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17/12/2020 Coronavirus Covid-19 - Analysis of symptoms from confirmed cases with an assessment of possible homeopathic remedies for treatment

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Coronavirus Covid-19 – Analysis of symptoms from
con rmed cases with an assessment of possible
homeopathic remedies for treatment and prophylaxis
About the Author Send Email

Dr. Manish Bhatia is a leading homeopathy doctor from India, who has worked
extensively on homeopathy treatment of autism. He is practising at Asha Homeopathy
Clinic, Jaipur since 2001. He is also author of many internationally best-selling
homeopathy books, especially on Organon of Medicine. His online homeopathy courses
are also very popular.

Alert: New important information added in this paper (esp., the clinical experience
in treating Covid section)! Last update: 3rd September 2020.

The current epidemic (2019-2020) of Coronavirus Covid-19 that started in Wuhan, China,
has created a state of panic, which is disproportionate to the mortality rate of this
infection. Along with the rising alarm, people in cities where new cases are being
discovered, are stocking up on essential medicines, food, masks and sanitizers, creating
a shortage in the market for those who really need these products.

People have been promoting alternative cures and prophylaxis too and homeopathy
seems to be the most promising and most actively circulated prophylaxis through
Facebook, Whatsapp and other social media. The most commonly recommended
homeopathic medicines are Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, In uenzinum, Mercurius and
Argentum nitricum. The Government of India has o cially announced Arsenicum album
as a likely prophylactic for Coronavirus infection (I have been told that CCRH did
consider symptoms published in The Lancet before recommending Ars-alb).[i]

The problem with most of these recommendations is that they are not based on
actual symptoms of the a ected patients. Fortunately, now we have a lot of
epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data available and published in peer-reviewed
journals, which can be used to draw reasonable conclusions about the group of
homeopathic medicines that will work in this infection.

This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the recorded symptom-set of patients of
Coronavirus infection and then analyze them using the principles of Organon and tools
of Repertory and Materia Medica, to reach the desired groups of remedies in a scienti c

However, before that we need to establish some facts and dispel some myths to reduce
this unusual state of global anxiety.

Myth. Cornonavirus is a fatal infection for everyone.

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No. If you look at the mortality rate of recent epidemics and even the usual u, you will
realize that Covid-19 is not a life-threatening infection for most people.
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Infection/Epidemic Mortality (Death Rate)

Ebola 25-90%
Bird Flu – H5N1 50%
SARS 9.6%
Dengue 1%
Coronavirus Covid-19 1-2%
H1N1 In uenza (Swine Flu) .03-.06%
Measles .2%
Seasonal Flu .01%

In China, the mortality rate is around 2.5% for Covid-19 but as the diagnosis and
awareness are improving, so is the management and prognosis. Most people who are
succumbing to this infection are over 50 years of age or have some associated
comorbidity (illness) like asthma, COPD, diabetes etc. For reasons that we do not
understand yet, Covid-19 is usually NOT a ecting children below the age of 18 and
the children who are getting infected are only developing mild u-like illness.[ii] So
parents of young children can reduce their parental anxiety.

Known Symptoms of Coronavirus Covid-19


According to W.H.O.[ii]:

Symptoms of COVID-19 are non-speci c and the disease presentation

can range from no symptoms (asymptomatic) to severe pneumonia
and death.

Most common symptoms:

dry cough.

Less common symptoms:

aches and pains.

sore throat.
loss of taste or smell.
a rash on skin, or discolouration of ngers or toes.

Serious symptoms:

di culty breathing or shortness of breath.

chest pain or pressure.
loss of speech or movement.

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17/12/2020 Coronavirus Covid-19 - Analysis of symptoms from confirmed cases with an assessment of possible homeopathic remedies for treatment and …
As of 20 February 2020 and based on 55924 laboratory con rmed cases, typical signs
and symptoms include: fever (87.9%), dry cough (67.7%), fatigue (38.1%), sputum
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production (33.4%), shortness of breath (18.6%), sore throat (13.9%), headache (13.6%),
myalgia or arthralgia (14.8%), chills (11.4%), nausea or vomiting (5.0%), nasal congestion
(4.8%), diarrhea (3.7%), and hemoptysis (0.9%), and conjunctival congestion (0.8%).

The data in August 2020 from many pooled studies show a prevalence of Fever (83.3%),
cough (60.3%), and fatigue (38.0%) were the most common, followed by increased
sputum production, shortness of breath, and myalgia, with estimated prevalence just
under 30% for each, respectively.

Among 16 commonly reported laboratory ndings, the most common laboratory

abnormalities were elevated C-reactive protein (68.6%) and decreased lymphocyte
count (57.4% ), as well as increased lactate dehydrogenase (51.6%). Ground-glass
opacities (80.0%) and bilateral pneumonia (73.2%) and were the most frequent chest CT

People with COVID-19 generally develop signs and symptoms, including mild respiratory
symptoms and fever, on an average of 5-6 days after infection (mean incubation
period 5-6 days, range 1-14 days).

Most people infected with COVID-19 virus have mild disease and recover. Approximately
80% of laboratory con rmed patients have had mild to moderate disease, which
includes non-pneumonia and pneumonia cases, 13.8% have severe disease (dyspnea,
respiratory frequency 30/minute, blood oxygen saturation 93%, PaO2/FiO2 ratio <300,
and/or lung in ltrates >50% of the lung eld within 24-48 hours) and 6.1% are critical
(respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure).

One study showed the most common symptoms at onset were fever (59 [73%]
patients) and dry cough (48 [59%]). Other non-speci c symptoms included dizziness
(two [2%] patients), diarrhoea (three [4%]), vomiting (four [5%]), headache ( ve [6%]),
and generalised weakness (seven [9%]).vi

Another study showed that the most common symptoms were fever (98%), cough
(77%), and dyspnoea (63·5%). Among 52 critically ill patients, six (11%) did not experience
fever until 2–8 days after the onset of symptoms related to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The
median duration from onset of symptoms to radiological con rmation of pneumonia
was 5 (IQR 3–7) days. The median duration from onset of symptoms to ICU admission
was 9·5 (7·0–12·5) days.[iii]

Fever 51 (98%)
Cough 40 (77%)
Dyspnoea 33 (63·5%)
Myalgia 6 (11·5%)
Malaise 18 (35%)
Rhinorrhoea 3 (6%)
Arthralgia 1 (2%)
Chest pain 1 (2%)
Headache 3 (6%)
Vomiting 2 (4%)

Another study showed, patients had clinical manifestations of fever (82 [83%] patients),
cough (81 [82%] patients), shortness of breath (31 [31%] patients), muscle ache (11 [11%]
patients), confusion (nine [9%] patients), headache (eight [8%] patients), sore throat
( ve [5%] patients), rhinorrhoea (four [4%] patients), chest pain (two [2%] patients),
diarrhoea (two [2%] patients), and nausea and vomiting (one [1%] patient). According
to imaging examination, 74 (75%) patients showed bilateral pneumonia, 14 (14%)
patients showed multiple mottling and ground-glass opacity, and one (1%) patient had
pneumothorax. 17 (17%) patients developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and,
among them, 11 (11%) patients worsened in a short period of time and died of multiple
organ failure.[iv]

It seems to start with a fever, followed by a dry cough.

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After a week, it can lead to shortness of breath, with about 20% of patients requiring
hospital treatment. Dr Bhatia Asha Homeopathy Books Courses Shop Contact 

Notably, the COVID-19 infection rarely seems to cause a runny nose, sneezing, or
sore throat (these symptoms have been observed in only about 5% of patients).[v]

Pathological ndings from Patients of

Coronavirus Covid-19

Most patients have showed bilateral lung involvement, with lesions mainly located
peripherally and subpleurally  with di use distribution.

The predominant pattern of abnormality observed was bilateral (64 [79%] patients),
peripheral (44 [54%]), ill-de ned (66 [81%]), and ground-glass opaci cation (53 [65%]),
mainly involving the right lower lobes (225 [27%] of 849 a ected segments).[vi]

Leukocytosis was detected in 26 (32%) patients and lymphocytosis in 54 (67%) patients.

Concentrations of C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A protein were elevated in
most patients.[v]

Homeopathy for Coronavirus Covid-19 Infection


Homeopathy treatment is based on the principle that a

drug will prove curative in a condition, if it can produce
similar signs and symptoms in a healthy human being
during a drug trial.

In case of epidemics, a general remedy is selected on

the basis of the symptoms of the existing patients and
that remedy, known as Genus Epidemicus, can be given
to the a ected population group for that particular
epidemic. The Genus epidemicus will change from year
to year if the presenting symptoms change. Not just the symptoms, but also the
sequence and intensity of speci c symptoms can change the indicated homeopathic

Based on the epidemiological and clinical studies done so far, we know the following
symptoms, which our homeopathic remedy should cover:

Dry Cough
Shortness of breath
Tightness of chest

The sections below about steps for identifying the Genus epidemicus are technical.
Non-medical people can skip the sections below and jump to the section ‘So what
homeopathic remedy should I take for Coronavirus?’

Order of symptoms

The ideal remedy should be indicated for dry cough with fever. We have many remedies
that cover dry cough, which remains after an acute cold. Such remedies will not be
indicated. Other remedies which are known to be e ective in allergic dry cough are also
unlikely to work.

Absent Symptoms

We see the Nasal Discharge is absent in most patients or is a late and minor symptom.
Hence our indicated homeopathic remedy should not have a presenting picture with
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acute runny colds.
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Based on the CT ndings

The CT ndings suggest that usually the lower lobe of lungs are getting a ected; most
lesions are peripheral, near pleura and there is a predilection for the right side.

So we need a remedy which is right-sided, symptoms evolve from right to left, is

known to a ect lower lobes and cause pleuro-pneumonia.

The CT ndings have also revealed absence of lung cavitations and hemorrhage in
most patients, so remedies known to cover such symptoms are less likely to be

Converting the Symptoms into Repertorial Rubrics

Some of the possible rubrics from the Complete Repertory:

[Complete ] [Chest]In ammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Weakness, with:

[Complete ] [Cough]Dry:Fever:During:

[Complete ] [Chest]Constriction:

[Complete ] [Chill, Chilliness]Heat:With:

[Complete ] [Chest]In ammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Base, lower:

[Complete ] [Chest]In ammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Pleura-pneumonia:

[Complete ] [Chest]In ammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Right:

[Complete ] [Generalities]Right:Left, then:

There is a possibility to add slightly di erent rubrics and more rubrics but the aim of
repertorisation is to just reach a probable group of remedies. After that, we have to use
our knowledge of materia medica to lter out the right ones.

Another possible criticism could be that most of the symptoms are ‘common’ while
homeopathic prescriptions are usually based on the ‘uncommon’ symptoms. To this, I
would say that a true simillimum usually covers both the common as well as uncommon
symptoms. Many diverse common symptoms and their speci c combination is itself
unique, which can be used to reach the desired group of remedies.

Repertorisation Results:

Remedy List

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We see the most likely homeopathy remedies are Phosphorus, Bryonia alba,
Lycopodium, Arsenic alb, Sulphur, Iodium, Belladonna, Kali carb, Mercurius, China,
Lachesis, Antim tart, Chelidonium, Gelsemium etc.

Now we need to apply our knowledge of Materia Medica to lter out the remedies
that match the sequence and pace of symptoms.

The remedies that have dry cough with fever are our primary candidates. These include:

Aconite, Bryonia, Ipecac, Kali-carb, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Nux vomica, Sabadilla,

Lycopodium, Sulphur, Carbo veg, Lachesis, Pulsatilla etc.

In this epidemic, the symptoms are taking time to evolve, so we need to remove
remedies that have rapid pace  like Aconite, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Arsenic alb etc.
We also need to remove remedies that tend to produce runny colds as initial

After this ltering, we are left with the following remedies from our reportorial results:

Bryonia, Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Kali carb

that seem to cover the laterality, sequence and pace of symptoms reasonably well.

Phosphorus may be ruled out because it is known to be

indicated in hemorrhages and pneumonia with
cavitations. It is the primary remedy for

[Complete ] [Chest]In ammation:Lungs,

pneumonia:Destruction of tissue, cavities, with:
[Complete ] [Chest]In ammation:Lungs,
pneumonia:In ltration of parenchym, with bloody:

It still might be indicated in a few cases, when the

symptoms agree.

Out of these, the remedy that covers the initial symptoms better is Bryonia alba
and I believe, this remedy will work well as prophylactic too.

The season also now favours Bryonia because it is known to work well when the days
are warm and nights are cold, the kind of weather transition after winter we are
currently in.

The remedy that covers the later symptoms best is Lycopodium and could be expected
to help a large majority of people who develop Pneumonia.

In Iran, there seems to be a picture of sudden collapse and Dr. Sankaran has
recommended Camphora 1M for such patients. If the symptoms picture in your country
is showing sudden collapse in many patients, you may consider Camphora.

Respiratory Symptoms of Bryonia from Phatak’s Materia Medica

Cough; DRY, HARD, VERY PAINFUL, at night as of from stomach, must sit up worse eating
and drinking. Wants to take deep breath, but cannot or it excites cough. Expectoration;
rusty blood-streaked or tough. Bronchitis. Asthma. Pneumonia. SHARP STITCHES IN
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CHEST or at right scapula, worse deep breathing and coughing. Pleurisy. Coming into
warm room excites cough. Holds chest, or presses the sternum when coughing.
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Keynotes: Motion aggravates + Bursting/Stitching Pains + Dryness of Mucous

membranes + Thirsty + Talks of business even while sick + Irritable and cross + Desire to
be alone

Respiratory Symptoms of Lycopodium from Phatak’s

Materia Medica

Craves air but is chilled by it. Short, rattling breathing

worse lying on back. Cough; dry, tickling, teasing; in
puny boys with emaciation; day and night; deep hollow;
as from sulphur fumes, worse on descending; with
emaciation; worse on empty swallowing, stretching the
throat; deep breathing. Salty greenish-yellow, lumpy or
foul expectoration. Unresolved pneumonia. Brown
yellow spots on chest. Abscess of the lungs, tuberculosis. Di cult respiration due to
hydrothorax or / and hydropericardium, with apping of alae nasi. Feeling of tightness
in chest with burning.

Lycopodium is also complementary (drug relation) to Bryonia.

Keynotes: Right side + Slow onset + Flatulence + Old people/intellectually keen,

physically week + Hurried + Evening aggravation, esp 4-8 PM.

Respiratory Symptoms of Phosphorus

Oppressive breathing; worse least motion. Tight su ocative breathing; worse cough.
Larynx; raw, sore, furry; painful on speaking. Voice; low; hoarse worse morning and
evening; croupy, then bronchitis. Cough; hard, wheezing; dry, violent, painful, tickling,
hacking, exhausting; with retching; causes pain in abdomen; burning in air passages and
trembling, worse reading aloud; change of weather; before strangers, laughing,
exertion, singing. Sputum; easy, frothy, rusty bluish, salty, sour, sweetish, or cold.
Pneumonia; of left lower lung, secondary, with sopor. Chest; full; heavy; pains into throat
or right arm; or alternating sides; stitches, in left upper chest; rattling worse cold drinks.
Dry hot feeling in chest; with cough; at rst dry then loose. Asthma after cough.
Repeated haemoptysis. Tuberculosis, in tall; slender, rapidly growing persons.
Congestion in lungs. As if skin in larynx.

Keynotes: In ammation of mucous membranes and nerves + Desires Cold drinks, Salt,
Fruits, Chocolate + Hemorrhages + Left side + Suddenness of symptoms + Desires
company and consolation + Sensitive to all physical or emotional impressions

Respiratory Symptoms of Kali carbonicum

Catarrhal aphonia; with violent sneezing. Breathing di cult, asthmatic worse least
motion or walking; alternating with diarrhoea; with vertigo. Incessant, hard retching or
choking, futile cough; then vomiting. Whooping cough. Lungs seem to stick to the ribs.
Stabbing chest pains. Hydrothorax. Whole chest very sensitive, during coughing. Cough
with relaxed uvula. Coldness of chest. Expectoration; di cult, or small round balls come
ying from the mouth without e ort; salty, thick, bloody, yellowish, greenish, o ensive
and profuse; taste sour or pungent.

Keynotes: Prostration + Sharp Stitching pains + Chilly + Irritable + Anxious and Fearful +
2-4 AM aggravates + Combination of sweating, backache & weakness + Tendency to
withhold symptoms

Respiratory Symptoms of Mercurius

Hoarse rough voice. Cough; in double bouts; dry at night; yellow green sputum by day.
Respiration di cult worse lying on left side but cough worse lying on right side. Stitches
from lower right chest to back worse sneezing or coughing. Sensation of bubbles or as
of a hot steam in chest. Epistaxis during whooping cough. Cough worse by smoking.
Jaundice; in pneumonia. Shortness of breath on going upstairs or walking quickly
Asthma better tobacco smoke and cold air.

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Keynotes: Profuse mucous discharges + Profuse sweat + Tendency to ulcerate +
Hemorrhages + Night aggravates + Lying on right side agg. + Restless + DesireAsha
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+ Thirst for cold drinks

Respiratory Symptoms of Arsenic album

SHORTNESS OF BREATH; unable to lie down, must sit up; worse odours, laughing,
ascending, turning in bed, or receding eruptions, better co ee or sweet water. Whistling,
wheezing breathing. Asthma, worse taking cold, in mid summer. Cough alternating dry
and loose, dry at night better sitting up worse drinking. Expectoration scanty, frothy.
Great dyspnoea; in nose; face cyanotic, covered with cold sweat, great anxiety. Aphonia.
Emphysema. Pulmonary oedema. Burning or coldness in chest. Cough excited by
smoking. Sensation as of vapours of sulphur in larynx. Cough, with bloody sputum.
Haemoptysis; burning all over or with pain between scapulae; in drunkards; suppressed
menses. Gangrene of the lungs. Darting pain through the upper third of the right lung.
Yellowish spots on chest.

Keynotes: Burning pains + Restlessness and Anxious + Acrid thin discharges +

Prostration + Putrid discharges + Midday-Midnight Aggravation

For more detail symptoms of all these remedies, refer to Hering’s Guiding Symptoms.

All these remedies are polychrest and other individualizing symptoms must be taken
note of before prescribing.

Further reading

Pneumonia from Homeopathic Therapeutics by Liliental, S

Concise Materia Medica by S.R. Phatak

So what homeopathic remedy should I take for

If you are living in an area which is not yet a ected by Coronavirus, you should not be
taking any remedy for now.

Based on the analysis above, I believe Bryonia alba 6CH or 30CH, can serve as a

It can be given (only to a ected population) once a day, till days become warmer and
the epidemic subsides (hopefully). People are mobile in endemic or epidemic areas
should take the medicine daily. People who are in self quarantine and not having social
contact, can take it for 3-5 days and then take it if and when they venture out. If a
patient has u-like symptoms, you can take the same remedy in 6 or 30 potency, 6
hourly. If the vitality is very low, more freuent repetition may be required. Also, consider
Camphora in such a case.

If a patient develops tightness in chest and shortness of breath, Lycopodium 30CH is

likely to help.

The remedy suggestions are based on the available data. Homeopathy needs much
deeper individualization, and clinical experience of treating Coronavirus Covid-19
patients with homeopathy, may bring up a di erent group of remedies.

Some recent data from Iran shows that many patients are showing sudden collapse. Dr.
Rajan Sakaran as well as Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar have suggested that Camphora be
considered as a medicine and prophylactic there. So if Covid-19 patients in your country
are showing signs of sudden collapse with respiratory distress, vertigo and cold sweat,
you may consider Camphora.

I do not recommend self-medication. You can show this article to your homeopath for a
better clinical judgment that he/she will make for you.

Clinical Experience of Treating Covid Patients –

March to August 2020
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I have been treating many Covid patients myself and have been gathering reports from
other homeopaths too. Dr Bhatia Asha Homeopathy Books Courses Shop Contact 

What I have observed so far is that in the majority of patients, the disease is very mild –
begins with some dry or raw feeling in throat, dry cough, fever that lasts 2-3 days,
prostration, headache and in many cases diarrhoea. Most of these patients respond
well to Bryonia.

Another set of patients has limited cough but a persistent fever that can last up to two
weeks. These patients also often have a loss of smell and taste. Such patients often
respond well to Pulsatilla.

Only in a few cases, where the anxiety about the disease is extreme and predominating,
do we need Arsenic alb.

Some patients who complain of weakness, myalgia, low thirst and drowsiness, respond
well to Gelsemium.

Patients showing extreme dyspnoea and low sPo2 may be helped with Tabaccum
(better by lying on the abdomen) and Arsenic album.

If you suspect yourself to have Corona virus infection, please consult the
concerned medical authorities in your country immediately.

If you have a u-like illness and wish to take homeopathic treatment, please consult a
quali ed homeopathy doctor in person.

You can send me your feedback and suggestions regarding this analysis at
[email protected]


After publishing this article, I have received some feedback from Hong Kong and
Macau, where homeopaths have found Bryonia, Gelsemium and Eupatroium perf
useful.  One case from Spain was successfully treated with Argentum nitricum 9 CH,
Rumex crispus 5 CH and Alliun cepa 9 CH. These are the only data that I have received
from the Coronavirus a ected areas so far.

Postscript 2

I just received a very useful paper from Dana Ullman [vii]. The paper is from Chinese
Pharmaceutical Association and is meant for hospital pharmacists. It has lot of rst
hand data and clinical details of the actual cases from China. The clinical picture/cases
in this paper have been divided in four groups. [comments in braces my suggestion]

Group A: Mild  – with no respiratory symptoms. [remedies like Gelsemium, Eupatorium

and Bryonia seem indicated]

Group B: Moderate – with respiratory symptoms like cough and Fever. One
characteristic symptom from this document is that patients have pale or pale-red
tongue. Also cough is either dry or has little yellow sputum. There is dry throat too.
[remedies like Bryonia, Antim tart, Ars-alb and Phosphorus seem indicated]

Group C: Heavy – with respiratory distress. One characteristic symptom from this
document is that patients have red-tongue or yellow-furry at this stage. Patient gasps
on movement. [remedies like Lycopodium, Pyrogenium, Lachesis, Bryonia and Arsenic-
alb seem indicated]

Group D: Critical – with respiratory failure, cyanosis and collapse. One characteristic
symptom from this document is that patients have purple-tongue at this stage.
Movement aggravates, there is agitation and sweating with cold limbs [remedies like
Merc-sol, Lachesis, Arsenic, Hydrocyanic acid,  Camphora,  Antim-ars, Carbo-veg may
be useful at this stage]

Postscript 3

I have received some information from Iran and it seems that the symptom picture in
Iran is a bit di erent. Many patients are complaining of headache with fever, esp frontal
headache. For this scenario Dr Sunirmal Sarkar suggests Polyporus pinicola. Many
patients in Iran seem to be succumbing suddenly without many symptoms. I know of  Privacy - Terms 9/13
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two internationally renowned homeopaths who are helping our colleagues in Iran treat
Covid-19 cases. Both have independently found Camphora to be the most suitable
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remedy in Iran. We will hopefully see much more data from our esteemed colleagues

Respiratory Symptoms of Camphora

Hoarse, squeaking voice. Cold breath. Suspended respiration. Violent attacks of dry

Fever: Shaking chill with cold skin; wants covers during the hot stage only. Sudden
in ammatory fevers, with rapid alternation of heat and cold; followed by rapid

Keynotes: Cramps and convulsions + Mental anguish; Feels is about to die + Icy cold,
yet averse to covers + Burning pains + Sudden collapse + Cold perspiration + Blueness
of mucous membranes

Postscript 4

Jiuan Heng wrote in and shared some useful ideas about dealing with the scare related
to the Coronavirus pandemic. In homeopathy treatment, the mental state of the patient
is paramount and the following points can be considered for treating the patients as
well as people with extreme anxiety and panic regarding this disease:

Fear of contagion — health authorities are giving advice on how to minimize risk by not
touching elevator buttons directly with the ngers. In the US, we are told to avoid
touching our faces. Is it safe to travel? Is it safe to go to the o ce? At a restaurant in
Singapore, we were sprayed with antibacterial hand sanitizers before we could be

Hoarding — in Singapore, I saw photos of empty supermarket shelves coming from

Hong Kong and China. Now, clients tell me they see cars lining up the street to go to the
big box stores like Cosco on the weekend, and of supermarket shelves emptying fast. I
hear the same thing when I visited Chinatown last weekend, from waitresses who had
the time to chat because the tables were empty.
Moreover, the supplies that were most in demand and often out of stock were : face
masks, disinfectants, antibacterial wipes, alcohol, thermometer covers, Dettol.
(Mind, Desires, more than she needs: Ars, Bryonia,etc)

Suspicion — is the person who is coughing on the bus a carrier? Are my classmates who
just returned from their spring vacation carrying the virus? [They no longer talk about
where they went!] There are anecdotal reports of people moving away from anyone
who coughs and sneezes.

Racial backlash — I’m not sure how to nd this in the repertory. This epidemic has
unleashed much of the anger and seething resentment that has been simmering has
resulted in public assaults on Chinese/Chinese-looking Asians.

Conspiracy — you must have heard many stories yourself. They develop from a sense
of isolation, of being siloed.

Fear of poverty —the knee jerk reaction in East Asia is “How is this going to a ect the
economy? How is it going to a ect my job/business?” The memory of the nancial
impact of SARS is vivid, and the people who are now in positions of power in business
and politics were young adults in/looking for their rst jobs when SARS hit Asia 17 years
ago. It ripples across the globe, and throughout industries, and we are just seeing the
rst wave in the U.S.
Based on these mental symptoms and the a nity for the lungs and possibly the
stomach, I suggest that Arsenicum Album should be given serious consideration, along
with Bryonia as the genus epidemicus.

Postscript 5

Stephen Gallagher has brought to the notice that a very similar u-like epidemic has
happened in 1833, the details of which are given in the book “Homoeopathic practice of
medicine” (Jacob Jeanes M.D.):

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17/12/2020 Coronavirus Covid-19 - Analysis of symptoms from confirmed cases with an assessment of possible homeopathic remedies for treatment and …
Another kind of catarrhal fever is the grippe which was prevalent in the beginning of the
year 1833, which exhibited far greater di erences in its appearances Dr than
Bhatia in uenza, and
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also far more dangerous sequelar diseases ; for, where disease of the chest was present,
after an attack of the grippe a phthisis was almost inevitable, and the patient could but
seldom calculate on recovery. In most instances its attacks were sudden, but in a few
cases it developed itself gradually, and an uncommon debility accompanying the
catarrhal symptoms, with a heaviness and soreness of the limbs, particularly of  the
lower extremities, distinguished the disease, with the greatest certainty, from every
other kind. This condition of the limbs was frequently associated with headache and a
disposition to vomit, and frequently with sore throat and some hoarseness. The
obstruction of the nares was soon very severe and combined with violent tearing pains
in the forehead and in the bones of the face, with a sensation of pressure in the rest of
the head, vertigo, tearing pains in the ears, &c.

The disease moreover possessed many peculiarities, for example, it awakened, in those
who were not perfectly healthy, old, slumbering symptoms of disease, and rendered
their cure di cult; it attacked the same subject repeatedly, but always in a new form; it
frequently continued for a long time with apparently unimportant symptoms, which
might be removed by proper remedies but reappeared after the slightest irregularities
of diet, often even on the next day; it also readily complicated itself with other diseases,
modi ed their course, and aggravated the evil.

Frequent smelling of Camphora on the rst appearance of the symptoms would

suppress the disease, but after a couple of days it still came to complete development.
When in ammation of the thoracic viscera was present, Nux v., after previously
administered Aconit., always proved useful. Mercurius when repeated every or every
other day, was the most adapted to remove the disease or even to destroy it in the
germ, especially when, with severe a ection of the head, throat and breast, there was a
dry, shattering, slowly loosening cough. When the trachea was much irritated or
in amed, so that the acute and violent pain almost prevented speech, and the voice
was very much changed, frequent smelling of Phosphorus 30 was of service.

Postscript 6

I have received several inputs from Europe that after some days of dry cough, it leads
to a loss of olfactory and gustatory sense for 2 or 3 days. You can consider the
following remedies for such cases:

[Complete ] [Smell]Wanting, lost:Taste, with loss of:

Total Drugs :13

3 Pulsatilla Nigricans
2 Kali Bichromicum
1 Amygdalus Persica
1 Antimonium Tartaricums
1 Chloroformum
1 Hyoscyamus Niger
1 Justicia Adhatoda
1 Lemna Minor
1 Magnesia Muriatica
1 Natrum Muriaticum
1 Rhododendron Ferrugineum
1 Sticta Pulmonaria
1 Teucrium Marum Verum

For ‘Loss of smell, with cough‘, Knerr lists only Anacardium

and ‘Smell, wanting, in uenza after‘, lists only Mag-mur.

Postscript 7

We seem to be witnessing two forms of this disease. In some parts like Wuhan, Iran and
Italy, the disease has been severe with lot of patients complaining of respiratory distress
and collapse. In most other parts of the world, the disease seems to be milder. In India,
for e.g., a large number of patients seem to be asymptomatic or are developing very
mild symptoms.
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I have received reports from many parts that homeopaths around the world are nding
Bryonia and Arsenic album most commonly indicated, in that order.
Dr Bhatia Asha Homeopathy Books Courses Shop Contact 

Massimo Mangilavori has found China, China mur and Grindelia more indicated in Italy.

In areas where the cases are largely mild, it will not be possible to nd a single Genus
epidemicus because when the disease is mild, the individual state is usually dominant.
We will then have to individualize from a possible group of remedies, which will include –

Bryonia, Gelsemium, Arsenic-alb, China, China-mur, Grindelia, Nux vomica, Eupatorium

perf, Natrum mur, Mercurius, Sulphur etc.

If you have more data about the current Pandemic of Coronavirus or/and its
homeopathy treatment, please do write to me at [email protected]

Study Organon with Dr. Bhatia


[ii] Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
covid-19- nal-report.pdf

[iii] Yang X, Yu Y, Xu J, Shu H, Xia Ja, Liu H, et al. Clinical course and outcomes of critically
ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single-centered,
retrospective, observational study. Lancet Respir Med. 2020.

[iv] Chen N, Zhou M, Dong X, et al. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99

cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. Lancet
2020. Epub January 30, 2020.


[vi] Shi H, Han X, Jiang N, et al. Radiological ndings from 81 patients with COVID-19
pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. The Lancet. Published online February
24, 2020. DOI:


By Dr. Manish Bhatia | March 4th, 2020 | Know Your Disease

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About the Author: Dr. Manish Bhatia

Dr. Manish Bhatia

BHMS, BCA, M.Sc. Homeopathy (UCLAN, UK), MD (Hom)
Associate Professor, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
Consultant, Asha Homeopathy
Director, Hpathy Medical Publishers

Dr. Manish Bhatia is an internationally renowned homeopathy doctor. He is also a well-

known authority on Organon of Medicine. He was awarded with the prestigious APJ
Abdul Kalam State Level Teacher's Award in 2016. He has also given seminars and
webinars in several countries of Europe, Americas and Australia on topics like Autism,
Pediatrics, Case Taking, Mental Health, Organon in Practice, Posology etc.

He is the author of "Lectures on Organon of Medicine" Vol. I, II & III (English, Bulgarian,
German editions), international best-sellers, which are approved by the Central Council
of Homeopathy (India) for BHMS and MD (Hom) syllabus. He is a contributing author to
the book "Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and
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Research" and co-editor of “The Fireside Book of Homeopathy Tales.” He is also editor
of the journal "Homeopathy for Everyone" Dr Bhatia Asha Homeopathy Books Courses Shop Contact 

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