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Choose the best answer A, B, C or D!

1. Hey Siti, _____ go star gazing tonight.

A. are you
B. how about
C. shall them
D. would you like to

2. Sam: “Would you like to go watch a movie this weekend? “

Carly: “I can't, I am low on cash right now.” ____ stay at home and watch TV instead.
A. How about
B. Let's
C. What about
D. I think

3. What shall we do today _____ we go to the library.

A. Shall I
B. Let's
C. Why don't
D. Would you

4. _____ like a cup of coffee?

A. Can I
B. I'll do
C. Should I
D. Would you

5. ____ the washing, if you like.

A. Can I
B. Would you
C. I'll do
D. Let's

6. Edo: “I have a lot of work to finish; I don't know how I will manage.

Sam: _____ half of it if you want.

A. Would you
B. I think
C. Why don't
D. I will help you with

7. Carly: “I submitted my essay to the teacher few days ago, but I haven't received any
response from her.
Edo : ……… go and ask her?
A. Shall us
B. I'll do
C. Why don't you
D. I propose

8. ____ get you a drink?

A. Would you
B. Why don't you
C. Can I
D. I'll do

9. Mary : “I am so thirsty.”
Annie: _____ get you something to drink?
A. How about
B. What about
C. Why don't
D. Can I

10. _____ like me to clean your car?

A. Would you
B. Let's
C. How about
D. I think

Match the statement to the suitable suggestions!
1. I feel not so well. (c.) a. We should not stay in the house.
2. The task is very hard to do individually. b. They shouldn’t be working at their age.
(h.) c. You should go to the doctor.
3. Dino’s stomach is in pain. (f.) d. She should be resting in the house.
4. My grandparents are very old. (b.) e. He should be arriving at his office now.
5. The weather is so nice. (a.) f. He shouldn’t have eaten junk food.
6. Andi left early for work today. (e.) g. We shouldn’t have shopped too long.
7. Santi is absent because she is sick (d.) h. We should have done it in a group.
8. The train is already left. (g.) i. I should have brought an umbrella.
j. The students shouldn’t be playing
9. There will be an exam tomorrow. (j.)
10. It is suddenly raining now. (i.)

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