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P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines

Name :_____________________________ Date: ________________

Strand/Section:_____________________________ Output No.: Nine ( 9 )

I- Objectives: "Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy;

The learners will be able to…
Pray to ALLAH to grant your security but when you (are
a. Know and understand the different battles that took place during the lifetime of the Prophet.
forced to) encounter them, exercise patience.
b. Assess and analyze the reasons for these battles and what role they played in establishing
Islam. -PBUH-
c. Give importance of the battles for the establishment of Islam.
Values Integration:
Truth and Unity

II- Preliminary Activities

Write your own prayer on the space provided below.

B. Review
What have you learned about the teachings and example of the Prophet Muhammad on specific
issues of justice and equality?

III-Exposition of the subject matter

Battle Fought by Prophet Muhammad

The battles fought by the Prophet and his followers after the Hijrah:

o Badr
o Ohud
o Trench
o Khyber
Battle of Badr, (624 CE)

 In Islamic history, major military victory led by the Prophet Muhammad that marked a
turning point for the early Muslim community (ummah) from a defensive stance toward
one of stability and expansion. The battle damaged Meccan trade and boosted the morale
of the ummah as a viable force in its pursuit of control of the holy city. The prestige of
the battle in the Islamic consciousness is marked by the fact that it is the only battle
mentioned by name in the Qurʾān.
 In 622 Muhammad and his Meccan followers settled in Medina upon invitation, having
fled their native city in an event known as the Hijrah (“Emigration”). Although the new
Constitution of Medina gave them a modicum of acceptance among the Medinese, the
muhājirūn, as Muhammad’s Meccan followers came to be known, remained a separate
class, unabsorbed into the socioeconomic fabric of the city. They began raiding caravans
whose wares fed Mecca’s merchant economy, while new revelations of the Qurʾān
sanctioned aggression against Mecca’s ruling Quraysh tribe for its own aggression
against Muhammad’s followers and for its prevention of their worshipping at al-Masjid
al-Ḥaram, Islam’s holiest site.
 Nearly two years after the Hijrah, in the middle of the month of Ramadan, a major raid
was organized against a particularly wealthy caravan escorted by Abū Sufyān, head of
the Umayyad clan of the Quraysh. According to the traditional accounts, when word of
the caravan reached Muhammad, he arranged a raiding party of about 300, consisting of
both muhājirūn and anṣār (Muhammad’s Medinese supporters), to be led by Muhammad
himself. By filling the wells on the caravan route near Medina with sand, Muhammad’s
army lured Abū Sufyān’s army into battle at Badr, near Medina. There the two parties
clashed in traditional fashion: three men from each side were chosen to fight an initial
skirmish, and then the armies charged toward one another for full combat. As his army
charged forward, Muhammad threw a handful of dust, which flew into the eyes and noses
of many of the opposing Meccans. Despite the superior numbers of the Meccan forces
(about 1,000 men), Muhammad’s army scored a complete victory, and many prominent
Meccans were killed.

 The victory at Badr was a watershed so momentous for the nascent Muslim community
that it was believed to be miraculous. Not only did it confirm to the ummah divine
sanction of the new religion of Islam—for the Qurʾān attributed the success to divine
intervention (3:123)—but it confirmed the vitality of the ummah in challenging the
hegemony of the Quraysh. Successive victories for the ummah, save for the setback at the
Battle of Uḥud (625), eventually forced the Quraysh to allow Muhammad’s followers to
worship at al-Masjid al-Ḥaram in 629. In 630, after years of struggle, the Quraysh
surrendered Mecca to Muhammad and became Muslims. Those who had fought under
Muhammad at Badr became known as the badriyyūn and made up one group of the
Companions of the Prophet (ṣaḥābah).
Battle of Ohud

 The battle was fought on Saturday, 23 March 625(7 Shawwal AH 3 in the Islamic
calendar) at the valley located in front ofMount Uhud. It occurred between a force from
the Muslim community of Medina led by the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and a force led
by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb from Mecca, the town from which many of the Muslims
hadpreviously emigrated. The Battle of Uhud was the second military encounter between
the Meccans and the Muslims, preceded by theBattle of Badr in 624, where a small
Muslim army had defeated a larger Meccan army.
 The Qurayshi Meccans, led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, commanded an army of 3,000
men toward Muhammad's stronghold in Madinah. The battle was the only battle
throughout the Muslim–Quraish War in which the Muslims did not manage to defeat
their enemy and it came just nine months after the Battle of Badr.
 Whilst outnumbered, the Muslims gained the early initiative and forced the Meccan lines
back, thus leaving much of the Meccan camp unprotected. When the battle looked to be
only one step away from a decisive Muslim victory, a serious mistake was committed by
a part of the Muslim army, which altered the outcome of the battle. A breach of
Muhammad's orders by the Muslim archers, who left their assigned posts to despoil the
Meccan camp, allowed a surprise attack from the Meccan cavalry, led by Meccan war
veteran Khalid ibn al-Walid, which brought chaos to the Muslim ranks. Many Muslims
were killed, and Muhammad himself was badly injured. The Muslims had to withdraw up
the slopes of Uhud. The Meccans did not pursue the Muslims further, but marched back
to Mecca declaring victory.
 For the Muslims, the battle was a significant setback. Although they had been close to
routing the Meccans a second time, their breach of Muhammad's orders in favor of
collecting Meccan spoils reaped severe consequences. The two armies would meet again
in AD 627 at the Battle of the Trench.

Battle of Trench

 The Battle of the Trench, also known as the Battle of the Confederates , was a fortnight-
long siege of Yathrib (now Medina) by Arab and Jewish tribes. The strength of the
confederate armies is estimated around 10,000 men with six hundred horses and some
camels, while the Medinan defenders numbered 3,000. The battle began on March 31,
627. The siege was a "battle of wits", in which the Muslims tactically overcame their
opponents while suffering very few casualties. Efforts to defeat the Muslims failed, and
Islam became influential in the region. As a consequence, the Muslim army besieged the
neighbourhood of the Banu Qurayza tribe, leading to their unconditional surrender. The
defeat caused the Meccans to lose their trade and much of their prestige.
 The largely outnumbered defenders of Medina, mainly Muslims led by Islamic Prophet
Muhammad, dug a trench on the suggestion of Salman the Persian, which together with
Medina's natural fortifications, rendered the confederate cavalry (consisting of horses
and camels) useless, locking the two sides in a stalemate. Hoping to make several
attacks at once, the confederates persuaded the Muslim-allied Medinan Jews, Banu
Qurayza, to attack the city from the south. However, Muhammad's diplomacy derailed
the negotiations, and broke up the confederacy against him. The well-organised
defenders, the sinking of confederate morale, and poor weather conditions caused the
siege to end in a fiasco.
Reason for battle
 The reason for this battle was to save Medina from attack, after Banu Nazir and Banu
Qurayzah tribes formed an alliance with the Quraysh to attack him as revenge for
expelling them from Medina during the Invasion of Banu Qaynuqa and Invasion of Banu
Nadir.The Muslim scholar Ibn Kathir states: "The reason why the Confederates came
was that a group of the leaders of the Banu Nadir, whom the Messenger of Allah had
expelled from Al-Madinah to Khaybar, including Sallam bin Abu Al-Huqayq, Sallam bin
Mishkam and Kinanah bin Ar-Rabi`, went to Makkah where they met with the leaders
of Quraysh and incited them to make war against the Prophet.

Battle of Khaybar

 Battle of Khaybar was a battle or ghazwa by the Prophet Muhammad (s) against Jews of
Khaybar region that began in Muharram of 7/628 and ended with the victory of
Muslims in Safar of the same year. The battle started because Jews in Khaybar had given
refuge to Jews who were expelled from Medina and incited some Arabian tribes against
Muslims. Muslims won the battle and according to a treaty between Jews and the Prophet
(s) they were to leave the region with their families; in the second treaty the Prophet (s)
agreed that they stay in the region and continue their agriculture but pay half of their
benefit to Muslims instead.

Location of Khaybar

 Today the area of Khaybar is located 165 kilometers north of Medina in the road
leading to Syria (Tabuk Road), and its center is the city of al-Shurayf. The area includes a
number of villages and green farms located in Khaybar oasis in a stone area of a height of
about 854 meters above the sea level. Khaybar includes large valleys and water,
agriculture, and a large population. Its main agricultural product is date, for which it has
long been known.

The Importance of the Conquest of Khaybar

 With the conquest of Khaybar, almost all of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula
became subject to the Islamic state. With the Peace Treaty of Hudaybiyah, any
dangers from the polytheists had been prevented. Thus, Islam had a great freedom.
 Thank to the Peace Treaty of Hudaybiyah, the polytheists had not been able to help
the Jews or to cooperate with them; thanks to the conquest of Khaybar, it became
impossible for the Jews to attempt any cooperation with the polytheists. From then
on, there was no light of hope for the polytheists or the Jews to get help from each
other. Thus, the Qurayshi polytheists were regarded to have lost one of their supports
they had always planned to use.
 This conquest caused a lot of sensation around because everybody knew that Khaybar
had very strong castles, that the Jews of Khaybar were very good at fighting, that they
were superior in terms of weapons and that they had many brave people.
 The fact that they were defeated by the Islamic army despite their advantage
intimidated everybody. They realized that Muslims had become an invincible power.
Therefore, the tribes around surrendered voluntarily, accepting the sovereignty of
Islam. Therefore, the conquest of Khaybar has an important place in the history of

The end of the Battle was in fact glorious and victorious. For the Muslims had been
successful in protecting the Prophet (saw) and they knew they had the advantage over the
kuffar when it came to ALLAH (swt). For the killed Muslims would be promised the fire of
Jahunnum. They had learned from their mistakes and they now knew not to make the same
mistakes again.

I- True or False.
Write the letter "T" if the statement is True and write the letter "F" if the statement is false.
Write your answer before the number.
___________1. Abū Sufyān, is the head of the Umayyad clan of the Quraysh.
_________ 2. The victory at Trench was a watershed so momentous for the nascent Muslim
community that it was believed to be miraculous.
__________ 3. Those who had fought under Muhammad at Badr became known as the
badriyyūn and made up one group of the Companions of the Prophet (ṣaḥābah).
__________ 4. The battle of Ohud was fought on Saturday, 23 March 625.
__________ 5. The battle of Trench came just nine months after the Battle of Badr.
__________ 6. Khalid ibn al-Walid, is the meccan veteran leader which brought chaos to the
Muslim ranks.
__________ 7. The Battle of the khaybar, also known as the Battle of the Confederates.
__________ 8. The Battle of Trench began on March 31, 627.
__________ 9. Khaybar is the center is the city of al-Shuray.
__________ 10. Muslims led by Islamic Prophet Muhammad, dug a trench on the suggestion of
Salman the Persian.
II- Essay.
What lessons can we learn from the battle of Uhud?Write your answer on the space provided
V- Closing Prayer
Write your closing prayer on the space provided below:

Reminders: If you have clarifications, suggestions, comments or questions please do not forget to
write it.





Consultation can be done through e-mail ([email protected])mobile
number( TM 09754756517 ), ( TNT, 09518789714 ) Facebook/Messenger (Nasiba A. Amilin)
ALHAMDULILLAH for this day.

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