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Step 1

We admitted we were powerless over sex and love addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable.

Chapter 4/Step 1 and Chapter 5 in the SLAA Basic Text

Step 1 in the S.L.A.A. Twelve and Twelve (draft literature)
An Introduction to Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous ....
Sex and Love Addiction 40 Questions for Self-Diagnosis
Questions Beginners Ask
Suggestions For Newcomers
Withdrawal: Gateway to Freedom, Hope, and Joy
Sponsorship: A Return from Isolation

Recommended Readings

Chapters 2 and 3 in the AA Big Book

Step 1 in the AA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

What Step 1 Accomplishes

Helps us break through our denial and accept the reality of our sex and love addiction.
Helps us to become willing to make changes in our attitudes and behavior tantamount to recovery.
Makes us teachable.
Opens us to the need for a Power greater than ourselves to overcome our sex and love addiction.
Begins the difficult process of ego-deflation in which we exchange our grandiosity, narcissism, and self-centeredness
for maturity and humility.

Questions on Step 1.

1. What is your definition of a sex and love addict? Does this definition help or hinder your recovery? In what ways?
2. As a sex and love addict, what is your definition of “acting out?” Does this definition of “acting out help or hinder
your recovery? In what ways?
3. What does it mean to “admit” something and why do you think this step says, “We admitted” rather than “I
4. Look up the word rationalization in the dictionary. What reasons have you invented to explain or justify your sex
and love behavior to yourself and others?
5. How has your compulsive sex and love behaviors affected the following aspects of your life?
emotional development?
relationships with family and friends?
financial security?
physical health?
mental health?
integrity and ethics?
values and standards?
life goals and objectives?
6. What does the term “powerless over sex and love addiction” mean?
7. Make a list of specific examples of your powerlessness over sex and love addiction.
8. What does the term “our lives had become unmanageable” mean?
9. Make a list of specific examples of how your life has become unmanageable as a result, of sex and love addiction.
10. Do you occasionally fall into what addiction professionals sometimes call “euphoric recall - a tendency to lose

sight of your previous powerlessness and unmanageability and an increased longing for the “good old days?” If so,
describe how and when this has happened in your recovery.
11. What pattern(s) have evolved? What is/are your bottom-line behavior(s) as evident from your addictive pattern(s)?
12. Have you lost control? Have you hit bottom? Explain.
13. Fill in the following chart:

Childhood Teenage years Adulthood

Obsessive compulsive behaviors that you couldn’t stop

Attempts to Stop (tried to limit change or otherwise control behavior)

Lies you told yourself and others about your obsessive sex and love thoughts and behaviors?

Promises you made about your obsessive sex and love thoughts and compulsive behaviors to yourself, your Higher
Power, to members of your family, to others

Ways you tried to hide your obsessive and compulsive sex and love behaviors

14. Make a list of withdrawal symptoms that you experience keep a copy in your purse or wallet
15. Each morning write a to do list (self-care) and ask for God’s help in dealing with the day ahead.
16. While you are working on this step, at the end of each day fill in the following chart:

Stressors today: Numbing out behaviors How I lost control

Boss yelled at me Ate too much from the vending Called my qualifier

17. What do you think your life will be like in the future if you do not work the S.L.A.A. program of recovery now?

Personal Conclusions

As a result of the work on Step 1, do you feel you are powerless over your sex and love addiction and that your life
has become unmanageable? Explain.
Suggestion: Read Step 1 to your sponsor before beginning Step 2.

Step 2
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
The principle of Step 2 is Hope.


Chapter 4/Step 2 in the SLAA Basic Text

Release Unto Hope (pages 163-67) in the SLAA Basic Text
And In The Meantime (pages 185-90) in the SLAA Basic Text
Came to Believe (red book from A.A.)
Setting Bottom lines pamphlet (answer all the questions)

Recommended Readings
Chapter 4 in the AA Big Book
Step 2 in the AA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

What Step 2 Accomplishes

Belief in a Power greater than ourselves

Restoration of sanity
Recognition that sex and love addiction is a spiritual disease requiring a spiritual awakening
Provides hope to counteract the feeling of powerlessness and fear experienced in Step 1
Establishes an open-mindedness required for Step 3.

Questions on Step 2

1. What does the phrase “Came to Believe” mean as it relates to your sex and love addiction?
2. What does the phrase “Power greater than ourselves” mean as it relates to your sex and love addiction?
3. As used in this Step, what does the word “sanity” mean?
4. Why does this Step say that a Power greater than ourselves “could” restore us to sanity rather than “would” restore
us to sanity?
5. How has the nature of sex and love addiction perverted your value system?
6. Do you believe that a power than yourself can relieve your sex and love addiction and restore you to sanity?
7. Define that Power or what you would like that Power to be.
8. What are some elementary solutions to the problem of belief or faith in a Higher Power as it relates to sex and love
9. Describe how your thoughts and actions have been insane as it relates to your sex and love addiction
10. What makes you think that your next love relationship will be any better?
11. On a separate sheet of paper, write a description of your idea of God before program (even if you didn’t believe in
God maybe you thought, “If God does exist he’s mean and plays tricks on me.” Write all of your beliefs about a
Higher Power. After reading this to your sponsor, take the sheet and tear it up and either throw it away or burn it.
12. Now write about what you want your Higher Power to be. It can be whatever you want (I want my Higher Power
to give me all the money I can carry). Read this to your sponsor and work together to come to a realistic concept of
Higher Power. Write this concept on a small piece of paper and carry it with you.

Suggestion: Read Step 2 to your sponsor before beginning Step 3

Step 3
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.

The principle of Step 3 is Faith


Chapter 4/Step 3 in the SLAA Basic Text

“An Unmerited Gift” (pages 219-224) in the SLAA Basic Text
Chapter 5 in the AA Big Book (pages 60-64).
Step 3 in the AA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

What Step 3 Accomplishes

Nurtures a personal conception of a Higher Power

Identifies selfishness/self-centeredness as the root of our troubles
Establishes a “Higher Power agenda” before our own
Making decisions and taking actions on healthier sex and love-related behaviors, then leaving the results to God
Understanding of God’s will for us

1. What does the phrase “God as we understood God” mean?

2. What is your concept of God (or Higher Power)?
3. What does it mean to turn “our will and our lives over to the care of God?”
4. As it relates to your sex and love addicted behaviors, what is the difference between life run on self-will and life
that follows God’s will, however you understand God?
5. How has self-will served you to this point as a sex and love addict?
6. As a sex and love addict, what is a recent example of exercising self-will rather than following what you believe
might be God’s will?
7. How can you know God’s will?
8. What reservations do you have about turning your will and your life over to the care of God as you understand
9. What does it mean to “make a decision?”
10. Now that you have been staying clear of sex and love addictive entanglements on a daily basis, how can you begin
a newer relationship with God?
11. Once we choose to “tip our own cup over and let the sickness run out,” what is the danger of refilling by our
unaided will?
12. Are you fearful of a healthier sex/love existence? Explain.
13. As a sex and love addict, how do you work this step and how do you know you are working this step?
Read Step 3 to your sponsor
Look up the third step prayer (page 63 of the A.A. Big Book) write it in your journal. When you finish reading Step 3
to your sponsor, say this prayer together.

Step 4

Chapter 4/Step 4 in the SLAA Basic Text

Step 4 in the AA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Chapter 5 in the AA Big Book

Preliminary Questions:
1. How do you plan to use the 3rd Step as useful support for this 4th Step?
2. Make a list of any internal obstacles you might have to doing a thorough inventory.
3. What clarity do you hope to get from this 4th Step?
4. What new acting out patterns have you discovered or remembered since completing Step 1?

Fourth Step:
1. What kinds of images did you try to present to the world? What actions did you take to portray these images?
Describe your behaviors.
2. Were you successful in portraying yourself in these images? How did/do you feel about your success or failure?
3. What did you think you would get out of appearing as these images?
4. Did you get what you thought you would? Did it feel the way you thought it would? Describe and explain your
5. How did the traits of pride, resentment, and self-justification help you continue and maintain your addiction?
6. What other traits kept you acting out? How did those traits manifest themselves in your addiction?
7. How have those traits conspired to keep you from getting honest about your past and maintaining your bottom
lines? Are there any other traits that are making it difficult to get honest, do this 4th Step, or stay sober? Explain.
8. Discuss any relationships that seemed particularly troubling in your life.
9. Discuss the kinds of people you gave away your life to.
10. Make a list of relationships where you can identify the need to rescue or be rescued.
11. Inventory the motives of your appearance (clothing, body image, grooming choices, etc.)
12. Discuss how your flirting has led to addictive behavior.
13. Write about the relationship between sex and power in your life.
14. Are there examples in your life of using verbal abuse? Describe.
15. Are there examples in your life of using physical abuse? Describe.
16. What patterns of behavior, however seemingly small, can you identify from your acting out?
17. Are there any relationships that you have labeled “healthy” or “harmless” that are actually less obvious
expressions of your addiction?
18. Do you find similar motives in non-sexual relationships (family, friends, and co-workers) that were driven by the
same motives as the addiction?
19. What were the driving emotions and motivations behind your acting out activities? Any similar threads?
20. How had dishonesty played a role in not seeing the progression of the disease clearly?
21. Compile a thorough list of lies you’ve told to cover up addiction activities.
22. Are there any other examples of dishonesty in your life, whether verbal or non-verbal?
23. how did self-centeredness contribute to your denial abut the seriousness of your addiction?
24. How did pride contribute to your denial about the seriousness of your addiction?
25. Make a list of people and the money you spent in trying to impress them.
26. Inventory the attention-seeking behavior that is part of your disease.
27. What were the payoffs of the addictive behavior?
28. Describe events that brought you resentment. Describe the full extent of the role you played in the above events,
no matter how small. What traits or behaviors enabled you to keep from seeing your part in the event?
29. Describe events that brought you guilt. Describe the full extent of the role you played in the above event, no
matter how small. What traits or behaviors enabled you to keep from seeing your part in the event?
30. Describe events that brought you fear. Describe the full extent of the role you played in the above events, no
matter how small. What traits or behaviors enabled you to keep from seeing your part in the event?

31. Describe events that brought you shame. Describe the full extent of the role you played in the above events, no
matter how small. What traits or behaviors enabled you to keep from seeing your part in the event?
32. Discuss the role of self-pity in your life.
33. Do you recall feelings of insecurity, inferiority, or low self-worth? What triggered those feelings?
34. Write about your fears concerning emotional risk taking.
35. Discuss the role of irresponsibility in terms of the way you treated yourself and other.
36. What would you call “right-sized human needs?”
37. Discuss how your fear of being alone manifested itself in your acting out pattern.
38. Discuss how your fear of intimacy manifested itself in your acting out pattern.
39. How do you think pride and willfulness had hidden the “yearning of a lonely and fearful child?”
40. Write about anything that you feel has been omitted.
41. How do you see the concept of compassion and self-forgiveness as necessary for a happy, useful life?

Do a formal Resentment, Fear and Sex Inventory (Make copies of the charts on pages 6,7, and 8). You will read these
to your sponsor in Step 5.

I am resentful The cause Part of self hurt or threatened My part in it Character defect


Personal relations

Sex relations



Spiritual life

What’ s the fear? Why? What’s my part? Where have I been selfish?

Person My behavior Who did I damage and how What is the fear? Character defects
involved: badly?







Step 5

Chapter 4/Step 5 in the SLAA Basic Text

Step 5 in the AA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

Recommended reading:
Sponsorship pamphlet
Conversations from the bottom of a bottle by Edward Bear

What Step Five accomplishes: Frees us from isolation. Helps us trust others, ourselves and God. Teaches us humility.

1. How has ego played a part in your life? How has it helped and hindered you?
2. What are your fears about ego deflation in Step 5?
3. Describe any betrayal by trusted people in your life: Teachers, bosses, parents, friends, lovers, authority figures,
government, institutions –anyone or anything that was supposed to help but harmed you. How can you learn to trust
4. Discuss times in your life when you “try to go it alone” and isolate.
5. How has self-centered fear created resentments in your life?
6. Are there distressing or humiliating memories you want to keep secret and never tell anyone? What are you afraid
will happen if you reveal these secrets? According to the reading, what will happen if you don’t reveal these secrets?
7. Describe how holding on to your secrets keep you isolated.
8. Did you feel like you never quite belonged? Explain.
9. How will the 5th Step allow you to forgive yourself and others?
10. List things in your life that are difficult to forgive.
11. Where have you been A) dishonest, B) intolerant, C) in self-pity, D) had delusions of grandeur, and E) been self-
delusional:? List examples of each.
12. How does reading your 4th Step to another person help with seeing the difference between your will and God’s
13. Do you blame others for your defects? Give examples.
14. Have you done a 5th Step before? If so, how do you feel about the process?

Read your 4th Step to your sponsor or trusted fellow.

Read pg. 75 in the A.A. big book
After reading your 4th Step sit with your writing for one hour, pray, meditate and read over your 4th Step in that hour.
Have you left anything out? Was there anything you didn’t want to say in your 5th Step? If so, what are your fears? Do
a fear inventory before moving on to Steps 6 and 7.

Step 6
--Read Step 6 in the S.L.A.A. Basic Text
--Read in the A.A. Big Book from page 66 “It is plain…” to page 76 “Ask God to help us be willing…”
-- Read Step 6 in the A.A. Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
-- Read the Introduction and Step 6 in “Drop the Rock,” by Bill Pittman and Todd Weber

1. Make a list of all of your character defects (from your 4th Step inventory and any others that you can think of). Write the
opposite of those defects on a sheet of paper. Example:


1. Listening to the addict voice Listening to the recovery voice

2. Low self-esteem Good at self-care/high self-esteem

Separate the defects into categories:

Defects that made me an active Defects that remove me from Defects that God lets me keep
threat to society (explain why you service

1. thief –takes money out of other 1. sloth 1. workaholic (for now helps me in my
people’s pockets and if everyone did 2. selfish service work)
it society would collapse
2. rageholic—hurts others emotional
well being

Sit with your list for 30 minutes and make sure you haven’t left anything out. Pray and meditate over it. When finished, read this
list to your sponsor and then put the list in your God box.

Are any of your defects of character still serving you? Write each of them out:

CHARACTER DEFECT What it does Why I don’t want to let it How does it block your
go (What it does for me) usefulness to others?
Controlling Helps to make other people I don’t trust God’s or other Makes people not want to
do things my way. people’s opinions – they’ll work with me. Doesn’t let
do it wrong other people feel heard/

2. Give 10 examples of people in your life that you see “getting away with it” (They are able to engage in character defects that
you have engaged in and they don’t seem to be harmed by it). What’s probably the reality in each situation? Example:

Person Character defect Getting away with it Reality

Uncle Bob Addict Gets to get drunk all the He never had a family
time and it doesn’t harm because of his drinking and
anyone he’s hurting himself
Dan Cheats on his wife His wife won’t leave him Both of them are unhappy
even though she knows
about his cheating
3. Look up humility, fearlessness and honesty in the dictionary. Write the definitions in your journal.
4. Look up the St. Francis Prayer in the back of the “Drop the Rock” book. Write it in your journal.
5. Are you afraid that others will reject you if you show them the real you? Write about it in your journal.
6. Make a list of personalities you have used (or “stage characters” you have played) in order to get what you want. Example:

Personality What I wanted

Played the jock Adoration from the soccer community; got dates, felt

7. Make a list of people who you refuse to accept as spiritually sick. Ask God to help you show each one the same tolerance, pity
and patience that you would a sick friend. Say “God, save me from being angry.”
8. Make a list of sex ideals (pg. 70 in the A.A. Big Book).
9. Give examples of times when your natural desires for money, property and prestige exceeded their intended purpose.
Example: Wondering why someone doesn’t call you back turns into spinning into obsessive thinking and trying to control the
other person’s actions.
10. Do you have a rock tied around your neck? (Introduction to “Drop the Rock.”) If so, what is it and how can you get rid of it?
11. Are there any character defects that you say, “This I will never give up? “List them and say a prayer for willingness.
12. Give example from your life of the following: a. sex excursions dressed up as romance, self-righteous anger, superiority,
gossip, gluttony, envy, procrastination.
13. Look up the words perfection and progress in the dictionary. Write the definitions in your journal.
14. Write down “God reveals as much truth as you can live up to” and post it in your home.
15. Say the prayer at the bottom of page 12 of “Drop the Rock” for 30 days. Do you disagree with any part of that prayer? Write
down your thoughts and feelings about it in your journal.
16. Do you have any doubts that God can change you?
17 Talk about the pain that your character defects has caused. Does this make you willing to surrender these character defects?
Look up the word surrender in the dictionary. Write the definition in your journal.
18. Think about a time when you were confused about making the right decision. Write a pros and cons list about that decision.
What are the character defects that come up?
19. Reread pg. 12 in Drop the Rock. Discuss the difference between trying to forcefully remove a character defect through self
will and surrendering the defect to God and through self-acceptance.
20.Give examples from your life of deprivation and over consumption.
21. Have you ever been a victim? Describe.
22. Describe what “becoming like the hole in the donut” means to you.

Step 7
Step Seven (starts on page 87 in the S.L.A.A. Basic Text)
Step Seven in the A.A. Twelve and Twelve
Step Seven in Drop the Rock

1. Look back at your definition of humility from Step 6. Why does Step Seven say we “humbly asked?”
2. List reasons why humility has been a) elusive, b) complicated and c) undesirable to you.
3. List the positive things in your life.
4. How can you tell the difference between self-will and God’s will?
5. List your resentments against God. Write a resentment inventory on each.
6. List character defects that haven’t been removed and are still troublesome. Why do you think God hasn’t removed
7. When we cease to perceive value in suffering, healing is instantaneous. Are you addicted to pain? Explain.
8. List examples of character building in your life.
9. What are your spiritual values? Do you put these before material pursuits? Explain.
10. List times (if any) when you have acted like you were honest and moral only to try to get what you really wanted.
11. What do you believe is the true purpose of your life?
12. List unreasonable demands you made upon:

Self Others God

13. Make a list of things that you possess that you’re afraid of losing and a list of things you demand that you fear
you’ll never get.
14. Do you believe that if you do the work and if you pray that these character defects will be removed?
15. List any defects that you have some relief from.
16. Look up the Seventh Step prayer (page 76 in the A.A. big book). Write it in your journal.
17. Buy a pack of 3x5 index cards. Write each of your character defects on a separate card. Put the cards in a drawer
and for the next two weeks, when you wake up, pull out one index card. Say the 7th Step prayer for that character
defect, and put the card back in the drawer. Think about that card throughout the day. When the two weeks are over,
continue to take a card each day but leave it out of the drawer. When you come home at night, take a black magic
marker and put a big X across the card. Say the 7th Step prayer and then tear the card up and throw it away or burn it
(acting as if God is removing the character defect).

Step 8
Step Eight (starts on page 87 in the S.L.A.A. Basic Text)
Step Eight in the A.A. Twelve and Twelve

1. Make a list of people you are “letting off the hook” because of your bad behavior.
2. Do you replay your mistakes over and over in your head to beat up on yourself and justify your unworthiness to
others? Describe the thoughts and feelings of unworthiness.
3. Make a list of people to make amends to by filling out the chart:

Amends I will do now Amends I will do later Amends I never want to do

4. Is there anyone you don’t want to make an amends to because of their bad behavior? How can you begin to forgive
them? Can you forgive them even if they don’t ever redeem themselves or right their wrongs? Say a prayer to forgive
each of them.
5. Make a list of amends to make to yourself.
6.How will you set the record straight? (fill out the chart below:)

Monetary amends (do I owe Living Amends (Don’t contact the Direct Amends (In person or by
money? To whom and how person—I will do things letter—How will you find the
much?) differently –describe) person? What will you say?)

7. List your fears about making each amends. For any overwhelming or nagging fears, do a fear inventory.
8. Are you willing to ignore the harms done to you and apologize for your part? If not, pray for the willingness.
9. Are there still people you wish you could change or get even with? List them and pray for the willingness to let it
10. Is there anyone who may not know of the harms you have done to them? (an affair or slander etc.) Is there any
criminal activity that you engaged in? Make a list of each and discuss how to proceed with your sponsor.
10. Write the prayer from the top of page 92 in your journal. Say this prayer for 1 week

Step 9
Step Nine (starts on page in the S.L.A.A. Basic Text)
Step Nine in the A.A. Twelve and Twelve

1. Fill out the chart below (from your 8th Step list).

Person to make amends to Could it harm them in any way? Will it harm anyone else relative to

2. Take one of the more difficult amends that you need to make and write a story about it.
A. How will you contact them?
B. Do you think they will readily agree to meet you?
C. Where will you meet?
D. Write the script of what you will say.
E. Give 3 scenarios of how they could react (storm away, cry, hug you?)
F. How would you feel about each scenario?
J How do you think you would react in each scenario?
3. Take your list of people to make amends to and write down any names you think might react badly to your amends.
Write a fear inventory on each.
4. Do your direct amends as soon as possible.
5. Write letters to anyone you can’t contact directly and put the letters in your God box.
6. Make a budget and timeline for when you will pay monetary amends.
7. Have you made amends before? If so, describe a happy outcome and also an amends that went bad (if any).
8. Do you have any excuses for not making any of your amends? List them all.
9. s there anyone else you should consult before making any of your amends? Explain.
10. Say a prayer for willingness to make amends in any cases where you are procrastinating.

Step 10
Step 10 in the S.L.A.A. Basic Text
Step 10 in the A.A. Twelve and Twelve

1. Have you experienced emotional hangovers recently? How often?

2. Describe an example of a time you displayed an excess of negative emotion. How could you have made it a more
positive experience? Is there something you could have done immediately to correct it or make amends?
3. What is a spot check inventory? Whenever you get tangled up in fear/resentment, do a spot check inventory
4. Describe a recent situation where you practiced/should have practiced self-restraint. Do an honest analysis of what
was involved. Where you willing to admit if the fault was yours/ willing to forgive if the fault was elsewhere?
5. Look up the word tirade and write the definition in your journal.
6. Has any tirade or snap judgment ruined any relationship of yours for an entire year or more? Explain.
7. List examples of times you have experienced justifiable anger. Can you let these go just as you would resentments
that are not justified?
8. Make 30 copies of the chart on the next page and fill one out at the end of each day for 30 days. Read them to your

Today’s Date____________________________


Resentments Did I do a spot inventory? Yes____ No______

Fears Did I do a spot inventory? Yes____ No______

Things I’ve done well

Did I flirt/intrigue with anyone or did they flirt with me? Write about the situation.

mistakes motive How might I have done better?

I’m sorry I hurt__________________________________________________________________________

I’m grateful for:_____________________________ To Do List__________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Step 11
Step 11 in the S.L.A.A. Basic Text
Step 11 in the A.A. Twelve and Twelve.

1. Make a list of things you have trouble entrusting to God and why. (eg. Decisions about who my partners are —
because God will choose someone ugly for me.)
2. When you pray do you pray for God to give you things or solve problems? Do you believe there is a God listening?
Can you pray even if you don’t believe?
3. For a full day, pray for God’s guidance in all matters, both major and minor, spiritual and mundane. Write down
everything you prayed about and anything you discovered. Read this list to your sponsor. From now on, practice
praying for God’s guidance throughout the day.
4. Research 4 meditation practices. Write descriptions of each in your journal.
5. Get a book on meditation and a guided meditation tape or mp3. Go to a group meditation (outside of S.L.A.A.). Go
to an S.L.A.A. meditation meeting (If there isn’t one in your area, get a group together and have at least one
meditation meeting). Write any observations in your journal.
6. What style of meditation do you like best? For how long will you meditate each day? Write down what you can
commit to for daily meditation.
7. Ask fellows to share their experience with meditation and prayer.
8. Do you believe meditation and prayer can get you through any hardship?
9. Define love. How does this compare with your definition of love before program?
10. Write down the prayer from Step 11 in the A.A. Twelve and Twelve. How do you feel about saying this prayer?
11. Have you found intimacy with yourself, intimacy with God and intimacy with others? Explain.
12. For one week, fill out the self-forgetting chart:

Times and people I comforted Situations where I sought to Situations and people I forgave rather
rather than seeking comfort understand rather than be than seeking to be forgiven.

13. During the week, did you encounter any situations where you couldn’t comfort, understand or forgive? Describe
the situation and where you are blocked from self-forgetting. Pray to work towards the ideal.
14. Why can’t we go straight to God with a specific and troubling dilemma and secure from Him sure and definite
answers to our requests?
15. Describe some of your well-intentioned unconscious rationalizations.
16. For one week, fill out the morning pages on the next page.
Suggestion: Read Step 11 to your sponsor before moving on to Step 12.

Today’s Date____________________________

The day ahead:

Work to do: ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Where I can be useful and helpful: _________________________________________________________________________


Special problems today may bring: ________________________________________________________________________


(Prayer for God to reveal His will with each problem.)

Do I want to make specific requests to God? (list each):

Does each request have merit? Explain:

Say the prayer, being sure to say, “...if it be thy will.”

Step 12
Step 12 in the S.L.A.A. Basic Text
Step 12 in the A.A. Twelve and Twelve
Finding, and Starting to Work With, Other Sex and Love Addicts (Chapter 6 in the S.L.A.A. Basic Text)
Measuring Progress pamphlet

Recommended readings:
Reread the Sponsorship pamphlet
Working With Others (Chapter 7 in the A.A. Big Book)

1. Describe your spiritual awakening.

2. How does this Step rely on all the other Steps?
3. Do you believe the following statement? “Our usefulness as channels for healing was a direct result of our
experiences in sickness, as well as recovery.” Explain.
4. List the values that have emerged through your recovery in S.L.A.A.
5. Describe your career. Have you exploited your career mainly for material security at the expense of self-
fulfillment? How can you work to change that? What else would you like to do? Would you change your way of going
about your career or let it go? Ask S.L.A.A. fellows if their career life changed with recovery.
Professional Personal Social

6. List ways in which self-serving power and prestige were driving motives:
7. How do we discover a whole new experience of sexuality as a non-addictive medium and come to no longer rely on
sexual expression to provide our sense of security and identity?
8. Do you believe that true intimacy can not exist independent of commitment? Explain your ideas and feelings
around this statement.
9. Do you have sober perspectives in the areas of trust, sex and intimacy? Explain.
10. Define what “we have the right to be a jerk” means.
11. List people and situations in your life where you can disclose your sex and love addiction story.
12. Define a “holding environment” when working with others.
13. What’s the danger in not disclosing our sex and love addiction?
14. What does the following statement mean to you? “Constant vigilance is the price we pay for sobriety.”
15. Are you a member of other fellowships? List anyone you think of as a prospect to sponsor in S.L.A.A.
16. Why don’t people flock to S.L.A.A.?
17. What can we do to carry the message?
18. Do a longer share at an S.L.A.A. meeting. Raise your hand at a meeting when they ask if anyone is available for
sponsorship, if they don’t ask, share during open sharing that you are ready to sponsor. Give your number to a
newcomer after a meeting and let them know you are available for sponsorship or just to talk.
19. Is it a sponsor’s fault if their sponsees don’t get/stay sober? Explain.
20. Why is sponsorship free?

Sponsorship Resume

Worked all 12 Steps with a sponsor? Yes No. I’m on Step ________.

I have an S.L.A.A. sponsor right now Yes No. I have a recovery partner in S.L.A.A. right now Yes No

My bottom lines are: ______________________________________________________________________________________


I have __________months/years of sobriety.

I have never/sponsored ______ times before.

My idea of a Higher Power: ________________________________________________________________________________

Sponsorship beliefs: (eg. I am not in charge, God is. I only share my experience strength and hope)




Times per week I am available for a _______minute phone conversation: _________. Set time? _________

Times per week to meet (usually 1 for 1 hour-except during 4th Step). __________

Where am I and the sponsee comfortable meeting? Park, coffee shop, my home, their home?______________-

What does prospect want in a sponsor (their sponsorship beliefs)?_______________________________________________



Can prospect respect boundaries?

What should happen if boundaries are crossed?________________________________________________________________

Can I hear complaints about my sponsorship? What will I do about them? (eg. Tell sponsee to write a resentment inventory
about me)._____________________________________________________________________________________________


Do I have any requirements for sponsorship? (eg. That the sponsee break up with the qualifier or not date until after Step 5,
etc.) And if so, should I have these requirements?_____________________________________________________________

Reasons to break up a Sponsor/sponsee relationship: ___________________________________________________________



Dating supplement
Romantic obsession pamphlet
Building partnerships

1. What is the difference between a closed and open system in relationships?

2. What are your hobbies and interests? Are you comfortable in solitude?
3. Are you having new life experiences as a result of your sobriety in S.L.A.A.?
4 . Are you self-supporting through your own contributions?
Before Dating:
Suggestion: Finish your Step 5 before dating.
A. How do you feel about online dating? (fears/concerns).
B. Read the article “With S.L.A.A., I Give Love (and Dating) a Good Name” from issue #146 of the Journal
Discuss it with your sponsor — What did you like/dislike about the article? What suggestions would you follow?
Dating plan:
Sample dating plan:
L & G’s Dating Plan
L’s sponsor gave her this dating plan and G agreed to try it. We knew each other as friends for about a year in
Nicotine anonymous (a small regular Tuesday meeting with fellowship afterward) we had been friends with phone
calls for a couple of months before G asked me out for coffee. Which is why I suggest 2 months of friendship dates
– parties, double dates etc.- Light and polite. The rules of a dating plan can be tough on the other person which is
why I chose full disclosure about my process and my program with G. And I was lucky that he was willing to try
something different and trust the 12-step process. He had to know that I am a sex and love addict who needs this
help. He didn’t like some of the sponsor direction but he knew I needed it. The dating plan for me was more about
communication (with G, my sponsor and my slaa fellows), listening to my sponsor, and trusting God. I had to
bookend every date with my sponsor – I kept in close contact.
When you’re ready to formally date:
Date 1: coffee during the day 1 or 2 hours at the most. No physical contact. Treat it like a business meeting , light
and polite, no graphic language, trauma bonding or “hooks.”
One week in between each date. We could talk on the phone but for an hour at the most once a day or so. No
marathon phone sessions & not too late at night.
Date 2: At night (we went to a play) dinner or a movie. We could hold hands.
Date 3: One kiss goodnight.
Date 4: Nothing below the waist.
Date 5: We could have sex if we had a commitment an AIDS test (we had to go together to the test)(we had already
had the STD talk) and an acceptable method of birth control (acceptable to L’s sponsor).
This can be adjusted to fit the individual
Discuss this plan with your sponsor: Do you like the time frame of the sample dating plan? Do you need more time
between dates? How long before physical contact? Define your idea of getting sexual. How long before you get
sexual with the person? List of deal breakers (I cannot continue to date this person if… eg. he’s a smoker)
What needs to be in place before you get sexual with them? Write a fear inventory for each
Suggestion: Write out your own dating plan before you begin to date.

A. Are you assigning magical qualities to your date?
B. Are you having feelings of inferiority?
C. Are you beating up on yourself for something you said or did during the date or a phone conversation?
D. Is status more important than substance?
E. Are you more interested in power struggles or achieving your potential?
F. Define safe sex.
G. Discuss your idea of viewing people as objects. What can you do in your dating life to prevent this behavior?
H. Discuss perfectionism as it relates to dating.
I. List your boundaries. (eg. No inviting strangers to apartment. No accepting abusive behavior. No spending more
money than is reasonable. No allowing manipulation.
J. List your character defects specific to dating

After a few dates, list:

red flags yellow flags green flags (good qualities )

A. Are you trying to prevent your partner from trying new healthy life experiences?
B. How do you feel about marriage? Having children? How does your partner feel? Are there any dealbreakers with
this for either of you? Discuss this with your sponsor.
Things I did today to make things Things my partner did for me that
more difficult for my partner were nice.

C. Are you trying to control or rescue your partner?

D. Is the relationship depleting your energy or is it helping you?
E. Do you double date/go to social functions?
D. Will you be OK if the relationship doesn’t work out? What actions will you take to maintain your sobriety?

Were entirely ready to have God remove Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious
Step 6 all these defects of character. Step 11 contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge
of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
Lord, make me a channel of thy peace
— that where there is hatred, I may bring love
God, I don’t care what I sound — that where there is discord, I may bring harmony
like, or look like, who my — that where there is error, I may bring truth
— that where there is doubt, I may bring faith
partners are, or where I live. — that where there is despair, I may bring hope
I just don’t want to be like this — that where there are shadows, I may bring light
anymore. — that where there is sadness, I may bring joy.
On Your terms, in Your time, Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be
comforted — to understand, than to be understood — to love,
please remake me as you will.
than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
Thank You. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. Amen.

Were entirely ready to have God remove
Step 6 all these defects of character. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
Step 7
My Creator, I am now willing that
you should have all of me, good and
bad. I pray that you now remove
from me every single defect of
character which stands in the way of
my usefulness to you and my fellows.
Grant me strength, as I go out from
here, to do your bidding. Amen.
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the
Step 3 care of God as we understood Him.
God, grant me the
serenity to accept the God, I offer myself to Thee — to build
things I cannot change, with me and to do with me as Thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I
the courage to change the may better do Thy will. Take away my
things I can, and the difficulties, that victory over them may
bear witness to those I would help of Thy
wisdom to know the Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.
May I do Thy will always!


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