Ubd - Shapes Math - Lesson Plan - Dalia Bitar

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Teaching Diploma Program


UbD - Lesson Plan

Shapes - Math

Name: Dalia Ziad Al Bitar ID: 61930024

This UbD framework helps to focus curriculum and teaching on the development and deepening of
student understanding and transfer of learning as it resembles the ability of kindergarten students to
accurately identify shapes is an introductory mathematical skill, and it is quite fulfilling for kids because
their world is full of shapes. Understanding shapes will permit children to be more in harmony to the
world around them and see the connections between things, as well as being able to appreciate creative

Understanding by Design (UBD) Unit Plan

Title: Basic Shapes Subject/Course: Mathematics

Topic: Characteristics of Shapes : KG-2 Designers: Dalia Al Bitar

Stage 1 – Desired Results

GOALS Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

1. Make sense of Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the shape concepts and
problems and understanding of analyzing, comparing, creating, and composing shapes.
endure in solving
them.  Identify specific shapes and analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional
2. Construct shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe
practical advices their similarities, differences, parts (example: number of sides, horizontal and
and critique the vertices lines, corners or angels) and other characteristics (example: having
reasoning of equal sides).
others  Model shapes recognized in the world by creating shapes from components
3. Model with and drawing shapes.
mathematics  Compose simple shapes to formulate larger shapes and to create original
4. Use proper tools works of art using the shapes.
5. Attend to
accuracy Meaning
use of structure Students will understand that…
 What are some basic shapes?
 Shapes can be described and  How can we describe shapes?
compared using their  Where are these shapes found?
characteristics.  What happens when shapes are put
 Shapes can be constructed and together?
represented using a variety of  In what ways can shapes be sorted?
materials.  Where are shapes found in the real
 Shapes can be composed of and world?
decomposed into smaller shapes.  How can a child incorporate a
knowledge of shapes into his/her
Students will know… Students will be skilled at…

 Shape components (example: sides,  Decompose shapes into component

angles, vertices, faces, edges, etc.). parts.
 Visual characteristics of basic  Use observant and characteristics to
shapes (rectangles, squares, compare and contrast a variety of
triangles, circles) shapes.
 Informal language to describe these  Compose shapes from materials that
components. represent the component parts of
 2D and 3D shapes (triangles, the shape (example: sticks as sides
square, rectangle, hexagon, of a triangle).
rhombus, circle, cube, pyramid,  Use simple shapes to form larger
sphere, cone).. shapes.

Stage 2 – Evidence and Assessment

Evaluative Assessment Evidence
PERFORMANCE TASK(S): (Teacher will assess students framed using GRASPS as
they engage in the following learning activities)

G – The goal is to create a design using shapes.

R – Your role is to be an artist and design a picture for your
classroom wall.
A – Your audience is your teacher.
S – Your teacher has asked your class to create a picture that
will be displayed in your classroom. You will need to include
shapes in your picture.
P –The purpose is to present a drawing that can be presented
and explained to your teacher. Your oral presentation should
explain the shapes you used, and what characteristics are the
same or different. Your work should also include how you
combined two shapes to make a new shape.
S – Use informal language to describe, compare, and contrast a
variety of 2D and 3D shapes.
 Model shapes in the world be drawing shapes into your design.
 Construct larger shapes from simple shapes.


 Quiz math skills and vocabulary games (can use pieces from math practice
 Practice drawings and explanation of shapes.
 Constructing shapes out of materials (sticks, toothpicks, pipe cleaners, play-
dough, etc).
 Teacher observations and conferences.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

 Math lessons: Practice book pages: 9 – 10 – 11.

 In class activities: Using colored bands, rubber bands, pattern blocks, materials (clay, play dough, pipe
cleaners, tooth picks, etc.)
 Arts – Apply of Kandinsky paintings: Using crayon, marker or watercolor, have the student create his/her
own “Kandinsky” imitation, using at least one of each shape learned.
 Shapes Kits –Shapes All Around Us, Shapes in a Box, Shapes Shadow Activity.
 Technology – Interactive Smart Board with shapes activities: Allows the creation of shapes, lines, angles and

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