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Chapter 5 India’s Heritage of Science

and Technology
I. Answer the following questions in detail.
Question 1.
Write about the contribution made by ancient India in metallurgy.
The branch of science and technology-related with the properties of metals
and their production and purification is called metallurgy. People of India have
been making the use of metallurgy in their daily life since the ancient time.

Ancient India made extraordinary progress in the field of metallurgy. The proof
of this is the metallic idol of a female dancer discovered from the Indus Valley
Civilization. Metal statues of Buddha belonging to the Kushan period were
also found at Takshashila which further proves our excellence in metalwork.

Several idols were made in south India during the Chola period. The finest
example of this is the metal statue of Nataraja, which has become world-
famous. At present, this statue is preserved in a museum of Chennai. The
museum also has the ancient statue of Lord Rama (the archer). Fine ancient
metal artistic statues of Gods-Goddesses, birds and animals and betel-nut
cutters, etc. are also wonderful examples of our rich metallic art.

Question 2.
Write about the development in chemistry achieved by ancient India.
Chemistry is an experimental science. It helps in studying various minerals,
plants, seeds for agriculture, making various metal and understanding their

Acharya Nagarjuna’s contribution in Chemistry:

Acharya Nagarjuna, a learned Buddhist of Nalanda University, is known as the
pioneer of Chemistry. He suggested that people should use allopathic
medicines also along with herbal medicines. It is believed that it was Acharya
Nagarjuna who first introduced the use of mercury ash as a medicine. He
wrote books namely, TRasa-Ratnakar i.e. (juice Ratnakar)’ and ‘Arogya-

In his book Rasaratnakar, he mentioned about the main juices i.e. ‘maha rasa’,
“uprasa’ and 10 types of poisons, various types of salts and ash of minerals
that are found in chemistry. Nagarjuna was the head of Nalanda University
where he had set up school of chemistry and furnace for study and research

Question 3.
Discuss ancient India’s progress in Medical Science and Surgery.
Maharishi Charak, Maharishi Sushruta and Vaghatta were the pioneers of
ancient India’s medical and herbal science and surgery. These people did
extensive research and reached great heights. Maharishi Charak wrote a book
‘Charak Samhita’ in which he has mentioned about over 2000 medicinal herbs.
Maharishi Sushruta wrote a book ‘Sushruta Samhita’ in which he has
mentioned instruments used in surgery. The instruments were so sharp that
they could split a single in two parts vertically. Vagbhatta wrote a book
Vagbhatta Samhita’. Even today, all these three books serve as a very
important reference for doctors. Vaghatta also wrote ‘Ashtang Hriday’ which is
an excellent book for diagnosis.

(a) Knowledge about medicines: Ancient Hindu culture’s herbal science is

enriched with huge collection of minerals and medicines that can be made
from plants and animals. Our ancient literature on these sciences explains in
detail all the complicated processes of making medicines, classifying them and
their usage inproper way. They could recognize symptoms and diagnose the
disease. Based on this they used to provide ayurvedic medicines.

(b) Surgery: The ancient Indian doctors were so skilled that to perform
surgeries they could stop blood circulation using a special type of bowl-
shaped bandage. They could skillfully operate abdomen, kidney, cataract,
hernia, stone, piles, bladder, etc. They were expert enough to classify our
bones. They could also join the broken or displaced bones and extract things
pierced into the body easily and skilfully. They were skilled in plastic surgery as
well joining nose and ears. Our ancient doctors had a deep interest in teaching
. students the method of surgery. They used to demonstrate surgeries to
students either on dead bodies or on wax statues. They also conducted risky
operations during delivery. They were also expert gynaecologists and
paediatricians and could treat related problems.

Veterinary Science: Veterinary science (Science of treating animals) also

developed in ancient India. Ancient India had books written on diseases
related to the horses (Ashwa) and elephants (Hasti). Among them ‘Hasti
Ayurveda’, Shalihotra and ‘Ashwashastra’, are well-known.

Question 4.
Write about the scientific heritage of ancient India.
India has an extremely rich heritage of science and technology. India has made
enumerable contribution in the fields of metallurgy. Chemistry, mathematics,
medicines and surgery, astrology and astronomy, Vastushastra, etc. The statue
of Nataraja made during Chola period is a finest example of metallurgy in the
world. Acharya Nagarjuna has made us pround with his immense and rich
work in chemistry. ‘Rasa- ratnakar and ‘Arogya-manj ari ’ are two of his great
books describing about various chemicals found in chemistry.

Due to his knowledge and legacy that Nalanda University had setup school of
chemistry in the university campus for research and studies in ancient time.
Several structures such as the copper statue of Buddha of Sultanganj, statue of
Buddha at Nalanda, Vijay Stambha, are a few of the best examples of our
excellence in chemistry.

Maharshi Charak, Maharshi Sushruta and Vagbhatta were the pioneers of

ancient India’s medical and herbal science and surgery. These people did
extensive research and reached great heights. Their books ‘Charak Samhita’,
‘Sushruta Samhita’ and Vagbhatta Samhita’ are still in use as reference by
modem doctors. The ancient Indian doctors were so skilled that to perform
surgeries they could stop blood circulation using a special type of bowl-
shaped bandage.

They could skillfully operate abdomen, kidney, cataract, hernia, stone, piles,
bladder, etc. Veterinary science also developed quite well in ancient India.
India has made a notable contribution in the field of mathematics. India’s
some of the finest gifts to the world are discovery of ‘0’ (zero), decimal system,
algebra, theorem of Baudhayana, Geometry and Arithmetic. Aryabhatta
discovered ‘zero’ (0), gave an approximate value of % (pi) as ‘3.14 or say 22/7’.
Brahmagupta gave the knowledge about the types of equations in
mathematics. Baudhayana gave another version of Pythagoras theorem. Many
works related to astronomy have been written in India.

Ancient universities of India did systematic and deep study of astrology.

Aryabhatta made a remarkable contribution in the field of astronomy. As a
result, when India launched its first satellite, it named it ‘Aryabhatta’. He
declared that the earth rotates on its own axis. Brahmagupta mentioned about
the laws of gravitation in his book ‘Brahmasiddhant’. One of the greatest
astrologers and astronomer Varahmihir divided astrology into three sections
namely Tanta’, ‘Hor’ and ‘Samhita’. Ancient India had also made tremendous
contribution in vastushastra. Brahma, Narad, Brahaspati, Bhrugu, Vashishtha
and Vishwakarma have made unique contributions in the field of Vastushastra.
Today, the western countries have also adopted Vastushatra in various
aspects. Thus, India had a rich ancient heritage in science and technology
which made India world famous.

II. Answer the following questions pointwise.

Question 1.
Write about the progress made by ancient India in mathematics.
India has made a notable contribution in the field of mathematics. India’s
some of the finest gifts to the world are discovery of ‘0’ (zero), decimal system,
algebra, theorem of Baudhayana, Geometry and Arithmetic. Aryabhatta
discovered ‘zero’ (0) whereas the knowledge of writing zero after figures was
discovered by the sage named ‘Grutsamad’. The ancient Indian
mathematicians gave the names of the numbers formed by placing up to 53
zeros after 1 (one). Archaeologists found out that the measuring and weighing
instruments of Harappa’ and ‘Mohenjodaro’ used decimal system.

“Medhatithi’, the great mathematician, gave the concept of this decimal

system. Bhaskaracharya wrote books ‘Lilawati Ganit’ and “By Ganit’ in 1150 AD.
He discovered signs of addition (+) and subtraction (-). Brahmagupta gave the
knowledge about the types of equations in Mathematics. Baudhayana gave
another version of Pythagoras theorem. Around 800 BC., ‘Aapstambha’ wrote a
book called ‘Shulba Sutra’. In this book, he gave the method to accurately
calculate dimensions for constructing altars needed for sacrifice. These
sacrificial pits were also called ‘yagyavedis’ and were used for Vedic yagyas.
His book also contains analysis of several principles.

Aryabhatta is known as the ‘father of Mathematics’. He wrote a book called

‘Hryabhattiyam’. In this book, he gave an approximate value of x(Pi) as ‘3.14 or
say 22/7’, He also suggested that rc(pi) is the consant which works as a
multiplier in the equation of circumference and diameter of circle. He also
gave information about Ashtang method of multiplication, addition,
subtraction, square-root, cube-root, etc.

Aryabhatta also wrote books like ‘Dash Gitika’ and ‘Aryabhattiyam’. In his book
‘Aryasiddhanta’, he had described the main principles of astronomy. He also
found the solution of various fundamentals of arithmetic and geometry. Apart
from this, many scholars have contributed various aspects of mathematics in
their works and books. Two of these scholars were Katyayan and

Question 2.
Write a short note on : Astronomy of ancient India.
Many works i.e. ‘grantha’ related to astronomy have been written in India.
Ancient universities of India did systematic and deep study of astronomy.
Indian scholars studied planets and their movements, constellations and other
celestial objects in several mathematical calculations. Based on these
calculations they made remarkable progress in the fields of astronomy. They
also used to make several predictions by studying the movement of planets.
Aryabhatta made a remarkable contribution in field of astronomy. As a result,
when India launched its first satellite, named ‘Aryabhatta’. He declared that the
earth rotates on its own axis. He proved that the basic reason for lunar eclipse
is the shadow of the earth.

Question 3.
Write contribution of India in the field of astrology.
Ancient universities of India did systematic and deep study of astrology. Indian
scholars studied planets and their movements, constellations and other
celestial objects in several mathematical calculations. Based on these
calculations they made remarkable progress in the field of astrology. They also
used to make several predictions by studying the movement of planets. One
of the greatest astrologers and astonomers Varahmihir divided astrology into
three sections namely Tantra’, ‘Hora’ and ‘Samhita’. He wrote a book called
‘Brihat Samhita’. This book gives information about effects of planets on man’s
future, his characteristics, various classes of animals, the auspicious time of
marriage, digging ponds and wells and making gardens.

Question 4.
Which information is included in Vastushastra?
Vastushastra means the science of architecture. It gives guidelines for
constructing things on the principles of Vastu. In the ancient times Vastushasta
gave information for constructing houses, temples, palaces, horse stables,
forts, store-house of ammunition and also town planning. Vastushastra
provides information for selecting a location, shapes, structure, planning of
things, planning of temples and Bhramsthan (planning room), planning
dining-room bedroom, etc.

III. Answer the following in short.

Question 1.
What is meant by science and technology?
Science means ‘systematic knowledge’ and technology means ‘the practical
utility of systematic knowledge’. Although ‘Science’ and Technology’ are two
different words, they are linked to each other.

Question 2.
Write about the contribution of Nagarjuna in the field of chemistry.
Acharya Nagarjuna, a learned Buddhist of Nalanda University, is known as the
pioneer of Chemistry. He suggested that people should use allopathic
medicines also along with herbal medicines. It is believed that it was Achaiya
Nagarjuna who first introduced the use of mercury ash as a medicine. He
wrote books namely, ‘Rasa-ratnakar i.e. juice ratnakar’ and ‘Arogya-manjari’. In
his book Rasa- ratnakar, he mentioned about the main juice i.e. ‘maha rasa’,
‘uprasa’ and 10 types of poisons, various types of salts and ash to minerals
that are found in chemistry. Nagarjuna was the head of Nalanda University
where he had set-up school of chemistry and fumance for study and research

Question 3.
Write a note on discoveries made by Aryabhatta in mathematics.
Aryabhatta is known as the ‘father of Mathematics’. He discovered ‘zero’ (0).
He wrote a book called ‘Aiyabhattiyam’. In this book, he gave an approximate
value of x(Pi) as ‘3.14’. He also suggested that it(pi) is the constant which works
as a multiplier in the equation of circumference and diameter of circle. He also
gave information about Ashtang method of multiplication, addition,
subtraction, square-root, cube-root, etc. Aryabhatta also wrote books like
‘Dash Gitika’ and ‘Aryabhattiyam’. In his book ‘Aiyasiddhanta’, he had
described the main principles of astronomy. He also found the solution of
various fundamentals of arithmetic and geometry.

Contribution in astrology and astronomy:

Aryabhatta made a remarkable contribution in the field of astronomy. As a
result, when India launched its first satellite, named ‘Aryabhatta’. He declared
that the earth rotates on its own axis. He proved that the basic reason for lunar
eclipse is the shadow of the earth. The Indian scholar used to call this shadow
as ‘Ajarbhar’.

Question 4.
Into how many sections is astrology divided?
Varahmihir who was one of the greatest astrologers and astronomers of India,
divided astrology into 3 sections namely Tantra’. ‘Hora’ and ‘Samhita’.

Question 5.
Name the pioneers of Vastushastra.
Brahma, Narad, Brahaspati, Bhrugu, Vashishtha, Vishwakarma, Varahmihir, etc.
are considered pioneers of Vastushastra in India.

IV. Choose the correct option and answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Which sculpture has international significance from the art point of view?
(a) Buddha
(b) Nataraja
(c) Bodh Gaya
(d) Rama – the archer
(b) Nataraja

Question 2.
Which is not correct statement from the following:
(a) Nagarjuna is considered as an Acharya of chemistry.
(b) The use of mercury ash as a medicine has been initiated by Nagarjuna.
(c) Chemistry is not a science of experiment
(d) Description of metallic ashes is seen in the works (books) of chemistry.
(c) Chemistry is not a science of experiment

Question 3.
Maharshi Charak: Charak Samhita,
Maharshi Sushruta:
(a) Sushruta Samhita
(b) Charak Shastra
(c) Vagbhatta Samhita
(d) Sushruta Shastra
(a) Sushruta Samhita

Question 4.
In the doss of a school, various students discuss about mathematics. Which
one is true among them?
Shreyas: Bhaskaracharya has written books named Lilawati Ganit and Bij Ganit.
Yash: Boddhayan discovered decimal system.
Mansi: Aryabhatta is acknowledged as the father of Mathematics. Hard : India
discovered zero (0).
(a) Yash
(b) Hard
(c) Shreya
(d) Shreya, Mansi, Hard
(d) Shreya, Mansi, Hard

Question 5.
Book written by Bhrambhravya Panchal is _______ .
(a) Chikitsasangraha
(b) Prajananshastra
(c) Kamasutra
(d) Yantra Sarvaswa
(b) Prajananshastra

Question 6.
In ancient India, who wrote ‘Brahma- siddhanta’ which declares the law of
(a) Vatsayayan
(b) Grutsamad
(c) Brahmagupta
(d) Maharashi Patanjali
(a) Vatsayayan

Question 7.
Which science from the following suggests about the principle of direction
while constructing temples, palaces, ashwashala, forts etc. ?
(a) Mathematics
(b) Chemistry
(c) Science of medicine
(d) Vastushastra
(b) Chemistry

Gujarat Board Class 10 Social Science India’s Heritage of Science and

Technology Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Question 1.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(a) It has brought countries of the world together.
(b) It has made internal deal transactions between countries easy.
(c) The new approach of separatism has been arised between all countries of
the world.
(d) Countries have become oriented towards peaceful co-existence and world
(c) The new approach of separatism has been arised between all countries of
the world.

Question 2.
Four students of the school presented their opinions in a discussion about
heritage of ancient India in the field of science. Who is correct in them?
A: India has scientific attitude along with religious outlook.
B: Foundation of western countries development lies in India’s contribution in
various scientific fields.
C: Large world can be seen at home by development of microscope in ancient
D: Ancient India has made immense contribution in the field of science by
making notable progress.
(a) A and C
(b) B and D
(c) Only C
(d) A, B and D
(d) A, B and D

Question 3.
Which of the following pairs is not correct?
(a) Indus Valley Civilization – metallic idol of a female dancer.
(b) Takshishila – statues/idols of Lord Buddha belonging to the Kushana
(c) Chola kings – metallic idols
(d) Dharmaganj museum – metal idols
(d) Dharmaganj museum – metal idols
Question 4.
In Chennai museum, we can see masterpieces of dance, famous all over the
world in metallic sculpture. To whom it belongs?
1. Mahadev Nataraja’s sculpture
2. Mahadev Brihadeshwara’s sculpture
3. Vishwakarma’s sculpture
4. Shri Rama’s sculpture
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 2 and 3
(c) Only 3
(d) 2 and 4
(a) 1 and 4

Question 5.
Buddhist Acharya Nagarjuna had written book in Indian chemistry. To whom it
1. Rasratnakar
2. Parijat
3. Makrand
4. Arogyamanjari
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) Only 3
(d) 1 and 4
4. Arogyamanjari

Question 6.
Who advocated the use of allopathy along with herbal medicines?
(a) Acharya Nagarjuna
(b) Sage Parasher
(c) Sage Patanjali
(d) Maharshi Bharadwaj
(a) Acharya Nagarjuna

Question 7.
Which is the following is not included in Indian chemistry?
(a) Copper statues of Lord Buddha : Sultanganj (Bihar).
(b) 18 feet tall statue of Lord Buddha at Nalanda.
(c) Vijay Pillar get constructed by Vikramaditya.
(d) Sculpture of a breaded man.
(d) Sculpture of a breaded man.

Question 8.
Which of the following is not included in the great pioneers of Indian
(a) Maharshi Charak
(b) Maharshi Sushruta
(c) Aryabhatta
(d) Vagbhatta
(c) Aryabhatta

Question 9.
Which of the following pairs is not correct?
(a) Maharshi Charak: Charak Samhita
(b) Maharshi Sushruta : Sushruta Samhita
(c) Vagbhatta: Ashtang Hriday
(d) Ashwaghosh: Ashwashashtra
(d) Ashwaghosh: Ashwashashtra

Question 10.
Who developed Veterinary Science in ancient India?
1. Hasti Ayurveda
2. Gaj Gamini
3. Naturopathy
4. Ashwashastra
(a) 2 and 3
(b) Only 2
(c) 1 and 4
(d) 3 and 1
(c) 1 and 4
II. Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
How is chemistry useful?
The science of chemistry is useful for various minerals, plants, seeds for
agriculture making various metals, to bring changes in metals and making
medicines from health point of view.

Question 2.
Who is considered as ‘Acharya of Chemistry*? Which books has he written?
A learned Buddhist of Nalanda University, Acharya Nagarjuna is considered as
‘Acharya of Chemistry’. He wrote two books i.e. Rasaratnakar and Arogyamanj

Question 3.
Who took the Indian medical science and surgery to the peak?
In ancient India, Maharshi Charak, Maharshi Sushruta and Vagbhatta took the
Indian medical science and surgery to the peak.

Question 4.
Name the books written by Maharshi Charak, Maharshi Sushruta and
Maharshi Charak wrote ‘Charak Samhita’. Maharshi Sushruta wrote ‘Sushruta
Samhita’. Vagbhatta wrote “Vagbhatta Samhita’ and ‘Ashtang Hriday’.

Question 5.
Name three books which are very useful for study for every doctor even today.
‘Charak Samhita’, ‘Sushruta Samhita’ and “Vagbhatta Samhita’ are very useful
books for every doctor to study even today.

Question 6.
Name the books on diseases related to the veterinary science.
‘Hasti Ayurveda’ for elephants and ‘Ashwa Shastra’ for horses are the books
related to the veterinary science.

Question 7.
Who discovered zero?
Zero was discovered by the great Indian mathematician named Aryabhatta.

Question 8.
Who discovered the process of writing zero after figures?
The sage named Grutsmad discovered the process of writing zero after figures.

Question 9.
Which famous books were written by Bhaskaracharya, and when?
Bhaskaracharya wrote two famous books i.e., lilwatic Grauit and Algbera on
Mathematics in 1150 A.D.

Question 10.
Who discovered signs of addition and subtraction?
Bhaskaracharya discovered signs of addition and subtraction.

Question 11.
Who introduced the types of equation?
Brahmgupta introduced the type of equations.

Question 12.
Who wrote ‘Prajananshastra’?
Brahmgupta Panchal wrote ‘Prajanan-shastra’.

Question 13.
Who wrote ‘Chikitsa Sangraha’?
Chakrapanidatta wrote ‘Chikitsa Sangraph’.
Question 14.
Who wrote ‘Kamsutra’?
Vastsayana wrote ‘Kamsutra’.

Question 15.
Who was the writer of ‘Vruksha Ayurveda’?
Maharshi Parashar was the writer of ‘Vruksha Ayurveda’.

Question 16.
Who wrote ‘Yogashastra’?
Maharashi Patanjali wrote ‘Yogashastra’.

Question 17.
Who wrote ‘Yantra Sarvaswa’?
Maharshi Bharadwaj wrote “Yantra Sarvaswa’.

Question 18.
Who wrote ‘Kaalganana’?
Shakmuni wrote ‘Kaalganana’.

Question 19.
‘The earth rotates on its own axis and the basic reason for lunar eclipse is the
shadow of the earth’. How was this fact addressed?
It was addressed as ‘Ajarbhar’ by the scholars.

Question 20.
Who popularized the laws of gravitation and in which book?
Brahmagupta popularized the laws of gravitation in his book Brahmasiddhari’.
Question 21.
Whose unseparable part is Vastushastra?
Vastushastra is an unseparable part of astrology.

Question 22.
In which book has Vastushastra been mentioned?
Vastushastra has been mentioned in the book named Brihad Samhita’.

III. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Who was Aapstampha? State his contribution.
Aapstampha was a notable Indian mathematician. Around 800 BC.,
‘Aapstambha’ wrote a book called ‘Shulba Sutra’. In this book, he gave the
method to accurately calculate dimensions for constructing altars needed for
sacrifice. These sacrificial pits were also called “yagyavedis’ and were used for
Vedic yagyas. His book also contains analysis of several principles.

Question 2.
Unity in diversity is a unique feature of India. Give reason.
Indian culture is varied. There is no place for rigidity or orthodoxy in India. It is
a combination of science and religion, practical knowledge, materialistic,
physical and super natural principles. Indian culture also preaches tolerance.
All religions are considered equal in India. In spite of vast difference among
the communities of India, Indians respect each other’s religions, lives and
values. This shows that the most unique feature of Indian culture that is “Unity
in Diversity’.

IV. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write a detailed note on Vastushastra.
Vastushastra means the science of architecture. Ancient India had made
tremendous contribution in Vastushastra. India’ knowledge and contribution in
Vastushastra is recognized and highly praised by many countries of the world.
Brahma, Narad, Brahaspati, Bhrugu, Vashishtha and Vishwakarma have made
unique contribution in the field of Vastushastra. On the basis of principle of
Vastushastra they gave the guidelines for constructing houses, temples,
palaces, horse stables, forts, storehouse of ammunition and also town
planning. Varahmihir has also discussed about Vastushastra in his book ‘Brihat

Later in 15th century, Rana Kumbha of Mewar made several improvements in

the previous versions of Vastushastra and revived it. According to traditional
belief, Vishwakarma is considered as the first architect of Gods. He divided
Vastushastra into eight sections. In these sections he provided detailed
information related to Vastu shastra such as selecting a location, shapes,
structure, planning of things, planning of temples and Bhramsthan, planning
dining room, bedroom, etc. As time passes, we observe many, changes in
Vastushastra. Earlier, Vastushastra was explained with religious perspective in
the east, but now it is looked at with scientific ! perspective across the world.

Question 2.
India’s contribution in science and technology has earned it worldwide fame.
India has a rich legacy of ancient sages and scholars. Together these people
made invaluable contribution in the ancient science and technology heritage.
They have made outstanding contribution in the field of metallurgy, chemistry,
medicinal science, surgery, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, Vastushastra
and physics. It is a matter of great pride for us. Modem researches have
agreed and proved, that India along the religious outlook has also a superb
scientific outlook towards things and events. Most of the world level research
had based India’s theories, inventions and discoveries. Thus, India’s
contribution in science and technology has earned it worldwide fame.

V. Fill in the blanks

1. The statues of Lord Buddha found from Takshashila of ……………. kings are
the examples of the art of metallurgy.
2. During reign of ………………. many metal idols were made in South India.
3. The idols of Nataraj and ‘Rama-the archer’ are preserved at the museum of
4. The learned Buddhist named ……………… of ……………. university is known as
‘Acharya’ in the field of chemistry.
5. Nagarjuna started the use of the as of ………………. as a medicine.
1. Kushana
2. Chola
3. Chennai
4. Nagarjuna; Nalanda
5. Mercury

VI. Write whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Boddhayan discovered decimal system.
2. The book written by Pandit Sarangdev and Rastratnakar.
3. Astronomy is the most ancient science.
4. Chemistry is a science of experiments.
5. The sage named Grutsmad wrote ‘Kaalganana’.

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False

VII. Arrange the following events as per their time.

1. Aapastambha had decided the measurement of sacrificed pits used for
Vedic yagyas in Shulva Sutras.
2. Nalanda University is known as school of chemistry.
3. Algebra was created.
4. Vastushastra was revived.
(4), (3), (2), (1)

VIII. Identify me
1. I am considered as the Acharya of Indian chemistry.
2. I am known as the creator of Ashwashastra.
3. I am considered as school of chemistry of ancient times.
4. I am known as the writer of the book of surgery.
5. I am known as the writer of Kaalganana.
1. Nagarjuna
2. Shilonira
3. Nalanda University
4. Sushruta Samhita
5. Shakmanu

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