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Project Report at a glance

1. Name of the Entrepreneur : Pintu Kumar

2. Constitution (Legal Status) : Individual

3. Father’s Name / spouse’s Name :

4. Unit Address :

5. Product and By Product : Fly Ash Bricks

6. Cost of Project : 5,95,000/-

7. Means of Finance

Term Loan : Rs. 4,75,000.00

Own Capital : Rs. 1,20,000.00

8. Pay Back Period : 5 Years

9. Project Implement period : 12 Months

10. Employment : 6

11. Power requirement : 5 HP

12. Major Raw Material : Fly Ash, Stone Dust, Cements, Lime, Sand

13. Estimated annual sale turnover : Rs. 54,00,000.00



Concrete bricks produced with or without frog, bricks are uniform in shape and size,
there for bricks is less mortar in brick work. Plaster thickness required will be less
compared to clay Bricks thus saving of cement mortar. Concrete bricks are
environment friendly as: (i) it uses stone dust which is by products of stone curser (ii)
Saves agriculture land which is used in manufacturing of clay bricks (iii) Lessen energy
intensive compared to clay brick sand helps in keeping environment clean. Concrete
bricks are a well-proven building material and used as a brunt clay bricks. NIC CODE
26958 ( Based on ASICC 2004)for Concrete Bricks. Large number of houses is being
constructed with these bricks by privet parties and government agencies across the
India. Particularly in Rural area if this kind of Concrete bricks plant is installed and
manufactured bricks this will bring employment for such area.


Mr. Pintu Kumar, aged 40 years is the proprietor of this business is hardworking self employed
with leadership quality to monitor day to day affairs of the business.


A Fixed Capital Investment

a. Land Rent Own

b. Work shed Area Sq. Ft Rate in Rs Amt. in Rs

Manufacturing Area 4000 0.00 0.00
Office Area 100 0.00 00.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
Total 0.00

c. Machinery Qty Rate Amounts

Bricks Making Machine 1 0.00 0.00
Electric and Water 1 10.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00 0.00
Total 00.00

d. Preliminary & Pre-operative Cost Rs. 0.00

e. Furniture and Fixtures Rs. 0.00
f. Contingency/Other Miscellaneous Rs.0.00

Total capital Expenditure Rs,4,95,000.00

Working capital Rs. 1,00,000.00

Total Cost Project Rs. 5,95,000.00

3.1 Means of Financing

Own contribution Rs. 1,20,000.00

Bank Finance Rs. 4,00,000.00

Term Loan Rs 75,000.00

Working Capital Rs. 4,75,000.00

Total Rs. 5,95,000.00


Year Opening Balance Installment Closing Balance Interest @12%

1st 807500 1615000 1518100 96900
2nd 1518100 1615000 1432828 182172
3rd 1432828 1615000 144306 171939
4th 144306 1615000 144183 173167
5th 144183 1615000 1441980 173020
6th 0 0 0 0
7th 0 0 0 0
8th 0 0 0 0


Year Opening Balance Installment Closing Balance Interest @12%

Year 475000 95000 475000 57000
1st 380000 95000 380000 45600
2nd 285000 95000 285000 34200
3rd 190000 95000 190000 22800
4th 95000 95000 95000 11400
5th 0 0 0 0
6th 0 0 0 0
7th 0 0 0 0
8th 0


Workshed @ 10%
Particular 1st year 2nd Year 3rd year 4th Year 5th Year
Opening Balance 100000 90000 81000 72900 65610
Depreciation 10000 9000 8100 7290 6561
Closing Balance 90000 81000 72900 65610 59049

Opening Balance 5950000 505750 429888 365404 310594

Depreciation 89250 75863 64483 54811 46589
Closing Balance 505750 429888 365404 310594 264005

Workshed 10000 9000 8100 7290 6561
Machinery 89250 75863 64483 54811 46589
Total 99250 84863 72583 62101 53150

4. Schedule of Sales Realization

4.1 Details of Sales

Particular of Product Rate / Unit No. of Unit Amount in Rs

Concrete Bricks 4.50 1200000 5400000.00
0 0.0 0 0
Total 5400000.00

4.2 Capacity Utilization of Sales

Particular 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Capital Utilization 70% 80% 90% 90% 90%
Sales/Receipt 37800000 43200000 4860000 4860000 4860000

5. Raw materials

Particular Unit Rate/Unit Reqd Unit Amount in Rs

Cement 0 1.35 1200000 1620000.00
Lime 0 0.10 1200000 120000.00
Sand 0 0.15 1200000 180000.00
Stone Dust 0 0.07 1200000 84000.00
Other Consumables 0 0.05 1200000 60000.00
0 0 0 0 0
Total 2064000.00

5.1 Wages
Particular No.of Worker Wages Per Month Amt in Rs (Per Annum)

Operator 1 5000.00 60000.00

Labour 5 4000.00 2400000.00
Total 6 300000.00

5.3 Power and Fuel : Rs.54000.00

5.4 Other Overhead Expenses : Rs. 27000.00

6. Administrative Expenses

6.1 Telephone Expenses 2700.00

6.2 Stationary & Postage 1080.00
6.3 Advertisement & Publicity 3240.00
6.4 Work Shed Rent 48000.00
6.5 Other Miscellaneous Expenses 67500.00

Total 122520.00

7. Capacity Utilization of Manufacturing & Administrative Expenses

Particular 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Capacity Utilization 70% 80% 90% 90% 90%
Manufacturing Expenses
Raw Material 1444800 1651200 1857600 1857600 1857600
Wages 210000 240000 270000 270000 270000
Repairs & Maintenance 5670 7290 7290 7290 7290
Power & Fuel 37800 48600 48600 48600 48600
Other Overhead Expenses 18900 24300 24300 24300 24300
Administrative Expenses
Salary 0 0 0 0 0
Postage Telephone Expenses 1890 2160 2430 2430 2430
Stationery & Postage 756 864 972 972 972
Advertisement & Publicity 2268 2592 2916 2916 2916
Workshed Rent 48000 48000 48000 48000 48000
Other Miscellaneous Exps 47250 54000 60750 60750 60750
Total 1817334 2070096 2322858 2322858 2322858


Particular Amounts in Rs
Sale 5400000.00

Manufacturing Expenses
Raw Material 2064000.00
Wages 300000.00
Repair & Maintenance 8100.00
Power & Fuel 54000.00
Other Over Expenses 27000.00
Production Cost 2453100.00
Administrative Cost 122520.00
Manufacturing Cost 2575620.00

Working Capital Estimate

No. Of Days Basis Amount in Rs
Element of Working Capital
40 Material Cost 275200.00
Raw Material

15 Production Cost 122655.00

Stock in Process

Finished goods 5 Manufacturing Cost 42927.00

7 Manufacturing 59218.00
Receivable by Cost
Per Cycle 500000.00
Total Working Capital Requirement

9. Financial Analysis

9.1 Projected Profit & Loss Account

Particular 0 Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
Sales/ Receipts 3780000 4320000 4860000 4860000
3780000 4320000 4860000 4860000
Manufacturing Expenses
Raw Material 1444800 1651200 1857600 1857600
Wages 210000 240000 270000 270000
Repairs & Maintenance 5670 6480 7290 7290
Power & Fuel 378000 43200 48600 48600
Other Overhead Expenses 18900 21600 24300 24300
Depreciation 99250 84863 72583 62101
Production Cost 1816420 2047343 2280373 2269891
Administrative Expenses
Salary 0 0 0 0
Postage Telephone Expenses 1890 2160 2430 2430
Stationery & Postage 756 864 972 972
Advertisement & Publicity 2268 2592 2916 2916
Workshed Rent 48000 48000 48000 48000
Other Miscellaneous Exps 47250 54000 60750 60750
Administrative Cost 100164 107616 115068 115068
Interest Bank Credit @12%
Term Loan 96900 182172 171939 173167
Working Capital Loan 5700 45600 34200 22800
Cost of Sale 2052814 2263943 2477179 2439451
Net Profit Before Tax 1727186 2056058 2382821 2420549
Less Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Profit 1727186 2056058 2382821 2420549

9.2. Clculation of Debt service credit Ratio (D.S.C.R)

Particular 0 Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
Net Profit 1727186 2056058 2382821 2420549
Depreciation 99250 84863 72583 62101
TOTAL – A 1826436 2140920 2455404 2482650
On Term Loan
Interest 96900 182172 171939 173167
Installment 1615000 1615000 1615000 1615000
On Working Capital
Interest 57000 45600 34200 22800
TOTAL – B 268280 241034 213788 186542
D.S.C.R = A/B
Average D.S.C.R 6.81 8.88 11.49 13.31


Particular 0 Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
LIABILITIES 59750 59750 59750 59750
Promoters Capital 1727186 2056058 2382821 2420549
Profit 660250 528200 396150 264100
Term Loan 475000 380000 285000 190000
Working Capital Loan 0 0 0 0
Current Liabilities 0 0 0 0
Sundry Creditors 2922186 3024008 3123721 2934399

Gross Fixed Assets 695000 595750 510888 438304
Less: Depreciation 99250 84863 72583 62101
Net Fixed Assets 595750 510888 438304 376204
Preliminary &Pre-Op- Expenses 0 0 0 0
Current Assets 475000 380000 285000 190000
Cash in Bank/Hand 1851436 2133120 2400417 2368196
Total 2922186 3024008 3123721 2934399


Particular 0 Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year

Net Profit 1727186 2056058 2382821 2420549

Add: Dpreciation 99250 84863 72583 62101
Term Loan 96900 182172 171939 173167
Working Capital Loan 475000 380000 285000 190000
Promoters Capital 59750 0 0 0
Total 3021436 3049120 3136554 2936750

Total fixed Capital Invested 695000

Repayment of Term Loan 132050 132050 132050 132050

Repayment of WC Loan 95000 95000 95000 95000
Current assets 475000 380000 285000 190000
Total 702050 607050 512050 417050
Opening Balance 0 2319386 4761456 7385960
Surplus 2319386 2442070 2624504 2519700
Closing Balance 2319386 4761456 7385960 9905660


Particular 0 Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year

Fixed Cost 278644 255863 235189 208861

Variable Cost 1873420 2092943 2314573 2292691
Total Cost 2152064 2348805 2549762 2501551

Sale 3780000 4320000 4860000 4860000

Contribution ( Sales – VC) 1906580 2227058 2545427 2567309

B.E.P in % 14.61% 11.49% 9.24% 8.14%

Break Even Sales in Rs. 552442 496317 449048 395380

Break Even Units 122765 110293 99788 87562

Current Ration 1.31 1.13 0.92 0.67

Net Profit Ration 45.69% 47.59% 49.03 49.81


This Project Report has been prepared based on the data furnished by the entrepreneur whose
details are given in the application.

Full Name :

State : Date:

Signature of the

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