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Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Through the Breach books:
Core Rules
Into the Steam
Under Quarantine
Into the Bayou

Through the Breach adventures:

In Defense of Innocence
Northern Aggression
A Night in Rottenburg
The Bayou Games
Fire in the Sky
A Stitch in Time
Northern Sedition

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This book is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright ©2005-2018,
Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to organizations,
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MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2018. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the Through
the Breach logo, the Penny Dreadful logo and all related character names, places, and things are trademarks
and copyright ©2005-2018 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC.

First printing: June 2018, Printed in South Korea.


ISBN 978-0-9971304-7-8

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

expansion rulebook

This text is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright © 2005-2018, Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. All rights
reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to organizations, places, events, or actual persons - living or dead – is purely coincidental.
Copies of materials herein are intended solely for your personal, non-commercial use, only if you preserve any associated copyrights, trademarks, or
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others for a charge or other consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purpose only.
MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2018. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the Through the Breach logo and all related
character names, places, and things are trademarks and copyright © 2005-2018 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. The Malifaux game system is patent pending,
serial no. 12/821,427

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Creative Direction
Nathan Caroland

Lead Design & Writing

Mason Crawford

TTB Logo Artist

Patrick Guinane

Alex Alexandrov, Hardy Fowler, Jorge Gomez, Sarah
Lindstrom, Christophe Madura, Alyssa Menold,
Bram Sels, Hueala Teodor & Thomas Verguet

Graphic Design & Layout

Jorge Gomez & John Cason

Kayli Ammen

Alex Beffrey, Jonathan W. Basiago, Craig Bishell, Tracy
Braun, John Burgin, Kate Burgin, Hayden Burns, Samuel
E. Burns, Samuel J. Burns, Joe Chassek, Jason Chute,
Jessica Chute, Riley Chute, Kimberly Cooper, Ellen Easton,
Robert Easton, Jon Goulbourne, April Hergert, David
(Tanja) Ivey, Jones, Mitchell Kasprzynski, Jeremy Lang,
Robert Lefferts, Taylor Lindburg, Paul Lippincott, Anaël
Martin, Scott Mundorf, Steven Rault, Adam Rogers,
Justin Taylor, Raven Tidwell, Anthony Trayah, Rob
Vancel, Shaun Vavra

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Introduction................................. 4 Talents & Magic....................140
General Talents....................................... 141
The Guild of Guild Magic............................................. 148
Mercantilers............................... 6 The Eternal Dance (Magical Theory)..... 149
History of the Guild.................................... 7 New Magia............................................... 150
Organizational Structure............................ 22 New Immuto........................................... 156
The Guild in Malifaux............................... 28 Unique Grimoires................................... 157
The Guild’s City........................................ 58
Guild Law.................................................. 74 Equipment......................................160
Close Combat Weapons......................... 161
New Recruits..............................76 Ranged Combat Weapons...................... 162
Character Creation Steps........................... 77 Ammo..................................................... 166
Example Character.................................... 83 Weapon Special Rules............................ 167
Ram’s Head Reference Tables.................. 84

Bestiary.......................................... 168
Pursuits............................................. 94 From the Diary of Emeline Bellerose..... 169
Bureaucrat................................................. 96 Francisco Ortega..................................... 204
Commander............................................ 102
Gunner.................................................... 108 Index...................................................206
Magewright.............................................. 112
Marksman............................................... 116
Character Sheet..................207
Propagandist............................................ 120
Advanced Pursuits................................... 127

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Above the Law is an expansion for Through the Things You Need to Play
Breach, a tabletop roleplaying game set in the world
of Malifaux. Above the Law focuses on the Guild, Playing Through the Breach requires the Core Rules,
the tyrannical organization that holds Malifaux - which contains the core rules for the game, including
and the Earth - in its iron grip. Whether working some steps for character creation. Above the law
within or against the Guild, this book provides a expands on these options and can only be played in
host of interesting new possibilities for players and conjunction with the Core Rules.
Fatemasters alike.
You will also need a few Fate Decks, which are
This book expands on the options presented in the standard decks of playing cards with two jokers (one
Core Rules, giving players new ways to bring their Fatedred and one black), and character sheets. Some
to life. By combining the choices in this book with players enjoy using miniatures to represent their
other expansion books, players and Fatemasters will characters during combat situations, but anything
have the tools they need to create new, compelling from a chess piece to a button will do in a pinch.
narratives about power and the various ways it can
be manipulated and abused. In the Core Rules, Fatemasters will find advice on
running the game, statistics for some enemies
the players might encounter, and other useful

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 1: Introduction
What's Inside chapter 5:
Below is a description of what is in each chapter.
This chapter contains an expanded list of General
Talents, including some specifically designed
chapter 1: for Guild employees. In addition to these new
INTRODUCTION Talents, this chapter contains fifteen new Magia
(including three Guild-only Counter-spelling
You're reading this chapter now! Here you'll find an Magia), three new Immuto, a new Magical Theory,
outline of what you can expect to find in this book and a collection of unique Grimoires that are sure
and what you’ll need to play. to spice up a campaign.

chapter 2: chapter 6:
This chapter goes into depth on the Guild of This chapter introduces a variety of cutting-edge
Mercantilers. The secrets of the organization's weapons that have been approved for use by Guild
history, structure, and inner workings are laid bare employees (or anyone fortunate enough to loot the
to the reader, giving them insight into the tyrants corpse of one of those Guild employees).
that control Malifaux... and much of the Earth.
chapter 7:
chapter 3:
This chapter contains a wide array of opponents that
This chapter details the process of creating Guild the Fated may encounter, with a particular emphasis
characters. It takes players through a step by step upon the employees of the Guild. Have your Fated
process of fleshing out their character's history and been flaunting authority for too long? This chapter
personality. should set them straight!

chapter 4:
This chapter introduces six new Pursuits and five
new Advanced Pursuits. Each of these Pursuits is
thematically tied to the Guild and its typical
means of asserting control over others.
From the crafty Bureaucrat to the
patient Marksman, this chapter opens
up whole new avenues for Fated

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 1: Introduction 5
tHe guIlD oF MercaNtilers
For nearly a century, the Guild of Mercantilers has Executions are another frequent haunt of Guild
been the preeminent world power on Earth. Its employees. A few paranoid conspiracy theorists have
representatives and agents are spread across the suggested that the Guild actively foments rebellion
globe, woven throughout the courts and capitals of and criminal activity across the world to ensure that
Earth's nations like threads of yarn... or the shackles their Soulstones continue to have a steady source of
of a chain gang. souls to devour, but this idea is ridiculous; the Guild
rarely has to look very far to find expendable people
The Guild purchases its influence with Soulstones, that the world will not miss.
which it mines in Malifaux and ships back to Earth
by the trainload. Each Soulstone is meticulously If a nation obeys the Guild's commands and
recorded by Guild appraisers, who note the gem's acquiesces to its demands without much more than
size, shape, cut, weight, and transparency. These a token gesture of complaint, its rulers will receive
gems are then doled out sparingly to the nations of additional Soulstones in the following year. Those
the world for specific periods of time. who object experience a reduction in their allotment
or, in more severe cases, a brutal coup as the Guild
The Guild also handles the unpleasant task of keeping shifts its funding (and military strength) into the hands
Soulstones charged. There are few major hospitals in of those more receptive to its requests.
the civilized world that do not have at least one Guild
agent hovering in the shadows with an armed guard, Though it is careful to present itself as an independent
ready to race to the room of a dying patient to charge organization, the Guild of Mercantilers holds the
their macabre gemstones. reins of the world in an iron fist.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
History of the Guild Occasionally, the Council encountered other cabals
of spellcasters. Each time they did so, they would
The Guild of Mercantilers has been a world power invite the members of the cabal to join their ranks,
for the better part of a century. Despite this, the with the reasoning that the restoration of Earth's
organization's history is a tapestry of lies, half-truths, magic would benefit them all. Many accepted the
and deliberate revision by later generations. Few Council's offer, but a few chose to shun the Council's
beyond the ranks of its ruling elite know the true invitation, thinking it to be foolishness at best or a
story, and even then, there is no guarantee that their trap at worst.
version is correct. Misinformation and propaganda When the Council finally succeeded in punching
were the first weapons the Guild's founders learned a hole between dimensions in 1787, it reaped the
to wield, and they were very thorough in their effortsrewards of its hard work. The ritual had consumed
to portray the Guild as the benevolent-but-firm- the souls of the majority of the Council's members,
handed saviors of humanity. but those who survived found that their magical
Here, then, is a rarity in the world: the full, true powers had increased a hundredfold, granting them
history of the Guild of Mercantilers, with all of its access to powers that would have taken an archmagus
dark corners and awkward stumblings fully exposed. a dozen lifetimes to achieve.
Perhaps more importantly, the Council had
discovered Malifaux and claimed the world as its
own. The disparate cabals that still haunted the
The First Breach shadows of Earth made a few attempts to seize
(1780 - 1797 ad) control of Malifaux, but the Council was simply
too strong, both politically and magically. With few
The official records claim that the Guild came into other options left to them, the more ambitious cabals
existence near the end of the Black Powder Wars, but began working against the Council from the shadows,
that is nothing more than a convenient abstraction. spreading stories of their nefarious practices and
In truth, the roots of the Guild extend back to the sowing distrust among the people of Earth.
days before the first Breach.
For the most part, these cabals worked independently
In the late eighteenth century, a group of mages, of each other, but a few, drawn together by their
shamans, and sorcerers came together to discuss hatred of the Council, exchanged correspondences
the problem of Earth's dwindling magic. There were and began working together to sow strife among the
many theories on why the magic that fueled their Council's members. If they could not directly defeat
rituals and incantations was starting to fade, but they the members of the Council, they wagered, perhaps
all agreed upon one thing: if the practice of magic they could convince the Council to destroy itself.
was to continue, a new source of magical power had
to be found. Before any of these plans could come to fruition,
however, the Breach collapsed and cut off humanity's
These spellcasters joined together to search for this only connection to Malifaux. In the span of a single
new source of magic. Calling themselves the Council, night, the most powerful players and the greatest
they traveled across the Earth, exploring rumors of prize had been swept from the board,
mystical beasts and magical cabals. Even the most
dubious of rumors was cause for investigation, and The cabals and syndicates that had sprung up in the
as they scoured the world, the Council's members shadows of the Council could see the silhouette of
collected the various arcane relics and moldering the coming conflicts and wasted no time in seizing
Grimoires that they came across. whatever power was within their reach. By the start of
the Black Powder Wars five years later, the influence
of these cabals and syndicates had spread across
much of the known world.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 7
The Black Powder Wars With each shift in power, each victory or defeat, the
cabals gained and lost power. A crippling loss would
(1803 - 1814 ad) sometimes shatter a cabal or syndicate, forcing its
members to grab whatever artifacts or Soulstones
After the collapse of the Breach, some of the
they could find before fleeing for safety. Some of
cabals that remained on Earth began recruiting
these surviving conspirators came together to form
important generals and politicians from across
new cabals, while others flocked to whichever
Earth into their ranks. Tempted by promises
syndicate seemed the most powerful. It was a time
of magical knowledge, these important recruits
of chaos, and loyalty was in short supply.
obeyed the commands of their unseen masters and
urged their respective nations to start stockpiling The early years of the war were marked by the cabals
as many Soulstones as possible. and syndicates attempting to leverage their magical
power to their advantage, both on the battlefield and
As the world's most powerful nations began to
in political spheres. Though this strategy resulted in
consolidate their Soulstone resources, the other
a number of early victories for the syndicates, it also
cabals began to notice, as did the smaller nations
came with risks, the most notable being exposure.
that had not yet come under the sway of a hidden
Each time a mage took to the field to throw fireballs
syndicate. Diplomats became spies and thieves,
at her enemies or transform the corpses of the
and soon national policies were being decided by
fallen into undead soldiers, she revealed that there
paranoia and fear.
was a group of sorcerers who were interested in the
In the spring of 1803, the Bulgarian people attempted outcome of the battle.
to revolt against the crumbling grip of their Ottoman
There was also the danger of having to set foot on
rulers. The uprising triggered a series of cascading
the battlefield to manipulate it. Many mages knew
alliances and treaties, and soon all of Europe had
the proper spells to protect them against bullets and
been plunged into a war that would later spread to
other forms of attack, but that did not stop them
engulf the entire world.
from meeting unfortunate ends. The loss of even a
For a time, the influence of the cabals and syndicates single mage, either through death, injury, or betrayal,
waned as the nations of the world turned their efforts was a serious blow to a cabal, and losing two or three
toward defending their borders and conquering mages in this way was a setback from which few
their neighbors. Rebellion spread like wildfire syndicates were able to recover.
through the world, and the cabals were caught up
in its blaze. Disagreements and power struggles
were common, and as the wars raged onward, the
syndicates experienced significant betrayals and
upheavals. Some were discovered by the people
they were attempting to manipulate and forced to
flee from their home countries, while others were
seized by the military generals they had sought to
control and reforged into military assets.
The strongest of the cabals and syndicates retained
some measure of influence over the nations they
were manipulating. Gradually, the Black Powder
Wars became less about the nations involved in the
war and more about the unseen cabals pulling their
strings. Atrocities and betrayals that seem nonsensical
in hindsight - such as the razing of New Zealand or
the Danish civil war - were directly caused by one
cabal attempting to wipe out another.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Midway through the war, a new cabal formed in The Black Powder Wars might have come to an
central Europe. Its members were refugees and end then and there, had it not been for the sudden
castoffs from other syndicates that had either appearance of a new world power. The nations of
undergone a coup, lost too many members to hold China, Japan, and Vietnam had banded together
onto their power base, or been destroyed by their through a series of marriages that tied their royal
rivals. These sorcerers, mages, and soldiers had houses together with bonds of blood. The so-called
all witnessed the destructive power of magic first Three Kingdoms had remained neutral up until
hand, but unlike their peers, they also recognized that time, but the cabal's forces had weakened their
its weaknesses. neighbors and made an attack too tempting to resist.
Uniquely, this new organization decided to invest In the end, the Three Kingdoms broke their
heavily in mundane weaponry. The Industrial truces and marched on Eastern Europe, Russia,
Revolution had introduced the foundations for and Western North America. The infamous soul-
creating weapons on a massive scale, and the cabal hunting fog employed by the Three Kingdoms
took advantage of those advances to design and claimed thousands of lives, but in the end, the
produce the most devastating weapons the world reluctance of the Three Kingdoms to arm their
had ever seen. rank and file troops with firearms proved to be
their downfall. Eventually, the Three Kingdoms
Manufacturing weapons on that scale required announced their surrender and brought an end to
factories, however, and factories were expensive. the Black Powder Wars.
To fund their manufacturing interests, the cabal
turned to the banks of Europe, bringing them When the smoke had cleared, the cabal had
into the growing conspiracy in exchange for their succeeded in gaining control of the world. The last
financial backing. As the weapons rolled off the of their rivals were either dead or in hiding, and
assembly lines, the cabal approached the struggling most of the world's Soulstones were in the cabal's
nations of Europe and offered to arm their troops hands. With only a few pockets of tired and battered
with cutting-edge weaponry in exchange for their resistance left, the conspiracy stepped out of the
remaining Soulstone caches. shadows and began operating in the open as the
Guild of Mercantilers.
It was a hard bargain, but the rulers of those nations
realized the implicit threat behind the offer: if they Publicly, the Guild presented itself as a loose
did not agree to work with this shadowy syndicate, federation of merchants, bankers, and European
it would take the same offer to their neighbors, who nobles who had pooled their Soulstones in the hope
might just be desperate enough to accept. Fear was of bringing an end to the devastating and deadly
a powerful motivator, and the cabal wielded it with wars. This was only a ruse, however, and privately,
expert precision. the secretive Minerva Council that ruled the Guild
behind the scenes used the guise of a merchant guild
The introduction of the cabal's mass-produced to worm its way into the courts and parliament halls
weaponry changed the face of warfare as humanity of the world.
knew it. The existence of rifled firearms, heavy
artillery, and ironclad ships gave the cabal's forces a A decade of constant warfare on a scale that nobody
significant advantage in the fighting. had ever imagined had taken a heavy toll upon the
world, and most people were simply happy to have
It didn't take long for other engineers to begin any excuse to end the fighting. By the time the people
copying the cabal's weaponry, but its members had of the world started to realize that their saviors were
expected this. Any engineers or businessmen who actually tyrants, the Guild had already embedded
attempted to duplicate or improve upon the cabal's itself in world politics like a bloated tick.
designs were either invited to join the conspiracy,
assassinated, or driven out of their factories by the
cabal's armies.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 9
Napoleon's Betrayal Fearing that the conflict would reignite the Black
Powder Wars and destroy everything they had
(1815 ad) worked to accomplish, the Guild demanded that
Napoleon cease his campaign. The Emperor scoffed
History books and the Guild itself like to gloss over
at the demands of "politicians and merchants" and
one of the most important aspects of the Guild's
sent the Guild's messengers back with a warning not
rise: it was able to amass such impressive power so
to bother him again.
quickly precisely because nobody actually believed
the Guild capable of enforcing its demands. In its desperation, the Guild took bold action. Its
politicians led small strike teams of soldiers into
The troops fielded by the Guild were all borrowed
the courts of Britain, Russia, Austria, Switzerland,
from established nations, and with the end of the
Prussia, Sweden, the Netherlands, and several
Black Powder Wars, those soldiers returned to their
German states and demanded that they be given the
home countries. In the eyes of the world, the Guild
troops necessary to halt Napoleon's advance. Those
was nothing more than a group of idealistic, possibly
who refused were brutally executed, as were their
delusional merchants and bankers who happened to
successors, until eventually, all of the nations had
control most of the world's Soulstones.
capitulated to the Guild's demands.
When the Guild announced its plan to regulate
A coalition force of 150,000 soldiers led by Guild
Soulstones and began rationing the magical
generals met Napoleon's army outside Waterloo.
gemstones out to the nations under its control,
It was a massacre. Though outnumbered, the
everyone agreed to the Guild's terms without a
Guild's forces included a number of Guild mages
second thought. To most nations, it was an easy way
who were able to harness the power of multiple
to get back the Soulstones they had lost during the
Soulstones to freeze the muddy battlefield around
Black Powder Wars. The idea that the Guild would
the feet of Napoleon's soldiers. Trapped and unable
be able to force a nation like England or Russia to
to maneuver, the French soldiers were quickly cut
abide by the suggestions of its regulatory committees
down by the heavy artillery and advanced weaponry
was simply laughable.
of the coalition forces.
Truthfully, the assumptions made by the nations
After Napoleon's defeat, the Guild marched the
of Earth were not too far off base. The Guild had
coalition of solders into France, publicly executed
recruited some of the more capable soldiers and
Napoleon's senate, and restored the Bourbon
generals into their ranks at the end of the wars, but
monarchy to power. In exchange for sparing
they lacked the ability to field a true army.
the people of France, Louis XVIII signed the
France was the first nation to rebel against the Guild. Bourbon Concord, which restricted France's access
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, recently freed from to Soulstones and prevented France from ever
exile as part of an agreement with a Guild diplomat, mustering another army. Should the nation step out
returned to France and began mustering an army. of line again, the Guild threatened, the entire nation's
Upon reaching Paris, he and his followers overthrew population would be forfeit.
Louis XVIII, a Guild-favored noble who had come
At the end of the rebellion, the Guild offered the
to power at the end of the Black Powder Wars.
soldiers of the coalition forces three times their
Napoleon recalled well over a quarter of a million current military pay, universal citizenship for their
veterans of the Black Powder Wars and seized the families, and a position in the Guild's ranks in
entirety of France's Soulstones for his own use. exchange for their service. The majority of the soldiers
Bolstered by the groundswell of support from his readily accepted the offer and refused to return
people, Napoleon marched on Belgium with the home, weakening the armies of their homeland while
intent of driving out the occupying British forces and simultaneously providing the Guild with the trained
claiming it for his own, the first step on his intended army it needed to enforce its demands.
conquest of Europe.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Rule of Fear A series of police raids resulted in thousands of
arrests, both of those who had attended the protest
(1816 - 1827 ad) and those who had expressed "seditious opinions,"
many of whom were politicians who had spoken
In order to ensure that Napoleon's betrayal could
out against previous Guild policies and suggestions.
not be repeated, the Guild increased the number of
New policies were put into place to limit seditious
advisors present in the courts of its vassals and began
behavior, including curfews and increased authority
to make "suggestions" as to how governments could
for Guild "peacekeeping forces."
curry its favor or avoid its displeasure. While some
nations quickly fell in line out of fear, others chafed With its population cowed, the Guild had no problem
at the Guild's attempts at rulership. seizing control of the United Kingdom for its own
purposes. Parliamentary elections became a farce,
The next decade was marked by a series of smaller
and the British military became, for all intents and
rebellions all across Europe, none of which
purposes, an extension of the Guild's own forces.
progressed very far before being quickly and brutally
ended by the Guild. After each uprising, the Guild England also served as a warning to the rest of
publicly executed not just those who had rebelled the world. Across the globe, governments began
but also every member of the regime and their to suppress anti-Guild sentiment wherever they
extended families. Only those who had warned the could, reasoning that if they could nip such
Guild about the plots of their comrades were spared behavior in the bud, the Guild would have no
from these executions. The new regimes placed into reason to become involved.
power by the Guild often included these treacherous
politicians, and before long, the courts of Europe As the years passed and one generation faded into
had become hives of fear and paranoia. the next, the Minerva Council's version of peace
through tyranny began to gain supporters. The Guild
The Guild's retribution was not limited to the still presented itself as advisors and independent
ruling elite, however. By the beginning of 1819, merchants, but there was little doubt in the minds of
the people of England had become frustrated by humanity that they were the true power behind the
the presence of the Guild, which had chosen the thrones of Europe.
island nation as the seat of its power. A crowd
of over sixty thousand protestors gathered at St. While it is easy to imagine the Guild as a selfish
Peter's Field in Manchester to demand that the organization, the truth is a bit more complicated.
Guild leave their country and return rule to King Though despotic and violent, the Guild was always on
George III. In response to their request, the Guild the cutting edge of technology. It spared no expense
ordered a cavalry charge into the crowd, triggering in uniting the nations of Europe by public railway and
a panicked rout that killed hundreds. telegraph lines, and it invested heavily in inventors
and innovators, leading to a number of technological
The people of England were horrified at the carnage. advances in photography and medicine.
Newspapers across the country carried the story in
all its grisly detail, further cementing the Guild's The Guild was also surprisingly unbiased when it
reputation as despotic butchers. When it seemed came to its views on women and minorities. As far as
as if King George III was about to step forward and the Guild was concerned, a person's gender or race
decry the Guild's actions, the Guild had him quietly didn't matter so long as they were useful. The Guild's
murdered in his sleep. After a rushed coronation, political and military forces became increasingly
his son, George IV, issued a reluctant statement diverse as the years passed, and anyone who tried to
condoning the Guild's actions and asking the people treat a Guild officer differently due to their gender or
to cease their "seditious behavior." race soon learned the folly of their prejudice... often
at the end of a pistol.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 11
Expanding Influence As the Guild struggled to bring order to its western
interests, its agents back in Europe set about
(1828 - 1850 ad) streamlining its bureaucratic processes. Of particular
note were the German states, a collection of thirty-
As Europe settled into a disgruntled sort of peace, the
nine separate German-speaking countries that had
Guild began to turn its attentions abroad. In South
organized into a federation of dubious influence.
America, the Republic of Columbia and Peru were
engaged in a war over various disputed territories. Dealing with the German states was perpetually
annoying for the Guild: individually, the states
The Guild initially approached Peru with the
were somewhat insignificant in the grand scheme
intent of using the nation to gain a foothold in the
of things, but as a group, their customs unions and
Americas, but the president rebuffed them, claiming
manufacturing capabilities made them strategically
that he would not see his nation become a puppet of
"death merchants." In response, the Guild channeled
a great deal of money and Soulstones into the hands To add an additional layer of complication, two of the
of a Peruvian general, triggering a coup that brought states, Prussia and Austria, were far stronger than the
down the ruling regime and replaced it with one others and possessed a great deal of influence over
more amiable to Guild influence. their fellow members. They also hated each other
and had a long history of military conflict, which
With the new regime in place and advanced Guild
made any sort of negotiation with the federation as a
weaponry in their hands, Peruvian forces marched on
whole incredibly difficult.
Gran Columbia. The resulting battles were swift and
decisive, and the resulting peace treaties saw Gran In 1848, the Minerva Council saw its opportunity. A
Columbia divided up into the nations of Columbia, growing middle class within the German states had
Ecuador, and Venezuela, all of which were saddled begun to push for unification, and the Guild used
with Guild "advisors" to help guide the new regimes. its agents and spies to fan the flames of discontent.
Eventually, the Prussian King, Friedrich Wilhelm IV,
From there, the Guild turned its attention north,
caved to the demands of the people and promised to
toward Mexico. A confusing and chaotic series of
work toward German unification.
revolutions, counter-revolutions, wars, and coups
had left the nation in a state of political upheaval and When the delegates from the various German states
confusion. The Guild was drawn into this quagmire met, however, it was immediately apparent that
of political confusion, and it spent the better part of reaching any sort of mutual agreement on how the
two decades vainly trying to force some measure of new German nation should be organized would
order upon the nation. be difficult. Austria outright rejected the assembly
and refused to attend, and Prussia refused to take
Eventually, the Guild wrote Mexico off as a lost
command over a nation that did not include Austria
cause and simply offered to purchase the site of
among its states.
the first Breach - Santa Fe - from the government.
The president at the time refused, but when he was Just as things seemed poised to fall apart, a Guild
deposed two months later, his replacement, Santa lawyer, Otto von Bismarck, arrived with a bloodied
Anna, was more than happy to line his pocket with and terrified Austrian ambassador. The discussions
wealth at the expense of his country's best interests. proceeded much more favorably with Bismarck
watching over the proceedings, and after a few more
In addition to Santa Fe and the surrounding lands,
days of discussion and debate, the German nations
the Guild also purchased much of the barren desert
unified into a single nation and unanimously elected
between Texas and California, less out of any real
Bismarck as the first Chancellor of Germany.
plan for it and more out of being surprised at how
little Santa Anna was willing to charge for it.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Opening of the Kingdoms Despite the Guild's capture of the Japanese
emperor, the Vietnamese king, and their
(1851 - 1855 ad) respective families, the Chinese emperor refused
to surrender. The following two years were a
After their defeat in the Black Powder Wars,
juxtaposition of slow, plodding battles played out
the Three Kingdoms retreated into isolation. A
in the cramped lowlands and mountain passes of
handful of merchants with special charters were
Nepal and Burma and devastatingly savage naval
allowed to enter the three nations and trade at
battles in the Pacific Ocean.
their ports, but for the rest of the world, the East
was forbidden territory. Fearing that the war would drag on for a decade
and ignite another Black Powder War, the Guild
For the most part, the Guild had been content to
launched a daring plan to have a small unit of
ignore the Three Kingdoms so long as they did not
elite mages and soldiers kidnap the Emperor.
challenge the Guild's power elsewhere in the world.
The information they purchased was incorrect,
As its fleet of steamships grew in number, however,
however, and the Emperor was not present when
the Guild's need for fueling ports in the Pacific
the strike team launched its attack. The Emperor's
Ocean grew more pressing.
consort and most trusted advisor were both present,
Before any sort of military campaign could be however, and the soldiers kidnapped them both
launched against the Three Kingdoms, however, before beating a hasty retreat.
the Guild would have to deal with India. The
Faced with the threat of their deaths, the Chinese
Sikh Empire had been a supporter of the Three
emperor finally agreed to a surrender in 1853.
Kingdoms during the Black Powder Wars, and
The Guild promised that the emperor's family and
the Guild's influence in the region was minimal at
advisors would be unharmed and that he would be
best. The Sikhs, meanwhile, had seized much of the
given a position in the Guild's hierarchy that would
Indian subcontinent during the wars and were only
allow him to continue to manage his nation, but this
growing in power.
was nothing more than a ruse. Before the ink had
The Guild dealt with the problem in the most blunt fully dried on the surrender papers, the Minerva
manner possible: in the summer of 1851, its ships Council ordered the execution of every member of
seized the harbor of Bombay as British troops the former regime.
marched into Lahore and captured the capital.
Days later, the imprisoned leaders of Japan and
Held at gunpoint and threatened with the mass
Vietnam were similarly executed, paving the way to
execution of his people, the Maharaja surrendered
an occupied Three Kingdoms. With British forces
in the autumn of the following year, and British
already occupying India and its own expanding
troops took control of India's major cities.
interests in protecting the site of the former Breach,
The Three Kingdoms took notice of the hostile the Guild turned to local sympathizers - bolstered by
forces amassing near their borders and began a minimal detachment of Guild soldiers - to enforce
rallying troops and shifting them westward into its rule in the Three Kingdoms.
China. Instead of marching into the waiting Chinese
The arrangement might have worked, had it not
army, however, the Guild's steamships sailed into
been for the Katanaka family. The disgraced
the Three Kingdoms' eastern ports and began
Japanese family quietly seized control of their fallen
bombarding them with heavy infantry. After two
emperor's resources and began laying the foundation
months of constant bombardment up and down
for rebellion across the Three Kingdoms. For the
their coasts, Japan and Vietnam surrendered to the
next fifty years, the Guild's occupation of the Three
Guild in the summer of 1853.
Kingdoms would be marked by deadly accidents,
strange disappearances, and increasing levels of
public discontent and outrage.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 13
Economic Superiority In the Western Hemisphere, the Guild focused
a great deal of its attention upon Breachtown,
(1856 - 1896 ad) formerly Santa Fe. The loss of Malifaux had limited
the world's Soulstone supply, but the leaders of the
The Guild had no sooner finished its war against
Guild believed that, with enough effort and a great
the Three Kingdoms than the occupied territories
number of charged Soulstones, they could reopen
of India rose up in open revolt. The rebels were
the Breach.
quickly defeated by the occupying British troops,
but the officers refused to enact the Guild's First the Guild's mages attempted to repeat the
"maximum retribution" policy of punishing the Council's original ritual with hundreds - and later
population. In frustration, the Guild set aside any thousands - of Soulstones providing the magical
pretense of the British military being independent energy. When that didn't work, the mages devised
and began deploying its own officers to command new rituals (all of which failed in a similarly
British troops. disappointing method) and built machines intended
to piece the dimensional barrier (none of which
More rebellions followed, but as the Guild took
functioned as intended).
further command of the occupying forces, the
reprisals became increasingly violent until the Eventually, the Minerva Council grew frustrated with
population had either been sufficiently cowed into the amount of resources their failed attempts were
submission or radicalized against the Guild and consuming. While they were meeting to discuss
everything for which it stood. scrapping the project entirely, an excited messenger
burst into their meeting chambers with an urgent
Despite the sinkhole of manpower that Asia had
message: the Breach had reopened, all on its own!
become, the Guild was flourishing. In order to better
manage its resources, the organization created the two
Offices of Eastern and Western Diplomacy, which
managed diplomatic relations and military strategy
in their respective global hemispheres. Further
divisions were created to separate the distribution
and recharging of Soulstones from more mundane
trade, which had become quite a profitable side
business for the Guild since its interests expanded
beyond Europe.
In addition to wealth, its trade routes and shipping
capabilities gave the Guild a new tool with which
to control the world: economics. By leveraging its
significant buying power, the Guild could reward a
nation by purchasing its trade goods and selling them
across the world, or it could punish one by forbidding
those goods from being sold in any markets that
wished to retain a favorable standing. This proved to
be a more effective means of rulership than fear and
intimidation, and the lack of significant revolts in the
latter half of the century stands as a testament to the
Guild's skillful use of this weapon.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Reclaiming Malifaux Once the first districts were clear, the Guild
sent engineers and expendable laborers through
(1897 ad) the Breach to begin construction on a central
fortress from which its members could manage
The unexpected reopening of the Breach
the reclamation process. The citadel, which was
drastically and immediately changed the Guild's
christened the Guild Enclave, was soon bustling
priorities. The small legion of Guild soldiers
with personnel, including the newly appointed
that had been stationed at Breachtown assumed
Governor-General of Malifaux, Herbert Kitchener.
defensive positions and pointed all of their heavy
artillery at the dimensional portal while the leadersNext came the factories. Once the first factory
of the Guild panicked. Nobody could explain why was finished, it began to produce the parts needed
the Breach had opened, so everyone assumed the to make more factories. Those factories, in turn,
worst and began to prepare for the arrival of an started producing ammunition and additional
invading army. weapons for the swelling ranks of the Resettlement
Corps, steel rails for the Guild's locomotives, and
Thousands of Guild personnel were recalled
armored battle constructs to support their flesh-
from across the world and sent to Breachtown.
and-blood troops.
Hundreds of thaumaturges and mages worked
in rotating shifts to stabilize the integrity of the The factories required people, however, and
portal, and gradually, the machines that had been in order to staff them, the Guild was forced to
intended to reopen the portal were retrofitted to bring civilians into Malifaux. Due to proximity,
stabilize it. many of these initial workers were American and
Mexican, but as time went on, people from all
After a month of waiting for an attack that never
over the world began to approach the Guild and
came, the Guild decided to shift to the offensive.
ask for permission to travel to Malifaux. Sensing
It armed its recently arrived soldiers with heavy
an opportunity, the Guild opened the doors of
weapons and sent them through the Breach to
Malifaux to the public... provided that they could
scout out the ruins of Malifaux City. The scouts
afford the steep prices it charged for train tickets
found nothing of particular note, just a few fresh
(not to mention the cost of traveling to Santa Fe).
bloodstains on stone walls, some shell casings, and
strings of hastily erected barricades. Of the city's Soon, there was an entire workforce of civilians
former residents, there was no sign. preparing food, pouring drinks, mending clothes,
and performing other menial duties for the factory
The Guild wasted no time in securing their control
workers and soldiers, and the city shifted from a
of city. The Resettlement Corps swept through the
military garrison into a full colony.
city, checking each building for Neverborn. Small
groups skirted around the edges of the city and Eventually, the Governor-General grew impatient
started clearing sections along the southern wall, with the slowing progress of the Resettlement
intending to push an Neverborn they encountered Corps and turned the Guild's sights toward the
northward toward the river. Throughout the entire abandoned Soulstone mines north of the city.
operation, however, the Guild never encountered Convicts were taken from the jails of Earth,
anything more dangerous than a few rats. shoved into train cars, and shipped through the
Breach to start mining Soulstone. Scores of troops
were redirected from the Resettlement Corps and
marched north to serve as guards and supervisors in
the reopened mines. As its numbers dwindled, the
Resettlement Corps transitioned from a military
unit to a constabulary force, and the unclaimed
parts of the city were sealed away behind tall
barricades to form the Quarantine Zone.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 15
A Fractured City In addition to the unionized miners, the Guild
found itself in conflict with the Arcanists and
(1898 - 1901 ad) Resurrectionists, two groups whose members
embraced the magical potential of Malifaux in
The Guild's reclamation of Malifaux City all but
order to become terrifyingly powerful. The native
emptied its coffers, but gaining access to Malifaux's
Neverborn population was also a threat, and the
Soulstone resources proved worth it. As more and
number of attacks on human settlements rose
more of the magical gemstones were excavated,
sharply as the Guild's mining operations expanded.
refined, and sent back to Earth, the Guild relaxed
its restrictions on Soulstone ownership and began To counter these rising threats, the Governor-
selling the smallest of the gems to wealthy individuals. General created the Special Divisions. The first
Soon, the Guild had not only recouped the cost of of these Special Divisions was the Neverborn
seizing Malifaux but was making a tidy profit. Hunters, though at the time, it was little more than
an expendable mercenary group.
Its good fortune would not last.
Other divisions sprung up as the need arose. The
The problems started with the convict riots.
Department of Public Relations, Death Marshals,
Malifaux is an inherently magical world, and those
and Witch Hunters all came into being during
who remained in Malifaux for extended periods of
these frantic years, each of them in response to
time tend to develop magical powers. When the
one threat or another. Gradually, the branch of the
convict miners became endowed with these new
Guild that governed Malifaux became more and
powers, many of them attempted to escape from
more independent of its Earthside parent, partially
their captors. Some succeeded and others failed,
due to the efforts of Governor-General Kitchener.
but either way, each attempt ground that mine's
production down to a halt. Kitchener had his own interests at heart when he
accepted the position of Governor-General, but
To alleviate matters, the Guild hired independent
his goals shifted when he met Lucius Gustavius
miners and brought them to Malifaux to work in
FitzWilliam Mattheson. Mattheson was every inch
the Soulstone mines. It was a dangerous profession,
the cultured diplomat and skilled statesman, so
though, and the workers soon formed the United
the Governor-General was shocked when Lucius
Miners Union and demanded higher pay and safer
revealed that he was, in actuality, one of the native
working conditions.
The United Miners Union - and later the Miners
Mattheson filled Kitchener's head with stories
and Steamfitters Union, once it absorbed the
of the Tyrants, the ancient godlike beings that
engineers who were creating machines to make
had once held all of Malifaux in their hands.
the mining process easier - quickly became a thorn
The Tyrants had been mortal before they seized
in the Guild's side. The workers controlled the
power through a series of complicated rituals and
majority of the Guild's mines, and whenever it
procedures, and Lucius claimed that he could help
attempted to root them out, the workers in other
Kitchener claim this sort of power for himself... in
mines would go on strike and bring the excavation
exchange for a position of power among the new
of Soulstones to a grinding halt.
human regime.
The Governor-General accepted and named Lucius
Mattheson as his official Secretary, catapulting the
treacherous Neverborn directly into the heart of
the Guild. Like a cancerous growth, Mattheson
immediately began subverting the Guild's resources
for his own mysterious goals.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Quarantine and Martial Law The British Parliament had grown frustrated with
their lack of power, but now that their coffers were
(1902 - 1904 ad) filled with smuggled Soulstones, they saw their chance
for freedom. In 1904, the King's Empire declared its
In 1902, a terrible contagion brought Malifaux City to
independence from the Guild.
its knees. Dubbed the Piper's Plague after the strange
piper who appeared in the most heavily infected The announcement shocked the world. The Guild
neighborhoods, the disease was spread by swarms of shifted its seat of operations to Vienna, Austria, and
uncommonly aggressive rats and insects. imposed sanctions on the King's Empire in the belief
that such penalties would bring the rebellious nation
Though these vermin were immune to the ravages
to its knees.
of the disease, humans were not. The Piper's Plague
progressed so quickly that the infected could often Instead, England flourished. Parliament used its
see their flesh rotting away before their very eyes, and hidden cache of Soulstones to bribe smugglers
the putrefying dead piled up faster than the Guild and merchants into ignoring the Guild's trade
could properly dispose of the corpses. Desperate, embargoes, and the state seized many of the Guild's
the Governor-General ordered the corpses carried to factories and offices and turned them toward its
the Quarantine Zone and dumped into the decrepit own efforts. Perhaps most importantly, the King's
sewer system. Empire recalled its armed forces back to England,
leaving the Guild to deal with the occupied nations
The Death Marshals did their best to contain
of India and the Three Kingdoms all on its own.
the plague's spread, thinking it to be part of a
Resurrectionist plot, but with little success. The
advancement of the plague's symptoms eventually
slowed to a much more typical rate, but its lethalness
remained. Fearing that the deadly contagion might
spill out of Malifaux and onto Earth, the Governor-
General instituted martial law in Malifaux and closed
all non-vital travel through the Breach.
As the quarantine stretched on with no sign of ending,
the people of Earth began to fear that another tragedy
had struck Malifaux. The number of Soulstones
passing through the Breach slowed to a trickle, and
every nation, large and small, began stockpiling
as many Soulstones as possible. Soulstones went
"missing" from the caches of the world's nations with
alarming frequency, and two of the factions vying for
power in the quarantined city - the Arcanists and the
Ten Thunders - began selling smuggled Soulstones to
anyone willing to purchase them.
Faith in the Guild's ability to keep order in Malifaux
had begun to wane, and many nations saw it as an
opportunity to slacken the chains they had labored
beneath for decades.
England, in particular, took great advantage of
the Arcanist smuggling operations. As the seat of
Guild authority, it had been subjected to the worst
of the Guild's despotic laws and abusive nature.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 17
Slipping Grasp Gradually, the Guild began to lose control of the
region, and the rest of the world was watching.
(1905 ad)
Soon, Russia and the Ottoman Empire had begun
Under significant pressure from his superiors to distance themselves from the Guild. The leaders
among the Guild, the Governor-General declared of those nations began to hold closed meetings that
an end to martial law in Malifaux at the start of didn't involve Guild representatives, and dozens of
the new year. The announcement caused a great Guild-loaned Soulstones disappeared from their
deal of excitement across Earth, and the Guild vaults without any sort of satisfactory explanation.
did everything it could to promote the image of
increased stability in Malifaux. It was a direct challenge of the Guild's power, but with
its attention torn between two different rebellions,
Unfortunately, the chaos and confusion had retaliation simply was not an option. The Guild's
already loosened the Guild's grasp on the world. representatives frowned and chided the rulers of the
It had relied too heavily upon English troops world on their reckless behavior but, ultimately, did
to enforce its presence in India and the Three not press the matter further.
Kingdoms, and now it was forced to spread its own
forces thin in order to hold both regions. The damage, however, had already been done.
England had pulled itself free of the Guild's influence
India was the first to rebel. Its citizens rose up without any significant retribution, India and the
against their Guild oppressors in full revolt, first Three Kingdoms had risen up in open rebellion, and
in the cities, then in the rural countryside. Guild the largest nations in the world had forced the Guild
soldiers waged desperate battles against the angry to capitulate to their wishes, rather than the other way
mobs that stormed their offices, and any captured around.
Guild employees were dragged into the street,
stripped of their uniforms, and beaten to death. In the eyes of the world, the Guild's reign over Earth
was coming to an end.
The Guild responded quickly and brutally.
Trained soldiers were pulled away from the Three
Kingdoms to help restore peace in India, and
their numbers were augmented by pneumatic war
machines that were specially shipped in from the
factories in Malifaux. In less than two months,
the rebellion had been stopped and roughly ten
percent of the Indian population was dead.
Before India had been brought fully to heel, the
oppressed workers and peasants of the Three
Kingdoms also rose up against Guild rule.
Spearheaded by a mysterious, masked man known
only as "the Boxer," the rebels fought for the
restoration of their traditional values, which they
believed were in danger of disappearing entirely
beneath the Guild's Western regime.
The Guild attempted to shift its forces and fight
back against the rebels, but with little success.
The majority of its troops were still attempting
to enforce some measure of control over India,
and the Boxer's rebellion was spreading like
wildfire across China and the other Kingdoms.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
A World at War Cherufe and the newly-formed Tyrant that had once
been the Governor-General fused together into
(1906-1907 ad) something more powerful than either. The entity
rocketed upwards into the sky and through the
Despite its heavy-handed tactics and inflexible
dimensions as the Governor's mansion exploded
dogmas, the Guild's influence had, for the most
around it.
part, ushered in an era of peace on Earth. It was a
uncomfortable, brutal sort of peace, one peppered In a desperate attempt to cling to the last vestiges
with rebellion and swift retributions, but it was of what it had been, the entity burned its way
peace nevertheless. backwards through time, leaving echoes of half-
sentient power scattered throughout Malifaux's
As the Guild's power waned, everyone suspected
past. After eons of maddening torment, the entity
that a confrontation was coming. The independent
found a sliver of its former self and used the last of
nations of Abyssinia and the King's Empire were
its sanity to force its way back to Earth. It appeared
conscripting troops and producing alarming
on the date that Kitchener first began to step past
numbers of weapons, while Russia and the
the threshold of mortality: April 10th, 1906.
Ottoman Empire were pulling further away from
the Guild and stockpiling their resources. Echoes of the entity that would come to be known
as the Burning Man appeared in the skies above
When the war finally did come, however, its nature
San Francisco. The Burning Man's insidious
surprised everyone.
influence drove susceptible individuals (including
In Malifaux, Governor-General Kitchener had many of the prisoners inside Alcatraz Citadel)
been quietly preparing the rituals that would insane, and the Mexican government pleaded with
allow him to ascend to a higher state of existence. the Guild to investigate the matter. A little over a
Lucius Mattheson had intended to string the week later, on April 18th, the Burning Man warped
Governor-General along with an impossible goal, space around itself, causing a massive earthquake
walking him through rituals that would take two or that devastated San Francisco. Worse yet, the
three lifetimes to fully complete. To Mattheson's Burning Man's presence weakened the barriers
surprise, Kitchener was able to complete them in between worlds and created dozens of temporary
a mere four years. portals that vomited monsters from Malifaux into
the burning city.
Unfortunately for the Governor-General, a member
of the Ten Thunders had learned of Kitchener's The demented worshipers of the Burning Man
plans and sabotaged his ascension. Their agent joined forces with these confused monsters and
swapped out a magical relic that Kitchener intended rampaged across western Mexico. Rather than
to use in the final ritual with a few bones that had rush to the aid of the Mexican government, the
come from the physical remains of a Tyrant. When Guild chose instead to fortify its position around
the Governor-General attempted to draw upon the the Breach, lest an unexpected attack cause the
relic's power, he tapped into a mere sliver of the organization to lose Earth's only stable connection
Tyrant's dormant power and was infused with far to Malifaux.
more aetheric energy than he had prepared for.
Weeks later, when Governor-General Kitchener's
As his ritual spiraled out of control, the Tyrant mansion suddenly exploded, nobody thought it
Cherufe, buried in the soul of the nearby Sonnia connected to the Burning Man. The Guild on Earth
Criid, saw its chance and attempted to harness was too distracted by the Burning Man to properly
the deluge of energy to ascend as well. Like two deal with the situation, and when Kitchener's
matches flaring to life next to each other, the secretary, Lucius Mattheson, stepped in to assume
essences of the two Tyrants melded into each control of the Guild's operations in Malifaux, his
other as the ritual reached its catastrophic climax. supposed masters praised his initiative.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 19
For two months after San Francisco's destruction, the It was only after thousands had perished and the
Burning Man appeared all over the world, spreading hellish deluge had receded that the true horror came.
madness in its wake. The Guild tasked one of its The heat of the spring evening and the deadly cold of
most skilled mages, Philip Cromwell, with finding the seawater had produced a thick and bitter-smelling
some way to constrain the mysterious floating entity, fog that hung over the city like a death shroud, and in
but despite Cromwell's significant powers and dozens that pale cloud, monsters roamed.
of expended Soulstones, nothing seemed capable of
halting the Burning Man's advance. The pelagic horrors that would come to be known
as the Gibbering Horde were confused to find
In late May, the Burning Man appeared above themselves on the surface of a strange new world,
London. The Guild suspected that it might unleash but they adapted quickly and began to feed upon the
another wave of monsters onto Earth and approached dead and not-quite-so-dead in equal measure.
the British Parliament to offer assistance. If Parliament
would allow the Guild to march its troops into In an attempt to keep the ravenous monsters contained,
England, the organization claimed, it could keep any the Guild sent disguised agents into the devastation to
monsters that might appear from spreading beyond organize the resistance and reinforce key parts of the
London. city with magical wards. Against a normal enemy, the
wards might have been effective, but the amphibious
Parliament did not believe that the Guild's offer was nature of the Gibbering Hordes allowed them to
genuine. There were suspicions that the rumors of traverse the city's rivers and flooded subway tunnels
San Francisco's destruction were nothing more than in order to evade the Guild's checkpoints.
Guild propaganda and that the so-called "Burning
Man" was either a trick of magic or some relatively In the end, the grotesque horrors of the Gibbering
harmless entity that had been conjured by the Guild Horde succeeded at slipping away into the ocean and
above London simply to cause panic. laying their eggs, effectively dooming Earth to a future
of bloody conflict.
In response to the Guild's offer, Parliament ordered
the arrest and interrogation of every Guild operative Less than a month after the Battle of London,
and sympathizer in London. From their cells, the another tragedy befell the Guild. During one of
Guild's employees and supporters witnessed the the Minerva Council's meetings, a crazed and
destruction of London. disheveled Philip Cromwell pleaded for his fellow
council members to embrace the Burning Man and
As the sun sank below the horizon on June 1st, the all the opportunities it offered. When the Council
Burning Man's hue changed from a fiery red-orange refused, Cromwell murdered the Guild's Magister,
to a bright azure-blue. All across the city, in the streets, and roughly two-thirds of the Council's members
beneath the earth, and in the water and air, reality died in the resulting battle.
was torn asunder and the world of Malifaux rushed
in through hundreds of portals. Most connected to In the aftermath, Comtessa Jacinta Guillem i Roser
the depths of Malifaux's oceans, and the pressurized Garcia assumed the position of Magister with the
water jetting out of them demolished buildings and support of the surviving members. She immediately
flooded the city in a deluge of dark, icy seawater. made the suppression of the Burning Man, its
Within seconds, whole streets were drowned beneath dimensional portals, and the monsters that lurched
icy tidal waves that roared through narrow alleys and out of them the Guild's top priority.
along crowded avenues.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Crumbling Power Across the ocean, the Mexican government is
desperately trying to fight back against the monsters
(1907 ad) that were unleashed during the San Francisco
earthquake. Their progress is hampered by the
If the sudden and unexpected deaths of Guild's
demented cultists that march at the vanguard of
leadership could be said to have a silver lining
these nightmare hordes and preach about a return
for the organization, it's that the careful balance
to their Aztec roots and the blood rites of old.
of power between nobles, bankers, and mages
was violently disrupted. The mages who had been The Guild has lost control of Earth, and though
able to erect defensive barriers in time to avoid it is straining to hold on to whatever power it can,
the worst of Cromwell's betrayal were now in the the largest and most powerful nations are already
majority and could dictate Guild policy without pulling away from its grip. Rebellions have become
interference from the other voting blocs. more common in India, and the Three Kingdoms
are on the verge of reclaiming their independence.
By the Guild's estimation, the world is perched on
Both Russia and the Ottoman Empire have
the brink of disaster. The Burning Man still drifts
demanded more Soulstones, and in its desperation
slowly across the sky, sowing madness and disaster
to keep the two nations from following in the
in its wake. Cults spring up behind it wherever it
footsteps of England, the Guild has acquiesced to
goes, and their worship of and proximity to the
those demands.
Burning Man has infused them with strange and
powerful magics the likes of which the world has In contrast to Earth, however, the Guild has found
not seen since the days of the Council. some measure of stability in Malifaux. Franco
Marlow, the new Governor-General, blew into
The spawn of the Gibbering Horde that escaped
the city like a storm, reversing many of the petty
into the ocean during the Battle of London have
and vindictive policies put into place by Lucius
begun to spread out across Earth's oceans, and
Mattheson since the death of his predecessor. In
reports of attacks upon fishing, military, and leisure
a short period of time, Marlow made a great many
boats are on the rise. At the moment, these attacks
changes to how the Guild operated in Malifaux,
are restricted to the Atlantic Ocean, but it is only
often with an eye towards efficiency and public
a matter of time before the amphibious monsters
opinion. With all of the chaos that has engulfed
spread elsewhere.
the Earth, the Guild simply cannot afford to let
slip its firm hold on Malifaux and its Soulstone

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 21
Organizational The Minerva Council
Unbeknownst to the rest of the world - including
Structure most members of the Guild - the Minerva Council
is the true power behind the organization. The
The Guild is organized in a hierarchical structure and Magister serves as little more than a figurehead for
functions in a similar way to most militaries. There the Council's decisions.
is a distinct chain of command, and the penalties for
ignoring it are severe. At a glance, the Minerva Council's decision-making
process seems relatively simple and elegant: every
member votes on a resolution, and with three
The Magister factions - the bankers, the nobles, and the mages -
As far as the world is aware, the Guild is led by the actual deadlocks are uncommon, even if everyone
Magister, who makes the major decisions regarding votes as a bloc (which often happens). In practice,
the Guild's overall operations and resources. The the process is much more complicated and
Magister is the chief administrator of the Guild's Byzantine, and arguments between (and within)
extensive bureaucracy and the architect of its factions are common and perennial.
foreign policy.
In 1906, the Minerva Council was betrayed by one
Until very recently, the position was held by of its own, Philip Cromwell, a mage who became
Andrea Van Asch, a stern woman whose twenty- corrupted by the influence of the Burning Man.
seven years of leadership had focused the Guild's Cromwell's attack upon the Council devastated
ambitions upon the reclamation of Malifaux and the ranks of the bankers and nobles, leaving only
the procurement of its Soulstones. Van Asch was a handful of each faction alive. In the aftermath,
among those who perished when the Minerva the mages seized control of the Council - and the
Council was betrayed by Philip Cromwell, and Guild - and placed one of the surviving nobles,
Jacinta Guillem i Roser Garcia was chosen to Jacinta Guillem i Roser Garcia, into the position
replace her. While it is still too early to tell just of Magister.
what sort of leader Jacinta will be, her focus for
Her "promotion" was intended as a peace offering
the moment seems to be trying to find some way to
to the nobles to show that the current situation
stop the Burning Man and the horde of monsters
was only temporary and that the seats previously
it has unleashed upon the world.
occupied by the nobles and bankers would be
The Magister is, in turn, advised by the Minerva filled with qualified replacements... once the war
Council. This group of bankers, nobles, and mages effort against the Gibbering Horde and the Cult
are associated (through employment, hereditary of the Burning Man had turned in their favor.
lines, or apprenticeships) with the Guild's first Neither the bankers nor the nobles are happy with
founders. Ostensibly, the Minerva Council this delay, but for the moment, the wars breaking
ensures that the Magister remains informed about out across the world have provided the mages with
any matters relevant to the Guild's interests. If the excuse they need to hold onto their majority
the Magister has a question concerning magic, for a little while longer.
economics, or politics, the Minerva Council is
there to provide assistance.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 23
The Offices of Diplomacy The Office of The Lieutenant General
While the Magister and the Minerva Council dictate Subservient to both Secretary Generals is the
policy and politics, the execution of that policy falls Lieutenant General, who is responsible for recruiting,
to the Guild's two executive branches: the Office training, and maintaining the Guild's armed forces.
of Eastern Diplomacy and the Office of Western Living troops are typically sent to Breachtown and
Diplomacy. These branches oversee diplomatic the surrounding camps for training, ensuring that the
and peacekeeping efforts in their respective global greatest concentration of Guild troops is always near
hemispheres. the Breach. In contrast, the Guild's mechanical war
constructs are stabled in multiple hangars across the
Each Office is headed by a Secretary General who world, ensuring that they can be rapidly deployed to
ensures that conflicts in their sphere of influence are reinforce its troops wherever additional force might
kept to a minimum. They accomplish this through a be needed.
legion of diplomats, envoys, and spies, all of whom
monitor and guide the actions of the nations under When a nation resists Guild control (or, more
their control. frequently, when a nation asks the Guild to help it
deal with rebels within its borders), the Secretary
The Secretary Generals and their subordinates Generals call upon the Lieutenant General to move
frequently work hand-in-hand with members of the troops into the area.
Soulstone Commission to dole out Soulstones to
the nations of Earth. Nations which have obeyed the Once the Lieutenant General has been placed in
Guild's instructions and otherwise proven their loyalty control of a given situation, they have complete
and compliance are given not only more Soulstones authority over the operation until the end of its
than their neighbors, but also those Soulstones with duration. This concession ensures that the Lieutenant
higher lades (a measurement of the gem's raw worth). General is able to resolve the situation in an efficient
manner, without having to worry about politics,
Each Soulstone loaned by an Office of Diplomacy economics, or public opinion.
is carefully chosen, tracked, and monitored by the
Soulstone Commission. There are a number of rules Since every Lieutenant General has been at least
and regulations that nations must follow to avoid somewhat hawkish, the Secretary Generals tend
having their Soulstone supplies rescinded and future to avoid bringing them into a conflict unless it is
shipments halted, and it falls upon the Offices of absolutely necessary. The Guild's forces are very good
Diplomacy to track each nation's compliance with at dealing out violence, but that violence sometimes
the Guild's rules. When a sanction is levied against spirals out of control and causes political troubles
a nation, the relevant Office of Diplomacy demands far beyond the ones that the Lieutenant General was
that the nation return a specific portion of the Guild's asked to resolve (as was the case with the Russian
Soulstones by a certain date (typically one month pogroms and the razing of Sweden).
from issuance of the sanction).
The Guild treats any refusal or inability to return
the requested Soulstones as a declaration of war.
The Secretary General generally takes one of two
approaches. If the nation's military forces are weak,
the Lieutenant General is ordered to march troops
into the nation to eliminate its leadership and find the
Guild's Soulstones. In situations where the nation has
a stronger military, the Secretary General provides
political and military resources to neighboring
nations and revolutionary groups and agitates them
toward action.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Because the Lieutenant General's duties encompass The Soulstone Commission
the entirety of Earth, commanding every military
operation the Guild undertakes is a logistical The more mercantile aspects of the Guild fall under
nightmare. To effectively execute the duties of the auspices of the Soulstone Commission and the
their office, the Lieutenant General employs a Mercantile Commission. These two branches work
staff consisting of dozens of subordinate generals, together on a frequent enough basis that employees
quartermasters, and logistical experts. A team of are occasionally moved between them to assist with
specialists is placed in charge of each operation, and staffing shortages or backlogged orders.
together, they manage the movement of troops and The Soulstone Commission is responsible for
supplies in the Lieutenant General's name. managing the Guild's supply of Soulstones. Under
The ongoing occupations of India and the Three the Commission's watch, Soulstones are harvested
Kingdoms have become operational nightmares from the ground in the Soulstone mines of Malifaux,
for the Guild. A steady succession of Lieutenant shipped back to Malifaux City to be inspected,
Generals have found their ambitions and careers classified, and cut, and then shipped through
ground down by the constant conflict in those the Breach, where the Commission parcels the
regions, and today, the position is seen as something gems out to the nations of Earth according to the
akin to career suicide by most high-ranking Guild recommendations of the Diplomacy Offices.
officers. There is simply no good way to resolve This branch also handles the unpleasant task of
the conflict in either nation: the Guild's withdrawal recharging the Guild's Soulstones, including those
from either is tantamount to an admission of failure that it has loaned out to the various nations of Earth.
and would trigger an unpredictable shift of power in As a result, the agents of the Soulstone Commission
Asia, but the occupations are also a constant drain on have something of a ghoulish reputation, even among
resources and manpower. other members of the Guild. They lurk around the
hospitals, hospices, and prisons of the world with
small caches of Soulstones, often accompanied by
heavily armored guards, waiting for the sick and
injured to perish.
The necessities of the Soulstone Commission's
duties have eroded away at a great deal of the world's
ethical and moral resilience. The Guild has forced
most of the nations under its control to implement
harsher laws and mandatory death sentences,
resulting in a steady supply of condemned prisoners
whose souls are destined for imprisonment and
eventual consumption. The only escape for these
condemned souls is a lifetime of constant toil in
Malifaux's mines, though the number of "work
furloughs" issued by the Guild for this purpose has
dropped significantly since the rise of the Miners
and Steamfitters Union.
As deadlines and unmet quotas loom, agents will
sometimes take matters into their own hands,
suffocating the infirm or murdering orphans to
provide the souls they need. The Guild formally
forbids such action but rarely punishes those who
are accused of such atrocities.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 25
The Mercantile Commission
In contrast to its partner branch, the Mercantile Guild Scrip and Currency
Commission handles the mundane aspects of Guild
commerce. As a world power, the Guild has an
incredible amount of access to the nations of Earth When the first Breach opened and people from
and their goods and resources. The Mercantile all over Earth streamed into Malifaux, they
Commission has exploited that advantage to gain a found themselves facing an unexpected issue.
monopoly on international trade. Each person brought their native currency to
the new world, and working out the exchange
Over half of the world's trade is handled, in some
rates between each of those currencies was a
manner or another, by the Mercantile Commission,
significant barrier to the city's growing economy.
making it the largest of the Guild's branches in terms
Eventually, the city's residents began using the
of employees and physical holdings. It is the profits
Spanish dollar (i.e., the eight-real coin or the
generated by the Mercantile Commission that fund
piece of eight) as Malifaux's default currency.
the Guild's private armies and other interests, and
as such, those who work for the Commission are When the Guild returned to Malifaux City a
among the Guild's best and brightest employees. century later, they had a much more elegant
solution to the problem of multiple currencies.
Every year, these employees publish a new catalog
The Mercantile Commission created its own
detailing all of the various wares that are publicly
currency, the Guild scrip, and mandated that
available to its customers. The first of these catalogs
every store and shop within the city accept the
was only one hundred pages in length and was
scrip as legal tender.
generally kept on the counters of importers and
exporters. In the past half-century, the primary Every new resident arriving in Malifaux
catalog bloomed to its current size of over six was greeted by members of the Mercantile
hundred pages, and the Guild will ship it to a buyer's Commission who offered to exchange their
home for a low fee which is applied as a credit to the money for the Guild's scrip, often at favorable
owner's first order above a certain amount. rates. Nearly everyone accepted, and before too
long, investors back on Earth saw the steady rise
Since 1898, the catalogs have included color images
of the Guild's currency as a good investment.
of carpets, furniture, clothing, and china. They are
Scrip began to change hands on both sides of
available in twelve different languages and now
the Breach, and now it stands poised to become
include a guarantee from the Magister promising
a global currency.
that a customer will receive their money back if they
are not satisfied with the items they have purchased. Much of the scrip's success, as it turns out, is
the result of constant currency manipulation
When necessary, the Mercantile Commission
on behalf of the Mercantile Commission. Its
works with the Offices of Diplomacy to fix exchange
economists frequently purchase the currencies
rates, manipulate currencies, and force embargoes
of other Earth nations, driving up the worth of
on stubborn nations. If the situation calls for more
scrip even as the Guild offers increasingly worse
drastic measures, the Mercantile Commission will
exchange rates to Malifaux's newest arrivals.
either hire mercenary pirates to harass shipping
lanes (if they are attempting to appear uninvolved)
or consult with the Lieutenant General to advise
on which harbors to mine and which merchant
vessels to torpedo (if stealth is less of a concern).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Office of the Viceroy The Office of the Governor-General
The Office of the Viceroy manages Breachtown, The Office of the Governor-General is one of the
formerly Santa Fe, and the surrounding area. Though more unique branches of the Guild. The Governor-
the scope of the Viceroy's influence is much less than General is tasked with maintaining order in the
that of other Guild departments, the security of the entirety of Malifaux, a task which has historically
Breach is of tantamount importance to the Guild. been quite difficult. Any sort of problem in Malifaux
seems to cause a reduction in the Guild's Soulstone
The Viceroy commands one of the Guild's armies, exports, which is, ultimately, the only reason the
which is ostensibly stationed at the Breach to ward Guild cares about Malifaux at all.
off any attack that might come from the natives of
Malifaux. In practice, the army functions more as a The heightened magic of Malifaux is capable of
deterrent to other nations, ensuring that any attempts turning just about any disgruntled convict or rabble-
they might make to seize the Breach would end in rouser into a dangerous mage, and those mages can
failure (or at the very least, a great deal of bloodshed). cause a great deal of trouble for the Guild. Governor-
General Kitchener used his authority to create a
The immediate area around Breachtown is populated number of Special Divisions that have been tasked
by dozens of training camps. It is here that new with hunting down and eliminating these rogue
Guild soldiers are trained in marksmanship, physical spellcasters, with varying degrees of success.
fitness, weapon maintenance, first aid, and basic
survival techniques. Ultimately, the Guild's greatest problem in
Malifaux is corruption. The Guild Guard is prone
While the army stationed around the Breach is to taking bribes and abusing the populace, and the
intended to act as a deterrent, necessity has reduced various Special Divisions have all been corrupted
these highly trained soldiers to cargo inspectors, by their individual duties. The Witch Hunters have
immigration officers, and constabulary forces. Each essentially become a coven of powerful spellcasters,
train that passes through the Breach must be checked the Death Marshals employ necromancy to hunt
for contraband, a time-consuming and never-ending down and capture other necromancers, and the
process that has made the trained soldiers of the Ortega family - the most prominent Nephilim
garrison army somewhat bitter about their decidedly Hunters - are dogged by rumors concerning their
non-military assignments. improper relations with the various creatures they
Despite the Guild's intentions, smuggling contraband have been tasked with hunting.
(or people) into or out of Malifaux is not especially Despite numerous power struggles between
difficult. Most of the trains that return from Malifaux dangerous factions, the predations of Malifaux's
have at least one car that has been packed with native Neverborn, and a soaring mortality rate, the
Soulstones, and its protection is of the utmost priority Guild likes to pretend that the situation in Malifaux
to the Guild. Any sort of suspected threat results in is under control. The news that filters through the
soldiers being transferred from immigration to guard Breach minimizes the threats lurking in Malifaux's
duty. The resulting lack of manpower all but forces shadows and instead focuses upon drawing new
the soldiers tasked with immigration to rush their settlers and workers through the Breach with enticing
inspections, lest a delay disrupt the Guild's precise homesteading programs and the promise of a fresh
timetables. start in a new world.
If enough people are waiting for a train that is It's only after a settler arrives in Malifaux, often
about to depart, the soldiers will often simply wave having spent the majority of their personal savings
everyone through the checkpoint without inspection, to get there, that they realize just how dangerous of a
under the assumption that anyone intending to cause world they have entered.
trouble will just get picked up by Guild employees on
the other side of the Breach.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 27
The Guild in Malifaux Lucius Mattheson's influence over Kitchener was
corruptive, but it was the death of Kitchener's son,
When people in Malifaux refer to "the Guild," they Francis, that truly pushed him over the edge. The
are often speaking about the Office of the Governor- Governor-General had arranged for a small unit of
General. Even for most of the Guild's employees Guild guardsmen to assassinate his son's prostitute
in Malifaux, the difference is largely academic. The lover, but they bungled the operation, shooting him
Office of the Governor-General influences nearly while allowing her to escape.
every aspect of life in Malifaux City in one way or Kitchener fell into a spiral of obsession, one that
another, and its long reach also extends to most of Mattheson was all too happy to feed. He sought to
the region's Contract Towns and satellite settlements. become a Tyrant, one of the most powerful beings in
At the top of this pyramid of tyrannical misery existence, but he was undone by the Ten Thunders,
perches the final Guild authority this side of the who learned of his plans and disrupted his final ritual,
Breach, the Governor-General. Only two men have causing his essence to merge with another Tyrant.
held the position since the reopening of the Breach, They transformed into the ghostly figure that now
and both have changed the landscape of the world in haunts the skies above Earth: the Burning Man.
significant ways.

Governor-General Marlow
Governor-General Kitchener Franco Marlow is an experienced and highly skilled
Herbert Kitchener joined the British army as a mage who was invited to join the Minerva Council
young man and advanced quickly through its ranks. after his former instructor retired from the position.
He was originally assigned to the Royal Engineers, Though involved in many of the Guild's doomed
but after distinguishing himself during a survey of attempts to reopen the closed Breach, Marlow
western Palestine, the Guild snapped him up and was primarily tasked with the elimination of rogue
transferred him to a military assignment in Egypt. spellcasters, specifically Spanish necromancers,
French diabolists, and Three Kingdoms mist-callers.
Kitchener pushed himself hard, increasing in ability
after each new promotion. He was a rising star in The sudden disappearance and presumed death of
the Guild, and his victories at the Battle of FerkehHerbert Kitchener created a power vacuum within
and the Battle of Hafir against the Sudanese people the Guild's hierarchy. The Minerva Council had
earned him worldwide fame and a promotion to the been concerned with the increasing corruption
rank of major-general. He was widely disliked by hisof the Office of the Governor-General for a few
years, and nobody trusted one of Kitchener's
fellow officers for his cold personality and ruthless
leadership, but those same qualities were seen as subordinates in a position of leadership. Multiple
virtues by his superiors. candidates were proposed and lobbied for by their
respective supporters, but in the end, Marlow was
When the Breach reopened in 1897, Kitchener was named as the new Governor-General.
promoted to the newly created position of Governor-
General to manage all of the Guild's operations Unlike the others vying for the job, the position was
Breachside. Shortly after his arrival in Malifaux, a notable step downward in power for the old mage.
however, Kitchener began to develop magical powers The mage faction of the Minerva Council wanted
that allowed him to seize control of the minds of more control over the day-to-day operations of
others. He became obsessed with furthering his Malifaux, and Marlow sacrificed much in order to
own ambitions and went so far as to allow one of make it happen. He's not especially pleased about
the Neverborn to masquerade as his second-in- his new station and often comes across as blunt and
command in order to learn more of the creature's brusque, but his curmudgeonly nature is tempered
arcane knowledge. by a willingness to work with his enemies if doing so
will ultimately serve the Guild's agenda.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
A Fragile Tyranny The Special Divisions
In Malifaux, the Guild rules over humanity with an Initially, the Office of the Governor-General
iron fist, presenting itself as the only thing standing consisted of little more than the Governor-General's
between civilization and the horrors of an unknown personal retinue and advisors and the soldiers of the
world. Everything that passes through the Breach - Malifaux Resettlement Corps. As the Guild seized
whether people, food, supplies, firearms, or luxury control of Malifaux City and its occupation gradually
goods - is subject to an import fee, and many of the turned into rulership, the Resettlement Corps was
largest and most successful businesses are either turned into the Guild Guard, shifting them from a
owned by or affiliated with the Guild. military unit into a constabulary force.
Despite numerous challenges to its power - the As the years passed and new enemies and
political rivalry of the M&SU, the terrorism of threats arose, the Governor-General created new
the Arcanists, the economic losses caused by the departments assigned with specialized tasks and
smuggling of the Ten Thunders, and the moral elite task forces designed to deal with specific
depravities of the Resurrectionists - the Guild has enemies. In time, these various strike forces
managed to maintain control of Malifaux City and became known as the Guild's Special Divisions
the Breach. It has been a constant struggle every step (save for the Guild Guard, which is often referred
of the way, and the Guild has shed a great deal of to within the Guild as "the least special division").
blood over the past decade to remain in power.
Each Special Division operates independently and
The Office of the Governor-General subscribes to has been given a great deal of freedom with regards
two separate doctrines that have allowed the Guild to how it accomplishes its goals. Arguments and
to flourish on the other side of the Breach. The first disagreements between Special Divisions are
is to always control the flow of information. The relatively common, especially when the Guild
Department of Public Relations has ensured that Guard becomes involved.
the people of Malifaux generally view the Guild as
either a benevolent organization or a harsh dictator, While the Special Divisions technically have the
and both views have proven effective in keeping the power to commandeer guardsmen as needed, doing
majority of the city's population in line. so without going through the chain of command
tends to result in "misunderstood" orders and a great
The second doctrine is simply a repurposing of the deal of passive-aggressive retribution if it happens
Guild's philosophy of shock and awe. Whenever a repeatedly. Annoyed guardsmen have been known
threat to the Guild's power arises, the organization to shoot "feral" pets, take loved ones into "protective
responds with overwhelming force, creating the custody," and to "accidentally" shoot people in the
perception that it is far larger and more powerful back in the middle of a chaotic battle.
than it actually is. Through the careful maneuvering
and redeployment of troops and the revision of Despite these arguments, for the most part, the
unpleasant facts into more favorable half-truths and different Special Divisions tend to work together
lies, the Guild has managed to retain its precarious relatively well. They each know their own strengths
position as Malifaux's ruler. and weaknesses, so it's not uncommon for one
Special Division to consult with another if they
encounter something beyond their experience.
On occasion, Guild officers will pull members
from various Special Divisions together to form
temporary strike teams, often with the explicit
goal of catching a known fugitive or investigating a
mysterious phenomenon.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 29
The Guild Guard If there's a robbery or a murder, Guild guardsmen
are often the first responders (sometimes because
While the Guild's primary interest in Malifaux lies in they are the ones who committed the crime in the
the gathering of Soulstones, the stability of Malifaux first place). The amount of effort that goes into
City is integral to the organization's continued control solving any particular crime tends to vary depending
of the Breach. As the city shifted from a military outpost upon where it takes place and the importance of
to a thriving frontier town and later to a bustling city, the people involved, and it's not uncommon for
policing the population became increasingly necessary. guardsmen to solicit bribes while interviewing a
victim or their family.
To satisfy this need, the Guild Guard was created from
the Malifaux Resettlement Corps. At first glance, this The Guard is also responsible for patrolling the
arrangement made sense: the city had been reclaimed sewers, the city walls, and the barricades that separate
without any resistance, and the Resettlement Corps the inhabited parts of the city from the Quarantine
was holding defensive positions in a city that wasn't Zone. Due to the danger of these patrols (especially
under siege. in the sewers and along the southern and western
stretches of the city walls), these assignments are
Unfortunately, the Resettlement Corps was made typically handed out as punishments for those who
up of veteran soldiers who had been recruited based have either botched other investigations or made
upon their service history and combat experience. trouble for their superiors.
Very few of them appreciated being transformed into
constables, and even fewer of them appreciated the
drop in pay that came with such a transition. Many
of the new guardsmen quit within the first week,
simultaneously depriving the Guild of the brunt of
its armed forces in Malifaux and flooding the streets
of the city with highly trained mercenaries.
The Guild scrambled to hire enough people to
fill the vacancies, but their salaries remained low,
even as the "more important" Special Divisions (like
the Death Marshals and Witch Hunters) received
increased funding. Out of resentment, resignation,
and pragmatism, many of the remaining guardsmen
began to line their pockets with freelance work,
often right alongside the same men and women who
had completely abandoned the Guild.
Concerned with their safety, the wealthier immigrants
to Malifaux began to pay members of the Guard for
increased attention and patrols in their neighborhoods.
When those same wealthy immigrants (now wealthy
citizens) found themselves on the other end of the law,
all it took to make their problems go away was another
handful of scrip.
This corruption has only deepened in the
years since, and today, bribery and extortion
are commonplace among the members of
the Guild Guard.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Recruitment and Training Operating Procedures
Unlike many of the Special Divisions, the Guild Though it is a constabulary force, the Guild Guard
Guard accepts applications from just about anyone still exists to serve the needs of the Guild. Guardsmen
who comes in off the street. Since the Division tends are paid by the Guild for their service, and in return,
to bleed manpower at a fairly regular rate, the Guard they are expected to help silence any dissent against
is always hiring. the Guild that they might come across.
Potential recruits are given a brief test to weed out This mandate takes precedence over any sort of
the worst applicants, and a certain level of physical justice or truth that guardsmen might uncover over
well-being is necessary for further consideration: the course of an investigation. If a Guild employee is
while many guardsmen become overweight and out discovered to have committed a crime, the Guard is
of shape while on the job, most of them were trim generally expected to sweep the incident under the
and athletic when hired. Applicants with obvious rug. The means by which this is handled generally
anti-Guild sentiment are turned away at the door. depends upon the employee's rank and the severity
of the crime in question.
After the interview, the applicants have a brief
meeting with a Guard sergeant to explain the If the employee is low rank and the crime isn't all
parameters of the job, such as how beats are to be that serious, investigating guardsmen will likely just
walked, the amount of pay being offered, and how attempt to solicit a bribe to keep the matter quiet.
much of a "training fee" they are expected to pay to If the employee pays up, then the guardsman just
their partners during their first year of employment.doesn't investigate the crime. As the crime becomes
more serious, the cost of the bribe increases, as
Provided that an applicant is comfortable with the it may involve disposing of evidence or silencing
job as explained to them, they are given weapons witnesses.
and a uniform and sent out on patrol with a more
experienced guardsman. It is not uncommon for Of course, this only applies to employees of low rank.
an applicant who presents herself to the Guild If a Guild employee is of significant importance and
Enclave in the morning to end up walking a beat influence, most guardsmen skip the bribe entirely
by that evening. and just make the crime (and any witnesses) go away,
reasoning (quite correctly) that it's probably not in
The bulk of the new recruit's training is handled by their best interest to get involved in an extended
their partner, who describes the neighborhood to investigation of such crimes.
which the recruit has been assigned, revealing which
areas are problems, which of the area's residents The Guild Guard doesn't have any guidelines
can be trusted, and which residents are surely up to outlining the use of force, and as a result, most
no good. This is often where a new guardsman gets guardsmen see violence as an acceptable means of
their first taste of corruption: the members of the resolving a situation involving "unlawful" citizens.
Guild Guard are uncomfortable with the idea of a This is a broad category that ranges from being a
guardsman who isn't at least somewhat corrupt, so shabby-looking juvenile with no adults in sight to
new recruits are frequently placed in compromising simply disrespecting a guardsman. This violence
situations where they must choose between their rarely escalates to lethal force, but beatings with fists
integrity and a wad of Guild scrip. or batons are not uncommon.
Recruits who refuse to accept protection money or The response also varies depending upon a
"rewards" for finding stolen items are generally seen guardsman's location. In Downtown, for instance,
as liabilities by their more corrupt brethren. These outright violence is frowned upon, but in the Southern
unfortunate souls often end up being reassigned Slums, beatings are seen as proactive: suspicious
to desk jobs or transferred to the barricades of the victims are, in the minds of the guardsmen who
Quarantine Zone. patrol the region, probably on their way to commit
a crime anyway.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 31
Occasionally, members of the Guild Guard are Construct Support
called upon to support the other Special Divisions.
Most of the time, this support is less about the The Guild Guard makes frequent use of construct
special knowledge and skills of the Guard and more support, often with the assistance of one or more
about raw manpower: the Witch Hunters or Death members of the Amalgamation Office. These
Marshals might need help setting up roadblocks constructs usually accompany larger patrols of
to hem in a fugitive, or the Department of Public guardsmen through the more dangerous parts of the
Relations might need some muscle to assist it in slums and sewers, but in times of great civil unrest,
raiding an underground newspaper office. smaller patrols might find themselves paired up with
a Guardian or Riotbreaker for increased protection.
It's not uncommon for the Special Divisions to
request the assistance of specific guardsmen who Similarly, if a fugitive is proving difficult to track
have worked alongside them in the past, which is down, the Guard will frequently employ Watcher
something of a mixed blessing. On the one hand, and Hunter constructs to track them through the
the guardsmen in question become very well-versed city and beyond its walls. If the fugitive is particularly
in the Special Division's unique protocols and dangerous - as with Arcanists or Resurrectionists -
operating methods and are of much greater worth then the Guard might even arrange for the assistance
in the field. On the other hand, working alongside a of a mighty Peacekeeper.
Special Division too often can sometimes be seen as By far the most common constructs used by the Guild
trying to angle one's way into a promotion out of the Guard are the Wardens. These bulky constructs
Guard, which tends to annoy those guardsmen who serve as the primary enforcers in the Guild Gaol and
aren't tapped for such service. the Malifaux Sanitarium. With restraint claws that
In addition to patrolling the city, the Guard is also can be fired into a crowd to grab crazed prisoners
responsible for staffing the Guild Gaol and the and metal fists that can beat the defiance out of the
Malifaux Sanitarium. While this originally meant most violent convicts, these merciless machines are
nothing more than guarding the inmates that had favorites of the Guard.
been tossed into their cells and forgotten about, Where the Wardens are popular, the Plague
the high rate of psychotic episodes in Malifaux has Pickers are loathed by the Guild's guardsmen.
forced the Guild to seek a solution to the spiraling Getting assigned to accompany one of these hulking
madness that seems to envelop so many of the constructs into the Quarantine Zone is usually a
city's residents. punishment. It's not just that any sort of foray into
The Guild's solution was to hire a handful of the Quarantine Zone is dangerous: the Plague
alienists (psychologists) to study the maladies of Pickers were designed to safely collect and dispose
the patients and devise effective treatments. While of corpses, and they accomplish this by impaling any
the efforts of these psychological scientists have corpses they find upon the steel spikes that adorn
yet to make much progress, they have no shortage their turtle-like backs.
of patients upon which to practice their crude and Though efficient, Plague Pickers have two major
often bloody experiments. design flaws that make working alongside them
These "guardsmen" are only members of the Guild both stressful and incredibly unpleasant. For
Guard for the sake of the Guild's accountants: one, they lack the means to properly remove the
having the asylum managed by a single Special corpses once they have been impaled, a gruesome
Division makes for an easier calculation of payroll, task that must be performed by the accompanying
expenses, and funding. guardsmen once the construct has returned to
the Enclave. Secondly, if a guardsman becomes
wounded or covered in gore, a Plague Picker
might mistake them for a corpse, much to the
guardsman's (often fatal) surprise.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Offices of the Guild Guard Division Head: Colonel Dashel Barker
The offices of the Guild Guard take up the majority Through a combination of hard work and
of the Guild Enclave's central building. High-ranking uncompromising loyalty to the Guild, Colonel
officers and their personal staff have their own offices, Dashel Barker worked his way up through the ranks
while mid-ranking guardsmen are forced to make due of the Guild Guard to become what he is today. Or
with a simple desk in the "bullpen," a large, open work at least, that's the official story behind his string of
area. Lower-ranking members of the Guard are even promotions. In truth, he was promoted because he
more constricted, having only a single locker to hold was a useful tool to Lucius Mattheson: he was willing
their personal belongings. to get his hands dirty and knew how to not only keep
his own mouth shut but also how to encourage the
The bullpen itself is usually quite busy as guardsmen silence of those under his command.
come and go, carrying reports from one desk to
another as they confer and deliberate amongst Since rising to the position of Division Head, Dashel
themselves. Patrol schedules and job assignments has found himself under heavy pressure from
are hammered out in this cauldron of activity and Governor-General Marlow to "clean up" the Guild
scribbled on the massive chalkboard that dominates Guard. Dashel has made a good show of it, but his
one wall. Assignments change and shift with regularity; profanity-laden shouting has only caused the under-
it's not uncommon for a guardsman to arrive at work handed activity of the Guard to move out of the
to find that she's been moved to a different patrol, spotlight and into the shadows.
shifted to a desk assignment, or even moved to a
different shift entirely. As far as Dashel is concerned, that's as good as things
are probably going to get. He would much rather
If there's a single word to describe the personal focus his attention upon the protection of the city and
offices of the Guard's ranking officers, it's "cluttered." the increased safety of the men and women under
An overwhelming amount of paperwork is generated his command... even if it means
by the Guild Guard every day, and most of it ends that they shoot first and ask
up on the desks of various secretaries and personal questions later.
assistants. It's incredibly easy for a single report or
requisition assignment to get lost amidst this paper
blizzard, so most guardsmen have taken to filling out
multiple copies of each form as a precaution, which
only makes the overall problem worse.
This general disorganization only serves to
encourage the corruption that has taken root
within the Guild Guard. Reports can be
"lost" every day without drawing suspicion,
and if details need to be changed, a
guardsman can always claim that they
were simply filling out a second
copy after the first went
missing and that they must
have "misremembered" the
details of the original report.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 33
The Witch Hunters Recruitment and Training
The longer a person remains in Malifaux, the more Joining the Witch Hunters is typically handled
likely they are to manifest magical powers. When in one of two ways, depending upon whether or
the convicts working in the Guild's Soulstone mines not the applicant is interested in a field position.
began teleporting out of their work camps and Candidates who are seeking a typical office position
throwing fireballs at their guards, the Governor- are interviewed by an assessor who goes over the
General realized that these manifestations posed a applicant's credentials and history. If the applicant
significant threat to the Guild's control of Malifaux. seems suitable for the position, they must then
submit to a second round of questions with a different
To address the issue, he created the Witch Hunters assessor, this time while under a magical compulsion
and placed them under the command of Sonnia to tell the truth.
Criid, a headstrong woman who had already had a
great deal of success in unraveling the city's arcane Few applicants are aware of this second interview
mysteries. Criid was given near unlimited power and before it is already in progress.
the ability to run her Division in whatever manner Those who do well in both interviews are given
she chose: Governor-General Kitchener only cared introductory positions and are magically monitored
about results. while on and off the clock, often for months at a
By the end of the year, the Witch Hunters had time. If anything stands out as running counter to the
become the most hated of the Guild's Special questions the recruit answered in their interview, or
Divisions, a dubious honor that they retain to this if the recruit is discovered to have any questionable
day. Criid was ruthless in the execution of her duties, acquaintances, the Witch Hunters launch a formal
and she exploited the Guild's vague definition of investigation... which often results in the recruit's
unlawful magic to strike out at its political opponents, sudden termination and mysterious disappearance.
regardless of their magical capabilities. If nothing stands out as unusual, however, the
surveillance is eventually shifted to other targets and
In truth, very little has changed since those early the new recruit is accepted as a trustworthy member
days. The Witch Hunters are still the boogeymen of the Division.
of Malifaux, snatching people from their jobs or
invading their homes in the middle of the night. This process is similar for applicants who desire
Those seized by the Witch Hunters have no legal a field position but with a few more steps. If the
recourse to protest their capture: there is no trial, no applicant has any sort of magical talent, they are
judge, and no appeal. Some detractors have accused asked to demonstrate it, with fatal consequences if
the Witch Hunters of being the Guild's "secret they use a Magical Theory that is considered unlawful
police," a claim which even Guild supporters have by the Guild. Magical talent isn't strictly necessary to
trouble denying. be a member of the Witch Hunters, but applicants
who lack spellcasting abilities must be particularly
Despite this sinister reputation, the Witch Hunters impressive in other areas to make up for the loss.
are quite effective at blunting the efforts of the
Arcanists and other rogue spellcasters. Freedom Criid leaves the training of new field agents to senior
from any sort of due process or oversight allows the members, rarely bothering with the process herself.
Witch Hunters to react quickly and decisively to The regime involves combat training, with a clear
emerging situations, and their diverse knowledge of focus upon two-handed melee weapons, as well as
strange magics and weird relics is a valuable resource magical instruction appropriate to the recruit's talents.
for the other Divisions. The Witch Hunters favor fire magic as a general rule,
but they also understand the value of diversity and
have an expansive library of Grimoires containing just
about every Magia and Immuto known to mankind.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Operating Procedures In any case, any arcane items discovered over the
course of the investigation are either confiscated
The majority of a Witch Hunter's work is investigative and turned over to Criid or, in the case of items
in nature. A network of spies, snitches, and concerned that are too large to be easily transported, guarded
citizens remain vigilant for anything out of the usual, until a senior Witch Hunter can arrive to investigate
which is reported to Witch Hunter investigators. further.
Each incident is fully investigated, though in times
of great volume that task is sometimes handed off to When hunting a rogue mage, the Witch Hunters
the Guild Guard. generally try to surprise their quarry in unexpected
places, such as ambushing them at work or invading
Sometimes, a reported incident is nothing more their home in the middle of the night. This not only
than a misunderstanding, but more often than increases the odds of catching the potential mage
not, magic is involved in one capacity or another. in a vulnerable position but also allows the Witch
If the perpetrator follows one of the legal Magical Hunters to station agents and Witchlings at every
Theories and did not actually break the law, they entrance save one, which controls which direction
are simply warned against causing such disturbances a fleeing mage will run. This flight takes them
in the future. Those who draw upon less legitimate right into a prepared ambush, allowing the Witch
sources of magic - or those who flee at the sight of Hunters to take the mage down quickly and with as
the Witch Hunters - are deemed threats and are little collateral damage as possible.
ruthlessly hunted down and captured.
If a mage evades this ambush, the Division uses
The most common time for a person to manifest new its Witchlings like hunting dogs to track and
powers is when they first arrive in Malifaux. For this engage the fleeing mage. Should the target escape,
reason, a unit of Witch Hunters is always assigned the Witch Hunters fall back upon the resources
to Malifaux Station to watch new arrivals and arrest available to them and attempt to either draw the
anyone who seems to be acting suspiciously. This is mage out of hiding or discern their hiding place.
often the first time that a new arrival sees the Witch Some common tactics involve the surveillance of
Hunters and their hooded Witchlings, and the Guild the mage's workplace and known associates, magical
uses it as a warning: this is your fate, they say, if you divination, and the arrest and public hanging of
consort with illegal spellcasters. loved one. If none of these tactics proves successful,
If an agent discovers someone who has manifested the Division resigns itself to posting a large bounty
magical powers for the first time, the agent is required and waiting for a lead.
to assess the situation and act as appropriate. If the Standard operating procedure requires that Witch
new mage is willing to learn the Thalarian Doctrine Hunters attempt to capture their quarry alive if
and seems loyal to the Guild, they can be brought possible. Unfortunately, some mages, such as those
in for training and added to the Division's watch with the ability to teleport or control minds, are
list. Guild employees who develop magical powers simply too dangerous to transport in any reasonable
might even be transferred to the Witch Hunters so way and are often executed on the spot. Even if a
that their new powers can be properly utilized by mage possesses more conventional powers, they
their employers. might still be fatally injured in battles with the
Should a new mage be deemed a possible risk, they Division's Witchlings, which explode into searing
are brought to the Guild Enclave under the pretense fireballs when killed.
of filling out some routine paperwork before being In the event that a mage is captured, they are
released. After being escorted into a specially warded stripped of any mechanical limbs, weapons, and odd
room intended to dampen magical power, though, items they might possess. Captured necromancers
the mage is arrested and punished. are turned over to the Death Marshals, while
practitioners of other types of magic are taken to the
Guild Enclave for punishment.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 35
Witchlings Sanctioned Spellcasters
Captured mages and spellcasters with either Not every spellcaster is powerful enough to survive
powerful abilities or willful personalities are handed the transformation into a Witchling. The majority of
over to Sonnia Criid. Sonnia leads these doomed the mages captured by the Witch Hunters instead
souls deep into the earth beneath the Witch Hunter become Sanctioned Spellcasters.
offices to the specially prepared chamber that she
calls the Yellow Crypt. Standard procedure dictates that any captured
mage be fitted with a control collar at the earliest
Once secured, Criid engulfs the mage in roaring opportunity. These mechanical devices fit around
flame, horribly burning her captive as their magical a spellcaster's neck and allow the person holding
power is turned back in on itself. Their body and the key to control the wearer's magic. They're also
soul are both scorched, leaving the mage an empty, equipped with explosive devices that ensure the
charred husk without humanity, memories, or the wearer's compliance (or, failing that, their swift and
slightest shred of magical power. very messy death).
The ashen form left behind in the wake of the mage's If the spellcaster is executed or turned into a
immolation is called a Witchling Stalker. Criid turns Witchling (or more rarely, released), the Control
these Witchlings over to her Witchling Handlers, Collar is removed, allowing it to be reused on other
who are tasked with taking the broken creature spellcasters. If the Witch Hunters decide to keep
she created and coaxing together just enough of its the mage, however, the collar is welded shut and
former personality to serve the Guild's wishes. Using the mage becomes one of the Guild's Sanctioned
a mixture of lies, half-truths, and Guild maxims, the Spellcasters.
Witchling Handlers use elements of the Witchling's
former life to turn it into a loyal and obedient warrior From that point onward, the mage's life belongs to
with about as much capacity for independent thought the Guild. While they are allowed to return to their
as a well-trained dog. lives, they have a strict schedule to which they must
adhere, and any sort of deviation or tardiness is just
A portion of the fire that burned away a Witchling's cause to detonate the collar (and with it, the mage's
soul remains within them, smoldering like dim head). The person holding the control collar's key
coals. With training, the Witchling learns to draw can command the Sanctioned Spellcaster to cast
upon this flame to cloak their blades and bullets with spells or manifested powers, but any attempt to do so
magical fire. As a final twist of either cruelty or blunt without an order also causes the collar to detonate.
pragmatism, Criid entwines these smoldering flames
with the Witchling's life force, ensuring that its death The Witch Hunters manage all of the Sanctioned
will trigger a searing explosion that horribly burns Spellcasters under the Guild's control. They're
anyone standing nearby. primarily used as semi-sacrificial spellcasters and are
frequently "loaned out" to guardsmen in need of a
In the rare event that the Witch Hunters capture bit of magical support. When necessary, the Witch
a particularly powerful spellcaster, Criid takes her Hunters will force their captives to attune themselves
time burning away their soul, shaping them in the to specific Grimoires, ensuring that the Sanctioned
same way that a potter might sculpt a pot. After the Spellcaster has the appropriate tools for whatever
mage's mind has burned away, she channels their dangerous mission they are about to attempt.
magical power into their bodies, repurposing it into
raw muscle. The Sanctioned Spellcasters themselves are,
obviously, less than enthusiastic about this
The resulting creations are called Witchling Thralls. arrangement. Some of them seek to sabotage their
These near-mindless creatures are fonts of magical masters in whatever small ways they are able, but the
power and brute strength, and once they've been fear of instant death ensures that most stay in line
properly broken, the Witch Hunters treat them as and blindly follow whatever orders they are given.
living, magical artillery.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Offices of the Witch Hunters Division Head: Sonnia Criid
The offices of the Witch Hunters can be found in Much of what the Witch Hunters are is a direct result
the buildings on the northwestern side of the Guild of Sonnia Criid's leadership. She is a manipulative and
Enclave. They encompass three separate buildings, ruthless woman who, like the Arcanists she hunts, is
each of which is linked to the subterranean prisons dedicated to the advancement of arcane knowledge
that are used to hold the Guild's captive spellcasters. and magical power... provided that it all ends up
Few people spend much time in these specially in her own hands. Whenever a rogue spellcaster is
warded cells, save for when Sonnia Criid has left the captured or defeated, their Grimoires and enchanted
city for an extended period of time. items pass first into Sonnia's hands and then, some
time later, into the hands of the Guild.
A single tunnel connects the prison to the Yellow
Crypt, the special chamber that Sonnia uses to During the Event of 1902, Sonnia was possessed by
transform rogue mages into obedient Witchlings. the Tyrant Cherufe. Its fathomless power boosted
Nobody is allowed to enter the Yellow Crypt her pryomantic skills to absurd levels, and even after
without Sonnia's permission, and the few who have the Tyrant's apparent death and her long recovery
tried (including more than a couple of curious Guild from its fiery death throes, she remains one of the
employees) have been utterly incinerated by the most dangerous spellcasters in all of Malifaux (and,
burning wards that protect it. Sonnia Criid is not a arguably, all of Earth as well).
woman who easily parts with her secrets.
Above the prison, the offices are more mundane and
normal. Each senior Witch Hunter has an office,
from which they manage the agents under their
direct command. Depending upon their capabilities,
a team might be assigned to hunt down rogue mages,
investigate arcane items, catalog seized Grimoires,
or enchant the runed blades used by field teams.
Entire buildings are devoted to housing Sonnia
Criid's personal library and artifact collections.
These recent additions were made as a concession
to Criid's steadily growing collection of confiscated
magical lore, simply on the assumption that keeping
the extensive collection on Guild property increases
the likelihood of Criid's continued loyalty.
The largest of the Witch Hunter buildings is a squat
stone construction that is often mistaken for the
Guild Gaol. This flame-warded structure serves
as a barracks for the Division's Witchlings,
who can often be seen training in the
adjoining courtyard. Most of the
Witchling Handlers assigned to
managing these damaged wretches
also have rooms in the barracks,
ensuring they are present should there be a
problem with one of their charges in the middle
of the night.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 37
The Death Marshals Recruitment and Training
In 1898, a particularly brave necromancer attacked The Death Marshals tend to recruit new members
Governor-General Kitchener and his staff. The from outside the ranks of the Guild. They focus upon
arrival of a patrol of Guild guardsmen was the only those who have lost loved ones to the predations
thing that saved the Governor-General from being of the undead, reasoning that those unfortunate
killed and reanimated as a mindless zombie. The souls have anger and rage that the Death Marshals
Governor-General's staff was not quite so fortunate, can hone into a potent weapon. This recruitment
and their animated corpses escaped with the method also ensures that the Death Marshals tend
necromancer. to be one of the least corrupt Special Divisions, as
most of its members are there for vengeance, rather
After recovering from the attack, Kitchener made than personal compensation.
a public aethervox speech condemning the actions
of the "Resurrectionists," as he called them, and A few Death Marshals have transferred in from other
announcing the creation of a new Special Division: Special Divisions, but they are only begrudgingly
the Death Marshals. Since that day, the Death accepted, at least until they prove their dedication to
Marshals have fought against the Resurrectionists the cause. Lady Justice personally meets with each
and their undead minions at every turn. of these new recruits, and those that she deems to
be "morally pliable" are often relegated to desk jobs
In the years since their creation, the long dusters, where they cannot be corrupted by the dark magics
wide-brimmed hats, and heavy pine boxes carried by the Death Marshals employ on a daily basis.
the Death Marshals have almost become a uniform
unto themselves. Functionally, the heavy clothing Because Death Marshals study a great deal of
serves to shield the faces of the Death Marshals necromantic lore, the Guild considers rogue
from view: nearly all of them have been corrupted Death Marshals to be a serious threat. To forestall
by the malignant necromantic energies they employ. this danger, each new Death Marshal is required
to leave a drop of their blood with Lady Justice,
The longer a Death Marshal serves, the more their ensuring that they can be hunted down if they
flesh withers and their organs rot, until eventually, become corrupted. Given the hatred that most
they have the appearance of a walking corpse. Even Death Marshals feel toward the Resurrectionists,
those rare few Death Marshals who are immune to few of them object to this precaution, reasoning
this creeping corruption tend to adopt the uniform that they would rather be dead than see themselves
of the others, if only out of solidarity for their less become a monster.
fortunate peers.
Some of the oldest Death Marshals
have been so infused with
necromantic energy that they have
actually become undead themselves.
These veterans continue to work for
the Guild despite their "condition," and the
other Death Marshals do their part to ensure
that the Guild as a whole does not realize just
how corrupted their peers have become.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Once a new recruit has given their blood to the There is no ceremony to mark the passage of a
cause, they may choose to receive preliminary recruit into a full Death Marshal. Once they have
training. This initial training primarily consists recovered from their training, they are simply issued
of physical fitness drills, martial instruction, and a Peacebringer pistol and given an assignment, often
marksmanship practice. Recruits who already have at the side of a more experienced Death Marshal.
some level of martial prowess (such as those with The path walked by the Death Marshals is a difficult
military backgrounds or those who have transferred one, and while Lady Justice and the Judge appreciate
into the Death Marshals from other Guild divisions) their service, the new recruit's commitment to a path
are allowed to bypass this step upon request. of corruption and sorrow is not something they care
to celebrate.
Next comes a trial by fire. The recruit is placed in a
fight against a variable number of undead creatures Nevertheless, it's considered a custom for a Death
retrieved from the Quarantine Zone. Often, a Marshal's peers to take them out drinking the first
new recruit is pitted against a handful of Mindless time they kill an undead or Resurrectionist "in the
Zombies or a few Canine Remains, but particularly wild." The leaders of the Death Marshals might be
experienced candidates may be tasked with defeating stoic and aloof, but the rank and file tend to treat
a more powerful undead creature. Generally their situation with a morbid sense of humor, often
speaking, if the Death Marshals administering the cracking jokes or making bad puns to lighten the
trial are annoyed with a particular recruit, the odds otherwise oppressive mood that tends to hang over
of having to fight an especially dangerous undead the Death Marshal compound.
threat increase in proportion to their annoyance.
During the fight, the recruit is given no assistance
from the watching Death Marshals, and death is a
very real possibility. The undead show no mercy in a
"real" fight, the Death Marshals reason, so pretending
otherwise would do a disservice to the recruit. Those
who survive will know the fear of being outnumbered
and surrounded by zombies without any chance of
rescue, and having known and overcome that fear,
the new recruit will be ready when they inevitably
find themselves in a similar situation.
If the trial is passed, the recruit's training begins
in earnest. They are flung into a three-week
conditioning regime consisting of constant drilling
and advanced melee and marksmanship training, all
of which are administered by the Judge, Lady Justice's
second in command. As the recruit becomes more
accustomed to the brutal pace set by the Judge, they
are taught their first snippets of necromantic lore,
allowing them to avoid fatigue and heal their wounds
by consuming the corpses of fallen undead.
When the recruit finishes their training, they are
often exhausted, both mentally and physically. As
they rest and recover, senior Death Marshals visit
to congratulate the recruit and welcome them into
the fold.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 39
Operating Procedures Guild Marshals
A great deal of the Death Marshals' time is spent on While everyone who works for the Death Marshals
preventative measures. are technically Death Marshals themselves, this
naming convention has led to no end of confusion
Because most Resurrectionists use animated corpses among members of other Divisions. To compensate
in their sinister plots, the Death Marshals have for this, the Division's support staff are referred to as
enacted a number of laws that regulate the disposal Guild Marshals within the ranks of the Guild.
of dead bodies. As a result, citizens only have twelve
hours following the discovery of a corpse to report The majority of these Guild Marshals are
it to a Guild official. Those who are suspected of quartermasters, accountants, secretaries, and
waiting longer are considered Resurrectionists, even recruiters. The accountants and quartermasters are
if they lack any capacity for necromantic magic. perhaps the most important of these individuals,
second only to recruiters, for they keep stock of
The Death Marshals also license and inspect the city's their Division's ammunition reserves and track the
cemeteries and crematoriums to ensure they have plots in which captured necromancers have been
not come under the influence of a Resurrectionist buried, ensuring that they can be quickly retrieved if
or become a haven for the undead. The Division's further interrogation becomes necessary.
attempts to enact strict laws against the burial of the
dead (as opposed to cremation) have thus far been The most illustrious member of the Guild
largely ineffective, primarily due to pushback from Marshal support staff is the Jury. The Jury and her
the majority of Malifaux's residents (and a number of subordinates handle informational logistics for the
Guild employees). Death Marshals. This broad category encompasses
both the secretaries that organize case files and track
As a compromise, the Death Marshals employ the Resurrectionist movements and the interrogators that
services of "bag men" who dig up recently buried extract information from captured Resurrectionists.
corpses, sever their heads, and then incinerate those
heads. In a nod toward the various religious beliefs of The Death Marshals also manage the morgue, which
the citizens, the Death Marshals then return to each is in turn managed by the Guild's Head Coroner.
grave and scatter the ashes atop them, ensuring that Until recently, the Head Coroner was Douglas
the dead are still buried "whole." McMourning, an eccentric genius whose inability
to manage even the simplest of paperwork was a
When they receive reports of undead or a constant thorn in the Guild's side. It was only after
Resurrectionist, a team of Death Marshals is dispatched McMourning was revealed to be a Resurrectionist
to investigate. If the rumors prove accurate, the unit that all of his "eccentricities" were revealed for
tracks any necromancers and undead back to their what they were: the symptoms of a deranged mind.
lair and deal with the issue in a very violent manner. McMourning and his assistants fled in the chaos of a
Death Marshal combat doctrine favors attacking the greater Resurrectionist attack, leaving the offices of
leader of an enemy force in an attempt to disrupt the morgue in shambles.
its leadership capabilities, as most undead become
disorganized and confused when the necromancer McMourning's replacement, Mark Walkenhurst,
commanding them is removed from the picture. has been doing his best to bring some semblance of
sanity to the morgue, but the legacy of McMourning's
Because Resurrectionists are annoying good at corruption and betrayal looms large over the
returning from beyond death, the Death Marshals position, forcing him to contend with far greater
prefer to trap them inside enchanted coffins that scrutiny than his predecessor. Random inspections
imprison the necromancer in an extradimensional are common, and new procedures require that every
space. The Resurrectionist can then be interrogated autopsy be performed in the presence of an armed
or buried forever, depending upon the situation. Death Marshal.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Offices of the Death Marshals Division Head: Lady Justice
The Death Marshal compound is located in a large, The woman who now calls herself Lady Justice
gothic building near the eastern side of the Guild is among the few Death Marshals who seem
Enclave. Its offices encompass three entire floors, to be immune to the malignant effects of the
plus the morgue and its various subterranean storage necromantic magic they wield. The source of her
vaults. The offices themselves are stark and dour, purity is unknown, but there are rumors that she
with little in the way of personality to differentiate was once a necromancer herself, before whatever
one from another. tragedy that claimed her eyes also gave her a new
perspective on life.
Because of their physical corruption, which often
manifests in sunken features, pale skin, and patches Finding the truth is all but impossible: as part of her
of missing hair, most Death Marshals prefer to price for joining the Guild, all records of her past
arrive at the Guild Enclave in uniform, rather than were destroyed by Governor-General Kitchener,
change at work. As a result, the changing rooms leaving only her sobriquet to describe her.
that are present in most other Divisions have been
converted into office space. Lady Justice is stoic and precise; she prefers to let
her decisive actions speak in place of her words.
Adjoining the offices of the Death Marshals is an When pressed into conversation, she is intelligent
interior garden roughly the size of a quarter block. and thoughtful, with an unfaltering sense of morality
This garden can only be accessed via the Death and ethics. This moral righteousness, in such sharp
Marshal offices. It serves as a convenient place for contrast to the wretched nature of her opponents, has
marksmanship training and marching drills, but its served to make Lady Justice one of the most beloved
true purpose is buried six feet underground. members of the Guild in all of Malifaux. Her image
adorns countless recruiting and propaganda posters
Necromancers and powerful undead that have been across the city, and stories of her exploits frequent
captured in the timeless void of a Death Marshal's the headlines of the Malifaux Daily Record.
enchanted coffin are buried in this garden, effectively
imprisoning them forever. This ensures that such Her employees respect and admire her, and her
dangerous enemies cannot return from beyond enemies fear her attention. To Lady Justice, that is a
death to harass the people of Malifaux and keep sign that she is finally walking the correct path.
them close at hand for future interrogation or study.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 41
The Department Recruitment and Training
of Public Relations Most of the Department's employees have at least
some previous experience in either journalism or
The task set before the Department of Public theater. Applicants who wish to work for either of
Relations is twofold: improve the Guild's image the Department's newspapers are simply allowed
within Malifaux and keep the true state of affairs to apply at that newspaper's offices; the editors-in-
in Malifaux from being known on Earth. These chief of each respective paper have a great deal of
two maxims have shaped the Department of Public leeway in whom they hire and how they run their
Relations since its inception, transforming it into the newspaper, provided that they do not deviate from
vortex of spin-doctoring, censorship, and outright the Guild's agenda.
lies that it is today.
Both newspapers require an applicant to have some
Of all the Special Divisions, the Department of experience in their prospective position, whether
Public Relations is the only one that is not deployed that might be writing, typesetting, photography,
in any sort of militaristic or peacekeeping fashion. Its or printing. At the Daily Record, the training is
agents are reporters, photographers, aethercasters, relatively standard and covers an introduction to the
and actors, many of whom have never fired the newspaper's style manual, an explanation of how the
pistols they keep safely tucked into their pockets typesetting process works, and a general outline of
or purses. The battles waged by the Department of the newspaper's deadline and operating procedures.
Public Relations are fought with truth and lies rather
than swords and bullets. In contrast to this, the training period at the Tattler
generally consists of its editor-in-chief, Nellie
The Department manages the only two legal Cochrane, either shoving a handful of notes into a
newspapers in Malifaux City, the Malifaux Daily reporter's waiting arms before shoving them out into
Record and the Malifaux Tattler. Despite the Tattler's the street to "find the story" or giving the recruit a long
attempts to appear independent, both papers are tour of her office before they are told to get to work.
little more than propaganda machines intended to There is little in the way of guidelines or training,
spread the Guild's version of reality across Malifaux. other than a general insistence that everyone's work
Any other news-printing operations within Malifaux should be "superbulous."
are, by default, illegal, though that does not stop them
from sprouting up like weeds. Finding and destroying The Department's aethervox office handles hiring
these independent newspapers is a constant source and training in a manner similar to the Daily Record.
of annoyance for the Department's agents. Technical workers are expected to have some
knowledge of how to work an aethervox transmitter,
In addition to its newspapers, the Department of but full training is still provided to ensure that
Public Relations operates the Guild's aethervox the recruit learns the proper way to operate the
transmitters. There are a total of three different machinery.
Guild "channels," all of which play live music
interspersed with news reports, fictional stories, and Prospective performers are treated more like
important announcements. Other channels tend freelancers than full employees. They must audition
to be primarily static, but they are sometimes co- for the job and are initially paid by the performance.
opted by the "free vox" propaganda of independent If a performer proves to be consistently reliable and
aethercasters. is well received by the public, the Department often
brings them on as a full-time employee and heavily
Needless to say, the Department is not too keen promotes their performances.
about having to share the aetherwaves with others.
If a rogue aethercaster is discovered, they are
ruthlessly hunted down and arrested, and their
equipment is confiscated or destroyed.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
While the Department's focus is definitely upon its Operating Procedures
various news divisions, it has not neglected other
methods of "correcting" public opinion. Since its The Department of Public Relations tends to be
first days, the Department has relied upon flyers to more compartmentalized than the other Special
spread (mis)information to the people of Malifaux. Divisions. The Malifaux Daily Record and the
Posters depicting the noble figure of Lady Justice Malifaux Tattler, for example, have little contact
are plastered all across the city, each one warning with the other aspects of the Department, save for
citizens to report corpses to the nearest guardsman. regular meetings that their editors-in-chief have with
the Division Head, Leonardo Benneton, to discuss
Other posters command the city's residents to which stories they are expected to run and what slant
report any suspicious events to the Witch Hunters. to put on them.
Originally, these posters depicted Sonnia Criid's
image, but after a great deal of vandalism, the For the most part, the newspapers operate in typical
Department phased those posters out in favor of fashion. Reporters are expected to investigate the
simple text warnings on white paper. stories given to them and to write their articles with a
decidedly pro-Guild spin. Photographers accompany
Mixed in with these posters and flyers are various reporters as they cover events or perform interviews,
bounty notices, which are issued by the other Special though a few are tasked with taking "scenic"
Divisions and posted by the Department of Public photographs such as inspiring pictures of the city or
Relations. This is easy enough within Malifaux shots of interesting locations that are relevant to one
City, but updating the wanted flyers posted in the story or another. Technicians operate the printing
surrounding satellite settlements consumes a great presses to ensure that the morning's paper is printed
deal of the Department's manpower every month. on time, and then it is handed off to a network of
poorly paid hawkers for sale on the street.
Occasionally, reporters will be asked to accompany
the members of another Special Division on
an assignment. In these circumstances, it is the
reporter's duty to document everything that
happens (often with the help of a photographer)
and write a story that emphasizes the bravery and
duty of the Guild's employees while minimizing
or justifying any atrocities or abuses they might
commit. More than one scandal has been nipped
in the bud by diligent Guild reporters working
through the night to push the "true" version of
events out to the public before the M&SU had
time to print their account of what happened.
Other times, reporters are asked to write "puff" pieces
that have little substance and are only intended to
make a person or company (often one with close
Guild ties or deep pocketbooks) look good to
the citizenry. The Tattler sometimes subverts this
process by using the suggestion that a reporter is
writing a puff piece to interview a person or tour a
facility, only to spin around and publish a scathing
critique of the subject matter.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 43
The Department keeps a far tighter leash on its Public Events
aethercasters. Each news item and advertisement
is carefully prepared by Department agents, and a Since Leonardo Benneton assumed control of the
senior staff member is always on hand to monitor Department of Public Relations, the Guild has
every broadcast to prevent any sort of seditious or made it a point to host a number of public events
scandalous material from being transmitted over the intended to soften its image and improve morale (at
aetherwaves. least among the residents of Downtown).

In the event that a performer or radio announcer The Department typically hosts one celebration per
goes "off script," each aethervox transmitter is season. Originally, these took place on Valentine's
equipped with a five second delay and a kill switch, Day, Christmas, and Halloween, with an additional
ensuring that the broadcast can be stopped in time to summer festival dubbed "Guild Day," but the
prevent an embarrassing mistake. If things escalate, Halloween celebrations have since been canceled
the guardsmen assigned to protect the aethercasting due to a great many people being killed by a pumpkin
equipment have their own kill switches (i.e., pistols). monster on each of the past three Halloweens.

Whenever an unlawful newspaper or aethervox During these celebrations, the Guild decorates
transmitter is discovered, the Department sends one Juno Square, a wide-open plaza in the Downtown
of its Investigation Teams to deal with the situation. district. There's plenty of free food served to the
These teams tend to be comprised of ruthless, revelers, around half of whom tend to be either
thuggish individuals, all of whom are skilled at Guild personnel or members of their immediate
avoiding drawing too much attention to themselves. family. Guardsmen do their best to keep the most
"unpresentable" elements of the city out of the square,
"Dealing with" a newspaper means destroying the but otherwise, residents of the various slum districts
printing press and burning every remaining copy are allowed to mingle with the wealthy and elite.
of the paper (sometimes alongside its authors). In
the rare event that a fire gets out of control, the To discourage any sort of attack, the Department
Department tends to spin the story as the work of works alongside the Guild Guard to ensure that
the Arcanists, who, due to their clandestine nature, snipers are placed on lookout on the roofs of
cannot properly defend themselves from these nearby buildings. While the presence of these
false charges. sharpshooters does cast a somewhat intimidating
light over the festivities, most of the guests appreciate
Tracking down rogue aethervox transmitters is being able to relax and enjoy themselves, even if
more difficult, as broadcasts do not have physical only for a single night.
circulation routes. By using signal detectors - bulky,
awkward machines that are usually mounted on Outside of these large events, the Department hosts
leather back harnesses - agents can track the strength a number of smaller events throughout the year.
of an aethervox transmission to its source. As with a Some of these are relatively mundane, such as the
printing press, the physical machine is then either "Neverborn Awareness Program" that arranges for
confiscated or destroyed. Neverborn Hunters to visit the various classrooms
across the city to warn young children about the
If an aethercaster is captured alive, the Department dangers of Neverborn and imaginary friends. Others
will sometimes allow them to live, provided that are more scholastic in nature, such as public lectures
they continue broadcasting their program under at the Malifaux Museum of Natural History or public
direct Guild supervision (effectively house arrest). tours of Duer's Library.
These "independent" broadcasters are usually
executed in a few weeks, after they've served their
purpose, but during their reprieve, they can be
very influential in turning their audience toward
the Guild's way of thinking.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Offices of Public Relations Division Head: Leonardo Benneton
The Department of Public Relations is scattered Leonardo Benneton has been the head of the
across Downtown. Its central offices are nestled along Department of Public Relations for the past six
the western edges of the Guild Enclave and contain years, since his predecessor succumbed to the Piper's
the buildings that hold the Department's offices and Plague. The Guild snatched him up from N.W. Ayer
records. From these spacious offices and meeting & Son, a prominent New York advertising company.
rooms, the Department tracks the various illegal
newspapers and aethervox broadcasts that have been While his predecessor focused upon covering up
discovered within the city and coordinates its plans information, Benneton prefers to replace and spin
to remove them. it. A hidden scandal, he believes, will inevitably
come out and cause trouble, but a scandal that is
The walls of these offices are covered in posters, manipulated can be "leaked"
many of them hand-drawn prototypes for advertising with minimal danger or even
or propaganda campaigns that never got off the with positive gains, particularly
ground. While a few are interesting and catchy to if doing so makes the Guild's
the eye, the majority are either garish, confusing, or employees seem more relatable.
dominated by forced puns.
It's a philosophy that would
The Division Head, Leonardo Benneton, believes be more effective if the
that displaying these posters serves as a reminder leaders of the other
about what sort of message the Guild doesn't want Special Divisions
to send, which in turn saves his authors and printers did not hoard so
from making the same mistakes over and over again. many secrets, an
unfortunate reality
Neither the Malifaux Daily Record nor the Malifaux that annoys him on
Tattler are located within the Guild Enclave. a regular basis.
Originally, the Daily Record was intended to be
seen as a separate entity from the Guild proper,
so its offices were set up in the southern Industrial
Zone. Years of one-sided stories and multiple Guild
raids on its competitors have ruined any claims the
paper might have made toward independence and
neutrality, however, and now it is seen as little more
than a Guild mouthpiece.
The Malifaux Tattler was created to serve as a
counterpoint to the Daily Record, a favorable paper
pretending to be competition, but the excesses
of its editor-in-chief and its hard stance against
Union politics have started to erode away its guise
of objectivity. Its offices are located in southern
Downtown, in a large building that was converted
over from one of the Guild's warehouses.
The Guild's aethercasting station is located to the
west of the Enclave, amidst one of the district's most
affluent neighborhoods. The relatively unobtrusive
building is soundproofed, internally fortified, and
protected by a detachment of undercover Guild
guardsmen at all times.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 45
The Elite Division Recruitment and Training
For most people, the Elite Division is nothing Because the Elite Division encompasses a number of
more than a rumor. To them, it exists as an idea, a different departments (many of them quite secretly),
personification of all the Guild's worst traits rolled up there are a variety of ways that an applicant might
into a mysterious conspiracy with vague motivations find themselves employed by the Division.
and sinister goals. Among the M&SU and the Ten The most common route of entry is through the
Thunders, it is a boogeyman, a secret cadre of elite justice system. Lawyers who wish to practice in
Guild agents whose motivations are too obscure to Malifaux must pass a bar exam, and portions of
properly counter or control. that exam are designed to test for ruthlessness,
To the upper echelons of the Guild, however, competency, and an inclination toward keeping
the Elite Division is an uncomfortable reality. secrets. If a lawyer meets those qualifications, they
Though originally intended to manage the Guild's are brought to Mattheson's office and offered a
judiciary assets in Malifaux (the cadre of judges, lucrative contract with the Guild.
circuit judges, and lawyers that the Guild employs Nestled in the fine print of that contract is a
to regulate law) the Elite Division has quickly clause giving sole ownership of the lawyer's soul
expanded to encompass internal affairs, human to Mattheson. Though he plays the clause off as
resources, surveillance, assassinations, various nothing more than archaic Guild terminology, the
"black operations," and more, all while masking its clause is quite binding and does exactly what it says:
influence through a variety of seemingly innocuous if the lawyer signs it, control of their soul passes into
departments and offices. Lucius' hands, damning the lawyer to a lifetime of
The mastermind behind this shadowy octopus of subservience. Those who refuse to sign the contract
sinister intent is Lucius Mattheson, the Governor's are never seen again.
Secretary. In exchange for helping Governor-General
Kitchener gain the power that would eventually lead
to his catastrophic demise, Mattheson received a
prestigious but relatively unimportant position in
the Guild's hierarchy. He then used that position to
spin a web of influence, blackmail, and favors that
eventually coalesced into the Elite Division.
The Elite Division tends to meddle in the affairs of
the other Special Divisions, and as such, it is not
uncommon to find one of their spies working
alongside the Guild Guard or one of their
spellcasters providing assistance to the Witch
Hunters. These agents tend to keep their exact
loyalties a secret, showing up with complicated
paperwork ordering the other Division to give
them access to their people and other resources.
Mixed in with the assassins, spies, and other specialists
of the Elite Division are a handful of Neverborn
dopplegangers. These devious shapeshifters are
loyal to Mattheson alone and are frequently used
to frame troublesome enemies and any allies that
investigate the Elite Division too closely.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Unlike the Guild's lawyers, who are technically Regardless of how a newcomer joins the Elite
independent contractors, the organization's judges Division, each recruit undergoes a personalized
are full employees. Not every judge is a member of training and conditioning regime. Most recruits
the Elite Division, as Mattheson finds it convenient are already quite skilled in their area of expertise,
to keep a few "honest" judges in place, but the so this training focuses primarily upon technique
majority of those who serve in the city are on refinement. Recruits also receive extensive stealth,
the Elite Division's payroll. Most of these judges espionage, and counter-espionage training to ensure
were brought over from Earth and were simply that they do not give up the Division's secrets to its
transferred into the Elite Division when Mattheson enemies.
took control of the judiciary forces.
Woven into all this training is a truly insidious
The Elite Division also recruits from the ranks amount of conditioning. Hypnotic suggestions
of the Guild Guard. For many years, Dashel reinforce the recruit's loyalty while psychotropic
Barker was a member of the Elite Division, and drugs slipped into their meals focus their attention.
with Barker's rise to the head of the Guild Guard, For the majority of recruits, this conditioning results
a very intentional move on Mattheson's part, the in a powerful drive to complete their mission and
Elite Division's influence over the rank and file near unbreakable loyalty to the Elite Division.
guardsmen has increased considerably.
A recruit's first few assignments tend to be relatively
Guardsmen who show impressive competence straightforward to get them acclimated to the
in the field are sometimes transferred to Internal job, after which they are tossed into a proverbial
Affairs, the office that investigates allegations of sinkhole of moral quandaries. Those who manage
law-breaking and professional misconduct by to complete these missions without incident are
Guild employees. Though technically a branch earmarked for promotion, while those who struggle
of the Guild Guard, the Internal Affairs office is with their assignments or fail to finish their mission
effectively part of the Elite Division, which uses it are either relegated to menial labor and logistical
as a means of keeping tabs on the rest of the Guild's positions or flagged for assassination.
employees in Malifaux.
Once an agent has been promoted and proven
Other guardsmen are brought on to serve the Elite their loyalty to the Division, they are sent on an
Division in a more official capacity. In exchange assignment that involves working alongside one
for promotions and increased salaries, these or more Neverborn. The exact details of this
individuals ensure that any potential threats to the assignment vary greatly according to the Division's
Guild or the Elite Division (such as eye witnesses needs but might involve helping a doppleganger
or confiscated evidence) go missing. frame an important politician, smuggling fresh
meat out of the city to a pack of waiting Nephilim,
Perhaps the least common method of gaining or something equally dangerous.
employment with the Elite Division is to be hand-
picked by Mattheson or one of the Division's Success at this mission - which includes keeping
other members. Prospective candidates must quiet and not asking too many questions of one's
have demonstrated one or more useful skills or superiors - finally earns the agent the trust of the
manifested powers, such as expert marksmanship, Elite Division... or at least, as much trust as the
an innate ability to teleport or manipulate memories, Elite Division gives anyone.
or similarly impressive abilities. The candidate is
monitored for weeks and, if deemed acceptable,
approached with an offer of employment.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 47
Operating Procedures Neverborn Detection
Above all else, the members of the Elite Division are Although the number of Neverborn infiltrating the
expected to operate covertly. While not expressly Guild at any given time is relatively low, they have a
forbidden from mentioning the Elite Division significant impact upon Guild policy. Shortly after
to others, those who put the Division's secrecy in the Elite Division's founding, one of Mattheson's
jeopardy quickly fall out of favor with Mattheson and dopplegangers was caught in the act of impersonating
other agents. If pressed too far, this breach of secrecy a high-ranking Guild official.
can lead to an agent being framed, blackmailed,
extorted, assassinated, or worse. The captured doppleganger was killed before
it could reveal any details of its plot, but the
More often than not, agents feign membership in incident alerted to the Guild to the threat posed by
one or more other Special Divisions, with the Guild Neverborn shapeshifters. The Guild immediately
Guard being a perennial favorite. The Division set to work trying to come up with ways to root out
reinforces this falsehood with forged personnel files, the shapeshifters in its midst, such as a rotating series
all of which are designed to make the agent appear of passwords, magical interrogation, and prototype
as nondescript and uninteresting as possible. machines designed to detect lies by measuring
breathing rates and blood pressure.
The Division assigns missions to its agents as the
need arises. An agent might go for weeks without Though marginally effective as tools for rooting
an assignment, or they might end up working the out suspected dopplegangers, all of these methods
same case for months at a time. While on a mission, ended up being labor intensive, time consuming,
agents are given a great deal of leeway as to how they or unreliable. The Guild needed a passive method
accomplish their objective. This freedom is balanced of detecting shapechangers in its midst, and Lucius
out by hefty punishments for failure, which range Mattheson stepped forward to answer its call.
from a reduction in pay to outright termination (in The protocols that he established (such as carving
every sense of the word). magical wards into the door frames of the Enclave
and adding special spices that were poisonous to
When not actively working a mission, agents are Neverborn to the food of the mess hall) didn't actually
expected to monitor their fellow Guild employees do anything to detect or deter the Neverborn, but
and make regular reports to their superiors. This the Elite Division staged a number of "detections" to
monitoring focuses on weaknesses and exploitable give the illusion of effectiveness. Satisfied that it was
assets, providing the Elite Division with future protected, the Guild turned its attention elsewhere
leverage should it need that employee to do and the "discovered" dopplegangers returned to the
something questionable, amoral, or very illegal. job wearing new faces.
Things function a bit differently in the Division's Despite being an incredible inconvenience at
judiciary branch, where lawyers and judges are the time, the detection protocols have proven to
generally allowed to go about their daily business be an effective tool for manipulating the Guild.
without too much interference. Lawyers and judges Whenever the attention of the Governor-General
are allowed to accept bribes and kickbacks without or another high-ranking Guild bureaucrat starts
any sort of regulation or investigation, provided that to shift toward the Elite Division, its agents simply
it is all done quietly. When the Elite Division has a stage a "doppleganger scare" to divert that attention
request, however - the acquittal or conviction of a somewhere else, sometimes to the very bureaucrat
particular defendant, for example - these agents are who is causing them problems.
expected to deliver it without incident.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Offices of the Elite Division Division Head: Lucius Mattheson
As one might expect given its clandestine nature, the The head of the Elite Division is Lucius Gustavious
Elite Division does not possess any physical offices. FitzWilliam Mattheson, an accomplished lawyer
Instead, its agents operate as parasites, utilizing and politician with a variety of impressive degrees
the offices of the other Divisions as necessary. from various universities and colleges back on Earth.
Ironically, much of the Elite Division's resources are Since he became the Governor's Secretary, Lucius
siphoned away from the Neverborn Hunters, whose has haunted the halls of the Governor's Mansion
representatives in Malifaux City tend to be distracted, like a soft shadow, whispering in ears and pulling the
uncaring, and poor at managing paperwork. strings of the Guild's Malifaux branch.
Despite this, there are still places where the Elite What nobody realizes is that Lucius Mattheson
Division holds power. The most significant is the does not exist. He is a fictional persona that has
city's courthouse, the halls of which are filled with been adopted by one of the Neverborn for his own,
Mattheson's lawyers and judges. Members of the personal reasons. He has spent the past decade
Division's judiciary branch obviously meet to discuss playing the forces of the Guild and the native
cases and share information in the chambers of its Neverborn against one another to tip the scales
judges, but once the business day has ended, the back and forth, manipulating each
empty courtrooms also occasionally host other situation in whatever way best
clandestine and secret meetings. serves his ultimate plan: to
seize control of Malifaux,
Also of note are the Internal Affairs offices in the the Guild, and, eventually,
Guild Enclave. Most guardsmen avoid having Earth.
anything to do with Internal Affairs, and the fact
that so many morally questionable employees are
routinely dragged down to I.A. for "questioning"
doesn't seem at all out of place. If anything, it's just a
sign that the department of Internal Affairs is taking
its job seriously.
In a way, the only real estate officially occupied by
the Elite Division is the offices of Lucius Mattheson.
In addition to a spacious office in the Guild Enclave
and another in the Governor's mansion, Mattheson
possesses a handful of other offices scattered through
the city. Few people are aware of the location
of more than one of these secondary offices, and
nobody other than Lucius and his personal scribe
know how to find all of them.
Mattheson takes great care in decorating his offices,
each of which is intended to convey a specific
tone and mood. In the Guild Enclave, his office is
sparse but functional, with only a few nods toward
comfort. This is in sharp contrast to his office in the
Governor's mansion, which is heavily furnished with
soft carpeting, dim lightning, overstuffed chairs, and
a large stone fireplace.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 49
The Amalgamation Office Recruitment and Training
Originally created to keep Charles Hoffman on the While the Amalgamation Office is perfectly willing
Guild's payroll, the Amalgamation Office has since to recruit from within the Guild, the level of technical
grown into a proper special division. Its original task knowledge required for the job usually disqualifies
was to monitor and prevent acts of amalgamation, such applicants before they have a chance to get
the illegal grafting of flesh to metal, but a majority of started. As a result, most of the Amalgamation
its resources now go to the care and maintenance of Office's employees have been pulled from the
the Guild's suite of war constructs. private sector.

The agents of the Amalgamation Office track Whether inventor, machinist, engineer, tinkerer,
these constructs and their service appointments, or interested laborer, each prospective recruit
upgrade their weapons and logic engines when must complete a basic competency examination
necessary, and repair the machines when they before advancing any further in the process.
limp back from battle. Any sort of basic knowledge about machines
and the terminology involved in their creation
The Amalgamation Office also handles a great deal and operation is usually enough to answer the
of mundane tasks such as inspecting the workshops questions (e.g., What is a boiler? What is torque?)
and factories of the cities to ensure that everyone in a satisfactory manner.
is following the guidelines laid out by the Guild,
namely that living parts cannot be used to augment Recruits that pass this competency exam are taken
machinery. The opposite, however, is perfectly to a workshop filled with mechanical parts, pointed
legal, which sometimes causes difficulty for agents toward a stack of schematics, and told to build a
who encounter entities that are evenly split between working prototype of one of the listed machines.
living creature and automated machine. They are given eight hours to do so, but many of
the schematics included in the test detail machines
Malifaux is a hotbed of mechanical creativity, and that either require far more than the allotted time
the Amalgamation office also performs the difficult to complete or parts that are not present in the
task of administering the Guild's invention patents. workshop. Realizing these facts early in the process
Logically cataloging the baffling devices brought by and adapting one's plans to compensate for them is
aspiring inventors for inspection is a daunting task as much a part of the test as the actual construction
made even more difficult by the need to identify of the machine.
and confiscate any objects created through the
use of illegal magic or recovered from ancient Each prospective recruit is observed as they
Neverborn ruins. work, and the examiners take note of the recruit's
technique, mood, speed, organizational skills,
When necessary, the agents of the Amalgamation and other qualities. At specific intervals, the
Office also consult with the other Special Divisions examiners will pester the recruit with questions or
whenever they find strange machines that pose a comments with the intent of judging their reaction to
potential danger to the city's well-being. interruptions and negative feedback. Similarly, some
of the available parts are specifically designed to fail
in order to test a recruit's adaptability and resilience
to adversity.
By all accounts, it is a grueling test that pushes
many recruits to their limits, all within a carefully
controlled and calculated environment.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
In the end, though, building a working prototype New recruits undergo a training period of roughly
isn't really the point of the trial (though succeeding two weeks, during which time two or three senior
certainly doesn't hurt a recruit's evaluation). If a recruit staff members show them the ins and outs of their
excelled in an area that the Amalgamation Office can particular position. A recruit always has multiple
use, it simply hires the recruit and slots them into the trainers, which helps to ensure that an individual
appropriate position, like a cog in a living machine. mentor's quirks and habits are less likely to transfer
to their student. This process also reduces the rate
In this way, recruits that are skilled at building of systemic corruption within the Amalgamation
machines get sent to the workshops, those with Office, as there is always another set of eyes present
exceptional organization skills are assigned to during the training period.
positions as secretaries, and so on, until only the
chaff is left behind. These unfortunate souls are At the end of this training period, a recruit is promoted
given a full review of their failings before being to a full member of the Amalgamation Office. There
turned away, though they are allowed to apply is little in the way of celebration or congratulations,
again in one year's time, provided they are still but Charles Hoffman still commemorates the
interested in the position. moment by giving the employee an expertly timed
pocket watch that has been engraved with the ram's
In the eyes of Charles Hoffman, the Division's head symbol of the Guild, each of which he builds
head, nobody is truly useless. Every person himself. The members of the Amalgamation Office
has their place, and every job is important to tend to take very good care of these watches and
the whole. Just because someone hasn't yet often wear them as badges of their employment.
achieved a level of skill that the Guild can use
doesn't mean that they won't in the future. Twice each year, each employee of the Amalgamation
Office is required to undergo a one-week period of
cross-training in another position. These training
periods are staggered so that no more than two or
three employees are cross-training at any given time,
which keeps any disruption caused by their absence
in their normal position to a minimum.
The intent of these cross-training sessions is to help
each of the Division's employees better understand
the tasks and responsibilities of their coworkers,
which, in theory, helps the Amalgamation
Office function in a more efficient manner.
Unfortunately, the cross-training program also
results in a constant drip-feed of errors that must
be caught by other employees before they can
become more serious issues.
As a result, there is a faint undercurrent of annoyance
with the cross-training program, but Hoffman is
convinced that, with enough time, his employees will
adjust to the changes and come to realize its merits.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 51
Operating Procedures Guild Constructs
For the most part, the activities of the Amalgamation A large portion of the Amalgamation Office's duties
Office adhere to a set schedule. The patent office is involve the management of the Guild's various war
open from 8 am to 5 pm every day, each of the city's constructs.
factories and workshops are inspected according to
a set schedule, and the Guild's battle constructs Combat-focused constructs can function alongside
are phased out for repairs and upgrades in regular a patrol of untrained guardsmen without too much
intervals. trouble, but Amalgamation agents are frequently brought
in when more advanced functions, such as scouting or
When it becomes necessary for the Amalgamation tracking, are required. If a construct is assigned to a unit
Office to investigate a possible amalgamation, the on a more permanent basis (as is often the case with
operation is meticulously planned out and discussed Guardians or Peacekeepers), it's not uncommon for
among all participating members to ensure that they the Amalgamation Office to simply offer training to the
all understand the plan and its various contingencies. guardsmen accompanying it, ensuring that they can use
Though efficient, this carefully regulated scheduling the machine to its full efficiency even in the absence of
tends to fall apart when the other Divisions become an Amalgamation agent.
involved. Requests for mechanical reinforcements or The nature of using Soulstones for power means that
consultations concerning strange new machines ripple machines tend to develop personalities the longer they
through the Amalgamation Office like a stone in a are in service, and each of these quirks is monitored and
pond, causing expanding waves of disruption until the tracked in the Amalgamation Office's files. Constructs
schedules are rebalanced to take the disruption into that prove to be too willful are stripped of their Soulstone
account. and manually animated via magic for a few months to
Most of the time, these disruptions are relatively purify the machine of its lingering psychic imprints.
minor: a construct remained in the field longer
than anticipated or a particularly complicated
machine required days to document and resulted
in a long backlog of work for the patent office.
Other times, one of the Guild's battle
constructs will achieve a dim level of
sentience and attempt to flee from
its masters or the machinery that
stabilizes the Breach will make an
odd sound, requiring everyone
in the Amalgamation Office to
drop whatever they are doing in
order to give the problem at hand
their full attention.
Those sorts of disruptions tend to result in the old
schedules just being completely torn up and tossed
out to make room for a new schedule. For the
most part, this isn't too much of a problem for the
agents of the Amalgamation Office, who have simply
started treating their schedules and timetables more
as guidelines than restrictions.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Amalgamation Offices Division Head: Charles Hoffman
The Amalgamation Office is located in the The head of the Amalgamation Office is Charles
southeastern portion of the Guild Enclave's central Hoffman, an inventor who, upon arriving in
building. It has expanded slowly since its inception, Malifaux, discovered that he could manipulate
gradually absorbing the offices of the Guild Guard machinery with his mind. The entirety of the
around it until it reached its current size. Amalgamation Office was literally created to make
Hoffman a Guild asset, but in the years since, he
This expansion continues to be a point of friendly has shaped and molded it into the Special Division
rivalry between the two Divisions, and Amalgamation everyone was pretending it was.
agents frequently joke that every time the Guard fails
to solve a case, the Amalgamation Office gets to seize Hoffman is analytical and calculating, but never to
one of their offices for their own use. Guardsmen, in the point of letting it impact his humanity. He only
turn, tend to joke that every time one of the Guild's seems to become truly upset when conversation shifts
machines breaks down, they get to take an office to his brother, Ryle Hoffman, and as a consequence,
back. In truth, the expansion has little to do with the it is one of the two topics that are truly considered to
success rates of either Division, but the running joke be taboo within the Division's offices.
remains popular regardless.
The other is the rumor that Hoffman is somehow
The majority of the Amalgamation Office's space in involved in the Arcanist movement. Those
the Guild Enclave is taken up by large filing cabinets. who push either topic too far are quick to
Charles Hoffman and a few other senior employees find themselves unemployed
have their own small offices and workshops, as do and on the street.
those who work in the patent office and those who
manage the Division's bookkeeping and accounting,
but everyone other employee reports to an off-site
satellite office. The majority of these satellite offices
are located in the Industrial Zone, where their
employees can more easily monitor and inspect
the district's factories and workshops.
The largest satellite office can be found in
Downtown, right beside the Guild's primary
construct stables. Agents tasked with monitoring
and repairing the Guild's constructs are often
stationed here, as is anyone with a talent for magical
animation. Because so much of this work involves
coming into contact with the Guild's constructs and
their Soulstone power sources, this office is under
far more scrutiny than its peers. Random inspections
are common, and excessively suspicious behavior is
often cause for reassignment or even termination.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 53
The Neverborn Hunters Recruitment and Training
The Neverborn Hunters (or Nephilim Hunters, as The Neverborn Hunters are one of the easiest of the
they are often called) occupy a strange position in the Guild's Special Divisions to join, second perhaps only
hierarchy of the Guild. Though technically a Special to the Guild Guard. A prospective hunter just needs
Division, they exist outside of the Guild's chain of to show up at Latigo, the Ortega family's fortified
command. For instance, the head of the Neverborn ranch, and ask to join up.
Hunters, Perdita Ortega, possesses no official rank While it's possible for a prospective hunter to make
among the Guild but can still requisitions troops and their case to the Ortega family right away, most of the
ammunition, receives assignments, and is paid from time, an applicant will first have to prove themselves
the Guild's coffers. to the other members of the Division, who are
The Neverborn Hunters were the first of the Guild's referred to as Pistoleros. The test is simple: a series
Special Divisions, though they weren't called that of bottles or cans are lined up on a distant fence,
at first. Faced with an increasing number of attacks and the would-be Neverborn
upon the settlers who braved the desolate Badlands Hunter has to shoot each of
and the loggers who traveled into the Knotwoods, them down.
the Guild posted a generous bounty on every Those who fail are subjected
Neverborn corpse that was returned to them. to a great deal of laughter
Bounty hunters, mercenaries, and big game hunters all and mockery and are told
flocked to Malifaux to take advantage of this bounty. to come back when they
The Guild gave each of them a cheap shotgun and have better aim. Those
an even cheaper tin badge and sent them off into the who pass earn a few nods
wilderness with a firm handshake. Most perished on of approval and are taken
their first hunt, save for a teen girl named Perdita to the hacienda to speak
Ortega. Where others faltered, Perdita thrived, and with the Ortegas.
soon she was earning a reputation for herself among
humans and Neverborn alike.
With the money she earned from those first kills,
Perdita purchased passage to Malifaux for the rest
of her family. With each new Ortega, the family
became progressively more capable and deadly, and
the other Neverborn Hunters flocked to her side.
Realizing that a cult of personality was forming around
the young woman, the Governor-General decided
to make her the formal head of the Neverborn
Hunters. The name Ortega has been synonymous
with the Neverborn Hunters ever since.
In addition to tracking and killing Neverborn, the
Neverborn Hunters also serve as a support network
for the Guild's homesteaders in the Badlands. They
deliver mail and supplies that were ordered from
the Guild's catalogs, teach homesteaders how to trap
food and dig wells, help mend fences, and otherwise
help ignorant or overworked settlers adapt to life in
a harsh and dangerous world.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Making one's case to the Ortegas is, in many ways, Operating Procedures
a trial in and of itself. The more active members of
the family, Perdita and her brothers, are frequently Unlike the other Special Divisions, the Neverborn
out in the field with their cousin Nino, leaving the Hunters don't adhere to any specific operating
hacienda under the watchful eyes of their father procedures. Each different Neverborn creature they
and grandmother. The elder Ortegas must be hunt raises its own questions that must be answered
approached in different manners, but no matter with courage, steel, and bullets. The mutable nature
which one a prospective hunter ends up speaking of their enemy demands flexibility, so any battle
with, difficulty ensues. plan involving the Neverborn Hunters is, by its very
nature, more of a guideline than anything else.
Abuela Ortega is somewhat hard of hearing and is
prone to layering copious amounts of verbal abuse The most common enemy faced by the Neverborn
on those around her. She's a tough old woman Hunters is the Nephilim. The corrosive black blood
despite being confined to a wheelchair, and anyone of these violent creatures makes any sort of close
attempting to petition her for a position among the confrontation with them exceedingly dangerous, and
Neverborn Hunters must endure a withering barrage as a result, the Neverborn Hunters are primarily a
of criticism and frequent interruptions as they make ranged unit. Pistols and shotguns are more common
their case to her. than rifles, but there are still plenty of rifle-users
among the Division's ranks.
In contrast, "Papa Loco" is much quieter, though that
silence is tempered by a dangerous streak of insanity. Despite the emphasis on weapons and combat
He spends his days building explosives, and the at Latigo, the first step of most hunts is gathering
Pistoleros are fond of (only half-jokingly) claiming information. The Nephilim are just as intelligent as
that he can make a bomb out of just about anything. humans and are quite capable of setting traps and
Earning Papa Loco's approval tends to play out like ambushes, a fact which many inexperienced hunters
a combination of distracted job interview and bomb often forget. Reconnaissance is often a top priority in
disposal assignment. any sort of hunt to determine both the composition
of the enemy and the layout of the terrain.
Once a prospective Hunter has earned the approval
of one of the Ortegas, the rest of the Pistoleros Once the area has been scouted, the leader of the
see to their training. This includes a good deal of hunt (who is often an Ortega) decides whether
marksmanship practice, listening to stories about the or not to proceed. If they decide to continue, the
various Neverborn the group has encountered, and Neverborn Hunters utilize overwhelming firepower
basic ranch work, usually in roughly even proportion to eliminate every Neverborn in their path. There
to one another. Recruits are expected to live at is no mercy given to noncombatants or the young,
Latigo, though assignments which take a Neverborn and anyone who would suggest otherwise is often
Hunter away from the ranch for extended periods of transferred to Malifaux City to serve as a liaison with
time are not uncommon. the rest of the Guild.

Once a recruit seems comfortable with their training, The only exception to this rule are Neverborn
they are brought along on the next Nephilim hunt. Hunters who have been corrupted by their enemies.
Ideally, the recruit ends up in battle with nothing Whether they were lost through mind-controlling
more dangerous than a handful of Terror Tots, magic or the corruptive influence of coming into
allowing them to get a taste of fighting Nephilim while contact with too much Black Blood, every effort is
the senior Neverborn Hunters watch over them. If made to capture fallen Neverborn Hunters alive.
the hunt turns up larger Nephilim or other types of Family is family, after all.
Neverborn, the recruit's first hunt ends up being a
baptism by fire as the other Neverborn Hunters leap
into the battle with full force.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 55
Pistoleros Nephilim Hunter Offices
The Neverborn Hunters are split into two distinct Most of the fieldwork performed by the Neverborn
groups: members of the Ortega family and everyone Hunters is managed by the Ortega family, who
else. The "everyone else" encompasses hundreds of operate primarily out of Latigo. They coordinate
gunfighters, cooks, trackers, ranch hands, teachers, hunts, evaluate intelligence, and report back to the
housekeepers, gardeners, and tacticians. As a general fortified ranch, often without ever setting foot in
catch-all term, these non-Ortegas are referred to as Malifaux City.
Latigo is stockpiled with a ludicrous amount of
In Latigo's early days, each Pistolero was, first and ammunition, primarily as a result of the Ortega family
foremost, a gunfighter. As the region became safer, inflating their reports the amount of ammunition
more gunfighters started moving their families to they expend to increase their biweekly requisitions
Latigo, burgeoning its non-combative population. A from the Guild. The Ortegas like to boast (well away
minority of those who were rescued from frontier from the ears of other Guild personnel) that they
settlements that had come under Neverborn attack have more ammunition tucked away in Latigo than
also settled in Latigo, adding their own talents and can be found in the entirety of Malifaux City.
skills to the pool.
Though they have no lack of ammunition, Latigo
While there is no official difference between a is still not entirely self-sufficient. The Ortegas keep
Pistolero who accompanies the Ortegas on hunts roughly one month's worth of fresh water and
and a Pistolero who tends to their cows, those who canned food in storage at all times (the ranch has
risk their lives to keep the others safe tend to get been besieged by the Nephilim about half a dozen
preferential treatment over their peers. That being times over the past decade), but most of their fresh
said, transitioning from one position to another isn't food is still supplied by the Guild.
especially difficult: every Pistolero receives at least
some training in ranged combat, and those who Whether they are carrying food or ammunition,
become competent shots stand a good chance of the train cars that bring these supplies south to
being invited on a hunt. Latigo are managed by a small contingent of
Neverborn Hunters who
are stationed in Malifaux
City. While some of these
men and women chose to serve
the Hunters by pushing papers across
desks and petitioning the Guild for increased
resources, for most of those who work in the Guild
Enclave, it is a punishment.
Whether their crime was one of compassion (such
as sparing the life of a Neverborn), negligence
(excessive carelessness), or addiction (frequent
drunkenness), these hunters are being punished,
and they know it. As a result, Neverborn Hunters
encountered in Malifaux City tend to be either angry
at the world or awash in their own misery.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The offices of the Neverborn Hunters can be found Division Head: Perdita Ortega
in the corner of the central complex of the Guild
Enclave, nestled right beside those occupied by the The head of the Neverborn Hunters is Perdita
Guild Guard. These rooms are small, cramped, and Ortega. Her reputation as a skilled gunfighter
poorly labeled, and anyone lingering nearby is likely precedes her, as do the rumors that she is capable
to hear a smattering of colorful curses emanating of firing bullets around corners. While most people
from behind their closed doors. consider this claim to be nothing more than a boast,
those who have seen Perdita fight know better.
The only time that the general mood of these
employees seems to improve is when the Guild Perdita treats her Pistoleros as if they are part of
requires the immediate assistance of the Neverborn her extended family, with few exceptions. As far as
Hunters. In these times of crisis, the castoff and she is concerned, service in the Neverborn Hunters
forgotten hunters are able to strap on their dusty absolves a person of their former crimes, and she is
guns and prove to everyone that they're still cut more than willing to stand up to the Guild to protect
out for field work. Sometimes, this actually works, the people serving beneath her.
and the Pistolero is given the option of returning to Through amazingly competent in battle and quite
Latigo. Most of the time, though, the failings that intimidating at times, Perdita is by far the youngest
got the Pistolero expelled from Latigo are the same of the various Division heads. Much of her adult
failings that end up getting them killed. life has been spent surrounded by monsters and her
The other Divisions have noticed this tendency of family, and as a result,
Neverborn Hunters to run off and fling themselves she tends to be socially
into the jaws of destruction, and as such, there is awkward in situations
always some debate among the Guard as to whether that don't involve her
or not reports of Neverborn attacks within the city brothers or violence (or
limits should be reported to the Neverborn Hunters both).
or handled by their department.
Ultimately, the decision tends to come down to just
how well an individual Neverborn Hunter is liked: if
a hunter is popular among the guardsmen, then the
report is ascribed to "unknown parties" and shuffled
around the office until everyone forgets about it. If
the guardsmen dislike a hunter, however, they will
march the report right into the hunter's office and
play up the threat posed by the creature and how
they need a "real hero" to save the city.
More often than not, the Neverborn Hunter in
question will hurry off to investigate, often alone or
with a handful of personal acquaintances. Ideally,
the hunter succeeds on their mission, rids the world
of a terrible threat, and gets recalled to Latigo, but if
things go the other direction... well, the guardsmen
typically don't shed many tears over the loss.
Needless to say, the turnover rate of Neverborn
Hunters stationed at the Enclave is quite high.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 57
The Guild's City Malifaux Station
Malifaux Station is the first place where new arrivals
Few people would argue that the Guild doesn't have get to experience the Guild's power. The station is
a firm grip on Malifaux City. Its soldiers patrol the a huge, opulent building with a tall, arched roof
walls and barricades, its guards stand watch over and marble columns. Only one set of tracks leads
important facilities, and its employees are rarely north to the Breach and south to Malifaux City,
prosecuted for breaking laws that would get anyone but inside the station, the rails fan out to form
else hanged. dozens of alternate lines, allowing engines and cars
While the majority of the Guild's influence can be to be moved off the main railway and stored in a
found in the Downtown district, there are a few protected location.
notable locations outside the city's walls that are of The platform is frequently crowded with
critical importance. passengers, shipping containers, and dozens of
Guild guardsmen. While there is some attempt
made to keep people in ordered lines and cargo
The Great Breach in designated loading and unloading areas, more
often than not, the arrival of a train triggers a
The most important landmark in all of Malifaux (at
scramble for seating and cargo space.
least by human reckoning) is the Great Breach. This
dimensional portal resembles nothing so much as The only people that don't seem to get crowded
the surface of a brilliant lake that has been turned are the Witch Hunters, who maintain a strong
and suspended vertically in the air. The Breach is presence at the station at all hours of the day.
framed by bulky machines that serve as stabilizers, Passage through the Breach occasionally triggers
ensuring that its size remains constant despite manifestations of magical power, and by using
frequent dimensional fluctuations. their hunched and burned Witchlings, the Witch
Hunters are able to detect these potential threats
As far as the Guild is aware, the Breach is the only
and place them under arrest before they grow
stable portal connecting Earth to Malifaux. Some
accustomed to their new powers.
people who pass through the Breach experience
a brief flash or a tingling sensation, but for most, Those seeking to escape the Guild's clutches might
the transition between one world and the next is attempt to return to Earth, but the exorbitant
surprisingly unremarkable. ticket prices (three times the cost of the already
expensive tickets into Malifaux) ensure that most of
Some people, however, report visual and auditory
Malifaux's residents have no choice but to remain
hallucinations such as seeing their reflection
exactly where the Guild wants them. The rich and
behaving oddly in the train's windows. A rare few
affluent might be able to pass from one world to
spontaneously manifest magical abilities as they cross
the next on a regular basis, but for most workers
through the Breach, which is often a cause for alarm
and laborers, it is essentially a one-way trip.
among both the manifesting individual and anyone
else unfortunate enough to share their train car. In addition to shuttling passengers between Earth
and Malifaux, the Guild's trains also ship vast
Since the Guild's installation of a rail system shortly
amounts of cut and refined Soulstones through
after its capture of the city, foot travel through the
the Breach on a steady basis. These shipments
Breach has been expressly forbidden. There is a
are always under heavy guard, and anyone who
correlation between the length of time someone
approaches a loaded Soulstone car without
lingers between dimensions and the rate at which
presenting their authorization ends up riddled with
they manifest magical powers, so the Guild tries to
bullets, even if they are wearing a Guild uniform.
rush the train - the Iron Ram - through the Breach at
full speed whenever possible.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Governor's Mansion The Hanging Tree
While the majority of the Guild's operations are The Hanging Tree might not be a Guild holding
planned, discussed, and executed from the safety in the most traditional sense of the word, but it
of the Guild Enclave, most people still see the still stands as a monument to the Guild's justice.
Governor's mansion as the seat of Guild power The massive tree is penned in by a wrought iron
in Malifaux. Located just north of the city walls, fence and carved with an inscrutable pattern of
this palatial estate is often the first stop for visiting faint sigils, whorls, and lines that have defied any
dignitaries and industrialists. attempt to understand them.
Provided that the Governor-General is not Rumors swirl around the Hanging Tree both within
otherwise engaged in important business, he is and outside the ranks of the Guild. Some people
expected to meet with these important people believe that its roots are curled around the largest
to officially welcome them to Malifaux. These Soulstone in Malifaux, from which it draws some
meetings tend to be laced with equal amounts of sort of strange, undefined power. Others insist that
political, professional, and personal conversation. the runes carved into its surface are Neverborn
in origin and that the tree is responsible for the
Governor-General Kitchener preferred to lurk in pall of gloom that hangs over the city. Among the
the comfortable rooms of his mansion when he Arcanists, there is a theory that the Hanging Tree
was not hosting guests. He spent much of his time is a powerful lodestone that draws in free will and
quietly gathering power and performing esoteric hope, rendering everyone in the city less prone to
rituals with the assistance of his Secretary, Lucius rebelling against the Guild's oppressive rule. The
Mattheson. These rituals came to a head in 1906, exact truth might never be known.
when Kitchener attempted to draw upon the
power he had stolen from all of the settlements The corpses hanging on the tree change every few
and people under his control to become a Tyrant. days as executed criminals are pulled down and
new criminals are hanged. The one exception is
His attempts to ascend to a higher state of existence Jack Daw, the hooded corpse that has hung from
were undone by treachery, however, and the upper the topmost branches of the Hanging Tree since
floors of the Governor's mansion exploded around the Breach's reopening.
him as he rocketed up into space and through a
rapid succession of different dimensions. Despite numerous attempts to cut Jack's corpse
down from the tree, nobody has worked up
In the aftermath of Kitchener's ascension, Lucius enough nerve to actually follow through with it.
Mattheson stepped forward and assumed the A few people have come close, but something
position of Acting Governor-General. He oversaw about the way that Daw's corpse creaks in the wind
the repairs of the Governor's mansion, only to implies that anyone who actually cut his corpse
find himself forced to hand it over to Kitchener's down would suffer dearly for doing so.
replacement, Franco Marlow.
After the Event of 1902, Jack Daw disappeared
Unlike his predecessor, Marlow is quite active from the Hanging Tree for the better part of a
in the day-to-day affairs of the Guild. He has year. He eventually returned, just as if he had never
modernized his mansion with both electric lighting left: people just looked up and he was back in his
and a personal telegraph line that stretches out to usual place, swaying gently in the breeze. Jack has
the Guild Enclave. He still greets dignitaries and disappeared a few times since then, but he always
industrialists when they arrive in Malifaux, but returns to his tree... and sometimes, there are
more and more often, those meetings are taking bodies hanging from the branches of the tree that
place in the Enclave, rather than his home. nobody in the Guild remembers executing.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 59
Downtown The Guild Barracks
The Guild barracks encompass four different
The majority of the Guild's power is concentrated in buildings, all of them large, block-shaped, and
the Downtown district. Unlike the rest of the city, the crafted from dull brown stone. The top three stories
cobblestone streets here are clean, gas lamps keep of each building are devoted to housing the Guild's
the lanes and avenues well lit, and it's never difficult soldiers, which includes members of the Guild
to find a Guild guardsman. Most of Downtown's Guard, the Witch Hunters, and the Death Hunters.
residents are middle-class to wealthy families who Each room is furnished with bunk beds and occupied
can afford to pay the Guild's rent, though the district by anywhere from two to four people with divisions
also houses most of the Guild's employees. based upon gender.
In many ways, Downtown is the safest place in all Only unmarried, low-ranking soldiers tend to live
of Malifaux... provided that one has not made an in the barracks. Soldiers with families or sufficient
enemy of the Guild. rank typically arrange for off-site housing, which
This section provides further information on some grants them more space and privacy. The majority
of the more notable landmarks that can be found in of these employees take up residence in Downtown,
or near Downtown. which offers increased safety at the cost of having to
pay taxes to the Guild. A small minority of Guild
employees live in the nearby Easterly Slums, but the
cost of their free housing is increased crime and a
The Guild Enclave longer commute.
The Guild Enclave is the beating heart of Downtown
and the center of the Guild's power base in
Malifaux. Despite being referred to as if it were a
single structure, the Enclave is actually a sprawling
collection of multiple fortified buildings that are
spread out over one and a half square miles.
The Enclave hosts most of the Special Division
offices, the Guild barracks, the city's courthouse,
and the Malifaux Sanitarium. Mixed in with these
important structures are smaller warehouses,
ammunition stores, regulatory offices, drilling yards,
firing ranges, and other support facilities.
The halls of the Enclave extend
far beyond what is immediately
visible at a glance. Multiple
subterranean rooms and even
complexes are nestled beneath
the city's surface, including the Guild Gaol,
the Death Marshal morgue, and the Witch
Hunter prisons. The placement of these
structures is not accidental: if a prisoner
or zombie escapes custody, they have
few avenues of escape and can be
easily pinned underground while
the Guild prepares an armed
response to the threat.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 61
The Courthouse Guild Gaol
The center of the Guild's legal network in Malifaux Buried beneath the Guild Enclave, the Guild Gaol
is a relatively nondescript three-story brick building. serves as a holding facility for those who have been
From within these comfortably decorated halls, the arrested by the Guild. Since the punishment for
Elite Division manipulates the fate of the innocent most crimes in Malifaux is public execution, the
and guilty alike. The ground floor is designated as small, cramped cells do not tend to hold prisoners
an intake and waiting area; those who are present for more than a week at a time.
of their own free will linger awkwardly in semi-
comfortable waiting rooms, while their less-than- An assignment at the Guild Gaol tends to be a lot of
willing counterparts are packed into overcrowded boring repetition punctuated with unexpected spikes
holding cells by bored guardsmen. of deadly excitement. The constant patrols rarely
turn up anything more troublesome than an overly
The second and third floors are dominated by various loud prisoner, but escape attempts by desperate men
courtrooms, licensing offices, judicial chambers, and women are frequent. To mitigate this problem,
and meeting rooms. This is where the Guild doles the Guard uses sturdy Warden constructs to help
out its unique brand of weighted justice, which can manage prisoners.
be purchased as easily as any other commodity in
Malifaux. Most of the trials are conducted with Prisoners are given two meals a day, each of which
a casual sort of contempt for the system; it's not consists of a few pieces of bread and bit of water in a
uncommon for lawyers to invite judges to their tin cup. The meals are delivered through a slot in the
homes for dinner before a case begins or for a steel door, and if the dishes are not returned when
judge to allow a favored lawyer to break the rules the guardsman comes to collect them, the prisoner
without retribution. During court's proceedings, simply does not get any further food or water rations
only the defendant's plea and the final verdict are during their imprisonment. Waste is collected in a
recorded, making any sort of review or appeal all tin bucket, which is only emptied after the prisoner
but impossible. has been removed for execution.

After the death of Governor-General Kitchener Because of the distance between the Gaol and the
in 1906, his temporary replacement, Lucius Hanging Tree, the condemned must be walked
Mattheson, ordered the construction of holding to the site of their execution. Because of the time
pens just outside the Courthouse. In the weeks involved, the Guild tends to just execute all of their
that followed, the Guild rounded up hundreds of condemned prisoners on the same day. Depending
M&SU members on conspiracy charges related to upon when they are convicted, a prisoner might
Kitchener's death. None of the accused received find themselves incarcerated for a week or dragged
anything close to a fair trial, and most were sentenced directly from the courthouse and shoved into a line
to execution via hanging, making it one of the most of prisoners already marching their way toward the
egregious violations of due process in the Guild's Hanging Tree.
already checkered past. It is rare for a group of condemned prisoners to
The arrival of Governor-General Marlow brought reach the Hanging Tree without some sort of escape
an end to the trials and the removal of the holding attempt. The guardsmen tasked with moving the
pens, but their legacy continues to haunt the Guild. prisoners are allowed to shoot any of them that
Before the trials, most people in Malifaux believed make an attempt, and standard procedure is to place
that the Guild's judges were tough but ultimately sharpshooters on the roofs of the buildings lining the
fair. In the year since, faith in the judicial branch has convicts' route. More often than not, the first would-
plummeted among everyone but the most fervent be escapee only gets a few paces before catching a
supporters of the Guild, who continue to insist that bullet, which dashes the hopes of the other prisoners
the M&SU must have had something to do with and ensures they remain docile.
Kitchener's death.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The Malifaux Sanitarium In the years since, the opening of two independent
asylums - the Blackwood Home for Mental Healing
From the very first days of the reclamation effort, and Smedley's Asylum - has relieved some of the
Governor-General Kitchener noticed the strain pressure on the Guild's sanitarium. It's no longer
that seemed to come from living in another world. dangerously crowded, but the facility still operates
There had been reports of people going crazy slightly above capacity. Dangerous patients are
during the days of the first Breach, of course, and routinely transferred to Smedley's Asylum and
he could already see the signs of madness starting forgotten about, while those on the brink of recovery
to creep into the more impressionable soldiers tend to be shuffled off to Blackwood to complete
under his command. their treatment.
Once the Guild had laid claim to the The asylum itself is five stories tall, and
buildings that would soon grow into their it's surrounded by a twelve-foot-tall outer
Enclave, Kitchener selected the largest wall that is topped with spooled barbed
of the stone buildings and arranged for wire. Once through the heavy gates, a
it to be retrofitted into a sanitarium. He visitor only has to walk a short distance
had intended for the sanitarium to serve before reaching the Sanitarium's large
the Guild's needs for decades to come. double doors.
Within eight months, the Malifaux The Sanitarium's entryway is a
Sanitarium was running at capacity. Six security checkpoint. An armed
months after that, there were so many guardsman sits at a desk in the
people crammed into its filthy cells that room, in front of a row of bars
the safety of the Guild's employees could with a locked steel door in
no longer be guaranteed. To combat this the center. If a visitor has
overcrowding, the Sanitarium doctors a reason for their visit, they
began releasing patients early, declaring are required to sign into a log
them fit for a return to society. The book before the guardsman
least violent patients merely became allows them entrance into the
burdens upon their families or Sanitarium proper. If the visitor
pathetic, homeless drifters that are is less justified in their visit, they
often victimized by Malifaux's are quite firmly asked to leave the
more dangerous elements, both premises.
human and otherwise.
All in all, the Guild's doctors run
The others - those who a tight ship. Patients are only
were able to hide their allowed to leave their cells when
violent natures beneath accompanied by a doctor, nurse,
the guises of polite or orderly, which prevents many
conversation and proper of the accidents that plague the
behavior - became an enduring blight upon city's other asylums. On the other
the city. Some of these patients had heard the hand, this policy does tend to
voice of the Grave Spirit whispering into their make the halls of the Sanitarium
minds, and released from their confinement, feel lonely and a bit spooky.
they were free to indulge in all manner of Most of the guardsmen stationed
perversions and murder. These degenerates at the Sanitarium are perfectly
would go on to become the city's first happy with this exchange.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 63
Juno Square
Juno Square is a large, open plaza in central Guard Patrols
downtown. Bright gas lamps ring the plaza and
radiate outwards along its connecting streets, In Downtown and other heavily patrolled
ensuring that even in the middle of the night, the areas, suspicious characters are likely to be
plaza is welcoming and brightly lit. When combined stopped and questioned by the Guard.
with the number of Guard patrol routes that wind
This process can be handled with an
their way through or past the square at all hours of
Ongoing Challenge.
the day, it's easy to see why Juno Square is generally
considered to be a safe area (or at least, safe for
everyone who hasn't made an enemy of the Guild). Avoiding the Patrols
Because of this perceived safety, Juno Square is a Skills Allowed: Deceive, Stealth
frequent meeting place for the city's citizens. During
the day, parents bring their children to the plaza to TN: 7 (9 if Martial Law is in effect)
play with the children of their friends, office workers Duration: 5 minutes
seat themselves at benches to eat their lunches and Success Requirement: 2 per character
feed the birds, and industrialists gather to discuss
market trends and the latest industrial innovations. Failure Requirement: 1

During the evening hours, the composition of Every character present must participate
the crowd shifts. Laborers meet with their friends in this Ongoing Challenge. Increase the
to plan out an evening's activities, lovers stroll TN of this Ongoing Challenge by +1 for
through the crowd hand-in-hand, and performers each instance of the following among the
gather small crowds as they play instruments or characters:
juggle for donations. This latter group is watched
closely by patrolling guardsmen to ensure that their * Heavy Melee weapons
performances do not shift into outright begging (or * Long Arms weapons
worse yet, acts of sedition against the Guild).
* Shotgun weapons
The Guild makes frequent use of Juno Square for * Heavy Guns weapons (+2 if restricted)
its large events, including its yearly Valentine's Day,
* Construct or Undead characters
Christmas, and Summer celebrations. In the past,
there was also a Halloween celebration, but after * Unusual Animal Companions
the arrival of the Carver and its yearly massacres
of Malifaux's residents on Halloween night, the If the Fated succeed, they manage to avoid
Guild saw the folly of gathering so many people in the attention of the Guild Guard for the rest
one place and wisely canceled all future Halloween of the scene (though they might still show
celebrations. up if the Fated cause a great deal of noise
or confusion).
The other celebrations still continue, however.
During a celebration, the Department of Public On a catastrophic failure, the characters
Relations fills the square with tables of cooked draw the suspicion of a group of four Guild
meats, hot stews, and sugary treats, which it offers Guardsmen and one Guild Sergeant (Core
to the city's residents. There is usually a band and Rules, pgs. 322 - 333). These guardsmen
an open area for dancing, save for during Christmas, attempt to detain and question the characters
when they are replaced with a gigantic, fifty-foot-tall and will resort to violence if necessary.
decorated Christmas tree.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Museum of Natural History Duer's Library
Malifaux's Museum of Natural History is a blocky During the days of the first Breach, Dr. Arthur Duer
stone building that takes up an entire city block. The discovered a massive cache of strange books dating
primary entrance is flanked by two statues depicting back to the days of the ancient Neverborn. Instead
kneeling rams, an homage to the Museum's greatest of keeping this treasure trove for himself, Duer
contributor and patron, the Guild. turned it over to the city's rulers, the Council, who
in turn rewarded him by giving the treasure trove of
At first glance, the museum is a repository of all knowledge his name.
sorts of strange and esoteric items. Some examples
of notable exhibits include the fossilized skeleton When the Guild assumed control of Malifaux, they
of a towering, two-headed dinosaur, a winged found Duer's Library intact and relatively undamaged,
humanoid preserved in a human-sized glass jar, despite a century having passed since the Breach's
the severed hand of the First Necromancer (safely closing. They attempted to rename the repository
protected beneath warded glass), and a wide variety "the Malifaux City Museum and Archives," but the
of Neverborn pelts and skins. name didn't take. After the founding of the nearby
Museum of Natural History, it fell completely out of
Unfortunately, many of the museum's exhibits are use. As such, most people, even among the Guild,
either forgeries or have been falsely identified and still refer to the site as Duer's Library.
labeled as something else entirely. The museum's
volunteer curators tend to be drawn from the bored The library's aboveground levels contain an
spouses of Guild employees; they have a great deal of extensive art gallery. The majority of the paintings
passion and interest in seeing the museum succeed and sculptures on display are the work of local artists,
but very little actual education or training. other than a few paintings by Diego Velázquez that
were donated to the museum by a wealthy Guild
Despite having earned the disdain of academics and patron. The gallery is open to the public, though
scientists alike, the museum nevertheless remains visitors must pay a small entrance fee to gain access.
quite popular with the city's residents. Ticket sales
are robust, and even in the worst weather there are Beneath the gallery is the heart of the library. The
always a few people walking among the exhibits repository is dominated by hundreds of bookshelves,
and learning the "history" of Malifaux. More than each one stacked with dozens of ancient books of
a few treasure hunters and explorers have made a every size and shape. Scholars work tirelessly to
career out of selling strange items and artifacts (and translate these tomes from their original Neverborn
the embellished stories of their adventures) to the into human languages, either at the long tables set
museum's wide-eyed staff. up at the repository's center or in one of the many
study rooms on the first basement level. Other
By far the most impressive item to pass into the shelves contain rare volumes that were donated to
museum's possession was the Gorgon's Tear. the library by the Council and later the Guild.
This rare Soulstone of unique green coloring was
discovered by the Hughes family during the days The second basement level is primarily composed
of the first Breach. It passed from one owner to of large steel vaults containing the library's rarest
the next, developing a cursed reputation as all who and most valuable books. Anyone can purchase a
owned it perished. When the Soulstone eventually pass to browse the knowledge stored on the first
made its way back to Malifaux and into the Guild's basement, but access to the second basement is
hands, Governor-General Kitchener donated it to only granted to Guild personnel with special
the museum. No sooner had the Gorgon's Tear been permission from the Governor-General or one of
put on display than it was stolen by the infamous the heads of a Special Division.
serial killer Seamus, much to the museum's sorrow.
The Soulstone's current whereabouts are unknown.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 65
The Malifaux Tattler Dockmast One
The Malifaux Tattler operates out of a large building As immigrants from Earth spread out across
that was converted from a Guild warehouse. In fact, Malifaux City, the need for quick and safe
were it not for the new sign hanging above the door transport became apparent. To facilitate this, the
proclaiming the building to be the site of "Malifaux's Guild's engineers developed aircars, cable-guided
#1 Newspaper," it would still be easy to mistake for gondolas that transport individuals and supplies in
one of the surrounding warehouses. relative safety.
The Tattler is ostensibly an independent A blend of railcar and zeppelin, aircars range in size
newspaper, so the Guild avoids having too many from small cabs roughly the size of a stagecoach to
uniformed officers spend much time in the paper's massive aerial beasts pulling several floating stock
general vicinity. When Guild agents need to speak cars. These gondolas travel along thick metal cables
with newspaper personnel, they either do so while that radiate outward across the city in a network of
wearing street clothes or in the comfort of the steel spiderwebs.
Guild Enclave.
Different aircar routes have different names. The
The building's interior is a chaotic hive of activity. lines that connect the Downtown aircar pylons
Reporters come and go at all hours of the day, only together are referred to as the Sourbreak lines, while
pausing long enough to check some notes before those that run along the river have been dubbed
darting out for an interview or to follow up on a the Riverview lines. The most dangerous routes -
lead. Even the printing press tends to roam the the Deadfall lines - connect pylons that have been
office on mechanical legs, snooping into everyone's constructed in the Quarantine Zone, allowing the
paperwork and occasionally rummaging through Guild to rapidly deploy to troublesome areas without
their desks. having to march through miles of hostile territory.
At the heart of the Guild's aircar network is the
Sourbreak hub, Dockmast One. This tall pylon rises
The University of Malifaux majestically from the center of the Guild Enclave
The University of Malifaux is a relatively recent and is frequently surrounded by numerous inactive
addition to the city's landscape, having opened its and unoccupied aircars. While every aircar contains
doors in 1906 to somewhat lackluster enthusiasm. a series of controls that govern its direction and
Encompassing a pair of tall stone buildings in the speed, they are also linked to Dockmast One via
southern part of Downtown, the University offers a Aethervox antennas. This allows an operator inside
comprehensive higher education to anyone willing the Dockmast to control the movements of aircars
to pay its somewhat high prices. anywhere along the line, making it easy to retrieve
abandoned aircars from the other side of the city.
The University's roster consists of around two
dozen professors and administrators and around In 1903, a technical glitch (or sabotage, depending
three times as many students, many of whom live upon which story one believes) caused three of the
off campus and commute to their classes. For an largest aircars to plunge into Dockmast One at the
additional fee, students can live in one of the two same time. The resulting explosion set the night sky
buildings that make up the University's campus. ablaze and incapacitated the Sourbreak aircar lines
The curriculum focuses on the arts and sciences, for the rest of the year. When the line reopened,
but there is a growing minority of professors who new security protocols were put into place to prevent
believe it would be prudent to teach their students such a disaster from ever occurring again. Public
the magical sciences as well as the mundane ones. transport along the Aircars all but ceased when the
Guild increased the fare to a steep 2§ per person,
putting it out of reach for all but the most wealthy of
Malifaux's residents.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
The M SU Union Hall The Star Theater
The central Union Hall for the Miners and The most popular attraction in all of Downtown is,
Steamfitters Union is located in southern Downtown. without a doubt, the Star Theater. The theater is an
This massive building has grown to encompass a full architectural wonder with vaulted ceilings, electric
city block. It has a total of four different wings, each
lighting, a steam-powered stage with moving platforms
of them between two and four stories tall. A wrought- and pneumatic trap doors, and an enormous, boiler-
iron fence surrounds the building's perimeter, its operated pipe organ. Originally constructed as the
bars twisted into the shapes of stylized miners toiling
Star Opera House in the days of the first Breach, its
with pickaxes. owners were run off by the M&SU shortly after the
In the first days of the Miner's Union, this building organization's refounding and renaming.
served as the heart and soul of its members. Though The M&SU then "sold" the Star Theater to
the leadership shifted its seat of operations to Colette Du Bois, an up-and-coming illusionist
Hollow Point once that facility had been completed, with aspirations of greatness. Within the year,
the first M&SU Union Hall still stands as a powerful Du Bois had retrofitted the entire theater and
reminder of the Union's origins and goals. emerged with one of the greatest vaudeville shows
Today, this Union Hall primarily handles the ever seen. The performances - each one a unique
Union's interests in Malifaux City. Its employees combination of magician's act, burlesque dancing,
plaster buildings with recruitment posters, interview acrobatics, comedy, and bawdy entertainment -
potential candidates, spy on the Guild, stage protests draw sell-out crowds to the Star Theater night after
against anti-Union or pro-Guild businesses, and night, catapulting Du Bois and her showgirls into
provide legal services to Union members. They celebrity status.
also send small groups of injured or otherwise In truth, though, the performances are nothing
non-working miners to seize control of Downtown more than a creative distraction. The cost of the
buildings for members looking to relocate to a safer Star Theater was far steeper than anyone might
neighborhood. have imagined, and it forced Du Bois into the
arms of the Arcanists. The tunnels beneath the
Star Theater stretch into Malifaux's sewer system,
Downtown Housing and Du Bois and her trusted showgirls use this
Since Downtown is the safest place in underground network to smuggle contraband
the city, most of the district's homes and throughout the city.
buildings are already occupied. When a The Guild has yet to realize that the Star Theater is
house becomes open (due to migration or the hub of the Arcanist smuggling network. Plenty
death), it is often snatched up by one of the of people pick up a show after arriving in Malifaux,
district's realtors. This often has more to and nobody really pays attention to the women that
do with armed thugs squatting in a building quietly move their luggage behind closed doors
than in any sort of formal paperwork. and unpack it while everyone's attention is on the
stage. The luggage is returned before the end of
Once someone has either claimed a home the show, often with payment discretely slipped
on their own or paid a realtor to "sell" it between two articles of replacement clothing.
to them, they still have to pay the Guild's
"property taxes," which are essentially just The showgirls are also quite skilled actors and are
protection money. Those who fail to pay very good at misdirection; hundreds of Soulstones
often end up having their home declared have been smuggled through the Breach by
"on the market," which is code for "we won't showgirls who relied upon their fame and good
investigate if something bad happens here." looks to distract the Guild's guardsmen.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 67
Geissel Metalworks
The Industrial Zone
The largest factories in the Industrial Zone belong
The Industrial Zone is a sprawling landscape
to Geissel Metalworks. This company is one of
of enormous factories, wide streets, and noisy
the Guild's largest contractors; it is responsible for
machinery, all blanketed under an unpleasant layer of
manufacturing the bulk of the Guild's weapons, and
grime and soot. Large apartment complexes cater to
ammunition, as well as most of the parts used in the
those workers who have chosen to live in the district,
construction of the organization's battle constructs
offering them small, cramped single rooms with little
and locomotives.
in the way of amenities or security.
While Geissel employs a number of brilliant engineers
The factories in the Industrial Zone care more about
and many more who are perfectly adequate, it is not
profit than safety. Safety guards and equipment cost
a company that values innovation. They tackle every
money, so they simply do not exist. Workers dress in
problem with the same basic philosophy: make the
their normal day-to-day clothing, which is often loose
weapons larger and the armor thicker. This narrow-
and prone to getting caught on machinery. Accidents
minded adherence to the "tried and true" way of doing
are common, bloody, and often fatal.
things is particularly frustrating for the Amalgamation
Fortunately, labor is cheap in Malifaux. In addition Office, which has had to routinely step in to keep the
to the constant influx of new workers from the train, Geissel engineers from modifying their designs in
factory owners also employ children, many of which ways that will make them "more reliable."
are simply snatched up from orphanages and given
Everyone in the city knows that Geissel
rooms in the factory, ensuring that they are always
is a Guild company, and as such, its
present to crawl under or between machinery to fix
factories sometimes find themselves
broken parts or gather fallen objects.
targeted by Union agitators
Each work shift in a factory is eight hours, often and Arcanist saboteurs.
with only a fifteen minute break begrudgingly Each employee is required
set aside so that workers can eat lunch. to submit to mental
There are no days off for weekends or "loyalty tests" at random
holidays, and missing too many days on intervals, an annoyance
account of being sick (or injured by one that is only tolerated
of the factory's machines) is grounds for because Geissel pays
docked pay or termination. its workers more than
any of city's other
The Amalgamation Office frequently factories.
inspects the factories of the Industrial
Zone to ensure that they are
following the Guild's regulations, but
the fines they impose on factories for
violating regulations usually cost less
money than the violations end up
saving. Thus, the Guild's numerous
fines (or the bribes paid to inspectors
to ignore violations) are often written
off as nothing more than the cost of
doing business in Malifaux.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Industry Station Soulstone Processing Facilities
Industry Station is the primary rail hub of the When Soulstones are pried out of the ground, they
Industrial Zone. Malifaux's main rail line stretches are little more than rough gemstones with a dull,
out to the east and west, dominating a network cloudy gray color to them. Soulstones of higher
of smaller rail lines that spiderweb out across the quality tend to be increasingly transparent, but
rest of the district. These smaller tracks connect even these rare gemstones have surfaces that are
the district's factories and Soulstone processing rough and gritty. A few even have a bit of a colored
facilities directly to the city's rail network. tint to them, casting their depths in shades of red,
orange, blue, green, purple, or yellow.
The station itself is a drab, open-air station built
for function over form. Most of the Soulstones, When Soulstones are mined by the Guild (or more
lumber, and ore that come in from beyond the city accurately, when they're mined by Union workers
walls are redirected to Industry Station, which, in under contract with the Guild), they are shipped
turn, redirects the shipments to their destinations back to Malifaux City in bulk. From there, they
in the Industrial Zone. Because the rail lines were are routed to a number of Soulstone processing
laid down in a haphazard fashion, they criss-cross facilities located throughout the Industrial Zone.
each other and cut across roads in multiple places. These facilities are under heavy guard, and anyone
There are no safety bars or flashing lights to warn approaching them without a Guild uniform is shot
pedestrians and carriages of oncoming trains, so on sight, no questions asked. Even those visitors
accidents are unfortunately somewhat common. wearing a Guild uniform must present their
paperwork or identification upon arrival lest they
Guild guardsmen constantly patrol the station and meet with a swift and violent end.
its rail yard on the lookout for suspicious activity.
Because so many Soulstones pass through Industry Or at least, that's how it's supposed to work. In
Station, the Guild is very serious about security; actuality, the defenses of these processing facilities
more than a few railroad employees have ended up are so strong that security has become fairly lax
dangling from the Hanging Tree simply because they at most of them; employees who forget their
loitered near the wrong boxcar for a bit too long. identification are simply waved through the gates,
and few employees are patted down at the end of
their shifts. Since the Guild heavily punishes any
sort of Soulstone theft, any incidents tend to get
The Malifaux Daily Record
handled internally by the processing foreman,
The offices of the Daily Record can be found in who would suffer greatly should any Soulstones go
the southern region of the Industrial Zone. The missing on their shift. In the rare event that a missing
newspaper's bulky printing presses, crates of freshly Soulstone does become known to the Guild at large,
cut paper, and barrels of ink do an admirable (if most foremen insist that the theft must have taken
unintentional) job of disguising it as one of the place either at the Soulstone mine itself or during
surrounding factories. transit, a claim that often results in the (often literal)
The interior of the Daily Record is spacious and quite termination of a shipment's innocent guards.
warm, thanks to the heat generated by the numerous Within the processing facilities, each Soulstone is
pneumatic printing presses that line the eastern wall. carefully evaluated and then cut in such a way as
They ensure that the office is quite comfortable in to enhance its natural luster. These Soulstones are
the winter and all but unbearable during the warm then shipped back to Earth to be bartered away by
summer months. No matter the time of year, these the Guild for political favors. The leftover shards of
printing presses are always churning out newspapers Soulstone are gathered at the end of each day and
and producing a great deal of noise; most of the ground into Soulstone Dust, which is then sold to
Daily Record's employees suffer from at least some the public as a means of keeping mechanical limbs
degree of hearing loss. magically animated.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 69
With a few notable exceptions, Contract Towns
Elsewhere in Malifaux tend to be torn between their loyalty to the Union
The Guild's influence isn't limited to just Malifaux and the realities of living in a Guild town.
City. Bastions of Guild influence dot the map like
Most Contract Towns have a Guild foreman who
the crimson stains caused by drops of expensive
ensures that the Soulstone counts are accurate, and
wine... or, perhaps, drying blood.
the managers of the saloon and general store are
usually Guild employees as well. Actively speaking
out against the Guild can lead to a termination in
Contract Towns one's employment or, more realistically, a great
Sprinkled across the Northern Hills are dozens deal of bias with regards to who gets sent to work
of Guild Contract Towns. These settlements were in the more dangerous parts of the mine and how
originally created as a means of quickly establishing forgiving the foreman is when it comes to sick days
a mining population around a Soulstone vein; the and leaves of absence. The general store might
Guild would contract some carpenters to either "run out" of items that such people desire, and
build simple houses around these locations or the saloon might cut them off after only one drink
to repair existing structures from the days of the while everyone else is allowed to have four or five.
first Breach, creating a small town out of nothing. On the other hand, the majority of miners in a
Free or indentured miners would then move into contract town tend to be Union members, which
a town that already had buildings, a general store, means that anyone who praises the Guild too
and a saloon. much ends up at odds with the people who are
Since the entire town was technically owned by supposed to be watching their back down in the
the Guild, the miners would accumulate debts for mines. Nothing results in quite as much isolation
just about everything they did: they ate the Guild's and hardship as being accused of being a Guild
food, used its supplies, drank its booze, and paid sympathizer in a town of Union loyalists.
rent on its houses. When their paycheck arrived, As a result, most of the miners working in Contract
it would often disappear almost immediately as the Towns tend to keep their opinions about the Guild,
miner repaid the debt they had accumulated since whether good or ill to themselves. There are still
the last paycheck. a few muttered complaints here and there, but
For around a year or so, this proved to be a nowhere near the level of protesting that someone
profitable arrangement for the Guild, and it set up would find in Ridley or Malifaux City. People in
Contract Towns all across the Northern Hills, so the Contract Towns mostly just want to do their
quickly that most of them received numbers instead jobs and keep their heads down.
of names. When the M&SU organized, however, Convict Towns that have the "privilege" of hosting
they used the threat of widespread strikes to drive convict chain gangs have much stronger Guild
down the Guild's prices across the entire region. presences and thus tend to be more openly in
The towns went from being wildly profitable to support of the Guild. Guardsmen stand watch at
mildly profitable. The Guild grumbled about over the barracks at night and the mine entrances
the expense of running Contract Towns just long during the day, while guardsmen armed only with
enough for the Union to feel as if they had won blackjacks and pistols patrol the tunnels to ensure
some sort of significant battle, and then turned that everyone works at an acceptable rate. Abuse
their attention to more important matters. of convict prisoners is common enough that the
Guild doesn't bother to investigate reports unless it
causes a convict to become unable to work.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Homesteads Fortune Falls The Western Knotwoods
Over the past decade, the Guild has launched a The Knotwoods are an expansive forest that stretches
number of different homesteading programs. Each out to the west of Malifaux City. It is largely considered
program is unique, but all of them grant parcels of to be a dark and dangerous place, on account of the
land (often in the Badlands) to immigrants in return large number of Neverborn and especially Nephilim
for a share of their profits. After a few years of hard that reside beneath its darkened boughs, an assessment
work, homesteaders are granted ownership of the that is completely accurate.
land and are freed from their contracts.
The Guild's influence within the forest is limited to
The promise of a new life on the frontier is enticing the heavily fortified town of Fortune Falls. The loggers
to a great many people back on Earth. Some there harvest the forest's trees and ship them back
homesteaders flee to Malifaux to escape political or to the city by river and railway, a task which places
religious oppression in their homelands, while others them into constant conflict with the Neverborn of
see it as a chance to escape the crushing poverty the region. As a result, Fortune Falls is home to one
around them. The Guild gives them a chance to make of the highest concentrations of Neverborn Hunters
something more out of their lives, and in return, the beyond the walls of Latigo.
homesteaders give the Guild their loyalty.
In the aftermath of Governor-General Kitchener's
Despite the enthusiasm of the homesteaders, the death, Lucius Mattheson ordered the construction of
Badlands are not welcoming to strangers. The soil is a handful of Guild outposts in the western Knotwoods.
poor, so any attempts at agriculture require copious The exact purpose of these outposts is a mystery known
amounts of fertilizer and a great deal of water, both of only to Mattheson himself; the unfortunate soldiers
which are unfortunately quite scarce. The Neverborn stationed at these besieged outposts sometimes
Hunters who patrol the region often check up on receive supplies and reinforcements carrying sealed
homesteaders and help them out in whatever ways commands from the Governor's Secretary, each of
they can, from carrying mail to teaching them how to which gets passed up the
dig wells to delivering fertilizer and other dried goods chain of command. These
that were purchased from one of the Guild's many orders frequently precede
homesteading catalogs. strange missions into the
forest, the details of which
Because of the assistance provided by the Neverborn are never discussed by the
Hunters, the homesteaders of the Badlands tend haunted men and women
to be very friendly towards members of the Guild. who manage to return.
A battle-weary Guild agent who stumbles into a
homestead can expect to have her wounds tended
and food placed in front of her by its concerned
residents, at the very least. This may not seem like a
particularly noteworthy boon for an officer stationed
in the city, but for a Guild agent who barely survived
an ambush by bandits or Nephilim, such kindness
can be lifesaving.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 71
The Fumaroles The cause of the Fumaroles' creation has been
a topic of scholarly debate since the rifts were
The Fumaroles are a small area of volcanic activity discovered and named. Various teams of Guild
located southwest of the Knotwoods. The ground researchers and their accompanying guards have
there is rife with tiny cracks and long fissures that been stationed in the Fumaroles over the years,
fill the air with toxic, superheated gasses. In places, each one tasked with trying to understand what
pressure regularly builds up until water bursts might have caused the volcanic rifts. The most
upwards into the air in the form of super-heated prevalent theory is that they may have been
geysers, most of which reach anywhere from one opened by the Tyrant Cherufe during the brief
hundred to one hundred and fifty feet in height amount of time when it was in control of Sonnia
and last roughly five minutes in duration. Criid's possessed body, but even that is merely
When the first explorers traveled west from Malifaux conjecture, and Sonnia Criid has refuse to weigh
City in the days of the First Breach, the Fumaroles in on the matter one way or another.
did not exist; they were merely wide expanses of If there's any sort of benefit to being stationed in
unremarkable brushland. They held a similar form the Fumaroles, it's that the native Neverborn find
when the Guild's own surveyors traveled westward to the region just as uncomfortable as humans and
update the maps they had seized from the Council's thus are quite scarce.
apprentices and descendants. It was only in the weeks
after the Event of 1902 that the ground opened up
and released the toxic vapors that poisoned the land
and killed much of the vegetation.

Fumarole Hazards
There are many ways that a character can come to harm in the Fumaroles. Here are a few!

Poisonous Gasses: Most of the gasses expelled by the rifts of the Fumaroles are poisonous.
These gasses can be either visible or invisible; characters within a visible gas cloud are considered
to have Soft Cover. At the start of each round, every Living character within a gas cloud gains the
Poisoned and Suffocating Conditions, each with a value of anywhere from +1 to +4, depending
upon the toxicity of the poisonous gasses.

Hot Springs: Any character that enters one of the boiling (and often acidic) pools in the Fumaroles
suffers 2/3/4 damage, ignoring armor, and ends their Burning Condition. If the character is still
in the pool at the end of any turn other than the one in which they fell into it, they suffer this
damage again. Climbing out of a hot spring requires an Athletics Challenge with a TN of 10 to 12,
depending upon the smoothness and stability of the pool's edges.

Geysers: Geysers are powerful columns of boiling water and steam that shoot upwards to a height
of over thirty yards. Characters who approach to within 1 yard of a geyser must succeed at TN 10
Acrobatics Challenges or have the ground beneath them crumble away, plunging them into a pool
of boiling water (treat as Hot Springs). When in a scene involving a geyser, it erupts whenever a
Black Joker is flipped from the Fate Deck at the end of the current action. When a geyser erupts,
every character within 1 yard of the plume (or in its Hot Springs) must succeed on a TN 14 Evade
Challenge. Those who fail suffer 4/6/8 damage ignoring armor, end their Burning Condition, are
pushed 2 yards away, and fall Prone. Height 1 characters who fail are also rocketed upwards into
the air, suffer +2 damage, and then suffer additional damage for falling a distance equal to half the
geyser's height.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Debtor's Delve Latigo Stronghold
Malifaux is set up in such a way that it is difficult The fortified ranch of the Ortega family is called
for the average person to avoid falling into debt Latigo, the Hunter Stronghold, and "that Ortega
with the Guild. Its collectors are relentless, and fortress" with relatively equal frequency. A single
those who cannot pay their debts often end up at railway connects the fortified ranch to Malifaux City,
Debtor's Delve. but it's usually only used one or twice a week at most.
This long canyon serves as prison, quarry, and work Latigo's barricades average fifteen feet in height, with
camp. All of the "convicts" here are debtors who numerous platforms that allow its defenders to quickly
have been arrested for defaulting on their debts. move along its length and fire down at any attackers
To reclaim their money, the Guild forces these amassed below. Its length is dotted with fortified
prisoners to mine stone and iron from the quarry sniper nests, most of which are manned by spotters
for a period of six months of work for every twenty and lookouts throughout both day and night. Within
scrip owed. The labor is hard and the hours are the barricades, the Neverborn Hunters organize their
long, and every month or so, one of the prisoners hunts and raids, practice their marksmanship, and
perishes from exhaustion, dehydration, untreated perform more mundane ranch tasks such as tending
injuries, or abuse. to goats and cleaning out barns.
Because Debtor's Delve is nestled in the Badlands, The largest building within the complex is the hacienda,
its remoteness and isolation (not to mention the a two-story mansion of Spanish colonial style. Its
desolation of the surrounding area) are as effective aesthetics are marked by multiple archways, spindled
wardens as any of the armed guardsmen. Prisoners window grills, terracotta roofs, and heavy wooded
are not chained or otherwise restrained, on account doors. Its walls are adobe, and the interior ceiling
of most of them being nonviolent, and the Guild beams are exposed and painted in earthy colors. The
turns a blind eye to the culture of bullying and ranch is without electricity, so like everywhere else
intimidation that has developed within the Delve, in Latigo, light is provided by candles and hanging
at least until such activities result in serious injuries lanterns.
or death. When this happens, the guardsmen step
in, brutally punish those responsible, and then The other buildings in Latigo follow a similar style,
return to their lackadaisical custodianship. albeit with far less opulence and style. Most are simple,
one- and two-story buildings, often with a family living
Because the prisoners are nonviolent and on each floor. Single residents sleep in one of the
the surrounding Badlands is relatively quiet, ranch's multiple barracks, each of which is furnished
assignments at the Delve are typically given to with bunk beds and the occasional hammock. New
skilled and competent guardsmen who were injured recruits are sometimes assigned to these hammocks
or traumatized while on the job. This allows them simply so that their fellow Neverborn Hunters can
to continue to pull in a salary and remain useful amuse themselves by watching the recruit struggle
without putting them into situations where their with the awkward sleeping devices.
disabilities might cause the Guild serious harm.
Latigo has fallen under siege by Nephilim several
After all, even if all the prisoners in the Delve times in the past decade, but each time, the Neverborn
escape, they're still relatively harmless people who Hunters have driven the foul creatures away. The most
will most likely perish in the Badlands anyway. recent attacks have all occurred while the Ortegas were
away on assignment, suggesting that the Neverborn
are monitoring the family's movements... or that they
have hidden a spy among Latigo's residents.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 73
Guild Law Court Procedures
Characters who are unfortunate enough to be
The Guild's laws are ridiculously complex. The arrested by the Guild will likely have the distinct
necessity of needing to apply consistent laws to and unenviable pleasure of having to defend
multiple nations, each with their own legal systems, themselves in a court of biased law.
has led to the creation of a very complicated series
of restrictions, clauses, and exceptions that can cover Trials in Malifaux do not involve juries, so the
every circumstance and contingency that may arise. accused have to convince the judge of their
innocence. The accused are not allowed to leave
Despite only applying to a single city, a handful of custody before their trial, which often makes it
towns, and the relatively small area around them, difficult for them to hire a defense attorney. The
Malifaux Law is sometimes infinitely more complex concept of a public defender does not exist in
and nuanced. The Elite Division updates the legal Malifaux; if the accused cannot afford to hire an
code at the start of each calendar year, often with attorney to defend them, their only option is to act
minute changes that are deliberately intended to as their own attorney.
confuse, punish, and trap anyone who assumes the
legal code still functions as it did in the previous year. At the beginning of a trial, the prosecutor first gives
an opening statement, followed by the defendant's
The Guild sells copies of the legal code to anyone lawyer. Skilled elocution, strong rhetoric, and a
interested in purchasing them, but they are commanding presence are very important at this
prohibitively expensive, even for the city's lawyers. step; Guild judges tend to look down upon hayseeds
Single copies of each volume are technically available and commoners, but a bit of fancy wordplay and
for public perusal at Duer's Library, but individual the prospect of an interesting trial can shift their
books are misplaced, misshelved, and stolen with opinion in the defendant's favor.
regular frequency.
After opening statements, the prosecutor calls forth
Because of the law's complexity, the majority of the witnesses and presents evidence to the judge. Most
Guild's employees don't really bother learning what prosecutors tend to play fairly fast and loose with
is and is not legal. Guardsmen simply arrest anyone common court procedure, as the onus for pointing
who acts suspicious or is caught in the middle of out any violations rests upon the opposing side
doing something that seems like it should be illegal (i.e., the defense). If there is no timely objection to
and leave the actual charges in the hands of the the violation, then the opposing side is considered
prosecutors. The assumption is that the Guild's to have waived their right to protest it in the future.
lawyers have designed the legal code in such a way
that just about everyone is guilty of something. In the Once the prosecution has finished presenting
event that a guardsman is doubtful as to the strength evidence or questioning a witness, the defense is
of the charges raised against someone they want to given a chance to discredit the evidence or witness
remain in jail, a bit of planted evidence or a few in question. Giving false testimony is punishable
paid witnesses is usually all that it takes to ensure a by heavy fines, and it's often up to the judge to
conviction. determine the difference between "willful lies"
and "misrememberings." It is very rare for Guild
In order to ensure that witnesses step forward and employees to face any sort of actual punishment
give their testimony, the Guild pays a small "honesty" for inaccurate testimony, which is unfortunate,
reward to everyone that provides meaningful given that most judges tend to put more stock in
testimony in court. The intent of this payment was to their testimony than that of non-Guild witnesses.
draw reluctant witnesses out of hiding with material
compensation, but instead, it has only given rise to
"professional witnesses" who earn a tidy income by
making up plausible stories that incriminate recently
captured prisoners.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers
Once the prosecution has finished calling all of their Practitioners of Court Procedure can perform
witnesses and presenting their evidence, the defense their magic within a courtroom with very little fear
is allowed to do the same. All witnesses must be of punishment, provided that their spells do not
present in the courtroom when their name is called have any visible manifestations. Even if a member
or their testimony cannot be given. More than a few of the defense claims that magic is being used, the
Guild lawyers have won difficult cases by abusing spellcasting process for these characters is so easily
this loophole, either by stalling a case until a defense disguised as simple legal routine that most judges will
witness leaves to use the restroom or by hiring thugs to overrule such objections with a warning not to waste
prevent the witness from ever reaching the courtroom. the court's time.
Finally, each side presents their closing statements. Spellcasting prosecutors frequently use the Interrogate
This time, the defense presents their statement first, Magia to force defense witnesses to truthfully answer
followed by a rebuttal by the prosecution. The judge awkward questions that will either incriminate the
then takes a few moments to deliberate upon the case defendant or impinge their own credibility and the
before delivering a verdict. Forget Magia to erase memories that might hurt their
case. Improved Fate and Mental Enhancement are
Any use of magic within the courtroom is banned other favorites, given their
and results in the spellcaster's immediate arrest and wide versatility, and a few
prosecution. If this happens to the defendant, the lawyers have perfected
case defaults to a guilty verdict against them. If the the use of Sleep to put
guilty part is the prosecutor, the defendant is cleared key witnesses into a deep
of all charges and allowed to go free. For this reason, slumber before they are
most prosecutors avoid any use of magic within called to the stand.
the courtroom... unless they adhere to the Court
Procedure Magical Theory.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 2: The Guild of Mercantilers 75
New Recruits
Character creation is an important process in any The steps for creating a Fated character have several
roleplaying game. The characters drive the game's random elements that require the use of a Fate deck.
narrative, and because of this, the act of character If you don't have a Fate deck, you can use a regular
creation should provide players with both the deck of cards (four suits of thirteen cards each, plus
mechanics needed for their character to function a red joker and a black joker) by referencing the
and an idea of their place in the world. deck conversion rules in the Core Rules (pg. 281)
Through the Breach's character creation takes the players Character creation should be taken one step at a
through a specialized Tarot reading to generate their time. As you go through this process, your Fated's
characters. This chapter will guide you through the story will begin to unfold in front of you, so these
steps of creating not only a character's mechanics but steps should not be glossed over or rushed.
also their history and future.
Players and Fatemasters are encouraged to utilize
Above the Law contains its own version of character the options here and in other Through the Breach
creation, called the Ram's Head Tarot. It is used books to create the character each player wants to
to create Fated characters whose lives have been play. The Pursuits, Talents, and Magia presented in
heavily influenced by the Guild. Due to privilege this book are available to every character, even those
and apathetic supervision, many of these characters created using different expansion books.
possess vices that rule their lives and make it
difficult (though not impossible) for them to rise
above the role of anti-hero.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Step 1: Concept
A lot of information about your character will be
determined over the course of the character creation
process, but not everything is up to chance. For this
reason, it helps to have some idea who your character
is in advance: what her goals might be, what her life
might have been like, and so on.
It is worth discussing your concept with the
Fatemaster and other players to ensure
that your character will get along with
the characters of the other players. This
is especially true for groups that include
Gremlin and human characters, as some
humans might find the idea of spending time
with a Gremlin to be offensive (or vice versa).
After this step, you'll be flipping cards off the Fate
Deck, so make sure it's handy. You should shuffle the
Fate Deck seven times and then have the Fatemaster cut
it to ensure that the cards are sufficiently randomized.
When your Fate Deck is shuffled and you have a
general concept in mind, move on to Step 2.

The Ram's Head Tarot

Endeavor Card
Mind Card

Division Card

Body Card

Root Card
Vice Card

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 77
Step 2: Vice Card Vice Card Suit Vice
Deal a card off the top of the Fate Deck into the
bottom-most position on the Ram's Head Tarot. Blackmailed: The
This card is the Vice Card, which represents a vice character's primary
that your character might possess. "vice" is that she is being
blackmailed by someone
The Guild of Mercantilers has a well-deserved Black
who asks for frequent
reputation for being incredibly brutal and corrupt, Joker
favors; she must succeed
and that reputation tends to attract (and create) a at the Centering Challenge
certain type of person. While there are certainly to avoid giving in to the
honest and dedicated people working within the blackmailer's demands.
ranks of the Guild, they are outnumbered by those
who are quite happy to work in morally gray areas. Sadism: The character
is prone to beating or
R inflicting other violence
Playing the Vice Card upon helpless or otherwise
weaker characters.
After you flip a card on the Ram's Head Tarot, you
may choose to discard that card and replace it with
Greed: The character is
your Vice Card. In addition to completely replacing
prone to soliciting bribes
every aspect of the replaced card, the Vice Card also
t and betraying her loyalties
provides a special bonus, depending upon the Step
in exchange for material
it is used in.
wealth and goods.
If your Vice Card replaces your Body Card, you
may increase a Physical Aspect by +1. If it replaces Lust: The character is
your Mind Card, increase a Mental Aspect by +1 easily led astray by a pretty
instead. Gain an additional Skill at Rank 2 if it face and the possibility
replaces either your Root or Endeavor Card, or m of physical intimacy; the
gain 25 extra Scrip if it replaces your Division Card. player can choose which
gender(s) interest their
If you choose to use your Vice Card in this way, then character.
your character also gains a certain vice, as noted in
the table to the right. Whenever your character is Addiction: The character
presented with an opportunity to indulge in her vice, is an addict who is prone
she has to make a Centering Challenge (TN 10 + to dropping everything
the number of her completed Destiny Steps). If she to chase the next fix; the
succeeds, she can resist the temptation, but on a c
player can choose the
failure, she must take advantage of the situation and nature of the addiction,
indulge in her vice. which might be alcohol,
Of course, you could always choose not to use your opium, or even Brilliance.
Vice Card, in which case, your character will be free Sloth: The character is
to make her own path in the world. She won't be prone to procrastination,
quite as strong as her more corrupt brethren, but at Red shoving her assignments
least she won't be led down the path of corruption Joker off onto others, and
by her own vices. generally doing as little
work as possible.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Step 3: Division Step 5: Root Skills
Deal a card off the top of the Fate Deck into the Deal a card off the top of the Fate Deck into the
upper-left space above the Vice Card. This card is upper-right space above the Vice Card. This card
the Division Card; it determines which of the Guild's is your Root Card, and it determines your Fated's
Special Divisions employs your character. Root Skills. They represent the skills your character
learned in her childhood.
Each Special Division is described starting on page
30. While each Special Division has a specific focus, Each value provided by this card can be assigned to
you shouldn't feel as if your character's assigned any of the Skills presented in the Core Rules. These
Division determines her destiny; the Department Skills should reflect your character's upbringing:
of Public Relations employs just as many thugs as it what did she learn? Why did she learn it? How were
does social butterflies, and the Witch Hunters have her parents and family involved? Was she groomed
plenty of accountants and researchers supporting for a position among the Guild at a young age, or did
their field agents. Use your character's Division as a her parents have different plans for her?
starting point, rather than a mandate.
Take time to think about what your character learned
In addition, each Division is linked to a specific while growing up and consider how this knowledge
Skill that your character will gain at the end of the modifies your concept.
character creation process. This Skill represents the
specialized training that your character has received. Step 6: Mind
For now, just mark down your character's Division
on her character sheet. Deal a card off the top of the Fate Deck and place
it to the upper-left position above your Division
Step 4: Body Card. This is the Mind Card, which represents your
Fated's mental abilities. It provides the set of values
Deal a card off the top of the Fate Deck into the that go into her Mental Aspects of Intellect, Charm,
position directly above the Vice Card on the Ram's Cunning, and Tenacity. Assign the values given to
Head Tarot. This card is the Body Card, which you here to any of the different Mental Aspects.
represents your Fated's physical form; it gives you the
values that go into your Physical Aspects of Might, As your character reached adolescence and
Grace, Speed, and Resilience. Assign each value adulthood, her mind started to play a more critical
given to you here to one of the different Physical role. How your character approaches her problems
Aspects, in any order you choose. is often determined by her Mental Aspects.

A negative Aspect in Through the Breach is not strictly Think about your concept again. What Mental
bad. It represents a lesser capacity in that area, Aspects are most appropriate for your character?
but weaknesses are a part of all people. A negative Does your character have a strong will? Is she crafty?
Aspect can be overcome with Skills, and some Consider these things when assigning your values.
Talents require a negative Aspect as a prerequisite.
Your concept should develop further here now
that you have a better idea of your Fated's physical
capabilities. Often, physicality defines much of our
childhood and the paths we take. What did these
Aspects mean for your character while growing up?

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 79
Step 7: Endeavor Skills Step 10: Divining Fate
Deal a card off the top of the Fate Deck into the Now that your character's numbers have been
above-right space of your Root Card. This is your determined, it's time to read her Destiny. Each
Endeavor Card, and it provides you with your card in the Ram's Head Tarot has a corresponding
Fated's Endeavor Skills. These skills represent the phrase, and those phrases combine to create the
things your character learned later in life. Each value character's Destiny. Reading the character's Destiny
provided by this card can be assigned to any of the is a matter of reading the Fate attached to each card
Skills presented in the Core Rules. from left to right.
It's important to tie these skills to your concept – Start with the Mind Card and work your way right
what do you imagine your character is good at? and downwards, moving on to the Division, Body,
These Skills represent the things that your character and Root Cards, before swinging upwards to the
chose to learn for herself, so make sure that your Endeavor Card.
selection allows her to do the things that she would
have been interested in learning about. If you did not use your Vice Card, it is ignored when
divining your character's Destiny.
Through the Breach favors characters with a variety
of skills, so don't worry about making the “best” Step 11: Pursuit
choices now. You'll have many opportunities to gain
new skills later. In this step, choose a Basic Pursuit for your character.
A character's Pursuit is a reflection of how she views
Step 8: Division Skill the world and how she reacts to it. A Pursuit can
be seen as the way your character tries to solve
Look back at the Division you generated for your problems: a fighting Pursuit may try to solve things
character and the Skill with which it is associated. If through physical conflict while a Social Pursuit may
your character has no ranks in the associated Skill, try to approach things from a more diplomatic angle.
she gains 1 rank in it. If she already has one or more In gameplay, Pursuits have some impact on certain
ranks in this Skill, she instead gains 1 rank in another types of Challenges, and at the end of a session they
Skill of her choice that she does not already possess. inform certain parts of character advancement.
At the beginning of each game session, you'll be
Step 9: Modify allowed to change your Fated's Pursuit, so don't
In this step, you can adjust your character to better worry too much about what's coming down the road.
fit your developing concept. You have 1 point you Focus on the here and now, read the descriptions of
can use in this step to help your character be what each Pursuit, and figure out what makes the most
she needs to be. This point can be spent in one of sense for the character right now.
two ways:
The Basic Pursuits can be found starting on page
• Increase one of your Aspects by +1. You 95. When you choose your character's first Pursuit,
cannot increase an Aspect above 3 in this you'll gain that Pursuit's Starting bonus.
You are encouraged to choose a Pursuit from
• Gain 2 ranks in a Skill you do not already the Core Rules or Above the Law, but with your
possess. Fatemaster's permission you may choose a Pursuit
from one of the other Through the Breach expansion
Whatever you choose to modify, make sure it ties
books instead.
into your character's backstory and growing narrative.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Step 12: Derived Aspects Step 13: Talent
You can now calculate your Derived Aspects from a Skills represent a linear progression of knowledge,
combination of your character's Aspects and Skills. but Talents are certain knacks that your character
The Derived Aspects are: Defense, Willpower, might have developed along the way. They go
Wounds, Walk, Charge, Height, and Characteristics. beyond basic skills and can have significant effects
This information is the same as what is presented in on a character's life.
the Core Rules.
Talents aren't always about being the best at
• Defense is equal to 2 + the character’s Evade something; many Talents represent ways that
Skill or Speed Aspect, whichever is higher. If characters have overcome their shortcomings. They
the character has no ranks in the Evade Skill, it reflect new ways to deal with certain situations.
is considered to be a 0 (and thus, the lowest the
character's Defense can be is 2). Your character gains one General Talent. It is
recommended that characters created with the
• Willpower is equal to 2 + the character’s Ram's Head Tarot choose their Talents from this
Centering Skill or Tenacity Aspect, whichever book (pg. 141) or the Core Rules, but the Fatemaster
is higher. If the character has no ranks in the is free to allow General Talents from other Through
Centering Skill, it is considered to be a 0 (and the Breach expansion books as well.
thus, the lowest the character's Willpower can
be is 2). Step 14: Equipment
• Initiative is equal to the character's Speed Your character has 10 Guild Scrip with which to
Aspect plus her ranks in the Notice Skill. This purchase equipment from the Core Rules (pg. 244),
value is added to the character's Initiative flip in this book (pg. 160), or one of the other Through
Dramatic Time to determine how quickly she is the Breach expansion books (with your Fatemaster's
able to act during combat. permission).
• Wounds is equal to 4 + the character’s The Fated may also receive some starting equipment
Toughness skill. If the character has a positive based on their chosen Pursuit, as described by that
Resilience Aspect, add half of that (rounded Pursuit's Starting bonus.
up) to her Wounds.
In addition to this, your character has a few things
• Walk is equal to 4 + half the character’s Speed that are not listed, such as a Guild uniform and a few
Aspect (rounded in favor of the character). pieces of clothing.
• Charge is equal to 4 + the character’s Speed Your character is also considered to have a place to
Aspect. If this generated a value below the live in the Downtown or New Construction Zone
character’s Walk Aspect, the character’s Charge districts, some food, and other basic necessities.
is instead equal to her Walk Aspect.
Finally, your character has a salary based upon
• Height is 2 for adult human characters. their Special Division: the Guild Guard make 2
Scrip each week, while members of other Special
• Characteristics define the type of creature a
Divisions make 4 Scrip each week.
character is. Fated characters created with the
Ram's Head Tarot have the Living and Fated This salary is, obviously, only paid while the character
Characteristics. is still employed by the Guild. If a character requests
time off (to go on extended adventures, for instance),
they do not receive any payment for the time they
are not working.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 81
Step 15: Twist Deck
Your character has a Twist Deck, which is an
individual deck of cards that she will use to change
the whims of Fate. Each Fated has their own Twist
Deck; the Twist Deck is the representation of
what it means to be Fated, one of the rare few
able to bend her own destiny.
A Twist Deck is made up of 13 cards of various
suits. Each of the four suits of Malifaux must be
represented: Rams, Crows, Masks, and Tomes
(you can find more information on the suits in
the Twist Deck in the Core Rules on page 80).
Choose one of the suits to be your Defining
Suit, one to be your Ascendant Suit, another to be
your Center Suit, and a final to be your Descendant
Suit. Each choice will add certain cards of that suit
to your Twist Deck, as shown below:

Defining Suit Ascendant Suit

1, 5, 9, 13 4, 8, 12
Center Suit Descendant Suit Languages
3, 7, 11 2, 6, 10
At this point, you should take a moment
to decide what languages your character
This is the final step in creating your Fated, so let the speaks. Every character is assumed to have
Fatemaster see your character for approval. Although at least a passing understanding of English
it is your character, it is important that everyone is (the Guild is very hesitant to let people who
able to fit into the narrative. The interactive story is cannot converse with its guards and agents
what makes roleplaying games a fun and interesting into Malifaux) and one native language
experience, and everyone should be on the same spoken in their homeland.
page for making this happen.
For instance, if you decide that your
Once you've gotten approval, make sure your character is French, then she is fluent
character sheet is filled out and that you fully in both English and French. If you want
understand your character's concept. It can be her to be Russian, then she speaks both
helpful to write up a short background, a sort of English and Russian.
autobiography, for your character. Often, doing this
in your character's voice helps, as it can aid you in Every rank a character possesses in the
understanding how your character talks and acts in Literacy Skill allows her to master one
the world. additional language. These languages must
originate from Earth; while the Neverborn
From here, you're ready to start playing the game! speak their own tongue, it takes a great deal
of time and opportunity to learn it, which
makes it inaccessible for a new character.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Example Character After some thought, the player puts Annabelle's +2
into Cunning and her -2 into Charm, which leaves
Let's follow a player as they make a character for an her with Intellect and Tenacity 0. Since she replaced
upcoming Through the Breach game! First, the player her Mind Card with her Vice Card, the player can
needs a simple concept (Step 1): she decides that increase one of Annabelle's Mental Aspects by +1,
her character is a grim Death Marshal who joined so she increases her Tenacity to 1.
the Guild after a personal tragedy. The player names
her character Annabelle. Though she wasn't feeling so great about Annabelle's
"Sadism" vice, it actually makes sense now, given
With that concept, the player flips her Vice Card Annabelle's background. She clearly has some anger
into the bottom-most part of the Tarot Spread (Step about being repeatedly rejected for transfer into the
2). It's a 4r. This means that if the player decides to Death Marshals!
use her Vice Card, Annabelle's vice will be "Sadism."
The player isn't sure if she wants Annabelle to At Endeavor Skills (Step 7), the player gets At,
be a sadist yet, but she keeps that in mind as she providing her with 3, 3, 3, 1 for Skills. The player
continues onward. decides to put 3 ranks into Intimidate, Pistols, and
Notice. The player also picks up Bureaucracy at 1
Next, Sarah flips a 6t for her Division (Step 3). rank to account for all of the paperwork Annabelle
This means that Annabelle is a member of the Guild has filled out.
Guard. She isn't the Death Marshal that the player
wanted, but that's fine: she decides that Annabelle For Division Skill (Step 8), the player looks back at
has been trying to transfer into the Death Marshals the 6t she flipped for her Division and notes down
but hasn't yet had much luck. If nothing else, it gives that Annabelle has 1 rank of Gambling.
Annabelle a goal to work towards! Next is Modify (Step 9), so the player decides to
Next the player flips Annabelle's Body Card (Step increase Annabelle's Might up to 0.
4). She gets a 7C, which gives her -1/-1/0/+2 to The player is now ready for Divining Fate (Step
assign as her Physical Aspects. The player decides 10). Starting with the Mind Card and working right,
that Annabelle's aim is pretty good, so she places she writes each corresponding phrase into the
the +2 into her Grace. She doesn't want Annabelle appropriate place on her character sheet.
to be some wilting flower, so she puts the 0 in her
Resilience, which leaves her Might and Speed at -1. At Pursuit (Step 11), the player decides to make
Annabelle a Commander. This gives her a bit of
The player moves on to Root Skills (Step 5) and scrip that she uses to purchase a good pistol.
flips a 11R, which gives her a 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 for Skills.
The player decides that Annabelle grew up poor Step 12 is a calculation of Derived Aspects. Annabelle
and had a rough childhood, so she gives her 2 ranks has Defense 2, Willpower 3, Initiative 2, Wounds 6,
in Athletics, Centering, Pugilism, and Toughness; Walk 4, Charge 4, Height 2, and the Living and Fated
perfect skills for a little hooligan! She also gives Characteristics.
Annabelle 1 rank in Deceive.
For Talent (Step 13), she chooses the Guild Training
Next, the player flips her Mind Card (Step 6), (Guild Guard) Talent (page 143).
getting a 10C. This gives Annabelle -1/-1/0/+2 for
her Mental Aspects, but the player isn't happy with At Equipment (Step 14), the player uses her 10 Scrip
that spread, so she decides to use her Vice Card. to buy Annabelle a sword and some armor from the
She replaces her 10C with the 4R of her Vice Core Rules.
Card, which changes Annabelle's Mental Aspects to
-2/0/0/+2. Finally, at Step 15, the player chooses Rams as her
Defining Suit. She chooses Crows as Ascendant,
Masks as Center, and Tomes as Descendant.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 83
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Body Card
Card Physical Body Fate
-1/-1/-1/+3 and learn the history that has yet to happen.

AR -3/-1/+1/+3 and you will rise to the rival's challenge.

2R -2/-2/+2/+2 and descend into envious shadows.
3R -2/-1/+1/+2 but fear the shadow cast by no man.
4R -2/0/0/+2 and the sleeping flame will awaken.
5R -2/0/+1/+1 but every scar has a story.
6R -2/-1/0/+2 but the gathering will mock your gift.
7R -1/-1/-1/+3 and you will purify the weird soul.
8R -2/-1/+1/+2 and justify your prejudice.
9R -2/0/0/+2 and burn with each step through the ashes.
10R -1/-1/-1/+2 and you will reclaim what is yours.
11R 0/0/0/0 but even a good man will kill.
12R -1/0/0/+1 and you will learn that subservience is a form of power.
13R -1/0/0/+1 and his blood will stain your hands.
At -3/0/0/+3 and lose the ocean's daughter.
2t -3/-1/+2/+2 and solve the lonely crime.
3t -2/-2/+2/+2 and you will find your peace in the Soulstone.
4t -2/-1/+1/+2 and the forgotten shall be recalled.
5t -1/-1/0/+2 and you will seek the witness.
6t -3/0/+1/+2 and peace will be preserved.
7t -1/-1/+1/+1 and find tears on the mountain's side.
8t -1/0/0/+1 and the mountain will be ground to dust.
9t -1/-1/0/+2 but heed the cripple who speaks for the coin.
10t -1/-1/+1/+1 and you will burn their squalid homes.
11t -1/0/0/+1 for you will be reborn in soot and flames.
12t -3/0/0/+3 and fall in love.
13t -2/0/0/+2 and repair the broken heirloom.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Body Card
Card Physical Body Fate
Ac -3/0/0/+3 and you will be as a sparrow without wings.
2c -3/0/+1/+2 and die in three days.
3c -2/-1/+1/+2 but death was never the end.
4c -2/-1/0/+2 and you will leave her hanging.
5c -2/0/0/+2 and bring nightmares into the waking world.
6c -2/0/+1/+1 and you will find dragons.
7c -1/-1/0/+2 and find the light within.
8c -2/-1/0/+2 but only until the blood-dimmed eclipse.
9c -1/-1/+1/+1 but you will feed your heart with courage.
10c -1/-1/0/+2 but the spirit will claim the child.
11c -1/0/0/+1 but the cradle was always empty.
12c -1/0/0/+1 and wonders will surround your waking echoes.
13c -2/+1/+1/+1 but even the dead can die again.
AM -3/-1/+1/+3 and you will enter the gateway of horrors.
2M -2/-2/+2/+2 but fear the revision.
3M -2/-1/+1/+2 as poisoned sand turns to clouded glass.
4M -2/0/0/+2 and kneel before the loathsome jester.
5M -3/0/+1/+2 and he will come to know your love.
6M -2/-1/0/+2 but the key is hidden in its flesh.
7M -1/-1/-1/+3 and you will lock the door and kill the light.
8M -1/-1/0/+2 and eliminate those who love.
9M -1/-1/0/+2 and welcome the betrayer with open arms.
10M -1/-1/-1/+2 and murder the deserving.
11M 0/0/0/0 but speed is no substitute for strength.
12M -1/0/0/+1 and you will see what the others cannot.
13M -2/0/+1/+1 and argue in the court of horror.
Black -2/-2/-2/+4 and you will become everything you hate.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 85
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Root Card
Card Skills Root Fate
3,3,3 The Carver wakes but once a year
AR 3,3,2,1 They feed the machine with war and sorrow
2R 3,3,1,1,1 Your screams will ring louder than a hundred cannons
3R 3,3,1,1,1 You will cut victory from its corpse
4R 3,2,2,1 The ravens will bless your children
5R 3,2,2,1 You will protect the world you did not choose
6R 3,2,1,1,1,1 You will drink the blood of your enemy
7R 3,2,1,1,1,1 Your last hope will be taken by torches and anger
8R 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 The pelagic idol will be found once more
9R 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 The smallest boon can save a life
10R 2,2,2,2,1 You will turn your back to the ram
11R 2,2,2,2,1 Your choice will cost you your heritage
12R 2,2,2,1,1,1 The cure will prove more painful than the sickness
13R 2,2,2,1,1,1 The circle will bind as well as the grave
At 3,3,3,1 You will find that which has been calling you
2t 3,3,2,2 As the curtain rises one last time
3t 3,3,2,2 The cold settles upon you like frozen diamonds
4t 3,3,2,1,1 You will give your hand to spare your sight
5t 3,3,2,1,1 The abandoned creation broods in madness
6t 3,2,2,1 The fanatical hunter is deaf to your pleas
7t 3,2,2,1 A single stone cannot stop the avalanche
8t 3,2,1,1,1,1 The moon whispers secrets in silver light
9t 3,2,1,1,1,1 The reflection in the water shows you the truth
10t 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 Myth and fable walk the sun-kissed streets
11t 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 In the end, you will turn your back on Malifaux
12t 2,2,2,1,1,1 The red rock stands as a monolith
13t 2,2,2,1,1,1 An ancient people turn in their sleep

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Root Card
Card Skills Root Fate
Ac 3,3,2,1 Its collection grows without reason or purpose
2c 3,3,1,1,1 You will test yourself against the soul of thunder
3c 3,3,1,1,1 They will scrawl the forgotten name in the blood of youth
4c 3,2,2,1 Hesitation will spare his life
5c 3,2,2,1 His ancient blood is the sweetest wine
6c 3,2,1,1,1,1 You will shun the master's lash
7c 3,2,1,1,1,1 The crow will find your eyes
8c 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 Terror and madness will find the cracks in your mind
9c 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 Your sins will walk the shadowed streets
10c 2,2,2,2,1 The twins are bound in rope and tradition
11c 2,2,2,2,1 You will step between servant and slave
12c 2,2,2,1,1,1 Only five walk the mortal realm
13c 2,2,2,1,1,1 Her black heart will beat in the cup of your hands
AM 3,3,2,1 Seven hundred steps stretch between you and Sarnath
2M 3,3,1,1,1 They will blind themselves to your woes
3M 3,3,1,1,1 You will sup with those who have no names
4M 3,2,2,1 Her last words are a frozen river
5M 3,2,2,1 Their pursuit will never end
6M 3,2,1,1,1,1 The freshest peach rots from within
7M 3,2,1,1,1,1 The blade will shatter upon bare flesh
8M 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 He knows the price that must be paid
9M 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 The dull coin hides in the shadow of treasure
10M 2,2,2,2,1 You will leave the assault unanswered
11M 2,2,2,2,1 A thousand shapes move in the mist
12M 2,2,2,1,1,1 You are the clay from which delusion is sculpted
13M 2,2,2,1,1,1 The deceiver wears the skin of snakes
Black 2,2,2,2,2,2 The future will be carved from the heart of tragedy

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 87
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Mind Card
Card Mental Mind Fate
Red -1/-1/-1/+3 When you pass through the open gate
AR -3/-1/+1/+3 Should you choose to leave the coins behind
2R -2/-2/+2/+2 If you ignore the rope in the trees
3R -2/-1/+1/+2 When blades cross and blood spills
4R -2/0/0/+2 If pity turns to tin in your clenched fist
5R -2/0/+1/+1 When the cannon roars at your behest
6R -2/-1/0/+2 If you find glory in your defeat
7R -1/-1/-1/+3 When you ignore the crimes of the guilty
8R -2/-1/+1/+2 If you surrender to his violence
9R -2/0/0/+2 If you lay down the blade to hold the torch
10R -1/-1/-1/+2 If you extinguish the guiding light
11R 0/0/0/0 When you thrust your hand into the crackling flame
12R -1/0/0/+1 If you open your arms to the lost
13R -1/0/0/+1 Should the reckless heart fall silent
At -3/0/0/+3 If you shun the battle for the written word
2t -3/-1/+2/+2 If you return
3t -2/-2/+2/+2 If you refuse the hero's call
4t -2/-1/+1/+2 You will find your love upon the pyre
5t -1/-1/0/+2 When you wake from the dream of ancestors
6t -3/0/+1/+2 If you laugh as you run him away
7t -1/-1/+1/+1 If you mask your stigma in a shroud of virtue
8t -1/0/0/+1 Once your strangers travel in three
9t -1/-1/0/+2 If you spend your disgust like the miser's coin
10t -1/-1/+1/+1 If you take the pound of flesh that is owed
11t -1/0/0/+1 Should you burn righteous and rancorous in the same fire
12t -3/0/0/+3 If you foolishly seek the next horizon
13t -2/0/0/+2 If you draw the rope's slack

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Mind Card
Card Mental Mind Fate
Ac -3/0/0/+3 If you gain your prize despite the dog
2c -3/0/+1/+2 If you trip when they come for you
3c -2/-1/+1/+2 Awash in spilled ink and soiled regret
4c -2/-1/0/+2 When she spurns death for your pursuit
5c -2/0/0/+2 After what is dead has died
6c -2/0/+1/+1 Atop the crooked spire of ambition
7c -1/-1/0/+2 If you hone your anger into a blade
8c -2/-1/0/+2 If the antidote is refused a third time
9c -1/-1/+1/+1 Beyond the city walls
10c -1/-1/0/+2 Should the skinned cat return her affection
11c -1/0/0/+1 When you turn your back to the flower
12c -1/0/0/+1 If you rely upon faith to be your shield
13c -2/+1/+1/+1 When your death rattles at the door
AM -3/-1/+1/+3 If you quench the only light
2M -2/-2/+2/+2 If you see only devotion in her eyes
3M -2/-1/+1/+2 When you uncover the long-buried secret
4M -2/0/0/+2 If you temper your friendship in unreasoned violence
5M -3/0/+1/+2 If you witness the hollows of the night
6M -2/-1/0/+2 When the curse twists for the third time
7M -1/-1/-1/+3 If you marvel at the electric carnival
8M -1/-1/0/+2 When every word is a folded puzzle
9M -1/0/0/+2 If you offer them your loyalty
10M -1/-1/-1/+2 Beneath the lowest foundations of desire
11M 0/0/0/0 If you find shame in solitude
12M -1/0/0/+1 As the bell tolls for judgment
13M -2/0/+1/+1 When every eye closes in expectation
Black -2/-2/-2/+4 When the phantoms beckon your approach

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 89
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Endeavor Card
Card Skills Endeavor Fate
3,3,3 and you will wear the Tyrant's flesh.
AR 3,3,2,1 and rust will choke your bullet.
2R 3,3,1,1,1 and a carved pumpkin will witness the slaughter.
3R 3,3,1,1,1 and you will swallow the last bullet.
4R 3,2,2,1 but you will do as you are told.
5R 3,2,2,1 and your clock will stop at the eleventh hour.
6R 3,2,1,1,1,1 and he will break the darkened switch.
7R 3,2,1,1,1,1 and your final day will be a day of songs.
8R 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 but the knife in your back is sharper.
9R 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 and the sun will set upon your happiness.
10R 2,2,2,2,1 but you will cast her aside like a spent torch.
11R 2,2,2,2,1 but the ties of blood are unbreakable.
12R 2,2,2,1,1,1 but his greatest weapon is his daughter.
13R 2,2,2,1,1,1 and you will watch it burn.
At 3,3,3,1 and your mind shall be as an empty prison.
2t 3,3,2,2 but the answer will only lead to more confusion.
3t 3,3,2,2 for what the mind invents can never be fully destroyed.
4t 3,3,2,1,1 and you will tip the scales between truth and falsehood.
5t 3,3,2,1,1 and you will trade honor for a handful of coins
6t 3,2,2,1 and the land itself will go mad.
7t 3,2,2,1 until you remove doubt from the suspicious heart.
8t 3,2,1,1,1,1 and the water will rise as you stand helpless.
9t 3,2,1,1,1,1 but the final fruit is the hardest to swallow.
10t 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 and your sacrifice will redeem the wayward master.
11t 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 and predict the mirror's confusion.
12t 2,2,2,1,1,1 and your vision will come true.
13t 2,2,2,1,1,1 but you will reveal your secret regardless.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Endeavor Card
Card Skills Endeavor Fate
Ac 3,3,2,1 and you will learn where the bodies were buried.
2c 3,3,1,1,1 and it will end as it began.
3c 3,3,1,1,1 but the choice between love and victory is never easy.
4c 3,2,2,1 and you will poison everything you touch.
5c 3,2,2,1 but there is no shadow in the wasteland.
6c 3,2,1,1,1,1 and your obsession will doom them all.
7c 3,2,1,1,1,1 but only the dead will listen.
8c 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 and you will find redemption.
9c 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 and the crime that you hide will destroy you.
10c 2,2,2,2,1 and you will walk upon the moon.
11c 2,2,2,2,1 and you will disappear beneath the swirling black waters.
12c 2,2,2,1,1,1 and it will blind you.
13c 2,2,2,1,1,1 but there can be no bravery without madness.
AM 3,3,2,1 but apathy will be your only punishment.
2M 3,3,1,1,1 and it will turn as black as the darkest night.
3M 3,3,1,1,1 and you will risk everything to roll the dice.
4M 3,2,2,1 and the charred door will buckle.
5M 3,2,2,1 and she will lie to keep you happy.
6M 3,2,1,1,1,1 and the joy of madness will claim you.
7M 3,2,1,1,1,1 but your wrists will be bound with red tape.
8M 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 and you will realize how much was dreamt.
9M 3,1,1,1,1,1,1 but the poisoned wound cannot be healed.
10M 2,2,2,2,1 and he will stab you in the back.
11M 2,2,2,2,1 but the door will close before you have your answers.
12M 2,2,2,1,1,1 and you will offer hope where once was none.
13M 2,2,2,1,1,1 and your captive will sacrifice everything in your name.
Black 2,2,2,2,2,2 but you will lose yourself in the tatters of the king.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 91
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Division Card
Card Special Division Skill Division Fate
Red Elite Division Forgery your darkness will guide the blind
AR Amalgamation Office Engineering you will make dust of the ram's horns
2R Guild Guard Bureaucracy the crowd will curse their eyes
3R Guild Guard Grappling you will walk the foreign path
4R Guild Guard Pistol her excuses will stay your hand
5R Guild Guard Intimidate you will sort the living from the dead
6R Guild Guard Athletics your heart will turn to stone
7R Public Relations Literacy you will find the answer you cannot speak
8R Public Relations Bureaucracy your blood will steam on the traveled road
9R Public Relations Music you will walk beside fools and corpses
10R Public Relations Art the false prophet will end your hunger
11R Public Relations Printing the false voice will know your name
12R Public Relations Bewitch you will return with the balm for all ills
13R Public Relations Scrutiny you will writhe in agony
At Amalgamation Office Artefacting the steel beneath flesh will be revealed
2t Guild Guard Melee she will sit alone amongst your misery
3t Guild Guard Long Arms you will spit his ambition back in his face
4t Guild Guard Convince the dog will suffer in your place
5t Guild Guard Notice the silence will be deafening
6t Guild Guard Gambling she will demand a sacrifice
7t Witch Hunters Bureaucracy it will belch fire into the sky
8t Witch Hunters Intimidate she will slip from your grasp
9t Witch Hunters Heavy Melee your trial will leave its mark
10t Witch Hunters Counter-Spelling you will stumble between worlds
11t Witch Hunters Prestidigitation you will fall from grace
12t Witch Hunters Sorcery the last hero will burn before you
13t Witch Hunters Enchanting he will rise from the silver lake

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 3: New Recruits
Ram's Head Tarot Reference Tables

Division Card
Card Special Division Skill Division Fate
Ac Amalgamation Office Pneumatic the hissing steam will reveal its troubles
2c Guild Guard Martial Arts the sleeper will dream of your false childhood
3c Guild Guard Shotgun he will steal your despoiled breath
4c Guild Guard Barter you will refuse to open the tome
5c Guild Guard Carouse you will bury your axe beneath the dead tree
6c Guild Guard Centering you will remember your forgotten love
7c Death Marshals Bureaucracy you will sleep among the polished bones
8c Death Marshals Melee the fallen will dance to your untimely dirge
9c Death Marshals Notice you will embrace the ravenous shadows
10c Death Marshals Toughness you will be twice paid in tears
11c Death Marshals Necromancy you will share the only secret that matters
12c Death Marshals Centering you will be a light in the darkness
13c Death Marshals Scrutiny you will shatter the stone
AM Amalgamation Office Mathematics you will learn the weakness of steel
2M Guild Guard Pugilism he will shade your tired eyes
3M Guild Guard Heavy Guns the wound will be cut by your own hand
4M Guild Guard Deceive you will get everything you want
5M Guild Guard Stealth you will drown your fears
6M Guild Guard Leadership the scarred man will find his immortality
7M Neverborn Hunters Evade you will stir in your slumber
8M Neverborn Hunters Husbandry you will take the teacher into your arms
9M Neverborn Hunters Toughness you will find treasure amidst the refuse
10M Neverborn Hunters Homesteading you will see farther than any other
11M Neverborn Hunters Track his lies will deafen the judge to your truth
12M Neverborn Hunters Wilderness your hatred will be as the lash
13M Neverborn Hunters Pistol you will take an eye for the eye that was taken
Joker Elite Division Deceive you will don the forbidden mask

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 3: New Recruits 93
Pursuits are temporary templates that describe Every Pursuit also has a Step 0 Talent. This Talent
a character's role within a story and their short is gained as soon as you choose the Pursuit for the
term goals. A Pursuit is not necessarily a full time first time, regardless of whether it's done at character
career; characters are encouraged to move between creation or at the start of a later session. This Talent
different Pursuits as the game progresses in order ensures that characters receive an immediate benefit
to build a diverse and well-rounded character. for following their chosen Pursuits.
That being said, some characters may wish to stay
on a single Pursuit until its completion, allowing At the end of each session, a character will advance
them to become specialized at the cost of more one Step along the Pursuit she chose for that session,
diverse capabilities. as described in the Core Rules (pg. 318).

Pursuits have three main mechanical components: This section lists two types of Pursuits: Basic and
Advanced. Advanced Pursuits all have certain
• The Starting bonus is the benefit you gain only prerequisites that must be met before a character
if the Pursuit in question is the one you chose can take them, so they aren't available to starting
during character creation. characters. Making certain in-game decisions will
open up Advanced Pursuits for your character,
• On the Pursuit is the ability you gain while allowing for some interesting and unique gameplay
actively on the Pursuit during a game. options.
• Advancements are the Talents you gain at the
end of each session, in the order listed. Often,
you have a choice between two different Talents.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Basic Pursuits Magewright
Magewrights are spellcasters that focus upon the use
Basic Pursuits are Pursuits that any character can of Enchanting magic. In addition to bypassing the
choose at character creation or during a session's normal limitations of their Grimoire, Magewrights
Prologue. They require no special training or are capable of temporarily enchanting items and
initiation to follow, though players and Fatemasters weapons with magical power.
are encouraged to come up with reasons why a given
character might choose one Pursuit over another Marksman
and to work that choice into the story.
Marksmen focus upon ranged combat (with
While the Basic Pursuits in this book are most an emphasis on "ranged") more than any other
thematically appropriate when used by Guild character. They are patient sharpshooters who
characters, they are available to any character, favor rifles and prefer to remain on the back lines
regardless of their faction alignments (or lack of combat, ideally in a place of cover. From their
thereof). For instance, a Gremlin Commander hidden vantage point, Marksmen steadily and
might attract particularly skilled Gremlin hunters to patiently eliminate and weaken their enemies with
assist her in battle (which use the same stat blocks as carefully placed and expertly timed shots.
Soldiers, just with their Height reduced to 1).
Propagandists are social support characters that
Bureaucrat focus on forcing their version of the "truth" onto
others. With the ability to manipulate people on
Bureaucrats are social characters that use political
a large scale, these characters can sculpt public
favors and indebted allies to solve problems.
opinion to suit their interests, embolden and
Whether making long-winded speeches, drawing
strengthen their allies, or even raise up an angry
upon a network of spies, or manipulating the Guild's
mob to punish those she has deemed corrupt (or
bureaucratic maze, a Bureaucrat is a powerful ally
simply inconvenient).
for anyone who intends to spend any amount of
time in civilized areas.

Commander Additional Pursuits

Commanders march into battle alongside The Pursuits listed in this book give
subordinate soldiers, which they can attract to their players plenty of opportunities to create a
service at the start of every session. With a steady variety of unique, interesting characters.
supply of expendable soldiers to do her bidding,
If you are looking for more character
a Commander is an excellent force multiplier who
options, however, both the Core Rules
is capable of increasing the strength of not just her
and the Through the Breach supplemental
subordinate soldiers but also her Fated allies.
books - such as Into the Steam, Under
Quarantine, and Into the Bayou - contain
Gunner additional Pursuits and Advanced
Gunners are combat-focused characters that Pursuits that can offer more options to
specialize in the use of chain guns, cannons, and other characters.
heavy guns. With an interesting mix of offensive and
defensive capabilities, Gunners are perfectly suited
to standing on the front lines of combat as they
unleash a withering amount of firepower.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 95
Bureaucrat Starting
A Bureaucrat begins the game with a powerful
Some people claim that Bureaucrats are the Fatemaster character owing her a big favor. The
cockroaches of society: nobody actually wants them character can call upon this favor for a significant
around, but no matter how hard you try to get rid boon, such as gaining temporary access to a powerful
of them, more always seem to be hiding in the weapon or having the criminal records of her and
woodwork. Others object to this metaphor, claiming her friends expunged, but once used, the favor is
that the comparison is unfair to the cockroaches. gone forever. The identity of the character that owes
the Bureaucrat a favor should be discussed with the
Esteemed and reviled in equal measure, bureaucrats
are the politicians, socialites, and civil servants
of the world. Many of them come from wealthy
backgrounds, having either purchased or inherited
On the Pursuit: Two-Faced
the favors that secured their position. Many Guild When this character fails a Social duel, she may
bureaucrats in particular are part of a "hereditary draw a card.
bureaucracy" that has become increasingly corrupt
and bloated with each passing generation. During the Epilogue, a character on this Pursuit
may advance in any Academic Skill in addition to
Bureaucrats can, of course, be found outside the those Skill Advancement options presented by the
ranks of the Guild. The Miners and Steamfitters Fatemaster.
Union has dozens of advocates that manage safety
conditions and collect Union dues, for instance, Advancement
and there are plenty of independent mayors and
socialites who actively court allies and collect favors. At each step, a Bureaucrat gains the Talent listed
In the end, though, being a Bureaucrat is more of a
mindset than a position. The Bureaucrats of the Ten
Thunders tend to be more concerned with gathering Step Talent
information and blackmailing their "allies" into 0 A Servant of the People
performing favors than in seeking any sort of public 1 Web of Allies
office. There are even a few Bureaucrats among 2 General Talent
the Gremlins, though the long-standing feuds and Long-Winded Speech or Do You Know
volatile nature of Gremlin society makes the phrase 3
Who I Am?
"cutthroat politics" a bit more literal than usual.
4 General Talent
5 Information Network or Favors Owed
6 General Talent
Administrative Initiative or Plausible
"We are all cogs in the Guild's Deniability
machine. You can accept that and 8 General Talent
be happy in your place, or you can Bureaucratic Meddling or The System is
fight against it and be crushed
10 "Synergy"
between cogs larger than yourself."
- Vitalik Krupin,
Guild Representative

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
A Servant of the People
At its heart, politics is nothing more than being
able to leverage favors and reputation for some sort
of benefit. This character is particularly good at
wielding her reputation in this manner.
When this character is called upon to make a Barter,
Bewitch, or Intimidate Challenge, she may discard
a card to turn the Challenge into a Bureaucracy
Challenge. The results of succeeding or failing at
the Challenge remain unchanged.
If the Challenge was a Barter Challenge,
this character may use promises of
relatively insignificant political favors to
uphold her end of the bargain, rather
than cash or other material goods.
Generally speaking, this character
must spend an hour or two
speaking with her allies and
associates to uphold her end
of the bargain. She has a week
to do so before the person she
bargained with begins to feel
cheated and takes appropriate

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 97
Web of Allies Long-Winded Speech
This character has cultivated a network of political This character has mastered the Bureaucrat's most
allies that she can draw upon to assist her in difficult dangerous weapon: long, boring speeches.
This character may attempt to influence and distract
When this character gains this Talent, she chooses one or more people around her with a speech.
an Ally (subject to Fatemaster approval). It may While she is giving such a speech, every character
be someone she met over the course of the last within 10 yards of this character gain + to their
adventure or someone brand new. This character Notice Challenges made against this character and
then earns that person’s trust, blackmails them, or suffer - to their Notice Challenges made against
otherwise wins them over to her side. other characters.
Once per session per Ally, this character may attempt If the character speaks for at least five minutes,
a Bureaucracy Challenge to call upon her Ally for once she ends her speech, she may make a
support. The TN of this Challenge is determined by single Leadership Challenge against the highest
the type of support the character is seeking from her Willpower of all the characters listening (excluding
Ally, as shown on the chart at the bottom of this page. her allies). On a success, this character gains +
to her Social Skill Challenges made against those
The nature of the Ally determines what sort of help characters for the duration of the scene.
she can offer the character. For instance, an Ally that
is a Guild Judge would be able to provide assistance If this character achieves a Margin of Success on
with the law and anything Guild-related but would this Challenge, the listening crowd’s opinion of
probably be unable to put her in contact with an a certain organization of this character’s choice
Arcanist smuggler (unless, perhaps, it was a smuggler shifts one step in a direction of her choice for
that had already been arrested). the remainder of the scene. (The scale ranges
from Hatred to Dislike to Apathy to Approval to
While an Ally is generally willing to help the Adoration).
character when called upon, if the character abuses
their relationship, the Ally may become unwilling to Depending upon the topic and extenuating
help the character until she makes things right again. circumstances, the mood of the listening characters
may shift back or remain altered after the scene is
Each time this character would gain a General Talent finished, at the Fatemaster’s discretion.
from this Pursuit, she may instead choose to gain
another Ally.

Web of Allies Assistance TN

The Ally will help in a way that won’t cost them much time or many resources. They may get
the character an invitation to a high-class dinner party, put the character in contact with a reliable
mercenary, make inconsequential announcements, or divulge the location of a person who has
been taken prisoner.

The Ally will place themselves at risk to help the character. They might arrange for a prisoner
to be released, set up a meeting with a known criminal, smuggle contraband into the city, help
search the streets of Malifaux City after sundown, make significant announcements that are in
character with their normal behavior, or divulge classified or otherwise secret knowledge.

The Ally will take large risks to help the character. They might arrange for a prisoner’s criminal
record to “disappear,” set up a meeting with a Neverborn, loan the character a Soulstone for the
session, help search the sewers beneath Malifaux City, or make public announcements that are
either out of character or that run the risk of drawing considerable backlash.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Do You KNow Who I Am? Information Network
The wanted posters pinned to the Guild's bounty Whether spies, informers, or just people who
boards are adorned with the faces of some of the owe her some minor favors, this character has an
most notorious bandits and serial killers the world extensive information network that she can consult
has ever known: Seamus, Pandora, Parker Barrows, to learn more information about those people who
Albus Von Schtook. Even if they are captured and interest her. The larger the settlement, the more
executed, these criminals have already carved out people this character can draw upon for information.
a legacy of terror upon the collective imaginations
of history. Once per session, this character may attempt a
Bureaucracy Challenge while in any populated area
This character's face may not appear on a wanted to consult her information network about a specific
poster, but that doesn't mean that she isn't just target. The TN of this Bureaucracy Challenge is
as dangerous as any of those murderers. The equal to 5 + the target’s Rank Value.
only difference is that she does her stealing and
murdering within the confines of the law, like a On a success, after a certain amount of time has
proper politician. It only takes a few words in the passed (see below), the character learns the most
right ear and a signature on a piece of paper to ruin important details about the target’s history, such
a dozen lives. as the broad details of their life on Earth, which
faction or patron brought them to Malifaux (if any),
When this character reveals who she is and all where they live (if it’s a fixed location), the identity
the terrible ways that she can make someone's life of their employer (if any), their known associates (if
miserable, it's not backed up by physical power but any), and a general sense of their activities over the
the relentless, uncaring machinery of bureaucracy. past month (such as hunting bounties, working on a
pneumatic device, exploring the sewers, and so on).
This character gains the following Manifested Power: She learns two such details of her choice, plus one
detail per Margin of Success.
Do You Know Who I Am?
The amount of time it takes the character to learn
ACTING VALUE AP TN RESIST RANGE this information depends upon the size of the
Tenacity + settlement in which they make the Bureaucracy
1 10r Wp 6 yards
Intimidate Challenge. In Malifaux City (or in a similarly sized
city on Earth), the character gains this information
within two hours. In Ridley (or another large town),
Effect: The target gains the following Condition
until the end of Dramatic Time: “Cowed:
it takes eight hours. In Edge Point or Fortune Falls
This character suffers - on all attack flips (or another small town), it takes 24 hours, and in any
made against the character that applied this smaller settlements (such as most Contract Towns),
Condition.” it takes 48 hours.
MR I Am Very Important!: After succeeding, the
target also becomes Slow and Dazed until the
end of its next turn, plus one turn per Margin
of Success.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 99
Favors Owed This character may raise or lower the initiative
value of each chosen character by an amount up to
The political machine may be fueled by bureaucracy her Ranks in the Bureaucracy Skill.
and favors, but a bit of charm and a few jokes can go
a long way towards greasing that machine's gears. This If the discarded card was a M, any chosen enemy
character has either developed such a good working characters also become Dazed until the end of their
relationship with her allies or browbeaten them so far first turn.
into submission that favors are granted more quickly
and with less effort on her part.
Plausible Deniability
When this character uses her Web of Allies Talent,
she may add her Charm Aspect, if positive, to her When something goes wrong, unless
Bureaucracy Challenge. this character is caught red-handed,
she always manages to somehow
Additionally, this character may attempt to call avoid any sort of punishment worse
upon her Allies more than once per session, but than a slap on the wrist. Whether
each attempt beyond the first requires her to due to always having a convincing
achieve one Margin of Success for each time alibi or just knowing the right
she has previously called upon the Ally way to answer a question
during that session. without implicating
oneself, this character
only ever seems to
Administrative Initiative suffer a few scandalous
rumors from situations
In theory, bureaucracy is intended to that would ruin lesser
make everything more efficient by politicians.
ensuring that everything is handled
according to a structured and ordered Once per session when
system. For those who know how to work this character is accused
the system, however, the mechanisms of of a crime, she may discard
bureaucracy can be employed to grind a card to avoid any sort
any sort of forward momentum on a of repercussions from
project or request to a halt. the accusation, save
for some scandalous
At the start of Dramatic Time, this rumors that linger for
character may discard a card. If she two weeks or so.
does so, she may choose a friendly
or enemy character involved
in the battle, even if she does
not have line of sight to that
character. If she discarded a
card with a value of 6 to 10,
she may choose a second such
character, and if she discarded a
card with a value of 11 or higher,
she may choose a third character.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Bureaucratic Meddling "Synergy"
Bureaucrats have a tendency to be notorious There are few words that can inspire as much
meddlers and insufferable micromanagers. Whether confusion and dread as a Bureaucrat uttering the
it's requiring copious amounts of paperwork for the word "synergy." In theory, it means that all of the
simplest tasks or producing a constant onslaught of disparate parts of the bureaucracy are working
memoranda and newsletters to keep their underlings together in order to achieve more than the sum of
"in the loop," these petty politicians aren't happy their parts. Unfortunately, bureaucracies generally
unless they have their fingers in every pie. don't achieve anything; they simply exist, like the
petrified bones of a dinosaur, so ancient and foreign
While this character is certainly no exception, to common sense that most people try not to think
she has set her aspirations a bit higher than most. too hard about their existence. In a very real sense,
After all, why meddle with office politics or zoning synergy is about twisting the rules to ensure that one
permits when you can meddle with the fates of your plus one equals three instead of two.
allies? Destiny, in her mind, is simply too important
to leave up to fate. In the hands of a Bureaucrat, however, synergy could
mean just about anything. It could mean increasing
At the start of a new scene or at the start of her turn communication between different government
during Dramatic Time, this character may look at branches, leveraging a public figure's approval rating
the top card of any other player’s to enact an unpopular bit of legislation, or a seemingly
Twist Deck. She may choose to endless number of meetings and debriefings.
discard that card or return it to the
top of the deck. This character has taken things one step further
and learned how to apply synergy to fate itself.
Whenever a friendly character within
The System is Rigged 10 yards of this character (including
To someone who isn't herself) Cheats Fate, another character
paying attention, it might within 10 yards may draw a card after
appear that anyone can resolving the current action.
become a politician and change the
system. All it takes is being in the right
place at the right time and, perhaps,
having the support of the common
In actuality, the system is rigged. The
Bureaucrats who control the system are also its
gatekeepers, and only those who have agreed to
continue propping up the corrupt system are
even allowed a seat at the table. It's a depressing
thought... at least, for those that aren't already
part of the system like this character. The
normal rules don't apply to those who have the
power to rewrite them.
This character may treat M and R cards that she
flips, Cheats, or reveals as if they had both the M
and R suits.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 101
Commander Starting
A Commander begins the game with one weapon
Of the many resources in the world, the most and any Armor. These items cannot have a total
valuable to the Guild are Soulstones. After that combined value greater than 20§.
comes magical knowledge and political power,
followed by manufacturing resources and trade On the Pursuit:
deals. At the bottom of the list - the very bottom of
the list - is manpower. A Few Good Men
That isn't to say that the Guild doesn't understand When one of this character's subordinate characters
and appreciate the value of a trained soldier. is killed or rendered unconscious while within 6
People are a necessary cog in the Guild's machine yards of this character, she may draw a card.
of oppression and dominance, but they're also a During the Epilogue, a character on this Pursuit may
very cheap and easily renewed resource. The Guild advance in any Social Skill in addition to those Skill
leaves the majority of training and education (and Advancement options presented by the Fatemaster.
the costs associated with each) to the various armies
and military academies of the world.
When a promising soldier, politician, or tactician
At each step, a Commander gains the Talent listed
comes to their attention, Guild recruiters swoop in
and snatch that person up, folding them directly into
its ranks. They are given a brief overview of Guild
policy and procedures and then tossed into the world Step Talent
under the watchful eye of a Guild officer who will, 0 Reinforcements
in theory at least, ensure that the raw potential of the
1 Arrest Order or Spoils of War
recruit is molded into a worthy soldier or officer.
2 General Talent
Over the past century, the Guild's supposed 3 Bodyguard Detail or Efficient Leadership
meritocracy became corrupted with nepotism and 4 General Talent
cronyism. Generations of prejudice and entitlement
5 Issue Command or We're a Team
have left the organization with a sense of privileged
exceptionalism, and nowhere is that more apparent 6 General Talent
than among its officers in Malifaux. The corruption The Wrong Side of the Law or Proper
that plagues the Guild Guard is only a symptom of Motivation
the sickness that pervades the entirety of the Guild. 8 General Talent
9 Hidden Sniper or Inspiring Presence
Still, despite all of its faults, this system does produce
a number of quite exceptional Commanders. These 10 Firing Line
tacticians and leaders build stairways to victory out
of the corpses of subordinates and enemies alike,
ensuring that firepower and overwhelming numbers
turn the tide of battle in the Guild's favor.
“A good plan violently executed
The Guild isn't the only organization with the capacity right now is better than a perfect
for military strategy, of course. The crime bosses of plan executed tomorrow."
the Ten Thunders are well-known for the fearless
devotion of their underlings, and the Freikorps are -Cao Ru, Guild Captain
renowned for their teamwork and employment of
advanced military tactics.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Reinforcements These Soldiers remain under this character’s control
indefinitely (or at least, until they’re killed). This
For whatever reason, armed soldiers flock to this character can command a subordinate Soldier with
character's side to assist her in her endeavors. They the (1) Order Action.
might be mercenaries willing to work for an ultimately
negligible price, zealots who believe in her cause, Each Soldier joins the character’s service with their
or just resigned soldiers who were assigned to her listed weaponry and 30 rounds of ammunition,
command by an uncaring bureaucracy. Their names but the character is responsible for supplying any
and faces may change, but their lives are ultimately additional ammunition required beyond this initial
nothing more than coins this character ruthlessly amount.
spends to purchase victory.
When one of these Soldiers is killed, its equipment
At the start of each session, after the is expected to be given to the next recruit, sold
Prologue, this character may make for profits that are split between the surviving
a TN 8 Leadership Challenge to Soldiers, or returned to this character's patron
gain a single subordinate Soldier (pg. or employer so that it can be reissued to
107), plus one subordinate Soldier someone else. If sold, the equipment is only
per Margin of Success, up to a worth one-tenth of its base price.
maximum number of controlled
subordinate Soldiers equal to This character can, of course, supply
half her ranks in this Pursuit her Soldiers with different, higher-
(rounded up). quality weapons if she so chooses.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 103
Arrest Order Bodyguard Detail
Members of the Guild are usually comfortable with One of the primary tasks of this character's
wielding their authority like a blunt instrument. underlings is the protection of their leader and her
Often times, all it takes to get someone to freeze in "command staff." While her soldiers may not be
place is a bullet to the gut and a shouted, "You're happy about the possibility of taking a bullet (or
under arrest!" a shiv, or an axe...) for someone else, when the
moment presents itself, their training and instincts
This becomes slightly less effective if the character kick in and push them into an act of self-sacrifice.
doing the shouting isn't actually a member of the
Guild, but these characters typically replace the Ideally, the soldier will survive the attack with
attempt at arresting their target with a similarly nothing more than a flesh wound, but the
threatening command or, in the case of less civilized battlefields of the world are littered with the
characters, a string of surprisingly vulgar insults that corpses of men and women who died heroic deaths
freezes their surprised victim in their tracks. to save someone marginally more important than
themselves. Sometimes, a life must be purchased
This character gains the following Trigger on her with a life, and for this character, that is a sacrifice
Ranged Combat attacks: that she is willing to have her subordinates make.
M Arrest: After succeeding, the target gains the Friendly Fated characters within a6 of this
following Condition until the end of its next turn: character's subordinate Soldiers and Hidden
"Arrest: This character must discard a card to Snipers gain the following Defensive Trigger:
perform a movement action."
Df (R) Sacrifice for the Cause: After this
character fails, a friendly Soldier or Hidden
Sniper within 2 yards of this character and within
Spoils of War
range and line of sight of the attacker suffers the
Keeping a combat unit, even a small one, effects of the attack instead of this character.
sufficiently supplied is a task that is often more
difficult than any actual fighting those soldiers
might do. This character's troops are particularly
adept at scavenging for ammunition from their Efficient Leadership
fallen opponents.
With the proper leadership, a soldier can overcome
When a subordinate character under this character’s the limits of their training and even their bodies
control and within a6 kills an enemy during and minds to achieve something truly great. This
Dramatic Time, this character may draw a card. character is especially adept at inspiring her troops
and pushing them beyond their limits.
Additionally, when this character or one of her
subordinate characters searches the corpse of an When a subordinate character under this
enemy combatant that possessed one or more character’s control and within a6 declares an
ranged combat weapons, they find a number of action, it may use this character’s ranks in the
additional ammunition rounds equal to half the Leadership Skill in place of its Aspect or Skill
enemy combatant's rank value, rounded up. Rank when determining its Acting Value.

This Talent only increases the number of bullets

possessed by the enemy combatant one time,
regardless of how many times the enemy combatant
is searched.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Issue Command The Wrong Side of the Law
It doesn't take much more than a quick gesture of With training, this character's troops learn how
her hand for this character to convey her wishes toto force their opponents to freeze in place in the
the soldiers under her command. Like obedient middle of combat. Traditionally, a Guild soldier is
dogs, they leap at her every command, ensuring thattrained to shout out that her target is under arrest,
her will becomes manifest on the battlefield. but those who exist outside the law typically go with a
series of scathing insults that leave their subjects too
This character may take the (1) Order Action as a shocked to move.
(0) Action. When this character takes the Order or
Firing Line Action, a single subordinate character This character's subordinate Soldiers and Hidden
under her control may take a (1) AP Action after Snipers gain the following Trigger on their Ranged
resolving that Action. Combat attacks:
M Arrest: After succeeding, the target gains the
following Condition until the end of its next turn:
We're a Team! "Arrest: This character must discard a card to
While having a patrol of Guild soldiers or hired perform a movement action."
mercenaries at one's beck and call has some obvious
Additionally, if an enemy character with the Arrest
implications in combat, they can also be useful off the
Condition declares an Action during Dramatic
battlefield. Whether moving fallen trees off roads,
Time, that character may not declare that Action
rounding up escaped cats, or playing instruments in
again until the start of their next turn.
their commander's band, these hardened soldiers
can be pressed into helping out with just about any
sort of challenge. They may not enjoy having to stay
up all night to fix the hems of their commander's Proper Motivation
ballroom gown, but they knew the risks when they
One of the benefits of fighting alongside trained
signed up for the job.
soldiers is that they will often follow orders without
When this character attempts a Challenge during thinking about them. This comes in handy when
Narrative Time, after flipping a card from the Fate a soldier's mind has been clouded with surprise
Deck and deciding whether or not she wishes to or fear: all it takes is a few sharp words from their
Cheat Fate, she may discard a card to increase her commander to get the soldier moving and back to
final duel total by +1 for each of her subordinate fighting shape.
Soldiers who assist her in the Challenge. If she does
This character gains the following Tactical Action:
so, this character may not benefit from the Assist
Action during this Challenge. (0) Proper Motivation: Target a friendly character
within 6 yards and discard a card if they are not
It falls to the Fatemaster and the player to explain
one of this character's subordinate characters.
how this functions from a story perspective. For
End the Slow or Paralyzed Condition on the
instance, if the character is attempting to Bewitch
target; if the target is Prone, it may immediately
a handsome gentleman at a bar, her loyal soldiers
stand up. If the target was Slow or Prone, it
might assist her by telling stories about how brave
may take a 1 AP Walk Action. If the target was
and fearless she is, or perhaps they start a fight with
Paralyzed, it may take any 1 AP Action of this
the gentleman in order to allow her to swoop in and
character's choice (if it wishes).
“save” him.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 105
Hidden Sniper Inspiring Presence
The key to a successful military victory, more often Whether through encouragement, fiery speeches,
than not, comes down to preparation and planning. or a few dramatic poses in front of an oversized
The general that has anticipated the maneuvers of Guild flag, this character has a knack for inspiring
the enemy and prepared contingency plans to deal her subordinates. Her mere presence on the
with unexpected situations is often the one to claim battlefield increases morale and inspires hope,
victory on the battlefield. allowing her troops to fight even harder.
This character has taken that same level of planning Friendly characters within a6 may discard a card
and applied it to skirmish fighting, namely by (or in the case of subordinate characters, their
arranging for a sniper to be positioned in places controller may discard a card) on their turn to gain
where conflict is likely. The sudden appearance of the Focused +1 Condition.
a hidden sniper is often enough to tip the scales of
battle in her favor, particularly when the sniper is
able to seize the high ground. Firing Line
At the start of Dramatic Time, if this character is The massed firing line has been an effective combat
within a civilized area (such as anywhere within tactic since before firearms existed. Whether they
Malifaux City, Ridley, or the Northern Hills), she utilize bullets, arrows, or more primitive weapons,
may discard a card to declare that one of her hidden such a massive amount of firepower can be
snipers is already in place. devastating if timed correctly.
If she does so, she chooses a location within range, This character gains the following Tactical Action:
at least ten yards from an opponent, and a Hidden
Sniper (pg. 107) reveals themselves in that location. (2) Firing Line: Every subordinate character under
For the rest of the Dramatic Time, this character this character’s control and within 6 yards may
treats the Hidden Sniper as a subordinate character. immediately make a Ranged Combat attack against
At the end of Dramatic Time, the Hidden Sniper a single target within range. The subordinate
retreats from the battle (possibly after exchanging characters flip cards for these attacks as if they
a few words with this character). If the Hidden were Fated characters, but none of their attacks can
Sniper is killed, this Talent may not be used for the declare Triggers that generate additional attacks. If
remainder of the session. at least one of these attacks hits, every subsequent
attack made against that target as a result of this
If the character is in an area where the presence of a Action gains + to its damage flip.
hidden sniper would not make sense (such as at the
center of a swirling time vortex or in the depths of a
Neverborn lair), she must be able to present some
plausible reason why the sniper would be present
(such as having been pulled into the vortex alongside If the player wishes, a Commander can
the character or on a scouting assignment for an recruit Soldiers that use bows instead of
unrelated mission) in order to use this Talent. rifles. This option is particularly appropriate
for Gremlin and Ten Thunder characters.
In this case, replace the Soldier's Collier
Navy and US&E Carbine with a Longbow
and the Hidden Sniper's Sniper Rifle with
a Crossbow (Core Rules, pg. 230). Replace
their appropriate Ranged Combat Skills
with Archery at the same rank.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Hidden Sniper
Minion (6), Living

Might Grace Speed Resilience

Soldier 1 2 1 1
Minion (5), Living Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-1 2 1 2
Might Grace Speed Resilience
Defense Walk Height Initiative
1 2 1 0
4 (9) 5 2 3 (9)
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
Willpower Charge Wounds
0 -1 -1 2
4 (9) 5 6
Defense Walk Height Initiative
4 (9) 5 2 3 (8) Skills: Acrobatics 1, Athletics 1, Bureaucracy 1, Evade 2,
Willpower Charge Wounds Long Arms 3, Melee 2, Notice 2, Stealth 2, Toughness 1.
4 (9) 5 5
Taking Aim: When this character gains the Focused
Condition, it lasts until the start of this character's next turn.
Skills: Athletics 1, Bureaucracy 1, Evade 3, Long Arms 3,
Melee 3, Notice 2, Stealth 1, Toughness 1. Stand and Fire: When an enemy character declares a
Charge Action within line of sight of this character, this
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character character may reduce its Focused Condition value by
by +1, to a minimum of 1. 1, to a minimum of 0, to immediately deal 2 damage to
the charging character.
From the Hip: When making a Long Arms attack, this
character may substitute Grace for Intellect when
calculating its Acting Value. (1) Hunting Knife (Melee)
AV: 3 (9) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
(1) Standard Issue Sword (Melee) Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
AV: 4 (9) =========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
(1) Sniper Rifle (Long Arms)
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
AV: 5 (11) ========== Rg: z14 ======== Resist: Df
(1) US&E Carbine (Long Arms) Target suffers 2/4/7 damage. The Range of this weapon
AV: 5 (10) ========== Rg: z12 ======== Resist: Df is increased by +10 for each + it gains from the
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. Capacity 2, Reload 2. Focused Condition. Capacity 4, Reload 1.
R Critical Strike: When damaging the target, this attack R Critical Strike: When damaging the target, this attack
deals +1 damage for each R in the final duel total. deals +1 damage for each R in the final duel total.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 107
Gunner Starting
A Gunner begins the game with one Ranged Combat
The Guild was born out of the flames of the Black weapon and any Armor. These items cannot have a
Powder Wars and solidified its power in the following total combined value greater than 20§.
chaos. The lessons it learned during the fighting and
the aftermath shaped many of the organization's On the Pursuit:
later policies and procedures, not the least of which
was the Guild's love of artillery and heavy weaponry. Locked and Loaded
In the century since the end of the Black Powder When this character fails a Ranged Combat duel
Wars, the Guild has invested heavily in the during Dramatic Time, she may draw a card.
research and development of advanced weaponry. During the Epilogue, a character on this Pursuit may
Whenever a factory in one of their vassal nations advance in any Ranged Combat Skill in addition to
creates a potentially devastating weapon, the Guild those Skill Advancement options presented by the
swoops in and claims it, citing "peacekeeping" as Fatemaster.
the justification.
These weapons usually find their way into the hands Advancement
of the Guild's "Mobile Gunnery Specialists," or just
At each step, a Gunner gains the Talent listed below:
"Gunners" for short. The soldiers specialize in the
art of destruction, and their arrival on the battlefields
of Earth sends a distinct message: the Guild wishes Step Talent
for this fight to end, no matter the consequences or 0 Heavy Weaponry
collateral damage involved. 1 Behind the Gun or My Gun is Bigger
In Malifaux, the role of a Gunner isn't much changed. 2 General Talent
The Guild treats them like the hammer they are, 3 Artillery Training or Suppressing Fire
only deploying them when the situation warrants a 4 General Talent
very firm reminder of just who controls Malifaux. 5 Walking Artillery or Spray of Bullets
The damage that a Gunner can deal to the city - not
6 General Talent
just its residents but to the infrastructure itself - tends
to limit just how often such reminders are given, but 7 Shoot Through It or Overwatch
fortunately, such lessons are rarely forgotten. 8 General Talent
9 Bullet Storm or Fusillade Advance
Gunners tend to be rare outside the ranks of the
Guild, if only because the Guild heavily restricts 10 Mow Down or Heavy Impact
the passage of heavy weaponry through the Breach.
The Samurai of the Ten Thunders and the Drache
Troopers of the Freikorps are perhaps the best
known examples of Gunners beyond the ranks of
the Guild, and the presence of such an opponent on
the battlefield is enough to make any Guild soldier “With enough bullets, you can kill
consider a tactical retreat. just about anything."
There are few Gunners among the ranks of the - Noemi Vescovi,
Gremlins, but this is primarily an issue of supply: Guild Heavy Gunner
few Gremlins would turn down the chance to
become a Gunner, provided that they had access to
the appropriate weaponry.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Heavy Weaponry Behind the Gun
Though this character enjoys her heavy guns, they One of the benefits of carrying around a small
do come with a significant disadvantage: they are cannon is that the weapon's sheer size and sturdy
very large weapons that take two hands to properly construction can sometimes act as a shield. This
wield. If an opponent closes to melee range, she character, in particular, has learned how to place
theoretically must drop her (expensive) weapon on her weaponry between her and her enemies, which
the ground and draw a melee weapon to defend affords her with an increased level of protection in
herself. Or, she could just beats her opponent to dangerous situations.
death with her heavy gun and go back to laying down
covering fire for her allies. When this character is wielding a Heavy Guns
weapon, she counts as wearing Heavy Armor with
This character can use Heavy Guns the Braced special rule. This pseudo-armor does
weapons without the Heavy special not lower her Defense.
rule as if they were Heavy Melee
weapons with a Range of y2. If
she does so, the weapon deals
2/3/3 damage, does not
consume any ammunition
(or gain any benefit from
its ammunition), and ignores
its Special Rules on the attack.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 109
My Gun is Bigger Walking Artillery
There's something to be said about the reassuring Bracing an artillery weapon normally requires some
weight of a heavy Gatling gun in one's hands. The sort of special weapon mount to prevent its recoil
certainty that she can unleash untold devastation from damaging the weapon or injuring the person
at a moment's notice provides this character with firing it. This character considers such restrictions to
the confidence she needs to overcome terrifying be more like guidelines. After all, what's wrong with
monsters or manipulative tricksters. just carrying a cannon into battle under your arm?
When this character is wielding a Heavy Guns When this character is carrying a weapon with the
weapon, she may add her ranks in Heavy Guns Heavy special rule, it counts as being braced to a
to the final duel total of any Willpower duel she weapon mount.
makes during her turn.
In addition, when this character makes a Heavy
Guns attack against an enemy character, she may
move 2 yards after resolving the attack.
Artillery Training
Loading a cannon or feeding an entire belt of
ammunition into a Gatling gun can be a time- Spray of Bullets
consuming process. For this character, though, it
only takes a few moments to properly reload the When surrounded on all sides, this character can
weapon and rejoin the fighting. unleash a hail of wild bullets in every direction,
forcing her enemies to either fall back out of self-
When this character takes the Reload action to reload preservation or end up full of holes.
a Heavy Guns weapon, she counts as having spent
twice as many AP on the action for the purposes of This character gains the following Tactical Action:
determining when the weapon is fully reloaded and (0) Spray of Bullets: This character may expend
ready to fire. one round of ammunition from a wielded
Heavy Guns weapon for each character (friend
or foe) within p3 of her. If she does so, every
Suppressing Fire such character may choose to push 3 yards away
from her. Then, any characters within p3 of
There's nothing like a barrage of screaming bullets
this character suffer damage equal to the Weak
ricocheting off someone's hiding place to make
damage value of her wielded Heavy Guns weapon.
them reconsider any sort of movement that might
leave them exposed.
When this character makes a Heavy Guns attack
Shoot Through It
against a target and misses, the target gains the
following Condition until the end of its next turn: When making a Heavy Guns attack, this character
“Suppressed +2: This character has -2 Walk and may expend three times as much ammunition
-2 Charge (to a minimum of 1 each).” (calculated after any special rules such as Burst
Fire) to ignore line of sight and cover for the
duration of that attack. If the attack hits a target
behind cover, it suffer - to the damage flip.
If the attack misses a character in cover, this
character may discard a card to permanently
reduce the value of the target's cover by one step
(from hard cover to soft cover or from soft cover
to no cover).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Overwatch Fusillade Advance
Since heavy guns are, well, heavy, most military When this character takes the Charge Action, she
commanders will order them deployed to stationary may choose to make it a Fusillade Advance. If she
positions where they can monitor the battlefield. does so, after ending within 2 yards of her target, she
From an entrenched bulwark, a character with a may make two (1) AP attacks with a wielded Heavy
single Gatling gun can hold off an entire army. Guns weapon. If the Heavy Guns weapon has the
Heavy special rule, she instead makes a single (2)
After an enemy character completes a Walk Action, AP attack with it. These attacks can be made even if
if this character is unengaged and had line of sight this character is engaged, and they do not randomize
to the enemy at any point during its movement, this when firing into melee.
character may discard a card to make a (1) AP Heavy
Guns attack against the target. For the purposes of If any of these attacks generate additional attacks
this attack, the target receives the lowest amount of (such as from the Sweeping Fire or Stutter Fire
cover (hard cover, soft cover, or no cover) that it had Triggers), the character is not considered to be
during its Walk Action. engaged for the purposes of those attacks.

Bullet Storm Mow Down

Automatic weapons like the Gatling gun can fire By steadily sweeping her fire across the battlefield,
hundreds of bullets in a very short period of time. this character can cut down her enemies in an
The problem, generally speaking, is simply getting adrenaline-fueled rush of ballistic devastation.
those bullets to connect with warm enemy bodies
instead of everything else in front of the gun. This character gains the following Tactical Action:

When this character is wielding a Heavy Guns (2) Mow Down: This character may discard a
weapon, that weapon gains the Full Auto special rule. card. If she does so, she makes a single Heavy
Guns attack against every opponent in range and
When wielding a weapon that already has the Full line of sight. This character must discard a card
Auto special rule (regardless of whether it is a Heavy each time she wishes to declare a Trigger on one
Guns weapon or not), this character may discard a of these attacks.
card to declare a Trigger on an extra attack generated
by the Stutter Fire Trigger (even though the Trigger
normally forbids this). Heavy Impact
When firing cannons and other artillery weapons,
this character is able to place the shot exactly where
it needs to be in order to cause the most chaos.
When this character makes an attack with a Heavy
Guns weapon that has a base Capacity of 1, any
characters damaged by the attack are knocked Prone
and become Dazed until the start of this character’s
next turn. Any characters who suffer Blast damage
from the attack are also pushed 2 yards away from
the target of the attack.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 111
Magewright Starting
A Magewright begins the game with a Grimoire
Despite its hard stance on unauthorized magic use, containing one Enchanting Magia; one Necromancy,
there are a surprising number of spellcasters among Prestidigitation, or Sorcery Magia (for a total of two
the ranks of the Guild. A few of these are powerful Magia); and three Immuto.
mages like Sonnia Criid, but the vast majority are
blue-collar enchanters who operate in a support role. On the Pursuit:
Called Magewrights, these versatile spellcasters take Reality is Mutable
on a number of duties within the Guild. Some focus
on weapon enchantment and prepare the runed When this character fails a Magical duel during
blades of the Witch Hunters and the magical bullets Dramatic Time, she may draw a card.
of the Nephilim Hunters. Others pour their magic During the Epilogue, a character on this Pursuit may
into the Guild's stable of battle constructs, animating advance in any Magical Skill in addition to those Skill
their artificial limbs and infusing them with increased Advancement options presented by the Fatemaster.
strength and agility. A few even function as healers
and use their magic to knit together torn flesh and
mend broken bones.
At each step, a Magewright gains the Talent listed below:
Because their talents mesh so well with the Thalarian
Doctrine, most Magewrights have no problem staying
within the parameters the Guild lays out for legal
Step Talent
magic use. Small Magewright shops can be found 0 Bolster
huddled among the shops of Downtown and Edge 1 Minor Enchantment or Mastered Immuto
Point alike, all of them offering minor enchantments 2 General Talent
for those with the money to afford their services. Transmutive Comprehension or Mastered
Magewrights are also common among the Miners
and Steamfitters Union, where they frequently serve 4 General Talent
as Steamfitters. The primary responsibility of these 5 Enchant Item or Mastered Immuto
Magewrights is to keep the Union's mining constructs 6 General Talent
(or in the case of Foundry members, their railway 7 Spontaneous Animation or Mastered Magia
constructs) animated, which lessens the organization's 8 General Talent
reliance upon Soulstones.
9 Split Enchantment or Mastered Immuto
Among the Ten Thunders, most Magewrights are 10 Layer Upon Layer
actually monks who use their magic to enhance
their own natural capabilities. Nowhere is this more
evident than among the Monks of High River, who
are rumored to have the ability to wreath their
punches and kicks in burning flames, or the Monks “A watch that sends you backwards
of Low River, who are able to heal the wounds of in time? Uhhh... let me check with my
others with a simple touch. supervisor. That might be on the list
A few aspiring Magewrights can also be found among of restricted enchantments."
the ranks of the Gremlins and Neverborn, though
members of those races tend to prefer their own
- Oscar Stratton,
spellcasting traditions over those brought to Earth by Guild Magewright

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
When this character casts a Spell or Manifested
Power that affects one or more characters, she may
discard a card to choose one of those characters and
an Aspect. The chosen character has that Aspect
increased by +1 for the duration of the Spell or
Manifested Power, to a maximum bonus of +3.
If the Spell or Manifested Power does not have a
Duration, the Aspect increase lasts until the start
of this character’s next turn.

Minor Enchantment
Imbuing objects with magical energy
isn't particularly difficult for this
character. With a simple flick
of her hand, she can infuse a
weapon with magical power for a
few precious moments.
This character gains the following
Tactical Action:
(0) Minor Enchantment: Discard a card,
target a weapon within one yard, and
nominate an Elemental Immuto to
which this character has access. If the
discarded card had a value of 11+, this
character may nominate any Immuto,
even if she does not have access to it.
Until the start of this character's next
turn, whenever the targeted weapon
deals damage, the target also suffers
the effects of a single instance of the
nominated Elemental Immuto.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 113
Mastered Immuto Enchant Item
Long hours of study and practice have led to When this character casts a Spell, she may choose to
this character developing a mastery over a single infuse the magical energies of the Spell into an item
Immuto. Like a baseball pitcher knowing the within 1 yard. If she does so, the TN of the Spell
correct way to throw a curve ball, the character increases by +2, and if successfully cast, the Spell’s
can now apply her "trick" to any spell she casts, effects do not immediately resolve.
regardless of whether or not the chosen Immuto is
listed in any of her Grimoires. The only Spells that can be placed in weapons are
those that deal damage or that target a character
This mastery is a powerful boon in the arsenal of other than the caster. After a successful attack,
any spellcaster and the first sign that the character the character wielding the weapon may choose to
has started to walk the path of a true spellcaster. The discharge the stored Spell against their target, who
more Immuto that a character masters, the more may not attempt to resist it. When using projectile
control she has over her spells and their parameters, weapons, a single round of ammunition must be
allowing her greater flexibility with her magic. enchanted to be effective (unless the character
intends to discharge the spell with a well-placed
When this character gains this Talent, she chooses rifle butt).
an Immuto. This character always has access to the
chosen Immuto, no matter her chosen Grimoire. The only Spells that can be placed in non-weapon
items are those that deal damage via a Pulse, those
that affect or summon another character, or those
that affect the caster. A character possessing the item
Transmutive Comprehension
can discharge the Spell as a (1) Action, in which case,
This character has come to understand that reality is she becomes the target for the stored Spell (or the
more mutable than most people think. It's not about center of the Pulse, in the case of damaging Spells).
turning a person into a newt, it's about realizing that If the Spell is resisted, it has the same Acting Value
there's not much that differentiates a person from as if it had been cast by this character.
a newt in the first place. Once that realization is
accepted, concepts such as physical form fall away, A stored Spell may only be discharged once, at which
allowing the character to harness true magic. point the magic is expended and the enchanted item
ceases to hold any of the energies with which it was
This character adds +R to her Enchanting Skill. previously infused.
Stored Spells never generate Margins of Success,
and any damage flips resulting from a stored Spell
Mastered Magia suffer -. An item can only be enchanted with one
To be considered a true spellcaster, one must Spell at a time. Stored Spells last indefinitely until
devote considerable time to the arcane arts. Most dispelled.
spellcasters are shackled to a Grimoire, forced
to memorize the arcane formulae, long chants, or This character may only sustain a number of stored
strange symbols it contains in order to harness the Spells equal to her Cunning Aspect plus half the
power of its magic. With enough study and practice, number of her completed steps in this Pursuit,
however, a character can learn to channel this magic rounded down (to a minimum of one stored spell).
on her own, without need for a Grimoire. If she exceeds this limitation, the character must
immediately choose one of her stored Spells to end
When this character gains this Talent, she chooses with no effect.
a Magia. This character always has access to the
chosen Magia, no matter her chosen Grimoire. If
she does not possess a Grimoire, she may act as if
she possessed a Grimoire with this Magia.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Spontaneous Animation Split Enchantment
The character is capable of channeling any magical Some spellcasters are able to easily draw upon their
energies left over from her Enchanting spells into magical might for massive effects, but few have the
piles of scrap, animating them into crude creations mental fortitude to split their spells in half without
of limited intelligence. having it sputter out and fail. This character is one
of the few who has mastered that art, at least when it
These animated scrap piles obey their creator's comes to Enchanting magic.
commands without any thought to their own self-
preservation. They only have a limited lifespan When this character casts an Enchanting Spell, she
before the energies animating them begin to fade, may nominate an additional willing, legal target within
but during that time, they make for tenacious (and 3 yards of the original target. The second target gains
expendable) allies. the full effects of the cast Spell along with the original
target. Items in the possession of a willing character
This character gains the following Trigger on are considered to be willing targets for the purposes
Enchantment Skill Challenges used to cast Spells: of this Talent. If the split Spell generates a Pulse,
RR Spontaneous Animation: After succeeding, characters caught in the area of both Pulses are only
target a pile of scrap (including a destroyed affected once.
Construct) within 3 yards of the target. The pile If used in combination with Enchant Item, a copy of
of scrap animates as a subordinate Clockwork the Spell is stored in two different items within range.
Trap (pg. 175) under this character’s control. At Each item counts toward the maximum number of
the end of the scene, the Clockwork Trap falls Spells this character can have stored at any one time.
apart and once again becomes a pile of scrap.
Each time this character takes a (1) Order Action
to command a Clockwork Trap animated through Layer Upon Layer
this Trigger, she may give orders to a number of Rather than simply unleash her spell once, this
additional Clockwork Traps equal to her Cunning character knows how to build loops into her
Aspect (minimum 1), Enchanting Spells, allowing her to layer her spells
and the orders may be such that the excess magical energy rolls off of her
different. original target to affect everyone around it.
Whenever this character casts an Enchanting Spell,
she may discard a card to have the Spell affect
every legal target within a Pulse centered on
the original target (who is still affected by
the Spell as normal). The size of this Pulse
is determined by the value of the discarded
card, as show below:

Card Value Pulse Size

1-5 p2
6-10 p4
11+ p6

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 115
Marksman Starting
A Marksman begins the game with one Ranged
The Marksman is a patient and methodical Combat weapon and any Armor. These items cannot
sharpshooter. Where a gunfighter might charge into have a total combined value greater than 20§.
battle, her twin pistols blazing, the Marksman will
hang back, often behind cover, and take careful aim On the Pursuit: Ranging In
at her target before pulling the trigger.
When this character fails a Ranged Combat duel
While ranged combat has always been an important during Dramatic Time, she may draw a card.
element to any army, Marksmen truly came
into their own during the Black Powder Wars. During the Epilogue, a character on this Pursuit may
While the actual number of casualties claimed by advance in any Ranged Combat Skill in addition to
sharpshooters during the war was comparatively those Skill Advancement options presented by the
small when measured against those claimed by Fatemaster.
cannons, rockets, and poisonous gas, none of those
weapons had quite the same effect upon enemy Advancement
morale as the presence of a trained sniper. Anyone
foolish enough to expose themselves to fire would At each step, a Marksman gains the Talent listed
often catch a bullet to the head, and that threat - below:
whether real or imagined - slowed advancement on
the front lines down to a crawl. Step Talent
0 Take Aim
After the Black Powder Wars came to an end, the
Guild recruited the most experienced Marksmen 1 Sniper's Patience or Spotter
into the ranks of its standing army. Though 2 General Talent
technically held in reserve, many of these snipers 3 Lurking Threat or No Distractions
spent their "peacetime" years as military assassins 4 General Talent
that eliminated the Guild's enemies from a distance 5 Hidden Position or Trick Shot
and secured its closing grip around the world.
6 General Talent
The advent of more powerful ranged weapons has 7 Precise Shot or Stay Down
only served to make Marksmen more dangerous. 8 General Talent
The Guild has spared no expense in training its 9 Between the Eyes or Startling Shot
elite Riflemen division, but they are not the only
10 Like a Ghost
organization to employ sharpshooters. The Ten
Thunders, for instance, have a number of deadly
snipers under their employ, though to ensure
secrecy, the require that their Marskmen give up
their tongues prior to accepting their first mission.
“One woman with a bullet can change
For every Guild rifleman or Katanaka sniper the entire world in a single second."
walking the streets of Malifaux, however, there are a
dozen Marksmen who do not possess such lofty ties. - Lilia Ferraro, Guild Rifleman
Some honed their skills while hunting to feed their
families, while others have taken a more recreational
approach to shooting and regularly embark on
safaris to test their skills against the largest animals
that Earth or Malifaux has to offer.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Take Aim
By adjusting her aim to account for the wind, the
movement of her target, and any other possible
interferences, this character can coax a few more yards
of effective range out of most projectile weapons.
This character gains the following Tactical Action:
(0) Take Aim: Until the start of her next turn, this
character increases the range of her z weapons
by +4 yards.

Sniper's Patience
The phrase "hurry up and wait" is well known to
anyone who has spent time in the military, but it's
become something of a motto for this character.
While other gunfighters waste time trying to shoot
at a moving target, this character simply sets up her
sights and waits for her target to walk right into her
When this character makes a Long Arms attack
as a result of the Wait Action, she gains + to
her attack flip.
Additionally, when this character takes the
Wait Action, she counts as being Focused
(with a value equal to the amount of AP
she spent on the Wait Action) for the
purposes of determining the Range
of weapons with the Rifle special

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 117
Spotter Hidden Position
When this character uses the Assist Action to help The natural position of a sniper is hidden behind
another person with an action that uses the Long cover. In addition to protecting her from the shots
Arms Skill, she may choose to spot for that person. of her enemies (she's behind cover, after all), being
If she does so, the other person adds this character's hidden from her enemies allows this character to
ranks in either Mathematics or Notice (whichever is take her time and line up difficult shots without
lower) to their final duel total, and their target gains worrying about dodging incoming fire.
no benefit from being Prone.
If this character is hidden from sight (most likely
Similarly, other characters may spot for this character as the result of a successful Stealth Challenge), any
when she uses the Long Arms Skill; when they do Long Arms attacks she makes that achieve a Margin
so, they add their ranks in either Mathematics or of Success do not reveal her position. While her
Notice (whichever is lower) to this character's final targets will most likely have a general sense of where
duel total, and this character's target gains no benefit she might be hiding (“It’s coming from somewhere
from being Prone. on the ridge!”), this information is not enough to
allow them to target her with return fire unless they
were already aware of her position.
Lurking Threat In addition, when making a Long Arms attack
The possibility that a sniper might be waiting against a character that is unaware of her position,
for someone to poke their head out of cover is this character treats any cover possessed by her
a sobering thought, but knowing that a sniper is target as one step worse (i.e., she treats hard cover as
nearby and waiting for someone to make a mistake soft cover and soft cover as no cover).
is downright terrifying. With a well-placed miss,
this character can announce her presence to the
world... and draw a whole lot of attention her way. Trick Shot
When this character uses the Impose Action while While any sharpshooter worth her salt can put
wielding a Long Arms weapon, she may expend a bullet into the back of someone's head at a
one round of ammunition to use the Long Arms dozen paces, it takes true talent to pull off trick
Skill in place of the Intimidate Skill. If she does so shots like this character. Whether it's firing at the
and is successful, the target also becomes Prone ceiling to drop a chunk of plaster onto someone's
(in addition to the normal effects of the Impose head, bouncing a bullet off the ground and into
Action). someone's monocle, or just shooting the weapon
out of someone's hand, this character knows plenty
of ways to make a bullet behave like magic.
No Distractions When this character uses the Trick Action while
The best way to keep a sharpshooter from landing wielding a Long Arms weapon, she may expend
a hit against one's friends is to engage them in one round of ammunition to use the Long Arms
melee combat. That tactic doesn't work against this Skill in place of the Deceive Skill. If she does so
character: even when a towering Nephilim is reaching and is successful, the target also becomes Dazed
down to snatch her up in its claws, she still has the for one round, plus one round per Margin of
determination to focus squarely upon a distant target Success (in addition to the normal effects of the
without succumbing to distraction. Trick Action).

This character can make z attacks while engaged,

provided that the target of her attack is not engaging

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Precise Shot Startling Shot
There's a chink in every armor, the saying goes, and The sudden crack of a rifle can often come as a
this character knows just where to look. The largest, surprise to the unprepared, particularly when it is
most powerful constructs all drop when they take a accompanied by a bullet kicking up dirt a mere inch
bullet to a critical component, and no matter how in front of them or whizzing past their ear. In that
well a human covers themselves in armor, there's moment of panic, some characters hesitate, some
always a gap or weak point somewhere. lock up in fear, and others simply faint and pass out.
When this character has the Focused Condition, When this character declares a Long Arms attack
or when her attack is benefiting from the Focused against a target, she may discard a card and declare
Condition or the Sniper's Patience Talent, her Long that she is making a Startling Shot. If she does so,
Arms attacks ignore Armor and Hard to Wound. she makes the attack against the target’s Willpower,
rather than its Defense. On a successful hit, the attack
deals no damage to the target, but this character still
makes a Damage Flip.
Stay Down
Not every shot this character fires is intended to If the attack would have dealt Weak damage, the
reach its target. Sometimes, it's more important to target becomes Slow.
bounce bullets off the ground to kick up dust and
If the attack would have dealt Moderate damage, the
get everyone ducking for cover. Then again, people
target becomes Paralyzed.
still duck for cover when their commanding officer
gets shot in the throat, so why waste a perfectly If the attack would have dealt Severe damage, the
good bullet? target becomes Paralyzed and must immediately
make an Unconsciousness Challenge with a TN
When this character makes an attack using a
equal to the final duel total of this attack.
weapon with the Rifle special rule, each of her allies
within p6 of the target is considered to have soft
cover until the start of her next turn. If her attack
hits the target, her allies are instead considered to Like a Ghost
have hard cover. Strike and fade, strike and fade. Those words are
a mantra to this character, and she has taken them
to heart. When confronted with a melee threat, her
Between the Eyes most important priority is to put distance between
herself and the enemy... and then to put a bullet into
If there's one thing this character has learned by this
the enemy.
point, it's that a single bullet can rout an entire army.
With just one good headshot, this character can turn This character gains the following Tactical Action:
an angry mob into a pack of frightened cowards and
begging penitents. (0) Like a Ghost: If this character is engaged, she
may discard a card to immediately move a number
This character gains the following Trigger on her of yards equal to her Walk Aspect. She must end
Long Arms attacks: this movement unengaged. If the discarded card
had a value of 11 or higher, she may immediately
C Between the Eyes: After killing the target, all
make a Long Arms attack against a character that
enemy characters within p6 of the target must
was engaging her when she took this Action.
immediately perform a Horror Duel. The TN of
the Horror Duel is equal to 10 + half the target’s
negative hit point total when it was killed, rounded

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 119
Propagandist Starting
This character begins with a set of high-quality
It is a common misconception that the Guild brushes and paints or a high-quality box camera
rules Malifaux through the threat of violence and (counts as an Art Skill Toolkit), a printing press
punishment. Fear only leads to hatred and anger, (stored in a safe location, counts as a Printing Skill
and like night following day, those inevitably lead to Toolkit), or an aethervox broadcaster (about the size
sedition and revolution. The Guild learned plenty of of a breadbox, counts as Convince Skill Toolkit).
lessons from its occupation of India and the Three
Kingdoms, and when it came time to assert their On the Pursuit:
rule over Malifaux, they decided to rule through lies,
rather than (or at least, in addition to) violence. One Hundred Percent True
At any hour of the day, a resident of Malifaux When this character fails a Social duel, she may
City can turn on their radio and hear the Guild's draw a card.
carefully worded condemnations of the terrorists During the Epilogue, a character on this Pursuit may
that call themselves the Arcanists or the greedy and advance in any Social Skill in addition to those Skill
corrupt Miners and Steamfitters Union. The sides Advancement options presented by the Fatemaster.
of buildings in Downtown are plastered with posters
and flyers decrying the Resurrectionists and asking
people to report any "witches" to the nearest Guild
guardsman. Both of the city's legal newspapers are At each step, a Propagandist gains the Talent listed
little more than elaborate spin machines that cast below:
every event in the best possible light for the Guild
while demonizing its opponents. Step Talent
The Guild doesn't hold a monopoly on propaganda, 0 The Voice of the People
though. The Union spends plenty of resources and 1 Rumor Mill or Talking in Circles
manpower on countering the Guild's lies with lies 2 General Talent
of their own. Every misstep by Guild personnel is 3 Spin Doctor or Force of Personality
blown out of proportion and cast in a sinister light, 4 General Talent
and new anti-Guild newsletters spring up almost as
5 Deadly Slander or Uprising
quickly as the Guild can find and destroy them.
6 General Talent
The Ten Thunders also rely upon propaganda, 7 Brainwash or Revisionist History
though their efforts tend to focus more upon ruining 8 General Talent
the reputations of others than bolster their own
9 Run from the Truth or Conversationalist
reputations and more upon ruining the reputations
of others. Through its various agents, the Ten 10 The Hype is Real
Thunders disseminate cruel lies and expose the
shameful secrets of their rivals, causing scandal and
chaos in equal measure.
“This is our time! Throw off the
To the common citizen, all of this propaganda can shackles of the Union, brothers
make it difficult to separate the truth from all the lies. and sisters, and join me in the
Fortunately, there's always someone who is willing to warm embrace of our saviors!"
step forward and tell these people who they should
trust and what they should believe. - Yorick Fairburn

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
The Voice of the People
Most Propagandists believe that they are serving a
higher purpose. Sometimes, the truth just needs to
be simplified or cleaned up a bit to let the common
man understand it, sure, but the core "feeling" of what
she is telling people is the truth... even if none of the
actual facts are correct.
When this character succeeds on a Social Skill
duel, she gains the following Condition
until the end of the session: “Voice
of the People +1: This character
gains +1 to her Art, Printing,
and Convince Skill duels, to a
maximum bonus of +3.”

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 121
Rumor Mill Talking in Circles
Gossip and innuendo are the lifeblood of any thriving
When logic, persuasion, and charm fail to
civilization, at least in this character's mind. She has
convince others to do what this character wants,
learned how to tap into those currents of scandalous
she can still fall back upon good old-fashioned
whispering to pass along her own carefully phrased confusion to get her way. Depending upon the
stories and anecdotes. situation, this might involve using increasingly big
words that her conversation partner might not
This character may spend one hour to spread a understand, employing circular logic by nestling
rumor within her current area. To do so, she makes her conclusions among her premises, or simply
a Convince Challenge at a TN determined by the throwing out so many disclaimers and quantifiers
size of her current area: in such rapid succession that nobody quite knows
just what she's talking about.
Area TN Somewhere in the middle of all that evasion and
Contract Town 9 confusion, this character is able to walk back any
Small Town (Edge Point, Fortune Falls) 11 previous comments or suggestions she might have
Large Town (Ridley) or Malifaux City made by obscuring them behind a wall of confusion
District (Downtown, Riverfront Slums, etc.) and double-speak.
After this character fails a Social Skill Challenge,
If this character is attempting to start rumors she may lower the value of her Voice of the
using graffiti or pamphlets, she may use the Art People Condition by 1 to immediately attempt
or Printing Skill, respectively, in place of the the Skill Challenge again against the same TN. If
Convince Skill. there were any modifiers to her original flip (such
as + or - modifiers), they apply to this second
On a success, the rumor quickly spreads flip as well. The character uses the current (post-
throughout the entire area. For the most part, reduction) value of her Voice of the People
people just pass on the rumor because it is amusing Condition if it applies to the Challenge.
or interesting, without actually claiming that it is
true. If the character achieves a Margin of Success If this character fails this second Challenge, she
on her Challenge, however, then the rumor is so may continue using this Talent, lowering the value
well crafted that most people who hear the rumor of her Voice of the People Condition by 1 each
believe it, at least for a few days, or until it becomes time to make additional attempts on the Social
obvious that the rumor is false. Skill Challenge.
For instance, starting a rumor that the Governor- If this character succeeds, she is considered to
General has been replaced by a doppleganger have succeeded on the initial Social Skill duel, and
could gain some traction for a few days, but any her previous failures are ignored. The character’s
rumors about a rare solar eclipse happening at Voice of the People Condition does not increase
noon will end when the supposed solar eclipse as a result of succeeding on this Social Skill duel.
fails to happen. Particularly silly rumors (such
as a rumor claiming that Sonnia Criid is actually
two Gremlins in a long coat) will still spread if this
character is successful, but always in a tongue-in-
cheek sort of manner.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Spin Doctor Force of Personality
This character is skilled at manipulating how people Propagandists tend to have intense, forceful
perceive events. She can make specific interpretations personalities, and this character is no exception.
of events sound plausible to the masses or downplay Fortunately, she’s often able to transform her
the events entirely, making them seem inconsequential intensity into a sort of aggressive charisma that many
and trivial. people find difficult to resist.
When this character illustrates, writes, or broadcasts After this character succeeds on a Social Skill
about a specific event, she may make an Art, Printing, Challenge (and after she has gained the Voice of the
or Convince Challenge, respectively. On a success, People +1 Condition), she may lower the value of
anyone who looks at or reads the character’s work her Voice of the People Condition by any amount.
or hears her broadcast must succeed at a Willpower For every point by which this character lowers her
Challenge against her final duel total. On a failure, Voice of the People Condition, she gains a Margin
their opinion shifts one step toward or away from of Success on the Social Skill Challenge in question.
a certain organization or idea for one week, plus
one week per Margin of Failure generated by the
influenced character. The scale ranges from Hatred
Deadly Slander
to Dislike to Apathy to Approval to Adoration.
Prolonged exposure to the magical energies of
Depending upon the circumstances and topic, the Malifaux has twisted this character's words into deadly
mood of the reading character may shift back or weapons. Her sharp wit is capable of drawing actual
remain altered once this duration has ended, at the blood, and woe to anyone who finds themselves on
Fatemater’s discretion. Reading or looking at the the receiving end of her cruel satire.
work again or listening to a recording of the broadcast
refreshes this duration. This character gains the following Manifested Power:

If the character’s work challenges the power of local

authorities or prominent characters, the repeated Deadly Slander
use of this Talent could very well land the character ACTING VALUE AP TN RESIST RANGE
in prison (or a shallow grave). Many Propagandists
prefer to hide their true identities behind false names Intellect +
1 10m Special 6 yards
for this very reason. Convince

Special: This Manifested Power is resisted by the

target's Centering + Tenacity.
Effect: The target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains
the following Condition for one day, plus one
day per Margin of Success: "Slandered: This
character suffers - to Social Skill Challenges."
Mm Tell It As It Is: After succeeding, this
character may lower the value of her Voice
of the People Condition by any amount, to
a minimum of 0. For each point she lowered
her Voice of the People Condition, she may
draw a card.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 123
Uprising Brainwash
Mob mentality is a curious thing. With the right Propaganda is intended to resonate with emotions
words and a great deal of passion, a single person and change opinions, but sometimes, one of this
can convince a group to do terrible things that they character's pieces resonates strongly with someone
would have never attempted on their own. Once in the audience and changes their viewpoint forever.
everyone is riled up, this character only has to point From that moment onward, the brainwashed
them in the direction of someone she has led them character dedicates their every waking moment
to believe is the source of their trouble and let their toward spreading the "truth" that changed their life.
violence run its course.
When this character achieves a Margin of Success
When this character makes a Social Skill when writing about, broadcasting about, or creating
Challenge against a group of ten or more people, art about a specific event (typically on an Art,
if she achieves a Margin of Success, she may lower Printing, or Convince Challenge, as appropriate),
the value of her Voice of the People Condition her words are so powerful that they permanently
by any amount to transform the group into an convert some of her audience to her way of thinking.
Angry Mob subordinate character under her
control for ten minutes per point of Voice of the Within one day of the art or writing’s circulation
People lowered. At the end of this duration, the or the broadcast’s airing, the character attracts one
Angry Mob comes to its senses and disperses, its subordinate character for each Margin of Success.
members often feeling somewhat ashamed about The exact identity of the subordinate character is
what they have done. The Angry Mob has Rank up to the Fatemaster, but it should be appropriate
Value +8, per its Collective Focus Ability. to the character’s audience. A character may have a
number of these subordinate characters equal to her
Stats for the Angry Mob can be found Intellect Aspect (minimum 1 character).
on page 201.
Subordinate characters attracted in this way have
a Rank Value of Enforcer (7) and are willing
to accompany the character into combat “to
protect her from those who would silence the
truth.” The Fatemaster can either create the
character herself or select a character from
the Bestiary of this book, the Core
Rules, or another Through the Breach
supplement and set that character’s
Rank Value at the appropriate level.
If this character exceeds the number of
subordinate characters she can control with
this Talent, she must choose which of her
subordinate characters return to their former
lives; these characters no longer accompany
the character on her battles, but they are willing
to go to great lengths to help her out in other
aspects, such as forging documents, stealing from
their employers, or even just handing out papers on
street corners. The character gains ++ to all Social
Skill Challenges made with brainwashed characters.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Revisionist History Conversationalist
Just because something happened one way doesn’t As this character becomes more comfortable with
mean that anyone’s going to remember it that way. her own particular version of reality, she learns how
This character approaches history with a revisionist to drop seemingly innocent comments or references
mindset, and Malifaux has responded by giving her into her conversations to lead them in whatever
final editorial approval over other aspects of her direction she wishes.
life… like whether that sword pierced her heart or
merely grazed her arm. This character’s Voice of the People Condition
now applies to all Art, Printing, and Social Skill
When this character suffers damage, she may lower duels (instead of just Art, Printing, and Convince
the value of her Voice of the People Condition Skill duels).
by any amount to reduce the damage she suffers by
2 points per point she lowered her Voice of the
People Condition. The Hype is Real
After having praise and acclaim heaped upon their
name, it's understandable how someone might
Run From the Truth start to think that their abilities match those of
The threat of public shame is a weapon that this their fictional counterparts. Most of the time, this
character can now wield as deftly as any sword. When sort of belief only leads to disappointment and an
she or her allies come under attack, a few venomous early grave.
threats about the repercussions of attacking the press
When this character is around, though, she can
is often enough to cause an attacker to reflexively
convince her allies that they are just as skilled and
step back and reconsider the situation.
talented as the stories claim. Confidence fills their
If there's any flaw to this tactic, it's that some chests and strengthens their arms, allowing the
aggressors - such as flesh-eating cows, mindless inspired heroes to claim victory and, in doing so, to
zombies, and mechanized battle constructs - simply live up to their own (often inflated) reputations.
don't care about their public reputation. With the
This character gains the following Tactical Action:
right spin and a bit of luck, however, this character
can still find an angle to exploit when dealing with (0) The Hype is Real: This character may
these media-ignorant savages. lower the value of her Voice of the People
Condition by any amount, to a minimum of 0.
After a Living, non-Beast opponent within 10
For every point she lowers her Voice of the
yards resolves an attack that targeted this character
People Condition, she may give the following
or one of her allies, this character may lower the
Condition to an Ally within earshot:
value of her Voice of the People by any amount
to force the opponent to move a number of yards “Believes the Hype +1: This character may
equal to 2 yards per point she lowered her Voice add the Art, Printing, or Convince Ranks of the
of the People Condition in whatever direction character that applied this Condition to her final
this character wishes. duel totals. At the end of this character’s turn,
the value of this Condition is lowed by exactly
If this character discards a card when she declares
1. If the value of this Condition is ever 0, this
the use of this Talent, it gains the ability affect
Condition ends."
Beasts and non-Living opponents.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 125
Guild Lawyer


Mage Killer


Witchling Handler

Soulstone Aficiona
Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Advanced Executioner
Executioners are the Guild Guard's elite melee

Pursuits specialists. Using their devastating executioner claws,

they wade into combat, leaving a trail of corpses and
brutal wounds behind them.
While the Basic Pursuits cover a variety of general
archetypes that any character can adopt without much Guild Lawyer
special training, there are certain paths that characters
can only follow if they have special training or belong Guild Lawyers draw upon their skills at litigation
to certain factions. These paths are represented by and trial practice to manipulate the laws of reality to
Advanced Pursuits. their advantage. This power comes at a steep price,
however, for in order to sign a contract with the
Advanced Pursuits are only ever available through Guild, a lawyer must also sell their soul to Lucius
events that unfold as a campaign progresses. Each Mattheson.
one has special requirements that are narrative, rather
than mechanic, and many require special initiation Mage Killer
into exclusive groups and extensive training regimes.
When there's a spellcaster relying upon their magical
Acquiring and advancing along an Advanced Pursuit
power to cause trouble, a Mage Killer is the person
is handled differently than with Basic Pursuits. In
to call. These individuals use warding glyphs to
order to advance along an Advanced Pursuit, the
protect their allies and blunt the arcane powers of
character's involvement with the Advanced Pursuit
their magical enemies.
must be the focus of the current session, rather than
the resolution of one of the characters' Destiny Steps.
Soulstone Aficionado
This means that characters who wish to join the
Death Marshals or Freikorps must spend a session Soulstone Aficionados are those characters who
working toward that goal. Each time the character have, through one means or another, managed to
wishes to progress further in her Advanced Pursuit, unlock the true potential of Soulstones. Through
she must devote an additional session entirely toward their connections, they can acquire an increasing
that goal, often having some sort of adventure related number of Soulstones and turn the powers of those
to the Advanced Pursuit. gems toward incredible uses.

Just because the character progressing along the Witchling Handler

Advanced Pursuit is the focus of the session, however,
does not mean that the other characters should be Witchling Handlers manage the burned and
left watching on the sidelines. Even if the character is damaged Witchling Stalkers. Using a combination
a stealthy Torakage tasked with the assassination of of kindness and torture, they drive these pitiful
an important politician, the other characters should creatures into combat while supporting them with a
have the opportunity to contribute and participate variety of fire-based magical effects.
meaningfully in the session.
At the end of the session, instead of advancing along her
current Basic Pursuit, the character instead advances
one step along her chosen Advanced Pursuit.
There is no limit to how many Advanced Pursuits
a character may follow at once, except by time and
common sense; the Witch Hunters are unlikely to
hire a Steamfitter, for instance!

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 127
Executioner Requirements
In order to become an Executioner, a character
In the early days of the Guild's settlement process, must first demonstrate her complete and unwavering
before the United Miners Union had formed, the loyalty to the Guild. If even a sliver of doubt about
Contract Towns of the north were rough, lawless the character's intentions exist in the mind of her
places. In an attempt to bring some measure of law superiors, she will be passed over in favor of another
to these settlements, the Guild borrowed from British candidate.
tradition and set up a series of traveling judges and
lawyers that would travel from one Contract Town to If the character is considered a suitable candidate,
the next in order to try cases. the Guild frames one of the character's friends
or loved ones for a terrible crime and tasks the
To ensure that their edicts were enforced (and that character with hunting them down and meting out
the judge was protected from violence), each group the proper punishment (which is always death). If
traveled with an Executioner bodyguard. These the character refuses or hesitates, then her superior
fanatically loyal guardsmen sacrificed their hands in officers mutter a few words of condolence before
exchange for one or more pneumatic claws. taking her out for a few drinks to drown the pain.
When the miners and prospectors unionized into If the character goes through with the execution
the United Miners Union and later the M&SU, they without hesitating, however, then she is congratulated
began to police their own members and banded on her sense of justice. Her superiors offer her the
together to drive out the region's troublemakers and opportunity to become an Executioner, and if she
bandits. Distrust for the Guild's "hanging judges" rose accepts, they march her off to the Amalgamation
to an all-time high, and more often than not, when Office to have one or more of her hands removed
a judge arrived at a Contract Town, they found no and replaced with the pneumatic claws that serve as
pending crimes waiting for them. the symbol of her new office.
Gradually, most of the judges were moved back to
Malifaux City, and the Executioners were folded into
the ranks of the Guild Guard. Most of their current At each step, an Executioner gains the Talent listed
duties involve intimidation: few people are willing to below:
cause trouble while an Executioner is near.
Step Talent
Augmented Executioners 1 Pneumatic Claw
The Apotheosis Talent of the Augmented 2 Certain Death
Pursuit (from Into the Steam) gives characters 3 Lawful Battery
the option of replacing their hand(s) with 4 Love the Job
Executioner Claws. If a character who has 5 Bloody Exhibition
done so also advances in this Advanced
Pursuit (or vice versa), she gains the best
of both worlds: the increased damage of
the Custom Executioner Claw and the
Decapitate Trigger of the Executioner Claw. “Guilty? Bwahahahahah!
If a character who already has the Decapitate
Trigger would gain the Bloody Exhibition - Beatrice Harding,
Trigger (or vice versa), she may instead add Executioner
+R to her Pneumatic Skill.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Pneumatic Claw Lawful Battery
One or both of this character’s hands (her choice) is This character also gains the following Trigger on all
replaced with a partial limb pneumatic replacement Intimidate Challenges:
(Core Rules, pg. 245) that is fitted with a specially
constructed Executioner Claw. If the character R Lawful Battery: After succeeding, make a
replaces both of her hands, she gains the Paired damage flip with your Custom Executioner Claw
Weapon (Pneumatics) Talent (Core Rules, pg. against the target, if they are within range. This
219), regardless of whether or not she meets its damage flip suffers a -.
The Executioner’s Claw has the following profile: Love the Job
When this character deals a Severe Critical Effect to
Custom Executioner Claw (Pneumatic) RANGE DAMAGE
an opponent, she heals 1/2/3 damage. If the Critical
Custom Executioner Claw y2 3/5/7 Effect killed the opponent, this healing is increased
by +2.
Special: This character cannot remove this
weapon or wield other weapons with this hand.
r Critical Strike: When damaging the target, this Bloody Exhibition
attack deals +1 damage for each R in the final
Executioners aren't just good at killing people: they're
duel total.
good at killing people in a particularly flashy manner.
This character gains the following Trigger on her
Certain Death Custom Executioner Claw attacks:
When an Executioner decides that someone has RR Bloody Exhibition: After damaging, immediately
to die, there is little that can change her mind. No kill the target unless it discards two cards.
matter what tricks the condemned might throw her
way, she always finishes the job... often with a wide
grin on her face.
When this character makes an attack with her
Custom Executioner Claw, her target cannot declare
Defense Triggers. If her target is suffering from one
or more Critical Effects, this character also adds +R
to her final duel total.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 129
Guild Lawyer Requirements
To become a Guild Lawyer, a character must first
Despite their veneer of civility, the courtrooms pass her bar exam. This exam may be attempted
of Malifaux are no less bloody or lethal than the once every six months, and each time, the character
Badlands. The Guild's lawyers wield the law like must pay a hefty ten scrip fee.
a weapon, artfully twisting and manipulating its
meaning to suit their foul purposes. The written exam is difficult, often requiring multiple
Bureaucracy Challenges to recall the correct Guild
In order to retain their position, a lawyer for law to apply in any given situation. If the character
the Guild must obtain a certain quota of guilty passes these Challenges, she is given a passing score
convictions each month. With this constant and a license to practice law in Malifaux City and its
pressure to succeed, it's no wonder that many surrounding Contract Towns.
lawyers consider the truth to be nothing more than
an inconvenience when it comes to closing their Unbeknownst to most would-be lawyers, there are a
cases. The most successful lawyers have a handful few strange questions slipped into the written exam
of guardsmen in their pocket, people who have no that don't have any sort of actual legal answer. These
problem planting evidence or bullying witnesses to questions serve more as a test of the character's
ensure that their case achieves a satisfactory verdict. ethics and morals, and if her answers reveal that she
is severely lacking in either, the character receives an
When in court or otherwise performing duties offer of employment from Lucius Mattheson.
related to their office, it is traditional for Guild
lawyers to wear a mask that obscures their face. At the meeting, Lucius presents the newly minted
In theory, this is to prevent vengeful defendants lawyer with a Guild contract. Hidden in the fine
from seeking out revenge against the lawyer that print of the contract is a clause that gives ownership
prosecuted them. While this is certainly one of the character's soul over to Mattheson. Most
benefit, most lawyers prefer wearing a mask simply lawyers are skilled enough to find this clause,
because it makes them more intimidating and but Mattheson jokingly waves it off as "an archaic
hides their expression. formality." If the character still decides to sign the
contract, then they are fully welcomed into the
While the Guild's lawyers are technically arms of the Guild's Elite Division.
independent contractors, it is something of an open
secret that most of them have at least some level Nobody who has refused to sign the contract has
of involvement with the Elite Division. What isn't ever made it out of Mattheson's office alive.
common knowledge, even among the upper ranks
of the Guild, is that these lawyers have literally Advancement
sold their souls in exchange for their position...
At each step, a Guild Lawyer gains the Talent listed
and that Lucius Mattheson has the ability to claim
those souls at any time.

Step Talent
1 Sold My Soul, Objection!
“Unfortunately, you are in
2 Cross-Examination
violation of the Lex Pecuniae,
3 Censure
Paragraph 12, Section 5, Subsection
4 Closing Argument
12-Sigma. Guard, please take this
5 Sign Your Life Away
woman's right arm into custody."
- Liya Turturro, Guild Lawyer

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Sold My Soul Objection!
This character gains + to her Willpower duels. When a court is presented with evidence or
Her corpse can never be reanimated as an Undead testimony that violates procedural law, it is common
creature, and her spirit can never be contacted, for a lawyer to raise a formal objection. The judge
controlled, summoned, or trapped in a Soulstone presiding over the case then considers the objection
after her death. and declares whether the objection is "sustained"
(i.e., the judge agrees and the evidence or testimony
If this character does not have a Magical Theory, is disallowed) or "overruled" (i.e., the judge disagrees
she gains the Court Procedure Magical Theory (even and the evidence or testimony is allowed).
if she is incapable of casting Spells or Manifested
Powers). If she already has a Magical Theory, it While it's perfectly acceptable to object to a perceived
changes to the Court Procedure. The character violation in a calm and collected manner, it's far more
also receives a special dispensation from the Guild common for Guild Lawyers to leap to their feet, slam
allowing her to lawfully use this Magical Theory. their fist on their table, and shout "OBJECTION!" at
the top of their lungs. In addition to being a fun little
As a (1) AP Action, Lucius way to liven up otherwise boring trials, this sudden
Mattheson may deal 3/5/6 and emphatic objection can surprise unprepared
damage to this character lawyers and frighten witnesses into rethinking their
regardless of range or testimony, even if the objection is overruled.
line of sight.
Eventually, Guild Lawyers start to realize that the
contract they signed with Lucius Mattheson allows
them to manipulate the laws of reality in the same way
that they manipulate the laws of the courtroom. By
objecting to actions that violate her own perception
of reality, a Guild Lawyer can effectively force reality
to "reconsider" its argument and rephrase it in a
different, often more beneficial, manner.
After another character performs an action
involving a duel, once the results of the duel are
known, this character may discard a card to shout
her objection over the results of the action. If she does
so, the acting character must immediately perform
the Action again, with all the same modifiers, just as
if the first result never happened. If a Fated character
Cheated Fate at any point during the Action, the
Cheated card is still discarded, but the Fated character
may draw a card before performing the second duel.
This character cannot object to the same action
multiple times (it’s against court procedure). The
acting character must take the results of the second
Action, no matter the outcome.
If either Action involved the Black Joker or
Red Joker, this character suffers 2 damage and
must discard her entire hand after the second
Action resolves.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 131
Cross-Examination Censure
In the courtroom, cross-examination is the part of Despite the annoyingly popular belief that the Guild's
the trial where, after the defense or prosecution has courts only hand down death sentences, some of
the opportunity to ask questions of the other side's their verdicts are far less fatal. Most often, especially
witness. when dealing with Guild personnel, the result is a
formal censure of some type. While this sounds
Cross-examination serves two purposes. The first is vaguely intimidating (and it is, in a way), a censure is
to draw favorable comments and statements out of a nothing more than a warning against some specific
witness to support one's own case. Since the opposing type of action.
side cannot undermine the credibility of their own
witnesses, a skilled lawyer can use that credibility to For the most part, censures don't hold all that much
establish "facts" that they can later build upon with power. Censured Guild employees are still expected
their own witnesses. to show up for work and still receive their pay at the
end of the week, while censured citizens are allowed
The second, most entertaining purpose of cross- to go free without any further punishment.
examination is to undermine a witness' credibility.
Each lawyer approaches this in a different way. Some For a Guild Lawyer, however, censures hold
are famous for their blistering cross-examinations far more power. By citing someone's actions as
that anger witnesses and lead to devastating outbursts distasteful and unwholesome, she can force reality to
that portray them as being prejudiced, vengeful, or impose penalties upon any sort of offensive action
untruthful. Other lawyers prefer to string their victims the condemned might take. With each attack, the
along with a series of relatively simple questions that censured person finds its increasingly difficult to take
back the witness into a corner; once they cannot move aim or lift her weapon, allowing the lawyer to handle
without stumbling over their previous statements, the things in a more "civilized" manner.
lawyer swoops in for the kill.
This character gains the following Tactical Action:
At least one famous Guild Lawyer has made an
entire career out of appearing to be a idiot and asking (1) Censure: Choose a non-Beast target within line
witnesses to explain just what they meant with their of sight that can hear this character, then make
previous statements. When the witness starts getting a Bureaucracy Challenge opposed by the target’s
frustrated and simplifies things in an attempt to get Bureaucracy Skill. On a success, the target gains
the lawyer to understand, he pounces upon any the following Condition for one day, plus one
inconsistencies in their statements and destroys their day per Margin of Success: “Censured: When
credibility while the witness stares at him in surprise. this character declares an attack (whether physical
or mental), it must discard a card. If it cannot, it
No matter what the lawyer's technique might be for suffers - on the attack.” On a failure, the target
cross-examining witnesses, it works just as well outside remains immune to further censure for 24 hours.
the courtroom as within. By stringing a person along,
the lawyer places them off-guard and then draws out
the truth for all to hear.
When this character makes a Bewitch or Intimidate
duel against a target, if she achieves a Margin of
Success, she may force the target to truthfully answer
one question to the best of their ability.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Closing Argument Sign Your Life Away
Once all of the evidence has been presented to This character can spend two hours and discard
the judge and all of the witnesses have given their a card to prepare a legally and magically binding
testimony, the prosecution and the defense each step contract between herself and a non-Beast subject.
forward to give their closing arguments. In Guild The contract must dictate a course of action for the
courts, the defense gives their closing argument first, subject, which may be as simple or complicated as
after which the prosecution takes their turn. this character wishes. Once completed, the unsigned
contract remains viable for a period of one week.
In some courts, there are strict restrictions on just
what a lawyer can say during a closing argument. If the subject signs the contract while it is viable (even
In the courtrooms of the Guild, however, anything if tricked or coerced into doing so), this character
goes. Defense attorneys will often claim that their makes a Bureaucracy Challenge opposed by the
client is innocent and accuse the prosecution of subject’s Willpower. On a failure, the contract
bribing witnesses or even of committing the crime remains legally enforceable, but the subject is under
themselves, while prosecutors tend to exaggerate no further pressure to fulfill its terms.
the nature of the defendant's crimes and bring up
any manner of additional crimes that the defendant On a success, the subject is magically compelled to
"might" have committed. fulfill the terms of the contract. This can be used to
force the target to assassinate a specific target, appear
Often, it's the strength of an attorney's closing in court, rob a bank, turn over their fortune, commit
argument that decides the outcome of a trial. This is suicide, or even fall in love with a specific person.
particularly true if a prosecutor mentions that Lucius The subject will must follow the specifics of the
Mattheson has a "personal interest" in a particular contract but may take advantage of any loopholes or
trial, which tends to be code for "there will be serious vague wording to her benefit. If the original contract
repercussions if the defendant isn't convicted." is destroyed, the compulsion comes to an abrupt end.
Outside the courtroom, a Guild Lawyer can draw While being compelled, the subject is aware of the
upon the strength of her closing argument to shock compulsion but not necessarily its source (especially
and awe those around her. These arguments are if they were tricked into signing the contract).
mentally exhausting, however, and if a lawyer
attempts to make her closing argument too soon, it If one of this character’s contracts is made public, she
could end up losing far more than just a case. could face legal ramifications if the actions dictated
in the contract describe a course of action that is
This character gains the following Tactical Action: illegal or immoral. While this could theoretically
result in this character suffering fines, rebuke, or
(2) Closing Argument: Make a Bureaucracy even disbarment from the courts, it’s far more likely
Challenge opposed by the Bureaucracy Skill of for such characters to meet sudden and inexplicable
every non-Beast enemy character within p8. Every ends as Lucius Mattheson flexes his considerable
other character who fails becomes Paralyzed control over the lawyer’s soul.
and gains the following Condition until the end of
the scene: “Lawyered: This character suffers - The courts do not tolerate foolish behavior.
to its Skill Challenges.”
If this Action was used during Dramatic Time,
this character becomes Slow until the end of the
Scene. This Action can only be taken once per

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 133
Mage Killer Requirements
In order to become a Mage Killer, a character need
In the ten years since the Breach has re-opened, only learn the warding glyphs that will protect her
hundreds of people have been killed by spellcasters from hostile magic. This can be as easy as convincing
who use their magical talents to terrorize those a friendly character to show her the glyphs and their
around them. There are those who would even proper uses or as difficult as launching an expedition
argue that a fair number of these violent and brutish to the deepest part of the Knotwoods to copy the
spellcasters are employed by the Guild; after all, glyphs inscribed upon an ancient Neverborn cairn.
the Witch Hunters tend to cause a fair amount of
collateral damage every time they square off against Beyond learning these warding glyphs, there are
their magically-imbued prey. no tests or initiations required to become a Mage
Killer, save for those the character makes for herself.
Mage Killers are those people who, for whatever Most Mage Killers have a specific reason for hating
reason, have decided to level the playing field by spellcasters and will often make it a priority to either
studying magical wards and protective glyphs. As hunt down a specific spellcaster who hurt them or
they advance, they learns how to sense magic as it is lash out at a magical organization they see as having
being cast and how to violently tear down the spells oppressed them.
of their enemies.
Whether working for the Witch Hunters or
fighting against them as a member of the Arcanists, At each step, a Mage Killer gains the Talent listed
Mage Killers specialize in neutralizing the magical below:
advantages of their opponents.
Step Talent
1 Warding Glyphs
2 Sense Magic, Magical Wards
3 Violation of Magic
4 Spell Breaker
5 Magic Seeker

“Is that all you got?"

- Aleksandra Brankoviche,
Mage Killer

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Warding Glyphs Violation of Magic
When using the Counter-Spelling Skill to protect a This character gains the following Manifested Power:
character with Magical Shielding, this character may
do so as a (0) Action, rather than a (1) Action, and
her Magical Shielding does not end if the character Violation of Magic
she is protecting moves out of line of sight. ACTING VALUE AP TN RESIST RANGE
Additionally, any character protected by this Tenacity +
1 10R Wp 10 yards
character’s Magical Shielding reduces the damage Counter-Spelling
they suffer from Spells or Manifested Powers by 1,
to a minimum of 0. This reduction is applied after Effect: The target suffers damage equal to the
any other reduction the shielded character might highest rank it possesses among the following
possess. Skills: Enchanting, Necromancy, Prestidigitation, or
Sorcery. If the caster achieves a Margin of Success
on the casting of this Manifested Power, the target
Sense Magic suffers +1 damage for each of these Skills beyond the
When a Spell or Manifested Power is cast within 30 first that the target possesses with at least one Rank.
yards of this character, she may attempt a Counter-
Spelling Challenge (TN 20 – the spell’s TN). On a If the target suffered any damage from this Manifested
success, this character learns the exact location of the Power, it gains the following Condition until the
caster and can sense any magical effects produced start of this character’s next turn: “Grounded: This
by the Spell or Manifested Power for its duration. character may not cast Spells or Manifested Powers.”

Magical Wards Spell Breaker

This character may spend one hour carving This character gains + to Counter-Spelling
permanent magical wards into an area roughly the Challenge made to end an ongoing magical effect
size of a two-story house. So long as the runes remain before its normal duration. If she is successful and
intact, at any point in the future, if this character is the magical effect’s creator is within her line of sight,
within the warded area, she may discard a card on that character becomes Slow and Dazed until the
her turn to activate the wards for a period of 24 start of this character's next turn. If she achieves a
hours. At the end of this duration, the wards fall Margin of Success, the creator also suffers damage
dormant until the next time they are activated. equal to half this character's Ranks in Counter-
Spelling, rounded up.
While the wards are active, every character in the
warded area (friend or foe) is considered to be
protected by this character’s Magical Shielding
Magic Seeker
(per the Counter-Spelling Skill). Any characters
attempting to cast Spells or Manifested Powers while When targeting an enemy character that is attuned
in the warded area suffer a - to their Skill Challenge. to a Grimoire or that possesses one or more
Manifested Powers, this character’s Spells and
If the character wishes, she may designate a specific Manifested Powers ignore line of sight, have their
Magical Theory when she creates the magical wards. range increased by +3 yards, and add one suit of her
If she does so, characters possessing that Magical choice to their final duel total.
Theory may cast Spells or Manifested Powers in the
warded area without penalty. This character must still have a rough idea of her
target’s position to target it with Spells or Manifested

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 135
Soulstone Requirements
The most difficult requirement for becoming

a Soulstone Aficionado is, not surprisingly, the
acquisition of at least two Soulstones. Whether these
gems are obtained legally, borrowed from a very
A single Soulstone has the power to transform even trusting friend, or stolen from the Guild makes no
the weakest magical dilettante into a powerful mage. difference: the 'stones don't care one way or another.
What, then, might such a person accomplish with
two Soulstones? Four? Three dozen? A hundred? Once the character has acquired the necessary
number of charged Soulstones, she can attempt to
Soulstone Aficionados are those rare few people tap into their power. This can take many forms, such
who have explored the true power of those strange as an arcane ritual performed in a place of magical
gemstones. This is a somewhat macabre field of power, a series of scientific experiments, or even
study, for every time an Aficionado wishes to witness ingestion of the fully charged gems.
the innate magical power of a Soulstone, someone
has to perish to provide that power. While some Whatever route the character chooses, once the
Aficionados work out arrangements with local process is complete, her increased knowledge of the
hospitals or sick camps to recharge their Soulstones gems allows her to claim the mantle of Soulstone
in a relatively moral manner, the vast majority of Aficionado.
those wealthy enough to acquire multiple Soulstones
prefer to take a more... expedient approach. Advancement
Once the uncomfortable problem of finding a way At each step, a Soulstone Aficionado gains the
to recharge their Soulstones has been addressed, an Talent listed below:
Aficionado can begin unlocking their true potential.
Many Aficionados liken their skill with Soulstones Step Talent
with musical talent: anyone can pick up a guitar and
1 Siphon Souls, Soulstone Supplier
play a few chords of music, but only a true master of
the instrument can move the heart and allow their 2 Soulstone Battery
music to transcend their instrument. 3 Soul Vigor
4 Drain Souls
Soulstone Aficionados see themselves as the Mozarts
5 Master of Fate
and Beethovens of the magical world. The spells they
cast with their Soulstones are as much art as they are
practical effects, and if it required the expenditure
of a soul to create that art, then there's something
beautiful about that fleeting hint of mortality, isn't
“The chains of obligation are
never as binding as when the links
Needless to say, most Soulstone Aficionados are are made of Soulstones."
high-ranking members of the Guild, simply due to
the number of Soulstones required to go down this - Natale Tessaro,
path. Most other Aficionados are either Soulstone Guild Comptroller
smugglers with a penchant for keeping the best gems
for their own use or Abyssinians with a long tradition
of using Soulstones in ways that defy common

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Siphon Souls Drain Souls
When determining the range at which a Soulstone This character gains the following Tactical Action:
can be charged or which Soulstone is eligible to gain
a charge from a dying character, every Soulstone in (1) Drain Souls: If this character is holding an
this character’s possession has its Lade increased by uncharged Soulstone, she may discard a card to
her number of completed steps in this Pursuit. make a Necromancy + Tenacity Challenge. If she
does so, every Living or Spirit character within p6
of this character must make a Centering Challenge
against a TN determined by this character’s final
Soulstone Supplier duel total. Every character that fails this Challenge
This character has an ally – perhaps a sneaky miner, suffers 2 damage that cannot be reduced, +2
a corrupt guardsman, a black market trader, or a damage per Margin of Failure. The uncharged
grateful socialite – with a great deal of access to raw Soulstone gains one charge for each character
Soulstones. When this character gains this Talent, that suffers damage in this way. Any characters
her ally grants her a raw, uncut Soulstone with a killed by this Action contribute two charges to the
Lade equal to her Charm Aspect plus her number of uncharged Soulstone as the entirety of their soul is
completed steps in this Pursuit (minimum Lade 0). drawn into the gem (and thus, their deaths do not
Each time this character completes another step in recharge any other Soulstones).
this Advanced Pursuit, she gains another Soulstone
in this way.
The character is free to do whatever she wants with Master of Fate
these Soulstones, whether that means trading them For those capable of harnessing the true power of
for favors, using them to power her constructs, or Soulstones, nothing is impossible. By tapping into
selling them for a quick profit. this awesome power, this character has learned how
to mold fate itself as if it were clay in her hands.
As a (0) Action, this character may absorb one or
Soulstone Battery more charges from a held Soulstone. For each charge
This character has learned how to store multiple she absorbs, she may draw a card from the Fate Deck,
souls in a single Soulstone. look at it, and either discard it (if it is a Joker) or add
it to her Fate Hand (if it is not a Joker). Each of these
Each Soulstone in this character’s possession can cards only count as half a card for the purposes of this
hold a number of charges equal to its Lade (minimum character’s maximum hand size, and when discarded,
1 charge). If a Soulstone leaves this character’s they are discarded to the Fate Deck
possession, it loses one charge per hour until only a discard pile. At the end of the
single charge remains. session, every card drawn from
the Fate Deck in this way is
returned to the Fate Deck.
Soul Vigor
When this character uses the Absorb Soul Action to
heal or remove a lasting Critical Effect from herself
or another character within 1 yard, the target heals
+1 damage and becomes Fast.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 137
Witchling Requirements
To become a Witchling Handler, a character must

Handler be a Guild employee in favorable standing with the

Witch Hunters. The character must have the ability
to cast at least one Spell or Manifested Power, and
When the Witch Hunters capture a spellcaster of she must use the Thalarian Doctrine Magical Theory.
significant power, they hand the spellcaster over to Characters who use another Magical Theory are
Sonnia Criid, who takes them into the Yellow Crypt either refused the chance to train and ear-marked
and burns away their thoughts, personality, and soul. for further surveillance (if the character uses a legal
What is left is little more than charred flesh and ash. Magical Theory) or captured and transformed into a
The Guild mages known as Witchling Handlers Witchling Stalker as soon as someone realizes it (if
turn those ashes into an asset. the character uses an illegal Magical Theory).
Handlers work with each Witchling, The character must then undergo two months of
coaxing together just enough of its training with the Witch Hunters, which involves
damaged mind to allow it to follow both instruction in how to properly condition newly
orders, hunt, and fight. Once the created Witchlings and combat practice alongside the
Witchling is receptive, the Handler charred creatures. Once the character has completed
binds the remnants of its personality her training, she is given her runed weapon and
with half-truths and Guild welcomed into the ranks of the Witchling Handlers.
maxims, making merciless use
of the Witchling's former Advancement
life to shape its condition.
This triple role of trainer, At each step, a Witchling Handler gains the Talent
nurturer, and torturer takes listed below:
its toll on the Handlers,
who strive to emulate Criid's
unfeeling detachment so Step Talent
as not to burn out and 1 Witchling Reserves, Runed Weapon
go mad in their own 2 Flame Resistant
turn. 3 Drain Magic
4 Retribution
5 The Consuming Flames

"Sad? That one there murdered her

parents with a shovel. One next to
her tried to invoke some ancient
water god to drown everyone in
the city. Point is, they're not pets,
they're monsters. Only difference
is, now they look like it."
- Lluis Bover, Witchling Handler

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 4: Pursuits
Witchling Reserves Flame Resistant
At the start of each session, after the Prologue, this At the end of this character’s turn, before she would
character may make a TN 8 Bureaucracy Challenge suffer damage from the Burning Condition, she
to gain a single subordinate Witchling Stalker (pg. may lower the value of her Burning Condition by 3
189), plus one subordinate Witchling Stalker per (to a minimum of 0).
Margin of Success. The maximum number of
Witchling Stalkers this character may have under
her command cannot exceed her total completed Drain Magic
ranks in this Advanced Pursuit.
This character gains the following Trigger on all
These Witchling Stalkers remain under the character’s attacks with her runed weapon:
control indefinitely (or at least, until they’re killed).
C Drain Magic: After damaging, end all magical
effects and Conditions gained from Spells or
Manifested Powers on the target, then heal 1
Runed Weapon Wound for each such effect.
This character is given a runed melee or heavy
weapon (typically a greatsword) as a symbol of her
office. In addition to functioning like a normal Retribution
weapon of its type, the runed weapon ignores the
Incorporeal ability of any character it damages. This character gains the following Defensive Trigger:

The runed weapon also provides this character with Df (R) Witchling Retribution: After
a powerful link to the Witchling Stalkers under her succeeding against an enemy character, one of
command. So long as this character has her runed this character’s subordinate characters within 12
weapon in her possession, when she uses the (1) yards of her may take a (1) Walk Action toward
Order Action to command subordinate Witchling the attacker. If the subordinate character is a
Stalkers, she may command all of her subordinate Witchling character, it may then make a (1) Close
Witchling Stalkers instead of one, and the orders Combat attack against the attacker.
may be different.
Furthermore, when any Witchling Handler (or
Stalker) holds a runed weapon, they can concentrate
The Consuming Flames
to sense the direction and distance to every Witchling As a reward for her service, Sonnia Criid takes the
Stalker under the control of the weapon's owner. character into the depths of the Yellow Crypt and
subjects her to a small fragment of the terrible magic
If this character loses her runed weapon or if it is used to create Witchling Stalkers.
stolen, the Guild will replace it, but the enchanting
process takes two days. Witchling Handlers who From this point onward, the character is always
lose their runed weapon with alarming frequency assumed to have access to the Elemental Nova,
may be docked pay, fired for gross negligence, or Elemental Projectile, Elemental Strike, and
taken down into the Yellow Crypt by Sonnia Criid in Elemental Weapon Magia and the Burning Immuto.
order to find a "more suitable use" for the character. If this character does not possess a Grimoire, she
may act as if she possesses a Grimoire with these
Magia and Immuto.
When this character adds the Burning Immuto to
a Magia, she may reduce the TN cost of doing so
by 1 (to a total modifier of +2 per application of the
Burning Immuto).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 4: Pursuits 139
Talents & Magic
This chapter is divided into two sections. The first The second section of this chapter introduces
section introduces new General Talents to bolster additional magic options for Fated and Fatemaster
those in the Core Rules. While some of these General characters alike. This includes a new Magical
Talents require membership in the Guild to obtain, Theory, fifteen new Magia, three Immuto, and
others are available to any character that meets the a whole collection of unique Grimoires that
prerequisites. Fatemasters can add to their campaigns.
Talents are the tricks, knacks, and abilities that set a For the most part, the magical options in this book
character apart from everyone else. They might be are intended to be used by characters regardless
unique fighting styles or avenues of research that the of their relationship with the Guild. They can be
character has mastered, a benefit she gains due to freely mixed and matched with any of the options
some unique physical quality, or just a weird twist of in other Through the Breach supplemental books
fate that has marked her in some way. (such as Into the Steam, Under Quarantine, and Into
the Bayou).
These General Talents can also be given to
Fatemaster characters to customize them a bit The only exceptions are the Counter-Spelling
further from their standard stats. In this way, Magia, which were created by the Guild and are
Fatemasters can keep their characters fresh and only taught to its members. Still, if the Fatemaster
exciting while keeping the Fated on their toes. wishes, those Magia might have spread beyond
the Guild's careful watch into the hands of their

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
General Aetheric Resonator
Requirement: Engineering 3 or higher.

Talents Though difficult to create, aetheric resonators are

quite useful to the aspiring artificer. These devices
Whenever you gain a step in a Pursuit that grants draw additional energy from the aether to augment
you a General Talent, you can choose from any of the magic that animates a construct or pneumatic
the Talents below. In addition, there are General limb, extending the amount of time before the
Talents in other Through the Breach books that may be enchantment must be refreshed.
appropriate for your character, but you should check When this character builds a Construct or
with your Fatemaster to make certain that you only pneumatic limb, she may spend 5 scrip to add
choose Talents from books being used in your game. an aetheric resonator to the machine. If she does
If a Talent has multiple requirements, you must so, when the Construct is targeted with a Spell or
meet each one before you can select that Talent. Manifested Power using the Animate Construct
Unless specifically stated otherwise, characters may Magia, or when the pneumatic limb is targeted
not choose the same Talent more than once. with the Animate Limb Magia, one instance of
the Increased Duration Immuto is applied to the
Magia at no increase to its TN.

Advice for Idiots

Requirement: Printing 3 or higher. Badge of Office
Despite her attempts, this character cannot always Requirement: Resilience -2 or lower, character must
be there to share her advice with others. Thanks to be a Guild employee or have the Infiltration Talent.
the modern printing press, however, those in need
can still benefit from her knowledge... provided that Whether it's luck, fate, or heavy-handed symbolism,
they pick up one of her affordably priced instruction attacks that would otherwise kill this character tend
manuals, of course! to bounce harmlessly off her Guild badge.

This character can spend an hour and 2 scrip worth Once per session after this character suffers damage
of raw materials to produce an instruction manual. from an enemy’s attack, she may discard a card to
When she produces the manual, she chooses a Skill have the attack strike her badge of office. If she does
that she possesses with one or more Ranks. so, the damage from the attack is reduced to 1, its
Triggers and other effects are negated, and it does
From that point on, any other character in not cause any Critical Effects to this character.
possession of the instruction manual may consult
it as a (1) AP Action. For the rest of the consulting This Talent cannot be used on attacks that have
character’s turn, they are considered to be assisted one or more B in their damage track (regardless
by this character when using the Skill referenced by of whether or not the attack actually generated B
the manual, just as if this character had used the damage).
Assist Action to help her.
The Infiltration Talent
Some of these Talents can be taken by
characters with the Infiltration Talent. This
Talent is granted by the Infiltrator Pursuit,
which can be found in Into the Steam (pg. 96)

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 141
Clumsy Death Marshal Apostate
Requirement: Grace -2 or lower. Requirement: Guild Training (Death Marshals),
Necromancy 2 or higher.
Most people can walk down the street without
tripping over their own feet. This character is not The Death Marshals walk a fine line between
one of those people. righteousness and corruption, and invariably, some
of them up drawing too heavily upon necromantic
This character gains the following Defensive Trigger: magic in the pursuit of their duties. While the
Df (M) Trip Over Something: If this character Guild doesn’t completely disavow such characters
fails and is not Prone, she becomes Prone (they were serving the Guild when they became
and the attack is considered to have missed this “corrupted” by their duties, after all), they are
character unless the attacker achieved a Margin certainly kept under a closer watch by the Judge.
of Success. This character is one of those unfortunate few
who have crossed that line. As she draws upon her
necromantic powers more and more frequently, her
Covering Fire appearance will become progressively more sunken
and emaciated, and it’s likely that her eyes will begin
Requirement: Chosen Skill Rank 2 or higher. to glow an unearthly green color in the dark.

While there's certainly a time and a place for precise Whenever this character successfully removes
shooting, sometimes firing a salvo of bullets to another character from reality (whether through the
frighten one's opponents works just as well. use of a Spell, Manifested Power, the Get In The
Box Trigger granted by the Death Marshal Advanced
Choose a Ranged Combat Skill. This character gains Pursuit in the Core Rules, or some other source), the
the following Tactical Action: target suffers 2 damage that may not be reduced and
(2) Covering Fire: Target an enemy within range this character heals 2 damage.
and line of sight of a ranged weapon of the chosen When this Talent is chosen, the character may
type wielded by this character and expend three change her Magical Theory to The Whisper. If she
rounds of ammunition. If you do so, the enemy does not already have a Magical Theory, she gains
subtracts this character's ranks in the weapon’s The Whisper Magical Theory.
Skill from its final duel totals until the start of this
character's next turn.

Requirement: Chosen Skill Rank 2 or higher, Art
1 or higher.
Where brains and cleverness fail, this character's
refined tastes and good manners prevail.
Choose a Social Skill. When this
character makes a Challenge involving
the chosen Skill, she may use her ranks in the Art
Skill in place of her Mental Aspect.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
Devour Magic Guild Training
Requirement: Counter-Spelling 4 or higher. Requirement: Character must be a Guild employee or
have the Infiltration Talent, Bureaucracy 2 or higher.
With a simple gesture, this character is able to siphon
magical energy away from nearby spells, significantly This character gains a + on all Social Skill Challenges
weakening their strength. involving Guild personnel and an additional bonus
depending upon the division that trained her:
Enemy characters within a3 of this character suffer
a - on Magical Skill Challenges. Amalgamation Office: If this character uses Guild
resources when building a Construct (and registers
the machine with the Amalgamation Office),
the final cost of the Construct is halved, and any
Everyman additional costs required to add custom pneumatic
weapons, aetheric resonators, or Soulstone fittings
Requirement: No Aspects higher than 1.
to the Construct are waived.
This character may not be all that strong, or all that
Death Marshals: This character ignores the Hard
fast, or even all that smart or charming, but when
to Wound Ability when attacking Undead characters.
pushed too far, she fights back with everything
she's got. Department of Public Relations: When this
character joins an Ongoing Challenge made to
When this character's current Wounds are below 0,
learn or disseminate information, this character
her attacks that deal damage deal +1 damage. If her
immediately adds a number of successes equal to
current Wounds are below -10, this bonus increases
her Charm Aspect (minimum one).
to +2 damage.
Elite Division: This character may spend ten
minutes, discard a card, and choose an Academic,
Crafting, Expertise, Social, or Training Skill she has
Fickle Fate at least one Rank in to create a cover identity. So
Requirement: Gambling 4 or higher. long as this character remains “in character” with her
cover identity, she gains a + to the chosen Skill.
Fate can be a fickle mistress, but that doesn't mean The cover identity lasts until the end of the day or
she can't be courted. While the overall benefits of until the character ceases to remain in character.
this attention can be debatable, it certainly allows
this character to push her luck in interesting ways. Guild Guard: The character gains a + on Social
Skill Challenges with non-Guild characters when in
Before this character flips a Fate Card from the uniform and acting (or pretending to act) on behalf
Fate Deck, she may declare “even” or “odd.” If the of the Guild.
value of the flipped card matches the character’s
prediction, its value is increased by +1. If not, its Neverborn Hunters: This character is immune to
value is decreased by -1. If the character flips a Joker damage caused by the Black Blood Ability.
card, its value is not modified. Witch Hunters: After this character successfully
resists a Spell or Manifested Power cast by an enemy,
she may draw a card.
This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each
time, it must be taken for a different division (which
requires the character to be trained by that division).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 143
Idiot Instinctive Grip
Requirement: Intellect -2 or lower. Requirement: Thrown Weapons 2 or higher.
All it takes is a few minutes of conversation for This character doesn't fumble over weapons that she
someone to decide that this character is a bit slow intends to throw. Her fingers just naturally seem to
on the uptake. While this might make it hard to find the best way to hold the weapon.
get invited to fancy dinner parties, people tend to
This character may treat the (1) Ready Weapon
realize that this character isn't exactly playing with a
full deck and don’t really hold it against her. Action as if it were a (0) Action when drawing a
Thrown Weapon, and she may draw two Thrown
When this character fails a Social Skill Challenge, Weapons instead of one.
she generates no Margins of Failure, and unless this
character was outright threatening, the character she
is interacting with does not take offense to anything
she might have said or realize that this character was I’ve Got Your Back
attempting to manipulate her.
Requirement: Cunning -2 or lower.
This character isn’t particularly prone to manipulation
or guile. When it comes to her friends and partners,
Implacable she assumes that they will have her back through
Requirement: Centering 2 or higher. thick and thin, and that belief (however misguided it
may be) drives her to do the same.
This character is particularly resistant to fear.
At the start of this character’s turn during Dramatic
This character may add her ranks in the Centering Time, she may nominate another friendly character
Skill to the final total of any Horror Duel she makes. within 1 yard. Until the start of this character’s
next turn, the nominated character gains
Armor +1 (without any reduction to their
Defense) whenever they are within 1 yard
of this character.

Requirement: Speed -2 or lower or the
Sloth Vice.
This character tends to do things according to
her own schedule. Whether lethargic, listless,
or just plain lazy, this character still manages to
get things done... eventually, at least.
When this character takes the Wait Action, the AP
cost is equal to the AP cost of the named Action
(instead of the AP cost of the named Action +1).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
On My Mark Permanent Enchantment
Requirement: Leadership 3 or higher. Requirement: Enchant Item Talent.
When this character uses the Wait Action, she may When this character uses the Enchant Item Talent
name the Order Action as the Action she is waiting to infuse magical energies into an item, she may
to perform. choose to make the enchantment permanent. If
she does so, the energies of the stored Spell do not
When the Wait Action resolves, her Order Action dissipate when it is discharged; the enchanted item
takes effect and one of her subordinate characters can be used over and over again without diminishing
may immediately take its turn. The subordinate the magic stored inside it.
character’s turn interrupts the named action before
any duels (if any) take place. The subordinate The character may only make a single enchantment
character may still only receive one turn per round permanent in this way, and the stored Spell counts
(unless it has Reactivate). against her maximum number of stored Spells for as
long as the enchanted item exists.
This Talent may be chosen multiple times. Each
Partial Reload time, the character may permanently enchant one
additional item.
Requirement: Speed 2 or higher.
Sometimes, it’s more efficient to just slam a few
bullets into the chamber instead of reloading the Personal Soulstone
entire weapon. Fortunately, this character is fast
enough to do just that. Requirements: Guild Training (any Division),
character must be a Guild employee or have the
When this character takes the Reload action with Infiltration Talent.
a weapon with a Capacity of 4 or greater, she may
discard a card to take the Reload action as a (0) The Guild tries very hard to keep Soulstones out
Action. If she does so, the weapon gains an amount of the hands of the general public, both out of a
of ammunition based upon the value of the discarded desire to control the Soulstone trade and a fear of
card: 1-5 gives the weapon 1 round of ammunition, what might happen if Soulstones fell into the hands
6-10 gives it 2 rounds, and 11+ gives it 3 rounds. of the wrong people (a fear that has, for the most
part, shown itself to be entirely justified by the rise of
the Arcanists and Resurrectionists). This character,
however, has impressed the Guild with her diligence
Patient and service, and it has rewarded her with a personal
Soulstone as a sign of its appreciation. These cut
Requirement: Centering 2 or higher.
gems are often set into pieces of jewelry such as
This character knows how to take her time and wait medals, necklaces, or cufflinks.
for favorable circumstances. Even if her preparation
This character gains a Soulstone of Lade 3 (Size 2
doesn't pay off, in her mind, it was simply an
and Quality 1). If she loses or sells this Soulstone, it
investment that didn't pay out, rather than a mistake.
is not replaced (and the Guild will certainly have a
When this character takes the Wait Action, if the few questions for her, if its agents find out).
named Action does not occur before the start of this
This Talent may be chosen multiple times. Each
character’s next turn, she becomes Fast at the start
time, the character gains another Soulstone.
of that turn.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 145
Prejudice Self-Preservation
Requirement: Charm -2 or lower. Requirement: Might -2 or lower.
For whatever reason, this character develops A lifetime of having to deal with bullies and enemies
grudges very easily, often making up her mind about much stronger than herself has taught this character
a person’s flaws and inadequacies from the first the value of fighting defensively. Even when fully on
moment they meet. guard, she's always keeping an eye out for cover and
making a dash for safety when the coast seems clear.
At the start of Dramatic Time, this character may
choose an enemy character and discard a card. If she When this character takes the Defensive Stance
does so, she gains + to all flips against the enemy Action, she may move up to two yards in any
character until the end of Dramatic Time. direction.
If this character attempts to use a Social Skill other
than Intimidate to influence the enemy character’s
behavior at any point (even after Dramatic Time has Side Arm
finished), she gains no benefit from this Talent and
instead suffers a - to her flip. Requirement: Speed 3 or higher.
The Guild emphasizes a "combined arms" approach
to combat: its combat personnel, including the
Quick to Act entirety of the Guild Guard, are required to carry
both a melee weapon and a firearm while on duty.
Requirement: Athletics 1 or higher. The quickest of these soldiers are capable of firing
off pistol shots while engaged with other business,
Rigorous training has turned this character’s body such as ordering troops, securing a barricade,
into a finely tuned machine. She’s in great shape, or hacking their enemies apart with an axe. This
and all of that training has considerably improved character has chosen to emulate the impressive skill
her reaction time. of these soldiers and can fire off accurate shots at a
This character adds her ranks in Athletics to the moment's notice.
final duel total of her Initiative flips. On her turn, if this character has not made a Pistol
attack that turn, she may make an attack with a
readied Pistol as a (0) AP Action. This character
may not make any further Pistol attacks
on her turn.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
Soulstone Healer Subtle Magic
Requirement: None. Requirement: Tenacity -1 or lower.
This character is particularly adept at channeling the Magic often rewards those with strong personalities
magical energy contained in a Soulstone. and iron determination. While this character is,
unfortunately, not one of those people, she is quite
When this character uses the Absorb Soul property familiar with self-doubt, cowardice, indolence, and
of a Soulstone to heal herself or another character, timidity. By tailoring her spells to exploit those
the target heals 3/4/5 damage and removes a lasting weaknesses, she can often catch her opponents
Critical Effect. off-guard by attacking their minds and bodies in
unexpected ways.
After this character successfully casts a Spell or
Steady Advance Manifested Power that uses the Tenacity Aspect,
she generates a number of additional Margins of
Requirement: Leadership 4 or higher.
Success equal to her negative Tenacity Aspect (i.e.,
In combat, momentum is everything. With a few one Margin of Success at Tenacity -1, two Margins
quick shouts, this character can reorganize her of Success at Tenacity -2, and so on).
troops into a new formation without having to
explain the greater plan to them. Like extensions
of her own body, her troops fall into place as
expected, allowing their commander to focus upon Unrelenting
more important tasks. Requirement: Tenacity 2 or higher.
At the end of this character’s turn, any of her No matter the injury or pain, this character does not
unengaged subordinate characters that did not abandon a mission… or a fight.
receive a (1) Order Action may move a number of
yards equal to half their Walk Aspect. At the start of this character’s turn during Dramatic
Time, if she is not Slow or Paralyzed, she may
choose to become Slow. If she does so, she heals
1 damage.
Study Opponent
Requirement: Scrutiny 3 or higher.
This character knows that an enemy is only as strong
as their weakest point. She's always scanning her
opponents for weakness and searching for the best
avenue of attack.
When this character declares an attack against
an opponent, she may discard a card. If she
does so, each time she makes an attack against that
opponent, she may choose whether the opponent
resists the attack with Defense or Willpower. This
bonus lasts until the end of Dramatic Time.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 147
Guild Magic
At its core, the Guild is a magical organization.
Its power comes from the Soulstones under its
control and the political influence and technological
The Guild's opinion of magic is nuanced and advances that those Soulstones have purchased.
complicated. On the one hand, the Guild sells and Even though its Special Divisions decry the use of
trades Soulstones to the people of Earth, giving "unlawful" magic by their opponents, the Guild does
them the potential for incredible magical power in not hesitate to employ those same rituals and spells
exchange for political favors and standing. Many if doing so is in their best interest.
Guild officers are talented spellcasters, especially
among the ranks of the Death Marshals and the The Death Marshals, for instance, condemn the use
Witch Hunters, and even those soldiers who can't of dark magic and the animation of the dead, but
cast spells often march into battle alongside trained its agents employ that same dark magic to imprison
mages or magically animated war machines. their enemies. More alarmingly, a growing minority
of the Death Marshals are dead men and women
On the other hand, the Guild has a zero-tolerance who continue to serve the Guild as sentient zombies.
policy for any type of magic beyond the handful of
Magical Theories that it has declared acceptable. Among the Witch Hunters, Sonnia Criid leads the
Witch Hunters break into houses in the middle battle against the Arcanists and their powerful magic,
of the night to arrest suspected spellcasters, and only to confiscate their tomes for her own use. Over
those who are convicted are either placed in control the course of her tenure as the leader of the Witch
collars that allow the Guild to use their magical Hunters, she became possessed by a Tyrant that
powers as its own or handed over to Sonnia Criid. sent her fire-based magical powers spiraling out of
The first punishment is far more desirable than control and caused more property damage in a short
the second, for Sonnia Criid has a habit of burning period of time than the Arcanists have over their
away a spellcaster's soul and transforming them into entire existence.
wretched creatures called Witchlings. The Amalgamation Office is tasked with preventing
the spread of unlawful amalgamations, but Charles
Hoffman, its leader, frequently used unknown
magic to meld his body with various machines
and for years used his innate powers to
subconsciously puppet the augmented
and heavily amalgamated corpse of
his brother into combat situations
for the Guild's benefit.
In short, the Guild's approach to
magic can be summed up in a
single word: hypocritical.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
New Magical Theory The Eternal Dance Benefits
When casting a Spell or Manifested Power, this
It is said that there are as many Magical Theories as character may also move a number of yards equal
there are stars in the sky. While that may be accurate, to her Walk Aspect for every AP spent on the Spell.
few of those Magical Theories are potent or refined This move is considered to be a Walk Action for the
enough to be anything more than an amusing curiosity purposes of disengaging strikes and other effects.
for students of the arcane. Every so often, however,
If this character does not move the full distance
a particularly powerful Magical Theory comes to the
allowed, or if she retraces her steps during this
forefront of popular culture and attracts attention...
movement, then the TN of her Spell or Manifested
This section provides a new Magical Theory for Power is increased by +2.
Through the Breach characters.

The Eternal Dance

During the Black Powder Wars, the Spanish
government fielded soldiers who had been infused with
necromantic power, ensuring that they would continue
fighting even after their deaths. Unfortunately, the
enemy soldiers who were killed by these undead
warriors rose from the grave as well. By the time the
Black Powder Wars came to an end, the Spanish
countryside was overrun with hordes of the undead.
For decades, the undead preyed upon the people of
Spain. At times, it seemed as if their numbers had
been beaten back and the scourge had been cleansed,
but then a zombie would wander into an unprepared
town and bite a few people, starting the whole process
over again. Countless exorcists flooded into Spain on
a holy crusade to destroy the undead, but their furious
zeal was unable to bring an end to the walking dead.
In the end, it was the Catalans that brought peace to
their nation. Instead of destroying the undead, they
turned to the necromantic rituals of their ancestors
and enslaved the zombies. Their style of magic was
unlike anything anyone had seen, for it was graceful
and energetic, filled with a vitality that was missing
from the more academic Magical Theories.
Decades later, the Eternal Dance is still seen as
something of an ethnic Magical Theory, for its
practitioners are almost exclusively Catalan. The
Guild's recent announcement that the Eternal Dance
is a "sanctioned" Magical Theory is starting to break
down those barriers and expose others to the traditions
of the Catalans, but it is still too early to tell just how
influential the Eternal Dance will become.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 149
New Magia
Whether its Arcanists throwing lightning bolts in
the slums or a Resurrectionist animating the dead,
magic is everywhere in Malifaux. The various
Special Divisions of the Guild fight fire with fire
(sometimes literally), and many members of its
Special Divisions (save for the Guild Guard) are
quite capable spellcasters.

This section delves into the new Magia available

to Through the Breach characters. These options
expand upon those provided in the Core Rules, giving
spellcasters new and interesting ways to solve their
problems. This section adds fifteen new Magia
to the game.

In addition to Magia for the "traditional"

Magical Skills (Enchanting, Necromancy,
Prestidigitation, and Sorcery), this section
also introduces new Magia for the Counter-
Spelling Skill.

These Magia are the creation of

Sonnia Criid, the leader of the Witch
Hunters, and as such, knowledge of
their use tends to be restricted to
Guild characters (or at the very least,
characters who learned these Magia
from Guild sources).

When a Guild character begins the game

with a Grimoire as part of her Starting
bonus, she may choose to exchange one
of the spells in that Grimoire with a
Counter-Spelling Magia.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
Enchanting Magia Restrain
Enchanting is the art of magically augmenting a target. Aspect AP TN Resist Range
Whether imbuing a sword so that it is freezing to the Cunning 1 10R Wp 1 yard
touch or healing the wounds of a friend, Enchanting
magic enhances the subject in some way. The target’s body locks up, hindering its movement.
Effect: A Living target gains the following Condition
for 1 round: “Restrained: This character's Walk and
Elemental Shroud Charge Aspects are reduced
by -2 (to a minimum of 1).
Aspect AP TN Resist Range This character suffers -
to its attack flips.”
Cunning 1 7R Wp 1 yard

The caster surrounds the target in a cloak of elemental fury.

Effect: The target is surrounded by an elemental
cloak for 1 round. For the duration of this Spell,
whenever the target is struck by a Close Combat
attack, the attacker suffers the effects of any added
Elemental Immuto after resolving the action, just as
if it had been damaged by this Spell.
If the Elemental Immuto would have no effect
upon an attacker (such as would be the case with
the Electric or Spirit Immuto), the attacker simply
suffers 1 damage.
Requirements: This Magia must include
at least one Elemental Immuto.

Enhanced Vision
Aspect AP TN Resist Range
Cunning 1 8R Wp 1 yard

The caster augments the target’s senses, allowing

it to operate without vision.
Effect: The target gains enhanced senses for
10 minutes. For the duration, the target gains
+ to her Notice Challenges, can "see" in the dark
as well as in the daylight, and becomes immune
to the Blind Condition (as her other senses allow
her to perceive her surroundings despite her
impaired vision).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 151
Necromancy Magia Open Wounds
The so-called "Dark Art" of Necromancy deals Aspect AP TN Resist Range
with the forces of life and death. It is also used to Charm 1 8c Df y1 yard
manipulate the thoughts of others.
The caster infuses the target with necromantic energy,
worsening any wounds it suffers while also preventing it
from healing.
Feign Death Effect: For the one round, a Living target cannot
Aspect AP TN Resist Range heal damage or remove lasting Critical Effects or
Tenacity 1 the Bleeding Out Condition. If the target suffers a
10c - y1 yard
Critical Effect during this time, it gains + to its flip
The caster forces the target to fall into a coma resembling on the Critical Effect chart.
Effect: This Spell may only be cast upon a willing
Living target. At any point in the next 3 rounds, even Spirit Walk
if it is not her turn, the target may choose to fall
Prone and enter into a coma that resembles death. Aspect AP TN Resist Range
Tenacity 1 8c Wp 3 yards
While in this state, she has no heartbeat, does not
need to breath, does not feel pain, and only suffers The caster forces the target into the spirit world, making
half damage from attacks, rounded down. the target insubstantial and ghostlike.
If the target was Bleeding Out or Suffocating Effect: The target shifts into the spirit world, a
when she falls into the coma, the value of that disturbing place with a jet-black sky and dark clouds
Condition does not increase while the character is in that swirl upwards in a funnel shape into the dark
this coma, but neither will it end; when the character heavens above. For 1 round, the target becomes
awakens, the Condition continues where it left off. Incorporeal, and any attacks she makes with her
(now incorporeal) weapons or limbs inflict -1 damage
Ten minutes after this Spell is cast, or when this Spell
(to a minimum of 1 damage).
is cast upon her a second time, the target awakens
from her coma and is Dazed for 3 rounds.
If the Increased Duration Immuto is added to this Incorporeal Characters
Spell, all three time-related elements of this Spell
(i.e., the length of time during which the character Incorporeal characters ignore, and are ignored
can enter the coma, the length she is in the coma, by, other characters and terrain during any
and the length of time she is Dazed after awakening) movement. They may float above the ground
are increased with each iteration of the Immuto. but cannot fly in any true sense of the world.

Reduce all damage dealt to incorporeal

characters from Ranged and Close Combat
attack actions by half, rounded up.

Repeated trips into the spirit world run the

risk of attracting attention from that realm's
denizens, such as the ravenous Gaki (Under
Quarantine, pg. 191).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
Prestidigitation Magia Temporal Convergence
Prestidigitation magic governs illusions, teleportation, Aspect AP TN Resist Range
and the manipulation of fate. Cunning 1 8m Wp 3 yards

The caster compresses a small amount of time around the

target, granting them unnatural speed.
False Visage Effect: For two rounds, the target may take two (0)
Aspect AP TN Resist Range Actions during its turn, but they cannot be the same
Cunning 2 3 yards (0) Action unless the target first discards a card.
8m Wp
The caster cloaks the target in an illusion that makes it
look like someone else.
Effect: The target takes on the appearance of a
specific Living character for 10 minutes. The target Aspect AP TN Resist Range
and the illusory character must be of the same Height Intellect 1 10m Wp 5 yards
or the illusion is so terribly stretched or compacted
that anyone seeing it automatically disbelieves it. The caster teleports a handful of small objects into the
The caster must either have seen the character to be target’s body.
mimicked at some point within the past two weeks Effect: The caster teleports one or more small
or have a picture of the character to base the illusion objects into the target’s body. The objects in question
upon. So long as a character viewing the illusion has must be able to fit in the caster’s hand; most casters
no reason to call the target’s disguise into question, just snatch up a handful of rocks and gravel while
it automatically fools all observers. casting this spell.
The illusion only changes the target’s appearance; If the target is Incorporeal, the teleported objects
she retains her own voice and odor, and any animals appear inside its spectral body and then fall
that see a familiar character who smells different from harmlessly to the ground. Otherwise, the target
what they expect are prone to growl or otherwise act suffers 1/3/5 damage, and the teleported object(s)
nervous around the target. are permanently lodged in the target’s body.
If a character has reason to disbelieve the illusion, Lodged objects can be removed via Surgery or
they can attempt a TN 10 Centering Challenge to Repair as if they were lasting Critical Effects. If the
disbelieve it. On a failure, the character believes that teleported object(s) were particularly deadly (such
what she is seeing is real. Any character that comes as a vial of poison or acid), the target may suffer
into physical contact with the target automatically additional effects at the Fatemaster’s discretion,
disbelieves the illusion. such as gaining Poison +1 or suffering +1 damage.
Any explosives teleported by this Spell are rendered
inert upon entering the target’s body.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 153
Sorcery Magia Elemental Line
Sorcery magic creates raw magical effects, allowing Aspect AP TN Resist Range
the caster to hurl magical energy at her enemies. Tenacity 1 8t Df 5 yards
More than any other type of magic, Sorcery Magia
benefit from the addition of Elemental Immuto. The caster unleashes a burst of energy in a straight line.
Effect: The caster chooses a direction when this
spell is cast. Every character in a one-yard-wide
Elemental Cage straight line between the caster and the end point of
this spell’s range must pass a TN 10 Evade Challenge
Aspect AP TN Resist Range or suffer 2 damage. The TN of this Challenge is
increased by +2 for each Margin of Success achieved
Tenacity 1 8t - 5 yards
by the caster.
The caster creates walls of energy around the target.
Requirements: This Magia must include at least
Effect: A cage of energy forms around a 1-yard one Elemental Immuto.
radius area of ground and lasts for 1 round. If
there is a character in the affected area when the
cage forms, it can attempt to leap to safety with a
successful TN 10 Evade Challenge, in which case Manifest Essence
it may push 1 yard in any direction. If the character
fails this Challenge, it is trapped in the cage. The TN
Aspect AP TN Resist Range
of this Challenge is increased by +2 for each Margin Intellect 1 10t - 3 yards
of Success achieved by the caster. The caster summons an Essence of Power to bolster the
The cage can only hold one character at a time. At magic of those around her.
the start of its turn, a character trapped in the cage Effect: When cast, an Essence of Power (see pg.
may choose to become Slow; if it does not, it suffers 192) is summoned within range. The caster may
2 damage. command the Essence of Power as a subordinate
The cage does not physically restrict movement, but character. If the Essence of Power acts on the round
any character passing through the walls of the cage it was summoned, it gains the Slow Condition.
suffers 2/3/4 damage; a character can only suffer this The Essence of Power lasts for 3 rounds before
damage once per round. If a character ends any sort disappearing.
of movement within the affected area, it becomes
trapped in the cage.
Characters with the Flight Ability can fly over the
walls of the cage without suffering damage, but they
must still choose whether to become Slow or suffer
damage if they start their turn in the cage.
Requirements: This Magia must include at least
one Elemental Immuto.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
Counter-spelling Banish
Magia Aspect
3 yards
Counter-Spelling Magia are a creation of Sonnia
Criid, the leader of the Witch Hunters. Her ability The caster banishes a summoned creature back to wherever
to create new Magia is a testament to her skills as a it came from.
spellcaster and the depths of her arcane knowledge. Effect: A target summoned creature winks out of
That she was able to do so without tapping into any ofexistence, ending the magical effect that summoned
the "traditional" four types of magic is unprecedented.
it. Any effect that triggers upon the summoned
When a Guild character begins the game with a creature's death does not resolve as a result of this
Grimoire as part of her Starting bonus, she may spell.
choose to exchange one of the spells in that Grimoire
with one of these Counter-Spelling Magia.
Nullify Magic
Adaptation Aspect AP TN Resist Range
Aspect AP TN Resist Range Tenacity 1 10r Wp 3 yards
Tenacity 1 10m - y1 yards The caster surrounds the target in an aura of magical
The caster absorbs the essence of a magical effect that “static” that interferes with the channeling of aetheric
struck her, rendering her immune to all further instances energy.
of that magical effect. Effect: The target’s ability to cast Spells and
Effect: If the caster suffered the effects of a magical Manifested Powers is dampened for 1 round. For
effect at any point since the end of her last turn, she the duration, the target loses all suits associated with
becomes immune to that magical effect for 2 rounds. its Magical Skills, and its attempts to cast Spells or
If she suffered the effects of multiple magical effects, Manifested Powers suffer --.
she must choose one when she casts this Spell.
The caster becomes immune to any Spells or
Manifested Powers that share a Magia or Elemental
Immuto with the original magical effect, as well as
any further applications of that same magical effect.
For the purposes of this spell, magical effects are
considered to be Spells, Manifested Powers, and
any unique effect that is tied to a Magical Skill.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 155
New Immuto Increased Healing (TN +2)
This Immuto may be added to a spell multiple
This section adds new Immuto that can be used times. Each time, improve the amount of damage
by Through the Breach characters. These options healed by the spell by one step on the chart.
expand upon those provided in the Core Rules,
allowing spellcasters to warp and twist their spells in If the amount healed by the spell is not listed,
interesting new ways. determine where it falls on the chart and increase it
from there as appropriate.
If the spell heals a fixed amount of damage in excess
Alteration Immuto of 1 damage or an amount based on some other
parameter (such as a spell that heals based on the
These Immuto alter the effects of a Spell by changing amount of damage it deals to the target), ignore the
the way it performs. These Immuto allow characters chart. Instead, for every two instances of this Immuto
to create unique effects by pushing the boundaries applied to the spell, increase the amount of damage
of what a Magia can accomplish into strange and it heals by +1.
interesting places.
Healing Steps
1 damage
Channeled (TN +3) 1/1/2
The caster gains + to any Magical Skill Challenge
made to cast this spell.
This Immuto may be added to a spell multiple 2/4/5
times. Each time, the character gains an additional 3/4/5
+ to any Skill Challenge made to cast this spell.

Dimensional (TN +2)

This spell may target characters that have been
removed from reality regardless of range or line of
sight. The target resists the spell normally, but any
B or P effects the spell would generate are ignored.
If the target would be removed from reality by the
spell, it is instead returned to reality within 1 yard of
the caster, in a safe space of her choosing.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
Unique The Forgotten Box
This pine box once belonged to a Death Marshal
who abandoned it when he went rogue and became

Grimoires a Resurrectionist. Physically, the box resembles a

coffin, but when opened, the interior is filled with
unsettling green fog and emerald light.
Here are some new Grimoires for any character's
magical needs. These are unique, one-of-a-kind Though the box is a powerful Grimoire, its
items that can spice up a campaign by falling into the usefulness is hampered by the fact that undead
hands of either the Fated or one of their rivals. horrors occasionally stumble out of its depths. More
than one of its former owners has stored the bulky
Bhon's Arm Grimoire in a safe place, only to find a small horde of
violent undead waiting for them when they returned.
This Grimoire is the prosthetic arm of a magewright
named Bhon. Bhon was quite skilled at enchanting, •Magia: Bury, Elemental Cage, Subsume Corpse.
but his penchant for stealing Soulstones from the •Immuto: Decay, Dimensional, Increased Healing.
Guild ended up earning him a place on the Hanging
•Special: Whenever a character attuned to this
Tree. The guardsmen who pulled his corpse
Grimoire flips the Black Joker, an uncontrolled
down from the tree sold the arm to a pawn shop.
undead creature forces its way out of this Grimoire's
Unbeknownst to the guardsmen, the prosthetic
depths. Flip a card on the following chart to
arm contained a Soulstone, and that Soulstone had
determine what sort of undead creature appears:
absorbed Bhon's soul upon his death.
Since then, a few different people have purchased Card Summoned Undead
Bhon's Arm, typically those unfortunate amputees R Zombie Swordsman (Core Rules, pg. 355)
who cannot afford a brand new prosthetic. While
t Bone Pile (pg. 199)
the arm is quite functional, Bhon still has some
limited control over the arm, and at least one of its m Dead Doxy (Core Rules, pg. 353)
owners has been found dead in their bed, strangled C Corpse Candle (pg. 182)
to death by their own steel hand. Joker Mindless Zombie Horde (pg. 183)
•Magia: Animate Construct, Elemental Strike, Restrain.
If the owner has taken measures to prevent the
•Immuto: Combined Spell, Increased Duration, Electric. Grimoire from opening (such as chaining it shut
•Special: This Grimoire is a Full Limb with an or weighing it down), the undead remain "in the
Integrated Artefacting Toolkit enhancement. In box" until a card with a value of 11+ is flipped
order to attune to this Grimoire, the character to determine what sort of undead creature is
must attach this limb to their shoulder (which summoned, at which time the undead break free
requires the character to be missing an arm). Once of their confinement and pile out of the coffin in a
attached, the limb remains animated indefinitely. vengeful group.
A character with this limb attached to their body
cannot attune to other Grimoires.
•Special: If the arm grows displeased with the
character (talking bad about it, not stealing valuable
items around it, etc.), it either stops working for
the rest of the scene or attacks the character (who
gains Suffocating +1 at the start of their turn and
must spend 1 AP and succeed at a TN 13 Athletics,
Martial Arts, or Pugilism duel to wrestle the hand
back under their control).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 157
Judgment Perdition's Maw
A faint yellow Soulstone (Lade 3) is set into the hilt This iron brazier is crafted from a single piece of
of this ornate Clockwork Pistol. Though it functions iron that has been crudely beaten into shape. It bears
perfectly well as a firearm, the true nature of this a vague resemblance to a squid or octopus, with the
weapon is revealed to the wearer after they use it tentacled arms rising upwards to form the sides of
to kill an enemy. At that time, the weapon instantly the brazier, but the craftsmanship is too primitive to
attunes to the character (potentially causing her to allow for much in the way of detail.
lose her attunement to a different Grimoire).
•Magia: Elemental Cage, Elemental Engulf,
•Magia: Elemental Weapon (Judgment only), Elemental Line, Elemental Nova, Elemental
Elemental Projectile (Judgment only, expends a Projectile, Elemental Shroud, Elemental Strike,
bullet in the chamber with each casting attempt). Elemental Weapon.
•Immuto: Focus Object (Judgment, -4 TN), Alter •Immuto: Alter Range, Increased Damage, Blast,
Range, Blast, Increased Damage, Darkness, Fire.
Electric, Fire, Ice. •Special: To learn spells from this Grimoire, a
•Special: This Grimoire can be wielded in combat as character must light a fire within the brazier and
if it were a Clockwork Pistol (Core Rules, pg. 234). then thrust an appendage into the flames.
•Special: This Grimoire only attunes to a character Every round the character keeps her hand within
after they use it to kill an enemy. This attunement the flames, she suffers 1 damage, gains Burning
occurs regardless of the character's wishes. +1, and must succeed on a Centering Challenge
(TN 8 + 1 per previous round the character has
Medusa kept her hand within the flame).
This "Grimoire" is actually an alchemically- On a success, the character gains one Flame Point.
synthesized drug that is starting to gain popularity She may then exchange 3 of her accumulated
among those wealthy enough to afford it (much to Flame Points to learn one of this Grimoire's Magia
the frustration of the Witch Hunters). An ampule of or 2 Flame Points to learn one of its Immuto. The
Medusa contains around fifteen doses and tends to character may then choose to either withdraw her
cost anywhere from ten to twenty scrip, depending limb or keep it within the flames, in which case she
upon the compound's purity. The drug is taken by repeats the Centering Challenge listed above.
placing a few drops in each eye, which paralyzes the On a failure, the character panics and withdraws
user for a span of a few hours. While paralyzed, the her limb, causing her to lose any accumulated
user experiences vivid hallucinations that attune her Flame Points and any Magia or Immuto previously
to the "Grimoire." learned from this Grimoire.
•Magia: Enhanced Vision, Teleport, Wrench. Characters who are immune to damage from the
•Immuto: Channeled, Increase Resistance, Burning Condition cannot learn anything from
Location Genus this Grimoire.

•Special: A character only remains attuned to •Special: Characters cannot attune to this Grimoire,
this Grimoire for 24 hours. At the end of this so any Magia or Immuto learned from this Grimoire
duration, the character must succeed on a Carouse immediately begin to fade at the normal rate (as
Challenge (TN 10 + 1 for each previous time they described in the Core Rules, pg. 261). Similarly,
have attempted this duel in the past week) or characters who are already attuned to a Grimoire
become addicted to Medusa. Addicted characters can learn spells from this Grimoire without losing
increase their TNs by +2 when not attuned to this their attunement to their original Grimoire.
Grimoire. After one month of not using Medusa, Each time a character attempts to learn from
an addicted character may attempt this duel again this Grimoire, any Magia or Immuto previously
to shake off her addiction. learned from this Grimoire are immediately lost.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 5: Talents & Magic
Sherborne's Mirror The Snowbound Guard
Named for the Arcanist from whose home it was There are roughly one hundred copies of this steamy
confiscated, this oval-shaped mirror is 24" long and romance novella floating around Malifaux City and
18" wide. The mirror attunes very easily to anyone its satellite towns. The novella contains the story of
who spends more than a few moments glancing into Clara Quincey, a member of the Guild Guard whose
it, which its former owner used to his benefit by patrol is ambushed by bandits. She survives the
tricking Witch Hunters into looking into its depths. attack and seeks shelter in a small Contract Town
Once they were attuned to the mirror and their just as a blizzard hits, trapping her in a town filled
devastating attack spells had been replaced with its with handsome suitors and alluring temptresses.
useful but harmless Magia, Sherborne would attack
them with his enchanted weapons. The plot plays out like a trashy romance novel, but
woven into its story are powerful Magia and Immuto
Sherborne was eventually undone by a Guild that impart themselves to the reader once the story
guardsman who simply shot him as he was fiddling is finished. The novella was originally a disguised
with the bulky mirror; its frame still bears a deep Grimoire for an Arcanist infiltrator, but it somehow
groove in its side from where one of her bullets ended up getting printed by someone who merely
grazed it. The Witch Hunters have since taken thought it to be an amusing bit of smut. The actual
possession of Sherborne's Mirror and occasionally Clara Quincey (who has since risen to the position
use it to disrupt the plans of particularly troublesome of Captain in the Guard) has devoted a significant
spellcasters. amount of time to destroying every copy of the
novella that she can find.
•Magia: Divination, False Visage.
•Immuto: Additional Suit, Focus Object (Any •Magia: Beckon, Manifest Essence, Phantasm.
Mirror, must be carried in one or more hands to •Immuto: Alter Range, Increase AP, Pulse.
apply, -1 TN), Increased Duration. •Special: The Guild Guard consider copies of this
•Special: This Grimoire attunes to anyone who so novella to be contraband.
much as glances at their reflection in it.
•Special: Characters attuned to this Grimoire $@*^!)*^%#
increase the TN of their Manifested Powers by +2. This hefty tome is filled with nonsense symbols
that have defied every attempt to decipher them,
both magical and mundane. All seven hundred and
seventy seven pages of the tome are covered with
these unfathomable symbols, from top to bottom
and from margin to binding. All it takes to attune
to the Grimoire is for a character to make a serious
attempt to translate it.
•Magia: Conjuring, Parlor Tricks, Temporal
•Immuto: Channeled, Increase AP, Pulse.
•Special: At the start of every day, a character attuned
to this Grimoire must succeed on a Centering
Challenge (TN 10 + 1 per day since the character
last failed this Challenge). On a failure, the
character gains Crazy +1 and becomes obsessed
with translating the tome and must spend at least
four hours of the day attempting to make some
headway in the translation process.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 5: Talents & Magic 159
It's said that there are more guns than people in Much of this preparation is due to the mysterious
Malifaux. While the veracity of that claim can't events that brought about the close of the first
be properly tested, it's certainly not all that far Breach. The officers of the Guild still aren't entirely
off the mark. With the dangers presented by the certain just what could have deposed the Council
Resurrectionists, Arcanists, and Neverborn, keeping and slaughtered an entire city worth of settlers, but
a pistol in one's purse or a shotgun beside one's bed they are bound and determined not to let a similar
isn't so much paranoia as it is common sense. incident play out on their watch.
Then there's the Guild. For the most part, the Guild avoids flaunting
the full might of its arsenal. Its officers will
The level to which the Guild has stockpiled weapons occasionally roll a cannon out and set it up in front
in Malifaux City far surpasses what even the most of striking miners to make a point or deploy chain
paranoid, gun-crazed mercenary would consider gun-wielding soldiers to fight back a Neverborn
excessive. In addition to a seemingly endless infestation, but even then, it tries to keep the full
number of pistols, rifles, and shotguns, the Guild extent of its capabilities a secret.
also possesses dozens of heavy canons, thousands of
grenades, and enough Gatling guns that the weapons The intent behind this policy of obscured firepower
have their own personal quartermaster simply to is simple: if nobody fully understands the Guild's
keep tabs on their ammunition stockpiles. capabilities, then the organization will have an
upper hand in unexpected confrontations with its
In a very real sense, the Guild is well and truly misinformed enemies.
prepared for war to break out in Malifaux.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 6: Equipment
Close Combat Weapons
Net (Flexible) y2 0/0/1 Tangle, Thrown 3§ 1
Mancatcher (Heavy Melee) y3 2/2/3 Brutal, Pinning 10§ 3
Shock Baton (Melee or 20§ (melee) or
y1 1/2/2 Disorienting 4
Pneumatic) 18§ (pneumatic)
Buzzsaw (Pneumatic) y1 2/4/5 Brutal, Finely Tuned, Penetrating 50§ 4
Punching Harness
y2 Varies Brutal, Intimidating, Special 30§ 3

Net Shock baton

Nets are usually a weapon of last resort: they are all The title "shock baton" properly describes two
but incapable of dealing damage to an opponent, and different and distinct weapons. The first is the non-
even trained wielders find them to be difficult and lethal weapon invented by the Abyssinian military
awkward weapons. To help with this, they are often for the purpose of safely incapacitating military
weighted at the ends, which makes them easier to prisoners. This weapon is roughly the size of a club
wield and, in the case of combat nets, more difficult and must be powered by a charged Soulstone (Size 2
for the opponent to escape their entanglement. or less), just as if this weapon were a construct with a
Soulstone mount. This version uses the Melee Skill.
Mancatcher The second is the Guild's reverse-engineered
This strange polearm consists of a pole mounted with version of the Abyssinian weapon. This weapon is
a two-pronged, spring-loaded head. After striking an powered by a back-mounted generator that channels
opponent, the jaws of the head snap shut around electricity to the club via a series of thick cables. This
them, impaling their body upon the small spikes version uses the Pneumatic Skill.
lining the mancatcher's inner edges. Fortunately,
these spikes are relatively small, often only an inch Buzzsaw
and a half in length, which ensures that they rarely
deal any sort of lethal damage. Instead, they simply This weapon is essentially a military-grade, arm-
provide the prisoner with a painful disincentive mounted buzzsaw. The blade is set into an armguard
against squirming. that rests against the wielder's wrist and ensures that
a flippant gesture will not result in the loss of fingers.
Buzzsaws were popularized by the Abyssinian Steel
Legion and are still closely associated with that unit.

Punching Harness
This pneumatic framework was first cobbled together
from the spare parts of destroyed constructs. It
fits over both of a wearer's arms and attaches to a
back-mounted generator that augments the wearer's
punches, increasing their speed and striking distance.
The harness also looks very intimidating, which ends
many fights before they begin.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 6: Equipment 161
Ranged Combat Weapons
Slowing, Special
AG Hydra (Heavy Guns) z 10 3/4b/6bb 1 4 AP 22§ 4
Ammo, Multi-Tether
Cloud, Finely Tuned,
Fumigator (Heavy Guns) z8 1/1b/1bb 8 8 AP Poisonous, Special 15§ 3
Hotchkiss Personal Brutal, Full Auto,
z 14 2/4b/5b 10 5 AP 25§ 3
Autocannon (Heavy Guns) Special Ammo
Punt Gun (Heavy Guns) z 14 4/5bb/6bbb 1 5 AP Brutal, Heavy 25§ 3
M13 Portable Chain Gun Deadly, Full Auto,
z 14 2/3/4 20 4 AP 20§ 4
(Heavy Guns) Special Ammo
Moldavian Ribauldequin
z 15 4/6b/8b 4 6 AP Intimidating, Multi- 35§ 3
(Heavy Guns)
Barrel, Special Ammo
Multi-Barrel, Rifle,
Wall Gun (Heavy Guns) z 16 3/4/5 2 3 AP 20§ 3
Special Ammo
Slowing, Special
AG Netgun (Long Arms) z 10 0/0/1 1 2 AP 15§ 3
Ammo, Tangle
Rifle Grenade (Long Grenade, Penetrating,
z 10 3/5/7b 1 1 AP 8§ 3
Arms) Proto-Rocket
Slowing, Trip,
Bola (Thrown Weapons) Varies 1/1/2 n/a n/a 2§ 2
Chakram (Thrown
Varies 1/2/2 n/a n/a Deadly, Thrown 6§ 2
Discus Grenade (Thrown Brutal, Grenade,
Varies 2/3b/5bb n/a n/a 12§ 4
Weapons) Penetrating, Thrown
Percussion Grenade Grenade, Penetrating,
Varies 2/3b/5b n/a n/a 6§ 2
(Thrown Weapons) Thrown

AG Hydra Fumigator
The AG Hydra is something of an oddity, even Known both as Fumigators and Foggers, these
for AG Works' already eccentric product catalog. weapons consist of a cylindrical backpack and a
Originally built on a dare, it consists of a Ribauldequin heavy gun that resembles a pepper shaker. The
chassis that has been modified to simultaneously backpack is filled with pressurized toxins, which
fire four tethered harpoons, rather than rockets. An are then converted into thick fogs when the weapon
automatic winch kicks in once the harpoons impact is fired. When the gun is swept back and forth, it
a target, allowing the wielder to "reel in" anything hit ensures that the toxins are spread across a wide area.
by one or more of the hooked harpoons.
The Guild primarily uses Fumigators to spray
for insects in the Gremlin's Wharf district of the
Quarantine Zone, but some rat catchers have taken
to using the weapons to deal with particularly infested
basements and houses.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 6: Equipment
Hotchkiss Personal Autocannon
Alternate Fumigator Ammo The Hotchkiss Personal Autocannon is one of the
The versatile nature of Fumigators allows newest weapons to roll off the assembly lines of
the weapon to create a thick cloud of just Earth. Developed specifically to assist the Guild
about any sort of pressurized liquid. The in their battles against the Gibbering Horde, the
weapon's base profile assumes that it is Hotchkiss Personal Autocannon (or HPA, as it has
filled with poisonous toxins. become known in the field) is a handheld autocannon
with three rotating barrels that are powered by a
If the weapon is filled with one of backpack-carried electronic motor.
the following substances, replace the
Fumigator's Poisonous special rule with the The weapon is incredibly heavy - the gun itself weights
listed effect: thirty pounds, and the backpack and ammunition
add another twenty - but what it lacks in ease of use
Black Blood: Any character without Black it makes up for in damage potential. The HPA fires
Blood that is damaged by this weapon explosive rounds at a high rate of fire, allowing its
suffers 1 damage and is at risk of contracting wielder to lay waste to anything in front of them.
Blood Sickness (Under Quarantine, pg. 152).
It takes roughly 3 damage worth of bleeding
(or one increment of the Bleeding Out
Condition) for a creature with Black Blood
to supply one round of ammunition for
this weapon.
Excrement: Any character damaged by
this weapon gains the following Condition
until it washes off: "Covered in Slop: This
character suffers a - to all Social Skill
duels and cannot declare Triggers. Pigs
target this character with attacks gain + to
the attack flip."
Liquefied Plague Victim: Any character
damaged by this weapon gains Blighted +2
(Under Quarantine, pg. 149). Each point of
Height possessed by the victim supplies
two rounds of ammunition for this weapon.
Oil: Any character damaged by this weapon
gains the following Condition for 5 minutes:
"Flammable: If this character gains the
Burning Condition, she gains an additional
Burning +2, then ends this Condition."
Water: This weapon deals no damage but
still creates soft cover, per its Cloud special
rule. Any character that would have been
damaged by this weapon immediately ends
its Burning Condition.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 6: Equipment 163
M13 Portable Chain Gun Wall Gun
The M13 Portable Chain Gun is an eight-barreled Wall Guns are large caliber muskets that were
rotary gun that is capable of laying down a withering used in the 16th through 18th centuries. Too
amount of fire in an incredibly short amount of heavy to be fired like a normal weapon, they had
time. There are two major versions of this weapon, to be braced against window ledges or low walls,
one of them powered by an electric battery and the which is how they earned their name. During the
other by a pneumatic boiler, both of which are large Black Powder Wars, most existing Wall Guns
enough that they must be carried on the wielder's were cut down and turned into blunderbusses,
back. These weapons were specially commissioned but the original design flourished in India, and
by the Guild in the wake of the Battle of London, many Guild officers involved in India's occupation
and as a result, most of them are still in Guild hands.brought these weapons home as trophies. Now
that the Guild's control of India has started to slip,
Moldavian Ribauldequin these archaic weapons are starting to surface in the
hands of Indian rebels, which has not increased
The Moldavian Ribauldequin is a volley weapon their popularity among the Guild's employees.
consisting of a large, rectangular, box-shaped chassis
that is braced against the wielder's shoulder when AG Netgun
fired. Each time the trigger is pulled, the weapon
fires a high-yield rocket in the general direction Although rare, the AG Netgun is seen as one of
the weapon is facing. Because the rockets are self- the more ingenious firearms that money can buy.
propelled, they are prone to pinwheeling off target Valued primarily as a way to restrain a target at
with alarming frequency, though this deficiency can range without killing them, the netgun is a favorite
be somewhat mitigated through careful aiming. among bounty hunters who wish to retrieve their
quarry alive. In recent years, it has seen an increase
Nevertheless, the use of a Moldavian Ribauldequin
in use among the Guild Guard, as it makes for an
is tantamount to an open admission that the wielder
effective way to detain suspected criminals without
does not care about collateral damage.
any permanent harm.

Punt Gun
A Punt Gun is, effectively, an extremely large Crafting Grenades
shotgun. These weapons were traditionally used
The Percussion Grenade, Rifle Grenade,
in the commercial harvesting of waterfowl. The
and Discus Grenade can all be crafted using
massive, eight-foot-long guns were mounted directly
the Explosives Skill, provided that the crafter
onto a boat's frame, allowing a hunter to quietly row
meets the appropriate Skill Requirement.
into range of a group of resting birds. A hunter who
lined up their shot right could often kill over fifty
birds with a single shot.
In Malifaux, Punt Guns most often see use in the
hands of the Ortega family and various bandit
groups, both of whom have taken to mounting the
oversized weapons atop carriages and wagons.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 6: Equipment
Rifle Grenade Chakram
During the Battle of London, the British military These exotic weapons are circular in shape,
forces realized just how woefully unprepared roughly one inch wide and a foot in diameter, with
they were to deal with the titanic creatures that a sharpened outer edge. They're usually thrown
accompanied the Gibbering Hordes into battle. vertically to avoid harming one's allies, but skilled
practitioners can throw them horizontally without
While their elite forces could be equipped with much difficulty. These weapons are popular among
grenade launchers that stood a chance of damaging Guild members who spent time in occupied India,
such colossal creatures, those weapons were too where they witnessed the brutal effectiveness of
expensive and scarce to be a viable option for the these weapons first hand.
common soldier. The army needed a solution that
would provide heavy ordnance to ground troops
without depleting their entire war chest.
Discus Grenade
Also known as "oyster shell" grenades, these explosive
It was this need that led the King's Empire to
weapons are circular in shape, thin on the edges and
create the rifle grenade. These explosive devices
thick in the center. The edges of the disc are lined
are mounted at the end of a simple rod, which is
with multiple impact fuses, and when thrown like
then inserted into the barrel of a rifle and launched
a discus, any sort of impact causes the grenade to
using a blank cartridge. Repeated use of these
immediately detonate. This very specific throwing
weapons can cause damage to a rifle's barrel, but
method can make it awkward for an untrained
even when factoring in the price of a new rifle and
wielder to hit with these weapons, but in the hands
a dozen rocket grenades, the cost often still comes
of a skilled thrower, a discus grenade can be an
in less than the price of a grenade launcher and an
alarmingly accurate explosive.
equivalent amount of ammunition. It did not take
long for the Guild to begin manufacturing their
own version of the rifle grenade, and the versatility Percussion Grenade
it offers to soldiers in the field has proven to be Percussion grenades are a somewhat maligned
quite useful to Guild troops stationed in Malifaux. product of the Black Powder Wars. A percussion
grenade has the appearance of a dart, with cardboard
Bolas fins that are intended to stabilize its flight and ensure
that the weapon lands on the percussion cap in its
Bolas are throwing weapons consisting of two or
nose. This design made early percussion grenades
three round weights connected by durable cords. To
unreliable, as they had to directly hit their target
use bolas, the wielder holds the weapon by either one
to detonate, but modern advances have improved
of the weights or the nexus of the cords and swings
upon the design with clockwork stabilizers that shift
them in a circular pattern, building momentum.
the grenade's center of gravity towards the tip the
Bolas are typically aimed at a target's legs, as the
longer it remains in flight. A few of these grenades
momentum of the weapon is sufficient to not just
can still be found in the arsenals of the Guild, but
entangle the target's legs but often to knock their legs
with the advent of rifle and discus grenades, they
right out from underneath them. While primarily a
have largely been relegated to the dusty shelves of
hunting weapon, bolas still see use among bounty
surplus caches.
hunters and law enforcement personnel.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 6: Equipment 165
20 Bullets/Shells Bullet 3§ 1
20 Bullets (Chain Belt) Bullet, Special (M13 Portable Chain Gun) 5§ 1
20 Cavity Bullets (Chain Belt) Bullet, Cavity, Special (M13 Portable Chain Gun) 39§ 3
20 Torch Bullets (Chain Belt) Bullet, Torch, Special (M13 Portable Chain Gun) 22§ 2
20 Wailer Bullets (Chain Belt) Bullet, Wailer, Special (M13 Portable Chain Gun) 10§ 2
20 High-Caliber Rounds Special (Wall Gun) 8§ 2
10 Explosive Rounds Special (Autocannon) 10§ 3
4 Harpoons (reusable) Special (AG Hydra) 24§ 2
1 Net (reusable) Special (AG Netgun) 3§ 1
1 Poison Tank (8 shots) Special (Fumigator) 10§ 3
4 Rockets Special (Moldavian Ribauldequin) 20§ 3

Cavity Bullets Wailer Bullets

These rounds are designed to expand on impact and Wailer rounds are designed to make a weapon less
are extremely effective against unnatural targets such lethal. Most consist of either rock-salt shells or resin-
as the undead. These rounds tend to be expensive, so wax bullets and are designed to incapacitate rather
anyone seeking to requisition an entire belt of Cavity than kill the target. Loading Wailer rounds into a
bullets should be prepared to go toe-to-toe with some chain gun is an exercise in contradictions, but that
very annoyed Guild accountants. doesn't mean that it's not possible.

Torch Bullets Poison Tank

Torch shells are specially designed to light the walking While Fumigators are typically loaded with
dead on fire. When loaded into the chain gun, they insectotoxins, loading them with a different kind
ramp the level of collateral damage up to the point of poison in no way impacts their performance. A
where the Guild requires the signatures of no less character with 3 or more ranks in Alchemistry can
than three different quartermasters on the requisition create a tank of Poison ammunition with 2 scrip of
paperwork. raw materials and access to an Alchemistry toolkit.

Ammo Special Rules

• Bullet: This ammo can only be used with a firearm.
• Cavity: This weapon gains + to its Damage Flips against targets without an Armor value.
Armor may be used to reduce the damage from this weapon to 0.
• Special (Weapon): This ammunition can only be used with the indicated type of weapon.
• Stunning: When this weapon deals Severe damage, the target suffers a Weak Critical Effect
in addition to any other Critical Effects it would suffer.
• Torch: Characters who suffer Severe damage from this weapon also gain the Burning +1 Condition.
• Wailers: This ammunition imposes a -- on Damage Flips, but the attack gains Stunning.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 6: Equipment
Weapon Special Rules
• Brutal: This weapon gains + to its Damage Flip.
•Cloud: This weapon ignores cover. The target has Soft Cover until the end of the next round.
•Deadly: This weapon automatically gains +R to the attack flip.
•Disorienting: Anyone damaged by this weapon becomes Dazed until the end of its next turn.
On Severe damage, the target must also attempt a Unconsciousness Challenge (TN 8 + the
amount by which the attack exceeded the target's Defense).
•Finely Tuned: This weapon cannot be modified.
•Full Auto: Characters using this weapon have access to the following Trigger:
R Stutter Fire: After damaging, immediately make another attack with this weapon against a
different target. This extra attack may not declare Triggers.
• Grenade: This weapon cannot be modified and is destroyed after it is used. If this weapon
misses the target but does not generate a Margin of Failure, the attack hits the target but
suffers -- to its damage flip.
•Heavy: Attacking with this weapon is a 2 AP Action. If this weapon is a gun, it must be braced
to a weapon mount in order to fire.
•Inaccurate: This weapon gains - to its attack flips.
•Intimidating: This weapon’s reputation adds + to Intimidate Challenges involving it.
•Multi-Barrel: This weapon may fire its entire Capacity as one action to gain + to its Damage
Flip and deal +1 damage for every 2 bullets fired (rounded down).
•Multi-Tether: Characters using this weapon have access to the following Trigger:
R Multi-Tether: If this weapon is braced, after damaging, push every character damaged by
this weapon towards you a number of yards equal to your Might Aspect (minimum 1 yard).
•Penetrating: This weapon ignores Armor.
•Pinning: Whenever this weapon deals Severe damage, the target is Paralyzed until the start
of this character's next turn or until this character takes an Action other than Pass, whichever
comes first.
•Poisonous: Anyone damaged by this weapon also gains Poison +2.
•Precise Characters using this weapon have access to the following Trigger:
R Critical Strike: When damaging the target, this attack deals +1 damage for each R in the
final duel total.
•Proto-Rocket: The wielder must use a rifle of any type to fire this weapon. If an attack misses
with a Margin of Failure, the rifle has its range permanently reduced by -1 yard.
•Rifle: The range of this weapon is increased by +10 for each + it gains from the Focused Condition.
•Slowing: The target gains the Slow Condition in addition to any normal damage.
•Special Ammo: This weapon requires a specific type of ammo in order to function.
•Tangle: Characters hit by this weapon gain the following Condition: "Wrapped Up: This
character has -2 Wk and -2 Cg and generates 1 less AP at the start of her turn. Any character
within 1 yard of this character (including this character) may end this Condition as a 2 AP Action."
•Trip: If this weapon hits with a Margin of Success, the target falls Prone.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 6: Equipment 167
The Fated will encounter many people and Depending on the situation, Fatemasters more
creatures during their time in Malifaux. Some are familiar with Through the Breach may want to adjust
merely denizens of Malifaux or employees of the some of these characters' Rank Values ahead of
Guild, while others are stranger still, such as the time to create more or less of a challenge for their
twisted monsters known as the Neverborn or the players. Generally speaking, increasing a character's
hideous walking undead enslaved to the will of the Rank Value by two points is enough to transform
Resurrectionists. it into an "elite" version of its normal form, but be
careful when increasing any character's Rank Value
The stat blocks contained in this chapter should higher than Henchman rank.
provide Fatemasters with an assortment of characters
from every walk of life and faction to be found within Alternatively, a Fatemaster could cherry-pick a
Malifaux City and beyond its crumbling walls. Pursuit Talent or two and add them to one of the
characters presented here, possibly in addition to
In addition to the stat blocks provided in this another rank or two of Toughness. Fated who are
chapter, bestiaries can be found in any of the expecting a typical character of that type would be
various Through the Breach supplements, such surprised to find one that possesses more advanced
as Into the Steam, Under Quarantine, and Into the capabilities!
Bayou. These books tend to focus on some of
the less common creatures and people that the In any case, remember that this is your game! You
Fated might encounter on their adventures, from should feel free to adapt and add to these characters
Minions all the way up to Henchmen. and creatures as you see fit.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
From the Diary of Emeline Bellerose:
Imprisonment, I have learned, does not suit me.
After a great deal of waiting, looking annoyed, and
not going on the murderous rampage that the Ortega
family seemed to be expecting, my jailors finally
seemed to accept that I was just as civilized as they
were. More so, I would argue, if doing so would not
have exacerbated my already-tenuous situation.
When the Ortegas found me in the Bayou, I was
initially quite relieved. The appearance of a small
group of unusual undead had left me stranded in a
tree, pondering whether or not they would accept the
presence of another of the walking dead among their
ranks. My deliberations were rendered moot by the
sudden appearance of two gunfighters who defeated
the undead with incredible speed and efficiency.
Hoping that the moonlight would obscure my pale
features (I simply did not have enough light to touch The idiot's companion
up my makeup), I called out to them and played the immediately realized what was
part of the stranded explorer, which, truthfully, was happening. In the blink of an eye, he had struck the
not entirely inaccurate. other in the back of the head with his pistol, knocked
him unconscious, and turned his weapon upon me.
When I realized that the two men were Ortegas and I threw up my hands and revealed myself as an agent
that they intended to bring me back to Latigo, I knew of the Elite Division, which, when combined with a
that I had to escape. The Neverborn Hunters I have slight push from my magic, ensured that he did not
met all tended to be a bit too quick with their pistols put a bullet into my head right then and there.
and a bit too slow with their minds, neither of which
are favorable qualities for a woman with my condition. After the other one became conscious, the two of
them escorted me - guns at my back - to Latigo and
Ultimately, my plan failed. The first of the two Ortegas threw me into a cellar. They gagged me under the
was easily ensnared by my magic, but when he tried mistaken belief that doing so would prevent me from
to talk the other into handing his guns over to me, influencing them, and I played the perfect prisoner,
it was all I could do to avoid sighing in frustration. I sitting daintily in the dim light of the cellar.
had hoped that he would suggest that we were close
enough to Latigo that I could make it the rest of the The Ortegas confiscated my things (including my
way on my own, or perhaps that they should leave journal and makeup, as if either were a threat to them),
me in a safe place while they scouted for more of the but their impromptu prison was poorly conceived. At
undead abominations that almost claimed my fragile some point, one of the Neverborn Hunters must have
and delicate life. been interrupted while they were counting inventory
for I found a small notebook and a pencil tucked away
Instead, the idiot turned to his companion and next to the barrel that is currently serving as my chair.
suggested that they should both give me their guns.
Quel boulet! It is a poor substitute for my beleaguered journal,
but the days pass slowly in this cramped cellar, and
Perhaps that is why the Ortegas make such excellent writing has always helped me pass the time. You have a
hunters of the Neverborn; they are simply too stupid distinguished legacy to live up to, little notebook.
to be influenced by the more subtle magics.
- E.B.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 169
Pistolero One of the Neverborn Hunters brought me food
Minion (6), Living this morning! It was just a plate of gruel, and very
unappetizing gruel at that, but I suppose it is the
thought that counts. Or rather, it would have
Might Grace Speed Resilience
1 2 2 -1 counted, had it not been such an obvious trap.
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity The Ortegas, I assume, wished to tempt me into
-1 -1 -1 2 using my powers to force the man to help me
escape, which would give them the excuse they
Defense Walk Height Initiative needed to end my (un)life. To their dismay, I was a
4 (10) 5 2 4 (10) model prisoner. When he removed the gag so that
Willpower Charge Wounds I could eat - a laughable excuse, given my undead
5 (11) 6 6 nature - I simply thanked him for the courtesy and
pantomimed sipping at the gruel.
Skills: Athletics 2, Carouse 2, Centering 3, Homesteading He lingered suspiciously, as if waiting for me to
1, Husbandry 2, Intimidate 2, Martial Arts 2, Notice 2, spring my clever trap, but instead I merely thanked
Pistol 3, Scrutiny 1, Stealth 1, Toughness 2.
him again and complimented his family's cellar. As
Gunfighter: This character may use Pistol weapons as if
it turns out, this man was not one of the Ortegas!
their Range were y2 (in addition to their normal range). Instead, he is what they call a Pistolero, a
Quick Draw: This character may treat the (1) Ready combination of gunfighter and farmhand that
Weapon Action as if it were a (0) Action when drawing assists the Ortega family in the execution of their
a Pistol, and it may draw two Pistols instead of one. duties. He claimed to be quite the experienced
Take the Hit: This character may discard a card after an combatant and even showed off a few scars that he
attack hits a friendly character within 2 yards of him. If had gained while protecting the Ortegas. All in all,
it does, this character moves to a position between the it was an agreeable conversation, and when he left,
friendly character and the attacker, and this character
I heard him speaking in Spanish to those waiting
suffers the effects of the attack, which suffers a - to
its damage flip, instead of the friendly character. beyond the cellar's entrance.  - E.B.
Opponents engaged with this character when it moves
may not attempt Disengaging Strikes to stop this

(1) Sand in the Eyes (Martial Arts)

AV: 4 (10) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target gains the Blind Condition until the start of
this character's next turn, plus one turn per Margin of
Success on this attack.
R And Gun to the Head: After damaging, make a Pistol
attack against the target with + to the damage flip.
(1) Modified Collier (Pistol)
AV: 5 (11) ====== Rg: y2 or z12 ==== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. This weapon gains + to its
damage flip. Capacity 6, Reload 2.
R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
(0) Shrug Off
This character may discard a card to remove one
Condition on itself.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
Minion (6), Construct

Might Grace Speed Resilience

3 3 1 1
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-5 -5 -5 -5

Defense Walk Height Initiative

3 (9) 5 2 2 (8)
Willpower Charge Wounds
4 (10) 5 7

Skills: Centering 2, Evade 2, Notice 1, Pneumatic 3R,

Toughness 2.

Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character

by +1, to a minimum of 1.
Df (t) Grinding Halt: This character immediately gains
an additional Armor +2 for the duration of this Action.
Ruthless: This character automatically succeeds at any
Willpower duel it attempts during its turn.

Freedom! Or at the very least, freedom from that (1) Mechanical Fist (Pneumatic)
dingy cellar. I barely had time to tuck my notebook AV: 6R (12R) ======= Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
into my dress when the Pistolero from before Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
stormed down into the cellar and informed me that R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
I was being transferred back to the city.
M Send Flying: After damaging, push the target a number
More specifically, back to the Elite Division. of yards in any direction equal to the damage it
suffered from this attack, then it becomes Prone.
Evidently, Mattheson has an interest in "retrieving"
c Restrain: After damaging, the target becomes
me. I might have almost thought this to be a Paralyzed until it leaves this character's engagement
sign of generosity, had it not been for the magic- range. Only one character can be restrained at a
dampening Control Collar that the Ortegas forced time; if this Trigger is declared against another
around my neck, per Mattheson's orders. character, the first character ceases to be Paralyzed.

As if that were not enough, he sent a Warden to (1) Restraint Claw (Pneumatic/Grace)
AV: 6R (12R) ======= Rg: z10 ======== Resist: Df
"escort" me back to Malifaux City. I had not seen
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage. This weapon can only be
one of these machines up close prior to having fired once per turn.
been handed over to its care, as they typically only R Pull and Drag: After damaging, push the target
see use in the Gaol and Sanitarium. towards you a number of yards equal to your Might
Aspect (3 yards).
This one seemed to be a newer model, for it sported
four pneumatic restraining claws instead of two, each
one mounted at the end of a telescoping steel arm.
I had no doubt that any escape I attempted would
end with a steel claw closing around my waist and
yanking me back to the unwavering machine's side. 
- E.B.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 171
Saboteur My journey back into the vengeful hands of Lucius
Minion (5), Living Mattheson seems to have taken an unexpected
(but not unwelcomed) turn. I had just settled
into my seat on the train and finished sketching
Might Grace Speed Resilience
1 1 2 0 my steel chaperone when a thundering explosion
rocked the train! I glanced out the window toward
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity the front of the train and saw the engineer stumble
-1 3 2 1
out of the engine, which was engulfed in flames
Defense Walk Height Initiative and spewing thick black smoke into the sky.
4 (9) 5 2 4 (9) Had it not been for my training, I might have failed
Willpower Charge Wounds to notice the figure crouched down in the shadow
4 (9) 6 5 of the station, hurriedly gathering up a detonation
plunger and trying to shove it beneath her coat.
Her face was obscured behind a gas mask, but she
Skills: Alchemistry 2, Centering 2, Explosives 4, Forgery 1,
Lockpicking 2, Melee 3, Notice 2, Stealth 3, Toughness must have sensed my haze, for she looked up and
1, Thrown Weapons 2. froze when she caught sight of me watching her
from behind my window.
Disguised: This character may not be the target of the
Charge Action.
I debated calling out to warn someone, but the
heavy Control Collar around my neck and the
Gas Mask: This character has Protected (t) and ignores
intimidating Warden standing next to me (it
all gas-based effects and damage.
was growing increasingly more agitated with my
Hidden Explosives +2: At the start of the scene, the continued interest in the window) were persistent
Fatemaster chooses +2 locations where this character
has hidden explosives. This location must be at least
reminders of just how much trust the Guild had
2 yards from any other character, and there must be put in one of its former members.
somewhere for the explosives to be hidden (such as
beneath a piece of furniture or in a hollowed-out brick).
I raised my hand, smiled sweetly, and waved my
Finding a hidden explosive takes a TN 12 Notice fingers at the mysterious saboteur. Your secret is
Challenge. safe with me, noble terrorist! - E.B.

(1) Poisoned Knife (Melee)

AV: 4 (9) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage and gains Poison +1.
(1) Flaming Bottle (Melee)
AV: 4 (9) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/1bb/1bbb damage. Every character
damaged by this attack gains Burning +1.
(1) Detonate Hidden Explosives (Explosives)
This character detonates one or more of their hidden
explosives. Every character within p3 of one or more
detonating explosives suffers 4/6/8 damage ignoring
armor, or half that if they pass a TN 12 Evade Challenge.
If there are any explosives within p3 of one or more of
the detonating explosives, they detonate as well.
(0) Hide the Bomb (Explosives)
This character may discard a Twist Card to place a
hidden explosive anywhere within 1 yard.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
The train has been well and truly damaged by the Mounted Guardsman
explosion. There are already rumors about who Minion (6), Living, Guardsman, Horseman
might be responsible, with the primary culprit
being the Arcanists. I suspect that the rumors are,
Might Grace Speed Resilience
for once, somewhat accurate. 1 2 0 1
Unfortunately, the train's destruction has no Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
hampered my transfer plans. The guardsmen at -1 -1 -1 3
the station debated just how to handle me and my
companion; evidently the orders for my transfer Defense Walk Height Initiative
stressed that delays would not be tolerated, no 4 (10) 6 2 2 (8)
matter the reasoning. Willpower Charge Wounds
5 (11) 10 7
After a bit of debate and a few quick games of
"stones, scissors, paper," two of the guardsmen
swore under their breath and fetched horses for Skills: Athletics 2, Bureaucracy 1, Evade 3, Intimidate 2,
Leadership 2, Melee 3, Notice 2, Pistol 3M, Toughness 2,
themselves. Their losses meant that they had the
Track 2, Wilderness 1.
unfortunate pleasure of escorting me north to
Malifaux City. Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character
by +1, to a minimum of 1.
The horses did not appreciate marching alongside
a walking corpse, however charming she might have Frenzied Charge: This character gains + to any attacks it
been, and constantly fought with the unfortunate generates due to the Charge action.
guardsmen for the entirety of our first day's travel. Mounted Horseman: This character has enhanced Walk
Though not inclined towards conversation, the and Charge Aspects. If this character would become
guardsmen at least seemed capable of keeping Paralyzed, it becomes Slow instead. It ignores
their unruly horses under control.  - E.B. penalties for terrain while taking Movement Actions.

(1) Cavalry Saber (Melee)

AV: 4 (10) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
m Rear Up: After resolving, the target must pass a TN
10 Centering Challenge or fall Prone.
(1) Peacebringer (Pistol)
AV: 5m (11m) ====== Rg: z10 ==== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. This weapon grants its
wielder + to Intimidate duels. Capacity 6, Reload 1.
m Arrest: After succeeding, the target gains the
following Condition until the end of its next turn:
"Arrest: This character must discard a card to
perform a movement action."
R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
(0) "Mount Up! Rank and File!" (Leadership)
This character may discard a card. If it does so, until the
start of its next turn, every friendly character within p10
gains + to its Df while it is within 1 yard of another
friendly character.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 173
Pathfinder The guardsmen declared that we would follow the
Enforcer (8), Living rail line northward to ensure that we did not stray
off course, and that has been our course for the
past two days. The horses have not yet warmed up
Might Grace Speed Resilience
2 0 2 1 to my presence, which has led to both guardsmen
staying an appreciable distance from me and my
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity mechanical warden. At night, they sleep in shifts,
-2 2 3 2
always keeping a wary eye turned in my direction.
Defense Walk Height Initiative Were I not the subject of their vigilance, I
6 (14) 5 2 5 (13) might almost think to commend their training.
Willpower Charge Wounds Fortunately, they have not raised any objections
4 (12) 6 7 over my use of this notebook, once they glanced
over it and confirmed that it was just a journal and
a few drawings.
Skills: Barter 2, Evade 4, Homesteading 1, Intimidate 1,
Long Arms 3m, Melee 2, Notice 3, Scrutiny 1, Stealth 3, Earlier today, we encountered a fellow traveler for
Stitching 1, Toughness 2, Track 3, Wilderness 4.
the first time since leaving Latigo. She was one of the
trappers that live beyond the city walls, clawing out a
Booby Traps: This character is accompanied by a number
of Clockwork Traps (pg. 175) equal to half its Rank meager existence through the sale of meat and furs.
Value, rounded down. If any of these Clockwork Traps
I had expected for us to pass her by without
have cover, they are considered to be hidden from sight
until they take an action other than Pass. comment, but instead, one of the guardsmen rode
towards her and exchanged a few quick words out
From the Shadows: When called upon to make an of earshot. After a few minutes of conversation, the
Initiative flip, if no enemy is aware that this character
guardsman drew his pistol and forced the trapper to
is an unfriendly combatant (either because they believe
this character is an ally or are simply unaware of its hand over a pair of dead rabbits that were hanging
presence), this character may immediately take one from her belt.
additional turn after the Initiative flip (but before
characters begin resolving their turns in order) for each The guardsmen ate well this evening and laughed
instance of this Talent that the character possesses. about their "catch," but I saw the look the trapper gave
If multiple characters have this talent, resolve each in us after the guardsmen turned their backs. Tant va
Initiative order. la cruche à l'eau qu'enfin elle se brise, my friends.  - E.B.
Unimpeded: This character ignores penalties for severe
terrain while taking Movement Actions.

(1) Hunting Knife (Melee)

AV: 4 (12) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
(1) Frontiersman Musket (Long Arms)
AV: 5m (13m) ====== Rg: z12 ==== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/4b/5b damage. Capacity 1, Reload 2.
m Forceful Push: After succeeding, the target is pushed
up to 3 yards in any direction and is then knocked
(0) Activate Traps
This character may discard a card to target a friendly
Clockwork Trap within 10 yards. That Clockwork Trap
and every friendly Clockwork Trap within p2 of it may
immediately take a (1) Action.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
Clockwork Trap
Minion (5), Construct

Might Grace Speed Resilience

0 1 1 0
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-5 -5 -5 -5

Defense Walk Height Initiative

2 (7) 4 1 1 (6)
Willpower Charge Wounds
2 (7) 4 4

Skills: Athletics 1, Pneumatic 3, Stealth 2.

Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character by

+1, to a minimum of 1.
Pounce: When an enemy character ends a push or move
within this character's engagement range that is not part of
a Walk or Charge action, this character may immediately
take a 1 AP Close Combat attack against the enemy
character. If this character is a subordinate character, its
controller may flip a card for this attack as if this character
were a Fated character.
Small Target: Ranged Combat actions that target this
What joy! I had barely set my notebook down for the character suffer -.
evening when I heard a rustling sound approaching
our campsite. The guardsman on watch had just (1) Trapping Jaw (Pneumatic)
AV: 3 (8) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
shuffled off to relieve himself, leaving me alone
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.
with his sleeping partner and the vigilant Warden. t Grab On: After damaging, the target gains the following
Condition: "Clamped On +1: This character receives
I had thought it to be a snake of some sort, but as
-1 Walk, -2 Charge, and suffers +1 damage at the
it drew close enough to the fire for light to reflect end of her turn. The character that applied this
off its metallic body, I realized that the "snake" was Condition is carried along if this character moves.
a Clockwork Trap! I had seen these strange devices If the character that applied this Condition is killed,
in supply and hunting shops throughout Malifaux knocked unconscious, moves, or takes any actions,
City, but I had never before seen one in operation. end this Condition."
I could have said something, perhaps, but I thought
it far more appropriate to assume a non-threatening The next few minutes were a maelstrom of violence.
position on a fallen rock as I watched the machine I hid behind the Warden as the sleeping guardsman
inch its way toward the sleeping guardsman. snapped awake and started shooting at the horses out
of reflex, killing them both. Now my escorts are without
Unfortunately, one of the tethered horses, still horses and arguing amongst themselves.
unnerved by my presence, noticed the machine and
reared back, which must have triggered some sort This is why we do not steal from trappers, gentlemen! 
of crude reaction in the trap. It lunged at the horse - E.B.
and clamped around its front leg with such force
that I could hear the bone break.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 175
Dead Outlaw A great deal has happened since my last entry, so
Enforcer (7), Undead, Tormented please forgive me, dear notebook, if my recollection
on the finer details is somewhat vague.
Might Grace Speed Resilience As we traveled along the road, the guardsmen both
2 3 2 2 on foot thanks to their horses being gunned down
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity in the middle of the night, we came across another
-4 -1 1 3 figure, this one clad in a tattered brown duster. He
seemed to be wounded, from the way that he was
Defense Walk Height Initiative lurching forward and clutching at the arrows in his
5 (12) 5 2 4 (11) chest, and my companions called out to him to ask
Willpower Charge Wounds if he needed assistance.
5 (12) 6 8
Instead of answering, the man looked up, revealing
the decaying face of a zombie, and opened fire
Skills: Barter 2, Deceive 3, Evade 3, Martial Arts 2, with startling speed, killing one of the guardsmen
Notice 2, Pistol 3c, Scrutiny 2, Toughness 3, Track 2. with a lucky headshot. Another bullet struck me in
the chest and knocked me off my feet, and I spent
Bury Me With My Gold: Any character taking this
character's possessions after its destruction - whether that
the rest of the battle on the ground, staring up at
might be its weapons, ammunition, or valuables - gains the the steel-gray sky, hoping in vain that the undead
Cursed +1 Condition with a Taboo of "part with money" gunman would somehow prevail against my captors. 
for each item taken from this character.
Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character
suffer -.

(1) Sand in the Eyes (Martial Arts)

The Cursed Condition
AV: 4 (11) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df When a character gains the Cursed
Target gains the Blind Condition until the start of Condition, they also gain a Taboo: a
this character's next turn, plus one turn per Margin of prohibited act that strengthens the curse each
Success on this attack. time the afflicted character performs the act
t Drop It!: After succeeding, the target must pass a TN
10 Centering duel or drop one of the items held in
in question.
its hands. The Cursed Condition is described in detail
m Extra Gritty: After succeeding, the target becomes
on page 154 of Under Quarantine. If you're not
using Under Quarantine in your game, instead
(1) Collier "Rough Rider" (Pistol) have the Dead Outlaw give out the Slow
AV: 6c (13c) ====== Rg: z10 ======== Resist: Df
Condition that lasts for 24 hours.
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. When this weapon is used
with the Rapid Fire action, the wielder gains +2 to the
final duel totals of their attacks. Capacity 6, Reload 2.
c The Curse Spreads: After damaging, the target gains
the Cursed +1 Condition with a Taboo of "part
with money."
t Piercing Bullet: When damaging, this attack ignores
Armor and Hard to Wound.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
Unfortunately, the guardsman and Warden
either drove off or defeated the gunman
and returned to my side. I pretended
to have been killed during the
attack (a very easy prospect
given that I have no pulse,
do not need to breathe, and
had a fresh gunshot wound in
my chest) in the hope that they would bury
me and consider their mission complete,
but the encounter with the undead gunman
had apparently spooked the surviving
guardsman. He commanded the Warden to pick
me up, and I got to spend the next two days being
treated like a sack of potatoes.
It was quite undignified, and had it not been for
my belief that the Warden would snatch me up
as soon as I moved, I would have simply slipped
away in the middle of the night. Instead, I waited
patiently, biding my time until I could think of
some way to get this wretched Control Collar
removed from my neck.
Had I still been alive, I have no doubt that the entire Minion (5), Construct
ordeal would have been a wretched symphony
of stiff muscles, aching bones, and inescapable Might Grace Speed Resilience
hunger. As one of the undead, however, it was 0 1 2 0
merely tedious.
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
Eventually, we arrived at the gates of the city. The -5 -5 -5 -5
Warden was carrying me across its back, but my
head was turned just enough to see one of Mr. Defense Walk Height Initiative
Hoffman's Watcher constructs waiting patiently 3 (8) 5 1 5 (10)
near the entrance. Willpower Charge Wounds
2 (7) 6 4
I've always found it difficult to properly describe
my feelings for Watchers. They're awkward little
machines, more similar to a bat than a hunting Skills: Acrobatics 2, Pneumatic 3, Notice 3.
raptor, but still quite amazing in design despite Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character by
their inspiration. They launch themselves into +1, to a minimum of 1.
the air via concentrated bursts of steam from an
Flight: This character is immune to falling damage and may
exceedingly compact boiler and are primarily
ignore any terrain or other characters while moving.
used to track suspects or spy upon those below
through the use of internal photographic devices. Pneumatic Tracker: This character may substitute its
Pneumatic Skill in place of its Cunning Aspect when
Thus does the unstoppable march of industry using the Notice and Track Skills.
trample the elegance of traditional spycraft. 
(1) Small Metal Claws (Pneumatic)
- E.B. AV: 3 (8) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 177
Guild Pathologist When I heard the guardsman tell the gate guard that
Minion (5), Living, Death Marshal he was shipping my "corpse" off to the morgue, I was
initially quite relieved. Dr. McMourning, for all of his
many faults, was at least the sort of person who would
Might Grace Speed Resilience
2 -1 1 1 remove a woman's Control Collar and not ask too
many questions when she tried to slip out the back
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity entrance.
0 2 2 -1
Unfortunately, at some point since my last visit to the
Defense Walk Height Initiative city, McMourning had apparently revealed himself
4 (9) 5 2 3 (8) as a Resurrectionist and fled the premises with that
Willpower Charge Wounds dull-witted assistant of his. Personally, I'm surprised
4 (9) 5 6 that it took the Death Marshals this long to realize
his true allegiances; are you paying attention or not,
Skills: Bureaucracy 2, Centering 2, Convince 1, Doctor 3,
Lady Justice?
Evade 2, Literacy 2, Notice 2, Pneumatic 2, Scrutiny 2, In any case, I was forced to deal with his replacement,
Stitching 2, Toughness 1.
one Dr. Irving. When I sat up on the gurney, she
Final Repose: When this character kills a target, it may
screamed in surprise and attacked me with her
choose to instantly render the target's remains unfit to pneumatic bonesaw. I managed to wrestle the weapon
be reanimated into an Undead creature. out of her hands and turn it back upon herself,
bringing an end to the poor doctor's employment
Mortician's Eye: This character adds its ranks in the
Doctor Skill to the final duel total of any Scrutiny duels
and leaving myself splattered with blood and viscera.
made to identify a character as Undead.
My apologies, Dr. Irving; it was nothing personal.
(1) Pneumatic Bonesaw (Pneumatic) - E.B.
AV: 4 (9) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage ignoring Armor. This
weapon gains + to the damage flip.
R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
c Autopsy: After damaging, if the target is Undead, it
suffers a Moderate Critical Effect.
(0) Identify Undead (Doctor)
Target enemy Undead within 12 yards gains the following
Condition until the end of Dramatic Time: "Weak
Points: Enemies attacking this character ignore Armor
and Hard to Wound."

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
And here is where we catch back up to the present, Draugr
dear notebook. I've locked the doors to the morgue Enforcer (7), Undead, Horror
and put up a sign claiming that Dr. Irving is away
for lunch, which thus far has kept anyone from
Might Grace Speed Resilience
stumbling across my person. I stripped the poor 3 0 2 3
doctor of her clothing, stitched up the wound in my
chest (it is dreadfully unattractive), and am now just Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-3 -1 1 3
waiting for the bleach to remove the worst of the
bloodstains in her clothing. Defense Walk Height Initiative
Out of boredom, I flipped through a few of the 4 (11) 5 2 4 (11)
doctor's charts and found some rather interesting Willpower Charge Wounds
pieces of information. The decapitated corpse on the 5 (12) 6 8
gurney to my right, for instance, allegedly murdered
his entire family with an axe and then arranged their Skills: Athletics 2, Enchanting 3, Heavy Melee 3C,
entrails in the shapes of "strange runes." Intimidate 3, Necromancy 4C, Notice 2, Stealth 2,
Toughness 2.
This happened up in one of the northern Contract
Towns. When the man's neighbors realized what Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character
he had done, they tried to subdue him, but he - suffer -.
according to the report, at least - grew to twice his Mutable Size (Large): If this character is Height 3, its
normal size and started hewing them in half with his Close Combat attacks have +1 Rg and deal +1 damage,
axe. Every wound dealt to the man appeared on the and damage flips against this character suffer -.
body of his attacker, until finally he was slain.
Mutable Size (Small): If this character is Height 1, its
It's an interesting story, but I suspect it is just that: a Close Combat attacks have -1 Rg (min y1) and deal -1
damage (min 1 damage), and Ranged Combat Actions
story created to add an element of the supernatural
that target this character suffer -.
to a terrible but ultimately mundane tragedy. 
The Final Veil: When a Living character is killed within
- E.B. a8 of this character, this character heals 2 damage.

(1) Breaching Axe (Heavy Melee)

AV: 6C (13C) ======= Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
C Small Distraction: After damaging, if this character is
Height 1, the target gains the Dazed Condition until
the start of this character's next turn.
(1) Joined in Death (Necromancy/Tenacity)
AV: 7C (14C) === TN: 12C === Rg: 6 === Resist: Wp
Target gains the following Condition until the end of
Dramatic Time: "Joined in Death: When this character
deals damage to the character that applied this Condition,
this character suffers the same amount of damage."
(0) Change Size (Enchanting)
This character may discard a card to change its size
between one foot to twelve feet tall. If this character is
three feet tall or shorter, it becomes Height 1. If this
character is eight feet tall or larger, it becomes Height 3.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 179
Sanctioned Spellcaster Once Dr. Irving's clothing had been bleached of
Minion (6), Living, Academic all the blood, I changed out of my poor, ruined
expedition clothing and into her own dreadful
ensemble. A quick search turned up some of the
Might Grace Speed Resilience
0 -1 2 0 makeup used to prepare corpses for funerals, and
with my complexion once more that of a living
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity woman (and with some tinted glasses in place to
-2 3 0 2
hide my clouded eyes), I carefully made my way
Defense Walk Height Initiative out of the morgue and up the stairs to the offices of
4 (10) 5 2 4 (10) the Death Marshals.
Willpower Charge Wounds Given the Control Collar still fastened around
4 (10) 6 5 my neck, my only option was to masquerade as a
sanctioned spellcaster, those wretched souls pressed
Skills: Bureaucracy 1, Literacy 1, Martial Arts 2, Notice 2, into servitude for crimes of a magical nature.
Prestidigitation 4M, Sorcery 3t, Toughness 1. Sanctioned spellcasters are frequently forced to
perform menial tasks for their masters when their
Control Collar: Another character holds the key to this magical powers are not needed, so I adopted a
character's Control Collar. The keyholder can spend her defeated and resigned demeanor as I slowly worked
own AP to force this character to cast one of her Spells my way toward the room's double doors.
or Manifested Powers with a similar AP cost. Once
the Spell or Manifested Power is cast, this character Just as I was about to leave, a true sanctioned
becomes Slow. If this character attempts to cast a Spell spellcaster pushed the doors open and entered
or Manifested Power without being commanded by the
the Death Marshal offices. He looked my way, no
keyholder, the collar detonates, killing this character and
dealing 3 damage to every character within p1. doubt intending to share a look of shared suffering,
but I turned my head so that he would not notice
Magical Shielding: Friendly characters within a6 reduce
my clouded eyes. He evidently took my turned face
all damage they suffer by 1, to a minimum of 0.
as shame, for he muttered a few quiet words of
(1) Desperate Punch (Martial Arts) support before continuing past me. - E.B.
AV: 4 (10) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.
(1) Ice Strike (Sorcery/Intellect)
AV: 6t (12t) == TN: 10t == Rg: y1 === Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage and becomes Slow. If the
target was already Slow, it becomes Paralyzed.
(1) Elemental Line (Sorcery /Tenacity)
AV: 5t (11t) ===== TN: 11t ====== Rg: 10 yards
Every character in a one-yard-wide straight line between
this character and the end point of this spell's range must
pass a TN 12 Evade Challenge or suffer 2 damage.
t Blaze: After damaging, all characters damaged by this
action gain Burning +1 for each t in the final duel
t Electrical: When damaging, all damage dealt by this
action ignores Armor.
(0) Quick Teleport (Prestidigitation/Intellect)
AV: 7m (13m) == TN: 13m === Rg: 5 yds === Resist: Wp
Target character or object is instantly teleported to a safe
location within range.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
The hallway proved to be quite crowded, the result Domador de Cadaveres
of a tall man in eccentric red garb speaking with a Enforcer (8), Living, Death Marshal
group of Guild guardsmen. Instead of trying to push
past the group, I backed up against the wall, pulled
Might Grace Speed Resilience
out my notebook, and started to write this entry. 1 3 3 1
Once their impromptu meeting is finished and the
hallway is clear, I can return to my mission, namely Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
2 2 1 2
finding a way to remove this infernal Control Collar.
How strange. The eccentric man appears to be a Defense Walk Height Initiative
Guild employee of some rank, from the way he is 5 (13) 6 2 5 (13)
speaking to these Guild guardsmen, but he keeps Willpower Charge Wounds
mentioning "my zombies," even going so far as to 5 (13) 7 8
reprimand the guardsmen for shooting one of his
undead servants in the back. Skills: Acrobatics 3, Art 1, Athletics 2, Bewitch 3, Carouse 1,
Centering 3, Music 2, Necromancy 4C, Notice 2,
It seems strange that the Death Marshals would work Scrutiny 1, Sorcery 4t, Toughness 3.
willingly alongside a self-admitted necromancer,
let alone one that animates the dead. Then again, Dying Breath: When another friendly Living character
there have always been rumors circulating about the within a6 is killed or knocked unconscious, that
Judge and just how much of him is still living, so character may discard a card to immediately take a (1)
perhaps time and familiarity have worn down Lady Action. If it does so, the character is then killed.
Justice's resolve in that regard? Enslaved Undead (2): This character is accompanied by
two Undead characters of Minion Rank or less.
I took the opportunity to update a few of my sketches
while I wait. Will they ever stop talking?  - E.B. Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character
suffer -.
The Eternal Dance (Magical Theory): When this
character casts a Spell or Manifested Power, it may move
a number of yards equal to its Wk for every AP spent.
If he does not move this full distance, or if it retraces
its steps during this movement, the Spell or Manifested
Power has its TN increased by +2.

(1) Withering Steps (Necromancy/Tenacity)

AV: 6c (14c) ===== TN: 12c
Every Living character within p3 must pass a TN 12
Toughness Challenge or suffer 2 damage, then this
character heals an amount of damage equal to the amount
of damage inflicted by this action (after reduction).
(1) Life and Death (Sorcery/Intellect)
AV: 6t (14t) == TN: 14t === Rg: 5 yds == Resist: Wp
Target suffers 2/3b/3b damage. Undead damaged by
this action suffer no damage and instead heal 2 damage.
(1) Command Corpse (Necromancy/Charm)
AV: 6c (14c) == TN: 14c === Rg: 5 yds == Resist: Wp
An Undead target performs a (1) Action of this
character's choice.
c Enraptured Undead: After succeeding, the target
permanently falls under this character's control
unless its controller discards a card.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 181
The eccentric necromancer has now segued into a I believe that "corpse candle" might be a more accurate
long story about something he called a "vela de cadáver." name for the creature, given the necromancer's story.
Spanish is simply not one of my languages, but I do Evidently, the "candle" is a luminous spirit that animates
know that "vela" means candle. This creature is a "candle the corpses around it, effectively serving as a crude
of corpses," then? hive mind for the mindless zombies. To hear the
necromancer speak of it, such a spirit has no goals or
motivations and sounds just as mindless as the zombies
that it animates.
Corpse Candle
Minion (6), Spirit My own experience with the Resurrectionists leaves me
less certain of this assumption. Could a "corpse candle"
be the soul of a necromancer, its memories having
Might Grace Speed Resilience
faded away to leave only raw necromantic talent in their
-2 1 -2 2
place? If so, it would certainly explain why we do not
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity see more undead necromancers stalking the streets of
-5 -3 -1 2 Malifaux. - E.B.
Defense Walk Height Initiative
3 (9) 3 1 -1 (5)
Willpower Charge Wounds
4 (10) 3 5 Mindless Zombie
Peon (4), Undead

Skills: Evade 1, Necromancy 3, Notice 1.

Might Grace Speed Resilience
Animation Aura: At the start of this character's turn, 1 -3 -3 0
every corpse within a8 of this character animates Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
as a Mindless Zombie under this character's control.
-5 -5 -5 -5
When the eighth Mindless Zombie comes under
this character's control, all the zombies join together
to create a Mindless Zombie Horde. Subsequent
Defense Walk Height Initiative
animated corpses increase the Horde's Rank Value 2 (6) 3 2 -3 (1)
Condition by +1. Mindless Zombies that leave this Willpower Charge Wounds
aura revert to being corpses. 2 (6) 3 4
Incorporeal: This character ignores, and is ignored by,
other characters and terrain during any movement. Skills: Pugilism 2.
Reduce all damage this character suffers from Ranged
and Close Combat attacks by half. Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character
Light the Way: When this character takes a Walk suffer -.
Action, every Undead under its control may move up Shambling: This character gains Slow at the start of
to 3 yards. each of its turns during Dramatic Time.

(1) The Chill of the Grave (Necromancy/Tenacity) Zombie Curse: Any Living character killed by this
AV:5 (11) ========== Rg: y1======== Resist: Df character animates as a Mindless Zombie one hour
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage and, if Living, becomes after its original death.
(1) Gnashing Bite (Pugilism)
(0) Possess Corpse AV: 3 (7) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
This character may discard a card to possess a Mindless Target suffers 2/3/3 damage. Increase the AV of this
Zombie within a8. This character and the Mindless attack by +1 for every other friendly character engaged
Zombie become a single Revenant with full Wounds. with the target.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
Mindless Zombie Horde
Peon (Variable Rank Value), Undead, Swarm

Might Grace Speed Resilience

1 -3 -3 0
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-5 -5 -5 -5 Revenant
Minion (6), Undead, Spirit
Defense Walk Height Initiative
2 3 2 -3 (varies)
Willpower Charge Wounds Might Grace Speed Resilience
2 (varies) 3 Special 3 -1 -2 3
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-5 -3 -1 2
Skills: Pugilism 2.

Collective Focus: This character has the following

Defense Walk Height Initiative
Condition: "Rank Value +8: Treat this character's 3 (8) 3 2 -1 (5)
Rank Value as equal to the value of this Condition. Willpower Charge Wounds
This character does not add its Rank Value to its 4 (10) 3 8
Multiple Bodies: This character does not have Skills: Evade 1, Notice 1, Pugilism 2, Toughness 2.
Wounds; when this character would suffer damage,
instead reduce its Rank Value Condition by 1, Animation Aura: At the start of this character's turn,
unless the attack dealt b or p damage, in which every corpse within a8 of this character animates
case its Rank Value Condition is reduced by the as a Mindless Zombie under this character's control.
full amount of damage dealt. When the Rank When the eighth Mindless Zombie comes under
Value Condition reaches 0, the last remaining this character's control, all the zombies join together
Mindless Zombies are slain. to create a Mindless Zombie Horde. Subsequent
Rotted Brains: This character is immune to animated corpses increase the Horde's Rank Value
Willpower duels. Condition by +1. Mindless Zombies that leave this
aura revert to being corpses.
Shambling: This character gains Slow at the start of
each of its turns during Dramatic Time. Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character
suffer -.
Zombie Curse: Any Living character killed by this
character animates as a Mindless Zombie one hour (1) Possessed Corpse (Pugilism)
after its original death. AV: 5 (11) ========== Rg: y1======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/2/3 damage.
(1) Pulled into the Horde (Pugilism) R No Escape: After succeeding, every Mindless Zombie
AV: 3 (varies) ====== Rg: y1 ======= Resist: Df within range of the target may make a (1) AP Close
Target suffers an amount of damage equal to this Combat attack against the target at +4 AV.
character's Rank Value Condition.
(0) Release Corpse Candle
(0) Surge Forward This character may discard a card to abandon this corpse.
Move this character up to 5 yards in any direction, This character becomes a Corpse Candle with full
then reduce its Rank Value Condition by 1. Wounds, but the corpse it was possessing is destroyed.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 183
Gatling Gunner Eventually, the necromancer finished his story
Enforcer (7), Living and turned his back, allowing me to slip past him
and out of the Death Marshal complex. I admit
that I felt a sudden desire to flee from the Guild
Might Grace Speed Resilience
3 0 -1 2 Enclave as quickly as possible, but I tamped that
feeling back down as quickly as it appeared.
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-1 -1 1 2 Any freedom I might have sought would only be
an illusion so long as the Control Collar was still
Defense Walk Height Initiative clasped around my neck. In any event, as soon as
4 (11) 4 2 1 (8) a guardsman found Dr. Irving's body, it would not
Willpower Charge Wounds take long for someone to put two and two together
5 (12) 4 8 and decide to detonate the control collar fitted
onto their missing "corpse."
Skills: Athletics 3, Bureaucracy 1, Carouse 2,
I kept my eyes down as I crossed to the central
Centering 3, Evade 2, Gambling 2, Heavy Guns 3R,
Heavy Melee 2, Intimidate 3, Notice 2, Toughness 3. building, hoping that the appearance of self-pity
would avert any curious eyes, but to no avail. One
[Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this character of the Guild's gunners - the soldiers tasked with
by +2, to a minimum of 1.] carrying heavy Gatling and chain guns into battle
Behind the Gun: While this character is wielding a Heavy - whistled loudly as I passed and made some less
Gun, it gains Armor +2 (in brackets above) that does than polite remarks about my bottom and how he
not reduce its Defense, and it counts as being Braced. could show me a "good time."
[Braced: When this character takes the Defensive Stance
Perhaps when this collar is
Action, damage flips against it suffer a -.]
removed, I shall use this
Overwatch: After an enemy character completes a Walk sketch to find you. Would
Action, if this character is unengaged and had line of you shove your lit cigar into
sight to the enemy at any point during its movement,
your shooting eye if I
this character may discard a card to make a (1) AP
Heavy Guns attack against the target. The target receives asked nicely?
the lowest amount of cover (hard cover, soft cover, or I think you would.
no cover) that it had during its Walk Action.
- E.B.
Relentless: This character is immune to Horror Duels.

(1) Smash with Barrel (Heavy Melee)

AV: 5 (12) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/3 damage.
(1) M13 Portable Chain Gun (Heavy Guns)
AV: 6R (13R) ======= Rg: z14 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. This weapon adds +R to
its wielder's final duel total. Capacity 20, Reload 4.
R Stutter Fire: After damaging, immediately make
another attack with this weapon against a different
target. This extra attack may not declare Triggers.
(2) Mow Down
This character may discard a card to make a Heavy
Guns attack against every opponent in range and line
of sight. This character must discard a card each time it
wishes to declare a Trigger on one of these attacks.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
I can only see a few ways in which I might be able Guild Interrogator
to safely remove this infernal Control Collar. The Enforcer (7), Living, Witch Hunter
easiest lies in the central building of the Guild
Enclave, in the armory of the Guild Guard. They Might Grace Speed Resilience
keep a number of Control Collars in storage there, 1 2 -1 2
alongside their matching keys. Perhaps one of the Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
extra keys will open my own collar? 3 1 2 2
Update: A great deal has apparently changed Defense Walk Height Initiative
since my period of employment with the Guild. 4 (11) 4 2 2 (9)
The entire central building has been outfitted with
Willpower Charge Wounds
electric lights that bathe everything in a harsh, white
6C (13C) 4 7
glow. Worse yet, the Guard armory has apparently
changed locations since my last visit to the building:
the rooms that once held the Guard's weapons, Skills: Centering 4C, Convince 2, Counter-Spelling 2,
ammunition, and auxiliary equipment are now Deceive 1, Enchanting 2R, Evade 2, History 1,
interrogation rooms. Intimidate 2, Melee 2, Necromancy 3C, Notice 3,
Pistol 2, Scrutiny 4, Sorcery 1, Toughness 2.
Only two of the rooms were in use when I peeked
through their tempered glass windows. In the first, a Wp (C) Twisted Mind: After this character succeeds, the
Witch Hunter was interrogating a nervous-looking attacker suffers 2 damage.
man with the appearance of a grocer. He seemed Thalarian Doctrine (Magical Theory): When this
confident, which was a sure sign that he was not character casts an Enchanting Spell or Manifested
Power, two instances of the Increased Duration
familiar with the interrogation techniques used
Immuto are added to it without increasing its TN. (This
by Criid's jackbooted thugs. The typical round of character has received additional Necromantic training.)
questioning is often followed by the interrogator
drawing upon her magic to sift through the suspect's (1) Truncheon (Melee)
memories to provide more context to their answers. AV: 3 (10) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage. If this weapon deals Severe
From what I understand, it is quite an unpleasant damage, the target suffers a Weak Critical Effect in
experience. - E.B. addition to any other Critical Effects it would suffer.
(1) Mind Sieve (Necromancy/Charm)
AV: 6c (13c) === TN: 12C == Rg: y1 === Resist: Wp
This action gains +. If a Living target knows the answer
to an asked question, this character sees that answer in
the form of the target's most relevant memory.
t Manipulate Memory: After succeeding, this character
may permanently change the details of the viewed
(2) Wipe Mind (Necromancy/Charm)
AV: 6c (13c) === TN: 13C == Rg: y1 === Resist: Wp
A Living target permanently forgets one short memory
(no longer than 5 minutes) that occurred within the past
hour. This character must be generally aware of the
memory in question to erase it.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 185
Guild Investigator I might not have peeked into the second
Enforcer (7), Living, Elite Division, Guardsman interrogation room at all, had it not been for the
scarf casually draped across the door handle. Back
in the lycée, this was done to warn one's roommate
Might Grace Speed Resilience
1 2 1 0 that you had smuggled a boy (or sometimes,
another girl) into your room and that entry would
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity not be kind to delicate sensibilities.
1 3 3 2
Among the Guild, the draped scarf or hat signaled
Defense Walk Height Initiative that an officer was "interrogating" a prisoner, which
3 (10) 5 2 5 (12) meant that the room was strictly off limits. My
Willpower Charge Wounds curiosity got the better of me, much to my benefit,
5 (12) 5 6 for once. On the other side of the tempered window,
my erstwhile coworker, Gloria Maxson, was in the
Skills: Bureaucracy 3, Centering 3, Convince 2, Deceive 3, process of garroting an older gentleman, no doubt
Flexible 4, Forgery 3, Intimidate 2, Leadership 2, Notice 4, a witness whose testimony was incompatible with
Pick Pocket 2, Scrutiny 4, Stealth 2, Toughness 2. the Elite Division's narrative of events.

Manipulative (12): When an enemy character targets Thought technically a member of the Guild Guard,
this character with an action, they must pass a TN 12 Ms. Maxson was one of the many investigators on
Willpower Challenge. On a failure, this character may the Elite Division's payroll. In addition to silencing
change the target of the action to a legal target of its inconvenient witnesses for the Elite Division,
she also misdirected investigations, planted and
Tip the Scales: When an enemy character within a8 destroyed evidence, altered reports, and so on.
discards a card, this character may grant a Fate Point to
one friendly Fatemaster character within that same range. And, one lovely evening two years ago, Ms. Maxson
became quite drunk at the Guild's Christmas party
(1) Garrote (Flexible) and went home with a particularly charming Elite
AV: 6 (13) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df Division agent. Quelle chance exceptionnelle! - E. B.
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage, becomes Slow, and gains
the Suffocating +2 Condition until this character is
killed, moves out of range, or attacks a different target.
t "Can't... Breathe...": After damaging a Living target, it
becomes Dazed until the end of its next turn. If it
does not discard a card, it also becomes Paralyzed.
(1) Suspicious Activity (Scrutiny)
AV: 7 (14) ========= Rg: 6 yards ==== Resist: Special
This Action is resisted with the Deceive Skill. The target
gains the following Condition until the end of the scene:
"Snitch: When this character is asked a question by a
character in a position of authority, this character must
discard a card to avoid truthfully answering the question
to the best of their ability."
m Arrest: After succeeding, the target gains the
following Condition until the end of its next turn:
"Arrest: This character must discard a card to
perform a movement action."
(1) Command Guardsman (Leadership)
Target friendly Guardsman Minion within 10 yards
performs a (1) Action of this character's choice.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
Ms. Maxson was quite surprised to see me slip into Magewright
the interrogation room. I told her a fictional story Minion (5), Living
about a botched undercover investigation which
she did not believe, but she still agreed to help me
Might Grace Speed Resilience
find a way to remove the Control Collar, provided 1 2 -1 0
that I "made it worth her while," as she put it.
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
Here we see the inherent problem with a corrupt 2 -1 2 0
constabulary force, don't we? All it takes is a few
scrip (or in this case, a pretty face and some very Defense Walk Height Initiative
lovely curves) to make them abandon whatever 3 (8) 4 2 1 (6)
tenuous loyalty they might feel toward their Willpower Charge Wounds
employer. 3 (8) 4 4

After I promised my "undying" gratitude for

her assistance, Ms. Maxson led me out of the Skills: Artefacting 1, Barter 1, Blacksmithing 2, Carouse 1,
Centering 1, Convince 1, Enchanting 2R, Evade 1,
interrogation room and to her office. After drawing
Homesteading 2, Melee 2, Notice 2, Pistol 2, Scrutiny 1.
the blinds to afford me some privacy, she left me
behind with little to do other than update my Plain Spoken: This character gains + to Social Duels
notebook. It is a testament to my exasperation with made during Dramatic Time.
this entire situation that I haven't even bothered to Thalarian Doctrine (Magical Theory): When this
snoop through her desk for - character casts an Enchanting Spell or Manifested
Power, two instances of the Increased Duration Immuto
Disappointment. Ms. Maxson returned with an are added to it without increasing its TN.
elderly black magewright in the hope that he would
be able to remove my Control Collar. After a few (1) Craftsman Tools (Melee)
moments of examination, however, he admitted AV: 3 (8) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
that his skills at minor enchantment and healing Target suffers 1/2/3 damage. These tools give this
character a + bonus to one Crafting Skill of its choice.
were not sufficient to remove the device without
detonating the explosive within. (1) B&D Gatling Derringer (Pistol)
AV: 4 (9) =========== Rg: z6 ======== Resist: Df
I suspect that, as close as he was to my neck, Target suffers 2/3/3 damage. This weapon may fire a
the magewright realized that I was undead, but burst of three bullets as a single action. If it does, the
for whatever reason, he did not give voice to the shooter may add +B to the weapon's Moderate or Severe
damage or add + to both the attack and damage flip.
suspicion I saw in his eyes. I do so appreciate a
Capacity 9, Reload 2.
man who understands proper manners. - E.B.
(1) Split Heal (Enchanting/Cunning)
AV: 4r (9r) === TN: 9r == Rg: y1 === Resist: Wp
A Living target heals 1/3/4 damage, then another Living
target within 3 yards of the target heals 1/3/4 damage.
Each additional time the same character is targeted by
this Spell within the same hour (regardless of success
or failure), the TN is increased by +3 or by +R (this
character's choice).
(0) Minor Enchantment
This character may discard a card, target a weapon within
1 yard, and nominate an Elemental Immuto. Until the
start of this character's next turn, whenever the targeted
weapon deals damage, the target also suffers the effects of
a single instance of the nominated Immuto.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 187
Thalarian Queller Since the magewright was unable to remove
Minion (6), Living, Witch Hunter my collar, we have been forced to turn to a less
pleasant option, namely traveling to the offices
of the Witch Hunters to ask them to remove it.
Might Grace Speed Resilience
2 2 0 1 When I expressed my concern over this course
of action, Ms. Maxson assured me that she knew
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity someone capable of discretion.
3 1 2 0
That person ended up being Kumar Jans, a
Defense Walk Height Initiative somewhat arrogant mage who referred to himself
4 (10) 4 2 1 (7) as a "Thalarian Queller." This was, apparently, a
Willpower Charge Wounds somewhat new position among the Witch Hunters,
5 (11) 5 6 one created after the new Governor-General
"borrowed" one of Ms. Criid's tomes and gave it
Skills: Bureaucracy 1, Centering 3, Convince 1, Counter- to a small group of hand-picked magewrights for
Spelling 3, Enchanting 3R, Evade 2, Heavy Melee 2, study. Criid must have been furious; she is not the
Literacy 2, Notice 1, Toughness 1. sort of woman who enjoys sharing her toys.
Nether Fluctuations: Enemy characters within a6 The quellers evidently focus on anti-magic,
ignore any suits associated with their Skills. counter-spelling, and nonlethal magical restraints.
Rush +1: This character's Charge Aspect has been They are also been given the responsibility of
increased by +1. creating new Control Collars. Ms. Maxson told
Thalarian Doctrine (Magical Theory): When this him that I was a suspect who had been acquitted of
character casts an Enchanting Spell or Manifested all charges, and that the key to my Control Collar
Power, two instances of the Increased Duration Immuto had been lost. He believed the story and has left
are added to it without increasing its TN. to fetch one of the rare few skeleton keys that can
open my collar. Finally! - E.B.
(1) Iron Staff (Heavy Melee)
AV: 4 (10) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.
c Drain Magic: After damaging, end all magical effects
and Conditions gained from Spells or Manifested
Powers on the target, then heal 1 Wound for each
such effect.
(1) Restrain (Enchanting/Charm)
AV: 6r (12r) === TN: 12r == Rg: 5 yds === Resist: Wp
The target gains the following Condition for 3 rounds:
“Restrained: This character cannot declare Movement
actions and suffers - to its attack flips.”
c Enervate: After succeeding, the target becomes Slow.
(1) Nullify Magic (Counter-Spelling)
AV: 5r (11r) === TN: 10r == Rg: 3 yds === Resist: Wp
Until the start of this character's next turn, the target
loses all suits associated with its Magical Skills, and any
attempts it makes to cast a Spell or Manifested Power
suffer --.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
Fate is cruel! Witchling Stalker
Minion (6), Living, Witch Hunter, Witchling
I have been arrested and tossed into the deepest,
darkest cell in the Guild Gaol. If I had not tucked
this notebook into one of the overly large pockets Might Grace Speed Resilience
of Dr. Irving's smock, I would not even have the 3 2 2 0
comfort of journaling to ease my heart. Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-1 -1 -1 2
It all happened very quickly. No sooner had Mr.
Jans removed my control collar than he saw the Defense Walk Height Initiative
pale, dead flesh beneath it, where I had not been 5 (11) 5 2 4 (10)
able to apply makeup. He stumbled backwards in Willpower Charge Wounds
surprise and looked up into my clouded eyes, the 5 (11) 6 6
angle allowing him to see past my tinted glasses.
Reckoning that Mr. Jans had the stronger mind of Skills: Athletics 1, Centering 3, Counter-Spelling 3,
the two, I reached out with my magic, ensnared the Enchanting 1, Evade 3, Melee 3, Notice 2, Pistol 3,
mind of Ms. Maxson, and told her to silence Mr. Toughness 2, Track 2.
Jans. She was upon him in a second, her garrote
Df (M) Drawn to Pain: After this character fails, but
around his neck, but in a moment of panic, Mr. before it suffers damage, move this character a distance
Jans fired off a bolt of scintillating magic that struck equal to its Walk speed directly toward the attacker.
the door to his office and blew it off the hinges.
Fiery Demise: When this character is killed, all characters
Just as the strength left the queller's limbs, the within p2 suffer 1 damage and gain the Burning +1
hooded silhouette of a Witchling Stalker appeared Condition.
in the doorway, a broken and glowing sword held Searing Mark: All characters damaged by this character
in each hand. I gestured toward the creature with gain Burning +1.
my hand, sending Ms. Maxson toward the burned Sense Magic: When a Spell or Manifested Power is
creature as I grabbed an office chair and threw it cast within 30 yards of this character, it may attempt a
through the office's wide window. Counter-Spelling Challenge (TN 20 - the spell's TN).
On a success, this character learns the exact location of
I had no intention of fighting a creature that could the caster and can sense any magical effects produced
not only detect and track magic but would also by the Spell or Manifested Power for its duration.
explode into flame when killed. It's a terrible way
to die, as Ms. Maxson quickly learned. - E.B. (1) Shattered Rune Blade (Melee)
AV: 6 (12) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
C Drain Magic: After damaging, end all magical effects
and Conditions gained from Spells or Manifested
Powers on the target, then heal 1 Wound for each
such effect.
(1) Runed Pistol (Pistol)
AV: 5 (11) ========== Rg: z12 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. Capacity 6, Reload 2.
t Cataclysm: This attack gains +B to its Severe damage.
(1) Dispel Magic (Counter-Spelling/Tenacity)
AV: 5 (11) ==== TN: 10 ==== Rg: 12 ==== Resist: Wp
End all magical effects and Conditions gained from
Spells or Manifested Powers on the target.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 189
Witchling Thrall I had just barely managed to climb out through
Enforcer (8), Living, Witch Hunter, Witchling the window when the Witchling exploded, sending
flames roaring through Mr. Jans' office. The other
Witch Hunters had started to realize what was
Might Grace Speed Resilience
4 -1 2 4 happening, so I pointed a finger toward the burning
office and shouted that we were under attack.
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-2 2 0 2 It never fails to amaze me how a little prompting
in a moment of crisis can so completely color a
Defense Walk Height Initiative person's perceptions. One of the Witch Hunters
4 (12) 5 2 5 (13) threw a protective spell around me, encasing me in
Willpower Charge Wounds a bubble of shimmering force as I stumbled to my
5 (13) 6 10 feet and retreated to the back of the room. Another
- an Asian man who had already drawn his sword -
Skills: Athletics 2, Centering 3, Counter-Spelling 3, placed two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly.
Enchanting 2, Intimidate 3, Notice 3, Pugilism 2c,
Sorcery 4t, Toughness 4, Track 2. Almost immediately, a large person who had been
crouched in the corner of the room - a Witchling
Impossible to Wound: Damage flips against this Thrall, I believe they are called - climbed to his feet,
character suffer - and may never be Cheated. revealing a mountain of blackened skin and seared
Warding Sigils: Every friendly character within a3 gains muscles. I am not entirely certain why some of the
+ to any duels made to resist Spells or Manifested people Criid takes into her Yellow Crypt turn out as
Powers. Thralls instead of Stalkers, but the rumors suggest
Searing Mark: All characters damaged by this character that Thralls were far more potent spellcasters than
gain Burning +1. their smaller kin.
Sense Magic: When a Spell or Manifested Power is
cast within 30 yards of this character, it may attempt a In any case, I fled from the room as the Thrall
Counter-Spelling Challenge (TN 20 - the spell's TN). charged into the spreading flames with a roar. - E.B.
On a success, this character learns the exact location of
the caster and can sense any magical effects produced
by the Spell or Manifested Power for its duration.

(1) Chained Fists (Pugilism)

AV: 6c (14c) ====== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
c Drain Magic: After damaging, end all magical effects
and Conditions gained from Spells or Manifested
Powers on the target, then heal 1 Wound for each
such effect.
R Choke Out: After damaging, the target gains
Suffocating +4. The target's Suffocating
Condition cannot end while it is within this
character's engagement range.
(1) Aetheric Blast (Sorcery /Intellect)
AV: 6t (14t) ====== Rg: z8 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3b/4bb damage. End all effects and
Conditions gained from Spells or Manifested Powers on
every character damaged by this action.
m Blowback: After damaging, push every character
damaged by this action up to 3" in any direction.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
The hallways of the Witch Hunter complex quickly Hex Bow
flooded with office workers and non-combatants Enforcer (7), Living
who were being evacuated from the building.
Nobody knew what was happening, and admittedly,
Might Grace Speed Resilience
my own (very loud) claims that the complex had 1 3 2 0
come under attack by the Arcanists certainly did
not help the situation very much. Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-1 0 1 2
As the crowd surged towards the doors, a man
wearing a bright red cloak forced his way toward the Defense Walk Height Initiative
commotion, rather than away from it. His runed 4 (11) 5 2 5 (12)
bow and gray uniform leads me to believe that he Willpower Charge Wounds
is one of the vaunted Hex Bows that serve in the 4 (11) 6 6
Guild's military back on Earth.
It's said that Hex Bows are recruited Skills: Acrobatics 1, Athletics 2, Archery 4, Bureaucracy 2,
Centering 2, Enchanting 3R, Explosives 2, Melee 2,
from among those who have been
Notice 3, Scrutiny 2, Toughness 2.
horribly cursed. As part of their
training, they learn how to turn Df/Wp (C) Evil Eye: After this character succeeds, the
their curse outwards, inflicting it attacker gains the Cursed +1 Condition with a Taboo
upon others. I do not know the against attacking this character.
truth of the matter, but Gruesome Attack (Archery): All Critical Effect flips
the man did have a this character generates from Archery attacks gain +.
certain fatalistic
gloom about (1) Smack with Bow (Melee)
him. - E.B. AV: 3 (10) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 1/1/2 damage.
m Reposition: After succeeding, this character may move
up to 3 yards.
(1) Runed Bow (Archery)
AV: 7 (14) ========== Rg: z14 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3b/4bb damage. This weapon can be
fired without line of sight, but when doing so, it receives
a - on the attack flip and neither attack nor damage can
be cheated.
R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
t Concussive: After damaging, every character damaged
The Cursed Condition by this attack must succeed on a TN 10 Acrobatics
Challenge or be knocked Prone.
When a character gains the Cursed c Death Curse: After damaging, every character damaged
Condition, they also gain a Taboo: a by this weapon gains the following Condition for
prohibited act that strengthens the curse each 1 minute: "Touched by Death +1: When this
time the afflicted character performs the act character suffers damage, it suffers +1 damage."
in question. (2) Volley
This character may discard a card to make an Archery
The Cursed Condition is described in detail attack against every opponent in range and line of sight.
on page 154 of Under Quarantine. If you're These attacks suffer a - to the damage flip.
not using Under Quarantine in your game,
instead have the Hex Bow give out the Slow
Condition that lasts for 24 hours.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 191
Essence of Power As the crowd burst out into the courtyard, they
Minion (5), Spirit began breaking apart into small groups. I kept
my head down and avoided making eye contact
with anyone as I hurried away from the scene,
Might Grace Speed Resilience
-3 -3 1 -1 but the rumors of an Arcanist attack were already
spreading quickly through the crowd. Even I was
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity forced to stop and marvel as one of the Witch
-2 -3 2 -2
Hunters raised her hands and summoned an
Defense Walk Height Initiative Essence of Power into existence.
2 (7) 5 2 1 (6) The spirit blazed into existence in a sudden
Willpower Charge Wounds flare of bright purple-blue light and hovered a
4 (9) 5 4 few inches above the ground. It seemed peaceful
at first, until the Witch Hunter began siphoning
Skills: Centering 2, Martial Arts 4.
away its power to fuel one of her protective spells,
which caused the spirit to writhe and contort
Empower Magic: Characters within a5 gain + to their as if in extreme agony. I had heard stories of
attempts to cast Spells or Manifested Powers. the Arcanists hunting these spirits to fuel their
Incorporeal: This character ignores, and is ignored by, more powerful spells, but I had never heard of
other characters and terrain during any movement. the Guild using them, let alone summoning one
Reduce all damage this character suffers from Ranged with a spell.
and Close Combat attack actions by half, rounded up.
The Essences of Power were first documented in
Searing Mark: All characters damaged by this character
gain Burning +1.
the days of the first Breach, but as I watched this
one float above the ground, I couldn't help but
(1) Aetheric Shock (Martial Arts) be reminded of the Burning Man that recently
AV: 5 (10) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df appeared in the skies of Earth.
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage. Every character damaged
by this action gains the following Condition: "Aetheric Could that mysterious figure somehow be
Overload: This character gains + to its attempts to connected to the Essences of Power?
cast Spells or Manifested Powers. After this character
successfully casts a Spell or Manifested Power, it suffers 1 - E.B.
damage for every + the duel received." This attack must
declare a Trigger if possible.
t Burn Out: When damaging, this Action gains + to
its damage flip and +BBBB to its Moderate and
Severe damage. Then this character burns out and is
(2) Amplify
For the next minute, or until this character takes this
Action again, this character's controller gains + to her
attempts to cast Spells or Manifested Powers while within
10 yards of this character. Each time this character's
controller successfully casts a spell that receives this
bonus, this character suffers 1 damage. If this character's
controller flips a Joker on a spellcasting duel, after
resolving the casting attempt, both this character and its
controller suffer damage equal to half the final TN of the
Spell or Manifested Power being cast.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
My decision to sketch the glowing spirit Executioner
unfortunately proved to be my downfall. As I was Henchman (9), Living, Guardsman
carefully drawing its jerking, spasmodic form, I
caught sight of a masked figure making his way Might Grace Speed Resilience
through the crowd. Or rather, making his way 3 -2 1 3
directly toward me. Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
In an instant, I recognized him: it was McGregor, -3 0 -1 2
Mattheson's personal Executioner. Even among Defense Walk Height Initiative
the sadistic and unscrupulous ranks of those 3 (12) 5 2 3 (12)
augmented madmen, McGregor's callousness
Willpower Charge Wounds
and cruelty pushed him into a league of his own.
5 (14) 5 9
Instead of finger-blades like most of his peers, the
weapons that replaced his hands were designed to
cause as much pain and suffering to his prey as Skills: Athletics 2, Centering 3, Evade 2, Intimidate 2,
possible. Notice 2, Pneumatic 3R, Scrutiny 2, Toughness 3.

In that instant, I realized that my escape from the Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character
Morgue had not gone unnoticed. by +1, to a minimum of 1.
Certain Death: Other characters may not declare Defense
As his steady walk broke into a slow lope, I could Triggers in duels with this character.
have sworn that my unbeating heart sprung back
to life just long enough to lodge itself in my throat. Final Repose: When this character kills a target, it may
choose to instantly render the target's remains unfit to
I attempted to reach out to his mind, to turn him be reanimated into an Undead creature.
aside, but his mask flared up with etched runes,
effortlessly deflecting my magic. Love the Job: After this character inflicts a Severe Critical
Effect on an opponent, it heals 1/2/3 damage. If the
I had no choice but to turn and flee, and behind Critical Effect killed the opponent, this healing increases
me, the Executioner broke into a determined by +2.
run. Mattheson was clearly quite finished with my Terrifying (Living) 12: Enemy Living characters must
meddling. pass a TN 12 Horror Duel when they end their turn
within this character's engagement range or target this
- E.B. character with a harmful action.

(1) Custom Executioner Claw (Pneumatic)

AV: 6R (15R) ======= Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 3/5/7 damage. This action gains + to
the attack flip. This action gains +R when targeting
characters suffering from one or more Critical Effects.
R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
Rr Bloody Exhibition: After damaging, immediately kill
the target unless it discards two cards.
(0) "You're Next!" (Intimidate)
AV: 4 (13) ========= Rg: 7 yards ====== Resist: Wp
This character immediately Charges the target, even if
engaged, but it may only make a single attack as a result
of this Charge Action.
R Wild Slashing: After succeeding, this character deals
3 damage to every character (other than the target)
that came within 2 yards of it during its Charge

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 193
Clipper I had barely gone more than thirty paces when I
Minion (6), Construct felt a sudden pressure against the back of my leg. A
moment later, I crashed face-first to the ground as I
tried to lift my leg and found that I simply could not
Might Grace Speed Resilience
2 1 1 1 do so. A quick glance backwards at my leg revealed
the reason: a long steel spike had been driven
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity through the back of my leg and into the ground,
-5 -5 -5 -5
effectively pinning me in place.
Defense Walk Height Initiative I heard the sound of beating wings and looked up
4 (10) 5 2 3 (9) to see a hideous machine no doubt torn directly
Willpower Charge Wounds out of Mr. Hoffman's worst nightmares. Its body
2 (8) 8 7 was serpentine in nature, with a long tail that hissed
steam and ended in a terrible device that resembled
Skills: Evade 3, Notice 2, Pneumatic 4, Toughness 2, Track 1. one of the rail-laying machines used by the Foundry.
Its head reminded me of nothing so much as a
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character chicken, and the entire machine was borne aloft on
by +1, to a minimum of 1. serrated steel wings like those of a bat.
Flight: This character is immune to falling damage and
may ignore any terrain or other characters while moving.
It opened its mouth to release a sharp, metallic
shriek - fingers on a chalkboard, only a hundred
Pneumatic Tracker: This character may substitute its times louder - that forced all of the gawking office
Pneumatic Skill in place of its Cunning Aspect when using
workers to press their hands to their ears in pain.
the Notice and Track Skills.
The metallic beast fired another pneumatic spike
Rush +3: This character's Charge Aspect has been at me from the weapon on its tail, piercing my
increased by +3. abdomen and leaving me quite pinned to the
(1) Sharp Wings (Pneumatic)
AV: 6 (12) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df As McGregor drew closer, I expected that to be
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. This action gains + to its
attack flip if this character is not flying.
the end of my life (or unlife, if you prefer), but
R Hold and Peck: After succeeding, the target suffers 2/3/3 the metallic nightmare-bat landed between us and
damage, ignoring Armor, and is knocked Prone. shrieked at the executioner. I could see McGregor
c Lacerate: After damaging, the target gains Bleeding debating whether he could
Out +1. defeat the machine, but the
(1) Pneumatic Spike (Pneumatic/Grace) sudden arrival of a number
AV: 5 (11) ========== Rg: z10 ======== Resist: Df of Amalgamation Office
Target suffers 2/4/6 damage, ignoring Armor. This agents was evidently
weapon can be fired without line of sight, but when doing enough to dissuade
so, it receives a - on the attack flip and neither attack him from his hunt.
nor damage can be cheated.
t Pinned to the Ground: After succeeding, the target gains I have never been so
the following Condition until it moves or is pushed: happy to be arrested.
"Pinned to the Ground: This character cannot
declare Walk or Charge actions. This character - E.B.
may take a (1) Action to remove the pneumatic
spike and end this Condition."

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
And that, dear notebook, is how I came to find Disease Containment Unit
myself in this pit of despair. The agents of the Minion (6), Living, Guardsman
Amalgamation Office pulled the pneumatic spikes
out of my leg and abdomen with heavy pliers but
Might Grace Speed Resilience
neglected to offer me any sort of medical attention, 2 -1 -1 2
suggesting that they knew all about my condition.
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
My right leg is, unfortunately, quite heavily -2 0 -1 2
damaged. It does not hurt (one of the benefits of
being undead), but I can only move very slowly and Defense Walk Height Initiative
with a very pronounced limp. The agents fastened 3 (9) 4 1 2 (8)
another Control Collar around my neck (sigh) and Willpower Charge Wounds
kept a safe distance as they escorted me to the Gaol. 5 (11) 4 7

Before I was "allowed" to enter my cell, however, I

Skills: Athletics 1, Bureaucracy 1, Centering 3, Evade 2,
was presented to a member of the Guild's Disease
Heavy Guns 2, Melee 3, Notice 3, Toughness 2.
Containment Unit. I had thought that these
guardsmen were only responsible for spraying Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character
pesticide across the mosquito-infested portions of the by +1, to a minimum of 1.
Quarantine Zone, but evidently their role has been Containment Suit: If this character would gain any value
expanded since the arrival of the new Governor- of the Blighted Condition, the value of the Blighted
General. Given the rumors of the Piper's Plague Condition it gains is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
returning to the slums, I can certainly understand the Punctured Tanks: If this character suffers a Critical
reasoning behind expanding their reach. Effect targeting its Chest (R), it may discard a card.
If it does not do so, this character is killed, and every
The agent gave me a thankfully brief physical character within p3 suffers 1 damage and gains
inspection (not the fun kind) before declaring Burning +2.
that I was free of "grave rot" and could be
safely incarcerated. (1) Hand Axe (Melee)
AV: 5 (11) ======= Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
How embarrassing. Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
- E.B. c Cut Away the Sickness: After damaging, if the target
has the Blighted or Infected Condition, this attack
deals +1 damage, then reduce the value of each such
Condition affecting the target by 1, to a minimum of 0.
R Splash with Kerosene: After succeeding, the target
gains the following Condition until it enters water:
"Covered in Gas: When this character suffers
damage from the Burning Condition, it suffers +2
damage and ends this Condition."
(1) Flamethrower (Heavy Guns)
AV: 4 (10) ========== Rg: z10 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3B/4BB damage. Every character
damaged by this action gains Burning +1. This
weapon gives its wielder + to Intimidate Challenges.
Capacity 20, Reload 8.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 195
Wokou Raider My cell is spartan, with nothing more than a
Minion (6), Living, Last-Blossom bucket in the corner as a concession to biological
needs. Fortunately, such vile behavior is no longer
a necessity for me. I have been here a day with
Might Grace Speed Resilience
2 1 2 2 only a brief message from the Amalgamation
Office. Evidently, Charles Hoffman believes that
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity the best way to repay his debt to me is to have
-1 0 2 2
me arrested in the flawed belief that it will make
Defense Walk Height Initiative it more difficult for the Elite Division to eliminate
5 (11) 5 2 4 (10) me. How naive.
Willpower Charge Wounds After my first day of incarceration, another
5 (11) 8 8 prisoner was transferred to my cell. Given that the
cells across and to either side of me are empty, it is
Skills: Acrobatics 2, Athletics 2, Carouse 2, Centering 3, not unreasonable to assume that one of my former
Deceive 2, Evade 3, Intimidate 3, Melee 4, Notice 2, coworkers has offered my new cell mate amnesty
Pick Pocket 3, Pistol 2, Scrutiny 2, Stealth 3, Toughness 3. in exchange for removing me from the picture.

Bulletproof +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this She is playing coy for the moment, and we
character from Ranged Combat attacks by +1, to a have shared some forced but otherwise polite
minimum of 1. conversation in an attempt to feel each other out.
Rush +2: This character's Charge Aspect has been
She claims to be a Wokou raider, a type of eastern
increased by +2. pirate who prowls the waters off the coasts of the
Three Kingdoms.
Skill Trigger (Social Skills): This character has the
following Trigger on its Social Skill duels: To delay her inevitable attempt on my life,
m Fast Talk: After resolving, take a Pick Pocket action I offered to draw a sketch of her in a combat
against a target within 1 yard. The Pick Pocket action pose. She warily agreed to pose for me, no
gains + to its flip. doubt expecting a trap, but when I had finished,
Unpredictable Assault: Enemy characters may not I could see genuine surprise and joy play across
Cheat Fate while in this character's engagement range. her otherwise stoic features.

(1) Twin Sabers (Melee) I believe it bought me another hour, perhaps two.
AV: 6 (12) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df - E.B.
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. This action gains + to the
attack flip.
R Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
t Drop It!: After succeeding, the target must pass a TN
10 Centering duel or drop one of the items held in
its hands.
m Coordinated Raid: After damaging, another friendly
character engaged with the target may make a 1 AP
Close Combat attack against the target. This attack
may not declare Triggers.
(1) Collier Navy (Pistol)
AV: 3 (9) == ===== Rg: z12 ==== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. Capacity 6, Reload 2.
m Reposition: After succeeding, this character may move
up to 3 yards.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
I pretended to be engrossed in my writing while I Orderly
warily watched my cellmate from the corner of my Minion (5), Living
eye. I knew that it would only be a matter of time
before she made her move.
Might Grace Speed Resilience
The exchange was quick. She stabbed me in the 2 -1 3 1
eye with a crude knife, thinking that it would be Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
enough to kill me, and I returned the favor by -2 -3 2 -2
stabbing my pencil into her neck. She fell down,
bleeding to death as I gingerly pulled the knife Defense Walk Height Initiative
from my eye. It's so difficult to kill something that 5 (10) 6 2 5 (10)
is already dead, isn't it, my dear? Willpower Charge Wounds
5 (10) 7 6
As my would-be murderer bled out on the ground,
I hurried to the door and began shouting for
Skills: Centering 3, Doctor 2, Grappling 2, Intimidate 3,
assistance, claiming that I had been wounded in
Melee 3, Notice 2, Scrutiny 1, Stealth 1, Toughness 1.
the battle with the "undead witch." As I expected,
it only took a moment for someone to rush to my Df (M) "Time for Your Meds!": After this character
cell and throw open the door. succeeds against a Close Combat attack, the attacker
becomes Dazed for the next hour.
He was a strange man, and the long scar that ran
Test Subject: At the end of this character's turn, it heals 1
along the side of his head hinted at extensive brain damage. When this character suffers a Critical Effect that
surgery. It instantly reminded me of the "patients" did not result in a missing limb, it (or its controller) may
at Smedley's Asylum and the experimental discard a card to ignore the effects of that Critical Effect.
surgeries that its staff are so eager to inflict upon Under My Care: This character gains + to disengaging
their poor wards. strikes. If this character makes a successful disengaging
strike, it may declare and resolve one of its Close Combat
The orderly had clearly not expected to find a Triggers, regardless of the suits in its final duel total.
hostile combatant waiting for him on the other
side of the door. He had (1) Surgical Instruments (Melee)
no sooner thrown it AV: 5 (10) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
open than I buried my Target suffers 2/3/5 damage, ignoring Hard to Wound.
c Needle in the Neck: When damaging, this attack deals
knife in his chest, over no damage. Instead, the target must pass a TN 12
and over again, until he Unconsciousness Challenge.
fell to the ground, gasping
(1) Hold Still (Grappling)
for air.
AV: 5 (10) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
Strangely, as I pulled the Target gains the following Condition: "Strapped Down:
This character cannot move and can take no actions
knife back, I could see that
other than to spend 1 AP to make a TN 12 Athletics
his wounds were already closing. Challenge. On a success, end this Condition. Any other
Was this a side effect of the character within 1 yard of this character may end this
experiments performed upon Condition as a (2) Action.
him at the asylum, perhaps? m Back to Bed: After succeeding, push the target up to
4 yards in any direction, then the target becomes
- E.B. Prone.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 197
Medical Automaton Hovering behind the orderly (literally, in this case)
Minion (5), Construct was a small Medical Automaton. As with most
residents of Malifaux City, I am primarily familiar
with these machines for the scandals and mutilated
Might Grace Speed Resilience
2 0 0 1 patients they have left in their wake.
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity From what I understand, they were built to serve
-5 -5 -5 -5 as doctors and surgeons for Contract Towns in
need of medical personnel. If a miner became
Defense Walk Height Initiative injured and time was of the essence, the town
1 (6) 4 2 0 (5) need only to turn on the Medical Automaton and
Willpower Charge Wounds allow it to diagnose and patch up its patients. The
2 (7) 4 5 only flaw was that the machines didn't seem to
understand when enough was enough and were
Skills: Doctor 4, Melee 3, Pneumatic 3. prone to performing one unnecessary operation
after another if someone did not shut them down,
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character to the point of amputating limbs that would have
by +1, to a minimum of 1. naturally healed on their own.
Pneumatic Doctor: This character may substitute its
Pneumatic Skill in place of its Intellect when using the As the orderly tried to roll over onto his stomach,
Doctor Skill. the Medical Automaton beeped loudly and
injected him with some foul, purple substance. It
Ruptured Anesthetic Tanks: The first time this
character suffers a Critical Effect targeting its Chest (R)
must have been a sedative, because he immediately
or is destroyed, every Living character within p3 gains stopped moving. I dragged him into my cell, laid
the following Condition for 1 hour: "Comfortably him down next to my bleeding cell mate, and
Numb: This character ignores the effects of Weak and removed the keys from his belt. Once the Medical
Moderate Critical Effects." This Ability then ceases to Automaton had started to treat their wounds, I
function until this character has healed all its damage. closed and locked the cell door behind them.
(1) Surgical Instruments (Melee) I wonder how much time will pass before someone
AV: 5 (10) ========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
checks in on my would-be murderers. I regret that
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage, ignoring Hard to Wound.
c Cut Away the Sickness: After damaging, if the target I could not linger to watch the resulting surgeries,
has the Blighted or Infected Condition, this attack but my escape was still fresh, and I simply did not
deals +1 damage, then reduce the value of each such have the time. - E.B.
Condition affecting the target by 1, to a minimum of 0.
(1) Anesthetic Injection (Pneumatic)
AV: 4 (9) =========== Rg: y1 ======== Resist: Df
A Living target gains the following Condition for 1
hour: "Comfortably Numb: This character ignores the
effects of Weak and Moderate Critical Effects."
(1) Activate Medical Protocols (Doctor)
A friendly Living target heals 1/2/3 damage, then flip
a card from the Fate Deck, which may be cheated by
this character's controller. If it is a t, this character
begins performing Surgery (Core Rules pg. 180) on the
target with the intent of removing all of the target's
lasting Critical Effects. The Surgery takes 1 hour; if the
procedure is interrupted (such as by this character or
the target moving), the target suffers a Severe Critical

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
At first, I had thought that whoever orchestrated my Bone Pile
attempted assassination had made a critical mistake Minion (6), Undead, Spirit
in clearing the guards and Wardens from my cell
block. I admit to growing somewhat suspicious
Might Grace Speed Resilience
when I reached the barred door leading upwards 2 1 -1 1
to the surface and was able to easily unlock it using
the orderly's keys. It had all the makings of a trap. Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-5 -5 -5 1
As it turns out, fate had finally decided to favor me
with her smile. I emerged from the depths of the Defense Walk Height Initiative
Gaol to find the Guild Enclave in turmoil. There was 3 (9) 4 2 -1 (5)
a crowd gathered around the distant courthouse, and Willpower Charge Wounds
from their angry shouting, discernable in sentiment 3 (9) 4 8
if not actual words, it was clear that a riot was on the
verge of breaking out. The guardsmen from the Gaol Skills: Evade 1, Pugilism 3, Thrown Weapons 3, Toughness 3.
had been pulled from their posts to help manage the
crowd, and being the cravenly sort, they had brought Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character
the Gaol's armored Wardens with them. suffer -.

The commotion, I later learned, was on account Pile On: If this character ends a Walk Action within
1 yard of a corpse, it may discard a card to add the
of the acquittal of Abdul Horrick, a crematorium corpse's bones to its own. If it does so, this character
operator who had been accused of transforming heals 2 damage and increases its Rank Value by +1, to a
the remains of many of his clients' loved ones into maximum Rank Value of Henchman (10).
horrid creatures the Death Marshals called "Bone
Too Many Limbs: At the start of this character's Turn, it
Piles." These creatures are, as their name suggests, may discard a card to gain one of the following bonuses
little more than heaps of moldering bone that had until it uses this Ability again:
been infused with an animating spirit. According * Arms: This character gains + to its attacks.
to rumor, they are capable of forming new limbs * Legs: This character gains +2 Wk and +2 Cg.
and even crude javelins from their jumbled bodies, * Skulls: Enemy characters must make a TN 10
making them exceedingly versatile and dangerous. Horror Duel when they target this character with a
harmful action.
An interesting ability, for
certain, but I prefer being (1) Clawing Bones (Pugilism)
able to pass for a living AV: 5 (11) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
woman (when I have my
c Infect: After succeeding, the target gains the Poison
makeup, at least). - E.B. +1 Condition a number of times equal to the number
of C in the final duel total.
(1) Bone Javelin (Thrown Weapons)
AV: 4 (10) ========== Rg: z12 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage, then this character suffers
1 damage. This action can only be declared once per
t Pinned to the Ground: After succeeding, the target
gains the following Condition until it moves or is
pushed: "Pinned to the Ground: This character
cannot declare Walk or Charge actions. This
character may take a (1) Action to remove the
javelin and end this Condition."

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 199
Guild Judge With the majority of the Guard temporarily
Enforcer (7), Living, Elite Division distracted by the threat of a riot, I weighed my
options and decided to once again brave the central
building of the Enclave. There was little hope of
Might Grace Speed Resilience
2 2 -1 2 finding another Thalarian Queller, especially
given my poor physical condition (missing eye,
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity smeared makeup, pronounced limp...), but I still
2 2 -1 1
had one final option available to me, distasteful
Defense Walk Height Initiative though it may be.
4 (11) 4 2 1 (8) As I neared the courthouse, the shouting of
Willpower Charge Wounds the crowd became more discernable. The most
4 (11) 4 6 prominent shouts involved accusations that Mr.
Horrick (or more likely, I think, his lawyer) had
Skills: Bureaucracy 3, Centering 2, Convince 2, Evade 2, bribed the judge for an easy acquittal. It was,
Forgery 1, Husbandry 2, Intimidate 3, Leadership 3, frankly, not entirely impossible. Most of the Guild
Melee 2, Notice 2, Pistol 3, Scrutiny 2, Toughness 1, judges I have known have been somewhat lacking
Track 1, Wilderness 2. in moral fiber.
Court is in Session: At the start of this character's turn, it Not that I truly have much room to pass judgment,
may discard a card to increase the value of a friendly Angry but perhaps you will excuse a little bit of hypocrisy
Mob's Rank Value Condition by +1. on my part, dear notebook, given the troubles we
Jury of Your Peers: When this character is in any sort have endured together?
of civilized area with a notable Guild presence, it is
accompanied by a friendly Angry Mob (pg. 201). The primary problem with the Guild's judges, in my
mind, is that most of them came out of the circuit
Manipulative (12): When an enemy character targets
this character with an action, they must pass a TN 12 courts. As they moved from one Contract Town to
Willpower Challenge. On a failure, this character may the next, dispensing justice, who would notice if a bit
change the target of the action to a legal target of its choice. of money changed hands? Their bad habits came
with them when they were all recalled to Malifaux
(1) Peacebringer (Pistol) City, and Mattheson certainly doesn't object to a bit
AV: 5 (12) ========== Rg: z10 ======== Resist: Df of bribery when the occasion suits him.
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. This weapon grants its
wielder + to Intimidate duels. Capacity 6, Reload 1. What value is there in being honest if corruption
c Hobble: After succeeding, the target gains the following brings no threat of punishment?
Condition for the remainder of Dramatic Time:
"Hobbled: This character may only declare one Then again, I suppose
Movement General Action per turn and may not that honest judges don't
declare the Run Action."
often have to worry
(1) Condemnation (Leadership) about being hanged
AV: 5 (12) ======== Rg: 10 yards === Resist: Special by an angry mob...
This action is resisted by the Bewitch Skill. Target gains
the following Condition for one day, plus one day per - E.B.
Margin of Success: "Public Enemy: This character
suffers - to Social Skill duels. Angry Mob characters add
+C to their final duel totals when attacking this character."
(0) Rile 'em Up (Leadership)
Target friendly Angry Mob takes a (1) Action of this
character's choice. The Angry mob gains + to any duels
it performs during this Action.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
For awhile, it seemed as if the Guard had the rioting Angry Mob
crowd under control. Then, in a moment of either Peon (Variable Rank Value), Living
extreme stupidity or incredible fortune (depending
upon one's point of view), the Guild judge that the
Might Grace Speed Resilience
mob had been railing against attempted to leave the 2 2 1 0
building via a small side entrance. He was spotted
immediately, and before he could escape back into Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
0 -1 -2 3
the safety of the building - it was difficult to tell
with only one eye, but I thought I saw two lawyers Defense Walk Height Initiative
holding the door shut from within as he struggled to 3 5 2 3 (varies)
reopen it - the mob had him.
Willpower Charge Wounds
It did not take long for the mob to have its justice, 5 5 Special
and soon the unfortunate judge was strung up from
a nearby tree and hanging in the wind. I would not Skills: Athletics 1, Carouse 2, Flexible 2, Intimidate 2,
have believed it if I had not seen it with my own Melee 2, Notice 2, Pugilism 2, Track 2.
eye, but as he struggled, his bulging pockets sprung
open and began raining Guild scrip down upon the Collective Focus: This character has the following
Condition: "Rank Value +8: Treat this character's
victorious crowd below, as if to punctuate his death Rank Value as equal to the value of this Condition. This
with a clear sign that the mob's outrage was justified. character does not add its Rank Value to its Defense."
Given the frequency with which circuit judges were Angry People: This character is immune to Willpower
accustomed to whipping up angry mobs to enforce duels and can never perform duels using Skills it does
the Guild's justice, it seemed a fitting end. In any not possess.
event, the crowd quickly began to disperse, so I did Multiple Bodies: This character does not have
not tarry too long in admiring the slowly swaying Wounds; when this character would suffer damage,
testament to the self-righteousness of mob justice. instead reduce its Rank Value Condition by 1, unless
the attack dealt b or p damage, in which case its
- E.B. Rank Value Condition is reduced by the full amount
of damage dealt. When the Rank Value Condition
reaches 0, the Angry Mob disbands.

(1) Clubs and Torches (Melee)

AV: 4 (varies) ======= Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/3 damage.
M From All Sides: After damaging, take this Action again
against the same target.
(1) Public Hanging (Flexible)
AV: 4 (varies) ======= Rg: y3 ======== Resist: Df
Target gains the Suffocating +3 Condition until this
character is killed or moves out of range.
C Mob Justice: After damaging, if this character is
within 2 feet of a sufficiently tall object, the target is
suspended 2 feet above the ground, cannot move,
and gains the Suffocating +2 Condition. On its
turn, the target can spend 2 AP to make a TN 12
Acrobatics or Evade Challenge. On a success, they
slip free, fall Prone, and regain the ability to breathe
and move.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 201
Guild Lawyer My entry into the central complex went
Enforcer (7), Living, Elite Division unchallenged; the Guard pit was all but empty, with
only a few beleaguered secretaries hurrying about
on this errand or that. It was a simple matter to slip
Might Grace Speed Resilience
-2 -1 1 1 past them and make my way to the staircase leading
up to the third floor.
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-2 2 3 2 My goal was none other than the office of Lucius
Mattheson. After my severance from the Elite
Defense Walk Height Initiative Division, I had thought that Mattheson might
3 (10) 5 2 2 (9) decide to allow me to live (well, exist) in peace,
Willpower Charge Wounds but since my capture by the Ortega family, his
6 (13) 5 6 intentions have been quite transparent. If he is so
intent upon seeing me dead, I reasoned, there is
Skills: Barter 2, Bureaucracy 3, Centering 4, Convince 3, no point in running from my fate. Better to face it
Deceive 3, Forgery 2, History 2, Intimidate 3, Literacy 3, head-on and at least go out fighting.
Notice 1, Pick Pocket 2, Scrutiny 3, Stealth 2, Toughness 1.
That being said, it was not easy to approach
Manipulative (12): When an enemy character targets Mattheson's office. One of his lawyers was lingering
this character with an action, they must pass a TN 12 in the hallway, evidently waiting for Mattheson
Willpower Challenge. On a failure, this character may to return from an appointment. Were I less well
change the target of the action to a legal target of its choice. informed, I might not have considered the masked
Objection!: After another character performs an action man to be a threat, but I have seen what Mattheson's
involving a duel, this character may discard a card to lawyers can do if you allow them to start talking.
force the target to perform the action again, with the same
modifiers. If the target Cheated Fate on the first duel, I waited until his back was turned before sneaking up
she may draw a card before performing the second duel. behind him and slitting his throat. I generally prefer
If either Action involved a Joker, this character suffers 2 to avoid doing such brutal work myself,
damage after the second action resolves. but as with my erstwhile cellmate, there
Sold My Soul: This character gains + to Willpower duels. simply was no other option. C'est la vie.
Its corpse can never be reanimated as an Undead
creature, and its spirit cannot be manipulated or trapped Fortunately, the blood stains
in a Soulstone after its death. were not very visible against
the crimson of the carpet. I
(1) Cross Examination (Intimidate) stashed his corpse in a nearby
AV: 5 (12) ========= Rg: 5 yards ====== Resist: Wp restroom, propped him up in
The target becomes Dazed until the end of its next turn.
t J'accuse!: After succeeding, the target must discard a
a stall, and left him there. At the
card or become Paralyzed. very least, the fragrant perfumes
should disguise the smell of blood.
(1) Censure (Bureaucracy)
AV: 6 (13) ====== Rg: Line of Sight ==== Resist: Special - E.B.
This action is resisted with the Bureaucracy Skill.
The target gains the following Condition for 1 day,
plus 1 day per Margin of Success: "Censured: When
this character declares an attack (whether physical or
mental), it must discard a card. If it cannot, it suffers -
on the attack."
(0) Expert Defense (Bureaucracy)
A friendly character within 5 yards gains Manipulative
(12) until the start of this character's next turn.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
Mattheson is not without his own surprises. I had Living Portrait
no sooner stepped into his office and shut the door Enforcer (8), Construct
behind me than the large portrait on the opposite
wall began to move! I took a step closer, drawn in by
Might Grace Speed Resilience
my curiosity, only to have the painting itself spring 2 2 2 4
forth from its framed prison to attack me!
Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
In desperation, I lunged for Mattheson's desk but 3 -1 2 2
tripped as my wounded leg gave out beneath me. In
this case, my weakness was my savior, as I crumpled Defense Walk Height Initiative
to the ground before the portrait's painted sword 4 (12) 5 2 6 (14)
could remove my head from its shoulders. Willpower Charge Wounds
4 (12) 6 8
In desperation, I rattled off every Elite Division
password I could remember, until one finally
seemed to spark some measure of recognition in Skills: Art 5, Melee 3, Notice 4, Toughness 2.
the portrait's two-dimensional face. It raised its Enchanted Painting: This character is linked to an
blade, saluted me, and then eerily flowed back into enchanted painting. If this character ever ends its turn
the painting from which it had come. more than 10 yards from the painting, this character
suffers a Severe Critical Effect. The painting is considered
I am now sitting at Mattheson's desk, the pistol he to have a Defense of 0 (5) against physical attacks, but
kept in his upper desk drawer laid out in front of any damage it suffers (from any source) is reduced by
me. I am wounded, denied my magic, and quite half, rounded down, then this character suffers a similar
literally falling apart, but I shall, at the very least, amount of damage that cannot be reduced.
have the element of surprise. Perhaps it will be Living Art: This character may enter or leave its painting
enough. as a (0) Action. While in its painting, this character is
indistinguishable from a normal painting.
Homme mort ne fait guerre.
Nothing But Paint: Reduce all damage this character
- E.B. suffers to 1. If this character is damaged by a Spell or
Manifested Power using the Water Immuto, the damage
is not reduced and this character becomes Slow.

(1) Painted Sword (Melee)

AV: 5 (13) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains the following
Condition until it washes the paint off: "Covered in
Paint: This character cannot declare Triggers. Any
attempts to Track this character gain ++."
t Painted Into a Corner: After succeeding, the target
cannot take Movement actions until the start of this
character's next turn.
(1) Still Life (Art)
AV: 7 (15) ========= Rg: 6 yards ====== Resist: Wp
Target is trapped in this character's painting and gains
the following Condition until this character is killed:
"Framed: This character is removed from reality and
cannot take Actions." This Action cannot be declared if
there is already a character in the painting.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 203
Francisco Ortega It was Francisco who had the idea to move their
growing family out of the slums and into the
As the eldest of the current generation of Ortegas, wilderness. It was a bold move, but it accomplished
Francisco Ortega felt that it was only natural that he everything the Ortegas wanted: it gave them the
should be the first Ortega to set foot in Malifaux. distance from the Guild they needed to keep
doing things the way they wanted, and it attracted
The reopening of the Breach had thrown all of the annoyed and incensed Neverborn like moths
Mexico into a desperate scramble to lay claim to to a bright flame. The Ortegas put down each
some small portion of the new world, and many of wave of Neverborn that crashed against their walls,
the poorer families were pooling their resources in then turned around and used the bounty money
the hope of sending a small handful of their best provided by those Neverborn to bring more of
and brightest through the Breach. Once they had their family into Malifaux.
made their fortune, they promised, they would
send for the rest of their family. Soon, they were an army, and Francisco's own
reputation began to approach that of his sister. His
It was no different for the Ortega family. They natural ambidexterity allows him to wield sword
lived as rural hunters, trappers, and laborers, and and pistol with equal skill, and when the firing
though they did not have much money, they were lines of the Neverborn Hunters fail, he is willing to
still able to pull together enough coin to purchase wade into melee and fight the horrors of Malifaux
a single ticket to Malifaux. Just which Ortega back with his twin blades. The Pistoleros view
would be the one to carry that ticket, though, was Francisco as the protector of not just his family but
a matter of heated debate. Francisco felt that it was all of Latigo.
his right as the eldest, while his brother Santiago
claimed that he, as the strongest Ortega, should
be the first to brave this new world. Their father
shouted them both down, claiming that as the
leader of the family, it was his duty.
Ultimately, none of them would be the first to
set foot in Malifaux. While the three men were
sleeping, Francisco's younger sister, Perdita, stole
the money they had saved and fled to Malifaux to
find her fortune. At first, Francisco was furious,
but as rumors of Perdita's successes began to find
their way back to Earth, his anger and jealousy
were replaced with a new emotion: pride.
Perdita sent a portion of the
money she earned from killing
Nephilim back to her family,
and Francisco was the first to
join his younger sister in Malifaux.
After telling her just how stupid she
had been to take off on her own, he pulled
her into a strong hug and congratulated
her on bringing honor and prestige to
their name. No more would the Ortegas
be thought of as simple trappers. Now,
they were monster hunters.

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)
Chapter 7: Bestiary
Unfortunately, not all of the Neverborn are easily Francisco Ortega
defeated with bullets. One of their number, a Henchman (10), Living
woman calling herself Pandora, took revenge upon
the Ortega family by subjecting their patriarch
Might Grace Speed Resilience
to the horrors hidden within her mystical puzzle 2 2 2 -1
box. His mind torn in half by the things he saw,
Francisco's father was condemned to the Malifaux Charm Intellect Cunning Tenacity
-1 0 2 2
Sanitarium, leaving the Ortega family leaderless.
As the eldest, everyone assumed that Francisco Defense Walk Height Initiative
would step up to lead the family. Instead, he 5 (15) 5 2 6 (16)
stepped aside and supported his sister, reasoning Willpower Charge Wounds
that Perdita was the reason the family had grown 6 (16) 6 9
to such fame and prosperity. Even after their
father escaped from the sanitarium a few weeks Skills: Athletics 3, Barter 2, Carouse 2, Centering 4,
later, Perdita remained in charge of the Ortegas, Convince 1, Evade 3, Explosives 1, Gambling 2,
as nobody wanted to turn the reins of power back Homesteading 2, Intimidate 4, Leadership 3, Melee 5,
over to a raving madman with a penchant for Notice 4, Pistol 4r, Scrutiny 2, Toughness 5, Track 3,
explosives. Wilderness 1.

In the years since, Francisco has stood at his El Mayor: Friendly characters within this character's
engagement range gain + to their Defense flips.
sister's side as her greatest supporter. He has
focused a great deal of time upon perfecting his Hard to Kill: This character may choose to ignore one
swordsmanship and is now counted among the Critical Effect per Dramatic Time.
greatest swordsmen in Malifaux. Often times, In the Thick of It: This character gains +R to his final
the mere mention of his name is enough to force duel total for every enemy model engaged with him.
concessions from his human opponents. Undermine Confidence: This character gains + to all
Intimidate Challenges made during Narrative Time.
Where his brother is loud and his sister is boastful,
Francisco is quiet. He will speak up and make his (1) Dueling Sword (Melee)
opinion known when the situation calls for it, but AV: 7 (17) ========== Rg: y2 ======== Resist: Df
for the most part, he allows his actions to speak for Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. If this character is using
him. A subtle nod or shake of the head to signal two swords, he gains + to the attack flip.
r Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
his approval or disapproval of a course of action, a
damage for each R in the final duel total.
hand placed upon the hilt of his sword to mark his m Slice: Take this action again against the same target.
displeasure; these are the most common ways that
Francisco interacts with others. (1) Modified Peacebringer (Pistol)
AV: 6r (16r) ====== Rg: z12 ==== Resist: Df
The only exception is when Francisco is among Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
his family. His younger brother, Santiago, knows r Critical Strike: When damaging, deal 1 additional
damage for each R in the final duel total.
exactly how to provoke a reaction out of Francisco,
and their sister often turns to him for tactical advice (2) Flurry
when planning large raids. Francisco's father, This character may discard a Twist Card to take three 1
meanwhile, is a constant source of frustration for AP attack Actions with a Close Combat weapon against
a single target.
the swordsman, primarily because of his erratic
and harmful behavior. More than once, Francisco (0) Living Legend
has woken up in the middle of the night to find This character may discard a card to remove any
his father mixing explosives in a bathtub or hiding number of Conditions on himself. Then, this character
heals 2 damage for every Condition removed.
dynamite around the hacienda (including, on two
separate occasions, in the oven).

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

Chapter 7: Bestiary 205
Character Creation 76 Equipment 160 Malifaux City, Industrial Zone 68
Ram’s Head Tarot 77 Ammo 166 Geissel Metalworks 68
Vice Card 78 Close Combat Weapons 161 Industry Station 69
Character Sheet 207 Ranged Combat Weapons 162 Malifaux Daily Record 69
Creatures 168 Eternal Dance, The 149 Map 61
Angry Mob 201 Fumarole Hazards (Rules) 72 Soulstone Processing 69
Bone Pile 199 Grimoires 157 Malifaux City, Outskirts 58
Clipper 194 Guard Patrols (Rules) 64 Governor’s Mansion 59
Clockwork Trap 175 Guild, The 6 Great Breach 58
Corpse Candle 182 Amalgamation Office 50 Hanging Tree 59
Dead Outlaw 176 Death Marshals 38 Malifaux Station 58
Disease Containment Unit 195 Dept. of Public Relations 42 Malifaux, Elsewhere 70
Domador de Cadaveres 181 Elite Division 46 Contract Towns 70
Draugr 179 Governor-Generals 28 Debtor’s Delve 73
Essence of Power 192 Guild Guard 30 Fortune Falls 71
Executioner 193 History 7 Fumaroles 72
Francisco Ortega 204 Neverborn Hunters 54 Homesteads 71
Gatling Gunner 184 Organizational Chart 23 Latigo Stronghold 73
Guild Interrogator 185 Organizational Structure 22 Western Knotwoods 71
Guild Investigator 186 Witch Hunters 34 Pursuits 94
Guild Lawyer 202 Guild Law 74 Bureaucrat 96
Guild Pathologist 178 Immuto, new 156 Commander 102
Guild Judge 200 Magia, new 150 Gunner 108
Hex Bow 191 Counter-Spelling 155 Magewright 112
Living Portrait 203 Enchanting 151 Marksman 116
Magewright 187 Necromancy 152 Propagandist 120
Medical Automaton 198 Prestidigitation 153 Pursuits, advanced 126
Mindless Zombie 182 Sorcery 154 Executioner 128
Mindless Zombie Horde 183 Malifaux City, Downtown 60 Guild Lawyer 130
Mounted Guardsman 173 Courthouse 62 Mage Killer 134
Orderly 197 Dockmast One 66 Soulstone Aficionado 136
Pathfinder 174 Duer’s Library 65 Witchling Handler 138
Pistolero 170 Guild Barracks 60 Talents, General 141
Revenant 183 Guild Enclave 60 Tarot References 84
Saboteur 172 Guild Gaol 62 Weapons, special rules 167
Sanctioned Spellcaster 180 Juno Square 64
Thalarian Queller 188 M&SU Union Hall 67
Warden 171 Malifaux Sanitarium 63
Watcher 177 Malifaux Tattler 66
Witchling Stalker 189 Map 61
Witchling Thrall 190 Museum of Natural History 65
Wokou Raider 196 Star Theater 67
University of Malifaux 66

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)


Player Name Division Vice Current Pursuit Characteristics

Might Intellect
skill av rating aspect

Grace Charm

Speed Cunning

Resilience Tenacity

Defense Walk
Armor Charge

Willpower Initiative

Wounds Height







Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)











Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)


Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

M alifaux
Above The Law takes you inside the most
powerful organization on either side of the
Breach: the Guild of Mercantilers. This book
expands on the options presented in the Core
Rules and provides detailed descriptions
of the Guild, its history, and its operational
procedures. Inside you will find new options
for character creation, including new Pursuits,
an array of Magia and Immuto, and a wide
assortment of dangerous and deadly weapons.

Above The Law is an expansion book for the Through

the Breach roleplaying game. It requires the Core
Rules to play.

Don’t trust the fickle nature of dice! Through the Breach characters $40.00
Printed in South Korea

ISBN 978-0-9971304-7-8
use a deck of cards, known as the Fate Deck, to navigate their 54000>
way through a world of gothic horror, magical gunslingers, and
steampunk technology.

Through the Breach is an easy to learn tabletop roleplaying game

perfect for telling stories set in the world of Malifaux.
9 780997 130478
© 2005-2018 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC

Василий Безымянный (Order #16386711)

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