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Nama : Nadia Sofia

NIM : 1908107010009

3. Exercise on Unstated Detail Question

Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)

Blood pressure measurement has two components: systolic and diastolic. Systolic
pressure is taken when the heart is contracting to pump blood; diastolic pressure is taken
when the heart is resting between beats. In the usual blood pressure reading, the systolic
measurement is given first and is the higher of the two.

Normal blood pressure is a systolic measurement of 140, and when the systolic
pressure is 160 or higher, then hypertension exists. Systolic pressure between 140 and 160
indicates borderline hypertension.

Pengukuran tekanan darah memiliki dua komponen: sistolik dan diastolik. Tekanan
sistolik diambil saat jantung berkontraksi untuk memompa darah; tekanan diastolik diambil
saat jantung beristirahat di antara detak jantung. Dalam pembacaan tekanan darah biasa,
pengukuran sistolik dilakukan terlebih dahulu dan lebih tinggi dari keduanya.

Tekanan darah normal adalah pengukuran sistolik 140, dan bila tekanan sistolik 160
atau lebih tinggi, maka hipertensi terjadi. Tekanan sistolik antara 140 dan 160 menunjukkan
hipertensi batas.

1. Which the following is NOT true about systolic blood pressure?

(A) It is taken during the contraction of the heart.

(B) It is usually given first in a blood pressure reading.
(C) A normal systolic measurement is 140.
(D) Hypertension exists when the systolic pressure is below 140.

Penjelasan: Informasi yang tidak dijelaskan dalam teks adalah (D) bahwa “hypertension exists
when the systolic pressure is below 140”. Pernyataan itu bertentangan dengan informasi yang
ada pada teks baris ke 5-6.
2. Which of the following is NOT stated about diastolic pressure?

(A) It is one of the two components of blood pressure measurement.

(B) It is taken when the heart is resting
(C) It is lower than systolic pressure.
(D) A diastolic measurement of 140 is normal.

Penjelasan: sama seperti penjelasan jawaban soal no. 1, informasi yang tidak dijelaskan dalam
teks adalah (D) A diastolic measurement of 140 is normal.

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3-4)

In the 1960s, as space travel was becoming a subject of much discussion, Pan
American Airlines began receiving some fairly unusual request for flight information. People
began making requests to be on the first flight that Pan Am made to the Moon.

On a whim, Pan Am started a waiting list for the first flight to the Moon. Similar
requests have come to Pan Am over the years, and Pan Am has responded by adding the
names of the requesters to the list.

Unfortunately for Pan Am, the original company is no longer in business, and it never
got to the Moon. However, when it went out of business, it had a waiting list of more than
90,000 names for its first lunar flight.

Pada 1960-an, ketika perjalanan luar angkasa menjadi topik diskusi, Pan American
Airlines mulai menerima beberapa permintaan informasi penerbangan yang tidak biasa.
Orang-orang mulai membuat permintaan untuk berada di penerbangan pertama yang
dilakukan Pan Am ke Bulan.

Tiba-tiba, Pan Am mulai membuat daftar tunggu untuk penerbangan pertama ke

Bulan. Permintaan serupa telah datang ke Pan Am selama bertahun-tahun, dan Pan Am telah
menanggapinya dengan menambahkan nama pemohon ke dalam daftar.

Sayangnya untuk Pan Am, perusahaan aslinya tidak lagi dalam bisnis, dan tidak
pernah sampai ke Bulan. Namun, ketika bangkrut, ia memiliki daftar tunggu lebih dari 90.000
nama untuk penerbangan bulan pertamanya.

3. All of the following are mentioned about Pan American Airlines, EXCEPT that

(A) It started business in the 1960s

(B) It received requests for its first flight to the Moon
(C) It kept some people on a long waiting list
(D) It went out of business
Penjelasan: Pernyataan “it started business in the 1960s” di jawaban (A) tidak ada dalam teks.
Dalam teks hanya dijelaskan bahwa tahun 1960 “Pan American Airlines began receiving…”.

4. Which of the following is NOT true about Pan Am’s Moon flights?

(A) People asked Pan Am about its flights to the Moon.

(B) Pan Am kept a waiting list for its Moon flights.
(C) Pan Am never really made any Moon flights.
(D) Pan Am’s waiting list had only a few names on it.

Penjelasan: Jawaban (D) tidak sesuai teks karena merujuk kalimat “it had a waiting list of more
than 90,000 names for its first lunar flight.” ada banyak nama yang ada di “waiting list”.

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-8)

The tunnel trees in Yosemite Valley are an amazing attraction to people who visit
there. The tunnel trees are huge trees, giant redwoods, which have had tunnels carved in
them, and cars can actually drive through them should give you some indication of just how
big the trees are.

There are currently two existing tunnel trees in Yosemite Valley. One of them is called
the Dead Giant. This is just the stump, or bottom part, of a much larger tree. The hole was cut
through the base of the tree in 1878, and stagecoaches used to drive through it. Today the
Dead Giant still exists, but the stagecoaches do not. Passenger cars can and do drive through
the 10-foot-wide opening in the tree stump.

The other existing tunnel tree is the 230-foot high California Tree, which had a hole
carved through it in 1895. This tree is no longer open to public, so it is not possible to take a
car through it.

Unfortunately, a third tunnel tree no longer exists. The Wawona Tunnel Tree was
2,100-year old tree which was carved in 1881. A terrible snowstorms in 1969 caused this
ancient giant of a tree to fall.

Pohon terowongan di Lembah Yosemite menjadi daya tarik yang luar biasa bagi orang-
orang yang berkunjung ke sana. Pohon terowongan adalah pohon besar, pohon redwood
raksasa, yang memiliki ukiran terowongan di dalamnya, dan mobil yang benar-benar dapat
melewatinya akan memberi Anda indikasi seberapa besar pohon itu.

Saat ini ada dua pohon terowongan di Lembah Yosemite. Salah satunya disebut
Raksasa Mati. Ini hanyalah tunggul, atau bagian bawah, dari pohon yang jauh lebih besar.
Lubang itu dipotong melalui pangkal pohon pada tahun 1878, dan kereta pos digunakan
untuk melewatinya. Saat ini Raksasa Mati masih ada, tetapi kereta pos tidak. Mobil
penumpang dapat dan memang berkendara melalui celah selebar 10 kaki di tunggul pohon.

Pohon terowongan lain yang ada adalah Pohon California setinggi 230 kaki, yang
dilubangi pada tahun 1895. Pohon ini tidak lagi dibuka untuk umum, sehingga tidak
memungkinkan untuk dilalui mobil.

Sayangnya, pohon terowongan ketiga sudah tidak ada lagi. Pohon Terowongan
Wawona adalah pohon berumur 2.100 tahun yang diukir pada tahun 1881. Badai salju yang
dahsyat pada tahun 1969 menyebabkan pohon raksasa purba ini tumbang.

5. Which of the following is NOT true about the tunnel trees in Yosemite Valley?

(A) They are trees with holes cut in them.

(B) They are giant redwoods.
(C) Three tunnel trees currently exist.
(D) Cars have driven through some of them.

Penjelasan: Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai adalah “three tunnel trees currently exist” pada
jawaban (C) karena salah satu pohon yaitu “Wawona Tunnel Tree” sudah tidak ada (lihat teks
baris 14).

6. All of the following are stated about the Dead Giant, EXCEPT that

(A) It is still a tunnel tree today

(B) It is just the stump of a tree
(C) It was cut less than a century ago
(D) It has a 10-foot opening

Penjelasan: Pernyataan pada jawaban (C) It was cut less than a century ago tidak sesuai
dengan pernyataan teks pada baris 8 yang menyebutkan bahwa “The hole was cut through
the base of the tree in 1878”.

7. Which of the following is NOT true about the California Tree?

(A) Its tunnel still exists.

(B) Its tunnel is 230 feet high.
(C) Its tunnel was cut in 1895.
(D) Cars are not allowed to go through it.

Penjelasan: Jawaban (B) Its tunnel is 230 feet high tidak sesuai dengan teks karena bukan
“tunnel”-nya yang setinggi 230 feet, tetapi 230 feet itu tinggi dari California Tree.
8. All of the following are true about the Wawona Tunnel Tree, EXCEPT that

(A) It does not exist anymore

(B) The tree lived for more than 2,000 years
(C) The tunnel tree was destroyed in a snowstorm
(D) The tunnel was destroyed in 1881

Penjelasan: Pernyataan pada jawaban (D) The tunnel was destroyed in 1881 tidak sesuai
dengan teks karena dalam teks disebutkan bahwa pohon tumbang di tahun 1969 (lihat teks
baris 15-16)

Exercise on Implied Detail Question

Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-3)

Until 1996 the Sears Tower was the tallest building in the world, with more than a
hundred stories. It is located in Chicago, whose nickname is the Windy City. The combination
of a very tall building in a city with such weather conditions leads to a lot of swaying in the

On a windy day, the top of the building can move back and forth as much as three feet
every few seconds. The inside doors at the top of the building open and close, andwater in
sinks sloshes back and forth.

Hingga tahun 1996, Menara Sears adalah gedung tertinggi di dunia, dengan lebih dari
seratus lantai. Terletak di Chicago, yang julukannya adalah Kota Windy. Kombinasi gedung
yang sangat tinggi di kota dengan kondisi cuaca seperti itu menyebabkan banyak hembusan

Pada hari yang berangin, puncak gedung dapat bergerak maju mundur sebanyak tiga
kaki setiap beberapa detik. Pintu bagian dalam di bagian atas gedung terbuka dan tertutup,
dan air di bak cuci mengalir bolak-balik.

1. The Sears Tower is probably

(A) as tall as the Empire State Building

(B) no longer the tallest building in the world
(C) taller than any other building
(D) still the highest building in the world
Penjelasan : Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah (B). Pada kalimat pertama “Until 1996 the
Sears Tower was the tallest building in the world”. Jadi probably yang memungkinkan adalah
Sears Tower bukan lagi menjadi bangunan tertinggi di dunia.

2. It can be inferred from the passage that Chicago

(A) has moderate weather

(B) is generally warm
(C) has humid weather
(D) usually has a lot of wind

Penjelasan : Julukan dari kota Chicago saja adalah Windy City, yang berati bahwa kota ini
memiliki banyak angin. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D).

3. It is implied in the passage that the upper-level doors in the Sears Tower open and close

(A) the building was poorly constructed

(B) people go in and out so often
(C) the building moves in the wind
(D) there is water in the sinks

Penjelasan : Jawabannya ada pada paragraf kedua, dimana “the Sears Tower open and close
because the building moves in the wind”

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 4 - 6)

The most common last name in the English-speaking world is Smith, which was taken
from the job of working with metals. A silversmith, for example, is someone who works with
the metal silver. Historical records indicate that the use of this last name is at least 700 years
old. Today, there are more than 3.3 million Smiths living in the United States and perhaps
another million Smiths living in other English-speaking countries worldwide.

Nama belakang paling umum di dunia berbahasa Inggris adalah Smith, yang diambil
dari pekerjaannya menangani logam. Seorang pengrajin perak, misalnya, adalah seseorang
yang bekerja dengan logam perak. Catatan sejarah menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan nama
belakang ini setidaknya berusia 700 tahun. Saat ini, ada lebih dari 3,3 juta Smith tinggal di
Amerika Serikat dan mungkin satu juta Smith tinggal di negara berbahasa Inggris lainnya di
seluruh dunia.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that family names

(A) were always taken from the area where a family lived
(B) were short names
(C) had little or no meaning
(D) could be taken from jobs

Penjelasan : Hal ini terdapat pada kalimat pertama di awal paragraf yaitu “which was taken
from the job of working with metals”.

5. Which of the following is implied about the Smith family name?

(A) it is definitely not more than 700 years old.

(B) it existed 600 years ago.
(C) It did not exist 500 years ago.
(D) it definitely was not in use 1,000 years ago.
(E) Penjelasan : Pada kalimat ke-3, yaitu “at least 700 years old” yang sama maknanya
dengan it existed 600 years ago.

6. In England there are probably

(A) more Smiths than there are in the United States

(B) more than a million Smiths
(C) fewer than a million Smiths
(D) no families with the name of Smith

Penjelasan : Di dalam paragraf dikatakan bahwa “perhaps another million Smiths living in
other English-speaking countries worldwide”. Karena negara yang memakai bahasa inggris
banyak, maka jawaban paling tepat adalah (C).

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 7 - 9)

On the hardness scale, corundum immediately follows diamond, which is the hardest
mineral in the world. Corundum is perhaps better known by the names of its gemstones, ruby
and sapphire. Basically, gem corundum is divided into two groups: corundum that is red in
color is called ruby and corundum that is any other color is called sapphire.

Pure corundum is clear, but pure corundum is rarely found in nature. If small amounts of
the chemical substance chromic oxide (Cr2O3) got into the crystal structure when it formed
millions of years ago, then the corundum turned a deep, rich red and became ruby
Red is not the only color that corundum can take on. Other chemical substances enter
into the crystal structure of corundum, and it can take on a variety of other colors. Most
people associate blue with sapphires, and certainly when corundum contains impurities that
turn it blue, it is called sapphire. However, corundum can have a variety of other colors—e.g.,
green or purple—and still be called sapphire.

Pada skala kekerasan, korundum langsung mengikuti berlian, yang merupakan mineral
terkeras di dunia. Korundum mungkin lebih dikenal dengan nama batu permata, ruby dan
safir. Pada dasarnya, korundum permata dibagi menjadi dua kelompok: korundum yang
berwarna merah disebut ruby dan korundum yang warna lain disebut safir.

Korundum murni jernih, tetapi korundum murni jarang ditemukan di alam. Jika sejumlah
kecil zat kimia oksida kromat (Cr2O3) masuk ke dalam struktur kristal ketika terbentuk jutaan
tahun yang lalu, korundum berubah menjadi merah tua dan kaya dan menjadi ruby.

Merah bukanlah satu-satunya warna yang dapat diambil korundum. Zat kimia lain masuk
ke dalam struktur kristal korundum, dan dapat mengambil berbagai warna lain. Kebanyakan
orang mengasosiasikan biru dengan safir, dan tentunya bila korundum mengandung kotoran
yang mengubahnya menjadi biru, itu disebut safir. Namun, korundum dapat memiliki
berbagai warna lain — misalnya hijau atau ungu — dan masih disebut safir.

7. It can be inferred from the passage that corundum is

(A) the hardest mineral in the world

(B) not as hard as sapphire
(C) the second hardest mineral
(D) a rather soft mineral

Penjelasan : Pada kalimat pertama di paragraf pertama dikatakan bahwa skala kekerasan
korundum mengikuti berlian yang merupakan mineral terkeras di dunia. Jadi jawabannya
adalah (C).

8. Chromic oxide is probably what color?

(A) Clear
(B) Blue
(C) Red
(D) Green

Penjelasan : Jawaban pertanyaan ini sudah dijelaskan secara lengkap pada paragraf dua “…
the corundum turned a deep, rich red and became ruby”.
9. Yellow corundum is most likely called

(A) gold
(B) chromic oxide
(C) ruby
(D) sapphire

Penjelasan : Pada kalimat terakhir dikatakan “However, corundum can have a variety of other
colors—e.g., green or purple—and still be called sapphire.”. Jadi jawabannya adalah (D).

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 10-11)

Eskimos need efficient and adequate means to travel across water in that the areas
where they live are surrounded by oceans, bays, and inlets and dotted with lakes and seas.
Two different types of boats have been developed by the Eskimos, each constructed to meet
specific needs.

The kayak is something like a canoe that has been covered by a deck. A kayak is
generally constructed with one opening in the deck for one rider; however, some kayaks are
made for two. Because the deck of a kayak is covered over except for the hole (or holes) for
its rider (or riders), a kayak can tip over in the water and roll back up without filling with water
and sinking. One of the primary uses of the kayak is for hunting.

The umiak is not closed over, as is the kayak. Instead, it is an open boat that is built to
hold ten to twelve passengers. Eskimos have numerous uses for the umiak which reflect the
size of the boat; e.g. the umiak is used to haul belongings from campsite to campsite, and it
is used for hunting larger animals that are too big to be hunted in a kayak.

Orang Eskimo membutuhkan sarana yang efisien dan memadai untuk melakukan
perjalanan melintasi air karena wilayah tempat mereka tinggal dikelilingi oleh samudra, teluk,
dan ceruk serta dihiasi dengan danau dan laut. Dua jenis perahu berbeda telah dikembangkan
oleh orang Eskimo, masing-masing dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan khusus.

Kayak adalah sesuatu seperti kano yang telah ditutup oleh dek. Kayak umumnya dibuat
dengan satu bukaan di geladak untuk satu pengendar. Namun, beberapa kayak dibuat untuk
dua orang. Karena geladak kayak tertutup kecuali lubang (atau lubang) untuk
penunggangnya (atau penunggangnya), kayak dapat terjungkal ke dalam air dan berguling
kembali tanpa terisi air dan tenggelam. Salah satu kegunaan utama kayak adalah untuk

Umiak tidak ditutup, seperti halnya kayak. Sebaliknya, itu adalah perahu terbuka yang
dibangun untuk menampung sepuluh hingga dua belas penumpang. Orang Eskimo memiliki
banyak kegunaan umiak yang mencerminkan ukuran perahu; misalnya Umiak digunakan
untuk mengangkut barang-barang dari tempat perkemahan ke tempat perkemahan, dan
digunakan untuk berburu binatang yang lebih besar yang terlalu besar untuk diburu dengan

10. It is implied in the passage that if a kayak has two holes, then

(A) it accommodates two riders

(B) it is less stable than a kayak with one hole
(C) it is as large as an umiak
(D) it cannot be used on the ocean

Penjelasan : Jawaban yang tepat adalah (A). Pada paragraf dijelaskan di kalimat kedua
paragraf kedua. Kayak umumnya dibuat dengan satu bukaan di geladak untuk satu
pengendara. Namun, beberapa kayak dibuat untuk dua orang

11. It can be inferred from the passage that an example of the animals mentioned might be

(A) a kangaroo
(B) a snake
(C) a whale
(D) a salmon

Penjelasan : Paragraf di atas menjelaskan bahwa tempat tinggal orang eskimo dikelilingi oleh
samudra, teluk, dan ceruk. Kemudian pada kalimat terakhir dari passage diatas dikatakan
bahwa umiak digunakan untuk berburu binatang yang lebih besar yang terlalu besar untuk
diburu dengan kayak. Jadi, binatang yang paling tepat adalah paus (C).

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