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Three Day Notice for Nonpayment of Rent

To: Resident name

City, state zip

From: Agent
City state zip
Phone #

This is to inform you that your rent is now overdue. You have 72 hours from the date of service of this notice in which to
pay your past due rent in the amount of $00.00. The amount due of $00.00 is for the period of (Date) to (Date).
If you do not pay $00.00 by 12:00 midnight on (Date), your lease will be terminated and (Management Agency) will, at
that time, be entitled to file an unlawful detainer (eviction) action for possession to the leased premises in accordance with
the laws of the state of Idaho. This means that you must either pay the above-mentioned rent amount to the onsite
manager within 72 hours or vacate the premises by 12:00 midnight on (Date). Pursuant to Idaho code § 6-324, attorney
fees shall be awarded to the prevailing party.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you have (10) days, but not later than 12:00 midnight, (Date) from the date of
your receipt of this Notice within which to request a meeting with the Landlord and discuss the proposed termination with
the Landlord at Apartment name address and phone number. You also have the right to retain counsel to represent you in
this matter and the right to defend such action in a court of law.
This notice was mailed on (Date). (3 days added for mailing).

Dated:_____________________ ________________________________

*If payment has already been made, please disregard this notice*


I, the undersigned, being at least 18 years of age, declare under penalty of perjury that I served this Notice, of which this is
a true copy, on the above-mentioned tenant in possession in the same manner(s) indicated below:

___ I personally delivered a copy to the Tenant.

___ I personally delivered a copy to a person of suitable age and discretion at Tenant’s residence/business address.
___ I affixed a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place on the property.

Executed at _______________ City, State of Idaho, this _____ day of __________________, _______

(Signature of Servant)

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