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Warm up
What are your favourite books? Horror and adventures books
Write a list with your 5 favourite books and their translation in English.
For example:
La historia interminable = The neverending story
Pet sematary (it´s OK)= Cementerio de animales
In the tall grass= En la hierba alta
IT= Eso
The lord of the rings= El señor de los anillos
HP and the chamber of the secrets= HP y la cámara secreta

Vocabulary: Literature
Read the following article.
Literature is a form of human expression. But not everything expressed in words—even when
organized and written down—is counted as literature. Those writings that are primarily
informative—technical, scholarly, journalistic—would be excluded from the rank of literature by
most, though not all, critics. Certain forms of writing, however, are universally regarded as
belonging to literature as an art. Individual attempts within these forms are said to succeed if
they possess something called artistic merit and to fail if they do not. The nature of artistic
merit is less easy to define than to recognize. The writer need not even pursue it to attain it. On
the contrary, a scientific exposition might be of great literary value and a pedestrian poem of
none at all.

Now, match the words in bold with the pictures!


Tenéis la actividad en este enlace:
Estas son las preguntas copiadas de la actividad.
Based on what you listened, answer the following questions:
1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?
A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a newspaper

2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?

A. a book about animals
B. a book on dolls
C. a book about candy and cookies

3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?

A. The girl can check out books from the library.
B. The girl should read books every day.
C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.

4. What is one thing the girl wants to eat while they are reading?
A. cookies
B. ice cream
C. bananas

5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?

A. the late morning
B. the early afternoon
C. in the evening
The Alchemist is an easy story with a deep message. It is a message to follow your heart and
search for your dreams. The book is about a young man named Santiago who lives in Spain and
works as a shepherd. He begins to have strange dreams so he goes to a Gypsy to find out what
they mean. The Gypsy tells him that he needs to go to the Egyptian pyramids to find his
treasure. Of course he does not believe her. But later he meets another person who tells him
the same thing. At last Santiago decides to give up his life as a shepherd and go find his
Santiago encounters many problems as he goes on his journey. He meets many people and
learns a lot along the way. He also learns to listen to and trust the Soul of the World. Does he
ever find his treasure? And why is the book called The Alchemist? I can't tell you. You will have
to read the book if you want to find out.
The Alchemist was originally written in Portuguese by Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian author. It has
been translated into many languages, including, of course, English. It is a good book for people
who are learning English because most of the sentences are fairly short and you will recognize a
lot of the vocabulary. There are definitely words you will not know at first, but with a little
patience and study you should be able to finish (and maybe enjoy) the book. They say patience
is a virtue whether you are learning English or trying out new catfish fishing lures for the first
time. This book is a great choice for readers learning the English language. And hopefully you
will be able to follow your dreams as well.

Answer the following questions:

1. The Alchemist is a book about following your dreams.
2. Santiago takes care of cows.
3. A Gypsy is from Egypt.

4. Santiago has a lot of problems as he looks for his treasure.


5. The author of the book is from Brazil.


6. The author wrote the book in English.


7. The book has only easy English words.

Reading from:

También lo podéis corregir en el enlace

Pronunciation: Sentence Stress

Read the following information about sentence stress:

EN el siguiente enlace tenéis un video que lo explica bien y con oraciones para practicar:

Para más información:


• What sort of books do you enjoy reading? I like reading a horror book with a good story
and a monster

• Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? I prefer fiction books

• What is your favorite book? IT

• Who is your favorite writer? Stephen King

• Have you ever read a book and then seen a film based on that book? Yes I have, IT

• Did you read books when you were a child? Yes, I did

Write a paragraph about literature. To create the paragraph, follow this:

What are some of the advantages of books vs. movies? How about the disadvantages of books
vs. movies?

Firstly, one of the advantages is, in the books the story is explained better.

In addition, the book tells more about the characters.

However , in the movies, there is no descriptionas detailed as in the books and the characters
are flatter

Make a list of the most important and relevant things that you learned while doing the

I´ve learned more literature vocabulary and I´ve listened the children´s english, in addition I
wasn´t know about the sentence stress.

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