Taxation Atty. Macmod, Cpa Partnership, Estates & Trusts: ST ND

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Partnership, Estates & Trusts

1. 1st statement- GPP is a taxable partnership.

2nd statement- Any partnerships not falling under GPP are Partnership Pugo Pogi
considered ordinary or taxable partnership. Gross Income P2,000,000 P1,000,000 P500,000
a. True, True c. False, True Deductions 500,000 300,000 100,000
b. False, False d. True, False P&L Ratio 4:6
2. 1st statement- A partner’s share in the GPP is subject to Status Single Married
final tax. Drawing Account 200,000 100,000 100,000
2nd statement- A partner’s share in the net income of an Other Income 0 200,000 300,000
ordinary partnership is subject to basic tax. 11. If the partnership is a GPP, the taxable income of the
a. True, True c. False, True partnership is
b. False, False d. True, False a. P1,500,000 c. P0
3. 1st statement- A partner’s share in a GPP in New York, b. P1,300,000 d. P1,300,000
USA is still subject to final tax if he is a resident citizen.
2nd statement- A partner’s share in the net income is not 12. The TNI of Pugo is
included in determining the 40% OSD. a. P1,450,000 c. P850,000
a. True, True c. False, True b. P1,250,000 d. 900,000
b. False, False d. True, False
13. The TNI of Pogi is
4. 1st statement- A co-ownership and partnership are the a. P1,550,000 c. P650,000
same as to taxability. b. P1,350,000 d. P850,000
2nd statement- Co-ownerships are treated as corporation if
it has proprietary activities. 14. If the partnership is an Ordinary Partnership its income
a. True, True c. False, True tax due is
b. False, False d. True, False a. P450,000 c. P390,000
b. P600,000 d. P0
5. 1st statement- A CPA and a Lawyer can form an Ordinary
Partnership. 15. The TNI of Pugo is
2nd statement- A dentist and a CPA can form a GPP. a. P1,450,000 c. P900,000
a. True, True c. False, True b. P850,000 d. P1,250,000
b. False, False d. True, False
16. The TNI of Pogi is
6. 1st statement- GPP’s are tax exempt, hence no separate a. P1,350,000 c. P700,000
juridical personality. b. P650,000 d. P800,000
2nd statement- Joint accounts are considered informal
partnerships. 17. Under no. 12 but Pugo opts to claim the OSD, his TNI is
a. True, True c. False, True a. P1,330,000 c.P1,150,000
b. False, False d. True, False b. P670,000 d. P850,000
7. 1st statement- An Estate is subject to income tax if it is 18. Mr. Fernando Estrada, a resident citizen died leaving a net
under administration and settlement. estate of P4,000,000. His estate is under administration.
2nd statement- A Trust is subject to income tax if it is The net estate which included an apartment, realized a
under administration or settlement. gross income of P500,000 (gross of 5% tax). The executor
a. True, True c. False, True distributed P75,000 and P95,000 to the daughter and son
b. False, False d. True, False respectively. The estate also incurred expenses amounting
to P100,000 but 25% of which is a non-deductible
8. 1st statement- Income distributed to heirs are ordinary expense. The estate ha P1M cash in bank which also
deductions. earned an interest of P100,000, (PNB Mla.)
2nd statement- Trusts administered in foreign countries The taxable net income of the estate is:
have same deductions with domestic trusts. a. P205,000 c. P255,000
a. True, True c. False, True b. P180,000 d. P305,000
b. False, False d. True, False
19. Mr. Reyes created two trusts in favor of his minor niece:
9. 1st statement- When two or more trusts have the same Trust 1 Trust 2
grantor, consolidation is required by BIR. Gross Income P800,000 P700,000
2nd statement- When the beneficiary of the trust is the Deductions:
grantor himself the trust is subject to corporate income Expenses 200,000 100,000
tax. Income given to heirs 250,000 150,000
a. True, True c. False, True
b. False, False d. True, False Required:
a.TNI of T1 and T2
10. 1st statement- Co-ownerships and partnerships are b.TNI of the Consolidated Trusts and Income tax due
governed by individual income taxation. from each trust.
2nd statement- Estates and Trusts are governed by c. TNI of the beneficiary
individual income taxation as a rule.
a. True, True c. False, True 20. Which is a taxable trust?
b. False, False d. True, False a. Revocable Trusts
b. Trust whose income is to be distributed back to the
Pugo and Pogi are partners who provided the following data grantor
about their partnership and their own data in their separate c. Pension or Employee’s Trusts
businesses: d. Trust in favor of an incapacitated or unascertained

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