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Handouts 1-3: Rumours You Have Heard

Handout 1: Rumours You Have Heard

You recently heard the following three rumours. You don’t know if they are true, but you have heard them more than once.
It’s up to you to decide where you heard them. Was it in a tavern? On the road? At a local market? Or maybe from a friend?
That’s entirely up to you and how you think your Character engages with the folk of Ubersreik.

• Rumour 1: My cousin’s just back from Altdorf, and he says the Emperor’s ill. Never did recover from that business in
Drachenfels castle, or so he reckons. I reckon it’s all the eels they eat there. Probably just ate a dodgy one.
• Rumour 2: Ubersreik is home to one of the best stonemasons in the Reikland. I travelled halfway across the Empire to
employ him on behalf of my master, but sadly it seems he vanished just a few weeks ago. I tried reporting it to the Watch
in the Precinct, but they didn’t care.
• Rumour 3: Listen, it’s the truth, there is a monster in the Ortschlamm marsh, and even the gods are afraid of it. Can’t
be killed, they say. Stay out the Grey Mountains to the south-west is what I’m saying. You’ve been warned.

Use these rumours to spark conversations with the other Players before playing Making the Rounds.

Handout 2: Rumours You Have Heard

You recently heard the following three rumours. You don’t know if they are true, but you have heard them more than once.
It’s up to you to decide where you heard them. Was it in a tavern? On the road? At a local market? Or maybe from a friend?
That’s entirely up to you and how you think your Character engages with the folk of Ubersreik.

• Rumour 1: Bloody Bögenhafen has all the luck. While we here in Ubersreik have the Emperor kicking our nobles out,
over there the nobles take a back seat and let Merchant Houses like the Teugens pretty much rule the place. If we had
that here, we’d all be rich!
• Rumour 2: The Bridge? Yeah, it’s impressive, eh? Just don’t go under it. The Baron and his men live in the shanty there.
Not safe, if you know what I mean. And I hear there is much worse than just criminals down there…
• Rumour 3: Yup, enormous quantities of glass being shipped up to the Tower of Vane. No idea why. Mistress Glazer was
the one making it. What’s the Tower of Vane? No idea, mate.

Use these rumours to spark conversations with the other Players before playing Making the Rounds.

Handout 3: Rumours You Have Heard

You recently heard the following three rumours. You don’t know if they are true, but you have heard them more than once.
It’s up to you to decide where you heard them. Was it in a tavern? On the road? At a local market? Or maybe from a friend?
That’s entirely up to you and how you think your Character engages with the folk of Ubersreik.

• Rumour 1: There was a witch burning over in Stimmigen. Put him up on the stake for reading corrupt books or
summink. But, according to my barber, he didn’t burn. Instead, this tattoo like a splayed hand lit up on his chest like a
purple candle. And then he was gone! Probably nonsense, coz if you can’t burn a witch, we’d all be in trouble!
• Rumour 2: Naw, me mate told me, and it’s true! There’s goblins in the sewers. And they comes out at night, right. And
they’re stealing children and bread and meat and cheese and… uhh… shoes, probably. Anyway, don’t go down the sewers
is what I’m saying.
• Rumour 3: There’s these fights up in the Precinct that you have to proper wrap your hands for. No blood. Done for
fun, I hear. But the same soldier that told me these fights were happening then told me they didn’t. What’s he on
about? I’ll never understand Altdorfers.

Use these rumours to spark conversations with the other Players before playing Making the Rounds.
Handouts 4-6: Rumours You Have Heard

Handout 4: Rumours You Have Heard

You recently heard the following three rumours. You don’t know if they are true, but you have heard them more than once.
It’s up to you to decide where you heard them. Was it in a tavern? On the road? At a local market? Or maybe from a friend?
That’s entirely up to you and how you think your Character engages with the folk of Ubersreik.

• Rumour 1: I hear the Emperor is proper fed up with the Colleges of Magic. That why he’s been building those semaphore
towers to pass messages about. Our good ol’ Karl-Franz is sticking it one to those cursed wizards!
• Rumour 2: Don’t trust no one, mate. Everyone works for someone else in Ubersreik, and it ain’t who they say, and that’s
the truth! Whether it’s them Jungfreuds or them from Altdorf over in Black Rock Castle, it’s all the same. Schemes
within schemes. Still, great time to make a bit of coin, eh?
• Rumour 3: Watch out for that Hannah Baumann, I’m told. Witch killer. Kills anything that can do magic, even those
trained legally at the Colleges of Magic. Good on her, I say. Then again, the reward for catching her is 100 shillings…

Use these rumours to spark conversations with the other Players before playing Making the Rounds.

Handout 5: Rumours You Have Heard

You recently heard the following three rumours. You don’t know if they are true, but you have heard them more than once.
It’s up to you to decide where you heard them. Was it in a tavern? On the road? At a local market? Or maybe from a friend?
That’s entirely up to you and how you think your Character engages with the folk of Ubersreik.

• Rumour 1: Just last week there was a mutant attack on the Teufel. Birdmen, I hear. Swept out of the trees and nabbed
folk up into the branches. Best stay in Ubersreik, I say.
• Rumour 2: Ol’ Betse Wooster? Ah, I know, brilliant, eh? So glad they came back to Ubersreik. She’s got clowns and
jugglers and storytellers and everything. No way I’m missing out on the Cavalcade this time!
• Rumour 3: Have you heard that Lena Stein play? She’s passing through, might catch her busking or at that theatre place
if you got the coin. I’m telling you, it’s like the gods themselves have taught her. I ain’t heard nothing like it!

Use these rumours to spark conversations with the other Players before playing Making the Rounds.

Handout 6: Rumours You Have Heard

Your Character recently heard the following three rumours. You don’t know if they are true, but you have heard them more
than once. It’s up to you to decide where you heard them. Was it in a tavern? On the road? At a local market? Or maybe from
a friend? That’s entirely up to you and how you think your Character engages with the folk of Ubersreik.

• Rumour 1: I hear the Crown Prince of Ostland is mounting an expedition to Grey Mountains. Is hiring in Altdorf.
Seems a long way to go just to come back here, though...
• Rumour 2: Osanna’s the best lawyer in Ubersreik. Ain’t no doubting that. Used to serve the royalty she did. Wish I could
afford her to sort that business I have with me neighbour’s pigs!
• Rumour 3: Bumped into that Wilhelm Wey fellah just three weeks ago in the Red Moon. Writing one of his itinerary
whotsits, he said. Well, let me tell you, he may be a good drinking mate, but the nonsense he was writing about the Red
Claw temple. Let me tell you, it was like he’d never visited it! I’ve been there. I will not go again.

Use these rumours to spark conversations with the other Players before playing Making the Rounds.
Handout 7: Going Shopping!

There are many exciting things you can buy in Ubersreik’s Marktplatz. Your Character Sheet shows you how
much money you currently have.

The coins come in 3 denominations: Brass Pennies (d), Silver Shillings (/), and Gold Crowns (GC). Coin values

1 gold crown (1GC) = 20 silver shillings (20/–) = 240 brass pennies (240d)
1 silver shilling (1/–) = 12 brass pennies (12d)

This is usually abbreviated to: 1 GC = 20/– = 240d

What’s On Offer?
Whilst at the market, or at other points during play if the GM allows, you may wish to purchase some goods.
The GM will tell you if you need to make a Test to find a vendor or shopkeeper selling the goods you wish to
buy. When buying, you either pay full price, or you pass an Opposed Haggle Test against the shopkeeper and pay
the cheaper Haggle price as marked in the Trappings Table.

Trappings Table
The following are the goods available in Ubersreik market and beyond. Strength Bonus is abbreviated to SB in
any weapon rules.

Price Haggle Damage Special

Sword/Axe/Mace 1GC 18/– +SB+4 –
Dagger 16/– 14/4 +SB+2 –
Knuckledusters 2/6 2/3 +SB+2 –
Sling 1/– 11d +6 Range: 60 yards; Uses Stone Bullets
12 Stone Bullets 2d 2d – Rules on Molli’s Character Sheet
12 Pistol Bullets 3d – – Rules on Else’s Character Sheet
12 Blackpowder 3/– 2/9 – Rules on Else’s Character Sheet
Leather Jack 12/– 10/10 – 1 Armour Point to Body and Arms
Leather Jerkin 10/– 9/– – 1 Armour Point to Body
Waterskin 1/6 1/5 – Carries a gallon of liquid
Tattoo 4/– 3/8 – A simple tattoo
Pint of Ale 3d – – Tasty!
Rumster Pie 3d – – Comes in many flavours
Full Imperial Breakfast 8d – – Best blood sausage in Ubersreik!
Inn Meal 1/– – – Expensive, but good!
Bottle of Wine 10d 9d – A local grape
Chicken 5d – – Uncooked. Unplucked. Hungry.
Healing Draught 10/– 9/– – Drink to Heal 1d10 Wounds.
Bandage 4d – – Remove 1 Bleeding Condition
Deck of Cards 1/– – – Brush up on your Gamble Skill
Rope, 10 yards 8/4 7/6 – For tying up or climbing!

Feel free to come up with other prices for other items the Characters may wish to purchase based on these
amounts, or refer to The Consumers’ Guide in WFRP rulebook for many more options.

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