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Electric Drives Linear Motion and

and Controls Hydraulics Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service

Axial Piston Variable Pump RA 92750-A/06.09 1/44

Replaces: 03.09


Data sheet

Series 10
Size 18 ... 63
Nominal pressure 4350 psi (300 bar)
Peak pressure 5100 psi (350 bar)
Closed circuit

Contents Features
Ordering Code / Standard Program 2 – Variable axial piston pump of swashplate design for hydrosta-
Technical Data 5 tic closed circuit transmission
High-Pressure Relief Valves 9
– Flow is proportional to drive speed and displacement and is
Pressure Cut-Off, D 10
infinitely variable
DG - Hydraulic Control, Direct Operated 10
MD - Mechanical Pivot Control (Size 18 only) 11 – Output flow increases with the swivel angle of the swash-
HD - Hydraulic Control, Pilot-Pressure Related 12 plate from 0 to its maximum value
HW - Hydraulic Control, Mechanical Servo 13
– Flow direction changes smoothly when the swashplate is
DA - Hydraulic Control, Speed Related 14
moved through the neutral position
EP - Electric Control, With Proportional Solenoid 16
EZ - Elec. Two-Point Control, With Switching Solenoid 18 – A wide range of highly adaptable control devices is available
Unit Dimensions, Size 18 19 for different control and regulating functions
Unit Dimensions, Size 28 22
– The pump is equipped with two pressure relief valves on the
Unit Dimensions, Size 45 26
high pressure ports to protect the hydrostatic transmission
Unit Dimensions, Size 63 30
(pump and motor) from overload
Through Drive Dimensions 34
Overview of Attachments on AA10VG 36 – The pressure relief valves also function as boost valves
Combination Pumps AA10VG + AA10VG 36
– The integrated boost pump acts as a feed and control oil
Mechanical Stroke Limiter, M 37
Filtration Types 38
Connector for Solenoids (only for EP, EZ, DA) 39 – The maximum boost pressure is limited by a built-in boost
Rotary Inch Valve 40 pressure relief valve
Installation Situation for Coupling Assembly 41
Installation Notes 42
General Notes 44
2/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Ordering Code / Standard Program

AA10V G / 10 – N C
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Axial piston unit

01 Variable swashplate design, nominal pressure 4350 psi (300 bar), peak pressure 5100 psi (350 bar) AA10V

Operation mode
02 Pump in closed circuit G

≈ Displacement Vg max in cm3 in3/rev. 1.10 1.71 2.81 3.84
cm3/rev. 18 28 45 63

Control device 18 28 45 63
Mechanical pivot control ● – – – MD
Hydraulic control pilot-pressure related, with supply filtration ● ● ● ● HD3
mechanical servo ● ● ● ● HW
direct operated ● ● ● ● DG
speed related U = 12 V DC – ● ● ● DA1
04 (Description DA
control valve in Pos. 09) U = 24 V DC – ● ● ● DA2
Electric control with proportional solenoid U = 12 V DC ● ● ● ● EP3
with supply filtration U = 24 V DC ● ● ● ● EP4
with switching solenoid U = 12 V DC ● ● ● ● EZ1
U = 24 V DC ● ● ● ● EZ2

Pressure cut-off 18 28 45 63
Without pressure cut-off (not for DA, no code) ● ● ● ●
With pressure cut-off – ● ● ● D

Neutral position switch (only for HW) 18 28 45 63

Without neutral position switch (no code) ● ● ● ●
With neutral position switch (with DEUTSCH connector) ● ● ● ● L

Mechanical stroke limiter 18 28 45 63

Without mechanical stroke limiter (no code) ● ● ● ●
With mechanical stroke limiter, external variable ● ● ● ● M

Spring centering of neutral position (only MD) 18 28 45 63

Without spring centering of neutral position (no code) ● – – –
With spring centering of neutral position ● – – – N
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 3/44

Ordering Code / Standard Program

AA10V G / 10 – N C
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

DA control valve (only for size 28-63) HD HW DG DA EP EZ

Without DA control valve ● ● ● – ● ● 1
With DA control valve, fixed setting ● ● ● ● ● – 2
With DA control valve, mech. actuating direction clockwise ● ● ● ● ● – 3R
adjustable with position lever counter-clockwise ● ● ● ● ● – 3L
09 With DA control valve, fixed setting and hydraulic inch valve mounted,
– – – ● – – 4
control with brake fluid according to ISO 4925, no mineral oil
With DA control valve, fixed setting and ports for pilot control device ● ● ● ● ● – 7
With DA control valve, fixed setting and hydraulic inch valve
– – – ● – – 8
mounted, control with brake fluid based on mineral oil

10 Series 1, Index 0 10

Direction of rotation
Viewed from shaft end clockwise R
counter-clockwise L

12 NBR (nitrile-caoutchouc), shaft seal ring in FKM (fluor-caoutchouc) N

Shaft end (permissible input torque see page 8) 18 28 45 63

Splined shaft for single pump ● ● ● ● S
13 ANSI B92.1a–1976
for combination pump – – ● ● T

Mounting flange
14 SAE J744 – 2-bolt C

Service line ports (UN fixing thread) 18 28 45 63

SAE flange ports A/B same side left, suction port S bottom – ● ● ● 60
A/B threaded ports, same side right, suction port S bottom ● – – – 66

Boost pump 18 28 45 63
Without integrated boost pump without through drive ● ● ● ● N00
with through drive ● ● ● ● K..
With integrated boost pump without through drive ● ● ● ● F00
with through drive ● ● ● ● F..

Through drive (mounting options, see page 36)

Flange SAE J744 1) Hub for splined shaft 18 28 45 63
82-2 (A) 5/8 in 9T 16/32DP 2) ● ● ● ● .01
17 101-2 (B) 7/8 in 13T 16/32DP 2) ● ● ● ● .02
1 in 15T 16/32DP 2) – ● ● ● .04
127-2 (C) 1 1/4 in 14T 12/24DP 2) – – – ● .07
4/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Ordering Code / Standard Program

AA10V G / 10 – N C
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Valves setting range Δp 18 28 45 63

With high-pressure relief valve, 3600...4650 psi without bypass ● ● ● ● 3
direct operated (fixed setting) (250...320 bar) with bypass ● ● ● ● 5
1450...3600 psi without bypass ● ● ● ● 4
(100...250 bar) with bypass ● ● ● ● 6

Filtration 18 28 45 63
Filtration in the suction line of boost pump (filter not included in supply) ● ● ● ● S
Filtration in pressure line of boost pump
19 – ● 3) ● 3) ● D
ports for external boost circuit filtration, (Fe and G (Fa))
External supply (version without integral boost pump - N00, K..) ● ● ● ● E

Connector for solenoids (only for EP, EZ, DA) 18 28 45 63

DEUTSCH connector without suppressor diode ● ● ● ● P
molded, 2-pin with suppressor diode (only for EZ and DA) ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ Q

Standard / special version

Standard version no code
combined with attachment part or attachment pump -K
Special version -S
combined with attachment part or attachment pump -SK
1) 2 = 2-bolt
2) Hub for splined shaft acc. to ANSI B92.1a-1976 (splined shaft assignment acc. to SAE J744, see page 34-35)
3) Pressure filtration is not possible in conjunction with DA control valve

= available ❍ = on request – = not available

RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 5/44

Technical Data
Hydraulic fluid Selection diagram
7000 (1600) 7400 (1600)
Before starting project planning, please refer to our data sheets 5000 (1000) 4600 (1000)
RE 90220 (mineral oil), RE 90221 (environmentally acceptable 3000 (600)
2000 (400)
hydraulic fluids) and RE 90223 (HF hydraulic fluids) for detailed

Viscosity ν SUS (mm2/s)

1000 (200)

VG 6

VG 3
VG 4
VG 22
information regarding the choice of hydraulic fluid and applica-

500 (100)


tion conditions. 300 (60)
200 (40)
150 170
The variable pump AA10VG is unsuitable for operation with (36)
100 νopt.
HFA, HFB and HFC. If HFD or environmentally acceptable hy- (20)
draulic fluids are being used, the limitations regarding technical 70 (16)
60 (10) 60 (10)
data and seals mentioned in RE 90221 and RE 90223 must
be observed. 50

40 (5) 42 (5)
When ordering, please indicate the hydraulic fluid used. -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
-20 20 60 100 140 180 220

Operating viscosity range (-40) (-20) (0) (20) (40) (60) (80) (100) (115)
(-30) (-10) (10) (30) (50) (70) (90) (110)
For optimum efficiency and service life, select an operating vis- Temperature t in °F (°C)
cosity (at operating temperature) within the optimum range of
νopt = opt. operating viscosity 80...170 SUS (16...36 mm2/s) Details regarding the choice of hydraulic fluid

depending on the circuit temperature (closed circuit). The correct choice of hydraulic fluid requires knowledge of the
operating temperature in relation to the ambient temperature: in
Limits of viscosity range a closed circuit the circuit temperature.

The limiting values for viscosity are as follows: The hydraulic fluid should be chosen so that the operating vis-
cosity in the operating temperature range is within the optimum
νmin = 42 SUS (5 mm2/s) range (νopt) - the shaded area of the selection diagram. We
short term (t < 3 min) recommended that the higher viscosity class be selected in
at max. perm. temperature of tmax = +240 °F (+115 °C) each case.
νmax = 7400 SUS (1600 mm2/s) Example: At an ambient temperature of X °F (X °C) an ope-
short term (t < 3 min) rating temperature of 140 °F (60 °C) is set in the circuit. In
at cold start (p ≤ 435 psi / 30 bar, n ≤ 1000 rpm, the optimum operating viscosity range (νopt; shaded area) this
tmin = -40 °F / -40 °C). corresponds to the viscosity classes VG 46 or VG 68; to be
Only for starting up without load. Optimum operating selected: VG 68.
viscosity must be reached within approx. 15 minutes. Please note: The case drain temperature, which is affected by
Note that the maximum hydraulic fluid temperature of 240 pressure and speed, is always higher than the circuit tempera-
°F (115 °C) must not be exceeded locally either (e.g. in the ture. At no point in the system may the temperature be higher
bearing area). The temperature in the bearing area is - depen- than 240 °F (115 °C).
ding on pressure and speed - up to 9 °F (5 K) higher than the If the above conditions cannot be maintained due to extreme
average case drain temperature. operating parameters, please consult us.
Special measures are necessary in the temperature range from
-40 °F to -13 °F (-40 °C to -25 °C) (cold start phase), please
contact us.
For detailed information about use at low temperatures, see
RE 90300-03-B.
6/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Technical Data
Filtration Shaft seal ring
The finer the filtration, the higher the cleanliness level of the
Permissible pressure loading
hydraulic fluid and the longer the service life of the axial piston
unit. The service life of the shaft seal ring is affected by the speed
of the pump and the case drain pressure. It is recommended
To ensure functional reliability of the axial piston unit the hy-
that the average, continuous case drain pressure at opera-
draulic fluid must have a cleanliness level of at least
ting temperature 45 psi (3 bar) absolute not be exceeded
20/18/15 according to ISO 4406. (max. permissible case drain pressure 90 psi (6 bar) absolute
at reduced speed, see diagram). Short term (t < 0.1 s) pressu-
Depending on the system and the application, for the AA10VG,
re spikes of up to 145 psi (10 bar) absolute are permitted. The
we recommend
service life of the shaft seal ring decreases with an increase in
Filter elements β20 ≥ 100 the frequency of pressure spikes.
With a rising differential pressure at the filter elements, the The case pressure must be equal to or greater than the exter-
β-value must not deteriorate. nal pressure on the shaft seal ring.
At very high hydraulic fluid temperatures (195 °F to max. 240 °F / Size 28 45
Size 63 Size 18
90 °C to max. 115 °C) at least cleanliness level 90 (6)
19/17/14 according to ISO 4406 is required.
75 (5)
If the above classes cannot be observed, please contact us. Perm. pressure pabs. max. psi (bar)
For notes on filtration types, see page 38.
60 (4)

Operating pressure range 45 (3)

Size Size
Input 45 28
30 (2)
Variable pump (with external supply, E):
For control EP, EZ, HW and HD 15 (1)
boost pressure (at n = 2000 rpm) pSp ______ 260 psi (18 bar) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Speed n in rpm
For control DA, DG
boost pressure (at n = 2000 rpm) pSp ______ 365 psi (25 bar)
Temperature range
Boost pump:
suction pressure ps min: The FKM shaft seal ring is permissible for case temperatures of
(ν ≤ 140 SUS / 30 mm2/s) __________≥ 12 psi a (0.8 bar abs.) -13 °F to +240 °F (-25 °C to +115 °C).
at cold start, short term (t < 3 min) _____ ≥ 7.5 psi a (0.5 bar abs.) Note:
For application cases below -13 °F (-25 °C), an NBR shaft seal
Output ring is necessary (permissible temperature range: -40 °F to
Variable pump: +195 °F / -40 °C to +90 °C). Please state NBR shaft seal ring
pressure at port A or B in plain text when ordering. Please contact us.
(pressure data according to DIN 24312)
Nominal pressure pN ___________________4350 psi (300 bar)
Peak pressure pmax ____________________ 5100 psi (350 bar)
Boost pump:
peak pressure pSp max size 18 ______ 365 psi (25 bar)
peak pressure pSp max size 28, 45, 63 ______ 580 psi (40 bar)

Nominal pressure: Max. design pressure at which fatigue

strength is ensured.
Peak pressure: Max. operating pressure which is
permissible for short term (t<1s).
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 7/44

Technical Data
Table of values (theoretical values, without efficiencies and tolerances; values rounded)
Size 18 28 45 63
Displacement Vg max in3 1.10 1.71 2.81 3.84
variable pump cm3 18 28 46 63
boost pump (at p = 290 psi / 20 bar) Vg Sp in3 0.34 0.37 0.53 0.91
cm3 5.5 6.1 8.6 14.9
maximum at Vg max nmax continuous rpm 4000 3900 3300 3000
limited maximum 1) nmax limited rpm 4850 4200 3550 3250
intermittent maximum 2) nmax interm. rpm 5200 4500 3800 3500
minimum nmin rpm 500 500 500 500
Flow qv max gpm 19 28.8 40.2 49.9
at nmax continuous and Vg max l/min 72 109 152 189
Power 3) Δp = 4350 psi Pmax hp 48.3 73.2 101.8 126.7
at nmax continuous and Vg max Δp = 300 bar kW 36 54.6 75.9 94.5
Torque 3) Δp = 4350 psi Tmax lb-ft 63.5 99 162 222
at Vg max Δp = 300 bar Nm 86 134 220 301
Δp = 1450 psi T lb-ft 14.6 32.9 54 74
Δp = 100 bar Nm 28.6 44.6 73.2 100.3
Rotary stiffness shaft end S c lb-ft/rad 14960 23707 39388 57802
Nm/rad 20284 32143 53404 78370
shaft end T c lb-ft/rad – – 54435 68127
Nm/rad – – 73804 92368
Moment of inertia JGR lb-ft2 0.0221 0.0403 0.0738 0.1252
for rotary group kgm2 0.00093 0.0017 0.0033 0.0056
Angular acceleration, max. 4) α rad/s2 6800 5500 4000 3300
Filling capacity V gal 0.12 0.17 0.20 0.29
L 0.45 0.64 0.75 1.1
Weight approx. (without through drive) m lbs 31(40) 5) 55 60 86
kg 14(18) 5) 25 27 39
1) Restricted maximum speed: – at half corner power (e.g. at Vg max and pN /2)
2) Intermittent maximum speed: – at high idle speed
– at overspeed: Δp = 1000...2200 psi (70...150 bar) and Vg max
– at reversing peaks: Δp < 4350 psi (300 bar) and t < 0.1 s.
3) Without boost pump
4) – The area of validity is situated between the minimum required and maximum permissible speed.
It applies for external stimuli (e.g. engine 2-8 times rotary frequency, cardan shaft twice the rotary frequency).
– The limit value applies for a single pump only.
– The load capacity of the connection parts has to be considered.
5) 31 lbs (14 kg): MD control, 40 lbs (18 kg): HD control
Caution: Exceeding the permissible limit values may result in a loss of function, a reduction in service life or in the
destruction of the axial piston unit.
A calculation can be performed to determine the permissible values.
Determining the size
Vg = displacement volume per revolution
Flow qv =
Vg • n • ηv
gpm ( Vg • n • ηv
l/min ) in in3 (cm3)
Δp = differential pressure in psi (bar)
Vg • Δp Vg • Δp
Torque T =
24 • π • ηmh
lb-ft ( 20 • π • ηmh
Nm ) n
= speed in rpm
= volumetric efficiency
ηmh = mechanical-hydraulic efficiency
2π•T•n qv • Δp qv • Δp 2π•T•n
Power P =
1714 • ηt
HP ( 600 • ηt
kW ) ηt = total efficiency
8/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Technical Data
Permissible axial and radial loading on drive shaft
Size 18 28 45 63
Radial force, max. Fq max lb 292 562 809 1124
at distance (from shaft collar) N 1300 2500 3600 5000
a in 0.65 0.69 0.69 0.69
mm 16.5 17.5 17.5 17.5
Fq max lb 225 450 650 910
N 1000 2000 2891 4046
a,b,c b in 1.14 1.18 1.18 1.18
mm 29 30 30 30
Fq max lb 198 382 543 764
N 880 1700 2416 3398
c in 1.63 1.67 1.67 1.67
mm 41.5 42.5 42.5 42.5
Axial force, max. - lb 219 222 337 495
+ N 973 987 1500 2200
Note: special requirements apply in the case of belt drives. Please contact us.

Permissible input and through-drive torques

Size 18 28 45 63
Torque Tmax lb-ft 63.5 99 162 222
(at Vg max and Δp = 4350 psi / 300 bar) 1) Nm 86 134 220 301
Input torque, max. 2) TE perm. lb-ft 142 232 232 444
at shaft end S Nm 192 314 314 602
ANSI B92.1a-1976 (SAE J744) 7/8 in 1 in 1 in 1 1/4 in
at shaft end T TE perm. lb-ft – – 444 715
Nm – – 602 970
ANSI B92.1a-1976 (SAE J744) – – 1 1/4 in 1 3/8 in
Through-drive torque, max. TD perm. lb-ft 83 162 232 324
Nm 112 220 314 439
1) Efficiency not considered
2) For drive shafts with no radial force

Torque distribution

T1 T2

pump 2.

RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 9/44

High-Pressure Relief Valves

Setting ranges Setting diagram
Version without pressure cut-off
High-pressure relief valve, Differential pressure
direct operated setting ΔpHP ≥ 145 psi pmax
4650 psi (320 bar) (10 bar)
Setting range for valve 3, 5
Δp 3600 - 4650 psi

Differential pressure ΔpHP

4350 psi (300 bar) 1) Safety

Operating pressure pA, B

(Δp 250 - 320 bar)
3900 psi (270 bar)

HP valve setting
(refer to ordering code)

at port A, B
Δp Drive
Setting range for valve 4, 6 3600 psi (250 bar)
Δp 1450 - 3600 psi 3350 psi (230 bar) 1)
(Δp 100 - 250 bar) pSp
2900 psi (200 bar)
(refer to ordering code)
2200 psi (150 bar)

1450 psi (100 bar) qv1 qv max
1) Standard differential pressure setting. The valves will be set (n= 1000 rpm) (n= nmax)
to this value if the differential pressure is not specified on
ordering. Example: boost pressure 290 psi (20 bar);
operating pressure 4200 psi (290 bar)
Operating pres. pA,B - boost pres. pSp = differential pres. ΔpHP
Please state in plain text when ordering: 4200 psi - 290 psi = 3910 psi
(only the ΔpHP values shown in the table are possible) (290 bar - 20 bar = 270 bar)
High-pressure relief valve A
Differential pressure setting : ΔpHP = ... psi (bar)
Version with pressure cut-off
opening pressure of the HP valve (at qV 1): pmax = ... psi (bar)
(pmax = ΔpHP + pSp) ≥ 435 psi pmax
(30 bar)
High-pressure relief valve B
ΔpHP = ... psi (bar)

Differential pressure ΔpHP

Differential pressure setting : Safety Setting value
opening pressure of the HP valve (at qV 1): pmax = ... psi (bar)
Operating pressure pA, B

pressure cut-off
(pmax = ΔpHP + pSp)

HP valve setting
Δp Drive
at port A, B



qv1 qv max
(n= 1000 rpm) (n= nmax)

Example: boost pressure 290 psi (20 bar);

operating pressure 4200 psi (290 bar)
Operating pres. pA,B - boost pres. pSp + safety = differential pres. ΔpHP
4200 psi - 290 psi + 435 psi = 4345 psi
(290 bar - 20 bar + 30 bar = 300 bar)

Note: valve is set at

n = 1000 rpm and Vg max (qv 1)

Bypass function
The bypass function can only be used for short periods with
reduced displacement, e.g. to tow a vehicle out of an immedi-
ate danger zone.
The bypass function is not shown in these circuit diagrams.
10/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Pressure Cut-Off, D
The pressure cut-off corresponds to a pressure regulation Circuit diagram with pressure cut-off
which, after reaching the set pressure, adjusts the displace- Hydraulic control, speed related, DA.D3
ment of the pump to Vg min. Size 28 and 45
This valve prevents the operation of the high-pressure relief
valves when accelerating or decelerating. b a
Both the pressure peaks occurring when the swashplate is
swiveled rapidly and also the maximum pressure in the system
are safeguarded by the high-pressure relief valves.
The setting range of the pressure cut-off may be anywhere
within the entire operating pressure range. However, it must be
set 435 psi (30 bar) lower than the setting of the high-pressure
relief valves (see setting diagram, page 9).
Please state the setting value of the pressure cut-off in plain T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
text when ordering.
Size 63

b a

T1 T2 X1 X2 G MH S MA A

DG - Hydraulic Control, Direct Operated

With the direct operated hydraulic control (DG), pump dis- Standard version
placement is controlled by a hydraulic pilot pressure applied
directly to the stroking piston through either the X1 or X2 port.
Flow direction is determined by which pilot port is pressurized
(please refer to the data table at the top of page 9; control
pressure column- X1; X2).
Pump displacement is infinitely variable and proportional to the
applied pilot pressure, but is also influenced by system pressu-
re and pump drive speed.
The Ps port must be used as the pilot pressure source for the T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
selected control device, to enable the function of the built-in
pressure cut-off valve. Please refer to page 8 for a description Version with DA control valve and pressure cut-off
of the pressure cut-off function.
Application of the DG Control requires a review of the engine
and vehicle parameters to ensure that the pump is set up
correctly. All DG applications must be reviewed by a Rexroth
Application Engineer.

T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 11/44

MD - Mechanical Pivot Control (Size 18 only)

The swashplate is adjusted directly and thus the displacement Variation: Spring neutral position centering (MDN)
of the pump is continuously varied depending on the position
of the pivot. A swivel direction of the pivot is assigned to each Spring neutral position centering automatically sets the pump
flow direction. to swivel angle 0 as soon as there is no actuating torque at the
pivot pin.
β in °
20 R PS MB B



Vg 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Vg
Vg max 5 Vg max
T1 T2 G S MA A

15 Assignment
Direction of rotation - Control - Direction of through put flow
β in °
Lever direction Through put flow Operating pressure
Swivel angle β at the control lever for deflection:
Start of control at β = 0° Direction of rotation a B to A MA

End of control at β = 17.79° (max. displacement Vg max) cw b A to B MB

The required actuating torque is independent of the operating
a A to B MB
pressure, speed, displacement, design of the control plate and

its torsion.
b B to A MA
Higher operating pressure ➔ higher actuating torque
Higher speed ➔ higher actuating torque
Larger displacement ➔ lower actuating torque MB
Standard version (MD)


T1 T2 G S MA A
12/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

HD - Hydraulic Control, Pilot-Pressure Related

The flow output of the pump is infinitely varied between 0 and
100%, proportional to the difference in pilot pressure applied Assignment
to the two control ports (Y1 and Y2). Direction of rotation - Control - Direction of through put flow

The pilot signal, which originates from an external, remote sour- Control Through put Operating
Pilot pressure
ce, is pressure only. Flow is negligible as the pilot signal is only pressure flow pressure
acting on the spool of the control valve.

Direction of rotation
Y1 X1 A to B MB

This spool then directs control oil into and out of the stroking
cylinder to adjust pump displacement as required. Y2 X2 B to A MA
A feedback lever, connected to the stroking piston, maintains Y1 X1 B to A MA

the pump flow for any given pilot signal.
If the pump is also equipped with a DA control valve (see pa- Y2 X2 A to B MB
ge 15), automotive operation is possible for travel drives.
psi (bar) Y2;Y1
260 (18)
230 (16) MB
200 (14)
175 (12)
145 (10) Size 45, 63
115 (8)
90 (6) MA
60 (4)
30 (2)
0 (0)
X1 Y1 B;A
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 counter-
Vg 30 (2) Vg
Vg max 60 (4) Vg max clockwise
90 (6)
115 (8)
145 (10)
175 (12)
200 (14)
230 (16) X2 Y2 MB;MA
260 (18)

pSt Standard version

Size 18 28 45 63 Y1 Y2
Start of control (Vg 0) pSt psi 90 90 90 90
bar 6 6 6 6 R PS Fe MB B
End of control (Vg max) pSt psi 228 232 242 242
bar 15.7 16 16.7 16.7
pSt : pilot pressure at port Y1, Y2
Please note:
The external control device must vent the Y1 and Y2 ports to
tank pressure in neutral.

Note T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
The spring return feature in the control unit is not a safety
device Version with DA control valve and pressure cut-off

The spool valve inside the control unit can get stuck in an Y1 Y2
undefined position by internal contamination (contamina-
ted hydraulic fluid, abrasion or residual contamination from R PS Fe MB B
system components). As a result, the axial piston unit can no
longer supply the flow specified by the operator.
Check whether your application requires that remedial mea-
sures be taken on your machine in order to bring the driven
consumer into a safe position (e.g. immediate stop).

T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 13/44

HW - Hydraulic Control, Mechanical Servo

The flow output of the pump is infinitely varied in the range of Assignment
0 to 100%, proportional to the rotation of the control lever bet- Direction of rotation - Control - Direction of through put flow
ween 0° and ±29° from the spring centered zero flow position.
Lever Control Through put Operating
A feedback lever, connected to the stroking piston, maintains direction pressure flow pressure
the pump flow for any given position of the control lever bet-
ween 0° and 29°. a X2 B to A MA

Direction of

If the pump is also equipped with a DA control valve (see pa- b X1 A to B MB
ge 15), automotive operation is possible for travel drives. a X2 A to B MB

β in ° b X1 B to A MA
20 MB
Vg 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 5 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 V
g MA
Vg max 10 Vg max
20 X1 B;A
25 Counter-
30 clockwise a
β in ° b
Swivel angle β at the control lever for deflection:
Start of control at β = 3°
Neutral position switch
End of control at β = 29° (max. displacement Vg max)
Mech. stop: ±40° Standard version
The maximum required torque at the lever is 15 lb-in (170 Ncm).
To prevent damage to the HW control module a positive me-
chanical stop must be provided for the HW control linkage. R PS Fe MB B

Spring centering enables the pump to move automatically into
neutral position (Vg = 0) as soon as there is no longer any
torque on the control lever of the HW control unit (regardless
of deflection angle).

Variation: Neutral position switch, L

The switch contact in the neutral position is closed when the T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
control lever on the HW control unit is in its neutral position.
The switch opens if the control lever is moved out of neutral in Version with DA control valve, neutral position switch and
either direction. pressure cut-off
The neutral position switch provides a safety function for drive
units that require zero flow under certain operating conditions
(e.g. starting engine).
Technical data of neutral position switch
20 A (continuous), without switching
Load capacity
Switching capacity 15 A / 32 V (ohm´s load)
4 A / 32 V (inductive load)
Connector version DEUTSCH connector DT04-2P-EP04
(mating connector see page 39)
T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
14/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

DA - Hydraulic Control, Speed Related

The DA control is an engine speed-dependent, or automotive, Assignment
type control system. The built-in DA regulating cartridge ge- Direction of rotation - Control - Direction of through put flow
nerates a pilot pressure that is proportional to pump (engine)
drive speed. This pilot pressure is directed to the positioning Actuation of Control Through put Operating
cylinder of the pump by a solenoid actuated 4/3 way direc- solenoid pressure flow pressure
tional valve. Pump displacement is infinitely variable in each

Direction of rotation
direction of flow, and is influenced by both pump drive speed a X2 B to A MA

and discharge pressure. Flow direction (i.e. machine forward or
reverse) is controlled by energizing solenoid a or b. b X1 A to B MB

Increasing pump drive speed generates a higher pilot pressure a X2 A to B MB

from the DA cartridge, with a subsequent increase in pump
flow and/or pressure. b X1 B to A MA
Dependent on the selected pump operating characteristics,
increasing system pressure (i.e. machine load) causes the
pump to swivel back towards a smaller displacement. Engine
overload (anti-stall) protection is achieved by the combination
of this pressure-related pump de-stroking, and the reduction of
pilot pressure as the engine speed drops.
Any additional power requirement, such as implement hy-
draulics, may result in further engine pull down. This causes a MA
further reduction in pilot pressure and therefore pump displace-
ment. Automatic power division and full utilization of available Switching solenoid a
power is thus achived for both the vehicle transmission and X1 B;A
the implement hydraulics, with priority given to the implement Counter-
hydraulics. clockwise
To provide controllable reduced vehicle speed operation when
high engine speeds are required for fast implement hydraulics,
various inching options are available. Clockwise

The DA regulating cartridge can also be used in pumps with X2 MB;MA

conventional control devices, such as EP, HW or HD, to provi- Switching solenoid b
de an engine anti-stall function, or as a combination of automo-
tive and displacement control functions.
Hydraulic control, speed related,
Application of the DA control is only appropriate on certain DA control valve, fixed setting, DA1D2/DA2D2
types of vehicle drive systems, and requires a review of the
engine and vehicle parameters to ensure proper application b a
of the pump, and safe and efficient machine operation. All DA R PS Fe MB B
applications must therefore be reviewed by a Rexroth Applica-
tion Engineer.

technical data
Voltage 12 V DC (±20 %) 24 V DC (±20 %)
Neutral position Vg 0 de-energized de-energized
Position Vg max current energized current energized
T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
Nominal resistance
5.5 Ω 21.7 Ω
(at 68 °F / 20 °C)
Nominal power 26.2 W 26.5 W
Current required,
1.32 A 0.67 A
minimum effective
Actuated time 100 % 100 %
Type of protection see range of connectors on page 39
Standard: switching solenoid without manual emergency operation.
On request: manual emergency operation with spring reset available.
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 15/44

DA - Hydraulic Control, Speed Related

Function and control of DA control Valves Circuit diagrams:

DA control valve, fixed setting (2) DA1D3/DA2D3

Pilot pressure is generated in relation to drive speed. When or- Hydraulic control, speed related, DA control valve, mech. adju-
dering, please state in plain text: Start of control (set at factory). stable with position lever

DA control valve, mechanically adjustable with position lever, (3) b a

Pilot pressure is generated in relation to drive speed. When or-
dering, please state in plain text: Start of control (set at factory).
Pilot pressure may be reduced, independently of drive speed,
through mechanical operation of the position lever (inch function).
Max. perm. operating torque at the position lever____ Tmax = 3 lb-ft (4 Nm)
Max. angle of rotation 70°, lever position: any.
Variation 3R______ Acutating direction of position lever
clockwise T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A

Variation 3L______ Acutating direction of position lever

Hydraulic control, speed related,
DA control valve, fixed setting and hydraulic inch valve DA control valve, fixed setting, with hydraulic inch valve
mounted, (4, 8)
(only for pumps with DA control unit) Z
Permits the pilot pressure to be reduced independently of the
drive speed via hydraulic control (port Z). b a
Variation 4:
Control at port Z by means of brake fluid according to
ISO 4925 (no mineral oil) from the vehicle braking system
(hydraulically linked with the service brake).
Variation 8:
Control at port Z by means of brake fluid based on mineral oil.

DA control valve with fixed setting, ports for pilot control

device as inch valve (7) T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A

Any reduction of pilot pressure, independent from the drive

speed through the mechanical operation of the pilot control DA1D7/DA2D7
device. Hydraulic control, speed related, DA
The pilot control device is installed separately from the pump DA control valve, fixed setting, with separately installed pilot
(for example in the driver’s cabin) and connected with the pump control device as inch valve
by 2 hydraulic control lines via ports PS and Y. Pilot control device
(is not included in supply)
A suitable pilot control device must be ordered separately and is
not included in supply. Y
Detailed information is available from our sales department and b a
on our website Use our R PS Fe MB B
computer program to work out the input design that meets your
needs. A DA control must be approved by Rexroth.
Note: see page 40 for rotary inch valves.

T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
16/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

EP - Electric Control, With Proportional Solenoid

The flow output of the pump is infinitely varied in the range of The following electronic controllers and amplifiers are available
0 to 100%, proportional to an electrical current, supplied to for actuating the proportional solenoids (details also available
solenoid a or b. at
The electrical energy is converted to a force acting on the – BODAS controller RC
control spool. The spool then directs control oil in and out of series 20_______________________________RE 95200
the stroking piston to stroke the pump as required. A feedback series 21_______________________________RE 95201
lever, connected to the stroking piston, maintains the pump series 22_______________________________RE 95202
flow for any given current within the control range. aeries 30_______________________________RE 95203
and application software
If the pump is also equipped with a DA control valve (see page 15),
automotive operation is possible for travel drives. – Analog amplifier RA_______________________RE 95230
I in mA (solenoid a)
1200 Size 45, 63 EP3
1000 The spring return feature in the control unit is not a safety
800 device
600 EP4
400 The spool valve inside the control unit can get stuck in an
200 undefined position by internal contamination (contamina-
1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 V
ted hydraulic fluid, abrasion or residual contamination from
Vg g system components). As a result, the axial piston unit can no
Vg max 200 Vg max longer supply the flow specified by the operator.
EP4 400
600 Check whether your application requires that remedial mea-
800 sures be taken on your machine in order to bring the driven
EP3 1000 consumer into a safe position (e.g. immediate stop).
I in mA (solenoid b) Assignment
Direction of rotation - Control - Direction of through put flow
Control current
Actuation of Control Through put Operating
EP3 Size 18 28 45 63
solenoid pressure flow pressure
Start of control mA 400 400 400 400
Direction of rotation

a X1 A to B MB
End of control mA 1050 1060 1115 1115

EP4 Size 18 28 45 63 b X2 B to A MA
Start of control mA 200 200 200 200
a X1 B to A MA

End of control mA 525 530 560 560

b X2 A to B MB

technical data
Voltage 12 V DC (±20 %) 24 V DC (±20 %) MB
Limiting current 1.54 A 0.77 A
Nominal resistance
5.5 Ω 22.7 Ω MA
(at 68 °F / 20 °C)
Dither frequency 100 Hz 100 Hz
Proportional solenoid a
Actuated time 100 % 100 %
X1 B;A
Type of protection see range of connectors on page 39 Counter-


Proportional solenoid b

Standard: proportional solenoid without manual emergency operation.

On request: manual emergency operation with spring reset available.
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 17/44

EP - Electric Control, With Proportional Solenoid

Standard version Version with DA control valve and pressure cut-off

a b a b

T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
18/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

EZ - Electric Two-Point Control, With Switching Solenoid

By energizing or de-energizing a control current to either Standard version
switching solenoid a or b, the stroke cylinders of the pump are
supplied with control pressure by the EZ control unit. In this b a
way, the swashplate and thus the displacement is switchable R PS Fe MB B
without intermediate settings from Vg = 0 to Vg max. Each direc-
tion of through put flow is assigned to a switching solenoid.

technical data
Voltage 12 V DC (±20 %) 24 V DC (±20 %)
Neutral position Vg = 0 de-energized de-energized
Position Vg max current current
T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
energized energized
Nominal resistance
5.5 Ω 21.7 Ω
(at 68°F /20°C)
Nominal power 26.2 W 26.5 W
Current required,
1.32 A 0.67 A
minimum effective
Actuated time 100 % 100 %
Type of protection see range of connectors on page 39
Standard: switching solenoid without manual emergency operation.
On request: manual emergency operation with spring reset available.
Assignment direction of rotation - Control - Direction of through
put flow DA control see page 14.
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 19/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 18 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Hydraulic control, direct operated, DG

3.43 (87)
3.01 3.19
3.15*) HP valve: (76.5) (81)
0.37 (80) with bypass 2.30
(9.5) without bypass
X1 (58.5) R X2
Mechanical T1 MB

0.98 (25)
centering PS T1

4.19 (106.5)
4.28 (108.6) 3.92 (99.6)

3.41 (86.5) 3.05 (77.5)

B G 1
DIA 4.00


(65) 2.56 (S)


0.59 (15)

0.98 (25)

Flange A
SAE J744 3.46 (88) S
MA Boost S T2
101-2 (B) pressure
5.11 (129.9) HP valve: 3.98 (101) 2.30 (58.5)
6.67 (169.4) valve 5.75 (146)
without bypass
with bypass 6.85 (174)

Detail Z
5.25 (133.4)
4.68 (118.9)


R X1

(14) 1.65

3.27 (83)


0.24 0.91 M B; M A
B, A
(6) (23)

*) Center of gravity
20/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 18 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Shaft end
S Splined shaft 7/8in
13T 16/32DP 1)
(SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))

1.31 (33.3)

1.00 (25.3)
DIA2.56 (ø65)

0.24 (6)


A, B service line ports ISO 11926 1 1/16 in -12 UN-2B; 0.79 (20) deep 265 lb-ft (360 Nm) 2)
T1 case drain or fill ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
T2 case drain 3) ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
MA, M B pressure gauge - operating pressure A, B 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
R air bleed 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
S boost suction port ISO 11926 1 1/16 in -12 UN-2B; 0.79 (20) deep 265 lb-ft (360 Nm) 2)
X1, X2 ports for control pressure (before orifice) 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
G pressure port for auxiliary circuit 3) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
PS control pressure supply 3) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
Y1, Y2 remote control ports (only HD) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
1) ANSI B92.1a-1976, 30° pressure angle, flat root, side fit, tolerance class 5
2) Please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on page 44
3) Plugged
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 21/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 18 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).

Hydraulic control, pilot-pressure related, HD Hydraulic control, mechanical servo, HW

2.48 (63) 0.35 (9)
3.87 1.97 (50)
(98.3) 1.06 (27) DIA 0.31 (ø8)

4.42 (112.2)

5.00 (126.9)
0.31 (8)
Version with
a neutral position
Y1 switch, HWL

(20) 40°


Y2 (109.4)

Electric two-point control with switching solenoid, EZ Electric control with proportional solenoid, EP

3.87 3.87
(98.3) (98.3)

4.69 (119)
4.72 (120)






Mechanical pivot control,

Mechanical pivot control, MD spring neutral position centering, MDN
DIA 2.87 (ø73)
width across flats 0.51


(SW13) (ø73)
2.60 (66)
2.99 (76)

3.86 (98)
3.07 (78)

3.27 (83.1)
3.07 (78)
2.99 (76)

4.51 (114.5)
2.60 (66)

2.01 (51.1)
4.82 (122.5)

M8 2.01 (51.1) M8
0.51 1.77
(13) (45)

18°12' 18°12' 18°12' 18°12'

a b a b
22/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 28 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Hydraulic control, direct operated, DG

HP valve:
3.74*) with bypass 2.99 (76) 3.17 (G)
0.37 (95) X1 0.12*) (80.5) X2
without bypass
(9.5) MB (3) R

2.58 (65.5)
5.02 (127.5)
centering B Fe

4.76 (121)
4.57 (116)

3.84 (97.5) 3.84 (97.5)


2.80 (S) 2.32


1.93 1.93
(49) (49)
DIA 4.00

2.91 (74)
0.79*) (20)
0.91 (23)


5.02 (127.5)
SAE J744 0.59 T2 MA T2
101-2 (B) (15) 3.64 (92.5) S
6.49 (G) (164.9) HP valve: 2.87 2.32 (T2)
Boost without bypass (73) (59)
6.53 (S) (165.9)
pressure with bypass 5.75 (146)
8.48 (215.3) valve
6.85 (174)

Detail Z
6.93 (175.9)
0.94 (23.8)
6.69 (169.9) B, A
T1 Fe B


2.56 2.32

1.93 1.93
(49) (49)

3.72 (94.5)



0.69 1.04 MB, MA A
(17.6) (26.4) 0.94 (23.8)
*) Center of gravity
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 23/44

Unit Dimensions, Size 28 Before finalizing your design, please

request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Shaft end
S Splined shaft 1in
15T 16/32DP 1)
(SAE J744 – 25-4 (B-B))

1.50 (38)

1.18 (30)

0.30 (7.5)
DIA2.83 (ø72)



A, B service line ports (high-pressure series) SAE J518 3/4 in
fixing thread A/B ISO 68 3/8 in -16 UNC-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 2)
T1 case drain or fill ISO 11926 7/8 in -14 UNF-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 180 lb-ft (240 Nm) 2)
T2 case drain 3) ISO 11926 7/8 in -14 UNF-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 180 lb-ft (240 Nm) 2)
MA, M B pressure gauge - operating pressure A, B 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
R air bleed 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
S boost suction port ISO 11926 1 5/16 in -12 UN-2B; 0.79 (20) deep 400 lb-ft (540 Nm) 2)
X1, X2 ports for control pressure (before orifice) 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
G (Fa) pressure port for auxiliary circuits 3) (without control cartridge)
ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
PS control pressure supply, boost pressure 3) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
Fe filter input 3) ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
Y1, Y2 remote control ports (only HD) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
Z pilot pressure port (only DA4/8) 3) DIN 3852 M10x1; 0.31 (8) deep 22 lb-ft (30 Nm) 2)
Y pilot pressure port (only DA7) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
1) ANSI B92.1a-1976, 30° pressure angle, flat root, side fit, tolerance class 5
2) Please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on page 44
3) Plugged
24/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 28 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).

Hydraulic control, pilot-pressure related, HD Hydraulic control, mechanical servo, HW

2.48 (63) 0.35 (9)
3.68 1.97 (50)
(93.5) 1.06 (27) DIA0.31 (ø8)

5.30 (134.6)
0.31 (8)
a Version with
Y1 neutral position
switch, HWL

(20) 40°

4.12 b
Y2 (104.7)

Electric two-point control with switching solenoid, EZ Electric control with proportional solenoid, EP

3.68 3.68
(93.5) (93.5)
5.05 (128.2)

5.00 (127.2)






Pressure cut-off, D

5.76 (146.4)
4.96 (126)
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 25/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 28 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Hydraulic control, speed related, DA
Control valve, fixed setting, DA2 Control valve, mech. adjustable with position lever, DA3
7.02 (178.4) 3.68 Actuating direction
3.68 (93.5) “counter-clockwise“ (3L)

5.05 (128.2)


Actuating direction

(100.4) (100.4)
3.95 3.95
“clockwise“ (3R)


6.12 (155.5)

6.81 (173)
0.31 (8)

6.06 (154)

1.06 (27)
DIA0.31 (ø8)
1.97 (50)
6.49 (164.9) 2.48 0.35 (9)
6.49 (164.9) (63)
Control valve, fixed setting and hydraulic inch valve mounted, Control valve, fixed setting and ports for pilot control device,
(93.5) 3.68

(116.8) Z (88.5) 3.48

2.32 (59)
5.05 (128.2)

0.61 (15.5)

5.05 (128.2)
4.42 (Z)

4.44 (Y)





6.06 (154)


6.06 (154)

(82.6) 3.25 Z (101.6) 4.00 Y

6.49 (164.9) 6.49 (164.9)

Position and size of port G on version with DA control valve
G ISO 11926 3/8 in-24 UNF-2B; 0.39 (10) deep 15 lb-ft (20 Nm) 1)

1) Please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on page 44
26/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 45 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Hydraulic control, direct operated, DG

4.25*) HP valve: 3.19 (81) 3.29 (G)

(108) with bypass
0.37 0.12*) (83.5)
MB without bypass
(9.5) X1 (3) R X2
Mechanical PS T1


5.26 (133.5)

5.09 (129.3)
4.84 (123)
3.60 (91.5) 4.07 (103.5)
adjustment G(Fa)

2.93 (S) 2.68
(48) (55)
1.89 2.17


DIA 4.00

2.99 (76)
0.59*) (15)
0.91 (23)


4.74 (120.5)
Flange A T2
SAE J744 S
0.59 T2 MA
101-2 (B) (15) S 5.75 (146)
3.94 (100)
HP valve: 3.07 (78) 2.68 (T2)
6.95 (S) (176.6)
Boost without bypass (68)
7.03 (G) (178.6) with bypass
pressure 6.85 (174)
9.07 (230.5) valve

Detail Z
7.41 (188.1) 0.94 (23.8)
7.11 (180.6)
B, A B
T1 Fe


1.93 1.93
(49) (49)

R X1
3.84 (97.5)




0.55 1.18 A
(14) (30) PS MB, MA 0.94 (23.8)

*) Center of gravity
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 27/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 45 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Shaft ends
S Splined shaft 1in T Splined shaft 1 1/4in
15T 16/32DP 1) 14T 12/24DP 1)
(SAE J744 – 25-4 (B-B)) (SAE J744 – 32-4 (C))

1.50 (38)
1.89 (48)

1.18 (30)
1.57 (40)
0.30 (7.5)
DIA3.15 (ø80)

0.37 (9.5)

DIA3.15 (ø80)


0.87 1.10
(22) (28)

A, B service line ports (high-pressure series) SAE J518 3/4 in
fixing thread A/B ISO 68 3/8 in -16 UNC-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 2)
T1 case drain or fill ISO 11926 7/8 in -14 UNF-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 180 lb-ft (240 Nm) 2)
T2 case drain 3) ISO 11926 7/8 in -14 UNF-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 180 lb-ft (240 Nm) 2))
MA, M B pressure gauge - operating pressure A, B 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
R air bleed 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
S boost suction port ISO 11926 1 5/16 in -12 UN-2B; 0.79 (20) deep 400 lb-ft (540 Nm) 2))
X1, X2 ports for control pressure (before orifice) 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
G (Fa) pressure port for auxiliary circuits 3) ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
PS control pressure supply, boost pressure 3) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
Fe filter input 3) ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
Y1, Y2 remote control ports (only HD) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
Z pilot pressure port (only DA4/8) 3) DIN 3852 M10x1; 0.31 (8) deep 22 lb-ft (30 Nm) 2)
Y pilot pressure port (only DA7) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
1) ANSI B92.1a-1976, 30° pressure angle, flat root, side fit, tolerance class 5
2) Please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on page 44
3) Plugged
28/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 45 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).

Hydraulic control, pilot-pressure related, HD Hydraulic control, mechanical servo, HW

2.48 (63) 0.35 (9)
4.15 1.97 (50)
(105.3) 1.06 (27) DIA0.31 (ø8)

5.61 (142.4)
0.31 (8)
a Version with
Y1 neutral position


1.52 switch, HWL


Y2 (116.4) b

Electric two-point control with switching solenoid, EZ Electric control with proportional solenoid, EP

4.15 4.15
(105.3) (105.3)

5.33 (135.5)
5.37 (136.5)






Pressure cut-off, D

6.24 (158.6)
4.96 (126)
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 29/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 45 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Hydraulic control, speed related, DA
Control valve, fixed setting, DA2 Control valve, mech. adjustable with position lever, DA3
7.86 (199.6) 4.15 Acutating direction
(105.3) "counter-clockwise"
70 (3L)



5.37 (136.5)


(100.4) (100.4)
Acutating direction

3.95 3.95
"clockwise" (3R)

(100.4) (100.4)

7.11 (180.7)

0.31 (8)

6.18 (157)

1.06 (27)
1.97 (50)
7.03 (178.6) 2.48 0.35 (9)
7.03 (178.6)
Control valve, fixed setting and hydraulic inch valve mounted, Control valve, fixed setting and ports for pilot control device
(105.3) 4.15
5.05 Z
(128.3) (100) 3.94

2.68 (68)
4.76 (Y) (121)
5.37 (136.5)

5.37 (136.5)
0.91 (23)
4.74 (Z)



(100.4) (100.4)

(100.4) (100.4)

6.18 (157)


6.18 (157)

(94.3) 3.71 Z Y
(113.3) 4.46
7.03 (178.6)
7.03 (178.6)

Position and size of port G on version with DA control valve
G ISO 11926 7/16 in-20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 1)

1) Please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on page 44
30/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 63 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Hydraulic control, direct operated, DG

(105) HP valve:
0.5 1.69 with bypass 3.98 (101) 3.68 (G)
(12.7) (43) without bypass X1 Fe R (93.5) X2
T1 PS Fa

0.98*) (25)
1.20 (30.5)
centering T1

5.46 (138.8)

5.39 (137)
5.59 (142)

4.27 (108.5) 4.27 (108.5)


(54.5) (64.5)

2.15 2.54

DIA 5.00


3.37 (85.5)
3.11 (79)
3.37 (S)

5.46 (138.8)
SAE J744 0.91 T2 M
127-2 (C) (23) 4.31 (109.5) A S
4.72 (120)
S 2.95 (T2)
HP valve:
without bypass (75)
7.26 (S) (184.3)
with bypass 7.13 (181)
7.39 (G) (187.8)
8.39 (213)
9.38 (238.2) Boost pressure

Detail Z
7.71 (195.8) 0.94 (23.8)
B, A B


4.23 (107.5) 3.54 (90)



R X1





0.55 1.32 MB, MA 0.94 (23.8)
*) Center of gravity (14) (33.5)
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 31/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 63 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Shaft ends
S Splined shaft 1 1/4in T Splined shaft 1 3/8in
14T 12/24DP 1) 21T 16/32DP 1)
(SAE J744 – 32-4 (C))

1.89 (48) 1.89 (48)


1.57 (40)
1.57 (40)

DIA2.68 (ø68)
0.37 (9.5)
DIA2.68 (ø68)

0.37 (9.5)


1.10 1.10
(28) (28) 2.20
(56) (56)

A, B service line ports (high-pressure series) SAE J518 3/4 in
fixing thread A/B ISO 68 3/8 in -16 UNC-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 2)
T1 case drain or fill ISO 11926 7/8 in -14 UNF-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 180 lb-ft (240 Nm) 2)
T2 case drain 3) ISO 11926 7/8 in -14 UNF-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 180 lb-ft (240 Nm) 2))
MA, M B pressure gauge - operating pressure A, B 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
R air bleed 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
S boost suction port ISO 11926 1 5/16 in -12 UN-2B; 0.79 (20) deep 400 lb-ft (540 Nm) 2))
X1, X2 ports for control pressure (before orifice) 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
G (Fa) pressure port for auxiliary circuits 3) ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
PS control pressure supply, boost pressure 3) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
Fa filter output 3) ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
Fe filter input 3) ISO 11926 3/4 in -16 UNF-2B; 0.59 (15) deep 120 lb-ft (160 Nm) 2)
MH port for balanced high pressure 3) ISO 11926 7/16 in -20 UNF-2B; 0.47 (12) deep 30 lb-ft (40 Nm) 2)
(only with pressure cut-off)
Y1, Y2 remote control ports (only HD) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
Z pilot pressure port (only DA4/8) 3) DIN 3852 M10x1; 0.31 (8) deep 22 lb-ft (30 Nm) 2)
Y pilot pressure port (only DA7) ISO 11926 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 2)
1) ANSI B92.1a-1976, 30° pressure angle, flat root, side fit, tolerance class 5
2) Please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on page 44
3) Plugged
32/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 63 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).

Hydraulic control, pilot-pressure related, HD Hydraulic control, mechanical servo, HW

4.26 2.48 (63) 0.35 (9)
(108.2) 1.97 (50)
1.06 (27) DIA0.31 (ø8)

6.08 (154.5)
0.31 (8)
Version with
Y1 a
neutral position
switch, HWL


4.70 b
Y2 (119.3)

Electric two-point control with switching solenoid, EZ Electric control with proportional solenoid, EP

4.26 4.26
(108.2) (108.2)
5.83 (148.1)

5.79 (147.1)






Pressure cut-off, D

6.55 (166.3)
5.04 (128)
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 33/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Unit Dimensions, Size 63 request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
Hydraulic control, speed related, DA
Control valve, fixed setting, DA2 Control valve, mech. adjustable with position lever, DA3
8.08 (205.3) 4.26 Acutating
(108.2) direction

0.96 (24.5)

0.79 (20)
108.2 "counter-

° clockwise" (3L)

5.83 (148.1)

(100.4) (100.4)

3.95 3.95

6.24 (158.5)
G "clockwise"

7.28 (185)
(100.4) (100.4)

0.31 (8)

6.08 (154.5)

1.06 (27) DIA0.31 (ø8)

1.97 (50)
7.33 (186.3) 2.48 0.35 (9)
7.33 (186.3) (63)
Control valve, fixed setting and hydraulic inch valve mounted, Control valve, fixed setting and ports for pilot control device,
(120) 4.72
(108.2) 4.26

5.22 (Y) (132.6)

(131.2) Z

2.99 (76)
0.96 (24.5)
5.83 (148.1)

5.83 (148.1)
5.20 (Z)



(100.4) (100.4)

(100.4) (100.4)


6.08 (154.5)
6.08 (154.5)


(97.2) 3.83 Z (116.2) 4.57 Y

7.33 (186.3) 7.33 (186.3)

Position and size of port G on version with DA control valve
G ISO 11926 9/16 in-18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 1)

1) Please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on 44
34/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Through Drive Dimensions request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
N00 Without boost pump, without through drive
F00 With boost pump, without through drive

Size A1 (N00) A1 (F00)

18 6.67 6.67
(169.4) (169.4)
28 7.94 8.48
(201.7) (215.3)
45 8.54 9.07
(216.8) (230.5)
63 8.84 9.38
(224.5) (238.2)

F01/K01 Flange SAE J744 – 82-2 (A)

Hub for splined shaft according to ANSI B92.1a-1976 5/8 in 9T 16/32DP 1) (SAE J744 – 16-4 (A))
Size A1 A2 A3 2)
18 7.02 0.35 3/8 in -16 UNC-2B
O-ring 3) (178.4) (9) 0.67 (17) deep
28 8.63 0.35 3/8 in -16 UNC-2B
A3 (219.2) (9) 0.67 (17) deep
DIA 3.25

45 9.23 0.35 3/8 in -16 UNC-2B

(234.5) (9) 0.67 (17) deep
63 9.54 0.35 3/8 in -16 UNC-2B
(242.2) (9) 0.67 (17) deep

4.19 (106.4) A1
(to mounting flange)

F02/K02 Flange SAE J744 – 101-2 (B)

Hub for splined shaft according to ANSI B92.1a-1976 7/8 in 13T 16/32DP 1) (SAE J744 – 22-4 (B))
Size A1 A2 A3 2)
18 7.38 0.39 1/2 in -13 UNC-2B
O-ring 3) 0.71 (18) deep
A3 (187.4) (10)
28 8.67 0.39 1/2 in -13 UNC-2B
(220.2) (10) 0.71 (18) deep
DIA 4.00

45 9.27 0.39 1/2 in -13 UNC-2B

(235.5) (10) 0.71 (18) deep
63 9.57 0.39 1/2 in -13 UNC-2B
(243.2) (10) 0.71 (18) deep

90° A2
5.75 (146) A1
(to mounting flange)

1) 30° pressure angle, flat root; side fit, tolerance class 5

2) Thread acc. to ISO 68, please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on page 44
3) O-ring included in supply

Note: the mounting flange can be turned through 90°. Standard position is shown. Please state in plain text if required.
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 35/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Through Drive Dimensions request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
F04/K04 Flange SAE J744 – 101-2 (B)
Hub for splined shaft according to ANSI B92.1a-1976 1 in 15T 16/32DP 1) (SAE J744 – 25-4 (B-B))

Size A1 A2 A3 2)
28 8.67 0.39 1/2 in -13 UNC-2B
O-ring 3) 0.71 (18) deep
(220.2) (10)
45 9.27 0.39 1/2 in -13 UNC-2B
(235.5) (10) 0.71 (18) deep

DIA 4.00
63 9.57 0.39 1/2 in -13 UNC-2B
(243.2) (10) 0.71 (18) deep

90° A2
5.75 (146) A1
(to mounting flange)

F07/K07 Flange SAE J744 – 127-2 (C)

Hub for splined shaft according to ANSI B92.1a-1976 1 1/4in 14T 12/24DP 1) (SAE J744 – 32-4 (C))

A3 Size A1 A2 A3 2)
O-ring 3) 63 9.82 0.55 5/8 in -11 UNC-2B
(249.5) (14) 0.94 (24) deep
DIA 5.00

7.13 (181) A1
(to mounting flange)
1) 30° pressure angle, flat root, side fit, tolerance class 5
2) Thread acc. to ISO 68, please observe the general notes for the max. tightening torques on page 44
3) O-ring included in supply

Note: the mounting flange can be turned through 90°. Standard position is shown. Please state in plain text if required.
36/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Overview of Attachments on AA10VG

Attachment for 2nd pump Through
Through drive – AA10VG
Flange Hub for
AA10VG AA4VG AA10V(S)O/31 A10V(S)O/53 A4FO AA11VO External Available
splined Code
shaft Size (shaft) Size (shaft) Size (shaft) Size (shaft) Size (shaft) Size (shaft) gear pump for size
82-2 (A) 5/8 in F/K01 – – 18 (U) 10 (U) – – Model F 18...63
Size 4-22 1)
101-2 (B) 7/8 in F/K02 18 (S) – 28 (S,R) 28 (S,R) 16 (S) – Model N 18...63
22 (S) Size 20-32 1)
45 (U) 45 (U,W) 28 (S) Model G
Size 38-45 1)
1in F/K04 28 (S) 28 (S) 45 (S,R) 45 (S,R) – 40 (S) – 28...63
45 (S) 60 (U,W)
127-2 (C) 1 1/4 in F/K07 63 (S) 40 (S), 56 (S) 71 (S,R) 85 (U) – 60 (S) – 63
71 (S) 100 (U)
1) Rexroth recommends special gear pump versions. Please contact us.

Combination Pumps AA10VG + AA10VG

Overall length A

AA10VG AA10VG (2nd pump) 1)

(1st pump) Size 18 Size 28 Size 45 Size 63
Size 18 in 14.05 – –
mm (356.8) – – –
Size 28 in 15.34 17.15 –
mm (389.6) (435.5) – –
Size 45 in 15.94 17.75 18.35
mm (404.9) (450.8) (466.0) –
Size 63 in 16.24 18.05 18.65 19.20
mm (412.6) (458.5) (473.7) (487.7)
1) 2nd pump without through drive and with boost pump, F00

Combination pumps make it possible to have independent circuits without the need to fit splitter gearboxes.
When ordering combination pumps, the type designations of the 1st and 2nd pumps must be linked by a “+”.
Example of order:
AA10VG45HW1/10R-NTC60F045S + AA10VG45HW1/10R-NSC60F005S
A tandem pump combined of two equal sizes is permissible without additional supports where the dynamic acceleration does not exceed max.
0.022 lbs (= 322 ft/s2) {10 g (= 98.1 m/s2)}.
For combination pumps consisting of more than two pumps, the mounting flange must be rated for the permissible mass torque.

(1st pump) (2nd pump)

RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 37/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Mechanical Stroke Limiter, M request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
The mechanical stroke limiter is an additional function allowing
continuous reduction of the maximum displacement of the M4
pump, regardless of the control unit used.
The stroke of the stroke cylinder and hence the maximum
swivel angle of the pump are limited by means of two adjusting


Size M1 M2 M3 M4
18 3.74 3.81 0.71 1.66
(94.9) (96.9) (18) (42.1)
28 3.90 3.90 0.85 1.38
(99) (99) (21.5) (35)

45 4.00 4.00 0.89 1.40
(101.6) (101.6) (22.5) (35.5)
63 4.88 4.88 1.04 1.69
(124) (124) (26.5) (43)

Circuit diagram

a b

T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
Mechanical stroke limiter, M
38/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Filtration Types
Standard: Filtration in the suction line of the boost pump, S Variation:
Filtration in the pressure line of the boost pump, ports for
Standard version (preferred) external boost circuit filter, D
Filter type: __________________________filter without bypass Filter input: Port Fe
Recommendation: ____________ with contamination indicator
Filter output: Size 63 Port Fa
Flow resistance at the filter element: Size 28, 45 Port G (Fa)
at ν = 140 SUS, n = nmax __________________ Δp ≤ 1.5 psi Filter type: Filter with bypass are not recommended.
(30 mm2/s, n = nmax ________________ Δp ≤ 0.1 bar) When applying with bypass please consult us.
at ν = 4600 SUS, n = nmax _________________Δp ≤ 4.5 psi Recommendation: with contamination indicator
(1000 mm2/s, n = nmax ______________ Δp ≤ 0.3 bar)
Pressure at port S of the boost pump: – In conjunction with a DA control valve, no pressure filtration
at ν = 140 SUS, n = nmax __________________ Δp ≥ 12 psi is possible with size 28, 45 (refer to ordering code, page 4).
(30 mm2/s, n = nmax _________________ Δp ≥ 0.8 bar) – With sizes 28, 45, port G serves as “filter output Fa”.
at cold start ν = 7400 SUS, n ≤ 1000 rpm) ____ p ≥ 7.5 psi Note:
(ν = 1600 mm2/s, n ≤ 1000 rpm) __p ≥ 0.5 bar For versions with DG control (with pilot pressure not from boo-
st circuit), the following filter type should be employed:
Filter is not included in supply.
Filter with bypass and with contamination indicator
Circuit diagram - standard version S Filter arrangement: separately in the pressure line (line filter)
a b Flow resistance at the filter element:
R PS Fe MB B at ν = 140 SUS (30 mm2/s) __________ Δp ≤ 15 psi (1 bar)
for cold start _______________________ Δp ≤ 45 psi (3 bar)
(valid for entire speed range nmin – nmax)
Filter is not included in supply.

Circuit diagram variation D

Size 28, 45
T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
a b
Variation: External supply, E
This variation should be used in versions without integral boost
pump (N00 or K..). The supply is provided as follows:
Size 18 ________________________________________ port S
Size 28, 45 (without DA control valve) ______________ port G
Size 28, 45 (with DA control valve) _________________ port Fe
Size 63 ________________________________________ port Fa
With size 28, 45 and 63, port S is closed. T1 T2 X1 X2 S MA A
Filter arrangement: _____________________________separate Size 63
For functional reliability ensure required cleanliness level for the
boost pressure fluid (see page 6). a b
Circuit diagram variation E (external supply)

a b

T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A

T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 39/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Connector for Solenoids (only for EP, EZ, DA) request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
DEUTSCH DT04-2P-EP04, 2-pin
Molded, without bi-directional suppressor diode (standard) _ P
Molded, with bi-directional suppressor diode
(only for switching solenoids on control unit EZ1/2, DA) ____Q
Type of protection according to DIN/EN 60529: IP67 and
The protection circuit with a bi-directional suppressor diode is
necessary for limiting overvoltages. Overvoltages are genera-
ted by disconnecting the current using switches, relay contacts
or by unplugging an energized mating connector.

Circuit symbol
without bi-directional with bi-directional
suppressor diode suppressor diode

Mating connector
Rexroth Mat. No. R902601804
consisting of: DT designation
– 1 case ________________________________DT06-2S-EP04
– 1 wedge _______________________________________W2S
– 2 sockets ____________________________ 0462-201-16141
The mating connector is not included in supply.
This can be supplied by Rexroth on request.
DIA 1.46

1.97 (50)
2.70 (68.5)

Note for round solenoids:

The position of the connector can be changed by turning the
solenoid body.
Proceed as follows:
1. Loosen the fixing nut (1)
2. Turn the solenoid body (2) to the desired position
3. Tighten the fixing nut
Tightening torque of the fixing nut: 3.69+0.74 lb-ft (5+1 Nm)
(width across flats WAF26, 12-sided DIN 3124)
40/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Before finalizing your design, please

Rotary Inch Valve request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
The rotary inch valve permits the control pressure to be redu- Unit dimensions
ced independent from the drive speed through the mechanical
operation of the actuating lever. Maximum rotation angle 90°.
The lever may be fixed in any position.
The valve is mounted separately from the pump and connected
with a pump by the hydraulic control line at port PS (max. line
length approximately 6.5 ft / 2 meters).
The rotary inch valve must be ordered separately.

Size Material no. Direction of actuation

of position lever
18, 28, 45, 63 R902048738 clockwise
R902048739 counter-clockwise
The rotary inch valve can be used independently from the
Tightening torque 18 lb-ft (25 Nm)
control unit.
Circuit diagram:
hydraulic control, speed related, DA
with separate rotary inching valve
Rotary inch valve (see material no.)

b a Max. rotation angle 90°

X pressure port
ISO 11926 9/16 in-18 UNF-2B; 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 1)
T1 T2 X1 X2 G S MA A 0.51 (13 deep)
T drain tank
ISO 11926 9/16 in-18 UNF-2B; 60 lb-ft (80 Nm) 1)
0.51 (13 deep)
1) Please observe the general notes for the max. tightening
torques on page 44
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 41/44

Before finalizing your design, please

Installation Situation for Coupling Assembly request a binding installation drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
To ensure that rotating components (coupling hub) and fixed components (case, retaining ring) do not come into contact with
each other, the installation conditions described here must be observed. This depends on the size and the splined shaft.

Size 18 and 45 (with free turning):

– Please observe diameter of the free turning.

Size 63 (without free turning):

– The outer diameter of the coupling hub must be smaller than the inner diameter of the retaining ring d2 at the zone of the drive
shaft collar (measure x2 – x4).

SAE splined shaft (spline acc. to ANSI B92.1a-1976)

Coupling hub


Size ød1 ød2 min ød3 ød4 ød5 x1 x2 x3 x4

18 +0.008
1.18 1.42 1.93 ±0.004 4.00 2.56 0.23 0.37 -0.019 0.28
(30) (36.1) (49 ±0.1) (101.6) (65) (5.9 ) (9.5 -0.5) (7)
28 1.38 1.71 2.17 ±0.004 4.00 2.83 0.15 +0.008 0.37 -0.019 0.28
+0.2 +0.035
(35) (43.4) (55 ±0.1) (101.6) (72) (3.9 ) (9.5 -0.5) (7) 0.31-0.023
45 1.57 2.02 2.48 ±0.004 4.00 3.15 0.17 +0.008 0.37 -0.019 0.28 (8+0.9
(40) (51.4) (63 ±0.1) (101.6) (80) (4.3 +0.2) (9.5 -0.5) (7)
63 1.57 2.14 2.68 ±0.004 5.00 – 0.28 +0.008 0.5 -0.019 –
(40) (54.4) (68 ±0.1) (127) – (7.0 ) (12.7 -0.5) –
42/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

Installation Notes
During commissioning and operation, the axial piston unit must be filled with hydraulic fluid and air bled. This is also to be obser-
ved following a relatively long standstill as the system may empty via the hydraulic lines.
The pump case drain connection (i.e.-T1/T2) must be directed to the tank via the highest case drain port. The minimum suction
pressure at port S must not fall below 12 psi (0.8 bar) abs. (cold start 7.5 psi / 0.5 bar absolute).
In all operating conditions, the suction line and case drain line must flow into the tank below the minimum fluid level.

Installation position
See examples below. Additional installation positions are available upon request.

Below-tank installation (standard) Above-tank installation

Pump below the minimum fluid level of the tank. Pump above the min. fluid level of the tank
Recommended installation positions: 1 and 2. Observe the maximum permissible suction height hmax = 31.5in
(800 mm).
Recommendation for installation position 8 (shaft upwards):
A check valve in the case drain line (opening pressure 7.5 psi /
0.5 bar) can prevent draining of the case interior.
1 2 5 6
L2 L2
S T2
R L3
S T2 T1


T2 S

3 4
L2 L2 7 8

R L2
L3 T
T2 T2
0,5 bar


Installation Installation
Air bleeding Filling Air bleeding Filling
position position
1 R S + T1 (L2) 5 R T1 + (L3)

2 L2 S + T2 (L2) 6 L2 S (L3) + T2 (L2)

3 L2 S + T2 (L2) 7 L2 + L3 S (L3) + T2 (L2)

4 R + L2 S + T2 (L2) 8 R + L3 S (L3) + T2
RA 92750-A/06.09 AA10VG Bosch Rexroth Corp. 43/44

44/44 Bosch Rexroth Corp. AA10VG RA 92750-A/06.09

General Notes
– The AA10VG pump is designed to be used in closed circuits.
– Project planning, assembly and commissioning of the pump require the involvement of qualified personnel.
– The service line ports and function ports are only designed to accommodate hydraulic lines.
– During and shortly after operation, there is a risk of burns on the pump and especially on the solenoids. Take suitable safety
precautions, e.g. wear protective clothing
– There may be shifts in the characteristic depending on the operating state of the pump (operating pressure, fluid temperature).
– Tightening torques:
- The tightening torques specified in this data sheet are maximum values and must not be exceeded
(maximum values for screw thread).
Manufacturer´s instruction for the max. permissible tightening torques of the used fittings must be observed!
- For ISO 68 / DIN 13 fixing screws, we recommend checking the tightening torque individually according to
VDI 2230 Edition 2003.
– The data and information contained herein must be adhered to.

Bosch Rexroth Corporation © 2009 Bosch Rexroth Corporation

Mobile Hydraulics All rights reserved. Neither this document, nor any part of it, may be reproduced,
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8 Southchase Court other means, without the prior consent and authorization of Bosch Rexroth Corp.
Fountain Inn, SC 29644-9018, USA The data and illustrations in this brochure/data sheet are intended only to descri-
Telephone (864) 967-2777 be or depict the products. No representation or warranty, either express or im-
Facsimile (864) 967-8900 plied, relating to merchantability or fitness for intended use, is given or intended by virtue of the information contained in this brochure/data sheet. The information
contained in this brochure/data sheet in no way relieves the user of its obligation
to insure the proper use of the products for a specific use or application. All
products contained in this brochure/data sheet are subject to normal wear and
tear from usage.
Subject to change.

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