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Name: LEA A.

School: Teotimo A. Abellana Sr. MNHS

K to 12 Learning Competencies MELCs

MERGED/CLUSTERED -Report for faults and defects of farm tools in -Check farm tools, materials and
accordance with farm procedures equipment for faults and defects based
(TLE_AFAACP912UFTE-IIa-b-4) on manufacturer’s lists and pre-
-Report faults in farm equipment in line with operating procedures (Q1, 1.2)
farm procedures
-Conduct pre-operation checkup in line with
manufacturer’s manual

-Perform farm equipment operation -Demonstrate the correct manual

according to their function. handling procedures and techniques
(TLE_AFAACP912UFTE-IIc-g-5) when loading and unloading materials to
- Read carefully instructional manual of the minimize damage to the load and
farm tools and equipment prior to operation vehicle(Q1, 1.3)

- Prepare appropriate tools, materials, and -Select and check the suitable personal
outfits in line with job requirements protective equipment (PPE), as required
(TLE_AFAACP912ASMO-Ia-b-1) by the job (Q1, 1.4)
- Wear outfits according to farm
-Follow safety procedures in using -Follow and clarify instructions and
appropriate tools according to job directions based on authority
requirements and manufacturer’s conditions requirements and workplace procedures
(TLE_AFAACP912UFTE-IIa-b-4) (Q1, 2.1)
-Follow safety procedures in operating farm
equipment (TLE_AFAACP912UFTE-IIc-g-5)
RETAINED -Report hazards in the workplace in line with -Report problems or difficulties in
farm guidelines. completing work to required standards.
(TLE_AFAACP912ASMO-Ic-g-2) (Q1, 2.4)

-Identify appropriate farm tools according to -Identify the required materials, tools
requirement/use. and equipment according to lists
(TLE_AFAACP912UFTE-IIa-b-4) provided and/or teacher’s/supervisor’s
instructions. (Q1, 1.1)
School: Teotimo A. Abellana Sr. MNHS

Unpacking the MELCS

Rephased LC Sample Learning Objectives

Identify the required materials, tools and equipment 1. identify the different tools and equipment in rice
according to lists provided and/or teacher’s/supervisor’s production;
instructions. 2. describe the specific uses of each tool and
3. perform the proper care and maintenance of each
tool and equipment;
4. Observe safety precautions in the use of farm tools
and equipment.

Combining MELCS
MELC Major Topic/Theme

1 and 2 Farm Tools and Equipment

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