Module 1 Study Notebook

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By the end of this Module, you will be able to:

1. describe what this course is about
2. how it will help you manage the teaching-learning process in the modalities.


Lesson 1: Course Overview

Lesson 2: Organizing your Learning Action Cell (LAC) LAC Session 1
Read the LDM Course Overview. Reflect on the overview by answering the following questions. Write down
your insights in your Study Notebook.

1. What is the main delivery of this course?

The Learning Delivery Modalities 2 Course (LDM2) delivers self-directed modules which do not require
thorough discussion in deepening the teachers’ understanding on the different learning modalities that we are
about to use come October 5. This course is also output-oriented as teacher participants are tasked to provide
outputs and reflect on each activity in every module.

2. How can this course help ensure that you will be able to deliver quality instruction in the “new
Given the current situation of our country due to the pandemic and as our educational system is doing its
best to adjust in providing alternative ways for learners to access quality education, this course shall engage us
to become more knowledgeable and skillful in terms of the implementation of the most suitable learning
delivery modality in their respective areas. This will also urge us to understand better the needs of our learners
and the most effective ways to provide instructional assistance considering their health and welfare.

3. What are the two support mechanisms that will help you with your learning in this course?

The support mechanisms that will surely help me in learning this course are as follow:
1. My prior knowledge gain from the webinars/trainings I attended that are all connected to this course.
2. The expertise of the LAC sessions’ facilitators together with the collaborations of our teaching force in
giving insights, enlightenments, and support to each other in learning each module of this course.

Answer the following questions by copying and filling out the table in your Study Notebook.

1. How will my personal characteristics and circumstances affect (positively or negatively) my

participation in this course?
2. How can I ensure that I am able to sustain my strengths and address the obstacles that will hinder
me from completing this course?


(What is it that I (What will prevent me (What will push me to (Where will I
repeatedly from participate in this accomplish the
do that may affect my participating fully in course?) requirements of this
participation in the this course?
course in course?) Describe this
a positive or negative environment.)

I always study the The on-going My primary motivation Since we are doing
lessons given to me preparations for the has always been the the LAC sessions
ahead of time and more opening of classes, learners. Seeing them virtually, I will have to
than willing to search the queries from confined in their homes accomplish the
for answers and parents through and learning less to requirements of this
solutions to problems phone nothing makes me course from my home.
that may occur along calls/SMS/messenger, bothered. Amidst this Rest assured that I
the way. This for me is and other tasks being pandemic, I guess the keep constant
somehow positive that given simultaneously least we can do is to communication with
may result to providing from different offices. provide them with the my colleagues in
better outputs. Not to mention the best resources we can getting their insights
difficulty in internet give them in order for and support for better
connection since our them continue their understanding of this
LAC sessions may be dreams of becoming course.
conducted virtually. someone useful and
efficient someday.
Begin by refreshing your memory on the Learning Action Cell. Read DepEd Order No. 35 s. 2016 titled
“The Learning Action Cell as the K to 12 Basic Education Program School Based Continuing Professional
Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning.” Once you’re done, answer the
following questions. Write your responses and any other ideas and reflections in your Study Notebook.

1. Reflect on the objectives for conducting LAC sessions as listed in DO 35, s. 2016.
Rank the following objectives from easiest to the most difficult to achieve:
__2__ To improve the teaching-learning process to improve learning among students
__4__ To nurture successful teachers
__1__ To enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical
knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes
__3__ To foster a professional collaborative spirit among School Heads, teachers, and the community
as a whole

2. What are the top three challenges to having a successful LAC? List down and elaborate.
1. Proper Schedule of LAC - It will be best if the schedule for the session do not conflict with the other tasks
and schedules of the teachers. Often times, teachers are attending 2 or more trainings all at the same time
resulting to give less focus to the LAC session.

2. Relevance of the Topics - To make sure that teachers are gaining knowledge and skills that are useful to
the current situation or in the future, the topics in the LAC sessions should be relevant, timely, and benefial
to all parties concerned especially in these trying times.

3. Stable communication lines - As many of us are leveraging the power of modern technology in conducting
LAC sessions, it will be best if we can find a place with stable internet connection.

According to DO 35, s. 2016, a LAC should have no less than 2 but not more than 15 members each. Get
in touch with your designated Coach or LAC Leader in forming your LACs.

See LDM Module 1 – page 5

List down the members of your LAC and their respective roles in your Study Notebook.


This form should be accomplished by the LAC Facilitator and its members at the first LAC session.

LAC ID (name or number): Number of LAC members:

Name of LAC Facilitator: Designation/Position:

LAC Members

NAME Male/ Female DESIGNATION/ DIVISION/S Contact details Preferred contact

POSITION (email, mobile mode (email,
number) phone, Skype,
Zoom, Google
Meet, Viber, FB)

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