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Model Course 1.


Fire Prevention
· and Fire Fighting
First published in 1988 by the
4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR

Second edition 1991

Revised edition 2000

Printed in the United Kingdom by CPC The Printers, Portsmouth

2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3

ISBN 92-801-5081-2


Sales number: T120E

IMO wishes to express its sincere appreciation to the
Government of India for its valuable
assistance and co-operation in the development of this course .

Copyright © IMO 2000

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may, for sales purposes, be produced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise,
without prior permission in writing from the International Maritime Organization.

Foreword v

Introduction 1

Part A: Course Framework 4

Part B: Course Outline and Timetable 8

Part C: Detailed Teaching Syllabus 12

Competence 1: Minimize the risk of fire
Concept and application of the fire triangle to fire and explosion
Types and sources of ignition
Flammable materials commonly found on board
Need for constant vigilance
Fire hazards
Competence 2: Maintain a state of readiness to respond to
em&rgency situations involving fires
Organization of shipboard fire fighting
Location of fire-fighting appliances and emergency escape routes
Fire spread in different parts of a ship
Fire and smoke detection measures on ships and automatic
alarm systems
Classification of fires and applicable extinguishing agents
Competence 3: Fight and extinguish fires
Selection of fire-fighting appliances and equipment
Precautions for and use of fixed installations
Use of breathing apparatus for fighting fires
Use of breathing apparatus for effecting rescues

Part D: Instructor Manual 32

Attachment: Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses


Since its inception the International Maritime Organization has recognized the importance of
human resources to the development of the maritime industry and has given the highest
priority to assisting developing countries in enhancing their maritime training capabilities
through the provision or improvement of maritime training facilities at national and regional
levels. IMO has also responded to the needs of developing countries for postgraduate training
for senior personnel in administration, ports, shipping companies and maritime training
institutes by establishing the World Maritime University in Malmo, Sweden, in 1983.

Following the earlier adoption of the International Convention on Standards of Training,

Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, a number of IMO Member Governments
had suggested that IMO should develop model training courses to assist in the implementation
of the Convention and in achieving a more rapid transfer of information and skills regarding
new developments in maritime technology. IMO training advisers and consultants also
subsequently determined from their visits to training establishments in developing countries
that the provision of model courses could help instructors improve the quality of their existing
courses and enhance their effectiveness in meeting the requirements of the Convention and
implementing the associated Conference and IMO Assembly resolutions.

In addition, it was appreciated that a comprehensive set of short model courses in various
fields of maritime ·training would supplement the instruction provided by maritime academies
and allow administrators and technical specialists already employed in maritime
administrations, ports and shipping companies to improve their knowledge and skills in certain
specialized fields. IMO has therefore developed the current series of model courses in
response to these generally identified needs and with the generous assistance of Norway.

These model courses may be used by any training institution and the Organization is prepared
to assist developing countries in implementing any course when the requisite financing is



• Purpose of the model courses

The purpose of the IMO model courses is to assist maritime training institutes and their
teaching staff in organizing and introducing new training courses, or in enhancing, updating
or supplementing existing training material where the quality and effectiveness of the training
courses may thereby be improved.

It is not the intention of the model course programme to present instructors with a rigid
"teaching package" which they are expected to "follow blindly". Nor is it the intention to
substitute audiovisual or "programmed" material forthe instructor's presence. As in all training
endeavours, the knowledge, skills and dedication of the instructor are the key components in
the transfer of knowledge and skills to those being trained through IMO model course material.

Because educational systems and the cultural backgrounds of trainees in maritime subjects
vary considerably from country to country, the model course material has been designed to
identify the basic entry requirements and trainee target group for each course in universally
applicable terms, and the skill necessary to meet the technical intent of IMO conventions and
related recommelJdations .

• Use of the model course

To use the model course the instructor should review the course plan and detailed syllabus,
taking into account the information provided under the entry standards specified in the course
framework. The actual level of knowledge and skills and prior technical education of the
trainees should be kept in mind during this review, and any areas within the detailed syllabus
which may cause difficulties because of differences between the actual trainee entry level and
that assumed by the course designer should be identified. To compensate for such
differences, the instructor is expected to delete from the course, or reduce the emphasis on.
items dealing with knowledge or skills already attained by the trainees. He should also identify
any academic knowledge, skills or technical training which they may not have acquired.

By analyzing the detailed syllabus and the academic knowledge required to allow training in
the technical area to proceed, the instructor can design an appropriate pre-entry course or,
alternatively, insert the elements of academic knowledge required to support the technical
training elements concerned at appropriate points within the technical course.

Adjustment of the course objectives, scope and content may also be necessary if in your
maritime industry the trainees completing the course are to undertake duties which differ from
the course objectives specified in the model course.

Within the course plan fhe course designers have indicated their assessment of the time which
should be allotted to each learning area. However, it must be appreciated that these
allocations are arbitrary and assume that the trainees have fully met all the entry requirements
of the course. The instructor should therefore review these assessments and may need to
reallocate the time required to achieve each specific learning objective.

• Lesson plans
Having adjusted the course content to suit the trainee intake and any revision of the course
objectives, the instructor should draw up lesson plans based on the detailed syllabus. The
detailed syllabus contains specific references to the textbooks or teac~ing material proposed
for the course. An example of a lesson plan is shown in the instructor manual on page 36.
Where no adjustment has been found necessary in the learning objectives of the detailed
syllabus, the lesson plans may simply consist of the detailed syllabus with keywords or ,other
reminders added to assist the instructor in making his presentation of the material.

• Presentation
The presentation of concepts and methodologies must be repeated in various ways until the
instructor is satisfied, by testing and evaluating the trainee's performance and achievements,
that the trainee has attained each specific learning objective or training outcome. The syllabus
is laid out in learning objective format and each objective specifies a required performance or,
what the trainee must be able to do as the learning or training outcome. Taken as a whole,
these objectives aim to meet the knowledge, understanding and proficiency specified in the
appropriate tables of the STCW Code.

• Implementation
For the course to run smoothly and to be effective, considerable attention must be paid to the
availability and use of:

• properly qualified instructors

• support staff
• rooms and other spaces
• equipment •
• textbooks, technical papers
• other reference material.

Thorough preparation is the key to successful implementation of the course. IMO has
produced a booklet entitled "Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses", which
deals with this aspect in greater detail.

• Training and the STCW 1995 Convention

The standards of competence that have to be met by seafarers are defined in Part A of the
STCW Code in the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
Convention, as amended in 1995. This IMO model course has been revised and updated to
cover the competences in STCW 1995. It sets out the education and training to achieve those
standards set out in Chapter VI Table A-VI/1-2.

Part A provides the framework for the course with its aims and objectives and notes on the
suggested teaching facilities and equipment. A list of useful teaching aids, IMO references
and textbooks is also included.

Part B provides an outline of lectures, demonstrations and exercises for the course. A
suggested timetable is included but from the teaching and learning point of view, it is more
important that the trainee achieves the minimum standard of competence defined in the STCW
Code than that a strict timetable is followed. Depending on their experience and ability, some
students will naturally take longer to become proficient in some topics than in others. Also
included in this section are guidance notes and additional explanations.

A separate IMO model course addresses Assessment of Competence. This course explains
the use of various methods for demonstrating competence and criteria for evaluating
competence as tabulated in the STCW Code.

Part C gives the Detailed Teaching Syllabus. This is based on the theoretical and practical
knowledge specified in the STCW Code. It is written as a series of learning objectives, in other
words what the trainee is expected to be able to do as a result of the teaching and training.
Each of the objectives is expanded to define a required performance of knowledge,
understanding and proficiency. IMO references, textbook references and suggested teaching
aids are included to assist the teacher in designing lessons.

The new training requirements for these competences are addressed in the appropriate parts
of the detailed teaching syllabus.

Part D gives guidance notes and additional explanations.

The Convention defines the minimum standards to be maintained in Part A of the STCW
Code. Mandatory provisions concerning Training and Assessment are given in Section A-I/G
of the STCW Code. These provisions cover: qualification of instructors; supervisors as
assessors; in-service training; assessment of competence; and training and assessment within
an institution. The corresponding Part B of the STCW Code contains non-mandatory guidance
on training and assessment.

As previously mentioned a separate model course addresses Assessment of Competence and

use of the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in the STCW Code .

• Responsibilities of Administrations

Administrations should ensure that training courses delivered by colleges and academies are
such as to ensure officers completing training do meet the standards of competence required
by STCW Regulation V1/1.

• Validation

The information contained in this document has been validated by the Sub-Committee on
StanCJards of Training and Watch keeping for use by technical advisors, consultants and
experts for the training and certification of seafarers so that the minimum standards
implemented may be as uniform as possible. Validation in the context of this document means
that the Sub-Committee has found no grounds to object to its content. The Sub-Committee
has not granted its authority to the documents, as it considers that this work must not be
regarded as an official interpretation of the Convention.

In reaching a decision in this regard, the Sub-Committee was guided by the advice of a
Validation Group comprised of representatives designated by ILO and IMO.


Part A: Course Framework

This model course aims to provide the training for candidates in fire prevention and fighting in
accordance with Section A-V1/1 of the STCW Code ..
This syllabus covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter VI, Section A-
V1/1, paragraph 2 and Table A-VI/1-2. On meeting the minimum standard of compete'nce in
fire prevention and fire fighting, a trainee will be competent to take appropriate measures for
the safety of personnel and of the ship and to use fire appliances correctly. The trainee will
also have a knowledge of fire prevention.

Entry standards
The course is open to all seafarers and prospective seafarers and should be completed prior
to employment on a sea-going ship. All trainees must be certified by a doctor to be in good

Course certificate
On successful completion of the course and demonstration of competence, a document may
be issued certifying that the holder has met the standard of competence specified in Table A-
VV1-2 of STCW 1995.

A certificate may be issued only by centres approved by the Administration.

Course intake limitations

The maximum number of trainees attending each session will depend on the availability of
instructors, equipment and facilities available for conducting the training. Any practical training
should be undertaken in small groups of not more than six trainees per instructor.

Staff requirements
The instructor shall have appropriate training in instructional techniques and training methods
(STCW Code A-1/6, pa.7). In addition, all training and instruction should be given by qualified
personnel; the senior instructor, having considerable experience in fire safety and fire-fighting
techniques, should have a good knowledge of ships, including stability considerations. All
assistant instructors should have practical knowledge of fire fighting and should be familiar with
ships. During any practical training one instructor must be in charge of each group. Staff may
be recruited from the local fire brigade.

Training facilities and equipment

Ordinary classroom facilities and an overhead projector are sufficient for the theoretical part
of the course. When making use of audiovisual material such as videos or slides, make sure
the appropriate equipment is available. In addition, a demonstration table measuring 3 m by
1 m would be advantageous. Separate rooms, equipped with a table and chairs, will also be
needed to accommodate three or four groups of trainees during case studies and other group


For the practical part of the course it would be advantageous if the training facilities of a local
or port fire brigade could be used. Alternatively, the following structure and equipment are

o Building for smoke and fire drills, or a similar facility (see Figure A on page 6)
o Facilities for recharging compressed-air bottles with spare parts for maintenance
o Room with work bench area for inspection and maintenance of breathing
o 2 steel fire trays (approximately 1 m by 1 m by 0.3 m)
o 2 three-sided brick fire trays
o 2 fire hydrants with 2 outlets each, or a similar water supply from open water and
fire pump
o A large supply of carbonaceous and hydrocarbon fuels (wood, diesel and
lubricating oils, etc.) for the fire trays
o 6 dummies, for search and rescue procedures
o 6 fire hoses (65 mm diameter)
o 3 fire hoses (38 mm diameter)
o 3 branch pipes
o 6.tire nozzles (2 standard, 2 diffuser and 2 jet spray)
o 2 mechanical foam branches
o 1 generator of high-expansion foam and foam compound
o 2 stand pipes, with keys and bars to operate the hydrant supply
o 6 water extinguishers (9 litre)
o 6 foam extinguishers (9 litre)
o 6 carbon dioxide extinguishers (5 kilogram)
o 10 dry powder extinguishers (10 kilogram)
o Refills for all types of extinguishers
o 30 sets of protective clothing, overalls, gloves, fire-boots, helmets and rainproof
o 25 sets of self-contained breathing apparatus, complete with spare cylinders,
spare parts and maintenance tools (including sets for use by instructors only)
o 25 distress signal units (DSUs) for attachment to breathing apparatus sets
o Smoke generator
o Smoke helmets with air pump
o A shower at the site
o 1 stretcher
· 0 1 first-aid kit
o 1 resuscitation kit with oxygen/suction unit

.. o 2 sets Qf fire-protective clothing

o 2 helmets with visor and neck protector
o 2 fire axes
o 2 safety lines (36 metres long) with snaphooks
o Different types of detectors used on board ships
o Indication of escape routes in the mock-up

The building for smoke and fire drills can easily be constructed from two steel containers, one
on top of the other, arranged as shown in Figure A. Each container should measure
approximately 7 m by 3 m by 2 m. The different rooms should be designed as follows:

o A cabin
o A corridor/open room
o An electric switchboard room
o An engine-room with a grating floor

Every room in the building must be readily accessible from the outside as a safety precaution.
In addition, there should be access between rooms (1) and (2) by a manhole, between (2) and
(4) by a manhole and vertical ladder, and between (3) and (4) by a door. •

Note: The location of this building and the area for fire-fighting drills should preferably be
adjacent to the lecture room, toilet and shower facilities.

There should be no restrictions concerning smoke emissions in the area.

Teaching aids (A)

A1 Instructor Manual (Part D of the course)
A2 Cross-sections or cross-sectional drawings of different types of fire extinguishers and
A3 International ship-to-shore fire-hose connection
A4 Demonstration set of self-contained breathing apparatus
A5 Videos:

Fire Fighting at Sea Series:

V1 Part 1 - Fire Prevention (Edition 2) (Code No. 673)
V2 Part 2 - Basic Fire Fighting (Edition 2) (Code No. 674)
V3 Fire Party Operations (Code No. 509)
V4 Safe Air to Breathe (Code No. 431)
V5 Fire Below (Code No. 245)
V6 Fire Fighting on Container Ships (Code No. 602)

Available from: Videotel Marine International Limited

84 Newman Street
London W1 P 3LD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)207299 1800
Fax: +44 (0)207299 1818
e-mail: [email protected]

A6 Computer-based training for Basic Fire Fighting

Available from: Training Division

Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
#20-06 PSA Building
460 Alexandra Road
Singapore 119963
Tel: +653751922/3751923
Fax: +653751900

IMO References (R)

R1 The Int~national Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
for Seafarers, 1995 (STCW 1995), 1998 edition (IMO Sales No. 938E)
R2 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS
1974) (IMO Sales No. 110E)
R3 Assembly resolution A.602(15) Revised Guidelines for Marine Portable Fire
Extinguishers, Adopted 19 November 1987 (included in IMO Sales No. 130E)
R4 Assembly Resolution A.655(16) Use of halons as fire-fighting media on board ships
(IMO Sales No. 136E)
R5 IMO/ILO Document for Guidance, 1985 (IMO Sales No. 935E)

Details of distributors of IMO publications that maintain a permanent stock of all IMO
publications may be found on the IMO website at

Textbooks (T)

T1 Olav B0, Basic Safety Course: Fire Safety. (Oslo, Norwegian University Press,
1987)(ISBN 92 8011359 3) (reprinted Aug 1999)
T2 Robert J Brady, Marine Fire Prevention, Fire Fighting and Fire Safety (Maritime Training
and Advisory Board, USA, 1998) (ISBN 0 87618 994X)
T3 G. Victory and I.H. Owen, Marine Engineering Practice, Volume 1, Part 5, Fire-fighting
Equipment and its Use in Ships (The Institute of Marine Engineers, London, UK, 1981)
• (ISBN 0 900976 144)

B1 F. Rushbrook: Rushbrook'sFireAboard. 3rd ed. (Glasgow, Brown, Son and Ferguson
. Ltd., 1998) (ISBN 0851746594)


Part B: Course Outline and Timetable

As far as possible, lectures should be presented within a familiar context and should make.•use
of practical examples. They should be well illustrated with diagrams, photographs and charts
where appropriate, and be related to matter learned during seagoing time.

An effective manner of presentation is to develop a technique of giving information and then

reinforcing it. For example, first tell the trainees briefly what you are going to present to them;
then cover the topic in detail; and, finally, summarize what you have told them. The use of an
overhead projector and the distribution of copies of the transparencies as trainees handouts
contribute to the learning process.

Course Outline
The tables that follow list the competencies and areas of knowledge, understanding and
proficiency, together with the estimated total hours required for lectures and practical
exercises. Teaching staff should note that timings are suggestions only and should be
adapted to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment
and staff available for training.

Previous experience from colleges and academies conducting training in fire fighting shows
that as much time as possible should be spent on practical exercises. This fact is also
supported by the feedback from course participants. In planning and scheduling training,
teaching staff should devote the maximum time possible to practical training .


Part C: Detailed Teaching Syllabus

The detailed teaching syllabus has been written in learning objective format in which the
objective describes what the trainee must do to demonstrate that knowledge has been
transferred .

All objectives are understood to be prefixed by the words, "The expected learning outcome is
that the trainee "

In order to assist the instructor, references are shown against the learning objectives to
indicate IMO references and publications, textbooks, additional technical material and teaching
aids, which the instructor may wish to use when preparing course material. The material listed
in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed teaching syllabus; in

Teaching aids (indicated by A),

IMO references (indicated by R), and
Textbooks (indicated by T)

will provide valuable information to instructors. The abbreviations used are:

App Appendix
Ch. chapter
pa. paragraph
p,pp. page, pages
Pt. part
Reg. regulation •

The following are examples of the use of references:

R2 - Reg. 11-2/2refers to regulation 2 of chapter 11-2of the 1974 SOlAS Convention.

T1 - Ch. 4 refers to chapter 4 of Basic Safety Course: Fire Safety .

• Note
Throughout the course, safe working practices are to be clearly defined and emphasized with
reference to current international requirements and regulations.

It is expected that the national institution implementing the course will insert references to
national requirements and regulations as necessary.


Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting IMO Reference Detailed Teaching
Syllabus Reference

Competence 1: Minimize the risk of fire (3 R1 -

hours) Table A-VI/1-2

Competence 2: Maintain a state of readiness to R1-

respond to emergency situations involving fire (3 Table A-VI/1-2

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency

Shipboard fire-fighting organization 2.1 - 2.5
Location of fire-fighting appliances and emergency escape
routes 2.6 - 2.9
The elements of fire and explosion (the fire triangle) 1.1 -1.2
Types and sources of ignition 1.3
Flammable materials, fire hazards and spread of fire 1.4 - 1.5
The need for constant vigilance 1.6, 1.8
Actions to be taken on board ship 1.7
Fire and smoke detection and automatic alarm systems 2.10 - 2.12
Classification of fire and applicable extinguishing agents 2.13
Objectives are:
1 Initial actions on becoming aware of an
emergency conform with accepted practices
and procedures

2 Action taken on identifying muster signals is

appropriate to the indicated emergency and
complies with established procedures

Competence 3: Fight and extinguish fires R1-

(9 hours) Table A-VI/1-2

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency

Fire-fighting equipment and its location on board:
- fixed installations 3.13 - 3.16
- firefighters' outfits 3.1, 3.4
- personal equipment 3.1 - 3.4
- fire-fighting appliances and equipment 3.1 - 3.5
- fire-fighting methods 3.1, 3.6 - 3.8
- "ire-fighting agents 3.1, 3.9
- fire-fighting procedures 3.1, 3.10 - 3.12
- use of breathing apparatus for fighting fires and
•. effecting rescues' 3.17 - 3.19


Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting IMO Reference Detailed Teaching
Syllabus Reference

Objectives are:
1 Use various types of portable fire extinguishers

2 Use self-contained breathing apparatus

3 Extinguish smaller fires, e.g. electrical fires, oil

fires, propane fires

4 Extinguish extensive fires with water, using jet

and spray nozzles

5 Extinguish fires with foam, powder or any other

suitable chemical agent

6 Enter and pass through, with lifeline but without

breathing apparatus, a compartment into which
high-expansion foam has been injected

7 Fight fire in smoke-filled enclosed spaces wearing

self-contained breathing apparatus

8 Extinguish fire with water fog or any other suitable

fire-fighting agent in an accommodation room or
simulated engine-room with fire and heavy smoke

9 Extinguish oil fire with fog applicator and spray

nozzles, dry chemical powder or foam applicators

10 Effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space wearing

breathing apparatus


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks, Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid

Introduction, safety and principles (0.5 hour)

.1 lists the main aims of the course as: R1 - Table
- knows what to do if: A-VI/1-2
- fire or smoke is detected, or
- the fire alarm is sounded R1 -
- raise the alarm and have basic knowledge of the use of Section B-
the portable fire extinguishers VI/1
- close and open the fire-, weather- and water-tight doors
fitted in the ship other than those for hull openings R5
- minimize the risk of fire and maintain a state of
readiness to respond to emergency situations involving
- fight and extinguish fires

.2 states the safety rules laid down by the chief instructor

which must be adhered to during the course, including
during the practice of drills

.3 lists the principles of survival in relation to fire as:

- regular training and drills
- preparedness for any fire emergency
- knowledge of actions to be taken when called to fire
- knowledge of escape routes
- knowledge of dangers of smoke and toxic fumes

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks, T..:IIII

Reference Bibliography MIl

Competence 1: Minimize the risk of fire

(2.5 hours)
Concept and application of the fire triangle R1 - Section •
to fire and explosion (0.5 hour) A-VI/1
Table A-
Required performance:
A1, V1, V5
1.1 Conditions for fires R1 T1 - Ch. 4 A6

.1 lists conditions required for fire to occur as:

- the presence of material which acts as a fuel
- a source of ignition, e.g. chemical, biological or physical
- the presence of oxygen

.2 sketches how these three conditions can be represented

as a triangle (the fire triangle) - concepts to prevent and
extinguish fires

.3 sketches how the addition of a fourth condition, the "chain

reaction", leads to the concept of the "fire tetrahedron",
which represents a continuously burning fire

Required performance:

1.2 Properties of flammable materials R1 T1 - Ch. 4 A 1, A6

.1 defines:
- flammability
- ignition point
- burning temperature •
- burning speed
- thermal value
- lower flammable limit (LFL)
- upper flammable limit (UFL)
- flammable range
- flashpoint
- auto-ignition

.2 gives one example of how static electricity can occur

.3 explains reactivity

.4 explains ignition sources


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks, Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid

Types and sources of ignition (0.25 hour) R1 i~ - Ch. 4 A1

Required performance:

1.3 Fire prevention principles V1, A6

.1 gives examples of how a fire can be prevented from

spreading by reducing or blocking:
- conduction
- radiation
- convection currents

.2 explains that removing anyone element of fire triangle can

prevent or extinguish a fire

Flammable materials commonly found on

board (0.75 hour) T1-Ch.4 A1,A6

Required performance:

1.4 Spreadof fire R1

.1 defines:
- conduction
- radiation
- convection currents

.2 states that spread of fire occurs as a result of equalization

in temperature between fire and surroundings via:
- conduction
- radiation
- convection currents

.3 lists examples of each method of propagation

.4 lists four phases of fire development as:

- ignition (incipient)
- developing (surface fire)
- absolute fire (fire in depth in solids)
- burning out

.5 states the temperature of a normal fire and the temperature

in burning metals

Required performance:

1.5 Safe practices
.1 lists general safety procedures, including:
•• - no smokinQ in hazardous areas
- cleanliness
- good housekeeping
- ability to recognize fire hazards and to take the
necessary steps to prevent fires


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks, Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid

.2 for the engine-room, lists measures for reducing fire

hazards, which include:
- ensuring insulation and lagging are kept in good
condition •
- eliminating oil leaks and preventing accumulation of oil
- taking proper fire precautions when welding or burning is
being carried out
- checking that caps and cocks for sounding pipes to oil •
tanks are closed
- maintaining a clean engine-room, removing oil-soaked

.3 for the galley, lists measures for reducing fire hazards, A1

which include:
- keeping extraction fan and flue-gas duct clean
- ensuring cooking oils do not spill on top of the stove or
overheat in electrical cooking pans
- keeping electrical installations well maintained

.4 for the accommodation areas, lists measure for reducing

fire hazards, which include:
- no smoking in bed
- no unauthorized electrical fittings
- no emptying of ashtrays into wastepaper bins without
ensuring all cigarette ends are extinguished

.5 for cargo spaces, lists measures for reducing fire hazards,

which include:
- ensuring hatches are correctly cleaned
- ensuring cargo is stowed and ventilated in accordance
with the rules
- prohibition of smoking during cargo-working periods
- securing of cargo
- inerting the atmosphere in cargo compartments when

.6 ensures hold/cargo compartment lights are switched off •

and cargo clusters disconnected, removed and stored
away after use and before closing of hatches

The need for constant vigilance (0.5 hour)

Required performance:

1.6 Needfor constant vigilance

.1 states that prevention is by far the best method of
combatting a fire and this can be achieved by:
- constant vigilance
- preparedness
- fire patrol
- proper watch keeping
- maintenance of equipment


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks, Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid

Required performance:

1.7 Patrol systems

.1 states that on ships having more than 36 passengers an R2 - Reg. 11-
efficient patrol system must be maintained 2/40.6

.2 lists the duties of the patrol

.3 states that a fire patrol system is also advisable on other

types of ships

Fire hazards (0.5 hour)

Required performance:

1.8 Fire hazards A6

.1 lists firliJ hazards in the engine-room, including:

- combustible liquids - fuel and lubricating oils
- oil leaks and oil-soaked insulation
- hot surfaces, e.g. exhaust pipes, engine parts
- defects in lagging
- hot work, e.g. welding, cutting by oxy-acetylene torch
- auto-ignition, e.g. oil dripping on hot surface

.2 lists hazards in galley, including:

- combustible liquids, e.g. cooking oil, hot fat
- hot surfaces, e.g. ovens, frying pans, flues
- defective electrical connections

.3 lists hazards in accommodation, including:

- combustible materials, e.g. furnishings, personal effects
- matches and cigarette smoking
- defective electrical connections

.4 lists hazards from cargoes, including:

- self-heating cargo and spontaneous combustion
- oxidizing cargoes and organic peroxides
- compressed flammable gas
- pyrophoric cargoes
- explosives

.5 lists hazards from smokers and cigarettes, including:

- temperature of a burning cigarette, which is about 500°C
- carelessness with cigarettes and matches, setting fire to
• bedclothes, wastepaper bin contents and furnishings


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks, Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid

Competence 2: Maintain a state of readiness to R1 - Section T1 -Ch.1 A1

A-VI/1 T2
respond to emergency situations involving fires Table A-
(3 hours) VI/1-2
. ..

Organization of shipboard fire fighting A6

(1 hour)

Required performance:

2.1 General emergency alarm

.1 describes this signal as consisting of seven or more short R2 _ R A1
blasts followed by one long blast on the ship's whistle and III/50 ego
bells or klaxons or equivalent sounding elsewhere in the

.2 describes the purpose of the special alarm operated from R2 _ Re lI_

the navigating bridge to summon the crew to fire stations 2/40.4 g.

.3 lists other possible fire alarms as:

- CO2
- pump room
- manually operated
- UMS fire-detection system

Required performance:

2.2 Fire control plans and muster list

.1 describes the fire control plans and where they are located =~g~ 11-2/20 .•

.2 describes the muster list Reg. III/53

.3 gives examples of the duties of individual crew members

Required performance:

2.3 Communications
.1 describes the methods of communication used during a fire
emergency as:
- messengers
- telephones
- walkie-talkies
- ship-to-shore VHF
- public address system


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Required performance:

2.4 Personnel safety procedures R1 T1 - Ch. 3 A1

.1 describes how a fire-fighting team is made up and states

who is in charge

.2 states that the fire zone may not be entered unless orders
to do so have been given by the person in charge

.3 states the need to be familiar with the area of the fire zone
and with escape routes

.4 states the need to be properly equipped to enter the fire

zone, especially if the lights have failed and the space is
full of smoke

.5 states how one should be dressed

.6 lists what equipment is required, including:

- breathing apparatus R2 - Reg. 11- T1 - Ch. 10
- hand lantern 2/17
- axe
- fireproof lifeline with fittings

.7 explains the use of the lifeline for signalling

.8 states the need to be flexible in filling vacancies of key

personnel in the fire parties

Required performance:

2.5 Periodic shipboard drills

.1 states the purpose of these drills

.2 describes typical exercises for use during fire drills as:

- extinguishing a fire in a deep fryer
- entering a closed room on fire
- extinguishing a major deck fire
- rescuing an unconscious person from a smoke-filled

Location of fire-fighting appliances and A1

emergency escape routes (0.75 hour)
Required performance:

6 Ship construction arrangements
'.1 lists the basic principles R2 - Reg. 11-212

.2 states the location of emergency escape routes and how Reg. 11-2128
escape routes are protected (passenger ships)
Reg. 11-2/45
(cargo ships)
.3 describes class A, Band C/F divisions R2 -
Reg. 11-2/3
.4 lists the means for gas-freeing tanks Reg. 11-
.5 describes the purpose of and the means for inerting cargo Reg. 11-2/62 •

.6 explains briefly the fire prevention arrangements required Reg. 11-2/53

in cargo spaces

Required performance:

2.7 Emergency fire pump (cargo ships)

.1 states the number of acceptable jets of water which the R2 - Reg. 11-
emergency fire pump must be capable of supplying 2/

.2 states the requirements for the location of this pump

.3 states the circumstances under which the emergency fire

pump is used

Required performance:

2.8 Chemical powder application T1 - Ch. 8

.1 describes a typical fixed powder apparatus with each

container holding 250 kg of powder

.2 explains how this equipment is used for best results

Required performance:

2.9 Emergency escape routes •

.1 states the emergency escape routes from machinery space R2 - Reg. 11- A1
to accommodation space, main deck and boat deck 2/28

.2 states the emergency escape routes from accommodation Reg. 11-2/45

space to main deck and boat deck

.3 states the emergency escape routes from cargo pump

room to accommodation space, main deck and boat deck

.4 states emergency escape routes from cargo spaces and

main deck leading to boat deck

.5 explains that escape routes are well marked showing arrow

and symbols

.6 states that escape routes are provided with an emergency

lighting system

.7 states that the emergency escape routes are used in

reverse direction for access to the fire spot


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Reference Bibliography Aid

Fire spread in different parts of a ship

(0.25 hour)

Required performance:

2.10 Fire spread

.1 explains that a fire in machinery space shall be contained in
the machinery space itself and shall not spread to
accommodation as accommodation is separated from
machinery space by structural and thermal protection

.2 states that a fire in cargo pump room shall be contained in

the cargo pump room itself and shall not spread to
accommodation as accommodation is separated from cargo
pump room by structural and thermal protection boundaries

.3 states that all A-60 doors separating machinery space and

cargo 0;pump room shall be shut in case of fire in respective

.4 states that all ventilation flaps shall be shut in case of fire in

machinery space and cargo space

.5 states that accommodation fire shall be contained in

accommodation itself and shall not be allowed to spread in
machinery space and cargo pump room by similar
arrangements as stated above

.6 states that accommodation fires originating in galley,

laundry, linen locker, common public spaces, living spaces
shall be contained in the space of origin of fire and shall not
be allowed to spread to other parts of accommodation by
using thermal protection and ventilation flaps/draught stops

.7 states that the fire in any cargo hold shall be contained in

the affected cargo itself by shutting hatch covers, ventilator
flaps and cooling boundary bulk heads

.8 states that fires in isolated spaces such as wheel house,

radio room, chart room, forepeak area, Le. paint locker etc.
and steering gear compartment shall be contained in the
space of origin itself by shutting doors, ventilator flaps and
using the fixed installation and other fire-fighting appliances
where provided

Fife and smoke detection measures on

ships and automatic alarm systems R1 T1 - Ch. 1 A1, A6
(0.75 hour) •
Requ'ired performance:

2.11 Fire and smoke detection systems

.1 describes the construction of an automatic fire detection

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.2 states the main types of automatic fire detectors

.3 lists the alarms or actions which may be activated by a

detector . ..
.4 states the benefit of an automatic sprinkler system in regard R2 - Reg. lI-
to fire detection in passenger and crew accommodation 2/, •
Required performance:

2.12 Automatic fire alarm R1 T1 - Ch. 1

.1 describes the operation of an automatic fire alarm

.2 describes a system which has fire zones and states where

such a system may be installed in a ship

Classification of fires and applicable

extinguishing agents (0.25 hour)

Required performance:

2.13 Classification of fires and appropriate R3 A1, A6

extinguishing agents
.1 describes the classification of fires as:
- class A fires: involving carbonaceous solid materials of
organic nature, e.g. wood, cloth, paper, rubber etc.
- class B fires: involving flammable liquid or liquefiable
solids, e.g. oils, greases, tars, paints etc.
- class C fires: involving gases, e.g. cooking gas, welding •
- class D fires: involving metals, e.g. magnesium, sodium
and potassium

.2 describes the extinguishing agents for various classes of

fire as:
- class A: water spray, water jet, flooding, CO2
- class B: foam, CO2, dry powder
- class C: dry powder, CO2
- class D: special dry powders

.3 states that electrical fires turn into any of these classes of

fire, Le. A, B, C or D once the circuit is turned off and dry
chemical or CO2 portable extinguishers are recommended


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Competence 3: Fight and extinguish fires R1 - Section T2

A-V1/1 T3
(9 hours) Table A-VII
Selection of fire-fighting appliances and
equipment (5 hours)

Required performance:

3.1 Fire hoses and nozzles

.1 states briefly the regulations concerning fire hoses and R2 - Reg. 11- T1 - Ch.7
nozzles 2/4.7,4.8

.2 explains how hoses are joined together and connected to

fire hydrants

.3 explains how a nozzle can be adjusted to produce a

concentrated jet, a spray or a mist, and for which purpose
each is used

.4 explains correct maintenance and storage of hoses and


Required performance:

3.2 Mobile apparatus

.1 lists the types of mobile apparatus available, including: R2 - Reg. 11-
- carbon dioxide cylinders 2/6, 7
- powder containers with propellent gas R4
- foam-making equipment

.2 describes areas where these are usually deployed

Required performance:

3.3 Portable fire extinguishers

.1 lists the different types of portable extinguishers as: R2 - Reg. 11- T1 - Ch. 7 V2, A6
- water 2/6
- foam R3
- powder R4
- carbon dioxide
.2 describes the operational principle of each type of A1
• extinguisher

.3 states for which class of fire each type is suitable

.4 states the nermal capacity of each type of portable

•• extinguisher A2

.5 explains the procedures for having empty extinguishers


.6 describes a portable foam applicator and how it is

connected to the fire main

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Reference Bibliography Aid

Required performance:

3.4 Fireman's outfit R2 - Reg. 11- .T1 - Ch. 9 ••

.1 lists the constituents of a fireman's outfit in three sections
- personal equipment •
- breathing apparatus
- fireproof lifeline with snaphook and harness

.2 lists the two main types of breathing apparatus which may

be used

.3 lists their relative advantages and disadvantages

.4 states the requirements for the lifeline

.5 lists the constituents of personal equipment as:

- fire suit
- gloves and shoes (non conducting)
- hard helmet
- safety lamp
- fire axe

Required performance:

3.5 Fire blankets R1

.1 desaibes a fire blanket

.2 demonstrates how to use it

.3 states where fire blankets are normally located

Required performance:

3.6 Knowledge of fire safety arrangements R1 T1 - Ch.

.1 states: A1
- the location and use of fire alarms
- the location and use of emergency controls

.2 states the necessity of knowing how fire-fighting equipment


.3 states the necessity of being aware of potential fire



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Required performance:

3.7 Fire alarms and first actions A1

.1 states as actions on discovering a fire:

- activate the alarm
- inform control station
- restrict
- try to extinguish the fire

Required performance:

3.8 Fire fighting R1 T1 - Ch.

.1 explains the factors to be considered in deciding on fire-
fighting methods:
- accessibility of the location of the fire
- personnel present at the location of the fire
- reactions with the cargo/burning material
- equipment and fire-fighting agents appropriate to the fire

.2 explains t~ reasons for a re-flash watch

Required performance:

3.9 Fire-fighting mediums R4

.1 lists the fire-fighting agents or mediums as:

- water in the form of solid jet, spray, fog or flooding
- foam as high, medium and low expansion
- carbon dioxide
- steam
- dry chemical powders

Required performance:

3.10 Fire-fighting procedures

.1 states that when the fire alarm is given, fire procedures and
emergency stations procedures are put into effect:
- crew assembles at the designated fire stations as given
in muster list
- the fire parties assemble, on orders from the bridge, and
carry out their tasks aimed at containing the fire and
extinguishing it
- the pumps are started to supply extinguishing water
- the master decides the most appropriate method for
• fighting the fire

.2 states that the master controls the fire-fighting operations

from the bridge •
.3· states that when fire is extinguished, a fire watch is kept

.4 states that an investigation into the cause of fire is initiated

by master to avoid recurrence

.5 states that if fire is in port, the shore authorities are

informed immediately
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Required performance:

3.11 Small fires R1 T1 - Ch. 10, A1.

11 ~
.1 demonstrates the correct use of portable fire extinguishers •
suited, respectively, for the following types of fire:
- materials, e.g. wood
- oil
- fat •
- plastics
- propane
- electrical

.2 demonstrates how to extinguish fires using a hose with

water jet and spray nozzles and with foam applicator

Required performance:

3.12 Extensive fires

.1 demonstrates the extinguishing of extensive fires of various
types, including an oil fire, using as appropriate:
- water Oet, spray and fog application)
- foams, including aqueous-film-forming type (AFFF)
- powder, dry and wet
- CO2

.2 using a lifeline but without breathing apparatus,

demonstrates entering and passing through a compartment
into which high expansion foam has been injected

Precautions for and use of fixed T1 _ Ch.

installations (1 hour) 5,6

Required performance:

3.13 General
.1 lists the general requirements for a fixed system, including R2 - Reg. lI_
the following: 2/5.1
- the medium used must not produce toxic gases
- the quantity of the medium must be adequate for the
spaces which are to be protected
- the piping system must have control valves
- the release of a gas medium must not be automatic
- the order to release the medium must be given by the
master or a senior officer

.2 lists typical fixed systems as:

- carbon dioxide
- sprinkler (wet and dry risers)
- foam {low expansion)


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- foam (high expansion)
- fire mains, hydrants
- emergency generators, fire and bilge pumps
- pressure water spray in special category spaces
- chemical powder applicants

Required performance:

3.14 Smothering effect systems: carbon dioxide R2 - Reg. 11- T1 - Ch. 5,6
(CO ) and foams 2/5.2
2 R4
.1 explains how CO2 smothers a fire

.2 states the advantages and dangers of CO2

.3 states the actions to be taken when the CO2 alarm sounds

.4 states in which spaces CO2 is used

.5 explains the action of foam on a fire

.6 describes the actions to be taken before CO2 or foam is

released into the fire zone

.7 describes the different types of foam

Required performance:

3.15 Inhibitor effect systems: powders ~.3 Reg. 11-

.1 states on which types of fire powders are used

Required performance:

3.16 Cooling effect systems: sprinklers, pressure R2 _ Reg. 11_

spray 2/12

.1 explains how a sprinkler system works ~,-1 :~g. 11-

.2 states in which spaces the sprinkler system is used 37.1.3

.3 defines the special category spaces in which manually

operated pressure water spray systems are normally used

• Fire hydrants T1 - Ch. 7

.4 states the reason for fitting a shut-off valve to serve each R2 - Reg. 11_
... hose • 2/4 5

.5 states the reason for fitting isolating and cross-over valves Reg. lI_
on the fire main 2/4.6.2, 4.6.3

.6 describes an international shore connection, giving the Reg. 11-2/19 A3

principal dimensions, and states its purpose

.7 describes how it is connected


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Use of breathing apparatus for fighting R2 - Reg. 11-

T1 - Ch. 9 A1,A4
V3, V4
fires (2.5 hours)

Required performance:

3.17 Breathing apparatus •

.1 describes a self-contained compressed air operated
breathing apparatus (CABA)

.2 demonstrates the correct way to fit the face mask of a

CABA and to check that it is airtight

.3 lists the checks which must be made on a CABA before it

is used and after it has been strapped on

.4 demonstrates the correct breathing technique to give a low

air consumption for a particular exertion when using a CABA

.5 explains the reasons for not remaining in a toxic

atmosphere until the CABA air bottles are empty

.6 explains that the pressure gauge is read at frequent

intervals during use and action which must be taken when
the warning signal is given on a CABA that air pressure is

.7 describes a breathing apparatus having a smoke helmet,

air pump, air line and fittings

Required performance:

3.18 Drills in smoke-filled spaces R1 T1 -ch. 6, A1

10 and 11
.1 demonstrates how to check and use the following
breathing apparatus:
- smoke helmet type with air pump and hose
- compressed air operated breathing apparatus (CABA)

.2 demonstrates entering a small room using CABA when the

room is filled with non-toxic artificial smoke

.3 demonstrates the use of the lifeline as a signal line in a

smoke-filled space while wearing CABA

.4 takes part in team exercise communicating with other team

members while wearing CABA

.5 demonstrates the use of various types of portable fire

extinguishers on fires in a smoke-filled space while wearing

.6 demonstrates extinguishing an extensive fire when wearing

CABA in smoke-filled enclosed spaces, including an
accommodation room or simulated engine-room, and using
as appropriate:
- water Uet, spray or fog)
- foam
- powder


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Use of breathing apparatus for effecting

rescues (0.5 hour)

Required performance:

3.19 Use of breathing apparatus

.1 demonstrates how to search for persons (using dummies)
in a smoke-filled space while wearing CABA

.2 use of breathing apparatus for rescue of casualties:

- takes a practical demonstration wearing CABA,
consisting of two persons in a team, enters into the
mock-up, carries out search for casualties and brings
dummy casualty, after locating the casualty, to safer
place on open deck for medical first aid
- carries out the exercise in same place in a dark
- carries out the exercise in same place in a smoke-filled
- carrie! out the exercise in same place in a dark, hot and
smoke-filled compartment
- also carries out the same exercise by carrying a spare
CABA for the use of casualty during rescue operation

Part D: Instructor Manual


The instructor manual provides guidance on the material that is to- be presented during the
course. The course material reflects the basic training and instruction for seafarers employed
or engaged on board ship as part of the ship's complement specified on Table A-VI/1-2 of the
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers, 1995.

Following the Convention, the material is arranged in three competences:

1 Minimize the risk of fire

2 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fire

3 Fight and extinguish fires

The trainee is not expected to have more than a superficial knowledge of Table A-VI/1-2 and
of SOlAS 74, but even this will be useful for officers as they progress in their sea-going
careers and have to take examinations which include fire fighting.

The course outline and timetable provide guidance on the time allocation for the course
material, but the instructor is free to make adjustments as necessary.

It will be necessary to prepare material for use with overhead projectors or for distribution to
trainees as handouts .
Preparation is essential if the course is to be effective and successful.

Throughout the course it is important to stress that rules and regulations must be strictly
observed and all precautions taken to maximize safety. Where appropriate, trainees should
be given advice on the avoidance of accidents.

The detailed teaching syllabus must be studied carefully and lesson plans or lecture notes
compiled where appropriate. An example of a lesson plan is given on page 37.

Instruction should be made as practical as possible and actual equipment should be used,
where available, to illustrate lessons in the classroom.

The theory and practical exercises are similar to the material presented in the Document for
Guidance (ref R5), Section 10 Appendix 1. Instructors may find it useful to also refer to this
publication and R1, Section B-VI/1.


Safety routines
Safety precautions during drills are a major component in the organisation of this course.
Trainees must be protected from danger at all times while the course is in progress.

Instructors and their assistants must supervise strictly and act as safety guards. When
necessary, the staff should wear complete breathing apparatus and carry portable fire
extinguishers so that they can assist trainees when required. Other safety precautions include
an extra fire hose nozzle, a shower near to the site, first aid equipment and an oxygen unit and
resuscitation kit.

Guidance Notes

The following notes are intended to highlight the main objectives of the course. The notes also
contain some material and guidance on the conduct of the course and on topics which are not
adequately covered in the quoted references .•.•

Introduction, safety and principles 0.5 hour

The main aims of the course should be explained to the trainees. •

Adherence to safety rules and the need for care in all actions must be stressed.

The trainees should be encouraged to learn and understand the stated principles of survival
in relation to fire.

Competence 1: Minimize the risk of fire 2.5 hours

The risk of fire can be avoided by having a knowledge of the theory of fire, properties of
flammable materials, source of ignition, identification of flammable materials, need for
constant vigilence and fire hazards commonly found on board. The candidates have to
understand that fire will not occur if proper prevention measures are taken. It has also to be
made clear to the trainees that the safety practices such as cleanliness, good housekeeping,
no smoking in bed and similar other safe practices are to be strictly adhered to while working
on the ship. The trainees also should realise that a good patrol system can prevent a spread
of fire unnoticed.

Theory of fire
For the required performances 1.1 and 1.2, particular attention should be given to the "fire
triangle" concept, and the addition of "chain reaction" which leads to the spread of fire .

The textbooks T1 and T2 are helpful for the required performances 1.3 and 1.4. This is also
covered in A6.

Fire prevention
During the teaching of knowledge, understanding and proficiency in 1.3 and 1.5, encourage
the trainees to be observant in regard to fire hazards and to have sufficient knowledge to be
able to decide whether they should deal with the matter themselves and then report it. The
references to SOlAS 74 and to the textbooks T1, T2 and video V1 , and A6 are useful aids.

Engine-room oil fuel systems have been found to be the source of frequent shipboard fires,
see MSC/Circ 647. Research into fire casualties shows leakages from fuel systems are due
to the failure of worn, incorrectly fitted, slack, over-tightened or unsuitable compoents. Major
contributing factors have been found to be: vibration; the frequent partial dismantling and
reassembly of the system for maintenance purposes; and the effects of high-frequency short-
duration pressure pulses generated by the action of the fuel injection pumps. It is clear that
adequate maintenance is important to reduce fuel system failures.


Safe practices
This is an important section and should be dealt with as fully as time allows and is dealt with
in 1.5. Instructors should note that a new mandatory Fire Safety Systems Code may be
introduced with revisions to SOlAS Chapter 11-2after the year 2002.

Competence 2: Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency

situations involving fires 3 hours

In spite of taking many prevention procedures, fire may start in any part of the ship as the ship
carries combustible materials like fuel oil, paints, solvents and different types of combustible
cargoes. Hazards exist in electrical installations, the galley equipment and in the
accommodation spaces. Therefore, seafarers while on board must maintain a state of
readiness should fire occur and should be trained to raise the alarm promptly and take
immediate actions. For this the seafarer should know the organization for shipboard fire
fighting, the location of fire-fighting appliances and their selection, emergency escape routes,
and spread of fires in different parts of the ship. He should be trained to take an active part in
fire-fighting drills on board the ship. He has to be made familiar with the classifications of fire
and selection of the right type of extinguishers. He also has to be trained on fire detection
systems. •

Fire and smoke detection

Fire and smoke detection systems

For required performance 2.11, the trainees should be given a general idea of how these
systems operate and also how to give a fire alarm using any equipment available, e.g. "break
glass and push button".

Shipboard fire-fighting organization

For required performance 2.1 and 2.2, the trainees should be well instructed on the muster list
and fire control plans and the various alarm sounds. This is also covered in A6.

Personnel safety procedures

For required performance 2.4, the safety aspects of the fire-fighting situation must be
thoroughly covered.

Periodic shipboard drills

For required performance 2.5, the trainees should be given instruction on how to prepare em
exercise for a fire-fighting drill and how to ensure that the ship will not be put in any danger
from,the exercise.

Competence 3: Fight and extinguish fires 9 hours

In q,rder to have preliminary knowledge to fight and extinguish fires, the trainee must be made
familiar with mobile apparatus, portable fire extinguishers, fireman's outfits, fire-fighting
mediums and fire-fighting procedures. Trainees should undergo practical fire drills to
extinguish small fires as well as extensive fires and have some knowledge of fixed fire-fighting
installations. The trainee has to practise extensively using the breathing apparatus sets in
fighting fire as well as in rescue operations in smoke filled, dark and hot spaces. The trainee
should also take active part in fire-fighting drills using hoses and nozzles.

Video V6 covers fire fighting on container ships and provides an example of fire fighting in a
specific situation. This is increasingly applicable to all cargo ships that carry containers.

Fixed fire-extinguishing systems ..

For required performance 3.2, these systems should be dealt with fulry. It should be impressed
on trainees that the order to release the medium from any of these systems must come from
the master or a senior officer to whom he has delegated the responsibility. Particul~Hly, the
trainees should be instructed on those media which can cause death, e.g. CO2,

Fire-fighting equipment
For required performances 3.1 to 3.5, the details of this type of equipment are adequately dealt
with in SOlAS 74 and the textbooks T1 and T3. Particular care should be taken with the
instruction on the safety aspects of breathing apparatus. There are many different types in use
at sea. In a short training course it is not possible to cover all types. Trainees should get
familiar with specific equipment when joining a new ship.

Fire-fighting methods and procedures

For required performances 3.7 to 3.12, the trainees should be instructed on the use of fire
alarms, the actions they should take on discovering a fire, and the type of fire extinguisher they
should use.

It is important that the trainees should be aware of the dangers of a reflash when a fire is
extinguished by a non-cooling agent such as CO2 and, especially, if the reflash occurs on an
escape route, thus trapping the fire fighter(s) between the fire and the reflash area.

Fire-fighting drills
In teaching objectives 3.3 and 3.4, give every trainee the opportunity to practise fire fighting
with the different methods available in order to give him confidence and cQmpetence; the use
of CABA in smoke filled spaces is an especially important exercise.

Use of breathing apparatus for effecting rescues

Experience has shown that it is important that trainees are completely familiar with the
procedures for donning and using CABA, and for conducting searches and rescues from a
smoke-filled space. Each trainee should take part in practical exercises and demonstrate the
confidence that comes with practice and being familiar with emergency equipment.





Part 1 Preparation

Part 2 Notes on Teaching Technique

Part 3 Curriculum Development

Annex A1 Preparation checklist

Annex A2 Example of a Model Course syllabus in a subject area

Annex A3 Example of a lesson plan for annex A2


Part 1 - Preparation

1 Introduction
1.1 The success of any enterprise depends heavily on sound and effective preparations.

1.2 Although the IMO model course "package" has been made as comprehensive as possible, it is
nonetheless vital that sufficient time and resources are devoted to preparation. Preparation not only
involves matters concerning administration or organization, but also includes the preparation of any
course notes, drawings, sketches, overhead transparencies, etc., which may be necessary.

2 General considerations
2.1 The course "package" should be studied carefully; in particular, the course syllabus and associated
material must be attentively and thoroughly studied. This is vital if a clear understanding is to be
obtained of what is required, in terms of resources necessary to successfully implement the course.

2.2 A "checklisf', such as that set out in annex A 1, should be used throughout all stages of preparation to
ensure that all necessary actions and activities are being carried out in good time and in an effective
manner. The checklist allows the status of the preparation procedures to be monitored, and helps in
identifying the remedial actions necessary to meet deadlines. It will be necessary to hold meetings of
all those concerned in presenting the course from time to time in order to assess the status of the
preparation and "trouble-shoof any difficulties .

2.3 The course syllabus should be discussed with the teaching staff who are to present the course, and
their views received on the particular parts they are to present. A study of the syllabus will determine
whether the incoming trainees need preparatory work to meet the entry standard. The detailed
teaching syllabus is constructed in "training outcome" format. Each specific outcome states precisely
what the trainee must do to show that the outcome has been achieved. An example of a model course
syllabus is given in annex A2. Part 3 deals with curriculum development and explains how a syllabus
is constructed and used.

2.4 The teaching staff who are to present the course should construct notes or lesson plans to achieve
these outcomes. A sample lesson plan for one of the areas of the sample syllabus is provided in
annex A3.

2.5 It is important that the staff who present the course convey, to the person in charge of the course,
their assessment of the course as it progresses.

3 Specific considerations
3.1 Scope of course
In reviewing the scope of the course, the instructor should determine whether it needs any adjustment
in order to meet additional local or national requirements (see Part 3).

3.2 Course objective

3.2.1 The course objective, as stated in the course material, should be very carefully considered so
.that its meaning is fully understood. Does the course objective require expansion to encompass any
additional task that national or local requirements will impose upon those who successfully complete
the course? Conversely, are there elements included which are not validated by national industry

3.2.2 It is important that any subsequent assessment made of the course should include a review of
the course objectives.

3.3 Entry standards

3.3.1 If the entry standard will not be met by your intended trainee intake, those entering the course
should first be required to complete an upgrading course to raise them to the stated entry level.

Alternatively, those parts of the course affected could be augmented by inserting course material
which will cover the knowledge required.

3.3.2 If the entry standard will be exceeded by your planned trainee intake, you may wish to
abridge or omit those parts of the course the teaching of which would be unnecessary, or which could
be dealt with as revision .
. ..
3.3.3 Study the course material with the above questions in mind and with
a view to assessing
whether or not it will be necessary for the trainees to carry out preparatory work prior to joining the
course. Preparatory material for the trainees can range from refresher notes, selected topics from
textbooks and reading of selected technical papers, through to formal courses of instruction. It may be
necessary to use a combination of preparatory work and the model course material in modified form.
It must be emphasized that where the model course material involves an international requirement,
such as a regulation of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping (STCW) 1978, as amended, the standard must not be relaxed; in many instances, the
intention of the Convention is to require review, revision or increased depth of knowledge by
candidates undergoing training for higher certificates.

3.4 Course certificate, diploma or document

Where a certificate, diploma or document is to be issued to trainees who successfully complete the
course, ensure that this is available and properly worded and that the industry and all authorities
concerned are fully aware of its purpose and intent.

3.5 Course intake limitations

3.5.1 The course designers have recommended limitations regarding the numbers of trainees who
may participate in the course. As far as possible, these limitations should not be exceeded; otherwise,
the quality of the course will be diluted.

3.5.2 It may be necessary to make arrangements for accommodating the trainees and providing
facilities for food and transportation. These aspects must be considered at an early stage of the

3.6 Staff requirements

3.6.1 It is important that an experienced person, preferably someone with experience in course and
curriculum development, is given the responsibility of implementing the course .
3.6.2 Such a person is often termed a "course co-ordinator" or "course director". Other staff, such
as lecturers, instructors, laboratory technicians, workshop instructors, etc., will be needed to
implement the course effectively. Staff involved in presenting the course will need to be properly
briefed about the course work they will be dealing with, and a system must be set up for checking the
material they may be required to prepare. To do this, it will be essential to make a thorough study of
the syllabus and apportion the parts of the course work according to the abilities of the staff called
upon to present the work.

3.6.3 The person responsible for implementing the course should consider monitoring the quality of
teaching in such areas as variety and form of approach, relationship with trainees, and communicative
and interactive skills; where necessary, this person should also provide appropriate counselling and

3.7 Teaching facilities and equipment

Rooms and other services
3.7.1 It is important to make reservations as soon as is practicable for the use of lecture rooms,
laboratories, workshops and other spaces.

3.7.2 Arrangements must be made at an early stage for the use of equipment needed in the spaces
mentioned in 3.7.1 to support and carry through the work of the course. For example:
.1 blackboards and writing materials

.2 apparatus in laboratories for any associated demonstrations and experiments


.3 machinery and related equipment in workshops

.4 equipment and materials in other spaces (e.g. for demonstrating fire fighting, personal
survival, etc.).

3.8 Teaching aids

Any training aids specified as being essential to the course should be constructed, or checked for
availability and working order.

3.9 Audio-visual aids

Audio-visual aids (AVA) may be recommended in order to reinforce the learning process in some
parts of the course. Such recommendations will be identified in Part A of the model course. The
following points should be borne in mind:
.1 Overheadprojectors
Check through any illustrations provided in the course for producing overhead projector (OHP)
transparencies, and arrange them in order of presentation. To produce transparencies, a supply of
transparency sheets is required; the illustrations can be transferred to these via photocopying.
Alternatively, transparencies can be produced by writing or drawing on the sheet. Coloured pens are
useful for emphasizing salient points. Ensure that spare projector lamps (bulbs) are available .

.2 Slideprojectors
If you order slides indicated in the course framework, check through them and arrange them in order
of presentation. Slides are usually produced from photographic negatives. If further slides are
considered'hecessary and cannot be produced locally, OHP transparencies should be resorted to .

.3 Cineprojector
If films are to be used, check their compatibility with the projector (Le. 16 mm, 35 mm, sound, etc.).
The films must be test-run to ensure there are no breakages .

.4 Videoequipment
It is essential to check the type of video tape to be used. The two types commonly used are VHS and
Betamax. Although special machines exist which can play either format, the majority of machines play
only one or the other type. Note that VHS and Betamax are not compatible; the correct machine type
is required to match the tape. Check also that the TV raster format used in the tapes (Le. number of
lines, frames/second, scanning order, etc.) is appropriate to the TV equipment available. (Specialist
advice may have to be sought on this aspect.) All video tapes should be test-run prior to their use on
the course .

.5 Computerequipment
If computer-based aids are used, check their compatibility with the projector and the available
software .

.6 Generalnote
The electricity supply must be checked for voltage and whether it is AC or DC, and every precaution
must be taken to ensure that the equipment operates properly and safely. It is important to use a
proper screen which is correctly positioned; it may be necessary to exclude daylight in some cases. A
check must be made to ensure that appropriate screens or blinds are available. All material to be
presented should be test-run to eliminate any possible troubles, arranged in the correct sequence in
•. which it is to be shown, and properly identified and cross-referenced in the course timetable and
lesson plans.

3.10 •. IMO references •

The content of the course, and therefore its standard, reflects the requirements of all the relevant IMO
international conventions and the provisions of other instruments as indicated in the model course.
The relevant publications can be obtained from the Publication Service of IMO, and should be
available, at least to those involved in presenting the course, if the indicated extracts are not included
in a compendium supplied with the course.

3.11 Textbooks
The detailed syllabus may refer to a particular textbook or textbooks. It is essential that these books
are available to each student taking the course. If supplies of textbooks are limited, a copy should be
loaned to each student, who will return it at the end of the course. Again, some courses are provided

with a compendium which includes all or part of the training material required to support the course .
3.12 Bibliography
Any useful supplementary source material is identified by the course designers and listed in the model
course. This list should be supplied to the participants so that they are aware where additional
information can be obtained, and at least two copies of each book or publication should be available
for reference in the training institute library.

3.13 Timetable
If a timetable is provided in a model course, it is for guidance only. It may only take one or two
presentations of the course to achieve an optimal timetable. However, even then it must be borne in
mind that any timetable is subject to variation, depending on the general needs of the trainees in any
one class and the availability of instructors and equipment.


Part 2 - Notes on Teaching Technique

1 Preparation
1.1 Identify the section of the syllabus which is to be dealt with.

1.2 Read and study thoroughly all the syllabus elements.

1.3 Obtain the necessary textbooks or reference papers which cover the training area to be presented.

1.4 Identify the equipment which will be needed, together with support staff necessary for its operation.

1.5 It is essential to use a "lesson plan", which can provide a simplified format for co-ordinating lecture
notes and supporting activities. The lesson plan breaks the material down into identifiable steps,
making use of brief statements, possibly with keywords added, and indicating suitable allocations of
time for each step. The use of audio-visual material should be indexed at the correct point in the
lecture with an appropriate allowance of time. The audio-visual material should be test-run prior to its
being used in the lecture. An example of a lesson plan is shown in annex A3.

1.6 The syllabus is structured in training outcome format and it is thereby relatively straightforward to
assess each trainee's grasp of the subject matter presented during the lecture. Such assessment may
take the form of further discussion, oral questions, written tests or selection-type tests, such as
multiple-choice questions, based on the objectives used in the syllabus. Selection-type tests and
short-ans~er tests can provide an objective assessment independent of any bias on the part of the
assessor. For certification purposes, assessors should be appropriately qualified for the particular
type of training or assessment.


1.7 Check the rooms to be used before the lecture is delivered. Make sure that all the equipment and
apparatus are ready for use and that any support staff are also prepared and ready. In particular,
check that all blackboards are clean and that a supply of writing and cleaning materials is readily

2 Delivery
2.1 Always face the people you are talking to; never talk with your back to the group.

2.2 Talk clearly and sufficiently loudly to reach everyone.

2.3 Maintain eye contact with the whole group as a way of securing their interest and maintaining it (Le.
do not look continuously at one particular person, nor at a point in space).

2.4 People are all different, and they behave and react in different ways. An important function of a
lecturer is to maintain interest and interaction between members of a group.

2.5 Some points or statements are more important than others and should therefore be emphasized. To
* ensure that such points or statements are remembered, they must be restated a number of times,
preferably in different words.

2.6 If a blackboard ij; to be used, any writing on it must be clear and large enough for everyone to see.
•• Use colour to emphasize important points, particularly in sketches.

2.7 It is only possible to maintain a high level of interest for a relatively short period of time; therefore,
break the lecture up into different periods of activity to keep interest at its highest level. Speaking,
writing, sketching, use of audio-visual material, questions, and discussions can all be used to
accomplish this. When a group is writing or sketching, walk amongst the group, looking at their work,
and provide comment or advice to individual members of the group when necessary.

2.8 When holding a discussion, do not allow individual members of the group to monopolize the activity,
but ensure that all members have a chance to express opinions or ideas.

2.9 If addressing questions to a group, do not ask them collectively; otherwise, the same per~on may
reply each time. Instead, address the questions to individuals in turn, ·so that everyone is invited to

2.10 It is important to be guided by the syllabus content and not to be tempted to introduce material which
may be too advanced, or may contribute little to the course objective. There is often competition
between instructors to achieve a level which is too advanced. Also, instructors often strongly resist
attempts to reduce the level to that required by a syllabus.

2.11 Finally, effective preparation makes a major contribution to the success of a lecture. Things often go
wrong; preparedness and good planning will contribute to putting things right. Poor teaching cannot
be improved by good accommodation or advanced equipment, but good teaching can overcome any
disadvantages that poor accommodation and lack of equipment can present.

Part 3 - Curriculum Development

1 Curriculum
The dictionary defines curriculum as a "regular course of study", while syllabus is defined as "a
concise statement of the subjects forming a course of study". Thus, in general terms, a curriculum is
simply a course, while a syllabus can be thought of as a list (traditionally, a "list of things to be

2 Coursecontent
The subjects which are needed to form a training course, and the precise skills and depth of
knowledge required in the various subjects, can only be determined through an in-depth assessment
of the job functions which the course participants are to be trained to perform Gob analysis). This
analysis determines the training needs, thence the purpose of the course (course objective). After
ascertaining this, it is possible to define the scope of the course.

(NOTE: Determination of whether or not the course objective has been achieved may quite possibly
entail assessment, over a period of time, of the "on-the-job performance" of those completing the
course. However, the detailed learning objectives are quite specific and immediately assessable.)

3 Job analysis
A job analysis can only be properly carried out by a group whose members are representative of the
organizations and bodies involved in the area of work to be covered by the course. The validation of
results, via review with persons currently employed in the job concerned, is essential if undertraining
and overtraining are to be avoided.

4 Course plan
Following definition of the course objective and scope, a course plan or outline can be drawn up. The
potential students for the course (the trainee target group) must then be identified, the entry standard
to the course decided and the prerequisites defined.

5 Syllabus
The final step in the process is the preparation of the detailed syllabus with associated time scales;
the identification of those parts of textbooks and technical papers which cover the training areas to a
sufficient degree to meet, but not exceed, each learning objective; and the drawing up of a
bibliography of additional material for supplementary reading.

6 Syllabuscontent
The material contained in a syllabus is not static; technology is continuously undergoing change and
t~ere must therefore be a means for reviewing course material in order to eliminate what is redundant
and introduce new material reflecting current practice. As defined above, a syllabus can be though d
as a list and, traditionally, there have always been an "examination syllabus" and a "teaching
syllabus"; these indiqate, respectively, the subject matter contained in an examination paper, and the
"subject matter a teacher is to use in preparing lessons or lectures.

7 Trainingoutcomes
7.1 The prime communication difficulty presented by any syllabus is how to convey the "depth" of
knowledge required. A syllabus is usually constructed as a series of "training outcomes" to help
resolve this difficulty.

7.2 Thus, curriculum development makes use of training outcomes to ensure that a common minimum
level and breadth of attainment is achieved by all the trainees following the same course, irrespective
of the training institution (Le. teaching/lecturing staff).

7.3 Training outcomes are trainee-oriented, in that they describe an end result which is to be achieved by
the trainee as a result of a learning process.•••

7.4 In many cases, the learning process is linked to a skill or work activity and, to demonstrate properly
the attainment of the objective, the trainee response may have to be based on practical application or
use, or on work experience. *

7.5 The training outcome, although aimed principally at the trainee to ensure achievement of a specific
learning step, also provides a framework for the teacher or lecturer upon which lessons or lectures
can be constructed.

7.6 A training outcome is specific and describes precisely what a trainee must do to demonstrate his
knowledge, understanding or skill as an end product of a learning process.

7.7 The learning process is the "knowledge acquisition" or "skill development" that takes place during a
course. The outcome of the process is an acquired "knowledge", "understanding", "skill"; but these
terms alone are not sufficiently precise for describing a training outcome.

7.8 Verbs, such as "calculates", "defines", "explains", "lists", "solves" and "states", must be used when
constructing a specific training outcome, so as to define precisely what the trainee will be enabled to

7.9 In the IMO model course project, the aim is to provide a series of model courses to assist instructors
in developing countries to enhance or update the maritime training they provide, and to allow a
common minimum standard to be achieved throughout the world. The use of training outcomes is a
tangible way of achieving this desired aim.

7.10 As an example, a syllabus in training-outcome format for the subject of ship construction appears in
annex A2. This is a standard way of structuring this kind of syllabus. Although, in this case, an
outcome for each area has been identified - and could be used in an assessment procedure - this
stage is often dropped to obtain a more compact syllabus structure. •

S Assessment
Training outcomes describe an outcome which is to be achieved by the trainee. Of equal importance
is the fact that such an achievement can be measured OBJECTIVELY through an evaluation which
will not be influenced by the personal opinions and judgements of the examiner. Objective testing or
evaluation provides a sound base on which to make reliable judgements concerning the levels of
understanding and knowledge achieved, thus allowing an effective evaluation to be made of the
progress of trainees in a course.


Annex A2 - Example of a Model Course syllabus in a subject area

Subject area: Ship construction

Prerequisite: Have a broad understanding of shipyard practice

General aims: Have knowledge of materials used in shipbuilding, specification of

shipbuilding steel and process of approval

Textbooks: No specific textbook has been used to construct the syllabus, but the
instructor would be assisted in preparation of lecture notes by referring to
suitable books on ship construction, such as Ship Construction by Eyres
(T12) and Merchant Ship Construction by Taylor (T58)

Part C3: Detailed Teaching Syllabus

The detailed teaching syllabus is presented as a series of learning objectives. The
objective, therefore, describes what the trainee must do to demonstrate that the
specified knowledge or skill has been transferred.

Thus each training outcome is supported by a number of related performance

elements in which the trainee is required to be proficient. The teaching syllabus
shows the Required performance expected of the trainee in the tables that follow.

In order to assist the instructor, references are shown to indicate IMO references
and publications, textbooks and teaching aids that instructors may wish to use in
preparing and presenting their lessons.

The material listed in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed
teaching syllabus; in particular,
Teaching aids (indicated by A)
IMO"references (indicated by R) and
Textbooks (indicated by T)
will provide valuable information to instructors.

Explanation of information contained in the syllabus tables

The information on each table is systematically organized in the following way.
The line at the head of the table describes the FUNCTION with which the training is
concerned. A function means a group of tasks, duties and responsibilities as
specified in the STCW Code. It describes related activities which make up a
professional discipline or traditional departmental responsibility on board.

The header of the first column denotes the COMPETENCE concerned. Each
function comprises a number of competences. For example, the Function 3,
Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on board at the
Management Level, comprises a number of COMPETENCES. Each competence is
uniquely and consistently numbered in this model course.

In this function the competence is Control trim, stability and stress. It is

numbered 3.1, that is the first competence in Function 3. The term "competence"
should be understood as the application of knowledge, understanding, proficiency,
skills, experience for an individual to perform a task, duty or responsibility on board
in a safe, efficient and timely manner.

Shown next is the required (r~ININ~q~[qqMei The training outcomes are the
areas of knowledge, understanding and proficiency in which the trainee must be
•.able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding.
comprises a number of training outcomes. For example, the ab<:>~e..competen~
comp~i~!~.~ ...
t~§l.i.~.i.~.9 ...<:>~tSorn~ ...!~.e !ir~t i.~ ....
c<:>Dg~.~.~d with FUNDAMENI5L
8~IN~18~ESiOf'!~HIPCQN~I~!..JCIION;t··T~IM5NQ<STABI~IT)'. Each training
outcome is uniquely and consistently numbered in this model course. That
concerned with fundamental principles of ship construction, trim and stability is
uniquely numbered .3~ 1~ .. 1..~./~.~.~
cl~rity,!~()ining outcomes are printed in black type on
grey, for example TRAlf\.I!NG Q~,,[QQMi;.

Finally, each training outcome embodies a variable '1umber of Requil'ed

performances - as evidence of competence. The instruction, training and learning
should lead to the trainee meeting the specified Required performance. For the
training outcome concerned with fundamental principles of ship construction, Jrim
and stability there are three areas of performance. These are: Shipbuilding materials Welding Bulkheads

Following each numbered area of Required performance there is a list of activities

that the trainee should complete and which collectively specify the standard of
competence that the trainee must meet. These are for the guidance of teachers
and instructors in designing lessons, lectures, tests and exercises for use in the
teaching process. For example, under the topic, to meet the Required
performance, the trainee should be able to:
- state that steels are alloys of iron, with properties dependent upon the
type and amounts of alloying materials used
- state that the specifications of shipbuilding steels are laid down by
classification societies
- state that shipbuilding steel is tested and graded by classification society
surveyors who stamp it with approval marks
and so on.

IMO references (Rx) are listed in the column to the right-hand side. Teaching aids
(Ax), videos (Vx) and textbooks (Tx) relevant to the trai~i~g9~!90r1l1~ an.d required
performances are placed immediately following the IBAlf\.IINGQUTCQMi; title.

It is not intended that lessons are organized to follow the sequence of Required
performances listed in the Tables. The Syllabus Tables are organized to match with
the competence in the STCW Code Table A-I 112. Lessons and teaching should
follow college practices. It is not necessary, for example, for ship building materials
to be studied before stability. What is necessary is that all of the material is covered
and that teaching is effective to allow trainees to meet the standard of the Required




COMPETENCE 3.1 Control trim, stability and stress IMO reference

Textbooks:T11, T12, T3S, TS8, T69
Teaching aids: A1, A4, VS, V6, V7
Required performance:
1.1 Shipbuilding materials (3 hours) R1
- states that steels are alloys of iron, with properties dependent upon
the type and amounts of alloying materials used
- states that the specifications of shipbuilding steels are laid down by
classification societies

- states that shipbuilding steel is tested and graded by classification

society surveyors, who stamp it with approval marks

- e>g:>lainsthat mild steel, graded A to E, is used for most parts of the


- states why higher tensile steel may be used in areas of high stress,
such as the sheer strake
- explains that the use of higher tensile steel in place of mild steel
results in a saving of weight for the same strength
- explains what is meant by:
• tensile strength
• ductility
• hardness
• toughness

- defines strain as extension divided by original length

- sketches a stress-strain curve for mild steel
- explains:
• yield point
• ultimate tensile stress
• modulus of elasticity
- explains that toughness is related to the tendency to brittle fracture
- explains that stress fracture may be initiated by a small crack or notch
in a plate

- states that cold conditions increase the chances of brittle fracture

. - states why mild steel is unsuitable for the very low temperatures
involved in the containment of liquefied gases

- lists examples where castings or forgings are used in ship

.. - explains the advantages of the use of aluminium alloys in the
construction of superstructures

- states that aluminium alloys are tested and graded by classification

society surveyors

- explains how strength is preserved in aluminium superstructures in the

event of fire

- describes the special precautions against corrosion that are needed

where aluminium alloy is connected to steelwork

Annex A3 - Example of a lesson plan for annex A2

Subject area: 3.1 Control trim, stability and stress Lesson number: 1 Duration: 3 hours

Training Area: 3.1.1 Fundamental principles of ship construction, trim and stability

Main element Teaching Textbook IMO AN aid Instructor Lecture Time

Specific training outcome in teaching sequence, with method reference guidelines notes (minutes)
memory keys

1.1 Shipbuilding materials (3 hours)

States that steels are alloys of iron, with properties dependent Lecture T12, T58 STCW 11/2, V5 to V7 A1 Compiled 10
upon the type and amounts of alloying materials used A-1I/2 by the

States that the specifications of shipbuilding steels are laid Lecture T12, T58 STCW 1112, V5 to V7 A1 Compiled 20
down by classification societies A-1I/2 by the

Explains that mild steel, graded A to E, is used for most parts Lecture T12, T58 STCW 11/2, V5 to V7 A1 Compiled 15
of the ship A-1I/2 by the
States why higher tensile steel may be used in areas of high ~cture T12, T58 STCW 11/2, V5 to V7 A1 Compiled 10
stress, such as the sheer strake A-1I/2 by the

Explains that use of higher tensile steel in place of mild steel Lecture T12, T58 STCW 11/2, V5 to V7 A1 Compiled 15
results in a saving of weight for the same strength A-1I/2 t1ythe
lecturer "

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