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Francisco, Royce Matthew M.

Prof. Cadampog, Jocelyn Cabilog

NCM 1102

December 18, 2020

Prevention of infection, a preventive approach to health and Diagnostic errors.

These are just some of the hundreds of the practices of nursing in medical-surgical

setting or even in a society. But what does "nursing practice" really means? The

American Nurses Association (ANA) defines nursing as " … a caring-based practice in

which processes of diagnosis and treatment are applied to human experiences of health

and illness" (ANA, 1994). In addition to this, the said association also enumerates the

different practices: Restorative practices which modify the impact of illness and

disease. Supportive practice which are oriented toward modification of relationships or

the environment to support health. And lastly the Promotive practices that mobilize

healthy patterns of living, foster personal and familial development, and support self-

defined goals of individuals, families, and communities. To sum up, the nursing practice

includes promoting wellness, preventing illness, restoring health and caring for dying.

And if I were asked to relate to or describe my understanding with regards to nursing

practice to any of the nursing theory. I would definitely choose Florence Nightingale's

Environmental Theory. As I've mentioned above, one of the best example of nursing

practice is the prevention of the different infections that may occur. This will not be

possible without the EBP or what we call the Evidence-Based Practice. A patient who
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develops an infection is at risk for a prolonged hospital stay, serious illness or death.

The transmission of bacteria in hospitals can cause infections at the surgical site, in the

urinary tract or other sites as well. But we have this evidence-based practice for battling

the contamination of infection which consists of these standard care procedures -the

hand hygiene, barrier protection, decontamination and antibiotic stewardship and we

can Somehow refer these four procedures to as “sanitation”. Going back to the

Nightingale's Environmental Theory, wherein she linked health with five environmental

factor. These factors attain significance when one consider the sanitation and proper

hygiene conditions of the hospital. We can relate this to the “prevention of infection” as

one of the nursing practice , that in attaining it, one must consider the sanitation of the

clinical setting in order to not just prevent infection but use it as advantage to assist him

in his recovery. . The interconnectedness of each other was clearly stated. Moreover,

As the quotation goes “nurses change lives, and that changes everything”, by that being

said, high quality nursing practice is a must and should be maintained, not just to

protect the title but to spread a quality healthcare.

High nursing performance is what we need the most, what our country needs

especially to our patients . Of all medical workers, we know that nurses are the ones

who spend more time to their patient, patient outcomes are affected by nursing care

quality. Thus, improvements in patient safety can be achieved by improving nurse

performance. It may not be that easy to improve nurse’s performance but for sure it will

flourish. That is why the American Nurses’ Association (ANA) developed  the

Standards of nursing practice with its main aims that will provide guidelines

for nursing performance. They are like the rules or a definition of what it means to

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provide a competent care to the healthcare system and for the nation and the world as a

whole. But in my own perspectives, standard of nursing practice is a patient-center,

wherein the nurse’ goal is no other than the wellness of his/ her patients that’s why can

infer it as a “standard”. But can we relate this to nursing theory ? Absolutely we can, but

another question will be raised, and that is how. How can we relate it the standard of

nursing practice to various nursing theory?. We defined the Nursing theory as “an

organized framework of concepts and purposes designed to guide the practice of

nursing”. In many cases, nursing theory guides knowledge development and directs

education, research, and practice although each influences the others ( Fitzpatrick &

Whall, 2005). Which only means that this nursing theory is the foundation of all nurses

today as to how they will move and act and the do’s and don’ts in his/her professional

capacity. In relating it to the standard of the nursing practice, nursing theory is really a

great factor towards the nurse’ performance. Learning these various nursing theory will

give an opportunity to choose the perfect theory that fits the situation. This nursing

theory will help nurses to hone their critical thinking skills, analytical skills and improve

concept comprehension in employing it while doing and performing the job. As a result

to it, a it will enable nurses to have a quality practice .With the use of the nursing theory

in practice, new information, new knowledge and data are gleaned that can influence

not just the present nursing practice but also for the future. That is the relationship of the

various nursing theory and the standard of nursing practice.

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