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05 DECEMBER 2020








Leaders within the world of education bear colossal duty in guaranteeing that instructive
objectives and motivation can be maintained. Different issues and challenges emerge in carrying
out this duty. The most recent challenge is the usage of the COVID-19 Development Control
Arrange (PKP). This article is composed based on the part of pioneers in making changes
proposed by Fullan (1998) additionally by Hall and Hord (2014) based on the require for alter to
confront modern ordinary life amid and after PKP. The part of the pioneer is deciphered into six
(6) activities; fathom complex natural issues, hone viable communication, have adaptability,
apply the most recent innovation, combining ancient and unused concepts, and be facilitators of
alter. This article looks at the part of instruction pioneers and their significance to the COVID-19
Development Control Arrange (PKP), issues and challenges confronted by instruction pioneers
in Malaysia as well as the effect on activities taken. A few recommendations or post-PKP
activities that can be.

The world is stunned by the spread of the COVID-19 scourge that causes different things within
the day-by-day schedule to alter. Beginning with the accentuation on cleanliness up to the
Development Control Arrange (PKP) which is enforced by most nations within the world
counting Malaysia. The Malaysian Government has actualized PKP from 18 March to 31 March,
2020 for PKP Stage 1, PKP Stage 2 from 1 to 14 April 2020, amplified to PKP Phase 3 from 15
to 28 April, and after that PKP Stage 4 from 29 April until May 12. PKP cannot be beyond any
doubt when it'll conclusion, in truth the following stage PKP may happen in the event that each
person does not back and does not comply with government proposals. Participation from
different parties is exceptionally critical to back the exertion the government in together checked
the spread of this COVID-19 scourge all through the PKP period. During the implementation of
PKP Stage 1, as it were 22 benefit divisions were permitted to function and reduced to 10 amid
PKP Stage 2 (National Security Board, 2020). The closure covers instructive administrations
where all education-related education got to operate in totally different ways to guarantee that
instructive objectives and motivation can be maintained. Educational institutions started to
implement online learning and preparing, administration and administration are also generally
done from home, adjustment of learning modules concurring to the reasonableness of delivery
changes, and more. Sudden changes require instruction leaders to confront unused standards and
address the changes that happen viably in guaranteeing that instructive objectives and motivation
can be supported amid the PKP period.


MOE Vision:
"Quality education, educated people, prosperous country"

MOE Mission:
"Sustain a quality education system to develop the potential of individuals to meet the aspirations
of the country"

The National Education Philosophy (Falsafah Pendidikan Negara) is the main pillar in setting the
goals and agenda of education in Malaysia. The Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) has set a
vision and mission in line with FPK and education policy. The education system in Malaysia
ranging from preschool education to post-secondary education has the same goals namely;
(i) To produce Malaysians who are loyal and united,
(ii) To produce people who are faithful, virtuous, knowledgeable, skilled and prosperous,
(iii) To provide human resources for the needs of national development.
(iv) To provide educational opportunities to all citizens Malaysia (Ministry of Education
Malaysia, 2017). Thus, the various layers and functions of MOE staff are responsible in
achieving the vision and mission set by the MOE.

The Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025 has also been identified 11
shifts that need to be made to produce the desired changes towards achieving educational goals.
Each shift must impact at least one of the five outcomes of the system, namely access, quality,
equity, unity, and efficiency. Quality is the main focus across all shifts because quality is an
important dimension that needs immediate attention.

Today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous (VUCA) world requires pioneers to be

continually arranged, touchy to alter, and energetic in administration and authority. When
something unforeseen happens, pioneers have to be effective in adjusting sudden changes,
making strides in the decision-making handle, inventive, making decisions through collaboration
and reliability (Drucker, 2017). Pioneers to have to get ready themselves in all viewpoints in
arrange to adjust to any circumstance in an ever-changing world. The important thing that must
be emphasized is the effective and opportune execution of errands. Besides, pioneers not depend
on it as it was one choice in choice making.

The world is progressively challenging and complex. Any changes and arranging must be
dexterity. This implies that each part of instructive pioneer ought to alter agreeing to the current
needs known as the thousand years. According Drucker in 2017 is “The greatest danger in times
of turbulence is not the turbulence. It is to act with yesterday’s logic.”
The solution in education that has been implemented in most countries in an exertion to address
the challenge of the COVID-19 widespread is to alter the center of learning from conventional
learning strategies, to be specific face-to-face strategies within the classroom to online
instruction. This arrangement is bringing online instruction viral within the world of education.
Malaysia is no exemption to take after the same strategy in confronting the challenge of the
COVID-19 widespread. Teachers have been inquired to supply online learning materials in
expansion to existing learning applications. Learning through Google Classroom is escalating. In
expansion, online learning also empowers standard learning for all its students.

MCO has had an effect on the culture of human life as well as the world of instruction. Online
instruction isn't as it was empowered among understudies and understudies in the teaching of
higher learning but moreover to all civil servants who ought to work from domestic amid the
PKP COVID-19 period. Civil servants are moreover empowered to use Public Sector E-Learning
(EPSA) for their continuous professional development. Changes in administration and
organization perspectives have expanded the utility of different ICT applications such as
WhatsApp, Wire, Skype, Google meets, video conferencing, and more.

Organizational administration cannot as it was proceeding through this ICT application but can
moreover spare cash and time. Limitations on geological variables whereas working from
domestic can be overcome. In any case, pioneers and representatives must have tall keenness,
inventiveness, otherworldly development, and strength whereas performing assignments without
face-to-face control. Bolster from broadcast communications companies supporting online
instructive exercises by giving one free Gigabyte day by day to their clients is additionally
exceptionally supportive
The Ministry of Education also gives several learning entries such as Webinars and Eduweb TV
for instructors, Online Quizzes for year one to year six understudies. Instruct for Malaysia has
collaborated with the YTL Establishment to construct an online learning substance to guarantee
all understudies in Malaysia can proceed to take after learning from domestic amid the school
closing period due to the COVID-19 widespread through the FrogPlay Portable application. In
expansion, the National Library gives the eLib eBook Entrance to empower free online book
loaning. Teach of Higher Learning are moreover not cleared out behind in executing online
instruction. College of Malaya, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Universiti Teknologi Petronas,
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, and other colleges have conducted online addresses, Online
learning is exceptionally reasonable to be executed as their understudies are all over Malaysia. In
common, online educating and learning can be carried out superior all through MCO on the off
chance that all parties whether MOE, school pioneers, instructors, and understudies can construct
and take advantage of existing learning applications. Parental back and observing amid MCO are
exceptionally much required to bolster children's learning. This interdependency requires each
party to play their part to guarantee that children who are human capital within the future are
The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world community aware that the world has changed a lot
and demanded 360-degree planning. Some suggestions in preparation for education leaders to
meet the needs of the future so that we can overcome the possible risks of such a crisis, are listed
as follows: a. The competencies of leaders and teachers in terms of ASK (attitude, skill,
knowledge) need to be improved, renewed and flexible according to the situation; b. ERT
(emergency response team) and remedial action needs to be robust and available; c.
Comprehensive insurance coverage especially aspects of disasters and things that are not difficult
to predict; d. High-impact research and research across educational sciences; e. Exploring the
diversity of information and knowledge delivery alternatives; f. Development of ICT in the
aspects of AI (artificial intelligence) and IR 4.0

The use of digital learning in the web of the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) has shown a
significant improvement since the implementation of PKP. On 7th March 2020, the use of KPM
digital learning applications among students and teachers was 2405 people while on 30th March
2020, the number has increased to 177,533 people. Online learning or home schooling during the
PKP period which is the latest trend requires education leaders to look at the psychological
aspects of students, teachers and parents. Student development from a collaborative aspect and
social skills may be disrupted and individualistic or selfish attitudes can be embedded in the
psyche of students. In fact, they will face new life norms such as social isolation, hygiene
practices, and other post-PKP personal safety measures. Therefore, precise planning and clear
SOPs need to be designed and implemented.

MOE conducts various courses to provide teachers with the skills to use digital learning
platforms and build teaching materials. This positive development can also be seen when many
teachers are able to provide their own digital learning materials for students to use and share with
other fellow teachers. This can be seen through the existence of certain groups, specifically to
help colleagues by expert teachers such as CikgooTube, Telegram group, Google Classroom
Malaysia and Facebook Teacher Library and Media. However, there is no denying that there are
still a few teachers who need guidance from skilled teacher friends. Unlike students because ICT
and internet equipment is not something new, in fact they are already exposed to a variety of
more interactive online applications. Therefore, the skills and competencies of teachers to
produce interesting learning materials using online learning platforms will affect the level of
acceptance of students of the current generation. In this case, the MOE needs to take into account
the readiness of all parties in adapting the latest teaching and learning approaches


In conclusions, the level of readiness and sensitivity of education leaders to the ever-changing
world environment must always be high and dynamic in carrying out the responsibility of
performing daily tasks. The challenges and challenges of the world of education come
alternately. Therefore, today's leaders need precise preparation that transcends the boundaries of
education and human civilization. In addition, leaders also need to be flexible towards current
and future needs in order to be in line with the demands of the current world. Cooperation and
support from various stakeholders is needed because the ups and downs of a leader lie in the
support of his environment. Furthermore, aspects related to risk management need to be applied
effectively so that the readiness and actions of leaders at all levels of MOE are more effective.


Fullan, M. (1998). The meaning of educational change: A quarter of a century of learning. In A.

Hargreaves, A. Lieberman, M. Fullan, & D. Hopkins (Eds.), International handbook of
educational change (pp. 214–231). London: Kluwer.

Hall, G. E. & Hord, S. M. (2014). Implementing Change: Patterns, Principles and Potholes. Edisi
ke-4. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. Ministry of Education. (2020). Vision
and Mission Ministry of Education Retrieved from

Ministry of Health. (2020). COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia. Retrieved from

Ministry of Education. (2020). Retrieved from


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