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R.N.I No - UPENG/2010/34153; Registration no: UP/GBD-136/2017-19
Publication: 10th of every month I Posting: 15th / 20th of every month

MAY-JUNE 2020 » VOLUME 11 » ISSUE 01 | ISSN 2277–3134

...democratization of technology and adoption
of GeoAI will help us battle the unknown

Trimble® R12 GNSS System

with ProPoint™ GNSS
Engine Technology
Engineered for improved accuracy and
productivity in challenging GNSS conditions,
with ground-breaking signal management
and rugged durability. Get ready for
performance that takes you further.

© 2019, Trimble Inc., All rights reserved. GEO-182 (01/2020)


Infosphere: The Big

Commercial Flight
Learn all about the
historic NASA-SpaceX
human spaceflight mission

VOLUME: 11 ISSUE: 01 06

12 Cover Story Chairman

MP Narayanan

A WAKE-UP CAll Editor-in-Chief

Sanjay Kumar
Apart from being an unparalleled
Managing Editor
crisis, COVID-19 is a unique Prof. Arup Dasgupta
opportunity for the world
to enhance efforts around Editor
Defence & Internal Security
technology democratization, so Lt Gen (Dr) AKS Chandele (Retd)
that we are collectively prepared
to take on future challenges. Editor-At-Large
Technology & Innovation
Anusuya Datta

Associate Editors
Policy & Public Affairs
06 Advancing US Leadership in 40 A Historic Connection Business & Market Analysis
Shimonti Paul
Commercial Space Industry
Mahashreveta Choudhary

Chief Designer
Subhash Kumar
CASE STUDY Visualizer
46 Accuracy Matters Pradeep Chauhan


48 SAR Imagery and Quality Metrics Vaishali Dixit
18 Lessons for India in INTERVIEW Disclaimer
Geospatial World does not necessarily subscribe
Commercialization of Space 31 Geospatial Knowledge to the views expressed in the publication.
Infrastructure to Power All views expressed in this issue are those
TECHNOLOGY TRACK Decisions at All Levels of the contributors. Geospatial World is not
responsible for any loss to anyone due to the
34 A Spatial Touch: All About GeoAI Milorad Kovacevic,
information provided.
Chief of Statistics,
United Nations Owner, Publisher & Printer: Sanjay Kumar
Development Programme Printed at Virtika Offset Printers
G-14 Sector 3, Noida - 201 301
44 Unlocking Data Gautam Budh Nagar (UP) India
Potential to Defeat
Pandemic Publication Address
A - 92, Sector - 52, Noida - 201 301 India.
Thalia Baldwin, The edition contains 52 pages including cover.
Director, Geospatial Geospatial World Geospatial Media
Commission, UK and Communications Pvt. Ltd.
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REGULAR FEATURES Tel + 91-120-4612500, Fax +91-120-4612555/666
Price: INR 150/US$15
04 Editorial 05 Out of Turn 08 Product Watch | May-June 2020 3


Navigating the Unknown

OVID-19 has impressed upon us the fear of the unknown. Airlines are collapsing as
international travel has reduced drastically; and tourism is dying a slow death. Our
healthcare systems are at breaking point. Livelihoods are affected and joblessness
is growing. Yet we have begun to adjust to this through the “known”. Meetings are
now online, as are seminars. Students learn online in spite of the woeful state of the availa-
bility of the Internet in rural areas. What stands out in this bleak scenario is the importance
of location. Never before has it become so essential to know “where”. Where are the contain-
ment zones, where are the hospitals, where is the doctor, the ambulance, the address of the
Prof. Arup Dasgupta patient… the list goes on. This is the time for geospatial to show its utility.
[email protected]
Perhaps the earliest use of geospatial in India for COVID-19 control has been in the state
of Kerala. Here, COVID-19 cases were plotted on a map and “heat maps” were created to
indicate possible clusters and help delineate containment zones. There have been cases
where the travel of COVID-19 affected individuals have been plotted and publicized and a post
facto checkout of individuals who might have picked up the infection from these individuals
was conducted. While geospatial systems have helped in mapping, the real control has been
effected by feet on the ground. Health workers have used the system to keep track of the
patients and their movement and contacts.

In sharp contrast are the contact tracing apps which have proliferated worldwide. Orig-
inally started by China and then picked up by South Korea, Singapore and India. MIT Tech-
nology Review has listed 30 such apps being used all over the world. Apple and Google have
worked together to develop an API which has been picked up by 23 countries to create their
own contact tracing apps. Most of these apps except the Apple-Google API do invade the
privacy of the individual to a lesser or greater degree. Such apps are not a replacement of feet
on the ground but only assists such workers. Much is made of individual safety. Consider the
much-touted Singapore app. As only one-fifth of the population is using this app, the chances
of any two persons in close proximity having this app on their smartphones is just 4%.

The real application of geospatial is when it is combined with other tools like AI. As an arti-
cle in this edition shows, using these two technologies together, appropriately termed GeoAI,
it was possible to detect the unusual cases of pneumonia in Wuhan back in December, which
turned out to be COVID-19. Such techniques should be used to locate clusters and potential
clusters based on travel data and contact tracing. More importantly, such applications can
become an important tool in the armory of the healthcare organizations to sniff out potential

An area which geospatial systems need to address is the post pandemic scenario. For
one thing, COVID-19 is here to stay. What would be the implications of this to healthcare,
travel, transportation, energy sources and industry? It is increasingly clear that the world is
not returning to its pre-pandemic state very soon. Lockdowns have showed that the impact
of wanton development can be reversed. While we cannot stay in a condition of permanent
lockdown, it is clear that controlled development is the way forward. Geospatial technologies
can and should provide the necessary information for future planners to help them to find a
way towards a sustainable future.

4 | May-June 2020


2020 & Elasticity of the World Order

n June 26, 1945, delegates from and inward looking governments sealed their
50 nations came together to sign borders and dedicated all available resources
the United Nations Charter – a to protect their own people. This inward
historic moment for global peace approach percolated to municipal, and even
and progress which set the context for a new household levels. Soon, social distancing also
world order. Five years later, the Republic of meant “emotional distancing”.
India laid down the principles for the world’s
largest democracy, with वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्कम् Since early March, international institu-
(The World is one Family) engraved in the Sanjay Kumar tions, set up with the purpose of multilateral-
entrance hall of its Parliament.
[email protected] ism and oneness, turned “deaf and dumb”, and
left countries at their own fate, irrespective
Over the last 75 years of post-World War of their capability to deal with pitiful realities.
II, humanity has thrived towards global peace, prosperity, Leave aside helping with resources, there hasn’t been even
and harmony. Several alliances have been formed to build cooperation in terms of sharing quality information and
cooperation in fields of security, economy, and sustaina- learnings, which has resulted in chaotic decision-making
ble development. Though some of the early alliances such and loss of livelihood for billion+ people worldwide.
as NATO and Warsaw Pact focused on military cooper-
ation, soon, the world witnessed economically driven It is a foregone conclusion that humanity is experienc-
collaborations such as Organisation of Petroleum Export- ing its biggest economic depression, and it may get worse
ing Countries (OPEC), Group of Seventy Seven (G-77), than 1930s. At a time when the world leadership should
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development have put its act together to combat this crisis, we have been
(OECD), and Group of Seven (G7). observing an unaspiring, indifferent, inward, and isolated
approach, which is focused at addressing local, and at best,
The end of the Cold War around 1990 added even more national interest. Moreover, powerful economies have
meaningful dimensions to the world order, driven by aspi- chosen to strengthen their supremacy by triggering conflict
rations of free trade (World Trade Organisation), political and unrest in different parts of the world.
integration (European Union) and economic cooperation
(Group of Twenty) and BRICS. And finally, the last decade The ideas that shaped the past 75 years have all but
witnessed the noble aspiration to ‘Leave No One Behind’. evaporated. A world order based on humanitarian
The world got together to commit The 2030 Agenda for approach has showed its theatrical character and fragil-
Sustainable Development – a blueprint for peace and pros- ity. The year 2020 has put elasticity of the world order to
perity for people and the planet. At the heart of the Agenda test by stretching and compressing its shape. The global
are 17 Sustainable Development Goals, making an urgent response to COVID-19 has posed fundamental questions
call for a global partnership to end poverty, improve health, about the genuineness of a progressive world order and
and reduce inequality, while spurring economic growth exposed its hypocritical intent of “oneness”.
and tackling Climate Change. Hopefully, the future will witness an all-new progres-
While we prepare to celebrate the 75th anniversary of sive world order that can restore trust and values of peace,
the UN, reaffirming its collective commitment to multilat- inclusivity and sustainability. Maybe the crisis will give rise
eralism, the year 2020 seems to be adamant on challenging to charismatic leadership and statesmanship, which will
the elasticity of the world order by compressing its prin- help the world regain its large-hearted shape.
ciples of one family. The year began with COVID-19, and अय निजः परो वेतिगणना लघुचेतसाम् | उदारचरितानां तु
within a fortnight, humanity was dismayed by the so called वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्
कम (the narrow-minded think of “this is
aspirational world order in which no one is left behind. mine” or “that is his”. For the noble minded, the whole
Collaborative agreements of all kinds lost their relevance, world is a family). | May-June 2020 5


Courtesy: DigitalGlobe
radar (SAR), shortwave infrared or nighttime
imaging. The regulations also recognize the
growing role of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud

LEADERSHIP IN Computing and other advanced technologies

in extracting unique information from remote

sensing, and thus apply only to the Remote
Sensing instruments and components that
support their operation.

SPACE INDUSTRY The development comes nearly a year after

a draft version of the rules received severe
criticism from the industry. “The stream-
US Commerce Department’s move to ease restrictions on Remote lined remote sensing rules reflect the Trump
Administration’s commitment to advance
Sensing regulations will increase transparency and boost business. American leadership throughout a diverse
By Anusuya Datta array of commercial space industries,” Wilbur
Ross, US Secretary of Commerce, said in

he United States Department eliminating restrictions such as limits on the a statement. “We heard the message from
of Commerce’s decision to ease resolution of imagery and additional con- industry loud and clear that previous regula-
restrictions on remote sensing ditions by the government after issuance of tions were too restrictive and were preventing
regulations has received a thumbs license. Interestingly, the guidelines require the realization of unique economic opportu-
up from commercial satellite players in the the government to assess the remote sensing nities from commercial satellite remote sens-
country. Released on May 19, 2020, the regu- data already planned or available in the ing systems. I am grateful to President Trump,
lations will improve the licensing process for market to determine whether any conditions Vice President Pence, the National Space
private satellite remote sensing operations. should be applied to companies. Council, NOAA, and the Office of Space
The rules are aimed at increasing The rules eliminate the special conditions Commerce for their leadership in bringing
openness and transparency in licensing and in place for systems like synthetic aperture these new rules to fruition,” Ross added.

6 | May-June 2020

The rules categorize applicants based on the degree to which the unenhanced
data to be generated by their proposed system are already available


Faces minimum An applicant proposes a Faces most stringent controls.

restrictions. An applicant system that is capable of An applicant proposes a
proposes a system that is producing unenhanced system that is capable of
capable only of producing data that are substantially producing unenhanced
unenhanced data the same as unenhanced data that are substantially
substantially the same as data available from US the same as no available
unenhanced data available sources only. As there is no unenhanced data—that
from sources not regulated foreign competition for that is, if the applicant has no
by Commerce. unenhanced data, a US license competitors, foreign
restriction could be effective. or domestic.

Praising the new regulations, Dr. Scott — primarily because I expect they will push lation should help data sellers and buyers
Pace, Deputy Assistant to US President and forward new innovations and also allow US across the globe.
Executive Secretary of the National Space companies to be more competitive in the The new guidelines do away with the
Council, said, “American industry is driving global market,” said Emiliano Kargieman, earlier draft proposal to classify applications
innovation in commercial remote sensing at CEO and Founder of Satellogic. as “low risk” or “high risk” from a national
an increasingly rapid rate. These streamlined Echoed SkyWatch CEO James Slifierz. security perspective and instead uses a three-
and updated rules are critical to ensuring US “We believe the revamped regulations will tier approach.
regulations keep up with the speed of innova- help the industry as a whole. We really look “This (the earlier) rules worked under
tion and ensure the United States remains the forward to seeing what new applications the assumption that Remote Sensing systems
flag of choice for commercial space businesses. will be developed with these new datasets. would be regulated so as to prevent them
We can avoid situations where US lawmak- from causing harm to national security: more
A welcome move ers try and play catch up with the speed risk a system posed to national security, the
“Maxar is pleased with the significant update of innovation, adding costs and delays to more restrictive its license would be,” the
to the Commerce Department’s remote new constellations going up and stifling the Department of Commerce said in the rule.
sensing regulations, which relaxes many of growth of the industry.” The industry had argued the earlier regula-
the barriers that have held US companies tion would have classified almost all commer-
back. We look forward to receiving updated Fresh categorization cial satellite companies as “high risk”.
licenses that embody the forward-leaning The new rules mean that if a satellite imagery The new rules, however, have no bearing
principles espoused in the preamble to the can be bought in a foreign country, US on US government Remote Sensing capabil-
new rules,” said Dan Jablonsky, CEO of satellite companies have the right to sell ities or the data policy regarding the availa-
Maxar, which is one of the largest commer- it. For instance, when data is captured by bility of data or products therefrom, such as
cial remote sensing operators in the US an American company and sold through a Landsat and NOAA’s operational satellites.
In a statement soon after the announce- Canadian platform to a Dutch client for their Only private remote sensing space systems
ment, smallsat major Planet said, “These stream- South African customers, things can get operated by all other entities — commercial,
lined, forward-looking regulations represent a really complicated, explained Slifierz. With non-profit, academic, or otherwise — will be
philosophical shift in striking a balance between the expected increase in the volume of satel- under the purview of this regulation.
US technological innovation, competition from lite data to be generated daily in the future,
foreign actors and national security.” Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Anusuya Datta
“In general, I view these proposed changes applications will play an increasingly larger Editor-At-Large - Technology & Innovation
as quite encouraging for the space industry role in how data is used. The revisited regu- [email protected] | May-June 2020 7


Enhance Image Quality with Vexcel’s UltraCam Osprey 4.1

The next generation UltraCam Osprey 4.1 is image sensors with custom electronics,
Vexcel’s highly versatile large-format aerial and a best-in-class image processing
camera. The UltraCam Osprey simultaneously pipeline, the UltraCam Osprey 4.1
collects photogrammetry grade nadir images delivers imagery of unprecedented
(PAN, RGB and NIR) and oblique images quality in terms of detail resolution,
(RGB) in four directions. Enabling unprece- clarity and dynamic range. The system
dented flight collection efficiency at superior pushes urban flight productivity to new
radiometric and geometric quality, the levels, collecting 1.1 Gigapixels every
UltraCam Osprey 4.1 sets a new standard in 0.7 seconds.
urban mapping and 3D city modeling. Its new and innovative Adaptive
As a result of a combination of leading Motion Compensation (AMC) method
customized lens systems, next generation compensates multi-directional motion
inducted image blur and ground
sampling distance variations in oblique
Key Specifications
images. Besides a new numbering
➝  2
 0,544 x 14,016 pixels PAN image
format — the UltraCam Osprey 4.1 is a
size (nadir)
4th generation camera in its first version
➝  1
 4,176 x 10,592 pixels color image
size (oblique)
— this new generation also introduces
several design updates to increase the
➝  C
 MOS imaging sensors
overall usability and user-friendliness.

Unveiled: New iPad Pro with Boost for Monitoring

Breakthrough LiDAR Scanner Professionals: Trimble’s Settop
Apple has announced its most advanced iPad Pro, which will M1 Firmware v3.0
be powered by a breakthrough LiDAR Scanner that delivers Trimble has recently announced the release of its Settop
cutting-edge depth-sensing capabilities. The LiDAR Scanner, M1 firmware v3.0, which enables monitoring profes-
along with pro cameras, motion sensors, pro performance, sionals to experience an even more user-friendly commu-
pro audio, powerful apps and a Liquid Retina display will help nication device, while also benefiting from enhanced
the device maintain its lead as the world’s best device for remote management of total stations in real-time.
augmented reality (AR). When used with Trimble 4D Control (T4D) software,
Apple’s latest innovation is a first in the mobile industry. the Settop M1 enhances the operation of a Trimble total
The new depth frameworks in iPadOS combine depth points station, combining the functionality of a
measured by the LiDAR Scanner, data from both cameras and field computer, device server, router
motion sensors, and is enhanced by computer vision algorithms and remote switch — all into one
on the A12Z Bionic for a more detailed understanding of a scene. device. This streamlines the number
According to experts, the LiDAR Scanner and the AR experiences of components needed in the field
are suited to work best in indoor and confined environments and for buildings, mines, dams, bridges
for short travel distances (5 meters). and other structural moni-
toring applications.

Key Features
➝  Cutting-edge depth- Product Features
sensing capabilities ➝  New web user interface
➝  Detailed understanding ➝  Trimble internal camera support
of a scene ➝  Reset password feature
➝  Stunning AR experience ➝  Last known position feature

8 | May-June 2020

Latest Version of
Trimble’s Tekla Software
Solutions is Here Supporting All Signals:
Geodetic Antenna
Trimble has recently introduced the latest versions
of its Tekla software solutions for advanced Building
Information Modeling (BIM), structural engineering
CHC Navigation (CHCNAV) has released its
and steel fabrication management — Tekla Structures
new AT661 GNSS geodetic antenna, which
2020, Tekla Structural Designer 2020, Tekla Tedds Product Strengths offers a performance rivalling that of high-
2020 and Tekla PowerFab 2020. Tekla software is ➝  Allows easier modeling of cost and bulky conventional GNSS choke ring
at the heart of design and construction workflows complex shapes with geometry antennas. Its affordable price makes it the best
building on the free flow of information, constructible improvements
choice for any GNSS networks or monitoring
models and improved collaboration. Tekla Structures ➝  Provides better usability,
application. The AT661 supports all current and
supports the constructible process to transform the control and productivity
with concrete rebar detailing future GNSS signals, including GPS, GLONASS,
entire design, build and operate lifecycle.
enhancements BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, IRNSS, SBAS and
Tekla Structures 2020 delivers enhancements,
➝  Enables quick and easy form- L-band. The antenna features both high gain
improvements and new features that enable efficient
works modeling and improved LNA and wide beam width to provide excellent
workflows for better productivity, increased mobility
hollowcore concrete detailing flexibility in applications requiring low elevation
and collaboration across project teams.
satellites reception and high availability of GNSS
signals, especially in obstructed situations.
The accuracy of the antenna's phase
Leica Geosystems’ Map360 v4.0 to center reaches the millimetre-level with
Simplify Incident Reconstruction extremely high stability and repeatability
to ensure perfect processing of GNSS data
Leica Geosystems has come out with the latest version of Leica Map360 crash and crime scene regardless of the length of the baselines. Built
diagramming and reconstruction software, bringing three editions to meet specific customer to last, the AT661 withstands all types of
needs based on the technology used to measure and collect any scene. With an all new user weather, including high and low temperatures,
experience and interface, Map360 v4.0 simplifies incident reconstruction activities for investiga- and is protected by a waterproof radome.
tors, reconstructionists and other public safety personnel.
With 2D intuitive workflows, Map360 Sketch offers a program designed to create basic
diagrams, floorplans and reports from manual measurements, imported points, or UAV imagery.

Product Highlights Product Advantages

➝  Measure and collect a ➝  Compact
➝  Affordable
➝  All new user interface
➝  3D capabilities and tools ➝  Provides millimetre accuracy
along with animation

Here Tech’s Free Route Planning Solution for Indian SMEs

Here Technologies has recently launched its route planning solution,
WeGo Deliver, in India to enable businesses optimize their delivery of Product Utility
goods and services. The solution will assist small enterprises in plan- ➝  Users can upload order destina-
ning and dispatching deliveries without any software development or tions and number of drivers to
implementation cost. The company has made access to WeGo Deliver get optimized routes and delivery
free of charge to all small or medium-sized businesses until 2021. sequence
Users can upload their order destinations and number of drivers ➝  Drivers can get their delivery route
to the online planning dashboard and the solution will optimize each by email and can access the end
route and delivery sequence for them. Drivers can get their delivery points by using the Here WeGo
route by email and can access the delivery route end points by using mobile app
the Here WeGo mobile app. | May-June 2020 9


THE BIG The SpaceX Demo 2 Mission, which saw
a Falcon 9 carrying NASA astronauts
Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley
aboard a Crew Dragon capsule fly for

the International Space Station (ISS),
represents the final step before NASA
certifies the SpaceX capsule to fly regular,
long missions to the ISS.

• Falcon 9 is SpaceX’s workhorse and is the first orbital
class rocket capable of reflight. It has been launched
85 times so far, with 46 landings and 32 reflown
DATE: May 30, 2020 missions.
TIME: 3.22 pm ET • Two-stage design allows refly of the most expensive
parts of the rocket.
• Stands 70 meter tall and is 3.7 meter in diameter, with
a payload capacity of 22,800 kg to LEO, 8,300 kg to
GTO and 4,020 kg to Mars.

• Crew Dragon is an evolved
version of SpaceX’s
Dragon Cargo spacecraft
that has visited the space
station 22 times, with 9
LOCATION reflown missions.
Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
• Sits on top of the Falcon 9
LAUNCHPAD in place of the traditional
The iconic launchpad 39A at the Kennedy nose cone
Space Center was used for Apollo 11 • 8.1 meter tall with a trunk
landing on Moon. It was later used for the and 4 meter in diameter,
Space Shuttle program. with 37 sq meter trunk
SECOND TIME LUCKY • Launch payload mass of 6,000 kg and
May 30, 2020 launch was the second return payload mass of 3,000 kg
attempt. The launch was called off due to
bad weather on May 27, 2020. • Capable of carrying up to 7 passengers
to and from Earth’s orbit, and beyond 
WHY IS THIS SIGNIFICANT • Trunk is the large lower half that’s
• This is the first time in a decade that covered in solar panels, which can also
American astronauts have been carry cargo
launched from American soil on an • Trunk remains attached to Dragon
American rocket. until shortly before re-entry into Earth’s
• SpaceX is the first private company to
send humans to space. • Allows transport of people as well as
environmentally sensitive cargo

Falcon 9 lifts off from the historic Launch Complex 39A

10 | May-June 2020

On May 31, 2020, 19 hours after the launch, the Crew Dragon
successfully docked with the ISS.
The United States has regained our
THE ASTRONAUTS place of prestige as the world leader.
You can't be number one on Earth if
you are number two in Space… Today’s
launch makes clear the commercial
Space industry is the future.

President, United States

• Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley were selected by NASA

in its astronaut class of 2000. Both have been to Space
twice before on Space Shuttle missions.
It’s been nine years since we’ve
• Air Force veteran Behnken, 49, is the joint operations launched American astronauts on
commander for the mission — responsible for reaching
ISS and docking. American rockets from American soil,
and now we have done it again.
• A Navy and Marines veteran, Hurley, 53, is the spacecraft
commander and is responsible for Crew Dragon’s launch,
landing and recovery.
Administrator, NASA
Now is not the time: Given the coronavirus crisis,
NASA made an unprecedented request — urging
large crowds to not gather on the highways and
beaches to watch the launch. 
Extended quarantine: Astronauts Robert
Behnken and Douglas Hurley officially entered a
preflight quarantine on May 13, 2020, although they had been I’d like to acknowledge the incredible
self-isolating since mid-March. While typically astronauts are work of the people at SpaceX and
quarantined before a mission, the protocol has been stricter for NASA and everyone who created this
Demo-2 due to the pandemic. technology – what has culminated in
Limited Contact: Direct interaction with the crew was not this incredible launch today.
permitted without appropriate protective gear, and even the
interaction with VIPs a day before launch was done
through a glass wall.
Control room arrangements: In the Mission Control,
different rooms were used to keep people safely distant
Chief Engineer
from each other with plexiglass between seats and stations. and CEO, SpaceX
Concept: Anusuya Datta | Design: Subhash Kumar | May-June 2020 11

The COVID-19 global pandemic, apart from being an unparalleled crisis, is
a unique opportunity for the world to enhance efforts around technology
democratization, so that we can collectively be prepared to take on future
challenges. By Avneep Dhingra

12 | May-June 2020

he ubiquity of technology in
developed parts of the world
is simply astonishing. Almost
In 47 least developed everyone has a smartphone and
access to high-speed Internet. But netizens do
nations, over 80% of not necessarily assert their ascendancy — for
population is still offline them it is part and parcel of living in a “con-
nected society”. No wonder that a handful
of countries account for nearly 90% of the
market capitalization value of the world’s 70
largest digital platforms and over 75% of the
cloud computing market (UNCTAD’s Digital
Economy Report, 2019).
In the most extreme case, But what about less developed parts of the
world, where the “connected population” is
a mere 2% of population is below 20%. There is little or no access to mobile
using Internet networks and the Internet, let alone emerging
technologies, which have the power to boost
governance and decision-making — thereby
boosting socio-economic development. Accord-
ing to the World Economic Forum, among the
many inequalities exposed by COVID-19, the
Women are lagging in digital divide is not only one of the starkest, but
terms of access to digital also among the most surprising.
technologies in two
How we are divided
thirds of countries around A 2019 report (Measuring digital development:
the world Facts & figures) by ITU’s Telecommunication
Development Bureau suggests that only 4.1
billion people, or just over 53% of the global
population, are online, while a staggering 3.6
billion people are unconnected. Further, in 47
In India, there is Internet least developed nations, over 80% of the popu-
density of 49.78%, lation is still offline. ITU data show that in the
which means that every most extreme case, a mere 2% of the population
is using the Internet. The report indicates that
second person is not the women are lagging behind men in their
connected ability to take advantage of the power of digital
technologies in almost two thirds of countries
around the world.
“Access to connectivity is not a luxury,
but a critical service to society. As we have
In most parts of the world, witnessed today, our networks must remain
resilient and responsive to citizens’ immedi-
digital divide is determined
ate needs — whether it is businesses (of all
by factors such as location, sizes), government institutions, education
income, gender, age, etc. and healthcare systems, power utilities or
transportation providers,” says Mike Cala-
brese, Vice President of Global Enterprise
and Webscale at Nokia. Even in a fast-de-
veloping country like India, there is Internet | May-June 2020 13


With the world rushing to build maps, dashboards and apps to combat the COVID-19, the significance of technology, especially geospatial data and tools has once again come
to the fore

density of 49.78%, which means that for Chief of Statistics, United Nations
every person who is connected, there Development Programme.
exists one who lacks access to the Internet. Access to
In most parts of the world, this divide is How tech democratization can help connectivity is not a
determined by factors such as location, With the world rushing to build luxury, but a critical
income, gender, age, etc. maps, dashboards and apps to combat service to society.
According to the World Health Organ- COVID-19, the significance of technology, Our networks must
ization, the need to spread information especially geospatial data and tools has
about how to combat COVID-19 is most once again come to the fore. Almost every
remain resilient and
urgent in poorer countries, where migrants major organization — ranging from responsive to citizens’
and the destitute are most vulnerable to businesses, academic institutions to news immediate needs
the virus. Further, children’s education has broadcasters — were seen using spatial
abruptly come to a halt, and work from data for planning, acting and information
home is an option for very few people. In sharing. It did not take long for govern-
the absence of technology access, these ments, healthcare service providers and
problems render governance ineffective, other responders from all over the world to
often leading to continued suffering for realize that they all needed such technology
citizens. “This digital divide, which is not tools to mitigate the coronavirus crisis.
just about having the Internet, but about “GIS is unique because users everywhere Mike Calabrese
having data to make decisions, has to be can create their own individual sets of Vice President, Global Enterprise and
bridged,” emphasizes Milorad Kovacevic, information as map layers. Everyone’s Webscale, Nokia

14 | May-June 2020

content is compiled and is represented as in case of a health emergency, connectivity
a series of information overlays covering and access to accurate information can
specific areas across the planet. In today’s make a world of difference. For instance, One of the most
world of cloud computing, all of these if we hadn’t been able to trace the origin impactful traits of
layers have their own individual URLs, of the COVID-19 back to Wuhan, or track GIS information
enabling these layers to be integrated and its movement and spread, the number of
synthesized together,” says Esri Founder infected cases and fatalities, apart from
is the user
and President Jack Dangermond. the damage caused to the global economy
Democratization of technology has the would have been a lot higher. “The ability strong interest in
power to change people’s lives. The access to access information from anywhere at sharing — we all
to technology, from the simple to the any time has never been more important. need access to
sophisticated provides the innovative envi- For example, our companies, and even our each other’s data
ronment to push technology further and governments, are now operating from thou-
to participate in its advancement meaning- sands of locations where they hadn’t been
fully. “The opportunity to use technology before — employees’ homes. This means
gives us the tools to re-imagine and redefine software and services that enable collab-
jobs and industries that can help us thrive oration have become critical in ways we
mentally, physically and economically as didn’t expect, but now rely upon,” explains
communities. That access is vital,” argues Hexagon CEO Ola Rollén.
Trimble President and CEO Rob Painter. We are living in a fast-changing world,
The real power of technology lies in the which poses new challenges to our survival Jack Dangermond
valuable information that can be derived every now and then. In such a scenario, tech- Esri Founder and President
from it. In any given situation, especially nology is the best tool for crisis management

for all stakeholders. “Therefore, democrati-

zation of technology is tremendously impor-
tant for governments, corporations and all
other decision-makers who have a certain
social responsibility, so that we are all able to
act as timely as possible based on the most
current and,” feels Matthew Zenus, Global
Vice-President, HANA & Analytics, Solu-
tion Strategy at SAP.

Why is ‘where’ so important

The COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted
our entire world. From healthcare services
to school education, business processes to
everyday movement, each and every activity
performed by human beings have undergone
a drastic change. As we collectively adjust to
the new normal, the knowledge of location
and all the information related to it (what,
how and when) will hold the key to our
survival and well-being.
Today, governments around the world
are using contact tracing through mobile
applications to keep the people safe, and
are relying on location tech to streamline

Today, governments around the world are using contact tracing through mobile applications to keep the people safe,
The opportunity to and are relying on location tech to streamline work operations

use technology gives work operations, strengthen supply chains How can geospatial make
us the tools to re- and restart industries. For example, India’s a difference
imagine and redefine National Disaster Management Authority With data holding unprecedented signif-
(NDMA) has developed an online dash- icance in today’s day and age, geospatial
jobs and industries board to capture information regarding technologies provide not only the ability
that can help us thrive millions of migrant workers who were to manage and integrate data, but also the
mentally, physically stranded due to the nationwide lockdown to analytical tools that support quick deci-
and economically as provide them relief and facilitate their safe sion-making, thereby saving both time and
communities. That movement across states. money. Using data in new ways helps in
access is vital “Being able to visualize information reviving sluggish economies and making
about confirmed cases, fatalities, testing governments and organizations efficient and
facilities, or where to buy supplies is a very resilient in the face of a crisis.
powerful and effective way to communi- “Geospatial information provides
cate critical information. We have seen context to information to determine the
first-hand how governments are deploying what, where, when and why of something.
feature-rich, yet accessible technologies to The influence and impact that knowl-
develop dynamic maps and dashboards that edge can bring is powerful, particularly
help their citizens understand the threat of during a crisis such as COVID-19,” adds
Rob Painter COVID-19 at local, regional and national Painter. Since the current pandemic began,
Trimble President and CEO levels,” says Mladen Stojic, President, developers, researchers, geoscientists and
Hexagon Geospatial. health organizations have been developing

16 | May-June 2020

As we move ahead, it will be important that
resource-rich organizations act as enablers
The ability to access
information from in ensuring that people have equal access
anywhere at any and support to create or adopt solutions that
time has never been work specifically for them
more important.
Our companies and beginning of 2020, extraordinary efforts in that and provide the hardware, software
governments, are now worldwide sprang up as a global response and infrastructure to allow local innovation
to the coronavirus pandemic. “GIS prac- to happen. Creating tools and applications
operating from thousands titioners and heroic people everywhere to gain knowledge is one of the best ways
of locations where they joined together to implement and apply to build strength and resilience to better
hadn’t been before community GIS in virtually every nation respond to an ‘unknown enemy’ like a future
and global region as well as at local levels. pandemic,” emphasizes Painter.
One of the most impactful traits of GIS “It’s definitely possible to work together
information is the user community’s strong and learn from each other’s experiences and
interest in sharing — we all need access to experiments, but there is no one-size-fits-all
each other’s data.” response. With the diversity of solutions
Governments, businesses and trained needed across geospatial applications, the
developers can commit to creating and idea is the same. COVID-19 is an opportu-
offering open-source approaches to infor- nity for sharing best practices to aid in future
Ola Rollén mation sharing, system development and situations where we are experiencing the
Hexagon CEO data management, says Painter. For example, same challenges at different times for differ-
users in underdeveloped countries could use ent reasons,” feels Rollén.
a free and open-source desktop GIS tool to Dangermond thinks that the geospatial
technological tools and apps to help inform work with geospatial data, analyze datasets, community must work to ensure technol-
and enable societies to adapt and rebuild. connect to external tools and publish and ogies are open, interoperable, and readily
Widely sharing these map-based resources share geospatial information. User-friendly accessible worldwide. These goals include
are helping people and industries regain environments such as these give stakeholders effective configuration and use of COTS
control and certainty. efficiencies and confidence to build knowl- tools, adoption of best practices, and open
Going forward, geospatial data and edge and develop systems and plans that best information sharing across geospatial organ-
Location Intelligence are going to be critical serve their communities. izations, because shared data layers are easily
for economic recovery — from being able to Likewise, geospatial manufacturers integrated in to GIS.
continue tracking the spread of the virus and can provide support and tools that enable The COVID-19 pandemic may have
its impact at any given time, to supporting cit- developers to create specialized appli- caused tremendous disruption to the global
ies and nations that are trying to understand cations that bring the best value to their society and economy, but has also acted
what is the new normal for their essential ser- working environments. For instance, a as a wake-up call, a unique opportunity to
vices and management of everyday public life. trained developer could create simple, cus- enhance efforts around democratization of
tomized workflows to aid in locating and technology, so that we can collectively be
Who should lead the way and how tracking virus hotspots and concentrations prepared to take on future challenges.
As we move ahead, It will be important of infected people. “On-demand access If the Chinese use two brush strokes to
that resource-rich organizations act as to real-time, accurate geospatial data and write the word ‘crisis’, (as stated by John F.
enablers in ensuring that people have Location Intelligence for all is critical for a Kennedy) with one brush stroke standing
equal access and support to create or adopt coordinated, global response to any shared for danger and the other for opportunity,
solutions that work specifically for them. crisis,” adds Rollén. perhaps it’s time to shift focus to the second
“For example, in ArcGIS Online, users have Providing access to technology is akin to stroke of the brush.
created over 35 millions layers worldwide. providing opportunity, but that’s possible
We estimate that as many as 40-50% of only through partnerships and collabora- Avneep Dhingra
these items are publicly shared,” adds tions. “Governments, big and small busi- Associate Editor - Policy & Public Affairs
Dangermond, highlighting that since the nesses and societies would do well to partner [email protected] | May-June 2020 17



OF SPACE To be able to bring the policy
statement to reality requires a
major overhaul of government-led
Space activities. Only then will
the promises be realizable.
By Prof. Arup Dasgupta
Here is what
n May 16, 2020, Indian
Finance Minister Nirmala
the minister said Sitharaman electrified the
Space community with the
bold announcement on boosting private
participation in Space activities.

India will provide level

Indian private sector will
playing field for private
be a co-traveler in the
companies in satellites,
country’s Space sector
launches and
Space-based services

Private sector will be

India will provide
allowed to use ISRO
predictable policy and
facilities and other
regulatory environment
relevant assets to
to private players
improve their capacities

Future projects for There will be a liberal

planetary exploration, geospatial data policy
outer Space travel, etc. for providing Remote
will be open for private Sensing data to
sector tech-entrepreneurs

18 | May-June 2020

Even though these bold statements have
excited the Space communities in the
technology and application areas, it needs to
be said that a policy statement such as this,
which gives a “feel good” warmth, needs to
be followed up with cold and hard actions. A
statement is not a policy. A policy needs to be
backed up with processes which will give rise
to programs and projects.

Example of policy implementation

When the US was losing the Space race to the
erstwhile USSR, President John F. Kennedy
declared in September 1962 that “we choose
to go to the Moon in this decade and do the
other things, not because they are easy, but

Courtesy: NASA
because they are hard; because that goal will
serve to organize and measure the best of our
energies and skills, because that challenge is
one that we are willing to accept, one we are When the US was losing the Space race to the erstwhile USSR, President John F. Kennedy declared in September
unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to 1962 that his country will “go to the Moon in this decade”. This was followed by the Apollo Program, and with
Apollo 11, the first human, an American, stepped on the Moon (in picture) in July 1969
win, and the others, too.” This was followed
by the Apollo Program, and with Apollo 11, ment. In 1962, he formed the Indian National where ISRO stands today in terms of working
the first human, an American, stepped on the Committee for Space Research, INCOSPAR, with co-travelers. ISRO, it should be noted, is
Moon in July 1969. with the support of the then Prime Minister the primary research and development arm of
In these seven years, several US indus- Jawaharlal Nehru. INCOSPAR was managed the Department of Space, DOS. The key term
tries blossomed and grew into global Space by the Physical Research Laboratory, which is research and development.
giants which supported the US to further its was a grant-in-aid institution of the Depart-
Space ventures, till the tragic failures of the ment of Atomic Energy. R&D – an instrument of
Space Shuttle, which effectively closed down Eventually INCOSPAR activities societal development
human spaceflight from American soil on migrated to the Indian Space Research In 1971, Dr. Sarabhai, the architect of India’s
American vehicles. In the first decade of the Organisation, ISRO, a project of PRL. nascent Space program, passed away, leaving
new millennium, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and Under INCOSPAR and later ISRO, several an inchoate ISRO to Prof. Satish Dhawan, who
many other private Space startups jumped in projects were launched like sounding rockets took over in 1972 and gave it a direction and
with new ideas and new programs. for Space Sciences, Experimental Satellite defined specific goals. Prof. Dhawan realized
On May 30, 2020 after nine years, NASA Communications Earth Station for training that ISRO needed to co-travel with other
astronauts have once again ridden into Space in Earth station operations, Satellite Instruc- Indian entities in order to be relevant. Under his
from US soil on a US built vehicle. The only tional Television Experiment, etc. leadership, ISRO forged ahead with launchers,
difference being that Falcon 9 launcher and the In an address to the first UN Confer- primarily PSLV, INSAT communications
Crew Dragon spacecraft were designed, built ence on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, satellites and IRS Remote Sensing satellites.
and launched by SpaceX from a completely UNISPACE, held in 1969, Vikram Sarabhai While the launchers would ultimately serve to
refurbished and a very aesthetically attractive also recognized the importance of Remote launch Indian satellites, the satellites themselves
Pad 39A of the NASA launch complex. It is Sensing for development, and these activities would have to serve India meaningfully in terms
also important to note that an old hand like began under ISRO. of communications, broadcasting, meteorology
Boeing lost out to a bold startup like SpaceX. While the Indian Space Program is and natural resources management.
quite different from the US Space Program, Thanks to his far-sightedness, the Indian
Origins of ISRO and its core purpose and ISRO is quite different from NASA, it is Space Program formed very useful relation-
As far back as the early 1960s, a scientist, necessary to learn from the US experience ships for both upstream and downstream activ-
Vikram Sarabhai, working with the Depart- and those of other countries, to steer com- ities. The Indian industry, both heavy industries
ment of Atomic Energy, realized that Space mercialization of Space activities in a “co-trav- and MSMEs, were roped in to supply the
could play an important role in India’s develop- eler” mode. It is also necessary to understand essential components of launch vehicles and | May-June 2020 19


is an exception, but two years after its com-

missioning, its usage is still minimal.
The worst action of internalization was the
unnecessary creation of the Remote Sensing
Data Policy. Till this came, IRS data was
available openly. On the other hand, decades
old policies of Survey of India made it difficult
for scientists to acquire topographic maps, par-
ticularly of coastal and international boundary
areas, essential for the analysis of satellite
imagery. Similarly, policies of the Ministries of
Home and Defence made it extremely difficult
to acquire aerial photographs and imagery,
Courtesy: ISRO

which were useful as supplementary data.

The RSDP ensured that ISRO joined the
dubious club of data deniers. The decision to
ISRO’s transition, from a primar­ily R&D organization to an operational agency for the manufacture of launchers, canalize import of high resolution imagery is
communications satellites and Remote Sensing satellites, and the provision of ser­vices for launches, communications another choke-point which smacks of conflict of
satellite management and Remote Sensing data services, has left several experts and old hands surprised
interest. While the unstated desire is to promote
satellites. At the same time, ISRO engaged with We are far behind in the development of high resolution IRS data, the RSDP effectively
the end users of communications, meteorology reusable launchers because our attention is denies this data to users other than from the
and natural resources management to evolve more on increasing the number of launches. government or government-sponsored projects.
meaningful uses of the satellites in these areas. When PSLV is built with nearly 80% of Worse still was its decision to sell imagery
contracted components, what is holding which was being generated using taxpayers’
Transformation of ISRO from ISRO back from passing on the manufacture money. The result was to drive away potential
research to operational institution and launch activities of PSLV to the industry users from industry and academia. Ostensibly,
Most old ISRO hands wonder since when and concentrating on new developments in Bhuvan is designed to make data available to
did a primarily R&D organization become launcher technologies? end users for free. In reality, Bhuvan, with its
an operational agency for the manufacture In applications too, the much vaunted poor bandwidth, is no match for Landsat and
of launchers, communications satellites and 160 projects to be executed by end users to Sentinel data, which are available for free to
Remote Sensing satellites, and the provision give a fillip to the use of Remote Sensing download from the Cloud, but policy restric-
of services for launches, communications data by end user departments were inter- tions prevent ISRO from doing the same.
satellite management and Remote Sensing nalized to a set of Bhuvan maps prepared
data services? It happened over time. by ISRO. There are hardly any applications Deterioration of leadership
that are significant, and that extend the and disempowerment of young
Diversion from core purpose to capabilities of modeling and analysis. While generation
internalization of ISRO data science has taken the world by storm, The journey of ISRO under a Chairman who
From the heady and challenging days of ISRO seems to be well insulated from these could boldly go out and face a hostile media
working with other organizations, ISRO has advances. There have been no significant after the failure of the first SLV launch to a
steadily internalized its activities and turned developments in the communications field Chairman whose prime interest is to launch,
itself into a launcher and satellite produc- either on satellites or on the ground. IRNSS launch and launch, and who cries on the
tion and service agency. There is precious
little R&D that goes on which we are aware
about. The small satellite launch vehicle is an
There is need for a comprehensive Space
afterthought, as the same has been already policy, which has been hanging fire for long.
proposed by NewSpace India participants.
While the development of the cryogenic
Such a policy will encourage a vibrant Space
engine is significant, it should be noted that industry independ­ent of ISRO-DOS. And it
it got delayed due to a decision to tie up with
Russia for the cryogenic engines and the
must emerge from the Space industry and user
subsequent geopolitical maneuvers and events. communities, and not be driven by ISRO-DOS
20 | May-June 2020
Under the leadership of Vikram Sarabhai, ISRO forged
ahead with launchers, primarily PSLV, INSAT commu-
nications satellites and IRS Remote Sensing satellites
Courtesy: PRL, Ahmedabad

Courtesy: ISRO
A file photo of Vikram Sarabhai (left) with Jawaharlal Nehru. As far back as the early 1960s, Sarabhai, working with Under the leadership of Vikram Sarabhai, ISRO forged
the Depart­ment of Atomic Energy, realized that Space could play an important role in India’s development. In 1962, ahead with launchers, primarily PSLV, INSAT commu-
he formed the Indian National Committee for Space Research, with the support of the then Prime Minister Nehru nications satellites and IRS Remote Sensing satellites

shoulders of the Prime Minister after the co-travelers. There is too much of bureau- and operations. While the R&D is in the
failure of the Chandrayaan lander is not one cratization and severe conflict of interest. ICU, the operations part is thriving.
that instills confidence in the organization’s The sad stories of Devas and TeamIndus ISRO has world-class facilities for fabri-
ability to co-travel with potential challengers strengthen this view. Leaving operational cation and testing, which are used by both,
in the fields of technology and applications. activities to others more suited for the task but operations get a higher priority and R&D
Given this scenario, ISRO is most will be painful for ISRO because over time, suffers. Also, working on operational projects
unsuited to take on the task of encouraging it has given birth to a Siamese twin of R&D with a short life span is more interesting, as it



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The first need is of a Space policy, which is

hanging fire for long. Such a policy is needed
to encourage a vibrant space industry inde-
Internal restructuring Comprehensive Space policy
and discontinuation of
pendent of ISRO-DOS. Such a policy must
based on inputs by industry
all operational activities and user communities emerge from the Space industry and user com-
munities, and not be driven by ISRO-DOS.
One such draft by an organization, Takshashila
Institution, needs to be considered seriously.
Secondly, ISRO needs to be restruc-
Focus on advanced tured by removing all operational activities
launchers, payloads and including their related facilities and services.
Structural reforms and
ground systems for Earth-re- All services should be with ACL. The huge
strengthening of research
lated applications, Space facilities in ISRO funded by the government
and exploration
Sciences and humans in
should be made into national Space tech-
Space programs
nology fabrication and testing assets which
are open to both ISRO-DOS and Industry
impartially. NSIL should be repurposed to
manage these assets on behalf of the Govern-
ment of India.
ISRO should concentrate on advanced
PRESCRIPTION FOR ISRO launchers, payloads and ground systems for
Earth related applications, Space Sciences
gives greater short-term visibility and therefore operational and commercial tasks through and Human in Space programs. While inter-
better career progression for the staff. R&D ACL, neglecting its mandated role of R&D, action with ACL and NSIL will be necessary,
requires patience and the use of brain power. much to its detriment as explained above. it should be on strictly commercial terms as
Success is slow in coming and not guaranteed. NSIL was set up recently with the “pri- applicable to other co-travelers.
mary mandate of enabling Indian industries
Commercialization of capabilities to scale up high-technology manufactur- Scalability of societal impact
It should be noted that ISRO is just a part of ing and production base for Indian Space One of the very interesting ideas that has been
the Department of Space, which is the main Program.” Both ACL and NSIL are wholly posted recently is the possibility of independent
body akin to NASA. However, because of its owned Government of India entities under industries to meet the needs of the defense
size and the nature of its growth, it is easy to the administrative control of DOS. It seems forces independent of ISRO, which is essen-
confuse ISRO with DOS and use the acro- that while ACL is to market ISRO products tially a civilian organization. It is also possible
nyms interchangeably. DOS has two other and services abroad, NSIL is to encourage that private communications service providers
units which are not a part of ISRO. These industry to scale up to meet ISRO require- could fund communications satellites using the
include Antrix Corporation Limited, ACL, ments of high technology manufacturing. MEO, as is happening in the rest of the world,
and NewSpace India Limited, NSIL. The It is clear from the above information that maybe for 5G services for example. The same
latter should not be confused with NewSpace the vision of DOS viz-a-viz private industry could apply for Remote Sensing constellations.
India, which represents an informal consor- is one of managing contractors for ISRO The government should break away and
tium of private Space entrepreneurs. requirements and not one of encouraging do only those things that industry cannot do.
ACL is dubbed as the commercial arm independent co-travelers. In order to realize These include developing advanced technol-
of ISRO and is engaged in providing Space the independent participation of private ogies and systems for healthcare, education,
products and services to international cus- industry in Space activities, the government Space sciences and humans in Space. Leave the
tomers worldwide. It is really the commercial needs to look beyond ISRO-DOS. industry to find its own way and do their own
arm of DOS, but it uses all ISRO facilities and thing guided by an enabling Space policy which
manpower to further its business. Started as Structural reforms & strengthening should be reviewed and modified from time to
a one-and-a-half person organization, housed of research and exploration time in consultation with all stakeholders.
in ISRO headquarters, it relies heavily on the To be able to bring the policy statement to
Space organization without any benefit to it reality requires a major overhaul of govern- Prof. Arup Dasgupta
in terms of sharing profits or even funding ment led Space activities. Only then will the Managing Editor
research there. In short, ISRO is forced into promises be realizable. [email protected]

22 | May-June 2020


lG ds
N SS B a n

Geospatial Knowledge
Infrastructure to Power
Decisions at All Levels
If developed properly, geospatial knowledge
infrastructure can help in coordination and
bridging the geospatial digital divide, apart from
enabling the private sector to recover quickly
from the current crisis and empowering all
stakeholders, emphasizes Milorad Kovacevic,
Chief of Statistics, United Nations
Development Programme

Can you share with us your thoughts around the larger

impact of COVID-19 on the world economy and society?
This is a very important question. I think everyone around the world
is currently trying to measure, assess and predict the impact of the
pandemic. This is certainly the most challenging crisis since World War
II. It is a global health calamity unlike any other, and is increasing human
suffering, destabilizing and endangering the global economy, and upending
the lives of billions of people. The International Monetary Fund has already
predicted a global recession worse than 2008. The International Labour
Organization has said that nearly 300 million people will be rendered
jobless. We have entered a global recession of record dimensions.
As mitigating this crisis requires the closing of borders,
travel bans and quarantine measures, the tourism
sector has been completely devastated — the
UN World Tourism Organization has
predicted a 60%-80% decline in the
sector.1 The GDP growth of some
developing countries, especially
small island nations, is heavily
dependent on tourism. Many other

tary-general. | May-June 2020 31


Do you see location and geospatial including traditional statistics and new data
data playing an important role sources — Big Data, in a variety of sectors.
Around 80% of the in converting this crisis into an UNDP designed the plan to track progress
population in developed opportunity, and how can we in achieving the Sustainable Development
leverage it at global, regional,
countries has access to national and sub-national levels
Goals. However, in the wake of this unprec-
edented crisis, Big Data is being heavily used
the Internet, but when to rebuild our economies and to anticipate trends and support govern-
it comes to the least societies? ments in advance to deal with the future
Data will play a crucial role in this process. impact of COVID-19.
developed nations, less Going forward, every decision should be We have built two dashboards3 using
than 20% of people have based on accurate and reliable information. traditional internationally standardized indi-
proper access. This digital We are already seeing individuals and house-
holds around the world using information
cators to assess the preparedness of countries
to handle a crisis of this magnitude. These
divide, which is not just and communication technologies to mini- dashboards feature a set of indicators and
about having the Internet mize disruption and circumvent the obstacles are easy to understand with color-coded
they face in going about their daily lives. The ink. One can immediately recognize which
but about having data to UNDP has pointed out the vast inequality in countries and regions in the world are less
make decisions, has to be terms of access to information and commu- prepared and are more vulnerable in the
bridged nication technologies which concerns some
important ICT indicators. Around 80% of
current situation. In general, reliable data
is key to social and economic recovery, and
the population in developed countries has the UN and UNDP are working with many
developing countries depend on the inflow access to the Internet, but when it comes to countries to improve their use of data and
of remittances to the extent of 5%-10% of the least developed nations, less than 20% of digital technology.
GDP2. With worldwide recession and loss of people have proper access. This digital divide,
jobs, these remittances will reduce dramat- which is not just about having the Internet How severely will this crisis impact
ically. The United Nations has called for a but about having data to make decisions, has the Sustainable Development
large scale coordinated, comprehensive and to be bridged. Goals, and what should be our
multilateral response amounting to at least I think that educational institutions will priority moving forward?
10% of the national GDP, which is around have to focus on digital literacy during and It is well known that countries agreed upon
10% of the global economy, to prevent a after this crisis. Currently, billions of young SDGs, or the 2030 Agenda, and also on the
prolonged economic crisis. people depend heavily on the Internet, and Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Many
While most developed countries can the number of such people is only going countries are on a good track to achieving
manage economic crises from their own to grow. So, it’s important to recognize the these goals; they are progressing well on
resources, the developing nations urgently essential role of data and the need for it to some fronts. However, we can already recog-
need massive support. We should also be made available at all levels of governance nize that the pandemic will slow down and in
remember that the global health system is as across geographies. Collaborations between some cases, reverse the progress if the aid is
strong as the weakest national health system. the private sector and governments and diverted exclusively to COVID-19 response.
That is why, global solidarity is not only a investment in innovation and data develop- There are countries that are in a fragile
moral imperative, it is in everyone’s interest ment will be critical. The UN and its agencies situation and are not doing well on SDGs,
— as this virus is attracted to all humanity will support all stakeholders in this process. especially in these testing times. So, yes, the
regardless of geography or nationality. There The expansion of data will bring better SDGs will surely be affected, but differently
is a proverb that says, “In the midst of every insights and decision-making and lead to bet- in different countries — depending on their
crisis lies a great opportunity.” So, there is ter access to healthcare, finance and banking, current state. The UN and UNDP are doing
an opportunity to recover and build a better and digital solutions. everything to support such nations in their
world, which is safer, healthier, more equal path of sustainability.
and sustainable. Can you share the example of a
country which is working towards
building a data and technology-
2 UNDP (2020). Global preparedness and vulnerabil- based system? 3 UNDP (2020). Global preparedness and vulner-
ity dashboards. Human Development Report Office. ability dashboards. Human Development Report The UNDP has a well-designed plan on Office.
ness-and-vulnerability-dashboards) this. Today, many countries are using data, paredness-and-vulnerability-dashboards)

32 | May-June 2020

UNDP has built two dashboards to assess the preparedness of countries to handle the COVID-19 crisis

How much of geospatial geospatial information, Do you think this is the right time
information does your unit use and demography, environment data for building and strengthening
in what way? and meteorological data help in geospatial knowledge
UNDP is a large organization and it has a rebuilding things post COVID-19? infrastructure, and will that boost
specialized unit dedicated to the application For social and economic recovery, reliable the global health response system?
of geospatial data. There are many examples data are very important. The key is to The global geospatial knowledge infrastructure
of UNDP using geospatial data to help coun- develop precise frameworks and organize could help us build a robust health response
tries around the world. For instance, UNDP the data in such a way so that they bring system and enhance worldwide coordination
is supporting small island states in the use of value in decision-making. The data and development. For instance, the integrated
technologies such as geospatial to develop ecosystems must also take into consider- geospatial information framework that was
and use digital early warning systems, satellite ation that there are different stakeholders developed jointly by the UN and World
imagery, drones. We are also supporting and different country-level needs, which Bank in 2018 to assist countries in building
these countries in digitization of data with must be tracked, reported, considered and capacities for using geospatial technology and
sufficient technology and knowledge, so that answered. For example, data on supply geospatial management and help their move-
they are able to monitor what matters for chains and their disruptions, data on ment towards e-economies and e-governance.
them the most — natural weather events such labor markets and their challenges and ‘E’ is very important today because it could be
as storms, floods, landslides, soil and coastal data on care systems and their overloaded used in some way in managing the health and
erosion, and land degradation. situation. In some places, for example, the economic crisis that we are currently facing. So,
I am currently based in UNDP’s Human recovery will mean an extended paid leave geospatial infrastructure, if well developed, can
Development Report Office. We occasionally or direct cash transfers to the poorest; in enhance government services and responses,
use geospatial data when we want to illustrate others, it will involve investments in the including decision-making at all levels of
a specific geographic distribution of, for healthcare system and healthcare acces- governance. Further, it can help in bridging
example, multi-dimensional poverty or when sibility. For governments at all levels, the the geospatial digital divide, enable the private
we look to find insights by blending and over- availability of reliable data ecosystem to sector to recover quickly and empower all
laying geospatial data with other data types. inform decisions and track impact will be stakeholders.
essential. Because we live in an intercon-
How would building a data nected world, if there is a bad decision Megha Datta
ecosystem, which consists of locally, it may have an impact even at Director, Global Development Agenda
different datasets including distant places. [email protected]

33 | Mar-Apr 2020 | Mar-Apr 2020 33


A SPATIAL TOUCH ligence, uses a what is known as GeoAI in

Machine Learning and data mining aided by high powered technical parlance.
computing form the foundation of GeoAI, with geospatial science
What is GeoAI?
also offering the tools and technologies that help experts to Artificial Intelligence is a broad term that
visualize, understand and develop predictive models for describes the ability of a machine to learn a
real-world phenomena according to specific locations. Authorities task or workflow. So, Geospatial AI, or GeoAI,
simply refines the scope of that learning to
and health experts are increasingly relying on GeoAI to tackle the spatially oriented tasks, explains Dr Este
COVID-19 pandemic. By Anusuya Datta Geraghty, Chief Medical Officer, Esri.
Machine Learning and data mining,
aided by high powered computing, form the

n December 30, 2019, BlueDot, days before the World Health Organization foundation of GeoAI, with geospatial science
a Canada-based Artificial Intel- finally made a formal announcement on Jan- also offering the tools and technologies
ligence startup, sent out an alert uary 9, 2020 about the emergence of a Novel (right from sensors capturing location data
to its clients about a cluster of Coronavirus in China. Since then, the virus to GIS or Location Intelligence systems) that
“unusual pneumonia” cases being reported has affected 216 countries around the world, help experts to visualize, understand and
around a wet market in Wuhan, China. infecting millions of people. analyze real-world phenomena according to
BlueDot was reporting on what would BlueDot, which claims to protect particular locations.
come to be known as the COVID-19 pan- people around the world from infectious GeoAI is increasingly being used to
demic in due course. It would be a good ten diseases with human and Artificial Intel- model and capture the environment around

34 | May-June 2020

Big Data
(Geospatial data +
non-spatial data)
in particular
Machine Learning
HOW GEOAI + Data Mining
WORKS? + High Powered computing
Prescribe 5. 3.

GIS/LI systems
Visualize and understand

us, linking locations in which we live and tional tools can be used for public health sur- For instance, the Centre uses advanced
work, or people/elements we interact with, veillance including spatio-temporal models modeling techniques to link data on infec-
to explore their potential role in influencing for disease risk prediction, cluster detection, tious diseases with climate and other
health outcomes. There is also extensive and travel-related spread of disease. This environmental changes and develop early
research into GeoAI being used for hypothe- work can inform strategic policy in reducing warning systems driven by Earth Observa-
sis generation, conducting new data linkages the burden of diseases. tion data. Other examples include identifying
and predicting disease occurrence. Evalua- Location analytics provide useful tools to spatial and environmental risk factors for
tion of hypotheticals helps people answer model behaviors and inform actions. “From infectious diseases by applying geo-statistical
questions like “what if ” — What if there maps that analyze the genetic profile of the and Machine Learning approaches, using
were no stay at home orders? What if we virus as it spreads from place to place, to AI aerial (drone) and satellite-based Remote
open restaurants? What if we open public techniques that make sense of human move- Sensing data to assess how ecological and
transport? This facilitates the evaluation of ment data, we can enhance our understand- environmental changes impact infectious
potential policy decisions. ing of viral transmission, determine if public disease transmission. 
For instance, if one could take pat- health recommendations are being followed “We are in uncharted territory as a
terns such as the direction of COVID-19 and predict whether travel bans and other microscopic virus is now disrupting our
outbreak in an area, and then correlate that measures will quell the spread of disease,” entire planet. The COVID-19 pandemic has
with other datasets such as air travel, public adds Dr Geraghty. revealed the need to implement systems that
transportation or cities with high popula- “Increasingly geospatial data is being proactively manage infectious disease risks
tion density, and put it all on a predictive included in more complex models used to which, in our rapidly changing world, are
model along with local environment such inform early warning systems, model disease increasing in frequency, scale and impact,”
as humidity or temperature, there could transmission and evaluate impacts of public says Dr Kamran Khan, Founder & CEO,
be some models that could come out of it, health interventions,” points out Dr Kristine BlueDot, and an infectious disease specialist.
which could help local authorities to tackle Belesova, Deputy Director, Centre on
the problem more specifically. Climate Change and Planetary Health, GeoAI to tackle COVID-19
According to Luis Sanz, CEO, CARTO, London School of Hygiene and Tropical We all know contract tracing has emerged as
innovative statistical methods and computa- Medicine. one of the primary methods in COVID-19 | May-June 2020 35


using different assumptions about the level

of social distancing being practiced within
Detecting objects or changes in an environment a locality.
CLASSIFICATION E.g. Social distancing information being obtained from In China, in the initial days when the
cell phone data virus was spreading, tech major Baidu
leveraged AI-powered mapping systems to
identify the flow of travel across high-risk
areas using Baidu Maps Migration Big Data
Platform to provide epidemiologists real-
time insights into the virus spread to speed
Identifying statistically significant patterns in data
E.g. Running analytical models to find hotspots CLUSTERING up local preparedness and response efforts.
In Taiwan, the government collected
of COVID-19 cases
mobile data to identify cruise ship passengers
who were potentially infected. The geospatial
data layer obtained from telecommunications
companies were then added to identify and
make public potential high-risk areas.
Allows analysts to build what-next scenarios for forecast “A lot of research institutes or even
PREDICTION E.g. Surge models being used to anticipate where and when
hospitals may be overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases
companies have been using data modeling to
get insights into how the disease is spreading
and in case of companies how it affects their
businesses,” says Gladys Kong, CEO, Uber-
Media, a Location Intelligence player with
response. What many don’t know is what expertise and supplies at hotspots. In many an innovative mobile DSP featuring Machine
all can be done with the data collected. countries, analysis of such data is being made Learning powered optimization.
Tracking mobile phone of users allows publicly available so that citizens can avoid One of UberMedia’s partners in the
health authorities to collect all personal data areas with high infection rates. COVID-19 response work — a research
including location. Thus, the authorities can institute — looked at people’s movement and
quickly find suspected patients and close Geo AI for classification, clustering the distance traveled from home. As more
contacts through data retrospective analysis, and prediction and more cities begin to reopen, this can
and quarantine and cut off the source of There are broadly three key areas of focus track how the numbers are changing and help
infection in time, explains Zhang Yaqing, for geospatial AI which surround the prepare for a second wave. Further, based on
Technical Director, Platform Center, concepts of classification, clustering and predictive modeling, retailers and restaurants
SuperMap, which was involved in the prediction. Classification is about detecting can figure out how to forecast their sales, how
COVID-19 response operations in China. objects or changes in an environment. “For much staff they need and also some inven-
Health professionals already deal with COVID-19 we have a good example with tory, explains Kong.
an overwhelming amount of data, especially the social distancing information that is However, many such models currently
in case of a widespread epidemic. This being obtained from cellphone data (aggre- in use do not generalize well across large
includes medical history and laboratory test gated and anonymized) and shows a change geographic areas, since they depend on uni-
results for each patient. Adding the spatial in human mobility patterns compared to formity — on the assumption of variables
component on top of these enables experts pre-COVID-19 time periods,” points out such as health factors, population density
to analyze and predict who are the people Dr Geraghty. and mobility.
that should be tested or quarantined, or the Clustering is about analytical models
pattern of the disease in a particular area, or that find statistical patterns in data, such as Role of social media in GeoAI
where the next wave will come. Authorities hotspots of COVID-19 cases. Prediction Advancements in AI have also seen a growing
across the world are using GeoAI appli- allows analysts to build forecast scenarios interest in real-time syndromic surveil-
cations to identify hotspots, prevent the on what may happen next. A great example lance based on social media data. In fact,
disease from spreading and flatten the curve, of AI for prediction is the various hospital a common theme across GeoAI applica-
which is paramount to preventing health- surge models being used to anticipate where tions is the use of novel sources of spatial
care infrastructure from collapsing. It is also and when hospitals may be overwhelmed by Big Data, such as social media, electronic
being used to plan for and provide medical COVID-19 cases. Those models can be run health records, satellite Remote Sensing

36 | May-June 2020

and personal sensors (like Fitbits) to advance the
science of public health (especially in the context
of ‘smart healthy cities’) and potentially precision
medicine, creating opportunities to comprehen-
sively answer questions tackled in these fields as well
as opportunities to answer new, emerging questions,
explains International Journal of Health Geographics.
Deep Learning algorithms can be applied to
Twitter data to detect disease outbreaks and then to
build up and display information, including relevant
news articles, to provide situational awareness. In
the US, this has demonstrated an ability to detect
symptoms for influenza-like illness, which were
then confirmed from the CDC Morbidity and GeoDS Lab at University of Wisconsin, Madison used Country-to-US Counties flow data from March
Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR). There is 2019 to show thousands of trips generated in the US. The team modeled this data back in March 2020
to predict a rapid growth of infection cases across the US
further research onto improve on this surveillance
system to incorporate disease-specific information
(e.g., mode of transmission) to enhance disease
forecasting accuracy.
For COVID-19 response too, AI-powered data
analytics can be used to pull insights from online
behavior such as Internet search queries and social
media conversations to identify signals from a spe-
cific population in a particular location. An inter-
esting example of this is how Boston Children’s
Hospital used an automated HealthMap system
that scans online news and social media reports
for early warning signs of outbreaks. This initial
alert spurred more detailed reports from other
agencies, including a warning from the Program Spring travels from China and Japan in March 2019
for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMed),
a well-known volunteer-led organization, just
half an hour after the first warning.  HealthMap
brings together disparate data sources, including
online news aggregators, eyewitness reports, etc.,
which keeps on updating 24/7, with an automated
process, monitoring, organizing, integrating and
visualizing online information about emerging
diseases, facilitating early detection of global public
health threats. 
In Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada
(PHAC) as well as the Department of National
Defence is using BlueDot’s Insights software to track
and assess risk from global and domestic infectious
disease outbreaks, including COVID-19. BlueDot’s Spring travels from China and Japan in March 2019 zoomed in

For COVID-19 response, AI-powered data analytics can be used to pull

insights from online behavior such as Internet search queries and social
media conversations to identify signals in a particular location | May-June 2020 37

HealthMap brings together disparate data sources, including online news aggregators, eyewitness reports, expert-curated discussions and validated official reports, to achieve a
comprehensive view of the current global state of infectious diseases

Insights tool uses AI to scan over 100,000 then reviews the outputs before publishing on GeoAI to map psychological connect
articles per day in 65 languages, searching for the Insights dashboard. The Insights platform to health
official and unofficial news of infectious dis- then assesses the risk of spread to locations of There is a psychological connect to health
ease outbreaks. The platform performs these interest around the world using data on local and social media data analysis too. Li
Big Data analytics every 15 minutes around and global air travel patterns that draw from Yunxia, Account Director, Platform
the clock. A team of subject matter experts over 4 billion flight itineraries per year. Center, SuperMap, explains when a major
epidemic comes, the impact of panic on
the society may exceed the disease itself.
WHEN BIG G FAILED “To this end, it is necessary to track and
Way back in 2008, Google had tried its evaluate the spatial spread of social emotions
by analyzing massive social media data.
hand at Flu Trends by aggregating Google
For instance, when facing an epidemic,
Search queries with the help of AI, before
public behavior might be irrational, highly
quietly burying it in 2015. The idea behind
infectious, and conformable. It is required to
Google Flu Trends was that by monitoring build a knowledge base of epidemic-related
millions of users’ health tracking behaviors online, the large number emotions and to dig out the dynamic evolu-
of Google search queries gathered can be analyzed to reveal if there tion of public opinion in time, space and
is the presence of flu-like illness in a population. Google Flu Trends semantics aspects from social media.”
compared these findings to a historic baseline level of influenza By using Internet search or social media
activity for its corresponding region and then reports the activity level data as a source, public topic categories
as either minimal, low, moderate, high, or intense. The initial reports related to the epidemic can be obtained
stated that the predictions were 97% accurate when compared by topic models and Machine Learning
with CDC data. However, then subsequent reports asserted that methods, which helps us to characterize the
changes in public sentiments. These out-
the predictions were sometimes very inaccurate, especially around
comes then contribute to the reveal of the
2011-2013, when it consistently overestimated flu prevalence. For
temporal, spatial and semantic distribution
one interval in the 2012-2013 flu season, it predicted twice as many
characteristics and evolution patterns of
doctors’ visits as the CDC recorded. public topic views under the COVID-19,
he adds.

38 | May-June 2020

AI IN EHR So far, the digital footprints on Internet spatial energetics research generates, notes
Optimization of EHR, or Electronic Health web searches and social media remain the US National Center for Biotechnology
Record, is crucial at a time where health largely inaccessible to researchers and Information.
systems are under immense pressure. US governments. If opened, this data could Further, information from ride sharing
support not only in monitoring, surveil- services such as Uber and Lyft etc can also
based Epic, an EHR software company,
lance and contact tracing, but also in be a novel source of data to add to this Big
was one of the first ones to make updates
running AI-based Big Data analytics for Data pool. As to how big this data is could
to its system and come up with a plan
prediction and prevention. For COVID-19 be gauged from the fact that as of 2019, there
for how it can help its customers. To let response, Facebook has started providing were roughly 75 million active Uber riders
providers at different organizations know mobility datasets of its users directly to across the world. Location is a key aspect
about potential exposure risks, community researchers upon request to help analysis of ride sharing as it relates to pick-ups and
members were encouraged to share travel of population movement and patterns. drops — giving insights into mobility data.
screening documentation and infection Google also opened some of its search Such information can be used to address
status information with both Epic and queries such as mobility reports, even as queries related to spread of the virus in case
non-Epic organizations through the Care its Search and Maps divisions continue to of a pandemic. In normal situations, mobility
Everywhere platform, Epic’s interoperability release new data and tools to help small data can also give insights into accident rate
network. It also updated its travel screening businesses pivot their operations during or injuries. Further, food delivery services,
the pandemic. e.g. UberEats, Zomato etc., may also provide
criteria as far back as January.
interesting insights into its potential role in
It also tracked patients who weren’t
The smart way forward promoting sedentary behaviors and child-
been screened for travel to regions
As cities become more connected and hood obesity.
where COVID-19 was spreading quickly. smarter, they are gathering, generating COVID-19 has very firmly established
Organizations could also use reports to and consuming huge data, a major amount the need for geospatial and location infor-
monitor the isolation status of confirmed of which could be related to health and mation and technologies in health sector.
or suspected cases, review and identify environment. GeoAI can play a key role However, there is more that could be done
infection trends over time, and follow-up in making sense of this data through intel- with the use of GeoAI. But this can be
with discharged patients. A number of ligent, location-based Big Data analytics. only possible with collaborations, since it
hospitals in the US are using Epic’s AI IoT sensors and devices deployed in is difficult for governments, policy-makers
based system to predict which patient will modern cities represent novel and alterna- and other leaders to sort through all of the
become critically ill, or if a ventilator would tive sources of generating geo-tagged Big new companies, initiative and solutions
Data. available out there. There is also a greater
be next available. Though under normal
Nikhil Kumar, Country Head - need to modernize and standardize our data
circumstances, hospitals would take time
India, HERE Technologies, points to the systems in a way that allows for data sharing
to test the tool on hundreds of patients
emergence of wearables and connected when needed, such as local governments and
before implementing but COVID-19 is not devices in the past few years that are capa- hospitals moving relevant data up the chain
giving them that luxury. ble of collecting individual health informa- to provide a national picture, emphasizes Dr
tion such as heart rate or sleeping patterns, Geraghty. One clear and simple lesson is that
etc. “Integrating this data into GIS could public health has long been underfunded.
help healthcare workers uncover long- The world needs a modern, well-funded,
term geographic trends in health of certain data-driven public health system to enable
demographics, thus opening new realms faster and optimally effective response.
of healthcare research and insights not As Dr Khan of BlueDot says, “It is with
previously attainable.” enhanced preparedness that we can get ahead
Spatial energetics is an emerging field of these threats to create a healthier, safer and
that focuses on mining dynamic, high-res- more prosperous world.”
olution measures of temporally matched The downstream effect would also protect
location and behavior data through GPS, economies.
accelerometry, and GIS. However, there
remains significant conceptual, technical, Anusuya Datta
analytical, and ethical challenges stem- Editor-At-Large - Technology & Innovation
ming from the complex data streams that [email protected] | May-June 2020 39

sn eak pe ek into the past


reveals that g played a

information h miological

key role in ep highlighting the
breakthrough ’ in healthcare.


power of ‘wh eta Choudhary

By Mahashr


40 | Mar-Apr 2020


e all are dealing with a
common enemy today
— SARS-CoV-2, or the
Novel Coronavirus, which
originated from Wuhan, China, towards the
end of last year. Apart from causing deaths
and infecting millions of people worldwide,
the virus has quite literally pushed the global
economy into recession, forcing our well-con-
nected global village into self-quarantine.
The picture is grim, but could have been a lot
worse, if we hadn’t figured out the origin of

Courtesy: ResearchGate
the virus, and could not track its movement.
History is replete with instances in which
geographic information has played a key role
in epidemiological breakthroughs, highlight- Through this map in 1692, Fillippo Arrieta, an Italian royal auditor, spatially visualized the strategy for containing
ing the power of ‘where’ in healthcare. Even the spread of plague in Italy’s Bari region
today, governments and medical experts are Arrieta, an Italian royal auditor, spatially shows two areas within Bari, separated from
extensively using maps to deal with all aspects visualized the strategy for containing the the cordoned-off province by a thick line.
of the pandemic — to from tracking cases to spread of the disease in Italy’s Bari region. On There are several such fascinating stories,
planning relief measures. Arrieta’s map, Bari was separated from the rest telling us about the strong connection
The practice of tracking a disease goes of the country by a dashed line that repre- between geographic information and epi-
back to the 17th Century in 1692 when plague sented a cordon sanitaire, which is similar to demiology. Let’s turn the pages of history to
was wreaking havoc in Europe, Fillippo a containment zone of our times. The map revisit some of these stories.

Yellow fever mystery

In 1793, Philadelphia city in the US state of Pennsylvania lost nearly
10% of its population to yellow fever. At that time, the authorities
assumed that the fever springs from ‘corruption’ of the air, and that its
‘violence’ is in proportion to the continuance of the heat and moisture.
In areas with high mortality, sanitarians assumed that the ‘corruption’
in the air originated from the foul odor emanating from stagnant ponds
and unsanitary streets, where human and animal waste was left uncol-
lected for days. Contagionists, on the other hand, believed that the fever
was not locally generated, and was in fact ‘imported’ in the cargo holds
of trading ships that brought slaves and raw goods to American ports.
In 1796, Dr Valentine Seaman, with the help of maps designed
on copper plates, attempted to correlate the location of yellow fever
cases with waste sites in the city streets.
Through his maps, Dr Seaman defined
the nature of the disease and the scale of
response required by public officials to pre-
vent recurrent epidemics.
Later, Dr Seaman also overlaid the loca-
Courtesy: Brianaltonenmph

tion of yellow fever cases with the position

of  dumping areas and sewage sites in lower
DR VALENTINE Manhattan. He marked these sites with a
SEAMAN thick ‘S’. Reflecting upon his observations, he
(1770-1817) concluded that the deadly outbreak was linked In 1780, Dr Valentine Seaman overlaid the location of yellow fever cases with
to certain areas with putrid emanations. the position of dumping areas and sewage sites in lower Manhattan | May-June 2020 41


Cholera puzzle
In the middle of the
19th Century, with the
help of maps and other
illustrative tools, Dr John
Snow, a scientist-phy-
sician, discovered that
Cholera was a contagious
JOHN SNOW waterborne disease.
(1813-1858) Termed Father of Medical
Cartography, Dr Snow
mapped the distribution
of cholera deaths around a water pump on Broad
Street in London’s Soho in 1854. He identified the
relation between the pump and the populace, and
eventually convinced the authorities to get the
pump handle removed.

Courtesy: ResearchGate
Over the next century and a half, Dr Snow’s story
was reconstructed, as he crafted the map during
the outbreak, and the evident clustering of deaths
led to the famous breakthrough. Over time, his
map evolved from an analytical tool to an effective Dr. John Snow mapped the distribution of cholera deaths around a water pump on Broad Street in London’s
cartographic communication device. Soho in 1854

In the middle of the 19th Century, with the help Tracking cholera morbus

of maps and other illustrative tools, Dr John In 1819, a new and violent epidemic, known
as Cholera Morbus, was reported in the
Snow, a scientist-physician, discovered that British army barracks of Peshawar, then India.

Cholera was a contagious waterborne disease Over the next decade, the disease spread to
the Middle East, Russia and Europe. In a
review article in 1831, when cholera arrived
in England, the Lancet mapped the progress
of the disease in Asia, Europe and Africa. The
authors of the map claimed they had traced
the epidemic through 700 ‘irruptions’, and
shown it ravaging nearly 2,000 towns.
Each of these ‘irruptions’ was presented
on the map as a circle, with a dot inside to
mark a cholera-reporting city. In the mapping
of geography, the extent of the disease as a
single thing was constructed. This was for
the first time that international data from a
variety of public and professional sources was
collected and organized in a manner describ-
ing the international geography of a disease.
Courtesy: Pavel Fedotov

Curious cases of cancer

In 1868, Dr Alfred Haviland used a map to
advance a biogeographical explanation for
higher cancer rates in certain parts of England.
This 19th Century painting by Pavel Fedotov depicts death from cholera in Russia The intent behind the exercise was not only to

42 | May-June 2020

In 1868, Dr Alfred
Haviland used a
map to advance
a biogeographical
explanation for higher
cancer rates in certain
parts of England

This map by Dr Alfred Haviland highlights bimodal depiction of cancer with orange color indicating the least
medical hazard and grey color indicating the highest

Learning from history

Epidemiologists have traditionally used
maps to analyze the association between
location, environment and disease, and it
is a given that good epidemiology science
and good geographic information science
Courtesy: Brianaltonenmph

go hand in hand. Since the SARS outbreak

in 2003, the world has seen a revolution
in applied geography through web-based
tools. Currently, there are umpteen maps
and charts to show the alarming spread of
This picture depicts cancer cases in the mid 19th Century
COVID-19 and how health infrastructure
map the spread, but to figure out concern — the cancer epi- across countries is under tremendous stress.
the aetiology of the fatal disease. demic. The challenge was to Location is the basic principle of any
Although limited to a specific identify specific biogeograph- field investigation. In case of a global
region, Haviland’s work sparked ical profiles that could explain pandemic like COVID-19, the dimension
a series of studies and reports high number of cases in certain of ‘where’ becomes more important than
that identified an increasing towns, districts and regions. In ‘who’ and ‘when’. Geospatial tools and data
incidence of different forms of DR ALFRED 1975, US Cancer Atlas identified have immense potential in epidemiology,
cancer in the UK, with some of HAVILAND ‘hotspots’ on the basis of coastal and can help in mapping a disease, procur-
the cases connected to specific (1824-1903) shipyards, whose workers were ing relevant supplemental data and taking
biogeographies. exposed to asbestos. Elsewhere, evidence-based decisions.
Soon, those reports led to high rates could be connected
similar studies across the Commonwealth to air pollution from a copper smelter. These Mahashreveta Choudhary
and elsewhere, transforming anomalous findings highlighted environmental and social Correspondent
regional incidence into a global health variables that seemed to cause cancer. [email protected] | May-June 2020 43


Unlocking Findable, accessible,

interoperable and reusable
data holds the key

data potential to
to an effective COVID-19
response, explains
Thalia Baldwin,

defeat pandemic
Director, Geospatial
Commission, UK

How do you view the impact of COVID-19 on the sensor, mobile location and consumer data — all enabling
global economy? improved strategic coordination and response. We are in a
COVID-19 has had an immediate and significant impact period of rapid innovation driven by technology, and by the
across all global economies, with a substantial reduction in urgency to rethink how geospatial data can be deployed.
economic output in many sectors. However, some sectors, At the UK Geospatial Commission, we are not only
such as hospitality, retail and leisure, have been hit harder than interested in the direct application of geospatial data for
the others with many livelihoods destroyed across the globe. COVID-19 response, but also in the long-term impact of
Going forward, global collaboration will be vital. Every the use of this data and associated technologies. We have
crisis, while creating adversity, presents opportunities. established a specific program of activity to consider the
In the last few months, we have seen innovative ways of medium to long-term application of this innovation for
data use by both public and private enterprises, along future statistical and health applications, and to provide for
with new partnerships. Moreover, local communities the broader opportunities for the use of geospatial data for
have come together to support each other. In the UK, the economic, social and environmental benefit.
government’s response aims to address these wide-ranging
impacts based on scientific and data-driven evidence. What is your opinion on the short and long-
term impact of COVID-19 on the geospatial
How can geospatial data and technology help industry, and on national geospatial agencies?
in combatting the current pandemic? As a short-term impact, we see an accelerated interest in
The value of geospatial data to track and respond to a disease the role of geospatial data in response to COVID-19, which
is not new. Since John Snow’s mapping of the London also includes cross-sector data sharing. It will be interesting
cholera outbreak in 1854,this kind of data has been used to to see the long-term impact that new alliances and experi-
identify causes of a disease, track infection rates and monitor ences from sharing data will have.
the recovery of patients. Advances in technology mean that To support long-term priorities, including the UK’s
more robust data collection and analytical methods are economic recovery, we are currently gathering evidence
now at our disposal. We see this in the rapid deployment of through a geospatial market study. The impact of the current
tools to monitor the spread of a disease; model and predict pandemic on the market will be of interest, including how it
future spread; mobilize and coordinate response efforts; and supports disruption or a change of approach in some sectors.
monitor the impact/compliance of policy interventions. The diversity of business models that are informed in some
There has been a growth in near real-time use cases of way by geospatial data is apparent, and we will need to have an
geospatial data applications such as improved and accessible approach that creates opportunities for the market as a whole.

44 | May-June 2020

The UK has a multitude of bodies coordinating an
active response to the current pandemic. These include
public sector bodies such as the national mapping
agency, Ordnance Survey, which is providing an At UK Geospatial
active response through its Mapping for Emergencies Commission, we are
Programme, as part of the services it has contracted to not only interested in
provide to the public sector through our Public Sector
the direct application
Geospatial Agreement.
This agreement includes using high definition map- of geospatial data
ping to identify the best sites for response facilities and for COVID-19
the location of vulnerable people to ensure they receive response, but also in
the support they need.
the long-term impact
Not only is this data made available to the public sec-
tor, but to anyone with a crucial role to play. To ensure of the use of this
this, the Ordnance Survey has now released a new data and associated
short-term ‘COVID-19 Licence’. The licence is enabling technologies
organizations, developers and individuals to use OS data
for free, for the specific purpose of supporting the UK
response to the coronavirus pandemic.

It’s being said that the need of the hour In the UK, we might see an increased appetite for data
is to shift from data platforms to solution sharing between the general public and the public sector,
platforms. What are your thoughts on this given that we now centrally rely on this data to support our
issue? COVID-19 response. Furthermore, with this appetite, if we
Everyone is trying to figure out the maximum-value can get the precise frameworks around data, that could not
sector in the future data economy. The public sector is not only support options to manage short-term impacts, but also
traditionally seen as very promising in this regard. For data long-term economic recovery. Therefore, the UK government
that is held by the public sector, we see the need to invest is committed to maximizing the value of geospatial data.
in the fundamentals first — findable, accessible, interop- The Geospatial Commission published the UK’s
erable, and reusable data is the key. We are working with Geospatial Strategy earlier in June. Our strategy aims to
bodies across the UK public sector to develop and improve deliver a more explicit framework for how geospatial data
access to data. Only then it will be possible to unlock value can be accessed and used, coupled with critical programs
from data by combining it across domains to reach a wider and investment. In this way, we look to prove the case for
community of users who can innovate with it. Develop- further attention, investment or regulatory reform that
ment of data to enable high-end technology and advanced improves geospatial data and its use.
analytics to apply is, of course, the prize, and some are It will also enhance activities like running the Public
already well-advanced in this respect. In the UK, we want Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA), which is a £1 bil-
to create the right market conditions and incentives for lion investment over ten years. We will continue our work
innovation, while safeguarding national security, intellec- on a new National Underground Assets Register, which
tual property rights and individual privacy. At the same will improve the efficiency and safety of underground
time, we recognize how advancing innovation and skill can infrastructure by creating a secure data exchange platform
help build the nation’s capabilities. to provide digital records of assets’ location. Moreover,
we will start to explore where improvements to geospatial
Moving forward, what are your strategies and data can support greater efficiencies in the housing sector,
suggestions? environmental policy and future transport networks. All
This is an unprecedented time for us all — no matter of this should support the UK’s recovery in these chal-
where we are in the world. Geospatial data is key to lenging times.
evidence-based and agile response. Reduced and new
consumer and citizen demands are providing chal- Anamika Das
lenges and opportunities, with geospatial data central to Vice President- Professional Geospatial Market
meeting both. [email protected] | May-June 2020 45


MATTERS The integration of L&T’s map-based The primary objective of the LMNoP application
is to provide location information of a project site’s
mobile app LMNoP with Trimble Catalyst assets, supporting site engineers in field operations.
GNSS led to enhancement in positional The app also enables site engineers to view the pro-
ject’s design drawings, toposheets, aerial photographs
accuracy and data quality, apart from and other GIS layers superimposed on the project base
saving data acquisition time. map. The solution has been constantly growing with
customized versions and builds generated, based on

ith the ubiquitous use of smart- specific needs of projects.
phones, project sites leverage the Utility alignment tracking, material or resource
power of mobile apps to reduce planning and re-route analysis are some of the growing
costs and improve efficiency. LM- use cases of LMNoP solution. The data captured using
NoP, which stands for Locate, Measure and Navigate the app across the project site serves as the base, which
on Phone, a map-based mobile application by Larsen is further used as input data for engineering design,
& Toubro, acts as a base platform upon which a se- quantity estimation, progress monitoring, obstruction
ries of construction solutions are built and integrat- and hurdles management. The technical architecture
ed. The mobile application was developed to run on of the LMNoP app includes both mobile and web
every smart gadget, both on Android and iOS plat- application — while mobile application is used for field
forms, and is widely used across business verticals in related activities, web application is used for monitoring
different use cases in correspondence with business and other decision-making process. Seamless connec-
requirement. The LMNoP solution, integrated with tion between the web and mobile application ensures
Trimble Catalyst, was branded as LMNoP+. Trimble integration of both office and site activities.
Catalyst is a revolutionary
GNSS concept, bringing The big challenge
Trimble quality and Since mobile GPS receivers catch radio waves from
precise positioning to connected satellites and use triangulation methods to
the location-enabled derive where a person/object is, these receivers are not
workforce. Using the premium builds like dedicated GNSS receivers and
Trimble Catalyst service, any location-en- sometimes do not provide accurate data. The initial
abled Android field app version of LMNoP used relatively less accurate inbuilt
can utilize the power of mobile device GPS to derive location information,
Trimble positioning tech- which had a deviation in positional accuracy of up to 30
nology and benefit from metres. To enhance positional accuracy, data quality and
the productivity improve- save data acquisition time, LMNoP was integrated with
ments that come Trimble Catalyst.
from working The objective behind the integration was clear:
with precise delivering professional grade positioning. Trimble
location. Catalyst allows GNSS signals and satellite corrections

46 | May-June 2020

to be passed into android smartphones
Trimble Catalyst helps
and tablets. The light weight, plug-and-play in capturing the utility
antenna simply connects with mobile using asset’s exact locations,
USB connection. Additionally, the easy and the GIS capability
creates points and
push fit mount enables the users to capture feature attributes in the
data in corner and challenging points in geodatabase in real time
an accurate manner. With the availability
of open SDK, LMNoP application was
integrated with Trimble involving several

On ground experience
Under the Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram
Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) scheme in the Contours on aerial image
Indian state of West Bengal, asset infor-
mation was captured using LMNoP+ for
project sites. The objective of the scheme
was to supply electricity to the rural house-
holds which would cover works relating
to feeder separation, strengthening of
sub-transmission and distribution systems,
including metering of distribution trans-
formers/feeders/consumers by addressing
the areas of critical gap. The scope
included engineering design and construc-
tion of new poles and replace the outdated
poles with new ones, thereby electrifying
the rural areas. Surface elevation in offline mode

LMNoP+ The critical part in rural electrification the utility assets that has to be installed in the
was to assess the existing conditions of field. The distance between each collected
assets and to determine the requirement of point is automatically measured and updated
new assets. Unlike in other construction, in the web portal accurately.
where engineering design usually happens Trimble Catalyst helps in capturing the
at office location and construction/erection utility asset’s exact locations, the GIS capa-
happens at site location, this utility power bility creates points and feature attributes in
project demanded engineering design of the the geodatabase in real time. Surveyors on
poles at the site locations. By examining the site are guided by step-wise procedure with
condition of the geography, material used to the help of predefined forms in the mobile
erect the poles were designed both quali- app. The details entered in the mobile app
tatively and quantitatively at site location are submitted and synchronized to the web
itself. LMNoP+ digitalized the entire field portal seamlessly. For better visualization,
operations with higher accuracy, leading to the captured data is overlaid on a base map
more than 70% time saving. with all GIS mapping functionalities. This
enables the generation of Bill of Quantities
Performance enhancer (BoQ) accurately for the quantity of mate-
The overall performance of LMNoP+ is rials irrespective of any existing/proposed
enhanced by the integration with Trimble asset. Precise BoQ helps in the reduction of
Catalyst, which gives centimetre level material wastage and saves cost.
positional accuracy. This enables to precisely
locate and map engineering information of Courtesy: Trimble | May-June 2020 47


he number and variety of applications that exploit Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) data are growing. These applications
include environmental monitoring, surveillance, emergency
response, infrastructure monitoring, urban planning, and food
security. With the growing demand for SAR images, the community of
SAR users is also transforming. Radar images are now processed by GIS
users, software developers, and computer vision and machine learning
engineers, and are increasingly interpreted by non-radar specialists.
In this article, we describe key characteristics of SAR imagery, with the
goal of providing a short guide to understanding SAR products. We pres-
ent the aspects of spatial resolution that are particular to SAR, and cover
concepts such as noise level and radiometric resolution that are related to

radar design and image formation. We will see that resolution is not the
only parameter one should consider when evaluating SAR image quality,
but instead that a set of different parameters should be assessed collectively
to select the best data for each specific application.

SAR acquisition geometry

In contrast to optical imagers, synthetic aperture radar systems only
acquire imagery from the side of the scene (Figure 1).1 A SAR image is
formed from data collected by a coherent radar that transmits pulses of
radio frequency energy toward the ground and measures the strength of
the reflected signal as a function of distance (“time of flight”) from the
radar. In addition, the platform carries the SAR antenna along a track, and

by this action, the ground is “scanned” in two dimensions. In the ranging
(“range”) dimension, objects are placed according to their distance from
the radar. The second dimension is the “along-track” (or “cross-range” or
“azimuth”) dimension. In this dimension, the ground is scanned by the
beam moving across the ground at a rate equal to the speed of the platform,
and objects are placed in this dimension according to their position along
the track. An image is built up from the reflected signals in both dimen-
Short guide to understanding spatial resolution, sions. As a result of this acquisition methodology, the resolution of a SAR
noise level, and radiometric resolution image has two components: a range resolution and an azimuth resolution.

By Davide Castelletti & Gordon Farquharson Spatial resolution: range and azimuth resolution

Figure 1: (a) SAR acquisition geometry and (b) mapping from slant plane to ground plane.

1 Note that for simplicity, we will restrict this discussion to side-looking SAR systems, and not
deal with squinted-SAR systems in this post.

48 ||Mar-Apr
As outlined above, a SAR image has two dimensions, range and also been designed to point to a spot on the ground for tens of seconds,
azimuth. The resolution in these dimensions is achieved using thereby achieving centimeter-scale azimuth resolution. This fine
different aspects of the signal recorded by the radar, and as a result, resolution is used to reduce speckle in the images (see section below)
the resolution in the range direction can (and most often is) different and provide high-quality multi-looked SAR imagery. An example of
to that in the azimuth direction.2 high-resolution multi-looked Capella imagery is shown in Figure 2.
The spatial resolution of SAR data is defined by the impulse
response (IPR). The IPR of a SAR system is the response of the sen-
sor and processing to a theorectical spatial impulse target, i.e., a target
that is infinitesimally small in all dimensions.3 IPR is a two-dimen-
sional entity that is characterized by the range-dimension width (the
width of the IPR in the ranging dimension) and the cross-range (or
azimuth) dimension width. The generally-accepted definition of radar
resolution is the width of the IPR at points at 3 dB below the peak of
the IPR. In the range dimension, a larger transmitted bandwidth cor- Figure 2: Optical (left), Sentinel-1 (middle), and Capella (right) images of a farm in
responds to improved range resolution. In the cross-range dimension, California. The Sentinel-1 image has a resolution of 20 m. The Capella aerial image has
been processed to 0.5 m ground-range resolution and 0.5 m azimuth resolution.
a larger Doppler bandwidth corresponds to better azimuth resolution.
IPR is also affected by the processing used to form the image, e.g., Noise level and image quality
windowing, and distortions in the signals due to hardware limitations In addition to spatial resolution, other metrics are important in overall
or uncompensated platform motion. interpretability of a SAR image. The radar measures the intensity of
Unless specified, IPR, and thus inherent SAR sensor resolution, the reflected signal at each resolution cell in the image. The intensity
is defined in the slant-range plane. When the SAR image is translated depends on the transmitted power, antenna gain, distance between
to the ground plane, the mapping from slant range to ground range the scatterer and the radar, and geometry, roughness, and material
causes the IPR to broaden (Figure 1b). Therefore, the IPR-defined properties of the object being imaged. For interpreting intensity in a
range resolution in the ground plane is always worse than that in the radar image, two features are important: the ability to make out objects
slant plane. Resolution in the cross-range direction does not change against the inherent noise generated by the sensor, and the ability
in the slant plane to ground plane mapping.4 to discriminate two objects that have similar intensities. The first is
The ground-range resolution (resolution in the ranging direction captured by the noise equivalent sigma zero (NESZ) of a SAR image.
in the ground plane) depends on the bandwidth of the transmitted The second is captured by the concept of radiometric resolution.6
signal and the angle from which the ground is imaged (look angle5). A target is detectable in a SAR image when, for a certain pixel reso-
Larger bandwidth enables a better range resolution. For instance, the lution, the received power and therefore the intensity at the pixel level
theoretical resolution with a 300 MHz bandwidth is 0.5 m in the slant overcomes the thermal noise that the system electronics generate. In SAR,
plane and 0.91 m in the ground plane at a look angle of 30 degrees. NESZ is the most commonly used metric that captures the effect of system
With a bandwidth of 500 MHz, the slant range resolution is 0.3 m noise on image quality. It can be analytically predicted during the design of
and the ground-range resolution is 0.55 m for the same look angle. the radar and can be empirically measured over “dark” targets in the SAR
As mentioned, the azimuth resolution depends on the Doppler image. For instance, calm lakes are highly reflective targets in the side-look-
bandwidth. A larger Doppler bandwidth can be obtained by pointing ing geometry and allow the characterization of the noise level of the sensor.
the antenna beam at a target for a longer time. Many existing SAR satel- The effect of NESZ on image interpretability is demonstrated with
lites use phased array antennas to steer the beam to dwell on objects. As the images in Figure 3. The SAR data were processed to 0.5 m ground
these phased array antennas are designed to scan over a few degrees, the range resolution and 0.5 m azimuth resolution. In both cases, bright
azimuth resolution achieved is on the order of tens of centimeters. scatterers, e.g., buildings, are clearly detectable. The difference between
Capella SAR satellites have a transmitter bandwidth of 500 MHz, the two is the NESZ (–10 dB versus –20 dB). The aircraft and the roads
so can achieve 0.3 m resolution in the slant plane. The satellites have are far more discernible in the image that has an NESZ of –20 dB. In
particular, the aircraft shadows are much clearer in the –20 dB NESZ
image. This shows that lower NESZ values are preferable when targets
2 For more details of SAR processing, please see A. Moreira, P. Prats-Iraola, M. Younis, G. with low-backscattering intensity need to be detected.
Krieger, I. Hajnsek and K. P. Papathanassiou, “A tutorial on synthetic aperture radar,” NESZ varies also with transmitted bandwidth (range resolution). A
in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 6-43, March 2013.
SAR image generated with a 300 MHz transmitted bandwidth (0.5 m
3 “Anatomy of a SAR Impulse Response” from Sandia National Laboratories.
4 Note that for squinted SAR, things are a little different, because the ranging and
cross-ranging directions are not orthogonal to one another.
5 For spaceborne systems, the difference between look angle and incidence angle 6
matters because of the curvature of the earth. ric-resolution. | May-June 2020 49


slant-range resolution) will have more noise

than one generated with 150 MHz (1 m slant-
range resolution). A wider bandwidth enables
better resolution, but causes more noise in
imagery (higher NESZ).

Speckle, radiometric resolution,

and target detection & identification
Speckle is caused by the reflection of the
radar signal from multiple objects (scatterers)
that are distributed within a resolution cell.
The branches and leaves of a tree, grass and
rocks in a field, and bricks that make up the
walls of a building are examples of objects
that have distributed scatterers. The sum of
the contribution from all the scatterers results
in variation in the intensity of the measured Figure 4: Low-resolution multi-looked image (left column), high-resolution single-look image (middle column),
signal in adjacent resolution cells. This varia- and high-resolution multi-looked image (right column). These images highlight that both resolution and speckle
affect interpretation of the image.
bility in image intensity, called speckle, limits
the radiometric resolution of a SAR sensor. averaging multiple SAR images or averaging image in the third column is a multi-looked
Speckle in images looks like the snowy pixels in a SAR image. This averaging process is 0.5 m resolution image. The shadow of the air-
noise found on old analog television sets. commonly referred to as “multi-looking”. craft is significantly improved, and the features
Speckle makes it harder to distinguish features Multi-looking in single SAR images is on the grassy areas are clearly visible.
in SAR images because it corrupts the outline of most typically done by averaging adjacent
objects. Radiometric resolution is a metric that pixels. Sometimes this averaging is achieved Conclusion
describes the ability of a sensor to discriminate using sophisticated techniques, but the result In SAR, a few key metrics define the perfor-
between two objects that have similar radar is always a loss of resolution compared to the mance of the system. First, and not surprisingly,
cross sections (i.e., that are radiometrically sim- original image. For example, a 4-look 1 m (slant resolution is an important measure. Sub-meter
ilar). Radiometric resolution depends on the range resolution) × 1 m (azimuth resolution) resolution is considered a “must have”, but as
measured signal to noise ratio and the number spotlight image could be created from a SAR demonstrated in this article, image interpreta-
of independent looks from which the pixel was acquisition that has a slant range-resolution of tion is a function of spatial resolution, NESZ,
formed. Overcoming speckle and improving 1 m and an azimuth resolution of 0.25 m, by speckle, and radiometric resolution. Low-NESZ
radiometric resolution is only possible by averaging 4 adjacent 0.25 m resolution cells to imagery is desirable because objects that scatter
form a 1 m cell in the azimuth direction. radar signals weakly are visible in low-NESZ
Multi-looking is a common pre-process- SAR images, but high resolution and low
ing step for SAR users interested in change NESZ are not the only factors that influence
detection or in target detection or classifi- interpretation and detection in SAR images.
cation. We demonstrate the image quality Speckle makes it harder to distinguish features
improvement using multi-looking with in SAR images because it reduces the contrast
Capella data. The images in the left column between objects. Thus, the interpretability of
of Figure 4 are from a low-resolution SAR SAR images is determined by a complex mix
imaging mode that has been multi-looked of resolution, NESZ, and multi-looking. These
to reduce speckle and improve radiometric factors are critical but are often overlooked in
resolution. The boxed sections of the image common discourse surrounding SAR. Novice
have been reproduced below to show that the and expert SAR users should consider all of
loss of spatial resolution significantly hinders these parameters when selecting SAR imagery
Figure 3: NESZ is a metric that informs about the system identification of objects in the scene. The for their application.
noise level in a SAR image. NESZ is usually provided as a log- images in the middle column are single-look
scale quantity in dB, and more negative values indicate better 0.5 m resolution images (both azimuth and Davide Castelletti, SAR Technical Product
image quality. For SAR users, the required NESZ depends on
the application. Hard target detection and vegetation analysis ground range) where the speckle in the image Manager; Gordon Farquharson, Director of
have very different NESZ and resolution requirements. hinders the identification of small targets. The Radar Technologies, Capella Space

50 | May-June 2020

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