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The drawing shows some of the stages of reproduction in horses.

(a)     (i)      Name this type of reproduction ___________________________________


(ii)     Name the type of cell labelled A __________________________________


(b)     Name the type of cell division taking place at the stage labelled:

(i)      B ___________________________________________________________

(ii)     C ___________________________________________________________

(c)     How does the number of chromosomes in each cell of the embryo compare with the
number of chromosomes in cell A?


(d)     When the foal grows up it will look similar to its parents but it will not be identical to

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either parent.

(i)      Explain why it will look similar to its parents.



(ii)     Explain why it will not be identical to either of its parents.



(Total 8 marks)

This question is about catalysts.

(a)     Why are catalysts used in reactions?



Figure 1 shows the reaction profile for a reaction without a catalyst.

Figure 1

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(b)     Label the activation energy (EA) for the reaction on Figure 1.

(c)     Label the energy change for the reaction on Figure 1.


(d)     Draw the reaction profile for the reaction with a catalyst on Figure 1.

(e)     Figure 2 shows three different shapes of the same catalyst.

Each catalyst has the same volume.

Figure 2

Evaluate the effectiveness of the shapes of the catalyst in Figure 2.


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(Total 8 marks)

This question is about the halogens.

(a)  Write the state symbol for chlorine at room temperature.

Cl2 (______)

(b)  The diagram below represents one molecule of fluorine.

Complete the dot and cross diagram on the diagram above.

You should show only the electrons in the outer shells.


(c)  A fluorine atom can be represented as

What is the total number of electrons in a fluorine molecule (F2)?

Tick one box.


9 14 18 38


(d)  Aluminium reacts with bromine to produce aluminium bromide.

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Complete the balanced chemical equation for this reaction.

______Al + ______Br2 ⟶ 2__________


(e)  When chlorine reacts with potassium bromide, chlorine displaces bromine.

Cl2 + 2 KBr ⟶ Br2 + 2 KCl

Explain why chlorine is more reactive than bromine.













(Total 9 marks)

The table shows the number of chromosomes found in each body cell of some different
Animals Plants

Species Number of chromosomes Species Number of chromosomes

in each body cell in each body cell

Fruit fly 8 Tomato 24

Goat 60 Potato 44

Human 46 Rice 24

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(a)     Nearly every organism on earth has an even number of chromosomes in its body

Suggest why.



(b)     Chromosomes contain DNA molecules.

Describe the function of DNA.





(c)     Gametes are made in the testes by meiosis.

(i)     Look at the diagrams.

Which diagram, A, B, C or D, represents how cell division by meiosis


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produces gametes in the testes?


(ii)     How many chromosomes will each goat gamete contain?


(d)     Body cells divide by mitosis.

(i)     Why is the ability of body cells to divide important?



(ii)     When a body cell of a potato plant divides, how many chromosomes will each
of the new cells contain?

(Total 7 marks)


Sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder that causes some red blood cells to have a
sickle shape.

Figure 1 shows two red blood cells.

Figure 1

(a)     A person only has sickle cell disease if two copies of the sickle cell allele are

What does this tell us about the sickle cell allele?



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(b)     Explain how the shape of the red blood cells in a person with sickle cell disease
could affect how much oxygen reaches their muscles.















(c)     Suggest one symptom of sickle cell disease.


(Total 8 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a)     (i)      sexual / sex

(ii)     egg / gamete / sex cell / ovum      (reject ovule)

for 1 mark each

(b)     (i)      meiosis / reduction

(ii)     mitosis / somatic

for 1 mark each

(c)     twice as many (reject answers based on 23 / 46 chromosomes)

for one mark

(d)     (i)      information / genes / DNA passed from parents

(chromosomes neutral)
for one mark

(ii)     genes / genetic information / chromosomes from two parents

alleles may be different
environmental effect / named may have been mutation
any two for 1 mark each

(a)     changes the rate
speeds up the reaction

(b)     correct label from reactants level to top of curve


(c)     correct label from reactants level to products level


(d)     starts at reactant level, ends at products level


curves upwards underneath existing curve


(e)     greater surface area increases catalytic effectiveness


plus any two from:

•        smaller pellets give higher surface area to volume ratio
•        hole increases surface area
•        ridges increase surface area

(a)  g
do not accept upper case (G)
do not accept gas


one shared pair anywhere in overlap between

two circles or on intersection
6 other electrons on each atom
allow dots or crosses or mixture for all marks
ignore any inner shell electrons

(c)  18

(d)  AlBr3

2 Al + 3 Br2 (⟶ 2 AlBr2)
allow 1 mark for balancing their equation with an
incorrect product

(e)  chlorine is a smaller atom

or has fewer energy levels
or outer shell closer to nucleus
ignore chlorine has fewer electrons

chlorine has less shielding

has the greater attraction between the nucleus and the outer shell or incoming

therefore chlorine can gain an electron (into the outer shell) more easily
if no other marks awarded allow 1 mark for
correct trend in reactivity in Group 7
do not accept reference to incorrect particles
e.g. chloride atom
max 2 if outer shell / level not mentioned
‘it’ refers to chlorine
allow converse reasons for bromine being less

(a)     any one from

•        chromosomes in pairs

•        inherited one of each pair from each parent

•        one of each pair in egg and one of each pair in sperm

•        so sex cells / gametes can have half the number

allow need to pair during cell division / meiosis

(b)     any two from:

•        code

•        combination / sequence of amino acids

•        forming specific / particular proteins / examples

If no other mark gained allow reference to controlling
characteristics / appearance for 1 mark

(c)     (i)      C

(ii)     30

(d)     (i)      for growth / repair / replacement / asexual reproduction

do not accept incorrect qualification, eg growth of cells or
repair of cells
they equals cells therefore do not accept they grow etc

(ii)     44 or 22 pairs


(a)     it is recessive
allow it is not dominant
Level 3: Relevant points (reasons/causes)
are identified, given in detail and logically 5-6
linked to form a clear account.

Level 2: Relevant points (reasons/causes)

are identified, and there are attempts at
logically linking. The resulting account is not
fully clear.

Level 1: Points are identified and stated

simply, but their relevance is not clear and 1-2
there is no attempt at logical linking.

No relevant content 0

Indicative content

•   red blood cells carry oxygen

•   rbc contain haemoglobin

•   haemoglobin carries / binds to oxygen

•   sickle cells are smaller or have smaller


•   sickle cells contain less haemoglobin

•   less oxygen carried

•   smaller SA:volume ratio

•   oxygen enters rbc by diffusion

•   slower / decreased diffusion

•   less oxygen delivered per minute or

slower rate of delivery

•   blood vessels blocked (due to cell shape)


(c)      any one from:

•        breathlessness
•        tiredness
•        less able to do exercise
•        pain (in muscles)
•        muscle fatigue
•        anaemia

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