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Quarter 2 Module 4 The Discipline of

Lesson 1 Communication
“The more important thing in communication is
hearing what isn’t said.”

Peter Drucker


If you think there is anything important in your life that does not involve communication,
go through this book and see if it makes you change your first thought, it will take only a
couple of minutes to know. In reality we do not think you will be able to come up with
any direction of life that does not involve communication and that would not be made
better by your ability to understand communication more better. We strongly believe
about the study of communication and that you can benefit from knowing more about
how communication works. We wrote this book partly because we believe that everyone
needs to know something about communication. The Basics of Communication: A
Method of Organizing will help you better understand—and even improve— your life
through better understanding communication.

What I need to know?

Learning Competencies:
1. Identify the goals and scope of communication
2. demonstrate comprehension of the principles of communication
3. discuss the core values of communication
4. describe the elements and levels of the communication processes

What I Know

Directions: Please encircle the correct answer/s for each of the following questions.
1. Which of the following is an element that comprise the good communication
A. Source B. Journalism
C. Effect D. Channel or medium

2. From the choices below, what are some reasons why people engage in
communication activities?
A. To relax B. To protest
C. To get news D. To express an opinion

3. Which of the following is the most important purpose of journalism?

A. To allow politicians to express their views
B. To provide citizens with news and information
C. To provide governments a medium of information
D. To learn about tradition

4. From the choices below which one does not represent good journalism?
A. Truthfulness of information
B. Respect for privacy
C. Accepting gifts from people or institutions being reported about
D. Pictures showing children without cloths

5. Which of the following is the main function of advertising in society?

A. To serve as marketing tool
B. To promote values such as love of country
C. To serve as critic of government
D. To promote publication of violence

6. Which of the following is the best tool of public relations?

A. Exhibits B. Press release
C. Newsletters for employees D. Special Events

7. From the choices below, what is the most important reason why organizations
engage in communication activities?
A. Promote sales of products
B. Build an image of the company
C. Criticize competitors
D. Publish results of performance evaluation of employees

8. From among the following, which one defines characteristics of mass

A. Two-way flow of communication
B. Standardized content
C. Anonymous audience
D. Promote or support causes such as environmental protection

9. Which of the following is the best reason why radio is a dominant medium of
mass communication?
A. Radio is cheap and readily available.
B. Audience can do other things while listening to the radio
C. One needs only good voice to become a radio announcer.
D. Radio is about companionship and the emotional connection of the

10. From the choices below, which ones are characteristics of the new media?
A. One-way flow of communication
B. Interactivity
C. Users can also be producers of content
D. It is sightless or a viewless medium

Reference:The Padayon Series DIASS by: Dela Cruz, Fernandez, Melegrito & Valdez (Phoenix)

What’s New

1.1.1 Definition

Communication is a manner of passing information between people or

group for common understanding and confidence. It includes the move of
information from the sender to the receiver. The receiver must understand the
meaning and message of information. It can also be taken as the way of sharing
ideas, thoughts, opinions and views from one person to another person.

Example: A manager should relay information clearly to his subordinates to

implement plans and policies. Hence, communication is one of the important jobs
of management.

Photo credit:

Communication includes the process of sending verbal and non-verbal

messages. With the help of a sender, a receiver, and channel of communication,
it transfers complicated, delicate and argumentative information. Communication
needs the full understanding of behaviors associated with the sender and
receiver. It is the exchange of facts, opinion, idea or emotion between two or
more than two persons of common interest.

1.1.2 Goals of Communication
“The goal of communication is to send information—and the
understanding of that information—from one person or group to another person
or group. This communication process is divided into several basic parts: A
sender pass a message through a channel to the receiver.”
“Primary Goal of communication

Communication is a complicated process that involves a sender and a

receiver. The purpose of communication is to send messages to inform, direct
or educate. Effective communication produces desired businesses, productive
relationships and satisfaction between people.”


Photo Credit:

1.1.3 Basic Elements of Communication Process

1. Source

The source is the person or thing (living or non-living thing) making serious
attempt to share information. It is the origin of information (in Information
Theory, the source produce data that one would like to communicate) and an
ability to pass this information, through a channel, to a receiver.

2. Message

Communication theorists look closely to messages as the study of signs and

symbols, and how meaning is created through them; note: it is not the study of
meaning, just how meaning is created). For example, a commencement speaker

produces meaning through several reason for judgement. First, there is the
object (maybe through being a local celebrity or was a famous student of
particular school). The second criterion would be his or her image, acting as a
symbol or representation of the meaning of the object (a well-dressed,
professional and successful person). The third criterion is interpretation or
marked meaning. If the object and image (and, in this case, speech) are
successful, then the audience will leave with an understanding of how to proceed
toward a life of personal achievement.

3. Encoding

Encoding is the process of collecting the message (information, ideas and

thoughts) into a chosen design with the objective of making sure that the receiver
can understand it. Communication only begin when it results in both the source
and the receiver understanding the same information. People who are great
communicators are great encoder; they know how to present their message in a
way that their audience (receivers) can easily understand. They are also able to
identify information that is beyond what is needed, not important or even
accidentally causing someone to feel hurt, and eliminate it in advance through an
act of preparing something.

4. Channel
An encoded message is delivered by the source through a channel. There are
numerous channel in similar ways: verbal, non-verbal, personal, non-personal,
etc. A channel could be the paper on which words are written, or the Internet
acting in the client-server model that is allowing you to read these words right

A good communicator is one who understands which means of communication

to use under different situations. Unfortunately, there is no perfect channel. All
channels or means of communication have strengths and weaknesses (for
example, smartphones are great tool for communication, but a marriage
proposal is best done in person).

5. Decoding
This is where listening, and reading directions carefully, makes its claim to be
recognized—decode with care, my friends. As we discussed in
encoding, communication is only successful when it results in both the source
and the receiver understands the same information. For this to happen, there
can be no errors in processing. For example, a first-grader sitting in on a lecture

on different equations, i.e. decoding is impossible if the decoder cannot even
understand the message.

6. Receiver
At the end, the message is delivered to the receiver. A good communicator takes
the receiver and to be around the edge of reference into consideration; how they
will received and reacts based on common ground is shared, its their sense of
humor, and moral conduct, etc. All of these things will affect how the receiver
understand the messages.

7. Feedback
A better word will be “reaction” or “responses.” The source judges its success
based on the feedback it receives, so pay close attention. If Google‟s servers hit
something hard tomorrow, there would be a lot of unable to understand
sources. The same would be true if you have delivered a perfect marriage
proposal, only to receive a look of confusion and horror. And then there are
famous marketing bad experience, such as Aqua Teen Hunter Force‟s LED signs
that were mistakenly known as explosive devices. Feedback is the moment of
taking actions. Whether things go right or wrong, it serves as one of the most
important learning opportunities we have.


Feedback Message

Receiver Encoding

Encoding Channel

8. Context
Context is simply the condition in which your message is presented. It is the
atmosphere, climate that exists when people communicate with each other. Not
necessary to say, context can easily make or break the effectiveness of

1.1.3 Levels of Communication (from interpersonal to mass communication)

Key information

Intrapersonal communication is an inside communication process taking place

within the individual. This includes thought process speaking aloud or writing to oneself
as when one is writing in the form of prayer, meditation.

Interpersonal communication involves two persons or a small group such as family.

The number of participants define interpersonal communication.

 Dyadic communication - when two persons are actively participating.

 Group communication - when there are three or more persons actively
participating in face-to-face and able to present immediate response or
feedback, such as meeting or in a class session.
 Public communication - includes a large group such as a public lecture or
church ceremony. In such situations there is a source who delivers a
message in a monologue style and feedback is minimal or with limits.

Category of Interpersonal communication:

1. Direct interpersonal communication involves face-to-face communication

between or among the communication between or among the communicators.
2. Mediated interpersonal communication involves the use of technology such as
telephone or internet.

Mass Communication involves the transmission of message to large audiences using

technology of communication.

What’s More?

True or False
Directions: Read and understand the statements very carefully. Write TRUE if the
statement is true and FALSE if it is incorrect.
1. Praying is a form of communication.
2. People communicate only through words.
3. Communication leads to certain effect.
4. Children learn the social values of society like love of country through
communication processes that take place in their families.

5. Birthday celebration is a form of communication.
6. Through communication people are mobilized to take part in political
processes such as elections.
7. When messages are sent to large audiences by an institution, mass
communication usually involves standardized content.
8. Mass communication usually involved standardization.
9. The absence of visual cues is a characteristic of computer-mediated
10. Communication involves a sender sending a message and to a receiver.

Reference: The Padayon Series DIASS by: Dela Cruz, Fernandez, Melegrito & Valdez

Activity 2 (Self-test)

Directions: Check the box that corresponds to the options

provided that will evaluate your communication skills. 1 2 3 4 5
Consider the instructions on the next page for the results. Not at Rarely Sometimes Often Very
All Often
1. I try to anticipate and predict possible causes of
confusion, and I deal with them up front.
2. When I write a memo, email, or other
document, I give all of the background information
and detail I can to make sure that my message
is understood.
3. If I don‟t understand something, I tend to keep
this to myself and figure it out later.
4. I‟m surprised to find that people have not understood
what I have said.
5. I tend to say what I think, without worrying about
how the other person perceives it. I assume that
we‟ll be able to work it out later.
6. When people talk to me, I try to see their perspectives.
7. I use email to communicate complex issues with
people. It‟s quick and efficient.
8. When I finish writing a report, memo, or email,
I scan it quickly for typos and so forth, and then send
it off right away.
9. When talking to people, I pay attention to their body
10. I use diagrams and charts to help express my ideas.
11. Before I communicate, I think about what the person
needs to know, and how best to convey it.
12. When someone‟s talking to me, I think about what
I‟m going to say next make sure I get my point across
13. Before I send a message, I think about the best
way to communicate it (in person, over the phone,
in a newsletter, via memo, and so on).
14. I try to help people understand the underlying
concepts behind the point I am discussing. This
reduces this conceptions behind the point I am
discussing. This reduces this conceptions and
increase understanding.
15. I consider cultural barriers when planning my

Score Comment
You need to keep working on your communication skills. You are not expressing
yourself clearly and you may not be receiving messages clearly and you may not be
receiving messages correctly, either. The good news is that, by paying close
attention to the way in which you communicate, you can improve your effectiveness
at work and enjoy better working relationships with your colleagues! The rest of this
article will direct you to some great tools for improving your communication skills.
You are capable communicator, but you sometimes experience communication
problems. Take the time to think about your approach to communication, and focus
on receiving messages effectively, as much as sending them. This will help to
improve your ability to communicate.
Excellent! You understand your role as communicator, both when you send
messages and when you receive them. You anticipate problems, and you choose
the right channel to communicate. People respect you for your ability to
communicate clearly and they appreciate your listening skills.

What I have Learned

Communication can best be summarized as the process of sending a message

from a sender to a receiver in an understandable manner. ...
Effective communication leads to understanding. The communication process is
made up of four important parts. Those parts include encoding, medium of transmission,
decoding, and feedback.


What I need to know? :

Learning Competencies
1. Show understanding of the roles and functions of communicators and
journalists (HUMSS_DIASS12-Ij-32)
2. Identify specific work areas in which communicators and journalists work
3. Identify career opportunities for communicators and journalists
4. Value rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities
5. Distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors among practitioners

What I Know

A. In 50 words or less, write down your expectations. Discuss.

1. Which of the following best describes journalism?
A. It is a field of study which involves gathering and delivering information to the
B. A field of mass communication which is aimed at providing the citizens with
information which will make them free and self-governing.
C. The study of creating news articles and opinion articles that shall form an
informed citizenry.
D. None of the above

2. Which of the following is NOT an element of news?
A. Timeliness
B. Impact
C. Oddity
D. None of the above

3. News writing differs in approach with opinion writing.

A. True
B. False

4. This is the most important part of the front page, after the name of the newspaper.
A. Hammer headline
B. Fold
C. Ears
D. Banner headline

5. The newspaper's soul.

A. News
B. Editorial
C. Column
D. Feature

6. The newspaper's breather

A. News
B. Editorial
C. Column
D. Feature

7. Which of the following are principles that govern opinion writing?

A. Accuracy and Balance

B. Accuracy and Fairness
C. Balance and Research
D. Fairness and Research

8. Feature articles can be written in any form or structure.

A. True
B. False
9. A feature article may do any of the following except
A. Entertain
B. Inform
C. Educate
D. Persuade

10. Which of the following will best describe news?

A. News is an account of recent events which are significant and interesting.

B. News is a record of recent events written in the newspaper.
C. News is a record events which are timely and interesting.
D. Aimed at informing the public, news consists of stories significant to the public.

What’s New

Journalism and It’s Functions

A good journalist will collect facts, research and investigate the subject matter
based on a unique style, and formulate language that tells a story. This story will grab
the reader to such extent that both the unique style as well as the story are remembered
and recommended. In this day and age, however, gone are the days when a paper
landed on your doorstep bringing you the main source of news you looked forward to
reading with your morning coffee.


Journalism refers to the gathering, reporting, and disseminating of news through
mass media. It is the system which arose to provide for society‟s need for
news and it arises from the citizens‟ right to have access to the fact and
opinion about matters of public interest, which are of importance to the
welfare, rights and duties as citizens.
Reference: The Padayon Series DIASS


Functions of Journalism are to Inform, Educate, Guide and Entertain. The press
performs a very important role as means of mass communication in the
modern world. The press tries to inform its reader objectively about what is
happening in their community, country and the world at large.


Function No. 1 Information

The idea of informing an organization is to give data and information so that
employees can effectively complete their job. Information make sures that an
employee is aware of the rules and procedures of an organization. It also
removes job doubt for workers when they are fully informed

Function No. 2 Increasing Public Awareness
Our public understanding work takes a variety of forms: press conferences, round
tables, articles written for exchanging of publications, and interviews with the
press. A good journalist who is well-connected will gather up facts, information
and research and write on subjects to increase understanding amongst readers
of all groups. A good journalist will develop personal style so it even becomes
recognizable with a group of people who read a particular newspaper or

Function No. 3 Interpreting the Facts

"It is giving the reading public accurate information as fully as the importance of
any story dictates." - William Turner Catledge, editor, The New York Times"

Function No. 4 Encouraging Decisions, Influencing Change &

Shaping Public Opinion
The media has a very big impact in shaping the public opinion of the masses. They can
form or change some part of the public opinion in different ways depending on what is
the objective. ... The candidates that can pay for more TV and media exposure have
more power to change the public opinion and thus can receive more votes. Whether it‟s
print media or an on-line source, buyers are influenced very much so by
advertising, alone, e.g., hair styles, currently fashionable/seasonal wardrobes,
and many, many other products such as pet food. People do believe what they
see in print, so language is a good tool of causing people to believe, marketability
or control, whatever term you often use.

Function No. 5 Entertainment Journalism

Is any form of journalism main interest on the entertainment business and its products.
Like fashion journalism, entertainment journalism covers industry-specific news while
aiming general audiences beyond those working in the industry itself.

Entertainment journalism, however, has been growing very fast, maybe because
of the fact that we live in a loud noise culture society that is purely entertained by
media coverage of favorite actors, singers, etc., which is not trying to go out on a
part to redefine news or good quality reporting. Perhaps the silver lining is the
fact a reporter has the opportunity to meet a lot of celebrities.


Rights that flow from the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press:
1. The right to free access to all sources of information
2. The right to investigate stories that are of interest to the pubic
3. The right to protect the identity and confidentiality of one‟s sources
4. The right to publish stories without fear of punishment

At the same time, the journalist is expected to adhere to certain principles of

professional conduct by American Society of Newspaper Editors in 1923:
 Truthfulness of information
 Clarity of information
 Defense of the public‟s rights
 Responsibilities in forming public opinion
 Standards of gathering and presenting information
 Respecting the integrity and presenting information
 Respecting the integrity of sources
 Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, and other
 Respect for privacy
 Prohibition of bribes and other benefits
 The need to respect universal values and the diversity of cultures
 The need to promote human rights

Journalism & Mass Communication. Journalists work in all sorts of media and
industries. You'll find them practicing strategic communication as they work in:
 advertising,
 public relations,
 marketing,
 and in areas such as health care, politics, gaming, and entertainment.

There are varied career opportunities in communications and journalism, including

public relations specialist, news anchor, reporter, author and radio
broadcaster. Work environments in communications and journalism can include offices,
broadcasting studios and home offices.

What I have learned?

Journalism is a way of collecting, analyzing, proving, and presenting news regarding

current events, trends, issues and people. Journalism is sometimes described as the

"first version of history," because journalists often record important events, creating
news articles on short deadlines.

What’s More

Instruction: Match the items in Column B with those in Column C. Indicate you answer in
Column A
1. Journalism‟s first a. To keep citizens informed about
obligation government and society
2. Main purpose of b. Stimulates the economy
3. A paid form of c. Advertising
d. Right to protect the identity of
e. Promotes stereotypes
4. Functions of Advertising f. Spin doctors
5. One of the rights of g. Trade shows
6. A tool of internal h. Crisis Management
communications (within
a company)
i. Not to ridicule persons due to
race, gender, etc

Reference:The Padayon Series DIASS by: Dela Cruz, Fernandez, Melegrito & Valdez


Additional Activities

Using a video camera, be a journalist. Interview people regarding their opinion

about the latest issue in our country.

1. Look for any latest issue in the news or the internet and be familiar with it.
2. Listen and understand it carefully so that you will have an idea of what it
is all about.
3. Prepare possible questions you want to know about the issue, like if they
agree to it or not? What are the possible solutions or how can they solve
the issue?
4. Find at least 3-5 people to interview and have knowledge about the issue.
5. Orient the people to be interviewed before starting the interview.
6. Make the Principle of Conduct be your guide of the video.

5. Edit and organize your work and save it.
6. Send it to the email indicated below.

Write a reflection paper about Activity 4. How do you feel about the activity?
What lessons have you learned about the activity?


What I Know

Directions: Read and understand the statements very carefully. Write TRUE if the
statement is true and FALSE if it is incorrect.

_1. One of the obligations of Journalism is to keep citizens informed

about government and society.

_2. Journalists should not value feelings and attitude when

_3. In communicating, one should communicate over confidence and


_4. One of the principles of journalism is truthfulness of information.

_5. Journalists should respect for privacy.

_6. Journalism serves as a dependent monitor of power and support

on one side only.

_7. Journalism‟s first loyalty is to the government.

_ 8. Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and

each other.

_9. Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as

human beings deserving of respect.

_10. Seeking for truth in exchange of money or favor is one of the

standards of a professional journalist.


Directions: List down at least three questions, the things you are curious about in this
lesson which is the “Professional and Ethical Standards of Practitioners in the field
of Communication.”

What is It?

Have you experienced that you have shared an information you heard from social
media but was found later wrong or incorrect? How was the experience? What would be
your reaction to the person who told you about it? These are some questions that may
help you realize about the importance of learning this lesson and as you journey in
learning, may you get some important insights that could help you in your daily life as a
learner. Have a fruitful journey in this lesson.

To ensure that practitioners in the field of communication, such as journalists and

advertising companies through mass media as they enjoy certain rights that the
constitution guarantees them like the freedom of the press and speech, as these rights
entail to access sources of information and investigate stories that the public are
interested into, they are also expected to exercise their utmost responsibilities not to
abuse or deviate from what the law or the constitution requires them. They are provided
with code of ethics/conduct as their guide to always exercise in the delivery of their

Important terms
1. Code is a set of laws ore regulations; a set of ideas or rules about how to behave in
accordance with the norms in the society. (Meriam Dictionary)
2. Freedom of expression and information- a right given by the constitution and
defined by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights as stated below:
a. Article 15: The right to form, hold receive and impart opinions.
b. Article 16: Free and equal access to information inside and outside state borders.
c. Article 19: The freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive,
and impart information through any media.


Journalists as practitioners are expected to follow certain principles of professional

conduct. The first set of these principles were published by the American Society of
Newspapers Editors in 1923. The Philippines as one of the many counties in the world
has also adopted these principles and by which serve as their code of conduct as mass

media practitioners. Among these are:

 Truthfulness of Information
 Clarity of Information
 Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity,religion, and other
 Respect for privacy
 Prohibition of bribes and other benefits
 Standards of gathering and presenting information
 Respecting the integrity of sources
 Defense of the public rights
 Responsibilities in forming public opinion
 The need to respect universal values and the diversity of cultures
 The need to promote human rights, peace, social progress and democracy

Moreover, the Code of Ethics which were drawn by the Society of Professional
Journalists defined these principles as standards for professional and ethical
journalism practice as follows:

 Seek truth and report it. Journalists should at always adhere to the accuracy and
honesty of the information. Be courageous to gather information, interpret it
correctly and report what has been gathered, analyzed and interpreted.
 Minimize harm. Ethical journalists should treat the information, the subject and
other people they are having service with as human beings with dignity that has to
be respected.
 Act Independently. Journalists should be free of obligation to any interests other
than the right of the public to know.
 Be accountable. Journalists are accountable to whatever they have reported in
print or non-print materials. They are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers
and to each other including to the organization they belong.

The advertising industry makes also efforts to establish their own ethical standards. In
our country, the Advertising Board of the Philippines, the chief regulating board for all
the largest advertising associations which includes the Association of Accredited
Advertising Agencies has sought to craft code of ethics including the implementing
procedures to provide standards about advertisements should not do. Among these are
the following:

 Undermine the public‟s regard for government, law, and duly constituted authority.
 Exploit or tend to promote physical,verbal, or psychological violence or the use of

deadly weapons.
 Disparage, ridicule or attack any natural person or groups of persons especially on
the basis of gender, socio-economic class, religion,race, or nationality.Disparage,
ridicule or attack any natural person or groups of persons especially on the basis of
gender, socio-economic class, religion,race, or nationality.
 Depict the actual act of drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking tobacco products.

 Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds strong mutual
understanding between and among people in any organization.
 The Public Relations Society of America‟s Code of Ethics outline the principles and
standards of professional practice.
A member shall preserve the free flow of unprejudiced information when giving or
receiving gifts by ensuring that gifts are nominal,legal and infrequent.

Improper conduct under this provision:

A member representing a car manufacturer gives an expensive unit item to a car

magazine columnist to influence the writer to write favorable articles about their product.

The Public Relations Society of the Philippines also has its code of ethics. The
following are some of these:
 Conduct professional way of life with the interests of the public as basic and primary
 Conduct activities in full accordance with the accepted standards of trust, objectivity,
accuracy, and good taste.
 Uphold the rule of law and the dictates of public order, public policy, morals and
good customs.
 Refuse any form of valuable consideration for a service, involving the profession,
from anyone other than the clients or employers, even if it does not involve
conflicting interests,unless all interested parties give full consent.
 Safeguard the confidence of our present and former clients or employers by keeping
trade secrets of or other information of similar or nature, unless a competent
government authority, by reason of national security or public policy, orders their

What’s More

Activity A. HI FIVE!

After you have learned about Professional and Ethical Standards among practitioners in the
field of communication such as Journalism, Advertisement and about Public Relations. In your
notebook, write five things you have realized about their work and the importance of abiding to
their principles and codes of conduct.


Directions: Choose two advertisements that you can identify while watching any
Television program that does not violate ethical standards in advertising and explain
why it doesn‟t violate such.

Sample 1:
Name of Advertisement : _
_ _
Sample 2:
Name of Advertisement : _

What I have Learned

Keep in mind that professionals and practitioners in the discipline of

communication follow a certain set of rules or guidelines which serve as their
standards in doing their work . These set of guidelines are generally referred as
ethical standards. In any work you will do, you should also follow the rules of any
workplace to have a functional and efficient delivery of service.

What I can do

A. Read the news stories especially the front page of any newspaper. Cut out at least
three headlines including the picture and paste it in your notebook.Below it write your
short explanation about the functions of these stories in your life. Consider answering the
question such as how important knowing these issues in our society? What is your role in
solving or mitigating the problem. Use the sample

Sample :
Headline 1:


Headline 2:


Headline 3:




Directions: Identify whether each statement is true or false. Write the word true/false as
your answer for each item on the space provided before each number.

_1. Journalism‟s first obligation is to the truth

_2. Advertising company should undermine the public‟s regard for
government, law and duly constituted authority.
_3. In public relations, the interest of the public is the basic and primary
guide of a professional life.
_4. Public Relations Society of the Philippines uphold the rule of law and the

dictate of public order
_5. Seeking for truth in exchange of money or favor is one of the standards
of a professional journalist.
_6. Journalism serves as an independent monitor of power.
_7. Journalists must keep the news partial and bias..
_ 8.Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each
_9. Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human
beings deserving of respect.
_10. Journalists should respect for privacy.

Directions: Complete the following statements by writing the missing word/words on the
blank or space provided.
1. One of the standards in the code of conduct of _is to conduct
activities in full accordance with the accepted standards of trust, objectivity, accuracy,
and good taste.
2. is a strategic communication process that builds strong mutual
3. The first set of principles which the Philippines adopted to provide the journalists
certain professional conduct were published by the in 1923.
4. The serve as the umbrella of all advertising
associations in the Philippines.
5. The Society of Professional Journalists defined_ _ as standards for
professional and ethical journalism

Lesson 3 Clientele and Audiences

in Communication

What I Need To Know

Learning Competencies:

1. describe the clientele and audience of communication;


2. distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations, and communities


In this lesson, you are going to learn about the clientele and audiences in the
process and discipline of communication and to know how important it is to know our
audience when we communicate to them.

Welcome to Lesson 3. This lesson discusses the concept of “clientele and the
audience” in the discipline of communication and how are these terms being defined.
Here, you will learn about the varied needs of the different audiences such as the
individuals, groups or maybe organizations. There are some approaches that you will be
dealing into this lesson like the prism of theoretical approach and the uses of
gratification approach that may help you understand more about the processes of

What I Know

A. True or False.
Directions: Write the word clientele before the number if each statement is true and
audience if it is false.

1. One should take consideration of the feelings and attitude when


2. The discipline of communication is also known as communicology.

3. One must convince the clientele and audiences to believe with what he is

4. The key for one to know which manner one should use to present the
delivery is first to identify the type of clientele or audience one is talking


5. To know the audience one is talking to, one has to assess their
fundamental perception of the idea one is going to say.

6. It is easy to feel empathy for someone with a similar world view.

7. Using the right words can help you to build strong, long-lasting client

8. Positive relationships can be built by considering yourself as the speaker

superior to your audience.

_9. The more you know the audience, the easier you can make them not
know about any information about the society.

_10. When you know the race and ethnicity of the audience, you can use
these to influence them to forget their culture and adapt a new one
through communication.


Directions: Write your initial idea about what you already know about the topic,
audiences and clientele of communication.


_ _


__ _


Directions: Mark check (/) on the space provided before each number if the following
statements are needs of the following audiences/clientele when communicating namely,
individual, groups and organizations and community before each number and cross
it out (x) if not.

Individuals as Audience Groups and Organizations as Audience

1. Information and Education 1. Prejudices

2. Emotional release 2. Present ideas

3. Superiority 3. Change behavior and learn

4. Literacy 4. Resolve conflicts

5. Guidance and Advice 5. Provide barriers for information

6. Discrimination 6. Seek help

7. Socialization 7. Improve understanding

Community as Audience

1. Awareness of personal space

2. Time

3. Judgment of culture

4.Information background

5. Right Language

6. Education

7. Deception

What is It?


Have you experienced attending a gathering in your barangay or in your

municipality and listen to someone who is delivering his/her message to the people but
you did not understand well the person who is talking? Things like the message was not
really intended for them or for you? Or the language used was so complicated and not
suitable for the people who are listening?

The discipline of communication is also called as communicology. In the process of

communication one has to convince or persuade the people who are listening or giving
attention which we called as audience. When you watch TV shows, read newspapers or
watch a film, you become an audience. Can you recall the last time you watch a TV
show and you are convinced with what they are saying or you are already influenced by

Audiences are also called receivers. They are formed by two factors which are:

1. Social context- people of the same background with shared culture, understanding
information needs.
2. Response to media content- audiences from news show, variety show, soap opera
and others.
To know the audience one who is talking to, one has to assess the fundamental
background like the awareness and knowledge of the audience of the idea to be
presented. For example if the speaker knows already that the audience has already
several knowledge about the topic then he/she has to provide more explanations, facts
and examples to support his/her points for the audience to be convinced and

Media sociologist Denis McQuail (1997) noted some ways to define who are the
audience namely:

 By place- audience in the case of a newspaper

 By people- as when media content appeals to a certain age group, gender,
political belief or income category
 By the particular type of medium or channel involved - the audience of radio may
differ from the audience of television.
 By the content of the message of a medium - talk shows and and soap operas
with many different audiences
 By times - as in daytime, primetime or weekend audiences.

1. Individuals as Audience

Every day you engage in a communication. As one one cannot escape it along the
different levels of communication whether intrapersonal, interpersonal or in mass media.
We do this of different reasons. People communicate to be informed and to inform, to
gain guidance for one‟s own opinion and to have an identity or be a member within a

Research says that among the benefits one gets from communication are the following:

 Information and Education

 Guidance
 Advice
 Socialization and Relaxation
 Identity formation
 Security
 Build mutual relationship

2. Groups and Organizations as Audience

Organizations communicate with others for a variety of reasons. Innet and

Schewchuk in 1995 said that there are communication needs of organizations. These

2.1 To inform. It is communicating to the audience like what you can do for them or
what advice you could give them or vice versa.

2.2 To build understanding. It is encouraging the audience to improve their lives

like stopping from smoking which appeals to their feelings and thinking.

2.3 To resolve conflicts. Empathy can prevent conflicts as misunderstanding really

exist in an organization.

2.4 To present and idea. In an organization presenting an idea is a need but one
has to know also the correct manner in presenting it.

2.5 To lower barrier between groups and individuals. Prejudices and

discrimination may exist if communication process is not done in a correct
manner thus one has to know the audience very well.

3. Community as Audience

Community is the most organic place we do communication. When you go out from
your house and interact with your friends, your neighbor or to everyone in your place
you do communication to them. But you still have to know that in the discipline of
communication when you consider the community as your audience you need to
remember the following needs:

1. Right language. This must be simple and easy to understand words

2. Time. Extend more efforts to let them be understood the topic
3. Information background. If you need to persuade or convince them with your
idea you need to know their level of awareness of the topic
4. Awareness of interests. You need to know what the community likes or have
interest to
5. Education. People in the community acts as audience because of the reason
that they need to know about the topic.

What’s More

Activity A.TRY THIS!

Directions: Complete the IRF chart below. Answer your initial idea about the question “
Who is the audience? ”After reading the discussion above answer the revised idea and
before this lesson ends go back to this chart and answer your final idea.

Topic: Audiences and Clientele of Communication

Initial Idea:

Who is the audience?

Revised Idea:

Final Idea:

B. Firming Up

Activity B. Take Time to Analyze.

Directions: Analyze the following communication activities in the diagram and write you
answer inside each circle which poses a question. Do this one in your notebook. A
sample organizer is provided on the next page.

Why do Why do
people PEOPLE
listen to watch TV?

Communication Activities

Why do
people use
twitter, and

What I have Learned

In the study of the discipline of communication, you have to consider that you
know what type or group of audience you are sending the message or information.
There is a need to identify this to have a successful and more effective exchange of

What I can do

A. On the Net. Directions: Visit the link below and try to read the variety of
communication media which organizations can use to fulfill the needs in a group or
organization. Print this out and write a short analysis of it.



Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before each number.

_1. The discipline of communication is also called as _.

A. communicationology
B. communology
C. communipology
D. communicology

_2.One should communicate to others with _.

A. superiority
B. prejudice
C. empathy
D. shyness
_3. The following are needs of audience in a group except _ .

A. to inform

B. to promote conflicts
C. to build understanding
D. to present an idea
_4. This is a type of audience that consists only of one person.

A. single
B. community
C. group
D. organization
_5. Using this correctly can help to build strong relationship to clients or audience.

A. time
B. space
C. efforts
D. words
_6. The following are the three types of audiences except _ _.

A. individual B. group
C. community D. journalists

_7. When you communicate to the community as audience you need to consider
the following needs except _ _.

A. right language B. time

C. pride D. education

_8. This helps in removing physical barriers between the speaker and the


A. listening and showing respect

B. presenting idea of the topic
C. avoiding silence at all costs
D. expressing ideas clearly using simple words

_9. The following are needs to be achieved when communicating with a

group except_ .

A. prevent misunderstandings

B. to present a point of view
C. to inform
D. to increase barriers between groups and individuals.

_10. Which of the following is/are considered as audience/audiences?

A. individuals
B. people in the community
C. personal Computers
D. groups and Organizations

Directions: Write the word True before the number if each statement is true and False if
it is not.

1. It is easy to feel empathy for someone with a similar world view.

2.Using the right words can help you to build strong, long-lasting client

3. Positive relationships can be built by considering yourself as the

speaker superior to your audience.

_4.The more you know the audience, the easier you can make them

not know about any information about the society.

_5. When you know the race and ethnicity of the audience, you can

use these to influence them to forget their culture and adapt a new

one through communication.

6. One should take consideration of the feelings and attitude when


7. The discipline of communication is also known as Communicology.

8. One must convince clientele and audiences to believe with what he

or she is saying.

9. The key, for one to know which manner one should use to present

the delivery is first to identify the type of clientele or audience one is

talking to.

10. To know the audience one is talking to, one has to assess their
fundamental perception of the idea one is going to say.

Lesson 4 Settings, Processes,
Methods and Tools
in the discipline of

What I Need To Know

This lesson is divided into three subtopics namely, the communication settings, the
communication process and the tools of communication.

In this lesson, I want you to deepen more your understanding about the discipline of
communication. Examine carefully how are these settings differ from one another and
the tools used.

Learning Competencies:

1. identify the settings in which communicators and journalists are found

2. illustrate the different processes and methods involved in undertaking
communication HUMSS_DIASS 12-IIa-40

What I Know

A. True or False.
Directions:Mark check (/) on the space provided before the number if the statement is
true and cross it out (x) if it is false.

1. Government communication can be defined as all activities in the which includes

the public and the private sector institutions.

2. Government communication can either be active or passive.

3. A responsible and responsive government provides its citizens with timely,

accurate, clear, and complete information about its programs, services, and


4. Government has only one function and that is to provide economic needs to its

5. One of the functions of communication in the society is to transmit social


6. Civil society refers to organizations that advocate environmental protection,

animal rights, peace and health.

7. Private sector refers to business and industries run by individuals and

companies rather than by the government.

8. Private sector are also called as Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

9. Message refers to any information the source hopes to say.

10. A phone is a poor choice whereas email or voicemail is a better choice in a

situation where a manager wishes to confirm a meeting time with a number of

11. Interpersonal channels are more likely to meet specific needs of organizational
members in overcoming risk and complexity associated with change.

12. Communication process can be horizontal, vertical or downward.

13. Crisis communication involves all dimensions of administration with crisis

confidence with respect to organizational functioning.

14. Encoding is transforming the senders message back into thought.

15. Decoding is the process of putting information into symbolic form.

What is It?


Have you experienced to receive an information or announcement from your

barangay? Or a written communication from any business industries in your place or
from a legit organization like from charitable groups or church-related groups? Have you
thought about who made the communication? Or from whom does it come from and the
reason why the communication was made? These are some of the questions you need
to consider upon learning this lesson. The following are some of the settings in which
communication takes place.

1. Communication in Government

Government communication can be defined as all activities done by the public

sector institutions that the government supervises for the purpose of presenting and
explaining government plans, decisions and actions. It is also used to promote legal
processes, defending recognized values and to foster patriotism.

It could either be in oral or written in all formal activities. As such it could also be
active where it provides all general information in an organized fashion to the public for
all activities of the government are planned, systematic and financed. On the other
hand, it is passive when the administration transmit information to any individual, group
or organization who request under certain provisions in the law access to information.

A. Types of Government Communication

1. Government-wide communication. Communication occurs in all structured

communication where its purpose is for presenting government activities like to explain
decisions, and present actions.

2. Communication relating to benefits. Communication occurs to ensure

beneficiaries are receive by the people to avail services.

3. Involving Institutional Communication. Communication to enhance the

visibility and influence of an organization. This type of communication is to clarify the
values to be conveyed and incorporating these values in all communication activities
and implementing the appropriate procedures.

2. Communication in Civil Society
Communication done by a Non-government organizations (NGOs) is an example of
this setting. Different advocacies like Greenpeace, animal rights, environmental
protection are examples of these.

3. Communication in Private Sector

Communication in any business industries where information, persuasion and
mobilization are the primary needs of the private sector.

4. Other Settings

a. Schools - communication for instruction and socialization to inform stakeholders

like parents, faculty and students.

b. Communities are organized in varying degrees of structure and using different


c. Online communication- done in social networking sites like fb, twitter, etc.

Tools of Communication

1. Print Materials - Newspapers, reports, books, posters, brochures, etc.

2. Non-print materials - Videos, TV shows, radios, presentations
3. Technologies- cellphones, telephones, tablets, computers and laptop
4. Online Tools- Social Media, electronic mails

Process of Communication

In understanding the process of communication in any organization, patterns on

where information and messages go is critical. This is called the directionality of
communication. Among these are the following:

1. Vertical Communication- refers to sending or receiving messages between levels of

hierarchy or order whether upward or downward.
2. Horizontal Communication- refers to sending or receiving messages within the
same levels of hierarchy.
3. Downward Communication - is used to send messages from lower a higher rank to
a lower rank.

Terms in the Communication Process

 Encoding is putting ideas or information into symbols.

 Decoding is transforming message back into thoughts.
 Message is the information source.
 Receiver is the one who receives the information.
 Sender is the person who share the information.
 Response is the receiver‟s reaction to the message.
 Feedback is the the receiver‟s reaction that is given back to the sender.
 Noise is the unplanned interference.

What’s More

Activity A. Let’s Know This!

Directions: Recall the days you had undergone a communication with any of the settings
of communication, if not, ask somebody from your community who has an experience
and ask him to help you in doing this activity. Using the table below, answer the
questions provided in each of the following:

1. What information did you receive?

2. What tools or activities were used to bring the information to you?
3. How important do you think are these processes in the society?

Communication Information Tools used Importance

Settings Receive

Office of the

(Government )

Private sector

(any business

Civil Society

(Labor unions



Firming Up

Activity B.

Directions: Communication takes place anywhere at home, in your community and in

the school. Having read and learn about this lesson from the discussion above about
the settings of communication and the processes and tools in it. Try to differentiate
these settings using the Venn diagram below. Indicate also how they are similar and
different from each other.


Private Civil Society


What I have Learned

Do remember that right tools and methods in communication go with the right
settings and processes. When we communicate to someone let us consider the
place or setting rightful to what message or information we want to deliver. What
information we will say, how we transmit that information and to what setting should
we say that information or message need to be considered when we are doing

What I can do

A. On the News. Listen to your local radio station and write one news that you
heard from it. Below the news, explain why and how a local government should
communicate to its citizens about what happened.


Put a (/) on the space provided before the number if the statement is TRUE and (x) if it

1. Government communication is used for presenting legitimate interventions

and maintain values.

2. Government-wide Communication occurs in all structured communication

where its purpose is for presenting government activities like to explain

decisions, and present actions.

3. Involving Institutional Communication clarifies the values to be conveyed and

incorporating these values in all communication activities and implementing

the appropriate procedures.

4. Communication process can be horizontal, vertical or downward.

5. Crisis communication involves all dimensions of administration with crisis

confidence with respect to organizational functioning.

6. Encoding is transforming the senders message back into thought.

7. Decoding is the process of putting information into symbolic form.

8. Private sector refers to business and industries run by individuals and

companies rather than by the government.

9. Private sector are also called as Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

10. Message refers to any information the source hopes to say


Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Putting thoughts, ideas or information into symbolic form is called_ .

A. encoding B. message C. receiver D. channel

2. It is a method by which the communication travels from source to receiver.

A. source/sender B. Message C. channel d. receiver

3. It is a setting of communication where by non-government organizations (NGOs) is

an example of this.
A. government B. civil society C. schools D. private sector

4. This term in the communication process means there is unplanned disturbance or


A. response B. feedback C. noise D. decoding

5. It is the information which is shared or transmitted.

A. message B. Feedback C. feedback D. response

6. This is a tool of communication where one can read it using newspapers and letters.

A. print B. non-print C. technologies D. online tools

7. This is a term which is used to refer to communication process where sending and

receiving is done between individuals with the same level or rank.

A. downward B. upward C. horizontal D. vertical

8. It is the person or organization that has information to share.

A. receiver B. sender C. decoder D. encoder

9. This means that communication happens in business industries.

A. government B. civil society C. schools D. private sector

10. This a process of communication where the transmitter send messages from more

powerful to the less one.

A. downward B. upward C. horizontal D. vertical

Lesson 6 Communication Media

In the previous lesson, you have learned about the settings, processes, methods
and tools of communication by which you knew that communication happens
everywhere but there are specific settings where communication takes place. It could be
in the government, in the private sectors, in the civil society, in the school and or in the
community. Mainly, media channels have to be appropriate in a specific setting where
information and messages are correct and reliable.

What I Need To Know

This lesson discusses the concept of “clientele and the audience” in the discipline of
communication and how are these terms related with each other. Here, you will learn
about the varied needs of the different audiences such as the individuals, groups or
maybe organizations. There are some approaches that you will be dealing into this
lesson like the prism of theoretical approach and the uses of gratification approach that
may help you understand more about the processes of communication.

Learning Competency:

1. Distinguish the appropriate communication media channels used in

different settings and situations (HUMSS_DIASS 12-IIa-41)

What I Know
A. True or False.
Directions: Mark check (/) on the space provided before the number if the statement is
true and cross it out (x) if it is false.

_1. Social media is more reliable to use than newspaper when it comes to
national news.

_2. Mass media can either be print or broadcast.

_3. One example of print media is newspaper.

_4. New media covers a set of applied communication technologies that

continue to flourish.

_5. The use of Wikipedia is an example of social media.

_6. Facebook is a social networking site.

_7. Television‟s main strength is transmitting live images and sounds.

_8. The use of radio is cheaper and more affordable to rural areas.

_9. Radio can be located and be plugged anywhere

_10. Social media are more interactive than the use of television and radio.

_11. Social media are powerful channels to influence consumers‟ behavior.

_12. The use of TV is influential to use during election campaign.

_13. Entertainment is one of the function of television.

_14. A good newspaper must only have news stories in all sections.

_15. Example of telecommunication is cellphone.

What is It?

What do you usually do if you want to know about an incident that happened in your
place? Aside from asking people, do you listen to radio? Or watch news on TV? Or
maybe you just search information or news in the internet? Or maybe call somebody
from long distance to confirm something or make conversation. In this lesson, you will
be learning some keywords and ideas about this topic to know the media channels or
the methods used on how information travels from one source to another.


A media channel refers to the specific method used in transmitting messages or

information to an intended audience. These come in a form of the examples stated in
the activity above like television and radio (the broadcast media), newspaper (print
media), Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (social media) and this new media which is
today‟s method of communicating in the digital world.

1. Mass Media is a means of communication which is intended for large audiences.

This is divided into two, Print and Broadcast.

a. Print media includes newspaper and publication which tell about news stories,
opinions, businesses and advertisements.
b. Broadcast media comes in a form of radio and television where it is more
influential and dominant to transmit news and information.

2. New Media is a term which refers to all that is related to the use of internet and the
interplay between technology, images and sound that help improve the process of
communication especially in the advent of the 21st century.

a. Social media is a subset of new media which dominated much of the world
populace and seen most influential medium of communication especially to teenagers.
Internet is a must in this channel where it does not only cover a portion in a certain
place but it can reach anyone in the globe as long as there is internet. Examples of
these are:

 Social networking sites (facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, etc.)

 Wikepedia
 Youtube

 Virtual games (DOTA, Mobile legends, Cross-fire, Rules of Survival, and others)
 Technologies (blogs, email, instant messaging)

3. Telecommunication refers to channel of communication where information and

messages are exchanged over long distances. Usually this channel use computer,
cellphones and telephone where information is sent or received through a
communication connection.

In the Philippines, this can be an example through large telecommunication

networks like SMART, Talk „N Text, PLDT, TM, Globe and Sun Cellular among others
which provide communication connection for us to call or have conversation to someone
over long distance. We can also use the internet connection that we have as these
networks also provide us with the access to the internet using systems and devices.


Directions: Write three things you learn about communication channels using the
pattern below.
1. I learn that communication channels are _
2. I know why because _ _
3. I know how _ _ _

What’s More

Activity A. TRY THIS!

Directions: Write down the benefits one can get in using the following channels of
communication below. Use the table below in answering.

Communication Channels Benefits



Social media



Processing Questions:

1. How are you using these channels of communication?

2. Which of the channels given above do you usually use when you want to know
about a specific event, situations or information?
3. Do you think these channels need to be appropriately chosen in getting
information? Why?

Firming Up

Activity B.

Directions: If you want to educate everyone about the proper use of social media, what
form of media channel can make the process of communication effectively to reach out
big number of people. Choose two ( media channels) and write your explanation about

Communication Media Explanation




What I have Learned

Let us remember that the information and messages we want to transmit to the
intended audience for it to be reliable need to use the appropriate media channel
same true as we want to get the reliable information and messages we need.

What I can do

A. On the Net.

Directions: Visit the link below and try to write five things that explain the i

Importance of using social media to our lives today.


Directions: Carefully read the statements below. Use the choices in the box for your
answers. Write only the letter of the correct answer before each number.

A. mass media B. media channel C. new media media E. print media

1. This refers to the specific methods of how information is transmitted to the intended
2. This is a type of media channel which includes print, radio, and television.
3. Youtube is an example of this type of media.
4. The use of newspaper is an example of _.
5. The use of television to transmit information or news is an example of _.

B. Test A. True or False.

Directions: Write the word media on the space provided before the number if the
statement is true and channel if it is false.
1. The use of New media is cheaper than the use of radio.
2. Facebook is an example of broadcast media.
3. Youtube can be used when viewing videos or events that happened
elsewhere in the world.
4. The use of internet today is most relevant in the mass media because
information can be get in one click.
5. TV is an important medium of information during election campaign.

6. Social media is an powerful tools to influence a large number of people
7. Television‟s main strength is transmitting live images and sounds.
8. The use of radio is cheaper and more affordable to rural areas.
9. Radio can be located and be plugged anywhere.
10.Entertainment is one of the function of television.
11.Newspapers should have not contain only news but also of opinions,
stories and advertisements.
_12.Mass media can either be print or broadcast.
_13. One example of print media is newspaper.
_14. New media covers a set of applied communication technologies that
continue to evolve. It is used to refer to the new interactive forms of
communication that people use nowadays.
15. Blogs, email and instant messaging are examples of social media.

C. Fill me in.

Directions: Write 3 disadvantages of social media and 3 ways to overcome it.

1. _

How to overcome:

2. _
3. How to overcome:

3. _

How to overcome:


Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Copyright 2016

Author: Myla M. Arcinas, Ph. D.

Project Director: Ronaldo B. Mactal, Ph. D.

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Copyright 2016

Authors: Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, Ph. D.

Carl G. Fernandez, RSW, MSW

Ma. Lourdes F. Melegrito. Ph. D.

Violet B. Valdez, Ph. D.

Project Director: Ronaldo B. Mactal Ph. D.

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Copyright 2016

Author: Myla M. Arcinas, Ph. D.

Project Director: Ronaldo B. Mactal, Ph. D.

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.


1. True 6. False
2. False 7. False
3. False 8. True
4. True 9. True
5. True 10. False


Test A.
1. True 6. True
2. False 7. False
3. True 8. True
4. True 9. True
5. False 10. True

Test B.
1. Public Relations Society of the Philippines
2. Public Relations
3. American Society of Newspaper Editors
4. Advertising Board of the Philippines
5. Principles


Communication Pre-test

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. E
8. C
9. A
10. B

Communication - Activity 1

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. True

Journalism Answer key

A. Own Expectation

1. A
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. A

Journalism- Activity 3

1. I
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. E



A. True or False

1. Clientele 6. Clientele
2. Clientele 7. Clientele
3. Clientele 8. Audience
4. Clientele 9. Audience
5. Clientele 10. Audience

C. Correct me If I’m wrong


A. Choose the Best

1. D 6. D
2. C 7. C
3. B 8. C
4. A 9. D
5. D 10. C

B. True or False

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True



Test A. True or False

1. False 6. True 11. True

2. True 7. True 12. True
3. True 8. False 13. True
4. False 9. True 14. False
5. True 10. True 15. True


Test A. True or False

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. False
10. True

Test B. Multiple Choice

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. A


Test A. True or False

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True

11. True
12. True
13. True
14. False
15. True

Test A. Multiple Choice.

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D

Test B. True or False.

1. Channel 6. Media 11. Media

2. Channel 7. Media 12. Media
3. Media 8. Media 13. Media
4. Media 9. Media 14. Media
5. Media 10. Media 15. Media


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