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Academic Year 2019-2020

Implemented For 2018-19 Admitted Batch Onward.

Department of Computer Science

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Sciences

Central University of Rajasthan

NH-8 Jaipur- Ajmer Highway, Bandarsindri
Kishangarh -305802
District-Ajmer, Rajasthan

Department of Computer Science
Semester Wise Scheme and Syllabus of
Int M. Sc (Computer Science) (5 Year Course)
(For Semesters- I to X Semesters: 2019-2020 to Onward)
Semester – I
S. Course Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits
No. Code (C/E/OE)
1 CSC-101 Computer Fundamentals & C 2 1 0 3
Programming in C
2 CSC -102 C Programming Lab C 0 0 2 1

S. Course Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits
No. Code (C/E/OE)
1 CSC -103 Object Oriented Programming in C 2 1 0 3
2 CSC -104 C++ Programming Lab C 0 0 2 1
3 CSC- 105 Information Communication E 1 0 2 2
Technology (ICT)

Semester – III
S. Course Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits
No. Code (C/E/OE)
1 CSC -201 Data Structures C 2 1 0 3

2 CSC -202 Data Structure Lab C 0 0 2 1

Semester – IV

S. Course Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits

No. Code (C/E/OE)
1 CSC-203 Database Management System C 2 1 0 3
2 CSC -204 Database Management Lab C 0 0 2 1

S. No. Course Code Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits
1 CSC-301 Computer Graphics C 3 0 2 4
2 CSC-302 Discrete Structures C 3 1 0 4

3 CSC-303 Computer Networks C 3 0 2 4

4 CSC-304 Operating System C 3 0 2 4
5 CSC-305 Software Engineering C 4 0 0 4
Total 20

S. No. Course Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits
Code (C/E/OE)
1 CSC- Design & Analysis of Algorithms C 3 0 2 4
2 CSC- Theory of Computation C 3 1 0 4
3 CSC- Internet Technologies C 3 0 2 4
4 CSC- Elective 1 E 4 0 0 4
5 CSC- Project + Seminar C 0 0 8 4
Total 20

S. Course Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits
No. Code (C/E/OE)
1 CSC-401 Introduction to Artificial C 3 0 0 3
2 CSC-402 Computer Systems Architecture C 4 0 0 4
3 CSC-403 Probability & Statistics C 4 0 0 4
4 CSC-404 Advanced Algorithms C 3 0 0 3
5 CSC-405 Professional Communication C 2 0 0 2
6 CSC-406 Artificial Intelligence Lab C 0 0 2 1
7 CSC- 407 Advanced Algorithms Lab C 0 0 2 1
8 CSC- 408 Programming Language Lab C 0 0 4 2
Total 20
Semester – VIII
S. Course Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits
No. Code (C/E/OE)
1 CSC-409 Neural Networks C 3 0 0 3
2 CSC-410 Machine Learning C 3 0 0 3
3 CSC-411 Compiler Design C 4 0 0 4
4 CSC-412 Elective-2 E 4 0 0 4
5 CSC-413 Elective-3 E 3 0 0 3
6 CSC-414 Research Seminar C 0 2 0 1
7 CSC-415 Neural Networks Lab C 0 0 2 1
8 CSC-416 Machine Learning Lab C 0 0 2 1
Total 20
Semester – IX
S. Course Course Title Type of Course L T P Credits
No. Code (C/E/OE)
1 CSC-501 Data Mining C 3 0 0 3
2 CSC-502 Information Retrieval and Web C 4 0 0 4

3 CSC-503 Soft Computing C 3 0 0 3
4 CSC-504 Elective-4 E 3 0 0 3
5 CSC-505 Elective-5 OE 3 0 0 3
6 CSC-506 Mini Project C 0 0 4 2
7 CSC-507 Data Mining Lab C 0 0 2 1
8 CSC-508 Soft Computing Lab C 0 0 2 1
Total 20
Semester – X
S. Course Course Title Type of L T P Credits
No. Code Course
1 CSC-509 Project Work in Industry or C 0 20 20 20
(16 week)
Total 20

List of Electives:
 Information Security  Artificial cognitive systems
 Mobile Computing  Cloud computing
 Android Application  Fractal theory
 Digital Image Processing  Human computer interaction
 Number Theory  Open source operating system
 Cyber Crime and Information Warfare  Parallel processing
 Software defined networks  Software agents and swarm intelligence
 High performance computing  Web technology
 Meta heuristics  Computing for data science
 Ad-hoc networks  Wireless sensor networks and internet of
 Grid computing things
 Combinatorial Optimization  Game theory
 Natural Language Processing

Detailed Syllabus

CSC-101: Computer Fundamentals & Programming in C

Course Outline: Basic understanding of computer fundamentals and various types of languages. Various kinds
of number representation and flow chart for easy understanding flow of an algorithm. C-language basics, control
and looping control structures.
Course Objectives:-
 To learn the basic principles of programming and software development.
 To demonstrate the use of various structured Programming concepts with the help of programs.
 To enhance problem-solving and programming skills in C.

Introduction to Computer, Von Neumann Architecture, Generation of Computer, Storage Device- Primary
Memory and Secondary Storage, Random, Direct, Sequential access methods. Concept of High-Level, Assembly
and Low Level programming languages, Program Development Steps, Representing Algorithms through flow
chart, pseudo code.
Binary Codes: Binary arithmetic, Addition and subtraction of Integers and floating point numbers. Multiplication
of Integers. Gray code, BCD, Excess-3 and Excess-3 gray codes,
Concept of radix and representation of numbers in radix r with special cases of r=2, 8, 10 and 16 with conversion
from radix r1 to radix r2. r’s and (r-1)’s complement. Representation of Integer in sign-magnitude, signed 1’s and
2’s complement
Structure of C program, A Simple C program, identifiers, basic data types and sizes, Constants, variables,
arithmetic, relational and logical operators, increment and decrement operators, conditional operator, bit-wise
operators, assignment operators, expressions, type conversions, conditional expressions, precedence and order of
Input-output statements, statements and blocks, if and switch statements, loops- while, do-while and for
statements, break, continue, goto and labels, programming examples.
Designing structured programs, Functions, basics, parameter passing, storage classes- extern, auto, register,
static, scope rules, block structure, user defined functions, standard library functions, recursive functions, header
files, example c programs.
Introduction to Arrays- concepts, declaration, definition, accessing elements, storing elements, arrays and
functions, two-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, applications of arrays. String and String functions.
Derived types- structures- declaration, definition, Pointers- concepts, Character pointers and functions, pointers
to pointers, pointers and multidimensional arrays
Text/Reference Books
1. Ritchie & Kernighan, The C Programming language, ANSI C Version 2nd Ed., PHI.
2. P. Dey, N. Ghosh, Computer Fundamentals and programming in C, 1st Edition, 2006 Oxford University Press
3. Ashok Kamthane, Programming in C, 2nd Ed., Pearson 2011
4. Schildt, C- The Complete Reference, 4th Ed., TMH 2000
5. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, 6th Ed., TMH 2012
6. V. Rajaraman, Fundamentals of Computers, 5th Ed. PHI, 2011.
7. P.K. Sinha (Fundamental of Computers) 6th Edition BPB Publications 2003

Course Outcomes:

 Basic understanding of programming language and storage representation.

 Demonstration of data types, logical operators, arithmetic operators and increment and decrement
 Capability to write C-Program for Simple C-Program.
 Able to decide the data types and Data Structures for various kinds of data.

CSC-103: Object Oriented Programming in C++

This course provides in-depth coverage of object-oriented programming principles and techniques using C++.
The course begins with a brief review of control structures and data types with emphasis on structured data types
and array processing. It then moves on to introduce the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the
definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design. Other topics include
overloading, data abstraction, information hiding, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

 Experience with C language is a prerequisite.

The course is designed to provide complete knowledge of Object Oriented Programming through C++ and to
enhance the programming skills of the students by giving practical assignments to be done in labs. The following
are the main objectives of this course:
 To learn advanced features of the C++ programming language as a continuation of C programming.
 To learn the basic principles of object-oriented design and software engineering regarding software reuse
and managing complexity.
 To demonstrate the use of various OOPs concepts with the help of programs.
 To enhance problem-solving and programming skills in C++.

Introduction to programming paradigms- (Process oriented and Object oriented).
Concept of object, class, objects as variables of class data type, difference in structures and class in terms of
access to members, private and public members of a class, data & function members. Characteristics of OOP-
Data hiding, Encapsulation, data security.

Basics of C++: Structure of C++ programs, introduction to defining member functions within and outside a class,
keyword using, declaring class, creating objects, constructors & destructor functions, Initializing member values
with and without use of constructors, simple programs to access & manipulate data members, cin and cout
functions. Dangers of returning reference to a private data member, constant objects and members function,
composition of classes, friend functions and classes, using this pointer, creating and destroying objects
dynamically using new and delete operators. Static class members, container classes and iterators, proxy classes
Operator overloading: Fundamentals, Restrictions, operator functions as class members v/s as friend functions.
Overloading stream function, binary operators and unary operators. Converting between types.

Inheritance: Base classes and derived classes, protected members, relationship between base class and derived
classes, constructors and destructors in derived classes, public, private and protected inheritance, relationship
among objects in an inheritance hierarchy, abstract classes, virtual functions and dynamic binding, virtual
Multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, pointers to classes and class members, multiple class members.
Templates, exception handling.

Text/ References
1. E. Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 5th Edition, TMH Education 2011
2. Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming, Pearson Publication 2008
3. Rajesh Kumar Shuka, Wiley Publication, 2008
4. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition, Pearson Publication 2002

Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to do the following:
 Understand the features of C++ supporting object-oriented programming.
 Use the characteristics of an object-oriented programming language in a program.
 Use the basic object-oriented design principles in computer problem-solving.
 Use the basic principles of software engineering in managing a complex software project.

CSC-105 Information Communication and Technology

Objectives & Outcomes:-


1) Basic understanding of Hardware, Software and Networking fundamentals to under graduate students.
2) Demonstrate the Detail Hardware configurations of available IT Infrastructure and current status of Hardware
configuration includes processor, Memory and Various I/O devices.
3) Basic understanding of most commonly usage software such as Microsoft Power Point, MSWORD and EXCEL.
4) Hands on practice of DOS and Linux Operating System Commands.
5) Basic understanding and terminology of Computer Networks and usage of Internet.
Learning Outcomes:-

1. Students should be able to input experimental data into Microsoft Excel Work Sheet in the form of rows and
2. Perform calculations in Microsoft Excel using both manually inputting formulas and built-in functions.
3. Generate simple and effective tables and graphs to describe experimental data in Microsoft Excel.
4. Properly format and organize a formal laboratory report in Microsoft Word.
5. Integrate both graphs and tables created in Microsoft Excel into a laboratory report in Microsoft Word and
Microsoft Power Point Presentation.
6. Students should be able to use equations, sample calculations in Excel using Formulas option.
7. Critically evaluate experimental results on a basic level in the form of various graphs to understand easily.
UNIT-1 Hardware Details:-

System Unit, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Flash Memory, Cache Memory and functioning and Internal structure of Hard
Disk. Evolution and Types of latest Microprocessor. Printer, Scanner, Functionality and basic differences in printing

UNIT-2 Basic Software Fundamentals:-

Basics of software, Types of Software – System software, Application software, Utility Software, Open source software,
compiler, assembler, and interpreter.
Operating Systems – Functions, Types, Dos, windows, Linux. Basic DOS Commands, Linux Commands.
Understanding Word Processing: Word Processing Basics, Opening and Closing of documents, Text creation and
Manipulation, Formatting of text, Table handling, Spell check, language setting and thesaurus, Printing of word document.
Using Spread Sheet: Basics of Spreadsheet, Manipulation of cells, Formulas and Functions, Editing of Spread Sheet,
printing of Spread Sheet. Basics of presentation software, Creating Presentation, Preparation and Presentation of Slides,
Slide Show, Taking printouts of presentation/handouts.
UNIT-3 Networking Fundamentals:-

Types of Networks :- What is Computer Network, LAN , WAN and MAN. Networking Devices such as Repeater, Hub,
Switch and Router. Introduction about Layers in Computer Networks. Various kinds of addresses in Networking.
Demonstration of Wireshark Tools and some of the applications using Wireshark.

Introduction to Internet, WWW and Web Browsers: Concept of Internet, Applications of Internet, connecting to internet,
ISP, World Wide Web, Web Browsing software, Search Engines, Understanding URL, Domain name.
Reference Books

 P. K. Sinha and Priti Sinha. Computer fundamentals. BPB publications.
 B. Ram, Computer fundamentals: architecture and organization. New Age International.
 D. H. Sanders, Computers today, McGraw-Hill.
 Anita Goel, Computer fundamentals. Pearson Education India.
 Computer Networks, Tanenbaum.
 Red Hat Linux 9, Bible Chritstopher Negus.

Programming Assignment:-
1) Perform various DOS Commands.
2) Practise Various Linux Commands including Networking and Backup.
3) Create a Word Document and practice the options like word count, right and left justification, spell check,
font and character size modification, etc…..
4) Preparation of ppt with animation and various kind of slide design options.
5) Learn Excel Basics
 Creating a new workbook
 Entering data into a spreadsheet
 Resizing columns to show all contents
 Saving a spreadsheet
 Printing a spreadsheet
6) Basic Formatting and Spreadsheet Manipulation
 Add rows and columns to an existing spreadsheet
 Reformat data (center, comma and currency styles, bold, text color)
 Work with a simple formula (product) and function (sum)
7) Hands on practise of Sort & Filter, Find & Select Commands in Excel.
8) Exporting various types of graphs (Column, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter etc…) from Excel to Power Point.
9) Install Wireshark Tool and Connect internet to the desktop and demonstrate various layer protocols and
addresses using in it.
10) Save the traffic files and analyse the various network parameter such as throughput, End-to-End Delay
and packet loss.
Note:- Course Instructor can prepare own practical assignments to cover the Syllabus Unit-I,II & III.

CSC-201: Data Structures

The course focuses on basic and essential topics in data structures, including array-based lists, linked lists,
recursion, stack, queue, heaps, sorting algorithms, and binary tree.
 Experience with C language is a prerequisite.

 To impart the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms.
 To introduce various techniques for the representation of the data in the real world.
 To understand basic concepts about the array, stacks, queues, lists, and trees.
 To understand concepts about searching and sorting techniques.
 To understanding writing algorithms and step by step approach in solving problems with the help of
fundamental data structures.

Arrays: Array as storage element, Row major & column major form of arrays, computation of address of
elements of n dimensional array. Arrays as storage elements for representing polynomial of one or more degrees
for addition & multiplication, sparse matrices for transposing & multiplication

Stack, queue, dequeue, circular queue for insertion and deletion with condition for over and underflow,
transposition of sparse matrices with algorithms of varying complexity

Linear linked lists: singly, doubly and circularly connected linear linked lists insertion, deletion at/ from
beginning and any point in ordered or unordered lists. Comparison of arrays and linked lists as data structures.
Linked implementation of stack, queue and dequeue. Algorithms for/of insertion, deletion of stack, queue,
dequeue implemented using linked structures. Polynomial representation using linked lists for addition, Concepts
of Head Node in linked lists.
Searching: Sequential and binary search.

Non-Linear Structures: Trees definition, characteristics concept of child, sibling, parent child relationship etc,
binary tree: different types of binary trees based on distribution of nodes, binary tree (threaded and unthreaded)
as data structure, insertion, deletion and traversal of binary trees, constructing binary tree from traversal results.
B-Trees and introduction to B+ Trees.

1. An introduction to data structures with applications By Jean-Paul Tremblay, P. G. Sorenson, TMH
2. A. Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, 3rd Edition, Course Technology
3. Data Structures in C & C++, Tanenbaum, PHI
4. S. Sahni, Data Structure Algorithms and Applications in C++, Wiley 2003.

Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to do the following:
 Use of basic data structures for the storage and retrieval of ordered or unordered data. Data structures include
arrays, linked lists, binary trees, heaps, and hash tables.
 Students develop knowledge of applications of data structures including the ability to implement algorithms
for the creation, insertion, deletion, searching, and sorting of each data structure.
 Students know searching and sorting algorithms.
 Students can implement projects using different data structures.

CSC-203: Database Management System

Prerequisites to course:
 Object oriented and GUI programming
 Problem solving and structured programming

The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management systems, with an emphasis
on how to organize, maintain and retrieve - efficiently, and effectively - information from a DBMS. Also provide
fundamental knowledge of, and practical experience with, database concepts. Include study of information

concepts and the realization of those concepts using the relational data model. Practical experience gained
designing and constructing data models and using SQL to interface to user DBMS packages.
Introduction to database, Overview and History of DBMS, File System vs DBMS, Purpose of Database, Overall
System Structure, Entity Relationship Model, Mapping Constraints - Keys - E-R Diagrams.
Overview of Data Design Entities, Attributes and Entity Sets, Relationship and Relationship Sets, Features of the
ER Model-Key Constraints, Participation Constraints, Weak Entities, Class Hierarchies, Aggregation
Relationship Algebra: Selection and Projection, Set Operations, Renaming, Joints, Division, Relation Calculus.
Relational Database Design: Pitfalls, Normalization Using Functional, Dependencies, First Normal Form,
Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form and BCNF.
Structured Query Language (SQL), Basic Structure, Set Operations, Aggregate, Functions, Date, Numeric, and
Character Functions, Nested Sub queries, Modification of Databases, Joined Relations
Transaction Processing: ACID Properties, Concurrency Control, Recovery

1. Elmasri R and Navathe SB, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 3rd Edition, Addison
Wesley, 2000.
2. Connolly T, Begg C and Strachan A, Database Systems, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999
3. Ceri Pelagatti , Distributed Database: Principles and System - (McGraw Hill)
4. Simon AR, Strategic Database Technology: Management for the Year 2000, Morgan Kaufmann, 1995
5. A. Silversatz, H. Korth and S. Sudarsan: Database Cocepts 5th edition, Mc-Graw Hills 2005.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
 Differentiate database systems from file systems by enumerating the features provided by database
systems and describe each in both function and benefit.
 Define the terminology, features, classifications, and characteristics embodied in database systems.
 Student will be able to model an application’s data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like
ER diagrams and design database schemas based on the conceptual model.
 Student will be able to write SQL commands to create tables and indexes, insert/update/delete data,
and query data in a relational DBMS.
 Analyze an information storage problem and derive an information model expressed in the form of an
entity relation diagram and other optional analysis forms, such as a data dictionary.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the relational data model.
 Transform an information model into a relational database schema and to use a data definition
language and/or utilities to implement the schema using a DBMS.
 Formulate, using SQL, solutions to a broad range of query and data update problems.
 Demonstrate an understanding of normalization theory and apply such knowledge to the
normalization of a database.
 Use an SQL interface of a multi-user relational DBMS package to create, secure, populate, maintain,
and query a database.
 Use a desktop database package to create, populate, maintain, and query a database.
 Demonstrate a rudimentary understanding of programmatic interfaces to a database and be able to use
the basic functions of one such interface.


 To understand basic display Devices, Input Devices
 To learn Line Drawing Algorithms, Circle and Ellipse Drawing Algorithms, 2D Transformations, Line
and Polygon clipping, Color Fill Methods, 2D Projections
 To learn introduction of Fractal Graphics

Introduction: Cathode Ray tube, Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan systems. Input
Line drawing algorithms- DDA Algorithm. Bresenham’s Line Algorithm. Circle and Eclipse generating
algorithms. Midpoint Circle Algorithm. Scan-line polygon fill algorithm. Inside-Outside tests. Scan- Line fill of
curved Boundary Areas. Boundary fill Algorithm. Flood fill Algorithm.
Geometric Transformations: Matrices. Translation, Scaling Transformations. Rotation, Homogeneous Co-
ordinates and Translation, Reflexion, Shear .
Clipping: Clipping operations, point clipping. Line clipping. Cohen- Sutherland. Line Clipping. Polygon
clipping. Sutherland Hodge man clipping
3D Viewing: Plane. Different types of projections.
Fractals Graphics- Introduction to fractals, some natural examples, one-step feedback machine, Multiple
Reduction Copy Machine, properties of fractal objects. fractal dimension, Applications of fractals. Generation of
a few fractals, e.g., Cantor set, Fractal carpet, Koch curve etc.
1. Computer graphics: Principles and Practice - James D Foley.
2. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics - Peter Shirley, Michael Ashikhmin.
3. Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics - Philip J Schneider, David H Eberly.
4. Data Mining By Gopalan & Sivaselvan, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
5. Data mining: Theory, Methodology, Techniques and Applications by Graham J. Williams, Simeon J. Simoff.
Springer Science & Business, 2006
6. Data Mining Techniques by Arun k Pujari, University Press, 2007
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this course students will be able to draw 2 dimensional graphical objects using geometrical
algorithms and performs operations on them.

CSC-302: Discrete Structures

Course Outline:
Discrete mathematics is the backbone of computer sciences. It provides the base for algorithm development and
semantics of programming languages. This course is designed to given an introductory idea of different discrete
structures, including graph theory. In particular, this course introduces logic, proofs, sets, relations, functions,
counting, and abstract structure, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.

Sets: Definition and types, Set operations, Partition of set, Cardinality (Inclusion-Exclusion & Addition
Principles), Recursive definition of set.
Functions, Relations, Properties of binary relations, closure, Partial Ordering Relations, The Pigeonhole &
Generalized Pigeonhole Principles, Composition of Functions Concept, Mathematical induction

Graph Theory: Graphs – Directed, Undirected, Simple,. Adjacency & Incidence, Degre of Vertex, Subgraph,
Complete graph, Cycle & Wheel Graph, Bipartite & Complete Bipartite Graph, Weighed Graph, Union of
Simple Graphs. Complete Graphs. Isomorphic Graphs, Path, Cycles & Circuits Euclerian & Hamiltonian Graphs.

Planar Graph: Kuratowski’s Two Graphs, Euler’s Formula, Kuratowski’s Theorem.
Trees: Spanning trees- Kruskal’s Algo, Finding Spanning Tree using Depth First Search, Breadth First Search,
Complexity of Graph, Minimal Spanning Tree.

Language of Logic: Proposition, Compound Proposition, Conjunction, Disjunction, Implication, Converse,
Inverse & Contrpositive, Biconditional Statements, tautology, Contradiction & Contingency, Logical
Equivalences, Quantifiers, Arguments
Groups, Ring, fields and Lattice

Text/Reference Books
1. C.L Liu and D.P. Mohapatra, Elements of Discrete Mathematics: A Computer Oriented Approach, TMH, 3rd
2. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its applications, 6th Edition
3. Schaum’s Outlines of Discrete Mathematics, Seymour Lipschutz & Marc Lipson, 2nd Edition
4. Narsingh & Deo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science, PHI 2004
Learning Outcomes
This introductory course will allow students to learn the following:
 Fundamental mathematical concepts and terminology underlying a variety of discrete structures.
 Use of graph and its analysis for a variety of practical problems like shortest distance, and Binary search
 Techniques of constructing mathematical proofs and use of propositional and predicate logic.

CSC-303: Computer Networks

Course outline : The designed course covers the topics of computer networks covers the fundamentals of
computer networks , basics of signals , convention of signals from analog to digital and from digital to analog.
Course will give introduction of OSI Model for computer communication system and practical explore of
communication protocol model which is TCP/IP layer architecture. Course will cover detail functionalities and
basic services provided by each and every layer.
Objectives of the Course: -
 The course demonstrates OSI and TCP/IP Model.
 Clear understanding of Guided Media characteristics and various Network Topology and Hardware
building blocks.
 Demonstration of challenges and issues in Data Link Layer functionalities.
 Demonstration and Explanation of routing algorithms in Network Layer.
 Demonstration of Various Application layer concepts.

Introduction to Networks and Layered Architectures (OSI, TCP/IP), Categories of Networks Network
performance measures e.g. bandwidth, latency, Delay/bandwidth product. Transmission Media: Guided Media
(twisted pair cable, Coaxial Cable, fibre optic cable), Unguided media (radio waves, microwaves, infrared),
Topology. Hardware building Blocks of a network e.g. switches, routers, gateways etc.
Data Link Layer: Data Link Layer Design Issues - Error Detection and Correction. Elementary data link
protocols - Sliding Window Protocols - Protocols Verification - Channel Allocation Problem- Multiple Access
Network Layer: Network Layer Design Issues- Routing Algorithms-Congestion Control Algorithms- Quality of
Service -Internetworking
Transport Layer: Transport Services – elements of transport protocols – simple transport protocols.
Application layers: Domain name system – Electronic mail – The World Wide Web. Introduction to Network
1. Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum , Fourth edition,PHI private Ltd, New Delhi , 2008
2. Computer Networking Top Down approach 3rdeditionBy Jim kurose and keithross


 Students able to understand various layer functionalities.

 Able to understand various addressing schemes.
 Students able to understand various functionalities of each layer.
 Students able to understand difference between TCP and UDP.
 Application layer protocols are going understand properly.

CSC-304: Operating System

Operating systems are the heart of the Computer system. They act as an interface between the Hardware and the
user. This course is designed to provide in-depth understanding of the operating systems.

Course Objectives
 Provide basic understanding of the functions and types of operating systems.
 To introduce the concepts of process management, memory management, file management and
 Do practical exercises on scheduling techniques.
 Laboratory exercises to be covered in Lab sessions.

Introduction to Operating Systems, Types of operating systems, Multiprogramming, Time-sharing systems,
Operating system services, System calls and System programs, Storage structures

Memory Management, Single and multiple partitioned allocations, paging segmentation, Virtual Memory
Management, Demand paging and Page Replacement Algorithms
Process concepts, process scheduling, operations on process, threads, Inter process communication, precedence
graphs, critical section problem, semaphores, classical problems of synchronization.
Deadlock: Introduction, problem, characterization, prevention, avoidance, detection, recovery from deadlock,
Methods for deadlock handling.
File concept, Access methods, Directory structure, allocation methods, free space management, disk scheduling,
1. Abraham Silberschatz and P. B. Galvin - Operating system concepts – Addison Wesley Publication
2. A. Tanunbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Pearson Publication
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
 Develop in-depth understanding of the functions and concepts related to operating systems.
 Demonstrate understanding of CPU and disk scheduling algorithms.
 Understand how different kinds of Operating systems work.

CSC-305: Software Engineering

Prerequisites to course:
 Data base management system & operating system

The Software Engineering course provides students with knowledge and skills that enable them to design, code,
test and manage quality-measured software systems. Software Engineering major includes studying and
practicing the software development process, in addition to the algorithm and data process needed to develop
innovative software that solves a specific problem.
 Knowledge of basic SW engineering methods and practices, and their appropriate application.
 A general understanding of software process models such as the waterfall and evolutionary models.
 Understanding of software requirements and the SRS documents.
 Understanding of software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration testing.
 Understanding on quality control and how to ensure good quality software.

System Analysis: Characteristics, Problems in system Development, System Level project Planning, System
Development Life cycle (SDLC), computer system engineering & system analysis, modeling the architecture,
system specification. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis tasks, Analysis principles, Software prototyping and specification
data dictionary finite state machine (FSM) models.
Structured Analysis: Data and control flow diagrams, control and process specification behavioural modelling,
extension for data intensive applications.

Software Design: Design fundamentals, Effective modular design: Data architectural and procedural design,
design documentation, coding – Programming style, Program quality, quantifying program quality, complete
programming example

Testing Strategies and tactics: Testing fundamentals, strategic approach to software testing, Validation testing,
system testing, Black-Box testing, white-box testing and their types, basic path testing.

Text/Reference Books
1. R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, Mc Graw Hill
2. P. Jalote, An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering (II Edition)
3. KK Agarwal an Y. Singh, Software Engineering, New Age International Publishers
4. I. Somerville, Software Engineering, Addison Wesle, 2006

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
 Understand and implement the best practices of software engineering to develop high-performance,
maintainable software:
 Capture, analyze and document computing system requirements.
 Translate system requirements into an implementable software design.
 Design test strategies to verify correct and robust software functionality.
 Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
 Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
 Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
 Appropriately apply discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, and relevant topics in computer
science and supporting disciplines to complex software systems.
 Install, configure, troubleshoot, maintain, and upgrade components of computer systems.
 Apply knowledge of security issues to the implementation of information technology solutions.
 To manage time, processes and resources effectively by prioritizing competing demands to achieve
personal and team goals Identify and analyzes the common threats in each domain.

CSC-306: Design & Analysis of Algorithms

Outline of the Course:-

The proposed DAA course covers algorithm and its design strategies. The course will illustrate complexity
of designed algorithm in space and time of algorithms. Various Asymptotic notations illustrated during the
course. Designed strategies have explained by taking well known algorithms, NP-Complete and NP-Hard topic

 Demonstrate various algorithm analysis parameters to explain best, average and worst case.
 Various strategies to explain to design algorithms.
 Demonstration of various Graph Theory algorithms such as Minimal Spanning Tree and All pair shortest
 Demonstration of P and NP Complete Problems.

Definition & characteristics of algorithms, structures. Difficulties in estimating exact execution time of
algorithms. Concept of complexity of program.
Asymptotic notations: Big-Oh, theta, Omega- Definitions and examples, Determination of time and space
complexity of simple algorithms without recursion. Representing a function in asymptotic notations viz 5n2-

Divide-and-conquer, Dynamic Programming, Greedy methods, Backtracking, Branch-and Bound Technique.
Minimum Spanning Trees, Single-Source Shortest Paths, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Maximum Flow. String
Matching, Computational Geometry
P and NP class, NP-completeness and reducibility, NP-complete problems.

1. T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest. Introduction to Algorithms, Indian Reprint, PHI
2. V. Aho, J. Hopcraft, J. Ulmann. The Design and analysis of computer Algorithms. Addison Wesley
3. S. Basse, A. V. Gelder, Computer Algorithms: Introduction to design and Analysis, 3rd., Pearson Education
Asia Pvt. Ltd.

 Students able to design and analyze algorithms before solving problem.
 Able to decide which algorithms are space and time wise efficient algorithms.
 The main outcome of the course is to decide type of the algorithm which can solve the problem more
effectively with less number of computational resources.
 Understand difference between NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems.

CSC-307: Theory of Computation

Prerequisites to course:

 Discrete structures and graph theory.

 Mathematical background.

Course Outline:
The proposed Course theory of computation illustrates various computational models to perform scientific
calculations. The proposed model describes how to design mathematical function which admits an algorithm. In
the proposed course one of the functions which are membership to find an element belongs to set different
classes of set or not. The proposed course describes various kind of automata which are mathematical models to
accept or reject sentences belongs to various kinds of formal languages.


 Design various kinds of mathematical models to perform computing strategies.
 Demonstrate the various kinds of automata models to accept or reject strings belong to the various kinds of
formal languages.
 To identify the limitation of the proposed model and try to find the models overcome the limitations.
 Understand various design principles of the computing models to estimate functioning of models.
 Decide a function admits an algorithm or not, if it admits a function then develop a step by step procedure.
 Learn Mathematical models and formal languages to develop compiler various phases such as lexical phase
and syntax phase.
 Basic understanding of Finite Automata, Push down Automata and Turing Machine Design.
 Various forms to represent the formal languages and simplification of grammar.

Languages: Alphabets, string, language, basic operations on language, concatenation, Kleene Star

Regular languages model: finite state machine (deterministic and non deterministic), regular grammars, regular
expressions, equivalence of deterministic and non deterministic machine and of the three models; Properties:
closure, decidability, minimality of automata.
Context Free Grammar, Derivation trees, Simplification of Context Free Grammar, Chomosky Normal Form,
Greibach Normal Form, pushdown automata and their equivalence, Properties of Context Free Languages.
Turing machines, grammars, recursive functions and their equivalence, language acceptability, decidability,
halting problem

1. Hofcroft J.E., Ullman J.D., Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, Narosa Publishing
2. Lewis H. R. and Papadimitriou C. H., Elements of the theory of computation, Pearson Education Asia
3. Martin J. C., Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 2e, Tata McGraw-Hill .
4. Daniel I A Cohen, Introduction to computer Theory, Wiley II Edition

 Consider one of the computing paradigms as membership, and then design models for various classes of
 Able to apply the proposed models to find the performance evaluation of scientific computations.
 Understanding the models to design compiler various phases.
 Design various machines/models for simple calculations.
 Understanding the concept of NP-Complete and NP-Hard.

CSC-308: Internet Technologies

Internet Technologies aide in developing applications in the today’s WWW world.

Course Objectives
 To introduce the basics of Website designing languages like HTML and JavaScript.
 To develop applications using Java.
 Do Advanced Java programming using servlets, RMI, JDBC and swings.
 Laboratory exercises to cover in Lab sessions.

An overview of Java: Object oriented programming, Two paradigms, abstraction, the, OOP principles, Java class
libraries, Date types, variables and arrays, Operators
Class fundamentals, declaring object reference variable, Introducing methods, constructors, the key word,
garbage collection, the finalize () method. Overloading methods, using objects as parameters, classes, using
exceptions. Inheritance and polymorphism, String handling, Exception handling

The internet: history of the World Wide Web, object technology –java script object, scripting for the web-
browser portability.
Introduction of HTML HTML: common tags and controls, HTML basic HTML forms, more complex HTML
forms, internal linking, creating and using image maps.

Applets & Java script – Introduction to Applets: Applet Fundamentals, using paint method
introduction to scripting: introduction- memory concepts- arithmetic- decision making. Java script control
structures, Java script functions: introduction – program modules in avascript - function definitions, duration of
identifiers, scope rules, recursion, java script global functions.
Java script arrays: introduction, array-declaring and allocating arrays, references and reference parameters –
passing arrays to functions, multiple subscripted arrays. Java script objects: introduction, math, string, data,
Boolean and number objects.

Servlets: Lifecycle of a servlet, types of servlets: Generic servlets, HTTP, GET and POST method, RMI, java
beans, JDBC, ODBC, Swings

1. Herbert Schildt: JAVA 2 - The Complete Reference, TMH, Delhi

2. Deitel: How to Program JAVA, PHI
3. U.K. Chakraborty and D.G. Dastidar: Software and Systems – An Introduction, Wheeler Publishing, Delhi.
4. Joseph O’Neil and Herb Schildt: Teach Yourself JAVA, TMH, Delhi.

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
 Develop websites using HTML and Javascript
 Understanding of concepts of Java programming using inheritance, polymorphism.
 Able to develop Java applets.
 Understanding of the life cycle of servlets and do advanced java programming.

CSC-309: Elective I


CSC-401: introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Prerequisites to course:

 Discrete Mathematics
 Software Engineering

Objectives & Outline of the course:

The objective of the course is to present an overview of artificial intelligence (AI) principles and approaches.
Develop a basic understanding of the building blocks of AI as presented in terms of intelligent agents: Search,
Knowledge representation, inference, logic, and learning. Students will implement a small AI system in a team
environment. The knowledge of artificial intelligence plays a considerable role in some applications students
develop for courses in the program.
 To have a basic proficiency in a traditional AI language including an ability to write simple to intermediate
programs and an ability to understand code written in that language.
 To have an understanding of the basic issues of knowledge representation and blind and heuristic search, as
well as an understanding of other topics such as minimax, resolution, etc. that play an important role in AI
 To have a basic understanding of some of the more advanced topics of AI such as learning, natural language
processing, agents and robotics, expert systems, and planning.

Introduction: Introduction to AI, Historical Development, Turing Test.
Problem Solving, Search Algorithms, State-space and Solution Space Search, State space as graph- state v/s
node; Evaluating Search Strategies- Time, Space, Completeness, Optimality.
Uninformed search: Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Iterative Deepening Search, Bi-directional
Search, Uniform Cost Search.

Informed search: Best First Search, Heuristic Search, A* Search, Admissible heuristic, Consistent heuristic,
optimality and admissibility, IDA* search, Weighted A* search and inconsistency. Hill Climbing, Local Search,
Simulated Annealing, local beam search and Genetic Algorithm.
Adversarial search: Adversarial Search and Game Playing, Min-max Algorithm, Alpha-beta pruning, partially
observable games, stochastic games.

Constraint satisfaction problems: Introduction to CSPs, Constraint Networks, Binary and non-binary
constraints, qualitative and quantitative CSPs, Consistencies- Local and global consistencies; Constraint
propagation and generalizations − Related Methods: backtracking search; dynamic programming; variable
elimination; Handling Spatial and Temporal constraints.
AI planning: Introduction, complexity, PDDL, Domain Independent Planning, Domain Description, PDDL
(syntax), forward vs. backward search, planning graph. Graph Plan,

Probabilistic reasoning: Uncertainties in AI; Markov random fields; Markov networks; Baye’s Theorem;
Bayesian networks – Concepts, Representation and Inference; Hidden Markov Model and Dynamic Bayesian
Network. Dempster-Shaffer Framework of Evidential Reasoning

1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (third Edition): S. Russel and P. Norvig.
2. Artificial Intelligence: Foundation of Computational Agents: D Poole and AMckworth.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
 Able to design knowledge based system.
 Explain what constitutes "Artificial" Intelligence and how to identify systems with Artificial Intelligence.
 Ability to apply Artificial Intelligence techniques for problem solving.

 Able to use classical Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as search algorithms, minimax algorithm, and
neural networks.
 Knowledge of having historical and current trends addressing artificial intelligence.

CSC-402: Computer Systems Architecture

Outline of the Course:-

The outline of the course is basic understand of circuit logic design and storage information in various formats
in the memory, various addressing modes and various registers.

Course objectives:
The course is designed to train the graduates in:
 Architecture of digital computers.
 Architecture of various digital units of a computer.
 Usage of digital computers in industry and research.

Digital Logic, Number Systems & codes, Computer Arithmetic: Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra
Adder: Half Adder, Full Adder, Flip-flops: S-R, D, J-K and T- Flip Flop.
Digital Component: Multiplexer, Decoder, Encoder, Registers: Shift Register, Counters, Floating Point
Arithmetic: Floating point representation, Add, Subtract, Multiplication, Division
Register Transfer and Micro-operation: Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfers, Arithmetic Micro-
operation: Binary Adder, Binary Adder Sub tractor and Binary Incremental, Micro-Operations: Logic and Shift,
Instruction life cycle.
Central Progressing Unit (CPU): General Register Organization, Control Word, Example of Micro operation,
Stack Organization: Register stack, Memory Stack, Reverse Polish Notation. Instruction Formats, Three, Two,
One, Zero Address Instructions, RISC Instructions, Addressing Modes, CISC Characteristics and RISC

1. Computer System Architecture- M. Morris Mano, Pearson Publication 3rd Edition, PHI
2. Computer Organizations and Architecture - William Stallings (Pearson Education Asia), 2008
3. Computer Organization and Architecture -John P. Hayes (McGraw -Hill), 1998
4. Computer Organization -V. Carl. Hamacher (McGraw-Hill), 2011
5. Nicolas Carter, Computer Architecture, Schaum’s Series, TMH
Course Outcomes:
Graduates after completing the course shall gain:
 Ability to understand architecture of digital computers.
 Ability to apply digital computers in solving complex problems in industry and research.
 Ability to take up advanced course in Computer Architecture.


Course Objectives
 To provide students with a formal treatment of probability theory.
 To equip students with essential tools for statistical analyses.

 To foster understanding through real-world statistical applications.
Probability Theory: Axioms of Probability theory, Probability Spaces ,
Conditional Probability, random variables

Probability densities, joint densities, marginal densities, conditional densities

Expectation and covariances
Bayesian probabilities
Gaussian distribution

Decision theory
Introduction to information theory
Exponential family of distribution
Nonparametric methods

Descriptive statistics, presentation of data, averages, measures of variation. Elementary probability,
binomial and normal distributions. Sampling distributions. Statistical inference, estimation,
confidence intervals, testing hypotheses, linear regression, and correlation.

1. Probability and Computing, by Michael Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal, Cambridge University Press
2. Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006. (For first two chapters)
3. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (third Edition): S. Russel and P. Norvig.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students can be able to:

Develop problem-solving techniques needed to accurately calculate probabilities.
Apply problem-solving techniques to solving real-world events.
Apply selected probability distributions to solve problems.
Present the analysis of derived statistics to all audiences.


Course Outline:-
Advanced Algorithm is seen as an imperical thoughts of design and analysis course which is a fundamental and
important part of computer science. This course introduces students to advanced techniques for the design and
analysis of algorithms, and explores a variety of applications which cover several advanced topics like P,NP
Complete problems, Btree, Fibonacci heaps, Disjoint sets, hashing, network design, algorithms in machine
learning, internet algorithms, and nearest neighbor algorithms. It also boost various useful ideas, including
randomization, probabilistic analysis, amortized analysis, competitive analysis, eigenvalues, high dimensional
geometry, and random walks etc.

Course objectives:
The course is designed to train the graduates in:
 Advanced topics in algorithm.

 To develop concept, ideas for any problem.
 To be enable to formalize with theoretical computer algorithms.

Course Contents:

Unit-I: Design Paradigms Overview:

Overview of complexity notations, Divide and Conquer method, Greedy and Dynamic Programming,
Backtracking, Branch and Bound, Max Flow Problem, String Matching etc.

Unit-II: Randomized Algorithms and Parallel Algorithms:

Randomized Algorithms: Las Vegas and Monte Carlo algorithms, Applications on graph problems, Finger
Printing, Pattern Matching, Primality testing algorithm.
Parallel Algorithms: Introduction, Models, speedup and efficiency, sorting, merging, and searching etc. in
parallel, parallel sorting networks, Odd-Even, Bitonic etc.

Unit-III: Approximation Algorithms:

Introduction, Combinatorial optimization, approximation factor, PTAS, FPTAS, Approximation algorithms for
vertex cover, set cover, TSP, subset-sum problem etc., Analysis of the expected time complexity of the

UNIT-IV: Theory of NP- Hard and NP-Complete Problems:

Definitions of P, NP, NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems, Optimization and Decision Problems, Reducibility,
Cook's Theorem, Satisfiability problem, NP completeness reductions examples.

1. Introduction to Algorithms: T.H. Cormen, C.E.Leiserson and R.L. Rivest
2. Fundamentals of Algorithmics : G.Brassard and P.Bratley
3. Approximation Algorithms: Vijay V.Vazirani
4. Randomized Algorithms: R. Motwani and P.Raghavan
5. Parallel Computing: Theory and Practice: M. J. Quinn
6. Introduction to Parallel Computing: T. G. Lewis and H. El-Rewini
Course Outcomes:
Graduates after completing the course shall gain:
 Ability to understand algorithms.
 Ability to develop concepts, logics towards solving a unknown problem in IT and research.
 Ability to get formalizes theoretical concepts of computer algorithms.


The course has been designed keeping in mind the communicative needs of the students as lack of proficiency
and fluency of students is one of the major barriers in getting employment in the job market.

The objectives of the course are:
 to make the student proficient and fluent in speaking
 to enable the student to comprehend what is spoken and written
 to ensure that they become fast readers
 to make them handle basic correspondence effectively
 to enhance their vocabulary base
Course Content:-
Grammar and Vocabulary:Tenses, subject–verb agreement.Sentence Analysis: Simple, Compound and Complex
sentences.Phrases: Adjective, Adverb and Noun Phrase, Clauses: Adjective, Adverb and Noun Phrase. Voice,
Narration, Gerund, Participle.
Oral Communication:
Listening Skill – Active listening, Barriers to active listening.
Speaking Skill-Stress patterns in English, Questioning skills, Barriers in Speaking.
Reading Skill-Skimming, Scanning, Intensive reading, linking devices in a text, Different versions of a story/
Written communication:
Writing process, paragraph organization, writing styles.Types of Writing - Technical vs. creative; Types of
technical writing, Scientific Writing:Writing a Scientific Report Soft Skills: Body Language– Gesture, posture,
facial expression.
Group Discussion– Giving up of PREP, REP Technique.

Presentation Skills:
(i) How to make power point presentation (ii) Body language during presentation (iii) Resume writing:Cover
letter, career objective, Resume writing (tailor made)
Interview Skills:Stress Management, Answering skills.
1. Advanced English Usage: Quirk & Greenbaum; Pearson Education.
2. Developing Communication Skills: Banerjee Meera & Mohan Krishna; Macmillan Publications, 1990.
3. Business Communication: Chaturvedi, P.D.; Pearson Publications.
4. Business Communication; Mathew, M.J.; RBSA Publications, 2005.
5. Communication of Business; Taylor, Shirley; Pearson Publications.
6. Soft Skills: ICFAI Publication
7. Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus, Harper Collins Publishers and Times
8. Longman Language Activator, Longman Group Pvt Ltd
9. Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, Longman
10. The new Penguin Dictionary – a set of dictionaries of abbreviations, spelling, punctuation, plain English,
grammar, idioms, thesaurus, 2000.
11. New Oxford Dictionary.
12. Wren & Martin: High School English Grammar and Composition
13. Raymond Murphy: English Grammar in Use (4th edition)
14. Martin Hewings: Advanced Grammar in Use
15. Betty Schrampfer: Understanding and Using English Grammar

After completion of the course student will become fluent speakers. Not only this, they will be able to
comprehend the spoken and the written word in a better way. With enhanced vocabulary they will become
confident users of English and be more market-ready to get a job.

CSC-406: Programming Language (Credits 02)

Any One of the following Language may be Chosen by the availability of the faculty.

Python/Java/.NET Frame work /MATLAB/ any other programming Language.

Outline of the Course: - Course Instructor can introduce any programming language based on interest of
students and Instructor can design set of programs to cover the fundamentals the language chosen by the
instructor and students. The set of lab assignments may be extend to meet IT industry need based on the standard
of the students.

The basic objective of the course to learn programming fundamentals and language constructor in the selected
language during the course.


The outcome of the course is to develop source code to solve practical assignment to cover basics and also to
perform real world applications to meet the industry needs.


CSC-409: Neural Networks

Neural Networks is an emerging paradigm that tries to simulate human brain. Different learning algorithms like
Error correction learning, hebbian learning, Boltzmann and Competitive learning allow the networks to learn and
adapt. Networks like Multilayer perceptron using back propagation and Self-organizing maps allow neural
networks to solve real life problems. Concepts related to deep learning aide to the emerging trends.

Course Objectives
 To introduce some of the fundamental techniques and principles of neural networks.
 To investigate some common models and their applications.
 Discuss concepts related to Deep Learning.
 Laboratory exercises to cover in Lab sessions.

Introduction: What is a neural network? Human Brain, Models of a Neuron, Neural networks viewed as
Directed Graphs, Network Architectures, Knowledge Representation, Artificial Intelligence and Neural
Learning process: Error Correction learning, Memory based learning, Hebbian learning, Competitive,
Boltzmann learning, Credit Assignment Problem, Memory, Adaption, Statistical nature of the learning process,

Adaptive filtering problem, Unconstrained Organization Techniques, Linear least square filters, least mean
square algorithm, learning curves, Learning rate annealing techniques, perception –convergence theorem,
Relation between perception and Baye’s classifier for a Gaussian Environment; Multilayer Perceptron- Back
propagation algorithm XOR problem, Heuristics, Output representation and decision rule, Computer experiment,
feature detection,

Back propagation and differentiation, Hessian matrix, Generalization, Cross validation, Network pruning
Techniques, Virtues and limitations of back propagation learning, Accelerated convergence, supervised learning.

Self-organization maps: Two basic feature mapping models, Self-organization map, SOM algorithm, properties
of feature map, computer simulations, learning vector quantization, Adaptive pattern classification, Hierarchal
Vector quantizer, contextual Maps Hopfield models
Introduction to Deep Learning

1. Neural networks A comprehensive foundations, Simon Haykin, Pearson Education 2nd Edition 2004.
2. Artificial neural networks - B.Vegnanarayana Prentice Halll of India P Ltd 2005
3. Neural networks in Computer intelligence, Li Min Fu TMH 2003.
 Able to understand the learning concepts in neural networks.
 Able to understand the basic ideas behind most common learning algorithms for multilayer perceptrons,
Kohonen self-organizing maps and other types of networks.
 Ability to implement common learning algorithms using an existing package.
 Able to apply neural networks to classification and recognition problems.


Machine Learning Course Outline: Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being
explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech
recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome and a lot of other
applications. In this course, you will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and
gain practice implementing them and getting them to work for yourself. More importantly, you'll learn about
not only the theoretical underpinnings of learning, but also gain the practical know-how needed to quickly
and powerfully apply these techniques to new problems. The course will also draw from numerous case studies
and applications, so that you'll also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building smart systems, text
, computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.

Objective of the Machine Learning Course:

 The objective is to familiarize the audience with some basic learning algorithms and techniques and their
applications, as well as general questions related to analyzing and handling large data sets.
 Several libraries and data sets are publicly available, that will be used to illustrate the application of
machine learning algorithms.
 The emphasis will be on machine learning algorithms and applications, with some broad explanation of
the underlying principles.
 To develop the basic skills necessary to pursue research in machine learning.
 To develop the design and programming skills that will help you to build intelligent, adaptive artifacts.

Basics: Introduction to Machine Learning - Different Forms of Learning, Basics of Probability Theory, Linear
Algebra and Optimization.
Regression Analysis: Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso, Bayesian Regression, Regression with Basis
Classification Methods: Instance-Based Classification, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Logistic Regression, Large
Margin Classification, Kernel Methods, Support Vector Machines, Multi-class Classification, Classification and
Regression Trees.
Neural Networks: Non-linear Hypotheses, Neurons and the Brain, Model Representation, Multi-layer Networks,
Back-propagation, Multi-class Discrimination, Training Procedures, Localized Network Structure, Deep
Graphical Models: Hidden Markov Models, Bayesian Networks, Markov Random Fields, Conditional Random
Ensemble Methods:Boosting - Adaboost, Gradient Boosting, Bagging - Simple Methods, Random Forest.

Clustering:Partitional Clustering - K-Means, K-Medoids, Hierarchical Clustering - Agglomerative, Divisive,
Distance Measures, Density Based Clustering – DBscan, Spectral Clustering.
Dimensionality Reduction: Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis, Multidimensional
Scaling, and Manifold Learning.
Reinforcement Learning: Q-Learning, Temporal Difference Learning
Recommended Textbooks:
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Christopher Bishop.
Machine Learning. Tom Mitchell.

Additional Textbooks:
Pattern Classification. R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart and D.G. Stork.
Data Mining: Tools and Techniques. Jiawei Han and Michelline Kamber.
Elements of Statistical Learning. Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman. Springer.

Learning outcomes:

After completing the study of the discipline “Machine Learning ”, the student are expected to:

 Able to understand complexity of Machine Learning algorithms and their limitations;

 Able to understand modern notions in data analysis oriented computing;
 Capable of confidently applying common Machine Learning algorithms in practice and implementing
their own;
 Capable of performing experiments in Machine Learning using real-world data.

CSC 411- Compiler Design

Course Outline: - The proposed course covers various phases of Compiler which are lexical phase, syntax
phase, semantic phase, code generation and code optimization. Course also covers various parsing techniques
such as LEX and YACC.

Course Objectives:-
 To understand various models to produce tokens which are inputs syntax phase.
 Try to understand various parsing techniques such as top-down and bottom-up parsing techniques.
 Symbol Table generation and mechanisms to store information while scanning source code from various
phases of the compiler.
 Semantic analysis to check the meaning of the sentences in a particular sentence.


Overview of Compilation: Phases of Compilation – Lexical Analysis, Regular Grammar and
regular expression for common programming language features, pass and Phases of translation,
interpretation, bootstrapping, data structures in compilation – LEX lexical analyzer generator.
Top down Parsing: Context-free grammars, Top down parsing – Backtracking, LL (1), recursive descent
parsing, Predictive parsing, Preprocessing steps required for predictive parsing.

Bottom up parsing: Shift Reduce parsing, LR and LALR parsing, Error recovery in parsing,
handling ambiguous grammar, YACC – automatic parser generator.
Semantic analysis: Intermediate forms of source Programs – abstract syntax tree, polish notation and three
address codes. Attributed grammars, Syntax directed translation, Conversion of popular Programming languages
language Constructs into Intermediate code forms, Type checker.
Symbol Tables: Symbol table format, organization for block structures languages, hashing, and tree structures
representation of scope information. Block structures and non-block structure storage allocation: static, Runtime
stack and heap storage allocation, storage allocation for arrays, strings and records.

Code optimization: Consideration for Optimization, Scope of Optimization, local optimization,
loop optimization, frequency reduction, folding, DAG representation.
Data flow analysis: Flow graph, data flow equation, global optimization, redundant sub expression elimination,
Induction variable elements, Live variable analysis, Copy propagation.
Object code generation: Object code forms, machine dependent code optimization, register allocation and
assignment generic code generation algorithms, DAG for register allocation.

1. Principles of compiler design -A.V. Aho . J.D.Ullman; Pearson Education.
2. Modern Compiler Implementation in C- Andrew N. Appel, Cambridge University Press.

1. lex & yacc – John R. Levine, Tony Mason, Doug Brown, O’reilly
2. Modern Compiler Design- Dick Grune, Henry E. BAL, Cariel T. H. Jacobs, Wiley dreamtech.
3. Engineering a Compiler-Cooper & Linda, Elsevier.
4. Compiler Construction, Louden, Thomson.
Outcomes: -
 Students are able to understand the functionality of compiler design various phases.
 Able to learn functionalities of various phases.
 Able to design phases of compiler as a programming exercise.
 Able Design various parsing techniques such as SLR, LALR and CLR.

CSC-412: Elective- 2

CSC-413: Elective-3

CSC-414: Research Seminar of Credit: 01

Outline: The students will be select a supervisor, as per the suggestion of student will select a research field, in
that field student will be instructed to read 2-3 base papers from reputed journals form IEEE and Elsevier or any
other peer reviewed journals


Learning Objectives & Outcomes

The student will learn to approach data mining as a process, by demonstrating competency in the use of data
mining to the decision-support level of organizations
 The students will learn to categorize and carefully differentiate between situations for applying different
data-mining techniques
 Identify appropriate methods to address a given problems with data mining methods such as frequent
pattern mining, association, correlation, classification, prediction, and cluster and outlier analysis
 Able to design and implement data-mining solutions for different applications
 Proficiency in evaluating and comparing different models used for Data Mining
Introduction: Knowledge discovery from databases, scalability issues
Data Preparation: Pre- Processing, sub- sampling, feature selection.
Classification and Prediction:Bayes learning, decision trees, CART, neural learning, support vector
machines, associations, dependence analysis, rule generation.
Deviation Detection: Cluster Analysis and Deviation Detection: Portioning algorithms, Density bases
algorithm, Grid based algorithm, Graph theoretic clustering.
Temporal and spatial data mining.
1. Data Mining Concepts & techniques: Jai wei Han and Micheline Kamber, Morgan Kaufman.
2. Data Mining Techniques : Arun K. Pujari, Universities Press, Fourth Edition, ck and ps2016.
3. Mastering Data Mining: M. Berry and G. Linoff, John Wiley & Sons., 2000



Information retrieval is the process through which a computer system can respond to a user's query for text-based
information on a specific topic. IR was one of the first and remains one of the most important problems in the
domain of natural language processing. Web search is the application of information retrieval techniques to the
largest corpus of text anywhere. The course focuses on IR methods for the processing, indexing, querying,
organisation, and classification of textual documents, including hypertext documents available on the world-

 Students must know Data Base Management Systems.
 They must also have the concept of different types of algorithms used for searching data.
 They must also have minimal knowledge of natural language such as thesaurus, synonyms, etc.

 To provide the foundation knowledge in information retrieval.
 To present scientific support in the field of information search and retrieval.
 Demonstrate the usage of different data/file structures in building computational search engines.
 Students will be able to learn different indexing techniques to apply database systems.

Unit 1
Boolean Retrieval, The term vocabulary and postings lists: Document delineation and character sequence
decoding, determining the vocabulary of terms.
Unit 2
Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval: Search structures for dictionaries, spelling correction.
Scoring, term weighting and vector space model, the vector space model for scoring, variant tf-idf functions.
Unit 3
Computing scores in a complete search system: Efficient scoring and ranking, components of an information
retrieval system. Evaluation in information retrieval.
Relevance feedback and query expansion: Relevance feedback and pseudo relevance feedback, global methods
for query reformulation.
Unit 4
Text classification and Naive Bayes: Naive Bayes text classification, The Bernoulli model, Feature selection,
Evaluation of text classification
Vector space classification: Document representations and measures of relatedness in vector spaces, Rocchio
classification, k nearest neighbor, Web search.

1.Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich Schutze, Introduction to Information Retrieval,
Cambridge University Press
2. Somen Chakrabarti, Web mining, Elsevier Publication
3. Grossman, Information Retrieval : Algorithm and Heuristics, Springer

Learning Outcomes

After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
 Understand basic concepts and techniques in Information Retrieval.
 Understand how statistical models of text can be used for other IR applications, for example, clustering.
 Use data structures and indexing methods in information retrieval systems.
 Understand the measures to evaluate the performance of algorithms.


Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of Neural Networks

Soft computing is an emerging approach to computing which can parallel the remarkable ability of the human
mind to reason and learn in an environment of uncertainty and imprecision. Soft computing is based on some
biologically inspired computing paradigms such as Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary computing, Particle Swarm
Optimization, human nervous system, etc. Applying Soft Computing can help in solving real-time problems that
cannot be solved using mathematical modeling. Varied applications of Soft Computing include Computer Vision,
medical diagnosis, pattern recognition, network optimization etc.
Course Objectives
This course will uncover the fundamental concepts used in Soft computing. The concepts of fuzzy logic, Neuro-
fuzzy computing, genetic algorithms will be discussed. Applications of Soft Computing techniques to solve a
number of real life problems will be covered to have hands on practices. In summary, this course will provide
exposure to theory as well as practical systems and software used in soft computing. Broad Objectives of the
course are:
 To develop understanding of Fuzzy logic and its applications.
 Solve problems using Neuro-fuzzy computing and its applications.
 In-depth study and discussion on Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary computing.
 Apply Particle Swarm optimization, ant colony optimization and other algorithms to real life problems.
 Laboratory exercises to covered in Lab sessions.

Unit 1
Foundations: Stochastic processes; Principal Component Analysis; Learning theory; Generalization and
Regularization; Simulated Annealing.
Unit 2
Fuzzy Sets; Chaos theory; Evolutionary algorithms and genetic programming
Unit 3
Methodologies : Neural networks architectures for complex pattern recognition tasks - Fuzzy neural networks
and chaos in neural networks
Unit 4
Particle search optimization, Artificial Bee colony search, Ant colony algorithm and similar algorithms.

1.Neuro Fuzzy & Soft Computing - J.-S.R.Jang, C.-T.Sun, E.mizutani, Pearson Education
2.Digital Neural Network - S.Y.Kung, Prentice Hall International Inc.
3.Spiking Neural Networks - Wulfram Gerstner, Wenner Kristler, Cambridge University Press.
4.Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: Dynamical Systems Application to Machine Intelligence - Bart Kosko,
Prentice Hall.

After completing this course, you will be able to learn:
 Understand the basic concepts of Soft Computing.
 Solve real life problems using fuzzy logic.
 Implement genetic and evolutionary computing in different scenarios.
 Analyze the applicability of Particle swarm optimization and other swarm optimization techniques in
practical situations.

CSC-504: Elective- 4

CSC-505: Elective-5


CSC-509:- Project Work in Industry or Institution (16 Weeks)


Before starting internship, the student will gain prerequisite knowledge of working in an industry or
academic research. Major projects should encourage students to solve real-life problems.

Students should be able to discover existing literature and devise new methodologies and mechanisms to
solve unsolved problems.


Information Security

Course Outline: - The designed course covers basic security aspects to protect network from various kind of
attacks. Various kinds of encryption and decryption techniques to protect data from malicious users. Course
covers DES and RSA logarithms which are basic symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Course also covers
various authentication mechanisms.

1. To understand security fundamentals.
2. To learn Cryptography Principles such as key exchange, digital signature and certificates.
3. Demonstration of various encryption decryption schemes by taking plain text.
4. Generation Message Authentication codes for different kinds of messages.

Introduction to security, attacks, computer criminals, security services,
Cryptography: Substitution ciphers, transposition cipher, confusion, diffusion, symmetric and asymmetric
encryption. DES, odes of DES. Hash function, key exchange, digital signatures and certificates
Public Key Cryptosystems: Principles of Public Key Cryptosystems, Factorization, RSA Algorithm, security
analysis of RSA, Exponentiation in Modular Arithmetic. Key Management in Public Key Cryptosystems:
Distribution of Public Keys, Distribution of Secret keys using Public Key Cryptosystems. Discrete Logarithms,
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
Message Authentication & Hashing: Birthday Paradox and General case of Duplications, Basic functions of
Message Authentication and Hashing, Introduction to Hash & MAC algorithms.
Digital Signatures: RSA Based, El Gamal Signatures, Undeniable Signatures.
Authentication: Model of Authentication Systems, Impersonation, Substitution and spoofing games,
Authentication schemes for mutual authentication based on shared secret, two-way public key, one-way public
key, Mediated Authentication, One way Authentication
Security in networks: Threats in networks, network security controls, firewalls, intrusion detection system
Administrating security: Security planning, risk analysis, physical security, Ethical issues in security
1. Stalling Williams: Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, 4th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2006.
2. Kaufman Charlie; Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, 2nd Ed., PHI/Pearson.
3. Pieprzyk Josef and; Fundamentals of Computer Security, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
4. Trappe & Washington, Introduction to Cryptography, 2nd Ed. Pearson.
1. Students will able to understand the security features to improve the reliability in communication system.
2. Able to find the encrypt message by using various encryption mechanisms.

3. Various message authentication codes and message digest algorithms to improve the security aspects in data


Pre-requests to the Course:

 Computer Networks.
 Data Communication.

Course Outline: - The proposed course introduces the fundamentals of Wireless Communication, issues
challenges in wireless communication. The course detail explanation of various generation of Wireless Networks
generation those are 2G, 3G and 4G.The proposed course covers technical details layer wise, which are Physical
layer parameters such as modulation, demodulation and multiplexing techniques. MAC Layer issues such as
various channel accessing schemes those are pure aloha, slotted aloha and p-persistent. The course covers in
detail technical details such as packet formats of IEEE-802.11 standards for Medium accesses control to avoid
collisions. Network Layer issues and challenges and details of various routing algorithms such as AODV, DSR
and TORA protocols. Various TCP Enhancements for existing TCP Version which are TCP-RENO ,Tahoe and
SACK protocols for reliable and end-to-end communication for improving the performance.

 The objective is to understand various generations of Mobile Communication such as 2G, 3G and 4G.
 To study various issues and challenges in Physical layer such as analog to digital conversion and various
modulation and demodulation techniques.
 Illustration of various physical layer issues like inter symbol interference, ISI Mitigation. Physical layer
parameter such as refraction, reflection and signal to noise ratio to improve the quality.
 Demonstrate the Various MAC Layer challenges in Wireless Networks when compared to structured
 Study of various Routing Layer Protocols suitable for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks and Protocol
 Study of various TCP Layer issues and challenges for Wireless Networks.

Introduction, Applications, A short history of wireless Communication, A market for Mobile Communications,
Some open research topics , A Simple Reference Model. Overview , Wireless Transmission , Frequency for radio
transmission , Regulations , Signals , Antennas , Signal Propagation , Path Loss of radio Signals , Additional
signal Propagation effects, Multi-path Propagation. Multiplexing, Modulation, Spread Spectrum.

Medium Accesses Control, Motivation for Specialization MAC, Hidden and exposed terminals,near and Far
Terminals, SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA.

Wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11: System Architecture, Protocol architecture, Physical Layer, MAC Control Layer,
MAC Management, 802.11b, 80.11a,HIPERLAN: , Bluetooth : User Scenario, Architecture, Radio Layer, Link
Manager Protocol, L2CAP, SDP, IEEE 802.15.

Mobile Network Layer, Mobile IP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Mobile
Transport Layer, Classical TCP Improvements.

Text Books:

 Mobile Communications by JochenH.Schiller.

 Mobile Computing, Technology Applications and Service Creation by Asoke K Talukder and Roopa R

Reference Books:

 Stojmenovic and Cacute, “Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing”, Wiley, 2002,
 Reza Behravanfar, “Mobile Computing Principles: Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with
UML and XML”, ISBN: 0521817331, Cambridge University Press, October 2004,
 Adelstein, Frank, Gupta, Sandeep KS, Richard III, Golden , Schwiebert, Loren, “Fundamentals of Mobile
and Pervasive Computing”, ISBN: 0071412379, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005.

Android Applications

The Syllabus shall be Design in Due Course Based on the availability of the faculty.

Digital Image Processing

The course focuses on basic and essential topics in Digital Image Processing, including Pixels, Pre Processing of
images, Image Restoration, Segmentation, Morphological Properties and Pattern Recognition.
 Learn about the basics of images
 Design various kinds of mathematical models to perform Imaging operations.
 Demonstrate the various kinds of operations on different images for various applications.
 Work on real time applications like segmentation, restoration, object detections, bio-metric application.
 To identify the limitation of the proposed model and try to find the models overcome the limitations.

UNIT-1 : The Digitized Image and its Properties: Applications of image processing, image function, image
representation, sampling, quantization, color images, metrics and topological properties of digital images,
histograms, image quality, noise image.
UNIT-2 : Image Pre-processing: Pixel brightness transformation, geometric transformation, local pre-
processing- image smoothening, scale in image processing, spatial operation, intensity transformation and spatial
filtering, color models, gray scale transformation.
Image Restoration: Image degradation and re-storage process.
Segmentation: Point, line and edge detection, Threshold detection methods, parametric edge models, edges in
multi spectral images, thresholding, Region based segmentation.
Morphological properties of image: Erosion and Dilation, opening and closing, basic morphological
Image representation and description: Representation, border following and chain codes, boundary
descriptors, regional descriptors.
Pattern Recognition Fundamentals: Basic concepts of pattern recognition, fundamental problems in pattern
recognition system, design concepts and methodologies, example of automatic pattern recognition systems, a
simple automatic pattern recognition model.

1. Digital Image Processing: Rafel C. Gonzalez Richard E. Woods, Second edition, Addison-Wisley.
2. Digital Image Processing: A K Jain, PHI
3. R. M. Haralick, L. G. Shapiro. Computer and Robot Vision. Addison-Wesley, 1993.
4. A. Rosenfeld, A. C. Kak. Digital Picture Processing. Addison-Wesley, 1983
5. D. A. Forsyth, J. Ponce. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach. Prentice-Hall, 2003.
6.C. R. Giardina, E. R. Dougherty. Morphological Methods in Image and Signal Processing. Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988. 37
7. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Earl Gose, Richard Johnsonbaugh, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, 1999.
8. Pattern Recognition principles: Julus T. Tou and Rafel C. Gonzalez, Addison –Wesley publishing company.

Course Outcomes:
Graduates after completing the course shall gain:
 Ability to enhance student skill in digital image processing, emphasizing problem solving techniques
such as doing experiments, collecting data, find out features, recognizing patterns, segmentations, and
numeric computations exercises.
 Ability to understand the thought-provoking applications spread throughout, establishing a strong and
meaningful bridge with Images, Signals and computer science.
 To be able to have understanding of the topics and enable students to develop their problem-solving
skills, hands-on experience with concepts and enhance the opportunity for computational exploration and

Number Theory

Course Outline:-

This course has not only its intellectual appeal but also deals with fascinating numbers. Also in recent years
Number Theory has been studied for both for the traditional reasons and for the compelling reason that number
theory has become essential for Cryptology. This course addresses the core objectives of critical thinking skills,
communication skills, and empirical and quantitative skills. The course begins with the basic notions of integers
and sequences, divisibility, and mathematical induction. It also covers standard topics such as Prime Numbers;
the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic; Euclidean Algorithm; the Diophantine Equations; Congruence
Equations and their Applications, quadratic reciprocity, and arithmetic functions.

Course objectives:
The course is designed to train the graduates in:
 To understand the use of pure mathematics in the rapid development of technology in a number of areas,
such as art, coding theory, cryptology, and computer science.
 To be able to get mathematical maturity, logical thinking, and the ability for symbolic manipulation in
order to understand the sophisticated mathematical tools and advance the frontiers of knowledge.
 To get knowledge of exercise sets contain thought-provoking true/false problems, numeric problems to
develop computational skills, and proofs to master facts and the various proof techniques.

Unit-I : Number Systems: Natural numbers, Mathematical induction, Recurrence relations, The Division
Algorithm, Catalan Numbers, Prime and Composite Numbers, Fibonacci and Fermat Numbers Greatest Common
Divisor, Euclidean algorithm.
Unit-II: Diophantine equations: Modulo arithmetic, Congruence classes, Modular Exponentiation, Towers of
Powers Modulo m, Linear Congruences, Multiplicative inverse, Systems of Linear Congruences, Chinese
remainder theorem, Wilson’s Theorem, Euler's extended algorithm, Fermat's little theorem, Multiplicative
Functions, Totient function, Euler's theorem.
Unit-III: Elementary number theory: Prime numbers, Number bases, Primality testing algorithm, Primitive
Roots and Indices,
Unit-IV: The Order of a Positive Integer, discrete logarithm, primitive roots for Primes, Number sieves, The
Algebra of Indices, Quadratic Residues, The Legendre Symbol.
1. Koblitz, N. Course on Number Theory and Cryptography, Springer Verlag, 1986
2. Menezes, A, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1996
3. D.R. Stinson, Cryptography - Theory and practice, CRC Press.
4. Thomas Koshy, Elementary Number Theory with applications, Elsevier India, 2005.
5. Martin Erickson and Anthony Vazzana: Introduction to Number Theory, Chapman &Hall/CRC.

Course Outcomes:
Graduates after completing the course shall gain:
 Ability to enhance student skill in number theory course, emphasizing problem-solving techniques such
as doing experiments, collecting data, organizing them in an orderly fashion, recognizing patterns, proof
techniques, and numeric computations exercises.

 Ability to understand the thought-provoking applications spread throughout, establishing a strong and
meaningful bridge with geometry, computer science and art.
 To be able to have understanding of the topics and enable students to develop their problem-solving
skills, hands-on experience with concepts and enhance the opportunity for computational exploration and

Cyber Crime and Information Warfare

Cyber Crime: Industrial espionage and cyber-terrorism, principles of criminal law, computer orensic
investigation, elements of personnel security and investigations, principles of risk and security management,
conspiracy in computer crime, and computer fraud investigation.


Introduction to Cyber Forensics: Computer Forensics and the law, Private & Public sectorworkplace practices,
Cyber Crime examples: Defacements, DoS, Credit Card theft, Silent intrusion, internal attacks, investigative
actions, Forensics analysis investigative action, Computer Forensic tools.

Information Warfare: Nature of information warfare, including computer crime andinformation terrorism;
Threats to information resources, including military and economic espionage, communications eavesdropping,
computer break-ins, denial-of-service, destruction and modification of data, distortion and fabrication of
information, forgery, control and disruption of information flow, electronic bombs, and psyops and perception


Defenses: Countermeasures including authentication, encryption, auditing, monitoring, intrusionetection, and

firewalls, and the limitations of those countermeasures. Cyberspace law and law enforcement, information
warfare and the military, and intelligence in the information age. Information warfare policy and ethical issues.


 Dorothy E. Denning: Information Warfare and Security, Addison Wesley.

 Daniel Ventre: Information Warfare, Wiley.
 Winn Schwartau: Information Warfare: Second Edition, Thunder's Mouth Press, NY.
 Edward Waltz: Information Warfare Principles and Operations, Artech House.
 Selected papers and on-line material.


1) Computer Networks.
2) High Speed Networks.

Outline of the Course:-

The proposed course outline is to describe advanced technology in communication based on requirement and
need for industry and academia. The designed course covers protocol frame work which can support Software
oriented networking protocol architecture which supports virtualization. Now-a-Days network virtualization play

key role in creating virtual local area networks (VLAN) to control the traffic generated by enterprise networks.
The proposed course covers to design a state of art technology which can support Software Defined Networking.
Objectives: -
 To design protocol architecture which can meet the challenges of current user demands and needs data
 To demonstrate the performance of proposed SDN supportive protocols with Open Flow enabled
 To learn simulator basics this can support SDN Functionalities.
 To design and detail study of security attacks which are going to occur in SDN supportive enterprise

Introduction, Centralized and Distributed Control and Data Planes, Introduction What Do They Do? Distributed
Control Planes Centralized Control Planes Conclusions
Open Flow: Introduction, Hybrid Approaches Conclusions SDN Controllers Introduction General Concepts
Layer 3 Centric Plexxi Cisco One PK Conclusions

Network Programmability:
Introduction, the Management Interface the Application-Network DivideModern Programmatic Interfaces,
I2RSModern Orchestration
Data Center Concepts and Constructs
Introduction: The Multitenant Data Centerthe Virtualized Multitenant Data Center SDN Solutions for the Data
Center Network VLANsEVPN, VxLan, NVGRE, Conclusions, Network Function Virtualization Introduction
Virtualization and Data Plane I/O Services Engineered Path, Service Locations and Chaining, NFV at ETSI,
Non-ETSI NFV Work, Conclusions.

Network Topology and Topological Information Abstraction Introduction, Network Topology, Traditional
Methods, LLDP,BGP-TE/LS,ALTO,I2RS Topology Building an SDN Framework, Introduction, Build Code
First; Ask Questions Later, The Juniper SDN Framework, IETF SDN Framework(s),Open Daylight
Controller/Framework, Policy, Conclusions.

Use Cases for Bandwidth Scheduling, Manipulation, and Calendaring, Introduction, Bandwidth Calendaring, Big
Data and Application Hyper-Virtualization for Instant CSPF, Expanding Topology, Conclusion, Use Cases for
Data Center Overlays, Big Data, and Network Function Virtualization, Introduction, Data Center Orchestration,
Puppet (DevOps Solution),Network Function Virtualization (NFV),Optimized Big Data, Conclusions

Text Books:

1. SDN: Software Defined Networks An Authoritative Review of Network Programmability Technologies

By Thomas D. Nadeau, Ken Gray Publisher: O'Reilly Media Final Release Date: August 2013
Pages: 384.
2. Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach Paperback – Import, 30 Jun 2014by Paul
Goransson (Author), Chuck Black (Author)
3. Software Defined Networking with Open Flow by SiamakAzodolmolky (Author).
 Understanding between conventional networks and SDN Supportive networks to provide high throughput
based on user needs.

 Understanding of Network Virtualization and requirements and changes in hardware design point of
 Virtual LAN supportive protocols and its operations to enhance the Quality of Service parameters.
 Understand and identify security vulnerabilities in open flow based networks.
 Understand prevention mechanism for well-known security attacks in conventional networks.
 Adaptive machine learning techniques to prevent security attacks in SDN.


 Computer Networks.
 Operating Systems.

Outline of the Course:

The proposed course describes computer architecture which can support for parallel processing to improve the
processing speed. The designed course will give an overall description to design parallel algorithms to solve
mathematical problems like matrix factorization, linear programming and solving system of equations. The
designed course illustrates the design of parallel algorithms for mathematical problems.

 Demonstrate the scientific application execution methodology in Highly Distributed Computing
 To study Processor Architecture and Memory Hierarchies which support for HPC.
 To learn Programming strategies for parallel computing to solve highly complex scientific problems.
 To understand the parallel computer concepts different types of parallel architecture, hard ware design and
compilers principles.
 Illustration of well-known mathematical examples to understand the basic concepts of parallel computation
which are highly required to solve scientific applications.
 Detail study of various kinds of mathematical examples where parallel computations are involved, for
example in linear algebra solving system of equations and matrix decomposition, Fourier transforms.

Single-processor Computing , The Von Neumann architecture, Modern processors , Memory Hierarchies, Multi
core architectures, Locality and data reuse, Programming strategies for high performance ,Power consumption
,Review questions.
Parallel Computing , Introduction ,Quantifying parallelism, Parallel Computers Architectures , Different types of
memory access ,Granularity of parallelism ,Parallel programming , Topologies ,Multi-threaded architectures ,Co-
processors ,Remaining topics , Computer Arithmetic , Integers , Real numbers , Round-off error analysis
,Compilers and round-off , More about floating point arithmetic , Conclusions. Numerical treatment of
differential equations , Initial value problems, Boundary value problems , Initial boundary value problem
,Numerical linear algebra ,Elimination of unknowns ,Linear algebra in computer arithmetic , LU factorization
,Sparse matrices, Iterative methods ,Further Reading .

High performance linear algebra, Collective operations, Parallel dense matrix-vector product ,LU factorization
in parallel, Matrix-matrix product, Sparse matrix-vector product , Parallelism in solving linear systems from
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs),Computational aspects of iterative methods , Parallel preconditions
,Ordering strategies and parallelism ,Operator splitting , Parallelism and implicit operations ,Grid updates ,Block
algorithms on multi core architectures.

Applications ,Molecular dynamics ,Force Computation ,Parallel Decompositions ,Parallel Fast Fourier
Transform , Integration for Molecular Dynamics , Sorting ,Brief introduction to sorting Odd-even transposition
sort ,Quicksort ,Bitonic sort ,Graph analytics ,Traditional graph algorithms, Real world’ graphs ,Hypertext
algorithms ,Large-scale computational graph theory, N-body problems ,The Barnes-Hut algorithm ,The Fast
Multipole Method ,Full computation, Implementation Monte Carlo Methods, Parallel Random Number
Generation, Examples, Computational biology Dynamic programming approaches, Suffix tree.

Text Book:

1) Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing Evolving Copy - open for comments Victor
Eijkhout, Edmond Chow, Robert van de Geijn.
2) High Performance Computing (RISC Architectures, Optimization & Benchmarks), Charles Severance,
Kevin Dowd, Oreilly.
Reference Books:
1) High Performance Computing (RISC Architectures, Optimization & Benchmarks), Georg Hager, Gerhard
Wellein, CRC Press.
2) Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing (Scientific and Engineering Computation), Lloyd
D. Fosdick, Elizabeth R. Jessup

 Able to understand the difference between sequential architecture and parallel architecture to execute the
scientific applications.
 Understand the way to develop parallel algorithm and way of execution on parallel computing environment.
 Analysis of time and space complexity for a particular mathematical problem in sequential as well as
 Writing programs for to solve Partial differential equations (PDE) and Matrix decomposition.
 Solve some Computational biology applications using Dynamic programming approaches.


1) Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
2) Data Structures in C/C++.

Outline of the course: - Mathematical Background to understand Heuristics and Meta Heuristics. To optimize
the Multi Objective optimization techniques for scientific and engineering problems. Design and analysis of
graph theoretic algorithms and application of graph theory in scientific problems.
 Demonstrate various optimization principles and searching mechanisms.
 Various kinds of optimization techniques such as Genetic algorithms and various other optimization
 To understand the various kinds of graph algorithms such as minimal spanning tree, Dijskstra algorithm
for shortest path and Prims Algorithm.
 Various Multi Objective Optimization techniques illustrations to demonstrate optimization problems.
 Linear Programming and approximation.

Scatter Search and Path Relinking: Advances and Applications, Fred Glover, Manuel Laguna and Rafael Marti,
An Introduction to Tabu Search, Michel Gendreau, Genetic Algorithms ,Colin Reeves Genetic Programming:
Automatic Synthesis of Topologies and Numerical Parameters ,John R. Koza
Graph Algorithms: Definitions and Representation, Minimum Spanning Tree: Prim's Algorithm, Single Source
Shortest Paths: Dijkstra's Algorithm, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Transitive Closure, Vertex Covering, Vertex
Coloring - Randomized Algorithms.

Introduction, Overview, and Notation, Basic Methodologies and Applications, Restriction Methods, Greedy
Methods, Recursive Greedy Methods Linear Programming LP Rounding and Extensions. On Analyzing Semi
Definite Programming Relaxations of Complex Quadratic Optimization Problems Polynomial-Time
Approximation Schemes.

Rounding Interval Partitioning and Separation Asymptotic Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes
Randomized Approximation Techniques Distributed Approximation via LP-Duality and Randomization
Empirical Analysis of Randomized Algorithms Reductions that Preserve Approximability Differential Ratio
Approximation Hardness of Approximation.

Text Books:
[1] Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Meta heuristics by TeofiloF.Gonzalez.
[2] S. Rajasekaran and G.A.V. Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms”, PHI, 2003.
[3]. R. Eberhart, P.Simpson and R. Dobbins, “Computational Intelligence-Pc Tools”, AP Professional, Boston,
[4] T.H.Cormen, C.E.Leiserson, R.L.Rivest and C. Stein, "Introduction to algorithms", 3rd edition, MIT Press,

Outcomes: - Optimization principles and searching mechanisms can be applied in scientific and engineering
 Study mathematical principles like Genetic Algorithms and try to solve real world problems using Genetic
algorithm optimization parameters.
 Applications of graph theory in computer science to solve optimization problems where scientific
computations are involved.


Outline of the Course: -

The proposed course covers a special class of Wireless Networks which are Ad-Hoc Networks in which
structure of networks varying with respect to time. In real life these networks play vital role in advanced
communication system. The best practical examples of Ad-Hoc Networks is VANETs, it is practical
implementation of Ad-Hoc networks to serve various on-demand application of internet users. Now-a-Days most
of the applications require ad-hoc networks because of on-demand day-to-day needs. The proposed course covers
research issues in various layers. One of the major concerns is energy management in Wireless Ad-Hoc
Networks to design adaptive protocols.
Objectives: -
 Demonstration of available spectrum for Wireless Communication for various operations.
 Allocation details of spectrum to various applications.

 The need of Ad-Hoc Networks for various applications.
 Channel allocation mechanism for various on-demand applications using Ad-Hoc Networks.
 Various Network Layer protocol operations for routing the packets.
 Energy Management scheme while transmitting the data.

Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Technology – The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Radio propagation
Mechanisms, Characteristics of the Wireless Channel, Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and Vehicular ad hoc
networks (VANETs): concepts and architectures. Applications and Design Challenges of MANETs and


Issues in designing a MAC Protocol, Classification of MAC Protocols: Contention based protocols- Contention
based protocols with Reservation Mechanisms- Contention based protocols with Scheduling Mechanisms – Multi
channel MAC-IEEE 802.11. IEEE Standards: 802.11a, 802.11b etc,. 802.15, HIPERLAN


Issues in Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classifications of Routing Protocols,
Power Aware Routing Protocols. Multi cast routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Issues in Designing a
Multicast Routing Protocol, Classifications of Multicast Routing Protocols. Energy Efficient Multicasting,
Multicasting with Quality of Service Guarantees, Application Dependent Multicast Routing.


Energy Management in AdHoc Wireless Networks: Classification of Energy Management Schemes,
Transmission Power Management Schemes, System Power Management Schemes. Special topics in Ad Hoc and
wireless networks.


1. C S. Ram Murthy, B. S. Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols, Prentice Hall of
India, 2nd ed. 2005.
2. R. Hekmat, Ad hoc Networks: Fundamental Properties and Network Topologies, Springer, 1st ed. 2006.


1. B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Energy Efficient Real Time Data
Communications, Springer, 1st ed. 2006.
2. Carlos De MoraisCordeiro, Dharma Prakash Agrawal “Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks: Theory and
Applications”, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006.
3. G. Anastasi, E. Ancillotti, R. Bernasconi, and E. S.Biagioni, Multi Hop Ad Hoc Networks from Theory to
Reality, Nova Science Publishers, 2008.

1. The proposed course improves the connectivity to share information for various applications.
2. Basic understanding of signals and physical layer medium for transmitting the data in the form of analog
3. Understating of channel allocation strategy to improve the connectivity in Ad-Hoc Networks.
4. Able to design and develop new routing protocol for MANETs.
5. Detail study of various kind routing protocol such as proactive, reactive and hybrid kind to improve the
performance of Ad-Hoc Networks.
6. Able to introduce various energy efficient routing protocol schemes for ad-hoc networks.

 Computer Networks
 Distributed Computing

Outline of the Course: -

The proposed course work illustrates the infrastructure frame work for distributed and Cluster computing.
Course work describes the protocol frame work for open source grid frame work to proper utilization of
infrastructure based on the load availability. Resource utilization and task execution time should be minimizing
while executing the workflows in highly distributed heterogeneous environment.

1) Demonstrate the Infrastructure required performing group of similar task together to solve a particular
2) Grid Architecture and standards to establish IT Infrastructure to solve particular tasks.
3) To understand various Grid Service models to provide effective IT Infrastructure for IT needs.
4) To learn virtualization of Hardware, Software and Networking for effective services and resource utilization
based on the need and demand.
5) To learn programming methodology and Simulators to demonstrate and validate the proposed protocols in
grid service architecture.

Evolution of Distributed computing: Scalable computing over the Internet – Technologies for network based
systems – clusters of cooperative computers – Grid computing Infrastructures – cloud computing – service
oriented architecture – Introduction to Grid architecture and standards – Elements of Grid – Overview of Grid


Introduction to Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) – Motivation – Functionality Requirements – Practical
& Detailed view of OGSA/OGSI – Data intensive grid service models – OGSA services.


Cloud deployment models: public, private, hybrid, community – Categories of cloud computing: Everything as a
service: Infrastructure, platform, software – Pros and Cons of cloud computing – Implementation levels of
virtualization – virtualization structure – virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O devices – Virtual clusters and
Resource Management – Virtual for data center automation.
Open source grid middleware packages – Globus Toolkit (GT4) Architecture, Configuration – Usage of
Globus – Main components and Programming model – Introduction to Hadoop Framework – Mapreduce, Input
splitting, map and reduce functions, specifying input and output parameters, configuring and running a job –
Design of Hadoop file system, HDFS concepts, command line and java interface, dataflow of File read & File

1. Ahmar Abbas, “Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to Technology and Application”, Charles River
Media, 2005.

2. Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids,
Clouds and the Future of Internet”, First Edition, Morgan Kaufman Publisher, an Imprint of Elsevier,

1. Bart Jacob, “Introduction to Grid Computing”, IBM Red Books, Vervante, 2005.
2. Tom White, “Hadoop the Definitive Guide”, First Edition. O”Reilly, 2009.
3. Joshy Joseph and Craig Fellenstein, “G rid Com puting”, Pearson Education, 2003.
4. Ian Foster and Carl Kesselm an, “The Grid2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure”, Morgan
Kaufman, 2004.

 Understand the concept of various distributed platforms such as cluster computing, Distributed
Computing and Cloud Computing.
 Know the basic concepts of Grid Infrastructure and practical and overall view of OGSA/OGSI.
 Understanding of Research Challenges and issues in Data Grid and Computational Grid.
 Understanding of Virtualization and its practical impact on Grid Infrastructure to enhance the
performance of infrastructure.
 Hands on practice on Gridsim and CloudSim Simulator to know the performance of proposed protocols in
Grid Environment.


 General understanding of optimization under constraints
 Develop knowledge and skills in linear and integer programming (LP&IP) and their applications
 Knowledge and skills in the area of general nonlinear and convex optimization
 Knowledge and implementation of discrete optimization problems and their algorithms
 Application of optimization tools in different domains of computing and data science

Linear Programming: Linear programming problem, Simplex method, Revised Simplex method, Duality,
Dual Simplex, Interior Point Method.
Combinatorial Optimization Problems:Transportation problem,Assignment problem, Shortest path
problem, Knapsack problem, Local search, Max-Flow and Min-cost problem.
Non-Linear Unconstrained Optimization.
Queuing Models: Characteristics of Queuing Process, Poisson Process, Birth-Death Process, Single Server
Queues, Multi-Server Queues, Queues with Truncation, Finite-source Queues, Numerical Techniques &


1. Combinatorial Optimization -Theory and Algorithms, Bemhard Korte, Jens Vygen.

2. Combinatorial Optimization, W.J. Cook, W.H. Cunningham, W.R. Pulleyblank, A.Schrijver


 Demonstrably understand the general formulation of optimization problems and identify special case
 Be able to distinguish between continuous and discrete cases. Further, should be able to understand
integer and 0/1 programming formulations.
 Be able to mathematically formulate some “real” problems as continuous and discrete optimization
 Demonstrable understanding of different variations of LP and their equivalence.
 Demonstrate understanding of the geometric interpretation of LP and duality
 Show knowledge of the LP algorithms (simplex and IP)
 Be able to formulate Transportation/Assignment problems as LP problems and solve them using LP
 Demonstrate knowledge of Unconstrained and constrained optimization problems and basic necessary
conditions for local solutions.
 Show ability to solve simple 2-d and 3-d problems.
 Demonstrate knowledge of convex optimization and understanding of the role of convex functions.
 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in quadratic programming (QP). Show ability to use convex
optimization solvers for QP.
 Demonstrate understanding of strategies for discrete optimization: local search and greedy algorithms.
 Implement greedy algorithms for minimum spanning tree and shortest paths in a graph
 Demonstrate the understanding of divide-conquer principle. Show understanding and ability to solve
problems set up as dynamic programs.
 Demonstrate knowledge of hard (NP) problems and the use of branch-and-bound techniques to solve
 Demonstrate understanding of max-flow and min-cut duality.
 Demonstrate ability to apply max-flow min-cut theorem to the problem of image segmentation.
 Demonstrate knowledge of modelling of online social networks (OSN) as weighted graphs: independent
cascade and linear threshold model.
 Demonstrate knowledge of applications of optimization tools in cybersecurity and big data analytics.


 An embodied logical model for cognition in artificial cognition system

 Modeling field theory of higher cognitive function
 Reconstructing Human Intelligence within computational science
 Stratified constraint satisfaction network in synergetic multi-agent simulation of language evolution
 Making Meaning in computers; Synthetic ethology revisited
 Mimetic minds; Meaning Formation through epistemic mediators and external representation.

Artificial Cognation System by Angelo Loula, Ricardo Gudwin & Joao Queiroz, 2007, Idea Group Inc.


Pre-requests to the course: -

 Computer Networks.
 Operating System.

COURSE OUTLINE: - Cloud computing is service oriented paradigm for internet users to avail the services. It
is a model enables for ubiquitous and on-demand accesses to share a pool of resources, which are minimal efforts
required for users as well as service providers. This course will give details about various cloud computing
services such as software as a service, platform as a service and Infrastructure as service to the service providers
to run applications without any interruption and to save the IT Infrastructure cost while hosting applications over
the Internet.
 Demonstrate the various Distributed technologies to perform the complex task in highly distributed
 Demonstrate the service oriented architecture to provide on-demand services to Internet users.
 Design service level agreements (SLA) to meet the guaranty services in Cloud Environment.
 Design Energy efficient Scheduling techniques to balance the Workload in a distributed environment.
 Design Energy Efficient model for sustainable cloud platform for next decade various novel service
integration paradigm.
Unit 1:
Introduction Introduction to Cloud Computing, Roots of Cloud Computing: Fundamental concepts of
Distributed Systems, Cluster Computing, Grid Computing, and Mobile Computing.
Unit 2:
Cloud Models Basics of Cloud Computing Concepts, Characteristics of Cloud Computing, Need for Cloud,
Cloud Deployment models: private, public, hybrid and community cloud, Cloud Services: Resource-as-a-Service
(RaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS),
Examples of each service.
Unit 3:
Cloud Services RaaS: Usage of Physical resources like servers, networks, data center etc, IaaS: Virtualization,.
PaaS: Integrated lifecycle platform: Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Anchored life cycle platform:
Salesforce platform, SaaS: Characterizing SaaS, Salesforce’s software environment.
Unit 4:
Resource Scheduling for Cloud Computing: - Introduction, Virtual Machine provisioning and Migration
Services, Scheduling techniques of Virtual machines for resource reservation, Cloud Service Scheduling
hierarchy, Economic models for Resource-allocation scheduling , Heuristic Models for task –execution
scheduling : Static Strategies , Dynamic Strategies , Heuristic Schedulers. Cloud Applications Cloud
Applications, Cloud challenges, Cloud Security and privacy issues, Mobile Cloud Computing, Integration of
Cloud with Wireless Sensor Network and its application.
Text Books: 1. Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley Publication, 2011.
2. Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach by Anthony T. Velte Toby J. Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, The
McGraw-Hill Publication, 2010.
3. Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology and Architecture by Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood, and Ricardo
Puttini, 1st Edition, Prentice Hall.
4. Cloud Computing: Data-Intensive Computing and Scheduling by Frederic Magoules , Jie Pan, and Fei Teng.
CRC Press. Taylors & Francis Group.
Reference Books:

1. Cloud Computing for Dummies, Judith Hurwitz, Robin Bloor, Marcia Kaufman and Fern Halper, Wiley
2. New frontiers in information and software as a service, Divyakant Agrawal, K. SelcukCandan, WenSyan Li
(Eds.), Springer Proceedings.
3. Cloud Computing Theory and Practice Danc. Marinercus, Elsevier, 2013.

 Student will able to understand basic concepts required to develop cloud computing applications.
 Student will able to develop applications for cloud computing to provide on-demand services required for
 Student will able to understand the service oriented architecture such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
 Student will able to design and implement a novel cloud computing application in simulation environment.
 Student will able to do comparative study and analysis of different economic cloud computing models with
existing conventional software developing methodologies.


Objective: After completion of this course students will be able to draw fractals and develop understanding of
Unit 1
The basic concepts of geometric iteration, principle of feedback processes Fundamentals of Fractals, Typesof
fractal (mathematical and nature), self-similarity, fractal dimension, multiple reduction copy machines, the chaos
game, fractals in nature, and decoding fractals. Chaos wipes out every computer. Chaos in (nature and Math).

Unit 2
Standard mathematical fractals(seirpinski carpet ,gasket, cantor dust , koch kurve etc),limits and self
simalirity,Fractal dimension,Types of fractal dimension, implementation of standard fractal and calculating their
Affine transformation, Transformations, composing simple transformations, classical fractals by IFS, drawing the
classical fractals using IFS.

Unit 3
Deterministic Chaos, analysis of chaos, periodic ponts,sensitivity, fixed points, logistic map, sensitivity
dependence of initial condition, implementaion and detailed analysis of logistic map (mathematically and in real
L-systems, turtle graphics (graphical interpretation of L-Systems), Networked MRCMs, L-Systems tree and
bushes, Growing classical fractals with L-Systems and their implementation.
Unit 4
Julia set ( Fractal basin boundaries), complex numbers, escape nad prisoners set, filled Julia set, Quaternion Julia
set, exploring Julia sets by varying complex numbers.
Mandelbort set, geometric features and properties , study structure of Mandelbort set. Implementation of Julia set
and Mandelbort set.
Project: Students will complete a final creative project that involves researching an application to fractals and
chaos. Students will create something to go along with the project, like artwork, a short story, or a computer
generated image.

Learning Outcomes:
 Iterated Function System
 Escape-time Fractals

 Behavior of Chaotic logistic map
 L-system


Human Computer Interaction deals with how humans interact with the Computer System. The course will
uncover how designs are aesthetically done, details of ergonomics and evaluation techniques
Course Objectives
 Demonstrate how input-output channels work.
 To introduce the details of interaction and design.
 To discuss different evaluation techniques and cognitive methods.
 Laboratory exercises to be covered in Lab sessions.

The Human: input-output channels, Human memory, thinking, emotions, individual differences, psychology and
the design of interactive systems.
The Computer: Text entry devices with focus on the design of key boards, positioning, pointing and drawing,
display devices.
The Interaction: Models of interaction, ergonomics, interaction styles, elements of WIMP interfaces,
interactivity, experience, engagement and fun.Paradigms for Interaction.
Design Process: The process of design, user focus, scenarios, navigation design screen design and layout,
iteration & prototyping. Usability Engineering
Design rules: Principles to support usability, standards, guidelines, rules and heuristics, HCI patterns.
Evaluation Techniques: Definition and goals of evaluation, evaluation through expert analysis and user
participation, choosing an evaluation method.
Cognitive methods: Goals and task hierarchies, linguistic models, challenges of display based systems, physical
and device models, cognitive architectures.
Communications and collaborations models: Face to Face communication, conversations, Text based
communication, group working.

Human Computer Interaction; Alan Dix, 3rd ed., Pearson.
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
 Develop better interfaces that are more usable.
 Demonstrate understanding of design guidelines, principles and standards.


The course is designed to develop an understanding of Free and Open Source Software. It will discuss how shell
variables and shell scripting can be used.
Course Objectives
 To introduce the concept of Free and Open Source Software.
 To understand the role of Kernel and shell.
 To demonstrate different commands in Linux.

Introduction: open Source, Free Software, Free Software vs. Open Source software, Public Domain Software,
FOSS does not mean any cost. History : BSD, The Free Software Foundation and the GNU Project.
Open Source Development Model Licences and Patents: What Is A License, Important FOSS Licenses (Apache,
Open source operating system: Overview of Open Source operating systems, Introduction to Linux and Unix,
Flavours of *NIX Operating systems.
Introduction to Linux: File system, Shell and Kernel,vi editor, shell variables, command line programming.
Filters and commands: Pr, head,tail,cut,paste,sort,uniq,tr,join,etc,grep,egrep,fgrepetc., sed,awk etc.,granting
and revoking rights.Any other relevant topic.

1. Brian W. Kernighan, The Practice of Programming, Pearson Education.
2. Bach Maurice J, Design of the Unix Operating system, PHI.
3. Daniel P. Bovet, Understanding the Linux Kernel, Oreilly.

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
 Demonstrate the understanding of different *NIX operating systems.
 Work on Linux using different commands and develop shell scripts.


Objective: After completion of this course students will be able to understand architectural design that provides
the parallel computational power to the computer.
Pipeline and Vector Processing: Nonlinear and linear pipelining, Multiprocessor, Multicomputer, Super
computer. Array Processors. Scope and Application of Parallel approach.

Paradigms of parallel computing: SIMD, Systolic; Asynchronous - MIMD, reduction paradigm. Hardware
taxonomy: Flynn's classifications, Handler's classifications.
PRAM model and its variants: EREW, ERCW, CRCW, PRAM algorithms, Sorting network, Interconnection
RAMs. Parallelism approaches - data parallelism, control parallelism.

Parallel Processors: Taxonomy and topology - shared memory mutliprocessors, distributed memory networks.
Processor organization - Static and dynamic interconnections. Embeddings and simulations.

Performance Metrices: Laws governing performance measurements. Metrices - speedup, efficiency, utilization,
cost, communication overheads, single/multiple program performances, bench marks.
Scheduling and Parallelization: Scheduling parallel programs. Loop scheduling. Parallelization of sequential
programs. Parallel programming support environments.

1. M. J. Quinn.Parallel Computing: Theory and Practice, McGraw Hill, New York, 1994.
2. T. G. Lewis and H. El-Rewini. Introduction to Parallel Computing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1992.
3. T. G. Lewis.Parallel Programming: A Machine-Independent Approach, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los
4. Sima and Fountain, Advanced Computer Architectures, Pearson Education.
5. Mehdi R. Zargham, Computer Architectures single and parallel systems, PHI.
6. Ghosh, Moona and Gupta, Foundations of parallel processing, Narosa publishing.

7. Ed. Afonso Ferreira and Jose’ D. P. Rolin, Parallel Algorithms for irregular problems - State of the art, Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
8. Selim G. Akl, The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms, PH International.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
 Understand uniprocessor computer architecture
 Understand the computer architecture (i.e., pipelining and superscalar processor design and memory
 Understand parallel hardware and parallel software
 Understand shares-memory management
 Understand distributed-memory with MPI
 Understand general-purpose GPU


 Brief Introduction to S/W agent Technology
 Agent & AI
 Practical design of intelligent agent System
 Intelligent Agent application Area
 Biological Foundations of Swarm Intelligence
 Swarm Intelligence in Optimization
 Routing protocols for next-generation network Inspired by collective Behaviours of insects societies: An
 An Agent based approach to self organised production
 Organic Computing and Swarm Intelligence

1. Intelligent software agents: foundations and applications by Walter Brenner, Rudiger Zarnekow, Hartmut
Witting Springer, 1998.
2. Swarm intelligence: introduction and applications By Christian Blum, Daniel Merkle., Springer 2008


Course Description: This course is an overview of the modern Web technologies used for the Web
development. The purpose of this course is to give students the basic understanding of how things work in the
Web world from the technology point of view as well as to give the basic overview of the different technologies.
The topics include (although in some cases briefly): History of the Web, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML),
Extensible HTML (XHTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and Extensible Markup Language
We will follow the guidance of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to create interoperable and functional

Overall Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Describe and explain the relationship among HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML and other web
2. Get familiar with W3C standards and recommendations;
3. To create and publish a basic web page using HTML and its many tags;
4. To describe limitations of creating interactivity including browser support and differences;
5. To describe the difference between Java and JavaScript;
6. To understand and use JavaScript variables, control structures, functions, arrays, and objects;
7. To learn and modify CSS properties using JavaScript;
8. To find out what are XML syntax, elements, attributes, validation etc.;
9. To utilize HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, and JavaScript to develop an interactive web site.


Computer Package
Installation of RStudio and understanding the basic framework,Basic computational structures – Iterations and
Recursions,Sequences and Arrays in R – Search and Sort Algorithms,Vectors and Matrices in R – Solving
systems of linear equations,Functions in R – Plotting (2D, Contour, 3D), Differentiation, Root finding,Linear
Models in R – Gradient descent, linear regression, Eigenvalue/vector computation and SVD in R ,Handling
sparse matrices in R – Basic operations on sparse matrices,Probability Distributions and Random Sampling in R,
Monte-Carlo Simulation in R – Implementation of case studies

Concept of Computations
Algorithms – Search and Sort, Divide and Conquer, Greedy Algorithms - motivating example from setcover for
large data sets.Computational Complexity – Growth of functions, Order notation,Computational Complexity --
Convergence, Error Estimation,Sparse Matrix – Store, Search and Basic operations,Binary Trees and Graphs as
Computational Models

Numerical Methods
Solving system of linear equations – Gauss-Jordan (concept of pivoting), Solving non-linear equations –
Newton-Raphson, Steepest Descent,Optimizing cost functions – Gradient descent, least square regression,
Iterative methods in Linear Algebra – Power iteration, Eigenvalues, SVD

Computing Methodologies
Monte-Carlo Simulation – Case studies, Sparse Matrix – Store, Search and Basic operationsPruning
andSampling algorithms, streaming data, External sorting


1.Software for Data Analysis – Programming with R : John M. Chambers, Springer

2.Elementary Numerical Analysis – An Algorithmic Approach: Samuel Conte and Carl de Boor (McGraw-Hill
3.Introduction to Algorithms:Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein, The MT Press (Third Edition)


 To teach state of art of wireless sensor networks.
 To discuss importance of communication protocols.
 To teach challenges in routing protocol and overview of transport layer protocols.
 To teach basics of Internet of Things.
Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks – Characteristics, Applications, Design objectives, challenges.
Technological Background – MEMS Technology, Hardware and Software Platforms, Wireless Sensor Network
Standards. Sensor network architectures and protocol stack.


Fundamental MAC protocols, Objectives of MAC design, Energy efficiency in MAC design, MAC protocols for
wireless sensor networks – Contention based protocols, Contention free protocols, Hybrid protocols.


Fundamentals and Challenges of Routing protocol, Overview of Routing protocols: Location-aided protocols,
Layered and In-network processing based protocols, Data centric and multipath Protocols. Data aggregation
mechanisms. Traditional transport protocols, Transport protocols for sensor networks


Introduction, Reference Model and architecture, IoT reference Model. IoT Reference Architecture- Introduction,
Functional View, Information View, Deployment and Operational View, Other Relevant architectural views.

1. Jun Zheng, Abbas, “Wireless sensor networks A networking perspective”, WILEY, 2009.
2. KazemSohraby, Daniel Minoli, &TaiebZnati, ―Wireless Sensor Networks-Technology, Protocols, And
Applications‖, John Wiley, 2007
3. Thomas Haenselmann, ―Wireless Sensor Networks: Design Principles for Scattered Systems‖,
OldenbourgVerlag, 2011
4. Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”,1st Edition, VPT,

1. E. H. Callaway, Jr. E. H. Callaway, Wireless Sensor Networks Architecture and Protocols: CRC Press
2. F. Zhao and L. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Network: Information Processing Approach, Elsevier.
3. A. Hac, Wireless Sensor Network Designs, John Wiley & Sons
4. Francis daCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting Everything”, 1st
Edition, Apress Publications, 2013
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students can be able to:
1. Understand technological background of sensor networks.
2. Able to design applications using Raspberry Pi.
3. Design and apply various existing routing protocols of sensor networks.
4. Design the architecture and reference model of IoT.

Course Outline:

This course provides an introduction to Game Theory. Game Theory is a mathematical framework that studies
strategic interactions amongst self-interested decision makers. It has applications in a wide variety of areas,
including statistical decision theory, artificial intelligence (online learning, multi-agent systems), economics and
business (auctions, pricing, bargaining), political science (stability of government, military strategy), philosophy
(ethics, morality and social norms) and biology (evolution, signaling behavior, fighting behavior).

Course Overview:

The novel concepts of game theory and how to find different equilibrium solutions to different types of games
will be extensively covered in this course. These will be explained and elucidated with relevant examples.
This course provides a rigorous treatment of solution concepts for games with perfect and imperfect information
including rationalxizability, Nash and subgame perfect Nash equilibria. It covers topics such as auction, VNM
utility function, bargaining game etc. It also discusses cooperative game solution concepts-core, Shapley value
and bayesian game with Cournot’s duopoly.

UNIT 1- Games with Perfect Information-Strategic Games; Nash Equilibrium and Existence Properties; Some
Games in Normal Form, Nash Equilibria in Zero-Sum Games, Bräss' Paradox, and more on Mixed Strategies,
Games in Extensive Form, Market Equilibrium and Pricing.

UNIT 2- Electoral Competition: Median Voter Theorem; Auctions: Definitions and The role of Knowledge;
Decision Making and Utility Theory; Mixed Strategy Equilibrium;
The Paretian System Equilibrium, and Walrasian General Equilibrium Theory, Von Neumann and Morgenstern
Utility Function, Theory of Risk Aversion, Equilibrium Theory.

UNIT 3- Sealed Bid Auctions, VCG Procedures, Generalized Vickrey Auctions, VCG Procedures, Cournot
Competition and Stackelberg Equilibrium; Arrow's Impossibility Theorem, Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem,
Bargaining Game with Alternating Offers; Bargaining Game with Alternating Offers (General Utilities); Nash
Bargaining Solution; Stable Marriages; Multi-Item Auctions; Cooperative Game Theory: Cores; Stable Sets and
Shapley Value.

UNIT 4- Strategic Games with Imperfect Information-Bayesian Games; Cournot’s Duopoly with Imperfect
Information; Radio Spectrum, With Arbitrary Distribution of Valuations

1. "Fun and Games: A Text on Game Theory", Ken Binmore, A.I.T.B.S Publishers.
2. "A Course in Game Theory", Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein, MIT Press.
3. Prajit Dutta, Strategies and Games, MIT Press

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to model competitive real world phenomena using
concepts from game theory and identify optimal strategy and equilibrium solution for such models. They will be
ready to explain the potential or proven relevance of game theory and its impact in various fields of human
interaction which involve conflict of interest between two or more participants.



 To understand Levels of Language Analysis, Organization of Natural language Systems

 To learn Linguistic Background: An outline of English syntax.
 To learn Grammars and Parsing, Morphological Analysis, Parsing with Features, Various Lexicon
Resource & Knowledge Source
 To understand Grammars for Natural Language, Ambiguity Resolution

Introduction to Natural Language Understanding: The study of Language, Evaluating Language Understanding
Systems, Different levels of Language Analysis, Representations and Understanding, Organization of Natural
language Understanding Systems, Linguistic Background: An outline of English syntax.

Grammars and Parsing: Grammars and sentence Structure, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Parsers, Transition
Network Grammars, Top-Down Chart Parsing. 33. Morphological Analysis and the Lexicon, Parsing with
Features, Augmented Transition Networks, Various Lexicon Resource & Knowledge Source, Study of Word Net
and Indo Net
Grammars for Natural Language: Auxiliary Verbs and Verb Phrases, Movement Phenomenon in Language,
Handling questions in Context-Free Grammars, Hold mechanisms in ATNs. Human preferences in Parsing,
Encoding uncertainty, Deterministic Parser, Study of POS Tagger, Stemmer
Ambiguity Resolution: Statistical Methods, Estimating Probabilities, Part-of-Speech tagging, Obtaining Lexical
Probabilities, Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars, Best First Parsing. Semantics and Logical Form: Word
senses and Ambiguity, Encoding Ambiguity in Logical Form. Discourse Analysis and Pragmatic Analysis
Books Recommended:
1. JAMES ALLEN, Natural Language Understanding, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2003.
2. D. JURAFSKY, J. H. MARTIN, Speech and Language Processing, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. CHRISTOPHER D. MANNING, HINRICH SCHÜTZE, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.1999.
4. U. S. TIWARY, TANVEER SIDDIQUI, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, Oxford
University Press (2008).
Paninian Perspective
After completion of this course students will be able to design a model of a prototype language.

Note: More Number of Elective to be added, MOOCs Courses Adopted in to Syllabus with approval of School
Board and BOS.


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