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American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Development (AJMRD)

Volume 2, Issue 1 (January- 2020), PP 01-09

ISSN: 2360-821X

Research Paper Open Access

Effects of Waste Water from Hair Dressing Salon on Soil

Ebah Esther Eneyi; Atser Martha Mnenge, Emmanuel Olumuyiwa Onifade and
Omoregbe Florence Bose
Department of Microbiology, University of Agriculture, PMB 2373 Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria. Telephone:
*Corresponding author: Ebah Esther Eneyi

ABSTRACT:- Microbiological studies to assess the effect of waste water from hair dressing salon on soil
microorganisms was carried out. A total of twelve (12) samples of salon waste water were collected from eight (8)
locations and soil sample was collected, within Makurdi metropolis. The determination of total heterotrophic
bacteria count and fungi count was carried out using five-fold serial dilution using the spread plate method. The
results showed Total Viable Count (TVC) to be 32.2 (± 0.28) ×105 Cf µ/g, 18.3(± 0.42) ×105 Cfu/ g, 25.0 (±1.41)
×105Cfu/ g for untreated soil, treated soil and waste water. The Total Colony Count (TCC) showed 14.3 (± 0.42) ×
105 Cfu/ g, 9.4 (± 0.56) ×105 Cfu/ g, 24.0 (± 0.00) ×105Cfu/ g for untreated soil, treated soil and water waste. Total
Fungi Count (TFC) showed the result to be 7.2 (±0.28) ×105Cfu/ g, 3.6 (±0.00) × 105Cfu/ g, 10.0 (±0.28) ×105 Cfu/
g for untreated soil, treated soil and waste water respectively. There was a decrease in TVC, TCC, and TFC of the
treated soil. The microbial isolates obtained from untreated soil includes; Staphylococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., E.
coli, Bacillus spp., Micrococcus spp., Proteus spp, and Streptococcus spp. While Aspergillus spp, Mucor spp,
Rhizopus spp and yeast cells constitute the fungal isolates. Treated soil revealed Bacteria isolates to be
Staphylococcus spp, Klebsiella spp, E. coli, Bacillus spp, Proteus spp., the fungal isolates includes Aspergillus spp,
Rhizopus spp. Staphylococcus spp., E. coli, Bacillus spp, Klebsiella spp., Mucor spp., Rhizopus spp and Yeast cells
constitute the fungal isolates. The physiochemical properties showed the pH to be 6.82, Turbidity 8.46, Temperature
26.50oC, BOD 30.8 mg/L, COD 112.00 mg/L and conductivity (µs/cm) 540. Micrococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.,
yeast cells and Mucor spp. were absent in soil treated with waste water thus, waste water from hair dressing salon
has a negative effect on soil microorganisms. Waste water from hair dressing salon should be adequately treated
before discharging into receiving environment.

Keywords:- Effluent, Salon, Sludge, Yeast, Bacteria, Turbidity, Temperature

The ubiquity of microorganisms made it easier for them to thrive in different habitats of which waste water
from hair dressing salon on soil is not exempted. Waste water from domestic, industrial sector and even farms
increase on the daily basis due to increase in population (Patil et al., 2014). So, effluent and sludge from municipal
sewage treatment plants, and that of water supplying to plants do contain micro and macro nutrients and heavy
metals in high quantity which also lead to contamination of soil thereby posing threat microorganism which are of
benefits to agriculture as a result of land pollution. This surface pollution come both solid and liquid waste disposal
practices, spills, agricultural practices and percolation of surface pollutants through unsaturated soil (Patil et al.,
Microorganisms are an important part of the ecological system. Although, population of microorganisms
differ from one environment to another; previous studies on microbes in the environment showed that
microorganisms cannot be purified and separated in the laboratory. So, it a bit challenging to get the variation in the
microbial population structure under diverse or different environments (Dominati et al., 2010; Medeirospm et al.,
Organic and inorganic nutrients comprise major part of wastewaters. The inorganic concentrations include nitrogen,
phosphate, potassium and others. Therefore, waste waters do have quite large amounts of poisonous or toxic heavy
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Effects of Waste Water from Hair Dressing Salon on Soil Microrganisms

metals whose concentration differs from one environment to another (Mojiri and Amirossadat, 2011; Alshammary
and Qian, 2008).
The use of water cut across all nations and continents to the extent that waste water had been defined in
different ways. According to the previous study, waste water is defined as a combination of one or more domestic
effluent consisting of black water like excreta, urine and feacal sludge as well as and gray water from kitchen and
bathing waste water. It is also defined as the water from commercial establishments and institutions like hospitals;
industrial effluent, storm and urban runoff. Another definition of waste water has it that waste water is agricultural
horticultural and aquaculture effluent either dissolved or suspended matter (Corcoran et al., 2010). In addition, water
contaminated by either chemical or biological agent is often unfit for drinking and other uses (Rathore et al., 2014).
It is obvious improper management of waste water that enters river systems and agricultural fields which are the
primary source for disposal of waste. This especially the effluents from industries and its environments can alter the
physical, chemical and biological nature of the soil whose the water passes before entering the rivers and after
entering the rivers (Fakayode, 2005).
Furthermore, industries are the primary sources of pollution in all environments. Although various levels of
pollutants from different industries can be released to the environments via different means; wastewater from
industries includes employees’ sanitary waste, process wastes from manufacturing, wash waters and relatively
uncontaminated water from heating and cooling operations (Kanu and Achi, 2011; Emongor et al., 2005). High
levels of pollutants in river water systems causes an increase in biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen
demand (COD), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), toxic metals such as Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb
and fecal coli form and hence make such water unsuitable for drinking, irrigation and aquatic life (Kanu and Achi,
2011). Therefore, industrial wastewaters come with high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) from biodegradable
wastes from plating shops (hair dressing salon), textiles industries, slaughter houses, human sewage, tanneries,
chemical industry, pulp and paper industries (Otokunefor and Obiukwu, 2005; Phiri et al., 2005).
Soil has been a good habitat for microbes despite the fact that its diversity in the components which could be due to
organic pollution of inland water systems in continent such as Africa. In Africa extreme poverty and economic as
well as social underdevelopment has caused more environmental problem to these soil microbiota (Kanu and Achi,
2011; Ritz et al., 2003).
Moreover, the report of the previous researcher revealed that the soil environment is very complex and also
depend on climate, organisms, land form as well as the parent materials and then provides different habitats for
microorganisms. The profile of a soil reflects the organic matter that has undergone decomposition which is also
known as humus (Dominati et al., 2010; Ritz et al., 2003).
With regards to hair dressing water from hair dressing salon, previous findings showed increased chemical and
biological oxygen demand in the effluent contaminated soil of the waste water generated from hair dressing salon
(Ajuzie and Osaghae, 2011). So, cosmetologists are in a way exposed their customers to high concentrations of
compounds that can exposed these customers to danger of cancer. A good numbers of these products used in beauty
salons are not under control could be carcinogenic. An example is volatile organic compounds (VOC) such as
lithium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide and ammonium thiocyanate (Nkansah et al., 2016).
Nonetheless, the problem in disposal of waste water has become one the main challenge urban settlements
as a result of large populations of human beings in the settlements. This has made sewage related problems a general
challenge across the globe (Tyohemba et al., 2017; WHO, 2003). Nkansah and Onwusah and other researchers were
of the opinion that in contaminated water in the soil, oxygen becomes less available as electron acceptor and then
results into reduction of available nitrate into gaseous nitrogen thereby having adverse effects in the environment.
Also, chemicals in waste water can sink down into the soil and then affect the chemical composition of such soil
environment resulting into land pollution, air pollution and several environmental and health impacts from
insufficient waste water treatment. (Onwusah et al., 2015; Nkansah et al., 2016).
In addition, dated back to 1980s, Norman Pace and colleagues findings revealed that organisms could be
identified in as expected in their microbial populations even without growing them. These techniques typically
require the extraction and isolation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes directly from cells in soil (Caporaso et al.,
2012). Further studies by Caporaso and others also showed the rRNA genes amplified from total community DNA
using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with rRNA-specifi c primers. These primers can select different
microbial groups at level of the domain such as in Bacteria, Eukarya, and Archaea, or in phylum ssuch as
Actinobacteria or Bacteroidetes. Although different approaches can be taken to separate and sequence the rRNA
genes by the means of advances in high-throughput DNA sequencing which do allow thousands of individuals to be
identified in each of thousands of samples in a week (Caporaso et al., 2012).

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Effects of Waste Water from Hair Dressing Salon on Soil Microrganisms

The majority of the studies on soil contaminated with waste water focused on exploring how the local microbial
community interacted with the environmental factors concerned. However, a few studies made a comparison of the
microbial community in a contaminated environment with that of an investigated environment in microbial
communities in the environments at different distances from a pollutant (Azarbad et al., 2013; Yergeau et al., 2012).
Contamination of soil in cultivated fields by industrial effluents loaded with toxic heavy metals has emerged as a
new threat to agriculture and microbes. So, the effluent from municipal sewage treatment plants, from supplying
water to plants, often contains high levels of macro and micro nutrients as well as heavy metals. Pollution on the
ground surface is the major cause of soil pollution, so this surface pollution comes from solid and liquid wastes
improper disposing habit (Tyohemba et al., 2017; Patil et al., 2014; Tortora et al., 2007).
In general, the discharge of untreated wastewater into the soil do result into the presence of the following
elements viz: iron, lead, phosphorus, calcium, and zinc which quantities usually low or not available in the soil
before now and then when introduced into the environment will result to an increase in the aforementioned
chemicals and also affect soil microbiota due to the change in the soil physicochemical. Some of these chemicals
may be toxic to the soil microbial flora and fauna (Tyohemba et al., 2017; Tortora et al., 2007). This research is
therefore sets to study the effects of waste water from hair dressing salons on soil microorganisms.


Study Area
Area encompasses Makurdi which is the capital of Benue State, North Central, Nigeria. Makurdi is located
on latitude 7o 41N and longitude 8o 37E on the Benue State map (Meterological Department Nigerian Airforce Base
Makurdi). Makurdi is situated on the Banks of River Benue with total population of 297,393 in Federal Republic of
Nigeria 2007.
Collection of Samples
Samples of waste water were collected from different hair dressing salons in Makurdi metropolis of Benue
State. The sample locations were Wadata, Modern Market, Northbank, Gboko Road, University of Agriculture
Makurdi, Wurukum Market and High Level. A total of 12 (twelve) samples were collected and mixed together to
obtain a homogenous mixture. The areas were chosen due to their high number of hair dressing salons. Soil samples
were collected in sterile polyethene bags at a depth of 0-5cm using a sterile spatula.
Media Preparation
All media were prepared according to manufacturers’ instruction.
Nutrient Agar
14g of nutrient agar was weighed and poured into 500ml distilled water in a conical flask. The mixture was
swirled to obtain a homogenous mixture and there after sealed with Aluminum foil and sterilized by autoclaving for
15mins at 121 oC and cooled at 45 oC and aseptically pour plated into petrish dishes and allow to gel.
Potatoe Dextrose Agar (PDA)
19.5g of PDA was weighed and poured into 500ml distilled water in a conical flask. The mixture was
swirled to obtain a homogenous mixture and thereafter sealed with Aluminum foil and sterilized by autoclaving for
15 minutes at 121 0C and cooled at 45 0C and ascetically pour plated into petri dishes and allow to gel.
Inoculation of Medium
Serial dilution of 10-5 was used for soil contaminated with waste water were made. The aerobic bacteria
count was carried out using 1ml of appropriate serially diluted sample in prepared nutrients agar and PDA for fungal
Total Heterotrophic Count
The determination of the total heterotrophic count for bacteria and fungi count was carried out using five
(5) fold serial dilution method and plating on nutrient agar and Potatoes Dextrose Agar using spread plate method
and incubated at 37 0C for bacteria growth and at 37 0C for 5-7 days for fungal growth.
Isolation and Identification of Bacteria and Fungi
Organisms with different cultural characteristics were sub-cultured using the same medium on which they
were inoculated to obtain pure culture. For bacteria, distinct colonies were picked from each plate using a sterile
wire loop and streaked on nutrient agar medium. This was incubated for 24 hours at a temperature of 35 0C after
which the plate were preserved for further biochemical tests and identification of specific organisms.

Identification of Bacteria Isolates

The bacteria isolates were identified based on their cultural, biochemical properties and microscopic
appearance as describe by Cheesbrough (2005).
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Effects of Waste Water from Hair Dressing Salon on Soil Microrganisms

Isolation of Fungi
For fungi, there was no sub culture since PDA is specifically meant for fungi growth, however, they were
isolated based on the macroscopic and microscopic appearance of spores and shape of fungal cell. The probable
identities of the moulds were determined according to the scheme of Youssuf and Kerstin (2010).
Identification of Fungi Isolates
The fungal isolates were identified based on the cultural, biochemical properties and microscopic
appearance as described by Cheesbrough (2005).
Biochemical Test
Biochemical test were carried out by the method adopted by Cheesbrough (2005).
Citrate Utilization Test
Simon’s citrate slant was inoculated and streaked with test organism using a sterile wire loop. The medium
was inoculated at 37 0C for 48 hours positive result showed blue colour on Simon’s citrate agar. (citrate utilization).
A negative result retained the original colour of the medium.
Indole Test
The test organism was inoculated in 3ml of sterile peptone water in a bijou bottle and incubated aerobically
at 37 0C for 45 hours. Indole production was tested by addition of 0.5ml kovac’s reagent and allowed to stand for
5mins. Bright pink colour at the top layer of the broth indicated a positive result while yellow colour indicated a
negative result.
Gram staining
This was carried out to distinguished gram positive and gram negative organisms. Gram positive bacteria
will retain the dye iodine complex and hence will appear purple or dark blue while gram negative bacteria which is
not retained by the cystal violet were counter stained with sarfranin and will appear pink to red (Prescott et al.,
A thin smear of colony of the test organism was made on a clean microscopic slide. It was allowed to air dry and the
heat fixed by passing glass slide through the flame three (3) times. The fixed smear was then covered with 3 drops
of crystal violet for 60 seconds and rinsed with clean water. It is then discolourized with 95% acetone and rinsed
immediately with running water. The smear was covered with safranin for 30 seconds before it was rinsed. Then it
was viewed with oil immersion by the use of x100 objective lens.
Catalase Test
A sterile wire loop was used to obtain colony from nutrient agar and dipped into test tube containing 3%
H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide). Effervescence of O2 (oxygen) indicate the presence of catalase positive organism while
no effervescence indicate a negative result.
Motility Test
Motility test agar was inoculated with a small portion of the test organism and stab to the bottom of the
bottle of the semi-solid nutrient agar using a sterile straight wire. The straight wire is pulled out in the same line
from the rest agar and incubated aerobically at 37oc for 45hours. The motile bacteria spread throughout the medium
(true motility) while the non motile grow only at the hive of stab.
Physiochemical Parameters
The following parameters were determined for hair salon effluent: pH, Temperature (°C), conductivity, turbidity,
biochemical oxygen demand, (mg/l) chemical oxygen demand (mg/l). Effluent analysis was in accordance with
standard method for examination of waste water.
Biological oxygen demand (BOD)
BOD in water was determined by the difference in the dissolve oxygen (DO) levels of water prior to incubation and
after 5 days of incubation. The BOD of the collected waste water was determined by dilution method. Dilution of
water was prepared by addition of 10ml of each of the reagents phosphate buffer, magnesium sulphate, calcium
chloride into 10l of water to measured volume of waste water sample was topped with a dilution of 10l water mark
standard flask. Two (2) 300ml amber bottles were filled with diluted water one of the bottles was incubated at 20 oc
for 5 days MnS04 solution, alkali – lodide – azide was added to the other. At the end of five (5) days, the bottle in
the incubator was brought out DO5 was determined following procedure for DO1

BOD5 (mg/l) = (DO0 – DO5) x Volume of bottle

Volume of sample
pH was determined using a pH meter (model) Jenway 3310, the pH electrode was immersed into the waste water
and reading recorded.
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Effects of Waste Water from Hair Dressing Salon on Soil Microrganisms

Temperature was determined using thermometer; the thermometer was dropped into the sample for 3 – 5 minutes.
The reading was taken when the mercury level in the thermometer became stable.
Conductivity was determined using conductivity meter.

Statistical Analysis
Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used for the statistical analysis. Descriptive
statistics that is mean ± standard error values were expressed for log transformed microbial counts. A one way
analysis of variance was carried out at p ≤ 0.05.


The result from this present study is presented as follows:
The total viable count of untreated soil, treated soil and waste water showed a microbial count of 32.2 x 105± 0.28 x
105 Cfu/g, 18.3 x 105 ± 0.42 x 105 Cfu/g and 25.0 x 105 ± 1.41 x 105 respectively. As represented in Table 4.1, the
untreated soil recorded the highest count
The total colony count of untreated soil, treated soil and waste water showed a count of 14.3 x 105 ± 0.42 x 105
Cfu/ g, 9.4 x 105 ± 0.56 x 105Cfu/g, and 24 x 105 ± 0.00 x 105Cfu/ g, respectively with waste water having the highest
count as represented in Table 4.2.
In Table 3 the total fungi count of untreated soil, treated soil and waste water is shown as 7.2 x 105± 0.28 x 105
Cfu/ g, 3.6 x 105 ± 0.00 x 105 Cfu/g and 10.0 x 105 ± 2.80 x 105 Cfu/g respectively. Waste water recorded the highest
fungi count and treated soil recorded the least count.
The cultural and biochemical characteristic of bacteria isolates is shown in Table 4. The percentage
prevalence of bacteria isolates is shown in Table 5. The macroscopic and microscopic characteristic of fungi,
isolated from this study is shown on Table 6. In Table 7, the percentage prevalence of fungi isolates is shown, with
waste water having the highest prevalence (46.31%), treated soil having the least (21.28%). Physiochemical
parameters of waste water sample is shown in Table 8.

Table 1: Total Viable Count (TVC) of Isolates

Sample Mean ± SD Sig
5 5
Untreated soil 32.2 x 10 ± 0.28 x 10 0.004
Treated Soil 18.3 x 105 ± 0.42x105 0.010
Waste Water 25.0 x 105 ± 1.41 x 105 0.025

p ≤ 0.05
Table 2: Total Colony Count (TCC) of Isolates
Sample Mean ± SD Sig
Untreated soil 14.3 x 105 ± 0.42 x 105 0.013

Treated Soil 9.4 x 105 ± 0.56 x 105 0.027

Waste Water 24.0 x 105 ± 0.00 x 105 0.000
Key: p ≤ 0.05

Table 3: Total Fungi Count (TFC) of Isolates

Sample Mean ± SD Sig
Untreated soil 7.2 x 105 ± 0.28 x 105 0.018
Treated Soil 3.6 x 105 ± 0.00 x 105 0.000
Waste Water 10.0 x 105 ± 2.80 x 105 0.126
Key: p ≤ 0.05

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Effects of Waste Water from Hair Dressing Salon on Soil Microrganisms

Table 4: Cultural Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics of Bacterial Isolates

S/N Colony Colony Morphol Probable Isolates
Colour Shape ogy





1 Cream Circular Cocci + + + - - - Staphyloccus spp
2 Mucoid Iregular Rod - + + + - - Klebsiella spp
3 Green Circular Rod - + - - + + E. Coli
4 White Irregular Rod + + + + - + Bacillus spp
5 Yellow Circular Cocci + + + - - - Micrococcus spp
6 Pale Circular Rod - + + + - + Proteus sps
7 Pale Circular Cocci + - - - - - Streptococcus spp

Table 5: Percentage Prevalence of Isolates

Probable Isolates Untreated Soil (%) Treated Soil (%) Waste Water (%) Total (%)
Staph. Spp 3(4.50) 5 (7.00) 4(6.00) 12(17.91)
Kleb. Spp 4(6.00) 4(6.00) 2(3.00) 10(14.93)
E. Coli 4(6.00) 3(4.50) 4(6.00) 11(16.42)
Bacullus spp 5(7.50) 5(7.50) 3(4.50) 13(19.40)
Micrococcus spp 3(4.50) 0(0.00) 5(7.50) 8(11.94)
Proteus ssp 3(4.50) 2(3.00) 3(4.50) 8(11.94)
Streptococcus spp 2(3.00) 0(0.00) 3(4.50) 5(7.50)
Total (%) 24(35.82) 19(28.36) 24(35.82) 67(100)

Table 6: Macroscopic and Microscopic Characteristics of Fungi isolated

Macroscopic Microscopic Isolate Fungi
Velvety filament which sporulate into black Long septate hyphae with conidiosphore Aspergillus sp
powdery spores bearing brown spores and phialide at it apex
Flat smooth moist and glistering colonies that Multilateral budding with absence of hypae Yeast cells
grow rapidly
Long hypae growth which sporulated within two Non septate branch mycelium with round Rhizopus sp
days to turn to black spore shaped sporangia
White and wooly aeria growth that darkens as it Non septate hyphae with straight Mucor sp
sporulate sporangiosphere with many spherical spores

Table 7: Percentage Prevalence of Fungi Isolates

Fungi Isolates Untreated Soil Treated Soil Waste Water
Aspergillus spp 3(27.27) 2(18.18) 15(31.25)
Mucor spp 3(6.25) - 6(4.65)
Rhizopus spp 6(4.65) 4(3.10) 5(10.41)
Yeast cells 1(5.09) - -
Total 13(43.26) 7(21.28) 24(46.31)

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Effects of Waste Water from Hair Dressing Salon on Soil Microrganisms

Table 8: Physiochemical Parameters of Waste Water Sample

Parameters Sample (Waste Water)
pH 6.82
Turbidity (mg/L) 8.46
Temperature (0 0C) 26.50
BOD 30.80
COD 112.00
Conductivity [µs/cm] 540.00

The study was conducted to assess the effect of waste water from hair dressing salon on soil
The result showed that bacterial isolates identified in untreated soil sample include; Staphylococcus spp.,
Klebsiella spp., E. coli, Bacillus spp., Micrococcus spp., Proteus spp., Streptococcus with the percentage occurrence
of 4.50%, 6.00%, 6.00%, 7.50%, 4.50%, 4.50%, 3.00%. Bacillus spp. having the highest percentage occurrence;
this present study agrees with the study of Borneman et al. (1996) who reported and proposed extensive microbial
diversity including specie richness and evenness per gram of soil for uncontaminated soil.
The microbial isolates from treated soil showed; Staphylococcus spp, Klebsiella spp, E. coli, Bacillus spp., Proteus
spp., with the percentage prevalence of 7.00%, 6.00%, 4.50%, 7.50% 3.00%. Micrococcus spp, and Streptococcus
spp. were absent in the treated soil.

Microbial isolates from waste water revealed; Staphylococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., E. coli, Bacillus spp.,
Micrococcus spp., Proteus spp., Streptococcus. With the percentage prevalence of 6.00%, 3.00%, 6.00%, 4.50%,
7.50%, 4.50%, 4.50%, Micrococcus having the highest occurrence of 7.50%, with Klebsiella having the least
3.00%. The low occurrence of the Klebsiella can be attributed to the high Chlorine content of salon waste water as
Chlorine is bactericidal to enteric bacteria (Ajuzie and Osaghae 2011). The fungi isolates found in untreated soil
include; Aspergillus spp., Mucor spp., Rhizopus spp., yeast cells with the percentage occurrence of 27.27%, 6.25%,
4.65%, 5.09% with Aspergillus having the highest percentage occurrence and yeast cells having the least occurrence
of 5.09%. The fungi isolates in waste water include; Aspergillus spp., Mucor spp., Rhizopus with the percentage
occurrence of 31.25%, 4.65%, 10.41% with Aspergillus having the highest contamination. The fungi isolates from
treated soil shows; Aspergillus and Rhizopus with the percentage occurrence of 18.18% and 3.10% respectively.
Mucor spp and yeast cells were absent in the treated soil. This shows consistency with the research of Ge et al.
(2009), who stated that the number of fungi shows a descending trend after long term irrigation with waste water.
The physiochemical parameters of waste water sample; the physiochemical analysis shows the pH to be 6.82. The
result indicates that the pH value varies from weakly acidic. This could be attributed to the presence of chemicals
like sodium hydroxide in hair relaxers and dyes used in hair conditioners (Dias, 2015). The pH value is however
within the World Health Organization (WHO) and Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) acceptable
limits of 6.0 – 9.0 for drinking water and waste water discharge into the surrounding (WHO, 2004; FEPA, 1991).
The turbidity was 8.46 which is high compare to the WHO acceptable value which is 5 (five) and this may be as a
result of colour. This is an indicative of large number of microorganisms. Turbidity influences the penetration of
light. The temperature of the samples differs slightly within the range of 26.50 0C which is compliance with FEPA
acceptable effluent permissible limit of (≤ 40 0C). The biological oxygen demand (BOD) value was 30.80mg/l.
which is above acceptable limit of FEPA which is 30mg/l. this can be as a result of low biodegradable species in the
waste water.
The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) value obtained was 112.00 which exceed the acceptable value of
FEPA. The COD is the measure of the capacity of water to consume oxygen during the decomposition of inorganic
chemicals such as nitrate and ammonia. A high COD value suggests more waste products or pollutants presence in
the effluent such as sodium, dimethylphthalates and bis (2 ethylhexyl) and ammonium nitrogen. Since COD
indirectly measures the amount of organic compound present in water. It therefore means the water was heavily

This study shows that the use waste water effluent in Agriculture provides an alternative to disposal by
utilizing the recyclable constituents in sludge and waste water because sewage is capable of providing the essential
nutrients for crop in the course of growth when applied as manure. But, when salon waste is not controlled, it may

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Effects of Waste Water from Hair Dressing Salon on Soil Microrganisms

have adverse effect on the soil microbiota in the premises where the salon is situated. This study have shown that
Micrococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. and Mucor spp. were absent in soil treated with salon waste water.
Therefore, an attempt should be made to treat salon effluents before disposal into salon premises.

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made to proffer solutions to effects
of waste water from hair dressing salon on soil microorganisms.
i. Seminars and workshops should be organized by public health officers to enlighten the salon operators on
the need to treat waste water from salon before disposal into the receiving environment.
ii. Attempts should be made to treat salon effluents before disposal as it would help reduce organic and
inorganic substance present.
iii. There should be routine inspection of hair dressing salons with a given locality by public health officers to
check for hygienic standard and level of sanitation

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