest weapon after all. It’s natural that
she’d have some kind of counter against those. If I did fire those
things, that would take up most of my stamina at once. I couldn’t just
randomly shoot it out. If that’s the case, should I do a form-changing
stamina competition with Rias? No, I should use Dress Break once
again and attack at the moment the darkness clothing gets torn off—

As I thought about this and that, Rias made her third eye glow
mysteriously and tried to stop me! I quickly escaped from that place
and got away from her sight! Even if my body were stopped only for
a moment, that would be very dangerous! If I had to endure the
gigantic destructive demonic power, even my Dragon Deification
armour would be—. Rias didn’t have Gasper use his abilities — the
beast of darkness and others often as she wanted him to save his
stamina in order to focus on this form. …In other words, this was Rias
and Gya-suke’s peak condition, huh? I’ll come right at them! That

being said, the moment I tried to engage in a close-ranged fight, Rias
dived into the shadows near her. I remembered the things that Sakra
had said to me.

—In the Gremory group, do you know the biggest difference

between you and Rias Gremory? Rias Gremory is strong even
without you. However, without Ravel, there are times when you
wouldn’t be able to function properly. That is a big difference ZE?

I didn’t know how to respond to Sakra’s words, because that’s

exactly how I felt too.

—Being able to use the Phoenix girl is good and all. However, you
also have to be able to do your own surprise move from now on as
well. Your current condition will serve you alright in the
preliminaries. —However, you might get matched with me in the
main tournament, and when that happens, you won’t be able to do
anything in your current condition, you know? It should be clear in
your head now just how weak you were when you defeated Cao Cao
in the Demonic Beast Riot.

It should be clear in your head now just how weak you were—.
That’s right, just like the fight that I had with Kiba…I had to utilise a
surprise attack or its kind to get stronger! That’s how I originally
escaped death after all! I should think of a surprise attack using the
resources I have… A technique that will go through Rias… Dress
Break and Pailingual didn’t work on her. Especially Dress Break,
which only removed her clothing of darkness temporarily… That was
the moment that I came up with a certain idea. …If that’s the case,
what if I did something while it’s trying to reattach itself? I’d have to
try that out! In order to carry out the plan that I had in mind, I
prepared to use Dress Break once again as I found an opening! I
increased the perverted power in my hand and fired it at Rias!

“Dress Break DxD!”

A moment later, Rias’s clothing of darkness was temporarily torn off!

“It’s useless!”

As she said that, I lengthened the tail part of my armour and pointed
it at Rias! The tip of the tail then spread out and — latched onto
Rias’s breasts!

“—Absorbbbb! Go, my tailllllllllllllllllllll!”

The tail which was stuck onto Rias’s breasts made a suction sound as
it started to absorb something from her! Rias’s face instantly turned
red and she screamed!


It’s inspired by one of my breast techniques — Nyuutron Beam

Cannon! You could say that it’s the preparation stage for it!

Nyuutron Beam Cannon was a technique of mine (inspired by my

dead grandfather), in which the tail part of my armor would attach
itself to a woman’s breast and absorb their [Breast Energy] and
change it into demonic power, letting me fire out a powerful blast… I
believe that even my comrades couldn’t understand the logic behind
my technique. After all, the amount of people who had seen me
using this technique, or even the times I’d actually used this
technique were low. Even Rias hadn’t actually seen the process
closely as she had only learned about it through rumours. The same
went for Gasper who turned into Rias’s clothing. That’s why I
thought of surprising her by making the first move with a close-
ranged assault. —My prediction was right! Even though the clothing
of darkness reattached itself to Rias, my tail still stayed put! During
that time, my armor’s tail kept absorbing her breast energy! At the
same time, Rias’s breasts also — got smaller!


My bride’s breastttttttttttttttttts! Her breasts were
shrinkingggggggggggggggggg! Who’d expect that I’d be shown the
sight of them shrinking in real time…!?

But, this too…was in order to win! I threw away my emotions and

continued to absorb her breast energy! On the other hand, Rias,
whose breast energy was being absorbed by me, seemed like she
was losing her power. This was the technique’s side effect.

[…I-I won’t lose…from this…!]

Rias tried to fire her destructive demonic power, but her aura simply
couldn’t manifest.

<<Rias-oneechan! I-I will! B-But!>>

If Gasper separated from Rias, she’d be vulnerable and I could just

finish her off by using my strong techniques. Gya-suke must’ve
realised that as well. While my tail was still attached, I gathered the
energy gained from her breasts to the four cannons of my Dragon
Deification armour. The number [99] appeared on the jewel of my
armour. It’s Rias’s bust size—. As an enormous amount of energy
gathered around the cannons’ muzzles, I pointed them at Rias! Rias’s
breasts — were completely absorbed by my tail, to the point that
they had completely disappeared! Despite the fact that they’d return
given some time, it was still too much of a sight! But this was a
Rating Game! This was a match of an International Tournament! I
wiped my tears away and prepared the cannons!

“Rias! I’ll shoot!”

“[<<D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D

I screamed along with the voice coming from the jewel!

“Nyuutron Beam Cannon + ∞ Blasterrrrrrrrrr”

The ace move of Dragon Deification and my Breast Techniques
combined, creating a dreadnought-class bullet that enveloped Rias
and Gasper—.

—Nice one.

While being enveloped in the aura bullet, that’s what I heard Rias
saying. The sky of the whole game field turned crimson as a giant
explosion occurred—. After the shockwave from the bullet stopped
— I couldn’t catch sight of Rias and Gasper. Following that, the
announcer said.

<<The retirement of team [Rias Gremory]’s one Bishop and [King] has
been confirmed! As such, this match — is won by team [Sekiryuutei
of the Blazing Truth]!>>


As the winner was decided, the spectators also cheered. I could hear
the crowd’s cheering. The commentator also yelled,

<<Oooh! Finally, the fated match between [Oppai Dragon] and

[Switch Princess] has been decided! The winner is, [Oppai Dragon]
aka Hyoudou Issei’s team, [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]!!!!!>>

[Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon! Oppai

Dragon! Oppai Dragon!]

The spectators chanted my name. Everyone was so hyped up. —

Suddenly, Ddraig, whose body was full of wounds, came over to me.
…One of his arms was broken, and his wings were also full of holes.
Still, it didn’t seem like he lost. I asked my partner.

“…I won, Ddraig. How about you?”

[Yeah, I couldn’t finish the match with Crom Cruach. Although the
Evil Dragon was injured, well, he was still strong nevertheless! It has
been a long time since I’ve had a nice match!]

He made a very satisfied face! His fight against Crom Cruach must’ve
been very entertaining. As I looked towards the place Ddraig was
fighting — there were no more houses as everything had become
one with the ground! Just how much fun did you have!? Ah! There
were cracks all over the field’s sky! Had I had a longer fight against
Rias, I can’t imagine how this field would have turned out to be…

I took a breath and said to my partner.

“It’s just the beginning.”

[Yeah, now that we’ve won this match, I’m also looking forward to
our next match.]

I then did a fist-bump with Ddraig.

“[We’ll aim to be the strongest!]”

The third match of the Rating Game World Tournament—. It’s our
victory, as team [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]!

After the match was settled, Xenovia Quarta fell to her knees. —Even
though Ise, their [King] had defeated Rias and won…what appeared
before her eyes was Vasco Strada who was unscathed.

—I couldn’t defeat him. Nevermind that, I couldn’t even give him a

hard time.

Even though Irina and Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu who were fighting
alongside her didn’t retire, they had both used up all of their
stamina, forcing them to collapse on the spot. Judging from the
retirement announcement, the remaining members of team
[Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] were Ise (Ddraig), Xenovia, Irina,
Rossweisse, Ravel and Nakiri. From the enemies’ side, Akeno,
Koneko, Strada and Crom Cruach were left.

…So it’s true that we can only defeat Master Rias with our current
strength. We couldn’t manage to defeat Strada and Crom Cruach.

Strada then took a deep breath and said,

“Hm, it seems like the match has been decided.”

Strada picked up the broken part of Durandal II and said to Xenovia

and the others,

“I’m dropping out early from this tournament. —But, keep going on,
young ones.”

In response to her predecessor who encouraged her, Xenovia was—

“Your Eminence! I…!”

Strada then smiled cheerfully.

“Warrior Xenovia. —My body is that of a human. There is a limit to
my age. But I’ll strive so that I can live for thirty more years. During
that time, come and challenge me again.”

With those parting words, he left the place. Nakiri, who had
collapsed, smiled bitterly.

“…In thirty more years, His Eminence Strada will be more than a
hundred years old.”

Irina also laughed.

“However, I don’t think he was joking. His Eminence would still be

strong even if his age were more than a hundred.”

Even with more than half of the offence squad of the team
[Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth], Xenovia Quarta, Shidou Irina, and
Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu, they weren’t able to defeat him—. Still,
Xenovia strongly wished to surpass him.

Part 1
A post-match discussion was taking place in the VIP spectating room
as Rias’s father — Zeoticus shook hands with Ise’s father Hyoudou

“Hyoudou-san, that was a good match. Congratulations.”

Gorou was embarrassed in response to Zeoticus’ words.

“T-Thanks, but for my kid to beat Rias-san…”

“No, this is a match. Our girl’s team must’ve done their best as well.
And above all, that was a good fight considering her opponent was
her own fiance, Issei-kun. As expected of the partner that Rias

“N-No! That’s not true! Anyway, Bina-san, about Grayfia-san—”

“Yeah, we’ve taken care of her as well—”

As both fathers continued their post-match discussion, Ise’s mom

Miki was also able to calm down. She had been worried that her son
or daughter might’ve gotten hurt or involved in an accident during
the whole match. She couldn’t stop worrying as she also heard the
things that happened after one’s retirement. Still, she wanted to
quickly go to the hospital room where Asia was. Rias’s mother —
Venelana was watching beside her as she said.

“That was rather nerve-racking, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, my heart was pumping. Especially when Asia-chan was

defeated, I almost lost myself… —But…”

Miki smiled upon looking at the sight of her son on the monitor. As
Ise returned to the stadium, he waved his hands and smiled towards
the spectators. Miki said,

“I think my kid was really cool. He’s a little bit perverted though.”

Venelana added,

“Yes, both Rias and Issei-san were really great.”

—Then, the two fathers stood up from their seats.

“Now, Hyoudou-san, let’s go meet our children. I am worried about

Rias and my daughter-in-law.”

Gorou responded to Zeoticus’ invitation,

“Of course! I am also worried about Asia!”

Venelana invited Miki.

“—Let’s go to where our children are, shall we?”

Miki answered with a smile.


As they left the spectating room accompanied by their escort,

Kanzaki Mitsuya, Miki then looked at the monitor one last time. Miki
then smiled upon looking at the sight of her son who was speaking
for the post-match interview.

“…Ise, I’ll come and see your next match as well. Please do your best
until the last moment. Now, I have to go and visit Asia-chan.”

Part 2
Bina Lessthan — no, Grayfia Lucifuge, who lay on top of the hospital
room’s bed, finally opened her eyes. She looked at the ceiling, and

upon realising that it was a hospital room, she recalled the fact that
she had been defeated by Rias. —Suddenly, there was someone who
called for Grayfia.


It was her beloved son, Millicas. Millicas was here… As she touched
her own face — she realised that she had returned to her usual form.
Now that Millicas was here, he must’ve known that her mother had
transformed into a teenager and wore a mask in order to participate
in the tournament. She had been keeping this from Millicas… Ever
since Sirzechs’s departure, she rarely had the chance to see her own
son…due to her participation in the tournament. She once again
realised just how selfish and cruel of a mother she was… She couldn’t
bear to look at Millicas’ face. —Despite that, Millicas then started to
talk merrily.

“Okaa-sama! You were so cool! Although you lost to Rias-neesama…

But now that I know that Bina Lessthan is you, I will rewatch all your
match clips!”

Millicas wasn’t angry and didn’t even looked confused as he proudly

accepted his mother’s participation in the tournament. Grayfia was
shocked by that response. Finally, she asked her son.

“…Are you not mad at me? I mean, I didn’t tell you anything and
participated in the tournament… And I did not even talk to you that
much while in the house…”

Millicas replied with a smile,

“It’s okay, you participated in the tournament after all! Plus…the

sight of Okaa-sama fighting in the match was…the best!”

Grayfia’s eyes watered in response to Millicas’ answer as she started

to cry. She hugged her son and apologised.

“… I am sorry… I am sorry… Millicas, I am sorry…”

“…Okaa-sama? Why are you crying?”

Millicas didn’t know how to respond to his mother, who was crying
and apologising at the same time. Grayfia must’ve already found the
thing that she must truly protect—.

Next Life. Victory or Defeat
A few days after the match concluded—.

All members of both teams, except Crom Cruach, gathered to

celebrate the victory of team [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth] and
enjoy a post-match party in the Hyoudou Residence’s living room.
Well, even though the tournament was still ongoing, this wasn’t that
big of a party as it was basically just everyone sharing a meal

Amidst that—

[Nice job everyone! Cheers!]

Following the toast, everyone gulped down their juice. Rias seemed
to have calmed down after drinking from her glass as she sighed.

“Fu–, now that the tournament has ended, the awkwardness and
tense atmosphere that was present due to our match is gone now…
Congratulations, Ise.”

Rias congratulated me. Following that, the members of the [Rias

Gremory] team also did the same.

“Yeah, thank you.”

Rias then informed me in response to my honest gratitude.

“This means that we’ll be backing you up from now on.”

Akeno-san continued.

“Yeah, that’s right. We’ll support you, Ise-kun, so that you can keep
gaining victories.”

Koneko-chan also nodded.

“…Yes. Aim to be the champion.”

“I’ll also help you as much as I can.”

“The same with me and Valerie!”

“If there’s anything that you need from me, please don’t hesitate to

Kiba, Gasper and Valerie said the same!

“Thanks, everyone!”

I almost teared up due to my servants’ and comrades’ kindness! Rias

then asked Lint-san.

“Lint, what are you going to do from now on?”

Lint-san chowed down her piece of meat in one go and then replied,

“I’ll basically accompany you guys. However, I’m also a bit concerned
about Cao Cao-sensei.”

Lint-san was curious about Cao-Cao and the new Hero Faction, after
all. Kiba then asked His Eminence,

“How about Your Eminence?”

His Eminence came to this country as a member of Rias’s team. Now

that Rias’ team had been disbanded, he wondered what His
Eminence would do from now on, to which His Eminence replied,

“I participated in this tournament in order to be one of Rias-hime’s

swords. However, my participation in the tournament has ended. —
Still, I sense a disturbing atmosphere. I think I will be staying in Kuoh
Town until the tournament ends.”

Ooh! There were so many questions that I wanted to ask and things
to learn from His Eminence! If we could fight alongside His Eminence,

then there’s nothing more reassuring than that! Now, about Crom
Cruach who didn’t turn up today… Ddraig said,

[Well, he’ll show himself if there’s a strong enemy.]

It’s true that this tournament had ended for Crom Cruach. However,
it seemed like he would show up and join the fight if a strong Evil
God appeared.While both teams were having fun, the fourth match
of the tournament was about to begin soon.

“Now, I am curious about the next match…”

That’s right, the winner of the fourth match would become the next
opponent of [Sekiryuutei of the Blazing Truth]. We were curious
about the match because of that. And several days after the
celebration party—. Everyone who lived in the Hyoudou Residence
and the people who were a part of the ORC gathered before the
television in the living room as we looked at the screen.

<<The winner is—>>

The arbiter announced it

<<Team [Babel Belial] led by Diehauser Belial-senshu! Even the

newcomer that everyone had high hopes for couldn’t win against the
Rating Game’s Emperor!>>

That’s right, the winner of this fourth match was — the team led by
Champion Diehauser Belial, [Babel Belial]! The [King] of team [Black
Satan of Darkness Dragon King], High-class Grim Reaper Zeno, who
also had the Transcendental-class beings Balberith and Verrine, was
defeated and they were eliminated from the tournament in their
first match. On the screen, a member of the team [Black Satan of
Darkness Dragon King] (probably Gressil) was seen confronting

[Balberith! What is the meaning of this!?]

The members of team [Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King] seemed
to be angry. …Geez, their team’s name is so long. Despite the fact
that one of the team members was berating Balberith, the match
was actually quite brutal. There were a lot of openings in the [Black
Satan of Darkness Dragon King] team due to a lack of chemistry
between the members , which the [Babel Belial] team exploited to
defeat them grandly. However, the one who was beat up the most
was the ace Balberith. Despite the fact that each member of [Black
Satan of Darkness Dragon King] was strong and could perform
bizarre attacks, they were all in vain as their King, the High-class Grim
Reaper, was easily defeated by the [Champion]. Ravel then said upon
looking at this result.

“In a way, the outcome turned out exactly like we predicted.”

Rias nodded.

“That’s right, even if there were those with special powers among
the opponent’s team, we don’t know what will happen in a match.
On top of that, things like these are most likely to happen if it’s the
Champion who fought in the battle.”

Rossweisse-san also nodded while saying,

“The [King] of the Netherworld’s team is a High-class Grim Reaper.

With this way of fighting, it’s only natural that he would be defeated
by the Champion’s team.”

Koneko-chan, who seemed to feel something from the match, told

everyone of her opinion.

“…That Balberith guy, I feel like his fighting style was becoming more
similar to Ise-senpai’s Oppai Dragon fighting style.”

Irina also agreed with this.

“That’s right! I also felt that! I feel like I’ve seen that fighting style
before, and it’s exactly like the regular moves of the SFX Oppai

It’s exactly as they said. The copper-haired young man tried to do the
posing and attack movements that [Oppai Dragon] did in the SFX
program [Breast Dragon Emperor Oppai Dragon] during the entire
match, which was why all of their efforts went down the drain. The
commentator was also troubled by the scene. I agreed with Koneko-
chan and Irina’s opinion.

“Yeah, that’s what I felt upon looking at that as well. While it is true
that I was surprised, the thought of [But why?] also crossed my

Xenovia then tilted her head.

“Wasn’t he the kind of Devil that did that style of fighting? You know,
I remember him having a loose and impromptu fighting style.”

Kiba agreed with Xenovia.

“Yeah, that’s how he used to fight. He used his talent, or maybe you
can say that he was the type who used his instinct. The type that
does not have a certain style and is wild, that is.”

True, I had seen his fights in the recordings of his previous matches,
and noticed that Balberith guy used a more loose and impromptu
fighting style… Just like Kiba observed, it’s like he fought with his
instincts. That’s why the Prince of the Ashura Godly Tribe couldn’t
read his movements, and was defeated in the prelims as a result.
Ravel said,

“…I don’t know what happened to them, but the result cannot be
changed. With this, our opponent will be — the [Champion],
Diehauser Belial-sama”

…I guess she’s right. Now our next opponent would be the
Champion. The first ranker in the Rating Games! Who’d expect that
we’d be matched up against the Rating Game’s Champion this fast…!
No, the fact that we were in a world tournament meant that this
result was inevitable as long as we kept winning. …We didn’t have a
choice but to keep pushing ahead! —Suddenly, Nakiri asked me.

“…Senpai, what will Bina-san… No, Grayfia Lucifuge-san do from now


Grayfia-san, huh.I scratched my cheek and replied,

“…I guess she can’t participate in the next match.”

“So the rumour that she is resting in the Gremory castle is true after

For Roygun-san to say that, it seemed like she already got that info.
As expected of our informer, she even knew about things that only a
part of the Gremory family knew. Rias who was family to Grayfia-san

“…After Sirzechs-oniisama went to fight Trihexa, she has been

pushing herself and, as a result, it made her mentally weak. That’s
why they decided to have her spend time beside Millicas peacefully.”

From what I’ve heard, Rias’s parents urged Grayfia-san to rest. As her
parents-in-law who had been taking care of her were worried about
her, she chose to take a break in the castle. On top of that, Ajuka
Beelzebub-sama also proposed that she reach out to Sirzechs-sama
who was in the Isolation Barrier Field. It’s actually possible to
communicate with the Isolation Barrier Field. Due to this being a top
secret, only I knew about this even among my comrades. Well,
although we could only contact them if there were any emergencies,
we could still talk to Sirzechs-sama, Azazel-sensei and Leviathan-
sama. Plus, Ajuka Beelzebub-sama told me that he’d have Grayfia-

san join them. …Still, I would lose my strong [Queen] in my next
match. But it was no more than a little problem…as I still had my
important comrades and juniors with me. I continued,

“Oh that’s right, the second years will be having a school trip soon,

The second years present here, Koneko-chan, Ravel, Gasper and

Nakiri, nodded. Oh, and Ingvild who just transferred would be going
as well. Nakiri’s vampire friend who wasn’t present here, Millarca
Vordenburg, and the Sitri peerage’s Nimura Ruruko-san were also
second-year students, so they would be going as well. I said to

“Kyoto, huh. Have fun while you’re there, Ingvild. Kyoto’s a good
place. If you’re not attacked, that is.”

Ingvild replied with “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it” and smiled in
response to my words. Kunou, who was silent until now, stood in
front of anyone and said bravely.

“Kyoto is my territory! If I have the time, I will guide you guys!”

Oh wow, it seemed like Kunou would also be participating in the

school trip. Ravel said this to me,

“Actually, on the day we have our school trip…we also have an Oppai
Dragon show in the other side of Kyoto for the Youkai there.”

“Really! So I’ll also go to Kyoto?”

Ravel nodded in response to my question. Ooh, so that means I’ll go

to Kyoto around the same time as last year! Kyoto was one of the
territories where Youkai lived. And an Oppai Dragon show there…
Oppai Dragon sure is going international. Rias, who loved Kyoto, had
a big smile on her face.

“Fufufu, well then, everyone, let’s go sightseeing in Kyoto. Kyoto’s a
good place.”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”

Akeno-san also smiled. It looked like we’d have a business trip in

Kyoto before the fight with Champion. I hoped that nothing would
happen this time because I wanted to spend my time there in peace!

Gods of Hell
The Underworld — the place where Devils and Fallen Angels live. In
the lower layer of that place lies the Netherworld, a place that
Hades, one of the three Gods of Olympus, controls, a place where
the souls of the dead are judged. On top of that, at the bottom of the
Netherworld, was the lowest level, called Cocytus. In this Cocytus,
there was a laboratory that belonged to Rizevim Lucifer, the son of
the previous Maou Lucifer, as well as the head of the terrorist group

After Rizevim’s death, Hades had turned the laboratory into a base
where the rulers of Hell would gather after it was renovated by
adding additional facilities. Inside that laboratory was a chemostat
containing the remains of Lilith, the mother of all Devils that was
rumoured to be owned by Rizevim. Lilith, the mother of Devils who
was used for numerous ceremonies and rituals from the moment
Hades found her, was nothing but a giant lump of meat. Hades had
used those body parts of Lilith and created artificial Devils using the
[Book of Lucifer] that he had received from the Evil Dragon Apophis.

—All in order to create artificial Transcendental beings.

They had succeeded in their experiments, starting from the creation

of Balberith and Verrine whose power levels were Transcendental-
being class, as well as Gressil and Sonneillon, who were said to be
Maou-class. The pack of mysterious Devils that appeared in Kuoh
town were failures from their attempts to create Balberith and the
others. The rulers of Hell of other mythologies were interested in the
mysterious Devils, Balberith, and their creator, Hades. Hades was a
skeletal figure wearing a priest-like garment with an ominous aura
overflowing from his entire body. As the rulers of Hell gathered
around a round table, they started their meeting. The topic was the
report of the artificial transcendental beings, who were made to

participate in the tournament to gauge their power. Other than
Hades, the ones sitting at the round table were nothing but their
phantoms. The rulers of Hell only sent their consciousness to attend
this meeting. However, the number of phantoms were fewer
compared to their first meeting.

All the former participants’ phantoms like Olympus’ primordial God

Tartarus, who controlled hell, the God of Darkness Erebus, Goddess
of Night Nyx, and Zoroastrianism’s Evil God Angra Mainyu were
present, with the exception of Erebus and Nyx. Previously, Nyx
accompanied the Devils that Lilith gave birth to (The Mysterious
Devils) and challenged the anti-terrorist team [DxD], but…due to the
strength of [DxD] that rivalled God-class beings, and despite the fact
that most of them didn’t participate, Nyx was defeated and got
captured as a result (The fact that this place wasn’t yet attacked
possibly indicated that Nyx hadn’t informed them about this base.)

The revival of the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig, the partner of

Hyoudou Issei who had Pseudo-Dragon Deification, was no match
even for the primordial Gods. Since that time, there had been no
sight of Nyx’s brother Erebus. The meeting started despite the lack of
members. Hades’s right hand Grim Reaper then reported.

<<Hades-sama, the defeat of Balberith and the others was within our
expectations, but…to think that they would have this much

That was the result of team [Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King]’s
participation in the world tournament. Since they added Balberith,
they improved a lot and managed to become one of the sixteen
teams that was selected to go in the main draw. However… a most
concerning thing happened and led the team to lose in the first

It was — the childish mental states of Balberith and the others.
While Balberith was conducting research into his future nemesis, the
Red Dragon Emperor Hyoudou Issei, he became fascinated by the
SFX Program Chichiryuutei Oppai Dragon that was popular in the
Underworld. It even affected him during the match. Balberith’s
talent and instinct gave him a wild yet strong fighting style, yet its
influence made him change as he started replicating the moves of
[Oppai Dragon] during the match, which revealed many openings.
This led to the opponent taking advantage of those openings and
defeating the [King], the High-class Grim Reaper Zeno. Despite his
physical growth, his inadequate mental growth and inexperience
became his weakness. Chichiryuutei Oppai Dragon did have a big
influence on the children of the Devil race including Balberith. Like
Balberith, the mental growth of his siblings was that of a child,
becoming their weakness. Although their talents were overwhelming
enough, if they encountered someone who knew their weakness,
Hades knew that they would be defeated. Verrine, a jade-haired girl
who was also one of the artificial transcendental beings, stood next
to Hades and apologised.

“I am sorry, Hades-sama. Balberith was so mesmerised by Hyoudou

Issei that it made him develop such an attitude. As a result,
Sonneillon and Gressil were also dissatisfied and were about to

Hades then patted Verrine’s head.

<<Hahaha, Verrine. It’s fine. You did great. Even if your power level is
Transcendental-class, there must also be limits to you guys who were
just born. If you guys meet our expectations, that’s enough. And
above all—>>

As Hades made his eye sockets glow, he looked towards the seat
where Erebus was supposed to be seated, which was now empty.
.Hades questioned his underling.

<<You couldn’t get hold of Erebus huh?>>

<<…He’s been hiding since [DxD] defeated Nyx-sama.>>

His underling Grim Reaper then continued.

<<At the same time, Gressil and Sonneillon have also disappeared>>

Gressil and Sonneillon—. They were the guys with power exceeding
that of a Maou-class being, born using the same process to make
artificial transcendental beings. So they’ve also disappeared. Verrine

“…Erebus-sama once offered [If there’s something you want me to

do, I will lend you my power] …But I think he’ll reject the offer
considering Sonneillon and Gressil’s current condition.”

It seemed like the God of Darkness Erebus persuaded Sonneillon and

Gressil, who had lost their place to fight after they lost in the
tournament. Hades believed that he must’ve brought Sonneillon and
Gressil together and was currently planning something. The phantom
of Tartarus, the God of Hell, was laughing bitterly as he heard this..

[As expected of the Greek Primordial Gods, they sure do like their

<<It was the world where Zeus was the chief God once after all.
What do you expect?>>

As he said that, Hades, who wanted to use Sonneillon and Gressil for
the topic of this time’s meeting, thought for a while. As he rested his
chin with his hand on the armchair, he looked at Verrine and asked,

<<Hey Verrine, would you listen to my request?>>

“What is it? Is it an interesting one?”

Verrine got excited and seemed to be hooked onto Hades’ words.

Hades then raised his hand and ordered his underling Grim Reaper.
Following that, the giant monitor in the room started to play a
recording. Hades then ordered Verrine,

<<Look at the recording,>>

The giant monitor — started to show a peculiar thing. There was was
a silver humanoid thing which was emitting light. Even though it was
humanoid…its body looked tough and it seemed to be like a
machine. However, its body was still shaped with smooth curves,
similar to a living being. The rear of its head was sticking out,
consisting of five eyes. No mouth or nose was visible on its head. The
monitor labeled this silver humanoid as [Data not found]. Verrine
looked at the silver humanoid thing while being puzzled. Verrine
then tilted her head as she couldn’t seem to identify that thing even
though she had been taught about monsters — and other creatures
ever since she was born.

“…What is this?… A living being? CG?”

Hades said.

<<According to the information that only the chief God knows — this
is a living being that has the body of a machine.>>

“Really? Wow~, so things like these exist.”

Hades then said this to Verrine, who seemed excited.

<<It shouldn’t exist. However, we found this five days ago. I want you
to go with a Grim Reaper and investigate this.>>

Following his instructions, one of the phantoms at the round table —
a being with a jet-black and chaotic aura, Zoroastrianism’s Evil God
Angra Mainyu said,

“Now, this has become interesting. It is somehow different from

what Azazel and Ajuka Beelzebub had predicted.”

Another phantom — the God of Hell Tartarus said,

[There might be some misses even on the information only they

know. I don’t know the reason, but whatever it is, this must be
outside of their calculations.]

Hades glared at the [Data not found] humanoid shown on the


<<The point is, we are lacking information. However, this must be

the being that the Longinus and [DxD] invited. I wonder how the
Devils (read: bats) and Fallen Angels (Crows) would react upon
learning this.>>

【Several… Data… Malfunction…. Confirmed… 】
【Living things… Many… Confirmed…】
【Species… Controlling the Planet…Civilization level…Confirmed…】
【Supernatural Beings… Confirmed…】
【Oxygen Density… No Problem Detected… Adaptability… Area…】
【Several Dimensions… Confirmed… Divine Beings… Confirmed…】
【Report… Rega[1]—】
【Order… Confirmed…Keitote[2]—】
【—Awaiting the arrival of Zevasama…】

[1]Regaruzeva, the older brother of Malvezoa
[2]Incomplete pronunciation of Keito Tenkai
Keito, refers to Ketu, a being in Hindu Mythology, the body of being
which corresponds to Rahu which is the head.
This happened because Rahu had drunk Amrit while it was made for
the first time by churning. The Amrit had already reached his neck by
the time everyone knew so he was attacked there.

How many times has the word “Oppai (breast)” appeared in Volume
1 and 2 of Shin DxD? I will give away a Rias Oppai mousepad to
twenty random people who get it right. Nevermind, it’s a joke.
There’re no such prizes.

Long time no see, Ishibumi here. I wrote a similar joke in the

beginning of the afterword of the second volume of the unlabeled
DxD. However, at that time, I didn’t think that Rias’s Oppai
mousepads would really be sold… With this, the year 2018 has come
to an end. It was a great year as the new season of the anime,
[Highschool DxD HERO], was released, but on the other hand, my
workload was also the largest compared to the past… It was one hell
of a busy year.

Now for the thanks.

Miyama Zero-sama, my Editor T-sama, I really thank you guys for the
effort you made this time. I hope we continue to work together next
year as well.

Now let’s move on to the content.

I intended this volume to remind you of the Phoenix fight in the

second volume of the unlabeled series, which is similar to what I did
with Shin DxD volume one, that is being identical to the first volume
of the unlabeled series.

The next volume, Shin DxD 3, will be the New Kyoto Arc, so it won’t
be identical to the third volume of the unlabeled series. It’s the
second Kyoto arc. The current second-year students will be going on
a school trip, but Ise will also appear as well. Because it’s the Kyoto
arc, this will be Kunou’s feature volume. Yasaka-san will appear as

well. And as the Kyoto arc is related to the Hero Faction, I also plan
to make the new Hero Faction appear.

The next volume will be released along with the third volume of [The
Fallen Dog God -SLASHDØG-]. Its content will include the Oni that
Akeno controlled, as well as the childhood of Akeno. For those of you
who haven’t read it or started from Shin DxD, please check it out!

And with that, I ask for your support in the following year as well.
Have a nice year!

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