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Web Portal for Old Age Home is a web based application designed to maintain the
administrative activities of charitable trust. It is designed using ASP.Net 2005 as front-end
and SQL Server 2005 as back-end.

Old Age Homes are voluntary association is a charity based voluntary organization
working towards development & upliftment of society. They look after the elderly people
with utmost care and empathy in a pleasant atmosphere to lead a peaceful life till their last

This web portal is helpful to gathering the helping hearts in the society and to
continue to survive by bringing together the hands of all likeminded people without
depending on Government for sustenance.

The aim of the project is to create a linking provision to the trust and the society.
More over the system permits the administrator to maintain the old age home activities. The
activities and the other information collected from the concern are grouped under the
modules as follows.

 Personal Info
 Outsiders Register
 Sponsor [anniversary, birth day]
 Donation
 Gate pass
 Maintenance
 Health Care
 Recreation


Web Portal for Old Age Home is mainly developed for organizing the process going
under the old age home. The system maintain the details of the senior citizens who are unable
to stay with their families or destitute.

The system has two types user one is administrator and another one is generic users.
Generic users can view the information about the home. Administrators have unique id and
password to logon the system. Admin only have permission to maintain the details about old
age home members, gate pass, health care details, visitors register, sponsors contribution and
other activities held in the home.

The system has following objectives,

 To maintain the activities of the home

 To maintain donation and sponsor details
 It focused on global giving
 To maintain the recreations
 Proper health care and medical check up on correct duration
 To provide individual care
 To continue to survive by bringing together the hands of all likeminded people
without depending on Government for sustenance.
 To look after the elderly people with utmost care and empathy in a pleasant
atmosphere to lead a peaceful life till their last journey.
1.2.1 Hardware Specification

Processor : Intel Dual Core 3 GHz

RAM : 2 GB

Hard Disk : 120 GB

Mouse : Optical Mouse

Keyboard : 104 Keys

Monitor : SVGA Color

1.2.2 Software Specification

Operating System : Windows XP

Front-End : ASP.Net 2005

Data base : SQL Server 2005


ASP.NET is more than the next version of Active Server Pages (ASP), it is a unified
web development platform that provides the services necessary for developers to build
enterprise-class web applications. While ASP.NET is largely syntax compatible with ASP, it
also provides a new programming model and infrastructure for more secure, scalable, and
stable applications. User can feel free to augment user existing ASP applications by
incrementally adding ASP.NET functionality to them.

ASP.NET is a compiled, NET-based environment; user can author applications in any

.NET compatible language, including Visual Basic .NET, C#, and JScript .NET.
Additionally, the entire .NET Framework is available to any ASP.NET application.
Developers can easily access the benefits of these technologies, which include the managed
common language runtime environment, type safety, inheritance, and so on.
ASP.NET has been designed to work seamlessly with WYSIWYG HTML editors and
other programming tools, including Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. Not only does this make
web development easier, but it also provides all the benefits that these tools have to offer,
including a GUI that developers can use to drop server controls onto a web page and fully
integrated debugging support.

Developers can choose from the following two features when creating an ASP.NET
application, web Forms and web services, or combine these in any way they see fit. Each is
supported by the same infrastructure that allows user to use authentication schemes, cache
frequently used data, or customize user application's configuration, to name only a few

Introduction to ADO.NET

ADO.Net provides consistent access to data sources such as Microsoft Access, as well
as data sources exposed via OLE DB. Data sharing consumer applications can use ADO.NET
to connect to these data sources and retrieve, manipulate and update data.

ADO.NET cleanly factors data access from data manipulation into discrete
component that can be separately or in random. ADO.NET includes .NET data providers for
connecting to the database, executing commands, and retrieving results.

Features of ASP.NET

 Web forms allows user to build powerful forms based web pages. When building
these pages, user can use ASP.NET server controls to create common GUI elements
and program them for common tasks.

 Using web services, business can expose programmatic interfaces to their data or
business logic which in turn can be obtained and manipulated by client-server or
server-server scenarios.

 If users have ASP development skills, the ASP.NET programming model will be
seem very familiar to user however the ASP.NET object model has changed
significantly from ASP, making it more structured and object-oriented.
 ASP.NET provides easy-to-use application and session – state facilities that are
familiar to ASP developers.

 ASP.NET code is compiled, rather than interpreted, which allow early binding, strong
typing and just-in-time (JIT) compilation to native code to name only a few of its

SQL Server 2005

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database server, developed by Microsoft: it is a

software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as requested by other
software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer
across a network (including the Internet). There are at least a dozen different editions of
Microsoft SQL Server aimed at different audiences and for different workloads (ranging from
small applications that store and retrieve data on the same computer, to millions of users and
computers that access huge amounts of data from the Internet at the same time).

Microsoft SQL Server is an application used to create computer databases for the
Microsoft Windows family of server operating systems. Microsoft SQL Server provides an
environment used to generate databases that can be accessed from workstations, the Internet,
or other media such as a personal digital assistant (PDA).

Whenever a query is submitted to SQL Server, the SQL engine must make decisions
about how to go about retrieving the data for the user. Inside the SQL Server query
processing engine, there is a section of code called the query optimizer whose function is to
find the most efficient means of retrieving data at that particular time. This query optimizer
compares different possible methods of retrieving the data (called execution plans) and then
chooses one. Once this is done, the query engine goes about using this plan to retrieve the
data requested by the query.

In any database system, returning data to the client must be done as efficiently and
quickly as possible to minimize contention. If the database server spends an inordinate
amount of time processing one query, the performance of other queries will suffer. In order
for the server to find the most efficient method of satisfying the query, it must spend
resources examining the query and comparing different methods of retrieving the data.
There are different types of query optimizers used in various relational database
management systems. Microsoft SQL Server uses a “cost-based” query optimizer in
determining which of the various methods of retrieving data it will pick and send to the query
engine. A cost-based optimizer assigns a cost to each method of retrieving data based on the
resources required to process the query. Processor time, disk I/O, etc. are all assigned costs
based on the number of rows that must be examined in a particular operation. Once the
optimizer has assigned the costs, it sums up the total cost for each execution plan that was
investigated. Based on the design of the system, the query optimizer chooses an execution
plan, which is then sent to the query engine for processing. SQL Server does not always
choose the execution plan with the lowest total resource cost as one might expect. Instead,
SQL Server is designed to pick the execution plan that is reasonably close to the theoretical
minimum and will return results to the client as quickly as possible with a reasonable cost.

The definition of reasonable will change as conditions within the SQL Server and the
load changes. This results in a dynamic, efficient query optimizer that delivers some of the
best performance in the industry.


At present the old age home maintained are handled in the registers and files. The
Excel and Word application is used to store the important static information. There is no
other customizer software is available to handle the entire work flow of the home. Any
details regarding the candidates have to refer more number of file. It leads lot of work and
more time consumption. To overcome the inability of the existing system the new system is
planned to develop.

2.1.1 Drawbacks of Existing System

 Delay in processing
 There is no automation process
 It is not an integrated one
 It consumes more man power
 Anyone want to know about the home they have to contact through phone or person


The proposed system is designed based on the objectives prepared to fulfill the
existing system drawbacks. The proposed system nullifies most of the discrepancies that
arise in the existing system. The advantages of the proposed system over the existing system
are as follows.

2.2.1 Advantages of Proposed System

 Easy to handle
 The user without the knowing the system can easily adopt with the system
 Tracking of the details are very easy
 Instant data access
 Any details regarding to our needs can be viewed immediately
 Interactive and user friendly


The input design gives the details about the screens and forms which consist of input
given by the user. It depicts all the entry points of the inputs to a system. Input design is very
important for proper understanding of the system which will in turn reduce the errors
occurring during data input.

Member Details

Old age home candidates admission details, personal bio-data and relation / guardian
information are completely maintained in this form. This form includes the details of
member id, admission date, name, gender, Guardian name, contact etc.

Sponsor Details

Sponsor details form used to enter the details of sponsor. This form includes the
details of sponsor id, name, address, contact and email.

Donation Details
Donation form is used to maintain the donations received from the sponsors or any
other persons. This form holds the details of the sponsor id, donation amount and date of

Gate Pass Details

Gate Pass from maintains the details about gate pass provided to the old age home
candidates. It includes the details of member id, outing date, reason and the person who take
them out from the home.

Outsiders Register Details

The persons who visited the home are properly maintained in the outsiders register
form with visiting date, time and purpose.

Maintenance Details
Maintenance form is designed hold the details of old age home maintenance. In this
form it includes the details of food and other maintenance of the home.
Healthcare Details
This form consists of the medical and health history of individual candidates of the
home. Health assistance and treatments provided to the candidate are maintained in
healthcare form.

Activity Details
Activity details maintain in this form. It includes the details of activity date, activity
details and who conducted the activity.


The aim of any system is the generation of the reports and views. The output provides
the direct source and full details about the appropriate modules. This system provides
following reports.

Member Report

This report shows the details of members such as member id, name, address, guardian
name, contact number etc.

Sponsor Report

Sponsor report shows the details about sponsor. It shows Sponsor id, name, Address,
email, memorable day.

Donation Report

Donation report shows the details about sponsor donation. It shows the details such
as sponsor id, donation date and amount.

Visiting Register Report

Visiting Register report shows the details visitor details. It includes visitor no, name
and purpose.

Maintenance Report
Maintenance report provides the list of expenses of the old age home. It includes the
details of maintenance details and its cost.

Activity Report

Activity report shows the list of activities of the home. It includes activity date,
activity details and conducted person details.

Database Design is crucial in the development of computer applications that

maximize the effectiveness of the database, performance and overall quality of the
application. Database design defines the method of data organization. The operational data is
stored in entities. The table design is used to design the table in the system. The system uses
different types of tables for manipulating the day to day transactions of the concern, two
categories of tables are maintained such as master tables and transaction tables.

 The tables are organized to

 Reduce the redundancy of the data
 Retrieving the data
 Simplify functions like adding, deleting, modifying data etc.,


The system has following modules are,

 Personal Info
 Outside Registers
 Sponsors
 Donation
 Gate Pass
 Maintenance
 Healthcare
 Recreation

3.4.1 Module Descriptions

Personal Info
Old age home candidate’s admission details, personal bio-data and relation / guardian
information are completely maintained in this module. It is the base module of this project. It
has the complete history of the person adopted by the organization.

Outsiders Register
The persons who visited the home are properly maintained in the outsiders register
module with visiting date, time and purpose.
Sponsor module has the details about contributors who provide a support to the home.
This module has the sponsor’s anniversary, birth day and some other important dates to greet
the helping hearts.

Donation module is used to maintain the donations received from the sponsors or any
other persons. This module holds the details of the contributor, donation and date of issue.

Gate Pass
Gate Pass module maintains the details about gate pass provided to the old age home
candidates. It has the details candidate and the person who take them out from the home.

Maintenance module is designed hold the details of old age home maintenance. In
this module food and other maintenance of the home are properly updated.

Healthcare is one of the main progresses of old age home. This module consists of
the medical and health history of individual candidates of the home. Health assistance and
treatments provided to the candidate are maintained in healthcare module.

Any function or parties celebrated in the home are maintained in recreation module.


System testing is a phase of the system development life cycle, which aim as ensuring
that the system works accurately and efficiently. Implementation of a computer based system
requires to be tested first so that it can know whether it works correctly.
The software testing process commences that the program is created and the
documentation and related data structures are designed. Software testing is essential for
correcting errors. Software testing is the process of checking whether the developed system
is working according to the original objectives and requirements.

The testing objectives are summarized in the following steps:

 Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

 A good test case is one has high probability of finding errors.

Testing Methodologies
Various kinds of testing techniques are available. They are unit testing, integration
Testing and user acceptance testing.

Unit Testing
This test focuses on verification efforts on the smallest units of the system design.
Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that module operates properly at boundaries
established to limit or restrict processing. Unit testing is considered an equivalent to coding

White Box Testing

White box testing sometimes called as glass box testing. It is test case design method
that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. All the following
test cases are derived from white box test.

 All independent paths with in a module have been exercised at least once.
 Exercise all logical conditions on their true and false side.
 Execute all loops at their boundary within their operational bounds.
 Exercise internal data structure to assure their validity.
Black Box Testing

The black box testing attempts to find errors in the following types:

 Incorrect or missing functions.

 Errors in data structures or external database access.
 Performance error.
 Initialization and termination errors.

Integration Testing
This test address the issues associated with the dual problems of verification and
programming construction. This testing is a systematic technique for constructing
programming structure while at the same time conducting test to uncover errors associated
with interfacing the objective is to take unit tested modules and build a program structure that
has been dictated by design.

Output Testing

After performing the validation testing, the next step is the output testing of the
proposed system. No system is useful if it doesn’t produce the required output in the specified
form considering the format required by the user.

Here it is found to be correct that the format that was designed in the system design
phase is according to the output that comes out as specified by the user. The output produced
by this system is tested with the manual report.


The process of bringing a development system in to operational use and turning it

over to the user is known as implementation. The initial steps in implementation involve
preparing the system flowchart and computer program development. The implementation of a
computer-based system component is the major subsystem of computer based system.

Implementation is the stage where the theoretical design is converted in to a working

system. The following are the steps involved in the implementation plan.
 Test the system with sample data.

 Detection and correction of errors.

 Make necessary changes in the system.

 Check with the existing system.

 Installment of hardware and software.

 Training and involvement of user personal.

There are three types of implementation plans are used to implement the computer
based system they are parallel implementation, change over and pilot implementation. In this
system parallel implementation plan is executed to replace the existing system to proposed

The “Web Portal for Old Age Home” has been developed to satisfy all the proposed
requirements. The system is highly scalable and user friendly. Almost all the system
objectives have been met. The system has been tested under all criteria. The system
minimizes the problem arising in the existing manual system and it eliminates the human
errors to zero level.

This system facilitates the user to maintain member, sponsor and expenditure
information of the home. It is helpful for the administrator to perform their work neat and
good. Admin user has unique authentication to manipulate the databases of the system that
protect the system from mal practices and damages etc.


The software executes successfully by fulfilling the objectives of the project. Further
extensions to this system can be made required with minor modifications. There are plenty of
scopes for future development in this project. This project is fully user friendly however the
system is adequate security future for proper handling of the system.

In future, the system could extend the process to the entire organization maintenance.
Any further upgrading of this software could easily do without modifying the prior one. This
website may be enhanced as per the future needs of old age home. This could be integrated
with some other modules such as branch and accounting module to enhance its feature.


Level – 0

Old Age Home

Admin Admin
Level 1

Store Member Detail Get Member Detail

Authenticate Member Maintenance
Entry Gate
Admin Member Pass

Get Member Detail Store Gate Pass

Store Sponsor Details Gate Pass

Store Member Health
Health Care
Sponsor Health

Donation Details
Store Treatment

Health Treat

B. E-R Diagram

Mid Name Mid Hdesc

Member Heath

Mid Tdate

Heath Treat

Mid Odate

Gate Pass

Spid Sdate Spid DDate

Sponsor Donation

Table Name : Login

Reference Key: UName

Field Name Data Type Size Description

UName Varchar 20 User Name
Pass Varchar 20 Password

Table Name : Member

Primary Key : Mid
Description : This table has personal details of old age home members

Field Name Data Type Size Description

Mid Varchar 7 Member ID
Admdate DateTime Date of Admission
Name Varchar 30 Name
Gender Varchar 1 Gender [M/F]
Age Numeric 3 Age
GName Varchar 15 Guardian Name
Address Varchar 100 Address
Cont Varchar 20 Contact Number
Email Varchar 30 Email Id of Guardian
Grela Varchar 30 Guardian Relationship
Abt Varchar 100 Details about the person
Table Name : Sponsor
Primary Key : Spid

Field Name Data Type Size Description

Spid Varchar 7 Sponsor Id
SName Varchar 30 Sponsor Name
Addr Varchar 150 Address
Cont Varchar 15 Contact Number
Email Varchar 30 Email ID
Mday Varchar 20 Any Memorable days like birth day

Table Name : Donation

Foreign Key : Spid

Field Name Data Type Size Description

Spid Varchar 7 Sponsor Id
DDate DateTime Donation Date
Amt Numeric 10 Contribution Amount

Table Name : Gate passes

Foreign Key : Mid

Field Name Data Type Size Description

Mid Varchar 7 Member Id
ODate DateTime Out date
Rea Varchar 100 Reason
Perdet Varchar 40 Person who take them out
Table Name : VisReg
Primary Key : VEno

Field Name Data Type Size Description

VEno Numeric 5 Visitor Entry Number
VDate DateTime Date of visit
Vtime DateTime Visiting Time
VName Varchar 20 Visitor Name
Purp Varchar 50 Purpose of Visit

Table Name : MReg

Primary Key : MNo

Field Name Data Type Size Description

Mno Numeric 5 Maintenance Entry Number
Mdate DateTime Maintenance Date
MDet Varchar 20 Maintenance Detail
MCost Numeric 10 Maintenance Cost

Table Name : Health

Foreign Key : Mid

Field Name Data Type Size Description

Mid Varchar 7 Member Id
Hdesc Varchar 50 Health Description
Hadv Varchar 30 Health Advice
Table Name : Health Treat
Foreign Key : Mid

Field Name Data Type Size Description

Mid Varchar 7 Member Id
Tdate DateTime Treatment Date
DName Varchar 20 Doctor Name
TDesc Varchar 40 Treatment Description

Table Name : Activity

Primary Key : Eno

Field Name Data Type Size Description

Eno Numeric 5 Entry Number
Adate DateTime Date of activity
Adet Varchar 40 Activity Details
Contby Varchar 30 Conducted by

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