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The Faculty of Medicine – 2nd year – Homework 4

Series ____ Group _____

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Disorders of the Circulatory System - Vocabulary practice II

1. Match the lower artery with the area that it supplies blood to.
1. peroneal artery A. the adrenals _____________
2. dorsalis pedis artery B. the distal part of the large intestine _____________
3. renal artery C. the ankle and back part of the foot _____________
4. superior mesenteric artery D. the ovaries and testes _____________
5. celiac artery E. the knee and leg _____________
6. popliteal artery F. the small intestine and part of large intestine ____________
7. femoral artery G. lateral leg muscles _____________
8. gonadal artery H. the abdominal organs _____________
9. inferior mesenteric artery I. muscles of the thigh _____________
10. suprarenal artery J. the kidney _____________
11. hepatic artery K. the liver _____________

2. Match the upper veins with the areas that they drain blood from
1. vertebral vein A. superficial lateral side of lower arm and hands _____________
2. subclavian vein B. armpit _____________
3. pericardial vein C. thoracic cavity _____________
4. external jugular vein D. deep vein of medial side of lower arm _____________
5. superior vena cava E. brain, near neck bones _____________
6. ulnar vein F. head, neck and upper extremity to superior vena cava___________
7. internal jugular vein G. fingers and hands _____________
8. radial vein H. sac surrounding the heart _____________
9. brachiocephalic vein I. superficial medial lower arms and hands _____________
10. azygos vein J. deeper veins of head and neck _____________
11. brachial vein K. deep vein of lateral side of lower arm _____________
12. digital/metacarpal vein L. upper arm _____________
13. basilic vein M. superficial veins of head and neck _____________
14. cephalic vein N. under the collar bone _____________
15. axillary vein O. upper veins of the body directly to the heart _____________

3. Match the word parts with the meanings provided.

1. azyg(o) A. arm _____________
2. pericardi(o) B. airway, bronchus _____________
3. cephal(o) C. rib _____________
4. cubit(o) D. lower medial armbone _____________
5. cost(o) E. elbow _____________
6. axill(o) F. sac surrounding heart _____________
7. brachi(o) G. armpit _____________
8. radi(o) H. lower lateral armbone _____________
9. jugul(o) I. not yoked (singular) _____________
10. uln(o) J. head _____________
11. vertebr(o) K. backbone _____________
12. clav(o) L. collarbone _____________
13. bronchi(o) M. throat, neck _____________
14. crani(o) N. skull _____________
4. Match the terms to their definitions.
1. lymph node A. channels that collect and carry lymphatic fluid _____________
2. cisterna chyli B. channel that directs lymph into the right subclavian vein; drains
upper right side of the body _____________
3. spleen C. pertaining to the chest _____________
4. thymus gland D. gland in anterior superior mediastinum that produces T
lymphocytes _____________
5. thoracic duct E. pertaining to behind the ear _____________
6. submaxillary nodes F. sac in the lumbar area of spine, origin of thoracic duct _________
7. mesenteric nodes G. pertaining to above the groin _____________
8. axillary nodes H. pertaining to the back of the head _____________
9. thoracic nodes I. lymph gland, filtering tissue in lymphatic system _____________
10. postauricular nodes J. pertaining to under the upper jawbone _____________
11. paratracheal nodes K. pertaining to the midgut _____________
12. intercostal nodes L. gland in LUQ, produces lymphocytes and plasma cells _________
13. right lymphatic duct M. pertaining to between the ribs _____________
14. lymph vessel N. site of lymphatic drainage into the left subclavian and jugular
veins; drains left side and lower half of the body _____________
15. suprainguinal nodes O. pertaining to the armpit _____________
16. cervical nodes P. pertaining to the neck _____________
17. occipital nodes Q. pertaining to near the windpipe _____________
18. popliteal nodes R. pertaining to behind the knee _____________

5. Match the congenital disorders with their definitions.

1. patent ductus arteriosus A. cardiac anomaly consisting of four defects _____________
2. septal defect B. narrowing of the largest artery of the body _____________
3. coarctation of the aorta C. abnormal opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta
4. tetralogy of Fallot D. hole in the wall between the upper or lower chambers of the heart

6. Sort the terms into the correct categories, i.e.

a) anatomy and physiology; b) pathology; c) procedures
angiocardiography cardioplegia mesentery
angiotripsy cardioversion MIDCAB
annulus cyanosis MVP
aorta dextrocardia pericardiocentesis
arrhythmia diastole pericardiolysis
arteriosclerosis electrocardiogram phlebography
atrium endarterectomy phlebotomy
BBB endocarditis Purkinje fibers
bradycardia endocardium septoplasty
bundle of His hemorrhoid septum
CABG hypertension SOB
capillary ischemia splenopexy
cardiomegaly lymphadenitis venule

7. Replace the underlined text with the correct terms:

1. Monique LaPlante was born with an abnormal opening between the pulmonary artery and
the aorta that was originally detected by her pediatrician, who noted the presence of a
continuous abnormal heart sound heard during systole, diastole, or both.

1. The child’s congenital cardiac anomaly that consists of four defects was noted on use of
ultrasonic waves directed through the heart to study the structure and motion of the heart.

2. Mrs. Williams had abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial tissue spaces and was
diagnosed with the inability of the heart muscle to pump blood efficiently.

3. The 72-year-old man had an advanced case of accumulation and hardening of plaque in the
coronary arteries. He had a history of cigarette smoking and heart pain.

4. The patient underwent x-ray imaging of a vein after the introduction of a contrast medium to
diagnose his inflammation of veins.

5. Mr. Singh was admitted with profuse secretion of sweat and rapid heartbeat.

6. The patient was diagnosed with paroxysmal chest pain or discomfort and lack of blood
supply to tissues caused by a blockage.

7. The cardiologist ordered surgical puncture of the pericardium to remove fluid to treat
Hugo’s compression of the heart caused by fluid in the pericardium.

8. Malcolm’s narrowing of the tricuspid valve caused by rheumatic fever was treated with a
repair of a heart valve.

9. Because the patient’s disease of the heart muscle had worsened she was put on a mechanical
pump device that assists a patient’s weakened heart.

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