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Beam: A structural member /bar subject to force/load & couples which acts perpendicularly to the longitudinal
axis of beam.
Homogenous Beam: the beam that is composed of 1 material throughout & is uniform in quantity.

 Upper fibers face shortening due to compression.

 Rear side face elongation due to tension.
Sign Conventions:
Bending moment causing the beam to sag: positive
Bending moment causing the beam to hog: negative.
Simply Supported Beam: Beams that are freely supported at both ends. The term freely supported implies that
the end supports are capable of exerting. Forces upon bar but not capable of exerting moments. Thus there is no
retrained offered to the angular rotation of bar.

The top layer of homogenous beam becomes shorter and bottom becomes longer. The strain any layer
(top/bottom) of beam is proportional to the distance of that layer called the neutral layer: the neutral axis
Neutral Axis: is situated halfway down the depth of the beam. There is no change or alteration in the depth of
neutral axis as a result of the applied bending moment.
Since stress is directly proportional to strain. Therefore, stress/strain –E (modulus of elasticity, therefore the
maximum tension and compression occurs at the extreme top & bottom layer of beam respectively.
Bending Moment:

Shearing Force:
The force that tends to bend the beam so that it is concave upwards –positive bending moment.
Weight of the R.C.C-150lb/cubic feet –CP-114(1957)
Weight of cement- 90lb/cubic feet
Different Concrete Mixes:
Cement: sand: aggregate
1; 1; 2 column-beam slab
1; 1-1/2; 3 water retaining structures, dams.
1; 2; 4 hollow tile floors, reinforces concrete walls,
Analysis for S.F.D & B.M.D
1. Statically Determinate beam
2. Statically inseminate beams
1. Those beams for which it is possible to completely determine the reactions exerted upon the beam merely by
applying the equations of dynamic equilibrium.
2. Those beams for which the number of unknown reactions exceed the no. of equations of static equilibrium. It is
necessary to supplement the static equilibrium equations with additional equations stemming from the deformation
of beams.
Computer Implementation
Determination of S.F.D & B.M.D in a beam is subject to umber of forces. Point load/ concentrated load, UDL,
UVL, is best carried out on a computer.
Ductile Material: material which is heavy and can bear relatively large tensile strain up to to the point of rupture.
For example structural MS.
Hinge Support: a hinge I a beam is provided where B.M is zero but shearing force acts.
Slabs : Simply Supported Slabs: Slabs are designed on the assumption that they consist of a number of beams od
span length (l) and breadth (b) usually 12” . A slab is a monolithic structural member cast in 1 piece and it is not
composed of separate beams
2 Way Slab: if lx / ly greater than or equal to 2 then ly/lx is called 2 way slab where ly is the length of longer side of
slab and lx is the length of shorter side of slab.
1 Way Slab: if ly / lx is less than or equal to 2 is called one way slab.
In slab, the main steel (MS) is provided at the bottom & the distribution steel is provided on the top of main steel.
The diameter of main steel bar is ½” to ¾”. The diameter of distribution steel bar is ¼” to 3/8”.
Thickness Of Slab: the minimum thickness of slab is taken as 4” or 0.4” per ft. Of span.
Concrete Cover: for slabs, the minimum cover to outside of the main bar is ½” or the diameter of the bar ,
whichever is greater . (1/2 “-3/4”)
Practical Detail Of Dead Load: sum of load comprising of self-load of structure. (Weight of all walls, roofs, slab,
floor, footings, foundations, and all other permanent construction. These weights are calculated by finding the
weight of cubicle content of different materials used in the structure.
P.C.C = 144 Lb. /Ft3 R.C.C. = 150 Lb./Ft3 2%-3% Steel Usage M.S = 6 Lb./Ft3
Live Load: they are super imposed load, they consist of moving or variable load, for example people using the
structure, temporary stores, furniture and snow loads, etc.
Wind Load: acts horizontally on the exposed vertical surface of wall, columns, inclined roofs of the structure,
(gable roof, tapered, sloping roof).
For design of auditoriums, theatres, hangers, large industrial buildings where greater distance and long spans are
required following structural members are used.
 Girders
 Arches
 Trusses
Girders for long span structure are used in situation where the depth of framing is limited to 1 km.
Conversions: 10 gaz plot =144 sq.inches=1sq.ft. 9sq.ft=1sq yard
Plot dimensions: 5 marlas =125 sq. Yard
= 125x9
5 marlas = 1125sq.ft
10 marlas= 250 sq. Yard
= 2250 sq. Yard
20 Marlas=5000sq.yard
1 kanal =4500sq.ft
Steel: unit weight of steel : liquid steel: English F.P.S=489lb/ft3
S.I system = 7826 kg/metre 3
Interconversion: 1 kg =2.2045lb
Beam reinforcement: bar diameter required for beam: reference table 3,2 /page 73 r.c.c by Morgan

Shear Reinforcement In Beams: Main Bars are Bent At Some Angles: (Reference Page 139 R.C.C By
Pic:2 (reference table page 777 book: building construction by shusheel Sharma )
Interconversions: (1/4 which is 6mm- 1-1/2)
1: = 2.54cm (1cm-10mm)
= 254mm
½” = 12.7mm
Quarter = 6mm (1/4)
SLUMPT TEST: checking the workability of concrete /quality, slump test in the field is used. (Reference 548
page. book building construction by shusheel kumar)
For beams and slabs the value of slump test is 50 mm-100mm (2” -4”)
For columns: 75mm-150 mm reference image :

Concrete: the various common types of steels are available I different forms are:
 Mild steel
 Mild tensile steel
 High tensile steel
 Hard drawn steel
They differ from each other in their chemical composition and technical properties.
The various forms in which steel is used as reinforcement in R.C.C work is as following:
 Round bars
 Deformed bars
 Twisted bars
 Square bars
Sometimes expanded metal fabrics or fabric made by welding or weaving steel wire in the form of square mesh
or oblique mesh in slabs ad shells
MS and medium tensile steel bars as round bars sections are commonly used in R.C.C work. The diameter of
round bars commonly used in structures are6,8,10,12,16,18,20.22.2528,32,36,40,. Bars of greater diameter
45mm and 50mm are used in exceptionally heavy foundations and large girders.
Use of plain: plain round steel bars are on the decline deformed bars having high yield strength are provided
with ribs having surfaces deformation which increases their bond strength.
Weight of P.C.C =144lb/Ft = 24000N/M Square
Weight of R.C.C = 150lb/Ft =25000N/M Square
Chapter#2 Axially Loaded Columns: when the line of resultant thrust of loads, supported by column passes
through the center of gravity lie of column.
(Reference: R.C.C by Winter Nelson)
90 percent columns in the world are designed as short columns. Reason being that the short columns are safe
whereas long columns face buckling
Effective Height of The Column: it is the height of the column from floor level to roof level.
Short Column: those columns whose effective height does not exceeds 15x its least lateral dimension of width.

1’-12” 15 x X 3’=36” 15x X

1’-12” 15 x 1’ = 15’ 3’=36” 15x 3’=45’
Beams are designed in terms of tension.
Bar sizes: ½ “diameter to 24”
12.5 diameter to 50mm (in a circular column 6 bars are compulsory to fit in.)
The ties which are used to bind the bars in a column are lateral ties / traverse steel. Their dimensions are as
3/16 (5mm) diameter to diameter of main steel bar/4 = 2”/4” = 1”/2” = 8/16”
Cover: minimum ½” or diameter whichever is greater.
LONG SPAN/CLEAR SPAN STRUCTURES: trusses (a tentative introduction)
The rotation of an arch defines dome. Dome is the shape of arch. The compression and tension is interactively
different in dome than a simply supported beam. Dome faces the force of compression from the rear side where
the upper side faces the force of tension.
There are 3 types of clear span structures. (Timber, R.C.C, Steel)
In timber laminated beams= a clear span of 80’
Truss= 100’ span clear + reference image
In steel wide flange beams= 60’ clear span
Open web joist= 90’ clear span
R.C.C precast T’s (a type of beam) = 100’ clear span
Introduction: a truss consists of a assembly of rigid but elastic member joined in the form of triangle to act as a
beam. The safe working tensile stress of mild steel is 20x is greater than that of the structural timber. Thus steel
trusses are more economical for larger spans out of the many steel sections , angles are considered most suitable
for steel roof truss, this is the because of the fact that angles can resist both tensile and compressive stress
effectively. In addition, angles can be produced economically and can be easily joined.
Advantages of steel roof truss:
Steel trusses are 20x stronger than timber
Steel sections forming the truss are light in weight and can be fabricated in any desired to suit the architecture.
Steel trusses are fire resistance compared to the timber.
Steel trusses do not have span restrictions as such, they can be used in industrial buildings or other such
structures where large areas are required to be covered without columns or piers.
Sections forming the steel are easy in transportations.
The sections can be obtained in any desired length suiting the requirements of client. No wastage in cutting or

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