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1) “Is she American?” “No, _____ .”

a) hers isn‟t
b) she isn‟t
c) she is not
d) she her isn‟t

2) “____ their names Jack & Benny?” “Yes, _____ .”

a) Are / they are
b) Aren‟t / there are
c) Am / their
d) Is / they‟re

3) Jim’s a postman. He _____ letters to people.

a) answers
b) works
c) delivers
d) serves

4) _____ does your father do in his free time?

a) Why
b) What kind
c) How many
d) What

5) That’s my dictionary. Can I have ___ back please?

a) it
b) you
c) them
d) my

6) I _____ my teeth every morning.

a) brushing
b) brush
c) brushes
d) to brush

7) It is five to nine.
a) 9:55
b) 9:35
c) 8:55
d) 9:05

8) He plays football _____ Friday mornings.

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) of
9) “Do Mr. Adams and his daughter like going _____ ?” “No, they _____ .”
a) ski / don‟t
b) skiing / don‟t
c) skiing / do
d) ski / does

10) It happened _____ seven o’clock _____ the evening.

a) when / *
b) in / at
c) at / last
d) at / in

11) Does the cottage have _____ dining room?

a) any
b) an
c) a
d) some

12) There are two pictures _____ the wall.

a) at
b) on
c) of
d) in

13) A: _____ were they late for the meeting? B: Because they _____ asleep.
a) What / were
b) Why / was
c) Why / were
d) Why / are

14) Where _____ you _____ on holiday last year?

a) did / went
b) go / did
c) did / go
d) do / go

15) I sometimes listen _____ the radio or watch _____ TV.

a) of - on
b) to - on
c) * - to
d) to - *

16) She has _____ to Portugal.

a) be
b) been
c) being
d) were
17) New York is _____ Paris.
a) dirty
b) dirtier than
c) the dirtiest
d) dirtier

18) Madrid is much _____.

a) cheap
b) cheaper
c) cheapest
d) the cheapest

19) A: _____ are you doing under the trees? B: I’m _____ my keys.
a) What / looking off
b) Whom / looking in
c) When / looking up
d) What / looking for

20) We _____ to stay in a villa in France this summer.

a) going
b) „re going
c) to go
d) go

1. You can ______ everything you need at this supermarket.
a) lend
b) sell
c) use
d) buy

2. We give the money to the ______ in the market?

a) queue
b) manager
c) cashier
d) customer

3. My mother’s sister is my ______.

a) niece
b) uncle
c) nephew
d) aunt
4. My brother put all flowers in the ______.
a) bowl
b) pot
c) vase
d) glass

5. Someone who works in a shop that sell meat is a/an ______.

a) baker
b) butcher
c) fireman
d) teacher

6. Someone whose job is to treat people’s teeth is a/an ______.

a) grocer
b) doctor
c) dentist
d) singer

Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals

7. He LOOKS at himself in the glass.
a) puts
b) likes
c) sees
d) stares
e) stands

8. He thought that he was very SILLY.

a) clever
b) foolish
c) bright
d) wise
e) strong

Find the antonym of the following words written in capitals.

9. Her luggage was so HEAVY that she asked the young man to help her.
a) easy
b) large
c) least
d) light
e) vast

10. He began TO EARN money very early.

a) to change
b) to touch
c) to spend
d) to sweep
e) to tear
Reading 1.
Preparing food
Jack was hungry. He walked to the kitchen. He got out some eggs. He took out some oil. He
placed a skillet on the stove. Next, he turned on the heat. He poured the oil into the skillet. He
cracked the eggs into a bowl. He stirred the eggs. Then, he poured them into the hot skillet. He
waited while the eggs cooked. They cooked for two minutes. He heard them cooking. They
popped in the oil.
Next, Jack put the eggs on a plate. He placed the plate on the dining room table. Jack loved
looking at his eggs. They looked pretty on the white plate. He sat down in the large wooden
chair. He thought about the day ahead. He ate the eggs with a spoon. They were good.
He washed the plate with dish washing soap. Then, he washed the pan. He got a sponge damp.
Finally, he wiped down the table. Next, Jack watched TV.
1. What food was cooked?
a) Rice
b) Eggs
c) Fish
d) Pork

2. Where did Jack eat the eggs?

a) In his room
b) In the kitchen
c) At the dining room table
d) In front of the TV

3. How long did the eggs cook?

a) 3 minutes
b) 2 minutes
c) 5 minutes
d) 10 minutes

4. What was the chair made of?

a) Wood
b) Stone
c) Metal
d) We do not know

5. Jack cooked in a skillet. What is another word for skillet?

a) Pan
b) Oven
c) Microwave
d) Slow cooker
Reading 2
A great summer vacation
I just returned from the greatest summer vacation! It was so fantastic. I never wanted it to end. I
spent eight days in Paris, France. My best friends, Henry and Steve, went with me. We had a
beautiful hotel room in the Latin Quarter, and it wasn‟t even expensive. We had a balcony with a
wonderful view.
We visited many famous tourist places. My favorite was the Louvre, a well-known museum. I
was always interested in art, so that was a special treat for me. The museum is so huge, you
could spend weeks there. Henry got tired walking around the museum and said “Enough! I need
to take a break and rest.”
We took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the river Seine. The French food we ate was
delicious. The wines were tasty, too. Steve‟s favorite part of the vacation was the hotel breakfast.
He said he would be happy if he could eat croissants like those forever. We had so much fun that
we‟re already talking about our next vacation!
1. What city did they go to for their summer vacation?
a) Paris
b) Latin
c) Lyon
d) Louvre

2. How long was the summer vacation?

a) Two weeks
b) One week
c) Eight weeks
d) Eight days

3. What did their hotel room have?

a) A bottle of wine
b) A refrigerator
c) A view of the metro
d) A balcony

4. Who got tired walking in the Louvre museum?

a) Steve
b) Henry
c) Harry
d) Seine

5. What did Steve enjoy the most?

a) The cafes along the river Seine
b) The Latin Quarter and the balcony
c) The wine and the food
d) The hotel breakfast and the croissants
Part 1
1. The game is not good for people under
a) eight
b) ten
c) twelve

2. Black's PC shop is in
a) Cambridge
b) London.
c) Peterstown

3. The address of the shop is

a) 29 Hunter Road.
b) 29 Walker Street.
c) 29 Marsden Street.

4. The last day you can get a free game is

a) Monday.
b) Thursday.
c) Friday.

5. The computer game cost

a) £26.
b) £30.
c) £48.

Part 2
1. Day of journey: ……………………
2. Train leaves at: ……………………
3. Return ticket costs: ……. £
4. Food on train: Drinks and ………….
5. Address of Travel Agency: ……………………………
You now live in a new house. Write a note to a friend about the house.
• Where your house is
• Which room you like best and why.
Write 25-35 words.

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