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CHARACTERS: 2 – every day ordinary people

PROPS: None (use pantomime)
COSTUMES: Street clothes
SETTING: None Specified

At Rise: B is fixing something, somewhat frustrated. A enters

A: Hi, whatcha doing?

B: Trying to fix this. (or TV, dryer, speaker, mouse, computer, whatever) It just won’t

A: What have you tried?

B: I looked it over for damage, examined it for wear, everything. It still won’t run.

A: ( Picking up a cord behind the object) Look - here’s what’s the matter. You’re not
plugged into your power source. (Pantomimes plugging the plug into a wall socket)

B: You’re a genius. Thanks. What did you come over for anyway?

A: (More seriously) I just haven’t been doing well spiritually. I feel kinda outta touch.

B: Have you been praying about it?

A: No

B: What about reading your Bible?

A: No

B: Have you been fellowshipping with other Christians?

A: No

B: That’s your problem - you’re not plugged into your power source!

© 2005 Kathy Applebee May be used freely to teach, preach and glorify God.
More royalty free Christian Drama skits can be found at my Fools for Christ website at
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