Evolution of Computer

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History & Generation

Classification of Computer
Computer can be classified into two way
(1) On the basis of Work
(2) On the basis of Size


Work Size

Analog Digital Hybrid Main frame

Analog Computer
Analog computer is used for measuring the physical phenomena's such as velocity,
pressure voltage temperature & mechanical, electrical quantities
Example Thermometer, Speedometer, petrol pump Indicator, Multimeter and Barometer
Digital Computer
This computer perform calculation and logical operations based on the digits or binary
number such as Digital clock. Types of Digital computer
(1) Supercomputer (2) Mainframe (3) Mini (4) Micro
Hybrid Computer
This computer is a combination of Analog and Digital computer. This computer is used
for medical purpose such as ECG and MRI.
Super Computer
Supercomputer is the most powerful computer, biggest, most expensive computer i.e.
used for complex types of application such as for scientific purpose, Research &
development, weather forecasting, launching aircrafts, weapon designing and Nuclear
Energy Research.
India's First supercomputer was PARAM 8000 designed by C-DAC (Centre for
Development of advanced computing)
India's Fastest supercomputer is "Pratyush and Mihir"( Speed 6.8 PFLOPS) at IITM,
Pune (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) is a scientific institution based
in Pune, India)
World's First supercomputer was Atlas.
World's Fastest supercomputer is Summit (Speed 122.3 PFLOPS)by Oak Ridge, US

Examples of other supercomputer

Aaditya, Cray xc30, HP Apollo 6000, PARAM YUVA-II, Titan, Tiantee 2, CRAY,
Sahasra T, Sunway Taihu Light

Mainframe Computer
Mainframe Computer use multiple processor that operated by thousands of users where
many people in large organization need to frequent access the information from one or
more large database. These computer used by Government/Business data processing,
Banks, Railway & large scale computing purpose
Example - IBM z Series, System z9 & z10 servers
Minicomputer are bigger in size, larger storage capacity, faster speed than
microcomputer. It support multi user computer operate by 4-200 user easily. These
computer used for small business purpose and industry process control.
Example - PDP-8, IBM System/3, HP 3000
Microcomputer are small size computer for personal use. These computer used in Home,
office, school or public place. It is also called PC (Personal Computer).
o Desktop
o Laptop (Portable Computer)
o Palmtop (Placed on top of over palm)
o PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)For store the basic information such as
address, calendar information, Bluetooth

o Smartphones etc..
Period Ist IInd IIIrd IVth Vth
(1940- (1956- (1965-1970) (1971-1989) (1990-Present)
1955) 1964)

Technology Vacuum Transistor Integrated Silicon chip ULSI (Ultra Large

Tube Circuit (IC) LSI (Large Scale Integration)

Language Machine Assembly High level Non -

(Binary & language(LOGO, Procedural
Numbers Highlevel PASCAL …..) (SQL)
0 & 1)
Memory Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Core Semiconductor -
Drum Core

Operating Batch Time Multiprogramming GUI Parallel Processing

System Operating Sharing (Graphical
System User Interface)

Example ENIAC, IBM 1401 IBM System/360 Apple Mac ArtificialIntelligence

UNIVAC, UNIVAC NCR 395 B6500 IBMPC Voice Recognition
EDVAC, 1108 Microcomputer
Punched Honeywell
Card 200
Use Used For Used for Multiple used for Robotics
Scientific commercial Application used Distributed
Purpose purpose for at one time System

History & Generation

List Of Important Inventors and Founder In The
Field Of Computer Technology
• Father of Computer- Charles Babbage
• Father of Modern Computer- Alan Turing
• ARPANET was developed by- DARPA
• Computer Mouse was invented by- Douglas Engel Bart
• Computer Chip (IC) was invented by- Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
• Hard Disk was invented by - Reynold Johnson
• First Data Base was invented by- Dr. Edgar Frank Codd
• Computer Scanner was invented by- Ray Kurzweil
• MS-DOS Operating Systems was invented by - Tim Paterson
• Bluetooth was invented by- Dr. Jaap Haartsen, at
• Mobile phone was invented by - Martin Copper
• First Microprocessor was invented by- Faggin , Hoff &Mazor
• First Spacewar computer Game was invented by – Steve Russell &
• UNIVAC was developed by – John Mauchly and J.
Presper Eckert
• Z1 computer was invented by - Konrad Zuse
• First Modern Computer - ENIAC
• Ethernet Computer Networking was invented by - David Boggs, Chuck Thacker
and Butler LampsoninREMOVE
• First Commercial Computer – UNIVAC
• ENIAC was developed by – John Mauchly and J.
Presper Eckert
• Transistor was developed by- William Shockley, John
Bardeen and Walter
• Microprocessor was developed by - Ted Hoff, Federico
Faggin,and Stan Mazor
• World's first computer programmer- Ada Lovelace
• First portable computer was developed by - Adam Osborne
• Floppy disk drive (FDD) was invented by- Alan Shugart at IBM
• First personal computer was invented by- IBM
• Laser printer was invented By Gary Stark weather at
• Trackball was developed by Tom Cranston, Fred Longstaff and
Kenyon Taylor

• Oracle was developed by Ed Oates, Larry Ellison, & Bob Miner

• USB was developed by Ajay Bhatt
• BIOS was developed by Gary Kildall
• Scanner was developed by Ray Kurzweil
• Speaker was developed by AbinawanPuracchidas
• Compact Disc was developed by James T. Russell
• Punched Card was developed by Herman Hollerith
• IP Address was developed by Robert E. Kahn
• Dell computer was developed by Michael Dell
• Internet Domain Name System (DNS) was developed by Paul V. Mockapetris & Jon Postel
• Internet was developed by Vinton Cerf & Robert E. Kahn

• WWW was developed by Tim Berners lee

• Email was developed by Shiva Ayyadurai
• Google founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin

• Microsoft was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates

• Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne

• Gmail was Created by Paul Buchheit

• WhatsApp was founded by Brian Acton and Jan
• Wikipedia was launched by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger

• Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah

Glass, Biz Stone
and Evan Williams
• Facebook was developed by Mark Zuckerberg
• Yahoo was developed by Jerry Yang and David Filo

• IBM was founded by Charles Flint

• Hotmail was founded by Sabeer Bhatia
• First search engine Archie
• Father of artificial intelligence John McCarthy

1. Which among following was used in the first generation of computers?

(A) Vacuum Tubes and Magnetic Drum
(B) Integrated Circuits
(C) Magnetic Tape and Transistors
(D) All of above
2. Which generation of computer is still under development phase?
(A) Fourth Generation (B) Fifth Generation
(C) Third Generation (D) Seventh Generation
3. EDVAC stands for_______.
(A) Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
(B) Electronic Discrete Value Automatic Computer
(C) Electronic Device Variable Automatic Computer
(D) Electronic Discrete Variable Advanced Computer
4. Who invented Computer Mouse?
(A) Ada Lovelace (B) John Mauchly
(C) Charles Babbage (D) Douglas Engelbart
5. The fourth generation computers use which technology for both CPU and
memory that allows millions of transistors on a single chip?
(A) Vacuum Tubes (B) VLSI Technology
(C) Cloud Computing (D) None of the above
6. The term ‘Computer’ is derived from..........
(A) Latin (B) German (C) French (D) Arabic
7. A computer that combines the characteristic of analog and digital
(A) Hybrid Computer (B) Digital Computer
(3) Analog Computer (4) Super Computer
8. CAD stands for
(A) Computer aided design
(B) Computer algorithm for design
(C) Computer application in design
(D) All of the above
9. MSIC stands for
(A) Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
(B) Medium System Integrated Circuits
(C) Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
(D) Medium System Intelligent Circuit
10. A NAND gate is formed by ________?
(A) An AND gate followed by an OR gate
(B) An NOT gate followed by an AND gate
(C) An AND gate followed by NOT gate
(D) An OR gate followed by an AND gate
11. Which of the following was the computer conceived by Babbage?
(A) Analytical Engine (B) Arithmetic Machine
(C) Donald Kunth (D) All of the above
12. Which among the given options is IBM’s Supercomputer?
(A) Tihane-2 (B) SunwayTaihu Light
(C) Watson (D) Shasra-T
13. China now has more of the world's fastest supercomputers than other countries.
Which among the following is a Chinese super computer?
(A) BlueGene/Q system (B) Cray XC30
(C) Sunway Taihu Light (D) Tianhe-2
14. Which among the following is an important circuitry in a computer system that
does the arithmetic and logical processing?
(A) Memory (B) ALU
(C) Flag Register (D) CU
15. What is RISC?
(A) Storage Device (B) Computer Network
(C) Microprocessor (D) Operating System
16. Transistors are associated with which computer system?
(A) First generation (B) Fifth generation
(C) Second generation (D) None of these
17. The technology that stores only the essential instructions on a
microprocessorchip and thus enhances its speed is referred to as
(A) CISC (B) RISC (C) CD-ROM (D) Wi-Fi
18.The first electronic and digital computer was developed by
(A) J.V. Attansoff (B) Bill Gates
(C) Simur Cray (D) Winton Serf
19. Who was the inventor of mechanical calculator for adding numbers?
(A) Charles Babbage (B) Peano
(C) Newton (D) Pascal
20.Charles Babbage invented
(A) ENIAC (B) Difference engine
(C) Electronic computer (D) Punched card
21. Who developed the first electronic general-purpose computer?
(A) Atanasoff and Berry
(B) J. Presper Eckert
(C) John W Mauchly
(D) Both(B)and(C)
22. Which of the following is the fastest type of computer?
(A) Minicomputer (B) Mainframe computer
(C) Supercomputer (D) Digital computer
23. Fifth generation computer is also known as
(A) Knowledge information processing system
(B) Very large scale integration (VLSI)
(C) Both of above
(D) None of above
24. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
(A) First Generation (B) Second Generation
(C) Third Generation (D) Fourth Generation
25. Analog computer works on the supply of
(A) Continuous electrical pulses
(B) Electrical pulses but not continuous
(C) Magnetic strength
(D) None of the above
26. UNIVAC is
(A) Unvalued Automatic Computer
(B) Universal Array Computer
(C) Unique Automatic Computer
(D) Universal Automatic Computer
27. Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?
(A) First Generation (B) Second Generation
(C) Fifth Generation (D) Sixth Generation
28. ____________ are specially designed computers that perform complex
calculations extremely rapidly.
(A) Servers(B) Supercomputers
(C) Laptops (D) Mainframes
29. Smaller and less expensive PC-based servers are replacing ____________ in
many businesses.
(A) supercomputers (B) clients
(C) laptops (D) mainframes
30. ____ are specially designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such
as your car or your electronic thermostat.
(A) Servers(B) Embedded computers
(C) Robotic (D) Mainframes
31. IBM 1401 is
(A) First Generation Computer
(B) Second Generation Computer
(C) Third Generation Computer
(D) Fourth Generation Computer
32. The first super computer was installed at Los Alamos National Laboratory of
USA and was introduced in 1976. What was its name?
(A) Altair (B) Cray-1
(C) Z1 (D) Tital-1
33. Who among the following is/were inventor of transistors?
(A) Walter Houser Brattain
(B) John William
(C) John Bardeen
(D) Charles Babbage
(E) Both (A) and(C)
34. Which of the following device used ‘set of beads’ to represent the unit of data?
(C) Abacus
35. he first electro-mechanical computer MARK-1 invented was by ______.
(A) Charles Pascal (B) John W Mauchly
(C) Howard Aiken (D) Clifford Berry
36.Which organization developed MS DOS?
(A) Apple (B) Microsoft
(C) Google (D) IBM
37.Where was the first computer installed in India?
(A) Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1971
(B) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1971
(C) Indian Iron &Steel Co. Ltd., 1967
(D) Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1955

38.Which company is nicknamed "Big Blue"?

(C) Microsoft (D) Apple
39. Which of these is the first web-based e-mail service?
(A) Gmail (B) Yahoo Mail
(C) Hotmail (D) Rediff Mail
40. Which was the first ever web server software?
(A) GWS (B) IIS 5.0

1 A 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 A 7 A
8 A 9 A 10 C 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 B
15 C 16 C 17 B 18 A 19 D 20 B 21 D
22 C 23 A 24 D 25 A 26 D 27 C 28 B
29 D 30 B 31 B 32 B 33 E 34 C 35 C
36 B 37 D 38 B 39 C 40 C

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