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Unit 8 Test A
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Class .................................................................................

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the 4 Complete the sentences with these prepositions.
on out up back in
1 I didn’t go/haven’t been to the cinema with
Cathy because I saw/had seen the film before. 1 How long ago did Tina and Marcus split
2 When we got/had got to the station, we had _____?
caught/caught the next train to Oxford. 2 I’ve never got _____ well with my cousins. I
3 As soon as it had started/starts to rain, we don’t know why.
packed/had packed up the picnic. 3 Jon is going to ask Rosa _____, but I don’t
4 When Pete and Sally had met/met at a party, think she’ll say yes!
they fell/had fallen in love at first sight. 4 It’s good to hear that Marta and David got
_____ together again.
/8 5 Do you think it’s possible to fall _____ love
with someone the first time you meet them?
2 Complete the text with the correct past form of
these verbs. /5
break be wake wake hear run
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
have lie
of the words given.
Last night I (1) __________ up suddenly at about 1 Many old people are respected because of their
three o’clock. I went to bed late and I __________ (wise).
(2) __________ in bed for about two hours. I
2 The electricity wasn’t working, so we had to go
(3) __________ there for a moment. I
upstairs in complete __________ (dark).
(4) __________ no idea why I (5) __________ up.
Everything was very quiet. Then suddenly I 3 In many countries, people are still fighting for
(6) __________ a loud noise in the house and I their __________ (free).
(7) __________ downstairs. There was glass all 4 I have a real __________ (weak) for chocolate
over the floor. Someone (8) __________ the cake!
window. Was he or she still in the house?!
6 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
3 Complete the dialogues with the correct form 1 I’m a__________ when I see really big spiders!
of the words given.
2 Our teacher gets a__________ when we’re late
1 A: Why did you decide __________ (study) for class.
Spanish? 3 Opening my birthday presents is always
B: Because I enjoy __________ (learn) e__________.
languages and I want __________ (work) as a 4 I wouldn’t like to live on my own because of
translator. the l__________.
2 A: I can’t stand __________ (wait) in queues at 5 When you drive a car, you have to have an
the bus stop, can you? a__________ of other road users.
B: No, I try to avoid __________ (travel) in the
rush hour! /5
3 A: I’d like __________ (take up) a new sport.
Is __________ (snowboard) difficult?
B: Yes, but it’s good __________ (have) a

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Reading 1 Wedding traditions have been changing T/F/NM

for a long time.
7 Read the article about weddings. Decide if the
statements are true (T), false (F) or not 2 In the past, people used to be more T/F/NM
mentioned (NM). religious.
3 Celebrations used to follow a similar T/F/NM
A day to remember
It seems that couple are becoming much more 4 Places for modern weddings are not T/F/NM
adventurous these days about where and how they always luxurious.
get married. Only a few years ago, nearly every
couple wanted a traditional wedding that took 5 The article is advertising a competition. T/F/NM
place in a church or another religious building.
The happy pair invited their closest friends to the
ceremony and then celebrated with a special meal
and lots of dancing. Everyone wore their best
clothes and they followed traditions that had been Listening (Tests CD, Track 10)
handed down from generation to generation.
Today, people are making new traditions! More 8 You are going to hear four people talking about
and more young couples want to do something on friends and relationships. Listen and match the
their wedding day that is very special and speakers A–D with the comments in 1–4.
different. They hope that everyone there will
remember it for a very long time. Some also want 1 Friends don’t have to have the same
their wedding to be in a place that has a certain personalities.
meaning for them. A popular place for today’s
young bride and groom is a tropical beach under a Speaker ___
blue sky and with palm trees in the background.
This is because it’s a place where they would
never usually go. Other couples are more 2 Friends help each other in difficult situations.
courageous! People are getting married in the air
while sky diving, at the top of mountains, on Speaker ___
planes, in museums or underwater! You name a
place – someone has got married there – even in a
motorway café! It is also possible to find special 3 Friends are more than someone to have short
travel agents who can help you organize your big conversations with.
So, where would your ideal place to get Speaker ___
married be? Write a 300-word email saying where
you would like to get married and giving your 4 Friends don’t say things just to please you.
reasons. The best email will receive a £100 book
token. Get writing!
Speaker ___


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Use of English Writing

9 Complete the second sentence so it means the 10 You see this advert in a magazine.
same as the first, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. Use between two and
five words. How did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Write a paragraph about your first meeting and the
1 We went shopping and then we had a coffee. best answers will win a weekend for two in Paris!
We had a coffee _______________ shopping.
Write your competition entry in 100 words.
2 I get on well with my brother.
I _______________ with my brother.
3 Studying law at university is my ambition.
I _______________ at university.

4 The party started before I got there.

When I got there, the party _______________.




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