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B r e a k fa s T c l u B
T i m el i n e
Laura J. Snyder

August 12, 1790 Richard Jones born. November 1833 Herschel and his family
December 26, 1791 Charles Babbage born. sail to South Africa. Over the next four
years Herschel will map the skies of the
March 7, 1792 John Herschel born. Southern Hemisphere.
May 24, 1794 William Whewell born. Summer 1834 Babbage invents his Analytical
1812-1813 “Philosophical Breakfasts” held in Herschel’s Engine, the first mechanical device with all the functions and
rooms at Cambridge. capabilities of a modern-day computer. This device could be
Spring 1813 –1819 Herschel discovers the “hypo” (hyposul- programmed using punch cards like those devised for the
phite of soda) later used to ‘fix’ photographs when that tech- Jacquard Loom.
nology is invented by William Henry Fox Talbot in the 1830s. June 1835 Whewell organizes the first international recording
December 1821 Babbage first thinks of inventing an “arith- of tidal data.
metical engine” and begins work on his Difference Engine no. 1. June 1836 Tithe Bill passes Parliament; Jones appointed
1829–1831 Whewell invents mathematical economics in a to the Commission overseeing the converting of tithe (tax)
series of papers attacking David Ricardo’s economic theories. payments from produce to money, which requires the first
extensive mapping of rural England and Wales.
1831 Herschel publishes Preliminary Discourse on the Study
of Natural Philosophy, which would teach scientific method Mid–March 1837 Darwin first voices the possibility that
to Darwin. Jones publishes An Essay on the Distribution of “one species does change into another” after attending one of
Wealth, an attack on David Ricardo’s economic theory and Babbage’s Saturday “soirées,” where he witnessed Babbage’s
method. demonstration with the Difference Engine model.

September 1831 The British Association for the Advance- January–March 1839 Herschel coins the terms “photog-
ment of Science (BAAS) is created by Babbage and David raphy” for Talbot’s new invention and devises the method for
Brewster and devised to showcase Herschel, Whewell, and fixing photographs. Herschel introduces the method in a paper
Babbage’s view of science. read to the Royal Society.

1833 Whewell publishes his Bridgewater Treatise on the rela- August 1840 Herschel produces the first color photograph
tion between science and religion, arguing that truth in one of the light spectrum. Babbage publicizes his Analytical Engine
realm cannot conflict with truth in the other. at a conference of Italian scientists in Turin, where he meets
Luigi Menabrea, a mathematician and army engineer.
June 1833 At the BAAS meeting in Cambridge, Whewell in-
vents the word “scientist.” Whewell and Jones create the “sta-
tistical section” of the society, introducing statistical techniques
of astronomy into the new “social sciences.” (continue below)
B r e a k fa s T c l u B
T i m eli n e
Laura J. Snyder

1841 Whewell publishes Philosophy of the Inductive 1848 Whewell introduces the natural Sciences Tripos Exam
Sciences, a book which indicated to Darwin the best way to at Cambridge, allowing students to graduate with a degree in
prove his theory of evolution. science; it took another twelve years before he convinced the
November 1842 British government ends funding to University that this exam was sufficient for graduating.
Babbage after granting approximately $2.5 million in today’s November 1850 Herschel appointed Master of the Mint.
currency for the Difference Engine. 1853 Whewell publishes Of the Plurality of Worlds, arguing
August 1843 Byron’s daughter, Ada Lovelace, translates against the existence of intelligent life on other planets.
Menabrea’s article about the Analytical Engine. It’s published January 26, 1855 Richard Jones dies at age sixty-four.
along with the first computer program which she co-wrote
with Babbage. 1855 Babbage breaks the “indecipherable” Vigenère cipher;
he returns to work on the Analytical Engine, perhaps with the
October 1846 Babbage applies what he learned working idea of building a code-breaking machine.
on the Analytical Engine to invent the Difference Engine
no. 2. In 1991 it became the only one of his Engines to be March 6, 1866 Whewell dies at age seventy-one.
fully constructed when it was built at the Science Museum of May 11, 1871 Herschel dies at age seventy-nine.
London. October 18, 1871 Babbage dies at age seventy-nine.
March 1847 Herschel finishes calculating all the astronomical
data from his expedition to South Africa, and publishes it.

The Philsophical Breakfast Club

by Laura J. Snyder
Available as a hardcover and ebook wherever
books are sold.

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