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Q1.The Capital city of the Cholas was _________
Q2. Name the river that flowed through this capital city.___________
Q3.a)Name the temple present in this city. b) Who built this temple ?
a) b)
Q4. Who was the architect of this temple ? ________________________
Q5. Which diety is located in this temple ? _______________________
Q6. Kings used to hold court in the ______________ (pavilions)
Q7. Other name of sculptors who made bronze idols ____________________
Q8. In which place did they make these idols ? ___________________
Q9. Give an example of a Temple town in :-
a) Madhya Pradesh : _____________________ b) Gujarat : _____________________
c) Tamil Nadu : _________________________ d) Andhra Pradesh : _______________
Q10. Chola bronze statues were made using the ___________ technique.
Q11. Bronze is an alloy of _________ and __________
Q12.Give an example of pilgrimage centres in :
a) Uttar Pradesh : ______________________ b) Tamil Nadu : ________________________
c) Rajasthan : _______________________
Q13. Which city was the capital of the Chauhan kings and later became the suba
headquarters of the Mughals ? ______________________________
Q14. Which city provides an excellent example of religious co-existence ? ____________
Q15.Name the sufi saint who settled in this city and attracted devotees from all
creeds ? __________________________________________________________
Q16. Instead of collecting the taxes, sometimes the ‘rights’ were given to the temples.
Q17. Name any 5 items on the sale of which taxes were imposed on the traders ?
a) _____________ b) ______________ c) ______________ d) _____________ e) ________
Q18. The association or group formed especially by the horse traders, who had to
travel through many kingdoms to sell/trade was called ______________
Q19.-Name 2 examples of such associations : a) _________ b) ___________
Q20. Name 2 items that the Indian traders bought from Africa. a) ______ b) ________
Q21. Name 4 items that the Indian traders bought from S-E Asia and China.
a) ___________ b) ___________ c) _______________________ d) _______________
Q22. Name the 4 spices of India that became a part of European cooking.
a) __________________ b) _________________ c) _________________ d) __________
Q23. Name 2 communities of the smiths, masons and carpenters.
a) __________________________ b) ____________________________
Q24. Name the centre of silk in India during the 18th century, which became the
capital of Bengal.
Q25. Name the river basin on which Hampi is located. ________________________________
Q26. Name the Portuguese traveler who visited Hampi ? _________________________________
Q27. Who were the agents of the European traders in India ? __________________________
Q28.Name the stone Chariot temple at Hampi.. ______________________________
Q29. Which festival was celebrated at Hampi ? _______________________________
Q30. An Emporium is a place _____________________________________________________
Q31. Hundi is a note ____________________________________________________________
Q32. Present name of Cambay is ______________________
Q33. Name the 3 cities that were the gateway of western trade under the Mughals.
a) ________________________ b) _____________________ c) _____________________
Q34. Name the English Chronicler who visited Surat and wrote an account of this
Q35. Name a famous fish port town. _______________________
Q36. On which river’s delta is it located. __________________________
Q37. Factor means ________________________________________________________
Q38. Name 2 Indians who owned a large number of ships at that time ?
a) _________________________________________ b) ______________________________
Q39. Black Towns were the towns especially made for the Indian traders and
craftspersons to live within the new cities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.
Q40. Special residences were made in these cities where the Europeans settlements
were constructed. Example –a) Fort St. William of Calcutta b) Fort St.George of
CHAPTER 7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities
Q1. The new castes emerging with in varnas were called jatis.
Q2. Buranjis were historical works written by the Ahoms.
Q3.The Akbar Nama mentions that Garha Katanga had 70,000 villages.
Q4. As tribal states became bigger and stronger, they gave land grants to poets and
Q5. Tribal societies had rich _______ traditions.
Q6. The ________ is an example of tribal communities in the north-western part of the
Q7. The chaurasi in Gond states contained _______ villages.
Q8. The _________ lived in the north-eastern part of India.
Q9. In India, the indigenous people were known as Adivasi.
Q10. The tribal chief who was made a Mansabdar by emperor Akbar was ______
Q11. Akbar’s famous general who defeated Cheras in 1591 was _____
Q12. People who moved long distances with the animals and lived on their pastoral
products were known as _________
Q13. _________ were the most important trader-nomads.
Q14. The caravan of the Banjaras was called _________
Q15. The king who used the Banjaras to carry grains on their bullocks for the army
was ___________
Q16. Instead of the Varnas, ________ became the basis for organizing society.
Q17. Gondwana was the habitat of the Gonds tribe. It means ______________
Q18. The Gond kingdom of Graha Katanga with 70,000 villages is mentioned in
Q19. ___________ was the Gond king who wished to be recognized as a Rajput.
Q20. Ahoms migrated to the Brahmaputra valley from __________
Q21. Ahoms suppressed the older political system of the __________
Q22. Ahoms were defeated by the Mughals under __________
Q23. Ahom state depended on forced labour known as _______
Q24. _________ were historical works written by the Ahoms.
Q25. Ahom society was divided into ________


Q1. The Chera kingdom of___________was established in the 9 th century.
Q2. ___________ was the language introduced by the rulers of the Chera kingdom.
Q3.The first literary work in Malayalam is directly indebted to _________.
Q4. Manipravalam means ________and _________.
Q5. Anantavarman was an important ruler of _________ dynasty.
Q6. King ___________ 3 dedicated his kingdom to lord Jagannatha at Puri.
Q7. Present day Rajasthan was called ________ by British.
Q8. People who recited poems and songs in praise of Rajput heros were known as
Q9. Immolation of windows on the funeral pyre of their husband is called _____
Q10. Kathaks were caste of ________.
Q11. Earliest miniatures were written on _________.
Q12. Bold and intense style of miniature painting is known as ________.
Q13. ________ is a Persian word meaning a spiritual guide.
Q14. Attribution of living soul to plants, inanimate objects and natural phenomena is
called __________
Q15. _______ and ________were the '' low '' social group of Bengal.
Q16.Bengal is a _________plain which produces plenty of rice and fish.
Q17. _______ was the thirteenth-century Sanskrit text from Bengal, that permitted the
local Brahmanas to eat certain varieties of fish.


Q1. The 3rd battle of Panipat was fought in ________ .
Q2. Nadir shah sacked and plundered the city of Delhi in_______.
Q3. _______ was the Afghan ruler who invaded north India 5 times between 1748 and
Q4. ________ was the founder of Hyderabad state .
Q5 _______ was the founder of Awadh as an independent state.
Q6. ______ was ruler of Jodhpur.
Q7. ______ was the ruler of Amber Rajasthan.
Q8. Sawai Raja Jai Singh founded his new capital at _________.
Q9. _____ was the word used for a band of sikh warriors
Q10. _______ was the 10th Guru of the Sikhs.
Q11. Sikhs were organized into a number of bands called ---------.
Q12. The Marathas used the________style of warfare.

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