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Rancangan Tugas Tutorial Ke : 1

Kompetensi Khusus/TIK :
Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan istilah-istilah sapaan dalam bahasa Inggris, menyatakan
kalimat berdasarkan simple tenses, menyatakan hubungan kekerabatan serta
dapat menyatakan keterangan waktu dalam bahasa Inggris

A. Fill in the blank (Isilah)

Lee : Good morning Jane, How are you doing?
Jane : Good morning Lee, Im fine.
Lee : Where do you live now jane?
Jane : I live on anggrek street number 3.
Lee : Nice. Oh ya, Introduce her Catie
Jane : Hi Catie, nice to meet you.
Catie : Nice to meet you too, Jane.
Jane : Where do you come from?
Catie : I am Madurese, I come from Indonesia, East Java Province.
Jane : What do you do?
Catie : I am a dancer
Jane : Are you Lee’s wife?
Catie : No, I’m not his wife
Jane : what is your phone number?
Catie : 0857501234
Jane : Thank you.

B. Give a circle to words in parenthesis which you consider as a correct answer (Lingkarilah
jawaban yang anda anggap benar)
Example: I (sang/sing) a song yesterday.
1. Dion usually (go/goes) to school at 7.00 o’clock everyday
2. Gina will (send/sends) a gift to Jimmy.
3. She (weared/wore) a hat yesterday.
4. We usually (buys/buy) candies every week.
5. (is/are) he a policeman?
6. They (play/played) football an hour ago.
7. My mother (put/putted) some water just now.
8. I (am/are) going to go to bJakarta next week.
9. She (drinked/drinks) a cup of tea every morning.
10. I (worked/works) in BNI last month
Answer :
1. Dion usually go to school at 7.00 o’clock everyday
2. Gina will send a gift to Jimmy.
3. She weared a hat yesterday.
4. We usually buy candies every week.
5. Is he a policeman?
6. They played football an hour ago.
7. My mother put some water just now.
8. I am going to go to bJakarta next week.
9. She drinked a cup of tea every morning.
10. I worked in BNI last month

C. Essay (Isian)
1. Please mention 10 jobs or occupations!
Answer :
1. Waiter
2. Paramedic
3. Dentist
4. Train conductor
5. Nurse
6. Electrician
7. Doctor
8. Businessman
9. American football player
10. Surgeon
2. Please translate these sentences into English!
a.Keponakan perempuannya Tom
b.Kakeknya Mirna
c.Istrinya Billy
d.Anak perempuannya Steve
e.Menantu perempuannya Leo
a. His niece Tom
b. Mirna’s grandfather
c. His wife Billy
d. Steve’s daughter
e. Leo’s daughter in law
3. Please describe one of your family members!
Answer :
I have the most beautiful woman in the world that i call it mom. She has beautiful eyes that
stare at me with love every single day. Her smile always make my day. She is good at
cooking and her food is better than food in five star hotel. I don't know why but i think she
have a magic hand. She can cook while taking care little grandchild from my brother, she
also always keep my home clean. I can't describe her anymore because she is my trully angel
and always be my most beautiful woman in this world.
4. Write by using words and numbers!
 09.45 :
 02.50 :
 It is ten to six :
 It is a quarter past six :
Answer :
 09.45 : a quarter to ten
 02.50 : it is ten to three
 It is ten to six : 05.50
 It is a quarter past six : 06.15

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