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Pomba Giras

The Pomba Giras are extremely sensual, dominating, and sincere entities who are related, in
most cases, to loving and sensual feelings. Powerful and fearless, they do not submit to machist
whims. Every Pomba Gira belongs to a falange, and there are hierarchies in each of them. The
Pomba Giras all work with corresponding Exus. These entities are all spirits who have known
great suffering, and now act as wise mentors who teach us through strife in order to develop
courage, self-empowerment, wit, and self-improvement.
Maria Padilha

One of the main Pomba Giras of Quimbanda and Candomblé, is Maria Padilha. She is the Head
of the Padilha falange, which is full of sensuality, luxury, and power. She is the Lady of the
dawn, queen of the crossroads, lady of magic and passion. She is considered the Queen of Pomba
Giras and is the wife of Exu Lucifer. She likes the colors red and black, good champagne,
cigarettes or cigarillos, and red roses. Being Queen, she wears a crown, which also have the
colors red and black.

Pomba Gira is the scarlet woman and the lady of crossroads and street lights. She is the
Pomba Gira of power, beauty, eroticism, death, and vengeance. She can bestow fertility when
and if she desires. Don’t ask her for information unless you are ready to hear unvarnished truths,
as she tends to be very blunt and honest. Maria Padilha is a powerful Pomba-Gira capable of
helping in problems of love, health, warding off undesirables, and dismantling spells. The
women who work with this entity have a very strong personality and are generally extremely
sensual and attractive. She loves strongly like no one else and is the protector of sex workers.
She likes luxury, sex, partying, and dancing. Her clothes are usually red and black, and wears a
rose in her long black hair.

She is very sensual, beautiful, and cheerful and works for any type of situation- love,
work, health, opening the way, etc. But she is very popular in the Umbanda terreiros for love
issues and poorly resolved loves, but because she is a spirit of Light and Chief of Phalange, she
does not do evil, does not undo marriages, or makes unconsenting love spells.

When incorporated, she arrives quickly, while laughing and dancing. The laughter is to
ward off the bad energies and warn that she has arrived and will take everything that is bad from
the environment. Never make an offering to her without having been requested by her, for she
will tell you what she wants and where you must offer it at. If you can't go to a yard, light a
candle and ask for her help, she will come for sure.

Offerings to Maria Padilha:

• Farofa with Dendê, which we call padê (this farofa is a mixture of champagne, palm oil
and white breadcrumbs)
• Champagne
• Cigarettes
• Earrings
• Bracelets
• Necklaces
• Red Roses
• Red Candles

What offering will be asked will depend on your need, sometimes just light a candle at a
crossroads and it will be resolved, at other times she may ask for more than a candle. The place
of delivery can be at the crossroads but again, she can ask to deliver to another location. It will
depend on what you need and what her field of action is (spirits, the streets, etc). That is why it is
not safe to make an offering without being requested, as we do not know what we can offer or
where to deliver it.
Maria Mulambo

Maria Mulambo (Maria of the Slums) is the Pomba Gira Head of the Mulambo falange.
Her falange is full of the Pomba Giras that have suffered deeply, been through the lowest parts of
life, and tend to be modest in nature. Legend says that Maria Mulambo was born in a golden
cradle, surrounded by luxury. Her parents were not royalty, but they were part of the court in the
small kingdom. Maria grew to be beautiful and delicate. With her mannerisms, she was always
called a little princess, even though she wasn't. At the age of 15, she was asked by the king to
marry his 40-year-old son.

It was a loveless marriage, just so that the families would unite and the fortune would
increase. Years passed and Maria did not become pregnant, but the kingdom needed another
successor to the throne. Maria was bitter with pain, in addition to maintaining a loveless
marriage, being called a tree that bears no fruit; and during this era, every woman who had no
children was said to be cursed.

Parallel to all this, Maria was a woman who practiced charity, going to the poor villages
of the kingdom by herself to help the sick and needy. In these trips to the poorest places, she met
a young man, just two years older than her, who had been widowed and had three young
children, whom she cared for as much as she loved. It was love at first sight, on both sides,
except that neither of them had the courage to accept that love. Eventually, the king died, the
prince (her husband) was crowned, and so Maria was declared queen of that small country.
The people adored Maria for her generosity, but some saw her with envious eyes and
criticized Maria for not being able to get pregnant. On the day of the coronation, the poor
subjects had nothing to offer Maria, who was always so kind to them. Then they made a carpet of
flowers for Maria to go over. She was deeply moved, but her husband, the king, was filled with
envy. When they arrived at the castle, he locked Maria in her room and gave her the first of the
countless beatings that he would give her. All he had to do was drink a little and Maria suffered
from many verbal attacks, slaps, punches, and kicks. Even though she was hurt, Maria did not
stop going to poor villages to practice charity.

On one of these days, Maria's beloved, seeing her with so many marks, decided to declare
his love and proposed that they flee so they could truly live their great love. They combined
everything. The boy's parents would take care of their children until the situation calmed down
and he could rebuild the family. Maria ran away with her love with only the clothes on her back,
leaving all gold and jewelry behind.

At first, the king sent for her, but, as he did not find her, he soon gave up. Maria now did
not dress with luxury and riches, now she wore humble clothes that, from being so beaten,
looked like rags; but she was happy. And soon, she got pregnant. The news spread across the
country and reached the king's ears. The king was deeply enraged to find out that it was he, not
Maria, who was sterile. Madness overtook him. He had to clear his name and honor, so he sent
out his guards to arrest Maria, who became Queen Mulambo, not as royalty, but because she now
belongs to the people.

He ordered the guards to tie two stones to Maria's feet and to throw her into the deepest
part of the river. The people did not know of this plan, only the guards. Seven days after her
murder, on the banks of the river, in the place where Maria was killed, flowers began to grow
that had never been born there before. It became ripe with life and river fish were only caught in
that place in abundance. Her lover suspected that this location was where she was killed, so he
dived into the river, looking for Maria's body; and found it.

Even after being immersed in water for so many days, the body was intact; it looked like
she was going to come back to life. The rags which Maria was thrown into the river with were
somehow gone; in their place was a queenly gown with jewels covering the entirety. They veiled
her body and, as was customary, performed a ceremony fit for a queen and cremated her body.
The king had gone mad due to this display, and forever lost his honor. Her lover, however, never
married again and praised her all his life, hoping to be able to find her again one day. On the day
he died and found Maria again, the sky became the clearest blue and a beautiful spring began. So
Maria, who was now Queen Maria Mulambo, became a legend; and even today she is invoked to
protect impossible loves.

Maria Cigana

Maria Cigana is the Pomba Gira Head of the Cigana (Gypsy) falange. She is the
embodiment of Romani culture in esotericism: full of fire, joy, and liberty. These are the things
she works with, as she is them herself, and those of her falange display the same traits. She is full
of life and smiles, very connected with a light way of see things, and very optimistic. She can
also predict events very well. And she also works with love and matters of the heart. Pomba Gira
Cigana is not exactly a “gypsy”, she is an entity endowed with knowledge of this tradition and
has experience in magic and Romani oracles, in addition to having the power of clairvoyance,
which is transferred to the medium. It is usually evoked for maneuvers involving financial issues,
judicial and sentimental problems.

She is the joy, optimism, and enthusiasm for life. Her vibration is an explosion of
audacity and sympathy, very suitable for working with people who always seem sulky and
struggling to build relationships. She makes us overcome the difficult moments in life and
accompanies us in carefree youth, with her fresh joy. The teaching that this Pomba Gira
transmits and the invitation it makes is: have fun, enjoy life to the fullest, and never get
discouraged in the face of problems.

The Pomba Gira Cigana is presented in the typical way: rings, lots of jewelry, red clothes
with yellow or golden details. She wears a red rose on the neckline and, under her skirt, hides a
small dagger set with red stones. It has a magnetizing scent that mesmerizes and falls in love.
People with this Pombagira tend to show signs such as having a sudden desire to consume
alcohol and cigarettes (even though they have never used them), the sensation of the constant
presence of this entity (which can manifest itself in the form of visions, noises or dreams).

The woman who works with Pomba Gira starts to feel more self-confident and secure,
more sensual and insightful. Your financial life also tends to prosper. Ask her for solutions for
work, love, happiness and health. But don't forget the offering. She likes floral perfume,
necklaces, earrings, incense, white/red/and pink candles. Leave the gift at a crossroads,
preferably on a Friday with a full moon, at 6pm.

Rosa Caveira

Rosa Caveira is the Head Pomba Gira of the Rosa falange, working with sensuality and
beauty. Pomba Gira Dona Rosa Caveira was born in a cemetery in her parents' house and
surrounded by red and yellow roses. At birth, Rosa's mother was sick, and was right in the
cemetery of her house, that's when Rosa's grandmother came to help with the delivery, her
appearance was like a skull, as she had passed away some time ago. Rosa was born and her
grandmother asked her mother to name the girl Rosa Caveira, and so it was done.

Rosa had 6 more sisters who hated her, due to the different treatment she received from
her parents and the fact that her grandmother visited her spiritually throughout her birthdays.
Rosa Caveira 's parents were magicians, and knew some spells and spells they used only for
good, Rosa then asked her parents to teach her, she didn't want to do evil, she just wanted to
protect herself and help anyone who needed her help. Her older sister was very jealous and angry
at her parents, who was teaching Rosa everything and had not taught them anything. This sister
then learned black magic, and when she got good at magic, she used it to kill her parents.

Rosa Caveira, resigned to that, ended up killing her sister and her husband, the other
sisters in fear, stopped mocking Rosa Caveira and started to side with her, afraid of dying too.
When she was 19 she decided to leave the house and met a wizard, she learned many things from
him, but this wizard died years later and her middle brother for not liking Rosa Caveira killed her
and handed her head on a gold tray and surrounded by roses, for the spirits of evil wizards, she
was 77 years old. The magician's brother died sometime later and Rosa Caveira gave her soul to
her Chief, Exu Caveira, because on the occasion of his death his master magician handed Rosa
over to the care of Exu Caveira for him to take care of Rosa.

Today Rosa Caveira is part of Exu Caveira's Phalange, and she is also the head of the
phalanx. Well this is just a legend, not all Rosa Caveira who works at Umbanda has the same
story. Rosa Caveira is a woman of determination, she doesn't like much to play and when she
laughs she is actually in pain, not happiness. She is very direct in her consultations, sometimes
seeming rude, says what she has to say and that's it. She works to help the wronged, works a lot
with obsessive and evil spirits, and she captures and puts them in prisons until they understand
what is right. Rosa Caveira is very fond of abundance, of the right and always positive things.
She charges a lot of her mediums, attacking them in their health and financial life, when they are
not doing the right thing.

But it also helps your mediums a lot to make them prosper when they are on the right
path. When her children are on the right path, Rosa Caveira helps a lot, but when they are on the
wrong path she charges them dearly, until the child understands the wrong thing. Despite having
killed her sister and her brother-in-law, Rosa Caveira does not hurt, nor could she because she is
a spirit of Light. And as we already know this is the story of a woman who works on the phalanx
of Exu Caveira, and all the other Pombo Giras who use her name Rosa, is on the phalanx of Rosa
Caveira working to imprison evil and obsessive spirits.

• Day of the week: Monday

• Celebration Day: March 8

• Colors: black, red and purple

• Clothes: skirts and capes

• Food: padês

• Drinks: sweet drink, wine, liquor, champagne

• Salutation: Laroyê Rosa Caveira or Look after me, Dona Rosa Caveira

Offerings Never make an offering without being asked for one, only make it when requested,
otherwise your offer will be unfounded and may hinder in place of helping.

In the case of Rosa Caveira, she always asks for a chicken to give to Exu Caveira, only after he

Other offerings for her: red roses, coins, round mirrors, daggers, bunches of red grapes, a skull
ring, black cloth, and red candles.

The offering has to be delivered at a crossroads (but it must be made of dirt and not asphalt)
during midnight on the night of a crescent moon.
Maria Navalha

Maria Navalha is part of the Padilha falange. Her story speaks of her life as Maria
Regina, who grew up in Rio de Janeiro under challenging circumstances. Her father was an
officer in the military who abandoned his children shortly after the birth of Maria Regina’s
brother, who turned out to be mentally challenged. It was a life full of struggle and even moreso
when their mother died when Maria Regina was 14 years old. They ended up living on the street
and doing a lot of effort until Maria managed to get work as a waitress at a bordello. Here she
one night met a gentleman dressed in white and with a red tie. He never demanded her favours,
only gave her gifts. One night, he gave her his watch and with it was a charm telling her that it
was important that she left work before 3 a.m. and if she couldn’t do that, that she should wait
until 7 a.m.

Shortly after work, she found herself in the streets at 3:30 am. When she realized what
time it was, she heard the voice of two thieves calling after her to stop. With nowhere to run in
that dark back alley in Lapa, she turned around trying to talk her way out of what was about to
happen. They approached her with knifes seeking to rape and kill her. But as they approached
her, a man dressed in white with a red tie appeared behind them, in his hand was a razor. He
jumped the attackers and killed them both, but alas, in this he also suffered deadly cuts to
himself. In tears, Maria Regina was given the razor from the dying Zé Pelintra as he placed his
panama hat on her head… From this night on, she was known as Maria Navalha, Mary
Pomba Gira Maria Navalha is naturally a great force for protection of women and to
punish abusive men. We have her in two forms, one white and one red. The white Maria Navalha
is charged and worked for the sake of protection, suave, yet deadly…while the red Maria
Navalha is charged with that extra element of fire that makes her aggressive and fierce in her

Maria Padilha das Almas

She is a very strong, fierce, and wise Pomba Gira of the Padilha falange. As her name
(Maria Padilha of the Souls) suggests, she works with the soul. Maria das Almas is very
passionate and deeply empathetic, she is willing to help people struggling due to their emotional
and mental state, and she is very great at transforming people from the inside so they can

She possesses rare beauty, calmness, and a discreet yet active sensuality. She transmits
security to those who seek it, and she is strong and determined when she takes on a job, leaving
nothing for later. She is very striking, severe, and disciplining in her personality, while being
tender and sweet at other times. She is like a very diligent and wise mother who seeks the best
for their children, even if it requires harsh lessons. She is usually shown with white, black, or
black and white clothes.
Maria Cigana da Estrada

A Pomba Gira of the Cigana falange. She is simply wonderful, very beautiful, sensual,
and capable of attracting various looks. She has a perfect face and body, a wonderful smile, a
charm in her eyes and a unique personality that is not seen in any woman and that manages to
enchant everyone.

Everything in Cigana da Estrada is beautiful, which means that the eyes are directed to it.
And she knows how to use it very well to her advantage. The Gypsy Road knows persuade and
deceive men in order to achieve their goals and realize their wishes. Another very striking
characteristic of Cigana da Estrada is that she loves to wear red dresses with a big wheel skirt so
she can dance to the sound of the wind. She also loves wearing large, eye-catching necklaces,
bracelets on both arms and very large wheel earrings. The most interesting thing to note about
these characteristics of Pomba Gira Cigana da Estrada is that he loves black and red. she loves
the Romani culture and all the things that surround it.

She seduces, attracts, and conquers; regardless of the man, age, or passion he has for
another woman. She can use people to get what she wants from them and is not afraid to break
someone's heart to achieve her goals. It can be said that Cigana da Estrada hates domestic
violence towards women even more, whether physical, verbal or emotional, so it is an entity that
can help many people. This Road helps the person to become more confident, more motivated
and raises their self-esteem in an incredible way. The Gypsy Road makes you a more seductive
person and more sure of herself.
Maria Padilha Do Cabaré

This Pomba Gira is part of the Padilha falange and is a beautiful ypung woman who is
seductive, elegant, feminine, cunning, bold, and also has a good heart. She always has some
good advice for people, especially for those who suffer from love. Maria Padilha Rainha do
Cabaré is one of the Pomba Giras who take on the role of taking care of matters of both heart and
money. She can also assist in breaking spells, protection, healing diseases, and caring for all
matters of the heart and money. She is however very feared due to her cold and ruthless power in
the matter of demands. Though she is protective of women, and is connected to bars and night

According to a legend, Maria Padilha Queen of the Cabaret was Spanish and queen,
owner of castle, and she loved cod, cheeses, and wines. Of course, today, due to its evolution,
you accept common offerings. But she's very thin, she knows what's good, she likes jewelry,
beautiful clothes made of good fabrics and she loves skirts with lots of ruffles and fan. This lady
likes to be well cared for, especially for her mediums, plays cards, she knows how to be friends
with her horses and knows what she says - come to earth and not to ride. Like all Padilha, she
likes champagne, martini, campari and honey.

Another story says that, when she was born, she was the owner of a very luxurious and
famous Spanish cabaret, responsible for making her a remarkable woman in the society of the
time. One of her legends is that when she lived in the terrestrial kingdom, she owned a luxurious
and famous Spanish Cabaret, which she became very rich and famous for nearby. They say that
she suffered a lot for an unrequited love, she loved one of the waiters in her brothel, but he was
in love with one of her girls. So one day, the two lovers ran away, making her suffer greatly so
she killed herself by throwing herself off a cliff. That is how she ended up in the Umbral.

She is a great dancer, whose movements can include the gypsy steps in some moments,
sensually moving her arms, as those who enjoy fully seducing with the body in motion. She is
proud and majestic; she has characteristics of women who are not afraid of anything. She is “a
woman who raised herself and became Queen by her own strength, had several men in her bed,
but loved only one.”

Her offerings are black dove, black goat, and good-quality cigarettes. Leave the offerings
in the form of " T " or " X ", preferably close to cabarets (it will go according to her request). She
also loves cosmetics and mirrors. The roses to be offered to her should be red (in odd numbers),
also carnations and red palms.

Symbols: Bird, Trident, Moon, Sun, Key and Heart. The candles can be black and red, all
red and in certain cases, black and white, or all white (it will depend on the work to be done; she
will say what color to use).
Rosa Negra

The Pomba Gira Rosa Negra is part of the Rosa falange of Rosa Caveira, along with Rosa
Roja, Sete Rosas, Dama das Rosas, etc. However, the appearance of the Rosa Negra is rare,
which is why she is little known. All Pombas Giras that work with Rosas are linked to sexuality
and sensuality, the characteristic that distinguishes Rosa Negra is its power to extinguish
negative actions linked to affective, sensual, and sexual issues.

Those who commit adultery are punished by this lady Rosa Negra, whose ally is the
Pomba Gira Rosa da Noite. The point of action of this Pomba Gira is vast; she works in fields,
woods, forests, crossroads, and any other place where a rose can bloom.

One legend mentions the last incarnation of this Pomba Gira, who was a slave on a farm
in Bahia, used “negra” in reference to the color of her skin. In this story, Rosa Negra suffered,
for a long time, from sexual abuse from her master and overseers, for being a very beautiful
woman. To get revenge, she used black magic against her attackers. She died at the age of 28
from venereal diseases, but her death only relieved the pain of the flesh, not the soul. Repenting
of the spells committed, Rosa Negra started to work its evolution fighting against this type of
black magic.
The other version states that the “negra” of her name refers to the void, the black is the
one who takes the negative energy, which it destroys to build. It is the black color of the ground,
the color that governs Omolu and Obaluayê .

Cigana Maria Rosa

This Maria Rosa is of the ‘gypsy’ falange. She is sensitive, connected to the arts and
beauty, and one of her specialties is working with aromas. She has the name of flower (Rosa)
because she loves perfumes and appreciates beauty and harmony. Maria Rosa's responsibility is
to take the information regarding the spiritual plane so that she can always maintain her link with
the cosmos without being carried away by vanity or greed.
Maria Padilha das Sete Catacumbas

Maria Padilha das Sete Catacumba was white, of short stature, blue eyes, blonde hair, and
was beautiful, but not within common standards. Her mission on earth was to unlock love. The
delivery of her offerings takes place at the crossroads and their colors are red, black, and/or
purple. Her symbols are: the seven-pointed trident, razor, and dagger. Her favorite food is muffin
with farofa and her favorite drink is whiskey.

In life, she was a beautiful courtesan who tied the heart of a French king who made her
queen and after a few years, he passed away. Due to the tenacity of her throne, she became
coveted by other kingdoms, which led her to remarry. It didn't take long and she was poisoned by
her current husband who started to rule in the worst possible way. The queen arrived in the astral
lost in limbo due to her attitudes here on earth. It was only after some time in the darkness that
the queen was found by her former king who began to look after her.

The work of this couple in the astral was so well known and respected that Exu Belo
named him “the Lord of the Catacombs”. Together, the paths of darkness and light began to
reign with thousands of entities and made this the greatest kingdom of the upper middle astral:
the kingdom of the Seven Catacombs. After some time, the king who poisoned her died and was
taken to the astral kingdom of the Seven Catacombs. Frightened without understanding anything,
he was placed in front of the queen Maria, whom he had to serve for the rest of eternity because
of the fault he committed.

She is a serious but serene entity, but when she reaches the world, she lets out a war cry where
she expresses all her power of victory.
Maria Mulambo da Lixeira

She treats her consultants like friends, everyone speaks very well of her. She is always
willing to help those who are looking for it and when it is always very polite and likes to conquer
her fans with jokes and songs. She is an intense woman, makes plans, advises step by step the
right directions and attitudes to follow; but there is something very systematic and totally severe
in her observations. She is very serious and likes everything to be just right.

She works in the healing of addicts, in the rescue of people from the darkness and
depression, in the reconstruction of destroyed families, in the help with shops and even making
people entrepreneurs. She works in the Umbral, rescuing lost and suffered souls and forwarding
them to the spirits of light. She chose this work for free will - decided not to reincarnate so that
she could accomplish this work of evolution. She says that this world we live in is a place that is
not worth going back and that, within her choice, it would help us much more; her work is hard
and necessary.

She likes cigarettes, good quality cigars, strong and sweet drinks, always good quality. Your
clothes will depend on the work that you will make - they are thin and elegant; large head
scarves and not too exaggerated accessories. She doesn’t like the common light of our century –
she instead likes candlelight and torches. She is also very humble and doesn't care for luxury or
expensive clothes. Your offerings should be given, preferably, in trash or dirty places or on
cruises. She works with all the Exus and says she has no problem with the Padilha falange.

Maria Padilha Quitéria

This Pomba Gira is under the falange of Maria Padilha. She is a very strong entity who
commands a very large phalanx of women. Pomba-gira Maria Navalha is her subordinate and
she accompanies seven Exus. This Pomba Gira always presents herself as a strong and
straightforward woman

Maria Quitéria was born in Lisbon, capital of Portugal, to a wealthy family with a great
desire for children. Maria was a joy, after so long without being able to fulfill the dream of
pregnancy of a young Portuguese woman married to a Brazilian soldier. Coming from a
traditional family, she was named Maria for tradition and Quiteria for her grandmother's
devotion to Santa Quiteria. The life of the beautiful and cheerful Maria Quitéria would end when
the king of Portugal in the 19th century decided that all the lands would become the property of
the crown. With a large number of rural workers with nothing to eat or where to live, a series of
revolts and destruction spread throughout the country.

In the meantime, malefactors took advantage of the situation and the confusion to enter
the houses, assault and murder innocent residents who lived in the cities. Little Maria Quitéria's
house was one of those, but with the help of a servant, she fled and watched everything else,
including her family, being murdered and the fire consuming her home. The servant then took
Maria Quitéria to a gypsy camp, asking for help to raise the poor orphan. Being welcomed by
them, she lived there for 10 years, living as a nomad, from city to city with the gypsies. When
the king of Portugal ordered the persecution of these people, Maria Quitéria's group left for
Brazil. Already great, she became a young warrior, with knowledge of Gypsy magic, charitable
values, and great strength.

Being alone when her group returned to Portugal, Maria Quitéria continued to travel
through Brazil to help the poor. From city to city, she helped all kinds of people, good and evil,
passing on her word of help and light. When trying to help a helpless woman, Maria Quitéria
ends up using her sharp dagger on the man who tries to attack her. While the woman runs away,
Maria delivers a potion to her brother, to save the man from death. The man then does not forget
Maria Quitéria's face and finds her sleeping outside 7 days later, taking advantage of her
situation to place a dagger in her heart. Maria then dies, but with the help of spirits of light to
lead her towards the divinity so that she could, with the blessing of Oxalá , become a Pomba Gira
that fights for charity and against the darkness of evil.

With her peculiar, strong, fighting, warrior way, she draws attention wherever she goes,
and all miss her when she leaves. She has a very peculiar way of speaking, seeming to be quite
radical, and quite angry, as she demonstrated in the streets and alleys she lived in; not as a
demonstration of arrogance, but for survival.

Maria Quitéria accepts her requests and offerings at crossroads and cruises ... she drinks
champagne by the glass, she likes long cigarillos, jewelry, perfumes, red candles and a red and
black towe. Her offerings must always be impeccable ... this is a demanding entity. Maria
Quitéria's energetic strength has greater intensity in works to be performed with Souls, mainly in
Cemeteries and Mountains, being almost always the messenger of Orixás like Iansã, Obá, and
sometimes Ogum.
Maria Padilha da Praia

This Pomba Gira is an entity who prefers to use seduction, wisdom, and sweet words
before taking drastic measures to problems. She likes to hear people vent and then helps to assist
them in understanding the issue at hand. She is a kind spiritual advisor, and tends to work with
business, health, and love.

She has a striking personality and may have a northeastern accent. Her dance is sensual
and hypnotic. Lady of the pier of the ports of Bahia. She works on the Iemanjá line and reserves
the command of the beaches, together with Exu Maré. She works for opening businesses, health,
love, issues of disaffection, and opening of paths.

Maria da Praia receives her offerings on the beaches, on the calungas, cruises, or on
stones by the sea; likes to receive them any day of the week. She loves champagnes, cigarettes,
roses, and apples, combs, mirrors, lipsticks, and bracelets. She presents herself as a beautiful
woman, dressed in evening blue and gold. Owner of a deep magic, when she incorporates, she
arrives full of joy and dance without stopping.
Maria Mulambo do Cemitério

Maria Mulambo do Cemitério is a beautiful and playful young woman. Always willing to
help those who seek and need it. She loves to drink, smoke, and talk. However, she knows the
time to be serious. Never promise her what you will not be able to fulfill; if you dismiss what she
asks or find little, she will not help you. Those who work with Maria Mulambo from the door of
the cemetery say that it is easy to please her, especially if the liking is made of heart and with
sympathy. She works with all kinds of magic and enchantments for all purposes.

She likes luxury, but in a moderate way. Enjoys champagne and cigarillos. She likes
purple, and sometimes a little red, only if it comes with black. Like all the cute doves of the
Calunga, her offerings must be made preferably in the Cemetery. In this case, they can be landed
at the door - place of entry.

“I'm a cute dove that comes from the cemetery to work. I do not give the enemies a
chance, because I carry a good magic broom, that sweeps evil and clears the ways to come
good... For always carrying a broom in my hands, I am a witch too, whose name is Witch of
ÉVORA, who works together with the Witch of the Darkness...”.

Maria Padilha Pimenta

This Pomba Gira comes from the falanges of Maria Padilha and Malandragem. Just like
the pepper (pimenta), her instruments of working are very hot: she deals with discord like no
one. She is very joyful but is able to get anyone mad in seconds; she deals easily with working
on fights, disagreements, and chaos. Normally, people who are looked after by this Pomba Gira
attract a lot of fight and discords, have little to no friends, like harsh-tasting drinks, and may
admire red and yellow colors. She is a young Pomba Gira, having died a few decades ago, and
she loves to use red roses on her hair.

Maria Pimenta is very beautiful, sensual, cheerful, and loving towards her mediums. She
is a great guardian of the mysteries of the sacred feminine. She emanates love, vitality, wit, and
sexual energy. She is also a wonderful helper with emotional health, love, business, and family
matters. Maria Pimenta likes red and white clothing, salami, quail eggs, cheese, white beer,
martini, contini, liquers, smoothies, champagne, sweet cigarettes, flowers, red dice, white dice,
keys, perfume, coins, daggers, razors, red and white candles, and handkerchiefs.

Dama da Noite

This Pomba Gira is relied on to solve love problems and bring happiness to relationships.
She is one of Umbanda's most requested authorities and is believed to work for Oxum. That is
precisely why she has great power when it comes to loving relationships.

The Pomba Gira Dama da Noite speaks with a sweet and half voice and is extremely
agile when carrying out work. They are passionate about fine drinks, cigarillos or cigarettes, eat
goats and chickens, like yellow and red roses and red carnations. The queen of the night whose
greeting is Laroyê, is very fond of helping people, especially women who suffer for love.

The Pomba Gira Dama da Noite is seen as a kind of informant, they are everywhere and
know a little about everything. Another important characteristic of this entity, is the development
of mediums beginners. She contributes to the evolution and for that, they manifest themselves in
any sung point. Even when not doing work, this entity can influence a medium only with his
intuition, with the simplicity of a sung point.

Maria Padilha Dona Figueira

Dona Figueira is said to be Tiriri's wife and she is part of the Padilha falange. She is very
serious and doesn't like to speak much; she likes to arrive, give the message, and leave. She can
be irritated and she is sure in the things she says and promises. She is very frank in what she
says, as she likes to get to the point.

She likes champagne, anise, and likes to drink molasses (preferring the strongest and
sweetest drinks). She doesn't give much importance to jewelry, but she likes to wear earrings and
especially rings, if she requests them. She smokes cigarettes and likes roses and red rose incense.
Her colors are black, red, and purple, with black predominating. She receives her offerings under
fig trees, at crossroads, and at cemeteries.

She doesn't care much about her clothes, but she always needs a skirt because she likes to
hold her skirt and move it around. In one of her passages, she was a very strong witch in the days
of the Inquisition. She doesn’t have many friends, but is very faithful and answers any questions
asked in good faith. Dona Figueira is a middle-aged woman who loves to dance all the time. She
talks little, but helps many and always has a friendly word for all who seek it.

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