Kagalang-Galangan Katipunan NG Mga Anak NG Bayan) Was Established by Andres Bonifacio in A House On Azcarraga Street

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Lesson 5: THE KARTILYA OF KATIPUNAN against Spain known as the Spanish-

American War.
July 07, 1892 — KKK (Kataastaasang
Kagalang-galangan Katipunan ng mga June 12, 1898 — Aguinaldo declared the
Anak ng Bayan) was established by Andres country’s independence and the birth of the
Bonifacio in a house on Azcarraga street Philippine Republic.
(now Claro M. Recto), in Tondo Manila.
Emilio Jacinto y Dizon
The Katipunan had colorful beginnings. As a
 "utak ng katipunan"
symbol of the member’s loyalty, they
performed the solemn rite of sanduguan,  Emilio Jacinto was born on December
wherein each one signed his name 15, 1875 in Trozo, Tondo Manila.
with his own blood.  He was the only son of Mariano Jacinto
and Josefa Dizon.
The KKK members agreed on the
following objectives:
 He graduated elementary on a private
▪ The political goal was to completely school, Colegio de San Juan de Letran in
separate the Philippines from Spain after Highschool and eventually, he studied
declaring the country’s independence. law at UST. He was fluent in both
▪ The moral goal was to teach the Filipinos
Spanish and Tagalog.
good manners, cleanliness, hygiene, fine
morals, and how to guard themselves  Unfortunately, when Philippine
against religious fanaticism. Revolution began he needs to stop and
▪ The civic goal was to encourage Filipinos joined the Katipunan in 1894 at the age
to help themselves and to defend the poor of 18.
 He is one of those Filipino who fought
Jose Rizal never became involved in the for our freedom
organization and activities but the  When he entered Katipunan, he uses
Katipuneros still looked up to him as leader. "Pingkian" as his symbolic name.
 Because of his brilliance and wit, he
August 23, 1896 – After the discovery of the
served the Katipunan as secretary,
Katipunan, Spanish authorities made
fiscal, editor, adviser of Bonifacio and in
several arrests to identify their members.
1897 he was appointed as General by
Bonifacio and his fellows were planning a
nationwide revolt. This led to an event
 With Bonifacio and Pio Valenzuela, he
called the ‘Cry of Pugad Lawin’, where
also wrote for the organ of the
revolutionaries took part in a mass tearing
Katipunan- the “Kalayaan” and used the
of cedulas, symbolizing their fight against
pen name “Dimas Ilaw”
 He was the author of “Kartilya ng
April 1898 marked the second phase of the Katipunan” which composed of the
Philippine Revolution. After a US Navy secret society’s commandments.
warship exploded and sunk in Havana  Jacinto continued to fight against the
harbor, the Americans declared a war Spaniards even after Bonifacio died in
1897 and the truce in Biak-na-Bato.
 In July 1897, Aguinaldo established the  It was the popular writing of Emilio
Biak-na-Bato Republic and issued a Jacinto that consist of order and
proclamation stating the following principle of the Katipunan which also
demands: served as guide for its members.
 “Mga Aral ng Katipunan ng mga Anak
1. Expulsion of the friars and the return
ng Bayan” – original name of Kartilya ng
of the friar lands to the Filipinos
2. Representation in the Spanish Cortes  The Kartilya presents not only the
teachings for the neophyte Katipunero
3. Freedom of the press and of religion
but also the guiding principles of the
4. Abolition of the government’s power society. Those teachings are expected
to banish Filipinos from the members even after the
attainment of freedom from the
5. Equality for all before the law.
colonizers. The Kartilya ends with a
 Jacinto was captured in Laguna, upon document of affirmation by the
investigation, he was released as he members to the society's teachings.
convince Spanish Soldiers that he was a  The Kartilya was not just a document for
spy. the Katipunan. Its importance today is
 In 1898, following Aguinaldo’s return predicated on the teachings that
from exile, Apolinario Mabini, embodied the moral and nationalistic
Aguinaldo’s adviser by that time, wrote principles of a nation that fought for
to Jacinto asking him to come down independence.
from the mountains. But, Jacinto never
came down from the mountains.
Because of his refusal and fear to go Teachings of the Katipunan of the Sons of
down from the mountains, he the People
contracted malaria and died in
1. A life that is not dedicated to a great and
Majayjay, Laguna on April 6, 1899
sacred cause is like a tree without a shade,
Kartilya ng Katipunan or a poisonous weed.

 The Kartilya was printed as a small 2. A good deed lacks virtue if it springs from
pamphlet that was distributed to the a desire for personal profit and not from a
members of Katipunan. sincere desire to do good.
 Its term was derived from Spanish
3. True charity resides in acts of
“cartilla” which was the primer used for
compassion, in love for one’s fellow men,
grade schools during the Spanish period.
and in making true Reason the measure of
And like the cartillas, this document
every move, deed and word.
served as the primary lessons for the
members of Katipunan. 4. Be their skin dark or pale, all men are
equal. One can be superior to another in
knowledge, wealth and beauty... But not in how to cherish and look after the land of his
being. birth.
5. A person with a noble character values 14. When these doctrines have spread and
honor above self-interest,while a person the brilliant sun of beloved liberty shines on
with an ignoble character values self- these poor Islands, and sheds its sweet light
interest above honor. upon a united race, a people in everlasting
happiness, then the lives lost, the struggle
6. An honorable man’s word is his bond.
and the suffering will have been more than
7. Don’t waste time; lost wealth may be recompensed.
recovered, but time lost is lost forever.
8. Defend the oppressed and fight the
9. An intelligent man is he who takes care in
everything he says and jeeps quiet about
what must be kept secret.
10. Along the theory path of life, the man
leads the way and his wife and children
follow. If the leader goes the way of
perdition, then so do those who are led.
11. Do not regard a woman as a mere
plaything, but as a helpmate and partner in
the hardships of this existence. Have due
regard to her weakness, and remember the
mother who brought you into this world
and nurtured you in your infancy.
12. What you would not want done to your
wife, daughter and sister do not do to the
wife, daughter and sister of another.
13. A man’s worth does not come from
being a king, or in the height of his nose and
the whiteness of his face, or in him being a
priest, a representative of God, or in his
exalted position on the face of this earth.
Pure and truly noble is he who, though born
in the forest and able to speak only the
dignity and honor, who is not an oppressor
and does not abet oppressors, who knows

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