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Name: DIESTRO, ANGELA MAE Section: BSN 2B Date: 16/10/20

Essential Intrapartal and Newborn Practice

Reaction Paper

Newborn care is the most essential procedure in the delivery room, it is a procedure or a proper way of
handling the baby and implementing the proper way for the newborn. A newborn baby can acquire
complications if the procedure was incorrectly performed. After watching the video presented by our
clinical instructors, I learned that there are five important factors in the process of labor and birth. The
first one is the Birth passage, the size of the maternal pelvis or diameters of the pelvic inlet, midpelvis,
and outlet. The type of maternal pelvis, and the ability of the cervix to dilate and efface and ability of the
vaginal canal and the external opening of the vagina to distend. The second one is the fetus-fetal head,
fetal attitude, fetal lie, and fetal presentation. The third one is the Relationship between passage and
fetusengagement of the fetal presenting part, station or location of fetal presenting part in. The fourth
one is the Physiologic forces of labor which is the frequency, duration, and intensity of uterine
contractions as the fetus moves through the passage, and effectiveness of the maternal pushing effort
and the last one is the Psychosocial considerations-mental and physical preparation for childbirth, socio-
cultural values and beliefs, previous childbirth experience, support from significant other, and emotional
status. Labor usually begins between 30 and 42 weeks of gestation. Pro just her own relaxes the smooth
muscle tissue, estrogen stimulates uterine muscle contractions, and connective tissue loosens to permit
the softening, thinning, and eventual opening of the cervix. In true labor, with each contraction the
muscles of the upper uterine segment shortening and exert a Longitudinal traction on the cervix, causing
effacement in which is the drawing up of the internal OS and the cervical canal into the uterine
sidewalls. The contractions of true labor produced progressive dilation and effacement of the cervix.
They only occur regularly and increase in frequency, duration, and intensity. The discomfort of true
labor contractions usually starts in the back and radiates around to the abdomen. The pain is not
relieved by ambulation. The contractions of false labor do not produce progressive cervical effacement
and dilation. They are you regular and do not increasing frequency, duration, and intensity. The
discomfort may be relieved by ambulation, changing positions, drinking a large amount of water, or
taking a warm shower.

As I seen the video, I learned that the Essential Newborn Care package is a four-step newborn care time-
bound intervention undertaken to lessen newborn death. First is Immediate and thorough drying to
stimulate breathing after delivery of the baby, and provision of appropriate thermal care through
mother and newborn skin-to skin contact maintaining a delivery room temperature of 25-28 degrees
centigrade and wrapping the newborn with clean dry cloth, properly timed clamping and cutting of the
umbilical cord, (1-3 minutes or until cord pulsation stops);non-separation of the newborn and mother
for early breast-feeding for the immediate latching on and initiation of breastfeeding within first hour
after birth.
I believe that the birth of a baby is one of life’s most wondrous moments. Newborn babies have amazing
abilities, yet they are completely depended on others for breast -feeding, warmth and comfort.
Newborn is a continuum of the fetal life and a very important and vulnerable link in the chain of events
from the conception to adulthood. The physical and mental wellbeing of an individual depends on the
correct management of events in the perinatal period. The four basic needs of ALL babies at the time of
birth (and for the first few week of life) are: Warmth, Normal breathing, Mother’s milk, Protection from
infection These basic needs indicate that a baby’s survival is totally dependent upon her mother and
other care givers. Therefore it is important to provide proper care to all the neonates immediately after
birth. All newborns require essential newborn care to minimize the risk of illness and maximize their
growth and development. This care will also prevent many newborn emergencies. For example, the
umbilical cord may be the most common source of neonatal sepsis and also of tetanus infection, and
good cord care can dramatically reduce the risk s of these serious conditions. Exclusive breast feeding
has a significant protective effect against infections. Early breast feeding and keeping the baby close to
the mother reduce the risk of hypothermia and hypoglycemia.

As I seen the video, Immediate newborn care is very important because it is a step by step procedure in
caring for a newborn to ensure comfort and security while providing their needs. Basically focuses on
certain procedures done on a newborn upon delivery from the mother. Such procedures include
clearing of their airways upon delivery, providing warmth and attachment to mother, cord care, APGAR
scoring, temperature taking, anthropometric measurements, eye prophylaxis, Vitamin K administration,
immunization, bathing, initial feeding and proper documentation. It is important that nurses should do
the procedure accurately and with confidence.

All the babies require basic care to help their survival and well-being. These proven, low-cost measures
include immediate care at birth as well as care during the first 28 days of life, when infants are most
vulnerable. Hospital based observation were painful evidence of poor care, regarding cleanliness, eye
care, and breast feeding initiation, thermal protection and infection prevention. Policy makers should
think about strengthening of hospital care by involving strategies that include concerned quality
training, equipment/drugs supply and monitoring the services provided.

As a nursing student I believe that the nurse’s responsibility requires safe and effective care within
constantly evolving health care systems. One such area to be checked is neonatal nursing in which a
nurse is to provide immediate newborn care. Care of all newborns includes immediate and thorough
drying, skin to skin contact of the newborn with the mother, cord clamping and cutting after the first
minutes after birth, early initiation of breastfeeding, and exclusive breastfeeding. Such care is critical at
this stage for it may distinguish whether the wellness of the care given can improve the condition of the
newborn or further worsen the condition of the newborn.

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