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Serial Number Search Certificate

This is a serial number search certificate for a serial number search

This Search certificate is provided under section 174 of the Personal Property Securities Act

Search certificate number: 9235725287560001

Search number: 923572528756

This search certificate reflects the data contained in the PPSR at 03/01/2020 11:53:59 (Canberra Time).

Search Criteria Details

Serial number search type: VIN
Motor vehicle: SHHFK2860CU306284
PPSR registration state searched: Current

PPSR Registration Details

PPSR Registration number: 201912300054025 Change number: 58220860
Registration kind: Security interest
Registration start time: 30/12/2019 18:16:17 (Canberra Time)
Registration end time: 30/12/2026 23:59:59 (Canberra Time)
Registration last changed: 30/12/2019 18:16:17 (Canberra Time)
Subordinate registration: Not stated Transitional: No
PPSR registration state: Current

Collateral Details
Serial number: SHHFK2860CU306284 Serial number type: VIN
Collateral type: Consumer property
Collateral class: Motor vehicle
Proceeds: Yes - All present and after acquired property.
Purchase Money Security
Interest: Yes

Secured Party Details

Organisation identifier: 130046794 Organisation identifier type: ACN

Address for Service

Contact name: PPSR team
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 03 9797 4408
Mailing address: 260 - 284 Frankston Dandenong Road
  Dandenong South

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This search certificate reflects the data contained in the PPSR at 03/01/2020 11:53:59 (Canberra Time).

  Vic 3195
Physical address: No address provided

Additional Motor Vehicle Details – NEVDIS

Identifier number: SHHFK2860CU306284 Identifier type: VIN
Vehicle type: CAR / SMALL Make: HON
Body type: SEDAN Model: CIVIC 5D
Colour: SILVER OR CHROME Engine number: R18Z41034483
Registration plate number: CNB40S State vehicle registered: NSW
Registration expiry: 25 Jun 2020
Year of manufacture: No data recorded. Year/Month of compliance: 2013-06

NEVDIS Written-off Vehicle Notification:

• Not recorded as written-off.
NEVDIS Stolen Vehicle Notification:
• Not recorded as stolen.
Tasmanian stolen vehicle information is currently unavailable from this service. For information about the status
of Tasmanian vehicles, go to: (Note: you will
need to provide the vehicle registration plate number to search this site).

A stolen vehicle notification, or the absence of one, does not necessarily mean a vehicle is or is not stolen.

If there is a stolen vehicle notification you wish to enquire about, you should contact the police force in the State
or Territory indicated immediately after the date in the notification. The reference number at the end of the
notification should be quoted as a part of your enquiry.

Please note that there may be multiple stolen notifications shown. A stolen notification can be for a VIN, Plate,
Chassis and/or Engine.

Vehicle information is requested from Austroads NEVDIS database for each transaction involving a vehicle VIN
or Chassis Number on the PPSR. The data is not part of interests registered on the PPSR and it is presented
without any guarantee regarding its accuracy.

The NEVDIS data is intended to assist users with checking that the VIN or Chassis Number they entered, along
with information they have about the vehicle from other sources, is accurate and to provide users with any data
held on NEVDIS about a vehicle’s stolen or written off status.

State and territory road agencies are the source of NEVDIS data and the primary point of contact for enquiries,
errors and corrections.

Access to and use of data provided through the PPSR is subject to the PPSR General Conditions of Use and
applicable third party data conditions (which can be obtained at To the extent permitted by
law, all data provided through the PPSR is made available without any representation or warranty of any kind
(without limitation in respect to accuracy) and the Commonwealth, and our third party data providers (which
includes any person mentioned in the Third Party Data Conditions as providing information through the PPSR),
have no liability to you in respect of any loss or damage that you might suffer no matter how arising (including
negligence) that is directly or indirectly related to the NEVDIS Data.

How to verify this certificate on the PPSR

You can use the search number from an original search (as shown on this certificate) to retrieve the original search
results and to issue a copy of the search certificate at

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This search certificate reflects the data contained in the PPSR at 03/01/2020 11:53:59 (Canberra Time).

There is no fee, however this process will not provide any update to the information in the original search.

Privacy and Terms and Conditions

The Australian Financial Security Authority is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 which requires that we comply with the
Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in the Act. The APPs set out how Australian Government agencies
should collect, use, store and disclose personal information and how individuals can access records containing their
personal information.

Access to and use of the PPSR is subject to the General Conditions of Use, as well as other relevant terms and
conditions. All relevant terms and conditions can be found at

End of search certificate

EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE:

GPO Box 1944 Adelaide SA 5001 1300 00 77 77

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