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The nurse should teach a client to suspect that

R.N.BSE.,MAN  nitroglycerin sublingual tablets have lost their
potency when:  
1. Oxygen is ordered. Administering oxygen to a   B. The tablets are more than 6 months old 
client with acute MI is related to which of the following
client problem?  10. Mrs. Reburiano was placed under Heparin
 A. Chest pains   therapy. Which laboratory test would the nurse
monitor to determine  the client’s therapeutic response
2. The patient had an MI attack. Which question to the drug? 
would the nurse ask about sexual activity that C. Partial thromboplastin time 
could open  communication? 
A. “ Have you ever climbed one or
two flight of stairs without
shortness of breath.” 11. The physician’s diagnosis is angina pectoris.
The nurse instructs Mr. Chua in the differences
3. A client is being evaluated for a possible myocardial between angina  and MI pain. Which statement is
infarction. The nurse performs a 12-lead ECG for an not about angina? 
episode  of new chest pain. The nurse will monitor for B. It indicates serious coronary insufficiency. 
which sign of acute myocardial injury? 
B. ST elevations  12. A client is admitted complaining of chest pain.
Which of the following drug orders should the
4. A patient with angina pectoris is being discharged nurse question?
home with nitroglycerine tablets. Which of the B. Ampicillin
following  instructions does the nurse include in the
D. “Place one Nitroglycerine tablet under the 13. Which of the following is correct understanding
tongue every five minutes for three doses. Go to by the patient who is recovering from myocardial
the  hospital if the pain is unrelieved.   infarction?
A. The patient takes nitroglycerine before
5. The client is being evaluated for a possible sexual activity. 
myocardial infarction. The nurse performs a 12-lead
ECG for a new  episode of chest pain. The nurse will 14. The nurse realizes that the pain
monitor for which sign of cardiac damage?  associated with a coronary
B. ST segment elevation  occlusion is caused primarily by:
b. Ischemia of the heart muscle 
6. Mrs. Reburiano is scheduled for 12-lead ECG. When
explaining the value of this test, the nurse include that 15. A client is admitted in the coronary care unit to rule
this  is a:  out the myocardial infarction. She tells the nurse she is
C. Nonintrusive means of assessing cardiovascular sure  it is just angina and cannot understand what the
conduction and function  difference is between angina and infarct pain. Which
response is  the most appropriate for the nurse to make? 
a. Anginal pain usually only lasts 5 minutes. 
7. Mrs. Reburiano reports that the pain that she experiences
is not relieved with rest. What type of angina is  typically not 16. In which of the following positions,
relieved by rest and is thought to be caused by coronary should the nurse place the client with
artery vasospasm?  suspected heart failure?
B. Prinzmetal  C. Sitting almost upright ( High fowler’s position) 

8. When teaching Mrs. Reburiano, who is to take 17. A client has edema during the day and it disappears at
nitroglycerine tablets, the nurse should include the night. The client states it is not painful and is located
importance  of:  in  the lower extremities. The nurse should suspect: 
C. Making certain the medication is stored in a dark  B. Right- sided heart failure 
18. After an anterior wall myocardial infarction (MI), c. Record body weight everyday before breakfast
Which of the following problems is indicated by and report a weight gain of 3 or more pounds in  a
auscultation  of crackles in the lungs?  week 
C. Left-sided heart failure  
28. A client taking furosemide (Lasix), reports
difficulty sleeping. What question is important for the
19. Digoxin is administered intravenously to nurse to ask  the client? 
a client with heart failure, primarily because d.At what time do you take your medication? 
the drug acts to:
A. Increase myocardial contractility   29. The client is in lanoxin therapy, with slightly
elevated creatinine. Which of the following sclient’s
20. Which clinical manifestation indicates the complaints  should be reported to the physician? 
development of right-sided heart failure in a client c. Loss of appetite for a few weeks now. 
with COPD? 
 B. Dependent ankle edema  30. The patient has congestive heart failure. Which
of the following signs and symptoms is consistent
21. What position should the nurse place the head of with the  diagnosis of right side CHF? 
the bed in to obtain the most accurate reading of D. Ascites 
jugular vein  distention? 
 B. Raised 30 degrees
31. The majority goal of therapy for a patient with a heart
22. When discharged., Mr. Puno will continue to take failure and pulmonary edema would be to: 
a diuretic and digitalis. The burse reviewing Mr. Puno A. Increased cardiac output  
diet  would be especially careful to look for adequate  
sources of potassium because: 
c. Under conditions of hypokalemia, digitalis exerts a 32. Which of the following action is inappropriate for a client
toxic effects on the heart.  with heart failure: 
A. Placing the client in modified
trendelenberg to minimize ankle
23. Toxicity from which of the following edema while sleeping
medications may cause a client to see a green
halo around lights? 
A. Digoxin 33. When documenting the assessment finding of Mr.
Bien with emphysema who has an increase in the 
24. Which of the following conditions is most anteroposterior diameter of the chest, which term would
closely associated with weight gain, nausea, and the nurse use? 
decrease urine  output?  A. Barrel chest
 D. Right-sided heart failure 
34. The nurse identifies which set of blood gas values as
25. Which of the following symptoms of hypertension is consistent with the diagnosis of respiratory acidosis in a 
most common?  client? 
 B. Headache
 D. pH- 7.32; pCO2- 48
26. The attending nurse believes that Mrs.
Santos may have left-sided heart failure. Which 35. Which of the following nursing interventions
of the following  symptoms does NOT indicate would most help the client with chronic
left-sided heart failure?  respiratory acidosis? . 
c. Productive cough, thick yellow sputum   d. Teach and encourage the client to use pursed-lip
27. The nurse is developing a plan for the client with
heart failure. The nurse is teaching the client to 36. A postoperative client with emphysema is receiving
monitor fluid  status. The best instruction is to teach oxygen at 2 L/min via nasal cannula when he/she
the client to do which of the following?  complains  of feeling dyspneic. The spouse asks the
nurse to increase the oxygen intake to help him/her
breathe easier. Which   response by the nurse is Which nursing action will be included in the plan of
appropriate?  care? 
 B. Explain to the spouse that high concentration of d. Cover the area with a sterile dressing 
oxygen may depress breathing
46. After treatment of compartment syndrome, a
37. The nurse is providing pre-operative instructions in client reports experiencing parethesia. Which of the
diaphragmatic breathing to a client with COPD. An 
following  symptoms would be seen with
indication that the client understands the nurse’s instructions
is that he: 
 B. Inhales through the nose and holds breath for 1-2 sec  D. Numbness and tingling 
before he exhales. 
47. Which of the following characteristics of
38. To limit the client’s oxygen needs, a client with COPD the fascia can cause it to develop
should be:  compartment syndrome?
 B. Given six small meals a day.  b.It’s unable to expand. 
39. Two major body systems that interact with the 48. Which of the following symptoms is the early sign of
bicarbonate buffer system to preserve the normal body fluid compartment syndrome? 
Ph of 7.5  are the: 
 B. Paresthesia
 B. Respiratory and urinary system 
49. To care for a newly applied plaster cast, Nurse Rex
40. Acid-base imbalance manifested by the client if he’s should: 
having the following result. pH- 7.78,PCO2- 52, NaH2CO3- C. Elevate the leg on pillow and leave the cast open
28  O2n saturation of 92% is:  to air 
A. metabolic alkalosis  
50 . Which of the following
manifestations will differentiate
41. Which type of exercise is indicated for clients osteoarthritis from rheumatoid arthritis?
with rheumatoid arthritis to strengthen the D. Nodules in the finger joints 
muscles while  keeping the joints stationary? 
b. Isometric    
42. Which of the following
manifestations will differentiate
osteoarthritis from rheumatoid arthritis?
d. Nodules in the finger joints 

43. One of the elderly residents is confined to bed

due to traction for a fractured femur. Which of the
following  situations decreases the effectiveness of
the traction? 
d. The traction weights are removed when repositioning
the client. 

44. When transporting a client on a stretcher, the

nurse makes certain that the client’s arm do not
hang down  over the edge. By taking this
precaution, the nurse prevents injury to the: 
D. Brachial plexus 

45. When reading the admission assessment for a

patient, the nurse notes that the patient has an
excoriated area  on the skin of the right forearm.

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