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Gateway and C264


PACiS V6.3

Slave Protocol Profile

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2. 870-5-101 IEC:1995-> 2001 EDITION 2 – INTEROPERABILITY 8
2.1 System or device 8
2.2 Network configuration (Network-specific parameter) 8
2.3 Physical layer (Network-specific parameter) 9

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2.4 Link layer (Network-specific parameter) 9
2.4.1 Link transmission procedure 9
2.4.2 Address field of the link 10
2.4.3 Frame length 10
2.4.4 Repetition parameters (only in balanced mode) 10
2.4.5 Class1 data 10
2.4.6 Class 2 data 11
2.5 Application layer 12
2.5.1 Transmission mode for application data 12
2.5.2 Common address of ASDU 12
2.5.3 Information object address 12
2.5.4 Cause of transmission 12
2.5.5 Selection of standard ASDUs 13 Process information in monitor direction 13 Process information in monitor direction with the Extension of time tag 14 Process information in control direction 14 System information in monitor direction 14 System information in control direction 15 Parameter in control direction 15 File transfer 15 Special use 17 Mapping PACiS 17 Type identifier and cause of transmission assignments 17
2.6 Basic application functions 21
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2.6.1 Station initialisation 21

2.6.2 Cyclic data transmission 21
2.6.3 Read procedure 21
2.6.4 Spontaneous transmission 21
2.6.5 Double transmission of information objects with cause of transmission spontaneous 22
2.6.6 Link state between Controlling and Controlled station 22
2.6.7 General interrogation 22
2.6.8 Counter General interrogation 23
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2.6.9 Clock synchronisation 23

2.6.10 Command transmission 23
2.6.11 Transmission of integrated totals 24
2.6.12 Counter General interrogation 24
2.6.13 Parameter loading 24
2.6.14 Parameter activation 25
2.6.15 Test procedure 25
2.6.16 File transfer 25
2.6.17 Background scan 25
2.6.18 Acquisition of transmission delay 25
2.6.19 Management events priorities 26
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This document describes in parallel the serial communication protocol slave T101
implemented on:

− PACiS Gateway.

− MiCOM C264.
This document deals with communication with an upper level SCADA system.
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2. 870-5-101 IEC:1995-> 2001 EDITION 2 – INTEROPERABILITY

This companion standard presents sets of parameters and alternatives from which subsets
have to be selected to implement particular telecontrol systems. Certain parameter values,
such as the number of bytes in the COMMON ADDRESS of ASDUs represent mutually
exclusive alternatives. This means that only one value of the defined parameters is admitted
per system. Other parameters, such as the listed set of different process information in
command and in monitor direction allow the specification of the complete set or subsets, as
appropriate for given applications. This clause summarises the parameters of the previous
clauses to facilitate a suitable selection for a specific application. If a system is composed of
equipment stemming from different manufacturers it is necessary that all partners agree on
the selected parameters.

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The selected parameters should be filled up (N => S).
NOTE 1: In addition, the full specification of a system may require individual
selection of certain parameters for certain parts of the system, such as
the individual selection of scaling factors for individually addressable
measured values.
To simplify the PID, we use the following conventions:

N Not supported

S Supported

S* Supported with special consideration (see comments)

2.1 System or device

C264 GTW Description

N N System definition

N N Controlling station definition (Master)

S S Controlled station definition (Slave)

2.2 Network configuration (Network-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Point-to-point

S S Multiple point-to-point

S S Multipoint-party line

S S Multipoint-star

NOTE: In balanced mode only “Point-to-point” and “Multiple point-to-point »

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2.3 Physical layer (Network-specific parameter)

Transmission speed (control and monitor direction):

C264 GTW Description

N S* 100 bit/s

N S* 200 bit/s

S S 300 bit/s
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S S 600 bit/s

S S 1 200 bit/s

S S 2 400 bit/s

S S 4 800 bit/s

S S 9 600 bit/s

S S 19 200 bit/s

S S 38 400 bit/s

N N 56 000 bit/s

N N 57 600 bit/s

N S** 64 000 bit/s

**Only with Acksys card.

* Gateway-PC uses a standard PC RS232 and is limited by the possibilities of this hardware.
Using a dedicated hardware it is possible to configure 100 or 200 bit/s.
C264 uses RS232 or RS485 depending on configuration (Hardware part).

2.4 Link layer (Network-specific parameter)

(Network-specific parameter, all options that are used should be filled up ( N => S). Specify
the maximum frame length. If a non-standard assignment of class 2 messages is
implemented for unbalanced transmission, indicate the type ID and COT of all messages
assigned to class 2.)
Frame format FT 1.2, single character 1 and the fixed time out interval are used exclusively
in this companion standard.
2.4.1 Link transmission procedure

C264 GTW Description

S S Balanced transmission

S S Unbalanced transmission
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2.4.2 Address field of the link

C264 GTW Description

S S Not present (balanced transmission only)

S S One octet

S S Two octets

S S Structured

S S Unstructured

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2.4.3 Frame length

C264 GTW Description

up to 255 up to 255 Length L (number of bytes in control direction)

Length L (number of bytes in monitor direction)

up to 255 up to 255
Maximum length of ASDU is configurable from 50 to 255.

2.4.4 Repetition parameters (only in balanced mode)

C264 GTW Description

Number of repetitions on non-acknowledge frame.
S S C264 fixed to: 2
GTW can be configured from 1 to 10.
Maximum time between information frame and controlling station
C264 fixed to: 1 second
GTW can be configured from 2 seconds to 10 seconds

2.4.5 Class1 data

The following types of information are reported as class1 by the controlled station

C264 GTW Description

S S Single point information with or without time tag (on change)

S S Double point information with or without time tag (on change)

S S Step position information with or without time tag (on change)

S S Measured value, normalised with or without time tag (on change)

S S Measured value, scaled with or without time tag (on change)

S S Measured value, floated with or without time tag (on change)

S S Integrated totals with or without time tag (on change)

S S Time messages

S S All command responses (ACT_CONF, and ACT_TERM)

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2.4.6 Class 2 data

The following types of information are reported as class 2 by the controlled station:

C264 GTW Description

S S Single point information (GI scan, or BackGroundScan cycle)

S S Double point information (GI scan, or BackGroundScan cycle)

S S Step position information (GI scan, or BackGroundScan cycle)

Measured values, normalised (GI scan, or Periodic cycle, or

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BackGroundScan cycle)
Measured values, scaled (GI scan, or Periodic cycle, or BackGroundScan
S S cycle)
Measured values, floated (GI scan, or Periodic cycle, or BackGroundScan
S S cycle)

S S Integrated totals (Counter GI scan)

NOTE: In response to a class 2 poll, a GTW may respond with class 1 data
when there are no class 2 data available (parameter in registry) as per
IEC 61870-5-101, Part 5, §
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2.5 Application layer

2.5.1 Transmission mode for application data
Mode 1 (Least significant octet first), as defined in clause 4.10 of IEC 870-5-4, is used
exclusively in this companion standard.
2.5.2 Common address of ASDU
(System-specific parameter)
The address field of the link and the common address of ASDU could have a different
number of bytes

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C264 GTW Description

S S One octet

S S Two octets

2.5.3 Information object address

(System-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S One octet

S S Two octets

S S Three octets

S S Structured

S S Unstructured

2.5.4 Cause of transmission

(System-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S One octet

Two octets (with originator address

S S set to 0 if not used)
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2.5.5 Selection of standard ASDUs Process information in monitor direction
(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S <1>: = Single-point information M-SP-NA-1

S S <2>: = Single-point information with time tag M-SP-TA-1

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S S <3>: = Double-point information M-DP-NA-1

S S <4>: = Double-point information with time tag M-DP-TA-1

S S* <5>: = Step position information M-ST-NA-1

S S <6>: = Step position information with time tag M-ST-TA-1

N S <7>: = Bit-string of 32 bit M-BO-NA-1

N S <8>: = Bit-string of 32 bit with time tag M-BO-TA-1

S S <9>: = Measured value, normalised value M-ME-NA-1

S S <10>: = Measured value, normalised value with time tag M-ME-TA-1

S S <11>: = Measured value, scaled value M-ME-NB-1

S S <12>: = Measured value, scaled value with time tag M-ME-TB-1

S S <13>: = Measured value, short floating point value M-ME-NC-1

S S <14>: = Measured value, short floating point value with time tag M-ME-TC-1

S S <15>: = Integrated totals M-IT-NA-1

S S <16>: = Integrated totals with time tag M-IT-TA-1

N N <17>: = Event of protection equipment with time tag M-EP-TA-1

S S <18>: = Packed starts events of protection equipment with time tag M-EP-TB-1

<19>: = Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with M-EP-TC-1

S S time tag
N N <20>: = Packed single-point information with status change detection M-PS-NA-1

N N <21>: = Measured value, normalised value without quality descriptor M-ME-ND-1

* T bit not supported

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(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S <30>: = Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M-SP-TB-1
<31>: = Double-point information with time tag M-DP-TB-1
S S CP56Time2a
<32>: = Step position information with time tag M-ST-TB-1
S S* CP56Time2a

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N S <33>: = Bit-string of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a M-BO-TB-1
<34>: = Measured value, normalised value with time tag M-ME-TD-1
S S CP56Time2a
<35>: = Measured value, scaled value with time tag M-ME-TE-1
S S CP56Time2a
<36>: = Measured value, short floating point value, time tag M-ME-TF-1
S S CP56Time2a
S S <37>: = Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a M-IT-TB-1
<38>: = Event of protection equipment with time tag M-EP-TD-1
N N CP56Time2a
<39>: = Packed start event of protection equipment, time M-EP-TE-1
S S tag CP56Time2a
<40>: = Packed output circuit information of protection M-EP-TF-1
S S equipment with time tag CP56Time2a

* T bit not supported Process information in control direction
(station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S <45>: = Single command C-SC-NA-1
S S <46>: = Double command C-DC-NA-1
S S <47>: = Regulating step command C-RC-NA-1
S S <48>: = Set point command normalised value C-SE-NA-1
S S <49>: = Set point command scaled value C-SE-NB-1
S S <50>: = Set point command, short floating point value C-SE-NC-1
N N <51>: = Bit-string of 32 bit C-BO-NA-1 System information in monitor direction

(station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S <70>: = End of initialisation M-EI-NA-1

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(station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S <100>: = Interrogation commands C-IC-NA-1
S S <101>: = Counter interrogation command C-CI-NA-1
N S(1) <102>: = Read command C-RD-NA-1
S(3) S(4) <103>: = Clock synchronisation command C-CS-NA-1
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S S <104>: = Test command C-TS-NA-1

S(2) S <105>: = Reset process command C-RP-NA-1
S S (5) <106>: = Delay acquisition command C-CD-NA-1

(1) Only if the IOA is unique for all datapoint whatever the type.

• In C264, used to empty fifo if QRP = 2 and nothing if QRP = 1 .

• In C264R , used to empty fifo if QRP = 2 and switch database if QRP = 1.

(3) if no other synchronization source is set on the system, C264 will POS ACK (Positively
acknowledge) and take into account the new time and date received. However, the IV bit is
automatically set after 360 seconds when no new time synchronization occurs.

• If the GTW is not configured as time provider the ASDU is received but not managed.
See T101 interoperability.

• If T101 satellite is the active master clock a positive activation confirmation is sent
back to the SCADA network.
• If T101 satellite is the passive master clock a negative activation confirmation is sent
back to the SCADA network.

(5) Behaviour depends on C_CD SPONTANEOUS chosen by mean of registry keys. Parameter in control direction

(station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

N N <110>: = Parameter of measured value, normalised value P-ME-NA-1
N N <111>: = Parameter of measured value, scaled value P-ME-NB-1
<112>: = Parameter of measured value, short floating point P-ME-NC-1
N N value
N N <113>: = Parameter activation P-AC-NA-1 File transfer

(station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S <120>: = File ready F-FR-NA-1
S S <121>: = Section ready F-SR-NA-1
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S S <122>: = Call directory, select file, call file, call section F-SC-NA-1
S S <123>: = Last section, last segment F-LS-NA-1
S S <124>: = Ack file, ack section F-AF-NA-1
S S <125>: = Segment F-SG-NA-1
S S <126>: = Directory F-DR-TA-1

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(private range)

C264 GTW Description

S N <137>: = Regulating delay command C-RC-NB-1 Mapping PACiS

PACiS Objects ASDU Format

Single Point Status (SPS) <1>, <2>, <30>
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Double Point Status (DPS) <3>, <4>, <31>

Tape Position Indicator (TPI) <5>, <6>, <32>
<18> (PSE), <19> (POC): only C264
Multiple Point Status (MPS)
<7>, <8>, <33>: only GTW
<9>, <10>, <34> Normalised
Measurement (MV) <11>, <12>, <35> Adjusted
<13>, <14>, <36> Float
Counter (CT) <15>, <16>, <37>
Single Point Command (SPC) <45>
Double Point Command (DPC) <46>
<48> Normalised
Set point Command (SP) <49> Adjusted
<50> Float Type identifier and cause of transmission assignments

(station-specific parameters)

Mark type identification/cause of transmission combinations:

X ‘X’ if used by Gateway And C264

C ‘C’ if only used by C264
G ‘G’ if only used by Gateway
G* Can be set in Windows registry database. Gateway only.
Shaded boxes are not required but may be supported when X/C/G appears inside.
Blank = function or ASDU not implemented into PACiS
 Required in 1995 standard, suppressed in 2000 standard.
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Cause of transmission

unknown common address of ASDU

unknown information object address

Return cause of remote command

Return cause of local command

unknown cause of transmission

unknown type identification
deactivation confirmation

Req by group n counter

activation confirmation

activation termination

Req by gen counter

Interro by group n
background scan

General Interro
periodic, cyclic

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File transfer


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 37 44 45 46 47
to to
36 41
<1> M_SP_NA_1 X X X X X X
<2> M_SP_TA_1 G* X X X G*
<3> M_DP_NA_1 X X X X X X
<4> M_DP_TA_1 G* X X X G*
<5> M_ST_NA_1 X X X X X X
<6> M_ST_TA_1 G* X X X G*
<7> M_BO_NA_1 G X X X
<8> M_BO_TA_1 X
<9> M_ME_NA_1 X X X X X
<10> M_ME_TA_1 G* X G*
<11> M_ME_NB_1 X X X X X
<12> M_ME_TB_1 G* X G*
<13> M_ME_NC_1 X X X X X
<14> M_ME_TC_1 G* X G*
<15> M_IT_NA_1 X X
<16> M_IT_TA_1 X X
<17> M_EP_TA_1
<18> M_EP_TB_1 X
<19> M_EP_TC_1 X
<20> M_PS_NA_1
<21> M_ME_ND_1
<30> M_SP_TB_1 X X X G*
<31> M_DP_TB_1 X X X G*
<32> M_ST_TB_1 X X X G*
<33> M_BO_TB_1
<34> M_ME_TD_1 X G*
<35> M_ME_TE_1 X G*
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Cause of transmission

unknown common address of ASDU

unknown information object address

Return cause of remote command

Return cause of local command

unknown cause of transmission

unknown type identification
deactivation confirmation

Req by group n counter

activation confirmation

activation termination

Req by gen counter

Interro by group n
background scan

General Interro
periodic, cyclic



File transfer
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 37 44 45 46 47
to to
36 41
<36> M_ME_TF_1 X G*
<37> M_IT_TB_1 X X
<38> M_EP_TD_1
<39> M_EP_TE_1 X
<40> M_EP_TF_1 X
<45> C_SC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<46> C_DC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<47> C_RC_NA_1 X X X X X C X X X
<48> C_SE_NA_1 X X X X X X X X
<49> C_SE_NB_1 X X X X X X X X
<50> C_SE_NC_1 X X X X X X X X
<51> C_BO_NA_1 C
<70> M_EI_NA_1 X
<100> C_IC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<101> C_CI_NA_1 X X X X X X
<102> C_RD_NA_1 X
<103> C_CS_NA_1 X X X C X X X
<104> C_TS_NA_1 X X X X X X
<105> C_RP_NA_1 X X X X X X
<106> C_CD_NA_1 X X X X X
<110> P_ME_NA_1 X
<111> P_ME_NB_1 X
<112> P_ME_NC_1 X
<113> P_AC_NA_1 X
<120> F_FR_NA_1 X X X X
<121> F_SR_NA_1 X X X X
<122> F_SC_NA_1 X X X X
<123> F_LS_NA_1 X X X X
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<126> F_DR_TA_1
<124> F_AF_NA_1
<125> F_SG_NA_1

<137> C_RC_NB_1
<136> M_DB_NA_1
periodic, cyclic

background scan



Cause of transmission

6 request


activation confirmation


deactivation confirmation

activation termination

C Return cause of remote command

Return cause of local command

File transfer

General Interro
10 11 12 13 20

Interro by group n
Req by gen counter

Req by group n counter

unknown type identification

unknown cause of transmission



unknown common address of ASDU


Slave Protocol Profile Documentation



unknown information object address



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2.6 Basic application functions

2.6.1 Station initialisation
(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S* S** Remote initialisation

* only implemented for QRP=2 (reset of pending information with time tag of the event
** not only restart the Gateway software but also reboot the computer
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2.6.2 Cyclic data transmission

(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Cyclic data transmission

(It’s the same cyclic for all data).

2.6.3 Read procedure
(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Read procedure

2.6.4 Spontaneous transmission

(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Spontaneous transmission
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2.6.5 Double transmission of information objects with cause of transmission spontaneous

(station-specific parameter), each information is marked where both a Type ID without time
and corresponding Type ID with time are issued in response to a single spontaneous change
of a monitored object
The following type identifications may be transmitted in succession caused by a single status
change of an information object. The particular information object addresses for which
double transmission is enabled are defined in a project-specific list.

C264 GTW

N N Single point information M_SP_NA_1, M_SP_TA_1,

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M_SP_TB_1 and M_PS_NA_1
N N Double point information M_DP_NA_1, M_DP_TA_1 and
N N Step position information M_ST_NA_1, M_ST_TA_1 and

N N Bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1, M_BO_TA_1 and

M_BO_TB_1 (if defined for a specific

N N Measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1, M_ME_TA_1,

M_ME_ND_1 and M_ME_TD_1

N N Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1, M_ME_TB_1 and


N N Measured value, short floating point M_ME_NC_1, M_ME_TC_1 and

number M_ME_TF_1

2.6.6 Link state between Controlling and Controlled station

C264 GTW Description

S S Management of the COM lost (Problem detecting on the link)

S S Management of the COM recovering (Problem not detecting on the link)

2.6.7 General interrogation

(System or station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description C264 GTW Description C264 GTW Description

S S Global

S S Group 1 S S Group 7 S S Group 13

S S Group 2 S S Group 8 S S Group 14

S S Group 3 S S Group 9 S S Group 15

S S Group 4 S S Group 10 S S Group 16

S S Group 5 S S Group 11

S S Group 6 S S Group 12
Addresses per group have to be defined
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2.6.8 Counter General interrogation

(System or station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description C264 GTW Description

S S Global

S S Group 1 S S Group 3

S S Group 2 S S Group 4
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2.6.9 Clock synchronisation

(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S* Clock synchronization

* See Synchronization paragraph.

C264 GTW Description

S S Day of Week (1-Monday to 7-Sunday)

N N RES1, GEN (timetag substituted/not substituted) used

S S SU-bit (summertime) used

2.6.10 Command transmission

(Object-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Direct command transmission

S S Direct set point command transmission

S S Select and execute command

S S Select and execute set point command

C264 GTW Description

S S No additional definition

S* S* Short pulse duration (**)

S* S* Long pulse duration (**)

S* S* Persistent output (***)

* supported by link level but is not transmitted to application level.

(**) Pulse duration shall be defined in configuratio of the outstation..

(***) Type pulse or persistent is defined in the configuration of the outstation.
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2.6.11 Transmission of integrated totals

(Station or object-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Mode A: local freeze with spontaneous.

N N Mode B: local freeze with counter.

S S Mode C: freeze and transmit by counter interrogation.

Mode D: freeze by counter interrogation command, frozen


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values reported.

2.6.12 Counter General interrogation

(Object-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Counter read

S S Counter freeze without reset

S S Counter freeze with reset

S S Counter reset

C264 GTW Description

S S General request counter

S S Request counter group 1

S S Request counter group 2

S S Request counter group 3

S S Request counter group 4

2.6.13 Parameter loading

(Object-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

N N Threshold value

S* S* Smoothing factor

N N Low limit for transmission of measured value

N N High limit for transmission of measured value

* Smoothing factor & Thresholds is supported by link level, even if not transmitted to
application level.
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2.6.14 Parameter activation

(Object-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

Act/Desactivation of persistent cyclic or periodic

N N transmission of the addressed object

2.6.15 Test procedure

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(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Test procedure

2.6.16 File transfer

(Station-specific parameter)
File transfer in monitor direction

C264 GTW Description

S S Transparent file (for disturbance files)

N N Transmission of disturbance data of protection equipment

S S Transmission of sequences of events (T101, S900)

N N Transmission of sequences of recorded analogue values

File transfer in control direction

C264 GTW Description

S* N Transparent file
* Only for C264R for Database transfert
2.6.17 Background scan
(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Background scan

2.6.18 Acquisition of transmission delay

(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

S S Acquisition of transmission delay

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2.6.19 Management events priorities

(Station-specific parameter)

C264 GTW Description

Digital Inputs, Step-position, Analogues Inputs and

N S Integrated Totals, management events priorities.

See T101 standard Amendment 2 §

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 2019 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

Schneider Electric
35 rue Joseph Monier
92506 Rueil-Malmaison
FRANCE Publishing: Schneider Electric
Publication: ESO-PACIS SPP-T101 EN / E41 10/2019

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