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Review of in use factors affecting

the fuel consumption and

CO2 emissions of passenger cars
N. G. Zacharof and G. Fontaras

Contributions — Editing:
B. Ciuffo, S. Tsiakmakis, K. Anagnostopoulos,
A. Marotta and J. Pavlovic


EUR 27819 EN
This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s
science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policy-
making process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission.
Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use
which might be made of this publication.

Contact information
Name: Georgios Fontaras
Address: Joint Research Centre, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP 230, 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Tel.: +39 332786425

JRC Science Hub


EUR 27819 EN

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-57593-8 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2790/140640

Print ISBN 978-92-79-57592-1 ISSN 1018-5593 doi:10.2790/74318

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016

© European Union, 2016

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

How to cite: Zacharof, N., Fontaras, G., Ciuffo, B., Tsiakmakis, S. et al. Review of in use factors affecting the fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions of passenger cars; EUR 27819 EN; doi:10.2790/140640

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Review of in use factors affecting the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of passenger cars

This report analyses the factors influencing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of passenger cars in real-world
operating conditions. Their effect generates the divergence between the officially reported fuel consumption and
the one experienced by the drivers.
Review of in use factors affecting the fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions of passenger cars

Nikiforos Georgios Zacharof and Georgios Fontaras

Contributing authors — editing:

B. Ciuffo, S. Tsiakmakis
K. Anagnostopoulos, A. Marotta and J. Pavlovic

Ispra, 2016

Acknowledgements: Authors would like to thank the following people for their feedback, help and
advice: Simone Serra, Martin Weiss, Giorgio Martini, Stefano Malfettani, Panagiota Dilara, Uwe Tietge.
Authors would like to specially thank Cosmin Codrea and Ian Hogdson for their thorough revisions and
editing comments.
This report has been drafted in response to a request by DG Climate Action (CLIMA) to the Joint
Research Centre (JRC) for an assessment of the factors which contribute to the fuel consumption and
CO2 emissions of passenger cars in real-world operation and in the laboratory.

The report is dedicated to all concerned drivers who are in search of information
and practises on how to reduce their fuel consumption and carbon footprint.

Executive summary ................................................................................................................................. 7
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 17
1.1. Passenger car CO2 emissions ................................................................................................. 17
1.2. Structure of the report.......................................................................................................... 20
2. Methodology................................................................................................................................. 23
2.1. Literature review — overview .............................................................................................. 23
2.2. Simulations methodology ..................................................................................................... 24
2.2.1 Reference simulation models ....................................................................................... 24
2.2.2 Baseline simulation models .......................................................................................... 26
2.2.3 Simulation of individual and combined factors ............................................................ 27
3. Auxiliary systems........................................................................................................................... 29
3.1. About auxiliary systems ........................................................................................................ 29
3.2. Air conditioning (A/C) ........................................................................................................... 30
3.2.1 Load profile based on climatic and driving profile........................................................ 33
3.2.2 Methods for reducing A/C energy needs ...................................................................... 34
3.2.3 Heating systems ............................................................................................................ 36
3.3. Steering assist systems ......................................................................................................... 37
3.4. Other vehicle auxiliaries........................................................................................................ 39
3.5. Simulation scenario and results ............................................................................................ 41
3.6. Overview ............................................................................................................................... 43
4. Aerodynamics ............................................................................................................................... 46
4.1. About vehicle aerodynamics ................................................................................................. 46
4.2. Roof add-ons and modifications ........................................................................................... 47
4.3. Roof box (aerodynamics) ...................................................................................................... 47
4.4. Open windows ...................................................................................................................... 48
4.5. Wind conditions .................................................................................................................... 49
4.6. Improvements ....................................................................................................................... 51
4.7. Simulations............................................................................................................................ 52
4.8. Overview ............................................................................................................................... 54
5. Weather conditions ...................................................................................................................... 58
5.1. About weather conditions .................................................................................................... 58
5.2. Rain–snow ............................................................................................................................. 58
5.3. Ambient temperature ........................................................................................................... 59

5.4. Simulations............................................................................................................................ 63
5.5. Overview ............................................................................................................................... 64
6. Driving behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 66
6.1. About driving behaviour ....................................................................................................... 66
6.2. Aggressive driving ................................................................................................................. 66
6.3. Driving mode ......................................................................................................................... 68
6.4. Eco-driving ............................................................................................................................ 69
6.5. Overview ............................................................................................................................... 71
7. Vehicle condition .......................................................................................................................... 74
7.1. About vehicle condition ........................................................................................................ 74
7.2. Friction and lubricants .......................................................................................................... 74
7.3. Tyres ...................................................................................................................................... 78
7.4. Other ..................................................................................................................................... 83
7.5. Simulation scenario and results ............................................................................................ 84
7.5.1 Engine oil ....................................................................................................................... 84
7.5.2 Tyres .............................................................................................................................. 85
7.6. Discussion — Overview ......................................................................................................... 87
8. Operating mass ............................................................................................................................. 90
8.1. About operating mass ........................................................................................................... 90
8.2. Vehicle mass.......................................................................................................................... 90
8.3. Trailer towing ........................................................................................................................ 92
8.4. Roof box (mass increase) ...................................................................................................... 93
8.5. Occupancy rates .................................................................................................................... 94
8.6. Simulations............................................................................................................................ 96
8.6.1 Vehicle mass.................................................................................................................. 98
8.6.2 Occupancy rates .......................................................................................................... 101
8.6.3 Towing ......................................................................................................................... 102
8.6.4 Laden roof box ............................................................................................................ 104
8.6.5 Aerodynamic drag and vehicle mass combination ..................................................... 105
8.7. Overview ............................................................................................................................. 107
9. Road (morphology, surface, traffic) ............................................................................................ 111
9.1. About road condition .......................................................................................................... 111
9.2. Road morphology................................................................................................................ 112
9.2.1 Altitude........................................................................................................................ 112

9.2.2 Road grade .................................................................................................................. 112
9.3. Road surface ....................................................................................................................... 113
9.3.1 Roughness ................................................................................................................... 113
9.3.2 Texture ........................................................................................................................ 114
9.3.3 Materials ..................................................................................................................... 115
9.3.4 Case studies................................................................................................................. 116
9.4. Traffic conditions ................................................................................................................ 117
9.5. Trip distance, duration and number of sub-trips (trip type)............................................... 119
9.6. Simulation scenario and results .......................................................................................... 119
9.6.1 Altitude........................................................................................................................ 120
9.6.2 Road grade .................................................................................................................. 121
9.6.3 Trip type ...................................................................................................................... 123
9.7. Discussion — Overview ....................................................................................................... 127
10. Fuel characteristics ................................................................................................................. 129
10.1. About fuel characteristics ............................................................................................... 129
10.2. Seasonal variations of conventional fuel ........................................................................ 129
10.3. Biofuel effect on consumption........................................................................................ 130
10.3.1 Biodiesel ...................................................................................................................... 130
10.3.2 Ethanol ........................................................................................................................ 132
10.4. Simulation plan and results............................................................................................. 133
10.5. Discussion — Overview ................................................................................................... 134
11. Certification test ..................................................................................................................... 136
11.1. Literature review ............................................................................................................. 136
11.2. Simulations...................................................................................................................... 140
11.3. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 144
12. General discussion — Conclusions.......................................................................................... 147
12.1. Literature review and simulation scenarios .................................................................... 147
12.2. Combined effects ............................................................................................................ 153
12.3. Type approval vs. realistic scenario ................................................................................ 153
12.4. Proposal for future research ........................................................................................... 155
13. References .............................................................................................................................. 157
14. Annex ...................................................................................................................................... 169
14.1. Literature review ............................................................................................................. 169
14.1.1. Auxiliary systems......................................................................................................... 169

14.1.2 Aerodynamics ............................................................................................................ 171
14.1.3 Weather conditions .................................................................................................... 172
14.1.4 Simulated cold start effect over NEDC and WLTP sub-cycles ..................................... 172
14.1.5 Driving ......................................................................................................................... 175
14.1.6 Vehicle condition ........................................................................................................ 177
14.1.7 Operating mass ........................................................................................................... 179
14.1.8 Road (morphology, surface, traffic) ............................................................................ 180
14.1.9 Fuel characteristics ..................................................................................................... 181
14.2. Simulations...................................................................................................................... 183
14.2.1 Certification test ......................................................................................................... 183
14.2.2 Driving ......................................................................................................................... 183
15. Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 184
16. List of figures ........................................................................................................................... 185
17. List of tables ............................................................................................................................ 190

Executive summary
This report analyses the factors influencing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of
passenger cars in real-world operating conditions. The effect of the investigated factors
can lead to a divergence, also referred to as ‘shortfall’ or ‘gap’, between the officially
reported fuel consumption (or NEDC fuel consumption/CO2 emissions) and the one
experienced by the drivers. This divergence is attributed on one hand to the fact that the
current certification test in Europe does not consider a variety of different real-world
operating conditions, therefore not delivering realistic results. This variety of different
operating conditions is investigated in order to identify the factors affecting fuel
consumption. On the other hand, the divergence occurs also due to the so-called ‘margins’,
‘flexibilities’ or ‘elasticities’ associated with the testing procedure (1). By these terms we
refer in this report to a specific provision or legitimate interpretation of the certification
procedure, or the absence of such a provision, resulting in the measurement of lower CO2
emission values compared to the values that would occur if provisions, interpretations or
practices were reflecting more accurately average real-world conditions.

As a first approach, an extensive literature review has been performed, showing that the
most important in-use factors affecting the difference between real-world and certification
performance are the use of air conditioning devices, ambient temperature and
environmental conditions, roof add-ons, driving style, tyre pressure and the increase of
vehicle weight. The elasticities of the type approval (TA) test have also been identified as
highly influential and were analysed separately due to their particular nature. Summarising
the findings of the literature review and the subsequent analysis performed, the real-
world-certification difference could range between 25-45 %, depending on the
combination of factors and conditions. It should be noted that most of the parameters
examined can be influenced directly by the driver, except for ambient and road conditions.

Subsequently, for each factor a simulation scenario was designed to better investigate its
effect. The simulation was run for three types of vehicles: a petrol naturally aspirated (NA),
a petrol turbocharged and a diesel vehicle. The vehicles and their characteristics were
chosen to be largely representative of the European fleet. A baseline scenario was created
from the settings of the official type approval procedure and was used for comparison
with the scenarios simulating the investigated factors. In a few cases, a different baseline
scenario was chosen due to the nature of the factor under investigation. The outcome of
the simulations was assessed in terms of CO2 emissions for the NEDC and specific
WLTP (2) configurations. The simulation scenarios address cases that are well studied in
the literature and their effect has been well defined and analysed in the past. However, in
addition to the assessment of individual factors, we also include simulation cases that are
not particularly well studied and where the mechanism that affects energy consumption
has not been thoroughly investigated in previous studies. The challenges in these cases are
pointed out to assist and promote future research on the subject. Summarising the findings
from the different simulation scenarios, it can be concluded that the energy consumption

(1) It is clear that flexibilities cannot be ‘illegal’ as by definition they are part of the regulated certification procedure. As a result,
incorporation of such flexibilities in the testing practice is not a unlawful act; however their intentional exploitation to achieve
benefits should be considered against the spirit of the law and the principle of good faith governing EU certification schemes.
(2) The NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) is the test procedure currently adopted for vehicle type-approval in Europe (and in several
other countries around the world), while the WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light-duty Test Procedure) is the test procedure
expected to be used in the European type-approval for light duty vehicles as of September 2017.

and CO2 emissions are affected by a combination of factors whether driver dependent or
not. Detailed results are also presented as a weighted-average, using as weighting factors
the shares in the reported registrations for each type of vehicle considered (petrol naturally
aspirated, petrol turbocharged, diesel) according to the EEA (2013b) database.

Despite the fact that numerous data are reported during the type approval process of
vehicles, little information is actually publicly available. Knowing the aerodynamic
characteristics of a vehicle, the performance of auxiliary consumers, or other kind of
energy losses, would be valuable information for assessing its real-world fuel efficiency. In
this sense, future type approval and labelling mechanisms can be designed to be more
market and information oriented allowing the customers to select their vehicle and
customise it based on their actual needs. Similar approaches have already been adopted or
are in the process of adoption for other vehicle segments (e.g. Heavy-Duty vehicles) in
various countries. As a first step, a more detailed and possibly interactive CO2 or fuel
consumption database can overcome this gap which is presently addressed to a certain
extent by private websites, magazines and drivers’ forums.

The factors that were identified and investigated using the literature review and the
vehicle simulation are briefly described in the following paragraphs.

Auxiliary systems
Auxiliary systems refer to the elements and accessories that improve driving safety and
comfort like air cleaning, heating and A/C, lighting, wipers, electric windows, parking
assistance, collision warning and avoidance (Huhn 2008, Dudenhöffer and John 2009, Reif
and Dietsche 2011). These are usually not operated continuously, however this work does
not consider in detail the usage factors due to the lack of information. The use of
auxiliaries requires an increased mechanical or electrical supply, which in turn increases
engine power demand and fuel consumption. The latter is estimated in the order of 9 %
for the use of A/C, up to 4.5 % for the steering assist systems and up to 6.5 % for the
other auxiliaries. Optimisation and advanced technologies could provide benefits in fuel
consumption by up to 2 % according to the literature. Purely mechanical auxiliary systems
are losing ground to their electrical counterparts.

A range of energy demands for additional electrical and mechanical loads were assessed
by means of simulation. The latter resulted in an average increase of 14.9 % for NEDC
and 9.6 % for WLTP for an additional 0.6 kW of additional electrical demand, which is
considered a relatively high value for average use. An extra 0.4 kW of mechanical load has
resulted in an average increase of 3.8 % and 2.8 % respectively.

Aerodynamics refers to the shape and design of the car and its projected frontal area.
Shape modifications and change of the frontal area, like the addition of a roof rack with an
extra load can increase the aerodynamic resistances resulting in increased fuel
consumption (EPA 2014b). Indicative estimates of the fuel consumption increase are about
5 % for roof add-ons and roof boxes, 5.1 % for open windows at 130 km/h, 2 % for the
effect of side-winds although this is highly dependent on the overall vehicle shape and
design, while various aerodynamic improvements such as properly designed spoilers and
vortex generators are reported to decrease fuel consumption by 0.4 % compared to TA
values but the number of relevant studies is limited.

The effect of various roof add-ons was simulated, with the most significant being the roof
box, as it is the most common shape modification. Regarding their aerodynamic effect (3)
the increase in emissions was on average 6.5 % and 9.7 % for NEDC and WLTP
respectively. It was difficult to estimate a precise value of the air drag change due to open
windows and side-winds, as this is closely related to the aerodynamic shape characteristics
of the vehicle and for this reason a range of air drag changes was tested. Lower
aerodynamic drag by 10 % can decrease CO2 emissions by 2.2 % for NEDC and 3.3 % for
WLTP. On the other hand an increase of 10 % in the air drag leads to additional emissions
of 2.3 % and 3.5 % respectively.

Weather conditions
Ambient conditions refer to the external conditions such as wind, temperature and
barometric pressure (4). They affect vehicle fuel consumption performance as they
influence the engine operation (e.g. motor oil viscosity, engine intake air-flow, etc.). They
might also affect driving behaviour, as the driver has to adjust his driving pattern
accordingly. The influence of temperature is estimated in the order of a 0.5 % increase per
C below 20 oC (assumed certification temperature for Europe is 25 oC). Rain can
potentially increase fuel consumption by 30 % or more depending on conditions.

Data retrieved from literature and simulation results have shown that the effect of engine
cold start at 23 oC over NEDC is in the order of 10 % while for WLTP it was calculated to
be in the order of 3.5-4 %. For an ambient temperature of – 7 oC cold start effect is
almost doubled (about 20 % higher CO2 emissions compared to fully warm operation) for
NEDC and 6.7 % for WLTP. An ambient temperature of 15 oC, which is considered closer to
the European average, led to an increase of 12 % and 4.5 % respectively.

Driving behaviour refers to the driving patterns that an individual driver follows, like
acceleration and top speed. Aggressive driving can increase fuel consumption dramatically
by up to 24 %, while eco-driving can provide estimated benefits in the order of 6-8 %
compared to standard real-world operation with certain sources raising this figure up to
30 % (5). Trip type and proper planning can affect fuel consumption significantly as fuel
consumption was found to differ by 10 % on average for different routes linking the same
starting points and destinations.

There was no simulation scenario for this factor, as the research was focused on the type
approval related cycles which have predefined speed profiles and gear shifting patterns.

(3) The mass increase effect of such devices was investigated separately in a different paragraph
(4) Pressure changes considered in the study are assumed to be a result of altitude differences and not of weather conditions. It is
assumed that the annual average barometric pressure at a given altitude remains constant, varying within a ± 30 mbar range.
Driving continuously at a 500 m altitude would result in 50 mbar lower annual average barometric pressure.
(5) As mentioned, aggressive driving may increase emissions by 24 %. So the overall variation range in CO2 emissions that can be
attributed to driving behaviour appears to be indeed in the order of 30 %. Of course it is extremely difficult to define the ‘standard’
driving style which serves as reference for such calculations. It is expected that as drivers become more concerned about fuel
consumption and as driver aids such as gear shift indicators proliferate the average driver behaviour should become more fuel

Vehicle condition
Vehicle condition refers to the state of the vehicle in terms of maintenance, like for
example the timely change of oil, check of tyre pressure and proper tyre type usage. It was
found that using low viscosity motor oil can lead to a reduction in fuel consumption of
about 4 %. Additionally, decreasing the rolling resistance coefficient of the tyres by 10-
20 % (i.e. corresponding to the next better energy efficiency class) could have benefits of
2.1 % in fuel economy. On the other hand, a tyre pressure 0.2 bar lower than
recommended can result in an increase of 1.4 % in fuel consumption. Various other
factors like clogged air filters and misaligned wheels can increase fuel consumption in the
order of 4 to 5 %.

The effect of lubricant viscosity and rolling resistance were investigated via simulation. The
use of lower viscosity engine oil led to reduced emissions by up to 2.2 % over the NEDC
for petrol vehicles and up to 4.1 % for the diesel vehicle. Over the WLTP, petrol cars can
benefit by up to 1.9 % in emissions, while the corresponding value for a diesel vehicle was
calculated at 2.5 %. The differences between the petrol and diesel vehicle is attributed to
the different oil types considered for each engine type, with diesel lubricants assumed to
have higher viscosities.

Operating mass
The operating mass represents the total weight of the vehicle. As mass increases more
energy will be required to accelerate and maintain constant speed (6). Hence fuel
consumption increases with mass. Literature reports suggest that for an extra mass of
100 kg, fuel consumption can increase up to 6-7 % compared to the certification value,
with an average estimate being in the order of 2-4 %. The effect of mass is even greater
if roof boxes or the towing of a trailer is accounted for as additional conditions apply (e.g.
increased air drag and rolling resistance). In such cases the increase in fuel consumption
can reach up to 20 % and 37.2 % respectively (ADAC 2012a, Thomas et al. 2014).

The effect of additional mass, trailer towing and a laden roof box was investigated via
simulations. An additional mass of 100 kg led to an average increase of 2.6 % for NEDC
and 2.8 % for WLTP. The trailer was tested unladen and laden at 60 % capacity
(additional 310 and 560 kg respectively). The results of the unladen trailer delivered
increased emissions by 22.1 % for NEDC and 29.7 % for WLTP. In the case of the laden
trailer the increase was 28 % and 37.3 % respectively. The increase for the laden roof box
was 8.9 % for NEDC and 11.3 % for WLTP.

The increase in the latter two cases is attributed to a combined effect of increase in mass
and air drag. This led to the investigation of different combinations of masses and air drag
changes, which has shown that CO2 emissions are linearly correlated to the increase of
these factors.

Finally, the WLTP sub-cycles were also analysed in order to correlate CO2 emissions,
vehicle speed, air mass and air drag. The results have shown a significant increase at
higher speeds when roof boxes are used compared to a vehicle with the same additional
mass but without additional air drag. Over the High phase of the WLTP the increase was on

(6) Braking phases are considered as fuel consumption neutral as most likely the engine operates in fuel cut-off mode.

average 16.8 % for a laden roof box, while for the same additional weight the increase
was 1.5 %.

Occupancy rates
The addition of extra passengers increases the mass of the vehicle and subsequently fuel
consumption. In terms of absolute value metrics, a higher number of passengers increases
the gap between experienced and official fuel consumption but when viewed from an
environmental perspective a reduced per passenger emission value is beneficial and shall
be pursued. An extra passenger is reported to increase fuel consumption by up to 5 %
adding another 6.5 g CO2/km for a 130 g/km vehicle, although this value is probably
overestimated. In the meantime there is a significant decrease in CO2 emissions per
passenger transported from approximately 130 g CO2/km (when only the driver is taken
into consideration) to 69 g CO2/km. Simulations have shown that an extra passenger
would increase CO2 emissions on both cycles by approximately 1.5 %. However the
decrease in emissions per passenger would be a bit less than 50 %.

Road (morphology, surface, traffic)

The ‘Road’ factor refers to the conditions of the road where the vehicle is driven and for
the purpose of this report it includes both the actual characteristics of the road (pavement
quality, inclination, straight or curved) and the actual traffic conditions (average speed,
maximum speed, presence of traffic lights, free flow, etc.). Different road surface qualities
can affect fuel consumption by 1.9 %. Road grade (i.e. slope) was reported to affect fuel
consumption by 18 % (uphill driving) for grades higher than 2 %. While consumption is
reduced over downhill operation, the net impact of travelling the same road uphill and
downhill has an overall negative impact on fuel consumption, as far as conventional
vehicles are concerned. Traffic conditions affect the actual movement of the vehicle,
average and max speed, accelerations, start and stop incidents, prolonged travel time, etc.,
that can have a very negative impact on fuel consumption. Due to the great variety of
traffic conditions it is difficult to quantify and summarise the impact of traffic in one
figure. Maximum values reported in literature claim up to 50 % increases in fuel
consumption compared to the corresponding baseline values.

A simulation scenario tested the impact of altitude and road grade. The altitude was
simulated as lower barometric air pressure, which results in lower aerodynamic resistance.
Differences in combustion properties were not taken into consideration as the available
literature did not provide enough information. For an altitude of 2 000 m compared to sea
level the decrease in CO2 emissions was 4.4 % for the NEDC, while for the WLTP it reached
up to 6.7 %. However it is recognised that driving at such altitudes in European roads is
extremely rare. Regarding the grade, uphill driving at an inclination of 2 % resulted in an
increase of approximately 34 %. On the other hand downhill driving at the same grade
provided benefits of about 30 %. It is observed that increased energy consumption from
uphill driving is not fully compensated by the benefit of equal downhill driving, as the
energy required to move the vehicle uphill will result in additional thermodynamic losses. It
has to be noted that these numbers refer to conventional vehicles with a simple brake
energy recuperation system and limited electrical consumers. The situation for hybrid
vehicles would probably be different as the energy stored during downhill driving can be
later used for vehicle propulsion.

Fuel characteristics
Automotive fuels are blends of various types of hydrocarbons and other organic
compounds (e.g. ethanol or methylesters in the case of biofuels). Their characteristics are
regulated by the corresponding standards. Fuel composition varies depending on the time
of the year, availability of certain blendstocks and also the geographical region where the
fuel is produced or sold. Fuel composition and characteristics are also influenced by
specific particularities related to weather conditions, different regional standards, market
availability of blendstocks and regional policies. The latter becomes more evident when
considering variations of bio-components in commercial fuels. Biofuels can provide benefit,
e.g. in terms of a reduced carbon footprint, but during actual operation drivers may
experience an increase in volumetric fuel consumption or deterioration in performance. The
increase in volumetric fuel consumption (l/100km) for various biofuel blends can be from 0
to 2 % for a 10 % volume/volume biodiesel-diesel blend (B10) or up to 30 % for an 85 %
ethanol Petrol blend (E85)).

The baseline fuel in all simulations was E5 for petrol vehicles and B5 for diesel. Dedicated
calculations were made comparing the biofuel blends E10 for petrol vehicles and B100 for
diesel with the reference fuels. The results have shown a marginal increase in CO2
emissions of 0.4 % for E10 over both cycles, while for the B100 the increase was 0.6 %.

Certification test
The type approval test has many margins that could be exploited to deliver a better CO2
performance. A variety of procedural elements need to be specified more accurately in
order to create a more reliable, consistent and robust procedure. The introduction of the
new harmonised test protocol (WLTP) is expected to address a substantial share of these
flexibilities and lead to a more realistic estimation of the final fuel consumption of
vehicles. The development of the WLTP has been indeed based on in-use vehicle
operations and state-of-the-art statistical techniques. It is worth pointing out, though, that
any lab-based test procedure is unable to account for all the effects of real-life conditions
and therefore that the derived fuel consumption and CO2 emissions will only be one among
the infinite possible values achieved by a vehicle in real life.

A series of different scenarios were simulated in order to quantify the impact of some of
the current test flexibilities and estimate emissions of the respective vehicles under WLTP
and realistic conditions. This should be considered as an indicative rather than an
exhaustive calculation as the full range of flexibilities exploited and the precise WLTP test
conditions cannot be at the moment quantified with high accuracy due to the lack of
necessary information. More information about the boundary conditions considered in each
scenario is presented in Table 0-1 and the respective chapter.

A global summary of the main findings of the literature review is presented in Table 0-2.
Table 0-3 summarises the main results from the simulations performed for this study.

Table 0-1: Summary of scenario boundary conditions considered in the simulations (7)

Realistic Certification
Scenario WLTP-H WLTP — L NEDC Base with
scenario value
WLTP-L NEDC inertia
Mass H and L NEDC inertia class
+ 150 kg class + 40 kg
+ 75 kg
Base RLs
+ 30 % Base + 20 % in – 20 %
Avg WLTP- (RR: 0.009 kg/ton, Same
Road loads F0, F0, + 3 % in F1 F1: 0.3 N·h /km, F0
H and L Reduced
+ 7 % F1 and F2 F2: 0.038
N·h2/km2) rotating conditions as
and F2 inertia 1.5 % for NEDC with
Driving profile WLTC NEDC NEDC margins. Final
CO2 value
Case specific WLTP gear-shifting depending reduced by
Gearshifting NEDC time-based
on road loads 4 % according
Temperature 14 ˚C 23 ˚C 25 ˚C to the family
criterion in
Alternator 0.5 kW current T/A.
power 0.15 kW — Battery charge Neutral 0 kW
consumption Neut.
Road grade 0.15 % 0 %

Figure 0-1 demonstrates a summary of the results of the six cases calculated according to
the conditions of Table 0-1.

Figure 0-1: Comparison of the sales-weighted average value (8) of CO2 emissions of the three vehicles (9)
simulated over the six different scenarios. Dashed line indicates the % change compared to the
certification emission value.

(7) Detailed information on how the values of the various factors were defined in each scenario are provided in Chapter 11.
(8) Petrol NA 25 %, Petrol turbo 25 % and 50 % diesel.
(9) See Chapter 11.

Table 0-2: Summary table of the various factors affecting fuel consumption (10). Bars correspond to the median value reported in literature. Error bars indicate minimum–maximum values found in the literature. No calculation or simulation results are included.

Literature Sources
Category Factor Distribution
median value No.


-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Various factors Various factors involved in certification test 6.4%

Certificationt test
NEDC design Smooth accelerations, decelerations and driving pattern 6.5% 13

Lower value declaration Declared values is allowed to be lower than measured values 4.0%

Increased electrical supply is required 5.0% 10

Air conditioning
Improved MAC systems, EV HVAC - heat pump, active seat ventilation, solar reflective paint, solar control glazing, solar roofs -1.7% 8
Auxiliary systems
Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering, Electro - Hydraylic Power Assisted Steering, Electric Power Assisted Steering. Improved
Steering assist systems 3.2% 3
steering pump

Other vehicle auxiliaries Engine management, fuel injection, fog lamps, brake lights, wipers, dipped beams, brake assist, heated windscreen, fan, etc 5.5% 6

Roof add - ons and modifications Various add - ons that are attached to the roof, except for a roof box 3.6% 2

Roof racks / boxes (air drag increase) Effect on fuel consumption with the addition of an un - laden roof box. Increased aerodynamic resistance 4.5% 5

Aerodynamics Open windows At a speed of 130 km/h, based mainly on an american study 4.8% 3

Change in aerodynamic drag and frontal area, depends on wind velocity and angle. Results for 10% air drag increase (caused
Sidewinds effect 2.0% 5
from 15 o to 30o yaw angle or from 4 - 8 m/s wind velocity)

Improvements Spoilers, vortex generators -0.4% 3

Rain Wheels have to push through water. Increase for 1 mm of water depth on road surface 30.0%
Snow/Ice Decreased tyre grip, wasting energy. Lower than normal driving speeds. Decreased tyre pressure Qualitative data
Weather conditions
0 o C compared to 20 o C 10.0%
Temperature, the type approval test current
range is 20 - 29 oC
-20 oC compared to 0 o C 10.0%

Aggressive driving High acceleration and deceleration, braking and maximum speed 26.0% 10

Driving behaviour/style Driving mode Consumption varies according to Eco or Sport mode. Non scientific research claims increase up to 11% for Sport mode Qualitative data 6

Optimal gear shifting, smooth accelerations and decelerations, steady speed maintenance, anticipation of movement and
Eco - driving -6.5% 6
traffic, Green - Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA)

Lubrication Use of low viscosity motor oil results in lower internal friction -2.4% 13

Low resistance tyres by 10 - 20% -3.0%

Vehicle condition Tyres 19
Lower tyre pressure by 0.2 bar 1.0%

Other Clogged air filters, misaligned wheels, poorly tuned engine 3.5% 5

Vehicle mass Increased mass by 100 kg 5.8% 17

Operational mass Trailer towing Affects weight, rolling resistance, aerodynamics and driving behavior 37.9% 3

Roof racks / boxes (mass increase) Fuel consumption increases as speed increases 19.7% 5

Altitude increase decreases consumption, as air density, aerodynamic resistance and oxygen concetration decrease -3.8% 3
Road morphology
Road grade increases fuel consumption as the car is driven uphill. Results based on American studies for a car driven on a hilly
13.3% 3

Road conditions Road surface Affected by roughness, surface texture and uneveness 2.7% 4

Traffic condition Reduced speed, increased idle time and start and stops at congestion 30.0% 3

Trip type Short trips. More cold starts and cold start emissions. Engine normal operation temperature not reached 10.0% 3

B10 fuel blend compared to B0 1.0% 2

Fuel characteristics Difference in fuel properties
E10 fuel blend compared to E0 3.8% 3

(10) These values express an average effect as reported in different literature sources. As there is no common reference for deriving these percentages they likely reflect different operating conditions depending for example on the country where each study took place. This is one of the reasons for the large variation. Nevertheless, the
authors believe that this summary provides a good overview of the current understanding of the contribution of each factor to the tailpipe CO2 emissions.

Table 0-3: Summary of the simulation results according to factor and test cycle

Effect on CO 2 emissions (%)

Factor Case

Hot start -8.7 -3.5

NEDC at 25 C starting temperature,
-0.9 -
Certification test alternator disconnected
WLTP L - -9.9

Realistic scenario* 14.2 7.9

Electrical load (0.6 kW) 14.9 9.6

Auxiliary systems
Mechanical load (0.4 kW) 3.8 2.8

Unladen roof box (air drag increase) 6.5 9.7

Aerodynamics -10% air drag -2.2 -3.3

+10% air drag 2.3 3.5

-7 oC 19.8 6.7
Weather temperature
14 o C 11.5 4.5
conditions compared to hot
start (88 o C)
20 o C 10.2 3.9

Petrol -2.2 -2.2

Lubricants SAE 5W-20
(Petrol reference Diesel -4.1 -2.5
SAE 5W-30, Diesel
Vehicle condition reference SAE 10W- Petrol 0.6 0.2
40) SAE 10W-30
Diesel -2.3 -1.4

Tires -20% rolling resistance -2.8 -3.7

Extra mass +100 kg 2.6 2.8

22.1 29.7
(+310 kg, +65% air drag)
Vehicle mass Trailer towing
28.0 37.3
(+560 kg, +65% air drag)

Laden roof box (mass and air drag increase) 8.9 11.3

2000 m
Altitude -4.4 -6.7
(Decreased air density)

Road Constant grade +2% 33.4 35.8

throughout the
cycle -2% -28.4 -31.2

E10 and B100 Petrol 0.4 0.4

Fuel (Petrol reference E5, Diesel reference
B5) Diesel 0.6 0.6

1. Introduction

1.1. Passenger car CO2 emissions

Fuel consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from road transport, passenger and
freight transport, increased by 36 % between 1990 and 2010 in the EU-27 countries. The
share of road transport in the European Union’s (EU) total CO2 emissions is around 17.5 %
of which approximately 70 % originates from passenger cars (PCs) (EEA 2012). Figure 1-1
presents greenhouse gas emissions by source in the EU-28.

Figure 1-1: Greenhouse gas emissions by source in the EU-28 adapted from EEA (2012) and (DG-Clima 2015)

The EU has implemented since 2009 (European Commission 2009b) a strategy for
reducing CO2 emissions and fuel consumption from passenger cars (Regulation (EU)
No 397/2013, Regulation (EU) No 333/2014). For the moment, emissions measurement
and reporting is based on the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and the corresponding
test protocol (Regulation (UN) No 83 2011). Emission targets of 130 g CO2/km and
95 g CO2/km have been set for 2015 and 2021 respectively. They are based on the sales-
weighted and mass-corrected average CO2 emissions of each vehicle manufacturer (OEM)
and are measured using the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and the corresponding
test procedure. Recent data suggest that OEMs have achieved their 130 g CO2/km targets
for 2015, as according to EEA (2014), the (provisional) average test cycle-based EU
emissions of all manufacturers in 2015 was 119.6 g CO2/km.

However, there is evidence that the certification test yields lower fuel consumption and CO2
emissions than that actually experienced by drivers during real-world operation. This

observation can be attributed to a series of factors such as the driving profile of the NEDC
which is of low transience and the wide boundary conditions of the certification test (e.g. a
temperature range of 20-30 oC, restricted use of auxiliaries or the lower vehicle mass,
etc.). All together, they contribute to a systemic underreporting of CO2 emissions compared
to those occurring in the real-world operation. Hence, the difference between certified fuel
consumption and the one actually experienced by the drivers (i.e. the shortfall) can be
explained by two main factors: (a) the inherent variability of the vehicle operation and the
inability of an experimental test to fully capture it, and (b) aspects of the type approval
test which allow assumptions or practices that are non-realistic or are non-representative
of real-world use.

The certification test is currently the main instrument used to regulate the environmental
performance of light vehicles and to provide information to consumers regarding the fuel
economy of their vehicle. It helps them to make educated choices based on their needs and
wishes when buying a car. In addition, a series of policy instruments, such as taxation,
incentive schemes, etc., which are not directly linked to environmental issues or consumer
awareness revolve around the results of the certification test. Such a test needs therefore
to have specific characteristics. It has to be reliable, robust, and repeatable, provide results
understandable by the general public, be as simple as possible, representative for at least
an average vehicle performance, provide a level playing field for different vehicle
manufacturers and promote innovation and transparency. Inevitably, any fuel consumption
and CO2 certification test is in practice a trade-off between these prerequisites so it is hard
to imagine a test procedure able to exhaustively satisfy all these conditions and cover all
possible operating conditions at the same time.

Yet, it should be noted that in reality vehicle fuel consumption is affected by a great
number of factors, which are not necessarily uniform and equal for all drivers or all
operating conditions. In fact, there is no single fuel consumption value, but the fuel
consumption of a specific vehicle under very specific conditions. Drivers who tend to keep
logs of their refuelling recognise that the fuel they consume varies despite the fact that no
apparent change in their habits or vehicle occurs. The same vehicle model can present a
very wide range of consumption values depending on its use, the driver habits and other
external factors, while the tested vehicle could vary from the production vehicles. Hence it
would be impossible to predict with absolute accuracy the final fuel consumption of a
vehicle based on a single experimental test like the certification test because it is
impossible to specify one single experiment that can capture all possible variables
affecting real-world fuel consumption.

A difference, either positive or negative, between certification fuel consumption

value and driver experienced fuel consumption will always occur depending in each
case on the operating conditions and driving of the vehicle. However when
considering average fleet performance such a difference should not be
systematic and most importantly should not significantly change with time.

Ideally, the fuel consumption value reported should match as closely as possible the
average consumption experienced in reality. As it has been demonstrated this is not
possible on an individual vehicle level but rather on a fleet wide-basis and taking into

consideration average operating conditions. Nonetheless, there is increasing evidence that
the current framework largely fails in this sense as the shortfall between the existing
certification test in Europe and real-world fuel consumption is increasing with time (Mellios
2011, Mock et al. 2013). In their study, Mock et al. (2014) have found that the gap has
been constantly increasing from 8 % in 2001 to 24 % in 2011 and 37 % in 2014 (Figure
1-2). The figure is even greater for some OEMs who adopt fuel efficient technologies which
offer substantial benefits over the type approval test compared to real world operation.
Such rapid increases cannot be explained only by the in-use factors affecting the real-
world fuel consumption, as those cannot change in such a short timeframe, as resulting
from the reported figures, and in what appears to be a steady trend towards higher
differences. These observations make clear that there are also factors contributing to the
increase of the shortfall associated with the certification test. Optimising fuel consumption
for type approval by exploiting test elasticities and by introducing assumptions and
practices which are not reflecting real-world conditions is a fact reported by several studies
(Dings 2013, Mock et al. 2014, Stewart et al. 2015).

Figure 1-2: Estimated probability density function of reported real-world emission values as percentage of
type-approval figures (Mock et al. 2014)

Meanwhile, the implementation of CO2 reduction strategies at EU level and the pressure
exerted to meet the mandatory targets has, among other things, stimulated vehicle OEMs
to exploit the margins of the prescribed test conditions. These were originally designed to
ensure a reproducible measurement of regulated pollutants but not to capture the fuel
consumption of vehicles under real-world driving conditions. This practice has contributed
to widen the difference between reported and certification CO2. To address the
shortcomings of the existing test procedure, a new Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles
Test Procedure (WLTP), which includes a new test cycle (WLTC), was elaborated at United
Nations level (Marotta and Tutuianu 2012) and will be implemented in the years to come
in the European type-approval legislation (planned as of September 2017).

Figure 1-3: NEDC profile. Figure 1-4: WLTC profile.

Table 1-1: Key parameters of the driving cycles NEDC and WLTC source (Marotta et al. 2015)

Parameter Unit NEDC WLTP

Duration (s) 1 180 1 800
Distance (km) 11.03 23.27
Average speed (km/h) 33.6 46.5
Maximum speed (km/h) 120 131.3
Stop duration (%) 23.7 12.6
Constant driving (%) 40.3 3.7
Acceleration (%) 20.9 43.8
Deceleration (%) 15.1 39.9
Average positive acceleration (m/s ) 0.59 0.41
Maximum positive acceleration (m/s ) 1.04 1.67
2 3
Average positive ‘speed·acceleration’ (m /s ) 1.04 1.99
2 3
Maximum positive ‘speed·acceleration’ (m /s ) 9.22 21.01
Average deceleration (m/s ) − 0.82 − 0.45

Due to the diversity of operating conditions, drivers’ behaviour, car usage and other
external factors, no test protocol, no matter how carefully designed, can manage to
capture the real-world performance of vehicles with absolute accuracy. As a result, there
will always be a need to assess either qualitatively or quantitatively the fuel economy
impact of external factors, which can vary stochastically and are thus difficult to reproduce
under laboratory conditions. To date, a detailed quantitative understanding of factors
affecting the on-road fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of passenger cars is still
lacking. As a first step towards this direction this report attempts a first scanning of the
knowledge available in literature regarding the factors affecting CO2 emissions over real-
world and certification conditions.

1.2. Structure of the report

As will be presented further on, despite the fact that numerous studies address this
divergence or the factors contributing to it, few of the estimations presented in literature
are purely focused on the European certification framework and fewer of them provide a
detailed analysis on the combined effect of the different factors. In this report we
attempted to address this gap through a comprehensive review and detailed vehicle

simulations. To achieve this, each chapter of the report deals with a family of factors and

• a comprehensive review of the impact of various factors on real-world fuel

consumption as reported in literature from 2000 onwards;

• where possible, a quantification of the impact on a 2014 average passenger

car based on simulation scenarios and qualified assumptions.

A brief summary of the report’s structure is presented below.

Auxiliary systems
Modern cars incorporate an increasing number of auxiliary systems, resulting in an
increased energy demand. This additional demand has an impact on fuel consumption,
which is neglected by the current type approval test.

Vehicle aerodynamics highly affect fuel consumption. In addition to the aerodynamic
characteristics of the vehicle other factors such as side-winds and small shape
modifications like open windows, can have a significant impact on fuel consumption,
especially at high speeds. This effect is investigated together with the corresponding
deviation from the type approval values.

Weather conditions
Vehicles are tested in a controlled environment in the laboratory which poorly replicates
outdoor conditions. In this chapter the effect of real-world weather conditions on fuel
consumption and the deviations from type approval values are investigated.

A real-world driver’s behaviour is different that of the type approval test. Different driving
styles, driving patterns and trip planning can have a significant impact on fuel consumption
compared to type approval values.

Vehicle condition
For the type approval test vehicles are well maintained and properly prepared, while these
aspects can be neglected in real-world conditions. In this chapter the effect of
maintenance, whether poor or good, on fuel consumption is examined.

Operating mass
The mass of the vehicle may differ significantly from the parameters set for the type
approval test. The effect of extra load is examined in this chapter.

Road (morphology, surface, traffic)

Road properties in terms of morphology, surface and traffic have an effect on driving
behaviour and vehicle performance. The overall driving profile that results from these
conditions can be completely different from the one used in the type approval test. For this
reason these factors were isolated and examined one by one.

Fuel characteristics
Real-world fuel composition varies depending on the season, geographical region and
biofuel blend. The addition of certain bio-components in fuel standards offers the benefit
of reduced CO2 emissions when the lifecycle emissions of the fuel are considered but at
the same time may lead to marginal increases of vehicle CO2 emissions.

Certification test
This chapter presents an overview of the flexibilities of the current certification test that
can be exploited to deliver emission results lower than the anticipated. This overview aims
at a better understanding of these factors and the way they de facto affect final emission

The report concludes with a discussion of the findings of the review and an analysis of the
combined effect of the different factors influencing CO2 performance of vehicles under
test and real-world conditions.

2. Methodology

2.1. Literature review — overview

To identify factors which affect on-road fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of passenger
cars, engineering books and manuals, research papers, magazines and web pages were
reviewed. The most significant aspects of the shortfall between type approval and real-
world consumption were mainly found and covered by research papers, while the
theoretical background of these aspects (e.g. aerodynamics or electrical systems) is
explained mainly in specialised books. A data analysis was made in order to provide an
overview of the collected findings and also to draw conclusions.

If not mentioned differently, the average values used for calculations refer to the average
European car as presented by EEA (2013a). The collected values from the literature were
compared and rough statistical data, like the mean average, were produced where possible.
These values are indicated as ‘JRC estimations’. The number of references of each chapter
is listed in Table 2-1 and illustrated in
Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1: Bar chart of total references per category.

At the end of each chapter a paragraph was included to discuss the quality and the
quantity of the retrieved sources and whenever possible to report references of public
concern from non-scientific sources on specific topics. This is achieved by summarising a
number of web-based discussions (from magazines, forums, etc.) retrieved through an
online search. The opinions expressed should be considered as indicative, as the relatively
low number of reporting users does not allow for statistical relevance.

Table 2-1: Number of references per chapter

No of references/of
Chapter Average year Indicative keywords
which journal papers
Vehicle emissions, type
approval, test procedure,
Certification test 35/22 2010
driving cycle, NEDC, test
margins, test flexibilities
A/C, auxiliaries, accessories,
Auxiliary systems 40/29 2009 climatic condition, solar
energy, future applications
Vehicle aerodynamics,
aerodynamic drag,
Aerodynamics 19/13 2010
aerodynamic coefficient, CO2
emissions, passenger car
Low ambient temperature,
24/16 2009 cold-start emissions, rain,
snow, weather conditions
Driving behaviour, driving
Driving 30/15 2010 patterns, aggressive driving,
Lubrication, tyres, rolling
resistance, under inflation,
Vehicle condition 36/14 2009
vehicle maintenance, vehicle
Vehicle mass, curb weight,
Operating mass 21/11 2011 towing, trailer, laden roof
rack, occupancy rates
Traffic conditions, road
conditions, grade, road
(morphology, 22/15 2009
surface, altitude
surface, traffic)
Fuel composition, biofuels,
25/13 2010 biodiesel, ethanol, ethers,

2.2. Simulations methodology

In order to assess the impact of various factors and their combination on CO2 emissions,
computer simulations were performed. Three vehicles that had been previously tested in
the JRC over NEDC and WLTP conditions were selected and subsequently the respective
computer models were created for running the simulations. Once the first ‘reference’
models were validated against the tests their characteristics were slightly modified in
order to better match European fleet average characteristics. This resulted in the ‘baseline’
simulation models, on which all subsequent simulations in this study make reference. In
the following paragraphs we summarise the model-set up and validation process for the
reference vehicle models and we introduce the baseline models used for the analyses in
this report.

2.2.1 Reference simulation models

The main characteristics of the original three test vehicles are presented in Table 2-2. Two
were petrol-fuelled vehicles, with vehicle 1 featuring a turbocharged (TC) engine and
vehicle 2 a naturally aspirated (NA) engine. The third vehicle was equipped with a diesel
high fuel injection pressure turbocharged engine. All vehicles met the Euro 5 norm

regarding pollutant emissions and can be considered typical for the European passenger
car fleet.
Table 2-2 Characteristics of the vehicles used for the simulation assessment. In the first column, TC stands
for Turbo-charged; while NA for Naturally Aspirated
Vehicle Vehicle
Nominal mass mass
Capacity Stroke Power Idle RPM Inertia
Engine type RPM WLTP WLTP
High Low
[cc] [mm] [kW] [rpm] [rpm] [kg] [kg] [kg]
1 368 84 121.5 5 500 750 1 360 1 570 1 430
1 368 84 57 6 000 750 1 130 1 250 1 182
Diesel 2 200 90 110 4 500 650 1 470 1 626 -

These vehicles in their original configurations were simulated over the NEDC, WLTP test
mass high and WLTP test mass low cycles respecting the boundary conditions of the
original measurements. WLTP gear shifting strategy adopted in these validation
simulations and later to all simulation runs included in the study was conducted according
to WLTC Class 3.2 and that is described in more detail in Tutuianu et al. (2013). WLTP tests
followed the requirements of the WLTP, in terms of test temperature (23 ˚C instead of
25 ˚C for NEDC), vehicle test mass and road loads as prescribed in the official, recently
released UNECE GTR (UNECE 2015).

In particular, the WLTP sets two test mass values, a Test Mass High (TMH) and a Test Mass
Low (TML) (11) with correspondingly increased road loads compared to NEDC. The TMH and
TML are calculated according to Annex 4 of the UNECE GTR as:

TMH = MRO + OM + 25 + φ ∗ MVL (1)

TML = MRO + 25 + φ ∗ MVL (2)

MRO: is Mass in Running Order
OM: is mass of optional equipment
MVL: is maximum vehicle load and is equal to LM − MRO − OM − 25
LM: is technically permissible maximum laden mass
φ: is the percentage of the vehicle load included in the definition of the test mass,
and is equal to 15 % for M1 category (passenger cars) and to 28 % for N1
category vehicles (light commercial vehicles).

The simulation software used for the purpose of this study is CO2MPAS, a physical-based
vehicle simulation tool developed by the JRC for the purpose of supporting the transition
from NEDC to WLTP. The user is able to adjust various inputs regarding the technical
specifications of the vehicle and the testing environment. The tool is virtually running the

(11) For CO2 certification, and a given vehicle certification family, TMH will be used for the worst-case scenario of CO2 emissions as well
as to determine WLTP road load coefficients for the same scenario, while TML will be applied for the best case CO2 emissions for
that same vehicle family. Based on TML and TMH results a linear regression for CO2 emissions over cycle energy (which is calculated
from vehicle test weight and RL) will be determined. This regression line will be used to determine CO2 emissions of all other
vehicles within the respective vehicle family without TA certification if their mass is between TML and TMH.

NEDC and WLTP cycles generating emission results in gCO2/km for the cycles and their
sub-cycles. The simulation scenarios are included at the end of each chapter.

The models created were validated against measurements previously performed at the
JRC. Table 2-3 demonstrates the CO2 emissions in g/km, over each phase of WLTP and
NEDC. Results are provided for both measurements (Meas.) and simulations (Sim.) and for
the two different configurations of the WLTP test, with TMH and TML as described
previously. Hence WLTP-H corresponds to the highest and WLTP-L to lowest power-
consuming configurations in the same CO2 family respectively.

Table 2-3 Measurement vs simulation results for CO2 emissions (g CO2/km). In the first column, Gas stands
for Petrol; TC for Turbo-charged; while NA for Naturally Aspirated

WLTP — H WLTP — L (12) NEDC (Base)

Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase
2 4 1 2 3 4
Meas. 203.2 153.4 143.6 177.1 165.4 188.7 137.1 128.0 159.1 148.9 188.0 124.7 148.0
Sim. 200.8 152.1 144.6 177.7 165.3 190.0 136.6 130.0 158.1 149.3 183.4 128.0 148.4

Meas. 185.6 135.9 136.9 185.3 160.3 175.9 125.3 125.3 167.9 147.1 182.3 120.7 143.3
Sim. 185.3 136.2 137.8 185.8 160.8 175.6 125.2 125.2 167.1 146.8 176.2 123.1 142.4

Meas. 176.1 129.0 110.9 138.3 132.9 - - - - - 159.7 102.9 123.8

Sim. 180.7 127.8 115.3 135.3 133.6 - - - - - 156.8 103.3 123.0

As shown in Table 2-3, simulation results matched the measurements well for both WLTP
— H and L configurations of the vehicles, with results in most cases within ± 3 g CO2/km
of the measured value of the WLTP sub-phases and within ± 0.5 g CO2/km for the
emissions over the entire cycle. In the NEDC a tendency to underestimate the cold part of
the cycle (UDC) by ~ 4.5 g/km and overestimate the warm part (EUDC) by 3 g/km was
observed. However the final NEDC result remained always within a range of ± 1 g CO2/km
compared to the measurement, hence no post simulation corrections were applied to the

2.2.2 Baseline simulation models

Having verified that the reference models could accurately reproduce measured CO2
emissions over WLTP and NEDC, their basic characteristics (mass, capacity, power) were
slightly modified and three different configurations were assumed based on the reported
characteristics for the European passenger car sales of year 2013. Based on the EEA
(2013b) data, the basic characteristics of an average naturally aspirated (NA) petrol, an
average turbocharged petrol (TC), and an average diesel vehicle were identified and
considered in the calculations. In particular for petrol vehicles the distinction between
charged and NA engines was made based on power-to-capacity ratio with cars with ratios
lower than 0.065 kW/cc considered as NA. The average characteristics identified and
applied to the preconfigured vehicle simulation models are summarised in Table 2-4.

(12) No WLTP-L test data were available for the diesel vehicle.

Table 2-4: Characteristics of baseline car versions and comparison with reported averages in 2013. In the
first column, TC stands for Turbo-charged; while NA for Naturally Aspirated
Reference (EEA 2013b) Assumptions made in calculations

Vehicle NEDC
Test Mass Capacity Power WLTP H WLTP L Capacity Power
(kg) (cc) (kW) Mass (kg) Mass (kg) (cc) (kW)
Class (kg)

1 360 1 463 107 1 360 1 540 1 414 1 460 105
1 159 1 344 67 1 130 1 315 1 209 1 340 67
Diesel 1 530 1 803 97 1 470 1 730 1 587 1 800 100

The simulations mimicking the type approval test cycle produced results that lay close but
are consistently higher compared to the values found in the EEA monitoring database for
year 2014, as presented in Table 2-5. The boundary conditions for the specific simulations
were chosen to be as close as possible to the certification test conditions. It should be
noted that current homologation foresees an extension of CO2 certification for vehicles
with similar characteristics whose CO2 emissions do not differ more than 4 %. As a result
it is expected that reported CO2 values are lower by up to 4 % compared to the actual
measured values. When correcting simulation results by 4 % to account for this effect the
final values lay within 2.5 g from the reported CO2 emissions. Hence it is expected that the
performance of the simulation models used in this analysis is representative of the
performance of Euro 5 European passenger cars with characteristics similar to those of the
fleet average. The official and resulting values are presented in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5: Presentation of CO2 emissions of reference and simulated vehicles (TA values). . In the first
column, TC stands for Turbo-charged; while NA for Naturally Aspirated

Reported (EEA
Simulation (– 4 %) (13)
Vehicle CO2 emissions Simulation results
CO2 emissions
(g/km) CO2 emissions
Petrol 136.8 131.4
Petrol 125.2 120.3
Diesel 123.2 126.5 121.5

2.2.3 Simulation of individual and combined factors

Based on the abovementioned baseline vehicle configurations simulations were run for
analysing the effect of each factor. Each factor under analysis was tested individually and
in certain cases sensitivity runs were performed for quantifying the effect on fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions over NEDC and WLTP High (14). The corresponding results

(13) Extending certification to vehicles that may have CO2 emission up to 4 % lower from a reference tested vehicle as a way of
simplifying the TA process.
( ) The high power configuration of WLTP was considered in the analysis and will be referred to simply as WLTP through the document,
unless stated otherwise.

are presented following the literature review in each chapter. The baseline scenario, which
was always used for comparison, used the parameters defined for the NEDC and the WLTP
— H test as presented in Table 2-5 and Table 2-4.

On occasions where reference is made to single values, the results of the simulations
performed with the three models were averaged using weighing factors according to their
percentage in the new European fleet registrations as reported by EEA (2013b). The
weights used were 23 % for petrol NA and petrol turbo, and 54 % for diesel.

Finally, the combined effect of the different factors on fuel consumption and emissions
was explored. Considering all possible combinations was however not feasible and beyond
the purpose of this study. This attempt focused mainly on the most common combinations,
like for example the towing of a trailer which captures the combination of increased mass
and air drag. These results are presented separately.

3. Auxiliary systems

3.1. About auxiliary systems

The auxiliary systems of a car are comprised of all the elements and accessories such as
air conditioning (A/C), steering assist systems, driver aids or luxury systems, which improve
driving safety and comfort. This happens however at the price of an increased electrical, or
less frequently, mechanical power load that in turn increases fuel consumption (Schipper
2011, EPA 2014b). As depicted in Figure 3-1 there has been a clear trend over the past
40 years towards a higher installed electrical power supply capacity (US cars data) which
had been increasing at least until 2005 (ADL 2006) in order to meet the increasing electric
power demands. As new and more sophisticated auxiliary systems like GPS, air cleaning, air
conditioning, adaptive cruise control, collision warning and avoidance, are incorporated
(Reif and Dietsche, 2011) in the fleet this trend is likely to continue. Electric auxiliary
devices impose higher electrical loads resulting in increased alternator operation which in
turn increases the engine power demand and subsequently fuel consumption. Mechanical
auxiliaries directly draw energy from the engine resulting also in increased power

Figure 3-1: Increase in vehicle average electrical power supply capacity in a US car (ADL (2006))

An average European car is estimated to have total electrical power requirements of

750 W (European Commission 2013), which is substantially lower compared to the
2 500 W reported in the American study presented above. But for the type approval test,
where all switchable electrical consumers are off, the total electrical requirements were
estimated to be in the order of 350 W (European Commission 2013). OEM experts suggest
that this value might be even lower in reality. This discrepancy suggests a measureable
shortfall between type approval and real-world consumption.

In an earlier study, Farrington and Rugh (2000) examined the increase in fuel consumption
as a result of the increased use of auxiliaries. Their results are presented in Figure 3-2,
where the effect is expressed as a decrease in fuel economy for two cases. These cases
refer to a conventional vehicle (1 406 kg, 3.0L, spark ignition, 8.78 l/100 km for
combined cycle) and a hybrid (907 kg, 1.3L, compression ignition, auxiliary load of 400 W,
2.89 l/100 km for combined cycle). The cars were tested over the SC03 Supplemental
Federal Test Procedure, which is a sub-cycle of the FTP-75 test cycle where the A/C is
turned on, at an ambient temperature of 35 °C. Both vehicle characteristics and the type
of test used reflect the situation in the US fleet, hence the absolute values are expected to

be far from European reality. Nonetheless the trends presented are likely to be similar for
both fleets.

Figure 3-2: Decrease in fuel economy according to increase in auxiliary load (Farrington and Rugh 2000)

It should be noted that apart from the impact of the operation of electrical consumers, the
state of charge of the battery during a trip affects fuel consumption, as the vehicle
controllers are programmed to maintain a more or less fixed SOC range during actual
operation. At present, the certification test is run with the battery fully charged (in some
cases even with the battery-charging circuit disconnected), something that does not
correspond to real-world conditions where battery status is subject to a series of factors
ranging from weather conditions to frequency of vehicle use, traffic conditions and battery
health. Recharging the battery creates an extra load on the engine, which directly increases
fuel consumption. In the case of a completely depleted battery the increase in consumption
could be up to 30 % for NEDC, although real-world cases like this are rare (Dings 2013).

The following paragraphs examine in further detail the effect of A/C, steering assist
systems and other auxiliary systems. The reason for this categorisation is that A/C was
found to be a major consumer of energy, while steering assist systems are always in use
consuming energy even when in stand-by mode, hence their effect during the certification
test is to some extent captured. The paragraph ‘Other vehicle auxiliaries’ contains
information about various electric energy consumers, which may not be always in use or
have varying energy demands.

3.2. Air conditioning (A/C)

One of the most influential factors affecting real-world fuel consumption, with a rich
research background, is the operation of A/C systems (Welstand et al. 2003, ECMT 2005,
Heinz 2005, Rugh et al. 2007, Roujol and Joumard 2009, Mock et al. 2013). The use of A/C
is not currently included in the type approval tests. While in 1993 the share of cars sold
with A/C as standard was ca. 10 %, it is reported to have risen to 85 % by 2011 (Hill
2011). Figure 3-3 shows a 2002 projection of the evolution of number of cars equipped
with A/C in North America, Asia and Europe. It was expected that by 2014 the vast majority

of the vehicles sold in the European market would be equipped with A/C systems. The
authors were not able to retrieve reliable information regarding the present market shares
of the air conditioning system in the newly registered European vehicles.

Figure 3-3: Evolving percentage of cars equipped with A/C for North America, Asia and Europe (VALEC —
Auto Concept 2002).

The electrical energy consumption of the A/C system is affected by the ambient
temperature. The greater the difference of the ambient temperature to the desired cabin
temperature, the more effort is required to reach this. Similarly, other weather-related
conditions, such as solar radiation, may have a significant impact on A/C power
consumption and vehicle CO2 emissions. Heinz (2005) measured CO2 emissions in two
cases on a vehicle conditioned without any heat soaking and with soaking under solar
radiation of 850 W/m2. An average increase in CO2 emissions was found for various cycles
of 1 414 g/h and 2 056 g/h respectively for NEDC. Other research (Dena 2013)
suggested an increase in fuel consumption of 1 l/h, but does not make explicit reference to
the conditions of A/C operation. An average increase of 1.25 l/100 km was found by TUG
and of 1.23 l/100 km by KTI in the MAC project (15) (TUG et al. 2010). In their study
regarding the improvement of A/C control systems De Moura and Tribess (2007) have
found an increase in fuel consumption of 16 %, 11 % and 13 % for the urban, highway
and combined cycle respectively. An overview of the values retrieved from the literature is
presented in Figure 3-4 (See Table 14-1 in Annex).

The effectiveness and the use of the A/C depends on the desired interior temperature,
outside temperature, air humidity and solar radiation (16) and is rather insensitive to other
aspects affecting fuel consumption like speed and driving patterns (Kemle et al. 2008). For
this reason, as stated by Kemle et al. (2008), only the use of litres per 100 km to estimate
consumption is meaningful in order to make comparisons, while in the literature review it
was common to find the variations in consumption and CO2 emissions expressed in litres
per hour and in grams per hour, respectively. The same study also claims that the indicated

(15) Research project funded by the European Commission for the development of an A/C type approval procedure.
(16) So indirectly is connected also to ambient conditions discussed in later paragraphs.

increase in consumption of 1-3 l/100 km found in the literature applies only to certain
operating points, which usually consist of high load points, which occur rarely in real-world
conditions and pointed out the need for commonly accepted guidelines for determining A/C
effect. The opinion that A/C use is independent from speed and traffic conditions is
supported by Roujol and Joumard (2009). In their study for a large number of cars they
concluded that the expression in l/h is more appropriate to express additional fuel
consumption from the use of A/C.

Other researchers however claim an impact of traffic conditions on the extra fuel
consumption induced by A/C operation with the relative influence being reduced as vehicle
speed increases. For urban, rural and highway driving the increase in fuel consumption due
to A/C operation is reported to be 4 %, 2.5 %, and 1 % respectively (Weilenmann et al.
2010). This reduction in percentage is expected and explained by the fact that cycles of
higher speed require higher engine power to overcome driving resistances, resulting in
higher fuel consumption, hence the relative fuel losses towards the A/C system are
reduced. A method to incorporate traffic and A/C use in the experiments is suggested by
(Kemle et al. 2008) and it is presented at the end of the paragraph.

The type of A/C, manual or automatic (17) is also reported to have a different impact in fuel
consumption. A study by ADAC (2012b) and OEAMTC (2012) tested the effect of manual
and automatic A/C at 50 km/h and 100 km/h and their results are presented in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Increase in fuel consumption according to type of A/C, summary from ADAC (2012b) and OEAMTC

Increase in consumption (l/100 km)

Type of A/C
At 50 km/h At 100 km/h
Manual 0.36 0.21
Automatic 0.28 0.25

A summary chart of the sources reviewed is presented in Figure 3-4. An average speed of
100 km/h was assumed for calculating the respective values (for detailed information see
Table 14-3 in Annex). Different studies consider different assumptions regarding the
ambient-cabin temperature difference.

The average increase in fuel consumption due to the use of A/C is estimated to be in the
order of 9 %.

(17) A/C systems are considered manual if they operate continuously, while automatic A/C systems try to maintain a predefined cabin

Figure 3-4: Estimated fuel consumption increase based on the findings retrieved from different sources. Use
of A/C and an average speed of 100 km/h are assumed.

3.2.1 Load profile based on climatic and driving profile

Kemle et al. (2008) propose the creation of load profiles based on region- or country-
specific climatic profiles under which A/C is used. The temperature, which is derived from
the climatic profile, is divided into categories and assigned an annual frequency.
Consequently, the same is done for the average driving velocity according to the driving
profile, which could be a driving cycle. A load profile is derived from the combination of
these two where the driving situation is classified in terms of temperature and average
velocity. A fixed value of extra fuel consumption induced by the A/C operation is then

An example of a load profile for the German city of Frankfurt is provided in Figure 3-5,
where temperature is split into four classes, ranging from 0 to 39 oC and driving speed into
the four velocity categories that are found in the NEDC.

Figure 3-5: Load profile for Frankfurt climatic profile and NEDC categories (Kemle et al. 2008)

3.2.2 Methods for reducing A/C energy needs

This paragraph examines the effect of various methods and systems that can contribute to
energy efficiency and conservation. The majority of the findings refer to ways to decrease
the energy needs of the A/C or the heat transfer between vehicle interior and the
environment, but these findings could potentially expand to other systems as well.

In order to lower the energy needs of the A/C several innovations were incorporated in the
past which include (Kemle et al. 2008):

• Externally controlled compressors to maintain the temperature at the evaporator at

the desired value;

• Cycle-based control of the blower and fan motors;

• Improved condenser module maintains a constant degree of sub-cooling in most

load situation with an integrated sub cooling section;

• Reduced electric power consumption, with the use of cycle controllers and the
deployment of a brushless motor;

• Decreasing the drive power.

De Moura et al. (2007) have found that the use of pistons with variable displacement in
the air compressor is more fuel efficient than the use of pistons with fixed displacement.
They have found that the benefits, while using variable displacement pistons could be
about 5 % compared to the fixed ones. Farrington et al. (2000) described two types of
glazing that reduce the transmission of infrared wavelengths in the interior of the car.

o Absorptive glazing. This type of glazing absorbs solar radiation, which is re-
emitted at longer wavelengths with a 50 % probability of being re-emitted into
the vehicle.

o Reflective glazing. This type reflects selectively a certain percentage of
infrared radiation, while allowing the transmission of the visible part of the

The use of advanced glass products could control solar heating therefore reducing the
vehicle’s thermal load. According to Farrington et al. (2000) the use of appropriate glazing
could reflect more than 500 W, which reduces the interior vehicle temperature by 9 °C.
This could improve fuel economy of a compact American car by 0.3 km/l (about 1.5 %
improvement in terms of fuel consumption considering a 5.5 l/100 vehicle) over the SC03
drive cycle. They also added that reducing the weight of the A/C system by 9.1 kg could
increase fuel economy by 0.04 km/l.

Rugh et al. (2001) tested two vehicles, where the one served as a reference vehicle and the
second one used solar reflective film. They measured the temperature at the level of the
passengers’ head (average value), the instrument panel and the windshield interior. They
found that the application of the reflective film reduced the peak soak temperature. The
obtained results are presented in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2: Reduction in maximum temperature (Rugh et al. 2001)

Average Instrument panel Windshield

temperature temperature temperature
decrease oC decrease oC decrease oC
Solar reflective
4.6 6.3 9.5
film on all glazings

Solar reflective
2.5 4.7 8.7
film on windshield

According to their measurements, the benefits in terms of fuel economy were 1.3 % in the
SC03 cycle (Rugh et al. 2001).

In another study Rugh et al. (2007) tested a vehicle with various configurations of solar-
reflective glazing, solar-powered parked car ventilation and solar-reflective paint. They
found that with the use of all the previously mentioned systems the cooling load is
reduced by 30 % (see cool down characteristic curves in Figure 3-6).

According to Glass for Europe (2013) a decrease of 5 % in thermal load would reduce A/C
energy consumption by 10 % and could improve fuel consumption by 2 %.

Another aspect that is being discussed is the incorporation of solar panels on the car that
could diminish the energy demand from the engine. Solar energy is free and more evenly
distributed compared to other sources, although there are variations due to the weather
and during the year (Rizzo 2010). Despite this, according to Rizzo (2010) a photovoltaic
panel could provide significant energy to contribute 20-30 % of the required energy during
typical daily urban driving. Some manufacturers have applied solar panels on the roof of
the car that provide ventilation in the interior when the car is parked (Presting and König

2003). The use of solar energy when parked could be improved with the use of moving
panels that adjust according to the movement of the sun with gains of 46 % at low
latitudes and 78 % at high (Rizzo 2010). This could be rather helpful especially as the
electrification and hybridisation of the fleet progresses (Coraggio et al. 2010).

Figure 3-6: Cool down curves for a baseline and a vehicle with thermal reflective systems (Rugh et al. 2007)

3.2.3 Heating systems

The operation of cabin heating systems indirectly affects the use of A/C systems under
cold weather conditions. Recent improvements in engine fuel efficiency resulted in a
drawback as the lower engine heat rejection to the engine coolant reduced the
performance of the heating systems, which in turn led to an increase in electric power
demand (Feuerecker et al. 2005). As a result, auxiliary heating systems that counteract this
effect have become necessary. Such systems may require an additional 400-2 000 W
(Hoffmann 2011) of electric power during their operation. This can have a major impact on
fuel consumption as an increase of 600 W can result, according to Nikolian et al. (2012), in
fuel consumption increases of 5-10 %. In certain cases the use of A/C systems for heating
up the cabin instead of electrical heaters is promoted by vehicle OEMs.

The performance and efficiency of various auxiliary heating systems was examined by
Feuerecker et al. (2005). In their study they assessed the effectiveness of the following
systems for various outside temperatures:

• Positive Thermal Coefficient (PTC) (18) — heater

• Fuel-fired heater

• Dissipative heating system

(18) PTC material is named for its positive thermal coefficient of resistance (i.e. resistance increases upon heating). These materials can
become extremely resistive above a composition-dependent threshold temperature. This behaviour causes the material to act as its
own thermostat, since current passes when it is cool, and does not when it is hot.

• Air/air heat pump

• Coolant/air heat pump

The extra specific fuel consumption is presented in Figure 3-7. They concluded that the use
of additional heating systems for cars in the city of Frankfurt results in an increase of
between 0.15 l/100 km and 0.25 l/100 km, which corresponds to 2.6 % and 4.4 %
respectively for an average fuel consumption of 5.5 l/100km.

Figure 3-7: Specific surplus fuel of auxiliary heating systems for different outside temperatures. FFH: Fuel
Fired Heater, HP: Heat Pump, ACG: Air Cooled Generator, ISG: Integrated Starter Generator (Feuerecker et al.

3.3. Steering assist systems

Steering assist systems contribute to driving safety and comfort, but they require an
additional energy supply, which in turn leads to increased fuel consumption. Steering action
is considered rare compared to the total vehicle operating time. According to Sonchal et al.
(2012a) for a typical highway travel, the power steering assisted system remains idle for
about 76 % of the time. However, according to ECMT (2005) electrical power steering
increases fuel consumption by a measurable 2-3 %.

Steering assist systems are distinguished in the following categories (Wellenzohn 2008):

• Hydraulic power assisted steering (HPAS);

• Electro-hydraulic power assisted steering (EHPAS);

• Electric power assisted steering (EPAS).

HPAS has been the main power assisting system for several years, but since it is constantly
powered by the combustion engine belt drive, even when in standby, it is a significant
consumer of energy. Because of the lower power needs EHPS and EPS systems are
considered suitable for small and medium-sized cars (Pfeffer et al. 2005). In recent years
there has been an effort to implement power-on-demand type of systems, which lead to
the evolution of EHPAS, a partially-on-demand system, and EPAS (Wellenzohn 2008). In
EHPAS the hydraulic pump is driven by a constantly operating electric motor, which has a
lower engine speed than the combustion engine resulting in lower power demand. On the
other hand, in EPAS, steering assistance comes directly from an electric motor, which is
only activated when power assistance is required resulting in lower energy consumption
(Pfeffer et al. 2005). In terms of required power HPAS demands ~ 270 W, EHPAS ~ 38 W
and EPS ~ 18 W based on the simulations and measurements of Lin et al. (2011).

An indicative quantification of the extra fuel consumption demand imposed by each of the
three systems is presented in Figure 3-8 (See Table 14-2 in Annex) as adapted from
Wellenzohn (2008).

Figure 3-8: Increase in fuel consumption with the use of various power assisted steering systems (adapted
from Wellenzohn (2008))

As HPAS is the most fuel-consuming system Sonchal et al. (2012b) suggested the use of
Energy Efficient Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering System (E2HPAS), where the HPAS pump
is disconnected by an electromagnetic clutch when steering is not needed. The authors
measured on-road and NEDC fuel consumption comparing these systems. The on-road
measurements show a decrease of 5 % and 4.1 % for highway and urban driving
respectively compared to normal use of the HPAS system. The overall decrease in
consumption for the NEDC was 3.9 %, where the decrease was higher in the UDC than the
EUDC, 4.8 % and 2.7 % accordingly.

The evolution of modern and sophisticated systems like parking, lane keeping and traffic
jam assistance, side wind compensation and collision avoidance is expected to increase the
energy requirements from steering assist systems in the future. Their effect on fuel
consumption is therefore likely to become more significant.

According to the data collected in this study the operation of steering assist systems can
contribute by up to 4.5 % to the in use fuel consumption with an average estimate for
modern systems being in the order of 1-2 %. Part of this extra fuel consumption is
probably captured also during the certification test despite the lack of actual steering.
However it is possible that for electrically driven steering assist systems this extra fuel
consumption is not captured during the certification test as the standard practice is to run
the NEDC cycle with fully charged battery, a condition that may cause the suspension of
the operation of the vehicle’s alternator. No specific study was found that quantifies the
contribution of the steering assist system to the certified fuel consumption test. Further
investigation is necessary for providing more accurate estimates.

3.4. Other vehicle auxiliaries

This paragraph investigates other vehicle-related auxiliaries whose operation may not
affect the certification test or may have a smaller impact compared to real-world
operation. Typical examples in this category are components such as lights, pumps or the
ventilator which require additional electric energy to operate and hence result in increased
fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. The operation of systems like engine and vehicle
control units, fuel pumps and injection systems (ADL 2006), various sensors (gas, speed,
temperature, force and torque, etc.) (Reif and Dietsche 2011) affects fuel consumption
under any driving condition but it is very difficult to quantify their impact on real driving
compared to the certification test.

Johnson (2002) has found that the use of accessories can increase fuel consumption by
2.8 %, while other recent research found that a vehicle with all electrical systems switched
on can present an increase in consumption of up to 16 % (Dings 2013).

Huhn (2008) found in his research regarding lighting equipment that complete lighting
functions ( 19 ) require 144 W, which leads to an increased fuel consumption of
0.14 l/100 km. Older lighting equipment technology used during the 1980s led to an
increase between 0.18 and 0.28 l/100 km. The use of LED headlamps can decrease the
demand, as they are more efficient. Additionally, the author identifies that the use of
daytime running lights increases fuel consumption by 0.28 l/100 km, which was the main
argument against the mandatory use of such technology.

The electrical power demand of several auxiliary systems were quantified in a study by
ADL (2006) the results of which are summarised in Figure 3-9 for a typical American car.
In addition, Figure 3-10 presents the power requirements of auxiliaries, whose power
needs are not stable but change over time and driving conditions.

(19) Xenon headlamps, front position bulbs, rear LED lamps, licence plate bulbs and interior lights.

Figure 3-9: Maximum power demand of auxiliary systems (ADL (2006))

Figure 3-10: Power demand of auxiliary systems with varying power requirements (ADL (2006))

Dudenhöffer and John (2009) have pointed out the significance of the various auxiliaries
on fuel consumption for the European customer. They provided a list with the power needs
and the potential increase in fuel consumption of the auxiliaries, which is presented in
Figure 3-11 (See Table 14-4 in Annex). A/C is presented for comparative reasons to the
other electric energy consumers as it accounts for 1 500 W of required power or
1.5 l/100 km increase in fuel consumption. The other auxiliaries require a total of
3 305 W or 3.3 l/100 km. Based on these results in a rainy, winter and night scenario (20)
a car would consume 1.5 l/100 km more fuel, an increase of 26 % compared to the
average European car.

(20) Use of headlights, windscreen wiper, rear window heating and wiper and electrical booster heater is assumed.

Figure 3-11: Power consumption and fuel consumption increase due to various auxiliaries (Dudenhöffer and
John 2009)

3.5. Simulation scenario and results

In a simulation scenario the vehicle was tested under different mechanical and electrical
loads in order to mimic the energy needs of the various auxiliaries.

In the first case, the energy demands of the mechanical auxiliaries were tested, although
there would be only a few components in modern cars that require additional mechanical
energy. The additional mechanical loads correspond to an initial value of 0.4 kW which is
then increased stepwise by 0.5 kW to 2.4 kW.
The results are shown in Figure 3-12.

The second case refers to the electrical energy demand, which is increasing in modern
vehicles. It was difficult to find robust experimental data regarding the electrical power
demand of specific components correlated to other factors like A/C and temperature. For
the latter it would be interesting to see the effect on CO2 emissions over the certification
cycle, as an increased ambient temperature leads to reduced cold start emissions, but also
to higher emissions from A/C usage.

a b

Figure 3-12: Increase in CO2 emissions for additional mechanical loads for a petrol NA (a), a petrol turbo (b)
and a diesel (c) vehicle

The electrical loads tested in this context correspond initially to 0.3 kW and are then
increased stepwise by 0.3 kW to 1.5 kW (21). The effect of the additional electrical loads on
CO2 emissions is shown in Figure 3-13. The values regarding the electrical loads by
Dudenhöffer and John (2009) were also included and are indicated in the charts as
‘Literature’. The effect on CO2 emissions is shown in percentile change with respect to the
baseline emissions as this was a common way of presenting such results in literature. This
representation offers also a means for comparison with the effect of other factors
presented in the current work.

(21) It should be noted that for the operation of the alternator a fixed efficiency of 67 % was assumed while the efficiency of the battery
and the remaining electrical system was fixed to 95 %. Therefore in terms of engine load the assumed electrical loads are multiplied
by a factor of 1.57. The presence of a brake energy recuperation system was assumed in all cases.

a b

Figure 3-13 Increase in CO2 emissions for additional electrical loads for a petrol NA (a), a petrol turbo (b)
and a diesel (c) vehicle

3.6. Overview
The sources reviewed regarding the quantification of the impact of auxiliary systems on
fuel consumption provide mostly information about increases in electrical power demand
which subsequently increase fuel consumption.

Most research regarding electrical systems is targeted on the use of A/C. A sufficient
amount of sources was found quantifying this effect and additionally, the literature was
rich in methodologies for retrieving experimental and real-world data and for proper A/C
operation modelling. Several discussions in user forums and other sites were also found on
the internet demonstrating a wide public concern about this subject. The main issue of
concern seems to be whether A/C or opening the windows is a more fuel-efficient practice
during everyday driving, a topic which is further discussed in later chapters.

Power assisted steering systems increase fuel consumption depending on the system used.
Few studies were found quantifying sufficiently this effect, although there were enough
journal papers supporting this claim. The most power-demanding system to the least

demanding is hydraulic power assisted steering, electro-hydraulic power assisted steering
and electric power assisted steering.

The results of the simulation show that there is a significant increase in CO2 emissions for
additional mechanical and electrical loads. An additional mechanical load of 2.4 kW leads
to an increase on average of 24 % for NEDC and 17 % for WLTP. An electrical load of
0.6 kW leads to an increase of about 15 % for NEDC and for WLTP of 9.6 %. The WLTP
values are closer to the ones indicated by the literature review.

The simulation results also show that the effect of an extra electrical load is lower in the
case of a petrol NA. This could be attributed to the fact that the petrol NA engine has the
lowest power of all the options simulated, and therefore is operating during the cycle close
to the maximum available power, which means in turn that it has a better overall
efficiency over the cycle.

To account for the use of auxiliaries, their usage factor is also required. It was difficult to
find information on the real-world use of these auxiliaries except for those provided by the
Technical Guidelines of the European Commission (2013). These are normally used for the
approval of innovative technologies (so-called ‘eco-innovations’) as part of the CO2
emissions regulations.

In conclusion, a summary of the average values (JRC estimations) reflecting the impact of
auxiliary systems, based on the collected literature data, is presented in Figure 3-14.

Category Factor median Distribution


-15% -5% 5% 15% 25% 35%

Increased electrical supply is required 5.0% 10

Air conditioning
Improved MAC systems, EV HVAC - heat pump, active seat ventilation, solar reflective paint, solar control
-1.7% 8
glazing, solar roofs
Auxiliary systems
Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering, Electro - Hydraylic Power Assisted Steering, Electric Power Assisted Steering.
Steering assist systems 3.2% 3
Improved steering pump
Engine management, fuel injection, fog lamps, brake lights, wipers, dipped beams, brake assist, heated
Other vehicle auxiliaries 5.5% 6
windscreen, fan, etc

Figure 3-14: Summary table of the effect of auxiliary systems on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values reported.

4. Aerodynamics

4.1. About vehicle aerodynamics

Vehicle aerodynamic characteristics are one of the main factors influencing fuel
consumption in high-speed driving conditions (Hucho and Sovran 1993, Crolla 2009).
Aerodynamic resistance is expressed as a function of the cube of vehicle speed and
proportional to the product of aerodynamic drag coefficient (Cw), frontal area (A) and air
density. In layman’s terms, aerodynamics refers to the shape and design of the car and its
projected frontal area. The aerodynamic drag coefficient is affected by the design of the
car. Increases in the Cw x A product (henceforward referred to as drag) translate directly
into increased aerodynamic resistance, which in turn lead to decreased fuel economy and
higher CO2 emissions (Fontaras et al. 2007).

Improved aerodynamic characteristics reduce the aerodynamic drag coefficient and

increase vehicle stability by alleviating lift and side forces (Crolla 2009). Improved design
and more sophisticated manufacturing techniques led to the reduction of vehicle drag
coefficients in the past decades. Meanwhile, a steady increase in vehicle dimensions has
offset much of these benefits as the frontal area of the vehicles increased (Fontaras and
Dilara 2012).

Not directly related to the aerodynamic design of the vehicle but influencing fuel
consumption is the air density which varies depending on altitude (the higher the driving
altitude the lower air density) and ambient conditions. The effect of altitude might be
measurable as density is consistently lower at higher altitudes while it is very difficult to
evaluate the influence of the yearly weather fluctuations on average air density and
subsequently on vehicle fuel consumption. Ambient wind which is almost always present
and affected by the variation of the landscape along the road has an impact on
aerodynamic resistance (Hucho and Sovran 1993). The effect of pressure and other
ambient conditions is further examined in Chapter 5.

Aerodynamic resistance is also affected by various vehicle add-ons and different shape
configurations (Chowdhury et al. 2012) which are not necessarily captured by the current
certification procedure. Even small modifications can affect air drag leading to
measureable changes in fuel consumption. It is estimated that an increase in aerodynamic
drag between 10 to 20 % can result in a 2-4 % increase of fuel consumption in highway
operation (ECMT 2005). To improve the vehicle’s aerodynamic characteristics and
performance, OEMs and individual drivers may attach spoilers and vortex generators (VG)
or other devices on the vehicles. A combination of a spoiler with VGs could result in a
reduction in Cw of 4.35 % compared to a reference vehicle (Bansal 2014). In a test in
which the vehicle had folded side mirrors, wheel caps taped closed and antenna and
windscreen blades removed, air drag was found to have decreased by 4 % (Van Mensch et
al. 2014). Fontaras and Samaras (2010) calculated that reductions of 5 % and 10 % in
aerodynamic drag could lead to a decrease of CO2 emissions for NEDC from 0.6-1.2 % and
1.2-2.4 % respectively. It is therefore expected that OEMs currently choose to base their
type approval test on the vehicle variant that presents the lowest resistance possible.

This review is focused on customers’ behaviour that affects the frontal area and the shape
of the vehicle. It was found that the majority of sources address the installation of roof
add-ons, the use of the roof rack which increases the drag (Cw x A) and the addition of
spoilers which claim to decrease (22) the aerodynamic resistance factor Cw.

4.2. Roof add-ons and modifications

The components most frequently mentioned in literature affecting aerodynamics are roof
racks. Roof racks usually serve as a basis for installing a roof box (luggage box, ski boxes
or for other equipment) but can be also found as a stand-alone component used for
carrying particular objects. Lenner (1998) has found that a roof rack increases fuel
consumption between 1-3 % for a speed range of 70-90 km/h (See Table 14-6 in Annex).
The addition of roof boxes on roof racks directly increases vehicle frontal area (which
normally ranges from 0.22 to 0.45 m2 according to Halfords (2014) and also increases the
aerodynamic drag coefficient. The aerodynamic effect of roof boxes is further examined in
paragraph 4.3. Various items, like sirens and advertising signs can also be attached to the
car, increasing both the frontal area and drag coefficient, increasing aerodynamic
resistances and fuel consumption. The effect of various add-ons is presented in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1: Examples of various add-ons and their effect (Chowdhury et al. 2012)

Increase in projected Increase in fuel

Increase in drag
frontal area over the consumption (JRC
Add-ons coefficient (Cw)
baseline estimations)
(%) (%)
Advertising sign 7.2 0.8 1.3
Taxi sign 5.1 2.0 0.9
Roof rack 20.4 1.2 3.7
Roof rack with ladder 24.0 2.5 4.3
Barrel 33.1 4.9 6.0

The papers and reports reviewed did not provide enough information to cover in full detail
the effects of these add-ons individually. Further investigation of the topic is therefore

4.3. Roof box (aerodynamics)

A roof box directly increases the air drag of the vehicle, leading to an increase in fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions. The average increase of the frontal area caused by a roof
box is estimated at 0.37 m2 — based on the available model data obtained from Halfords
(2014) — while the increase caused to the air drag coefficient is very difficult to quantify.
It is important to note that the deterioration in fuel consumption takes place even when
the box is empty so the unnecessary use of boxes should be avoided. In the Artemis sub-
cycle at 120 km/h a non-laden roof rack (EcoDrive 2011) was found to increase fuel
consumption by 7.5 % on average. Apart from the effect on aerodynamics, the additional
average weight of the roof box itself is estimated at 15 kg contributing also to a marginal

(22) Vehicle aerodynamics can be influenced by a series of factors. Retrofit systems sold for improving aerodynamic characteristics
might have contrary results if they are not designed appropriately for the characteristics of a specific vehicle and if installed in the
wrong way.

increase in fuel consumption. The effect of the extra vehicle mass of a loaded roof box is
examined in more detail in Chapter 8, along with the effect of the total vehicle mass.

Figure 4-1: Percentage increase in fuel consumption for an unladen roof box (23)

Lenner (1998) used a common commercial ski-box with a frontal area of 0.25 m2 and
measured fuel consumption at speeds of 70, 80 and 90 km/h and found an increase of
10 %, 11 % and 12 % accordingly (See Table 14-6 in Annex for more details).

A summary of the findings is presented in Figure 4-1 (for more details see Table 14-5 in

4.4. Open windows

Open windows affect the normal flow of the air around the vehicle influencing its
aerodynamic resistance. The range and magnitude of this influence depends on the
vehicle’s shape, the average speed and how much and which windows are open. The data
collected on the issue during this analysis were scarce and insufficient for drawing a solid
conclusion. The main source found was a US study by Thomas et al. (2014) that estimated
the increase in fuel consumption for a speed range from 64 to 129 km/h (40 to 80 mph)
with an 8 km/h interval (5 mph). They tested a Toyota Corolla and a Ford Explorer with all
windows open and the findings are presented in Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3 for each vehicle

(23) Different vehicles and testing conditions were used in each study.

Figure 4-2: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds for a Toyota Corolla with all windows open,
based on an American study by Thomas et al. (2014). Adapted chart, bars correspond to percentile increase
in fuel consumption. Original units, US MPG and miles/hour were converted to l/100 km and km/h.

Figure 4-3: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds for a Ford Explorer with all windows open, based
on an American study by Thomas et al. (2014). Adapted chart, bars correspond to percentile increase in fuel
consumption. Original units, US MPG and miles/hour were converted to l/100 km and km/h.

A question that it is often raised is whether open windows or A/C systems lead to higher
fuel consumptions at high speeds. No clear answer can be drawn from the existing data,
however OEAMTC (2012) claims that for speeds up to 90 km/h the impact of open
windows on fuel consumption is lower than the use of A/C. Auto Alliance (n.d.) in their
EcoDriver’s manual suggests that windows should be open up to the speed of 65 km/h.

4.5. Wind conditions

Ambient winds are almost always present and affect the aerodynamics of the car. Wind
direction tends to change during on-road driving due to weather conditions, the varying
landscape or vehicle turning. Wind perpendicular to the car’s motion is called crosswind and
apart from prevailing ambient winds it can be caused by another passing vehicle.
Crosswinds result in an asymmetric flow around the vehicle affecting drag, lift and pitching

moment that can cause instability (Gajendra Singh et al. 2009). As the vehicle turns or as
the velocity of crosswinds becomes higher, the angle between the direction of the apparent
wind (24) and that of the vehicle speed (yaw angle) changes and the car exposes a larger
area to the wind, than its actual frontal area (Hucho and Sovran 1993). This may also
result in increased aerodynamic resistance particularly in the case of larger square-shaped
vehicles like SUVs or trucks. In real-world conditions wind is affected by roadside objects
and other vehicles that cause a non-uniform airflow and turbulence, which deviate from
the ideal conditions found in the laboratory (Lawson et al. 2007). Landström et al. (2010)
identify that despite the effect of crosswinds, yaw angle and speed, the majority of
published studies examine aerodynamics at zero yaw angle conditions.

Gajendra Singh et al. (2009) have examined the impact of crosswind angle and velocity on
the drag coefficient. Their results are presented in Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-4: Variation of drag coefficient according to Figure 4-5: Variation of drag coefficient according to
crosswind angle, for crosswind speed of 7 m/s from crosswind velocity for angles of 15o and 30o from
Gajendra Singh et al. (2009) Gajendra Singh et al. (2009)

The effect of crosswind under different yaw conditions on the aerodynamics of a car was
examined also by Landström et al. (2010) who also took into consideration the effect of
the rotating wheels and air inlets. Figure 4-6 presents the difference in the drag coefficient
for various yaw angle values for four car configurations. The authors observed a significant
increase in drag in yaw angles between 8 o and 18 o and they indicated a gap in current
knowledge on the subject.

(24) The wind experienced by a moving object is the sum of the true wind and the head wind caused by vehicle’s motion

Figure 4-6: Difference in aerodynamic coefficient for various yaw angle values (Landström et al. 2010)

At the type approval test an increase of 10 % in air drag results in a 2 % average increase
of CO2. (Figure 4-7). It is therefore concluded that wind conditions can have a measurable
and possibly significant impact on the in-use fuel consumption and CO2 emissions,
increasing the gap between reported values and the consumption experienced by the
drivers. However, further data and analysis is necessary for accurately quantifying these

Figure 4-7: Variations in CO2 emissions according to the variations of aerodynamic resistance (Fontaras and
Samaras 2010)

4.6. Improvements
The aerodynamic coefficient can be improved mainly by the addition of appropriately
designed spoilers (Bansal 2014). Spoilers improve air flow around the vehicle as they

increase the minimum pressure around the surface of the vehicle and reduce the
formation of vortices, which contribute to aerodynamic drag. In Table 14-9 in the Annex
are presented values comparing frontal air pressure for standard car modifications and
with a use of spoilers. The aerodynamic coefficient is reduced as shown in Table 4-2, with
the use of vortex generators. It should be noted that apart from the reduction in the
aerodynamic coefficient a significant decrease in lift coefficient is reported.

Table 4-2: Drag reduction with the use of various attachments (summary from Sharma (2014), Bansal
(2014) and JRC estimates)

Reduction FC reduction (%)

Drag (Initial JRC estimation)
Configuration from
baseline (%) Petrol Diesel
Baseline 0.35 0 0.0 0.0
Spoiler 0.34 2.0 0.2 0.5
VG 0.35 1.15 0.1 0.3
Spoiler with VGs 0.34 4.35 0.5 1.0

4.7. Simulations
Using dedicated simulation run we attempt an investigation of the effect of various shape
modifications that affect the frontal area and the aerodynamic coefficient. Some common
shape modifications are a taxi sign, police siren and roof box, as well as the use of a
spoiler that is considered an improvement on the aerodynamic design of the vehicle. The
simulated effect of these modifications is shown in Table 4-3.

Table 4-3: Effect of aerodynamic modifications on aerodynamic coefficient and frontal area (Chowdhury et
al. 2012, Bansal 2014)

Effect on aerodynamic Effect on frontal area

coefficient (%) (%)
Taxi sign 5.1 2
Police siren 19.3 0.9
Barrel 33.1 4.9
Roof box 10 14.8
Spoiler – 2 0

The results of the tests are presented in Figure 4-8, Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-8: Effect on CO2 emissions of various shape modifications for a petrol NA vehicle

Figure 4-9: Effect on CO2 emissions of various shape modifications for a petrol turbo vehicle

Figure 4-10: Effect on CO2 emissions of various shape modifications for a diesel vehicle

The effect of altering the aerodynamic resistance in steps of 10 % from – 20 % to 40 %
was also simulated in order to identify a trend in CO2 emissions over the tested vehicles.
The results are presented in Figure 4-11.

b c
Figure 4-11: Aerodynamic resistance change and differentiation in CO2 emissions for a petrol NA vehicle, a
petrol turbo, a diesel vehicle

4.8. Overview
A first important finding is that despite the high influence of aerodynamics on vehicle
resistance and fuel consumption few studies actually quantify in a comparable and
consistent way the effect of aerodynamic coefficient variation on fuel consumption during
actual operating conditions.

The studies regarding roof add-ons, like police sirens and signs, were not sufficient to
quantify safely their effect on fuel consumption or on resistances. The majority of the
studies dealt with the use of roof boxes, for which the average increase was 6.4 %.
Regarding the various add-ons, the simulation results show an average increase in fuel
consumption of 5.6 % for NEDC and 8.5 % for WLTP. For the roof box only the increase
was 6.5 % and 9.7 % respectively. The difference between the two cycles is attributed to
the higher speed of the WLTP, which leads to a significant increase in aerodynamic

The literature review on roof boxes was rather rich and the effect was quantified and
accounts for about a 6.4 % increase in fuel consumption for a speed range of
70-120 km/h. These studies usually provided estimations of the impact over various
speeds, providing a better view of roof box impact for different operating conditions. The
results of the simulation show an increase of 6.5 % in emissions in the NEDC and 9.7 % in
the WLTP. Over the EUDC an increase of 10.2 % was found, while over the high and extra
high sub-cycles of the WLTP it reached 12.1 %.

The use of spoilers which improve the aerodynamic performance of the car is adequately
documented and data are available regarding their effect on the aerodynamic drag
coefficient and the air pressure influencing the car. According to literature, the use of
spoilers can reduce fuel consumption by 0.4 %. The simulation results are in accordance
with the literature findings as they estimated a 0.4 % reduction for NEDC and 0.6 % of
the WLTP. In general, improvements in the aerodynamic design can provide significant
benefits. A decrease of 10 % in the aerodynamic resistance can lead to 2.2 % and 2.6 %
less emissions for NEDC and WLTP respectively.

The effect of open windows on fuel consumption was very difficult to assess as there are
very few studies actually quantifying it. A US study (Thomas et al. 2014) has been the
main source of data for various different operating speeds. An online search showed that
the public is particularly concerned about choosing whether to open windows or operate
the A/C, and the question which is more fuel efficient at high speeds appears in several
discussions. The prevailing opinion is that at low speeds (less than 60-80 km/h) it is more
fuel efficient to drive with the windows open, while at higher speeds switching on the A/C is
more efficient. Some new observations claim however that open windows are more fuel
efficient even at higher speeds and this opinion has started spreading through the internet.
It is expected that a car with proper aerodynamic design and inefficient A/C could have a
lower fuel consumption with windows open at high speeds than with the A/C switched on
and closed windows. On the contrary, a car with high aerodynamic drag and highly efficient
A/C could have better consumption with A/C than with open windows at high speeds. In
order to reach a solid conclusion additional scientific evidence is necessary.

The effect on CO2 emissions of side winds and open windows was difficult to emulate in
this simulation scenario. Side winds are related to the intensity and the direction of the
blowing wind and it was difficult to make significant assumptions about these
characteristics. The angle of the side winds would affect the frontal or the rear and the
lateral area of the vehicle increasing the total vehicle area where air pressure is applied.
Also the intensity of the side winds should be added to the relative air speed experienced
by the vehicle, which was difficult to incorporate in the model. Opening the windows causes
alterations in the air flow around the vehicle that could not be taken into consideration in
the current model. Since in both cases the air drag is affected some simulation runs were
carried out for different air drag values and the provided results show a linear trend
between aerodynamic resistance change and CO2 emissions. An increase of 30 % in air
drag causes an emissions increase of 7 % for NEDC and 10.6 % for WLTP. On the other
hand, a decrease of 10 % in aerodynamic resistance — this could be in the case of a
tailwind — would decrease CO2 emissions by 2.2 % and 3.3 % respectively.

A summary of the average values (JRC estimations) based on the collected literature data
is presented in Figure 4-12.

Category Factor median Distribution


-15% -5% 5% 15% 25% 35%

Roof add - ons and modifications Various add - ons that are attached to the roof, except for a roof box 3.6% 2

Roof racks / boxes (air drag increase) Effect on fuel consumption with the addition of an un - laden roof box. Increased aerodynamic resistance 4.5% 5

Aerodynamics Open windows At a speed of 130 km/h, based mainly on an american study 4.8% 3

Change in aerodynamic drag and frontal area, depends on wind velocity and angle. Results for 10% air drag
Sidewinds effect 2.0% 5
increase (caused from 15o to 30o yaw angle or from 4 - 8 m/s wind velocity)

Improvements Spoilers, vortex generators -0.4% 3

Figure 4-12: Summary table of the effect of aerodynamics on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values reported.

5. Weather conditions

5.1. About weather conditions

By weather conditions we refer to all factors associated with meteorological phenomena
that can have a direct or indirect influence on vehicle fuel consumption. The present
certification test is performed at fixed temperature, pressure and humidity (25), conditions
which do not reflect weather variations that a driver experiences throughout the year.
These also depend on the geographical location. Therefore a measurable contribution of
weather variations to the shortfall between certification fuel consumption and real-world
performance is expected. Karlsson (2012) identified three categories that appear to have
the largest impact on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of passenger cars: wind,
temperature and altitude (ambient pressure). Weather conditions such as rain, snow or fog
can also have an important impact on fuel consumption in principle by affecting the way
the vehicle is driven and secondly by influencing resistances, the operation of auxiliary
units or the engine.

The weather conditions examined in this chapter are precipitation (rain or snow) and
temperature. The effect of wind has been examined in Chapter 4. Rain and snow can affect
fuel consumption by forcing the driver to reduce speed or drive in a non-regular way, but
they also change the road surface characteristics, which is directly connected to rolling
resistance and vehicle grip. The use of wipers and/or lights during rain, snow or fog is not
taken into consideration in this chapter as it has been examined along with other electric
systems in Chapter 3.

It should be taken into consideration that ambient conditions are not stable and may vary
substantially depending on geographical location, weather pattern, and yearly seasons. This
fact makes it difficult to summarise their influence on fuel consumption in a few averaged
figures. Reliable quantifications call for use of more detailed models.

5.2. Rain–snow
As mentioned above rain and snow influence fuel consumption in multiple ways. Since it is
very difficult to assess changes in driving behaviour and style imposed by weather it was
chosen to focus on the factors which affect vehicle resistances that are easier to quantify.

Rain and snow affect the grip and the rolling resistance of the vehicle as they change the
characteristics of the road surface. Rain creates a layer of water that the wheels have to
overcome. According to Karlsson (2012) for water depths of 1, 2 and 4 mm the overall
increase in fuel consumption was 30 %, 90 % and 80 % respectively. The author explains
the fact that the increase in fuel consumption is higher for 2 mm than 4 mm because of
the reduced speed of the vehicle at the 4 mm depth, which is caused by the increased
amount of rain and reduced visibility. A US study regarding heavy duty vehicles (HDV) also
indicates that fuel consumption increases (Cummins n.d.) with rain (26).

(25) Although we were not able to retrieve scientific references on the impact of humidity on CO2 emissions a study by Lindhjem et al.
(2004) describes a direct impact of this which affects NOx emissions.
(26) Fuel economy decreased according to the study by 0.2-0.3 MPG (0.9-0.13 km/l), however comparisons between HDVs and PCs are

Snow and ice can increase fuel consumption. The wheels can slip on the road, wasting
energy as they have reduced grip, while driving speeds are significantly lower than normal.
Additionally, some cars use four wheel drive for better grip, which results in higher fuel
consumption (DOE — EPA 2014c).

It hasn’t been possible to locate adequate quantitative scientific information on the effect
of rain and snow on fuel consumption, but the public seems rather concerned about this.
For comparison, a search in Google scholar provided poor results, which were mainly
irrelevant to the subject, while a standard Google search with the same keywords returned
a plethora of results. Most of these results were forum discussions and the prevailing
opinion is that fuel consumption is increased due to the fact that the wheels have to push
through the layer of the water on the road surface, followed by the effect of the increased
humidity in the air, the use of wipers and lights. All of these points are considered valid
from an engineering point of view but still it is very difficult to quantify their absolute
impact on CO2.

5.3. Ambient temperature

Ambient temperature influences a variety of factors, such as tyres (EAPA — Eurobitum
2004, TRB 2006), motor oil viscosity during cold start conditions (Dössegger 2013), cold
start engine operation and management, all affecting fuel consumption (Joumard et al.
2006, Mock et al. 2012). After the warm up of the catalyst, engine block, lubricant and
coolant water, the effect of ambient temperature is mitigated (Li et al. 2010, Lohsse-Busch
et al. 2013). The Type Approval test foresees a starting temperature range between 20-
30 °C, with most tests performed at 25 °C, which is not representative for most cases of
real-world operation (Dings 2013). Starting temperatures lower than 20 °C can increase
CO2 emissions by up to 6 % (Mock et al. 2012), while within the range of the test from 20
to 29 °C the difference can surpass 2 % (Dings 2013).

Climatic data for the region of Milan, obtained from (ECA&D 2014), suggest an autumn
and spring temperature of 14 ± 4 °C, a range that is considered representative of the
European average. For this range, fuel consumption varies roughly by 2 % (Joumard et al.
2009). Ligterink and Eijik (2014) have observed a difference in fuel consumption from the
change of season. They claim a decrease of 2-3 % in fuel consumption for an increase of
10 °C in air temperature.

Low ambient temperature significantly affects cold start consumption, as extra fuel is
required to warm up the engine and overcome the increased friction. (Weilenmann et al.
2009). Weilenmann et al. (2009) have tested several Euro–4 petrol and diesel vehicles at
temperatures of – 20, – 7 and 23 °C. Their results are presented in Figure 5-1.

not possible.

Figure 5-1: Cold start emissions as a function of ambient temperature for petrol cars (Weilenmann et al.

Additionally, ambient temperature can influence to a greater or lesser extent all kinds of
external resistances acting on the vehicle. As mentioned previously, low ambient
temperature results in increased air density and higher aerodynamic resistances (Fontaras
and Dilara 2012), while increased air temperature decreases aerodynamic resistance
(Ligterink and Eijik 2014). The tyre condition is also affected by the increased temperature,
as the contained air pressure, the stiffness and the hysteresis of the rubber all change,
which subsequently results in a lower rolling resistance (Snyder 1977, TRB 2006). Lower
temperature leads to greater heat losses and tyre friction, increasing fuel consumption by
0.2 % per oC decrease. As temperature decreases, this discrepancy increases as well, so
from 0 oC to – 20 oC fuel consumption increases 0.5 % per oC (ECMT 2005).

Dardiotis et al. (2013) measured NEDC fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of eight petrol
and five diesel cars at temperatures of 22 oC and – 7 oC. The results show a significant
increase in fuel consumption and emissions over the UDC sub-cycle compared to the EUDC
sub-cycle, at the lower temperature with a greater impact on diesel vehicles than petrol.
Their results are presented in Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-2: Fuel consumption increase compared Figure 5-3: CO2 emissions increase compared from
from 22 °C to – 7 °C for petrol and diesel vehicles 22 °C to – 7 °C for petrol and diesel vehicles
(Dardiotis et al. 2013) (Dardiotis et al. 2013)

The type of the engine, multi-point spark ignition (MPI-SI) or direct injection spark ignition
(DISI), influences consumption over different ambient temperatures. Bielaczyc et al.
(2013b) tested vehicles over NEDC for temperatures of 25 °C and –7 °C and have divided
the results at – 7 °C by those at 25 °C to get a dimensionless deterioration factor. If the
quotient is higher than one, then an increase in consumption occurs, otherwise a decrease.
Their results are presented in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1: Deterioration factor for – 7oC and 25 oC for Multi Point Injection and Direct Injection Spark
Ignition engine types (Bielaczyc et al. 2013b)

Engine type
Cycle phase
UDC 1.28 1.22
EUDC 1.14 1.12
NEDC 1.21 1.16

It is observed that in all cases fuel consumption increases for the lower temperature (–
7 °C) with an overall NEDC increase of 21 % for SI-MPI and 16 % for DISI.

Temperature can have a more significant impact on the fuel consumption of hybrid electric
vehicles because battery capacity is highly affected by temperature conditions (Alvarez
and Weilenmann 2012). A Canadian study by Christenson et al. (2007) tested a
conventional petrol vehicle (Smart Car) and three hybrids at temperatures of – 8 °C and
20 °C. The deterioration factor of their findings is shown in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2: Deterioration factor for – 18 °C and 20 °C for three hybrids and a conventional car (Christenson
et al. 2007).

Smart Toyota Ford Honda Honda

Cycle car Prius Escape Civic Insight
(2002) (2004) (2005) (2003) (2000)
City cycle
1.23 2.07 1.56 1.56 1.56
cycle 1.19 1.77 1.31 1.44 1.38

The increase in consumption for the hybrids in this case varies from 56 % to 107 % for
the city cycle and from 31 % to 77 % in the unified cycle, while the discrepancy for the
conventional car is lower at 23 % and 19 % respectively.

For temperatures of – 6.7 °C (20 °F) an American study on the effect of the cold start in
the urban cycle has found an increase between 15 % and 20 % for conventional vehicles
and between 20 % and 37 % for hybrids, whereas for 22 °C (72 °F) the increase was
from 6 % to 12 % and 6 % to 20 % respectively (Lohsse-Busch et al. 2013).

Figure 5-4: Percentage increase in fuel consumption related to decreasing temperature

Figure 5-4 presents a summary of the values found in literature. The chart was produced
based on minimum and maximum values provided or per centigrade change for a specific
range of temperatures (See also Table 14-10 in Annex).

A JRC (2014) analysis based on internal data was conducted to measure the effect of the
cold start on fuel consumption and emissions. The 16 vehicles tested were both petrol and
diesel. The starting test temperature was ~ 20 °C and the measured factors were
compared to the values of the engine’s optimum operational temperatures (~ 90 °C). The
measurements of vehicles at – 7 °C included in the chart were provided by the
supplementary data of Dardiotis et al. (2013) and (Dardiotis et al. 2015). The results are
shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5: Increase in fuel consumption of cold start compared to hot start conditions for NEDC. Upper–
lower trendlines indicate maximum–minimum value trend

5.4. Simulations
In this scenario the effect on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for – 7, 14 and 20 °C is
simulated and compared to the baseline scenario. It should be noted that the assumed
certification test temperature for the NEDC is 25 °C and for the WLTP is 23 °C. Figure 5-6
shows the data from Figure 5-5 adapted to include the simulation results. It is observed
that the simulation values fall within the minimum and maximum limits found in the
literature review.

The average CO2 emissions increase for the different test temperatures compared to the
hot start for all simulated cars is shown in Table 5-3.Error! Reference source not
found.Table 5-3: Average increase in CO2 emissions for different simulated test temperatures for all test
vehicles compared to hot start.

– 7 19.8 % 6.7 %
14 11.5 % 4.5 %
20 10.2 % 3.9 %
50 3.8 % 1.4 %

Figure 5-6: Effect of ambient temperature on fuel consumption compared to the values found in the
literature review for a petrol and a diesel vehicle for NEDC

5.5. Overview
The effect of weather conditions is generally not sufficiently quantified in literature, except
for temperature. There is a lack of studies regarding rain, snow and precipitation in general
while, as stated in Section 5.2, this is of major interest to the public.

The majority of studies regarding ambient conditions refer to ambient temperature and its
impact on cold start. Sufficient results were retrieved that make it possible to quantify the
temperature cold start effect. The public appears to be aware that low temperatures
increase fuel consumption, as in many discussions the subject is explained adequately.
People living in colder climates seem more concerned about this matter, as expected, as
they experience much higher fuel consumption than type approval values, according to
several forum discussions. Additionally, people are concerned about the efficiency of
winter–summer diesel mixtures and the effect of winter tyres which are not relevant to
cold start but are indirectly linked to the prevailing ambient temperature in each
geographic area.

The increase in fuel consumption ranges from 9.8 % to 22.1 % for NEDC compared to a
hot start, based on the results from the literature review (ambient temperature). The
simulation results show a significant increase in CO2 emissions especially in colder
temperatures. The increase at – 7 °C is in the order of 20 % for the NEDC and 5 % for
the WLTP compared to a hot start. According to the data from literature, at 14 °C the
increase in fuel consumption due to cold start is between 6.6 % and 15.8 % for NEDC
compared to the hot start. Simulations showed that cold start extra fuel consumption at
14 °C was about 11.3 % and 3.4 % respectively for NEDC and WLTP.

Unfortunately, due to lack of literature data it is difficult to identify and quantify properly
the parameters regarding rain and snow. Further investigation is required in this field, as
the majority of the studies found relate to the grip and driving properties of the tyres.

Figure 5-7 presents a summary of the average values (JRC estimations) based on the
collected literature data.

Category Factor median Distribution


-15% -5% 5% 15% 25% 35%

Rain Wheels have to push through water. Increase for 1 mm of water depth on road surface 30.0%
Snow/Ice Decreased tire grip, wasting energy. Lower than normal driving speeds. Decreased tire pressure
Weather conditions
0 oC compared to 20 oC 10.0%
Temperature, the type approval test
current range is 20 - 29 oC
-20 oC compared to 0 oC 10.0%

Figure 5-7: Summary table of the effect of ambient conditions on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values reported.

6. Driving behaviour

6.1. About driving behaviour

Driving behaviour refers to the personal driving style of a driver and is characterised by
instantaneous and average speed, acceleration and choice of gears (Brundell-Freij and
Ericsson 2005). Driving behaviour may depend on the personal character, age and gender
of the driver (Brundell-Freij and Ericsson 2005, Schipper 2011), as well as on external
factors like street type, type of journey, weather and traffic conditions (Ericsson 2000).
Aggressive driving is known to increase fuel consumption and CO2 emissions (Ericsson
2000, Hill 2011, Schipper 2011), while driver training leads to decreased fuel consumption
(ECMT 2005, Beusen et al. 2009, Barkenbus 2010). The factors affecting fuel consumption
which relate to driving behaviour as reported by ECMT (2005) are summarised below:

• Gear change

• Acceleration and deceleration patterns

• Driving at high speeds

• Unnecessary idling.

In the following paragraphs the effect of driving behaviour on the following parameters is

• Aggressive driving — this focuses on the effect of high acceleration,

deceleration, braking and speed.

• Trip planning — this affects fuel consumption, as it affects the number of cold
starts, stops and average speed.

• Driving mode — many modern cars offer different driving modes that adjust
the powertrain management and gearshifting in cases of vehicles equipped with
automatic gearboxes according to the desired performance.

• Eco-driving — this refers to driver training and the use of driver aids which help
to reduce fuel consumption by influencing the abovementioned factors.

The impact of vehicle speed on emissions is also discussed in Section 9.4 which addresses
traffic conditions. Figure 9-6 in this paragraph presents in charts the variations of
emissions according to speed. There was no simulation scenario for this factor, as this
study focuses mainly on the type approval cycles.

6.2. Aggressive driving

Aggressive driving, which is characterised mainly by high acceleration and deceleration,
intense braking and high maximum speed, leads to increased fuel consumption and CO2

emissions (Ericsson 2000, Schipper 2011, EPA 2014b). André and Pronello (1997) claim
that maximum speed is the factor with the highest influence on fuel consumption. Figure
6-1 summarises the values collected regarding the effect of aggressive driving on fuel
consumption (See Table 14-11, Table 14-12 and Table 14-13 in Annex).

Figure 6-1: Increase in fuel consumption for aggressive driving compared to normal driving. Error bars
correspond to minimum–maximum observed values.

It has to be mentioned that is quite difficult to define actual average driving behaviour
which can be used as reference. Considering the average value of the results presented in
Figure 6-1 it has been estimated that fuel consumption for aggressive driving can increase
up to about 25 % in European conditions. The difference between the EU and the US
shown in Figure 6-1 could be traced back to the fact that cars in the United States exhibit
higher fuel consumption compared to their European counterparts. This means that the
baseline fuel consumption is already higher in the US so the relative penalty in fuel
introduced by driving more aggressively is lower, an explanation supported also by
Dössegger (Dössegger 2013).

An interesting observation was found in a Canadian study by Gao and D. (2007) where
over three driving patterns, urban, aggressive driving and highway test, the highest
consumption occurred in the urban test. This observation was attributed to the influence of
idle consumption, because of the start and stops and to frequent accelerations in urban
conditions. On the other hand aggressive driving had minimal idling and extreme
accelerations, while the highway test delivered the lowest results because of the minimal
idling and accelerations and high average speed. Their results are summarised in Figure

6-2. It is expected that modern vehicles equipped with start–stop systems do not suffer as
much from frequent stops hence an aggressive, highly transient speed profile will lead to
comparable, if not higher, fuel consumption as the urban test.

Figure 6-2: Vehicle fuel consumption compared to different driving patterns (adapted from Gao and D.

6.3. Driving mode

Some cars offer built-in driving modes for achieving more dynamic performance or
reduced fuel consumption. These modes can adjust engine tuning, gear shifting in the case
of automatic gearboxes, perform suspension adjustment and engage four wheel drive
when necessary. Information provided by Dena (2013), although not directly connected to
driving modes, states that a four wheel drive vehicle can have an increased fuel
consumption by 0.5 l/100 km, while automatic transmission could consume up to
0.7 l/100 km more compared to manual. It is unclear if the use of specific modes can
counterbalance increases in fuel consumption introduced by specific technologies or
components (e.g. using an automatic gearbox with eco function instead of a manual one).

A web search in manufacturers’ websites about these technologies revealed three general
types of modes that are used the most, even though every manufacturer uses different
commercial names to describe them:

• Eco, for reducing fuel consumption;

• Normal which is the baseline operation of the car;

• Sport, for better performance, which is expected to be the most fuel

consuming mode.

The ECO PRO Mode of BMW (2014a) provides, according to the manufacturer, up to 20 %
better fuel consumption by using pedal and gear recognition, brake energy regeneration,
optimising shifting and A/C temperature control, while providing additional information for
more efficient driving. The same manufacturer offers a ‘sport’ mode option, where the car
is adjusted to a more dynamic style, while the engine is more responsive and the
suspension is stiffer (BMW 2014b).

Similarly the ‘Sport’ mode option for a Toyota Corolla leads to faster acceleration by
increasing throttle response, higher gear shifting, more performance-oriented RPM and
adjusted electric power steering assist for sportier feeling as stated by Toyota (2014a).

For information, is also mentioned that recently some new generation hybrid cars offer the
option to use the vehicle in an all-electric mode (EV). Manufacturers encourage the use of
this mode for a short distance at low speeds, in traffic, in closed spaces like garages and to
decrease noise late at night (Toyota 2013, Honda 2014).

According to VW (2014) the ‘eco’ mode in their vehicles leads to more environmentally
friendly driving with less emissions and lower fuel consumption by optimising engine,
gearbox and A/C performance. The decrease is not specified quantitative by the
manufacturer. On the other hand the sport mode results in faster accelerations and better
steering response.

It was not possible to find an extensive study regarding these modes, as there is no
common definition for the terms and every manufacturer uses its own settings. The only
source that provided some information, even though not strictly scientific, was the website (2014), where the multimode function of the cars is discussed. The authors claim
to have observed up to 11 % increase in fuel consumption for the ‘sport’ mode, while they
provide some information about how EPA rates these cars in the United States. According
to the authors of (2014) the procedure (27) is complex, but could be summarised
as follows: when the car returns to a particular mode every time the engine is turned on,
then this mode is used for the TA test. If it doesn’t, then an average value is extracted from
all the available modes.

6.4. Eco-driving
Proper driver training leads to improved fuel economy and consists of optimal gear
shifting, maintaining steady speeds, anticipation of movement and traffic, smooth
deceleration and stopping (ECMT 2005, Joumard et al. 2006). Also, it was found that the
use of fuel-saving accessories like the gear shift indicator can contribute to decreasing
consumption (Fontaras et al. 2008, Dings 2013). The website of the Natural Resources of
the Government of Canada (NRCAN 2013) shows in a chart (Figure 6-3) five fuel efficient
driving techniques compared to an average driving style. These techniques include gentle
accelerations, coast down decelerations, maintaining a steady speed and avoidance of high
speeds which in essence summarise the main principles of eco-driving.

(27) We have not managed to locate the original EPA document.

Figure 6-3: Fuel efficient technics compared to average driving style (NRCAN 2013)

Figure 6-4: Decrease in fuel consumption for eco-driving compared to normal driving

Figure 6-4 presents a summary of the effectiveness of two driving strategies. One strategy
is simply an optimal gear shifting, while the other one labelled as training consists of more
elements like smooth accelerations and decelerations, braking and traffic anticipation.

Varnhagen and Korthaus (2010) suggest that the improved navigation systems and
intelligent use of navigation data is expected to improve the efficiency of eco-driving
strategies (See Table 14-14 in Annex). As the NEDC is comprised of smooth accelerations
and decelerations it could be assumed that the use of eco-driving strategies in real-world
conditions approach this kind of profile.

6.5. Overview
Several studies are available regarding the impact of driving style on fuel consumption. A
number of studies are also available regarding driver training and auxiliary systems that
can help achieve more fuel-efficient driving. It is interesting that in the case of the
aggressive driving the average publishing year is 2005 with a standard deviation of
5.4 years, while the average publishing year for fuel efficient driving is 2009 with a
standard deviation of 2.9 years. This indicates a rising concern in this matter possibly
originating from the significant increase in fuel prices that occurred in the decade 2004-
2014 and potentially also from policies adopted in Europe for reducing passenger car CO2
emissions, such as the integrated approach. The general public is also concerned about
increased fuel consumption associated with aggressive driving and the discussions
retrieved from an online search were almost always accompanied by tips for more fuel-
efficient driving practices. The search key-word ‘fuel efficient driving’ returned a plethora
of magazine articles and forums.

Regarding the metrics, aggressive driving is reported to increase fuel consumption

dramatically by up to 24 %, while eco-driving is reported to provide benefits in the order
of 6-8 % compared to standard real-world operation with certain sources raising this
figure up to 30 % (28).

The effect of the trip type on fuel consumption is more related to the average speed, the
warm-up phase and cold operation period. For the same total trip time, multiple short trips
would result in an increased number of cold or semi-warm starts compared to fewer and
longer trips. In this case, better commuting planning can result in decreased total fuel
consumption. Various scientific sources regarding this effect are available although it is
very difficult to accurately quantify the effect due to the large number of influencing
factors and the associated variability of the observed fuel consumption increase. The
major issue is the cold start, which was investigated in Section 5.3.

It was difficult to find information regarding driving modes, as the majority of searches
returned results from the OEMs where benefits of the various modes are advertised but
not quantified or scientifically demonstrated. The mode usually labelled as ‘Eco’ was
promoted as being more fuel efficient, while the ‘Sport’ mode was promoted for its
performance. The discussions between the users of such modes not only provide
information about the performance of these modes, but also about the way drivers use
them. Several users seemed uninformed about the proper use of different modes, while a

(28) As mentioned, aggressive driving may increase emissions by 24 %. So the overall variation range in CO2 emissions that can be
attributed to driving behaviour appears to be indeed in the order of 30 %. Of course it is extremely difficult to define the ‘standard’
driving style which serves as reference for such calculations. It is expected that as drivers become more concerned about fuel
consumption and as driver aids such as gear shift indicators proliferate the average driver behaviour should become more fuel

rough estimation based on the opinions expressed is that many drivers use just only one
mode, usually the ‘Sport’ mode. The latter reveals one of the underlying problems, as this
mode normally leads to higher CO2 emissions while it also increases the shortfall between
certified and real-world emissions, as these vehicles are probably type-approved using the
most fuel efficient mode. Further investigation is very important in order to understand
customer behaviour in this context.

Figure 6-5 presents a summary of the average values based on the collected literature

Category Factor median Distribution


-15% -5% 5% 15% 25% 35% 45%

Aggressive driving High acceleration and deceleration, braking and maximum speed 26.0% 10

Driving Consumption varies according to Eco or Sport mode. Non scientific research claims increase up to 11% for Sport Qualitative
Driving mode 6
behaviour/style mode data
Optimal gear shifting, smooth accelerations and decelerations, steady speed maintenance, anticipation of
Eco - driving -6.5% 6
movement and traffic, Green - Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA)

Figure 6-5: Summary table of the effect of driving behaviour/style on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values reported.

7. Vehicle condition

7.1. About vehicle condition

Vehicle condition refers to the general condition of the vehicle in terms of maintenance
and natural wear. Several factors were found that can affect fuel consumption, with the
most important being lubricants and the type and condition of tyres, with the latter directly
affecting rolling resistance (29). It should be noted that the paragraph regarding lubricants
deals mainly with the decrease in fuel consumption with the use of low viscosity lubricants.
Similarly, for tyres, the benefits of low-rolling resistance tyres were investigated compared
to standard tyres and the effect of low pressure and poor maintenance. Additionally, the
effect on fuel consumption of other parameters that are checked during the programmed
annual maintenance of a car was examined. The latter findings are described in the
paragraph ‘Other’.

7.2. Friction and lubricants

It is estimated that up to 25 % of fuel energy spent during the certification test is
consumed to overcome the friction of the car’s components, which refers to the engine,
transmission and brakes (Holmberg et al. 2012). A significant part of the energy is lost to
the exhaust emissions and heating dissipated through conduction and finally, about 22 %
of the total fuel energy is actually used to move the vehicle (Holmberg et al. 2012). These
authors estimated that a passenger car consumes on average 340 l of fuel annually to
overcome friction for an average mileage of 13 000 km. Their projection for the future is
that, with the use of new friction reduction technologies, friction losses can be reduced in
the short term by 18 % and in the long term by 61 %, resulting in significant savings and
reduced CO2 emissions. The most common technology option for reducing friction in the
vehicle’s mechanical parts is the use of lubricants with lower viscosity.

Viscosity is an important factor for achieving good lubrication. A lubricant’s viscosity must
present the following characteristics:
• Should be low enough for the lubricant to flow to the parts that need it, providing
the necessary protection;

• Should be high enough for the lubricant to form a protective film between the
surfaces it is supposed to protect from contact. This lubrication film must have the
appropriate properties to withstand the loads and pressures occurring between the

When viscosity is lower than necessary, the film formed by the lubricant won’t provide
sufficient protection of the moving parts. This can result in problems such as increased
friction and wear, as well as increased heating and oxidation. When viscosity is higher than
necessary problems may occur too. Inadequate flow could lead to increased drag and
friction leading to higher operating temperatures and energy consumption. Low viscosity

(29) Rolling resistance refers to the energy loss in the tyre due to the deformation of the contact area and the damping properties of the
rubber (Crolla 2009). EU Regulation 1222/2009 has introduced label categories for tyres based on the rolling resistance and is
discussed in Chapter 7.3 Tyres.

lubricants (LVL) are lubricants which provide the benefits of lower viscosity while
maintaining their ability to sufficiently protect the mechanical parts of the vehicle.
Therefore the characterisation of a lubricant as low viscosity or energy efficient has to take
place considering the type, characteristics and the operation of the respective mechanical

According to the literature review the use of low friction motor oil decreases fuel
consumption (European Commission 2006, Dena 2009, EcoDrive 2010b, UBA 2010, VW
2010b, Holmberg et al. 2012, AGVS 2013), while the effect seems to be greater in the
urban cycle than in the suburban one (Dena 2009). An average improvement in fuel
economy is estimated at about 4 %, while alternating motor oil of higher and lower
viscosity between summer and winter seasons could also contribute to decreased fuel
consumption (IEA 2005).
Figure 7-1 presents the improvement in consumption for low viscosity motor oil, based on
the values found in the literature review (See Table 14-15 and Table 14-16 in Annex).

Motor oil viscosity is inversely dependent on temperature: the higher the temperature, the
lower the viscosity. Proper lubrication occurs at operating temperatures of 90 °C, which for
a cold start in the case of the NEDC cycle is reached at the end of the test (1 180 s), while
it could take longer in congested traffic (Andrews et al. 2007). According to the same
study, a hot start results in 10 % lower fuel consumption compared to a cold start and in
the NEDC.

Figure 7-1: Decrease in fuel consumption by switching to lower viscosity motor oil

An earlier study related to the cold start effect showed that it is bigger for short journeys
(André 1989). According to a survey conducted by the author for six daily journeys, 26 %
of them are less than 1 km and 52 % do not exceed 3 km. The study also found that oil
temperature in 18 % of the cases did not exceed 30 °C.

Figure 7-2 shows the relation between motor oil temperature and viscosity for new and
used petroleum based oil (15 W-50) and synthetic oil (5 W-20).

Figure 7-2: Relation between motor oil temperature and viscosity adapted from Andrews et al. (2007)

Honda et al. (2014) state that for a 5 W-30 oil at 30 °C fuel consumption is 20 % higher
than at 80 °C. This effect is alleviated through the use of low viscosity oil of grade HTHS
1.7 (High Temperature High Shear Viscosity Oils). The properties of the latter can be
improved further at higher temperature with the addition of MoDTC (molybdenum dithio-
carbamates) friction modifier as it is shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3: Effect of oil temperature on fuel consumption (Honda et al. 2014)

Figure 7-4 illustrates the results of a study by Hawley et al. 2010 where the authors
associate kinematic viscosity of the engine lubricant and fuel consumption for NEDC for 25
and – 7 °C ambient temperature.

Figure 7-4: Correlation between kinematic viscosity and NEDC fuel consumption (Hawley et al. 2010)

It is expected that for the certification test, vehicle OEMs are using the most appropriate
and fuel efficient lubricants exploiting any potential CO2 benefit (30).

The same practice is advisable for in-use operation but cannot be guaranteed. It is up to
the driver or the car owner to follow the manufacturer’s suggestion regarding the timely
replacement of engine lubricant or the use of more fuel efficient ones. It is expected that
at least during the validity period of the vehicle’s warranty the majority of cars undergo
the advised maintenance on a regular basis which should include the appropriate lubricant
change. The criteria influencing the selection of lubricant grade and type by the end user
are neither clear nor is the level of awareness regarding the benefits of fuel efficient

(30) There are online sources claiming that the use of inappropriate lubricants with very low viscosity is another practice employed by
OEMs in order to reduce certified CO2 emissions. No official or scientific evidence was found to support this. Such practices are
against the spirit of law and can potentially damage the components of the vehicle being tested.

lubricants. It is estimated that in the case of older vehicles the situation possibly worsens,
broadening the gap between certification and actual fuel consumption, as owners tend to
be less meticulous about the car’s condition and possibly less willing to invest in more
expensive fuel efficient lubricants or other replacement parts.

7.3. Tyres
Tyre type and size influence rolling resistance, greatly affecting fuel consumption
especially at low speeds (Crolla 2009). European (Regulation (EC) No 1222/2009) lays
down a scale of energy efficiency classes based on the rolling resistance coefficient (RRC).
The classes range from A being the most efficient to G the least efficient, while the RRC is
measured in kg/t (dimensionless quantity). For a passenger car, category A tyres have a
RRC of less than 6.5, while a category G tyre has a RRC of more than 12.1, so the variation
in RRC can reach 90 %. Such a difference in RRC according to Goodyear (2014) could
result in a consumption increase of 7.5 %. Tyre categories with their percentage difference
from class to class (upper values used) are presented in Table 7-1 (See also Table 14-17
in Annex). According to Regulation No 117 (Regulation (UN) No 11 2011) the value of
rolling resistance should not exceed 12 kg/t for all-season tyres and 13 kg/t for snow

Maximum RRC limits are foreseen for passenger car tyres sold in Europe post-2016. The
value of rolling resistance should not exceed 12 kg/t for all–season tyres and 13 kg/t for
snow tyres from November 2016 and 10.5 kg/t and 11.5 kg/t respectively from November
2018. It is estimated, based on tyre sales, that the average RRC of the tyres sold in the EU
was 9.25 kg/t (class E tyres) in 2015 presenting an improvement compared to 2013 (9.5
kg/t) due to the introduction of the labelling scheme.

Table 7-1: Tyre categories according to Regulation (EC) No 1222/2009 (2009) and percentile difference

Difference in mean
RRC in kg/t efficiency

RRC ≤ 6.5 A
18 %
6.6 ≤ RRC ≤ 7.7 B
17 %
7.8 ≤ RRC ≤ 9.0 C
17 %
9.1 ≤ RRC ≤ 10.5 E
14 %
10.6 ≤ RRC ≤ 12.0 F
12.1 ≤ RRC G

Currently, the tyres sold with the vehicle are not necessarily of the same class as the tyres
which were fitted during certification (31). This situation directly creates a discrepancy
between the certified and the in-use fuel consumption. However this is expected to
improve with the introduction of the WLTP which stipulates that a vehicle shall be
measured with the best and worst-case tyres and when the same vehicle is sold with tyres
belonging to an intermediate RRC class the fuel consumption shall be corrected accordingly
via linear interpolation.

Figure 7-5: Decrease in fuel consumption, with the use of lower resistance tyres

In addition to the difference between the RRC of the tyres used for certification and those
actually installed on the vehicles, additional fuel consumption can occur during regular
vehicle operation due to a number of factors such as improper maintenance, low tyre

(31) According to Regulation (UN) No 83 (2011). ‘Addendum 82: Regulation No 83. Uniform provisions concerning the approval of
vehicles with regard to the emission of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements.
E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.82/Rev.4−E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.82/Rev.4.’ the vehicle during coast down shall be equipped with the
widest tyre. If more than three tyre sizes are available, the second widest shall be chosen. In general, the wider a tyre, the higher its
rolling resistance. Nevertheless this does not necessarily define the energy class of a tyre, so the widest class A tyre can be chosen
while a vehicle is sold with a narrower tyre of a lower energy class.

pressure, temperature and tyre wear. A typical example is the replacement of tyres, where
moving to tyres of lower RRC class may have a significant impact on consumption and CO2
emissions. An increase of 20 % in rolling resistance, which corresponds to a change of up
to two categories can increase fuel consumption by 2 % (Mellios 2011). Similarly,
important benefits can occur by replacing ‘black’ tyres with ‘green’ ones which decrease
rolling resistance by approximately 40 % (Michelin 2013). This replacement could,
according to the author, reduce fuel consumption on average by 4 %. In-house calculations
based on the available literature values show that replacing high rolling resistance tyres
with low resistance ones could decrease fuel consumption on average by 2.1 %. Figure 7-5
presents the impact on fuel consumption according to literature (See Table 14-18 in

In addition to tyre category and characteristics, tyre condition and maintenance can also
significantly influence the RRC. While tyre wear may reduce the RRC it is also associated
with loss in grip and other undesirable characteristics which can make tyres unsafe and
dangerous to use. It is extremely difficult to assess these influences on fuel consumption
and such practices should be avoided for safety reasons. Tyre wear control is part of the
mandatory technical inspection done in European cars on a biannual basis.

Winter tyres, which are mandatory during winter season in some countries (e.g. Germany
(The AA 2014)) also present higher RRC compared to regular tyres and subsequently lead
to a certain increase in fuel consumption (Continental 2012). However, they are designed
as such for safety reasons and thus their use shouldn’t be questioned. It is expected that
winter tyre RRC will improve with time as does RRC of regular tyres.

The most important aspect of proper tyre maintenance is tyre pressure control. All tyres
have a designated operating pressure. As demonstrated in Figure 7-6 (Michelin 2013) tyre
rolling resistance is not linearly linked to tyre pressure, with deflations of 0.3 bar causing
increases in rolling resistance of 6 % while deflations of 1 bar result in a 30 % increase in
rolling resistance. Many online sites mention tyre over inflation as a practice to reduce
rolling resistance. In fact as demonstrated in Figure 7-6 an over inflation of 1 bar can
reduce rolling resistance by approximately 20 %. However it should be made clear that
operating a tyre outside the manufacturer’s specifications is likely to have deteriorating
effects on other tyre characteristics such as grip, noise and durability, compromising

Figure 7-6 Evolution of tyre rolling resistance as a function of tyre pressure. Base rolling resistance equals
100, measured at 2.1 bar according to ISO 8767 (Michelin 2013).

Ageing, accumulated mileage and temperature variations can lead to pressure losses. Low
tyre pressure results in higher rolling resistance (ECMT 2005, ADAC 2012c), which directly
increases fuel consumption (EAPA — Eurobitum 2004, TRB 2006). A US study by Pearce
and Hanlon (2007) suggests that an average under-inflation of 2.639 psi (0.18 bar)
results in a decrease of 0.16-0.22 MPG (0.07 0.09 km/l) in a city and 0.22-0.29 MPG
(0.09-0.12 km/l) on a highway. A more recent study by Thomas et al. (2014) examined the
effect of low tyre pressure on fuel consumption over constant speed conditions in a range
between 64 and 129 km/h (40 to 80 mph) with an 8 km/h interval (5 mph). The results
are presented in Figure 7-7, where the original units of MPG were converted into l/100 km
(See Table 14-20 in Annex). Regular pressure checks of tyre pressure can lead to
measurable improvements in fuel consumption. Figure 7-8 presents a summary of the
effects of tyre pressure on fuel consumption based on the collected literature sources (See
Table 14-19 in Annex).

Figure 7-7: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds, for 75 % and 50 % of the recommended tyre
pressure, based on an American study by Thomas et al. (2014). Adapted chart, bars correspond to percentile
increase according to colour. Original units, US MPG and miles/hour were converted to l/100 km and km/h.

Figure 7-8: Effect of lowered tyre pressure on fuel consumption

As in the case of lubricants, it is difficult to assess customers’ attitudes as regards energy-

efficient tyres or appropriate tyre maintenance. For the first 3 years of a vehicle’s life OEM
tyres are usually installed. This initial tyre selection is considered very important as many
users tend to keep the original tyre type. Until a vehicle is retired, three to five sets of tyres

are replaced making the tyre aftermarket and the replacement of tyres very important with
respect to environmental performance. Providing sufficient and accurate information
regarding their benefits is very important for promoting fuel-efficient tyres. Similarly, it is
essential that drivers are aware of the benefits associated with proper tyre maintenance.

Tyres in current certification test

Under the NEDC at Euro 6 standards, the widest tyre should be chosen for the testing
among all those that can be fitted on a given vehicle. If there are more than three tyre
sizes, the second worst tyre should be selected. Under the new WLTP, for individual
vehicles in vehicle interpolation family, the CO2 interpolation method shall be based on the
real RRC values for the tyres fitted to those individual vehicles (UNECE 2015). Looking only
at procedural definitions NEDC might seem more stringent compared to WLTP concerning
the tyre selection. However, the prescription of the tyre width in NEDC does not necessarily
imply the worst RRC, because RRC does not depend only on tyre width, thus for the type-
approval of a vehicle the widest tyre could be selected with a relatively low RRC, while the
other vehicle of the same CO2 family might be put on the market with worse RRC tyres.
With WLTP these flexibilities will be eliminated and CO2 emission results will increase.

As mentioned, another important element for the RRC is the tyre pressure. In NEDC there
was no prescription concerning the tyre pressure, thus the common practice was to inflate
the tyre up to the maximum pressure for which it had been designed, obtaining an
advantage on the RRC. In real life it is not a common habit to keep the tyre pressure
always to the highest possible level, on the contrary it often happens that the actual tyre
pressure during normal duty of the vehicle is even below the minimum pressure value of
the tyre. In order to take in account this ‘real-life’ aspect of the tyre pressure, the WLTP
prescribes that the type-approval tests (on both TMH and TML) are carried out with the tyre
pressure set at the minimum of its range. These particularities of the type approval
procedures have been taken into account when formulating the scenarios of Chapter 11.2.

Concerning the impact of tyre tread depth on rolling resistance, the higher the depth, the
higher the RRC is. The WLTP standard for the minimum tyre tread depth is more stringent
(80-100 %) than under NEDC (50-90 %). We can assume an average tyre tread increase
of 2 mm over WLTP compared to the NEDC with the effect of 0.1 kg/tonne per mm.
Consequently, the corresponding increase in the RRC of 0.2 kg/tonne leads to an
approximately 0.3 % increase in CO2 emissions over the WLTP.

7.4. Other
In addition to tyres and lubricants, several other parameters were investigated that are
related to regular vehicle maintenance. The effect of misaligned wheels, suspension losses
and clogged air filters was examined.

Misaligned wheels can also increase fuel consumption (ECMT 2005, Hill 2011, Michelin
2014) in passenger cars by up 3 % for a 2 mm misalignment (Ahn 1998), while in other
cases it is suggested that this figure can rise by up to 30 % (Pedders n.d.). Only a few
studies were found quantifying this effect. However, on this topic there are several studies
for heavy duty vehicles, where the impact seems to be greater.

Suspension can affect fuel consumption (EAPA — Eurobitum 2004), as suspension losses
make about 23.2-39.5 % of those related to the rolling resistance (Soliman et al. 2013).
Unfortunately, it was difficult to find additional citations quantifying the effect for light
duty vehicles.

Clogged air filters were found to increase fuel consumption in old carburetted cars by 2 to
6 %, but there was no information on similar effects occurring on modern fuel injection
spark ignition cars; presumably the effect is much lower or zero as fuel injection in modern
cars is adapted to ensure correct mixture. These values are in accordance with an older
report (ECMT 2005), which states that fuel consumption is increased by up to 6 % for
older cars. This case, for old carburetted cars, is also verified by the U.S. Department of
Energy — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (DOE — EPA 2014d) and presented on
their fuel economy website. Thomas et al. (2013) tested two turbocharged vehicles with
clean and clogged air filters. Figure 7-9 and Figure 7-10 show their results over the FTP
test cycle. The authors did not notice a significant change. According to Norman et al.
(2009) there should be further research on this topic on compression ignition engines,
while they point out that the greatest effect of a clogged air filter is a decrease in
maximum power and acceleration.

Figure 7-9: Effect on fuel consumption depending on Figure 7-10: Effect on CO2 emissions depending on
filter condition over FTP test cycle (Thomas et al. filter condition over FTP test cycle (Thomas et al.
2013) 2013)

7.5. Simulation scenario and results

7.5.1 Engine oil

The cases tested by means of simulation address the effect of engine oil and rolling
resistance on CO2 emissions. The engine oil used for the baseline scenario is SAE 5 W-30
for the petrol vehicles and SAE 10 W-40 for the diesel. The values used in the simulation
represent the kinematic viscosity at 40 and 100 °C oil temperature and are shown in Table

Table 7-2: Kinematic viscosity of the motor oils used in the simulation

Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s)

Engine oil grade
40 °C 100 °C
SAE 5W-30
63.2 10.5
(Petrol baseline)
SAE 10W-40
93.3 14.6
(Diesel baseline)
SAE 0W-20 44.8 8.7
SAE 5W-20 45.2 8.4
SAE 5W-40 90.9 14.4
SAE 10W-30 69.0 11.0

The simulation results for the various engine oil grades are shown in Figure 7-11.

a b

Figure 7-11: Effect of engine oil on CO2 emissions for a petrol NA (a), a petrol turbocharged (b) (Baseline
SAE 5 W-30), and a diesel vehicle (c) (Baseline SAE 10W-40)

7.5.2 Tyres
The effect of rolling resistance was tested stepwise with 10 % increments from -40 % to
20 % applied to the baseline. This range covers all of the tyre energy efficiency classes.
The results are presented in Figure 7-12 with absolute rolling resistance values at the
upper limit of each energy efficiency class.

a b

Figure 7-12: Effect of rolling resistance coefficient on CO2 emissions for a petrol NA (a), petrol turbocharged
(b) and diesel (c) vehicle

Charts are also included for each vehicle where the differentiation in rolling resistance is
expressed in a percentage change over the baseline scenario. The results are shown in
Figure 7-13.

a b

Figure 7-13: Effect of change in rolling resistance coefficient on CO2 emissions for a petrol NA (a), petrol
turbocharged (b) and diesel (c) vehicle

7.6. Discussion — Overview

The effect of lubricants on fuel consumption was quantified based on a significant number
of sources and is described in detail. Several OEM sites address the subject (VW 2010a).
According to literature, the use of low viscosity oil can provide benefits in fuel consumption
of 3.8 % on average.

The simulation results have also shown a significant effect on CO2 emissions related to the
viscosity of the oil. Changes in engine oil viscosity result in a change in emissions on a
range from – 2.8 % to 3.2 % for NEDC for petrol vehicles and up to –4.1 % for diesel (32).
For WLTP, petrol cars can benefit by up to 1.9 % lower emissions for low viscosity oils,
while the corresponding value for diesel is 2.5 %. Higher viscosity engine oils can increase
CO2 emissions by up to 3.7 % in petrol vehicles.

(32) The baseline engine oil for diesel was the thickest of all, so all the other oils provided lower CO2 emissions. For this reason we did
not provide the upper limit.

Several sources focus on the influence of tyres on fuel consumption, as tyre type labelling
is mandatory under EU legislation. There appears to be sufficient information for the public
regarding the performance of different tyre types and in some cases not only the tyre
class is provided but also the absolute RRC value. Magazines and manufacturers’ sites
provide information and hints for lower fuel consumption with the use of ‘green’ low rolling
resistance tyres. A lot of public informative material was found presenting the advantages
and the disadvantages of winter and all-season tyres. Tyre pressure effect on fuel
consumption is examined thoroughly in literature and there are also a lot of online
discussions in this context. According to literature, a decrease of 10 % to 20 % in rolling
resistance would result in 2.1 % lower fuel consumption.

The simulation results regarding tyres have shown that lowering the rolling resistance by
10 % to 20 % can decrease CO2 emissions by 1.4 % to 2.8 % for NEDC and by 1.8 % to
3.7 % for WLTP. An improvement of two energy efficiency classes, which is 30 % lower
rolling resistance, results for all vehicles in a decrease of CO2 emissions of – 4.1 % over
NEDC and – 5.6 % for WLTP. On the contrary, an increase of 20 % of the rolling
resistance would result in additional 2.8 % CO2 emissions for NEDC and 3.8 % for WLTP.

It was not possible to identify studies regarding misaligned wheels and for this reason the
topic was not analysed further. The majority of the online investigations returned results
for systems and methods for the improvement of wheel alignment. At the same time,
some studies were identified addressing heavy duty vehicles and how misalignment
affects fuel consumption. Public concern around this issue appears to be mainly focused
on maintenance cost, damage to the car, tyre wear and driving safety.

It was also not possible to find significant information regarding suspension and
suspension losses and quantify its effect on CO2 adequately. The majority of the searches
returned guidelines about vehicle tweaking for better performance and handling. These
could have an effect on fuel consumption, whether positive or negative, but it requires
further investigation.

It was found that the condition of air filters has mainly a significant impact on older cars
with a carburettor. Further research is necessary for modern cars for all engine types and

A summary based on the values found from the literature review is presented in Figure

Category Factor median Distribution


-15% -5% 5% 15% 25% 35% 45%

Lubrication Use of low viscosity motor oil results in lower internal friction -2.4% 13

Low resistance tires by 10 - 20% -3.0%

Vehicle condition Tires 19
Lower tire pressure by 0.2 bar 1.0%

Other Clogged air filters, misaligned wheels, poorly tuned engine 3.5% 5

Figure 7-14: Summary table of the effect of vehicle condition on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values reported.

8. Operating mass

8.1. About operating mass

The operating mass of a vehicle consists of the mass of: (i) the empty vehicle, (ii) the fuel
in the tank, and (iii) the passengers and equipment. An increase in the operating mass
increases fuel consumption, as more power is needed to move the extra load (Crolla 2009,
Bishop et al. 2014) while the rolling resistance is also affected proportionally (Van Mensch
et al. 2014). In this chapter, in addition to the operating mass, the case of trailer towing,
the influence of the extra mass resulting from roof boxes (33) and the effect of additional
passengers (occupancy rates) are also investigated.

In the NEDC test procedure the mass of the vehicle used for road load measurement is
equal to kerb mass + 100 kg and this usually represents a best-case scenario with respect
to the actual mass of the vehicles belonging to a given vehicle family. In WLTP the
measurement of road load parameters must be carried out either in a worst-load case
condition for a given vehicle family (TMH), or can be completed by a second set of
measurements best-load case scenario (TML) that, together with the high-load one, set the
boundary limits of the road load parameters for the vehicle family. In both cases (TML and
TMH) the mass of the vehicle is higher than the equivalent NEDC mass, so the expected
impact on CO2 emission is toward higher values.

8.2. Vehicle mass

Operating mass contributes to the discrepancy between certified and real operation fuel
consumption as it is usually higher than the vehicle mass set during the current vehicle
certification. For current type approval purposes the concept of reference mass is
introduced. It equals the empty vehicle mass with an additional 100 kg to account for the
driver and fuel. The reference mass is considered by definition lower than the operating
mass as it doesn’t take into account the weight of additional passengers, equipment
transported or variations of the vehicle mass caused by extra components and accessories
and different levels of equipment. In addition, the NEDC reference mass is linked to
specific tiers (inertia classes) which define the vehicle inertia that is actually simulated
during the certification test. The latter lead to a non-continuous distribution of vehicle
mass contrary to what happens in reality where mass is a continuous quantity.

The introduction of the WLTP is expected to address this issue as vehicle mass will have
continuous values and new definitions of test mass are foreseen as described in paragraph
2.2.1. Further to this, the test will be performed for the minimum and maximum possible
masses (test mass low and test mass high) that a vehicle might present, depending on the
equipment installed when it is sold. Fuel consumption for the same vehicle with
intermediate mass configurations shall be calculated through linear interpolation based on
the measured values.

(33) Also examined previously in Chapter 4 with respect to its effect on aerodynamic resistances.

With respect to the effect of mass in real-world driving, an additional 100 kg is reported to
increase fuel consumption by an average 7 % for a medium-sized car of 1 500 kg
(FORUM Umweltbildung 2008). In absolute numbers, an additional 100 kg load can cause
an increase from 0.3 to 0.5 l/100km (EcoDrive 2010b, VW 2010b, VDA 2011, ADAC
2012a, Löhrer 2013). Figure 8-1 presents the effect of vehicle weight on fuel consumption,
according to the values found in the literature review (See Table 14-21 in Annex).

At this point it should be noted that not all literature sources make clear reference to the
reference vehicle mass considered during the measurements or the calculations. In most
cases discrete mass increases are reported together with their effect on CO2 emissions.
These discrete increases make sense for passenger cars where the vehicle is used for
transporting passengers rather than goods. It is therefore understandable why the extra
100 kg mass is considered by many researchers as this usually reflects the transport of an
extra passenger and his equipment or in the case of the European certification test the
shift from one inertia class to the next which in most cases signifies an increase of
120 kg. Where the respective information was available and in the simulations performed
we try to demonstrate the effect of mass increase as a continuous quantity.

In real life, the factor causing the greatest variation in vehicle weight is the number of
passengers, also referred to as the occupancy rate. Because of its particularity (34),
occupancy rate is examined separately. Average passenger weight is estimated at 75 kg,
while additional equipment or luggage weight varies depending on the purpose of the trip.
It can range from a few kg for everyday use to more than a hundred kg for long distance
trips. The average occupancy rate in the EU-15 is 1.6 (EEA 2010a), resulting in an
additional mass (above that assumed in the NEDC) of 45 kg. At the same time, 5-10 kg of
equipment should be also accounted for, leading to an extra load of 50-60 kg that is not
taken into consideration in the certification test. Considering an average 7 % increase per
100 kg as shown in Figure 8-1 can result in an increase of 4 % in fuel consumption.

(34) Higher occupancy rates increase CO2 but are overall beneficial for the environment.

Figure 8-1: Increase in fuel consumption due to additional mass as reported in different sources

8.3. Trailer towing

Trailer towing influences several factors which increase fuel consumption. Vehicle mass is
increased due to the additional weight of the trailer and its load, while the extra wheels
introduce additional rolling resistances. Vehicle aerodynamic resistances are also
influenced and the driving style is usually adjusted to the new conditions. In general,
towing causes a reduction in vehicle speed and leads to a milder driving. The reduced
speed partly counterbalances the effect of deteriorated aerodynamics. Finally, additional
energy is needed for lights and other trailer accessories. The decrease in fuel economy due
to towing is pointed out by the U.S Department of Energy (2014d).

The increase in fuel consumption due to towing was examined in a study conducted by
Lenner (1998) in which he tested a passenger car towing an unloaded trailer and the same
trailer loaded at 60 % of full load capacity (35). Tests were carried out at speeds ranging
from 70 to 90 km/h. The mass of the vehicle was 1 408 kg with a 2.15 m2 frontal area
and the trailer had a length of 4.3 m and a width of 2.2 m. The height of the trailer was
minimal and its frontal area was fully within the frontal area of the vehicle, so any effect
on aerodynamic resistances is expected to be limited. The results of that study are

(35) The total weight of the empty trailer was 310 kg and 564 kg including the 60 % capacity load.

presented in Table 8-1. Thomas et al. (2014) realised an experiment with an SUV (4.0L V6
engine, 2 268 kg, 2.53 m2 frontal area) towing a trailer of 1 588 kg total weight, length
of 3.66 m, width of 1.83 m and height of 1.83 m. The frontal area was increased by
37 % (to 3.47 m2) when towing. The results for various speeds ranging from 80 to
129 km/h are presented in Figure 8-2.

Table 8-1: Increase in fuel consumption for towing an unloaded trailer (Lenner 1998)

Reference Trailer Loaded trailer

Fuel Fuel Fuel
consumption consumption Increase consumption Increase
(l/100km) (l/100km) (l/100km)
70 6.96 9.24 32.8 % 9.52 36.8 %
80 7.37 10.06 36.5 % 10.16 37.9 %
90 7.87 11.25 42.9 % 11.41 45.0 %

8.4. Roof box (mass increase)

The effect of a roof box on fuel consumption due to its influence on aerodynamics was
examined in Chapter 4. When a roof box is laden, the additional mass affects fuel
consumption accordingly. The average empty weight of a roof box is about 15 kg. An
average maximum load of 60 kg would result in additional 75 kg (5.5 % mass increase
for a vehicle with 1 360 kg mass), which is considered the weight of the average
passenger. According to the values presented in Table 14-21, this increase for an average
European vehicle can increase consumption and CO2 emissions between by 2 to 5 %.
Regarding the combined effect of weight and aerodynamic resistances increase, it was
estimated that consumption can increase by 15 % on average for speeds higher than
100 km/h. More details are provided in Figure 8-3 (See Table 14-22 in Annex).

Figure 8-2: Increase in fuel consumption for towing a trailer for various speeds, based on an American study
by Thomas et al. (2014). Adapted chart, bars correspond to percentage increase. Original units, US MPG and
miles/hour were converted to l/100 km and km/h.

Figure 8-3: Increase in fuel consumption because of laden roof box (influence on both mass and
aerodynamics considered). Different vehicle configurations considered in each study.

As the roof box is placed on the top of the car, the centre of gravity of the vehicle is raised
raising the question of its effect on consumption in addition to stability. It should be noted
that no studies investigating this effect were found.

8.5. Occupancy rates

Occupancy rate is defined as the number of occupants per vehicle, including the driver. As
mentioned previously the addition of an extra passenger and his luggage can cause an
increase of about 5-7 % compared to the certification value. CO2 emissions can be divided
by the total passengers in order to find the CO2 emissions per passenger which is a
commonly used metric to assess the environmental impact of different passenger

transport modes. A high occupancy rate is desirable, as although it increases the operating
mass of the vehicle and therefore the fuel consumption, the CO2 emissions per passenger
transported are reduced. In this chapter the occupancy rates of various means of
transportation were found and compared.

The average occupancy rate of passenger cars has decreased from 1.75 in 1980 to 1.6 in
2003 in three selected European countries as shown in Figure 8-4 (EEA 2006), while the
data provided by IEA in 2005 was 1.37 for urban vehicle occupancy and 1.15 for
commuting vehicle occupancy (IEA 2005). The average occupancy rate for passengers cars
in 2008 was 1.8 and 1.6 for the EU-12 and EU-15 countries respectively (EEA 2010b, EEA
2010a). Given the rate of decrease, one would expect even lower values at present. On the
other hand, the promotion of car-pooling, car sharing websites and the economic crisis may
have modified this trend. However, it was not possible to retrieve more up-to-date
information regarding occupancy rate at European level (36).

Figure 8-4: Occupancy rates for various media of transportation (EEA 2006).

An overview of passenger car occupancy rates between 2004 and 2008 in different
European countries is shown in Figure 8-5 (EEA 2010a).

(36) The Eurostat website states that the occupancy rate indicator is discontinued, thus no further assessments are produced.

Figure 8-5: Passenger car occupancy rates for various European countries between 2004 and 2008 (EEA

As discussed previously, assuming an occupancy rate of 1.7, passengers would increase

the mass of an average passenger car (1 360 kg) by 3.8 %. As will be demonstrated in
the simulations section this mass increase would result in a CO2 emissions increase over
NEDC of about 1.5%, or about 1.8 g/km for vehicle certified at 125 g/km.

8.6. Simulations
The operating mass of the vehicle in this case is the mass of the vehicle plus the additional
mass that it can carry, which is the weight of the passengers, luggage and cargo. The
vehicle masses considered in the reference case were the following.

It should be noted that the increase of mass has a direct impact on rolling resistances. The
latter effect has been taken into account in all simulations presented here by keeping the
original tyre rolling resistance coefficient constant and modifying rolling resistances
according to the changes in vehicle weight.

Table 8-2 Baseline vehicle masses assumed in the simulations

made in
Inertia Mass
Class (kg) (kg)
1 130 1 315
1 360 1 540
Diesel 1 470 1 730

The following scenarios were considered for investigating the impact of the increase in
vehicle mass, the number of passengers (occupancy rates), towing a trailer and a laden
roof box and compared to the reference case.

• Vehicle mass: An additional mass of 50, 100 and 220 kg was simulated, as it was
found in the literature review (De Haan 2012, Mock et al. 2012, Goodyear 2013).
The CO2 emissions were also tested for additional 300 kg in order to better
estimate a trend according to the increase of mass.

• Number of passengers (occupancy rates): The number of passengers increases

the operational mass of the vehicle, but this is more complex than just a simple
mass increase. Since all the passengers have a fulfilled need for transportation, you
need to determine the CO2 emissions per passenger. Although this is beyond the
purpose of this study, it enables comparisons with other means of transportation.

• Towing: Towing a trailer affects several factors like mass, frontal area, air drag and
driving behaviour. For the purpose of the simulation, the parameters related to the
mass, frontal area and air drag have been altered over two scenarios. In these
scenarios, the trailer is tested unloaded and loaded by 60 % of its maximum load.
The characteristics of the trailer are based on two studies (Lenner 1998, Thomas
et al. 2014) found in the literature review and are presented in Table 8-3.

• Laden roof box: The effect of the roof box on aerodynamics is described in the
section ‘Aerodynamics’, where for the mass increase only the additional mass of
the roof box itself was considered. Here a laden roof box with a total mass of
75 kg is simulated. Simulations take into account an increase in frontal area of
0.37 m2 and an increase in aerodynamic coefficient of 1 % to account for the
aerodynamic effect of the roof-box.

Table 8-3: Characteristics of trailer

Characteristic Value
Extra mass unloaded (kg) 310
Extra mass loaded (kg) 560
Aerodynamic coefficient 0.55
Frontal area (m2) 3.47
Additional frontal area over the
baseline considered in simulations 0.97

8.6.1 Vehicle mass

The CO2 emissions are correlated linearly to the vehicle mass as it was found in the
simulation results. Figure 8-6, Figure 8-7 and Figure 8-8 show the results for the petrol
and the diesel vehicles respectively.

Figure 8-6: Effect of additional mass on CO2 emissions for a petrol NA vehicle (NEDC: 1 130 kg, WLTP:
1 315 kg).

Figure 8-7: Effect of additional mass on CO2 emissions for an average petrol turbo vehicle (NEDC: 1 360 kg,
WLTP: 1 540 kg)

Figure 8-8: Effect of additional mass on CO2 emissions for an average diesel vehicle (NEDC: 1 470 kg, WLTP:
1 730 kg).

Additionally, the effect on CO2 emissions as a % change of mass is presented for the
simulated vehicles. The results are shown in Figure 8-9, Figure 8-10 and Figure 8-11.

Figure 8-9: Effect on CO2 emissions as a percentage change of mass for a petrol NA vehicle

Figure 8-10: Effect on CO2 emissions as a percentage change of mass for a petrol turbo vehicle

Figure 8-11: Effect on CO2 emissions as a percentage change of mass for a diesel vehicle

8.6.2 Occupancy rates

In this paragraph the CO2 emissions per passenger are presented. A declining trend is
observed, although the effect is somewhat offset by the mass increase as shown in Figure
8-12, Figure 8-13 and Figure 8-14. The mass of each passenger is estimated at 75 kg.
One passenger is considered to be the driver and his weight is included in all the simulation
results of the present study.

Figure 8-12: CO2 increase and CO2 emissions per passenger for a petrol NA vehicle

Figure 8-13: CO2 increase and CO2 emissions per passenger for a petrol turbo vehicle

Figure 8-14: CO2 increase and CO2 emissions per passenger for a diesel vehicle

8.6.3 Towing
The simulation of trailer towing confirms an increase in CO2 emissions, as expected. This
case is subject to the combined effect of several factors. Here the effect of increased
mass and air drag is shown in Figure 8-15. The values found in literature are also shown
(Lenner (1998)).

The chart in Figure 8-16 shows the relationship between the increase in CO2 emissions
with the average speed of the WLTP sub-cycles for the unloaded and the loaded trailer
(150 kg difference). The average increase for all three vehicles simulated was considered.
The WLTP was chosen as it is considered more representative of real-world conditions and
offer a larger speed range than the NEDC sub-cycles.

b c
Figure 8-15: Effect of towing a trailer on CO2 emissions for a petrol NA vehicle (a), petrol turbo vehicle (b)
and a diesel vehicle (c)

Figure 8-16: Correlation of vehicle speed and the increase in CO2 emissions (average value derived from the
simulations of the three vehicles) for towing a trailer

8.6.4 Laden roof box

The results of the simulation of a laden roof box, showing the combined effect of mass
and air drag, are shown in Figure 8-17.

Figure 8-17: Effect of a laden roof box on CO2 emissions for all vehicles

Figure 8-18: Relationship of average (37) CO2 emissions increase due to laden roof box and impact of the
mass increase alone with the average speed of the WLTP sub-cycles

Figure 8-18 presents two series of results. The ‘laden roof box’ series demonstrates the
combined impact of mass and aerodynamic resistance, as average increase in CO2
emissions (average of all three vehicles simulated) correlated with the average speed of
the WLTP sub-cycles. The ‘mass increase’ series demonstrates only the effect of vehicle
mass increase without considering changes in the aerodynamic components. As expected
at low speed ranges the CO2 increases can be attributed mostly to the increase of vehicle
mass while the aerodynamic effect of the roof box becomes prominent at high speeds
causing a rise in CO2 emissions of 15 % in the Extra High speed sub-cycle.

8.6.5 Aerodynamic drag and vehicle mass combination

The effect of aerodynamic drag and vehicle mass on CO2 emissions has been already
investigated individually. It is of relevance to study the combined effect, since the two are
major factors affecting emissions. For this reason, the vehicles simulated have been
simulated with different aerodynamic coefficient values and masses. The vehicle mass
was varied by 50, 100, 200, 300 and 500 kg and the aerodynamic coefficient was varied
by – 10 %, 10 %, 20 % and 30 %. All combinations of the abovementioned cases were
simulated. The simulations were carried out for WLTP and are presented in Figure 8-19,
Figure 8-20 and Figure 8-21. For facilitating comparability all axes are set to show %
changes and not absolute quantities.

(37) Average values retrieved from the simulations of the three vehicles.

Figure 8-19: Combined effect of change of mass and air resistance on CO2 emissions for a petrol NA vehicle

Figure 8-20: Combined effect of change of mass and air resistance on CO2 emissions for a petrol turbo

Figure 8-21: Combined effect of change of mass and air resistance on CO2 emissions for a diesel vehicle

It is observed that both mass and air resistance changes are linearly related to the
changes in CO2 emissions. Using regression a simple polyonym was fitted to the simulated
datasets (Equation 9-1).

Equation 8-1: Formula of the air resistances and mass changes correlated to CO2 emissions for all vehicles

, = 00 + 10 ! " # $ $% & % + 01 ( $$ %

Table 8-4: Coefficients with 95 % confidence bounds for Equation 8-1 according to vehicle type

Coefficient Petrol NA Petrol turbo Diesel

0.001194 0.01043 0.06168
(– 0.1462, 0.1439) (– 0.06861, 0.08947) (– 0.1458, 0.02249)
0.459 0.3248 0.3127
(0.4529, 0.4651) (0.3214, 0.3281) (0.3091, 0.3162)
0.455 0.4177 0.4631
(0.4483, 0.4618) (0.4133, 0.4221) (0.458, 0.4683)

8.7. Overview
A number of literature sources describing the effect of increased mass on fuel
consumption were reviewed. The findings mostly refer to real-world performance. On
average, 100 kg of additional mass is reported to increase fuel consumption by an
average 5.5 %. This percentage appears to be on the high side compared to the simulation
results in which the WLTP (test mass high configuration) fuel consumption increased by a
factor of 2.5-3.5 % for the same increase in vehicle mass (100 kg). The respective
increase for NEDC was in the order of 2.5 %. The results for an additional 300 kg are
7.9 % and 8.5 % respectively for NEDC and WLTP.

The effect of towing on fuel consumption is not examined thoroughly in literature, although
it seems to be of major concern to the public. Many websites and discussions provide
advice for proper towing in terms of driving safety and fuel economy. However, only a
small number of scientific sources address this issue. The few results found have shown
increases in the order of 30-40 % in fuel consumption depending on the trailer
characteristics. The simulation results have shown an average increase of 22 % for NEDC
and about % for WLTP for an unloaded trailer, with these figures containing also the effect
of additional aerodynamic resistances. For a trailer loaded with an extra 150 kg, the
results were 28 % and 37 % respectively. It is also interesting to present the results of the
high-speed sub-cycles, where due to the aerodynamic resistance the CO2 emissions
increase significantly.

A significant number of studies have been identified addressing the effect of a laden roof
box and quantifying its impact on fuel consumption. These literature results show an
average increase of 17.2 %. In simulation, the use of a laden roof box increased CO2
emissions by 8.9 % and 11.3 % for NEDC and WLTP respectively. For the EUDC, the
average increase was 13 %. For the High and Extra High sub-cycles of the WLTP the effect
was 10.5 % and 16.8 % respectively. Comparing a laden roof box with the same increase
in mass, but without the aerodynamic effect, the difference in CO2 emissions is about
15 % at the Extra High part of the WLTP. Since roof boxes are mainly used for long-
distance trips, the Extra High part of the WLTP is considered as a more representative
usage condition.

On the issue of occupancy rate a significant amount of data and studies have been
identified, with 2010 being the average year of publication. Only data for certain European
countries was found and in some cases only for a very limited number of years. The latest
EU-wide results show occupancy rates for 2008 and a clear decreasing trend until then.
After 2008, the occupancy trend could be different due to the impact of the financial crisis
on the public and the rising price of fuel (until 2014). A regular Google search with the
same keywords used with Google scholar (e.g. occupancy rates fuel consumption), did not
provide sufficient results. The keyword ‘car-pooling’ yielded however a plethora of results,
ranging from smart phone applications to find car-pooling to sites and forums explaining
how it works and how local offers can be found. The simulation results show that high
occupancy rates seem to counterbalance the increased emissions due to the additional
weight when emissions are approached on a per passenger basis. It was found that the
CO2 per passenger is decreased by around 73.6 % for the NEDC and 73.5 % for the WLTP
for a car with four passengers including the driver compared to just the driver.

Finally, using simulations, the combined effect of mass and aerodynamic resistance was
investigated. Both of them can be affected by proper vehicle design and the choices of the
driver. In the latter case proper decisions on the manner of transportation of people and
cargo could significantly reduce emissions. As for mass, its reduction could be achieved by
removing unnecessary weight before the trip. Higher occupancy rates reduce the CO2
emissions per passenger. Regarding aerodynamic resistance, the choice of how to transport
cargo (e.g. car boot, roof rack/box, trailer, etc.) can have a significant impact on emissions
that the driver should take into consideration.

A summary in Figure 8-22 is presented based on values found in literature.

Category Factor median Distribution


-15% -5% 5% 15% 25% 35% 45%

Vehicle mass Increased mass by 100 kg 5.8% 17

Operational mass Trailer towing Affects weight, rolling resistance, aerodynamics and driving behavior 37.9% 3

Roof racks / boxes (mass increase) Fuel consumption increases as speed increases 19.7% 5

Figure 8-22: Summary table of the effect of operational mass on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values reported.

9. Road (morphology, surface, traffic)

9.1. About road condition

The term road condition refers to the road morphology, road surface, road shape and
traffic conditions. All of them can impact real-world CO2 emissions to a greater or lesser
extent but none of them is actually reflected in the current certification test. NEDC is
known to be non-representative of real-world traffic conditions while it would be extremely
difficult to take into account most of the other factors (e.g. road surface) in a single test
cycle. The forthcoming WLTP is expected to address to a certain extent the issue of a non-
realistic speed profiles or traffic conditions as the WLTP cycle was produced from real-
world speed profiles and is subdivided in four different phases reflecting traffic conditions
at different average speeds. It would be very difficult and possibly unrealistic to include
the rest of the road-related factors in a laboratory test as it would greatly increase the
variability of the results.

Road morphology means the geomorphological characteristics of the road. The

characteristics that have an effect on fuel consumption are altitude, road shape, road
surface and grade. At higher altitude, air density is lower thus aerodynamic resistance is
also lower. By contrast, in a mountainous landscape cornering and road grades would
increase. Road grade affects fuel consumption as the vehicle requires more power to move
on a road with a positive grade than on a flat one, while the contrary is true for a road with
a negative grade. Nevertheless, travelling up and down the same hill will result in a higher
mean fuel consumption compared to travelling the same road under the same conditions
at zero gradient.

Very little data is available regarding road shape and cornering and the topic requires
further investigation. There are however studies which examine the effect of cornering on
aerodynamic drag as yaw angle changes but they do not provide solid conclusions with
regard to the impact on fuel consumption.

The road surface is examined in terms of structural condition and construction material.
The structural condition of the road surface is described by the roughness and the texture.
The roughness of the road is the vertical deviation of the intended longitudinal profile of
the surface (LGAM n.d.) and is measured by means of the International Roughness Index
(IRI) (38). Texture is the deviation from a planar surface and plays a role in road surface
friction resistance and affects the braking of vehicles (DPLTI 2013). The construction
materials of the road surface, also denoted as pavement, investigated in this study were
asphalt and cement.

Traffic refers to the number of vehicles that occupy the road at a given time which
together with the road size and speed limits determine vehicle speed profile. Heavy traffic
can result in congestion and completely alter operating conditions in a given road. This

(38) IRI, according to Pavement Interactive. (2007). ‘Roughness.’ Retrieved 11/08/2014, 2014, from is based on the average rectified slope (ARS), which is a
filtered ratio of a standard vehicle’s accumulated suspension motion (in mm, inches, etc.) divided by the distance travelled by the
vehicle during the measurement (km, mi, etc.). IRI is then equal to ARS multiplied by 1 000.

results in undesired accelerations and decelerations and starts and stops which eventually
increase fuel consumption (Spalding 2008). Several studies were found where fuel
consumption was measured over the same route during normal traffic and congestion and
afterwards they were compared.

9.2. Road morphology

9.2.1 Altitude
An increase in altitude is generally reported to decrease fuel consumption (Dings 2013), as
lower atmospheric pressure leads to reduced air drag (Van Mensch et al. 2014). At
increased altitude, air density, oxygen concentration and aerodynamic resistance all
decrease. The decrease in aerodynamic resistance affects all vehicles in the same way.
Vehicles equipped with engines that operate in stoichiometric conditions may also be
affected, particularly if the air–fuel ratio control is done by means of throttling. Lower air
densities lead to a wider throttle opening, for charging the engine with the same amount of
air, resulting in lower pumping losses, leading in turn to decreased fuel consumption.

It was found by Zervas (2011) that a high altitude can result in decreased fuel
consumption by up to 3.5 % compared to the NEDC and 2.6 % on FTP, while an increase
of 6.2 % was found for highway operation. The author states that further investigation is
needed to answer this discrepancy. Another study has found a decrease of fuel
consumption of around 4-5 % for test tracks at high altitude and warm weather (Dings
2013). DriverSide (n.d.) suggests however that because of the lower amount of oxygen at
higher altitudes, fuel consumption is increased as the driver has to press the throttle more
in order to maintain the same speed, while turbocharged vehicles do not face these
problems. The observation may stand true but for engine operating conditions close to full
load where the throttle is almost wide open. In such cases the occurring reduction in engine
power due to the lower volumetric efficiency may result in enrichments introduced to
compensate the power deficit. This could be a possible explanation to the observations of
Zervas (2011) that fuel consumption is increased in highway operation.

9.2.2 Road grade

A car that is driven uphill requires more power to overcome gravity (referred to also as
weight resistances) than one that is on a flat road, while a car that is going downhill
requires less. Road grade has an important effect on vehicle CO2 emissions.

Wyatt et al. (2014) performed measurements and simulations on a passenger car,

investigating the effect of grade on CO2 and testing the CO2 emissions sensitivity. They
identified the need for testing CO2 emissions in conditions where the road grade varies. The
study shows that in order to accurately estimate vehicle CO2 exhaust emissions at a micro-
scale in real-world conditions, a representative road grade profile for each second of the
test data is needed. The research shows also that failing to account for even a relatively
modest road grade, when modelling micro-scale vehicle emission, could potentially result
in highly inaccurate estimates of real-world emission. Transport management and urban
planning projects should be incorporating road grade into their analysis where prediction of
vehicle emissions is required.

Park and Rakha (2005) found that for a 1 % increase in roadway grade, fuel consumption
increases by 9 %, while a decrease in roadway grade can provide significant savings.

Boriboonsomsin and Barth (2008) measured real-world CO2 emissions for two different
routes for the same destination for a passenger car. One route was flat, while the other
one had uphill and downhill sections. They found that fuel consumption is increased by 15-
20 % for the hilly route and it is linearly related to gradient for a range between – 2 %
and 2 %. Their results are presented in Figure 9-1, with the average grade for the hilly
route being 4 % with a maximum of 6 %.

Figure 9-1: Fuel consumption for different routes according to road grade (Boriboonsomsin and Barth 2008)

9.3. Road surface

Road surface is examined with respect to structure and materials and a short description
of the structure properties (texture and roughness) is given in the following paragraphs.

9.3.1 Roughness
Roughness depends on the construction and the condition of the road and is used as an
indicator for maintenance. Rough roads limit maximum speed, while causing discomfort to
the passengers (MnDOT 2007, Green 2013). The various types of pavements for different
uses graded in IRI are presented in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2: Types of road and top speed according to road roughness (Green 2013)

Fuel consumption is proportionally affected by road roughness, because it poses a

resistance to the vehicle’s movement and increases as IRI increases. This is presented in
Figure 9-3, from Green (2013).

Figure 9-3: Effect of pavement roughness on fuel consumption according to type of the vehicle (Green

9.3.2 Texture
Texture is the deviation from a planar surface and plays a part in road surface friction
resistance and assists in the braking of vehicles (DPLTI 2013). Road texture is defined
based on its wavelength and its effect varies according to its size. The smaller the
wavelength the more the effects are beneficial, like better friction and noise reduction. As
it increases, rolling resistance is affected negatively, noise becomes louder, discomfort is
caused to the passengers and the vehicle is subject to wear. Figure 9-4 shows the
expected effects according to the wavelength.

Figure 9-4: Effect of texture according to wavelength (DPLTI 2013)

The authors of EAPA — Eurobitum (2004) have noticed that significant changes within a
texture category (as shown in Figure 9-4) could result in an increased fuel consumption by
5 to 10 %.

9.3.3 Materials
The authors of (EAPA — Eurobitum 2004) have not noticed a statistically significant
difference in fuel consumption between asphalt and cement pavements. On the contrary, a
study conducted in the US found that for urban driving speeds of less than 50 km/h fuel
consumption is higher by 4 % on asphalt pavements than on concrete (Ardekani and
Sumitsawan 2010). Their results are presented in Figure 9-5 (Table 14-24 in Annex).

Figure 9-5: Average fuel consumption for cement and asphalt road surface for speeds under 50 km/h
(adapted from Ardekani and Sumitsawan (2010))

9.3.4 Case studies
The authors of EAPA — Eurobitum (2004) examined two case studies, in Sweden and the
Netherlands. The road roughness is evaluated based on a scale for microtexture from 0
being the smoothest to 9 the harshest. Detailed data can be found in Table 9-1 and Table

Table 9-1: Texture type and fuel consumption for different pavement types for a Volvo passenger car
(adapted from EAPA — Eurobitum (2004))

Fuel consumption relative to

Fuel consumption
dense asphalt concrete 0/16
Micro scale (l/100 km)
Type of asphalt (%)
50 km 60 km 70 km 70 km
50 km/h 60 km/h
/h /h /h /h
Dense asphalt –
6 6.95 6.76 7.36 – 2.31 % 0.55 %
0/8 2.66 %
Dense asphalt
3 7.14 6.92 7.32 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
Cement concrete
2 7.2 7.1 7.56 0.84 % 2.60 % 3.28 %
Surface –
7 6.96 7.01 7.81 1.30 % 6.69 %
Dressing 4/8 2.52 %
Surface –
6 7.08 7.25 7.88 4.77 % 7.65 %
Dressing 12/16 0.84 %

Table 9-2: Fuel consumption at 90 km/h compared to dense asphalt concrete 0/16, for a Volvo 70 passenger
car from EAPA — Eurobitum (2004).

Fuel consumption relative to

Road surface type
dense asphalt concrete 0/16 (%)
Dense asphalt concrete 0/16 0

Porous asphalt 6/16 – 0.0 (± 3.5)

Stone mastic asphalt 0/6 + 3.4 (± 3.6)

Double-layered porous asphalt 4/8 + 11/16

+ 1.2 (± 3.3)
(new road surface; bitumen film still present)

Cement concrete, broomed transversely + 0.4 (± 3.4)

Cement concrete treated with a surface epoxy

+ 2.7 (± 4.5)

Brick-layered pavement + 5.3 (± 6.6)

The literature review on the condition of the road surface found that the majority of the
studies are concerned with the life-cycle carbon emissions occurring from roads, from

construction and maintenance to vehicle emissions for a certain period of time (EAPA —
Eurobitum 2004, Green 2013).

9.4. Traffic conditions

Traffic conditions affect fuel consumption in several ways. Primarily this is by affecting the
average speed of the trip, by limiting or increasing transient operation (accelerations-
decelerations) or by causing in congested conditions more start–stop incidents than usual
(Greenwood 2003, Spalding 2008). The latter specifically applies if the vehicle does not
feature any start and stop technology (Fonseca et al. 2011, Dings 2013). A typical example
of the effect of average speed/traffic conditions on CO2 emissions can be found in Figure
9-6 (Fontaras et al. 2014a). The continuous lines demonstrate the predictions of two
commonly used emission inventorying tools in Europe (Copert & Handbook) while the dots
and the corresponding error bars demonstrate the average experimental results and their
standard deviation respectively. These were obtained during an experimental campaign
from various Euro 5 vehicles over different driving cycles (NEDC, Artemis, WMTC). As
shown, trips with very low average speed (< 20 km/h) present the highest CO2 emissions
while the optimal trip speed appears to be in the range of 50 to 80 km/h.

Figure 9-6 Impact of average driving speed on CO2 emissions of Euro 5 vehicles (Fontaras et al. 2014a)

Congestion is in general considered to be the traffic condition leading to the highest fuel
consumption (expressed on a per km basis), and can result in up to 40 % higher fuel
consumptions than those regularly experienced (De Vlieger et al. 2000). Two studies were
found in which two routes where selected and were driven twice: one in peak traffic hours
and one in normal driving conditions. The results are presented in Figure 9-7 (See Table
14-25 in the Annex). The case may be reversed for hybrid vehicles where the contribution
of the electrical system during urban driving conditions offers significant fuel consumption
reductions (Fontaras et al. 2008). It is interesting to note that in certain cases of motorway
driving, some level of congestion may reduce the fuel consumption as they force the driver
to keep to a lower speed and to adapt the driving to the trajectory of the lead vehicle
limiting the variability of fuel consumption with driving.

Figure 9-7: Fuel consumption for normal and congested routes (adapted from De Vlieger et al. (2000) and
Spalding (2008))

The average increase in fuel consumption for congested roads calculated from all cases
examined is about 26 %.

Figure 9-8: Increase in emissions for urban and extra urban routes compared to UDC and EUDC respectively
(Merkisz et al. 2010)

Another study examined the type approval test results compared to real-world driving and
traffic conditions by performing a measurement with PEMS on an urban and an extra-
urban route. The results showed an increase in CO2 emissions between 63-69 % in the
urban cycle and 21-30 % in the extra-urban (Merkisz et al. 2010). Figure 9-8 provides an
illustrative demonstration of these results. Of course in this case other factors may
contribute to the increases such as the road grade, environmental conditions and the

vehicle configuration compared to the original certification procedure, so it is impossible to
distinguish the actual contribution of traffic conditions.

Finally, the psychological effect of congestion on drivers should be taken into

consideration, as it was found that a significant percentage of drivers experience increased
stress levels, anger, decreased concentration performance and sleep disorders (Caldow
2008). This could have an impact on driving behaviour and safety. In addition,
independently from fuel consumption, lowering vehicle speed generates significant societal
costs in terms of higher time losses and reduction in the overall productivity.

9.5. Trip distance, duration and number of sub-trips (trip type)

A trip is characterised by the distance travelled, its duration and the number of sub-trips it
includes. Generally, very short-distance trips tend to exhibit higher fuel consumption
compared to medium-distance ones. This is mainly attributed to the high influence of
temperature and non-stabilised operation of various components (engine, gearbox, tyres,
etc.). Over a trip similar to the certification cycle (NEDC) the initial cold start is estimated to
increase emissions by 10 % (Mellios 2011), a percentage which becomes higher for
shorter distance trips (NEDC: 11 km, 20 minutes) and lower loads (NEDC mean speed:
33 km/h). Thus an increased frequency of short urban trips, typical in European cities, can
result in significant extra fuel consumption compared to the reported value, as most of
these trips are realised with the vehicle non thermally stabilised. The engine under such
conditions does not reach normal operational temperature, while the effect is greater in
colder weather conditions (DOE — EPA 2014d, Toyota 2014b) and during congestion
according to Andrews et al. (2007). According to VW (2010a), performing many short trips
under urban conditions instead of a single long one may lead to very high fuel
consumption ranging up to even 30 l/100 km, a value which is considered extreme but not

Letting the car idle in order to warm up and reduce this effect does not help according to
the DOE — EPA (2014d) an opinion supported by Toyota (2014b).

The adoption of start–stop technologies assists in reducing fuel consumption in urban use.
Whittal (2012) examined the effectiveness of start–stop systems for a Smart For Two
micro hybrid and a BMW 118d. Although the research focused on test cycles used in
Canada, USA and Japan it also involved on-road measurements. The results showed a
decrease in fuel consumption of 9.6 % for the Smart and 8 % for the BMW, when the
start–stop system was engaged. The author states that these savings could be affected by
factors like ambient temperature, percentage of urban driving and frequency of stops.

9.6. Simulation scenario and results

A vehicle is rarely driven on a road as specified by the type approval tests and usually
there are several variations during a trip. There can be altitude changes, different road
grades on hilly and mountainous terrains, variable road surfaces and traffic conditions.
These aspects are explored through simulation as described below:

9.6.1 Altitude
Altitude is not examined thoroughly in the literature and is a factor that has recently
started to concern researchers (Zervas 2011, Dings 2013, Van Mensch et al. 2014). The
authors suggest that because of the lower air density, the air resistance that faces the
vehicle is lower resulting in lower fuel consumption. Although there have been some cases
where increased fuel consumption was observed (Zervas 2011), this has not been
thoroughly investigated. As suggested by (DriverSide n.d.), it could be because of the lower
amount of oxygen which results in wider throttle opening. Due to the fact that the majority
of the observations indicate a decrease in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions attributed
to the lower air density, it was decided to create simulation cases based on this hypothesis.
The density of the air is calculated based on Equation 9-1.

Equation 9-1: Calculation of air density according to altitude.

6 ∙8
345 7 ;
0- ∙ − -
)*+, = )- ∙ /1 − 2
) *+, = Density of air (kg/m3)
) - = Mass density of air for altitude of up to 11 000 m, 1 225 kg/m3
1 = Temperature (°K)
0 = Standard temperature lapse rate, for altitude up to 11 000 km: –
0.0065 °K/m
# = Universal gas constant for air, 8.31432 N.m/(mol °K)
< = Gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2)
= = Molar mass of Earth’s air (0.0289644 kg/mol)

The altitudes assumed were 700, 1 000, 1 500, and 2 000 m. The resulting air density is
shown in Table 9-3.

Table 9-3: Air density according to altitude for temperature of 14 °C and 0 % relative humidity.

Altitude (m) Air density (kg/m3)

700 1.126
1 000 1.088
1 500 1.023
2 000 0.962

The effect of altitude on CO2 emissions is shown in Figure 9-9, for a temperature of 14 °C.
No grade changes for altitude are applied and the driving surface is considered to be flat.


b c
Figure 9-9: Effect of altitude on CO2 emissions for a petrol NA (a), petrol turbo (b) and a diesel vehicle (c)

9.6.2 Road grade

The grade of the road creates an extra load as the vehicle moves uphill and a reduced load
as it moves downhill. The tested cases include cycles under a constant grade in the range
of – 5 to 5 %, with steps of 1 %. The value of 5 % was chosen because it is the highest
permissible grade according to Italian legislation in the extra urban part of a highway
(Ispettorato Generale Per La Circolazione E La Sicurezza Stradale 2001).

The effect of the road grade is shown in Figure 9-10.

a b

Figure 9-10: Effect of road grade on CO2 emissions for a petrol NA (a), a petrol turbo (b) and a diesel (c)

These results show that the CO2 emissions benefit from driving downhill does not fully
offset the increase from uphill driving.

Based on these results it was estimated that imposing the same positive and negative
grade value, in the range of ± 3 % where the relationship between grade and CO2 effect
remains relatively linear, on the driving profile of WLTP resulted in an excess of CO2
emissions of about 3.5 % on average for the three vehicles. This corresponds to a constant
grade of approximately 0.15 %. This fixed road grade value is used in the ‘realistic’
scenario presented in Table 11-3.

9.6.3 Trip type
In this simulation scenario the driving habits of six countries (39) of the European Union are
presented, as studied by Pasaoglu et al. (2012). The authors investigated the trip types
during the week, i.e. personal or business, the distance covered and the time spent
travelling. Outlying values were removed, the average travel time and speed were
produced and are shown in Table 9-4. The average speed and distance of the realistic
scenario as presented in the chapter ‘Certification test’ are also added.

Table 9-4: Average speed and distance according to trip type (Pasaoglu et al. 2012)

Trip type Average speed (km/h) Distance (km)

Business 44.1 21.2
Personal 44.7 17.0
Business 43.0 19.0
Personal 48.6 21.8
Business 51.0 24.8
Personal 56.6 29.7
WLTP 46.5 23.3

Table 9-4 shows that the speed profile and the distance of the WLTP is fairly
representative of real-world conditions and for this reason it was used in the cases where
commuting is investigated. Four types of trip were created that correspond to an urban
commuter, medium-distance commuter, long-distance commuter and interurban traveller.
The parameter adjusted for each type of commuter is the weight, assuming that there are
extra passengers and equipment which add extra mass. The extra mass was separated into
normal and high load. The weight of each passenger is estimated at 75 kg and it is
assumed that each passenger carries an additional 7.5 kg luggage for the normal load and
15 kg for the high load case.

Apart from the weight, additional parameters were adjusted to match the realistic scenario
parameters shown in Table 11-3. The CO2 emissions for each type of travel are estimated
using the WLTP sub-cycles multiplied by a weighting factor that accounts for the
percentage of the trip covered under the same conditions.

Table 9-5 presents the travel types with the weighting factor used for each WLTP sub-
cycle to estimate CO2 emissions along with the average speed during the trip. The average
speed for each WLTP sub-cycle is presented in Table 14-33 in the Annex.

Table 9-5: Weighting factor for each WLTP sub-cycle according to travel type

Average Weighting factor each WLTP sub-cycle (-)

Commuter type speed
Low Medium High Extra high
Urban commuter 32.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0

(39) Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, United Kingdom.

48.6 0.15 0.35 0.4 0.1
61.9 0.1 0.2 0.35 0.35
87.3 0.025 0.025 0.05 0.9

The extra mass assumed for each type of trip is shown in Table 9-6.

Table 9-6: Additional mass for each trip type

Equipment Total extra
Trip type Load type (driver not
(kg) mass (kg)
Normal load 0 7.5 7.5
Urban commuter
High load 0.5 22.5 60
Medium-distance Normal load 1 15 90
commuter High load 2 45 195
Long-distance Normal load 1 15 90
commuter High load 2.5 52.5 240
Normal load 2 22.5 172.5
Interurban traveller
High load 3 60 285

The results for each type of trip are presented in Figure 9-11, Figure 9-12 and Figure 9-13,
along with the realistic WLTP scenario presented in the simulation results of the
‘Certification test’.

Figure 9-11: CO2 emissions according to trip type and realistic scenario run over WLTP for a petrol NA

Figure 9-12: CO2 emissions according to trip type and realistic scenario run over WLTP for a petrol turbo

Figure 9-13: CO2 emissions according to trip type and realistic scenario run over WLTP for a diesel vehicle

The average simulated CO2 emissions for all trip types and vehicles is 158.6 gCO2/km,
while for the realistic scenario it is 163.9 gCO2/km.

A comparison between the three simulated vehicle types was included for each type of trip
and is shown in Figure 9-14 for a normal load. A table is included in the chart summarising
the characteristics of each vehicle.

Figure 9-14: Comparison of CO2 emissions between the simulation vehicles according to trip

The standard deviation between the trip types for each vehicle type is shown in Table 9-7
where the highest standard deviation is for the petrol NA and the lowest for the diesel.

Table 9-7: Standard deviation of CO2 emissions of all trip typese according to vehicle type

Vehicle deviation
Petrol NA 13.02
Petrol turbo 8.43
Diesel 7.65

9.7. Discussion — Overview

Road morphology was found to affect fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Altitude as a factor affecting fuel consumption appears in relatively recent studies. A few
studies were found and their results can only be considered indicative. The authors of
these studies suggest themselves that further research is needed. An online search showed
that the public is aware that elevation affects fuel consumption, but the discussions are
rather confusing and provide contradictory results, opinions and explanations. The
simulation results for altitude show a decrease for all vehicles by up to 4.4 % for NEDC
and by 6.7 % for WLTP, both for an altitude of 2 000 m.

The effect of road surface on fuel consumption seems to be a new concern to researchers,
as the average year of articles in the literature review is 2010. Only a few sources were
found on the subject. Further investigation is needed to better quantify this effect.
Additionally, the public seems unaware of any effect of road surface on fuel consumption.

The effect of road grade significantly affects fuel consumption by up to 20 % for a hilly
route compared to a flat one, while energy losses from driving uphill are not completely
counterbalanced by downhill driving. The simulation provided interesting results for the
range of inclination of – 5 % to 5 %. At the maximum allowed road grade for an Italian
highway, CO2 emissions increase over NEDC by 85.4 % and over WLTP by 95.1 %, while
for driving downhill at – 5 % the benefits are 67.7 % and 67.4 % respectively. It was
surprising that only a limited number of European studies regarding road grade were
available for LDVs; in contrast there are several studies looking into this topic for HDVs.

Several scientific sources were found that deal with the effect of traffic on fuel
consumption. More targeted research is however needed in this field, because congestion
affects both the vehicle and the driver and its effects are not limited to the duration of the
trip but cause various side-effects affecting safety, health, environment and costs. The
results from an online search regarding public concern did not reveal many discussions on
the subject. Those there were focused more on idling and the benefit of start–stop

Figure 9-15 presents a summary of the average values (JRC estimations) based on the
collected literature data.

Category Factor median Distribution


-15% 5% 25% 45%

Altitude increase decreases consumption, as air density, aerodynamic resistance and oxygen concetration
-3.8% 3
Road morphology
Road grade increases fuel consumption as the car is driven uphill. Results based on American studies for a car
13.3% 3
driven on a hilly route

Road conditions Road surface Affected by roughness, surface texture and uneveness 2.7% 4

Traffic condition Reduced speed, increased idle time and start and stops at congestion 30.0%

Trip type Short trips. More cold starts and cold start emissions. Engine normal operation temperature not reached 10.0%
Figure 9-15: Summary table of the effect of road morphology on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values reported.

10. Fuel characteristics

10.1. About fuel characteristics

Automotive fuels are blends of various types of hydrocarbons and other organic
compounds (e.g. ethanol or methylesters in the case of biofuels). Their characteristics are
regulated by the relevant standards (EN-590:2004, CEN/TS 15293:2011, EN-12214:2012,
EN-228:2013). Additionally, (Directive 2003/30/ EC) promotes the use of biofuels and
(Directive 2009/28/EC) encourages the use of low GHG fuels.

Within these limits, fuel composition and characteristics are defined by specific
particularities related to climate, different regional standards, market availability of
blendstocks and regional policies. The latter becomes more evident considering variations
of bio-components in commercial fuel. Their presence is promoted and limited by European
regulation but subjected to national regulations, targets and market particularities. For
example the ethanol content in petrol is not the same for all EU Member States
(EurObserv’ER 2014).

CO2 emissions and fuel consumption are measured at the certification test with the vehicle
fuelled by a specific standardised fuel with its physical properties varying over a limited
range. The presence of varying blend stocks in commercial fuels can however affect engine
operation in different ways, potentially impacting on consumption. Biodiesel for example
offers some potential benefit such as a reduced lifecycle GHG intensity, but drivers may
experience increases in volumetric fuel consumption, as engine efficiency was found to be
lower (Lapuerta et al. 2008), its energy density is lower and acceleration times increase
(Fontaras et al. 2009). Similarly, the annual variation between summer and winter grade
fuel (40) as well as different fuel qualities (e.g. high octane petrol compared to regular
petrol) can influence fuel consumption.

10.2. Seasonal variations of conventional fuel

Winter temperatures cause variations in fuel properties, like lower volatility, increased
viscosity and in the case of diesel the creation of wax crystals. The creation of such
crystals can lead to irregular flow, clog the filters and cause loss of power, engine stall
after start, or even cause the engine not to start at all (Arnault and Monsallier 2014).

In order to prevent these effects, permitted diesel characteristics are adjusted in the
relevant standard (EN-590:2004), depending on country and climate. The summary tables
in the Annex (Table 14-28, Table 14-29) show the diesel fuel blend distinguished according
to climate between temperate climatic zones and arctic climatic zones. For petrol vapour
pressure changes between winter and summer.

A comparison between the winter and summer types of fuel would be incorrect as the use
of each one is affected by additional factors, like temperature. The summer diesel fuel
blend would be almost impossible to use below the freezing point. In the case of petrol, the

(40) At low temperatures diesel can form wax crystals and according to the regulation EN-590 the fuel characteristics (e.g. density) are
adjusted to prevent this. A side-effect of this adjustment could be a lower energy content of the fuel.

winter fuel blend would be more volatile at high summer temperatures resulting in higher
evaporative emissions.

10.3. Biofuel effect on consumption

Biofuels were introduced 10 years ago in the European fuels market. The presence of
biofuel blendstocks in fuel is reported to affect vehicle performance and consumption.
Lapuerta et al. (2008) found that 96 % of the studies they reviewed claimed that vehicle
power decreases when using biodiesel due to the lower energy density of the biodiesel.
Oxygenated fuels, like ethanol or biodiesel, are known to increase the volumetric fuel
consumption because of their low enthalpy of combustion, but they could compensate part
of the loss by improving efficiency. For example ethanol presents a high anti-knock index
(Cataluña et al. 2008), potentially improving combustion efficiency and decreasing the
need for the addition of extra (anti-knock) compounds. The latter is mainly relevant for
engines of higher compression ratios but it has benefits also in the case of conventional
engines allowing a more detailed management of the spark advance that can result in
efficiency improvements with reduced risk for knock.

In the following paragraphs the fuel blend is encoded as B for biodiesel and E for ethanol
followed by a number which indicates the percentage of biofuel in the total fuel volume.
B0 and E0 thus correspond to 100 % diesel and petrol accordingly.

10.3.1 Biodiesel
Biodiesel is a renewable source that can be produced by vegetable oils, animal fats and
recycled restaurant greases and as such is non-toxic and biodegradable (DOE — EPA
2014a). Fontaras et al. (2009) measured tailpipe emissions and fuel consumption for
biodiesel blends of 50 % (B50) and 100 % (B100) for the NEDC and Artemis cycle. They
found for the B50 blend an increase of 9 % and 4.5 % volumetric fuel consumption over
the NEDC and the Artemis cycle accordingly. The B100 blend led to an increase of 17 %
for the NEDC and 10 % for the Artemis in volumetric fuel consumption. Regarding CO2
emissions the authors state that the increase of 2-4 % that was found over the Artemis
cycle for the B100 blend would have minimal impact on real-world emissions, as this
percentage falls within the scatter of the baseline results. They consider that the B50 blend
has no impact on emissions in this cycle. This apparent discrepancy between volumetric
fuel consumption increases and CO2 emissions increases is easily explained by looking at
the carbon density of each fuel. In general for the same fuel volume biodiesel has a lower
energy content and a lower carbon content. Hence for the same power output a higher fuel
volume is required but emissions do not increase proportionally as would be the case for
standard diesel. Their results are presented in Figure 10-1.

Studies on low biodiesel blends report only marginal impacts on CO2 emissions and fuel
consumption. Serrano et al. (2012) performed an experiment under real-world conditions
with two identical vehicles. One was using diesel and the other an 80 to 20 blend of diesel
and biodiesel (B20). They did not find a difference in consumption in the urban route, while
they found a decrease of 0.1 l/100 km in the extra-urban route for the B20. B20 was
found to be more fuel consuming by 0.05 l/100 km on the motorway. The authors
hypothesise that this discrepancy is from the fact that there are lower energetic properties
of biodiesel under stable operation on the motorway which however does not explain the

reduction observed in the extra-urban phase. They also state that at low and medium loads
with regular start and stops, the physical properties of the B20, like density and viscosity,
combined with the increased amount of contained oxygen can surpass the lower energy

107% B0 110% B0
Error bars correspond to the max and min
B10 Error bars correspond to the max and min B10 values measured
values measured B30
105% B50
Normalised CO2 emissions


Normalised FC
101% 100%

99% ` `



95% 90%
Veh. 1

Veh. 2

Veh. 3

Veh. 1

Veh. 2

Veh. 3

Veh. 1

Veh. 2

Veh. 3

Veh. 1

Veh. 2

Veh. 3

Veh. 1

Veh. 2

Veh. 3

Veh. 1

Veh. 2

Veh. 3

Veh. 1

Veh. 2

Veh. 3

Veh. 1

Veh. 2

Veh. 3
NEDC Artem Artem 120kph NEDC Artem Artem 120kph
Urban Road Urban Road
a b
Figure 10-1: Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for B0, B10, B30 and B50 fuel blends (Fontaras et al.
2014b). Straight diesel consumption and emissions equal 100.

Figure 10-2 shows a summary of the effect on energy consumption for various biofuel
blends according to the values found in the literature.

Figure 10-2: Effect on fuel energy consumption for various biodiesel blends

Studies point out that fuels are delivered to drivers and priced on a volumetric basis
despite the fact that the same volume of biocomponents have a lower energy content. The

energy content per volume is lower if the fuel is mixed with biofuels, as for example pure
biodiesel has about 9 % lower heating value (Lapuerta et al. 2008).

10.3.2 Ethanol
The addition of ethanol in the fuel blend improves the octane number and the combustion
speed, but may cause additional wear and corrosion to electric fuel pumps. It can also
cause ignition difficulties at low temperatures (Park et al. 2010). Because of its high
octane number, ethanol has an anti-knock effect which is a valuable property.

Delgado and Susanna (2012) have tested on the NEDC a petrol vehicle without special
modifications and a flex fuel vehicle (FFV). The fuel blends used were E5 and E10 for the
petrol vehicle and E85 for the FFV. The results were compared to E0 fuel. They found that
total CO2 emissions reduced by 1.2 % for E5 and 4.6 % for E85, while they increased by
1.4 % for E10. Fuel consumption was found to decrease by 2.5 % for E5, while it
increased by 4.2 % for E10 and by 12.1 % for E85 (See Table 14-27 for more details).

Bielaczyc et al. (2013a) measured emissions of E5, E10, E25 and E50 blends for NEDC.
They found a small decrease in CO2. In the United States petrol contains ethanol up to
10 % (E10) and since 2011 the use of E15 has been introduced for 2001 and newer
vehicles and FFVs (DOE — EPA 2014b). The Department of Energy (2014b) indicates that
consumers experience higher fuel consumption (41) due to the lower energy density of

The British car magazine What Car? (2014) compared E0 and E10 CO2 emissions for a
Dacia Sandero and a Mini Paceman and found that with E10 they increased by 11 g/km in
the case of the Sandero and 2 g/km in the case of the Mini. The authors also claim the
ECU might have misdiagnosed the sensors’ data due to the different fuel composition and
injected more fuel.

The fuel endurance for petrol–E10, diesel–B10 and E85 is illustrated in Figure 10-3.

Figure 10-3: Fuel endurance for petrol, diesel and ethanol and biodiesel blends (Pidol 2014)

From the above it can be seen to be difficult to find homogenous information comparing
fuel consumption for differing biofuel blends. Despite the plethora of the studies few

(41) According to the Department of Energy, the decrease in terms of fuel economy is 3-4 % MPG on E10 and 4-5 % on E15.

sources were identified comparing neat petrol and E10 in terms of fuel consumption. These
studies are presented in Figure 10-4.

Figure 10-4: Increase in fuel consumption for an E10 fuel blend compared to E0

10.4. Simulation plan and results

The baseline fuel that was used in all the simulations of this study is E5 for petrol and B5
for diesel vehicles. The alternative fuels that were tested were E10 for petrol and B100
(FAME (42)) for diesel vehicles. The characteristics of the alternative fuels were provided by
the European Biofuels (2011) and Martini et al. (2013), while some values were estimated
based on these characteristics. The values used in this simulation scenario are shown in
Table 10-1.

Table 10-1: Ethanol and FAME fuel blend characteristics (European Biofuels 2011, Martini et al. 2013).

E5 B5
E10 splash B100
(Baseline) (Baseline)
Fuel carbon
content 3.106 3.062 3.112 2.722
(g CO2/g fuel)
Fuel density
0.738 0.740 0.837 0.88
42 720 41 930 42 690 37 100

The simulation shows the impact on fuel consumption along with the impact on CO2
emissions for each fuel type.

(42) Fatty Acid Methyl Ester.

Table 10-2 Simulated impact of E10 and B100 introduction on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of
passenger cars

B100 effect
E10 effect on E10 on fuel B100 effect
on fuel
CO2 consumption on CO2
Petrol 0.43 % 1.85 % - -
Diesel - - 0.6 % 15 %

10.5. Discussion — Overview

The literature on biofuels’ effect on emissions is extensive and difficult to summarise. A
significant amount of articles quantify the measured impact of different biofuel blends on
fuel consumption. The total impact on CO2 emissions is reported to be marginal for low
biofuel concentration blends.

Users seem concerned to a lesser degree about the fuel blend. They are concerned when
they notice seasonal differences in performance and also about the operational
capabilities and effect on the condition of their vehicles with the use of biofuels.

The simulation results show a marginal increase of 0.4 % in CO2 emissions for E10 for
both cycles. Regarding fuel consumption there is an increase of 1.9 %.

The diesel vehicle shows a small increase of 0.6 % in CO2 emissions on both cycles for
B100, but a significant increase in fuel consumption of 15.1 %.

Figure 10-5 presents a summary of the average values (JRC estimations) based on the
collected literature data (See also Table 14-30 and Table 14-31). The fuel blend
characteristics that were found did not offer a common basis for comparison and for this
reason the results are indicative.

Category Factor median Distribution

-15% -5% 5% 15% 25% 35% 45%

B10 fuel blend compared to B0 1.0% 2
Fuel characteristics Difference in fuel properties
E10 fuel blend compared to E0 3.8% 3

Figure 10-5: Summary table of the effect of fuel characteristics on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values reported.

11. Certification test

11.1. Literature review

The term test margins (also denoted as test elasticities or test flexibilities) refers to the
aspects of the type approval test which can be legally exploited in order to deliver lower
fuel consumption and CO2 results than would occur in real-world driving conditions. More
precisely with the terms ‘margin’, ‘flexibility’ or ‘elasticity’ we refer to a specific provision or
interpretation of the certification procedure, or an absence of such a provision or clear
interpretation, that results in the measurement of lower CO2 emission values compared to
the values that would occur if provisions, interpretations or practices more accurately
reflecting the operation of the vehicles under average real world conditions were followed,
within the boundaries and technical limitations of the same measurement procedure (43). A
series of margins have been identified to date like the speed profile of the test cycle, the
test temperature, calculation of vehicle resistances, vehicle preparation, etc.

The existing type approval test in the European Union was established in the 70s to
measure at the time regulated pollutant emissions but not CO2 or fuel consumption. The
testing of the latter was introduced early in the 80s. It is based on the New European
Driving Cycle (NEDC), which has received a lot of criticism and is currently considered
outdated (Mock et al. 2013). This consists of smooth accelerations and decelerations which
fail to reflect modern driving patterns (Kågeson 1998, Dings 2013). In addition, the test
protocol disregards various real-world conditions like additional weight, number of
passengers, use of A/C, realistic gear shifting, cold starts, operation at higher velocities and
congestion (Ligterink 2012), while it examines only a small area of the operating range of
the engine (Kågeson 1998).

Table 11-1 presents a summary of the factors related to the test margins and their effect,
either quantitatively or qualitatively, according to the corresponding authors. Additionally,
the quantification of the test elasticities found in literature is presented in Figure 11-1
(average values per elasticity group).

(43) Although such flexibilities might result in not being ‘illegal’ their intentional exploitation to achieve benefits should be considered
against the spirit of the law and the principle of good faith governing EU certification schemes.

Table 11-1: Test elasticities of the European type approval test and their effect in reported CO2 emissions
as quantified by different literature sources

Factor Effect Source

Start–stop technology overrated. Leads to decreased fuel Dings (2013), Mock et
High idle time al. (2013)
consumption in the NEDC
CO2 values off by 4-6 g/km compared to real values Mock et al. (2012)
Use of inertia classes (44)
Increased CO2 emissions from 2 % to 11 % Dings (2013)
Demuynck et al.
Discrepancy between NEDC and real-world consumption (2012), Mock et al.
Non-realistic acceleration (2013), Weiss (2013)
and driving patterns Variations of up to 30 % in the NEDC Hill (2011)
Pelkmans and Debal
Fuel consumption underestimated from 10-20 % (2006)
Long cold start, increased fuel consumption between
Ligterink (2013)
3 % and 14 %
Short test cycle
Underestimate hot emissions compared to real-world
Joumard et al. (2000)
driving cycles
Different wheel and tyre
specifications in the NEDC Decreased fuel consumption by 2 % Mock et al. (2013)
than in real-world
Flat surface, no simulation Mock (2012), Weiss
Discrepancy between NEDC and real-world consumption (2013)
of altitude changes
Fully charged battery, not Kadijk et al. (2012),
Lower fuel consumption than in real-world conditions Mock et al. (2013)
charging during the test
Soak temperature of 30 °C compared to 20 °C reduces
Kadijk et al. (2012)
CO2 emissions 1.7 %
Test temperature between Average temperature in Europe is about 14 °C, which
Mock et al. (2013)
20-30 °C could result to higher emissions by up to 6 g/km
Discrepancy in consumption could be up to 2 % between
Dings (2013)
20 °C and 29 °C.
Increased emissions, especially for A/C Schipper (2011)
Use of A/C increased fuel consumption by 5 % Mock et al. (2013)
Auxiliary systems are not
Increased consumption between 2.8 and 10 % Johnson (2002)
taken into consideration
Increased consumption: 4 % in urban, 2.5 % in rural and Weilenmann et al.
1 % in motorway (2010)
Special gear oil may be
Decreased consumption by 1 % UBA (2010)
used in transmission

Declared results is allowed Kadijk et al. (2012),

Decreased results by up to 4 % Dings (2013)
to be lower than measured

Wheel and tyre Increased rolling radius by 5 % decreases CO2 emissions

Kadijk et al. (2012)
optimisation by 2.5 %
Real-world road load is 30 % higher at high speeds Van Mensch et al.
Road load (2014)
compared to type approval; Mainly affects constant part

(44) The road loads for each vehicle are simulated on the chassis dynamometer by using distinct inertia classes instead of the real
vehicle’s weight. Their use was mandatory for the calibration of a mechanical dynamometer but it is rendered obsolete with the
modern digital equipment. However the inertia classes are still used as a part of the type approval test, Mock, P. (2011). ‘Inertia
classes, vehicle emissions tests, and the dead hand of the past.’ From the blogs
vehicle-emissions-tests-and-dead-hand-past. Mock, P. (2011), ‘Inertia classes, vehicle emissions tests, and the dead hand of the
past.’ From the blogs Mock, P. (2011),
‘Inertia classes, vehicle emissions tests, and the dead hand of the past.’ From the blogs
classes-vehicle-emissions-tests-and-dead-hand-past. Mock, P. (2011), ‘Inertia classes, vehicle emissions tests, and the dead hand of
the past.’ From the blogs Mock, P.
(2011), ‘Inertia classes, vehicle emissions tests, and the dead hand of the past.’ From the blogs Mock, P. (2011). ‘Inertia classes, vehicle
emissions tests, and the dead hand of the past.’ From the blogs
tests-and-dead-hand-past. (Mock, P. 2011)

of road loads (F0) as other components (F1 and F2)
appear to be less sensitive

Figure 11-1: Discrepancy in fuel consumption between type approval and real world due to the test margins
(average values of sources included in Table 11-1)

As mentioned, real-world emissions depend on various factors like the driver’s behaviour,
vehicle characteristics as well as road and ambient conditions (Ericsson 2000, Brundell-
Freij and Ericsson 2005). Kadijk and Ligterink (2012) have determined the discrepancy
between real-world and type approval road load values for six vehicles. The vehicles are
classified as Euro 4-6 and the road load divergence as shown in Figure 11-2 is inversely
proportional to vehicle speed.

Regarding cycle dynamics and velocity pattern, (André et al. 2006) argue that a set of
driving cycles should be used to test all vehicles as they differ in performance levels and
usage characteristics. Currently no test cycle takes into account the lateral acceleration of
the vehicle which could require up to 48 % more power consumption than under NEDC (45)
(Lin et al. 2011).

Test preconditioning may have a significant effect also over the NEDC test. A series of
Petrol and diesel vehicles were tested on a laboratory NEDC test and a discrepancy of
15 ± 10 % was found between laboratory and type approval test (Weiss 2011). The
authors attribute this difference to the preparation of the vehicle in terms of e.g. tyre

(45) The authors developed a new driving cycle to include lateral accelerations and. Real-world measurements are also available.

pressure and battery state of charge and to the specific settings of the chassis
dynamometer. Within the same project, the vehicles were driven on PEMS test routes and a
deviation of 18 ± 10 % for Petrol vehicles and 24 ± 7 % for diesel was reported. The
results are presented in the Figure 11-3.

Figure 11-2: Ratio of realistic and type approval road load curves (TA = 100 %) from Kadijk and Ligterink

Figure 11-3: Average CO2 emissions found in PEMS road test and in-house NEDC laboratory test for Petrol
and diesel vehicles. Emissions target refers to 130 gCO2/km in 2015 (Weiss 2011).

11.2. Simulations
The baseline models were used to run five different scenarios. These scenarios comprised
two cases based on the NEDC test protocol, two cases based on the WLTP protocol and a
fifth case aiming to simulate real-world driving conditions. A summary of all five scenarios
is presented in. An additional sixth case (certification value) demonstrated the potential
effect of the 4 % vehicle clustering margin as describe previously.

The NEDC base and NEDC type-approval (NEDC T/A) scenarios closely followed the
boundary conditions of the baseline models presented in paragraph 2.2.2. The inertia class
of each vehicle was defined according to the vehicle masses reported in Table 2-4, road
loads were calculated for the base NEDC assuming the following fixed values:

• Rolling resistance (9 kg/t) in order to calculate the constant road load factor of
each vehicle (F0);

• 0.3 N/km for the factor proportional to vehicle speed (F1);

• 0.038 N·h2/km2 for the factor expressing aerodynamic losses (F2).

The temperature of the base test was assumed to be 23 °C, a value lying inside the 20 °C-
25 °C range foreseen by the legislation (46). A fixed alternator power consumption of
0.15 kW was considered for the WLTP to account for the various systems of the vehicle.
The WLTP cycle was considered to be neutral in terms of battery charge/discharge, as were
the NEDC base and the Realistic scenario. A NEDC-based certification-like scenario (NEDC
— margins) was assumed taking into consideration various possible flexibilities that are
present in the current test procedure. In this case a 20 % reduction of factor F0 was
applied to account for the possibility to use tyres of lower rolling resistance during the test
and the effect of test track grade on the road load calculation which is not considered in
the current road load measurement process. Temperature was set to its maximum limit of
25 ˚C and electric consumption was set to 0kW in order to reflect the possibility to start
the certification test with the vehicle battery fully charged.

WLTP-H and WLTP-L scenarios were developed for the TMH and TML vehicle configurations
respectively. Masses were adjusted taking into account the maximum and minimum laden
masses of the tested vehicles as foreseen by the WLTP test procedure, taking into account
the reductions in vehicle mass imposed previously in order to match the EEA database
average mass values; compulsory use of two axis-chassis dyno was considered (+ 3 % in
simulated vehicle inertia compared to + 1.5 % for the NEDC cases). Having the WLTP H &
L test masses the road loads were adjusted accordingly assuming an estimated range of
variation for tyre rolling resistance of 0.13 kg/t and a 0.042 m2 range of variation in
aerodynamic resistances. For more details on the calculations of WLTP H & L road loads
refer to (UNECE 2015).

(46) It should be noted that the WLTP procedure foresees an after test (ex post) correction for compensating the difference of test
temperature (23 ˚C) compared to the European average (15 ˚C) which was not considered in this analysis due to lack of necessary
data; as a result WLTP values could be about 1 % higher when corrected.

Table 11-2 Summary of simulation scenarios

Realistic Certification
Scenario WLTP-H WLTP — L NEDC Base with
scenario value
Mass H&L NEDC inertia class
+ 150 kg class + 40 kg
+ 75 kg
Base RLs
+ 30 % Base + 20 % in – 20 %
Avg WLTP- (RR: 0.009 kg/ton, Same
Road loads F0, F0, + 3 % in F1 F1: 0.3 N·h /km, F0
H&L Reduced
+ 7 % F1 and F2 F2:
0.038 N·h2/km2) rotating conditions as
& F2 inertia 1.5 % for NEDC with
Driving profile WLTC NEDC NEDC margins. Final
CO2 value
Case specific WLTP gear-shifting depending reduced by
Gearshifting NEDC time-based
on road loads 4 % according
Temperature 14 ˚C 23 ˚C 25 ˚C to the family
criterion in
Alternator 0.5 kW current T/A.
power 0.15 kW — Battery charge Neutral 0 kW
consumption Neut.
Road grade 0.25 % 0 %

Finally for the realistic scenario the test parameters were adjusted according to Table
11-3, while the effect of these parameters is discussed in detail in their respective
chapters. In a summary the following assumptions were made. Vehicle mass was assumed
to be equal to the average of WLTP H and L scenarios, augmented by 75 kg to account for
an occupancy rate of 1.7 passengers (~ 52 kg) and 23 kg of extra equipment loaded on
the vehicle. Road load values were assumed to be the average of WLTP H & L, lying
between the best and worst case in terms of vehicle resistances. The WLTC speed profile
and driving mix was assumed to be a balanced estimate for average European conditions.
Temperature was set to 14 ˚C in order to account for average European temperature
conditions. Electric loads were increased from 0.15 kW to 0.5 kW in order to account for
the use of various electric equipment and potential use of an air conditioning/heating
device. A positive road grade of 0.15 % was assumed47. Gearshifting was applied according
to WLTP rules, taking into consideration the ‘realistic’ road loads and the applied road

The results of the abovementioned scenarios are summarised in Figure 11-4 subfigures a,
b, c for the three individual vehicles.

It is observed in all cases that the potential shortfall between the certification value and
that of the realistic scenario differ by approximately 35 %, a value that is consistent with
literature findings. It is interesting to mention that the certification value is already 12-

(47) The value was chosen after simulating the fuel consumption over WLTC with constant grades ranging from – 5 % to + 5 % over a 1 %
step. Results indicated an average fuel consumption increase compared to the zero road grade case, as the fuel reduction achieved
over negative grade cycles did not completely cancel out the increases in fuel consumption over the positive grade cycles. The
average fuel consumption increase calculated over all tests was estimated to correspond to a constant + 0.15 % constant road grade
over WLTP.

15 % lower compared to what could be an expected NEDC-based measurement result if
limited application of margins took place.

These figures reflect the expected behaviour of vehicles with characteristics close to those
of the average new registrations in Europe. The analysis should be expanded in order to
cover vehicles of different characteristics, in particular with respect to mass and engine

Table 11-3: Parameters adjusted for the realistic scenario

Parameter Value Source Notes

Occupancy (EEA 2010a, EEA
+ 52 kg
rates of 1.7 2010b)
14 °C European
Based on
Constant road In-house results, chapter
0.25 %
grade calculations ‘Road
surface, traffic)’
(European Usage factor
0.5 kW Commission applied, see Table
auxiliary load
2013) 14-32 in Annex

Figures also reveal a relatively limited difference in CO2 emissions between the NEDC base
scenario and the WLTP-L scenario in particular for Petrol vehicles. For the three cases
investigated the average difference was in the order of 1 g CO2/km. Given the fact that
the two scenarios mainly differ in the cycle profile and the constant part of the road loads
assumed, it is concluded that the introduction of the new driving profile combined with the
corresponding gear shifting strategy does not significantly change the CO2 emissions and
fuel consumption of the vehicles, when expressed on a per kilometre basis (g/km). In fact it
is estimated that applying the same road load and mass settings between WLTC and NEDC
driving profiles would result in marginally lower CO2 emissions for WLTC. This is partly
expected for three basic reasons, the amount of idling which in WLTC is considerably lower
than in NEDC (13 % to 23 % respectively) and the contribution of cold start extra fuel
consumption which over WLTC is divided by a longer distance (23 km) compared to NEDC
(11 km) as reported also by (Marotta et al. 2015).

Although the difference due to only the cycle and the gear shifting is not expected to be
high, their increased realism with respect to the NEDC will produce, as a result, that the
technologies introduced to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions over the new cycle
to meet the targets that will be defined by the legislation, are expected to be as effective
also in real life conditions. This is one of the elements that will prevent, in the future, that
the gap between in-use and type-approval figures might increase considerably.

Comparing the simulation results between NEDC with test margins and the realistic
scenario reveals important differences in CO2 emissions ranging from 35 to 42 g CO2/km.



Figure 11-4: Results of the six scenarios investigated for the diesel (a), Petrol turbo (b), Petrol naturally
aspirated (c) vehicle

This corresponds to a shortfall of about 26 %. The gap is significantly lower when looking
at the WLTP-Real world difference ranging from 18-28 g CO2/km.

Given that the final WLTP result is likely to be slightly higher due to the additional
corrections foreseen (correction for the imbalance in the battery state of charge, for the
average European temperature of 14 °C, etc.), its introduction is likely to significantly
improve the apparent shortfall between certified and real-world emissions. A certain
discrepancy, which based on the present data and assumptions is estimated in the order of
10-20 % is likely to remain (and can be considered natural due to the controlled conditions
of a test in the lab). However the more strict definitions of test procedures and the limited
margins coupled with a more realistic driving cycle and gear shift strategy of WLTP
compared to NEDC will likely prevent the widening of the gap after the WLTP
implementation, which as a matter of fact is even more important than the gap itself.

11.3. Overview
Several elasticities of the existing certification test are reported in literature as this subject
has been under discussion for a long time. Systematic exploitation by OEMs has led,
among other things, to an increase between the reported fuel consumption and the
consumption experienced by drivers in real-world conditions. Due to the variety of factors
affecting the results, the authors are aware that there could be margins that have not
been identified yet by researchers and could also be potentially exploited. Figure 11-5
presents a summary based on values found from the literature review.

The adoption of the new World Harmonised Light Duty vehicle test procedure (WLTP)
including the corresponding test cycle (WLTC) is expected to address several of
abovementioned elasticities and provide a more realistic and robust test basis. The
shortfall between the current certification values and what was estimated to be a
representative real world performance of an average European vehicle was estimated in
the order of 30 % while the same is figure drops to about 13 % considering the likely
boundaries and characteristics of the forthcoming test protocol. The analysis showed that
under the new test procedure test CO2 values may increase by a factor of 8-16 %,
estimates that involve a wide margin of uncertainty, given the unknown configuration and
characteristics of the vehicles, particularly during the WLTP testing.

A short online search in forums and public, non-scientific websites, revealed that the users
seem rather concerned about the type approval test itself. This internet search yielded a
wide number of online magazine articles that provide information about the shortfall
between type approval test and real-world values. Although drivers are not concerned
directly about the weakness and the margins of the test, they do question its reliability. For
this reason, many discussions and requests for more reliable results were found in
magazines and online forums.

Literature median Sources
Category Factor Distribution
value No.


-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Test Inputs / Various factors Mean value of various factors involved in certification test (road loads, masses, practices etc) 6.4%
Certificationt test
NEDC protocol and cycle design Boundary conditions of certification test, smooth accelerations, decelerations and driving pattern 6.5% 13
Lower value declaration Declared values is allowed to be lower than measured values 4.0%

Figure 11-5: Summary table of the effect of test conditions on fuel consumption. Error bars represent minimum–maximum values.

12. General discussion — Conclusions

12.1. Literature review and simulation scenarios

The literature review identified factors affecting fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
Many factors had already been well assessed, like ambient temperature or mass increase,
but some were identified as having a more subtle effect on fuel consumption, like altitude.
In addition, further factors were identified which had not been studied in literature before,
like for example the vehicle suspension system. Suspension type and condition could affect
fuel consumption, however very little data was found for passenger cars while sufficient
data was found for heavy-duty vehicles.

The simulation scenarios have taken into consideration the effect of several dominant
factors on three versions of a passenger car. The effect of each factor was simulated by
adjusting the model parameters accordingly. On one hand, the elements described
thoroughly in the literature have a clear effect on vehicle operation, allowing for a
straightforward simulation plan. On the other hand, the least studied elements in the
literature like for example altitude, with only some indications about its effect on fuel
consumption triggered an in-house investigation to simulate and quantify them properly.
The scope and length of the report does not allow for thorough investigation of each
individual factor. Such knowledge gaps in literature should be addressed in the future via
more detailed analyses and if possible experimental testing.

The opinion of the public on the factors affecting fuel consumption was also investigated
by means of a simple online search, as more detailed research would be beyond the
purpose of this study. In some cases the public was found to be well informed with regard
to optimising its fuel consumption, e.g. through eco-driving (48).

The independent simulation of each factor has provided results which are in most cases
similar to the literature review, but in some cases there were also deviations. These
deviations are attributed to the fact that in laboratory tests, when examining a single
factor there could be additional factors affecting fuel consumption that are difficult to
identify and are not included in the simulation scenario.

In real-world, the discrepancy between type approval and actual fuel consumption is due to
a combination of factors. It is apparent that even small changes in these factors can cause
significant deviations on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions while most of them cannot
be controlled by the users (e.g. the ambient conditions). In several cases, the simulations
were performed combining two factors. However, in one case a combination of several
factors is used that was estimated to be closer to real-world conditions.

Table 12-1 contains a summary of the findings of the review and Table 12-2 summarises
the simulation results. Table 12-3 points out whether a factor was addressed in the
simulation or not and if so, to what extent.

(48) Several concerns of relevance to this study are being expressed by drivers, as whether A/C or open windows are more energy

Table 12-1: Summary table of the various factors affecting fuel consumption. Error bars indicate minimum–maximum values found in the literature.

Literature Sources
Category Factor Distribution
median value No.


-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Various factors Various factors involved in certification test 6.4%

Certificationt test
NEDC design Smooth accelerations, decelerations and driving pattern 6.5% 13

Lower value declaration Declared values is allowed to be lower than measured values 4.0%

Increased electrical supply is required 5.0% 10

Air conditioning
Improved MAC systems, EV HVAC - heat pump, active seat ventilation, solar reflective paint, solar control glazing, solar roofs -1.7% 8
Auxiliary systems
Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering, Electro - Hydraylic Power Assisted Steering, Electric Power Assisted Steering. Improved
Steering assist systems 3.2% 3
steering pump

Other vehicle auxiliaries Engine management, fuel injection, fog lamps, brake lights, wipers, dipped beams, brake assist, heated windscreen, fan, etc 5.5% 6

Roof add - ons and modifications Various add - ons that are attached to the roof, except for a roof box 3.6% 2

Roof racks / boxes (air drag increase) Effect on fuel consumption with the addition of an un - laden roof box. Increased aerodynamic resistance 4.5% 5

Aerodynamics Open windows At a speed of 130 km/h, based mainly on an american study 4.8% 3

Change in aerodynamic drag and frontal area, depends on wind velocity and angle. Results for 10% air drag increase (caused
Sidewinds effect 2.0% 5
from 15 o to 30o yaw angle or from 4 - 8 m/s wind velocity)

Improvements Spoilers, vortex generators -0.4% 3

Rain Wheels have to push through water. Increase for 1 mm of water depth on road surface 30.0%
Snow/Ice Decreased tyre grip, wasting energy. Lower than normal driving speeds. Decreased tyre pressure Qualitative data
Weather conditions
0 o C compared to 20 o C 10.0%
Temperature, the type approval test current
range is 20 - 29 oC
-20 oC compared to 0 o C 10.0%

Aggressive driving High acceleration and deceleration, braking and maximum speed 26.0% 10

Driving behaviour/style Driving mode Consumption varies according to Eco or Sport mode. Non scientific research claims increase up to 11% for Sport mode Qualitative data 6

Optimal gear shifting, smooth accelerations and decelerations, steady speed maintenance, anticipation of movement and
Eco - driving -6.5% 6
traffic, Green - Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA)

Lubrication Use of low viscosity motor oil results in lower internal friction -2.4% 13

Low resistance tyres by 10 - 20% -3.0%

Vehicle condition Tyres 19
Lower tyre pressure by 0.2 bar 1.0%

Other Clogged air filters, misaligned wheels, poorly tuned engine 3.5% 5

Vehicle mass Increased mass by 100 kg 5.8% 17

Operational mass Trailer towing Affects weight, rolling resistance, aerodynamics and driving behavior 37.9% 3

Roof racks / boxes (mass increase) Fuel consumption increases as speed increases 19.7% 5

Altitude increase decreases consumption, as air density, aerodynamic resistance and oxygen concetration decrease -3.8% 3
Road morphology
Road grade increases fuel consumption as the car is driven uphill. Results based on American studies for a car driven on a hilly
13.3% 3

Road conditions Road surface Affected by roughness, surface texture and uneveness 2.7% 4

Traffic condition Reduced speed, increased idle time and start and stops at congestion 30.0% 3

Trip type Short trips. More cold starts and cold start emissions. Engine normal operation temperature not reached 10.0% 3

B10 fuel blend compared to B0 1.0% 2

Fuel characteristics Difference in fuel properties
E10 fuel blend compared to E0 3.8% 3

Table 12-2: Summary of the weighted average of the simulation results according to factor and test
cycle (49)

Effect on CO 2 emissions (%)

Factor Case

Hot start -8.7 -3.5

NEDC at 25 C starting temperature, -0.9 -
Certification test alternator disconnected
WLTP L - -9.9

Realistic scenario* 14.2 7.9

Electrical load (0.6 kW) 14.9 9.6

Auxiliary systems
Mechanical load (0.4 kW) 3.8 2.8

Unladen roof box (air drag increase) 6.5 9.7

Aerodynamics -10% air drag -2.2 -3.3

+10% air drag 2.3 3.5

-7 oC 19.8 6.7
Weather temperature
14 o C 11.5 4.5
conditions compared to hot
start (88 o C)
20 o C 10.2 3.9

Petrol -2.2 -2.2

Lubricants SAE 5W-20
(Petrol reference Diesel -4.1 -2.5
SAE 5W-30, Diesel
Vehicle condition reference SAE 10W- Petrol 0.6 0.2
40) SAE 10W-30
Diesel -2.3 -1.4

Tires -20% rolling resistance -2.8 -3.7

Extra mass +100 kg 2.6 2.8

22.1 29.7
(+310 kg, +65% air drag)
Vehicle mass Trailer towing
28.0 37.3
(+560 kg, +65% air drag)

Laden roof box (mass and air drag increase) 8.9 11.3

2000 m
Altitude -4.4 -6.7
(Decreased air density)

Road Constant grade +2% 33.4 35.8

throughout the
cycle -2% -28.4 -31.2

E10 and B100 Petrol 0.4 0.4

Fuel (Petrol reference E5, Diesel reference
B5) Diesel 0.6 0.6

(49) * Realistic scenario parameters: Occupancy rates of 1.7 (+ 52 kg), test temperature of 14oC, constant road grade 0.15 % and
additional 0.52 kW electrical auxiliary use.

Table 12-3: Comparative table of factors found in the literature and extent of its simulation

Factor Case Comments

Various factors Yes

NEDC and WLTP comparison. Type
approval values compared to realistic
NEDC design Yes

Air conditioning Yes

Factor emulated for a range of electrical
and mechanical loads. Few precise data
Auxiliary Steering assist
Yes available on the energy requirement of
systems systems
specific auxiliaries and components or
their usage factors
Other vehicle
Roof add-ons
Few data was available for various roof
and Partially
Roof racks/
The roof box was investigated regarding
boxes (air drag Yes
its aerodynamic effect.

Aerodynamics Open windows No The open windows and side winds effect
were not investigated due to
parameterisation difficulties. Air drag
Side winds changes were investigated.

This case was simulated as a change in

Improvements Yes
air drag

Rain No The mechanism affecting energy

demand is explained in literature, but
there was very little information about
Weather the actual energy losses.
Snow/Ice No

Yes This factor was properly accounted for.

Factor Case Comments

No simulation as the focus was mainly
behaviour — Driving mode No
on type approval relevant cycles

Eco-driving No

Lubrication Simulation by adjusting the motor oil

(motor oil) viscosity
condition Tyres
(rolling Yes

Factor simulated for a range of

Vehicle mass Yes
additional masses

Operational Factor simulated by adjusting mass and

Trailer towing Yes
mass aerodynamic coefficient and frontal area

Roof boxes Factor simulated by adjusting mass and

(mass increase) air drag
Altitude and road grade were
investigated. The altitude was simulated
as lower air density while no other
Road parameters were adjusted (e.g.
morphology combustion properties). The road grade
was investigated as a constant grade
factor over the entire cycle (both positive
and negative grades tested)
Road conditions Factor not simulated due to lack of
Road surface No information on the energy loses of the
Lack of traffic pattern and difficulty of
adjusting simulation parameters
Traffic condition
and trip type
Trip type cases were tested for various
types of trips using the WLTP sub-cycles
Fuel blends were compared with the
baseline fuel. The literature review made
Fuel Biofuels Yes comparisons with a variety of blends
that hindered statistical analysis and
further comparison

Several cases were partially or not at all investigated because of lack of quantitative or
qualitative information in literature. These cases include:
• Roof add-ons: There are a variety of different add-ons that can be attached, e.g.
police sirens, taxi signs or items on the roof rack. Little relevant information was
found about them in literature. The values of the frontal area and the air drag
increase are sufficient for simulating them.

• Open windows: In this case the regular flow of the air around the vehicle is affected
and significantly affects the air drag. There is little information about this effect in
literature. It is however known that the corresponding increase in air drag is related
to the aerodynamic design of the vehicle. The better the aerodynamic design, the
less is the impact on the air drag. For this reason, changes in air drag were
simulated to account to a certain extent for this effect.

• Side winds: It was difficult to simulate this factor as its effect on the air drag is
related to the yaw angle and relative wind speed. The frontal area that the side
wind faces changes depending on the yaw angle of the vehicle. In addition, there is
little information in literature about the effect on air drag according to the wind
speed. An attempt to address this gap in knowledge by means of simulation
scenarios was the simulation of different air drag values.

• Rain and snow or ice: In this case the majority of the studies found in literature
addressed the issue of tyre grip. Little information was found about the energy
losses due to slipping and the extra resistance the tyre has to overcome.

• Driving behaviour and style: This factor was not simulated as the focus was on type
approval test cycles.

• Road surface: The effect of the road surface was not simulated because of lack of
information on the energy losses of the tyre related to the road surface. Road
roughness, texture and materials bring about changes in the resistance to the
movement of the tyre that were not quantified adequately in the literature.

• Traffic condition: This case is studied well in literature, but there appears to be a
lack of traffic patterns. A traffic pattern for idling and commuting time would allow
for producing results for a congested and non-congested road. Due to this gap in
knowledge it was difficult to produce robust and comparative results.

• Trip type: In this case various types of commuters and travellers were investigated.
The simulation of these trip types was realised by applying a weighted average of
the WLTP sub-cycles. The weight for each sub-cycle was adjusted according to the
trip type.

12.2. Combined effects
The deviation of the fuel consumption and the CO2 emissions from the official test is
usually the result of a combination of factors. A small variation in ambient temperature,
road grade and operational mass are examples of how real-world emissions can be
significantly affected.

An example of combination of factors is the mounting and loading of a roof box that
increases the aerodynamic drag and mass. The effect of the increased air drag is more
evident at higher speeds. This was confirmed by a comparison between the simulation
case with laden roof box, affecting air drag and total vehicle mass and a case where only
the mass was increased. The results show a significant difference of about 15 % between
these cases for the Extra High sub-cycle of the WLTP.

The factors can be dependent or independent from the driver. In the former case proper
driving training and information could reduce the impact on fuel consumption and reduce
CO2 emissions.

All the factors identified in this study can potentially affect in some degree fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions during vehicle operation, therefore resulting in a deviation
from the type approval values. As it is not feasible to test all possible combinations of
factors, the combination of changes in mass and aerodynamic resistances was simulated
more thoroughly, as these two variables are linked to and affected by a series of factors,
and in addition can be influenced by drivers’ choices and practices. The results showed a
linear correlation of the two factors resulting in an additive effect, which was graphically
represented in Figure 8-19, Figure 8-20 and Figure 8-21. It would also be interesting to
investigate in a future study how the combinations of other driver-independent factors
affect fuel consumption and emissions (e.g. weather, road condition) over the certification
test cycles.

The factors which cannot be influenced by the drivers, like ambient conditions, can be
represented in the certification test by providing to the public a multitude of reference
values closer to real-world conditions, derived from vehicle simulations, empirical formulas
or other forms of fuel consumption calculation.

12.3. Type approval vs. realistic scenario

The so-called realistic scenario is intended to examine some of the factors which jointly
contribute to the shortfall between type approval values and real-world operation. This
realistic scenario was designed based on the usage factor of various auxiliaries, mean
temperature in Europe and average occupancy rates, and the simulations were carried out
over the WLTC speed time profile. The values of these factors were selected based on
average European approximations. The deviation from type approval values is within the
ranges reported in literature. It may be possible, by taking some real-world conditions into
consideration, to improve the certification test and thereby decrease the divergence
between the type approval test values and those observed under real driving conditions.

In the realistic scenario considered, the operating temperature was set at a lower value
(14 °C) than the ones usually used in the certification test in order to reflect the mean

temperature in Europe. In conjunction with other adjustments of the input parameters (like
mass, road loads and electrical consumers), the simulation results show a significant
increase in emissions which was calculated to be about 36 % higher than the certified

A graphical summary of the sales-weighted average value ( 50 ) of the simulations

performed on the three different vehicles is presented in Figure 12-1. The figure illustrates
how a real-world CO2 performance of 167.6 g CO2/km can correspond to a type approval
value of 123 g CO2/km. For each step, an explanation of the differentiating factors is

Figure 12-1: Comparison of CO2 emissions for different scenarios and assumptions. Each value represents a
weighted average of three vehicles considered in this report

The upcoming WLTP test is expected to address many of the limitations of the current type
approval test, although it is impossible for any laboratory test to capture all the factors
that affect in-use fuel consumption. The values provided by the WLTP are expected to be
closer to real-world conditions as the test temperature is lower, the driving profile more
dynamic, the inertia classes supressed, the real mass used and the cycle longer.
Furthermore, the vehicle is tested for a larger cold-start temperature range considering
also the effect of cold start at 14 C. There are other issues addressed by the WLTP but at
the same time there remain factors affecting fuel consumption in everyday operation that
are neither included in the test nor easily identified.

The deployment of new technologies in cars can affect, either positively or negatively,
energy demand. They become thus a challenge to the certification test as this could
underestimate or even overestimate CO2 emissions. A thorough investigation of the daily
vehicle usage and driving conditions would be an asset properly addressing and adapting
to the new conditions.

(50) Petrol NA 25 %, Petrol turbo 25 % and 50 % diesel.

12.4. Proposal for future research
The current study has investigated a variety of factors affecting energy consumption and
has attempted to quantify, wherever possible, their effect. In some cases it was not
possible to quantify accurately some effects based on literature review only and vehicle
simulation was used instead. In the current paragraph some subjects are suggested for
future research.

• Auxiliary use: The use of auxiliaries could be studied according to the habits
of the drivers and a usage factor should be determined. Also the location
where the vehicle is used should be taken into consideration. Knowing the
habits of the drivers could assist in optimising energy demand under certain
conditions and reduce CO2 emissions. Additionally, the local prevailing
ambient conditions, like temperature, significantly affects the use of

• Open windows: The effect of open windows should be studied in more depth
taking into consideration the aerodynamic shape of the vehicle. Also, since
air drag is affected in this case, it should be correlated to vehicle speed.

• Rain and snow or ice: The effect of tyre friction losses on the overall vehicle
energy losses is not studied thoroughly in the literature, although there are
many studies about tyre grip under various conditions. This effect should be
investigated together with the use of additional auxiliaries (e.g. wipers,
headlights) as otherwise driving would be difficult or even dangerous.

• Towing: Towing could be studied for different trailer masses and

aerodynamic shapes. In order to find an optimal energy consumption value it
is also recommended to test combinations of different vehicle shapes and

• Altitude: The effect of altitude on fuel consumption has recently started to

be of concern to researchers. From the preliminary data obtained it seems to
have a measurable effect. Further study about this effect is needed as
deviations in fuel consumption can occur due to altitudinal differences
between the certification test site and real-world operation location.

• Road condition and surface: It is recommended that the effect of the road
condition and the surface on energy consumption be investigated further.
Proper road design could reduce fuel consumption and subsequently CO2

• Traffic: Location-specific studies about traffic, in correlation to the time of

the day, vehicle speed and idling time, are significant in estimating
deviations in fuel consumption. There was little data in this area and a study

could provide information that could be of assistance also in other fields,
like traffic lights control or public transport design and scheduling.

• Trip type: The trip type and driving habits are considered not adequately
addressed currently in literature. Identifying driving habits or when and
where a vehicle is usually used would also help in evaluating the reasons for
the shortfall between type approval and real-world operation. Anonymised
data could be taken into consideration in the type approval test design and
would be also a guide to the public for better trip planning. Additionally, it
could be of use for public transport planning and infrastructure design.

Finally it should be noted that despite the fact that numerous data are reported during the
type approval process of vehicles, little information is actually publicly available. Knowing
the aerodynamic characteristics of a vehicle, auxiliary consumers, or other kind of losses
would be valuable information for guiding an educated consumer choice. In this sense
future type approval and labelling mechanisms can be designed to be more market and
information oriented allowing the customer to select a vehicle and customise it based on
actual needs. Similar approaches have already been adopted or are in the process of
adoption for other vehicle segments (e.g. Heavy Duty vehicles) in various countries. As a
first step, a more detailed and possibly interactive CO2 and/or fuel consumption database
can fill in this gap which is presently addressed to some extent only by private websites,
magazines and drivers’ forums.

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14. Annex

14.1. Literature review

14.1.1. Auxiliary systems

Table 14-1: A/C use increase in fuel consumption with the use of A/C

Increase in fuel consumption Source

7.2 % Johnson (2002)

5-20 % EcoDrive (2010a)

Petrol: 3.6 %
Weilenmann et al. (2010)
Diesel: 2.7 %
1-3 %, depending on light or dense
ECMT (2005)
10 % (EU vehicle) Rugh et al. (2004)

5 % Mock et al. (2013)

3 % Leduc et al. (2010)

Table 14-2: Steering characteristics, required power and fuel consumption of auxiliary steering systems
(Wellenzohn 2008)

Mission profile HPAS EHPAS EPAS

Rack load N 13 000 13 000 2 600

Steering wheel speed o/s 360 360 360

Rack speed mm/s 60 60 60

Active required steering power

780 180 156
Inactive required steering
390 15.6 10
power W
Increase in fuel consumption
0.51 0.18 0.05
l/100 km
Increase for average European
9 % 3.2 % 0.9 %
car as of 2012 (EEA 2013a)

Table 14-3: Increase in fuel consumption according to type of A/C and type of fuel (Roujol and Joumard

Increase in
Type of car Type of A/C
Manual 0.70 l/h
Automatic 0.75 l/h
Manual 0.68 l/h
Automatic 0.85 l/h

Table 14-4: Power needs and increase in fuel consumption for various auxiliaries (Dudenhöffer and John

Power Fuel
Auxiliaries consumption consumption
(W) (l/100 km)
Headlights 150 0.15
Fog lights 100 0.1
Electric windows 300 0.3
Electric sunroof 200 0.2
Rear window heating 120 0.12
Rear window wiper 70 0.07
Seat adjustment 150 0.15
Electric mirror adjustment 20 0.02
Heated seats 400 0.4
Electrical booster heater 1 000 1
Windscreen heater 500 0.5
Electrically heated steering
50 0.05
A/C 1 500 1.5
Windscreen wiper 150 0.15
Heated windscreen washer 80 0.08
Navigation system 15 0.015
Total 4 805 4.805

14.1.2 Aerodynamics
Table 14-5: Increase in fuel consumption with the attachment of a non-laden roof box.

Increase in fuel consumption Source

For a ski box:
70 km/h: 10 %
Lenner (1998)
80 km/h: 11 %
90 km/h: 12 %
Highway: 4.5 %
Rural: 1.2 % André (2004)
Urban: 0.3 %
100 km/h: 4.2 %
130 km/h: 4.3 % Autobild (2009)
160 km/h: 12.2 %
By 5 % De Haan (2012)
At 120 km/h: 7.5 % EcoDrive (2011)
Only for the roof rack: about 2 %
With a ski box:
Thomas et al. (2014)
70 km/h: 10 %
90 km/h: 13-14 %

Table 14-6: Effect of roof rack and ski-box on fuel consumption for speed range 70-90 km/h (Lenner 1998).

Reference Roof rack Ski-box

Speed Fuel Fuel Fuel
(km/h) consumption consumption Increase consumption Increase
(l/100 km) (l/100 km) (l/100 km)
70 6.89 7.07 3 % 7.58 10 %
80 7.45 7.6 2 % 8.26 11 %
90 7.9 7.99 1 % 8.87 12 %

Table 14-7: Fuel consumption for a Toyota Corolla with open windows compared to standard consumption
for various speeds (Thomas et al. (2014)).

Increase in
Vehicle Standard Open
speed consumption windows
(km/h) (l/100 km) (l/100 km)
64 4.1 4.3 5.6 %
72 4.4 4.7 6.6 %
80 4.8 5.1 6.6 %
89 5.1 5.5 7.1 %
97 5.5 6.0 7.7 %
105 6.0 6.5 8.4 %
113 6.5 7.0 7.7 %
121 7.0 7.7 9.2 %
129 7.6 8.3 8.3 %

Table 14-8: Fuel consumption for a Ford Explorer with open windows compared to standard consumption for
various speeds (Thomas et al. (2014))

Standard Open
Vehicle Increase in fuel
consumption windows
speed km/h consumption %
(l/100 km) (l/100 km)
80 8.0 8.0 0.3 %
89 8.7 8.7 0.7 %
97 9.4 9.6 1.6 %
105 10.2 10.4 1.3 %
113 11.0 11.2 1.4 %
121 12.0 12.3 2.6 %
129 13.3 13.6 2.3 %

Table 14-9: Comparison of pressure values with and without rear spoiler (Kodali 2012)

Velocity Without rear spoiler With rear spoiler

(km/h) Min. P (Pa) Max. P (Pa) Min. P (Pa) Max. P (Pa)
50 – 187 125 – 277 142
100 – 756 496 – 1 070 567
180 – 2 470 1 600 – 3 640 1 840
250 – 4 770 3 090 – 7 070 3 550

14.1.3 Weather conditions

Table 14-10: Effect of ambient temperature on fuel consumption compared between a maximum and a
minimum temperature

Maximum Minimum Increase in fuel

Source temperature temperature consumption
o o
C C (%)
Dings (2013) 29 20 2
ECMT (2005) 0 – 20 10
Bielaczyc et al. MPI 25 – 7 21
(2013b) DISI 25 – 7 16
Christenson et al. (2007) 20 – 18 23

14.1.4 Simulated cold start effect over NEDC and WLTP sub-cycles
The cold start effect is widely discussed in the literature and it seems to be a significant
topic of discussion of how it should be implemented in the certification test procedure.
Initially, vehicles were allowed a short warm up period of 30 seconds for NEDC, which was
eventually discarded. During vehicle operation the temperature rises eventually to optimum
operational levels, which could cause variations in CO2 emissions compared to the cold
effect phase. This effect was examined and a comparison is presented between cold and
hot start and the sub-cycles for the three vehicles in Figure 14-1, Figure 14-2 and Figure
14-3. The starting test temperature for the cold case scenario is 23 °C both for the NEDC
and WLTP.

Figure 14-1: ‘Cold’ and ‘hot’ CO2 emissions for NEDC, WLTP and their sub-cycles for a Petrol NA vehicle

The results show that the cold start effect is more significant during the first sub-cycles of
both cycles (UDC, Low phase of WLTP), which was anticipated. But the most significant
observation is that at the high speed part of both cycles, where most engine components
have warmed up, there are still significant discrepancies. For the EUDC the average
increase due to the cold start compared to a hot condition is 1.9 %, while for the Extra
high part of the WLTP the increase is 0.4 %. In the extra high part of the WLTP the small
discrepancy is attributed to the fact that in the hot scenario all the components of the
engine are thermally stabilised at operational temperatures, while in the cold scenario the
gearbox is not yet thermally stabilised.

The overall difference between a cold and a hot start condition is on average 9.5 % for the
NEDC and 3.7 % for the WLTP.

The cold start scenario is the baseline scenario used for comparisons throughout this
study, unless stated otherwise.

Figure 14-2: ‘Cold’ and ‘hot’ CO2 emissions for NEDC, WLTP and sub-cycles for a Petrol turbo vehicle

Figure 14-3: ‘Cold’ and ‘hot’ CO2 emissions for NEDC, WLTP and their sub-cycles for a diesel vehicle

14.1.5 Driving
Table 14-11: Increase in fuel consumption for aggressive driving

Increase in fuel consumption/CO2 emissions Source

12-40 % De Vlieger et al. (2000)
30-40 % Ericsson (2001)
By 33 % EEA (2001)
Petrol: 10-30 %
André and Pronello (1997)
Diesel: 5-7 %
Up to 10 % (American study) Berry (2010)
by 6.7 % (American study) Nam et al. (2003)

Table 14-12: Fuel consumption for aggressive driving compared to normal driving for a Petrol car according
to road type (Lenaers 2009)

Fuel consumption
Behaviour (l/100 km)
Urban Rural Motorway
Normal 10.8 6.37 7.49
Aggressive 18.13 8.97 7.82
Increase 67.9 % 40.8 % 4.4 %

Table 14-13: Fuel consumption for aggressive driving compared to normal driving for a diesel car according
to road type (Lenaers 2009)

Fuel consumption
Behaviour (l/100 km)
Urban Rural Motorway
Normal 7.93 4.47 5.46
Aggressive 11.63 6.51 5.74
Increase 46.7 % 45.6 % 5.1 %

Table 14-14: Driving strategies that decrease fuel consumption

Factor Impact on fuel consumption/CO2 emissions Source

5 % less consumption (heavy traffic), 10 %
ECMT (2005)
(light traffic)
Training Decreased consumption by 5.8 % Beusen et al. (2009)
– 10 % consumption (urban: – 12 % Extra
Barkenbus (2010)
urban: – 6 %, Highway: – 2 %)
Decreased emissions up to 6 % (NEDC) Dings (2013)
Decreased consumption: 1 % (heavy traffic),
gear shifting ECMT (2005)
2 % (light traffic)
Decreased emissions by up to 7.42 % Maier et al. (2014)

Table 14-15: Improvement in fuel consumption with the use of lower viscosity motor oil.

Improvement in consumption Source

Up to 2.5 % less consumption Commission
Average 4 % less consumption
(urban: 4-6 %, outside the town: Dena (2009)
2-4 %, Highway: 2 %)

EcoDrive (2010b),
Up to 5 % less consumption AGVS (2013),VW

Up to 3 % less consumption UBA (2010)

Table 14-16: Decrease in fuel consumption by switching to lower viscosity motor oil.

Decrease in
Change of motor oil Source
From 10 W-30/40 to 5 W-30 1.2-2 % IEA (2005)
From 5 W-30 to 0 W-20 1-2 % IEA (2005)
From 5 W-30 to 5 W-20 1-3.5 % IEA (2005)
Bennett and
From 5 W-30 to a 5 W-20
0.5-1.5 % Chudasama
(diesel car)

14.1.6 Vehicle condition
Table 14-17: Fuel consumption for each tyre class (Continental 2012)

Fuel Increase in fuel

consumption consumption
(l/100 km) (JRC estimations)
A 6.6 0.0 %
B 6.7 1.5 %
C 6.82 3.3 %
E 6.96 5.5 %
F 7.11 7.7 %
G 7.26 10.0 %

Table 14-18: Decrease in fuel consumption with the use of low rolling resistance tyres

Modification Decrease in fuel consumption Source(s)

‘Green’ tyres vs ‘Black’
In urban: 3.2 %, suburban:
have RR 8.5 kg/t and Michelin (2013)
5.1 %
12 kg/t respectively
IEA (2005), TRB (2006), BFE
10 % lower RR By 1-2 %
(2012), Holmberg et al. (2012)
20 % lower RR By 2 % Burgess and Choi (2003)
5-7 % lower RR By 1 % ECMT (2005)
By 3 % European Commission (2006)
Average by 4 % (urban 3 %,
EcoDrive (2010b)
Extra urban 5 %, highway 4 %)
Low RR tyres
Up to 3 % VW (2010b)
By 4-5 % UBA (2010)
Up to 5 % AGVS (2013)
By 0.1 l/100km (Petrol),
NEDC: Lower RR per 1 kg/t Barrand and Bokar (2008)
0.08 l/100km (Diesel)
Tyre Width: 185 mm tyre
compared with 225 mm By 1 % VW (2009)
tyre (6 % lower RR)

Table 14-19: Increase in fuel consumption for under inflated tyres

Lower pressure than the Increase in fuel

recommended consumption (%)

By 0.2 bar 2.5-3 % ECMT (2005)

By 0.3 bar 1 % Michelin (2013)

By 0.2 bar 1 % ADAC (2012c)

1 %, 2 %, 3 %, 6 %
By 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 De Haan (2012)
0.44 % (American study, unit
Per 0.1 bar DOE — EPA (2014d)

Table 14-20: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds for 75 % and 50 % tyre pressure (Thomas et
al. 2014)

Speed Standard 75 % Tyre pressure 50 % Tyre pressure

Increase in Increase in
km/h km/l km/l fuel km/l fuel
consumption consumption
64 24.4 23.9 2 % 22.0 10 %
72 22.7 22.2 2 % 20.6 10 %
80 20.9 20.6 2 % 19.2 8 %
89 19.5 19.2 2 % 18.0 8 %
97 18.1 17.7 2 % 16.8 7 %
105 16.8 16.4 2 % 15.6 7 %
113 15.4 15.1 2 % 14.5 6 %
121 14.2 13.8 3 % 13.4 6 %
129 13.1 12.7 4 % 12.4 6 %

14.1.7 Operating mass

Table 14-21: Increase in fuel consumption for additional weight

Increase in fuel
Additional weight Source
20 % 5 % Mellios (2011)
45 kg 2 % (US study) EPA (2014a)
5-8 % Eglin (2012)
50 kg
1-2 % Goodyear (2013)
100 kg 7 % FORUM Umweltbildung (2008)
Per 100 kg 5 % De Haan (2012)
220 kg 9 % Mock et al. (2012)

Table 14-22: Increase in fuel consumption with the attachment of a laden roof box

Increase in fuel
Type of load Source
100 km/h: 19.3 %
Broad roof box OEAMTC (2012)
130 km/h: 27.6 %
Up to 50 km/h: 2-8 %
100 km/h: 6-17 %
EPA (2014a)
115 km/h: 10-25 %
(American study)
100 km/h: 16.3 %
Narrow roof box OEAMTC (2012)
130 km/h: 21.8 %
130 km/h: 20 % ADAC (2012a)
Roof box
120 km/h: 16 % EcoDrive (2011)

Table 14-23: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds for a laden roof box (Thomas et al. 2014)

Increase in
Standard Laden roof
Speed fuel
consumption box
(km/h) consumption
(l/100km) (l/100 km)
64 4.1 4.9 19 %
72 4.4 5.3 21 %
80 4.8 5.9 24 %
89 5.1 6.5 27 %
97 5.5 7.1 29 %
105 6.0 7.9 32 %
113 6.5 8.6 33 %
121 7.0 9.4 34 %
129 7.6 10.4 36 %

14.1.8 Road (morphology, surface, traffic)

Table 14-24: Road surface type and fuel consumption (adapted from Ardekani and Sumitsawan (2010))

Type of road surface consumption in
l/100 km
Portland cement

Asphalt concrete 11.6

Table 14-25: Effect of congested roads on fuel consumption and travel time (De Vlieger et al. 2000)

Fuel Increase in
Fuel consumption fuel
Route Traffic Travelling
consumption (l/100 km) consumption
length (km) condition time (min)
(l) (JRC (JRC
estimations) estimations)
Normal 43 2.7 7.7 0 %
Congested 103 3.8 10.9 41 %
Normal 49 2.8 9.3 0 %
Congested 76 3.4 11.3 21 %

Table 14-26: Fuel consumption for normal driving conditions and peak hours (Spalding 2008)

Fuel consumption Fuel consumption

Increase in fuel
for normal driving for peak hour
conditions conditions
(l/100 km) (l/100 km)
1st Route 12.53 16.06 28 %
2nd Route 12.35 16.29 32 %

Table 14-27: Effect of ethanol fuel blend on CO2 emissions and fuel consumption (Delgado and Susanna

CO2 emissions (g/km)

Petrol vehicle FFV
E0 E5-S E10 E0 E85
UDC 219.52 214.64 223.90 237.53 225.78
EUDC 141.05 138.75 141.92 152.31 145.33
Total 169.75 167.74 172.18 183.34 174.93
Difference (%) - – 1.2 % 1.4 % - – 4.6 %
Fuel consumption (l/100 km)
Petrol vehicle FFV
E0 E5-S E10 E0 E85
UDC 9.3 8.93 9.68 10.08 11.42
EUDC 5.91 5.75 6.12 6.4 7.31
Total 7.14 6.96 7.44 7.75 8.82
Difference (%) - – 2.5 % 4.2 % - 12.1 %

14.1.9 Fuel characteristics

Table 14-28: Diesel characteristics for temperate climatic zones (EN-590:2004)

Characteristics Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Class F Units

CFPP 5 0 - 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 °C

Density at
820-860 820-860 820-860 820-860 820-860 820-860 kg/m³
15 °C
Viscosity at
2-4.5 2-4.5 2-4.5 2-4.5 2-4.5 2-4.5 mm²/s
40 °C

Cetane index 46 46 46 46 46 46

Cetane number 49 49 49 49 49 49

Table 14-29: Diesel characteristics for arctic climatic zones (EN-590:2004)

Characteristics Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Units

CFPP - 20 - 26 - 32 - 38 - 44 °C

Cloud point - 10 - 16 - 22 - 28 - 34 °C
Density at
800-845 800-845 800-845 800-840 800-840 kg/m³
15 °C
Viscosity at
1.5-4.0 1.5-4.0 1.5-4.0 1.4-4.0 1.2-4.0 mm²/s
40 °C

Cetane index 46 46 45 43 43

Cetane number 47 47 46 45 45

Table 14-30: Increase in fuel consumption for a B10 fuel compared to B0

Increase in fuel
consumption (%)
Pidol (2014) 0.6 %
Fontaras et al.
1.1 %

Table 14-31: Increase in fuel consumption for an E10 fuel compared to E0

Increase in fuel
consumption (%)
Delgado and Susanna
4.2 %

Pidol (2014) 3.9 %

DOE — EPA (2014b) (US

3.6 %

14.2. Simulations

14.2.1 Certification test

Table 14-32: Electrical auxiliaries, their usage factor, nominal power and total usage (European Commission

Auxiliaries Usage factor Nominal power Total usage

(UF) (kW) (kW)
Type of lighting
0.33 0.055 0.01815
0.03 0.06 0.0018
Front position 0.36 0.005 0.0018
Fog — front 0.01 0.055 0.00055
Fog — rear 0.01 0.021 0.00021
Turn signal front 0.15 0.021 0.00315
Turn signal side 0.15 0.005 0.00075
Turn signal — rear 0.15 0.021 0.00315
Rear position 0.36 0.005 0.0018
Licence plate 0.36 0.005 0.0018
Low speed (front) 0.08 0.15 0.012
High speed (front) 0.02 0.15 0.003
A/C 0.42 1 0.42
Steering 1 0.05 0.05
Total 0.52

14.2.2 Driving

Table 14-33: Average speed of WLTP sub-cycles

Average speed
WLTP sub-cycle
Low 18.9
Medium 39.5
High 56.7
Extra high 92.3

15. Abbreviations

A/C Air conditioning

CFPP Cold filter plugging point
ECU Engine control unit
EHPAS Electro-hydraulic power assisted steering
EPAS Electric power assisted steering
EUDC Extra urban driving cycle, NEDC sub-cycle
FAME Fatty acid methyl ester
FFV Flexi fuel vehicle
FTP Federal test procedure
HC Hydrocarbon
HPAS Hydraulic power assisted steering
HDV Heavy duty vehicle
LCV Light commercial vehicle
LDV Light duty vehicle
LHV Lower heating value
NA Naturally aspirated
MPG Miles per gallon
NEDC New European Driving Cycle
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
PC Passenger car
PEMS Portable Emissions Measurement System
PM Particulate matter
RPM Rights per minute
RR Rolling resistance
RRC Rolling resistance coefficient
SC03 SC03 — Supplemental Federal Test Procedure with A/C
SOC State of charge
SFTP Supplemental Federal Test Procedure
TA Type approval
UDC Urban driving cycle, NEDC sub-cycle
VG Vortex generator
WLTC Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycle
WLTP Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures

16. List of figures
Figure 0-1: Comparison of the sales-weighted average value of CO2 emissions of the three
vehicles simulated over the six different scenarios. Dashed line indicates the % change compared to
the certification emission value. ........................................................................................................... 13
Figure 1-1: Greenhouse gas emissions by source in the EU-28 adapted from EEA (2012) and (DG-
Clima 2015). .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 1-2: Estimated probability density function of reported real-world emission values as
percentage of type-approval figures (Mock et al. 2014). ..................................................................... 19
Figure 1-3: NEDC profile........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 1-4: WLTC profile. ...................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2-1: Bar chart of total references per category. ........................................................................ 23
Figure 3-1: Increase in vehicle average electrical power supply capacity in a US car (ADL (2006)). .... 29
Figure 3-2: Decrease in fuel economy according to increase in auxiliary load (Farrington and Rugh
2000). .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3-3: Evolving percentage of cars equipped with A/C for North America, Asia and Europe
(VALEC — Auto Concept 2002). ............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 3-4: Estimated fuel consumption increase based on the findings retrieved from different
sources. Use of A/C and an average speed of 100 km/h are assumed................................................. 33
Figure 3-5: Load profile for Frankfurt climatic profile and NEDC categories (Kemle et al. 2008). ....... 34
Figure 3-6: Cool down curves for a baseline and a vehicle with thermal reflective systems (Rugh et al.
2007). .................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-7: Specific surplus fuel of auxiliary heating systems for different outside temperatures. FFH:
Fuel Fired Heater, HP: Heat Pump, ACG: Air Cooled Generator, ISG: Integrated Starter Generator
(Feuerecker et al. 2005). ....................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-8: Increase in fuel consumption with the use of various power assisted steering systems
(adapted from Wellenzohn (2008)). ..................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3-9: Maximum power demand of auxiliary systems (ADL (2006))............................................. 40
Figure 3-10: Power demand of auxiliary systems with varying power requirements (ADL (2006)). .... 40
Figure 3-11: Power consumption and fuel consumption increase due to various auxiliaries
(Dudenhöffer and John 2009). .............................................................................................................. 41
Figure 3-12: Increase in CO2 emissions for additional mechanical loads for a Petrol NA (a), a Petrol
turbo (b) and a diesel (c) vehicle........................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3-13 Increase in CO2 emissions for additional electrical loads for a Petrol NA (a), a Petrol turbo
(b) and a diesel (c) vehicle. ................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 3-14: Summary table of the effect of auxiliary systems on fuel consumption. Error bars
represent minimum–maximum values reported.................................................................................. 45
Figure 4-1: Percentage increase in fuel consumption for an unladen roof box . ................................. 48
Figure 4-2: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds for a Toyota Corolla with all windows
open, based on an American study by Thomas et al. (2014). Adapted chart, bars correspond to
percentile increase in fuel consumption. Original units, US MPG and miles/hour were converted to
l/100 km and km/h. .............................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 4-3: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds for a Ford Explorer with all windows
open, based on an American study by Thomas et al. (2014). Adapted chart, bars correspond to

percentile increase in fuel consumption. Original units, US MPG and miles/hour were converted to
l/100 km and km/h. .............................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 4-4: Variation of drag coefficient according to crosswind angle, for crosswind speed of 7 m/s
from Gajendra Singh et al. (2009). ........................................................................................................ 50
Figure 4-5: Variation of drag coefficient according to crosswind velocity for angles of 15 o and 30 o
from Gajendra Singh et al. (2009). ........................................................................................................ 50
Figure 4-6: Difference in aerodynamic coefficient for various yaw angle values (Landström et al.
2010). .................................................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4-7: Variations in CO2 emissions according to the variations of aerodynamic resistance
(Fontaras and Samaras 2010). .............................................................................................................. 51
Figure 4-8: Effect on CO2 emissions of various shape modifications for a Petrol NA vehicle. ............. 53
Figure 4-9: Effect on CO2 emissions of various shape modifications for a Petrol turbo vehicle. ......... 53
Figure 4-10: Effect on CO2 emissions of various shape modifications for a diesel vehicle................... 53
Figure 4-11: Aerodynamic resistance change and differentiation in CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA
vehicle a Petrol turbo a diesel vehicle. ................................................................................................. 54
Figure 4-12: Summary table of the effect of aerodynamics on fuel consumption. Error bars represent
minimum–maximum values reported. ................................................................................................. 57
Figure 5-1: Cold start emissions as a function of ambient temperature for Petrol cars (Weilenmann et
al. 2009) ................................................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 5-2: Fuel consumption increase compared from 22 °C to – 7 °C for Petrol and diesel vehicles
(Dardiotis et al. 2013). .......................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 5-3: CO2 emissions increase compared from 22 °C to – 7 °C for Petrol and diesel vehicles
(Dardiotis et al. 2013). .......................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 5-4: Percentage increase in fuel consumption related to decreasing temperature. ................ 62
Figure 5-5: Increase in fuel consumption of cold start compared to hot start conditions for NEDC.
Upper–lower trendlines indicate maximum–minimum value trend. ................................................... 62
Figure 5-6: Effect of ambient temperature on fuel consumption compared to the values found in the
literature review for a Petrol and a diesel vehicle for NEDC. ............................................................... 63
Figure 5-7: Summary table of the effect of ambient conditions on fuel consumption. Error bars
represent minimum–maximum values reported.................................................................................. 65
Figure 6-1: Increase in fuel consumption for aggressive driving compared to normal driving. Error
bars correspond to minimum–maximum observed values. ................................................................. 67
Figure 6-2: Vehicle fuel consumption compared to different driving patterns (adapted from Gao and
D. (2007)). ............................................................................................................................................. 68
Figure 6-3: Fuel efficient technics compared to average driving style (NRCAN 2013). ..................... 70
Figure 6-4: Decrease in fuel consumption for eco-driving compared to normal driving. .................... 70
Figure 6-5: Summary table of the effect of driving behaviour/style on fuel consumption. Error bars
represent minimum–maximum values reported.................................................................................. 73
Figure 7-1: Decrease in fuel consumption by switching to lower viscosity motor oil. ......................... 75
Figure 7-2: Relation between motor oil temperature and viscosity adapted from Andrews et al.
(2007). ................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 7-3: Effect of oil temperature on fuel consumption (Honda et al. 2014). ................................. 77
Figure 7-4: Correlation between kinematic viscosity and NEDC fuel consumption (Hawley et al.
2010). .................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 7-5: Decrease in fuel consumption, with the use of lower resistance tyres.............................. 79

Figure 7-6 Evolution of tyre rolling resistance as a function of tyre pressure. Base rolling resistance
equals 100, measured at 2.1 bar according to ISO 8767 (Michelin 2013). ........................................... 81
Figure 7-7: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds, for 75 % and 50 % of the recommended
tyre pressure, based on an American study by Thomas et al. (2014). Adapted chart, bars correspond
to percentile increase according to colour. Original units, US MPG and miles/hour were converted to
l/100 km and km/h. .............................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 7-8: Effect of lowered tyre pressure on fuel consumption........................................................ 82
Figure 7-9: Effect on fuel consumption depending on filter condition over FTP test cycle (Thomas et
al. 2013). ............................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 7-10: Effect on CO2 emissions depending on filter condition over FTP test cycle (Thomas et al.
2013). .................................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 7-11: Effect of engine oil on CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA (a), a Petrol turbocharged (b)
(Baseline SAE 5W-30), and a diesel vehicle (c) (Baseline SAE 10W-40). ............................................... 85
Figure 7-12: Effect of rolling resistance coefficient on CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA (a), Petrol
turbocharged (b) and diesel (c) vehicle. ............................................................................................... 86
Figure 7-13: Effect of change in rolling resistance coefficient on CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA (a),
Petrol turbocharged (b) and diesel (c) vehicle...................................................................................... 87
Figure 7-14: Summary table of the effect of vehicle condition on fuel consumption. Error bars
represent minimum–maximum values reported.................................................................................. 89
Figure 8-1: Increase in fuel consumption due to additional mass as reported in different sources. ... 92
Figure 8-2: Increase in fuel consumption for towing a trailer for various speeds, based on an
American study by Thomas et al. (2014). Adapted chart, bars correspond to percentage increase.
Original units, US MPG and miles/hour were converted to l/100 km and km/h. ................................ 94
Figure 8-3: Increase in fuel consumption because of laden roof box (influence on both mass and
aerodynamics considered). Different vehicle configurations considered in each study. ..................... 94
Figure 8-4: Occupancy rates for various media of transportation (EEA 2006). .................................... 95
Figure 8-5: Passenger car occupancy rates for various European countries between 2004 and 2008
(EEA 2010a). .......................................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 8-6: Effect of additional mass on CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA vehicle (NEDC: 1 130 kg,
WLTP: 1 315 kg). ................................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 8-7: Effect of additional mass on CO2 emissions for an average Petrol turbo vehicle (NEDC:
1 360 kg, WLTP: 1 540 kg).................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 8-8: Effect of additional mass on CO2 emissions for an average diesel vehicle (NEDC: 1 470 kg,
WLTP: 1 730 kg). ................................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 8-9: Effect on CO2 emissions as a percentage change of mass for a Petrol NA vehicle........... 100
Figure 8-10: Effect on CO2 emissions as a percentage change of mass for a Petrol turbo vehicle. ... 100
Figure 8-11: Effect on CO2 emissions as a percentage change of mass for a diesel vehicle. .............. 101
Figure 8-12: CO2 increase and CO2 emissions per passenger for a Petrol NA vehicle. ....................... 101
Figure 8-13: CO2 increase and CO2 emissions per passenger for a Petrol turbo vehicle. ................... 102
Figure 8-14: CO2 increase and CO2 emissions per passenger for a diesel vehicle. ............................. 102
Figure 8-15: Effect of towing a trailer on CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA vehicle (a), Petrol turbo
vehicle (b) and a diesel vehicle (c). ..................................................................................................... 103
Figure 8-16: Correlation of vehicle speed and the increase in CO2 emissions (average value derived
from the simulations of the three vehicles) for towing a trailer. ....................................................... 104
Figure 8-17: Effect of a laden roof box on CO2 emissions for all vehicles. ......................................... 104

Figure 8-18: Relationship of average CO2 emissions increase due to laden roof box and impact of the
mass increase alone with the average speed of the WLTP sub-cycles. .............................................. 105
Figure 8-19: Combined effect of change of mass and air resistance on CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA
vehicle. ................................................................................................................................................ 106
Figure 8-20: Combined effect of change of mass and air resistance on CO2 emissions for a Petrol
turbo vehicle. ...................................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 8-21: Combined effect of change of mass and air resistance on CO2 emissions for a diesel
vehicle. ................................................................................................................................................ 107
Figure 8-22: Summary table of the effect of operational mass on fuel consumption. Error bars
represent minimum–maximum values reported................................................................................ 110
Figure 9-1: Fuel consumption for different routes according to road grade (Boriboonsomsin and
Barth 2008). ........................................................................................................................................ 113
Figure 9-2: Types of road and top speed according to road roughness (Green 2013). ...................... 114
Figure 9-3: Effect of pavement roughness on fuel consumption according to type of the vehicle
(Green 2013). ...................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 9-4: Effect of texture according to wavelength (DPLTI 2013). ................................................. 115
Figure 9-5: Average fuel consumption for cement and asphalt road surface for speeds under 50 km/h
(adapted from Ardekani and Sumitsawan (2010)). ............................................................................ 115
Figure 9-6 Impact of average driving speed on CO2 emissions of Euro 5 vehicles (Fontaras et al.
2014a). ................................................................................................................................................ 117
Figure 9-7: Fuel consumption for normal and congested routes (adapted from De Vlieger et al.
(2000) and Spalding (2008)). ............................................................................................................... 118
Figure 9-8: Increase in emissions for urban and extra urban routes compared to UDC and EUDC
respectively (Merkisz et al. 2010). ...................................................................................................... 118
Figure 9-9: Effect of altitude on CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA (a), Petrol turbo (b) and a diesel
vehicle (c). ........................................................................................................................................... 121
Figure 9-10: Effect of road grade on CO2 emissions for a Petrol NA (a), a Petrol turbo (b) and a diesel
(c) vehicle. ........................................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 9-11: CO2 emissions according to trip type and realistic scenario run over WLTP for a Petrol
NA vehicle. .......................................................................................................................................... 125
Figure 9-12: CO2 emissions according to trip type and realistic scenario run over WLTP for a Petrol
turbo vehicle. ...................................................................................................................................... 125
Figure 9-13: CO2 emissions according to trip type and realistic scenario run over WLTP for a diesel
vehicle. ................................................................................................................................................ 126
Figure 9-14: Comparison of CO2 emissions between the simulation vehicles according to trip. ....... 126
Figure 9-15: Summary table of the effect of road morphology on fuel consumption. Error bars
represent minimum–maximum values reported................................................................................ 128
Figure 10-1: Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for B0, B10, B30 and B50 fuel blends (Fontaras et
al. 2014b). Straight diesel consumption and emissions equal 100..................................................... 131
Figure 10-2: Effect on fuel energy consumption for various biodiesel blends. .................................. 131
Figure 10-3: Fuel endurance for Petrol, diesel and ethanol and biodiesel blends (Pidol 2014). ........ 132
Figure 10-4: Increase in fuel consumption for an E10 fuel blend compared to E0. ........................... 133
Figure 10-5: Summary table of the effect of fuel characteristics on fuel consumption. Error bars
represent minimum–maximum values reported................................................................................ 135

Figure 11-1: Discrepancy in fuel consumption between type approval and real world due to the test
margins (average values of sources included in Table 11-1). ............................................................. 138
Figure 11-2: Ratio of realistic and type approval road load curves (TA = 100 %) from Kadijk and
Ligterink (2012). .................................................................................................................................. 139
Figure 11-3: Average CO2 emissions found in PEMS road test and in–house NEDC laboratory test for
Petrol and diesel vehicles. Emissions target refers to 130 gCO2/km in 2015 (Weiss 2011). .............. 139
Figure 11-4: Results of the six scenarios investigated for the diesel (a), Petrol turbo (b), Petrol
naturally aspirated (c) vehicle ............................................................................................................. 143
Figure 11-5: Summary table of the effect of test conditions on fuel consumption. Error bars
represent minimum–maximum values. .............................................................................................. 145
Figure 12-1: Comparison of CO2 emissions for different scenarios and assumptions. Each value
represents a weighted average of three vehicles considered in this report. ..................................... 154
Figure 14-1: ‘Cold’ and ‘hot’ CO2 emissions for NEDC, WLTP and their sub-cycles for a Petrol NA
vehicle. ................................................................................................................................................ 173
Figure 14-2: ‘Cold’ and ‘hot’ CO2 emissions for NEDC, WLTP and sub-cycles for a Petrol turbo vehicle.
............................................................................................................................................................ 174
Figure 14-3: ‘Cold’ and ‘hot’ CO2 emissions for NEDC, WLTP and their sub-cycles for a diesel vehicle.
............................................................................................................................................................ 174

17. List of tables
Table 0-1: Summary of scenario boundary conditions considered in the simulations ........................ 13
Table 0-2: Summary table of the various factors affecting fuel consumption. Bars correspond to the
median value reported in literature. Error bars indicate minimum–maximum values found in the
literature. No calculation or simulation results are included. .............................................................. 14
Table 0-3: Summary of the simulation results according to factor and test cycle. .............................. 15
Table 1-1: Key parameters of the Driving Cycles NEDC and WLTC source: (Marotta et al. 2015)........ 20
Table 2-1: Number of references per chapter. ..................................................................................... 24
Table 2-2 Characteristics of the vehicles used for the simulation assessment .................................... 25
Table 2-3 Measurement vs. simulation results for CO2 emissions (g CO2/km)..................................... 26
Table 2-4: Characteristics of baseline car versions and comparison with reported averages in 2013.27
Table 2-5: Presentation of CO2 emissions of reference and simulated vehicles (TA values). .............. 27
Table 3-1: Increase in fuel consumption according to type of A/C, summary from ADAC (2012b) and
OEAMTC (2012)..................................................................................................................................... 32
Table 3-2: Reduction in maximum temperature (Rugh et al. 2001). .................................................... 35
Table 4-1: Examples of various add-ons and their effect on drag coefficient and frontal area
(Chowdhury et al. 2012). ...................................................................................................................... 47
Table 4-2: Drag reduction with the use of various attachments (summary from Sharma (2014),
Bansal (2014) and JRC estimates). ........................................................................................................ 52
Table 4-3: Effect of aerodynamic modifications on aerodynamic coefficient and frontal area
(Chowdhury et al. 2012, Bansal 2014). ................................................................................................. 52
Table 5-1: Deterioration factor for – 7oC and 25oC for Multi Point Injection and Direct Injection Spark
Ignition engine types (Bielaczyc et al. 2013b)....................................................................................... 61
Table 5-2: Deterioration factor for – 18 °C and 20 °C for three hybrids and a conventional car
(Christenson et al. 2007). ...................................................................................................................... 61
Table 5-3: Average increase in CO2 emissions for different simulated test temperatures for all test
vehicles compared to hot start. ............................................................................................................ 63
Table 7-1: Tyre categories according to Regulation (EC) No 1222/2009 (2009) and percentile
difference. ............................................................................................................................................. 78
Table 7-2: Kinematic viscosity of the motor oils used in the simulation. ............................................. 85
Table 8-1: Increase in fuel consumption for towing an unloaded trailer (Lenner 1998)...................... 93
Table 8-2 Baseline vehicle masses assumed in the simulations ........................................................... 97
Table 8-3: Characteristics of trailer. ...................................................................................................... 98
Table 8-4: Coefficients with 95 % confidence bounds for Equation 8-1 according to vehicle type. .. 107
Table 9-1: Texture type and fuel consumption for different pavement types for a Volvo passenger car
(adapted from EAPA — Eurobitum (2004)). ....................................................................................... 116
Table 9-2: Fuel consumption at 90 km/h compared to Dense asphalt concrete 0/16, for a Volvo 70
passenger car from EAPA — Eurobitum (2004). ................................................................................. 116
Table 9-3: Air density according to altitude for temperature of 14 °C and 0 % relative humidity..... 120
Table 9-4: Average speed and distance according to trip type (Pasaoglu et al. 2012). ...................... 123
Table 9-5: Weighting factor for each WLTP sub-cycle according to travel type. ................................ 123
Table 9-6: Additional mass for each trip type. .................................................................................... 124
Table 9-7: Standard deviation of CO2 emissions of all trip typese according to vehicle type. ........... 127

Table 10-1: Ethanol and FAME fuel blend characteristics (European Biofuels 2011, Martini et al.
2013). .................................................................................................................................................. 133
Table 10-2 Simulated impact of E10 and B100 introduction on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions
of passenger cars ................................................................................................................................ 134
Table 11-1: Test elasticities of the European type approval test and their effect in reported CO2
emissions as quantified by different literature sources ..................................................................... 137
Table 11-2 Summary of simulation scenarios ..................................................................................... 141
Table 11-3: Parameters adjusted for the realistic scenario. ............................................................... 142
Table 12-1: Summary table of the various factors affecting fuel consumption. Error bars indicate
minimum–maximum values found in the literature. ......................................................................... 148
Table 12-2: Summary of the weighted average of the simulation results according to factor and test
cycle. ................................................................................................................................................... 149
Table 12-3: Comparative table of factors found in the literature and extent of its simulation. ........ 150
Table 14-1: A/C use increase in fuel consumption with the use of A/C. ............................................ 169
Table 14-2: Steering characteristics, required power and fuel consumption of auxiliary steering
systems (Wellenzohn 2008). ............................................................................................................... 169
Table 14-3: Increase in fuel consumption according to type of A/C and type of fuel (Roujol and
Joumard 2009). ................................................................................................................................... 170
Table 14-4: Power needs and increase in fuel consumption for various auxiliaries (Dudenhöffer and
John 2009). .......................................................................................................................................... 170
Table 14-5: Increase in fuel consumption with the attachment of a non-laden roof box.................. 171
Table 14-6: Effect of roof rack and ski-box on fuel consumption for speed range 70-90 km/h (Lenner
1998). .................................................................................................................................................. 171
Table 14-7: Fuel consumption for a Toyota Corolla with open windows compared to standard
consumption for various speeds (Thomas et al. (2014)). ................................................................... 171
Table 14-8: Fuel consumption for a Ford Explorer with open windows compared to standard
consumption for various speeds (Thomas et al. (2014)). ................................................................... 172
Table 14-9: Comparison of pressure values with and without rear spoiler (Kodali 2012). ................ 172
Table 14-10: Effect of ambient temperature on fuel consumption compared between a maximum
and a minimum temperature. ............................................................................................................ 172
Table 14-11: Increase in fuel consumption for aggressive driving. .................................................... 175
Table 14-12: Fuel consumption for aggressive driving compared to normal driving for a Petrol car
according to road type (Lenaers 2009). .............................................................................................. 175
Table 14-13: Fuel consumption for aggressive driving compared to normal driving for a diesel car
according to road type (Lenaers 2009). .............................................................................................. 175
Table 14-14: Driving strategies that decrease fuel consumption. ...................................................... 176
Table 14-15: Improvement in fuel consumption with the use of lower viscosity motor oil. ............. 176
Table 14-16: Decrease in fuel consumption by switching to lower viscosity motor oil. .................... 176
Table 14-17: Fuel consumption for each tyre class (Continental 2012). ............................................ 177
Table 14-18: Decrease in fuel consumption with the use of low rolling resistance tyres. ................. 178
Table 14-19: Increase in fuel consumption for under inflated tyres. ................................................. 178
Table 14-20: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds for 75 % and 50 % tyre pressure
(Thomas et al. 2014). .......................................................................................................................... 179
Table 14-21: Increase in fuel consumption for additional weight. ..................................................... 179
Table 14-22: Increase in fuel consumption with the attachment of a laden roof box. ...................... 179

Table 14-23: Increase in fuel consumption for various speeds for a laden roof box (Thomas et al.
2014). .................................................................................................................................................. 180
Table 14-24: Road surface type and fuel consumption (adapted from Ardekani and Sumitsawan
(2010)). ................................................................................................................................................ 180
Table 14-25: Effect of congested roads on fuel consumption and travel time (De Vlieger et al. 2000).
............................................................................................................................................................ 180
Table 14-26: Fuel consumption for normal driving conditions and peak hours (Spalding 2008). ...... 181
Table 14-27: Effect of ethanol fuel blend on CO2 emissions and fuel consumption (Delgado and
Susanna 2012). .................................................................................................................................... 181
Table 14-28: Diesel characteristics for temperate climatic zones (EN-590:2004). ............................. 181
Table 14-29: Diesel characteristics for arctic climatic zones (EN-590:2004). ..................................... 182
Table 14-30: Increase in fuel consumption for a B10 fuel compared to B0. ...................................... 182
Table 14-31: Increase in fuel consumption for an E10 fuel compared to E0...................................... 182
Table 14-32: Electrical auxiliaries, their usage factor, nominal power and total usage (European
Commission 2013). ............................................................................................................................. 183
Table 14-33: Average speed of WLTP sub-cycles. ............................................................................... 183

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ISBN 978-92-79-57593-8

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