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 It was a one small step for man but one giant leap for mankind.

BUT did it
ever really happen? Or was it all staged?
 On July 20, 1969, mankind took its first steps on the moon. Two American
astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped out of their lunar
lander and onto the surface of the moon. After an 8-day journey in a
capsule no larger than a small car, the astronauts returned home. It was a
successful expedition OR was it really?
 Considering the enormous cost and effort it must take to get to the moon,
some believed that it was all staged so they could overtake the Soviets
 The US and the Soviets were in a “Space Race”. Each of them wanted to
display supremacy by being the first to send a man on the moon.
 The lunar landing was fabricated

We had no way of verifying anything we’re told

Space Race-
Motivation for the United States to engage the Soviet Union in a Space
Race can be traced to the then on-going Cold War. Landing on the Moon was
viewed as a national and technological accomplishment that would generate
world-wide acclaim.
NASA Funding-
Conspiracy theorists claim that NASA faked the landings to avoid
humiliation and to ensure that it continued to get funding. NASA raised "about
US$30 billion" to go to the Moon, and Kaysing claimed in his book that this could
have been used to "pay off" many people.[68] Since most conspiracists believe
that sending men to the Moon was impossible at the time,[69] they argue that
landings had to be faked to fulfill Kennedy's 1961 goal, "before this decade is out,
of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."[70] In fact,
NASA accounted for the cost of Apollo to the US Congress in 1973, totaling
US$25.4 billion.
Photographic oddities-
the quality of the photographs is incredibly high. (Hasselblad 500 EL
cameras) considering the technology available back then.
The angle and color of shadows are inconsistent. This suggests that
artificial lights were used.
The astronauts could not have survived the trip because of exposure to
radiation from the Van Allen radiation belt and galactic ambient radiation
Mechanical Issues-
The Lunar Modules made no blast craters or any sign of dust scatter.
The second stage of the launch rocket and/or the Lunar Module ascent
stage made no visible flame.
There should have been more than a two-second delay in communications
between Earth and the Moon, at a distance of 400,000 km

Technology used by NASA

The digital technology on Earth during the time of the Moon landings was
just in its infancy. The astronauts had relied on computers to aid in the Moon
missions. Many computers at the time were very large despite poor specs. In
1973, one year after the final Moon landing, the Xerox Alto was released. This
computer had 96kB of memory. Most personal computers as of 2019, use 50,000
- 100,000 times this amount of RAM. Conspiracy theorists argue that the
computers during the time of the Moon landings would not have been advanced
enough to allow for manned space travel to the Moon and back. Aside from the
computer technology used, other technology regarding radio transmission, radar,
and other instrumentation are said to be insufficient for the task at the time.[170]

Alleged Stanley Kubrick involvement

Stanley Kubrick was an American film director, screenwriter, and producer. He is
frequently cited as one of the most influential filmmakers in cinematic history.
Some of his films were The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, and most specially…
2001: A Space Odyssey which is partly set on the Moon and featured advanced
special effects. It has been claimed that when 2001 was in post-production in
early 1968, NASA secretly approached Kubrick to direct the first three Moon
The original footage of the moon landing has been lost, making it perhaps
the most famous lost film in history

We’ve seen the moon landing. We know what it looks like. We know what
happened. But have you ever wondered why, with all of our modern technology
to restore and preserve films, the footage still looks so grainy and ghostly?

Why Haven't Humans Gone Back to the Moon Since the Apollo Missions?

NASA has 2 answers: “We’ve never been busier" “We don’t have the
political will that provides the money to do it” WTF, men

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. The whole thing was
televised but a lot of people started noticing things that didn’t quite make sense.
Back in the day, the US really wanted to get to the moon first, but technically,
they didn’t have the money or the technology to achieve this.

1. Waving flag- when they put the flag in the Moon, it was seen waving. Flags
do have the tendency to wave, except in MOON. There’s no atmosphere.
No air.

2. Where are the stars?- if you’re in the outer space, wouldn’t you be
surrounded with stars and other galactic bodies?

3. C rock- a rock in a moon landing picture and there’s a “C” carved into it. If
this is just a random rock in the outer space, there wouldn’t be any
perfectly carved or written letter C.

4. Stage Light- if you look closely on the reflection of Armstrong’s helmet, you
can see a stage light.

5. Missing crater- when the craft landed on the moon, there ware no craters,
no dusts or whatever. It, unbelievably, landed perfectly. Don’t tell me an
astronaut’s feet can leave a mark, and a fucking space engine can’t.

The moon landing was a feat for mankind. However, discrepancies and
inconsistencies in the NASA photographic record have led many people to
thinking that it was all fabricated.

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