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General Principles Movement Morale
The most important rule: Whenever the Units may move and turn in any direction If at the end of any round an army is down
rules are unclear use common sense and regardless of the model‘s facing, and they to half of its starting size or less, then it
personal preference. Have fun! may only move within 1“ of others if they must take a morale test. Pick one model
are charging. that is not stunned and take a quality test,
Quality Tests: Roll one six-sided die and if
if failed all models from his army are killed.
you score the unit‘s quality value or higher Shooting Note that if there are only stunned models
it‘s a success.
Models in range and line of sight may fire. left in the army then the test is failed.
Preparation Shooting models take one quality test and a
success is a hit. Defending models then
The Battlefield: The game is played on a
take a quality test and if they fail they take Cover Terrain: Whenever units within or
flat 4‘x4‘ surface, with at least 10-15 pieces
one wound. behind cover terrain take hits roll one die,
of terrain on it.
on a 5+ the hits are ignored.
Guard Actions: Units that are on guard may
The Armies: The players must put together
not move or shoot, but may react to enemy Difficult Terrain: Units moving through
two armies of 150pts each.
units that move into their line of sight by difficult terrain halve their move distance.
Deployment: Players roll-off and the shooting. The player may stop enemy units
Dangerous Terrain: Units moving across
winner picks one of the table corners as his at any point of their move to shoot, but the
dangerous terrain must roll one die, on a 1
deployment zone with his opponent taking target counts as being in cover.
they take one wound.
the opposite. Then the players alternate in
placing one unit each within 18” of their Melee Elevated Terrain: Units taking shots from
table corner, starting with the player that Charging models must move into base lower elevation count as being in cover.
won the deployment roll-off. contact with the target and then attack in
Multi-Player Games
Mission: The game ends after 4 rounds and melee, which works like shooting. Then the
players sum the point value of all enemy defending model may strike back, and if The game can be played with up to 4
units they destroyed. The player with most one of the units is destroyed the other may players by modifying the rules a little:
move by up to 3“, else the charging model
points wins.  Deployment: Players roll-off and
must move back by 1“.
then pick table corners and deploy
Playing the Game
Wounds one unit each in order.
The game is played in rounds with players
alternating in activating one unit each, When a model takes one or more wounds  Playing the Game: In the first round
starting with the player that deployed first. place a wound marker next to it for each. players take turns in the same order
Each new round the players roll-off to see Then roll one die and add the number of as deployment. In each new round
who gets to go first. markers to the result: players roll-off to set a new order of
activations for that round.
Activation  2-5: Stunned

The player picks one unit and it may do one  6+: Killed
of the following: Killed: Remove from play.
 Hold: Move 0”, can shoot. Stunned: The model is Stunned until the
end of its next activation (place the model
 Hunker: Move 0”, can’t shoot,
on its side to show this). Stunned models
counts as being in cover.
must stay. If a Stunned model takes any
 Guard: Move 0”, can shoot in hits from shooting or is charged again then
reaction to the enemy. it is immediately killed.

 Advance: Move 6”, can shoot only

after moving.

 Rush: Move 12”, can’t shoot.

 Charge: Move 12” into melee.

By Gaetano Ferrara

Unit Creation Hit & Run (10pts): When charging this unit Special Movement
may move back by 3” after attacking, and
When preparing armies you have to create enemies can’t strike back. Pushing: Whenever a model rolls a Stunned
units based on your models by picking their result the attacker may try to push it away.
quality value and special rules. Each unit Intimidating (10pts): Enemy units without Roll one die, on a 4+ the attacker may move
may have up to three special rules and this rule must take a morale test when in the model by up to 2” in any direction.
always costs at least 5pts. melee with it. If failed they must re-roll
successful hits. Falling: If a model is pushed off an elevated
Quality Values position at least 2” tall it takes X+1 hits,
Large (0pts): This unit may re-roll failed hits where X is 1 hit for every full 3” it fell. Then
Pick one of the quality values as the unit’s in melee against non-large units. Enemies place the model Stunned within 2” of the
base cost before adding any special rules. may re-roll hits when shooting at it. bottom of the elevation.
 Quality 6+: costs 5pts Leader (30pts): When this unit is activated Dropping: Models may drop off steep
roll 3 dice, for each 4+ one friendly unit elevation up to 6” high instead of climbing
 Quality 5+: costs 10pts
within 6” may take one action. down. Roll X+1 dice trying to score 3+,
 Quality 4+: costs 15pts Mounted (5pts): This unit gets 2 attacks in where X is one die for every full 3” it drops.
If all rolls are successes you may place the
 Quality 3+: costs 20pts melee when charging.
model within 2” of the bottom of the
 Quality 2+: costs 25pts Regeneration (20pts): Whenever this unit elevation and continue moving without
would be killed roll one die, on a 4+ it is counting elevation. If any roll is failed the
Special Rules stunned instead. model falls down instead.
Armored (15pts): Whenever this unit takes Shooter (5pts/10pts/15pts): This unit may Jumping: Models may cross gaps up to 1”
a hit roll one die, on a 4+ it is ignored (this shoot with a range of 9”/18”/27”. wide as if they were solid ground, however
doesn’t stack with cover terrain). they must jump to cross gaps up to 6”
Slow (-5pts): This unit moves -2” on
Camouflaged (5pts): This unit always advance and -4” on rush/charge actions. wide. Roll X+1 dice trying to score 3+,
counts as being in cover terrain. where X is one die for every full 3” it jumps.
Small (0pts): This unit must re-roll hits in
If all rolls are successes the model may
Deadly (10pts): Whenever this unit rolls a 6 melee against non-small units. Enemies
move across the gap as if it was solid
to hit it deals one automatic wound (can’t must re-roll hits when shooting at it.
ground. If any roll is failed the model falls
be ignored by the armored rule).
Stealthy (5pts): This unit is deployed after down instead.
Death Blow (5pts): If this unit is killed all all non-stealthy units. Place it anywhere
units within 3” take one automatic hit. over 9” away from enemy units, and if both
players have stealthy units they must roll-
Fast (5pts): This unit moves +2” on advance
off to see who deploys first.
and +4” on rush/charge actions.
Strider (5pts): This may move through
Fearless (10pts): This unit may re-roll failed
difficult terrain as if it was open terrain.
morale tests (as long as it’s not stunned).
Tough (30pts): This model only rolls on the
Fire/Poison (10pts): When dealing wounds
wounds table after accumulating 3 wounds,
to an enemy add +1 to the wound roll.
and is only killed on an 8+.
Freeze (5pts): When dealing hits to an
Undead (5pts): This unit is not killed if you
enemy roll one die, on a 4+ it may not
fail a morale test for losing half your army.
move during its next activation.
Wizard (15pts): When this unit is activated
Frenzy (5pts): This unit may re-roll failed hit
you may cast one spell. Roll one die, on a
rolls in melee.
4+ apply one of these effects:
Flying (10pts): This unit may move through
units and obstacles, ignoring terrain effects.
 Fireball: Target enemy unit within
12” takes one hit with Fire.
Healer (10pts): Whenever a friendly unit
within 3” would be killed roll one die, on a  Ice Ray: Target enemy unit within
4+ it is stunned instead. 18” takes one hit with Freeze.

By Gaetano Ferrara


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