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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev.

Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

Part 1: Lesson Content

Title of Lesson Place Value Card Game

Meeting your students’ needs as How does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students?
people and as learners
This lesson connects to the interests of my students by introducing this activity as a game and making it
(Connect to student assets profile) fun and engaging for my students. They may have played card games at home with their families.

How does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?

This lesson connects to the local community because students need to be able to read numbers when
they are in the community. They need to know be able to understand the value of different numbers and
place values.

What Standards (national or MAFS.4.NBT.1.2 Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names,
state) relate to this lesson? and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place,
(You should include ALL applicable using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

Understanding the standards Trace the standard to the previous grade level. What have students already learned or been exposed to
over time related to this standard?
(CPALMS/instructional planning Cluster 1: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
course) MAFS.3.NBT.1.1 Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
MAFS.3.NBT.1.2 Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place
value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
MAFS.3.NBT.1.3 Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10–90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5
× 60) using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.

Trace the standard to the next grade level. What will students learn next related to this standard?
Cluster 1: Understand the place value system
MAFS.5.NBT.1.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as
much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.
MAFS.5.NBT.1.2 Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

powers of 10 and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or
divided by a power of 10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.
MAFS.5.NBT.1.3 read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
a) Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded
form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000).
b) Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =,
and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

MAFS.5.NBT.1.4 Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place.

What misconceptions might

students have about this
content? (talk to your CT) Some misconceptions students might have would be the definitions of digit and place value. When
writing a number into the place value mat, they might write a comma in its own box. They might not
write the 0 in its own box.

Objectives- What students will Some examples:

know or be able to do after the --Students will be able to accurately (measure- how well) differentiate (action- how) between potential
instruction – the learning and kinetic energy (content- what). 
outcomes --Based on what they read in the first half of a fiction story, students will be able to write (action- how) a
Content (WHAT students are reasonable (measure- how well) prediction (also part of the action) for how the main character will
learning- look to the standard) respond to a challenge in the second half (content- what).
Action (HOW students will show it- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
there might be clues in the
Measure (HOW WELL they need to
do it) Students will be able to accurately read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals,
(Note: Degree of mastery does not number names, and expanded form.
need to be a percentage.)

(connect back to 4504/CT

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

Support/reinforced in
instructional planning)

Level(s) of Thinking Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which level(s) of thinking is/are called
for in the standard? _Apply______________________

Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective? __Apply__________________________

Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking?
I chose this level of thinking because students need to be able to Apply their knowledge of place value
while playing this game. This will give students a good understanding of the standard.

Assessment Plan- How will you Describe your assessment plan. Be specific.
know students have mastered Students will have to play the game by themselves for 2 rounds. I will check these to gauge their
your objectives? understanding. I will count each of the boxes as one point. One point for writing the numerals correctly
with commas, one point for the word form, and one point for the expanded form.

How does it align with your objective?

This aligns with my objective because students need to be able to read and write multi-digit whole
numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.

Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that assessment decision?

My assessment is formative because I am just introducing/reviewing place value with my students. I am

just checking their understanding so I can change my next lesson for what they need.

Assessment Scoring/Rubric
What are the criteria for how you One point for writing the numerals correctly with commas, one point for the word form, and one point
will assess student for the expanded form. If the answer is incorrect, they will not get a point. The scores are just for me. Not
learning/student work? If you’re for a grade.
using a rubric, include your rubric
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

Be specific (e.g., what criteria

demonstrate whether students
have exceeded/met/partially
met/not met your objective?)
Part 2: Lesson Implementation
Management & Environment ● How will you arrange yourself and the students (location in the classroom, seating)?
(integrated throughout your We will be located at the guided reading table.
step-by-step plan): ● What processes & procedures will you use? How and when will you communicate those to
I will have student thumbs up and down if they agree. I will explain this before we do it. I will also ask
students to think about their answer before they share out.
● What expectations will you have for the students? How and when will you communicate
those to students?
Students are expected to participate verbally and in their written work. I expect them to follow
directions and play the game as directed.
● What strategies will you use if students do not meet your expectations? Are there specific
students who require a more extensive management plan? What will that consist of?
I will give reminders to the student that they are not meeting the expectations. If the problem continues,
I will mark the student’s planner.
● What will students do if they complete the task quickly?
If the student completes the task quickly, they can explain their thinking or move on to the next part of
the problem.
(What materials will you use? Why
did you choose these materials? I will need a white board and markers.
Include any resources you used. I will need to print 4 copies of playing cards on cardstock paper.
This can also include people!) I will also need a copy of the worksheet for every student.
I will also need a place value mat for each student.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

Differentiating Instruction How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? Circle those that apply:
(adapting instruction to meet the
needs of individual students or Process Product Content Readiness Interest Learner Profile
groups of students)
Describe what/how you will differentiate:

This lesson is differentiated by readiness because there are several different options for students to work
with numbers of different place values. I will be able to determine if students should be working in the
hundreds place value, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, or millions.

Which specific students will benefit, and why? (use student initials)

I think JR and TC will benefit because I will be able to differentiate based on what they need and whether
or not they are ready for 6-digit numbers.

Differentiating Instruction How will you adapt this lesson to meet the needs of individual students or groups of students?
(adapting instruction to meet the (content? materials? level of support? pace? etc.). Make connections to your student asset profile.
needs of individual students or
groups of students) This lesson is differentiated by readiness because there are several different options for students to work
with numbers of different place values. I will be able to determine if students should be working in the
hundreds place value, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, or millions.

I will have cards with hundred thousand, ten thousand, thousand, hundred, ten, one written out along
with the number. This will help differentiate for my students who have difficulty spelling the words.

Accommodations What accommodations will you make for students who are English Language Learners? (Refer to
(What students need specific your ESOL Strategies checklist and list specific strategies) (use student initials to indicate which
accommodation? List individual accommodations are for which student(s)
students (initials), and then explain
the accommodation(s) you will ● Pre-Production Level: I will have cards for each of the place values and the number. I would allow
implement for these unique this student to answer orally.
learners.) ● Early Production Level: I will have cards for each of the place values and the number. I would
allow this student to answer orally.
*If you don’t have students who ● Speech Emergence Level: I would have a visual of place value on an anchor chart.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

require these accommodations, ● Intermediate Fluency Level: I would activate background knowledge and use visuals of an anchor
describe what you WOULD do if chart.
you did have these students.
What accommodations will you make for students who have an IEP or 504 plan? (use student
initials to indicate which accommodations are for which student(s)

An accommodation for students with an IEP would be to have cards with hundred thousand, ten
thousand, thousand, hundred, ten, one written out along with the number. A, B, M, J would benefit from

What accommodations will you make for students identified as gifted and have an EP (education
plan)? (use student initials to indicate which accommodations are for which student(s)

I would challenge this student to try to make a 7-digit number and give them a place value chart with

References (Planning of
instruction should be guided by I got this game from teachers’ pay teachers and discussed ideas with my CT and supervisor. I had to
research-informed adapt the game significantly to meet the needs of my students.
approaches. Acknowledge
references used to inspire lesson

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in 1. What is the content area for this lesson? _Math: Place Value____________________
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. 2. What is the expected lesson structure for a lesson taught within this content area? In other
Act as if you needed a substitute to words, what lesson structure is appropriate for teaching within this content area? (5Es;
carry out the lesson for you.) guided/gradual release/etc.) ______Level 3, CT/Supervisor cycle 1 =_small
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
◻ What Higher Order Thinking
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? 3. Step-by-step plan:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

◻ How will materials be Time: Action Steps:

distributed? 1. Activate Prior Knowledge on Place Value: I will begin by handing students their place value
◻ Who will work together in charts and asking them to write the number 327,302. I will also write this number on the white
groups and how will you board. Some possible misconceptions could be students not writing the 0 in the tens place. If I
determine the grouping? have some students who have it and some that don’t, I will ask one student to explain their
◻ How will students transition thinking while filling out the place value chart. Ask students what the value is of a number while
between activities? covering the rest. If students place a comma in a place value, ask what value does the comma
◻ What will you as the teacher have? Can you read how much it’s worth? You can identify that a comma is used to separate place
do? value groups of periods. Place value is the value of each digit in a number is. Digit is a single
◻ What will you as the teacher symbol that is used to make up a number.
say? 2. Read Number: Can someone read this number to me? Do we agree or disagree thumbs up or
◻ What will the students do? down? If students are not sure how to say this word, I will have them write number in their place
◻ What student data will be value mat. I can also cover the beginning of the number and have them read 302, 7,302, and
collected during each phase? 27,302. How can your place value chart help you? Cover up thousands, ask the value of the
◻ What are other adults in the number 302. How do you know? What is the value of the digit in the ____ place value? Write this
room doing? How are they out on the board. We need to be able to say words allowed as well as write them in word form.
supporting students’ learning? 3. Expanded Form: Now I want you to use these expanded form cards to build the number 327,302.
I will hand students the expanded form cards. I will give them 2 minutes to try and build the
number. Some misconceptions might be not having the right number of zeros for the place value.
We are going to start with the digit in the hundred thousand place. Can someone tell me the value
of the digit in the hundred thousand places? 300,000 which number did you choose to represent
300,000. What were you thinking when you chose this? Can you read this number to me? Does it
go in the hundred thousand place? Repeat this for every digit as needed. Now I want you to
spread your digits apart, so they are lined up next to each other. Expanded form is when you
separate the value of each digit and you create a number sentence. What symbol do you think
goes between each number? I will write on the board what it looks like. Can you read the first
value to me from the Hundred thousand place value?
4. Now you are going to try this on your own! You are going to use your deck of cards to select 6
numbers. I want you to begin by writing the number on your place value mat. THEN you are
going to write this number on this worksheet. You will put it in the number column, keep the
commas in your number in mind. Then I want you to write the word in word form. Which is how
you read it aloud. Like we did for 327,302.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: _Madilyn Deweese__________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/8/20
Small group

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