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Division Lanao del Norte

School Grade Level 7
Teacher Learning Area Science
Time & Dates Day 1 Week 1 Quarter 3

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of motion in one dimension
B. Performance The learners shall be able to conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster risk
Standards reduction
C. Learning
Objectives The learners should be able to describe the motion of an object in terms of
(Write the distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration (S7FE-IIIa1)
code for each
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
D. Specific
Objective 1. describe the motion of an object in terms of position; and
2. tell the exact position of the Philippines on the map or globe.
E. Integration of
Within and
English, Mathematics, Araling Panlipunan
II. CONTENT Descriptors of Motion
A. References
1. Teacher’s
pp. 170 – 172
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Material pp. 169 – 170
3. Textbook
4. Additional
from LR
B. Other Learning
Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected
A. Reviewing
lesson or Elicit (2minutes)
presenting 3 VIDOES ONE WORD 1. A word that
the new describes the three
lesson videos is

Guide question:
1. Guess one word to describe the three videos.
B. Establishing Engage (4 minutes)
a purpose for Activity: Where is the Ball? In picture a, the ball is
the lesson above the head.
In picture b, the ball is
under the chair.
In picture c. the ball is
in front of the child.
a b c In picture d, the ball is
behind the woman.
In picture e, the ball is
on the left side.
In picture f, the ball is
C. Presenting at the right side.
instances of The words used to
the new d e f
describe the positions
lesson of the ball are: above,
Guide questions:
(Students will answer the questions in a under, in front of,
complete sentence.) behind or at the back,
1. Describe the positions of the ball. left, and right.
2. What are the words used to describe the
positions of the ball? In a- the head; b- the
3. What is your guide or reference point in chair; c- the child; d
telling all the positions of the ball? -,e-, f- the woman.

Explore (15 minutes)

• Divide the class into 6 groups.
Groups I and II will perform Activity 1A
D. Discussing - Describing positions of objects using number line.
new concepts Groups III and IV will perform Activity 1 B
and – Describing positions of the ball at any given time. Students perform the
practicing Groups V and VI will perform Activity 1C activities by group
new skills #1 – Describing positions of the car showing direction
See attached activity sheets.
• Each group will choose reporter to
present their output.
E. Discussing (5 minutes) Guide questions:
new concepts 1. In activity 1A, Is there an object moving? 1. All the objects are
and How can you tell? not moving
practicing 2. In Activity 1B, Is the ball moving? because they do
new skills #2 How can you tell? not change
3. In activity 1C, Is the car moving? position.
How can you tell? 2. The ball is moving
because it changes
position away from
the reference at
different times.
3. The car is moving
because it changes
position and

direction away from

the reference point
at different times.

Explain (4 minutes)
1. The object is in
F. Developing motion when it
mastery Guide question: changes
1. How can you tell that the object is in position relative
motion? to a reference

Elaborate (20 minutes)

1. The teacher points out that the positions of objects in

each activity use number lines.
2. The teacher will introduce latitude and longitude
coordinate system using number lines.
a. Show a video clip to describe
latitude and longitude

b. Show a picture identifying the lines of latitude and

the lines of longitude

G. Finding
of concepts
and skills in
daily living c. Students will identify the lines of latitude and of
longitude in the graph

The exact position of

d. Tell the exact position of the Manila, Philippines the Manila, Philippines
using latitude and longitude is 15⁰ N and 121⁰ E.

H. Making
generalizatio (4 minutes) 1. The exact position of

Guide question: a place can be

1. How can you find the exact position of a place on located using the
Earth? latitude and
2. Is the Philippines moving on the globe? How can you longitude
tell? coordinates.
n and
3. How will you describe motion in terms of 2. The Philippines is
position? not moving on the
about the
globe because she
is not changing
3. Motion is a change
in position in relation
to a reference point.

Evaluate (3 minutes) 1. 60⁰N and 90⁰W

Describe the exact position of the points on 2. 0⁰and 150⁰W
the map using latitude and longitude, 3. 60⁰S and 60⁰E
4. 30⁰N and 150⁰E
5. The object is in motion
a. The object changes
I.Evaluating b. The object is away
learning from the reference
c. The object is at
different place or
1. A 2. C position at different
3. D 4. E times.
5. Write at least 3 sentences to describe the d. The object changes
object in motion. direction.

Extend (2 minutes)

J. Additional
activities for
application The positions of the ball can also be described by the
or use of graph.
1. Find the positions of the ball at different times using
a graph.



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use / discover
which I wish to
share with other


Name: __________________________________________ Date:____________________

Grade & Section/Group: ____________________________ Score:___________________

Learning Competency: The learners should be able to describe the motion of an object in terms of
distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration (S7FE-IIIa1)

Unit 3 Module 1

Activity No. 3.1A: Where Is It?

I. Objective: Describe the positions of the objects using number lines.

II. Materials Needed:

Figure 1. Coordinates of different object along the number line.

III. Procedure:
1. Study the diagram below.
2. Tell the positions of objects in the diagram through their coordinates along the number line.

IV. Questions:
1. What is the position of the dog?

2. What is the position of the tree?


3. What is the position of the dog with respect to the house?


4. What is the reference point?


5. Is the tree moving? Explain your answer.


Generalization: _______________________________________________________


Name: __________________________________________ Date:____________________

Grade & Section/Group: ____________________________ Score:___________________

Learning Competency: The learners should be able to describe the motion of an object in terms of
distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration (S7FE-IIIa1)

Unit 3 Module 1

Activity No. 3.1B: Where Is It?

I. Objective: Describe the positions of the ball at any given time.

II. Materials Needed:
Figure 2. Position of the ball at different times.
III. Procedure:
1. Study the diagram below.
2. Describe the positions of the rolling ball at any given time.

IV. Questions:
1. What is the initial position of the ball?

2. What is the final position of the ball?


3. What is the position of the ball at 15 seconds?


4. What is the reference point?


5. Is the ball moving? Explain your answer.


Generalization: ______________________________________________________


Name: __________________________________________ Date:____________________

Grade & Section/Group: ____________________________ Score:___________________

Learning Competency: The learners should be able to describe the motion of an object in terms of
distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration (S7FE-IIIa1)

Unit 3 Module 1

Activity No. 3.1C: Where Is It?

I. Objective: Describe the positions of the car showing direction.

II. Materials:
Figure 3. Positions of the car at different directions
III. Procedure:
1. Study the diagram below.
2. Tell the exact positions of the car at different times showing directions.

figure 3
IV. Questions:
1. What is the initial position of the car?

2. What is the final position of the car?


3. What is the position of the car at 4 seconds?


4. What is the reference point?


5. Is the car moving? Explain your answer.


Generalization: ________________________________________________________


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