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Research has been the root cause of the advancements we have throughout history.

has been a tool to build crucial knowledge to make lives better. We would not enjoy the privilege
of learning through an online platform without the research done years ago in producing
computers and other gadgets, building internet providers, and developing knowledge in the
different academic sectors. Each development we currently have is the result of scientific and
careful studies conducted by experts. Indeed, research has improved the quality of lives decade
after decade.

In addition, accounting research is a kind of research that incorporates financial,

managerial, taxation, and auditing information to understand the causes and effects of different
economic activities and events. After knowing that it is conducted by practicing accountants to
solve problems for a client or a group of clients, it left me wondering how accounting research
can make a difference in the world.

Just like every other research, accounting research has improved the lives of everyone.
The differences it has contributed to the world include promoting economic growth, fostering
developments of financial standards, and solving immediate organizational problems that
require major decisions.

Promotes of Economic Growth. In Accounting, the accuracy of financial statements

must be ensured to understand how a business is doing. We use data to compare the financial
information of last year and the current year and develop ratios to assess whether there is
growth or not. Such data are also used in accounting research to assess which different
transactions and activities were able to help the company and should also be improved to
improve the company’s financial position and performance. With this, the economic growth of
the company is very much enhanced.

Aids in decision-making. Firms play a large role in the economy. They decide which
products to produce and how to produce them. Such a decision is aided by accounting research
done by the research and development department of an organization. It contains information
about the feasibility of a concept, proposal, or project. The data recorded are considered to
know whether such actions would generate more revenues or procure more expenses. 

Fosters advancement and revisions of accounting standards. Through accounting

research, accounting standards are revised and developed over time. There are specific
accounting standards that are improved and omitted just to fit the economy's present situation
and the different accounting issues that emerged. Without accounting research, we would still
be learning and practicing outdated standards and would leave new accounting issues

           The things I have expounded are just some of the differences accounting research can
make. It has contributed a lot to the world more than how we thought it did. As the world is
increasingly evolving, we need continuous improvements and developments in accounting and
economics. Thus, we continue to appreciate and acknowledge how accounting research has
helped us push accounting knowledge frontiers in the 21st century.

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