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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong 3700, Nueva Vizcaya


Department of Social Sciences

First Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Name: ______________________ Score: 0
Schedule: ___________________ Date: __________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the sentence carefully and choose the best answer. Write the letter
of your choice on the space provided each number. (30 points)

_______ 1. It is the complex of mental and ethical traits making a person or group.
a.) Intellect b.) Character c.) Will d.) Reason
_______ 2. This refers to the values of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of
human actions while ___________ are principles or habits with respect to right and
wrong conduct.
a.) Ethics b.) Laws c.) Morals d.) Rules
_______ 3. It derive from the Greek Word meaning character or characteristic way of acting .
a.) Moralis b.) Mores c.) Ethos d.) Telos
_______ 4. It is this process of undesirable wants, needs collectively.
a.) Ethical Issues b.) Moral Issues c.) Non-Moral Issues d.) Immoral issues
_______ 5. Study of the moral behaviour or conduct of a man as viewed from ultimate principles
in so far as this principles are known by human reason.
a.) Logic b.) Aesthetics c.) Ethics d.) Morality
_______ 6. When whatever you believe represents good behaviour is not there it is considered as
_________ issues.
a.) Non-Moral Issues b.) Moral Issues c.) Ethical Issues d.) Non-moral Standard
_______ 7..It is an act that proceeds from knowledge and freewill .
a.) Act of Man b.) Human Act c.) Rules d.) Laws
_______ 8/ What is a moral exemplar.
a.) A non-absolute moral rule b.) A person who serves as a role model.
c..) A situations that illustrates the consequences of a moral principle d.) A person to
whom the moral rules do not apply.
_______ 9. It is a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement and
it is often flexible.
a.) Laws b.) Rules c.) Acts of man d.) Human Acts
_______ 10.What motion be at the heart of ethical theory.
a.) Duty b.) Intrinsic Value c.) Moral Character d.) Pleasure
_______ 11.. It is an act that has an essential qualities that are done without knowledge.
a.) Act of man b.) Human Acts c.) Laws d.) Rules
_______ 12. What is the relationship between duty and virtue.
a.) Duty is defined as what a virtuous person would do.
b.) Virtue is defined as a character trait that leads us to do our duty.
c.) The two concept is independent of one another.
d.) If one does one’s duty, virtue is unnecessary.
_______ 13. This refers to regulation which is not meant to set teaching boundaries but are there
to be Enforced and are punishable by imprisonment.
a.) Rules b.) Laws c.) Human Acts d.) Acts of man
_______ 14. This refers to the sum of combined norms and values. In other, words, norms plus
values is equal to ___________.
a.) Moral Standards b.) Non-moral Standards c.) Ethical Standards d.) Non-Ethical
_______ 15. If wealth is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost something is lost, if character is lost
everything is lost that is according to ______________.
a.) Billy Graham b.) Aristotle c.) King Solomon d.) Isaac Newton
_______ 16. This refers to standards by which we judge what is good or bad and right or wrong
in a non-moral way such as etiquette, athletics, laws or even religions.
a.) Ethical Standards b.) Moral Standards c.) Non-Ethical Standards d.) Non-
Moral Standards.
_______ 17. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction according to __________.
a.) Aristotle b.) Isaac Newton c.) King Solomon d.) Billy Graham
_______ 18. This is an elements of determining Morality which moralists technically call the
a.) The Purpose b.) the Act itself c.) The circumstances d.) None of these.
_______ 19. Good habits formed at youth make all the difference according to a Greek
philosopher from the Socratic Group.
a.) Socrates b.) Aristotle c.) Plato d.) Thales
_______ 20. This is an elements of determining morality that sometimes called the “End” or the
subjective goal.
a.) The Act itself b.) The Circumstances c.) The Purpose d.) none of the above
_______ 21. Man is accountable for what he is doing because he is ___________of what he is
a.) ) conscious b.) rational c.) intellect d.) will
_______ 22. This is a Kind of element in determining morality that refers to the situations or
performance of an act.
a.) The Circumstances b.) The Act itself c.) The Purpose d.) None of these.
_______ 23. These are essential qualities of human acts except this term______________.
a.) Knowledge b.) Freedom c.) involuntariness d.) voluntariness
_______ 24.. This refers to someone who is not aware, doesn’t know how to differentiate
between what is wrong and what is right.
a.) Immoral b.) Moral c.) Amoral d.) Non-Moral
_______ 25,. Do not murder, do not abort unborn, defend the defenceless are examples of _____.
a.) Criminal Law b.) Civil Law c.) Natural Law d.) Political Law
_______ 26. This refers to someone who is throwing out the concepts of right and wrong for
your own beliefs. You know what is right and wrong for your own beliefs. You know
what is right and wrong yet you choose to do the wrong thing.
a.) Non-moral b.) Amoral c.) Moral d.) Immoral
_______ 27.It refers to an action that is involuntary in which case it is considered to be outside
the moral norm and is not subject to judgment.
a.) Amoral b.) Non-moral c.) Immoral d.) Moral
_______ 28. These are the elements of determining Morality except this term.
a.) Act itself b.) circumstances c.) end d.) consequences
_______ 29. This involves judgment and free choice by a person who chooses to act one way or
another without any external influence, compulsion or coercion.
a.) Moral b.) Amoral c.) Non-Moral d.) Immoral
_______ 30. Substance or nature of the action is the same as _______________.
a.) Act itself b.) Circumstances c.) Purpose d.) none of these
Test II - Each Statement portrays something regarding the results of the held actions of man.
Determine what applies to each item.


_______ 1. Breathing _______ 11. Imagining

_______ 2. Beating of the heart _______ 12. Answering an examination
_______ 3. Grouping of the chair _______ 13. Washing Clothes
_______ 4. Day dreaming _______ 14. Drinking Coffee
_______ 5. Body Reflexes _______ 15. Murder
_______ 6. Cheating _______ 16. Thyroid gland producing hormone
_______ 7. Being Hungry _______ 17. Doing household Chores
_______ 8. Gambling _______ 18. Sleep walking
_______ 9. Writing a Love letter _______ 19. Bullying
_______ 10. Watching Movies _______ 20. Traveling Abroad

Test III – Analyze the following statements and categorizes each as Ethical Issues and Moral
Issues. If the statement is Ethical Issues write EI if it is Moral Issues write MI. Write
your answer in the space provided before each number.

_______ 1. Discrimination against LGBTQ folk.

_______ 2. Extramarital Affairs
_______ 3. Gambling
_______ 4. The purchasing of elected officials by large donors.
_______ 5. Top down authoritarian management structure.
_______ 6. Inequalities in our justice system.
_______ 7. Homosexuality.
_______ 8. Excessive use of alcohol
_______ 9. Divorce
_______ 10. Use of contraceptives.
_______ 11. Pre-marital sex
_______ 12. Poisonous pollution of air and water
_______ 13. Racism
_______ 14. Child Pornography.
_______ 15. Mass shootings
_______ 16. Sex trafficking.
_______ 17. Abortion
_______ 18. Gambling
_______ 19. Inang Kolehiyala
_______ 20. Mass shootings

Test IV- Analyze the following situations and categorizes each as NON-MORAL, MORAL,
IMMORAL and AMORAL. Write your answer on the space provided before each item.

______________1. Sending relief goods to the victims of a calamity

______________2. Unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong.
_______________ 3. Having joy in someone’s misfortune or demise..
_______________ 4. Willingly ignoring someone who needs immediate help.
______________ 5. Environmental destruction.
______________ 6. Saving animals from extinction.
______________ 7.Persons with sense of environmental ethics do not litter anywhere.
______________ 8. During the court hearing, the witnesses narrated the true story of what had
happened to the victims.
_______________9.The sun is the center of the Universe.
_______________10. While cooking, a child did not notice the defect of the gas stove that
eventually ignited the fire.
________________ 11. I should get high grades.
________________ 12. A grade six pupil has picked a flower in the park.
________________ 13. An Olympic athlete committed a suicide.
________________ 14. A player committed a changing foul while playing basketball.
________________ 15. A passenger helped the victim of vehicular accident.
________________ 16. Maria wears his school uniform on prescribed days.
________________ 17. Juan attended the university’s activity because it is a must to the
________________ 18. Some male students are wearing earrings in NVSU.
________________ 19. Two persons vandalized the wall in the classroom but they were not
________________ 20. An Olympic athlete committed a suicide.

Test V- CASE STUDY: Analyze the given case and classify the three elements of Morality
(Act itself, Purpose/End, Circumstances) (10pts.)

A woman died recently, after a short, unhappy life. She wanted her ashes to be scattered
in the ocean near a place she lived during one of the brief happy times of her adult life. Her
parents and immediate family had already passed away, so she discussed her wishes with her
mother-in-law, who said she would comply with her daughter-in-law's wishes. In her will, the
woman gave control of her estate to the mother-in-law. The will stated that the woman's ashes
should be scattered in the ocean, as described above. Instead, her mother-in-law buried the ashes
in a family plot near her home, because she wanted to keep the ashes close to her because of her
own grief.

Assume that the mother-in-law is legally required to follow the wishes stated in the will,
but that no one will check and it is very unlikely that the mother-in-law will have any problem
with the law. What are the issues of morality, ethics and law posed in the case study? What
options does the mother-in-law have, and what should she do and why?

. “Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest
where you haven’t planted.” God Bless! Sir Gerald

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Instructor III Dept. Chair of Soc. Sci. & Humanities

Appoved by:


Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

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