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Name: __________ Class: ____________

First Expert Quick entry test

Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.

1 My sisters _____ horror films.

A are liking B like C aren’t liking D doesn’t like

2 What _____ ? Is it that CD you bought yesterday?

A do you listen B do you listen to C are you listening D are you listening to

3 This restaurant is _____ in town.

A easy the best B easy the better C easily the best D easily the better

4 I’ll have to _____ the time – I have to pick up Johan at seven.

A look an eye on B keep an eye on C see an eye on D get an eye on

5 _____ a motorbike?
A Did you ever ride B Did you ever ridden C Have you ever rode D Have you ever ridden
6 My laptop isn’t working, so _____Tom’s.
A I used to B I’ve used C I’ve been using D I’m used

7 I usually go to work by _____ bus.

A– Ba C an D the

8 He was told it was time he _____ on his own two feet and took responsibility for himself.
A stood B took C made D went

9 Although it was the summer, the sea water was _____ cold.
A incredibly B absolutely C totally D a bit of

10 Please remember _____ me when you get home.

A call B to call C for to call D calling

11 They agreed _____ the following day.

A meet B for to meet C to meet D meeting

12 They had a very _____ discussion on the political situation in their country.

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A stormy B icy C strong D heated

13 _____ I was doing my homework, my dad was cooking dinner.

A When B As C As soon as D By the time

14 Fortunately, we didn’t have to buy _____ to begin with.

A much equipment B many equipments C an equipment D a few equipments

15 Don’t forget there _____ people joining us later, so we need a bigger table.
A is a few B are a few C is few D are few

16 The moment he turned professional, his sporting career really took _____ .
A up B to C on D off

17 Do you think Heather _____ the test tomorrow?

A shall pass B will pass C is passing D would be passing

18 Their train _____ by the time we arrive at the station.

A was to leave B will be leaving C may have left D is leaving

19 The topic of a pay rise came _____ unexpectedly during our conversation.
A across B over C up D in

20 Is that the restaurant _____ they cook your meal at the table?
A which B where C when D that

21 There were a lot of people at the reunion, many _____ I recognised instantly.
A of who B of those C of which D of whom

22 Would you like to be involved _____ our next theatrical production?

A on B in C into D for

23 We _____ so late in the evening – it’s a new custom for us.

A used to eat B are used to eating C didn’t use to eating D aren’t used to eating
24 Please _____ your mind and tell me what you think the real issue is.
A say B speak C talk D tell

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25 Look, you really _____ pick me up – I can get a bus home.
A mustn’t B aren’t supposed to C don’t have to D had better not

26 You _____ park in these spaces without a permit.

A can’t B couldn’t C needn’t D don’t have to

27 You’re _____ luck! I have one pair of tickets left for tomorrow’s concert.
A on B of C in D out of

28 She _____ turn up soon or we’ll have to leave without her.

A ’d better B should C may D needn’t

29 My aunt always wears _____ blouses.

A beautiful Italian patterned silk B beautiful patterned Italian silk
C Italian patterned silk beautiful D Italian beautiful silk patterned

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30 They accused him _____ in the final exam.
A to cheat B for to cheat C of cheating D for cheating

31 She offered _____ me from the airport.

A collecting B collect C to collect D for to collect

32 He succeeded _____ his driving test on his last attempt.

A in passing B to pass C passing D for passing

33 How long have you been _____ yoga?

A making B doing C playing D going

34 If I had known you were in the country, I _____ to meet up with you.
A had arranged B will have arranged C would arrange D would have arranged

35 I’ll buy the tickets tomorrow if I _____ time.

A have B am having C will have D would have

36 He won’t come _____ he is repeatedly asked.

A whether B as long as C only if D even if

37 A number of people _____ on my new hairstyle.

A has commented B have commented C is commenting D has been commenting

38 Who did you _____ ?

A borrow the money from B lend the money from
C borrow the money of D lend the money of

39 In order to create more jobs in the coming year, businesses _____ offered tax relief.
A have B were being C may be being D are being

40 If only we _____ the house an hour earlier!

A left B leave C had left D would leave

41 She seemed resigned _____ the fact that she wouldn’t be able to go to university.
A from B to C for D by

42 Sorry, Madam, but you can only take _____ one item of hand luggage on this flight.

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A on B in C to D off

43 _____ it was late, I decided to take a taxi.

A Because of B Despite C As D Whereas

44 It looks _____ it’s going to start raining in a minute.

A if B as if C as D as like

45 _____ they were tired, they still came to the party.

A However B Although C In case D In spite of

46 Every winter he comes _____ a really bad cold.

A down to B down with C out with D out for

47 _____ to cross the icy street, she slipped and fell.

A Trying B Despite trying C Although trying D In trying

48 _____ a driver’s licence, I knew how to drive the vehicle.

A After having B On having C Having D Having done

49 I can take your car to the garage in the morning but it’ll _____ later on.
A need collected B need to be collected C need to collect D need to collecting

50 To everyone’s _____ , he picked up the guitar and started playing it like a professional.
A amaze B amazed C amazing D amazement

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